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Standard Guide For Petroleum Measurement Tables 1: Designation: D 1250 - 80 (Reapproved 1997) °

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Designation: D 1250 - 80 (Reapproved 1997) ° An Amedcen National Standard

BSI Handbook

Standard: API MPMS Ch.11.1

Designation: 200/80 (90)

Standard Guide for

Petroleum M e a s u r e m e n t Tables 1
The following text is a description of the Petroleum Measurement Tables which comprise Chapter 11, Section 1, of the API Manual
of Petroleum Measurement Standards (MPMS) and which are distributed in three base systems of measurement: "API, "F, 60"F;
relative density, "F, 60"F; and kilogram per cubic metre, "C, 15"(2.
This guide has been approved by the sponsoring committees and accepted by the cooperating organizations in accordance with
established procedures.
This guide has been adoptedfor use by government agencies to replace Method 9004.1 of Federal Test Method Standard No. 791b.

e~ NcyrE--Section 6 was added editorially in October 1997.

1. Scope distributed subroutines are the secondary standard, and the

1.1 These Petroleum Measurement Tables2 are for use in published tables are produced for convenience.
the calculation of quantities of crude petroleum and petro- NOTE l - - T h e present collection o f tables supersedes all previous
leum products at reference conditions in any of three widely editions o f the Petroleum M e a s u r e m e n t Tables A N S I / A S T M D 1250,
IP 200, a n d API Standard 2540.
used systems of measurement. These tables are provided for
standardized calculation of measured quantities of petro- 2. Referenced Document
leum fluids regardless of point of origin, destination, or units
of measure used by custom or statute. 2.1 A S T M Standard:
1.2 The Petroleum Measurement Tables published in D 287 Test Method for API Gravity of Crude Petroleum
1980, except for Tables 33 and 34 (which are being reissued and Petroleum Products (Hydrometer Method) 3
without change), represent a major conceptual departure
3. Sponsorship
from previous versions. Inherent in the Petroleum Measure-
ment Tables is the recognition of the present and future 3.1 The complete collection of the new jointly issued
position of computers in the petroleum industry. The actual ASTM-API-IP tables is the result of close cooperation
standard represented by the Petroleum Measurement Tables between the American Society for Testing and Materials,
is neither the hardcopy printed tables nor the set of equations American Petroleum Institute, and the Institute of Petro-
used to represent the density data but is an explicit imple- leum (London). To meet the objective of worldwide stan-
mentation procedure used to develop computer subroutines dardized measurement practices, the American National
for Tables 5, 6, 23, 24, 53, and 54. The standardization of an Standards Institute and the British Standards Institution
implementation procedure implies the standardization of the have also been closely involved, resulting in the acceptance
set of mathematical expressions, including calculational of the revised tables as an American National Standard and a
sequence and rounding procedures, used within the com- British Standard. In addition, in their respective capacities as
puter code. Absolute adherence to the outlined procedures Secretariat of the International Organization for Standard-
will ensure that all computers and computer codes of the ization/TC 28 and of TC 28/SC 3, ANSI and BSI have been
instrumental in progressing the revised tables toward their
future, meeting the stated specifications and restrictions, will
adoption as an International Standard by the International
be able to produce identical results. Hence, the published
Organization for Standardization. The ASTM Designation
implementation procedures are the primary standard, the
D 1250 applies to all 35 tables described in Section 5. The
Institute of Petroleum designation for the complete set of
: This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-2 on Petroleum tables is 200/8 I.
Products and Lubricants and is the direct respousibility of Subcommittee 1302.02
on Static Petroleum Measurement. 4. Significance and Use
Current edition approved Sept. 19, 1980. Published November 1980. Originally
published as D 1250 - 52 T, replacing former D 206 and D 1090. Last previous 4.1 This guide is expected to apply to crude petroleum
edition D 1250 - 56 (1977). regardless of source and to all normally liquid petroleum
2 When ordering from ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, request products derived therefrom. There are three primary sets of
PCN 12-412508-01, for Vol 1; PCN 12-412508-02, for Vol lI; PCN 12-412508-03, tables in current use. These are in terms of *API (Tables 5
