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Exercise 2.7.

Instructions: The Philippines remained a colony even after the Spaniards left because they were simply
replaced by the Americans. During the American colonial rule, may artists made use of cartoons as
political commentaries. Identify at least five (5) conditions or events that influenced Filipinos in making
political cartoons. Explain your answer

1. A NEW WRINKLE IN THE AR OF THEIVING The cartoon reveals the nature of the scourge of
agriculture. It shows town capitalists using the Torrens title method to seize the lands in Nueva
Ecija and Other Central Luzon Provinces, which included the relinquishment of traditional claims
to issue valid titles.

2. IS THE POLICE FORCE BRIBED? It was said that this caricature was been made because of the
scandal in 1917 where there’s senior police who were accepting a bribe from the Chinese

gambling houses at Binondo and Quiapo District. Also, it demonstrates the power of the free

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press in the Philippines and political cartoon’s where this allegation led to the suicide of alleging

police chief. The cartoon creator Fernando Amorsolo, showing his racist usual edge.

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3. LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FATERNITY The political cartoon is about how the Philippine Assembly
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passed a law allowing all representatives, whether current or retired, to carry firearms. The
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Manila press was outraged but the lawmakers dismissed the criticism and promulgated the law
about the protest screams.

4. WHY THE “APARCERO” REBELS The political cartoons portray the dimension of the misery of
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agriculture, the "Why The Aparcero Rebels" displays how the landlord usury robs the tenant
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farmers to their rightful share of the harvest.

5. EQUAL WORK, UNEQUAL SALARY, WHY? The caricature recalls the original appointment as a
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teacher in 1910, and even half a century back, Senator Camilo Osias could not hide his
resentment. There were forms of discrimination where the teacher's salary was approximately
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1,080.00 annually even graduating from Columbia University and qualifying in a high civil service
review, and when Americans who were only normal graduates were paying only 4,000.00

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Exercise 2.8.2

Instructions: Read carefully the list of grievances of the Filipinos against Governor Wood which led to the
cabinet between the American-led executive branch of government. In Philippine politics, there has
always been a tension between the executive and the legislative branches of government. In the
administration of President Duterte, this tension seems be evident. Compare and contrast the Cabinet
Crisis of 1923 to the conditions and situations that persist during the term of President Duterte. Explain
your observation at least 300 words.

As we have read the Filipino Grievance Against Governor Wood we all know that he was been
appointed as Governor-General in the Philippines of the Philippine Island in 1923 and He was impeach
because of his abuse in his power where people of the island made a protest against him. But in the case
of the Administration of President Duterte, we witness the tension between the two branches which is
executive which was handle by our own President Duterte and other branches. This conflict happens

when President Rodrigo Duterte said he will ensure Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno is ousted. This

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led to over breaching the power of three branches the legislative, the executive, and the judicial

department. These departments have three separate powers the executive branch implements the laws

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that are passed by Congress. The members of Congress make the laws and the judiciary branch evaluates

the laws if they conform to the Constitution As we have known that our president has announced his

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war on drugs many people have died where there are many cases of Extrajudicial killing that this leads
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the conflict of the two branches which are legislative and executive. There many issues that happen
during the war of drugs and it was the same that happened back then when wood was trying to take an
action without the consent of the government. This situation may have been the same, but the action of

our President was different in his case in he was the president and some of the people supported him on
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this decision so impeachment never happen. Still, some people protest because of what is happening
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and as we have known there have been many people who have turn against him and we may see in the
future that our President Duterte may have the same faith with Governor-General Leonard Wood.
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