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Erehwon Romans v1.0

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Version 1.0
Date: 04/11/2019

Yes I know... Romans are not what you’d call a figment of Our list includes a Centurion in the role of Warlord to
the imagination. So, what are they doing here you might head-up our gallant Romans. He might equally well be
well ask? Well, Warlords of Erehwon aims to encompass a senior officer of the senatorial class, a legate (Legates
the whole realm of myth and folklore as well as pure Legionis - who commanded a legion), tribune (Tribunus
fantasy, which naturally leads us to classical subjects and Laticlavius - his second in command), or equestrian trib-
historical mythology. This list is based on the age of the une (staff officiers). Or he could be another character who
Roman legions, which we’ll acknowledge as lasting from finds himself in charge of your warband, perhaps a former
the time of Augustus to the mid-third century. In other soldier turned settler, maybe a rebel leader unfortunate to
words, we are talking about Romans as they are common- choose the wrong side in the Year of Four Emperors.
ly portrayed and understood in film, TV, etc.
Our hero is more likely to be one of the senior Centuri-
This list is not strictly ‘historical’ in so far as I’ve con- ons or perhaps a battle-hardened veteran. Alternatively,
structed it to represent a warband as defined in the game. he might have learned his fighting prowess as a private
However, it uses historical troop types wielding historical bodyguard or even a gladiator, but whatever his story we
weapons, and we will have to simply imagine how such present him armed and armoured as we might expect a
a body of men has come about. Perhaps they are refu- Roman officer to be. We’ve also allowed for our hero to
gees from some disaster: the remnants of the 9th Legion ride a chariot, not a strictly historical option for a military
fleeing the wrath of the Iceni Queen, or a band of survi- force, but our hero has plainly seen the right movies.
vors from the sorry defeat of Crassus at the hands of the
The Haruspex may be imagined as the Priest of one or
Parthians. Maybe they are a small force dispatched to
other of the many Roman cults that were popular with
raid beyond the frontier, rescue Roman captives, or detain
soldiers. Although the presence of a magic-wielding sor-
some trouble-making tribal chief.
cerer is entirely fictional, the ancients believed in all kinds
Either way, I have taken the liberty of adding a Haruspex of magics and eagerly sought the omens before engaging
to turn the ‘historical’ warband into a fantasy one, should in battle. We give our chap the usual choice of hangers-on,
players wish to do so. I’ve also added gladiators and a either mortal or spiritual, and leave it to players to fix
few other romantic elements. Gladiators did actually take upon suitable models for the latter.
to the field on at least one occasion, but that was rather
Legionaries are represented in different guises to allow
the exception. Anyone wishing to play a more accurately
us to field our typical fighting men as well as veterans,
historical game can ignore such things.
heavily armoured troops, or work parties armed with the
I’m sure that anyone who has a yen to field Romans will dolabra. Heavy legionaries are equipped with segmented
be familiar enough with the subject to dispense with the manica to protect their sword arms, reinforced helmets
usual Erehwonian summary of their place in literature, and shoulder armour, and possibly with greaves as well.
popular culture and history. If we choose to take our They were prominent during the time of Trajan’s Da-
examples from history, then we already know what we cian wars and their armour may have been developed to
are about and I shall spare you a potted history of the counter the fearsome double-handed falx of the Dacians
Julio-Claudian dynasty and its successors. If, on the other (equivalent to a big axe).
hand, our motivation comes from such sources as The
Legionaries formed into work parties would wear their
Life of Bryan, Carry On Cleo, and Gladiator, then we are
armour if they suspected trouble, keeping helmets and
already primed with all we need to know. So, step forward
shields at hand. Hence I have allowed for lighter armour
Biggus Dickus... the mighty Hengist Pod by your side ...
and an upgrade. I’ve armed them with the ubiquitous
and titter ye not Lurkio... the Romans are here.
work-tool, the pick-axe-like ‘dolabra’ (big axe equivalent)
as useful for hewing bone and piercing armour as for
“Nec terrore! Nec terrore!” chopping wood and breaking stone.
The architypal weapon of the legionary is the sword com-
Optio Ionnis bined with a heavy javelin - the pilum. I have included
new rules for the pila because it is a characteristic weapon
with a specific tactical role, which I’ve tried to reflect in
terms of our game without creating a ‘super weapon’.
Roman Warband 1
Auxiliaries provide further infantry options in what is were lighter. Roman soldiers carried one heavy and one
fundamentally an infantry-based warband. Unarmoured light version. Pila were held back until just before contact
