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Tongue Thrust Habit - A Review

Article · January 2009

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Singaraju Gowri sankar

Narayana Dental College and Hospital


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Annals and Essences of Dentistry
*Gowrisankar singaraju
**Chetan kumar

*Professor, Department of orthodontics, St. Joseph Dental College, Eluru.

**.Senior Lecturer , Department of Orthodontics, St. Joseph Dental College, Eluru.

There is interrelation ship between the form and function. The different abnormal habits may effect the
form of orofacial structures. The presence of one oral habit may induce the other. In this review article a new
induction chart is prepared to show the interrelation between different abnormal habits and their effect on form.
The chart also in turn explains how form can lead to development of different habits. Thus there is interrelation
ship between form and function.

Key words: form and function, etiology, tongue thrust habit, induction chart.

Tongue thrust is a defined as a condition in 4. Prolonged duration of tenderness of gum or

which the tongue makes contact with any teeth teeth can result in a change in swallowing
anterior to the molars during swallowing. pattern to avoid pressure on the tender zone
Tulley 1969 - states tongue thrust as the
forward movement of the tongue tip between the Upper respiratory tract infections Upper
teeth to meet the lower lip during deglutition and in respiratory tract infections such as mouth breathing,
sounds of speech, so that the tongue becomes chronic tonsillitis, allergies, push the tongue
interdental. forward due to pain and decrease in the amount of
Tongue thrust is an oral habit pattern space which brings about a tongue thrust swallow.
related to the persistence of an infantile swallow It may also be present due to the physiological need
pattern during childhood and adolescence and to maintain an adequate airway.
thereby produces an open bite and protrusion of the
anterior tooth segments Feeding practices Prolonged bottle feeding and
improper swallowing pattern has been attributed as
Types of tongue thrust one of the etiological factors of tongue thrusting.
1. Physiologic This comprises of the normal
tongue thrust swallow of infancy Maturational
2. Habitual The tongue thrust swallow is present i. Retained infantile swallow There is a
as a habit even after the correction of the considerable amount of evidence which
malocclusion. suggests that tongue thrust is merely a
3. Functional When the tongue thrust mechanism retention of the infantile suckling mechanism.
is an adaptive behaviour developed to achieve The infantile swallow changes to a mature
an oral seal, it can be grouped as functional. swallow once the posterior deciduous teeth
4. Anatomic Persons having enlarged tongue can start erupting. Sometimes the maturation is
have an anterior tongue posture. delayed and thus infantile swallow persists for a
longer duration of time. The tongue thrust
Etiology resulting from the retained infantile swallow has
Fletcher has proposed the following factors as being poorest prognosis( Fig I)
the cause for tongue thrusting.
a. Genetic or heredity factor : They are specific Functional adaptability: The tongue can protrude
anatomic or neuromuscular variations in the when the incisors are missing. Following the loss of
orofacial region that can precipitate tongue deciduous teeth and prior to full eruption of the
thrust. E.g. hypertonic orbicularis oris activity. permanent incisors, there exists a natural opening
b. Learned behavior ( habit ) : Tongue thrust for the tongue. The tip of the tongue may protrude
can be acquired as a habit. The following are into the open area during swallowing. This may
some of the predisposing factors that can lead disappear with the eruption of permanent central
to tongue thrusting ; incisors. The same may happen in the posterior
1. Improper bottle feeding region during transition of deciduous to permanent
2. Prolonged thumb sucking dentition
3. Prolonged tonsillar and upper respiratory tract

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a. Mechanical restrictions : The presence of b. Neurological disturbances affecting the

certain conditions such as macroglossia, oro-facial region such as Hyposensitive
constricted dental arches and enlarged palate, moderate motor disability, disruption
adenoids predispose to tongue thrust habit of sensory control and coordination of
(Fig2) swallowing can lead to tongue thrust.

