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Progress Test UNIT 1 Grammar: International Express Third Edition

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Progress Test UNIT 1 Grammar

1 Complete the conversations with the correct form of be. Score

1 A _______________ you married? __
B No, I _______________. __
2 A Where _______________ you from, Hiroko? __
B I _______________ from Japan. __
3 A Where _______________ James and Melanie? __
B They _______________ in room 119. __
4 A _______________ we late? __
B No, we _______________. __
5 A _______________ they from America? __
B No, they _______________ from Canada. __

2 Complete the conversations.

Use the correct Present Simple form of the verbs and/or pronouns in brackets.
1 A Where _________________________? (you / live) __
B _________________________ in a small house in Kiev. (I / live) __
2 A _________________________ Heinrich? (you / know) __
B Yes, _________________________. (I) __
3 A What languages _________________________? (they / speak) __
B _________________________ Hindi. (they / speak) __
4 A _________________________ the new staff? (you / train) __
B No, _________________________. (we) __
5 A Which company _________________________ for? (you / work) __
B _________________________ for Samsung. (I / work) __
6 A _________________________ their job? (the sales team / enjoy) __
B No, _________________________ it. (they / enjoy) __
7 A _________________________ for lunch at 1.00 p.m.? (we / stop) __
B Yes, _________________________. (you) __
8 A When _________________________ work on the project? (we / start) __
B _________________________ work on Monday. (you / start) __
9 A What time ________________________ classes on Friday? (you / have) __
B _____________________ classes on Friday – only on Monday to Thursday. (we / have) __
10 A _________________________ to work? (they / drive) __
B No, _________________________. (they) __
Total /30

International Express Third Edition Elementary

Progress Test UNIT 1 Vocabulary

1 Complete the sentences with these verbs. Score

eat out give go make meet play watch write
1 We just _______________ TV in the evenings. __
2 I sometimes _______________ swimming after work. __
3 I usually _______________ at a local restaurant at the weekends. __
4 I _______________ presentations to people at conferences all over the world. __
5 I often _______________ tennis with my friends at the sports club. __
6 I _______________ a lot of phone calls at work. __
7 I _______________ emails on my tablet when I’m on the train. __
8 I often _______________ customers from China in the office. __

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 Most people in the Middle East and North Africa can speak _______________. (Arab) __
2 These documents are in _______________. (Russia) __
3 You speak fantastic _______________! (France) __
4 I love _______________ cars. (Germany) __
5 All my students are _______________. (Japan) __
6 People in Mozambique speak _______________ and many other languages, like Tsonga. (Portugal) __
7 Seat and Chupa Chups are _______________ companies. (Spain) __
8 I go to my _______________ class on Saturday mornings. (England) __
9 Annamaria and Roberto are _______________. (Italy) __
10 Meatballs are a popular _______________ food. (Sweden) __
11 Most tourists here are _______________. (China) __
12 _______________ people are really friendly. (Poland) __
Total  /20

International Express Third Edition Elementary

Progress Test UNIT 1 Work skills

1 Complete the conversation with these words. Score

have reception seat sign tell
A Hello. My name is Vera Campos. I _______________1 a meeting with David Schwartz. __
B Hello, Ms Campos. Can you _______________ the Visitor’s Book, please? __
A Yes, of course.
B Thank you, Ms Campos. Please take a _______________3 over there __
and I’ll _______________ Mr Schwartz you’re here. __
A Thank you.
B Hello, David? This is Thomas here at _______________5. Ms Vera Campos is here to see you. __

2 Complete the conversations with these words.

charge deal manage report responsible
1 A Who is your boss?
B I _______________ directly to the CEO of the company. __
2 A What do you do?
B I’m in _______________ of technical support. __
3 A What’s your role?
B I’m _______________ for sales in the USA and Mexico. __
4 A Are you the Head of the IT Department?
B Yes, I _______________ with all our computer problems. __
5 A How many people work with you?
B I _______________ a team of 37 people. __

International Express Third Edition Elementary

Progress Test Unit 1 Functions

1 Complete the conversations. Choose the correct answers (a or b). Score

1 A Hello. My name is Thierry Balagand.

B a It’s nice to see you again, Thierry. □b Pleased to meet you, Thierry. □ __

2 A Kris, this is David Barry.

B a Nice to meet you, David. □ b Thanks, and you? □ __ 

3 A Nice to meet you, Lena.

B a It’s good to see you again. □ b Nice to meet you, too. □ __ 

4 A Good afternoon, Jack. How are you?

B a Fine, thanks, and you? □ b Pleased to meet you, too. □ __

5 A Well, goodbye, Piotr. It was nice meeting you.

B a OK, I’m leaving now. □ b Thank you. I enjoyed meeting you, too. □ __ 

6 A Have a good evening!

B a Of course. □ b See you tomorrow. □ __

7 A I hope to see you again soon.

B a Me, too. □ b Yes, I do. □ __

8 A Ludmila! Hello! Welcome to IBM.

B a Hello! Good to be here again! □ b Hello! You’re welcome! □ __ 

9 A OK, see you later.

B a Yes, me too. □ b Yes, see you. □ __

10 A Goodbye.

B a Have a good evening! □ b Thanks. And you. □ __


2 Complete the conversations with these words.

be can (x2) card colleague day hope journey myself touch

International Express Third Edition Elementary

1 A Goodbye, Philip.
B Goodbye. I _______________ you have a nice _______________ home. __/2
2 A _______________ I introduce _______________? I’m Joanne. __/2
B Hello, Joanne. I’m Francis.
3 A You have my _______________. __/1
B Thanks. I’ll _______________ in _______________. __/2
4 A Dominic. _______________ I introduce you to my _______________, David Holley? __/2
B Nice to meet you, Mr Holley.
5 A I’m finished for the _______________. __/1
B OK. See you tomorrow!

UNIT 1 TEST: Grammar __/30 Vocabulary __/20 Work skills _/10 Functions /20 Total _/80

International Express Third Edition Elementary

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