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Handbook of Trematodes of North America, Schell 1985

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of North America
North of Mexico

Stewart C. Schell
TREMATODES OF NORTH AMERICA is intended as an identification
manual and a concise source of information on larval stages, life cycles,
anatomy, host relationships, and habitats of trematodes. The book should
be useful to parasitologists, students of parasitology, and wildlife
Keys have been written to make use of the most easily observed anatom-
ical features. Keys to families and genera of adult trematodes are pro-
vided, as well as a key to the more common groups of cercariae. Pub-
lished keys to species are also cited. Numerous illustrations assist with
Dr. Stewart C. Schell is Professor and Chairman of Zoology Emeritus,
University of Idaho.

ISBN 0-89381-095-2


Stewart C. Schell

Department of Biological Sciences

University of Idaho, Moscow


3q I

ISBN 0-89301-095-2
Library of Congress Catalog Number 83-51527
Copyright © 1985 by the University Press of Idaho
All rights reserved

Published by the University Press of Idaho

A Division of the Idaho Research Foundation, Inc.
Box 3368, University Station, Moscow, Idaho 83843

This revised edition is meant to be of use as an identification Page
manual and easy source of concise information on larval stages
The Adult Trematode 1
and life cycles of trematodes for undergraduate and graduate
The Habitat of Adult Trematodes 3
students in parasitology and for the professional parasitologist,
pathologist, veterinarian, or medical technician. The coverage is The Early Larval Stages and Their Place in the Life Cycle .4
restricted to the genera and higher categories known to occur in Key to Cercariae 10
North America north of Mexico. Parasites of shore fishes and Mesocercaria 18
other shore fauna are included, but the parasites of deep sea Metacercaria 19
animals are largely excluded.
Progenesis : 22
The keys are designed to facilitate identification and not to
show phylogenetic relationship. A key for the identification of Techniques for Live Larval Stages 22
families is provided for each of the three subclasses of trema- Collection and Preservation of Adult Trematodes 23
todes. Keys to the genera of adult trematodes follow under the Preparation of Stained Whole Mounts 24
individual family headings. A key is also included for the more Key to Subclasses of Trematodes 25
common types of cercariae. In writing keys, every effort was
Key to Families and Genera of Subclass Monogenea 25
made to use the most easily-observed anatomical features;
Key to Families and Genera of Subclass Aspidogastrea 73
however, there are cases in which this procedure could not be
followed. The key to the families of digenetic trematodes was Key to Families and Genera of Subclass Digenea 78
exceptionally difficult to write. The author is not pleased with Literature Cited 250
some parts of it. Although the superfamilies of the monogenetic Index 257
trematodes are included in the key, this plan was not followed
for the digenetic trematodes because their diagnoses are based
primarily on the characters of the larval stages. Host
relationship, habitat of the parasites, and the numerous line
drawings will also aid identification.
The classification of the subclasses Monogenea and Aspido-
gastrea seems to be well established at this time, but that of the
Digenea is still in a state of change, due primarily to inadequate
knowledge of life cycles. There are numerous families in which
no life cycles are known. This is especially true of those that par-
asitize marine vertebrates.
The author is responsible for the line drawings, many of which
were prepared after examination of type specimens or reliably
identified specimens. The type species is illustrated when this is
known to occur in North America. Under Literature Cited I have
included only those papers that pertain to life cycle studies and
published keys to species.
The author is indebted to J.R. Lichtenfels and his predeces-
sor, the late W.W. Becklund for the loan of numerous type speci-
mens from the National Parasite Collection. I am grateful to R.M.
Cable, M.H. Pritchard, and the late HW. Manter for advice and
the loan of reprints. J.C. Pearson was especially helpful with the
family Heterophyidae and H.L. Ching with the family Gymno-
phallidae. Finally I want to express my appreciation to the many
parasitologists who loaned specimens from which I prepared
drawings or who sent reprints or copies of reprints for my use.
Without their cooperation the book would be far less satisfactory.

Moscow, Idaho Stewart C. Schell

The trematodes represent a class in the phylum Platyhel- in digenetic trematodes in the families Campulidae, Fasciolidae,
minthes (flatworms) which are characterized as having the body and Pronocephalidae. A single cecum is present in most spe-
usually flattened dorso-ventrally and have the internal organs cies of aspidogastreans, some digeneans (e.g. Haplosplanchni-
embedded in parenchyma tissue which arises from mesoderm dae, Monascidae and Bucephalidae), and in some monoge-
and resembles the mesenchyme of embryos. They also have an neans (e.g. Udonellidae and Tetraonchidae). The mouth is
osmoregulatory or excretory system composed of flame cells, located at or near the anterior end of the body in all trematodes,
tubules, ducts, and one or two vesicles. Most platyhelminths are except those in the family Bucephalidae in which it is on the mid-
hermaphroditic. The phylum contains the classes Turbellaria or ventral body surface. In most species, the ceca end blindly but in
ciliated free-living flatworms, the Cestoidea or tapeworms and some they are fused posteriorly to form a cyclocoel as in several
the Trematoda or flukes. The class Trematoda contains sub- families of the monogeneans and in the digeneans of the family
classes Monogenea, Aspidogastrea, and Digenea. Cyclocoelidae. Cecal variations are common in the family Ope-
All species of trematodes are parasitic. There are approxi- coelidae in which ceca can end blindly, fuse to form a cyclocoel,
mately 200 families, 1800 genera, and more than 8000 de- open through separate ani posteriorly, fuse to open through a
scribed species. Sizes range from a fraction of a millimeter to single anus, or fuse with th~ excretory vesicle to form a uroproct
about 12 meters. Body shape varies greatly as the illustrations or cloaca which then opens through a cloacal pore.
on the following pages reveal. Adult trematodes in the three Most trematodes are hermaphroditic (monoecious), but those
subclasses are quite different in their anatomy. Those in the in the family Schistosomatidae and some species in the family
subclass Monogenea (Fig. 1) are recognized most readily by Didymozoidae are dioecious (gonochoristic) with a distinct sex-
the structure of the holdfast organs which are located at the an- ual dimorphism. The female reproductive system is composed
terior and posterior ends of the body. The prohaptor at the anter- of an ovary, oviduct, ootype, Mehlis' gland, uterus, vitelline
ior end may contain a single oral sucker, a pair of small buccal glands, seminal receptacle, and Laurer's canal. In some monog-
suckers, one or more pseudosuckers, a pair of bothria, paired enetic trematodes (Polyopisthocotylea), a genito-intestinal canal
head lappets, or it can be glandular with gland ducts and their joins the right cecum with the oviduct. This canal is thought to be
pores distributed along the anterior margin or grouped to form homologous to Laurer's canal in the digenetic trematodes. The
compact head organs. The opisthaptor at the posterior end of monogenetic flukes may have one, two, or no vaginae with
the body may be in the form of a muscular disc, with or without pores that may be ventral, marginal, or in a few species, dorsal
septa and loculi (alveoli); anchors and hooks might also be pres- and located in the anterior third of the body. Laurer's canal func-
ent on this type of opisthaptor. In some monogeneans, the opis- tions as a vagina in those digenetic trematodes that cross in-
thaptor is membranous and contains anchors and hooks. The seminate. It can also receive excess reproductive products as in
opisthaptor of a few species contains muscular suckers, with. or the hemiuroid flukes where vitelline material has been found in
without curved sclerites or it may contain clamps. In some spe- it. In some species, Laurer's canal contains a dilated area that
cies, the Clamps are mounted directly on the sides of the body serves as a seminal receptacle. Copulation may occur by way of
instead of on a distinct opisthaptor. Clamps are bivalved struc- the genital pore, thus introducing sperm into the uterus for even-
tures, consisting of two membranous flops which have a sup- tual storage in a uterine seminal receptacle.
porting frame work of sclerites which vary in size, shape, num- The terminus of the uterus in most families of digenetic trema-
ber and arrangement. Clamps thus provide features which aid in todes is modified to form a muscular metraterm of more rarely a
identification of families and genera. In some monogenetic tre- spiny terminal organ as in some species in the family Monorchii-
matodes, the larval opisthaptor persists and after some increase dae. Both of the above organs function in the release of eggs.
in size becomes the opisthaptor of the adult, on which the larval Vitelline glands can be follicular, tubular or compact. The glands
marginal hooks are retained. In a few species, the opisthaptor of consist of clusters of multiplying vitelline cells which secrete
the adult is a new one on which the tiny larval haptor is retained. shell material and some lipid. Some vitelline cells surround the
Most trematodes in the subclass Aspidogastrea (Fig. 2) have zygote within the egg.
a large ventral adhesive disc which contains septa and rows of The male reproductive system consists of one to many testes,
alveoli or in the family Stichocotylidae a linear series of muscular vasa efferentia, vas deferens, prostate gland and vesicle, ejacu-
suckers along the ventral body surface. In the family Rugogastri- latory duct, cirrus, and cirrus sac. Most species of digenetic tre-
dae about three-fourths of the ventral surface of the body con- matodes have two testes; a few have one testis. Many species
tains transverse ridges and grooves (rugae). of monogeneans have multiple testes. The seminal vesicle can
In the subclass Digenea (Fig. 3) a muscular oral and a ventral be internal, inside the cirrus sac, or external, outside the cirrus
sucker are the usual holdfast organs, however, some digenetic sac. In some species both external and internal sacs are pre-
flukes are without suckers (e.g. Cyclocoelidae and Bivesiculi- sent. If the cirrus sac is absent, the seminal vesicle is said to be
dae). The spiny retractile proboscides in the family Rhopaliidae "free in the parenchyma." The cirrus, which is frequently spin-
and the spiny collar in the Echinostomatidae also serve as or- ous and usually eversible in many species, is the male copulato-
gans for attachment to host tissues. ry organ. It is enclosed within the cirrus sac with the prostate
In other anatomical features, the trematodes in the three sub- gland and prostatic vesicle. The functions for the latter are un-
classes display some similarity. The digestive system consists known.
of a mouth, pharynx, esophagus, and one or two intestinal ceca. The reproductive system opens to the exterior through one or
In some trematodes the pharynx and/or esophagus is absent. two (male and female) genital pores which can be located in al-
Intestinal ceca may be long or short and might have side most any part of the body, depending upon the species. Genital
branches (diverticula) as in many monogenetic trematodes and pores are usually ventral and median but in some species they
~--- buccal sucker
pharynx ---I--m
l±-~,------- esophagus
genital pore ---I-_{'ol


cecum ---f-it-'h 1. Ir..V'4/I-.{<4=4-- uterus .

vitelline follicles ----M'""_/O)

~~-.j#;;!t--- testes

clamp -----J~~


\d~~J:..~~'--- hooks

Fig. 1. Generalized monogenetic trematode.

buccal funnel ----li.;;:

~~-\--- pharynx

-\-+---- cecum

I J!:'3I--++---- metraterm
cirrus sac ---#+---\,f:I:.:::11

ventral disc f'-'IilIri--- uterus

~~~,jL.----lf--_ ovary

~"4f+-- vitelline follicles

testis --4H---+

excretory pore ---=--IV

Fig. 2. Generalized aspidogastrean trematode.

ra?m~d------C>_--oral sucker

J3"--------~- prepharynx
pharynx -+-----t:lJ::I
esophagus -+------4\,---- cirrus

11w.!k--------lt-- metraterm
prostate gland --h----,rq. 'l!J~~ -----.------\--
cirrus sac
internal seminal vesicle -t-e---.--r--Af:'<
external seminal vesicle -#::I--II!'-I'---J'F

ventral sucker -~:--tf--rtt---t5~n-('(~

vas deferens -t-r..----.~HI -'h.--'-1~- cecum

ovary -ho~lr.-H~~~ r-+-ootype

';;:-Jf--tfll~~..-t- Mehlis' gland
vitelline reservoir -r..~~~~~~mJ ~!!f4--L..J!'-+-- seminal receptacle

vas efferens ~:::~~~~~~~ Laurer's canal

vitelline follicles --+--hh~hcl--- testis

excretory vesicle

__ 's!:.::::7""---- excretory pore

Fig. 3. Generalized digenetic trematode.

are lateral, submedian, or even dorsal. Species in the families body surface through a genital pore. In some species, the geni-
Hemiuridae, Deropristiidae, Cryptogonimidae, Haploporidae, tal atrium contains papillae, pockets (alveoli), and spines.
Heterophyidae, Strigeidae, Acanthocolpidae, et a/ have the ter- The osmoregulatory system is composed of a bilateral sys-
minal portions of the male and female systems fused to form the tem of flame cells, tubules, collecting ducts, and one or two vesi-
hermaphroditic duct ( = genital sinus). In the families Hemiuri- cles. The system opens to the exterior through a pore which is
dae and Haploporidae, this-duct is enclosed in a sinus- or her- located at the posterior end of the body in the digeneans and as-
maphroditic sac. Most species in the superfamily Strigeoidea pidogastreans. In the monogeneans, there are two vesicles and
have the hermaphroditic duct within a genital cone that opens two lateral pores near the anterior end of the body.
into a copulatory bursa at the posterior end of the body. The nervous system consists of a group of ganglia located in
In the families Heterophyidae and Cryptogonimidae the ven- the anterior part of the body and joined to paired longitudinal
tral sucker and the genital pore are in some instances withdrawn trunks that extend anterior and posterior from the ganglia.
into a ventrogenital sac which might also contain one or more Numerous transverse commissures join the longitudinal
fleshy gonotyls. In some heterophyids a genital sac is present, a trunks, forming a network. In some species, pigmented eye-
cavity containing the g~nital pore and the gonotyl if the latter is spots are present, as in digeneans in the families Lepocreadii-
present. Many species in the family Microphallidae et a/ have a dae, Deropristiidae, and Crytogonimidae, as well as in numer-
genital atrium, a ventral chamber that receives the openings ous species of monogenetic trematodes.
from the male and female reproductive ducts and opens on the


Most species of monogenetic trematodes are ectoparasites Some have been reported from the body surface of molluscs.
on the skin and gills of fishes, however, a few species inhabit the Those in the family Stichocotylidae inhabit the gall bladder and
urinary tract of fish, amphibians, and reptiles. Species in the bile duct of rays, and Taeniocoty/e e/egans has a similar habitat
family Udonellidae parasitize parasitic copepods on marine fish- in chimaeras. The single species in the family Rugogastridae
es. was collected from the rectal glands of chimaeras.
The aspidogastrean trematodes almost all exist as endopara- Most species of digenetic trematodes inhabit the lumen of
sites of gastropod or lamellibranch molluscs, fishes, and turtles. various parts of the digestive tract of vertebrates. Some of the
more unusual habitats for these parasites are the bursa of Fab- dae); the gall bladder, bile duct, and liver of birds and mammals
ricius of birds (Gymnophallidae, Leucochloridiidae, Leucochlori- (Dicrocoeliidae, Fasciolidae and Opisthorchiidae); the branchial
diomorphidae); the coelom of fishes (Didymozoidae, Azygiidae, cavity of fishes (Syncoelidae); urinary bladder of fishes (Gorgo-
Gorgoderidae); the Eustachian tubes and pharynx of amphibi- deridae); swim bladder of fishes (Isoparorchiidae and Tetrasteri-
ans (Hemiuridae); the conjunctival sac of birds (Philophthalmi- dae); urinary bladder of turtles and fishes (Pronocephalidae);
dae); ovaries of fishes (Cephaloporidae); oviduct of birds (Pros- the blood vessels of fishes (Sanguinicolidae), of reptiles (Spiror-
thogonimidae); pancreatic duct of birds (Dlcrocoeuldae); nasal chiidae), of birds and mammals (Schistosomatidae); trachea
cavities of marine mammals (Nasitrematidae); the skin of birds and air sacs of birds (Cyclocoelidae); the lungs of amphibians
(Collyriclidae); beneath the scales of fishes (Transversotremati- (Haematoloechidae), of reptiles (Heronimidae and Ochetoso-
dae); the kidneys and ureters of birds (Renicolidae and Eucotyli- matidae), of mammals (Paragonimidae).

The trematode egg is ectolecithal, composed of an egg shell cles; however, in the genera Lobatostoma and Rugogaster
or capsule which envelopes the zygote and a cluster of vitelline there is some possibility that an intermediate host is involved in
cells which surround the zygote and provide nutriment for the the life cycle.
developing embryo. Egg size and shape varies with the different The hatching stage of the digenetic trematodes is a mir.acidi-
species (Fig. 4). Most eggs are ovoid and have an operculum or um (Fig. 7) which is ciliated and motile in all species except
lid at one end which opens at time of hatching, permitting the those in the superfamilies Hemiuroidea, Azygioidea and Didy-
embryo to escape. The shells of some eggs have filamentous mozooidea which produce nonciliated spinous, and nonmotile
prolongations at one or both ends, thus forming unipolar or bipo- miracidia. Cilia are mounted on flat epidermal cells which in
lar filaments. The filaments probably serve to anchor the eggs most species are distributed uniformly over the body surface,
after oviposition, preventing them from being swept away by however, in the families Bucephalidae and Leucochloridiomorhi-
water currents. dae the cilia are arranged in clusters or mounted on paddle-like
Eggs that contain a fully developed embryo are said to be bars that protrude from the body. The number and arrangement
embryonated. The embryo or hatching stage in the three sub- of the epidermal cells, expressed as an epidermal cell formula,
classes differ in their anatomy and in the names applied to them. is of use in classification and provides evidence of phylogenetic
The hatching stage of the monogenetic trematodes is an oncho- relationship of families and superfamilies. It is assumed that
miracidium (Fig. 5). They are ciliated in almost all species, with closely related species produce miracidia that are similar in their
the cilia arranged in patches or tufts on the body surface. A typ- anatomy. Criteria for determining relationship are number of
ical onchomiracidium has two pairs of pigmented eyespots, a pairs of flame cells, number and arrangement of germinal cells,
pharynx, one or two intestinal ceca and an excretory system presence or absence of penetration glands and of course the
with flame cells and tubules. Anchors and hooks are attached at epidermal cell formula.
the posterior end of the body, sometimes on a distinct opisthap- The miracidia of many species have a terebratorium, con-
tor. After hatching the onchomiracidium attaches to the same or taining sensory papillae and pores of gland ducts, located at the
a different host and, after undergoing some anatomical changes anterior tip of the body. Internal structures consist of germinal
and growth, develops to the adult stage. Some larval structures cells, penetration glands, apical gland (hatching gland), subepi-
such as eyespots, hooks, anchors, and the digestive system are dermal cells, flame cells, excretory tubules, central nerve gang-
retained by the adult. If suckers or clamps are destined to be lion (brain) and in some species pigmented eyespots. The ger-
present on the opisthaptor these develop one pair at a time, the minal cells multiply and produce embryos for the succeeding
most posterior pairs developing first. In some species, the life generation of larvae. The penetration glands are thought to se-
cycle of the parasite is closely synchronized with the life cycle of crete enzymes that aid penetration of a mollusc which is always
the host, as in the family Polystomatidae. Seasonal changes are the first intermediate host for digenetic trematodes. The flame
known to have considerable influence on the production of eggs cells are joined to tubules that open through pores at the sides of
and the developing larvae of monogenetic trematodes. the body and function in maintaining a satisfactory osmotic
The hatching stage of the aspidogastrean trematodes is a co- relationship in the body.
tylocidium (Fig. 6) which is almost always nonciliated, has a The life cycles of the digenetic trematodes involve a series of
muscular sucker near the posterior end and a buccal funnel and multiplying larval stages in the host mollusc. After hatching, the
mouth at the anterior end of the body. Internal anatomy resem- miracidium either penetrates a mollusc or the embryonated eggs
bles that of the onchomiracidium. Once the cotylocidium hatch- are eaten by the mollusc and then the hatching occurs in the in-
es and attaches to a suitable host, it undergoes gradual devel- testine of the host. After entering the mollusc, the miracidium
opment to the adult stage. This involves the development of a usually metamorphoses to a sporocyst (Fig. 8) through loss of
new and somewhat elaborate adhesive disc which extends over ciliated epidermal cells, resorption of glands and multiplication
most of the ventral surface of the body and may contain several of germinal cells. The flame cells and tubules are retained as the
rows of alveoli (loculi) and septa or sometimes conical papillae early excretory system of the sporocyst which is barely more
as in the family Aspidogasteridae, transverse rugae as in the than a mass of proliferating germinal cells enclosed in a delicate
family Rugogastridae or a linear series of muscular suckers as limiting membrane. The germinal cells eventually give rise to a
in the family Stichocotylidae. Organs of reproduction also devel- second generation of larvae which might be either rediae or
op. Only one host is used for completion of most of these life cy- daughter sporocysts depending upon the species. Daughter
c. Capsala sp.

e. Pseudacanthocotyla sp.
d. Rajonchocotyle sp.

b. Halipegus sp.

a. Notocotylus sp.

1. Rugogaster sp. g. Paragonimus sp. h. Trichobilharzia sp. i. Schistosoma sp.

Fig. 4. Trematode eggs.

Fig. 5. Onchomiracidium of monogenetic trematode. Fig. 6. Cotylocidium of aspidogastrean trematode.

sporocysts can be branched or unbranched (Figs. 9 and 10), but tion of germinal cells, some of which pass from one generation
in either case they produce embryos that develop into cercariae. to the next, thus providing for a germinal lineage which begins
The branched sporocysts of species in the family Leucochloridii- with the germinal cells in the miracidium.
dae contain one or more brightly colored, pulsating brood sacs Usually the first rediae are produced by a sporocyst but in a
(Fig. 9) into which the cercariae migrate for development to few species in the genera Stichorchis, Phi/ophtha/mus, Cyc/o-
metacercarial stage. Unbranched sporocysts are either elong- coelum and Parorchis the miracidium contains a tiny mother re-
ate or ovoid and, like the branched ones, have a syncytial body dia which is released as the miracidium contacts the first inter-
wall, a central cavity or lumen which contains the embryos and mediate host. Such rediae can either produce a generation of
germinal cells and an osmoregulatory (excretory) system in the daughter rediae or give rise to cercariae directly, the routine fol-
body wall. Larvae of the succeeding generation escape through lowed depends upon the species.
a terminal birthpore. If two generations of sporocysts are pro- As in all living organisms there are variations from the normal.
duced, the first is designated the mother sporocyst and the sec- In one species of digenetic trematode, sporocysts have been
ond the daughter sporocyst generation. Two generations of re- found to be of two kinds. One produces only miracidia whereas
diae are likewise mother and daughter rediae (Figs. 11 and 12). the other produces miracidia and daughter sporocysts simulta-
Granddaughter sporocysts and rediae have been reported for a neously (Mohandas and Nadakal, 1970). In another species,
few species. three generations of sporocysts develop, the first producing only
The redia can be distinguished from the sporocyst by the miracidia, the second miracidia and daughter sporocysts con-
muscular pharynx at the anterior end of the body. Attached to currently and the third produces only cercariae (Premvati,
the pharynx is a sac-like intestine. Like the sporocyst, the redia 1955). Several species are known to give rise to sporocysts
also has a body wall and body cavity. Germinal cells in the body which produce daughter sporocysts and cercariae simulta-
cavity multiply to produce embryos of future larval stages. In neously, the daughter sporocysts eventually producing only cer-
most rediae a birth pore is located laterally somewhere near the cariae. Both sporocysts and rediae are therefore capable of pro-
pharynx. The germinal cells eventually give rise to daughter re- ducing cercariae which usually leave the host mollusc and lead
diae or cercariae. a brief free-living existence before changing to the next larval
The type of development described above involves multiplica- stage.

terebratorium ----...",f::':l..

glands ----i'~1t<

h-ti='-- germinal cells

a. Opecoelid miracidium b. Epidermal plates

c. Halipegus sp.

stylet gland --f---1~,

,,----- ciliated bar

tuft of cilia ---+-/-,

d. Postharmostomum sp. e. Leucochloridiomorpha sp. (from Allison, 1943).

Fig. 7. Miracidia of digenetic trematodes.

pigmented brood sac

Fig. 8. Mother sporocyst of opecoelid trematode.

cercaria ----/.01/.
Fig. 9. Branched sporocyst of leucochloridiid trematode.

body wall -- ....1.1

flame cell-~f/I!:.~di~

Fig. 10. Daughter sporocyst of opecoelid trematode.

~-- birthpore

body wall ----1'1 IfI--- flame cell

1--++-- daughter redia embryo

----1r.1--- body cavity

. f"--+t- embryo

procrusculus ~~~fT-- germinal cells

Fig. 11. Mother redia.

Fig. 12. Daughter redia.

Most cercariae have a so-called tail which in many species is of the body and in each side there are six groups of three flame
conical (Ieptocercous) and as long as or longer than the body cells with three groups anterior and three groups posterior, all
and may be provided with finfolds, finlets, finger-like processes totaling 36 cells. Other internal organs consist of penetration
or setae which can be in clusters or singly along the tail. In some glands, the secretions of which tend to be cytolytic and of use
cercariae the tail is very short (microcercous) or absent (acer- during entrance into the host. Their ducts lead forward and emp-
cous or cercariaeum). The tail is used for locomotion. Tailless or ty through pores at the anterior end of the body. The cercariae of
microcercous cercariae are limited to creeping movements. some blood flukes have glands of two kinds, each secreting a
In the families Azygiidae, Bivesiculidae, Gorgoderidae and different substance.
Hemiuridae the tail is enormous, enveloping the entire body of Cystogenous glands are present in those cercariae that se-
the cercaria. These are the cystocercous and cystophorous cer- crete their own cyst membrane material. The cystogenous
cariae. glands of the cercariae in several families in the order Echinos-
Considerable attention has been given to the anatomy of the tomida are specifically referred to as b~tonnet cells (Stabchen-
excretory system in cercariae. Comparative anatomy of this sys- korper) .. Their cytoplasm is filled with rod-like bodies or b9ton-
tem is of use in determining phylogenetic relationship. The ex- nets which are rolled up scrolls of cyst membrane material which
cretory vesicle can be cellular or syncytial, or it can be thin- unroll to produce the proteinaceous inner layer for the cyst
walled and membranous. When cellular, the cells are applied to membrane. This type of gland is usually present in cercariae
the inner surface of a thin, membranous sac. Later these cells that encyst rapidly on vegetation or other external substrates.
tend to slough off leaving the membranous sac or vesicle. Pigmented or nonpigmented eyespots are present in the fore-
Shape of the vesicle varies in different groups and is also of use body of some cercariae, usually close to the nerve ganglia. A
in determining phylogenetic relationship. The system can be ei- spear-like stylet is present in several groups of cercariae. It is
ther mesostomate, with the main collecting ducts extending only used to penetrate the tissues of the second intermediate host.
to the midbody region where they join the anterior and posterior Many species of cercariae have been described and illus-
tubules, or it can be stenostomate with the main ducts extending trated in published works on trematodes. When this is done, the
into the anterior part of the body where they turn sharply posteri- generic name Cercaria is used for all species. The term cercaria
ad before joining the tubules (Fig. 38). The number and arrange- can thus be used jointly as a common name for larvae and as a
ment of the flame cells is expressed as a flame cell formula generic name. The accompanying key to cercariae includes the
which for some plagiorchioid trematodes is 2 [(3 + 3 + 3) + most common types or at least those that can be accurately as-
(3 + 3 + 3)] = 36. In this formula the "2" represents the two sides signed to families.

1a. Tail absent. Cercariaeum 2 The body is ejected through the delivery tube after the cer-
These are the tailless cercariae, produced by trematodes caria is eaten by the second intermediate host. They are
in the families Leuchloridiidae, Zoogonidae, Cyclocoeli- produced by trematodes in the families Hemiuridae and
dae, Lissorchiidae and Mesocoelidae. possibly some other families in the superfamily Hemiuroi-
1b. Tall present. 3 dea
2a. Cercariae develop in branched sporocysts in terres- 8b. Tail not as described above. 9
trial or amphibious snails; excretory vesicle small 9a. Tail very long and thick, tapering to a point, cavity in
thin-wailed (Fig. 13). Leucochloridiid cercaria base of tail, no delivery tube; cercariae develop in
The sporocysts of some of these contain pigmented brood sporocysts in lamellibranch molluscs of the family
sacs in the tentacles of snails. The cercariae migrate into Sphaerldae (Figs. 20, 21). Cystocercous cercaria
the brood sacs. Produced by trematodes in the family The body of this cercaria contains penetration glands, cel-
Leucochloridiidae. lular excretory vesicle, stylet and two well developed
2b. Cercariae develop in rediae in aquatic snails; excreto- suckers. They are produced by trematodes in the family
ry vesicle has thick cellular wall (Fig. 14). .. . Gorgoderidae .
.............................................................Mutabile cercaria 9b. Tail thick with two paddlelike furcae; develop in a re-
This cercaria is produced by trematodes in the family Lis- dia in prosobranch snails (Fig. 22) .
sorchiidae. They encyst in an invertebrate intermediate ......................................... Furcocystocercous cercaria
host. These cercariae are eaten by fishes which serve as defini-
3a. Tail short or knoblike. . Microcercous cercariae.... 4 tive host. They are produced by trematodes in the families
3b. Tail as long as or longer than the body. 7 Azygiidae and Bivesiculidae.
4a. Stylet absent in oral sucker; tail indistinctly set off 10a. Tail forked but not unusually large .
from the body; excretory vesicle thin-walled (mem- ...................................... Furcocercous cercariae 11
branous) with two pronglike extensions in the tail 10b. Tail not forked, tapering to a point (Leptocercous). ....
(Fig. 15). Obscuromicrocercous cercaria .................................................................................... 17
These cercariae develop in branched sporocysts in terres-
11a. Tail stem almost nonexistent, furcae long, contractile;
trial snails. Produced by species in the family Brachylaimi-
mouth on midventral surface or body and opening into
saclike single cecum; rhynchus or sucker at anterior
4b. Stylet present; tail distinctly set off from body; excre-
end of body (Fig. 23) .
tory vesicle with cellular wall. 5
....................... Bucephaloid or Gasterostome cercaria
5a. Tail cupshaped; contains unicellular adhesive
These cercariae develop in branched sporocysts in lamel-
glands; cercariae develop in sporocysts (Fig. 16). .....
libranch molluscs and encyst in fishes. They are produced
....... Cotylomlcrocercous( =
Cotylocercous) cercaria
by trematodes in the family Bucephalidae.
These cercariae develop in snails and encyst in fishes or
in arthropods. The tail functions as an adhesive organ. 11b. Tail stem at least as long as furcae; mouth at anterior
These cercariae are produced by trematodes in the family end of body and enveloped by an oral sucker or by an
Opecoelidae and by some species in the family Dicrocoe- anterior organ; two intestinal ceca usually present. ...
liidae. .................................................................................... 12
5b. Tail knoblike, unicellular glands absent; develop in a 12a. Body with dorso-median finfold. .. .
redia in prosobranch snails. 6 ..................................... Lophocercous cercariae 13
6a. Tail knoblike and densely spinous, body also spinous 12b. Body without dorso-median finfold. 14
(Fig. 17). Chaetomicrocercous cercaria 13a. Pigmented eyes pots present; ventral sucker vestigial
This type of cercaria is produced by trematodes in the or absent; some flame cells in base of tail; pharynx
families Nanophyetidae, Paragonimidae and some spe- absent but esophagus enlarged in restricted area; de-
cies in the family Lissorchiidae. velop in a redia. (Fig. 26). Clinostomoid cercaria
6b. Tail more triangular with a ventral groove or sulcus; These cercariae are produced by trematodes in the family
body and tail nonspinous (Fig. 18). .. . Clinostomidae. They encyst in fishes and amphibians,
.......................................Sulcatomicrocercous cercaria eventually developing into large precocial metacercariae
They are produced by trematodes in the family Troglotre- that are eaten by piscivorous birds. Adults then develop
matidae. rapidly in the mouth and esophagus of birds.
7a. Tail unusually large, base of tail with a cavity which 13b. Pigmented eyespots absent; ventral sucker absent or
envelopes body of cercaria. .. . vestigial; no flame cells in tail stem; pharynx absent
..........................................Macrocercous cercariae 8 and no thickening of esophagus; develop in a sporo-
7b. Tail not unusually large or if large, body not enve- cyst (Fig. 24) .
loped by tail, body entirely anterior to tail. 10 ......................... Lophocercous-apharyngeate cercaria
8a. Tail bulbous and cystlike, contains body of cercaria These cercariae are produced by trematodes in the family
and long delivery tube; develop in a redia in snails Sanguinicolidae, the blood flukes of fishes. They pene-
(Fig. 19). Cystophorous cercaria trate the skin and mucous membranes of fishes directly.
Fig. 13. Leucochloridiid cercariaeum. Fig. 14. Mutabile cercariaeum. Fig. 15. Obscuromicrocercous cercaria.

Fig. 16. Cotylomicrocercous cercaria.

Fig. 17. Chaetomicrocercous cercaria. Fig. 18. Sulcatomicrocercous cercaria. Fig. 19. Cystophorous cercaria.

lateral view

Body of cercaria.

Fig. 20. Cystocercous cercaria. Fig. 21. Cystocercous Fig. 22. Furcocystocercous cercaria.

{@,-\-\--- ventral sucker
I-#-l---- intestine

~+--- excretory vesicle

-:::-~---tail stem

...,_-- furca

Fig. 23. Bucephaloid cercaria.

14a. Pharynx absent; pigmented eyespots usually pre- 17a. Tail contains paired lateral fingerlike processes and
sent; penetration glands large, of two kinds; tail stem one terminal process; intestine is a single cecum;
distinctly longer than furcae (Fig. 25). . . body contains many cystogenous glands (b~tonnet
............................ Brevifurcate-apharyngeate cercaria cells); pigmented eyes pots are present (Fig. 30). . .
These are produced by trematodes in the families Spiror- ..... Haplosplanchnid cercaria
chiidae and Schistosomatidae, the blood flukes of reptiles, These cercariae develop in sporocysts in marine snails
birds and mammals. They penetrate the skin and mucous and encyst on vegetation. It is assumed to be the cercaria
membranes of the host directly. of trematodes of the family Haplosplanchnidae.
17b. Tail without fingerlike processes; two intestinal ceca
14b. Pharynx present; pigmented eyes pots seldom pre- present; pigmented eyespots present or absent. ..... 18
sent; penetration glands all of one kind; tail stem 18a. Ventral sucker absent; pigmented eyes pots present;
only slightly longer than furcae or shorter than fur- adhesive organs at posterior end of body; excretory
cae 15 system of the stenostomate type with the main ducts
united across the anterior part of the body; many cys-
15a. Cercariae very small; excretory vesicle large and U-
togenous glands present (Fig. 31) .
shaped; ceca short; develop in sporocysts in marine
...................................................... Monostome cercaria
lamellibranchs or prosobranch molluscs. (Fig. 27). ...
These cercariae develop in a redia and encyst within
.................................................. Dichotoma cercaria ....
hemispherical cyst membranes on aquatic vegetation.
These cercariae are produced by trematodes in the fami-
They are produced by trematodes in the families Notoco-
lies Gymnophallidae and Leucochloridiomorphidae. In
tylidae, Nudacotylidae and Pronocephalidae.
some species the tail regresses before the cercaria leaves
18b. Oral and ventral suckers present. 19
the sporocyst, causing it to resemble a metacercaria.
19a. Ventral sucker large, at posterior end of body; excre-
Metacercariae are frequently found in molluscs, encysted
tory system of the stenostomate type; pigmented eye-
or not encysted. spots present (Fig. 32). Amphistome cercaria
15b. Cercariae not unusually small; excretory vesicle These cercariae encyst on aquatic vegetation in hemi-
small, not U-shaped; furcae about as long as tail spherical cyst membranes. There are two types of am-
stem; some flame cells in tail stem; develop in sporo- phistome cercariae:
cysts in snails. . . 1. Diplocotylea: Oral sucker has diverticula; main col-
.................. Longifurcate-pharyngeate cercaria 16 lecting ducts are not connected by a transverse duct.
2. Pigmentata: Oral sucker without diverticula; main col-
16a. Ventral sucker present; one pair of longitudinal col- lecting ducts connected by a transverse duct.
lecting ducts connected to excretory vesicle, excreto- These cercariae are produced by trematodes of the family
ry pores at sides of furcae (Fig. 28) .. Strigea cercaria Paramphistomidae.
These cercariae develop in sporocysts in aquatic pulmo- 19b. Ventral sucker on midventral surface of body 20
nate snails. They are produced by trematodes in the fami- 20a. Oral sucker contains a stylet. 21
lies Strigeidae and Diplostomidae. 20b. Oral sucker without a stylet. 25
21a. Excretory vesicle has thick cellular wall; pigmented
16b. Ventral sucker vestigial or absent; two pairs of longi-
eyes pots present; develop in a redia in lamellibranch
tudinal collecting ducts connected to excretory vesi-
and gastropod molluscs (Fig. 33) .
cle, the median pair fuse in midline of body; excretory
.......................................... Ophthalmoxiphidiocercaria
pores at tips of furcae, finfolds on furcae (Fig. 29). .....
These cercariae encyst in larval aquatic insects. They are
................................................................ Vivax cercaria
produced by trematodes of the family Allocreadiidae.
These cercariae develop in sporocysts in prosobranch 21b. Excretory vesicle thin-walled; eyes pots absent; de-
snails. They are produced by trematodes of the family Cy- velop in sporocysts in aquatic snails .
athocotylidae. ................................................. Xiphidiocercariae 22
anterior organ

~: anterior glands

posterior glands

.," .<
.. ~.
11 '.

,-. .

Fig. 24. Lophocercous-apharyngeate cercaria. Fig. 26. Brevifurcate-pharyngeate

(clinostomoid) cercaria.

Fig. 25. Brevifurcate-apharyngeate cercaria.

median fused duct

Fig. 27. Dichotoma cercaria.

Fig. 29. Vivax cercaria.

Fig. 28. Longifurcate-pharyngeate (strigea) cercaria.

'1-IhH--- Cecum

adhesive gland \~.:.


Fig. 30. Haplosplanchnid cercaria

(from Cable, 1954).
Fig. 33. Ophthalmoxiphidio cercaria.

Fig. 32. Amphistome cercaria.

Fig.31. Monostome cercaria.

virgula organ

Fig. 36. Ubiquita cercaria. Fig. 35. Virgulate cercaria. Fig. 34. Ornatae cercaria. Fig. 37. Armatae cercaria.

22a. Tail has dorso-ventral finfolds; ventral sucker smaller sporocysts in marine lamellibranch molluscs (Fig.
than oral sucker (Fig. 34). Ornatae cercaria 41) Nonoculate trichocercous cercaria
These cercariae are produced by trematodes in the fami- (= Fellodistomid cercaria)
lies Macroderoididae and Haematoloechidae. The finlets are really clusters of long setae enclosed in a
22b. Tail withoutfinfolds. 23 membrane. These cercariae encyst in invertebrates and
23a. Bilobed or pyriform virgula organ located in region of are thought to be produced by some trematodes in the
oral sucker; tail shorter than body; ventral sucker family Fellodistomidae.
smaller than oral sucker (Fig. 35) .... Virgulate cercaria 29b. Tail has lateral setae, singly or in clusters (Figs.
The virgula organ contains mucoid secretions which are of 42.43); excretory vesicle not U-shaped; pigmented
use to the cercaria. They develop in sporocysts in proso- eyes pots present; develop in a redia 30
branch snails and are produced by trematodes in the fami- 30a. Tail much longer than body; setae in lateral clusters;
lies Lecithodendriidae, Allassogonoporidae and Pleuroge- excretory vesicle thin-walled (Fig. 42). . .
nidae. Hall (1960) published a key to species of virgulate .................................... Oculate trichocercous cercaria
cercariae. (= Lepocreadiid cercaria)
23b. Virgula organ absent; tail about same length as These cercariae develop in rediae in marine prosobranch
body 24 snails and penetrate a variety of marine invertebrates.
24a. Ventral sucker vestigial or absent; ceca absent; cer- They are produced by some species in the family Lepo-
caria usually very small; develop in sporocysts in pro- creadiidae.
sobranch snails; (Fig. 36). ........... ... Ubiquita cercaria 30b. Tail about as long as body; single setae on tail and
These cercariae encyst in aquatic arthropods and are pro- body; excretory vesicle has cellular wall (Fig. 43). ......
duced by trematodes in the family Microphallidae. (See ........................................... Homalometronine cercaria
remarks under family diagnosis) (= Anallocreadine cercaria)
24b. Ventral sucker present and at least as large as oral 31a. Tail has dorso-ventral and sometimes lateral finfolds;
sucker (Fig. 37). Armatae cercaria eyes pots present; develop in a redia in snails. 32
Trematodes in the families Plagiorchiidae, Telorchiidae, 31 b. Tail without finfolds; eyespots absent. 34
Auridistomidae, Ochetosomatidae and Cephalogonimi- 32a. Tail has dorso-ventral finfolds; excretory vesicle
dae produce this kind of cercaria. large, with thick cellular (syncytial) wall; ventral suck-
25a. Oral sucker surrounded by a spiny collar; stenosto- er vestigial; excretory pores at sides of basal portion
mate excretory system; develop in a redia. . 26 of tail. . .
...... Pleurolophocercous cercaria (= Opisthorchioid)
25b. Spiny collar absent; excretory system of the mesosto-
If lateral finfolds are also present the cercaria is parapleu-
mate type or some modification of that type. 27
rolophocercous (Fig. 44). Both types develop in a redia in
26a. Tail narrower than body (Fig. 38). . .
prosobranch snails and encyst in fishes. Species in the
...... Echinostome cercaria
families Cryptogonimidae and Opisthorchiidae produce
These cercariae encyst in molluscs and other inverte-
pleurolophocercous cercariae. Both types have been re-
brates. They are produced by trematodes in the family
ported for the family Heterophyidae.
32b. Excretory vesicle V-shaped and thin-walled; ventral
26b. Tail much wider and three to five times as long as sucker always well developed 33
body. (Fig. 39) Magnacauda cercaria 33a. Ventral finfold small, lateral finfolds wide and sup-
These are like the Echinostome cercariae except for the ported by filaments; main collecting ducts of excreto-
unusually large tail. They are eaten by fishes in which they
ry vesicle short and without numerous lateral
encyst. Trematodes in the families Echinostomatidae and
branches (Fig. 45). Megaperid cercaria
some Psilostomidae produce this type of cercaria. Nasir
33b. Tail with dorsal and ventral finfolds and short lateral
and Scorza (1968) published a key to species of these
finfolds or finlets; main collecting ducts of excretory
vesicle extend to anterior end of body and have many
27a. Cercariae emerge from snails in clusters with tails in- lateral branches (Fig. 46). ..... Rhodometopa cercaria
tertwined; body like that of echinostome cercaria ex- This cercaria is assumed to be one type produced by
cept for absence of spiny collar (Fig. 40). . . some species in the family Renicolidae. Flame cells are in
................................................... Zygocercous cercaria groups of five or six. These cercariae develop in large yel-
These cercariae encyst in fishes. They are thought to be low sporocysts in prosobranch snails.
produced by some species in the families Psilostomidae 34a. Tip of tail contains adhesive glands; no excretory
and Echinostomatidae. duct in base of tail (Fig. 47). Megalurous cercaria
27b. Cercariae emerge singly; tails not intertwined; body Trematodes in the family Philophthalmidae produce this
not echinostome-like. 28 type of cercaria.
28a. Tail has long lateral setae or finlets (Figs. 41,42) .. 29 34b. Tip of tail without adhesive glands; excretory duct ex-
28b. Tail without setae or finlets but may have finfolds. ..... tends into base of tail; excretory pores on margin of
.................................................................................... 31 tail (Fig. 48). Gymnocephalous cercaria'
29a. Tail with long lateral finlets; excretory vesicle large This cercaria is produced by species in the family Fascioli-
and U-shaped; eyes pots absent; cercariae develop in dae and possibly some species in the family Renicolidae.

Fig. 40b. Body of zygocercous cercaria.

Fig. 40a. Zygocercous cercariae

Fig. 38. Echinostome cercaria.

Fig. 39. Magnacauda cercaria.

Fig. 43. Homalometronine cercaria.

Fig. 41. Nonoculate trichocercous cercaria
(from Cable, 1954).

Fig. 44. Parapleurolophocercous cercaria.

Fig. 42. Oculate trichocercous cercaria.

Fig. 47. Megalura cercaria.

Fig. 46. Rhodometopa cercaria Fig. 48. Gymnocephalous cercaria.

(from Rothschild, 1936).

Fig. 45. Megaperid cercaria
(from Cable, 1954).


.~~r--l~_ penetration glands

genital primordium --~Ir-_~~~

-P~-- excretory vesicle

Fig. 49. Mesocercaria.

Some species of strigeoid trematodes in the families Diplosto- Mesocercariae inhabit lymph spaces, fat, muscles and con-
midae and Strigeidae produce an extra larval stage, the me- nective tissue of the host. In mammals the subcutaneous fat is a
socercaria (Fig. 49). Thus far this stage is known to be produced common site. They are usually not encysted. In the opossum,
by species in the genera A/aria, Procyotrema, Pharyngosto- laboratory mouse and possibly in cats the mesocercariae accu-
moides and Strigea. The mesocercaria develops from the stri- mulate in the mammary glands and recently transmammary in-
gea type of cercaria after it penetrates a suitable host, such as a fection has been found to occur in mice (see genus A/aria).
tadpole. The latter might then be eaten by a frog, snake, alligator The body of the mesocercaria is flat, pyriform, spinous. The
or mammal which might serve as the definitive host or merely as excretory vesicle is small but flame cells are abundant. The oral
a paratenic or collector host. In the latter, the mesocercariae ac- and ventral suckers, pharynx and ceca are well developed. They
cumulate but do not develop further unless the paratenic host is differ from the metacercaria which follows them in the life cycle
eaten by some animal in which the metacercaria can develop. in having a less extensive excretory system and in the size and
There have been reports of mesocercariae in the retina, lungs shape of the body. When eaten by a suitable host, the mesocer-
and skin of human beings. Such infections are probably the re- caria changes to either a diplostomulum or a tetracotyle type of
sult of eating raw or insufficiently cooked flesh of frogs, alligators metacercaria, the type depending upon the species involved.
or mammals such as raccoon or opossum. Contamination of Johnson (1970) published a key to species of mesocercariae.
hands when cleaning animals might result in accidental inges-
tion of these larvae.

Except for a few species of strigeoid trematodes in which a Before encystment the tail of the cercaria detaches, only the
mesocercaria is produced, the metacercaria is the larval stage body is involved in development of a metacercaria. Cyst mem-
between the cercaria and the adult. Cercariae of many species brane material is secreted by cystogenous glands in the cerca-
penetrate a second intermediate host and then encyst; however, ria. If the encysted metacercaria is in a second intermediate
some penetrate a lost but do not encyst (e.g. Lepocreadium and host, there is sometimes a host cellular response resulting in the
Ha/ipegus spp.) Some species do not enter a second host but formation of a capsule of connective tissue around the cyst
encyst on aquatic vegetation or on the shells of molluscs or the membrane. Cysts are usually spherical or ovoid but exceptions
body surface of invertebrates. Regardless of procedure, the cer- are those in the families Notocotylidae and Paramphistomidae
caria must eventually undergo anatomical and physiological which are hemispherical (Fig. 50d) and some in the family Phi-
changes to become an infective metacercaria. lophthalmidae are flask shaped. (Fig. 50c).

~~~--":::!ik--t-- excretory duct

....III--\--- cecum

w-+-+--+- excretory vesicle

caudal papillae

a. Ha/ipegus

detached stylet

cyst membrane

b. P/agiorchis c. Phi/ophtha/mus

cyst membrane ----~

d. Notocoty/us

Fig. 50. Metacercariae.

The metacercaria differs from the cercaria in being larger and in the intestine of piscivorous birds.
it frequently contains the primordia of the ovary, testes, vitellaria
and cirrus sac. Glands of the cercaria are resorbed during devel- There are species of digenetic trematodes in which the life cy-
opment. When fully developed, the metacercaria is infective for cle has become shortened or abbreviated. Progenesis, or the at-
the definitive host. tainment of sexual maturity by a metacercaria in a second inter-
Metacercariae in the families Strigeidae and Diplostomidae mediate host is one example of this. Elimination of the second
have been studied intensively and numerous species described. intermediate host is another way of shortening a cycle. This can
Their common and generic names are identical. Three are of occur in several ways. In some species in the families Micro-
common occurrence in North America. The"tetracotyle", genus phallidae and Plagiorchiidae the cercariae exhibit some anat-
Tetracotyle (Fig. 51c), encysts in snails, leeches and fishes. The omial degeneration in that they are weakly developed, nonmo-
cyst membrane is thick and transparent, and fits snugly around tile and tailless. They encyst and develop to metacercariae not
the metacercaria, muscular pseudosuckers (cotylae) are lo- only in the same mollusc but sometimes in the sporocyst in
cated on each side of the oral sucker. The adults are intestinal which they were produced, thus eliminating the need for a sec-
parasites of birds, especially ducks. The "diplostomulum", ge- ond intermediate host. In the families Schistosomatidae, San-
nus Diplostomulum (Fig. 51 a), inhabits the eyes, central ner- guinicolidae and Spirorchiidae the cercariae penetrate the tegu-
vous system and sometimes the coelom of fishes and amphibi- ment and mucous membranes of the definitive host, then
ans, usually not encysted but the host might produce a capsule gradually develop as schistosomules to the adult stage in the
of connective tissue around them. Cotylae are located on each blood vessels of the host. Cercariae of trematodes in the fami-
side of the oral sucker. The adults are intestinal parasites of pis- lies Azygiidae and Bivesiculidae are large and are eaten by the
civorous birds and mammals. The "neascus'', genus Neascus definitive host, thus eliminating the second intermediate host.
(Fig. 51 b), encysts in the viscera of fishes. The cyst membrane The table on page 21 illustrates the sequence of stages pro-
is thin and much larger than the metacercaria. The body is divid- duced in the life cycle of several representative species. The
ed into distinct fore- and hindbody and contains an elaborate ex- brief reviews of life cycles in the body of the text will reveal the
cretory system consisting of a large vesicle and a network of wide host selection and variation in life cycles among digenetic
anastomosing tubules. Cotylae are absent. The adults develop trematode.

cotyla excretory tubules

tribocytic organ

excretory vesicle

a. Diplostomulum c. Tetracotyle
b. Neascus

Fig.51. Strigeoid metacercariae.