and lightly armoured missile troops take the form of in order to cause the most damage, and also - one imagi-
slingers, archers and javelinmen. Our typical Auxiliary nes - because their weight gave them only a limited range
trooper wears a mail coat and a helmet, and he bears compared to conventional javelins.
a shield and spear. In fact, he is as well-armoured as
The pilum is represented as follows. The pilum is a missile
a legionary, even if he does not enjoy the same status:
weapon which has no range and is only used during an
legionaries were Roman citizens - auxiliaries could earn
exchange of missiles. The first time the unit throws its pila
citizenship by military service and this was one reason
it counts as having an SV of 2. When the unit throws pila
locals signed up.
subsequently it counts as having an SV of 1. This repre-
Although one does not immediately think of cavalry when sents the initial dischange of the heavier weapon, followed
Romans are mentioned, their army included mounted by subsequent use of the lighter weapon or discards. The
units, which were called Alae or ‘wings’. Alae were divided pilum has been costed at 2pts.
into Turmae - a Turma being roughly a squadron of 32
Note that not all models of Roman legionaries are por-
men. I’ve tried to represent a variety of historical caval-
trayed with their pila. Rarely are they blessed with more
ry types, although not all types would necessarily serve
than one. It is left to players to decide whether to assume
across the whole of the Roman Empire.
units carry pila or to field their troops ‘as you see’. The
The most common kind of cavalry are Auxiliary cavalry usual rule in Warlords of Erehwon is to assume mod-
equipped with a number of spears both to throw or thrust. els armed with thrown missiles carry enough to last the
A few units were equipped with a longer spear called the whole battle, regardless of how many a model carries.
Contos, that was held in two hands. This type of long
Alternatively, if players want to come to some mutually
lance was probably inspired by Sarmatian cavalry encoun-
acceptable arrangement limiting the number of times a
tered by Romans during the wars against the Dacians in
model or unit can throw pila, then that’s entirely fine. I
what is modern Romania. I’ve added this option as a lance
would sooner avoid the book-keeping myself, but ‘never
along with the option to carry swords.
say never’. Imagine a situation where a last stand of le-
Other cavalry units were equipped with heavier armour gionaries is obliged to harbour its resources in the face of
and some were designated as Cataphractarii or Clibanar- a relentless foe. Can we hold out until nightfall and sneak
ii. It’s not clear what the difference between these is - or off under cover of darkness? O tempora o mores. (Which
even if there is any - but I’ve followed the suggestion that is your actual Latin for ‘no more battered vegetables’).
Clibararii were armed in a more eastern tradition and
carried bows.
The Retiarius is the gladiator who fights with net (rete)
Gladiators give us an unusual fighting unit. The most
and trident. Although gladiators certainly fought in
heavily armoured have been given the slow rule, as well as
real-life conflicts on occasion they certainly did so using
the usual penalties, to represent the lumbering armour of
more conventional arms. However, I’ve allowed for our
the most heavily armoured gladiators. This has loose his-
gladiators to have nets as an option because it gives us an
torical precedence and plenty of support from the movies
interesting and different combatant. The net is a hand-
and literature, ‘Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant!’
hurled missile weapon that can only be thrown as part of
Our Roman warband is favoured with artillery options in an exchange of missiles. Hits from a net cause no damage,
the form of the familiar Scorpion bolt-throwing engine but inflict a pin on the target in the usual way.
and stone throwing Ballista.
In addition, if the target is a warrior or mounted unit,
Don’t Point That Pilum at me! make a D10 test against the total number of net hits
scored. If successful then 1 opposing model cannot strike
The archetypical weaponry of the Roman legionary com-
any blows at all during the ensuing hand-to-hand fighting,
prises a stout sword (gladius) and a brace of heavy javelins
including in any follow-on combat. This model is chosen
(pila - singular pilum). With a small diamond-shaped
from the unit by the player that threw the net. The model
head and long, thin, iron shank the weighted pilum was
is tangled in the net for the duration of the fighting, but
designed to penetrate shields and armour (not to mention
is automatically freed at the conclusion of fighting if still
alive. The net is costed at 1pt.
Pila varied in weight, but we can think of them as ‘heavy
Note that I’ve used the rule developed for the bolas in the
javelins’ similar to other weighted missiles such as the
Lizardmen list, where it can be found together with exam-
Frankish Angon and later Roman Plumbata. Some pila
ples should you seek further clarification. The same rule
incorporated a substantial lead weight to give them great-
can equally be used for lariats or lassos.
er penetrating power, but others lacked this feature and

