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Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013
1.0 PRINCIPLES AND PROCEDURES OVERVIEW ....................................................................... 5
1.1 Authority and Scope ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Crown Ownership of Crude Oil ........................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Crown Royalty Share of Crude Oil ...................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1 Crown Royalty Trigger Point ................................................................................................... 6
1.3.2 Crown Royalty Share ............................................................................................................... 6
1.3.3 Communication of Crown Calculation ..................................................................................... 6
2.1 Programs and Royalty Rates ...6
3.1 Delivery of the Crown Royalty Share .... 7
3.2 Reporting of the Crown Royalty Share .. 7
4.0 GLOSSARY OF TERMS/ACRONYMS ......................................................................................... 8
APPENDIX A. ALBERTA ROYALTY FRAMEWORK ................................................................... .11
APPENDIX B. NEW WELL ROYALTY REDUCTION ................................................................... .15
APPENDIX C. NEW WELL ROYALTY RATE ................................................................................ 16
APPENDIX D. HORIZONTAL NEW WELL ROYALTY RATE ................................................... .17
APPENDIX E. DEEP OIL EXPLORATORY WELL PROGRAM ................................................. .19
APPENDIX F. DRILLING ROYALTY CREDIT PROGRAM ......................................................... .20
APPENDIX G. ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY ROYALTY RELIEF ............................................ .21

APPENDIX H. QUALIFICATION CHECKLISTS ............................................................................ .22

APPENDIX I. CLIENT STATEMENTS .............................................................................................. .25

APPENDIX J. OIL ROYALTY CALCULATION EXAMPLES ....................................................... .29

APPENDIX K. CALCULATION OF TOTAL MEASURED DEPTH .............................................. .34

APPENDIX L. LAHEE CLASSIFICATIONS ..................................................................................... .37

APPENDIX M. DENSITY OF OIL ....................................................................................................... .38

APPENDIX N. CONVERSION FACTORS ......................................................................................... .39

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

1.1 Authority and Scope
The Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines (the guidelines) are issued to assist with the calculating
and the interpretation of Albertas Crown royalty share of crude oil produced from lands under a
Crown lease.
These guidelines reflect the policies and procedures as of J anuary 1, 2009. In case of a conflict, the
Mines and Minerals Act and the various regulations, will take precedence over these guidelines.
Alberta Energy (the Department) periodically updates the guidelines to incorporate relevant policy or
legislative changes. The Department often conducts presentations and/or training sessions with oil
and gas industry groups such as the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), Explorers
and Producers Association of Canada (EPAC), and Canadian Association of Petroleum Production
Accountants (CAPPA).
Information Letters are sent to royalty clients who subscribe to electronic delivery. These letters
provide notification of:
Par prices
Legislation and policy changes
Information Bulletins are sent to royalty clients who subscribe to electronic delivery. These bulletins
provide notification of:
Business principle and procedure changes
Filing dates and reminders
General information relating to the ongoing administration of Crown crude oil royalty

Royalty clients or other persons directly affected by the administration of Alberta Crown crude oil
royalty, who wish to access copies of Information Letters, Information Bulletins, and the guidelines,
should check Alberta Energys website at or contact an Oil Royalty
Operations representative for details.
1.2 Crown Ownership of Crude Oil
The Crown owns approximately 80% of the subsurface mineral rights (includes crude oil and natural
gas) in Alberta. As established in the Mines and Minerals Act and Crown agreements, the Crown has
the right to receive an owners share (Crown royalty share) of the minerals produced and recovered
under a Crown agreement. The amount of Crown royalty levied on crude oil is established in the
Petroleum Royalty Regulation, 2009 (AR 222/2008) and volumes are taken in kind by the Crown.
The Crown interest percentage (Crowns ownership of crude oil produced from a well event) is based
on the area of the Crown agreement that lies within the drilling spacing unit for the well event, as
compared to the total area of that spacing unit. Depending on the Crown/non-Crown ownership of the
crude oil and natural gas rights from which production is obtained, this percentage varies from 0%
(no Crown agreement within the drilling spacing unit) to 100% (Crown agreement covers the entire
drilling spacing unit). Where a unit agreement exists, the Crown interest percentage is determined
according to that agreements Exhibit A.


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013
1.3 Crown Royalty Share of Crude Oil
The objectives of the crude oil royalty regime are:
to ensure the Crown receives a fair share of the Crown minerals (crude oil) produced. This
share is determined according to the regulations.
to ensure Albertas fiscal royalty regime is stable and predictable. Industry clients are able
to assess the economics of exploration and development to carry out business planning.
to maintain a basic and accurate reporting structure with the least administrative cost for
both Crown and industry, while ensuring a fair share can be collected for the province.
1.3.1 Crown Royalty Trigger Point
The Crown royalty share is determined at the well event. Crown royalty applies to all crude oil
produced and recovered, and is based on the Crowns percentage interest. It is calculated monthly,
based on the oil production reported on Petrinex. The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER or the
Regulator) Directive 007 and Directive 017 cover measurement and reporting requirements.
1.3.2 Crown Royalty Share
The Crown royalty share is calculated as follows:

NOTE: Crown royalty formulae and the calculation of the Crown royalty share are described in the
Appendix A.

1.3.3 Communication of Crown Calculation
Crude Oil Crown Royalty Statement packages are issued to each facility operator who had current
month or amendments to prior period calculations (i.e. the December package would contain
information up to and including the November production month). Refer to Appendix I for examples
and details.