Metacercaria - Adult - Diplostomum flexicaudum

Sporocyst ~ ircaria (penetrates definitive host) ~ Adult ~ Trichobi/harzia

(daughter) \ physel/ae

(mo~\ /
Mesocercaria - Metacercaria - Adult - Alaria intermedia

Redia - Redia - Cercaria - Metacercaria - Adult - Fasciolopsis

(mother) (daughter) buski

~ercaria ~ Metacercaria ~ Adult ~ Metorchis conjunctus

Cercaria (eaten by definitive host) - Adult - Proterometra


Redia - Redia - Cercaria - Metacercaria - Adult - Stichorchis

(mother) (daughter) eubtriquetrus

~caria - Metacercaria - Adult - Caecincola parvulus

Progenesis, or the development to sexual maturity in an in- Fellodistomidae can attain sexual maturity in marine lamelli-
vertebrate which might normally serve only as second interme- branch molluscs. At least 15 species are known to be progenetic
diate host, is being found to occur in more and more species. To in molluscs.
date, 14 families of digenetic trematodes are known to contain Some progenetic adults are encysted in the coelom or in cer-
one or more progenetic species. In the families Allocreadiidae, tain internal organs of the host. The cyst membrane or capsule
Opecoelidae, Microphallidae, Dicrocoeliidae, Orchipedidae and is the result of a host cellular response. Release of eggs by such
Lecithodendriidae aquatic arthropods such as insects, amphi- progenetic forms must await the death and disintegration of the
pods and crayfishes are used as second intermediate host and host. There is some indication that progenesis is influenced by
one or more species in each of the above families have been re- temperature, the incidence increasing with temperature. The de-
ported as being progenetic in them. velopment of progenetic forms is one way of shortening the life
Several species in the family Macroderoididae are progenetic cycle in some species.
in leeches, shrimp and crayfishes. Some species in the families Some progenetic forms are also neotenic in that they retain
Lissorchiidae, Paramphistomidae, Plagiorchiidae, Hemiuridae one or more larval features such as pigmented eyes pots and/or
and Azygiidae can develop to sexual maturity in aquatic snails. stylet. Pseudallocreadium neotenicum and P. alloneotenicum
One species in the family Brachylaimidae has been reported as which develop in the larvae of diving beetles and caddisflies re-
being progenetic in terrestrial snails and another in the family spectively serve as classical examples of this phenomenon.


The anatomy of larval stages is best observed from living Live miracidia are best obtained from embryonated eggs of
specimens. As digenetic trematodes always use a mollusc as trematodes in the families Echinostomatidae, Paramphistomi-
first intermediate host, the latter serve as an excellent source of dae, Schistosomatidae or Strigeidae as their miracidia are large
live larval stages, such as sporocysts, rediae, cercariae and in and hatch readily when embryonated eggs are placed in water.
some instances the metacercariae. Gastropod and lamelli- Miracidia of most species are motile and must be quieted for ob-
branch molluscs, collected from their natural habitats, can be servation. Thin egg albumin is useful for this purpose. Place a
kept alive in aerated pond water. one-half inch ring of albumin on a microscope slide. Next place a
To examine them for parasites, extract the body of larger small drop of water containing one or more miracidia in the cen-
snails by grasping the muscular foot with forceps and pull gently. ter of the ring, stir with a toothpick, apply a coverglass and ex-
The smaller snails and lamellibranch molluscs are examined by amine under low power of microscope. The viscid albumin will
first crushing the shell then remove the pieces of shell with for- slow the movements of the cilia and keep the miracidia alive for
ceps. Place the soft parts on a microscope slide in a drop of wa- about 15 minutes although the first five minutes are best for ob-
ter or dilute NaCI solution (0.1 %) and shred the tissues with servation of flame cells. Dilute neutral red and Nile blue sulphate
needles to expose the larvae. The rediae and cercariae usually can be used to color the germinal cells and gland cells.
float free but the sporocysts are frequently embedded in the host It is sometimes necessary to observe the number and ar-
tissues and must be dissected free. Rediae and sporocysts are rangement of epidermal cells on miracidia. The method of Lynch
nonmotile and can be observed more clearly when slightly flat- (1934) is useful for this purpose. Squirt live miracidia from a
tened under a coverglass. Dyes such as neutral red or Nile blue medicine dropper into hot (65 to 70 C.) 0.5 percent aqueous so-
sulphate can be used as 0.01 to 0.1 percent aqueous solutions lution of silver nitrate. Allow specimens to settle to the bottom of
to stain the germinal cells and nuclei. A drop of the dye solution the container then carefully draw off the supernatant fluid with a
is placed at the edge of the coverglass and allowed to run under small medicine dropper. Wash specimens in several changes of
slowly. distilled water by alternate settling and drawing off the superna-
Naturally emerged cercariae can be obtained by placing live tant fluid as described above. Next place the dish in bright sun-
molluscs in dishes, vials or small jars of water for several hours light for 3 to 10 minutes. Wash one more time in water then clear
or overnight. Stain and anaesthetize live cercariae by adding in glycerine and mount in glycerine or glycerine jelly. Specimens
enough dilute neutral red or Nile blue sulphate to color the wa- can be left in glycerine for storage if desired. The margins of the
ter. Cercariae become stained and relaxed in 10 to 15 minutes. epidermal cells become blackened and stand out clearly so that
Slight flattening under a coverglass helps bring flame cells, their arrangement and numbers can be observed (Fig. 7b.).
gland cells and excretory tubules into view.

Vertebrate animals harbor most of the adult trematodes, If live fish cannot be brought to the laboratory, small monoge-
whereas the larval stages are found mostly in molluscs, annelid netic trematodes can be preseved with some success outdoors
worms and arthropods. The techniques employed for collection by first relaxing them in 0.4% solution of chloretone (trichlorter-
of the more delicate monogenetic trematodes differ from those tiary butyl alcohol). The solvent for the chloretone can be fresh-
used for collection of digenetic trematodes. Most species of mo- or seawater depending upon the habitat of the host. First place
nogenetic trematodes occur on the skin and gills of fishes. Only gills, skin or fins of fishes in vials containing the chloretone solu-
a few species have been found in the urinary tract of fishes or in tion for 30 to 45 minutes with intermittent shaking. Next add two
the mouth, nasal cavities or urinary bladder of fishes, amphibi- parts of FAA. solution to one part of chloretone solution, shake
ans and reptiles (turtles). The small, delicate specimens in the container to mix then set aside for at least 15 minutes. Speci-
families Dactylogyridae, Gyrodactylidae and Diplectanidae are mens can remain in this mixture indefinitely but for examination
best studied alive. Remove infested gills and pieces of skin and shake the material again, pour it into a dish, remove pieces of
place them in fresh- or seawater, depending upon the habitat of tissue, decant supernatant fluid then examine sediment for par-
the host. Separate and examine the gill filaments for live worms. asites. Pipette worms into 70% alcohol for storage.
Dislodge specimens with dissecting needles and transfer to a Sexually mature digenetic trematodes inhabit the internal or-
slide in a drop of water and apply a coverglass. Slight flattening gans of vertebrates. First remove the individual organs and
will bring the internal organs into clearer view. place them in separate dishes of water orsallne solution. Open
If preserved specimens are desired, freezing the gills or skin tubular organs with scissors or dissecting needles. Cut or shred
or even the entire fish for 6 to 24 hours will kill worms in a re- other organs with scissors or needles. After soaking for a few
laxed condition and will also loosen mucus that clings to them. minutes, grasp tissues with forceps and shake them to loosen
After freezing, place tissues in a vial or jar of water for thawing, parasites. Examine lining of hollow organs to which parasites
then shake the container for several minutes. Pour the liquid into might cling. Pull attached worms loose. Scrape lining of hollow
a dish, allow specimens to settle and decant supernatant materi- organs with a scalpel to loosen small worms. If mucus is abun-
al. Repeat this several times. Remove specimens from sedi- dant, loosen it by using salt solution (1.0% NaCI) in place of wa-
ment and place them in formalin acetic alcohol solution (FAA.). ter. Finally remove organs from dishes and decant and wash
Later rinse in water, clear in glycerine and mount in glycerine jel- specimens repeatedly until supernatant fluid is clear. Examine
ly. Usually these specimens are not satisfactory for permanent sediment for worms, removing them with pipette or forceps.
mounts. The uterus of some trematodes contains so many eggs as to
Small monogenetic trematodes from marine fishes are first interfere with observation of other internal organs. Place live
killed in boiling seawater, flattened slightly under a coverglass specimens in water for about 15 minutes before preservation for
and fixed in FAA. solution. release of some eggs. Isolated specimens are ready for preser-
The larger and more muscular monogenetic trematodes from vation in FAA. solution, fixing them as described for the larger
the skin and gills of fishes or from the urinary bladder of amphibi- monogenetic trematodes.
ans and reptiles can be removed with forceps. It is sometimes Small delicate trematodes deteriorate quickly in water but re-
necessary to refrigerate these specimens overnight to loosen main in good condition in saline solution (0.8-0.9%). These can
their hold on host tissues. For preservation, place specimens on be pipetted into 5% formalin brought to a boil and removed from
a microscope slide in a drop of water, apply coverglass, then kill the heat source before adding the specimens. It is usually unde-
and preserve by adding several drops of FAA. solution at edge sirable to flatten these specimens.
of coverglass and draw it through by placing piece of absorbent Keeping Records: Host parasite records can be kept on 3 x 5
paper at opposite edge. After about 10 minutes transfer speci- inch or larger index cards. A card is used for each host exam-
mens to dish containing FAA. solution and leave them in this ined and each host is given a number which is recorded on the
for at least one hour, then transfer to 70% ethyl alcohol for stor- card and also on the label in the vial with the specimens. In addi-
age. tion to the number, the card should contain the scientific name of
Formalin acetic alcohol solution (FAA.) the host, locality in which it was COllected, list of parasitized or-
Ethyl alcohol (95%) 50 pts. gans and number of parasites in each organ. When parasites
Commercial formalin (37%) 10 pts. are later identified their genus and species names are added to
Glacial acetic acid 2 pts. the card. The label in each vial should contain the host number
Distilled water ..40 pts. and name of organ infected.



Although many staining techniques are known for whole acetic acid. Dissolve carmine by heating acid until it starts to
mounts, only two of the most reliable are presented here. boil. Allow solution to cool, then filter through coarse filter paper.
Ehrlich's Hematoxylin Stain Save filter paper containing residue and spread it out to dry.
Formula: Powdered hematoxylin 2 gm. Store dried residue in vial or small jar until needed.
Ethyl alcohol (100%) 100 ml. Preparation of Staining Solution:
Glycerol 100 mi. Dried acidified carmine residue 1 gm.
Glacial acetic acid 10 ml. Aluminum ammonium sulphate 10 gm
Distilled water 100 ml. Distilled water 200 ml.
Aluminum potassium sulphate 10 gm. Dissolve the alum in warm distilled water then add the pow-
dered carmine. When COOl,filter into a glass-stoppered bottle,
First dissolve the hematoxylin in the alcohol, then add the
add a crystal of thymol for preservation. Store in refrigerator.
glycerol and the acetic acid. Next dissolve the alum in warm dis-
Staining procedure: Transfer preserved specimens from 70% al-
tilled water, then slowly pour the alum solution into the hematox-
cohol to distilled water for 10 to 15 minutes, then place them in
ylin solution with stirring. This is a stock solution that should ri-
staining solution for about 8 hours or overnight, the time de-
pen for about one month. For use, dilute one part of ripened
pending upon the size of the specimens. Next pour off the stain-
stock solution with three to four parts of 35% alcohol. Staining
ing solution and save it for later use. Rinse specimens in two
procedure: Transfer specimens from 70% alcohol to 35% alco-
changes of distilled water. Dehydrate through 35% and then
hol for 10 to 15 minutes then place them in diluted staining solu-
70% alcohol (15 min. each). Remove excess stain in 70% alco-
tion for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove excess stain by soaking spec-
hol to which 2 or 3 drops of strong hydrochloric acid have been
imens in 70% alcohol to which one or two drops of strong
added. Continue destaining until the parenchyma cells are free
hydrochloric acid have been added. Allow specimens to remain
of stain and internal organs are light pink. Replace the acid alco-
in this until parenchyma cells are free of stain and internal or-
hol with 70% alcohol to which a few crystals of sodium bicarbo-
gans such as testes, ovary and vitelline glands become pink.
nate have been added. After 30 to 60 minutes place specimens
Now transfer specimens to 70% alcohol to which a few crystals
in 95':0 alcohol (30 min.) then 100% alcohol (30 min.). Finally
of sodium bicarbonate have been added. This alkaline solution
clear In toluene or xylene (10 to 15 min.), then mount in resinous
will cause internal organs to become dark blue. After one-half
mounting medium.
hour, transfer specimens to 95% alcohol (30 min.) and then to
Labeling the Microscope Slide
100% alcohol (30 min.). Finally clear in toluene or xylene (10 to
The slide label, pasted at one end of the slide, should contain
15 min.), then place specimens on slide, add one or two drops of
the genus and species name of the parasite, the habitat of the
resinous mounting medium such as gum damar or a synthetic
resin and apply coverglass. parasite, the name of the host, the locality in which the host was
collected, date of collection and the host number as recorded on
Gower's Acetic Carmine Stain the record card. Use waterproof ink for recording this informa-
Formula: Add 10 gm. of powdered carmine to 100 ml. of 45% tion. In some cases two labels might be needed.

Class Trematoda Rudolphi, 1808

Key to Subclasses
1a. Endoparasites of all groups of vertebrates and some series of ventral suckers; buccal funnel at anterior
invertebrates; holdfast organs in form of oral and ven- end of body; larva in egg is a cotylocidium. . .
tral suckers; life cycle indirect, involving two or more ...... Subclass Aspidogastrea p. 73
hosts; reproduction by larval stages in a mollusc; lar- 2b. Usually ectoparasites of fishes, occasionally endopa-
va In egg Is a miracidium. ...Subclass Digenea ...p. 78 rasites of frogs and turtles; holdfast organs in the
1b. Ectoparasites or occasionally endoparasites; hold- form of a prohaptor containing small buccal suckers,
fast organs not in form of oral and ventral suckers; an oral sucker, head organs, preoral suckers or mar-
life cycle usually direct, involving one host in most ginal gland ducts from cephalic glands; opisthaptor
cases; no reproduction by larval stages; 2 at posterior end of body may contain an assortment
2a. Adults usually endoparasites of fishes, turtles or gas- of clamps, suckers, anchors and hooks; larva in egg
tropod or lamellibranch molluscs; holdfast organ in is an onchomiracidium. . .
the form of a large ventral disc containing septa and .................................... Subclass Monogenea p. 32
loculi, conical papillae, transverse rugae or a linear

muscular disc

\r::::1H--TI'-- transverse bar

..11\"1-+-- anchor
marginal hook
muscular sucker

Fig. 52. Representative opisthaptors of Monopisthocotylea.

2a. Opisthaptor membranous, usually with one or two

Subclass Monogenea Carus, 1863
pairs of anchors and one to three transverse bars;
Key to Suborders, Superfamllles and Families prohaptor contains marginal head organs or lappets.
1a. Opisthaptor a muscular disc, with or without loculi; a ......................................................................................
muscular sucker or membranous and having one or 2b. Opisthaptor in form of a muscular disc or a single
two pairs of anchors, transverse bars and marginal sucker, with or without anchors but if anchors are
hooks; genito-intestlnal canal absent (Fig. 52). . . present they are not supported by transverse bars;
.................Suborder Monopisthocotylea 2 prohaptor may contain a pair of preoral suckers,
1b. Opisthaptor composed of one or more pairs of suck- many marginal gland ducts or head organs. 7
ers or clamps; genito-intestinal canal present (Fig. 3a. Intestine a single cecum. 4
53). Suborder Polyopisthocotylea 13 3b. Intestine composed of two ceca. 5
curved sclerite

haptoral appendix

clamp ---'I.\liII' r-;


Fig. 53. Representative opisthaptors of Polyopisthocotylea.

4a. Opisthaptor contains two pairs of anchors with broad 6a. Posterior part of body covered with recurved spines;
bases and a butterfly-shaped transverse bar; parasit- transverse bars long; two pairs of anchors; squamo-
ic on the gills of salmonid fishes (Fig. 104) . discs or plaques may also be present (Figs. 100-
........................................Superfamily Tetraonchoidea 103). Family Dlplectanldae . p. 41
.................................... Family Tetraenchldae .... p.41 6b. Body without recurved spines, squamodiscs or
4b. Opisthaptor contains one pair of anchors; two V- plaques; opisthaptor contains one or two pairs of
shaped transverse bars and many radiating tubular anchors; transverse bars short; marginal hooks pre-
structures; parasite of marine fishes . sent Family Dactylogyrldae . p. 32
....................... Superfamily Dactylogyroidea (in part) 7a. Opisthaptor a flat disc with many radiating rows of
............ Family Bothitrematidae p. 40 spines; small larval haptor with hooks also present;
anchors absent; parasitic on skin and gills of elasmo-
Sa. Viviparous (embryo in uterine pouch); vitelline glands
branchs. (Figs. 136, 137). . .
absent or weakly developed; opisthaptor with scal-
.................Superfamily Acanthocotyloidea .
loped margin and 16 marginal hooks, one pair of
... Family Acanthocotylldae p. 50
anchors and one or two transverse bars. . .
7b. Opisthaptor not as described above. 8
..................................... Superfamily Gyrodactyloidea
8a. Opisthaptor a concave muscular disc without
. Family Gyrodactylidae p. 32
anchors or hooks; intestine a single cecum; prohap-
5b. Oviparous; vitelline glands well developed; opisthap- tor composed of one pair of head organs; hyperpara-
tor with 14 to 16 marginal hooks, one or two pairs of sitic on marine parasitic copepods (Fig. 138). . .
anchors and one to three transverse bars . ... Superfamily Udonelloidea ... Family Udonellidae
............................... Superfamily Dactylogyroidea 6 ................................................................................. p.51
head lappets

head organs
marginal gland ducts

preoral suckers

Fig. 54. Prohaptors of Monopisthocotylea.

