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Day 21 - Reading Part 2 3

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Test 1 ENGLISH 1 - DAY 21

Part 2
Questions 6-10
The people below all want to start a language course.
On the opposite page there are advertisements for eight different language courses.
Decide which course would be the most suitable for the following people.
For questions 6-10, choose the correct letter (A-H) on your answer sheet.

Sonia is going to Madrid for a

business meeting and wants to
practise advanced Spanish
She works full time so she wants
an evening class or one she can do
at the weekend.

Tomas needs to pass his

English exam to get into
university and he is looking for
a four-week
7 full- time course. He isn't interested in social
activities but needs accommodation.

Corinne, who is Spanish, starts university in the UK

8in the autumn and wants to improve her English. She is a
little worried about attending lectures and has never
written long essays in English.

Marie and her mother are going to

Paris but don't speak French. They
want to learn some basic
9 expressions and would like to find out more about
the French way of life before they leave.
Paolo and his wife Sandra want to take an English course for beginners
and they like the idea of a
10 school in the English countryside. They would also like to take part in
social activities.

Language Schools
A Keele Business School Learn English in the heart of the Lake
District. Our small family-run school offers
Business success means communicating
informal, morning lessons for all levels, with
with your customers. If you have afternoons spent on gentle walks in beautiful
relations with companies located in countryside. Get to know other students and
Spain, France or Germany, join one of teachers even better in the evenings with our
our business communication courses trips to top-class restaurants serving local
designed to help you improve your specialities.
advanced reading and writing skills.
Contact us for more details. F Peak School
B The Green Language Institute Looking Peak School offers online lessons for people
forward to a holiday in France? 'Get by in with busy lives. Join our oneto-one classes
and learn or practise Spanish, French,
French' will teach you the language you need to
German or Chinese with one of our highly
make your holiday a wonderful experience. experienced teachers. Simply arrange a time
Learn how to ask for directions, order food and that suits you, log in to our online system
get help with health issues. The course also and meet your teacher for your conversation
includes an introduction to the culture and lesson.
customs of this wonderful country. Book a
place now! C Henley Language Academy Our G Stonewell English
'Academic Plus' programme is a three-month
course to help you succeed in your university Stonewell English School offers
studies. Our full-time courses run from June to language classes with a difference.
August. You will develop all the skills you need Practise your English in the kitchen
to survive in a university environment. Learn while learning how to cook delicious
how to write lecture notes and essays, and traditional English dishes. You will
practise your presentation skills. learn how to follow instructions in
D TTT Language Centre English and learn how to talk about
If you are planning to go to university or food with the other students on the
need to show your level of English to an course.
employer, the TTT Language Centre can
H Blakemore School
help you. We know how important exam
Our full-time exam preparation courses
grades can be and our morning exam
start at the beginning of each month.
classes will prepare you for your chosen
Courses run for one to four weeks and
exam. In the afternoon you can socialise
will help you feel confident about your
and enjoy visiting local places of interest
exams. If you want a taste of British
on one of our weekly trips.
culture, our family-run guest-houses
E Lake Language Centre offer a warm welcome. We also have
onebedroom apartments for students who prefer to live on their own.

Part 3
Questions 11-20
Look at the sentences below about information in a school newsletter.
Read the text on the opposite page and decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, choose A on your answer sheet.
If it is not correct, choose B on your answer sheet.

11 Mrs Sinclair will be working for fewer hours when she returns to work.

12 Parents have been complaining about the use of the Internet in school.

13 The e-Safety information sheets are for children to use when they do homework.

14 The e-Safety information sheets are not available yet.

15 All the children have attended an after-school club.

16 The school cannot promise that it will be able to offer classes in any activities
parents ask for.

17 The school encourages parents to help with the after-school clubs.

18 The school needs more money to offer meals with better ingredients.

19 The school is not going to increase the price of school dinners immediately.

20 Parents with a low income can get help to pay for school dinners.
Welcome to April's newsletter. There's a lot to tell you this month,
starting with the news that Mrs Sinclair has given birth to a
beautiful little girl. Mrs Sinclair would like to thank all the people
who have sent her cards and wishes. We're looking forward to
welcoming her back next term on a shorter, part-time contract.

Our teachers have been busy writing some excellent e-Safety
information sheets for parents who are worried about keeping their
children safe online. These sheets will give you some practical tips
and suggestions to help you make sure your child is using the
Internet safely. If you are interested, give your name to the school
secretary and we'll contact you as soon as the sheets are available.

After-school clubs
Hopefully, your child has been attending one of our after-school
clubs this year. With classes like 'Karate Kids' and 'Tiny Tennis',
'Children's Chess' and 'Kids Art', we've tried to offer something of
interest to all our children. We've had several requests from parents
whose children have not attended an after-school class for different
activities. We'd like to point out that teachers run these clubs in their
own time and the activities we offer depend upon their skills and
knowledge. However, please keep giving us your suggestions; your
ideas are welcome. And if you have any interesting skills and have a
few free hours each week, please come in and talk to us.

School meals
We've managed to keep the price of school meals the same for the
past two years. Unfortunately, because of the rising cost of
ingredients, we'll be forced to charge a little more from next year.
If your child has a meal only once or twice a week, the cost will
be E2 per meal. For children having meals five days a week, the
cost will be E9 per week. If you are unemployed or if you have
difficulty paying for meals, please contact the school to see if
financial help is available.

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