2.1 Programs and Royalty Rates
The programs and rates that are currently part of the crude oil royalty regime are listed below. See
the attached Appendices for detailed business rules for each.
New Well Royalty Reduction (AR 204/2009) effective J anuary 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010
New Well Royalty Rate (AR 32/2011) effective April 1, 2010 to current
Horizontal New Well Royalty Rate (AR 32/2011) effective April 1, 2010 to current
Deep Oil Exploratory Well program (AR 225/2008) effective J anuary 1, 2009 to
December 31, 2013
Gross Royalty =(Total Monthly Production x Royalty Rate %) x Crown Interest %

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013
Drilling Royalty Credit program (AR 245/2009) effective April 1, 2009 to
March 31, 2011
Enhanced Oil Recovery Royalty Relief program (AR 348/1993) effective J anuary 1, 1994 to

3.1 Delivery of the Crown Royalty Share
Crude oil royalty is delivered in kind to the Crown Agents account. Although royalty is calculated
for individual well events, it is delivered and reported as total royalty for a facility.
Liability for the crown royalty share occurs at the time and place that crude oil is produced and
recovered. Crown royalty is calculated monthly based on verified well event production reported on
3.2 Reporting of the Crown Royalty Share
It is the responsibility of the facility operators to account for the quantities of crude oil produced and
delivered through their facilities during a production month. For the purposes of accounting to the
Department, the facility operator is the operator of record with the AER for that facility.
The facility operator is also responsible for delivering the Crowns royalty share of crude oil
produced from each well event connected to the facility, unless the Minister directs otherwise. The
royalty volumes will be delivered to the nearest pipeline sales point.

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

Crown Interest The percentage of Crown ownership of crude oil recovered from a well event as
determined by the Minister in accordance with section 26.1 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas
Tenure Regulation (AR 263/97).
Crude Oil A mixture mainly of pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons that may be contaminated with
sulphur compounds, which is recovered (or recoverable) at a well from an underground reservoir,
and that is liquid at the conditions under which its volume is measured or estimated, and includes all
other hydrocarbon mixtures so recovered (or recoverable) except raw gas, condensate or crude
Deepening Deepening is any operation by the existing licensee whereby a wellbore of an existing
well is re-entered and new drilling extends the total depth of the wellbore resulting in a significant
change in the vertical depth.

Deeper Pool Test (DPT) A DPT well is located within or in close proximity to a known pool(s)
and is drilled with the objective of exploring for a new, undiscovered pool(s) below the deepest of
the known pool(s). Only the interval below the deepest of the known pool(s) is exploratory and
carries a high geological risk. The remaining metreage in a DPT is development, with low geological
risk. In circumstances where the exploratory portion of the well is in relatively close proximity to the
limits of a known pool(s), the DPT classification must be based on technical data suggesting that a
new pool will be encountered.
Density See Appendix M for density classifications.
Excluded Production Excluded production as described in section 8 of the New Well Royalty Rate
Regulation AR 32/2011.
Facility As defined in the Oil and Gas Conservation Act
Finished Drill Date (FDD) A finished drilling date for a well according to the records of the
Gas Raw gas or marketable gas, or any constituent of raw gas, condensate, crude bitumen or crude
oil that is recovered in processing and that is gaseous at the conditions under which its volume is
measured or estimated.
Heavy Oil Crude oil obtained from a well event during a month in which all crude oil obtained in
that month from the well event has a density that is greater than or equal to 900 kilograms per cubic
meter and less than 925 kilograms per cubic meter. (25.7 API to >21.5 API) (for the purposes of
calculating royalty).
Lahee A Lahee classification is a pre-spud assignment given to each well based on the
geological complexities and the known existence of hydrocarbon accumulations (pools) in the area
where the well is to be drilled. The classification takes into account the general degree of risk of
geological failure. See Appendix L for lahee classifications.
Lengthening Any operation by the existing licensee whereby a wellbore of an existing well is re-
entered and new drilling extends the total depth of the wellbore without a significant change on the
total vertical depth.
License A license for a well issued under the Oil and Gas Conservation Act or the Oil Sands
Conservation Act.
Light Oil Crude oil obtained from a well event during a month in which all crude oil obtained in
that month from the well event has a density that is less than 850 kilograms per cubic meter.
(>35 API) (for the purposes of calculating royalty)
Medium Oil Crude oil obtained from a well event during a month in which all crude oil obtained
in that month from the well event has a density that is greater than or equal to 850 kilograms per


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013
cubic meter and less than 900 kilograms per cubic meter. (35 API to >25.7 API) (for the purposes
of calculating royalty).
Oil and Gas Conservation Act An Alberta Regulation administered by the AER. Oil and Gas
Conservation Act O-6 RSA 2000 and Oil and Gas Conservation Rules 151/1971.
Oil Well A well that produces primarily liquid hydrocarbons from a pool or portion of a pool
wherein the hydrocarbon system is liquid or exhibits a bubble point on reduction of pressure, or any
well so designated by the AER.
New Field Wildcat (NFW) A NFW well is located a considerable distance beyond the limits of
known pools and is outside the boundaries of existing fields. The well is drilled in an area where
hydrocarbons have not yet been discovered. The geological risk of this type of well is very high. In
the absence of the discovery of a new pool, the well would be deemed unsuccessful.
New Pool Wildcat (NPW) The objective of an NPW well is the discovery of a new pool(s) in all
zones that the well encounters. The well is located in an already discovered field. The geological risk
of this type of well is very high: in the absence of the discovery of a new pool, the well would be
deemed unsuccessful. In circumstances where the well is in relatively close proximity to the limits of
a known pool(s), the NPW classification must be based on technical data suggesting that a new pool
will be encountered. A well drilled within or in close proximity to the limits of a known pool(s) but
terminating shallower than the known pool(s) is normally classified as NPW, except in the case
where pre-existing wells in close proximity to the well have logs and/or tests that strongly suggest
the existence of shallower pools to be penetrated by the well.
Non-project Oil Sands well event A non-Project oil sands well event as described in section 1(r)
of the New Well Royalty Rate Regulation AR 32/2011.
Par Price Four par prices are determined on a monthly basis by the Minister and are published in
an Information Letter. The par price is used in the formulae for calculating royalties for oil. There is
a par price issued for each density - light, medium, heavy and ultra-heavy.
Petroleum The production from any well that, in the opinion of the Minister, initially produces oil
either alone or with gas at a gas-oil ratio of less than 1800:1, but does not include any production
that may be obtained from any well that, in the opinion of the Minister, initially produces oil with
gas at a higher gas-oil ratio.
Pool A natural underground reservoir containing, or appearing to contain, an accumulation of
petroleum or natural gas separated, or appearing to be separated, from any other such accumulation.
Re-entry As defined in the Oil and Gas Conservation Act.
Reactivation As defined in the Oil and Gas Conservation Act.
Rig Release Date As defined in the Oil and Gas Conservation Act.
Solution Gas The gaseous component of petroleum that is separated from crude oil after the
recovery of petroleum from a well.
Spud Date The day the spudding or commencement of deepening of a well occurs.
Ultra Heavy Oil Crude oil obtained from a well event during a month in which all crude oil
obtained in that month from the well event has a density that is greater than or equal to 925
kilograms per cubic meter. (21.5 API and less) (for the purposes of calculating royalty).
Unique Well Identifier (UWI) A 16 digit alphanumeric code assigned by the AER to a well event
to give it a unique identity. Although it is based on the legal survey position of a well, the UWI is
primarily for identification rather than location (e.g., xxx/xx-xx-xxx-xxWx/xx).
Well An orifice in the ground completed or being drilled as follows:
for the production of oil or gas,

