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Formated Questions ENglish

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BEST’s Montessori Elementary School

The First Montessori Elementary School in Nepal

I haven’t been fed for years FINAL SEMESTER ASSESSMENT 2076

How are you Subject: English I Full Marks: 50 (10 practical)

Year: IV Pass Marks: 20
Why? How come? Time: 1:10 hrs.

so many that  it’s really getting crowded Golden Rules

- Read all the questions before you start your assignment.
I’m not fine at all - Attempt the questions that you know at first.
- Answer according to the instructions and marks.
- Try to give answers in your own words.
6. Match the following phrases with their meaning. (1×5=5) 1. Answer the following questions. (any six) (2×6=12)
draw from all parts - to bring together from a. An amazing thing happened when Hiraman was
all parts of a place collecting twigs. What gift did Hiraman receive and
what warning did he get? (Hiraman and the Trees)
turn up - to perform as well as b. What would the tree want the squirrel to do? (Open
one can House)
c. List all the animals the poet would like on and around
gape in awe - to show indication of the tree. (Open House)
do one’s best - to stare with wonder d. What disturbed the bats and what did they do on being
troubled? (Tom and Becky are Lost)
show sign of - to be present for e. What were the similarities between the things in
something England and Scotland? (There was a Naughty Boy)
f. How can one avoid cavities and tooth decay? (The
Truth about your Tooth)
g. How does the wise headman teach Tsuden a lesson? (A
Wise Decision)
2. Use the following words into your own sentence. (1×5=5)
a. Sap
b. Cheerily
c. Froze
d. Yard
e. Adventure 4. Imagine you were on a trek with your friends and got lost in the
3. Read the passage and do the activities that follow. forest. You were carrying with you the tools that you read about
Teachers need to be able to work well with other people. They the Starter. Where were you? How did you get lost? Explain how
need to work with students, parents, other teachers, and other the tools helped you find your way back. Describe incident in
staff members at the school. Sometimes the students may get about 100 words. (6)
frustrated if they don’t understand the work, so teachers need
to know how to help them calm down and work through it. You may begin like this:
Other times the students might have something unpleasant I was walking along with my friends, when…………….
going on at home, so teachers need to be able to listen and 5. Complete the dialogue with the correct options. (5)
provide a safe place for those students. Teachers may plan
lessons with other teachers in the same subject area or grade Tree: Hi, Human Being, (A) ………………………..? I hope you are
level, so they have to be able to work well with their well.
colleagues. There are many other staff members in schools who
teachers also need to work with, including principals, coaches, Human Being: I am fine, thank you and how are you?
secretaries, and custodians.
A: Answer the following questions. (1×5=5) Tree: .(B) ………………………. I’m totally choked, burnt and very
i. What should the teachers do at school? hungry.
ii. What should a teacher do if the students do not
understand? Human Being: Choked, burnt and hungry? (C)
iii. Why is it necessary to understand the students ………………………………….
iv. What are the people that a teacher should work Tree: Choked because of all the pollution, look at the number of cars,
with? bikes and other vehicles on the road and all those fumes, I can’t
v. What should the teachers do to work well with other breathe and look at me I’m drying away. And hungry because (D)
people. ………………………………………. Do you even have a clue of
B: Write the similar meaning of the following words. what I’m saying? 
i. know Human Being: I can understand you’re being choked, the number of
ii. learner cars and all other vehicular traffic included it’s really bad and the air is
iii. secure totally polluted. We human beings are (E)
iv. support …………………………………… and there’s a big rush everywhere.
BEST’s Montessori Elementary School
The First Montessori Elementary School in Nepal
Subject: English II Full Marks: 50 (10 practical)
Year: IV Pass Marks: 20
Time: 1:10 hrs.

Golden Rules
- Read all the questions before you start your assignment.
- Attempt the questions that you know at first.
- Answer according to the instructions and marks.
- Try to give answers in your own words.

1. An action verb is underlined in each sentence. Write the adverb that

describes the verb. (1×5=5)

a. My grandpa snored loudly.

b. Hari played on the beach yesterday.
c. I will visit my friend tomorrow.
d. Samita, will you come here?
e. My sheepdog sat lazily in the pool.

2. Choose the correct answer. (1×5=5)

i) Canada is __________ than China but Russia is the

____________ country.

a) big b) bigger c) biggest

ii) Monkeys are ____________ but ants are ____________.

a) small b) smaller c) smallest

iii) Giraffes are the __________ land animal.

a) tall b) taller c) tallest

iv) Boys usually have ___________ hair than girls. a. If we know this, we will make some money for sure!
Ans: we’ll
a) short b) shorter c) shortest b. Rocky has not given up the fight yet.
v) Lamps are ___________ but the sun is ____________. c. They are going to help us get through this.
d. He does not seem to understand simple instructions.
a) bright b) brighter c) brightest e. She will go to the dance with you.
f. I will not give up my dreams for this.
3. Find the correct form of verbs. (1×5=5)
7. Choose the answer option that identifies the underlined word or
a. They ___________________ in Chicago for 20 years (be).
words in the sentence. (1×5=5)
b. I ___________________ a wonderful film in the cinema last
night. (see) a. They attended the concert last weekend.
c. The sun ___________________ at 6:38 yesterday morning b. Several cats ran into Rob’s garage.
(rise) c. The truck driver delivered the packages quickly.
d. The sun ___________________ when the climber reached d. Fast runners won all the awards at the track meet.
Mount Everest. (shine) e. I wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch yesterday.
e. I promise that I ___________________ this secret to anyone
8. Find the pronouns in the sentences below. Some sentences have
(not tell)
more than one pronoun. (1×5=5)
4. Write a letter to your friend describing a favourite story you
a. She went to the store with Angela.
read. (1×5=5)
b. Six of us had to squeeze in the tiny car.
or c. Every Thursday, Kenny goes to Wal-Mart with them.
d. At the store, the cashier gave her some change.
Write an email to your uncle who is living in Canada requesting e. When the sun comes up, he leaves for work.
to send something as a gift.