2 Warlords of Erehwon
Warlord Warriors Unit Points Value: 108
Special: You must include one Centurion or Mounted Centurion in your warband and one only.
Unit: Centurion Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Centurion with sword, medium Tough, Command, Follow, 3x HtH,
5 5 5 5(7) 8 8
armour Wound
2 x Bodyguard with sword, medium
5 5 5 5(7) 7 8
•Give unit pila @2pts per model •Give unit Disciplined rule @10pts
•Upgrade Centurion to Wounds 2 @14pts •Add up to 2 Bodyguards @16pts each
•Upgrade Centurion to Tough 2 @10pts

Warlord Mounted Unit Points Value: 134
Special: You must include one Centurion or Mounted Centurion in your warband and one only.
Unit: Mounted Centurion Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Mounted Centurion with sword, Tough, Command, Follow, Fast 8, 3x
5 5 5 6(8) 8 8
medium armour HtH, Wound
2 x Mounted Bodyguard with sword,
5 5 5 6(8) 7 8 Fast 8
light armour
•Give unit spears @Free per model •Give unit Disciplined rule @10pts
•Upgrade Centurion to Wounds 2 @16pts •Add up to 2 Bodyguards @24pts each
•Upgrade Centurion to Tough 2 @10pts

Warriors Unit Points Value: 57
Special: You can include a maximum of one Haruspex in your warband.
Unit: Haruspex Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Haruspex with sword 5 5 5 5 7 8 Tough, Wound, Magic Level 1
0 x Acolytes with sword 5 5 5 5 7 7
Spirit, 1x HtH SV1,
0 x Genii Spirits 5 5 5 5 3 3
Exchange of Missiles SV1
•Give Haruspex dolabra (big axe) @free •Give Haruspex and Acolytes light armour @5pts + a further 2pts
•Upgrade Haruspex to Magic Level 2 @25pts per Acolyte model increasing Res to 5(6)
•Upgrade Haruspex to Magic Level 3 @50pts •Add up to 4 Acolytes @ 10pts each OR
•Upgrade Haruspex to Tough 2 @10pts Add up to 4 Genii Spirits @ 18pts each
•Give unit Divine Intervention rule @10pts

Roman Warband 3
Warriors Unit Points Value: 85
Special: You can include a maximum of one Roman Hero, Roman Mounted Hero or Roman Hero in Chariot in your warband.
Unit: Roman Hero Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Roman Hero with sword, medium
5 5 6 6(8) 9 9 Tough 2, Hero, 3x HtH, Wound
•Give Hero pilum @2pts •Upgrade Hero to Wounds 3 @32pts
•Give unit Disciplined rule @10pts •Upgrade Hero to Tough 3 @10pts
•Upgrade Hero to Wounds 2 @16pts


Mounted Unit Points Value: 95
Special: You can include a maximum of one Roman Hero, Roman Mounted Hero or Roman Hero in Chariot in your warband.
Unit: Mounted Roman Hero Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Mounted Roman Hero with sword, Tough 2, Hero, 3x HtH, Wound,
5 5 6 7(9) 9 9
medium armour Fast 8
•Give Hero spear @free •Upgrade Hero to Tough 3 @10pts
•Give Hero javelins @2pts •Upgrade Hero to Wound 2 @18pts
•Give unit Disciplined rule @10pts •Upgrade Hero to Wound 3 @36pts


Chariot Unit Points Value: 160
Special: You can include a maximum of one Roman Hero, Roman Mounted Hero or Roman Hero in Chariot in your warband.
Unit: Roman Hero in Chariot Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
 hariot with Roman Hero and crew Large, Tough 2, Fast 8,
3 - - 10 - -
pulled by two horses Irresistible Charge
1 x Roman
 Hero with sword, [medium
[5] 5 6 [6(8)] 9 9 [Tough 2], Hero, 3x HtH, [Wound}
1 x Roman crew with sword - 5 5 - - - -
2 x Horse - - - - - - -
•Give Hero and crew pilum @4pts •Upgrade Hero to Wound 2 @16pts on foot only
•Give unit Disciplined rule @10pts •Upgrade Hero to Wound 3 @32pts on foot only
•Upgrade Hero to Tough 3 @10pts •Give chariot Scythes @25pts with D6 SV1 impact hits on charge