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013
for injection to an underground formation,
as an evaluation well or test hole, or
to or at a depth of more than 150 m;
for any purpose, but does not include such an orifice for the purpose of discovering or evaluating a
solid inorganic mineral that does not or will not penetrate a stratum capable of containing a pool or
oil sands deposit.
Well event Defined as:
a part of a well completed in a zone and given a unique well identifier by the AER,
parts of a well completed in two or more zones and given a single unique well
identifier by the AER,
a part of a well completed in and recovering crude oil from a zone, but which has not
yet been given a unique well identifier by the AER, or
parts of a well completed in and recovering crude oil from two or more zones during
the period when the parts are considered by the Minister as a single well event for
the purposes of the Petroleum Royalty Regulation and before the AER makes a
decision whether or not to give the parts a single unique well identifier.

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

(AR 248/1990)
The Alberta Royalty Framework (ARF) came into effect J anuary 1, 2009. The ARF rates are based on price
(rp) and quantity (rq).

The historic Non-heavy and Heavy densities were replaced by four new density categories:
Light Oil density <850 kg/m
( >35 API)
Medium Oil density 850 kg/m

and greater, but less than 900 kg/m
( 35 API to >25.7 API)
Heavy Oil density 900 kg/m

and greater, but less than 925 kg/m
( 25.7 API to >21.5 API)
Ultra Heavy Oil density 925 kg/m

and greater ( 21.5 API and less)

These density categories relate to the density of the pool that the well event is producing from. The pool
densities are established by AER.

Each month The Department publishes an Information Letter (IL) posted on our website
( which identifies par prices for the four density categories. The title of the IL will be
Petroleum Royalty Regulation, 2009 Par Prices for (Month Year) Production Month. This information is
required to calculate the r
portion of the royalty formulae.

Transitional Royalty rates (ARF-T) also came into effect J anuary 1, 2009, but could only be elected until
December 31, 2010. The licensee of a well event could make a one-time election via Petrinex for ARF-T.
Each well event had to be elected separately the election could not be done at the well level. The election
had to be made prior to the end of the first calendar month in which the leased substance was produced from
the unique well event.

The decision to elect the ARF-T rate was based on the applicants assessment of the well events projected
performance against the ARF and ARF-T royalty formulae curves.

Qualified well events use the ARF-T rate formulae from J anuary 2009 or the first production month for the
well event, until December 31, 2013.

To be eligible for ARF-T a well event was required to:
a) have a measured depth between 1,000 m and 3,500 m, and
b) be spudded between J anuary 1, 2009 and December 31, 2010.

Formulae for both ARF and ARF-T are displayed in the following schedules. Please note: There are specific
formulae for different time periods.

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

Schedule 1
Alberta Royalty Framework Formulae Conventional Oil
Effective January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010

RR% =Royalty Rate Percent
RR% =Price Component (r
) +Quantity Component (r
RR% has a minimum of 0% and a maximum of 50%

Par Price Formula
par price greater than zero and less
than or equal to $250.00 per cubic
% =((par price 190.00) x 0.0006) x 100
par price greater than $250.00 per
cubic metre and less than or equal to
$400.00 per cubic metre
% =[((par price 250.00) x 0.0010) +0.0360] x 100
par price greater than $400.00 per
cubic metre
% =[((par price 400.00) x 0.0005) +0.1860] x 100
par price has a maximum r
% of 35%

Quantity Formula
quantity greater than zero and less than
or equal to 106.4 cubic meters
% =((quantity 106.4) x 0.0026) x 100
quantity greater than 106.4 cubic
meters and less than or equal to 197.6
cubic meters
% =((quantity 106.4) x 0.0010) x 100
quantity greater than 197.6 cubic
meters and less than or equal to 304.0
cubic meters
% =[((quantity 197.6) x 0.0007) +0.0912] x 100
quantity greater than 304.0 cubic
% =[((quantity 304.0) x 0.0003) +0.1657] x 100
quantity has a maximum r
% of 30%


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

Schedule 2
Alberta Royalty Framework Formulae Conventional Oil
Effective January 1, 2011

RR% =Royalty Rate Percent
RR% =Price Component (r
) +Quantity Component (r
RR% has a minimum of 0% and a maximum of 40%