for Vol III; PCN 12-412508-04, for Vol IV; PCN 12-412508-05, for Vol V; PCN
12-412508-06, for Vol VI; PCN 12-412508-07, for Vol VII; PCN 12-412508-08,
for Vol VIII; PCN 12-412508-09, for Vol IX; PCN 12-412508-10, for Vol X; and
for Vol XI/XII; PCN 12-4125 08-1 I. aAnnual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.01.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Apr 22 20:22:16 EDT 2021
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Juan Chvez (none) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
~]~ D 1250
and 6), relative density (Tables 23 and 24), and density in Volume III:
kilogram per cubic metre (Tables 53 and 54). To maximize Table 6C--Volume Correction Factors for Individual and
accuracy and maintain convenience of use in primary tables Special Applications, Volume Correction to 60*F Against
(Tables 5, 6, 23, 24, 53, and 54), crude oils and products are Thermal Expansion Coefficients at 60*F
presented in separate tables. For example, for Table 6 there Volume IV:
are: Table 6A, Generalized Crude Oils; Table 6B, General- Table 23A--Genera~ed Crude Oils, Correction of Ob-
ized Products; and Table 6C, Volume Correction Factors for served Relative Density to Relative Density 60/60"F
Individual and Special Applications. The subsidiary tables Table 24A--Generalized Crude Oils, Correction of
are based on averages of the crude oil and product volume Volume to 60*F Against Relative Density 60/60"F
correction factors obtained from the primary tables and, Volume V:
hence are not included in the precision statement that Table 23B---Generalized Products, Correction of Ob-
encompass the primary tables. served Relative Density to Relative Density 60/60"F
4.2 The ranges for the primary tables are as follows: Table 24B--Generalized Products, Correction of Volume
Table A Table B to 60*F Against Relative Density 60/60"F
"API "F "API "F Volume VI:
0 to 40 0 to 300 0 to 40 0 to 300 Table 24C--Volume Correction Factors for Individual
40 to 50 0 to 250 40 to 50 0 to 250 and Special Applications, Volume Correction to 60*F
50 to 100 0 to 200 50 to 85 0 to 200 Against Thermal Expansion Coefficients at 60*F
Table C Volume VII:
a ~ "F
Table 53A--Generalized Crude Oils, Correction of Ob-
270 to 510 × 10-6 0 to 300 served Density to Density at 15"C
510 to 530 0 to 250
530 to 930 0 to 200 Table 54A--Generafized Crude Oils, Correction of
Volume to 15"C Against Density at 15"C
A Alpha is the eoettieient of thermal expansion at 60"F. Volume VIII:
The ranges of the subsidiary tables, except Tables 33 and 34, Table 53B---Generalized Products, Correction of Ob-
encompass the range of Table A. served Density to Density at 15"C
4.3 All tables that involve reduction of gravity to standard Table 54B-.Generalized Products, Correction of Volume
temperature are based on the assumption that the measure- to 15"C Against Density at 15"C
ment has been made by means of a glass hydrometer (Test Volume IX:
Method D 287), and that correction for the thermal expan- Table 54C--Volume Correction Factors for Individual
sion of standard hydrometer glass has been incorporated. To and Special Applications, Volume Correction to 15"C
accommodate the growing use of on-line densitometers, Against Thermal Expansion Coefficients at 15"(2
which are not dependent on hydrometer corrections, the Volume X:
computer subroutines optionally allow for the exclusion of Background, Development, and Implementation Proce-
the hydrometer correction. dures
Volumes XI and XI1:
5. Available Tables Tables 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28,
29, 30, 3 I, 51, 52, and 58
Volume I: Reissued Without Change:
Table 5A---Generalized Crude Oils, Correction of Ob- Table 33--Specific Gravity Reduction to 60*F for Lique-
served API Gravity to API Gravity at 60*F fied Petroleum Gases and Natural Gas
Table 6A--Generalized Crude Oils, Correction of Volume Table 34--Reduction of Volume to 60*F Against Specific
to 60*F Against API Gravity at 60*F Gravity 60/60"F for Liquefied Petroleum Gases
Volume 11."
Table 5B--Generalized Products, Correction of Observed
API Gravity to API Gravity at 60*F 6. Keywords
Table 6B--Generalized Products, Correction of Volume 6.1 density; gravity; hydrometer; temperature; volume
to 60*F Against API Gravity at 60*F correction

The American Soc/aty for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of Infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
ff not revised, either reepproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend, ff you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohockan, PA 19428.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Apr 22 20:22:16 EDT 2021
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Juan Chvez (none) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

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