8b. Opisthaptor and habitat not as described above; in- 12a. Opisthaptor septate with 10-12 marginal and one cen-
testine composed of two ceca; parasitic on marine tral loculus; prohaptor contains numerous marginal
fishes. Superfamily Capsaloidea 9 gland ducts; two pairs of eyespots present; parasitic
9a. Opisthaptor an oval muscular cup or two muscular on gills of suck fish of the family Echeneidae (Fig.
flaps; anchors and hooks absent; prohaptor in form 129). Family Dlonchldae p. 46
of two buccal suckers (Figs. 133, 134). .. . 12b. Opisthaptor septate with more or less than 10 marginal
....... Family Mlcrobothrildae p. 50 loculi, submarginal loculi also sometimes present;
9b. Opisthaptor not as described above; one or more marginal hooks usually present; prohaptor composed
pairs of anchors present; buccal suckers absent ..... 10 of a single sucker, preoral flap, head organs or diffuse
10a. Opisthaptor composed of a muscular sucker with one marginal gland ducts; parasitic on skin and gills or in
pair of anchors; prohaptor in form of two preoral nasal cavities of marine fishes (Fig. 55). . .
suckers, an oral sucker or head organs. . . ............................ Family Monocotylldae p. 46
........ Family Lolmoldae p. 49 13a. Opisthaptor contains either two or six muscular suck-
10b. Opisthaptor discoid, with or without septa and ers; prohaptor either a single oral sucker or a pair of
loculi 11 ventral bothria. . .
11a. Opisthaptor with two or three pairs of anchors; septa ............ Superfamily Polystomatoidea 14
and loculi present or absent; prohaptor composed of 13b. Opisthaptor contains eight or more clamps; prohap-
two preoral lobes, suckers, pseudosuckers or glandu- tor a pair of small buccal suckers or a weakly devel-
lar areas. Family Capsalldae p. 43 oped oral sucker 17
11b. Opisthaptor with one pair of anchors and 14 marginal
hooks; septa and loculi present. 12
~~~~~- oral sucker '••••..
-- marginal gland ducts

d..----- head organs---~~

preoral flap ----;-i\lnTTm

Fig. 55. Representative prohaptors of family Monocotylidae.

14a. Opisthaptor contains six muscular suckers, each with 18b. Clamps symmetrical or asymmetrical, one quadrant
a curved sclerite; haptoral appendix also present. ...15 of clamp may contain a muscular and/or a spinous or
14b. Opisthaptor with six suckers but curved sclerites and denticulate pad; muscular suckers might also be pre-
haptoral appendix absent. 16 sent with clamps; wall of clamp may contain riblike
15a. Prohaptor an oral sucker; haptoral appendix contains sclerites. .. Superfamily Diclidophoroidea 19
one pair of small suckers and one pair of small 19a. Opisthaptor indistinctly set off from body; clamps
anchors (Fig. 53b.) Famlly Hexabothrlidae p. 54 weakly developed, each composed of three X-shaped
15b. Prohaptor a pair of ventral bothria; haptoral appendix sclerites embedded in a muscular sucker (Fig. 180). ..
contains three pairs of large anchors but no suckers .............. Family Hexostomatidae p. 64
(Fig. 152). Family Dlclybothrlidae p. 54 19b. Clamps well developed; muscular suckers absent .....
16a. Opisthaptor contains six muscular suckers (Fig. ................................................................................... 20
53e). .. Family Polystomatldae p. 52 20a. Clamps guitar-, firetong- or oblong-shaped; buccal
16b. Opisthaptor contains two muscular suckers (Fig. cavity large, terminal, cupshaped; two buccal suckers
153). .. Family Sphyranuridae p. 56 open into buccal cavity (Fig. 56). .. .
17a. Opisthaptor contains four pairs of clamps (muscular .... Family Macrovalvitrematldae p. 63
suckers also present in Hexostomatidae). 18 20b. Clamps not as described above; buccal cavity small,
17b. Opisthaptor contains more than four pairs of opens ventrally 21
clamps. Superfamily Microcotyloidea 24 21a. One quadrant of each clamp provided with a denticu-
18a. Clamps symmetrical, composed of three U-shaped late, muscular or spinous pad; clamps pedunculate.
selerltes; body divided into wide anterior and narrow .................................................................................... 22
posterior regions; oral sucker weakly developed; 21b. Clamps without pads of any kind. 23
uterus arranged in several longitudinal folds; parasit- 22a. Clamps symmetrical in structure, one quadrant con-
ic on gills of chimaeras (Holocephali). (Fig. 155). .. . tains a denticulate (toothed) pad; ribs absent (Fig.
.................. Superfamily Chimaericoloidea . 57). Family Dactylocotylidae p. 62
..... Family Chlmaericolldae p. 57
22b. Clamps asymmetrical in structure, one quadrant pro- 26a. Clamps all of same kind, longer than wide, asymmetri-
vided with a muscular sucker and/or spinous pad: cal in structure (Fig. 207). . .
ribs present (Fig. 58). . . ...................... ... Family Allopyragraphorldae p. 72
... Family Dlclldophoridae p. 57 26b. Clamps of two types, microcotylid and firetong-
23a. Clamps contain two U-shaped sclerltes; clamps may shaped; symmetrical in structure (Fig. 61). . .
be pedunculate or sessile (Fig. 59). . . ................................ Family Pyragraphorldae p. 72
...... Family Mazocraeidae p. 59 27a. Clamps all of microcotylid type, no accessory scle-
23b. Clamps contain a median sclerite (spring) and curved rites, no ribs (Fig. 62) ... p. Family Mlcrocotylidae ..p. 64
lateral sclerites and spurs: clamps always sessile 27b. Clamps not of microcotylid type. 28
(Fig. 60). .. Family Dlscocotylidae p. 59 28a. Opisthaptor asymmetrical, more clamps or larger
24a: Opisthaptor truncate or flshtail-shaped: clamps ar- clamps on one side than on the other (clamps only on
ranged in two end-ta-end rows across opisthaptor. ... one side in genus Leuresthicola)j median sclerite bifid
.................................................................................... 25 or trifid at tips: ovary has inverted U-shape (Figs. 197,
24b. Opisthaptor wedge-shaped or clamps mounted di- 198) Family Heteraxinldae p.66
rectly on sides of body 27 28b. Clamps usually contain ribs and accessory sclerltes;
25a. Opisthaptor truncate: rows of clamps separated by median sclerite usually widej clamps sometimes
anchors; ovary U- or J-shaped. . . mounted directly on sides of body instead of on a dis-
.. Family Axlnldae p. 66 tinct oplsthaptor: ovary folded (Fig. 63). . .
25b. Opisthaptor fishtail-shaped j rows of clamps not sepa- ................. Family Gastrocotylldae p. 70
rated by anchors: anchors absent. 26

buccal cavity

~:::9-'I--- buccal suckers

tire-tong clamp

elongate clamp
Fig. 56. Family Macrovalvitrematidae.

muscular sucker

spinous pad

denticulate pad


Fig. 57. Clamp of Dactylocotylidae.

Fig. 58. Clamps of Diclidophoridae.

median sclerite

U-shaped sclerite

Fig. 59. Clamp of Mazocraetdae.

lateral sclerite

Fig. 60. Clamp of Discocotylidae.

Fig. 62. Microcotylid clamp.

Fig. 61. Clamp of Pyragraphoridae.


lateral selerlte

accessory sclerite

Fig. 63. Gastrocotylid Clamps.

Suborder Monopisthocotylea Odhner, 1912 Life cycle: G. elegans- Adults viviparous, producing embryos
in utero. The first embryo may in turn produce another and still
Opisthaptor a single disc or membranous, containing another within that one. This kind of reproduction is regarded as
anchors, hooks or occasionally loculi and septa; prohaptor with serial polyembryony. After the embryo forms an opisthaptor with
head organs, lappets, pseudosuckers or a single sucker; geni- anchors and hooks, it is released. Newly released larvae are
to-intestinal canal usually absent.
nonciliated and closely resemble the parent worm. They first at-
Superfamily Gyrodactyloidea tach to the skin and gills of the same host but might later transfer
to a different host when contact is made (Katheriner, 1904).
Johnston and Tiegs, 1922
Family Gyrodactylidae Cobbold, 1864
Superfamily Dactylogyroidea
Viviparous; body minute (1 mm or less); opisthaptor membra-
nous, margins sometimes scalloped; one pair anchors; two or
Yamaguti 1963
three transverse bars, 16 marginal hooks; prohaptor contains Family Dactylogyridae Bychowsky, 1963
one pair head organs; eyespots absent; testis single; ovary pre- Oviparous; body small (1 mm or less), delicate; pigmented
or post-testicular; pharynx divided into two zones; vitelline folli- eyespots present; opisthaptor membranous, containing one or
cles absent or weakly developed; parasitic on skin and gills of two pairs of anchors or anchors absent, 16 hooks; one, two or
fishes and amphibians. three transverse bars or bars absent; prohaptor provided with
one or more pairs of head organs or rarely with head lappets;
Key to Genera testis usually single; vas deferens mayor may not loop around
1a. Opisthaptor contains two lateral winglike bars and a left cecum; cirrus supported by accessory piece; ovary pretesti-
large ventral bar with a shield; anchors slender, base cular, sometimes looping around right cecum; vitelline follicles
of anchor with a dense cap; posterior part of body distributed along ceca; parasitic on skin and gills, in nasal cavi-
contains a spiny, transverse pedunculate bar; hooks ties or in urinary tract of freshwater and marine fishes.
arranged in a posterior group of 10 hooks and two lat-
Key to Genera
eral groups ofthree hooks each (Fig, 65). . .
..................................... Genus Swingleus Rogers, 1969 1a. Opisthaptor without anchors. 2
1b. Opisthaptor not as described above; body without pe- 1b. Opisthaptor with one or two pairs of anchors. 4
dunculate bar. 2 2a. Prohaptor has gland ducts and pores confined to one
2a. Three pairs of accessory bars 'ln addition to dorsal or more pairs head organs; parasitic in urinary blad-
and ventral bars; hooks arranged in two anterolateral der or mesonephric ducts of fishes (Fig. 70). . .
groups of four hooks each and one posterior group of ......... Genus Acolpenteron Fischthal and Allison, 1940
eight hooks; ventral bar has elongate posterior pro- Life cycle: A. catostomi- Eggs pass in urine of host. Onchomira-
cess; parasite of mullet (Fig. 66). . . cidia with four tufts of cilia, two pairs of eyes pots , pharynx and
.................................. Genus Polyclithrum Rogers, 1967 14 hooks develop and hatch in six to nine days following oviposi-
2b. Accessory bars absent; hooks not grouped as above; tion (Fischthal and Allison, 1940).
ventral bar without posterior process. 3 2b. Prohaptor with or without lappets; pores of gland
3a. Opisthaptor indistinctly set off from body margins not ducts distributed along anterior margin of prohaptor;
scalloped; anchors have broad roots; deep and su- opisthaptor discoid or cupshaped; vas deferens
perficial roots about equal; transverse bars absent loops around left cecum; ovary loops around right ce-
but thin delicate plates replace them; parasitic on ma- cum 3
rine fishes (Fig. 67). . . 3a. Lappets present on prohaptor, contain gland ducts
...... Genus Archigyrodactylus Mizelle and Kritsky, 1967 and pores; opisthaptor discoid; cephalic glands con-
3b. Opisthaptor distinctly set off from body, margins fined to anterior third of body (Figs. 71, 72. . .
scalloped; anchors with well developed superficial ............................. Genus AnonchohaptorMueller, 1938
root but weakly developed deep root; dorsal and ven- 3b. Lappets absent; opisthaptor cupshaped with distinct
tral bars well developed (Fig. 68). . . muscular rim; cephalic glands distributed along sides
........................... Genus Gyrodactylus Nordmann, 1832 of anterior half of body (Fig. 73). . .
Key to North American species in Mizelle and Kritsky ............................................. Genus Icelanonchohaptor
(1967). Leiby, Kritsky and Peterson, 1972

point of hOOk~Shaft
superficial root shelf
deep root superficial root toe heel
fold knob
shank of hook
shaft shaft


Fig. 64. Terminology for gyrodactylid anchors and hooks


@ -:

.•J •
"~ •

Fig. 67a. Archigyrodactylus archigyrodactylus

(freim-MTzelieand Kritsky. f961).
Fig.65a. Swingleus polyclithroides Fig. 68. Gyrodactylus rhinichthius.
(from Rogers, 1969).

Fig. 65b. Lateral wing bar. Fig. 67b. Anchors and plate.

Fig. 66b. Dorsal, ventral and accessory bars.

point _

~--opposable piece
posterior appendage
1---- shaft

base of hook

a. hook

deep root ----I- superficial root

ramus of accessory piece

accessory piece --4


b. anchor
c. copulatory complex

Fig. 69. Dactylogyrid armature and male copulatory complex.

4a. Opisthaptor with one pair of anchors. . ,..... 5 lOa. Anchors distinctly unequal in size and shape; vitelline
4b. Opisthaptor with two pairs of anchors. 7 follicles large, lateral in position; cirrus short, not
5a. Opisthaptor indistinctly set off from body; transverse coiled; parasitic in marine teleost fishes (Fig. 78) .
bars absent; parasitic in nasal cavities of freshwater ...... Genus Dip/ectanotrema Johnston and Tiegs, 1922
fishes (Fig. 74). . Genus Ap/odiscus Rogers, 1967 lOb. Anchors equal or nearly equal in size and shape; vitel-
5b. Opisthaptor distinctly set off from body; one or two line follicles small and distributed across most of
transverse bars present; parastic on gills of fishes. ... body; cirrus long, coiled; parasitic in freshwater tele-
6 osts (Fig. 79). .. Genus Leptoc/eidus Mueller, 1936
6a. Tips of anchors doubly recurved (turned posteriorly) 11a. Ceca fused posteriorly to form cyclocoel; vas defe-
and provided with wings (Fig. 75). . . rens loops around left cecum; ovary oval; parasitic in
............... Genus Pellucidhaptor Price and Mizelle, 1964 marine teleosts (Fig. 80). . .
6b. Tips of anchors not doubly recurved (Fig. 76). .. . . Genus Protancyrocepha/oides Burns, 1978
................................Genus Dacty/ogyrus Diesing, 1850
11b. Ceca not fused posteriorly; vas deferens not looped
Key to species in Mizelle and McDougal (1970).
around left cecum; ovary elongate, folded on itself
Lifecycle: D. vasta tor- Adults are parasitic on the gills of carp, (Fig. 81). Genus Amphibdelloides Price, 1937
Cyprinus carpio in Europe and the Near East. At 24 to 28 C. the
12a. Opisthaptor with three transverse bars. 13
onchomiracidia develop and hatch in two to three days after ovi-
12b. Opisthaptor with two transverse bars. 14
position. The host fish is thought to become infected when the
13a. Dorsal anchors supported by two articulated bars,
onchomiracidia are swept into the mouth with water currents.
ventral anchors supported by one slender ventral bar;
After attachment to the gills, the parasite grows to sexual maturi-
dorsal anchors larger than ventral anchors; vas defe-
ty in four or five days at 28 to 29 C. or in 20 days at 15 C. They
rens loops around left cecum; parasitic on marine
cause some injury to the gills. Only very small carp (up to 60
fishes (Fig. 82). . .
mm) seem to be infected. The rate of reproduction of the para-
...................................Genus HargitremaTripathi, 1959
site decreases during the fall and winter and increases in spring
and summer. They overwinter as adults or as dormant eggs.
13b. All three transverse bars separated (nonarticulated);
Many generations are produced annually. The entire cycle re-
vas deferens forms a loop but not around cecum;
quires 11 to 13 days at 24 to 28 C. (Wunder, 1926 and 1929;
anchors nearly equal; ventral anchors articulate with
Kulwiec, 1929; Izumova, 1956; Paperna, 1963). median (ventral) bar, dorsal anchors articulate indi-
7a. Opisthaptor without transverse bars (Fig. 77). . . vidually with lateral (dorsal) bars; parasitic on catos-
...................................Genus Amphibdella Chatin, 1874 tomid fishes (Fig. 83). .. .
7b. Opisthaptor with one to three transverse bars. 8 .............. Genus Pseudomurraytrema Bychowsky, 1957
8a. Opisthaptor with one transverse bar. 9 14a. Base of anchors dilated and flattened, covering much
8b. Opisthaptor with two or three transverse bars. 12 of ventral surface of opisthaptor. . 15
9a. Prohaptor with one pair of head organs. .. 10 14b. Base of anchors not greatly dilated. 16
9b. Prohaptor with three pairs of head organs. .. ,.... 11 (Continued)
Fig. 70b. onchomiracidium.

Fig. 70a. Acolpenteron ureteroecetes.

Fig. 72. Anonchohaptor muelleri.

(from Kritsky et ai, 1972).

Fig. 71. Anonchohaptor anomalum.

Fig. 74b. Anchor.

Fig. 74a. Aplodiscus nasalis.

(from Rogers, 1967).

Fig. 75. Pellucidhaptor pellucidhaptor.

(from Price and Mizelle, 1964).

Fig. 73. Icelanonchohaptor icelanonchohaptor.

(from Leiby et a/1972).

Fig. 78. Diplectanotrema balistes.
(from Price, 1937).
Fig. 77. Amphibdel/a f/avolineata.
(from Price, 1937).

Fig. 76. Dactylogyrus banghami.

Fig. 80b. anchor

Protancyrocephaloides liopsettae.
(from Burns, 1978).

Fig. 79b. anchors

Fig. 79a. Leptocleidus megalonchus. Fig. 81. Amphibdel/oides narcine.
(from Sullivan et ai, 1978).


Fig. 84. Anchoradiscoides serpentinus.
(from Rogers. 1967).

Fig. 85. Anchoradiscus anchoradiscus

Fig. 82. Hargitrema bagre.

Fig. 83. Pseudomurraytrema copulatum.

15a. Anchors similar in size and shape, bases greatly di- 19a. Anchors similar in size and shape 20
lated and covering most of ventral surface of opis- 19b. Anchors dissimilar in size and/or shape 23
thaptor (Fig. 85). .. . 20a. Vas deferens passes median to left cecum. 21
............................... Genus Anchoradiscus Mizelle, 1941 20b. Vas deferens loops around left cecum. .. 22
15b. Anchors dissimilar in size and shape, bases dilated 21a. Intestinal ceca fused to form cyclocoel (Fig. 89). .. .
but covering only about one-third of ventral surface of ................................. Genus Cleidodiscus Mueller, 1934
opisthaptor (Fig. 84). .. . 21b. Intestinal ceca end blindly (Fig. 90). .. .
....... Genus Anchoradiscoides Rogers, 1967 ..... Genus Ancyrocephalus Creplin, 1839
16a. Opisthaptor at least twice as wide as body; bars long, 22a. Ovary loops around right cecum; testis and ovary
dissimilar; two pairs of ciissimilar anchors, ventral overlap; cirrus U-shaped, accessory piece complex;
anchors have deep and superficial roots, dorsal
parasite of blue sucker (Fig. 91) .
anchors are without deep and superficial roots (Fig.
.. Genus Myzotrema Rogers, 1967
86) Genus Macrohaptor Allison, 1967
22b. Ovary does not loop around right cecum; cirrus not U-
16b. Oplsthaptor about as wide as body; transverse bars
shaped; accessory piece simple; testis posterior to
usually shorter than anchors. 17 ovary; not parasites of suckers. 23
17a. Transverse bars fused; anchors similar In size and
shape; vaginal pore on left margin of body (Fig. 87)..... 23a. Vagina and vaginal pore sinistral; cirrus enveloped by
.......... Genus Syncleithrium Price, 1967 spiral sheath; parasite of freshwater fishes (Percidae)
(Fig. 92). .. Genus Aethycteron
17b. Transverse bars notfused 18
Suriano and Beverley-Burton, 1982
18a. Transverse bars V-shaped, articulated with each oth-
er and with base of anchors; vagina and vaginal pore 23b. Vagina and vaginal pore dextral; cirrus without spiral
sinistral (Fig. 88). .. . sheath; parasite of marine fishes (Mugilldae) (Fig.
................................ Genus Actinocleidus Mueller, 1937 93). Genus Haiiotrema Johnston and Tiegs, 1922
18b. Transverse bars separated (nonarticulated): 19 (Continued)
Fig. 86. Macrohaptor hopkinsi. (from Allison, 1967).

Fig. 87. Syncleithrium fusiformis. Fig. 88. Actinocleidus oculatus.

Fig. 91. Myzotrema cyclepti. (from Rogers, 1967).

Fig. 89. Cleidodiscus capax.
Fig. 90. Ancyrocephalus lactophrys.
Fig. 95. Lyrodiscus muricatus.
(from Rogers, 1967).
Fig. 93. Haliotrema mugilinus.

Fig. 92a. Aethycteron moorei Fig. 94. Cleidiscoides sulcata.

(from Mayes and Miller, 1973).

Fig. 98b. opisthaptor, lateral view .•••• I:r7<~c ••• ,

Fig. 92b. cirrus with spiral sheath

Fig. 96. Aristocleidus hastatus.

(from Mueller, 1936).

Fig. 97. Haplocleidusdispar. (from Mueller, 1936). Fig. 98a. Onchocleidus ferox.

24a. Anchors deeply cleft at tip and provided with wings; Family Bothitrematidae Bychowsky, 1957
bars dissimilar in shape; accessory piece of male
genitalia sickle-shaped (Fig. 94). . . Body small (less than 2 mm), delicate, contains two pairs of
............ Genus C/eidodiscoides Mayes and Miller, 1973 eyespots; prohaptor contains four pairs of cupshaped head or-
24b. Anchors not cleft at tip, wings absent. .. 25 gans; opisthaptor discoid with one pair of anchors, two V-
25a. Opisthaptor lyre-shaped due to projection of tips of shaped bars and a circle of radially oriented tubular structures;
long anchors from sides of opisthaptor; dorsal bar U- intestine a single cecum; one testis; ovary pretesticular; vitelline
shaped; dorsal anchors smaller than ventral anchors; follicles fill lateral areas of body; produce one egg at a time; par-
vas deferens loops around left cecum; vaginal pore asitic on gills of marine fishes.
ventral to teft cecum (Fig. 95). . . The family is monotypic, containing only Bothitrema bothi
(Fig. 99).
......................... ........ ... Genus Lyrodiscus Rogers, 1967
25b. Opisthaptor not lyre-shaped; anchors and bars not as
described above. 26
26a. Anchors similar in size but not in shape; roots of dor-
sal anchors cleft, their tips bent at 45 degree angle;
roots of ventral anchors not cleft, their tips curved
(Fig. 96). . Genus Aristoc/eidus Mueller, 1936
26b. Anchors similar in shape, might or might not differ in
size; roots of anchors not cleft. 27
27a. Dorsal anchors twice as large as ventral anchors;
hooks not unusually large, their tips weakly devel-
oped (Fig. 97) Genus Hap/oc/eidus Mueller, 1937
27b. Dorsal and ventral anchors nearly equal in size;
hooks large with thick shanks (Fig. 98). . .
..... Genus Onchoc/eidus Mueller, 1936

Fig. 99b. opisthaptor

Fig. 99a. Bothitrema bothi.

Family Diplectanidae Bychowsky, 1957 Superfamily Tetraonchoidea Yamaguti, 1963
Body small (less than 1 mm), posterior part contains recurved
Family Tetraonchidae Bychowsky, 1957
spines, squamodiscs or adhesive plaques; prohaptor provided Body small (about 2 mm), delicate; prohaptor without lobes,
with three pairs of head organs; opisthaptor has two pairs of contains one or more pairs of weakly developed head organs;
anchors and two or three transverse bars; testis single; ovary opisthaptor membranous, distinct, contains two pairs of similar
pretesticular, sometimes looped around cecum; vitelline follicles anchors, 16 hooks, a butterfly-shaped ventral bar, dorsal bar ab-
abundant, in lateral areas of body; intestine composed of one or sent or vestigial; pharynx present; intestine a single cecum; one
two ceca; parasitic on gillS of marine and freshwater fishes. testis; ovary pretesticular; parasitic on gills of trout, pike, and
Key to Genera The family contains only the genus Tetraonchus Diesing,
1a. Posterior part of body constricted to form peduncle 1858 of which three species have been reported in North Ameri-
which is clothed in recurved spines; opisthaptor ca. (Fig. 104).
wider than body (rectangular), contains three trans-
verse bars, two pairs of similar anchors and groups of
recurved spines: on gills of marine fishes (Fig. 100). .
...... Genus Rhamnocercus
Monaco, Wood and Mizelle, 1954
1b. Posterior part of body wide, containing .either squa-
modlscs or lateral adhesive plaques. 2
2a. Lateral adhesive plaques and recurved spines on
posterior part of body; opisthaptor with three trans-
verse bars; ovary loops around left cecum; on gillS of
marinefishes (Fig. 101). . .
........ Genus Rhabdosynochus Mizelle and Blatz, 1941
2b. Posterior part of. body contains dorsal and ventral
squamodiscs. 3
3a. Intestine composed of two ceca; opisthaptor contains
three separate transverse bars (Fig. 102). . .
........ Genus Diplectanum Diesing, 1858
Key to species in Tripathi (1957).
3b. Intestine a single cecum; opisthaptor contains two
fused bars (Fig. 103) .
............ Genus Neodiplectanum Mizelle and Blatz, 1941

Fig.104a. Tetraonchusalaskensis.

Fig.104b. opisthaptor

Fig. 100. Rhamnocercus rhamnocercus.

I<-~~r-- recurved spines

../'t"?"I7I'H'---- transverse bar

Fig. 102. Diplectanum americanum

Fig. 101. Rhabdosynochus rhabdosynochus.
(from Hargis, 1955).

Fig. 103. Neodiplectanum wenningeri, fused transverse bars.

Superfamily Capsaloidea Price, 1936 4b. Posterior septa of oplsthaptor not bifid at the tips;
Family Capsalidae Baird, 1853 anchors not clawlike; marginal spines of body bifid or
serrate at tip (Fig. 108). . .
Body large, broad, flat, usually spinous; eyespots present or ......................................... Genus Tristoma Cuvier, 1817
absent;pharynx present; intestinal ceca usually branched; pro- 5a. One testis; oplsthaptor small, at end of a ventral pe-
haptor composed of two preoral suckers, bothria or pseudo- duncle, contains one pair of large and one pair of
suckers;opisthaptor a muscular disc, with or without septa and small anchors; lateral margins of body folded ventral-
containing two or three pairs of anchors; one, two, or multiple ly; preoral suckers surrounded by scalloped mem-
testes;ovary pretesticular; vagina present or absent; male and brane (Fig. 109). ..... Genus Encotyllabe Diesing, 1850
femalegenital pores open separately into genital atrium; vitelline 5b. Two testes; opisthaptor discoid, sessile; anchors
folliclesabundant, fill most of area around other organs; parasit- about equal in size; no scallops around preoral suck-
ic on skin, gills or in nostrils and mouth of marine fishes. Price ers; lateral margins of body not folded ventrally. .... 6
(1939a.)published a taxonomic revision of the family. 6a. Opisthaptor septate with seven marginal loculi and
Key to Genera three pairs of anchors (Fig. 111). . .
.......................,............ Genus Mega/ocoty/e Folda, 1929
1a. Morethan two testes present. 2
6b. Opisthaptor without septa and loculi. 7
1b. Oneor two testes present. 5
7a. Prohaptor composed of two preoral suckers. 8
2a. Opisthaptor without septa; prohaptor contains two
7b. Prohaptor composed of a single preoral lobe con-
earlike preoral bothria; four testes present; parasitic
taining glands, suckers, sucking grooves or pseudo-
on gills of sturgeon (Fig. 105). . .
suckers 9
............................................. Genus Nitschia Baer, 1826
8a. Vagina long, pore on left body margin; parasitic on
2b. Opisthaptor with septa; prohaptor contains two preo-
skin of elasmobranchs (Fig. 1"10). . .
ral suckers; testes multiple. 3
............................. Genus Benedeniella Johnston, 1929
3a. Pharynx constricted in the middle; testes either inter-
cecal or both inter-and extracecal (Fig. 106). . . 8b. Vagina absent parasitic on marine teleost fishes (Fig.
.................... Genus Capsa/a Bosc, 1811 113). . Genus Neobenedenia Yamaguti, 1963
3b. Pharynx globose, not constricted; testes always inter- Life cycle: N. melleni- Adults inhabit the gills, nasal cavities, cor-
