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Case Report: Clinical Guidelines and Management of Ankyloglossia With 1-Year Followup: Report of 3 Cases

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Case Reports in Dentistry

Volume 2013, Article ID 185803, 6 pages

Case Report
Clinical Guidelines and Management of Ankyloglossia with
1-Year Followup: Report of 3 Cases

Mayur S. Bhattad, M. S. Baliga, and Ritika Kriplani

Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Sharad Pawar Dental College and Hospital, Sawangi 442001,
Wardha, Maharashtra, India
Correspondence should be addressed to Mayur S. Bhattad;

Received 10 November 2012; Accepted 4 December 2012

Academic Editors: N. Brezniak, I. El-Hakim, and P. Lopez Jornet

Copyright © 2013 Mayur S. Bhattad et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

e tongue is an important oral structure that affects speech, position of teeth, periodontal tissue, nutrition, swallowing, nursing,
and certain social activities. Ankyloglossia (tongue tie) is a congenital anomaly characterized by an abnormally short, thick lingual
frenulum which affects movement of tongue. ough the effect of ankyloglossia in general appears to be a minor condition,
but a major difference exists concerning the guidelines for tongue-tie division. ere are no accepted practical criteria for the
management of such condition, and hence this paper aims at bringing all the compilation in examination, diagnosis, treatment,
and management of tongue tie together for better clinical approach.

1. Introduction the incidence of tongue tie varies from 0.2% to 5% depending

on the population examined [3]. It is more common in
e tongue is an important organ that affects speech, position males, with male to female ratio of 2.5 : 1.0 [5]. Ankyloglossia
of the teeth, periodontal tissue, nutrition, and swallowing in infants has an incidence rate from 25% to 60%, and its
[1]. Most of us think of tongue tie as a situation we �nd presence can lead to difficulty in breastfeeding ranging from
ourselves in when we are too excited to speak. Tongue tie failure to thrive to even refusing the breast [4, 6–8].
is the nonmedical term for a relatively common physical Ankyloglossia can also be a part of certain rare syn-
condition that limits the use of the tongue, which is actually dromes like Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, orofacial digital
called as ankyloglossia [2]. syndrome, Beckwith Weidman syndrome, Simpson-Golabi-
Before birth, a strong cord of tissue guides the develop- Behmel syndrome, and X-linked cle palate with autosomal
ment of oral frenulum which is positioned in the centre of dominant or recessive trait [5, 9–12].
the mouth. Aer birth, this lingual frenulum continues to Ankyloglossia in children poses a diagnostic challenge for
guide the position of erupting teeth. As the child grows, it dentists. Recent reviews have revealed very minimal infor-
recedes and becomes thin. is frenulum is visible when we mation about what constitutes an abnormal lingual attach-
look at the mirror under the tongue. In some children, the ment and what criteria should be used to justify surgical
frenulum is especially tight, or it fails to recede and may cause intervention. Hence the purpose of this report is to describe
tongue immobility [2]. Hence ankyloglossia is de�ned as a ankyloglossia, its clinical signi�cance, and what guidelines
developmental anomaly of the tongue characterized by an should be followed before planning surgical intervention.
abnormally short, thick lingual frenum resulting in limitation
of tongue movement [3], or in simple terms, tongue tie is
present when the lingual frenulum is attached close to the 2. Case Reports
tongue tip, resulting in reduced tongue movement.
Various studies using different diagnostic criteria found Case Number 1. A 12-year-old female patient reported to the
a prevalence of ankyloglossia between 4 and 10% [4, 5], and Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry with
2 Case Reports in Dentistry

F 3: Preoperative photograph (Case 3).

F 1: Preoperative photograph (Case 1).

T 1: Kotlow’s classi�cation.

Type Movement of the tongue
Clinically acceptable, normal
Greater than 16 mm
range of free tongue movement
Class I: Mild ankyloglossia 12 to 16 mm
Class II: Moderate ankyloglossia 8 to 11 mm
Class III: Severe ankyloglossia 3 to 7 mm
Class IV: Complete ankyloglossia less than 3 mm