Par Price Formula
par price greater than zero and less
than or equal to $250.00 per cubic
% =((par price 190.00) x 0.0006) x 100
par price greater than $250.00 per
cubic metre and less than or equal to
$400.00 per cubic metre
% =[((par price 250.00) x 0.0010) +0.0360] x 100
par price greater than $400.00 per
cubic metre and less than or equal to
$535.00 per cubic metre
% =[((par price 400.00) x 0.0005) +0.1860] x 100
par price greater than $535.00 per
cubic metre
% =[((par price 535.00) x 0.0003) +0.2535] x 100
par price has a maximum r
% of 35%

Quantity Formula
quantity greater than zero and less than
or equal to 106.4 cubic meters
% =((quantity 106.4) x 0.0026) x 100
quantity greater than 106.4 cubic
meters and less than or equal to 197.6
cubic meters
% =((quantity 106.4) x 0.0010) x 100
quantity greater than 197.6 cubic
meters and less than or equal to 304.0
cubic meters
% =[((quantity 197.6) x 0.0007) +0.0912] x 100
quantity greater than 304.0 cubic
% =[((quantity 304.0) x 0.0003) +0.1657] x 100
quantity has a maximum r
% of 30%


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

Schedule 3
Transitional Formula Conventional Oil
Effective January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2013

RR% =Royalty Rate Percent
RR% =Price Component (r
) +Quantity Component (r
RR% has a minimum of 0% and a maximum of 50%

Par Price Formula
par price greater than zero and less
than or equal to $250.00 per cubic
% =((par price 210.00) x 0.00035) x 100
par price greater than $250.00 per
cubic metre and less than or equal to
$350.00 per cubic metre
% =[((par price 250.00) x 0.0001) +0.0140] x 100
par price greater than $350.00 per
cubic metre
% =[((par price 350.00) x 0.00005) +0.0240] x 100
par price has a maximum r
% of 35%

Quantity Formula
quantity greater than zero and less than
or equal to 30.4 cubic meters
% =((quantity 30.4) x 0.0013) x 100
quantity greater than 30.4 cubic meters
and less than or equal to 152.0 cubic
% =((quantity 30.4) x 0.0013) x 100
quantity greater than 152.0 cubic
meters and less than or equal to 273.6
cubic meters
% =[((quantity 152.0) x 0.0008) +0.1581] x 100
quantity greater than 273.6 cubic
% =[((quantity 273.6) x 0.0002) +0.2554] x 100
quantity has a maximum r
% of 35%


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

(AR 204/2009)
Effective January 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010

The New Well Royalty Reduction (NWRR) applied to wells subject to payment of Alberta Crown royalty
under the Petroleum Royalty Regulation, 2009 (AR 222/2008), the Natural Gas Royalty Regulation, 2009 (AR
221/2008), or under Section 27 of the Oil Sands Royalty Regulation, 2009 (AR 223/2008) from J anuary 1,
2009 to April 30, 2010. Eligible wells had their royalties on oil, non-Project oil sands, natural gas and field
condensate calculated at a gross maximum 5% royalty rate. No application was required.

Eligibility Criteria

A well had to come on production between April 1, 2009 and April 30, 2010, or
Have no production from the wellbore from J anuary 1, 2009 to March 31, 2009, or
Have no production between J anuary 1, 2007 and March 31, 2009 or had an average of less than
100 m
of oil, including equivalents, over the last 3 months with production between J anuary 1, 2007
and December 31, 2008.
If a well had less than three months of non-zero production in the period, then an average of those
months was used.

Program cap
All well events within a license contributed to a single cap.
The volume cap of 7,949 m
was used as the single cap; all products contributed to the cap
and were converted to oil equivalent. See Appendix N for conversion factors.
Applied only to crown production.
The cap was reached by determining whichever comes first of the following:
12 production months, or
50,000 barrels (7,949 m
) of crown oil production including all associated products, or
500 million cubic feet of crown gas volumes(14,158 10
), or
March 31, 2012.
When the volume cap was reached during a month, any excess was calculated at the regular royalty
rate the well event qualifies for (i.e. ARF or ARF-T).
Although the date constraints and volume limits for each program ran concurrently, the Deep Oil
Exploratory Well program was processed first and any potential calculation on the NWRR program
happened after the Deep Oil Exploratory Well program had expired.
Wells qualified for the NWRR program whether the ARF-T rate had been elected or not.

Non Eligibility Criteria

Wells that were classified as Gas over Bitumen.
Wells drilled with no crown %.
Oil Sands wells subject to calculation of royalty under the Oil Sands Royalty Regulation 2009,
(AR223/2008) with the exception of Section 27.

When the New Well Royalty Reduction ended, wells that had a cap remaining were re-qualified
under the New Well Royalty Rate.

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

(AR 32/2011)
Effective May 1, 2010

Effective May 2010, the New Well Royalty Rate (NWRR) became a permanent feature of the royalty regime
and replaced the New Well Royalty Reduction.

Changes from the previous regulation (AR 204/2009) (Appendix B):

The March 31, 2011 end date for the program has been removed.
A re-entry well commencing production on or after April 1, 2011 may also qualify if it did not
produce crude oil or gas (other than excluded production) at any time in the 36 months prior to
commencing production.
Wells commencing production on or after April 1, 2011 may produce from J anuary 1, 2007 to
December 31, 2008 if the average production for the last 3 months did not exceed 100 m

A well is eligible for NWRR if (one of the following):

Rule Description
A Commences production on or after April 1, 2009
No prior production is permitted
or B
Recommences production on or after April 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010
No production during the period J anuary 1, 2007 to March 31, 2009
or C Recommences production on or after April 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010
No production during the period J anuary 1, 2009 to March 31, 2009
Total average monthly production (converted into equivalent volumes of oil) is less than 100
cubic metres during the last 3 production months within the period J anuary 1, 2007 to
December 31, 2008
or D Recommences production on or after May 1, 2010.
No production during the 36 consecutive months prior to the first month of production
or E Recommences production on or after May 1, 2010.
No production during the period J anuary 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010.
Total average monthly production (converted into equivalent volumes of oil) is less than 100
cubic metres during the last 3 production months within the period J anuary 1, 2007 to
December 31, 2008

Applications are not required for NWRR


Twelve production months with Crown production (oil and/or gas) or 7,949 m
whichever comes
first (period caps are based on production months not calendar months).
All eligible Crown production volumes from the well are converted to oil equivalent volumes and
contribute to the volume caps.
Excluded Production

Application must be submitted to the Department along with your daily production reports.