cecal 4 nea and conjunctiva of many genera and species of marine fish-
4a. Posterior septa of opisthaptor bifid at the tips; es. Eggs are pyramidal with one long filament. A ciliated oncho-
anchors have clawlike tip; marginal spines of body miracidium develops and hatches in five to eight days. The
crownshaped (Fig. 107). . . larval opisthaptor remains folded until the parasite attaches to
..... Genus Capsa/oides Price, 1938 the host. At this time the cilia are shed (Jahn and Kuhn, 1932).


Fig. 113. Neobenedenia melleni.

a. adult b. onchomiracidium c. and d. developmental
stages (from Jahn and Kuhn, 1932)

Fi!ij. 106. Capsala martinieri.

Fig. 107a. Capsaloides cornuta.

Fig. 105. Nitschia quadritestis.

Fig.107b. marginal spines

Fig. 109. Encotyllabe lintoni.

Fig. 110. Benedeniella posterocolpa.

(from Hargis, 1955).

Fig. 108a. Tristoma coccineum.

Fig. 112. Pseudobenedenia noblei.

Fig. 108b. marginal spines Fig. 111. Megalocotyle marginata. (from Menzies, 1946)

9a. Prohaptor a single preoral lobe containing one pair of gle preoral lobe; opisthaptor with three pairs of
suckers; opisthaptor aseptate with marginal scallops; anchors; ceca branched and fused posteriorly; some
vagina long, pore marginal, sinistral (Fig. 112). . . vitelline follicles between ovary and testes (Fig. 115).
....... Genus Pseudobenedenia Johnston, 1931 .............. Genus Entobdel/a Blainville in Lamarck, 1818
9b. Prohaptor and opisthaptor not as described above. .. Life cycle: E. so/eae- Adults inhabit the skin on the ventral sur-
.................................................................................... 10 face of the common sole, So/ea so/ea. Eggs are cemented to
10a. Prohaptor contains sucking grooves or pseudosuck- sand grains by a sticky stalk. Onchomiracidia (Fig. 116) develop
ers; opisthaptor with two pairs of anchors; ceca and hatch and attach to the skin on the dorsal surface of fish as
branched at posterior ends, not fused; no vitelline fol- this is the only part of the host exposed when they lie partially
licles between ovary and testes (Fig. 114). . . buried in sand. After some development the parasites move to
....................... Genus Pseudentobdel/a Yamaguti, 1963 the ventral body surface where they mature (Kearn, 1963).
10b. Prohaptor with one pair of glandular masses on sin-

Fig. 114. Pseudentobdella pacifica. (from Guberlet, 1936)

Fig. 115. Entobdella hippog/ossi.

b. c.

a. Fig. 116. Entobdella so/eae, larval stages.

a. onchomiracidium b., c., d. developmental stages (from d.
Kearn, 1963)

Family Monocotylidae Taschenberg, 1879 7a. Lateral margins of posterior part of body has bilateral
cuticular bars; oplsthaptor with transverse rows of re-
Body variable in shape, flat; eyes pots present or absent; pha- curved spines on dorsal surface; parasite of gultar-
rynx present; intestinal ceca branched or unbranched, fused or
fish (Fig. 123). .. Genus Spinuris Doran, 1953
not posteriorly; prohaptor in form of an oral sucker with or with-
7b. Body without cuticular bars; Opisthaptor without re-
out head organs, or a single lobe containing gland ducts and
curved spines. 8
pores, a preoral flap sometimes present; opisthaptor discoid,
8a. Prohaptor with a distinct preoral flap; opisthaptor
septate, anchors present or absent; marginal, submarginal and
contains one central and eight submarginal loculi
central loculi present, marginal papillae sometimes present; dor-
plus numerous marginal ridges; anchors absent;
sum of opisthaptor may contain muscular papillae or small mus-
ceca profusely branched; parasitic in skin of rays
cular holdfast organs; usually one testis present; ovary pretesti-
(Flg.124) Genus Dendromonocotyle Hargis, 1955
cular, usually elongate and looped around right cecum; vitelline
Key to species in Young (1967) and in Olson and Jeffries
follicles distributed around ceca; eggs usually with unipolar fila-
ment; parasitic in nostrils or on skin and gills of marine fishes.
8b. Prohaptor without preoral flap; opisthaptor without
Price (1938b.) and Young (1967) published taxonomic revisions
marginal ridges; anchors present, ceca unbranched.
of the family. •.•.•.•.•.••••••.•.•.•.•...........•.•.•.•.•.•.••••••.••••••••••.•.•.•.•.•••.•••••••••9
Key to Genera 9a. Septa and rim of opisthaptor surmounted by a sinu-
1a. Opisthaptor contains more than nine loculi; two vagi- ous sclerotlzed ridge; dorsal surface of opisthaptor
nae 2 contains several muscular holdfast organs in a trans-
1b. Oplsthaptor contains nine loculi or less; one vagina. . verse row. 10
...................................................................................... 6 9b. Septa and rim of opisthaptor without sclerotized
2a. Anchors absent; opisthaptor has one central, 14 mar- ridge; muscular holdfast organs absent. 11
ginal and five submarginal loculi; parasitic in the na- 10a. Prohaptor a flat reniform disc with many marginal
sal cavities of rays (Fig. 117). .. . gland ducts and pores; vitelline follicles absent In
........ Genus Empruthotrema Johnston and Tiegs, 1922 posterior third of body; parasitic on gills of sawfish
2b. Anchors present; opisthaptor not as described (Fig. 125). Genus Neoheterocotyle Hargis, 1955
above 3 10b. Prohaptor a muscular preoral lobe with three groups
3a. Prohaptor contains marginal gland ducts; opisthaptor of adhesive glands located dorsal and lateral to oral
contains many small loculi; parasitic in nasal cavities pseudosucker; vitelline follicles extend into posterior
of elasmobranchs (Fig. 118). .. . part of body (Fig. 126). .. .
.......... Genus Cathariotrema Johnston and Tiegs, 1922 .. Genus Heterocotyle Scott, 1904
3b. Prohaptor and opisthaptor not as described above. .. Key to species in Young (1967).
...................................................................................... 4 11a. Prohaptor a weakly-developed oral sucker without
4a. Prohaptor contains a preoral flap; opisthaptor with gland ducts; ovary loops around right cecum; ridge
one central and 10 marginal loculi; muscular papillae sclerltes absent on septa and papillae absent on rim
on dorsal surface of opisthaptor; anchors small (Fig. of oplsthaptor (Fig. 127). . : .
121). Genus Papillocotyle Young, 1967 ............................ Genus Anoplocotyloides Young, 1967
Key to species in Young (1967). 11b. Prohaptor a large membranous pseudosucker with bi-
lateral rows of 10 small head organs; ovary does not
4b. Prohaptor with head organs; opisthaptor not as de- loop around cecum; septa and marginal ridge of opis-
scribed above. 5 thaptor has tetrapartite ridge sclerites; marginal pa-
5a. Opisthaptor contains one central, 13 marginal and pillae on rim of opisthaptor (Fig. 128). .. .
four submarginal loculi; anchors very large; parasite ........ Genus Monocotyle Taschenberg, 1878
of rays (Fig. 119). .. .
Key to species in Young (1967).
............................... Genus Thaumatocotyle Scott, 1904
5b. Oplsthaptor contains one central, 18 marginal and
seven submarginal loculi; anchors not unusually Family Dionchidae Bychowsky, 1959
large; parasitic in nostrils of skates (Fig. 120). .. . Body small (2 to 3 mm), flat; eyes pots present; prohaptor
.......................... Genus Merizocotyle Cerfontaine, 1894 composed of numerous cephalic glands and marginal gland
6a. Opisthaptor contains one central and seven marginal ducts; opisthaptor discoid with 10 to 12 marginal loculi, one pair
loculi, posterior loculus much larger than the others; of anchors and 14 hooks; pharynx present; intestinal ceca un-
margins of opisthaptor has festoons; prohaptor a branched and fused posteriorly; testes tandem; ovary pretesti-
pseudosucker with many marginal gland ducts (Fig. cular; vitelline follicles abundant, occupying most of lateral re-
122). Genus Dasybatotrema Price, 1936 gions of body; parasitic on gills of suckfish of the family
6b. Opisthaptor contains one central and eight marginal Echeneidae.
loculi, posterior loculus only slightly larger than the The family contains only the genus Dionchus Goto, 1899 (Fig.
others 7 129), which is represented in North America by three species.

Fig. 119. Thaumatocotyle dasybatis.
Fig. 117. Empruthotrema raiae.
Fig. 118. Cathariotrema se/achii.

Fig. 120. Merizocotyle pugetensis.

Fig. 121 a. Papillocotyle floridana.

Fig. 122. Dasybatotrema dasybatis.

Fig. 121b. opisthaptor, dorsal view

Fig. 124a. Dendromonocotyle octodiscus.

Fig. 125a. Neoheterocotyle inpristi.

Fig. 123. Spinuris lophosoma.

Fig. 124b. Marginal ridges. Fig. 125b. Opisthaptor,

lateral view.

Fig. 129. Dionchus rachycentris.

c. egg

b. septal ridge
Fig. 126. Heterocotyle minima.
Fig. 127. Anoplocotyloides papillata.
Fig. 128a. Monocotyle pricei.

Family Loimoidae Bychowsky, 1957 ovary elongate and looped around right cecum; two
testes. (Fig. 130). . .
Body small (2 to 4 mm); pharynx present; ceca unbranched; ............................ Genus Loimopapillosum Hargis, 1955
prohaptorcontains two or more preoral suckers or one pair head 1b. Prohaptor contains preoral suckers; opisthaptor with-
organs; opisthaptor a large muscular sucker with one pair of out marginal papillae; ovary not looped around ce-
anchors,margin of sucker with muscular papillae in one genus; cum; one testis. 2
oneor two testes; ovary pretesticular, variable in shape; vagina 2a. Testis large, lobed; prohaptor contains five or six pre-
single,pore ventral; vitelline follicles abundant along ceca; para- oral suckers; body broad and flat (Fig. 131). . .
siticon gills of elasmobranchs. ...................................... Genus Loimosina Manter, 1944
Key to Genera 2b. Testis small, elongate; prohaptor contains one or two
pairs preoral suckers; body elongate, narrow (Fig.
1a. Prohaptor contains head organs and cephalic glands;
132). Genus Loimos MacCallum, 1917
sucker on opisthaptor with 12 to 14 marginal papillae;

Fig. 131b. prohaptor

Fig. 130. Loimopapillosum dasybatis.

Fig. 131a. Loimosina wilsoni. (from Manter, 1944) Fig. 132. Loimos salpingoides.

Key to Genera
Family Microbothriidae Price 1936
1a. One testis; opisthaptor an oval muscular cup; buccal
Body small (2 to 3 mm), flat; prohaptor in form of a pseudo-
suckers very small (Fig. 133). . .
sucker containing gland ducts or two small buccal suckers; opis-
............................... Genus Microbothrium Olsson, 1869
thaptor without anchors or hooks, in the form of a muscular cup
1b. Two or multiple testes. 2
or two muscular flaps (?); testes one, two or multiple; ovary pre-
2a. Testes two, opposite; opisthaptor in form of two mus-
testicular; vagina single or double; parasitic in nostrils or on skin
cular flaps; pharynx without lobelike papillae (Fig.
of elasmobranchs. Price (1938b) published a taxonomic revision
134). Genus Oermophthirius MacCallum, 1926
of the family.
2b. Testes multiple, intercecal; opisthaptor a small circu-
lar cup; pharynx with lobelike papillae (Fig. 135). .......
........................... Genus Neodermophthirius Price, 1963

Fig. 135. Neodermophthirius harkemai.

Fig. 133. Microbothrium apiculatum. Fig. 134. Dermophthirius carcharini. (from Price, 1963)

Superfamily Acanthocotyloidea Sproston,

Family Acanthocotylidae Price, 1936
Body small (1 to 3 mm), flat, sides parallel; eyespots absent;
prohaptor contains cephalic glands and one pair of preoral suck-
ers; opisthaptor discoid with numerous radiating rows of spines,
small larval haptor attached to adult haptor; pharynx present; in-
testinal ceca unbranched; testes multiple, intercecal; ovary pre-
testicular; female genital pore marginal; male pore median; vitel-
line follicles lateral to ceca; parasitic on skin and gills of rays and
skates. Price (1938b) published a taxonomic revision of the fam-
Key to Genera
1a. Uterine pore on right margin of body; testes fill most
of intercecal area; vitelline follicles abundant, distri-
buted over more than half of body length (Fig. 136). ...
................. Genus Pseudacanthocotyla Yamaguti, 1963
1b. Uterine pore on left margin of body; testes not abun-
dant, restricted to posterior part of body; vitelline fol-
Fig. 137. Allacanthocotyla pugetensis.
licles confined to posterior third of body (Fig. 137). ...
........................ Genus Allacanthocotyla Yamaguti, 1963 Fig. 136. Pseudacanthocotyla williamsi.
Superfamily Udonelloidea Yamaguti, 1963 polar stalk for attachment to host; parasites of parasitic cope-
pods on marine fishes. Price (1938b) published a taxonomic re-
Family Udonellidae Taschenberg, 1879
vision of the family.
Body small (about 2mm) cylindrical; prohaptor contains one This family is represented in North America by only the genus
pair of head organs; opisthaptor in form of a concave muscular Udonella Johnston, 1835 (Fig. 138). Post-hatching development
discwithout anchors or hooks; intestine a single cecum; pharynx was studied by Ivanov (1952) and prehatching development by
large;one testis; ovary pretesticular; vitelline glands large, along Schell (1972).
sidesof body; uterus contains one egg at a time; eggs have uni-





Fig. 138. Udonella caligorum.

a. adult e. prehatching development
f. hatched larva (from Schell, 1972)


Suborder Polyopisthocotylea Odhner, 1912 miracidium requires 28 days (Fig. 145). At least one year is re-
quired for development to sexual maturity in the turtle (Paul,
Opisthaptor contains two or more muscular suckers and/or
clamps; anchors sometimes present; prohaptor contains single
5a. Opisthaptor has one pair of anchors; testes in middle
oral sucker or pair of small buccal suckers; genito-intestinal ca-
of body (Fig. 142). .. .
nal usually present.
............................ Genus Neodiplorchis Yamaguti, 1963
Superfamily Polystomatoidea Price, 1936 5b. Opisthaptor without anchors; testes in anterior third
Family Polystomatidae Gamble, 1896 of body (Fig. 143). .. .
...................... Genus Pseudodiplorchis Yamaguti, 1963
Body flat, muscular; eyespots absent; pharynx present; intes-
tinal ceca branched or unbranched, not fused posteriorly; pro-
haptor a muscular sucker; opisthaptor contains six suckers plus
one or more pairs of anchors and hooks; one, two or multiple
testes; ovary pretesticular; vitelline follicles occupy most of area
around ceca and gonads; parasitic in urinary bladder, nasal cav-
ities, mouth, pharynx or esophagus of amphibians and reptiles.
Price (1939b) published a taxonomic revision of the family.

Key to Genera
1a. Testes multiple; intestinal ceca branched, the
branches anastomosing; opisthaptor contains six
suckers and one pair of anchors; parasitic in urinary
bladder of amphibians (Fig. 139). .. .
....................................... Genus Polystoma Zeder, 1800
Life cycle: P. integerrimum - Adults in the urinary bladder start
laying eggs in the spring when the frogs lay their eggs. Parasite
eggs pass in the frog urine. A ciliated onchomiracidium develops
and hatches in 20 to 50 days, the time determined by the tem-
perature of the water. Onchomiracidia attach to the external gills
of small tadpoles where they feed and develop to mature adults
in 20 to 25 days. These adults lay eggs until the external gills are
resorbed when they die. Onchomiracidia from these eggs hatch
and attach to internal gills of older tadpoles. Some later eggs
from adults in the urinary bladder also produce onchomiracidia
that attach to internal gills, but when the tadpoles metamor-
phose to frogs the developing parasites migrate via the digestive
tract to the cloaca and then to the urinary bladder where they de-
velop slowly to sexually mature adults. Adults of the gill genera-
tion differ from those of the bladder generation in having a rudi-
mentary cirrus, no vaginae, no uterus, no genito-intestinal canal,
smaller ovary, only one testis, rudimentary vitellaria, sperm with-
out heads and fewer ova. Like their host, the bladder parasites
are dormant during the winter. Complete development of this
generation requires three years (Zeller, 1872, 1876; Gallien,
1932, 1933; Bychowsky, 1957). Paul (1938) studied the life cy-
cle of P. nearcticum, a parasite in the urinary bladder of the tree
frogs, Hyla versicolor and H. cinerea.

1b. One or two testes present. 2

2a. One testis; parasitic in urinary bladder of turtles. 3
2b. Two testes; in urinary bladder of amphibians. 5
3a. Opisthaptor without anchors (Fig. 140). .. .
.... Genus Neopolystoma Price, 1939
3b. Opisthaptor contains one or two pairs of anchors. . 4
4a. Opisthaptor contains one pair of anchors (Fig. 141). ..
........ Genus Polystomoidella Price, 1939
4b. Opisthaptor contains two pairs anchors, one pair
larger than the other (Fig. 144). .. .
................................. Genus Polystomoides Ward, 1917

Life cycle: P. oris- Adults parasitize the oral cavity of the turtle,
Chrysemys picta. Operculate eggs without polar filaments are
Fig. 139. Polystoma integerrimum.
produced year around and are released at the rate of two or a. adult b. onchomiracidium
three every 24 hours. Development and hatching of the oncho- c. and d. developmental stages (from Zeller, 1872).
Fig. 141. Polystomoidella sp. Fig. 14Z. Neodiplorchis scaphiopi. Fig. 143. Pseudodiplorchis americanus.
Fig.140. Neopolystoma sp.
(from Rodgers, 1941) (from Rodgers and Kuntz, 1940)



Fig. 145. Polystomoides oris.

a. to d. developmental stages (from Paul, 1938)

Fig.144. Polysfomoidescoronatum. (from Price, 1939)

Family Hexabothriidae Price, 1942 Only the genus Diclybothrium Leuckart, 1835 is known to oc-
cur in North America (Fig. 152). The genus contains two spe-
Body flat, very contractile; pharynx present; intestinal ceca
branched, fused posteriorly and extending into opisthaptor;
haptor contains oral sucker; opisthaptor provided with six suck-
ers, each with a curved sclerite; haptoral appendix with two ter-
minal suckers also present; testes multiple, intercecal; ovary
pretesticular; two vaginae present, pores ventro-Iateral; vitelline
follicles distributed along ceca; eggs with or without polar fila-
ments; parasitic on gills of elasmobranchs. Price (1942) pub-
lished a taxonomic revision of the family.
Key to Genera
1a. Suckers and sclerites of oplsthaptor not of uniform
size 2
1b. Suckers and sclerltes of opisthaptor of uniform size
or nearly so. 4
2a. Oral sucker surrounded by a membranous collar; cir-
rus large and spiny; vaginae fused before joining vi-
telline duct; parasites of stingrays (Fig. 146). . .
.....................;..... Genus Dasyonchocotyle Hargis, 1955
2b. Membranous collar absent around oral sucker; vagi-
nae separate for their full length; parasites of sharks .
3a. Cirrus small and nonspinous (Fig. 147). . .
........ Genus Heteronchocotyle Brooks, 1934
3b. Cirrus large, bulbous, spiny; eggs have monopolar fil-
ament (Fig. 148). . .
.......................... Genus Hexabothrium Nordmann, 1840
4a. Vaginae separate, open Individually to transverse vI-
telline duct; eggs have two polar filaments. 5
4b. Vaginae united before joining vitelline reservoir; eggs
without polar filaments. 6
5a. Vitelline follicles not extending into haptoral appendix
(no Illustration). . .
......... Genus Erpocotyle Beneden and Hesse, 1863
5b. Vitelline follicles extending Into haptoral appendix
(Fig. 149). Genus Neoerpocotyle Price, 1942
6a. Vaginae united to form a single median duct which
joins vitelline reservoir; eggs have longitudinal rid-
ges; parasites of skates (Fig. 150). . .
..................... Genus Rajonchocotyle Cerfontaine, 1899
6b. Vaginae fused at two different points before joining
vitelline reservoir; eggs without longitudinal ridges;
parasite of guitarfish (Fig. 151). . .
...................... Genus Rhinobatonchocotyle Doran, 1953

Family Diclybothriidae Bychowsky and

Gussev, 1950
Body elongate, cylindrical; intestinal ceca branched and
fused posteriorly; prohaptor with two small buccal suckers (both-
Fig. 152. Diclybothrium hamulatum.
ria) opening into buccal cavity; opisthaptor contains three pairs
of suckers, each with a curved sclerite, short haptoral appendix
present, bearing three pairs of anchors but no suckers; testes
multiple; ovary elongate, folded pretesticular; vaginae united,
pores sublateral; vitelline follicles distributed along ceca; eggs
without filaments; parasitic on gills of acipenserid fishes (Aci- FI
penser and Polyodon).

Fig. 148b. Cirrus, lateral view.

Fig. 148c. Cirrus,

ventral view.

Fig. 146. Dasyonchocotyle spiniphallus. Fig. 147. Heteronchocotyle hypoprioni. Fig. 148a. Hexabothrium canicula.
(from Sproston, 1946).

~ Fig. 151b. Vaginae.

vitelline duct
Fig. 149b. Vaginae.

Fig. 149a. Neoerpocotyle ginglymostomae. Fig. 150b. Vaginae.

Fig. 150a. Rajonchocotyle wehri. (from Price, 1942) Fig. 151 a. Rhinobatonchocotyle cyclovaginatus.

--==--- -- -

Family Sphyranuridae Poche, 1926 Life cycle: S. otigorchis - Adults inhabit the gills of Necturus ma-
culosus. An onchomiracidium develops and hatches in 28 to 32
Body small (about 2mm), cylindrical; eyespots absent; ~ha-
days following oviposition. The newly hatched larva (Fig. 154)
rynx present; intestinal ceca without branches, fused pos!enorly
has a bilobed opisthaptor which contains one pair of anchors, 16
to form cyclocoel; prohaptor in form of an oral sucker; oplsthap-
hooks and two developing suckers. Larvae creep inchworm
tor bilobed and contains two large suckers, one pair of anchors
fashion in search of a host. They apparently attach to the gills
and 14 marginal hooks; testes multiple; ovary pretesticular; two
first, then move to the skin as very young larvae are not found on
vaginae present; vitelline follicles distributed along ceca lateral
the skin. Testes first appear on days 12 to 15 and the ovary on
to.testes: parasitic on gills and skin of caudate amphibians. days 15 to 19 following attachment. The entire cycle is corn-
The family contains only the genus Sphyranura Wright, 1879
pleted in less than two months (Alvey, 1936).
(Fig. 153). Four species have been reported from North America
'as parasites of waterdogs, Necturus maculosus and the Oklaho-
ma salamander, Eurycea tynerensis.



Fig. 153. Sphyranura osleri. Fig. 154. Sphyranura oligorchis.

a. to c. developmental stages (from Alvey, 1936)

SuperfamilyChimaericoloidea Brinkmann, Superfamily Diclidophoroidea Price, 1936
1952 Family Diclidophoridae Cerfontaine, 1895
FamilyChimaericolidae Brinkmann, 1952 Body elongate, flat; eyes pots absent; intestinal ceca
Bodylong, divided into wide anterior part and narrower poste- branched, fused or not fused posteriorly, sometimes extend into
rior part; prohaptor a weakly developed oral sucker; ceca opisthaptor; prohaptor composed of two small buccal suckers;
branchedin wide part of body but not in narrow part, extend into opisthaptor contains eight pedunculate asymmetrical clamps,
opisthaptorwhich is distinct and contains four pairs of peduncu- some with a muscular, spinous and/or adhesive pad or a sucker
lateclamps, each composed of three U-shaped sclerites; wide in the inner quadrant, wall of clamp may have riblike sclerites;
partof body contains reproductive organs; testes multiple; ovary testes multiple; ovary usually pretesticular; vitelline follicles dis-
lobed,pretesticular; genital pore median, in anterior fourth of tributed along ceca; eggs have bipolar filaments; parasitic on
body;.vitellinefollicles around ceca in wide part of body; vagina gills of marine fishes. Price (1943a) published a taxonomic revi-
double,pores ventrolateral; uterus composed of many longitudi- sion of the family.
nalfolds;eggs have polar filaments; parasitic on gills of Holoce- Key to Genera
phali. 1a. Opisthaptor has three pairs of large pedunculate
The genus Chimaericola Brinkmann, 1942 is represented in clamps and a haptoral appendix with one pair of.small
NorthAmerica by C. leptogaster, a parasite of the ratfish, Hydro- clamps; clamps have a sucker on the inner quadrant
/agus co/liei(Fig. 155). plus rib sclerites in the wall; ovary has inverted U-
shape; vagina absent; parasite of marine perch (Fig.
156). Genus Pedocotyle MacCallum, 1913
1b. Haptoral appendix absent. 2
2a. Posterior third of body narrow and without vitelline
follicles; ovary N-shaped; clamps without adhesive
pad or sucker; parasite of flounder and sea trout (Fig.
157). Genus Neoheterobothrium Price, 1943
2b. Posterior part of body as wide as rest of body and
contains vitelline follicles. 3
3a. Testes distributed anterior and posterior to ovary;
clamps contain a muscular and a spinous pad (Fig.
158) Genus Echinopelma Raecke, 1945
3b. Testes all posterior to ovary. 4
4a. Clamps contain a sucker and ribs (Fig. 160). .. .
.............. Genus Choricotyle Beneden and Hesse, 1863
4b. Clamps without a sucker and ribs. 5
5a. Clamps uniform in size; ovary N-shaped (Fig. 159). ....
.................................. Genus Diclidophora Kroyer, 1838
Life cycle: Diclidophora sp. - Eggs are produced at the rate of
one every 13 minutes. The onchomiracidium develops and
hatches in about 32 days at 12.5 C. They attach to gills and
gradually produce clamps. Sexual maturity is attained in 135
days following hatching. Several species of sea perch serve as
host under natural conditions but experimental infections were
established in redtail, silver and walleye sea perch (Hanson,
Fig. 155b. clamp 5b. Clamps unequal in size, the size decreasing poste-
riorly, last pair the smallest and on terminal lappet;
ovary elongate, folded back on itself (Fig. 161). .. .
......... Genus Absonifibula Lawler and Overstreet, 1976

Fig. 155a. Chimaerico/a /eptogaster.

Fig. 156b. clamp

Fig. 156a. Pedocotyle morone.

Fig. 158a. Echinopelma bermudae.

Fig. 157a. Neoheterobothrium pugetensis.

Fig. 157b. clamp

Fig. 158b. clamp

Fig. 159b. clamp

Fig. 160b. clamp

Fig. 160a. Choricotyle prionoti

Fig. 159a. Diclidophora maccallumi

Family Mazocraeidae Price, 1936 Family Discocotylidae Price, 1936
Bodysmall, flat; intestinal ceca branched; prohaptor com- Body flat, elongate; intestinal ceca branched; prohaptor com-
posedof two small buccal suckers; opisthaptor symmetrical or posed of two small suckers opening into buccal cavity; opisthap-
asymmetrical, distinctlyset off from body or clamps mounted di- tor indistinctly set off from body, containing four pairs of discoco-
rectlyonsidesof body; clamps sessile or pedunculate, sclerites tylid clamps; testes multiple or one large testis (in Octomacrum);
U-shaped; oneor more pairs of anchors on terminal lappet; sin- ovary either pre- or post-testicular; vagina either single or dou-
gleormultipletestes; ovary long, usually folded, pretesticular or ble, pores lateral, single pore lateral or median; vitelline follicles
oppositeto testis;vitelline follicles abundant, filling most of body along ceca; eggs with or without polar filaments; parasitic on