3. Clinical Assessment
F 2: Preoperative photograph (Case 2). All the 3 cases were assessed clinically by Kotlow’s criteria
(Table 1) in which normal range of motion of the tongue was
assessed [1], Hazelbaker’s assessment tool (Table 2) to observe
the functional movement and appearance of the tongue [13],
the chief complaint of pain in lower right and le posterior and speech analysis to identify and rectify defective speech
region. Oral examination of the patient revealed not only [3, 14].
multiple decayed teeth in lower arch but also an ankyloglossia Upon diagnosis of an ankyloglossia, the patient’s parents
with thick, short frenulum, restricted tongue protrusion, and were informed about the nature of the lesion, its functional
liing of the tip of the tongue (Figure 1). implications, and the variety of surgical approaches. e
patient’s family and medical history were noncontributory.
Case Number 2. An 8-year-old male patient reported to the Patient’s height and weight were appropriate for their age.
Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry with ��T and general physical examination revealed insigni�cant
the chief complaint of pain in upper right posterior region. �ndings. Hematologic examination of the patients was within
Aer clinical examination, decayed tooth and ankyloglossia normal range. Aer obtaining informed consent, the follow-
with restricted tongue movements were also observed. A bi�d ing procedures were carried out for correction of lingual
or heart shape of the anterior tip of the tongue was seen upon frenum.
attempted extension (Figure 2).
4. Clinical Management
Case Number 3. An 11-year-old male patient reported to
Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry with In the �rst and second case (cases number 1 and 2), frenum
the chief complaint of improper speech, and his parents also attachment was revised by conventional frenectomy. A top-
reported that he was not able to chew solid foods. Clinical ical anesthetic was applied to the underside of the tongue
examination revealed that patient had ankyloglossia with following which block anesthesia was given. Aer achieving
thick frenum, restricted tongue movements like protrusion, objective symptoms, a suture was passed at the middle of the
and liing of the tip of the tongue and a bi�d or heart shape tongue to control its movements, and two hemostat was used
of the anterior tip of the tongue, was observed. To assess to clamp the frenum: one at the under surface of the tongue
the extent of limitation of tongue movement, the mouth and another at the �oor of the mouth avoiding salivary gland
was carefully inspected under adequate illumination with a duct. Incision was placed above and below the hemostats
tongue depressor (Figure 3). to release the complete frenum. On achieving homeostasis,
Case Reports in Dentistry 3

T 2: Hazel baker’s Assessment tool for appearance and function of the tongue.

Appearance Function
Appearance of tongue when lied Lateralization
2: Round or square 2: Complete
1: Slight cle in tip apparent 1: Body or tongue but no tongue tip
0: Heart or V-shaped 0: None
Elasticity of frenulum Li of tongue
2: Very elastic 2: Tip to mid-mouth
1: Moderately elastic 1: Only edges to mid-mouth
0: Little or no elasticity 0: Tip stays at lower alveolar ridge or rises
to mid-mouth only with jaw closure
Length of lingual frenulum when tongue
Extension of tongue
2: >1 cm 2: Tip over lower lip
1: Tip over lower gum only
1: 1 cm
0: Neither of the above, or anterior or
0: <1 cm mid-tongue humps
Attachment of lingual frenulum to tongue Spread of anterior tongue
2: Posterior to tip 2: Complete
1: At tip 1: Moderate of partial
0: Notched tip 0: Little or none
Attachment of lingual frenulum to
inferior alveolar ridge
2: Attached to �oor of mouth or well 2: Entire edge, �rm cup
below ridge
1: Attached just below ridge 1: Side edges only, moderate cup
0: Attached at ridge 0: Poor or no cup
2: Complete, anterior or posterior
1: Partial, originating posterior to tip
0: None or reverse
14 = Perfect score, 11 = Acceptable if appearance item score is 10. Frenectomy is necessary if function score is <11 and appearance score is <8.

the area was sutured. e patients were discharged with

postoperative instructions.
In the third case (case number 3), frenum was relieved
by using diode lasers. A topical anesthetic was applied
to the underside of the tongue. Tongue was raised with
the thumb and index �nger, and the frenum was revised.
Aer achieving homeostasis, patient was discharged with
postoperative instructions.
Aer a week, sutures in all the cases were removed, and
case number 3 was referred to speech therapist (Figures 4, 5,
and 6). Aer 1-year followup, all the 3 cases were reassessed
again by using the same criterias. F 4: Postoperative photograph aer 7 days (Case 1).

5. Results
Using the Kotlow’s criteria and Hazelbaker’s assessment tool,
preoperative and postoperative scores were recorded. Aer 14, and 15 mm (Table 3), respectively, and functional score of
1-year followup, signi�cant improvement in prognosis of 9, 10, and 10 and appearance score of 6, 6, and 7 were changed
symptoms of ankyloglossia was observed (Figures 7, 8, and 9). to 14, 13, 12, and 9, 9, and 10 (Table 4), respectively. Speech
Free tongue movement increased from 7, 9, and 8 mm to 13, in case number 3 also signi�cantly improved (Table 5).
4 Case Reports in Dentistry

T 3: Pre-operative and post-operative assessment of free tongue

movement in all the 3 cases by using Kotlow’s criterias.

Pre-operative Post-operative,
free tongue Diagnosis free tongue Diagnosis
movement movement
1 7 mm Class III 13 mm Class I
2 9 mm Class II 14 mm Class I
3 8 mm Class II 15 mm Class I

F 5: Postoperative photograph aer 7 days (Case 2).

F 9: Postoperative photograph aer 1 year (Case 3).

F 6: Postoperative photograph aer 7 days (Case 3).