4 Warlords of Erehwon
Warriors Unit Points Value: 82
Unit: Roman Legionaries Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Roman Optio with sword, medium
5 5 5 5(7) 7 8 Tough
4 x Roman Legionary with sword,
5 5 5 5(7) 7 7
medium armour
•Give unit pila @2pts per model •Add up to 5 Roman legionaries @14pts each
•Give unit Disciplined rule @10pts


Warriors Unit Points Value: 72
Special: You can include a maximum of one Legionary Working Party in your warband.
Unit: Legionary Working Party Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Roman Optio with dolabra (big
5 5 5 5(6) 7 8 Tough
axe), light armour
4 x Roman Legionary with dolabra (big
5 5 5 5(6) 7 7
axe), light armour
•Give unit swords @Free per model •Give unit medium armour @2pts per model increasing Res to 5(7)
•Give unit Disciplined rule @10pts •Add up to 5 Legionaries with dolabra @12pts each


Warriors Unit Points Value: 77
Special: You can include a maximum of one unit of Legionaries in Heavy Armour in your warband.
Unit: Legionaries in Heavy Armour Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Roman Optio in heavy armour with
4 5 5 5(8) 6 8 Tough, Heavily Laden
sword, heavy armour
4 x Roman Legionary in heavy armour
4 5 5 5(8) 6 7 Heavily Laden
with sword, heavy armour
•Give unit pila @2pts per model •Add up to 5 Legionaries in heavy armour @13pts each
•Give unit Disciplined rule @10pts

Warriors Unit Points Value: 100
Special: You can include a maximum of one unit of Veteran Legionaries in your warband.
Unit: Veteran Legionaries Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Veteran Optio with sword, medium
5 5 6 5(7) 7 8 Tough
4 x Veteran Legionary with sword,
5 5 6 5(7) 7 8
medium armour
•Give unit pila @2pts per model •Add up to 5 Veteran Legionaries @18pts each
•Give unit Disciplined rule @10pts

Roman Warband 5
Warriors Unit Points Value: 72
Unit: Roman Auxiliaries Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Auxiliary Decurion with sword,
5 5 5 5(6) 7 8 Tough
light armour
4 x Auxiliary with sword, light armour 5 5 5 5(6) 7 7
•Give unit spears @Free per model •Add up to 5 Roman Auxiliaries @12pts each
•Give unit medium armour @2pts per model increasing Res to 5(7)


Warriors Unit Points Value: 72
Unit: Auxiliary Infantry with Bows Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Decurion with sword or axe, bow 5 5 5 5 7 8 Tough
4 x Bowman with sword or axe, bow 5 5 5 5 7 7
•Give unit light armour @2pts per model increasing Res to 5(6) •Add up to 5 Bowmen @12pts each


Warriors Unit Points Value: 72
Unit: Auxiliary Infantry with Javelins Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Decurion with sword, javelin 5 5 5 5 7 8 Tough
4 x Infantry with sword, javelin 5 5 5 5 7 7
•Give unit light armour @2pts per model increasing Res to 5(6) •Add up to 5 Infantry with javelin @12pts each


Warriors Unit Points Value: 77
Unit: Auxiliary Infantry with Slings Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Decurion with sword, sling 5 5 5 5 7 8 Tough
4 x Slinger with sword, sling 5 5 5 5 7 7
•Give unit light armour @2pts per model increasing Res to 5(6) •Add up to 5 Slingers @13pts each

6 Warlords of Erehwon
Mounted Unit Points Value: 72
Unit: Auxiliary Cavalry Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Decurion with spear, light armour 5 5 5 6(7) 7 8 Tough, Fast 8
2 x Cavalryman with spear, light
5 5 5 6(7) 7 7 Fast 8
•Give unit swords @ free per model •Add up to 2 Cavalrymen @20pts each
•Give unit lances @1pt per model to make Contarii


Mounted Unit Points Value: 81
Special: You can include a maximum of one Cataphract unit in your warband.
Unit: Cataphract Cavalry Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Decurion with lance, medium
5 5 5 6(8) 7 8 Tough, Fast 8
2 x Cavalryman with lance, medium
5 5 5 6(8) 7 7 Fast 8
•Give unit heavy armour @1pt per model increasing Res to 6(9) and •Add up to 2 Cavalrymen @23pts each
adding Heavily Laden rule (no sprint)
•Give unit bow @2pts per model only if also given heavy armour to
make eastern Clibanarii