aroundgonads;parasitic on gills of herring and mackerel. Price gills of freshwater and marine fishes. Price (1943b) published a
(1961b) publisheda taxonomic revision of the family. taxonomic revision of the family.
Key to Genera Key to Genera
1a. Clampsmounted on sides of body, extending forward 1a. Testis single, large, lobed; clamps of posterior pair
as far as anterior end of testis and ovary; parasite of smaller than the others; on gillS of freshwater fishes
herring 2 (Fig. 169). .. Genus Octomacrum Mueller, 1934
1b. Clampsrestricted to a distinct opisthaptor. . 3 1b. Testes multiple 2
2a. Testissingle and opposite to ovary; clamps small, ex- 2a. Ovary posttesticular; clamps with accessory scle-
tendingforward to anterior end of ovary (Fig. 162). .... rites " 3
.................................Genus Mazocraeoides Price, 1936 2b. Ovary pretesticular; clamps without accessory scle-
2b. Testisposterior to ovary; clamps large, extending for- rites 4
wardat least to level of testis (Fig. 163). .. . 3a. Anterior part of body permanently oriented at right
.....................Genus Pseudomazocraeoides Price, 1961 angles to remainder of body; ceca fused in opisthap-
3a. Opisthaptor asymmetrical with four large clamps on tor; two vaginae with bilateral pores; parasitic on gills
right side and one very small one on left side; parasite of leatherjacket (Fig. 170). .. .
of mackerel(Fig. 164). .. . .... Genus Vallisia Parona and Perrugia, 1890
........ Genus Grubea Diesing, 1856 3b. Body straight; ceca not fused in opisthaptor; vagina
(Note:Left-handed opisthaptor has been reported by single, pore lateral; parasitic on gills of lookdown
Wagner(1975). (Fig. 171) Genus Pseudomazocraes
3b. Opisthaptor symmetrical with four clamps on each Caballero and Bravo-Hollis, 1955
side 4 4a. Clamps of anterior pair much larger than the others;
4a. Terminusof opisthaptor a single lobe containing one end of opisthaptor with three pairs of dissimilar
or two pairs of anchors; clamps sessile; testes mul- anchors (Fig. 172) .
tiple 5 .. Genus Anthocotyle Beneden and Hesse, 1863.
4b. Terminus of opisthaptor bilobed, each lobe con- 4b. Clamps all of uniform size or posterior pair slightly
taining one anchor; clamps pedunculate; testis sin- smaller than the others. 5
gle;parasite of menhaden. 6 Sa. Opisthaptor deeply lobed posteriorly with four equal
Sa. Clamps of uniform size; ovary elongate, folded; clamps in each lobe; vagina single, pore dorso-medi-
hooks of genital coronet in two longitudinal rows; an; parasite of marine fishes (Fig. 173). .. .
testes large, transverse; parasite of scombrid fishes ................................... Genus Bicotylophora Price, 1936
(Fig.165). .. Genus Kuhnia Sproston, 1945 5b. Opisthaptor not lobed, somewhat oval or rectangular;
5b. Clampsof anterior pair distinctly larger than the oth- vagina single or double. 6
ers; ovary oval; hooks of genital coronet in a trans- 6a. Vagina double, Y-shaped--pores lateral; genital atrium
versearc; testes small; parasite of gizzard shad (Fig. unarmed; clamps of uniform size; parasitic on gills of
166) Genus Pseudanthocotyloides Price, 1958 salmonid fishes (Fig. 174). .. .
6a. Clamps of anterior two pairs distinctly larger than .... Genus Discocotyle Diesing, 1850
posteriortwo pairs; testis large and deeply lobed (Fig. 6b. Vagina single, pore ventrolateral; genital atrium
167) Genus Neoclupeocotyle Price, 1961 armed; clamps of posterior pair distinctly smaller
6b. All clamps of uniform size; testis large only slightly than the others; parasitic on gills of carpsucker (Fig.
lobed(Fig. 168)•..... Genus Clupeocotyle Hargis, 1955 175). .. Genus Neodiscocotyle Dechtiar, 1967

Fig. 162a. Mazocraeoides georgei

Fig. 163. Pseudomazoeraeoides mega/oeoty/e. Fig. 165a. Kuhnia scombri.

Fig. 164a. Grubea eoeh/ear. (from Price, 1961).

Fig. 162b. genital atrium

Fig. 164b. clamp
Fig. 165b. genital coronet

Fig. 165c. clamp

Fig. 161 a. Absonifibu/a byehowskyi.
(from Lawler and Overstreet, 1976)

Fig. 167b. clamp

Fig. 161b. clamp

Fig. 166. Pseudanthocoty/oides Fig. 168b. clamp

banghami. Fig. 167a. Neoe/upeoeoty/e Fig. 168a. C/upeoeoty/e brevoorlia

Fig. 170a. Vallisia oligoplites.

Fig. 169. Octomacrum lanceatum.

Fig. 171 a. Pseudornazocraes selene.

sti. Fig. 170b. clamp


Fig. 171 b. clamp

Fig. 172a. Anthocotyle americanus.

Fig. 173. Bicotylophora trachinoti.


Fig. 174. Discocotylesalmonis.

Fig. 172b. clamp
Fig. 175. Neodiscocotyle carpioditis.

Family Dactylocotylidae Brinkmann, 1942 Life cycle: D. denticu/ata - Adults parasitize the gills of pollock,
Pollachius virens. Eggs are laid in clusters of 100 to 200 with
Body flat, gradually widening toward posterior end; intestinal
their filaments intertwined. Onchomiracidia develop in 18 to 19
ceca branched, fused posteriorly; prohaptor composed of two
days at 14° C. After hatching, they attach to the gills of the host
buccal suckers that open into buccal cavity; opisthaptor contains
fish, lose the cilia and start to produce clamps. Experimental in-
four pairs pedunculate clamps, each with a denticulate patch in
fections were followed for 38 days, through the first and second
one quadrant; haptoral appendix absent; testes multiple, pre-
larval stages. Second stage larvae were produced in 5 to 13
and postovarian (only postovarian in North American forms);
days after hatching. Later larval stages were obtained from nat-
ovary N-shaped; vitelline follicles abundant, extend into opis-
ural infections. Clamps develop in pairs, starting with the poste-
thaptor; eggs with bipolar filaments; parasitic on gills of marine
rior pair. As clamps develop, the larval hooks are gradually
shed. Development to sexual maturity requires about six months
The genus Dacty/ocoty/e Beneden and Hesse, 1863 has
(Frankland, 1955).
been reported from North America (Fig. 176) .

-..... ...
-: •• -: •


Fig. 176. DactyloCQtyle denticulata.

a. adult b. clamp c. onchomiracidium
d. and e. development stages (from Frankland, 1955).

Family Macrovalvitrematidae Yamaguti, Key to Genera
1963 1a. Testis single; bilateral placodes on anterior third of
f 19 body; clamps of two kinds, posterior pair oblong, the
lost Body small (1 to 2mm), cylindrical; ceca branched united
others firetong-shaped; parasite of marine perch (Fig.
I in- posteriorly within opisthaptor; prohaptor has large cupshaped
177) Genus Hargisia Yamaguti, 1963
ond buccalcavity with a pair of small buccal suckers opening into it;
opisthaptor contains eight guitar- or firetong-shaped or oblong
1b. Testes multiple; body without placodes; all clamps
clamps;testis single or testes multiple; ovary pretesticular; vagi- similar in size and shape. 2
2a. Clamps guitar-shaped; parasite of croakers (Fig.
ste- nae present, pores lateral; vitelline follicles distributed along
ceca;on gills of marine fishes. 178). .... Genus Macrovalvitrematoides Yamaguti, 1963
2b. Clamps oblong with serrated margins; parasite of
pigfish (Fig. 179). . .
.............................. Genus Pseudotagia Yamaguti, 1963

Fig. 177b. adult, lateral view

Fig. 177a. Hargisia bairdiella

Fig. 179a. Pseudoragia cupida.

Fig. 178a. Macrovalvitrematoides micropogoni.

Fig. 177d. oblong clamp

Fig. 177c. fire-tong clamp

Fig. 179b. clamp

Fig. 178b. clamp

Family Hexostomatidae Price, 1936 Key to Genera

Body flat; eyespots absent; prohaptor contains a pair of small 1a. Clamps arranged along lateral and posterior margins
buccal suckers; opisthaptor indistinctly set off from body, con- of opisthaptor, clamps of posterior pair slightly small-
tains four pairs of sessile clamps, each consisting of three vesti- er than the others (Fig. 180). .. .
gial sclerites embedded in a large sucker; one or two pairs of ................................... Genus Neohexostoma Price, 1961
anchors between posterior clamps; testes multiple; ovary in- 1b. Clamps arranged along posterior margin of opisthap-
verted U-shape, pretesticular; vaginal pore dorsomedian; eggs tor, clamps of posterior pair much smaller than the
have bipolar filaments; parasitic on gills of marine fishes. Price others (Fig. 181). .. .
(1961a) published a taxonomic revision of the family. ............................ Genus Hexostoma Rafinesque, 1815

Fig. 181. Hexostoma sp., opisthaptor

Fig. 180. Neohexostoma sp., opisthaptor

Superfamily Microcotyloidea Unnithan, 1957 3a. Two vaginae present, pores lateral and recessed;
genital atrium domeshaped and ribbed; ejaculatory
Family Microcotylidae Taschenberg, 1879
duct long, thick and muscular (Fig. 184). .. ".
Body flat, large (4 to 12mm); intestinal ceca branched, not .................................... Genus Bivagina Yamaguti, 1963
fused posteriorly; prohaptor composed of two small buccal suck- 3b. One vagina present; genital atrium and ejaculatory
ers 'yhich open into buccal cavity; opisthaptor symmetrical, dis- duct not as described above. .. 4
tinct or not; clamps numerous and of the microcotylid type; 4a. Vaginal pore on right margin of body; parasite of gray
anchors absent; testes multiple; ovary pretesticular, folded or C- snapper (Fig. 185) ""
shaped; vagina usually present, pore lateral or dorsal; vitelline .................................. Genus Microcotyloides Fujii, 1944
follicles around ceca; eggs with one or two polar filaments; para- 4b. Vaginal pore on dorso-median body surface ..... 5
sitic on gills of freshwater and marine fishes. 5a. Genital atrium unarmed; clamps in double rows along
Key to Genera sides of opisthaptor (Fig. 187). .. ".
............................... Genus Aspinatrium Yamaguti, 1963
1a. Pedunculate clamps mounted on sides of body,
5b. Genital atrium armed with spiny coronet; clamps in
extending forward to level of ovary; body margins ap-
single rows (Fig. 186). .. ""
pear ruffled (Fig. 182). . .
.. Genus Microcotyle Beneden and Hesse, 1863
...................... Genus Prosomicrocotyla Yamaguti, 1958
1b. Clamps sessile and mounted on a distinct opisthap- Life cycle: M. spinicirrus - Adults inhabit the gills of freshwater
tor 2 drum, Aplodinotus grunniens. The onchomiracidium (Fig. 188)
2a. Vitelline follicles absent in posterior fifth of body; va- develops in 5 to 11 days following oviposition. They have three
gina absent; buccal suckers spinous; parasitic on bands of cilia, pigmented eyespots, pharynx, six pairs of hooks,
gills of mullet (Fig. 183) . two pairs anchors and three pairs of flame cells. They attach to
........................ Genus Metamicrocotyla Yamagutl, 1953 the gills of a suitable host fish then shed the cilia and start to pro
2b. Vitelline follicles extend into posterior part of body; duce clamps which develop from clamp primordia at the anterior
one or two vaginae present; buccal suckers nonspi- end of the series. The larval hooks and anchors are eventually
nous 3 lost (Remley, 1942).
Fig. 183b. genital armature

Fig. 184a. Bivagina punctipinnis.

Fig.182. Prosomicrocotyia chiri. Fig. 184b. vaginae

Fig. 183a. Metamicrocotyia macracantha

Fig. 187b. Microcotylid clamp.

Fig. 185. Microcotyioides incisa.

Fig. 186. Microcotyie pseudomugiJis.

Fig. 187a. Aspinatrium pogoniae.

l:'fr.m~-\--- buccal sucker

genital spines

,"-+--+- ootype primordium


clamp primordium

larval haptor

a. b.

Fig. 188 Microcotyle spinlcinus, larvae.
a. onchomiracidium b. and c. developmental stages.

Family Axinidae Unnithan, 1957 Key to Genera

Body flat, narrow anteriorly and gradually widened posterior- la. Clamps on only one side of opisthaptor or in a single
ly; intestinal ceca branched; prohaptor composed of two small row across posterior end; tips of median sclerite bi-
buccal suckers; opisthaptor truncate, clamps arranged in two fid 2
end-to-end rows, the rows separated by anchors; testes mul- 1b. Clamps on both sides of opisthaptor. .. 3
tiple; ovary pretesticular, U or J-shaped, the ends directed for- 2a. Clamps on only one side of opisthaptor; vagina ab-
ward; vitelline follicles distributed around ceca; eggs have bipo- sent; on gills of grunnion; ovary U- or C-shaped (Fig.
lar filaments; parasitic on gills of marine fishes. Price (1962a) 193). Genus Leuresthicola Price, 1962
published a taxonomic revision of the family. 2b. Clamps in a single row across posterior end of opls-
thaptor; vagina present; ovary M-shaped; on gills of
Key to Genera barracuda (Fig. 194) .
la. Genital atrium armed, the spines arranged in two lat- .................... Genus Pseudochauhanea Yamaguti, 1965
eral and one transverse row plus a spinous genital co- 3a. Opisthaptor contains large and small clamps, the
ronet(Fig. 189). Genus Axine Abildgaard, 1794 larger are asymmetrical, having the outer sclerite
1b. Genital atrium unarmed. 2 larger than the inner; smaller clamps are symmetrical
2a. Body broadly triangular; cirrus spinous; vaginal pore with trifid median sclerite; parasite or jackfish (Fig.
dorso-Iateral and has horn-like spines; parasites of 195). Genus Cemocotyle Sproston, 1946
houndfish (Fig. 190). .. . 3b. All clamps symmetrical, can be of one or two sizes....4
............................ Genus Chlamydaxine Unnithan, 1957 4a. Clamps of uniform size on both sides of opisthaptor;
2b. Body elongate, only slightly wider posteriorly; lateral genital atrium has two anterior and two posterior
sclerites of clamp segmented; parasites of hound-and spinous pockets; parasites of weakfish and seatrout
needlefish. 3 (Fig. 196). Genus Cynoscionicola Price, 1962
3a. Cirrus spinous; vaginal pore dorso-median, spinous; 4b. Clamps of one side of opisthaptor much larger than
clamps rectangular (Fig. 191). .. . those of other side. .. 5
....................... Genus Axinoides Yamaguti, 1938 5a. Sides of opisthaptor of nearly equal length; clamps
3b. Cirrus nonspinous; vaginal pore dorsal and sublate- fewer and larger on one side; genital atrium has two
ral, armed with horn-like spines; clamps transversely rows of spines attached to anterior wall; parasite of
oval (Fig. 192). Genus Nudaciraxine Price, 1962 freshwater drumfish (Fig. 197). . .
.................................... Genus Lintaxine Sproston, 1946
Family Heteraxinidae Price, 1962 5b. Sides of opisthaptor of unequal length, clamps fewer
Body triangular or elongate; prohaptor composed of two small and usually smaller on one side. .. 6
buccal suckers; opisthaptor triangular, asymmetrical, clamps 6a. Vagina absent; eggs few; genital atrium has two ante-
more abundant or larger on one side or arranged in a single row ro-Iateral spiny pockets; parasite of spat and margate
across posterior end of opisthaptor; median sclerite of clamp bi- (Fig. 198). ....... Genus Heteraxinoides Yamaguti, 1963
fid or trifid at tip; testes multiple; ovary pretesticular, U-, C- or M- 6b. Vagina present; eggs abundant; genital atrium armed
shaped; vagina present or absent; eggs have one or two polar with concentric rows of spines, no pockets; parasite
filaments; parasites of freshwater and marine fishes. Price of amberjack (Fig. 199). .. .
(1962b) published a taxonomic review of the family. ........................................ Genus AJlencotyla Price, 1962

Fig. 189b. genital atrium

Fig. 189a. Axine hyporamphi.

Fig. 190a. Chlamydaxine truncata.

Fig. 190b. clamp

Fig. 192b. clamp

Fig. 191 b. clamp

Fig.191a. Axinoides raphidoma. Fig. 192c. cirrus

Fig. 192a. Nudaciraxine gracilis.

Fig. 193b. clamp

Fig. 194b. clamp

Fig. 194a. Pseudochauhanea argentea.

Fig. 193a. Leuresthicola olsoni.

Fig. 195a. Cemocotyle carangis.

Fig. 195c. small clamp

Fig. 197. Lintaxinecokeri. Fig. 196. Cynoscionicola heteracantha. Fig. 195b. large clamp

Fig. 199b. clamp


\ /
\ I
Fig. 198b. genital atrium

Fig. 198a. Heter.exinokie«

. . xanthophilis.

Fig.199a . All encotyla mcintoshi.

Family Gastrocotylidae Price, 1943
Body variable in shape; intestinal ceca branched, fused or not
fused posteriorly; prohaptor composed of two buccal suckers;
opisthaptor symmetrical or asymmetrical; clamps pedunculate
or sessile, confined to a distinct opisthaptor or distributed along
body margins, clamps may contain ribs or accessory sclerites
and sometimes a wide median sclerite; testes two or multiple;
ovary pretesticular, folded; vagina present; vitelline follicles
along ceca; uterus preovarian, intercecal; eggs have polar fila-
ments; parasitic on gills of marine fishes.
Key to Genera
1a. Opisthaptor unilateral; clamps only on one side and
provided with ribs; ovary folded (Fig. 200). . .
.............. Genus Pseudaxine Parona and Perugia, 1890
1b. Opisthaptor not unilateral, some clamps on both
sides 2
2a. Rows of clamps of equal length on sides of opisthap-
tor 3
2b. Rows of clamps of unequal length on sides of opis-
thaptor or having larger clamps on one side. 5
3a. Opisthaptor indistinctly set off from body, confined to
posterior fourth of body; ovary has inverted U-shape
(Fig. 201) Genus Gotocotyla Ishii, 1936
3b. Opisthaptor extends far forward on ventral side of
body 4
4a. Clamps sessile; testes large, few, in single row dorsal
to opisthaptor (Fig. 202). . .
........................ Genus Thoracocotyle MacCallum, 1913
4b. Clamps pedunculate; testes numerous, small, in two Fig. 205b. clamp
longitudinal rows (Fig. 203). . .
........................... Genus Neothoracocotyle Hargis, 1956-
Sa. Clamps large and sessile on one side and small and
pedunculate on other side of opisthaptor; testes two,
tandem; terminal lappet with three pairs of anchors;
parasite of bumper (Fig. 204). . .
............................ Genus Amphipolycotyle Hargis, 1957
5b. All clamps sessile and similar in size; testes multiple;
terminus of opisthaptor with one pair anchors; para-
site of Spanish mackerel (Fig. 205). . .
............................. Genus Scomberocotyle Hargis, 1956

Fig. 205a. Scomberocotyle scomberomori.

Fig.200a. Pseudaxine mexicana.

Fig. 202a. Thoracocotyle crocea.

(from MacCallum, 1913)

Fig. 202b. clamp

Fig. 201 a. Gotocotyla acanthophal/us.

Fig. 200b. clamp

Fig. 204b. large clamp

Fig. 204c. small clamp

Fig. 204a. Amphipolycotyle chloroscombrus.

Fig. 203b. clamp

Fig. 203a. Neothoracocotyle coryphenae.

(from Yamaguti, 1938)
Family Pyragraphoridae Yamaguti, 1963 Family Allopyragraphoridae Yamaguti, 1963
Body small, cylindrical; intestinal ceca branched, not united Body small, flat; intestinal ceca branched and fused within
posteriorly; prohaptor with two buccal suckers; opisthaptor fish- opisthaptor; prohaptor with two buccal suckers; opisthaptor fish-
tail shaped; clamps of two types, microcotylid and firetong tail shaped; clamps asymmetrical in structure and longer than
shaped; testes multiple; ovary pretesticular, elongate; eggs wide; testes multiple; ovary elongate, sinuous, pretesticular; vi-
have polar filaments; parasitic on gills of marine fishes. telline follicles distributed around ceca; eggs have polar fila-
The family is monotypic, containing only the genus Pyragra- ments; parasites of marine fishes.
phorus Sproston, 1946. P. pyragraphorus is a parasite of pom- The family contains only the genus Allopyragraphorus Yarna-
pano, Trachinotus carolinus on the Atlantic coast. (Fig. 206). guti, 1963. Two species have been reported from North Ameri-
ca. (Fig. 207).

Fig.207b. clamp
Fig. 206c. fire-tong clamp

Fig. 206b. microcotylid clamp

Fig. 206a. Pyragraphorus pyragraphorus.

Fig. 207a. Allopyragraphorus hippos.

SubclassAspidogastrea Faust and Tang, Family Aspidogasteridae Poche, 1907
1936 Body composed of a ventral adhesive disc and a dorsal
Key to Families hump; the disc contains one or more rows of loculi (alveoli) sep-
1a. Holdfast organ in form of a large ventral adhesive disc arated by septa and serves as an organ for attachment; the
containing septa and loculi (alveoli) 'or sometimes hump contains the organs for reproduction; oral sucker usually
conical papillae; adults are endoparasites of mol- absent; pharynx present; intestine a single cecum; one or two
luscs, fishes and turtles. (Figs. 208-211). . . testes; cirrus sac present or absent; ovary pretesticular; genital
................. Family Aspidogasterldae p. 73 pore ventral, anterior to adhesive disc; vitellaria follicular or tu-
1b. Ventral part of body without septa, loculi or papillae ..2 bular; uterus long; eggs operculate; excretory vesicle V-Shaped,
2a. Adults 12 to 16 mm long; ventral surface flattened and arms extending to level of pharynx, pore near posterior end of
contains numerous transverse ridges or rugae; two body; parasitic in molluscs, fishes and turtles.
intestinal ceca; multiple testes; parasitic in rectal Key to Genera
glands of Holocephali (Fig. 215). .. .
1a. Body long (up to 25 mm); adhesive disc with one lon-
...................... Family Rugogastridae p. 76
gitudinal row of transverse loculi (100±); one testis;
2b. Body very large, up to 115 mm long; ventral surface
parasitic in gall bladder of Holocephali (Fig. 208). ......
contains linear series of muscular suckers; one intes-
.............................. Genus TaeniocotyleStunkard, 1962
tinal cecum; two testes; parasitic in gallbladder and
1b. Adhesive disc with three or four longitudinal rows of
bile duct of elasmobranch (Fig. 214). .. .
loculi 2
.................................. Family Stlchocotylldae p. 76
2a. Adhesive disc with three longitudinal rows of loculi,
the median loculi wider than the lateral ones. 3
2b. Adhesive disc with four longitudinal rows of loculi;
papillae may also be present. 4
3a. One testis; vitelline glands follicular; parasitic in tur-
tles and freshwater lamellibranch molluscs
(Fig.209) .
........................................ Genus Cotylaspis Leidy, 1857
Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
Adults have been reported adhering to the outer surface of the
kidneys and the inner gill lamellae of unionid clams of the genus
Anodonta. They have also been found in the intestine of turtles.

Fig. 209b. lateral view

Fig. 209a. Coty/aspis insignis, dorsal view

Fig. 208. Taeniocoty/e e/egans, lateral view.

3b. Two testes; vitelline glands tubular, asymmetrical; Sa. Oral lobes around mouth; median septum of ventral
parasitic in the intestine of fishes and also in freshwa- disc vestigial; intestinal parasite of marine fishes (Fig.
ter snails and mussels (Fig. 210). . . 212). Genus Lobatostoma Eckmann, 1932
..................... Genus Cotylogasteroides Monticelli, 1892 Life cycle: L. manteri- Adults inhabit the intestine of the pompa-
Life cycle: C. occidentalis- The cotylocidium of this species has no, Trachinotus blochi. Eggs, which are embryonated when laid,
two bands of cilia arranged in eight anterior and four posterior are eaten by the marine snails, Cerithium moniliferum and Peris·
patches. After hatching, they enter the host molluscs via water ternia australiensis. The cotylocidia hatch in the stomach of the
currents and some are also eaten. Molluscs involved are the snail then migrate to the digestive gland where they change to
freshwater mussel, Lampsitis luteola and the freshwater proso- the preadult stage which has the full number of alveoli on the
branch snails of the genus Goniobasis. The parasite is known to ventral disc. Fish become infected by eating infected snails
undergo its entire development in Goniobasis. Natural infections (Rohde, 1973).
also occur in the freshwater drum, Aplodinotus grunnions. Drum
5b. Oral lobes absent; median septum on ventral disc
were infected by feeding parasites from Goniobasis, indicating
well developed; intestinal parasites of freshwater
that natural infections in drum might be the result of eating in-
fishes and in the kidneys and pericardial cavity of
fected molluscs (Nickerson, 1902; Kelly, 1926; Dickerman,
gastropod and lamellibranch molluscs (Fig. 213) .
1948; Wootton, 1966a).
.......................... Genus Aspidogaster Baer, 1827
Frederickson (1980) found that this species develops in the
freshwater mussel, Ligumia nasuta which apparently ingests Life cycle: A. conchicola- Operculate eggs in the uterus of the
embryonated eggs of the parasite. Young developing forms in- parasite contain cotylocidia which hatch when eggs get into wa-
habit the mouth and esophagus of the mussel, later moving to ter. They then enter freshwater mussels of the genera Anodon-
the intestine where they mature. Alveoli of the ventral disc arise ta, Unio and Gonidea, and also the gastropods of the genus Vi·
gradually, the entire disc developing within the posterior sucker viparus, entering via water currents. As development
of the cotylocidium. progresses, the large ventral sucker enlarges and slowly meta-
4a. Median area of adhesive disc with numerous conical morphoses to the alveolar ventral disc of the adult. Developing
papillae; cirrus sac absent; parasitic in the intestine forms remain in the renal cavities until they approach maturity
of freshwater fishes and turtles, developing forms when they move to the pericardial cavity by way of the nephri·
have been found in the pericardial cavity and kidneys diopore. Development to sexual maturity requires about three
of freshwater mussels (Fig. 211). . . months at 18 C. The parasite causes some injury to the renal
.................................... Genus Lophotaspis Looss, 1901 epithelium (Williams, 1942; Michelson, 1970; Bakker and Da-
4b. Adhesive disc without conical papillae; cirrus sac vids, 1973).
present 5 (Continued)

o d.

Fig. 213. a. Aspidogaster conchicola, lateral view
b. dorsal view
c. ventral view
d. to f. developmental stages

Fig. 210b. lateral view
Fig. 211 a. Lophotaspis inferiora, dorsal view

Fig. 21Oa. Cotylogasteroides occidentalis, ventral view

oral lobes

median ridge

Fig. 211 b. Lophotaspis inferiora, Fig. 212a. Lobatostoma ringens, Fig. 212b. ventral view
lateral view dorsal view

Huehner and Etges (1977) studied the life cycle of A. conchi-
cola in gastropodS, paying special attention to the development
of the alveolated ventral disc. This disc develops within the mar-
gins of the posterior sucker of the cotylocidium. Order of devel-
opment of alveoli is from anterior to posterior end of disc. Longi-
tudinal septa appeared only after 11 or 12 alveoli had formed,
the medial septum appearing first, followed by the two lateral
ones. Gastropods involved were Viviparus malleatus and Go-
niobasis livescens.

Family Stichocotylidae Faust and Tang, 1936

Body very long (up to 115 mm); oral sucker absent; one intes-
tinal cecum; holdfast organ in the form of a linear series of 20 to
30 ventral suckers distributed along most of length of body; two
testes in anterior third of body; cirrus sac small; ovary pretesticu-
lar; genital pore anterior to first sucker; uterus very long with
many transverse folds; vitellaria composed of a slender median
tube flanked by follicles; excretory system composed of two si-
nuous ducts which extend from posterior end of body to level of
pharynx; parasitic in bile duct and gall bladder of elasmobranchs