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c. Induction The other habits like thumb d. Psychogenic factors : Tongue thrust can
sucking may result in anterior openbite. The sometimes occur as a result of forced
tongue thrusting may develop as a discontinuation of other habits like thumb
compensatory mechanism and is seen to sucking. It is often seen that children who are
protrude between the anterior teeth during forced to leave thumb sucking habit often take
swallowing to form a lip tongue seal instead of upon tongue thrusting.
lip to lip seal as seen in normal swallow.( see
flow chart on induction)( Fig3 and 4)

Classification of tongue thrust Classification of tongue thrust by james s.
Braner and Holt
Table gives the james and Holt
classification of tongue thrust. The term non- Type I Non deforming tongue thrust
deforming in this classification implies that the inter Type II Deforming anterior tongue thrust
digitation of teeth and the profile are acceptable and Sub group 1: anterior open bite
within normal range. Deforming tongue thrust is Sub group 2 : associated
associated with some dento- alveolar defect. procumbency of anterior teeth
Sub group 3: associated posterior
cross bite
Type III Deforming lateral tongue thrust
Sub group 1: posterior open bite
Sub group 2 : posterior cross bite
Sub group 3: deep overbite
Type IV Deforming anterior and lateral tongue
Sub group 1: Anterior and posterior
open bite
Sub group 2 : proclination of anterior
Sub group 3: posterior crossbite.

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Tongue thrust can also be classified as simple Extra oral features ( Fig 5)
tongue thrust and complex tongue thrust.
1. Usually dolichocephalic face.
1. SIMPLE TONGUE THRUST: (Anterior tongue 2. Increased lower anterior facial height
thrusting) 3. Incompetent lips
It is defined as tongue thrust with a teeth together 4. Expresion less face as the mandible is
swallow. It is usually associated with the history of stabilized by facial muscles instead of
digit sucking. The features observed depends upon masticatory muscles during deglutition.
the duration, intensity and frequency of the habit. Speech problems like sibilant distortions and lisping
Some of the features are common to thumb etc.. Abnormal mentalis muscle activity is seen
sucking and mouth breathing also.

Intra oral features held apart during swallow in order that the tongue
1. Proclined, spaced and some times flared upper can remain in a protruded position
anteriors resulting in increased overjet.
2. Retroclined or proclined lower anteriors Features
depending upon the type of tongue thrust.
3. Presence of an anterior open bite. The following features are seen :
4. Presence of posterior crossbites. 1. Proclination of anterior teeth
5. The simple tongue thrust is characterized by a 2. Bimaxillary protrusion
normal tooth contact during the swallowing act. 3. This kind of tongue thrust is characterized
They exhibit good intercuspation of posterior by a teeth apart swallow.
teeth in contrast to complex tongue thrust. 4. The anterior open bite can be diffuse or
6. The tongue is thrust forward during swallowing absent.
to help establish an anterior lip seal. At rest the 5. Absence of temporal muscle constriction
tongue tip lies at a lower level. during swallowing.
6. Patients with a complex tongue thrust
2. COMPLEX TONGUE THRUST: ( ANTERIOR combine contractions of the lip, facial and
It is defined as tongue thrust with a teeth apart 7. The occlusion of teeth may be poor. Poor
swallow. It is usually associated with chronic occlusal fit, no firm intercuspation.
nasorespiratory distress, mouth breathing, tonsillitis, 8. Posterior open bite in case of lateral tongue
and pharyngitis. thrust
9. Posterior crossbite

Pain and lessening of space in the throat precipitate

a new forward tongue posture and swallowing
reflex. Because maintenance of airway patency is a
more primitive and demanding reflex than the
mature swallow, the later is conditioned to the
necessity for mouth breathing. The jaws are thus

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Simple Complex

1. Open bite is well defined with definite

1. Open bite is diffuse, ill defined.
beginning and ending.

2. Mandible is stabilized by muscles of 2. Mandible is stabilized by muscles of

mastication lips and cheeks ( facial muscles)

3. Facial muscle contraction during 3. Facial muscle contraction can be seen

swallowing is not seen during swallowing

4. Proper, secure, posterior occlusal fit. 4. No proper posterior occlusal fit.

5. Usually will have a previous history of 5. Usually will have history of tonsillitis or
thumb sucking. airway obstruction.