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

(AR 32/2011 Schedule 4)

Effective May 1, 2010, the Horizontal Oil New Well Royalty Rate (HONWRR) became a permanent feature
of the royalty regime. Royalty for a qualified well event will be adjusted to a maximum 5% for all products
until either the volume or production month cap is reached (whichever occurs first).

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible a well event:
must be spud on or after May 1, 2010, and
must be defined as an Oil or non-project Oil Sands well event when it commences production
(the well event had NO prior production), and
must have a Crown interest greater than zero when it commences production, and
must continue to be an Oil or non-project Oil Sands well event and have a Crown interest greater
than zero to continue to receive the royalty rate, and
must be identified as a horizontal oil or non-project Oil Sands well event. The AER Kickoff
Reason Code (Directional Drill Reason Code) on the well event must be Horizontal (code 4);
multiple legs must be part of a continuous drilling operation.

Non Eligibility Criteria

A well event that is part of aProject under theOil Sands Royalty Regulation, 2009.
A re-entry, reactivation, lengthened or deepened well event.

Depth is the Measured Depth of a horizontal oil well event.
The depth is defined as the measured distance along the bore of the well from the kelly bushing
to the end of the first qualified horizontal oil well event plus all the additional qualified
horizontal well events (measured from the last common kick off point with previous well events)
in a continuous drilling operation (no rig release).

Caps are calculated as below:

Depth (MD) Volume Cap of
Oil Equivalent
Month Cap
more than zero metres
but less than 2,500 metres
7,949 m
18 months
2,500 metres or more but
less than 3,000 metres
9,539 m
24 months
3,000 metres or more but
less than 4,000 metres
11,129 m
30 months
3,500 metres or more but
less than 4,000 metres
12,719 m
36 months
4,000 metres or more but
less than 4,500 metres
14,309 m
42 months
4,500 metres or more 15,899 m
48 months

Note: The rate expires when either the volume cap or production month cap is reached, whichever occurs

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

All horizontal oil well events in a well bore will contribute to a single HONWRR cap.
Production that contributes to a HONWRR cap also contributes to a NWRR cap. The rates run
A well event within the well bore that is NOT a horizontal oil well event will NOT contribute to
the HONWRR cap.
Production from a horizontal oil well event receiving benefits under the Deep Oil Exploratory
Well program contributes to the HONWRR cap.
The Department will manually review written requests from clients to determine if any substance
from a well is considered excluded production. If the production months are determined to be
excluded production those months and volumes would not contribute to the cap and would
calculate using ARF or ARF-T.

Applications are not required for HONWRR

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

(AR 225/2008)

The Deep Oil Exploratory Well program is a five year program for exploratory oil wells that provides a
royalty adjustment to incent producers to pursue new, deeper oil plays that would be marginally economic
under the Alberta Royalty Framework.

Eligibility criteria

To qualify a well:
must be spud on/after J anuary 1, 2009, and before December 31, 2013.
must have a True Vertical Depth greater than 2,000 m.
must have a producing interval base below TVD of 2,000 m.
must have a Crown interest greater than zero.
must be classified with a lahee of New Pool Wildcat (NPW), New Field Wildcat (NFW), or a
Deeper Pool Test (DPT) well.
must have first production of oil from an oil well.
must be the first well event in the pool.

Non Eligibility Criteria

Wells spud after December 31, 2013 are ineligible.


Whichever condition occurs first:
12 production months, or
$1 million in royalty valued at par price, or
At the end of the calendar month in which the well has reached 5 years from the earliest Finished
Drill Date (FDD).
Well events that qualify for NWRR/HONWRR and approved for Deep Oil will have the royalty
calculated first using these rates and then the royalty will be waived under the Deep Oil Program.
The royalty valued cap is reduced by the Crown interest.
o i.e. Crown interest is 50.0000000%, then the value cap would be $500,000.00

Termination of Program

At the end of the calendar month in which a well has received a closed status from the Regulator.
At the end of the calendar month in which the exploratory well is abandoned or, if a twin well has
been designated, at the end of the calendar month in which the twin well is abandoned.
At the end of the calendar month in which the exploratory well or twin well became an ineligible well
according to section 2(4) of the Deep Oil Exploratory Well Regulation AR 225/2008.
No adjustments to royalty under Deep Oil Exploratory Well Regulation will occur after December 31,

Applications are not required for the Deep Oil Exploratory Well program unless it is a re-
entry well

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

(AR 24/2009)

The Drilling Royalty Credit program offered credits based on drilling activity and royalties owed in fiscal
2009/10 and 2010/2011. The two year program provided a royalty credit to companies on a sliding scale
based on their production levels from 2008.
This program is no longer available.