The family contains one genus and species, Stichocotyle ne-
phropis (Fig. 214). Larval stages have been found encysted in
the wall of the rectum of lobsters in Europe and North America.

Family Rugogastridae Schell, 1973

Body large (up to 16 mm); ventral surface contains 25 or more
transverse ridges (rugae); buccal funnel present; oral and ven-
tral suckers absent; intestine composed of two blind ceca; testes
multiple, arranged in two longitudinal rows in dorsal part of body;
two large vasa efferentia present, usually filled with sperm and
opening into short vas deferens; cirrus sac present; ovary pre-
testicular, usually dextral; vitelline follicles dorsolateral to testes
and ceca; uterus long, ventral to testes; eggs oval, operculate;
parasitic in lumen of rectal glands of Holocephali (Hydrolagus).
The family contains one genus and species, Rugogaster hy-
drolagi (Fig. 215). Adults fit tightly in the lumen of the rectal
glands with their anterior end protruding into the lumen of the
rectum. The transverse rugae serve to anchor them (Schell
Fig. 214. Stichocotyle nephropis.

Laurer's canal ---!~
vas deferens ----t-..,~1'r-~

Mehlis' gland----t--,

Fig. 215. a. Rugogaster hydro/agi, dorsal view

b. ventral view
c. sagittal section
d. cotylocidium in egg

Subclass Digenea Carus, 1863 10b. Parasitic in urinary tract of turtles and marine fishes;
Key to Families testes near posterior end of body; pharynx absent;
main ducts of excretory system extend far forward
1a. Mouth in midventral surface of body, opens into sac- and fuse (multiple testes in genus Diaschistorchis). ....
like intestine; anterior end of body contains sucker ............................. Family Pronocephalldae .... p.169
or rhynchus (Fig. 345); genital pore and cirrus sac 11a. Parasitic in urinary tract of birds; testes tandem or
near posterior end of body; parasitic in digestive tract oblique, in middle third of body; ovary lobed; ceca
offishes. Family Bucephalidae p. 126 fused posteriorly to form cyclocoel (genus Tanaisia). .
1b. Mouth at anterior end of body, usually surrounded by ........................ Family Eucotylldae (In part) .... p. 203
oral sucker. 2 11b. Habitat other than urinary tract of birds; ceca not
2a. Parasitic in blood vessels of vertebrates; pharynx ab- fused 12
sent; testes usually multiple; either hermaphroditic or 12a. Adults encysted in skin of birds; body nonspinous;
dioecious. 3 ovary lobed in anterior half of body; testes opposite in
2b. Not in blood vessels of host; pharynx usually present; posterior half of body Family Collyrlclldae p. 214
testes one or two, rarely multiple. 5 12b. Not encysted in skin of birds and anatomy not as de-
3a. Sexes separate (dioecious); in blood vessels of birds scribed above. . 13
and mammals; genital pore in anterior third of body; 13a. Parasitic In respiratory tract of turtles; testes and vi-
males have gynaecophoric canal; ceca fused poste- tellaria tubular, both extend through about two-thirds
riorly to form common cecum. . . of body length; excretory pore dorsal to pharynx;
.. Family Schistosomatldae . p. 99 genital pore ventral to pharynx. . .
3b. Hermaphroditic (monoecious); in blood vessels of .................................... Family Heronlmldae p. 166
poikilothermic vertebrates; genital pore in posterior 13b. Not in respiratory tract of turtles; testes and vitellaria
third of body 4 not tubular; excretory pore at posterior end of body. .
4a. Parasitic in blood vessels of fishes; suckers absent; .................................................................................... 14
intestine X- or H- shaped due to presence of anterior
14a. Parasitic in lungs of amphibians; body spinous; pha-
intestinal ceca; male and female genital pores sepa-
rynx present; uterus very long, contains many eggs;
rate, opening on dorsal surface of posterior third of
testes oblique or opposite (some species of the ge-
body Family Sanguinicolidae p.105 nus Haematoloechus). . .
4b. Parasitic in heart and arteries of turtles; suckers ............. Family Haematoloechldae (in part) p. 175
usually present; intestine composed of one or two
ceca; genital pore on ventral surface of body. . . 14b. Not in lungs of amphibians; pharynx absent but
................................... Family Spirorchiidae .... p.107 esophageal bulb might be present. 15
5a. Embedded in muscles, skin, mucous membranes, 15a. Parasitic in marine mammals; body flat, broad, oval;
connective tissue or visceral orgails of fishes; body testes opposite, near posterior end of body; cirrus
either very long and threadlike or anterior part very sac and genital pore at posterior end of body; ovary
narrow and posterior part very thick; hermaphroditic deeply lobed. .. Family Oplsthotrematldae p. 171
or gonochoristic (dioecious); testes, ovary and vitel- 15b. Not in marine mammals 16
laria tubular; ovary and vitellaria posterior to testes; 16a. Intestinal parasites of turtles; testes lobed, tandem, in
genital pore close to mouth. . . middle of body; ovary posterior to testes; esophageal
.... Family Didymozoidae p. 139 bulb might be present (in Hexangitrema); oral sucker
5b. Body and habitat not as described above; always her- has angular projections (in Dictyangium). . .
maphroditic; usually parasitic in lumen of some inter- .......... Family Mlcroscaphidlidae p. 171
nal organ of host. 6 16b. Intestinal parasites of birds and mammals; eggs have
6a. Ventral sucker or both oral and ventral suckers ab- long polar filaments; testes opposite, near posterior
sent. 7 end of body; uterus has many transverse folds, en-
6b. Oral and ventral suckers present. 18 tirely anterior to gonads. 17
7a. Oral and ventral suckers absent. 8 17a. Cirrus sac and genital pore in anterior third of body;
7b. Oral sucker present, ventral sucker absent. 9 parasitic in intestine of birds and mammals. . .
8a. Intestinal ceca fused posteriorly to form cyclocoel; .................................. Family Notocotylldae p.166
gonads near posterior end of body; parasitic in respi- 17b. Cirrus sac and genital pore in posterior third of body;
ratory tract of birds Family Cyclocoelidae p. 160 parasitic In intestine of mammals. . .
8b. Intestinal ceca end blindly; gonads near middle of ............; Family Nudacotylidae p.167
body; one testis; two excretory vesicles present, ex- 18a. Ventral sucker at or near posterior end of body 19
tend forward to level of pharynx and esophagus; pig- 18b. Ventral sucker near midbody or anterior to middle of
mented eyespots usually present; parasitic in diges- body 21
tive tract of marine fishes. . . 19a. Ovary posterior to testes; testes tandem or oblique;
................................... Family Biveslculidae p. 130 intestinal parasites of all classes of vertebrates. . .
9a. Triangular, nonspinous head collar usually present. . .......................... Family Paramphlstomldae .... p. 162
.................................................................................... 10 19b. Ovary anterior to testes; testes opposite; parasitic in
9b. Head collar absent. 11 digestive tract of marine fishes. 20
10a. Parasitic in urinary tract of birds; testes opposite in 20a. Muscular ring between oral sucker and pharynx; ven-
middle third of body; pharynx present (genus Euco- tral sucker enveloped by body fold; uterus entirely an-
ty/e) Family Eucotylidae (in part) p.203 terior to testes..... Family Opistholebetldae .... p. 232
20b. Muscular ring absent; ventral sucker not enveloped 26b. Anatomy and habitat not as described above. ..... 27.
by body fold; uterus extends posterior to testes. . . 27a. Genital pore and cirrus sac at posterior end of body,
............ Family Cephaloporidae p. 183 posterior to gonads. . ,........ 28
21a. Bulbous or foliaceous tribocytic organ posterior to 27b. Genital pore and cirrus sac in posterior third of body,
ventral sucker, sometimes overlapping it; body usual- ventral to gonads or ventral to ceca, not at posterior
ly divided into distinct fore- and hindbody; copulatory end 29
bursa and genital pore at posterior end of body; or- 28a. Ovary anterior to testes; uterus confined to hindbody;
gans of reproduction confined to hindbody. . 22 both suckers close to anterior end of body. . .
21b. Tribocytic organ absent; body not subdivided as de- .......... Family Urotrematldae p. 117
scribed above; copulatory bursa absent. 25 28b. Ovary between testes; uterus extends into forebody;
22a. Cirrus sac present, located near posterior end of suckers large, ventral sucker in middle of body;
body; body very small; fore- and hindbodies not dis- usually parasitic in birds. . .
tinct; trlbocytic organ bulbous (Fig. 256); intestinal ........................... Family Leucochloridlldae p. 114
parasites of birds and mammals. . . 29a. Testes tandem and some distance from posterior end
...... Family Cyathocotylidae p. 95 of body; ovary between testes; body elongate, fu-
22b. Cirrus sac absent; fore- and hindbodies distinct; trl- siform or spatulate. 30
bocytlc organ either bulbous or foliaceous. 23 29b. Testes oblique or opposite and close to posterior end
23a. Forebody cupshaped; tribocytlc organ foliaceous of body; ovary anterior to testes or opposite to ante-
(Fig. 232); Intestinal parasites of birds and mammals. rior testis; body small, oval or pyriform. 31
..... Family Strlgeldae p. 86 30a. Seminal vesicle bipartite, enclosed in cirrus sac; geni-
23b. Forebody flat or spoonshaped; trlbocytlc organ bul- tal pore ventral to left cecum; vitelline follicles con-
bous (Fig. 247); Intestinal parasites of reptiles, birds fluent anterior to gonads; parasitic in intestine of rep-
and mammals. 24 tiles (alligators) (Fig. 302). . .
24a. Hindbody contains thick-walled paraprostate organ .... Family Harmotrematldae p. 114
surrounded by gland cells (Fig. 216); parasitic in rep- 30b. Seminal vesicle unipartite and either inside or outside
tiles (alligators). . . of cirrus sac; cirrus sac sometimes absent; genital
......... Family Proterodiplostomidae p. 98 pore usually median; vitelline follicles lateral to ceca;
24b. Paraprostate organ absent; parasitic in birds and parasitic in bursa Fabricius of birds or lower intestine
mammals. (Fig. 217). Family Diplostomidae .... p. 90 of mammals. Family Brachylaimldae p. 111
25a. Genital pore and cirrus sac in posterior third of body 31a. Ovary opposite testes; testes oblique; parasitic in in-
or at posterior tip of body, some distance from ventral testine of mammals (rabbits). . .
sucker 26 .................................. Family Hasstileslldae p. 117
31b. Ovary anterior to testes; testes opposite or oblique, at
25b. Genital pore in anterior half or middle third of body, posterior end of body; parasitic in cloaca or bursa of
usually anterior to ventral sucker or at least close to Fabricius of birds or in intestine or salivary glands of
ventral sucker, sometimes immediately posterior to mammals ..Family Leucochlorldiomorphldae p.116
ventral sucker : 32 32a. Genital pore on right or left margin of body. . 33
26a. Parasitic in mouth and esophagus of aquatic birds; 32b. Genital pore median or submedian. 38
anterior end can be retracted into collar-like body 33a. Testes tandem; seminal vesicle bipartite; body spin-
fold; ventral sucker much larger than oral sucker; ous; parasitic in the intestine of fishes. .. .
ovary between testes; genital pore in posterior third ................................... Family Llssorchlldae p. 207
of body FamllyClinostomldae p.110 33b. Testes opposite or nearly opposite. 34

seminal vesicle

":~'I--f-- seminal vesicle

genital cone
paraprostateorgan ---+-~y "'.-;:tW1 U-~r----+- hermaphroditic duct
copulatory bursa -+--1-
~Q~~'-I--- terminus of uterus

Fig. 216. Proterodiplostomidae

Fig. 217. Diplostomidae

34a. Cirrus sac absent; seminal vesicle free in parenchy- eri ceca long, extend well beyond ovary. .. .
ma; body spinous; testes in hindbody; parasitic in ................................... Family Dlcrocoellidae p.199
bats and rodents. . . 46a. Body long, cylindrical; ventral sucker pedunculate;
........ Family Allassogonoporldae p. 197 ceca fused with excretory vesicle to form uroproct;
34b. Cirrus sac present; seminal vesicle in cirrus sac; par- seminal vesicle long and convoluted; hermaphroditic
asitic in birds or fishes. 35 duct usually present; parasitic in intestine of marine
35a. Testes opposite, in forebody; ovary close to pharynx; fishes. Family Accacoelildae p. 139
suckers large; genital pore at level of pharynx; para- 46b. Body cylindrical or flat but ventral sucker not pedun-
sitic in large Intestine and cloaca of birds. .. . culate; ceca not fused with excretory vesicle; not in-
.......................... Family Stomylotrematidae p.198 testinal parasites. 47.
35b. Testes opposite, in hindbody; genital pore posterior 47a. Body cylindrical; sensory papillae on forebody; her-
to pharynx. 36 maphroditic duct absent; excretory ducts not fused
36a. Vltellaria in the form of one or two compact masses; dorsal to pharynx; ejaculatory duct long, convoluted,
body spinous; seminal vesicle bipartite, enclosed in inside ejaculatory pouch; parasitic in stomach of ma-
cirrus sac; ovary usually posterior to testes; parasitic rlnefishes Family Lampritrematidae p.137
In Intestine of marine fishes. .. . 47b. Forebody not papillated; ejaCUlatory duct short and
............ Family Zoogonidae p. 204 not in a pouch; hermaphroditic duct present, en-
36b. Vltellaria follicular, in lateral regions of body; ovary closed in sinus sac or genital cone. 48
anterior to testes or between testes. 37 48a. Vitellaria tubular, branched, forming a network in
37a. Body nonspinous; vitellaria confined to forebody par- hindbody; seminal vesicle and pars prostatica long,
asitic in cloaca or bursa Fabricius of birds. .. . convoluted, free in parenchyma; main excretory
.......... Family Laterotrematidae p. 198 ducts not united dorsal to pharynx; parasitic in stom-
37b. Body spinous; vitellaria in both fore- and hindbody; ach of marine fishes. .. .
parasitic in intestine of marine fishes. .. . .............. Family Sclerodistomidae p. 137
.. Steganodermatidae p. 204 48b. Vitellaria, compact or follicular, not forming a network
38a. Testes multiple (5 or more). 39 if tubular; body sometimes divided into soma and ec-
38b. Testes one or two. 43 soma (Fig. 218); Main excretory ducts usually united
39a. Body cylindrical, elongate; cirrus sac absent; testes dorsal to pharynx; parasitic in stomach of marine
15 to 20; ventral sucker pedunculate; ceca fused post- fishes or in Eustachian tubes, pharynx or esophagus
eriorly to form cyclocoel; ovary posterior to testes; of amphibians. Family Hemiuridae p. 130
parasitic in pharynx of marine fishes. .. . 49a. Testes tandem; ovary between testes; body long
...... Family Syncoelidae p. 137 (about 18 mm), cylindrical; ventral sucker enveloped
39b. Body flat; ventral sucker sessile; ceca and blindly; by body fold; hermaphroditic duct absent; parasitic in
ovary anterior to testes. 40 stomach of marine fishes. .. .
4Oa. Cirrus sac absent; uterus entirely anterior to testes; .... Family Bathycotylidae p. 137
body nonspinous; parasitic in respiratory tract of 49b. Ovary anterior to testes; body not long and cylindri-
birds. Family Orchipedidae p. 159 cal; not parasitic in stomach of fishes. .. 50
4Ob. Cirrus sac present; parasitic in digestive tract of ma- 50a. Ventrogenital or genital sac present (Fig. 219, 220);
rine fishes. . 41 cirrus sac absent; hermaphroditic duct (genital sinus)
41a. Body nonspinous; testes 9 to 10; uterus anterior to present, opens into sac. 51
ovary; eggs have unipolar filament (Genus Helicome- SOb. Ventrogenital or genital sac absent; cirrus sac pre-
trina). .. Family Opecoelidae (in part) p. 226 sent or absent. 52
41b. Body spinous; eyespots in young adults; eggs with- 51a. Intestinal parasites of fishes; uterus extends poste-
out polar filaments. 42 rior to testes; main excretory ducts extend forward as
42a. Ceca have pair of anterior diverticula plus shorter lat- far as pharynx; intestinal ceca usually long; pig-
eral diverticula; testes in two longitudinal rows be- mented eyes pots might be present. .
tween ceca; ovary lobed ..... Family Pleorchiidae ....224 .................. Family Cryptogonimidae p.243
42b. Ceca without diverticula; testes 10 to 12 in one or two 51b. Intestinal parasites of birds and mammals; uterus
groups between ceca; ovary irregular in shape (gen- usually not extending posterior to testes; main excre-
era Multitestis and Rhagorchis). .. . tory ducts not extending far forward; intestinal ceca
...... Family Lepocreadiidae (in part) p. 219 usually short; eyespots absent. .
43a. Ovary posterior to testes. 44 .......... Family Heterophyidae p. 237
43b. Ovary anterior to testes or between testes. 49 52a. Hermaphroditic sac present (Fig. 221), enclosing her-
44a. Cirrus sac present; body spinous; not parasitic in maphroditic duct, metraterm, seminal vesicle and
fishes 45 prostate gland; external seminal vesicle also present;
44b. Cirrus sac absent; body nonspinous; parasitic in fish- usually one testis; parasitic in marine fishes. .. : .
es 46 ..................................... Family Haploporidae p.154
45a. Parasitic in intestine of amphibians and reptiles; 52b. Anatomy not as described above. 53
testes lateral to ventral sucker; ceca short, extend on- 53a. Uterus entirely anterior to testes. 54
ly to level of ovary Family Mesocoelidae p. 180 53b. Uterus extends posterior to testes, between testes, or
45b. Parasitic in liver, bile duct, gall bladder or pancreatic uterus opposite to ovary. .. 75
duct of reptiles, birds and mammals; testes opposite, 54a. Intestinal ceca have anterior and/or lateral diverti-
oblique or tandem, usually posterior to ventral suck- cula 55
hermaphroditic duct ---f-----I--l- "\-----4--_ sinus sac

~----+-- uterus
prostate gland ---+----....<'?T

seminal vesicle ---.,1-------1>::;

Fig. 218a. Hemiuridae, terminal reproductive organs.


Fig. 218b. Hemiuridae, ecsoma and vitellaria b. to e. vitelline glands

hermaphroditic duct

pore of ventrogenital sac_

ventral sucker ---:'-. ,.,.. ventro genital sac
hermaphroditic duct '--4~~r-- ventral sucker

Fig.219 Genital sac, sagittal section Fig. 220. Ventro genital sac, sagittal section

hermaphroditic duct ----+------.1''--+ 1/7fi},*-------\---- prostate gland

metraterm ----/-------t----z~ .i41-------+--- internal seminal vesicle

hermaphroditic sac ----/-------4,fJ

uterus ----+----------z'[) ;..-;.ir-----T-"--- external seminal vesicle

Fig. 221. Haploporidae. terminal reproductive organs.

54b. Intestinal ceca without diverticula. 56 60a. Retractile spiny proboscides (Fig. 433) on each side
55a. Intestinal ceca have anterior and lateral diverticula; of oral sucker; parasitic in Intestine of opossum. .......
eggs triangular in cross section; parasitic in liver and ...................................... Family Rhopaliidae p.153
bile duct of marine mammals. . . 60b. Spiny proboscides absent. 61
...................................... Family Campulidae p. 248 61a. Vitelline follicles few, arranged in a U-shaped pattern
55b. Intestinal ceca without anterior diverticula but have anterior to gonads; some genera have spiny collar
many lateral diverticula (none in Fasciolopsis); eggs around oral sucker (Parorchis, Echinostephilla); para-
round in cross section; parasitic in liver and bile duct sitic in cloaca, bursa of Fabricius or beneath nlctitat·
of herbivorous mammals and human beings. .. . Ing membrane of birds. .. .
....................................... Family Fasclolidae .... p. 158 ............................ Family Philophthalmldae p.151
61b. Vitelline follicles not as described above; primarily
56a. Parasitic in nasal cavities of marine mammals; eggs
parasitic In digestive tract of vertebrates. 62
triangular in cross section; cirrus sac absent; ovary
62a. Spiny collar or one or two circles of large spines at
and testes deeply lobed. .. .
................................. Family Nasitrematidae p. 248 anterior end of body or body densely spinous espe-
cially on anterior half. 63
56b. Not parasitic in marine mammals; eggs not triangular; 62b. Spiny collar or large spines absent in anterior part of
cirrus sac present or absent. 57 body 65
57a. Oral sucker has one pair of ventro-Iateral muscular 63a. Spiny collar present; testes tandem; vitelline follicles
papillae; parasitic in the intestine of turtles. 58 abundant; hermaphroditic duct absent; parasitic in ln-
57b. Oral sucker without muscular papillae. 59 testlne of birds and mammals. .. .
........................... Family Echlnostomatldae p.142
58a. Excretory vesicle small, ducts without diverticula and 63b. Spiny collar absent but one or two rows of large spin-
ward as far as pharynx and have many lateral diverti-
es around oral sucker (no circumoral spines In genus
cula; uterus entirely anterior to ovary and testes. . .
Tormopsolus); Intestinal parasites of fishes and rep-
................................... Family Rhytidodidae .... p. 182
tiles 64
58b. Excretory vesicle small, ducks without diverticula and 64a. Cirrus sac present; seminal vesicle Inside cirrus sac;
not 1ong; uterus extends posterior to ovary but not hermaphroditic duct present; not enclosed In a sac;
posterior to testes ..... Family Auridlstomidae .....p.182 oral sucker terminal or not; gonotyl absent. .. .
.... Family Acanthocolpldae p. 247
59a. One cecum and one testis; cirrus and cirrus sac ab- 64b. Cirrus sac absent; seminal vesicle free in parenchy·
sent; seminal vesicle free in parenchyma; parasitic in ma, sometimes coiled; oral sucker large, terminal; go-
marine fishes Family Haplosplanchnidae p. 156 notyl present in some genera; pre- and postacetabu·
59b. Two ceca and two testes; cirrus sac usually present. lar pits usually present. .. .
.................................................................................... 60 ............................ Family Acanthostomldae p.246
65a. Testes opposite and anterior to ventral sucker; ante- parasitic in intestine of reptiles, birds and mammals.
rior margin of pharynx scalloped; ceca open through .................................. Family Psilostomldae .... p.148
separate ani; parasitic in intestine of trunkfishes. ...... 74b. Body without subcutaneous network of excretory ca-
.................................... Family Megaperidae .... p.157 nals; testes usually lobed and tandem; usually para-
65b. Testes posterior to ventral sucker; pharynx not scal- sitic in birds, rarely in mammals. . .
loped 66 ............................... Family Cathaemasiidae p. 153
66a. Parasitic in kidneys of aquatic birds; body rounded 75a. Genital pore immediately posterior to ventral sucker;
anteriorly, tapered posteriorly; testes opposite; ven- testes opposite. 76
tral sucker small or vestigial; gonads and vitellaria 75b. Genital pore anterior or lateral to ventral sucker 78
near posterior end of body; uterus fills most of body 76a. Parasitic in the lungs of mammals; testes opposite
anterior to gonads. .... Family Renicolidae .... p. 202 and lobed; cirrus sac absent; ovary lobed and ante-
66b. Body not as described above; not parasitic in urinary rior to right testis; uterus opposite to ovary; excretory
tract; ventral sucker well develcped. 67 vesicle tubular, long, extends to pharynx. . .
67a. Cirrus sac absent; seminal vesicle and prostate gland ................................ Family Paragonimldae p.213
free in parenchyma ; 68 76b. Not parasitic in lungs; testes and ovary ovoid; cirrus
67b. Cirrus sac present; seminal vesicle and prostate sac present; uterus extends between testes; excreto-
gland in cirrus sac. 70 ry vesicle V-, V- or sac-shaped. . n
68a. Parasitic in intestine of fishes; hermaphroditic duct T7a. Parasitic in intestine or frontal sinuses of mammals;
usually present; testes usually tandem, rarely oppo- testes opposite, near posterior end of body; excretory
site and some distance from posterior end of body. ... vesicle V- or V-shaped. . .
..... Family Homalometridae p. 222 . Family Troglotrematidae p. 212
68b. Parasitic in liver, gall bladder or bile duct of reptiles, nb. Parasitic in the intestine of carnivorous mammals;
birds and mammals; hermaphroditic duct absent; testes opposite, some distance from posterior end of
testes and ovary close to posterior end of body. .. 69 body; excretory vesicle saccular. . .
69a. Testes opposite; ovary between or slightly posterior ................................ Family Nanophyetidae p.214
to testes; body broadly oval and flat. . 78a. Metraterm in the form of a spiny terminal organ en-
... Family Pachytrematldae p. 247 closed in a metraterm sac (Fig. 222); spiny genital atri-
69b. Testes tandem or oblique, oval lobed or dendritic; um might also be present; one testis in most genera
ovary anterior to testes. . . but testes opposite when two are present; parasitic in
............................... Family Opisthorchiidae p. 235 marine fishes. Family Monorchildae p. 209
70a. Parasitic in intestine of fishes and amphibians. .... 71 78b. Metraterm not as described above; metraterm sac ab-
70b. Parasitic in intestine of reptiles, birds and mammals. sent; two testes usually present. 79
.....................................................................................74 79a. Primarily parasites of bats; ceca short; testes oppo-
71a. Body densely spinous; eyespots present in young site; vitelline follicles confined to anterior half of
adults; parasitic in marine fishes. . . body; body oval or pyriform; uterus fills most of post-
................................ Family Lepocreadiidae p.219 erior region of body .
71b. Body nonspinous; eyes pots usually absent; parasitic ........................... Family Lecithodendriidae p.193
in freshwater and marine fishes, rarely in amphibi- 79b. Parasitic in vertebrates other than bats. 80
ans 72 80a. Excretory vesicle large, U-, V- or V-shaped, the arms
72a. Body plump, muscular; excretory vesicle V-shaped, extending forward to level of pharynx. 81
the main ducts long and sometimes fused dorsal to 80b. Excretory vesicle not as described above. 85
the pharynx; ceca long, end blindly; suckers well de- 81a. Excretory vesicle V-shaped, arms of V united dorsal
veloped; parasitic in digestive tract of freshwater fish- to oral sucker; intestinal ceca and arms of excretory
es or in coelom of marine cartilaginous fishes (elas- vesicle have diverticula anteriorly; testes opposite;
mobranchs and chimaeras). . . uterus mostly posterior to testes; parasitic in intes-
.... Family Azygildae p. 129 tine ofturtles. Family Pachypsolidae p. 182
81b. Arms of excretory vesicle not united anteriorly; ceca
72b. Body not very muscular or plump; excretory vesicle