6. Treatment is simple with less relapse 6. Treatment is difficult with , more

tendency. relapse tendency.

7. Occlusal equilibration may be needed. 7. Occlusal equilibration is mandatory.

3.Lateral tongue thrust (posterior tongue It may be unilateral or bilateral and depends upon
thrust) Some patients usually develop into a habit the type of tongue thrust. A double oral screen is
by thrusting the tongue on to the lateral aspect. used to correct this problem
Clinically lateral open bite can be seen.

V. Management of tongue thrust: However it is seen that orthodontic interception is

usually more successful than correction if initiated
Age Tongue thrust often self-corrects by 8 or 9 during the early mixed dentition stage of dental
years of age by the time the permanent anterior development or between ages 9-11 years.
teeth completely erupt. The self-correction occurs
because of an improved muscular balance during
swallowing as the mature swallow is adopted.
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Treatment is generally not recommended when
tongue thrust is present without malocclusion or a iii. 4S exercises. This includes identifying the
speech problem. If the tongue thrust is present with spot by tongue, salivating, squeezing the
malocclusion spot and swallowing.

but no speech problem orthodontic correction of the First exercise is spotting exercise. Spot should be
malocclusion will usually eliminate the tongue the rest position of the tongue . Next is the 2 S
thrust. exercise. Place the tongue on the spot. It results in
If the tongue thrust is present along with salivation. It should be followed by squeezing the
malocclusion and a speech problem, speech-and tongue vigorously with the teeth closed against the
orthodontic correction are needed. spot. 'Squeeze' is done by squeezing followed by
relaxing. This is 3S exercise. This should be
Management of Simple tongue thrust followed by 4S exercise.
The patient should practice the new swallowing
The management of tongue thrust involves pattern at least 40 times a day. After learning the
interception of the habit i.e., to remove the etiology new swallowing pattern at conscious level, it is
followed by treatment to correct the malocclusion. necessary to reinforce it subconsciously for
Once the habit is intercepted the malocclusion transforming the control of the reflex from conscious
associated with the tongue thrust is treated using to unconscious level. Citric acid tablet with bi
removable or fixed orthodontic appliances. concave surface is used for the above said
transformation. Ask the patient to hold the tablet
The treatment of tongue thrust can be divided into using the tongue tip against the hard and soft palate
various steps: as long as possible. Initially the patient can hold for
only a few seconds, gradually the duration can be
I. Training of correct swallow and posture of the extended. The patient concentration should be
tongue diverted towards a hand held clock to note down the
duration of holding the tablet in correct position.
a. Myofunctional exercises Most of the patients can be treated using the above
said treatment protocol. If is not corrected, the
Educate the patient about normal swallowing by patient has to go to the next step of the treatment.
asking the patient to keep the tongue tip against the
junction of soft and hard palate. Various muscle II. Appliances to guide the correct positioning
exercise of the tongue can help in training it to of tongue( Fig 8-11)
adapt to the new swallowing pattern.
Once the patient is familiar with the new tongue
i.. The child is asked to place the tip of the tongue position an appliance is given for training the
in the rugae area for 5 minutes and is asked to correct positioning of the tongue.
Pre orthodontic trainer/ Tongue trainer This
ii. The tongue tip against the palate can hold small appliance aids in the correct positioning of the
orthodontic elastics during swallowing. If the tongue with the help of tongue tags. The tongue
swallow is correct the elastic will be retained in guards prevent the tongue thrusting when in place
position. .it can also used to correct mouth breathing habit(
fig 8)

III. Mechano therapy Both fixed and removable

appliances (cribs or rakes ) can be fabricated to
restrain anterior tongue movement during
swallowing with the objective of retraining the
tongue to a more posterior superior position in the
oral cavity. Both fixed and removable are valuable
aids in breaking the habit.