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

(AR 348/93)

The Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Royalty Relief applies only to crude oil obtained in 1994 and later years
for schemes approved under the Enhanced Recovery of Oil Royalty Reduction Regulation (AR 348/93). A
scheme approved under section 11 of the Petroleum Royalty Regulation (AR 248/90) is considered approved
under the Enhanced Recovery of Oil Royalty Reduction Regulation.
Scheme operators must apply to The Department for EOR royalty relief under the Regulation and to the AER
for scheme approval under section 39 of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act. Detailed procedures for
application are described in the "Conventional Enhanced Oil Recovery Royalty Guidelines" available on our
website at Click on Our Business; Oil; Legislation, Policy and Guidelines;
Guidelines; and Enhanced Oil Recovery Guidelines.
The Crown shares in the allowable incremental costs for an approved scheme. Relief is granted through a
reduction of the monthly crude oil royalty otherwise owed to the Crown for incremental tertiary crude oil
produced and recovered from the scheme.

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

New Well Royalty Rate (NWRR) Checklist

Rule Description Yes No

Mandatory Is the well classified as oil, non-project oil sands or gas?

Mandatory Does the well event have continuous Crown Interest greater than zero?
and/or A
Commences production on or after April 1, 2009
No prior production is permitted (other than excluded production)
and/or B
Recommences production between April 1, 2009 and April 30, 2010
No production during the period J anuary 1, 2007 to March 31, 2009 (other
then excluded production)
and/or C
Recommences production between April 1, 2009 and April 30, 2010
No production during the period J anuary 1, 2009 to March 31, 2009 (other
then excluded production)
Total average monthly production is less than 100 m3 during the last 3
non-zero production months within the period J anuary 1, 2007 to
December 31, 2008
and/or D
Recommences production on or after May 1, 2010
No production during the 36 consecutive months prior to the first month of
production (other than excluded production)
and/or E
Recommences production on or after May 1, 2010
No production during the period J anuary 1, 2009 to April 30, 2009 (other
then excluded production)
Total average monthly production is less than 100 m
during the last three
non-zero production months within the period J anuary 1, 2007 to
December 31, 2008


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

Horizontal Oil New Well Royalty Rate (HONWRR) Checklist

Rule Description Yes No
Mandatory Is the well classified as oil or non-project oil sands?
Mandatory Does the well event have continuous Crown Interest greater than zero?
Mandatory Does the well event have a spud date on or after May 1, 2010?
Mandatory Is the well event horizontal as defined by the AER?
Were the well events in a continuous drilling operation (if there are
multiple well events in the licence all spud dates must be the same and all
rig release dates must be the same)

Are the well events re-entered, reactivated, lengthened or deepened? (they
do not qualify for HONWRR)


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

Deep Oil Exploratory Well Program (DOEP) Checklist

Rule Description Yes No
Mandatory Is the well classified as oil or non-project oil sands?
Mandatory Does the well event have continuous Crown Interest greater than zero?
Mandatory Does the well event have a spud date on or after J anuary 1, 2009?
Is the well drilled to a True Vertical Depth (TVD) greater than 2,000
Mandatory Is the well event the first well event in the pool?
Is the well in an EOR scheme or less than 0.8 km from an EOR scheme
Mandatory Is the first production from the well event oil (not gas)?
Does the well event have a lahee classification of New Pool Wildcat
(NPW), New Field Wildcat (NFW) or Deeper Pool Test (DPT)?


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

Client Statements


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

RR% =Royalty Rate Percent
RR% =Price Component (r
) +Quantity Component (r
Royalty =(Total Production * Royalty Rate) * Crown Percentage
All examples use the ARF formulae effective J anuary 1, 2011.
EXAMPLE ONE: Basic calculation.
Density: Medium
Par Price: $530.91
Crown Percentage: 100.0000000%
Total Production Amount: 451.6 m

Par Price: $530.91

a) < $250.00 [(PP - 190.00) * 0.0006] * 100

b) > $250.00 but $400.00 {[(PP - 250.00) * 0.0010] +0.0360} * 100

c) > $400.00 but $535.00 {[(PP - 400.00) * 0.0005] +0.1860} * 100

d) >$535.00

{[(PP - 535.00) * 0.0003] +0.2535} * 100

={[($530.91 - $400.00) * 0.0005] +0.1860} * 100
=25.15% ( Note: Maximum of 35.00%)
Quantity 451.6 m

a ) <106.4 m
[(Q - 106.4) * 0.0026] * 100

b) 106.4 m
but 197.6 m
[(Q - 106.4) * 0.0010] * 100

c) >197.6 m
but 304.0 m
{[(Q - 197.6) * 0.0007] +0.0912} * 100

d) >304.0 m
{[(Q - 304.0) * 0.0003] +0.1657} * 100

={[(451.6 m
- 304.0 m
) * 0.0003] +0.1657} * 100
=21.00% (Note: Maximum of 30.00%)
RR% =25.15% +21.00% =46.15% (Note: Maximum of 40.00%)
RR% =40.00%
Royalty =(451.6 m
* 40.00%) * 100.0000000%
Royalty = 180.6 m
(rounded to one decimal)

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

EXAMPLE TWO: Low production results in a negative r

Density: Medium
Par Price: $530.91
Crown Percentage: 100.0000000%
Total Production Amount: 24.3 m

Par Price: $530.91

a) <$250.00 [(PP - 190.00) * 0.0006] * 100

b) >$250.00 but $400.00 {[(PP - 250.00) * 0.0010] +0.0360} * 100

c) >$400.00 but $535.00 {[(PP - 400.00) * 0.0005] +0.1860} * 100

d) >$535.00

{[(PP - 535.00) * 0.0003] +0.2535} * 100

={[($530.91 - $400.00) * 0.0005] +0.1860} * 100
=25.15% (Note: Maximum of 35.00%)
Quantity: 24.3 m

a ) <106.4 m
[(Q - 106.4) * 0.0026] * 100

b) 106.4 m
but 197.6 m
[(Q - 106.4) * 0.0010] * 100

c) >197.6 m
but 304.0 m
{[(Q - 197.6) * 0.0007] +0.0912} * 100

d) >304.0 m
{[(Q - 304.0) * 0.0003] +0.1657} * 100

=[(24.3 m
- 106.4 m
) * 0.0026] * 100
=-21.35 % ( Note: Maximum of 30.00%)