6. Discussion
Anatomical de�nition of ankyloglossia consists of descrip-
tions as well as absolute measurements. Descriptions include
the attachment of the frenulum to the tongue, the attachment
of the frenulum to the inferior alveolar ridge, the elasticity
of the lingual frenulum, and the appearance of the tongue
when lied. Absolute measurements include the length of the
lingual frenulum when the tongue is lied as well as the free
F 7: Postoperative photograph aer 1 year (Case 1).
tongue length [15].
According to �allace, functional de�nition includes it
as a condition in which the tip of the tongue cannot be
protruded beyond the lower incisor teeth because of a short
frenulum. On the other hand, tongue movement is more
complex than simple protrusion, and as a result functional
assessments criteria have included tongue lateralization,
tongue li, tongue spread, tongue cupping, and tongue snap
back [15].
Ankyloglossia can be divided into partial or complete
ankyloglossia. e academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Pro-
tocol de�nes partial ankyloglossia as the presence of a sublin-
gual frenulum which changes the appearance and/or function
of the infant’s tongue because of its decreased length, lack of
elasticity or attachment too distal beneath the tongue or too
close to or onto the gingival ridge. Complete ankyloglossia is
a condition in which there is extensive fusion of the tongue
F 8: Postoperative photograph aer 1 year (Case 2). to the �oor of the mouth which is extremely rare [16].
Case Reports in Dentistry 5

T 4: Pre-operative and post-operative assessment of functional and appearance score of all the 3 cases by using Hazel-Baker’s assessment
Pre-operative Pre-operative Post-operative Post-operative
Case number
function score appearance score function score appearance score
1 9 6 14 9
2 10 6 13 9
3 10 7 12 10

T 5: Pre-operative and post-operative assessment of speech in which should be determined by using Kotlow’s criteria [1]
all the 3 cases. in which classi�cation ranges from class I to class I�. e
Case Pre-operative associated Post-operative tip of the tongue should able to protrude outside the mouth
number problem associated problem without cleing and should be able to sweep the upper
and lower lips easily, without straining. When the tongue
1 No speech abnormality —
is retruded, it should not blanch the tissue lingual to the
2 No speech abnormality — anterior teeth and should not put excessive forces on the
3 Defective speech Improvement of speech mandibular anterior teeth. e lingual frenum should not
create a diastema between the mandibular central incisor, and
the frenum should not prevent an infant from attaching to the
mother’s nipple during nursing.
7. Consequences of Not Treating the Tongue Tie e functional movement and appearance of the tongue
could be determined by using Hazelbakers assessment tool
Appearance of the tongue could be abnormal in some [15]. In this tool, scores are given to each movement of the
individuals. Improper chewing and swallowing of food could tongue and appearance of the tongue. If the functional and
increase the gastric distress and bloating, and snoring and bed appearance score is below 11 and 8, then surgical invention
wetting at sleep are common among tongue tied children. should be considered.
It also affects children who want to participate in routine Patients should be asked to pronounce certain words
play which involves tongue movements, gestures, and speech. which start from “I,” “th,” “s,” “d,” and “t” to check the
Dental caries could occur due to food debris not being accuracy of the word pronunciations. If a defective speech
removed by the tongue’s action of sweeping the teeth and is observed, aer postoperative wound healing, referral to
spreading of saliva. Malocclusion like open bite due to thrust a speech therapist is mandatory for speech modi�cation.
created by being tongue tied, spreading of lower incisors with Postoperative tongue muscle exercises like licking the upper
periodontitis, and tooth mobility due to long-term tongue lip, touching hard palate with the tip of tongue, and side-
thrust are associated problems. It also affects self-esteem to-side movements should be explained to the patient for
because it has been noted clinically that occasionally an older enhanced tongue movements.
child or adult will be self-conscious or embarrassed about
their tongue tie that they may be teased by their classmates for
their anomaly. In infant feeding problem may be experienced 9. Conclusion
due to latching on to the nipple which may compress the
nipple against the gum resulting in nipple pain in mothers, Tongue tie affects a considerable number of infants and chil-
and due to this the mothers may oen try to shi the baby to dren. It is perhaps interesting that such a simple condition can
a bottle [3, 16–18]. cause such controversy and diversity of opinions. However, it
is important that accurate information and guidance is given
to parents with regard to the indications and potential bene-
8. Clinical Guidelines for �ts of tongue-tie revision, and that appropriate provisions are
Management of Ankyloglossia in place for those infants and children who require revision.
ese case reports offer guidelines which can be used by
ere is a wide difference of opinion regarding its clinical general and pediatric dentists for diagnosis and treatment of
signi�cance and optimal management. In many children, a tongue restriction resulting from ankyloglossia.
ankyloglossia is asymptomatic, and the condition may resolve
spontaneously, or affected children may learn to compen-
sate adequately for their decreased lingual mobility. Some References
children, however, bene�t from surgical intervention of their
tongue tie. Parents should be educated about the possible [1] L. A. Kotlow, “Ankyloglossia (tongue-tie): a diagnostic and
long-term effects of tongue tie, so that they may make an treatment quandary,” Quintessence International, vol. 30, no. 4,
pp. 259–262, 1999.
informed choice regarding possible therapy.
For effective management proper clinical guidelines are [2] [Internet] American Association of otolaryngolo-
mandatory. In ankyloglossia, the most important factor to gist: head and neck surgery: fact sheet, 2012, http://entnet
be considered is the normal range of motion of the tongue .org/HealthInformation/Ankyloglossia.cfm.
6 Case Reports in Dentistry

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