5. Write an essay in one topic from the following. (100 words) (5)

i. My school

ii. My family

6. Find the two words in each sentence that can make a

contraction and underline them. (1×5=5)
Subject: English I Full Marks: 50 (10 practical)
Year: III Pass Marks: 20
Time: 1:10 hrs.

Golden Rules
- Read all the questions before you start your assignment.
- Attempt the questions that you know at first.
- Answer according to the instructions and marks.
- Try to give answers in your own words.

1. Answer these questions. (2×7=14)

a. What are a few things you can do to reduce the number of

mosquito bites when you are outdoors? List any two ways.

b. Why did Djuha decide to take the turnips to the Emir?

(Djuha and the Figs)

c. Why eating food in the space is not as easy as eating food on

earth? (Living in Space)

d. How did the quarrel end? (The Quarrel)

e. Why didn’t the judge give Manuel the money? (A Payment

for Smelling)

f. Write any two things that the moon doesn’t have. (Moon)

g. Why did the Emir gave Djuha a purse of gold? (Djuha and
the Figs)

BEST’s Montessori Elementary School

The First Montessori Elementary School in Nepal 2. Give one word for the following from the bracket. (1×5=5)

a. you get this when you have worked hard or behaved well.

b. a large house where a king or a queen lives

c. someone who lives very near you, especially in the next


d. to get to a place

e. the way someone feels at a particular time

3. Would you like to go into space? Where in space do you want to

go? Why? What do you want to do there? Write short paragraph
answering these questions. (4)

4. Willie says, “I am tired of eating fruit.” Have you tired of

something? Write any 4 sentences using ‘I am tired of
……………..’ (4)

5. Your best friend is celebrating her birthday this evening. You

want to attend the party. Leave a note for your dad/mom asking
for permission to attend the party. (4)

6. Write the meaning of the following words. (4)

a. dismissed

b. ridiculous

c. fell out

d. slight

7. Draw a picture of worm and compose a small poem about

worm. (5)
9. Describe the picture. (5) FINAL SEMESTER ASSESSMENT 2076
Subject: English II Full Marks: 50 (10 practical)
Year: III Pass Marks: 20
Time: 1:10 hrs.

Golden Rules
- Read all the questions before you start your assignment.
- Attempt the questions that you know at first.
- Answer according to the instructions and marks.
- Try to give answers in your own words.

1. Choose the correct adverb in the following sentences. (1×5=5)

a. There are some (real, really) fine writers in this class.

b. Janice takes her job (serious, seriously).
c. My mother looked (scornful, scornfully) at the untidy waiter.
d. Professor Bates is one of the most (wide, widely) read people I
e. We do not have (near, nearly) enough time to finish.

2. Identify and underline the appositive found in each sentence.


a. The monkey, a nimble animal, is often found in the jungle.

b. Dave Lewis, a teacher at Lawson, works with many aspiring
c. Before you trash BoBo, your last childhood stuffed animal,
consider saving it.
d. The coast of Africa, one of the world's largest continents, is a
prosperous trading region.
e. Mr. Sonntag hired two new teachers, Mr. Davies and Ms.

3. Complete the following sentences with a, an or the. (1×5=5)

BEST’s Montessori Elementary School
The First Montessori Elementary School in Nepal
1. Danny wanted _____ new bicycle for Christmas. a. I’d love to stay so / and / but I have to catch my bus.
2. Jennifer tasted _____ birthday cake her mother had
made. b. His hot chocolate was too hot so / and / but he put some
3. The children have _____ new teacher called Mr. Green. cold milk in it.
4. All pupils must obey _____ rules.
5. Dad turned on _____ radio to listen to the news.
c. Or / Although / Because we had an umbrella, we got
extremely wet.
4. What do you mean by homographs? Write at least two
examples. (3)
d. I only passed my exam because / but / although you helped
5. Find the proper nouns and common nouns in the following me.
sentences. (1×5=5)

a. The house is in Africa. e. They were hungry but / because / so they made some
b. The Ford truck is missing one door.
c. I am from Belize.
d. Jaime lives at 108 Spring St.
e. Monaco is an expensive city. 8. Define adverb. (2)
6. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the
pronoun given in the brackets. (1×5=5)

f. 1. Why are you shouting at ………………..? (I)

g. 2. We are waiting for …………………. (they)
h. 3. He shouldn’t have done this to ………………. (you)
i. 4. He loves ……………….. parents more than anyone else.
j. 5. We didn’t expect this from …………………. (he)

7. Choose the correct conjunction to complete these sentences.


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