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Organisational Behavior

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Dec] [Time :
3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks


1. Write short notes on:

a) Causes of Human behaviour
b) Personality
c) Attitude
d) Motivation
e) Structure of organization
f) Culture
g) Group cohesion
h) Leadership

u. Define organizational behavior how does the study of O.B. help managers.

3. Comment on the humanistic approach to personality.

4. Critically examine the need for the hierarchy theory of motivation.

5. Discuss the factors influencing organizational structure.

6. Critically examine the trait theory of leadership.


7. Describe the major factors that determine individual behaviour.

8. What are the barriers that check effective communication? How can these
barriers be over come?
X. Define organizational development. Explain its techniques.


In u 7, Mr.Anish, a chartered accountant was elected as the
chairman of ABC Life Insurance Company. During u 7, the business
couldn¶t grow fast. This naturally perturbed Mr. Anish as it did to the board
of director¶s of the company. The board concluded the lack of leadership in
sales of policies. It was concluded that two directors in charge of sales
were competent executives and leaders, but the regional and district
managers working under them were not competent leaders.
Mr. Anish called these two directors and asked them to ensure strong
leadership at the regional and district level or else quit their jobs. As these
directors left the meeting with the chairman, one director told other, ³Now
just how do we make people leaders? How can we be sure whether or not
a person is a leader? You know this is tough job:

Read and analyse the above case and answer the following questions:

i) If you were one of directors, how would you answer the questions that
the directors has raised?

ii) What would you do to develop strong leaders?


c     c

|5 × 3 = 15)
1. State the importance of organizational behaviour.
u. What is the contingency approach to the study of organizational behaviour ?
3. State the factors influencing personality.
4. State the components of attitude
5. What is classical conditioning ?
6. Define group cohesiveness.
7. Who is a transformational leader ?
8. Why do people resist to change ?

| 3 × 1 = 3 )

X. Outline the salient features of leadership traits. Explain with examples.
1 . What are the pros and cons of group decision making ?
11. Organisational development process must be based on human values. - Discuss.
1u. What is reinforcement ? Explain how it can be used in behaviour modification.
13. Explain the salient theories of group development.
| 1 × 15 = 15)
14. What is perception process ? Explain various elements of it.
15. Explain Hertzberg¶s theory of motivation. Identify suitable work life examples and
substantiate how they explain this theory.

16. What is group dynamics ? What are the factors that contribute to group

 | 1 × 15 = 15)
Hariharan is a clerk in a government educational institution. His main work is to receive
inward letters and pass it to actual recipients. He also has to ensure the timely dispatch
of letters. He needs to do both after making necessry entries in an appropriate register.
For the past four years, he has been with the Botany department, there has been a
spate of complaints against his in difference to the work. However, no official action was
initiated against him. There appears to be no sign of his improving on his own accord.
One particular teacher even attempted to speak to him to change his style of work.
Hariharan, appeared to be aloof, and did not seem to even barely listen. Shocked, the
teacher withdrew hesitantly. Other teachers too would like something to be done about
Hariharan¶s behaviour as their work is affected by it.

|a) What functions does the communication process perform in an organization ?

|b) What methods could be used by the teachers to get their message through ?
|c) Evaluate the communication process in the Botany department. How could it be
improved ?
|d) Is Hariharan a poor listener? Substantiate on the basis of your understanding of poor

c     c

December ] [ Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks

|5 × 3 = 15)
Write short notes on any FIVE of the following :
1. Nature of Organisational Behaviour.
u. Model of man.
3. Brain storming.
4. Status.
5. Self esteem need.
6. Leadership continuum.
7. Social change.
8. Organisational conflict.

$1%+,-|3 × 1 = 3 )


X. Give the scope of organisational behaviour.

1 . Briefly explain the stages of personality development.
11. State the salient theories of group development.
1u. µOrganisational Development process must be based on human values¶. - Discuss.
13. What are the indicators of organizational climate ?

1 × 15 = 15)

14. Discuss the determinants of job satisfaction
and organisational commitment.
15. Explain the major need theories of motivation.
16. Elaborate on the factors influencing
organisational culture.

 |1 × 15 = 15)

17. ³The effectiveness of leadership does not depend on a single factor alone but is a
product of several factors, including personal characteristics of the leader, behavioural
styles, the group followers and situation requirements operating at a particular time in
the leadership stituation´ ± Elucidate

c     c


December ] [ Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks

|5 × 3 = 15)

1. Psychology and organisational behaviour.
u. Id.
3. Operant conditioning.
4. Command group.
5. Group shift.
6. Free reign leadership.
7. Organisational change.
8. Intra group conflict.

|3 × 1 = 3 )

Ê      !

X. How does the knowledge of organizational behaviour help a manager ?

1 . Explain the perceptual barriers that leads to perceptual distortion.
11. What factors contribute to group cohesiveness ?
1u. Dist inguish between t ransact ional and transformational leadership.
13. Out l ine the process of organisat ional development.

|1 × 15 = 15)

14. Does personality result from nature or nurture ? Discuss.

15. Explain the heirarchy of needs theory and compare it with the two-factor theory of
16. Are the indicators of organisational culture and organisational climate the same ?

 |1 × 15 = 15)
|  " # 
17. .O.K., I admit it. I.m not a team player. I work best when I work alone and am left
alone,. says Rahul. Rahul.s employer, an office furniture manufacturer, recently
reorganized around teams. All production in the company.s factory is now done in
teams. And Rahul.s design
department has been broken up into three
design teams. worked here for four years. I.m
very good at what I do. And my performance
reviews confirm that. scored X6 percent
or higher on my evaluations every year
been here. But now everything is changing.
I.m expected to be part of our modular -
office design team. My evaluations and pay raises are going to depend on how well the
team does. And, get this, 5 per cent of my
evaluation will be on how well I facilitate the
performance of the team. I.m really frustrated
and demoralized. They hired me for my design
skills. They knew I wasn.t a social type.
Now forcing me to be a team player.
This doesn.t play to my strengths at all..
Is it unethical for Rahul.s employer to
force him to be a team player ? Is his firm
breaking an implied contract that it made
with him at the time he was hired ? Does this
employer have any responsibility to provide
Rahul with an alternative that would allow
him to continue to work independently ?

c   223+$'c"-"4$5$-% 

December ] [ Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
|5 ×3 = 15)
Ê      !
1     :
|a) Organisational behaviour.
|b) Type theory of personality.
|c) Motivational model.
|d) Nature of attitudes.
|e) Informal organisation.
|f) Group development.
|g) Organisational culture.
|h) Power.
|3 ×1 = 3 )

Ê      !
u. Discuss the fundament al concept s of
organsational behaviour.
3. How does the study of personality help in
understanding organisational behaviour ?
4. What is the essence of Vroom¶s expectancy
model of motivation ? What are its merits and
limitations ?
5. Describe the communication process.
6. Disucss the major reasons for resistance to
organisational change.
|1 ×15 = 15)
7. Bringout the challenges and opportunities for
an OB manager now-a-days.
8. What is pe r sona lit y ? What a re i t s
determinants ? Which of them, you feel, is
more important in shapping personality ?
X. Define leadership. Describe the various
leadership styles.
 |1 ×15 =15)
1 . Prakash is an engineer in a large design
engineer office. He hails from a poor but
disciplined family. The family has a rural
background. For Prakash, it was µearn while
learn¶. He graduated himself with architecture
as his major.
Prakash is intelligent , capable and
hardworking. But his main fault is that he
does not want to take risks. He hesitates to

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