Mounted Unit Points Value: 78
Special: You can include a maximum of one Horse Archer unit in your warband.
Unit: Horse Archers Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Decurion with sword, bow, light
5 5 5 6(7) 7 8 Tough, Fast 8
2 x Horse Archer with sword, bow,
5 5 5 6(7) 7 7 Fast 8
light armour
•Add up to 2 Horse Archers 22pts each

Mounted Unit Points Value: 72
Unit: Auxiliary Cavalry Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Decurion with sword, javelin 5 5 5 6 7 8 Tough, Fast 8
2 x Cavalryman with sword, javelin 5 5 5 6 7 7 Fast 8
•Add up to 2 Light Cavalry @20pts each

Roman Warband 7
Warriors Unit Points Value: 82
Unit: Gladiators Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Gladiator Leader with sword 5 5 6 6 7 8 Tough
4 x Gladiator with sword 5 5 6 6 7 7
•Give unit light armour @2pts a model increasing Res to 6(7) •Give unit Nets @1pts per model - not available to Gladiators in
•Give unit medium armour @4pts a model increasing Res to 6(8) heavy armour
•Give unit heavy armour @3pts a model increasing Res to 6(9) •Add up to 5 Gladiators @14pts each
reducing Ag and Init by 1 and adding Heavily Laden rule


Artillery Unit Points Value: 84
Unit: Roman Catapult - Scorpion Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
3 x Legionary crew with swords, medi-
5 5 5 5(7) 7 7 Large, Slow 3
um armour, bolt throwing engine
•1 x Small Bolt Thrower

•Give unit Large Bolt Thrower instead of Small Bolt Thrower •Add up to 2 Legionary crew to unit @14pts each


Artillery Unit Points Value: 96
Unit: Roman Catapult - Ballista Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
3 x Legionary crew with swords, medi-
5 5 5 5(7) 7 7 Large, Slow 3
um armour, stone throwing engine
•1 x Small Stone Thrower

•Give unit Large Bolt Thrower instead of Small Bolt Thrower •Add up to 2 Legionary crew to unit @14pts each

8 Warlords of Erehwon

WEAPON Short Long Extreme Value Special Rules
Pilum - - - 1/2 Exchange of missiles only. SV2 first use.
Bow 0-10” 10-20” - 0
Sling 0-10” 10-20” - 0 2x ranged attacks on Fire order
Javelin 0-10” - - 1
Net Exchange of missiles only. No Damage. Test num-
- - - -
ber of hits to disable.
Small Stone Thrower 10-30” 30-40” 40-60” 3 Overhead, Fire order required to shoot, D6 hits
Large Stone Thrower 10-30” 30-50” 50-80” 6 Overhead, Fire order required to shoot, D6 hits

Sword or Axe Hand-to-Hand Combat 1 +1 Strength

Spear Hand-to-Hand Combat 1 Can be used for exchange of missiles
Lance Hand-to-Hand Combat 1/3 SV3 on Charge
Huge Sword or Big Axe Hand-to-Hand Combat 2
Daggers Hand-to-Hand Combat 1

Command. Friendly units within 10” can use the model’s Co stat to take Command based tests.
Disciplined. Lose all pins when pass a Rally test.
Divine Intervention. Can steal an order dice from an enemy unit within 20” with successful Command
test. If fail take 1 pin instead. Maximum of 1 attempt in any turn.
Heavily Laden. Cannot Sprint.
Hero. Friendly units within 10” can use the model’s Initiative stat to take Reaction tests.
Follow. Friendly un-pinned units within 5” can follow the unit’s order immediately.
Irresistible Charge. D3 SV bonus when charging.
Large. +1 to hit shooting. Can draw LOS to body. Can draw LOS over non-large models.
Slow/Fast. Move at the basic rate indicated.
Spirit. Can be sacrificed for a re-roll. Destroyed if wizard is slain.
Tough. Re-roll a failed Res test (Tough 2 re-roll 2 separate fails, and so on).
Wound. Can lose the ‘wounds value’ of lives before a further Res fail slays. Can’t recover pins beyond
wounds suffered.

Roman Warband 9

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