All forms of habit braking appliances ( tongue thrust

appliance ) have some form of physical obstruction
to the forceful anterior movements of tongue during
thrusting. These appliances tends to force the
tongue downward and backward during swallowing..
The spurs and cribs which are placed palatally
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Annals and Essences of Dentistry
acts to wall off the tongue during thrusting The inserted; protectively the tongue is withdrawn
appliance also conditions the reflexes and guides from the abnormal position and placed
the tongue position so that the dorsum of the properly during swallowing
tongue approximates the palatal vault and the tip of 2. For cooperative patients oral screen can be
the tongue contacts the palatal rugae during used.
deglutition. As a result the tongue spreads laterally 3. Removable appliance with tongue spurs or
and exerts pressure on the maxillary buccal portion spikes can also be used in cooperative
is widened thereby preventing the narrowing of the patients.
arch 4. A fixed crib may be used along with fixed
corrective appliance
Choice of appliance: The flow chart shows the mechanism of this
1. A well adapted soldered lingual arch wire appliances and how they interrupt thumb
having short, sharp spurs can now be sucking and tongue thrusting habit

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a. Removable appliance therapy b. Fixed Habit breaking appliance

A variety of modifications of Hawley's appliance Bands are adopted on the first permanent molar
can be used to treat tongue thrust. It has an active and a 0.040 inch stainless steel 'U'– shaped wire is
labial bow, retentive clasps, a crib or rake or spikes adopted from one molar to another molar of the
present posteriorly to the upper anterior teeth. The opposite side. After the base bar is fabricated the
crib can serve as a reminder. The spikes should be crib can be formed and soldered to the base.
bent in such a way that when it is worn it should not Depending on the severity of the open bite, 6-12
impinge on lower anteriors or anterior lingual alveoli. months may be required for the autonomous
Usually the open bite is closed down by activating correction of the malocclusion.
the labial bow. Activation of labial bow reduces the The cribs acts by walling off the tongue from the
proclination of the upper anterior teeth. The acrylic dentoalveolar structures. They acts as remainders
should be trimmed off from the gingival marginal to the tongue when ever it tries to thrust forwards. A
area of the lingual surfaces of the maxillary new engram is created by the nervous system so
anteriors to allow the incisors to be move palatally. that the tongue learns proper position in long term.
The loops of the tongue crib are removed one by Thus this appliances create a new neuromuscular
one as the patient is weaned from the habit behavior.
appliance over a 6 month period.
The cribs can be fabricated along with expansion
devices like quadhelix and expansion screw if the
arch is constricted.

C.Oral screen of the developing malocclusion, is the vestibular or

Another effective means of controlling abnormal oral screen or a combination. These appliances
muscle habits like tongue thrusting and at the same have been used mostly to intercept mouth breathing
time utilizing the musculature to effect a correction ,tongue thrusting, lip biting and cheek biting. They
also correct mild proclination of anterior teeth.

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The two reflexes involved are
1. Abnormal occlusal reflex
2. Abnormal swallow
1. Treat the occlusion first with contemporary
fixed orthodontic appliance followed by
careful equilibration.
2. The muscle training then begun is similar to
that for a simple tongue thrust with minor
3. Great emphasis must be placed on keeping
Management of complex tongue thrust the teeth together during swallowing.
4. A maxillary lingual archwire with short,
The prognosis of complex tongue thrust will not be sharp spurs may be used as retainer.
that much good when compared to simple tongue
5. It is important to do meticulous teeth
thrust if it is of neuromuscular origin..
positioning and careful equilibration
followed by persistent myotherapy.
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Professor of Orthodontics
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