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The Documentary Storyboard

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The Documentary

By Mason
The act of ‘documenting’ things has been
around since the dawn of mankind.
It is done to preserve the truth, teachings,
and memories of their beloved ancestors.
In our time, documentaries have evolved
• Stock

Advancement of audio and video equipment,

processing software
• Stock

processing software
• Stock

and human intellects and experiences have made

documentaries into a very sophisticated piece of
• Stock

It has become not only a mode to tell the

truth, and preserving memories
• Stock

but also creative expressions and storytelling.

• Shooting

Thus, the act of documentary filmmaking may be

one of the most fulfilling experiences one can ever
• Planning

However, like all good things in the world, it is

not without effort. it is not without
• Timelapse, clock

hardships, challenges, pain, sweat, sleepless

• Caffeine pills

the huge amount of caffeine, constant work

and reworking, and so many other difficulties.
• Editing

constant work and reworking, and so many

other difficulties.
• Conversation

The traits of a good documentary is its ability

to communicate effectively.
• Watching

A good documentary would evoke not only

facts but also emotion
• To start documentryfilmaking

or better yet action for the audience.

• Planning

To achieve this, there are not only tons of

planning, preparation,
• Shooting

and shooting that need to be done, there is

also huge effort
• Editing

to arrange the sequence of clips and audio to get

the right combination which has endless
• Papers

This may need thousands of hours of trials and

errors to ensure that the audience could get the
• editing

to ensure that the audience could get the

right message.
• Tired Face

This is truly an exhausting task. But despite

these challenges and hardships,
• Smile

knowing the sense of fulfillment that one can

• Scrolling through the film

and the possibility to make an impact through

stories, documentary filmmaking may be a
worthwhile pursuit.
6 types of documentary:

Though not strictly classified, There are 6 types of

6 types of documentary:
Expository Participatory
Poetic Observational
Performative Experimental

Expository, Poetic, Performative, participatory,

observational, and experimental
6 types of documentary:
Expository Participatory
Poetic Observational
Performative Experimental

We are going to explore general character of each

of these types with a little example

What has been done so far is expository where

Done in third person point of view, explaining the subject of

Where the film is done in third person view while

explaining the subject. Next is,
Poetic :
Montages of creative shots that tells a story

• Long shot planning

<poetic> planning
• Close up papers

<poetic> planning
• Long shot shooting

<poetic> Shooting
• Close up Camera

<poetic> Shooting
• Medium Editing

<poetic> Editing
• Close up Editing

<poetic> Editing
<poetic> Tiredness
<poetic> Caffeine
<poetic> Tiredness intensified
<poetic> Caffeine intensified
<poetic> Tiredness intensified
<poetic> Caffeine Intensified
<poetic> Still Tired
• Continue to work

<poetic> Fulfillment
• Close up Smile

<poetic> Fulfillment
Where the film maker shares his experience
performing certain tasks.

• Me going to the bookshelf

The act of documentary film making may be one of

the most fulfilling experience one can ever have.
• Books

The challenge of creating a good documentary is

similar with creating a good book. One of the traits
to great books is effective communication.
• Shakespeare

A good book would evoke not only facts but also

emotion or better yet action for the audience. This
indeed could be applied in documentary film
• Paper planning + slides

To create a documentary there are a lot of

things to be done. Firstly, the ideation.
• Paper planning + slides

Then planning for the shoot.

• Shooting

Then the actual shoot.

• Editing

And finally, the post-production which will

usually takes the greatest amount of time.
• Me

My biggest tip for you is to plan exhaustively.

• Me

pre-production step done right will save amount

of time both in the shooting phase and in the
editing phase.
• Editing

I think one of the best practice is to always think of

the editor throughout the whole planning
• Art Books

It is exciting to embark on this work of art.

• Art Books close up

It is challenging but think of the huge potential

to make an impact through storytelling.
• Me

There may be times of challenges and hardships,

but these will only lead to personal growth and a
Participatory :
Where the film is captured through the film maker perspective.
The film maker makes an interaction or participates, could be in
an interview setting, with the subject being filmed.

• Interviewer + camera

What is your biggest challenge create a

• Me talking

• Interviewer + camera

Share the most memorable experience when

you create a documentary
• Me talking

• Interviewer + camera

As a beginner yourself what are some tips that

you’d like to share for the people who is starting
• Me answer

• Interviewer + camera

Final question. Are you happy to create

documentaries? Will you do it again in the future?
• Me answer

Observational :
Real and as truthful as possible footages of subject
being documented

Real Footage Coming Soon

<observational> Planning
Real Footage Coming Soon

<observational> Shooting
• Real Footage Coming Soon

Real Footage Coming Soon

<observational> Editting
• Real Footage Coming Soon

Real Footage Coming Soon

<observational> Tiredness and Caffeine

• Real Footage Coming Soon

Real Footage Coming Soon

<observational> Fulfillment
Where questions and challenges to the nature or practice of
documentary filmmaking being asked.

• Choosing B-rolls not footage

If all the shots are being pre-planned would

you call this capturing the ‘real’ truth?
• Me taking B rolls

When one plan the shot the surprising nature

of truth would not be capture
• Tea

How could poetic deliver intended emotion

and message?
• pills

Without a clear message, people will be led

with their own personal opinion
• Real footage before the walking to the bookshelf

If a subject is asked to perform for the sake of

being documented will it be really the truth?
• Choosing Books

The subject will consciously choose parts that to

be ‘performed’ instead of telling the whole.
• Shots of participatory

Through interview setting, in front of a camera,

knowing that the content will be published, will
• Camera zoom out showing the camera taken for this shot

People are camera conscious and tend to be

cautious when they are being watched.
Real Footage Coming Soon

After seeing all these and see the lens behind

the process
Real Footage Coming Soon

do you think that what is being made here a

• <participatory>Me working sit down

Regardless of the question of truth and

genuineness. Perhaps a more important question
• Me Tidying up the papers

Will the film bring happiness or will the film

bring sorrow?
• Me Tidying up cameras

Will the film inspire kindness or art or creativity or

strength or passion or anything else that is good?
• Me Tidying up the computers

Or will it eventually lead people to the evil or

self-centered agenda.
• (Still Participatory) Me talking

This is perhaps something that should be explored

and tested more in the art that we are trying to
• Me ( interview )

Documentary Film making is a challenging art

• Me ( interview )

but in comparison to its huge potential to

make an impact through showing the truth,
• Me ( interview )

And sense of fulfilment one can get,

• Me (interview )

It is something that everyone should consider

• An inspiring quote

“Inspirational Quote”


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