RR% =25.15% +-21.35% =3.80% (Note: Maximum of 40.00%)
RR% =3.80%
Royalty =(24.3 m
* 3.80%) * 100.0000000%
Royalty = 0.9 m
(rounded to one decimal)


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013
EXAMPLE THREE: Crown is less than 100.0000000%.
Density: Medium
Par Price: $530.91
Crown Percentage: 15.2367888%
Total Production Amount: 451.6 m

Par Price: $530.91

a) <$250.00 [(PP - 190.00) * 0.0006] * 100

b) >$250.00 but $400.00 {[(PP - 250.00) * 0.0010] +0.0360} * 100

c) >$400.00 but $535.00 {[(PP - 400.00) * 0.0005] +0.1860} * 100

d) >$535.00

{[(PP - $535.00) * 0.0003] +0.2535} * 100

={[($530.91 - $400.00) * 0.0005] +0.1860} * 100
=25.15% (Note: Maximum of 35%)
Quantity: 451.6 m

rq a) <106.4 m
[(Q - 106.4) * 0.0026] * 100

b) 106.4 m
but 197.6 m
[(Q - 106.4) * 0.0010] * 100

c) >197.6 m
but 304.0 m
{[(Q - 197.6) * 0.0007] +0.0912} * 100

d) >304.0 m
{[(Q - 304.0) * 0.0003] +0.1657} * 100

={[(451.6 m
- 304.0 m
) * 0.0003] +0.1657} * 100
=21.00 % ( Note: Maximum of 30.00%)
RR% =25.15% +21.00% =46.15% (Note: Maximum of 40.00%)
RR% =40.00%
Royalty =(451.6 m
* 40.00%) * 15.2367888%
Royalty = 27.5 m
(rounded to one decimal)


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013
EXAMPLE FOUR: Royalty Calculation for Multiple Royalty Rates used for the same
production Month
When a well event has reached its volume cap for NWRR or HONWRR the remaining production volumes
are calculated using ARF or ARF-T formulae.
This is an example of a well event where the 7,949.0 m
volume cap was reach for NWRR. The ARF-T
option was not selected.
Production Month: 2013/06
Density: Light
Par Price: $548.10
Crown Percentage: 100.0000000%
End of 2013/05 NWRR to date = 7,421.2 m

Total Production Amount: 637.2 m

STEP ONE: Calculate royalty for the well event using the ARF royalty rate
ARF Royalty =(Total Production * Royalty Rate) * Crown Percentage

={[($548.10 - $535.00) * 0.0003] +0.2535} * 100 =25.74%
={[(637.2 m
- 304.0 m
) * 0.0003] +0.1657} * 100 =26.57%

Royalty Rate =25.74% +26.57% =52.31% (Note: Maximum of 40.00%)

ARF Royalty =(637.2 m
* 40.00%) * 100.0000000 =254.9 m

STEP TWO: Calculate royalty for the well event using the NWRR

NWRR Royalty =(Total Production * 5.00% NWRR Royalty Rate) * Crown Percentage

NWRR Royalty =(637.2 m
* 5.00%) * 100.0000000% =31.9 m

STEP THREE: Determine volumes allocated to NWRR

The well licence had total crown oil equivalent production at the end of 2013/05 of 7,421.2 m
Calculate volumes allocated for the 2013/06 production month to NWRR:

Volume cap for NWRR 7949.0 m
minus the total volumes allotted at 2013/05

7949.0 m
7421.2 m
=527.8 m
remaining for NWRR for 2013/06


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

STEP FOUR: Determine volumes allocated to ARF

Step three confirmed that 527.8 m
are allocated to NWRR.

(Total Production) (production Allocated to NWRR Cap) =ARF production volumes

637.2 m
527.8 m
=109.4 m
for ARF calculation for 2013/06

STEP FIVE: Establish percentage of Crown production for each rate

Steps three and four determined how much of the total production needed to be calculated at each rate. Step
five establishes the percentage of royalty each of those production amounts contributes to total royalty
payable for the month. Each allocated production amount must be divided by the total production amount to
establish the Royalty Rate Percentage.

Royalty Rate Percentage:

NWRR: 527.8 m
/637.2 m
* 100 =82.8311362%
ARF: 109.4 m
/637.2 m
* 100 =17.1688638%

STEP SIX: Calculate the gross royalty split by rate

Rate One: NWRR Royalty * Royalty Rate Percentage for NWRR

31.9 m
* 82.8311362% =26.4 m

Rate Two: ARF Royalty * Royalty Rate Percentage for ARF

254.9 m
* 17.1688638% =43.8 m

STEP SEVEN: Total Gross Royalty = Sum of Split Gross Royalty

Total Gross Royalty =26.4 m
+43.8 m

=70.2 m


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013



To determine the applicable production month and volume caps used in the Horizontal Oil New Well
Royalty Rate (HONWRR), a wells measured depth (MD) in metres (m) must be used. The MD of the first
qualified well bore (0 event) is measured from surface to bottom hole.
Any additional qualifying legs (events) are measured from the last common shared kick off point with
previous legs when they begin producing. The following are examples of wells that have multiple horizontal
legs (events).

The first event (A) has an MD of 3,500 m. The second event (B) has an MD of 3,000 m and has a kick off
point from the original well bore at 2,000 m. The third event (C) has an MD of 3,000 m and has the same
kick off point at 2,000 m.
The first event (A) would have a total 3,500 m contributing towards the total MD. The second event (B)
would contribute a total of 1,000 m, measured as the MD of the event minus the depth of the kick off point
(3,000 m 2,000 m =1,000 m) to the total MD. The third event (C) would contribute a total of 1,000 m,
measured as the MD of the event minus the depth of the kick off point (3,000 m 2,000 m =1,000 m) to the
total MD. The total MD of the well would be 5,500 m. The calculation would look like this:
(A) [3,500 m] +(B) [3,000 m 2,000 m] +(C) [3,000 m 2,000 m] =5,500 m total MD


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013
If a well has multiple qualified legs with multiple kick off points, the last depth of the last common kick off
point is subtracted from the MD of the leg.

This well has four legs with three kick off points. The first event (A) has an MD of 1,000 m with one kick off
point at 500 m. The second event (B) has an MD of 1,100 m with two kick off points; one at 500 m shared
with the original well bore and one at 900 m. The third event (C) has an MD of 1,200 m with two kick off
points; one at 500 m shared with the original well bore and one at 900 m shared with the second event. The
fourth well event (D) has an MD of 1,200 m with two kick off points; one at 500 m shared with the original
well bore; and one at 800 m shared with the first well event.
The first well event (A) would be measured as the total 1,000 m. The second event (B) would be measured as
the MD of the event minus the depth of the last common kick off point with the prior events (1,100 m 500
m =600 m). The third event (C) would be measured as the MD of the event minus the depth of the last
common kick off point with the prior events (1,200 m 900 m =300 m). The fourth event (D) would be
measured as the MD of the event minus the depth of the last common kick off point with the prior events
(1,200 m 800 m =400 m). The total MD of the well would be 2,300 m. The calculation would look like
(A) [1,000 m] +(B) [1,100 m 500 m] +(C) [1,200 m 900 m] +(D) [1,200 m 800 m] =2,300 mtotal MD


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

If a well has multiple legs, that include both horizontal and vertical wells; the vertical well will not contribute
to the calculation of the MD, the horizontal wells will.

The second event (B) has an MD of 3,000 m. The third event (C) has an MD of 3,000 m and has a kick off
point from the original well bore at 2,000 m. The fourth event (D) has an MD of 3,500 m and has the same
kick off point at 2,000 m. The first event (A) does not contribute to the calculation of the MD.
The second event (B) would have a total 3,000 m contributing towards the total MD. The third event (C)
would contribute a total of 1,000 m, measured as the MD of the event minus the depth of the kick off point
(3,000 m 2,000 m =1,000 m) to the total MD. The fourth event (D) would contribute a total of 1,500 m,
measured as the MD of the event minus the depth of the kick off point (3,500 m 2,000 m =1,500 m) to the
total MD. The total MD of the well would be 5,500 m. The calculation would look like this:
(B) [3,000 m] +(C) [3,000 m 2,000 m] +(D) [3,500 m 2,000m] =5,500 m total MD

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

A Lahee classification is a pre-spud assignment given to each well based on the geological complexities
and the known existence of hydrocarbon accumulations (pools) in the area where the well is to be drilled.
The classification takes into account the general degree of risk of geological failure. Lahee classifications are
assigned by AER.
New Field Wildcat (NFW) A NFW well is located a considerable distance beyond the limits of known
pools and is outside the boundaries of existing fields. The well is drilled in an area where hydrocarbons have
not yet been discovered. The geological risk of this type of well is very high. In the absence of the discovery
of a new pool, the well would be deemed unsuccessful.

New Pool Wildcat (NPW) The objective of an NPW well is the discovery of a new pool(s) in all zones
that the well encounters. The well is located in an already discovered field. The geological risk of this type of
well is very high: in the absence of the discovery of a new pool, the well would be deemed unsuccessful. In
circumstances where the well is in relatively close proximity to the limits of a known pool(s), the NPW
classification must be based on technical data suggesting that a new pool will be encountered. A well drilled
within or in close proximity to the limits of a known pool(s) but terminating shallower than the known
pool(s) is normally classified as NPW, except in the case where pre-existing wells in close proximity to the
well have logs and/or tests that strongly suggest the existence of shallower pools to be penetrated by the well.

Deeper Pool Test (DPT) A DPT well is located within or in close proximity to a known pool(s) and is
drilled with the objective of exploring for a new, undiscovered pool(s) below the deepest of the known
pool(s). Only the interval below the deepest of the known pool(s) is exploratory and carries a high geological
risk. The remaining metreage in a DPT is development, with low geological risk. In circumstances where the
exploratory portion of the well is in relatively close proximity to the limits of a known pool(s), the DPT
classification must be based on technical data suggesting that a new pool will be encountered.

Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

Density is the mass of a fluid substance per unit of standard volume.
Light Oil Crude oil obtained from a well event during a month in which all crude oil obtained in that
month from the well event has a density that is less than 850 kilograms per cubic meter. (>35 API) (for the
purposes of calculating royalty)
Medium Oil Crude oil obtained from a well event during a month in which all crude oil obtained in that
month from the well event has a density that is greater than or equal to 850 kilograms per cubic meter and
less than 900 kilograms per cubic meter. (35 API to >25.7 API) (for the purposes of calculating royalty)

Heavy Oil Crude oil obtained from a well event during a month in which all crude oil obtained in that
month from the well event has a density that is greater than or equal to 900 kilograms per cubic meter and
less than 925 kilograms per cubic meter. (25.7 API to >21.5 API) (for the purposes of calculating royalty)

Ultra Heavy Oil Crude oil obtained from a well event during a month in which all crude oil obtained in
that month from the well event has a density that is greater than or equal to 925 kilograms per cubic meter.
(21.5 API and less) (for the purposes of calculating royalty)


Alberta Petroleum Royalty Guidelines December 2013

Conversion Factors The factors used to convert gas and condensate to oil equivalents are:
of solution gas to m
of oil, divide by 1.78110
of condensate to 10
of gas equivalent, multiply by 0.78783


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