and arms without diverticula; not parasitic in turtles.
tubular, the main ducts small; ceca variable in length;
.................................................................................... 82
usually parasitic in fishes, rarely in amphibians. .. 73
82a. Cirrus and cirrus sac absent; seminal vesicle free in
73a. Primarily parasitic in marine fishes; muscular papillae parenchyma; vitellaria in one or two compact clusters
absent on oral sucker but might be present on ventral of follicles; parasitic in intestine, bursa of Fabricius or
sucker; ceca may end blindly, open through one or gall bladder of birds .
two ani, fuse with excretory vesicle to form uroproct .......... Family Gymnophallidae p. 124
or fuse with each other to form cyclocoel. . .
82b. Cirrus and cirrus sac present; seminal vesicle bipar-
....................... Family Opecoelidae (in part) p. 226
tite and inside of cirrus sac; vitelline follicles not in
73b. Primarily parasitic in freshwater fishes, rarely in am- compact clusters; parasitic in fishes. 83
phibians or progenetic in aquatic arthropods; muscu- 83a. Esophagus has pair of lateral pouches; genital pore
lar papillae on oral sucker; ceca end blindly. . . lateral to ventral sucker; ovary between testes or
.................... Family Allocreadiidae (In part) p.215 nearly so; excretory vesicle V-Shaped. . .
74a. Anatomy resembling that of echinostomatids except ......... Family Botullsaccldae p. 126
spiny collar is absent; body contains subcutaneous 83b. Esophagus without lateral pouches; genital pore an-
network of excretory canals; testes round or ovoid; terior to ventral sucker; ovary anterior to testes. .. 84
metraterm sac

seminal vesicle!

Fig. 222. Monorchiidae, terminal reproductive organs.

genital atrium

.~. .'"
~----' ' ,, genital pore




,_ ..•.-'1
ventral sucker
:- a.
:~ •

Fig. 223. Genital atrium, a. ventral view b. cross section

84a. Body filiform, cylindrical; one intestinal cecum pre- 85b. Genital atrium absent or weakly developed; genital
sent and fused with excretory vesicle to form uro- pore anterior to ventral sucker; ceca usually long. .....
proct; testes tandem... Family Monascidae .... p. 123 .................................................................................... 86
84b. Body oval or elongate, flat; two ceca present, end 86a. Parasitic in urinary bladder of fishes and amphibians
blindly; testes usually opposite but might be tandem or in coelom of elasmobranchs; cirrus sac absent; vi·
or oblique; excretory vesicle Y- or V-shaped. .. . tellaria compact or dendritic; pharynx absent in some
............................... Family Fellodlstomidae .... p. 118 genera. Family Gorgoderidae p. 232
85a. Genital atrium and genital pore lateral to ventral suck- 86b. Not in urinary tract; pharynx always present; cirrus
er; genital atrium may be spinous or contain pockets; sac present; vitelline glands follicular. .. 87
ceca short and divergent; testes opposite (Fig. 223). . 87a. Genital pore close to oral sucker or ventral to pha-
.......... Family Microphallidae p. 188 rynx 88
87b. Genital pore anterior to ventral sucker and usually pore median, submedian or dorsal and lateral; para-
close to it, median or submedian. 90 sitic in intestine of amphibians and reptiles. . .
88a. Genital pore antero-dorsal to oral sucker; cirrus sac ..................................... Family Telorchiidae p. 187
long, entirely confined to forebody; excretory vesicle 91b. Anatomy not as described above. 92
V-shaped with lateral diverticula; parasitic in the in- 92a. Body nonspinous; muscular papillae usually present
testine of amphibians and reptiles. . . on oral sucker; excretory vesicle tubular; parasitic in
.......................... Family Cephalogonimidae p.180 intestine of fishes and amphibians. . .
88b. Genital pore ventral to pharynx or lateral to oral suck- .... Family Allocreadiidae (in part) p. 215
er; not parasitic in the intestine. 89 92b. Body spinous; muscular papillae absent. 93
89a. Parasitic in lungs of amphibians; vitelline follicles in 93a. Parasitic in mouth; lungs or esophagus of snakes;
uterus has prominent longitudinal ascending and de-
distinct clusters along sides of the body; uterus very
long, composed of many folds; body translucent; scending folds; genital pore median or submedian;
testes opposite or oblique; ventral sucker sometimes stem of excretory vesicle long, arms encircle ventral
vestigial or absent (see couplet 14). . . sucker. Family Ochetosomatidae p. 183
............. Family Haematoloechldae (In part) p. 175 93b. Parasitic in intestine or gall bladder of vertebrates;
uterus has numerous transverse and oblique folds;
89b. Parasitic in cloaca, oviducts, bursa of Fabricius or liv-
genital pore usually median and immediately anterior
er of mammals; testes opposite; ovary lobed; vitelline
to ventral sucker; excretory vesicle V-Shaped, stem
follicles confined to lateral regions of middle third of
not long 94
body Family Prosthogonlmldae p.186
94a. Ceca very short and divergent; testes opposite; vitel-
9Oa.Body densely spinous; large circumoral spines pre- line follicles in anterior half of body; parasitic in intes-
sent in some genera; pigmented eyes pots present in tine of amphibians and reptiles. . .
young adults; hermaphroditic duct present; seminal ............................... Family Brachycoeliidae . p. 179
vesicle bipartite; parasitic in intestine of fishes. . . 94b. Ceca long and not divergent; vitelline follicles primar-
.................................. Family Deroprlstiidae .... p. 224 ily in hindbody 95
9Ob.Body spinous or nonspinous but never densely spin- 95a. Excretory vesicle tubular; parasitic in intestine of poi-
ous; circumoral spines absent; hermaphroditic duct kilothermic vertebrates or progenetic in leeches and
absent; seminal vesicle not bipartite. 91 crustaceans. Family Macroderoididae p. 176
91a. One or both testes close to posterior end of body; 95b. Excretory vesicle V-shaped; parasitic in intestine, gall
testes tandem; excretory vesicle V-shaped, stem of V bladder or cloaca of all groups of vertebrates. . .
long, arms of vesicle encircle ventral sucker; genital ....... Family Plagiorchiidae p. 172

Order Strigeatida (LaRue, 1926) Sudarikov, Life cycle: S. elegans- Miracidia develop and hatch in 11 and 14
days. Strigea cercariae develop in sporocysts in the planorbid
1959 snails, Gyraulus parvus and Menetus dilatatus. After leaving the
Superfamily Strigeoidea Railliet, 1919 snail, the cercariae penetrate tadpoles of the genera Rana, Buto
Miracidia have two pairs flame cells; cercariae are of the longi- and Ambystoma and transform to mesocercariae (Fig. 49). In-
furcate-pharyngeate type, develop in sporocysts in aquatic fected tadpoles are then eaten by garter and water snakes in
snails; body of adult divided into distinct fore- and hindbody, which the metacercaria, a tetracotyle, develops. Natural defini-
genital pore at posterior end of body; at least three hosts in- tive hosts are the snowy owl, great-horned owl and screech owl
volved in life cycle; adults parasitic in the intestine of verte- (Pearson, 1959; Miller et aI, 1965).
brates. Dubois (1938 and 1968) published monographs on this 4a. Hindbody at least four times longer than forebody
group. which is heart- or spoon-Shaped. 5
4b. Hindbody less than four times longer than forebody
Family Strigeidae Railliet, 1919 which is cupshaped or ovoid. 7
Forebody cupshaped or spoonshaped, contains suckers, Sa. Hindbody 8 to 20 times longer than spoon-shaped
pharynx and foliaceous tribocytic organ; hindbody cylindrical or forebody; anterior half of hindbody distinctly narrow-
ovoid, contains organs of reproduction; testes usually tandem; er than posterior half; testes close to posterior end of
cirrus sac absent; copulatory bursa well developed; genital pore hindbody; uterus extends far anterior to ovary; eggs
dorso-terminal; ovary pretesticular; vitelline follicles numerous, numerous; genital cone and copUlatory bursa large
extending into both fore- and hind body or restricted to either (Fig. 227). ... Genus Nematostrigea Sandground, 1934
fore- or hindbody; uterus short; eggs nonembryonated, opercu- 5b. Fore- and hindbody not as described above. 6
late; excretory system composed of extensive network of tu- 6a. Forebody heart-shaped in ventral view; hindbody 4 to
bules and reservoirs; adults parasitic in intestine of birds and 8 times longer than forebody; testes oval or only
mammals. Epidermal cell formula for miracidium 6, 8, 4, 3. slightly lobed; hermaphroditic duct long (Fig. 228). ...
Key to Genera .............................. Genus Cardiocephalus Szidat, 1928
Life cycle: C. longicollis- Furcocercous cercariae of the strigea
1a. Vitelline follicles in fore- and hindbody. 2 group (C. nassae) develop in daughter sporocysts in the marine
1b. Vitelline follicles restricted to hindbody. 4 prosobranch, Nassa corniculum. The metacercaria is a tetraco-
2a. Pharynx absent (fig. 224). . . tyle infecting the optic lobes of marine fishes in the genera
........................... Genus Apharyngostrigea Ciurea, 1927 Boops, Diplodus, Belone and Pagel/us as natural infections. Ex-
Key to species in Olsen (1940) and in Ukoli (1967). perimental infections were established in two species of Diplo-
Life cycle: A. pipientis- Strigea cercariae (Fig. 28) develop in dus. Natural definitive hosts are gulls, Larus argentatus and L.
daughter sporocysts in the pulmonate snail, Planorbula armige- ridibunda (see Prevot and Bartoli, 1980).
ra. They penetrate tadpoles of Rana and Hyla spp. and encyst in 6b. Forebody square or rectangular in ventral view; hind-
the coelom. The metacercaria is Tetracotyle pipientis. The pha- body 6 to 17 times longer than forebody; testes dis-
rynx, present in the cercaria, is lost during development to the tinctly lobed; hermaphroditic duct short (Fig. 229). ....
tetracotyle stage. The adult fluke was produced experimentally ..................................... Genus Ophiosoma Szidat, 1928
in pigeons. The natural definitive hosts are heron and ibis (Olivi- 7a. Copulatory bursa contains genital bulb (Fig. 230). .....
er,1940). ........................................ Genus Cotylurus Szidat, 1928
Ginetsinskaya (1961) reported the life cycle of A. cornu, a Key to species in Dubois (1968).
parasite of herons in Russia where the host snail is the planorbid Life cycle: C. f1abelliformis- Miracidia develop and hatch in about
Anisus contortus. The cercaria is C. contortiwhich encysts in the three weeks after eggs are laid. They penetrate the pulmonate
muscles of shiners and carp. Laboratory reared hosts were not snails, Stagnicola angulata, Lymnaea stagnalis, Physa parkeri,
used. P. sayii and Helisoma spp. Strigea cercariae (Cercaria f1abelli-
2b. Pharynx present. 3 formis) develop in daughter sporocysts. They encyst in the
3a. Forebody pyriform and expanded laterally, wider than same snail and develop into tetracotyles (Tetracotyle f1abellitor-
hindbody (Fig. 225). . . mis). The definitive hosts such as birds of the genera Nyroca,
..................................... Genus Parastrigea Szidat, 1928 Marila, Anas, Querquedula and Spatula acquire the parasite by
Key to species in Dubois (1955). eating infected snails (Van Haitsma, 1931 a; Cort et aI, 1944).
Life cycle: P. robusta- Strigea cercariae develop in daughter Olson (1970) studied the life cycle of C. erraticus. Miracidia
sporocysts in several genera and species of planorbid snails. develop and hatch in 15 to 16 days at 24 C. Strigea cercariae
Cercariae encyst in tadpoles of Rana arvalis, R. temporaria, develop in daughter sporocysts in the prosobranch, Valvata te-
Buto buto and in larvae and adults of the newts, Triturus vulgaris wisi within 35 days. After leaving the snail they encyst in the per-
and T. cristatus. Adults develop in the intestine of domestic and icardial cavity of several species of salmonid fishes and develop
mallard ducks (Odening, 1965 and Vojtek, 1972). to the tetracotyle type of metacercaria. Gulls become infected by
3b. Forebody cupshaped, not expanded laterally and not eating infected fishes. Sexually mature adults develop in four
wider than hindbody (Fig. 226). . . days following ingestion of metacercariae.
.................................... Genus Strigea Abildgaard, 1790 The life cycle of C. variegatus is similar to the above species
Key to species in Dubois (1968). (Odening, 1971).

7b. Genital bulb absent. 8 tyle in leeches of the genera Herpobdel/a and Haemopis. The
8a. Terminus of uterus curved forward, opening into adult parasite develops in the intestine of merganser and Mal-
posterior wall of copulatory bursa; genital pore on lard ducks, attaining sexual maturity in four days (Szidat, 1931;
dorsal surface of body; ejaculatory pouch present Stunkard et aI, 1941).
(Fig. 231) Genus Pseudapatemon DubOis, 1936 The life cycle of this species was also studied by Blair (1956)
8b. Terminus of uterus not curved, unites with ejaculato- in Scotland where different hosts are utilized.
ry duct to form long hermaphroditic duct: genital pore Johnston and Angel (1951) describe the life cycle of A. inter-
at end of body; ejaculatory pouch absent (Fig. 232). .. medius in Australia. The cycle is similar to that of A. gracilis ex-
.............. Genus Apatemon Szidat, 1928 cept for use of different species of hosts. The leeches are spe-
Key to species in Dubois (1968). cies of G/ossiphonia. These authors comment on the difference
in use of host snails by A. gracilis in North America, a pulmonate
Lifecycle: A. gracilis- Strigea cercariae ( = Cercaria burti) devel- and a prosobranch. They suggest the possibility of two species
op in daughter sporocysts in the snails, Helisoma trivolvis, H. an- of Apatemon being involved instead of only one in the North
trosumand Bithynia tentaculata. The metacercaria is a tetraco- American Fauna.

Fig. 224. Apharyngostrigea bilobata.

Fig. 226. Strigea fa/conis.
Fig. 225. Parastrigea campanu/a.

Fig. 227. Nematostrigea serpens annu/ata.

Fig. 228. Cardiocepha/us brandesi.

Fig. 230a. Cotylurus f/abelliformis.

Fig. 232a. Apatemon gracilis.

Fig.229. Ophiosoma crassicolle.

,........---- genital bulb

Fig. 230b. Sagittal section of posterior end .

.:J....--~- seminal vesicle

'~~;:"_--I--- ejaculatory pouch

.>..c----i'------ bursa

~' ,1----+-..,..-- uterus

Fig. 232b. Sagittal section, posterior end.

Fig.231. Pseudapatemon sp., posterior end.


Family Diplostomidae Poirier, 1886 asite matures in 10 days. Experimental infections were estab-
lished in chicks, mice, rats and hamsters (Chandler, 1942;
Forebody flat or spoonshaped, contains suckers and bulbous Leigh, 1954).
tribocytic organ; hindbody cylindrical, contains reproductive or-
gans; testes tandem or opposite; cirrus sac absent; ovary pre- Pearson (1961) investigated the life cycle of Fibrico/a inter-
testicular; copulatory bursa present, opening on dorsal surface medius (Neodip/ostomum i.), a parasite of the water rat, Hydro·
near posterior end of body; genital cone usually present; pre- mys chrysogaster and Rattus assimilis. The host gastropod is
puce may be present around cone; vitelline follicles in fore- and the freshwater limpet, Pettancy/us assimilis. The diplostomulum
hindbody or restricted to either fore- or hind body; uterus short, develops in tadpoles and adults of several species of tree frogs.
eggs few, nonembryonated, operculate; parasitic in Intestine of Diplostomula were also found in the pink-tongued skink which is
birds and mammals. Epidermal cell formula of miracidium 6, 8, regarded as a paratenic host. The earlier larval stages are like
4,3 or 6, 9, 4, 3. those of other species in the genus.

Key to Genera 6b. Pseudosuckers present; hindbody about as wide as

1a. Vitelline follicles restricted to hindbody. 2 forebody 7
1b. Vitelline follicles present in both fore- and hindbody 7a. Body elongate, about five times longer than wide;
testes lobed; tribocytic organ elliptical; forebody
or restricted to forebody. .. 4
spatulate; hindbody longer than forebody; tribocytlc
2a. Body permanently arched dorsally; pseudosuckers
organ covers ventral sucker; parasitic in otters (Fig.
absent; ventral sucker vestigial or absent; parasitic in
birds (Fig. 233). .. . 237) Genus Enhydridip/ostomum DuboiS, 1944
......................... Genus Crassiphia/a Van Haitsma, 1925 7b. Body short, about twice as long as wide; testes trans-
versely elongate, lobed or not; fore body oval (Fig.
Life cycle: C. bu/bog/ossa- Miracidia develop and hatch nine 238). Genus A/aria Schrank, 1788
days after oviposition. After penetrating the planorbid snails, He-
Key to species of mesocercariae in Johnson (1970)
lisoma anceps and H. trivo/vis, strigea cercariae (Fig. 28) de-
Life cycle: A. arisaemoides- Miracidia hatch and penetrate the
velop in daughter sporocysts in 33 days. They encyst in the skin
planorbid snails, P/anorbu/a armigera and Promenetus exacu-
of perch, pike, minnows and chub, causing "black spot" dis-
ous. Strigea cercariae develop in daughter sporocysts in 18 to
ease. The metacercaria is a neascus (Fig. 51b). The kingfisher,
26 days. They penetrate and develop to mesocercariae in the
Cery/e a/cyon, is the definitive host (Hoffman, 1956).
muscles and connective tissue of tadpoles of Rana pipiens, R.
2b. Body not permanently arched dorsally; ventral sucker sy/vatica and Buto american us. When mesocercariae are in-
well developed; pseudosuckers present or absent. ... gested by mammals of the families Felidae, Canidae and Muste-
, 3 lidae they migrate to the lungs by way of the coelom and dia-
3a. Body elongate; pseudosuckers absent; genital bulb phragm where they change to metacercariae of the
and thick-walled ejaculatory pouch present; genital diplostomulum type. They then pass up the trachea, are swal-
cone protrusible (Fig. 234). .. . lowed and end up in the intestine where they develop to the
..................................... Genus UvuliterYamaguti, 1934 adult stage. Paratenic hosts for the mesocercaria are deer-
Life cycle: U. amb/oplites- Miracidia develop and hatch in about mouse, housemouse, chicken, garter snakes and frogs (Pear-
three weeks. They penetrate the planorbid snails, Helisoma tri- son, 1956; Hayden, 1969).
vo/vis and H. campanu/atum in which strigea cercariae (Cerca- The above species goes through a three-host life cycle as
ria bessiae) develop in daughter sporocysts. After leaving the does A. canis, A. intermedia, A. muste/ae and A. marcianae.
snails, they encyst in the muscle and skin of bass, perch, sunfish The "paratenic" or "collector" hosts are those in which a para-
and pike, causing "black spot" disease, a condition arising from site survives in the same stage in which it was acquired.
the deposition of black pigment in the cyst membrane. The In controlled experiments, transmammary infection with the
metacercaria is a neascus (Neascus amb/oplitis). Kingfishers be- mesocercaria of A. marcianae was found to occur in mice. The
come infected by eating the infected fish (many authors). mesocercariae were present in the mammary glands of females
3b. Body elongate; pseudosuckers present; genital bulb suckling their young. In these experiments transplacental infec-
tion did not occur (Shoop and Corkum, 1983). This same para-
and ejaculatory pouch absent; hermaphroditic duct
site was found to exist as a mesocercaria in a pregnant cat but
opens directly to the exterior; genital atrium absent
when passed to suckling young went on to develop to the adult
(Fig. 235). .. Genus Pu/viniterYamaguti, 1933
stage in the intestine of the kittens. The same thing probably oc-
4a. Vitelline follicles restricted to forebody or at least en-
tirely anterior to testes 5 curs in raccoons infected with A. marcianae. The above authors
coined the term "amphiparatenic" for those hosts that are par-
4b. Vitelline follicles present in both fore- and hindbody.
atenic hosts as adults but as juveniles can serve as definitive
.................................................................................... 10
Sa. Testes tandem. .. 6
5b. Testes opposite. .. ~............ 8 8a. Thick-walled ejaculatory pouch present; tribocytic or-
6a. Pseudosuckers absent; hindbody narrower than fore- gan ovoid; parasitic in raccoon (Fig. 239) .
body (Fig. 236). .. Genus Fibrico/a Dubois, 1932 ................... Genus Pharyngostomoides Harkema, 1942
Life cycle: F. texensis- Miracidia develop and hatch within 12 Life cycle: P. procyonis- Hatched miracidia penetrate the planer-
days following oviposition. They penetrate the pulmonate snail, bid snail, Menetus dilatatus buchanensis, in which strigea cerca-
Physa ana tina, in which cercariae of the strigea group develop riae develop in daughter sporocysts. The second intermediate
in daughter sporocysts. The metacercaria is a diplostomulum host is the branchiobdellid, Cambarinco/a osceola which are
(Fig. 51 a) in the coelom and muscles of tadpoles of the genus commensals on crayfish. The adult fluke develops in the intes-
Rana. The natural definitive host is the raccoon in which the par- (Continued)
ejaculatory pouch

I 7'~-I-- copulatory bursa
f"1r--=-"- genital cone

Sagittal section, posterior end.

Fig. 233. Crassiphia/a bu/bog/ossi.

Fig. 234a. Uvulifer amb/oplitis.

Fig. 236. Fibrico/a cratera.

Fig. 235b. Sagittal section, posterior end.

Fig. 235a. Pu/vinifer macrostomum.

Fig. 238. A/aria muste/ae. Fig. 239. Pharyngostomoides procyonis.

Fig. 237 Enhydridip/ostomum fosteri,
(from Mcintosh, 1939)

tine of raccoon which eats the infected crayfishes. Mesocerca- peri mental conditions. Blindness was caused in many cases.
riae of these species were found in the mothers milk. It was as- The natural definitive hosts for this parasite are gulls and terns
sumed that the mother was exposed to mesocercariae during which eat the infected fish (Van Haitsma, 1931 b).
pregnancy and that the mesocercariae migrated to the mam- Larvae of at least five species in the genus Diplostomum have
mary glands (Harris et ai, 1967a; Beckerdite et ai, 1971). been involved in causing cataractous lenses in fishes and other
vertebrates. Two cases have been reported in human beings.
8b. Ejaculatory pouch absent; tribocytic organ either very
(Ashton, Brown and Easty, 1969).
elongate or distinctly bilobed; parasitic in raccoon ....
Cort and Brackett (1937, 1938) investigated the life cycle of
...................................................................................... 9
D. micradena in northern Michigan where the diplostomulum
9a. Tribocytic organ elongate, contained in a pouch in
causes "bloat disease" in tadpoles.
forebody; hindbody shorter than forebody; pseudo-
Rees (1955, 1957) and Arvy and Buttner (1954) worked on
suckers on ventral surface of body some distance
the life cycle of D. phoxini in Europe. The diplostomulum devel·
from anterior margin (Fig. 240). . .
ops in the brain of minnows. The adult is a parasite of ducks.
............. Genus Procyotrema Harkema and Miller, 1959
13a. Pseudosuckers deep, causing anterior end of body to
Life cycle: P. marsupiformis- Miracidia penetrate the planorbid appear trilobed; intestinal parasites of birds (Fig.
snail, Promenetus exacuous in which strigea cercariae develop 244) Genus Hysteromorpha Lutz, 1931
in daughter sporocysts. They penetrate tadpoles of Rana ctemi- Life cycle: H. triloba- Miracidia develop and hatch in seven days
tans and R. sphenocephala and change to mesocercariae which following oviposition and penetrate the freshwater snail, Gyrsu-
survive in the adult frogs. Raccoons eat the infected frogs. Di- Ius hirsutus in which strigea cercariae develop in daughter spo-
plostomula develop in the pancreas of the raccoon and then rocysts. Cercariae penetrate the bullheads, Ameiurus melas
pass to the pancreatic duct where they develop to sexually ma- and A. nebutoeus, in the muscles of which they develop to di·
ture adults in about 18 days (Harris et ai, 1970). plostomula (Diplostomulum corti). Adults develop within 60
9b. Tribocytic organ bilobed; hindbody longer than fore- hours after metacercariae are eaten by piscivorous birds such
as cormorants, herons, egrets and pelicans (Hugghins, 1954).
body; pseudosuckers at anterior margin of body; co-
pulatory bursa large with genital recess and ventral 13b. Pseudosuckers shallow, not causing body to appear
papilla (Fig. 241). . . trilobed at anterior end; parasite of opossum (Fig.
............ Genus Parallelorchis Harkema and Miller, 1961 245) Genus Didelphodiplostomum Dubois, 1944
10a. Pseudosuckers present. 11 Life cycle: D. variable- Miracidia develop and hatch in 10 days.
10b. Pseudosuckers absent. .. 14 They penetrate the planorbid snail, Menetus dilatatus in which
11a. Boundary between fore- and hindbody distinct. 12 strigea cercariae develop in daughter sporocysts in 18 days.
11 b. Boundary between fore- and hind body barely percep- Cercariae penetrate the larvae of Ambystoma opacum and A.
tible 13 maculatum and adults of Eurycea bis/ineata, Siren lacertina
12a. Genital bulb present in copulatory bursa; testes H- and Necturus spp. in which diplostomula (Diplostomulum
shaped; parasitic in birds (Fig. 242) . ambystomae) develop in the pericardial and peritoneal cavities.
................................. Genus Bolbophorus Dubois, 1935 The natural definitive host is the opossum. Experimental intec-
tions were established in mice (Harris et ai, 1967b).
Life cycle: B. confusus- Strigea cercariae develop in sporocysts 14a. Genital cone surrounded by a prepuce; copulatory
in He/isoma trivolvis. They encyst in numerous species of fish, bursa evaginable; parasitic in birds (Fig. 246). .. .
causing some pathological symptoms. The metacercaria is an ...................... Genus Posthodiplostomum Dubois, 1936
encysted diplostomulum. The definitive host is the pelican. This Life cycle: P. minimum- Strigea cercariae develop in sporocysts
is the only known cyst-forming diplostomulum (Fox, 1966). in Physa gyrina and P. heterostropha. The metacercaria is a
Paperna and Lengy (1963) studied this species in Israel neascus (Neascus vancleavei) in the fishes, Lepomis gibbosus,
where the purple heron, Ardea purpurea is the natural definitive L. megalotus and Amblop/ites rupestris. The mature fluke devel·
host. Strigea cercariae encyst in the fish, Tilapia nilotica and ops in the heron, Nycticorax nycticorax. Experimental infections
then develops to a neascus type of metacercaria. When these were established in chicks, the mature adults developing in 32
were fed to supposedly trematode-free purple herons, many hours after feeding metacercariae (Miller, 1954; Hoffman,
adult flukes were recovered 20 days later. It is possible that the 1958a).
"encysted" diplostomulum of Fox, 1966 is really a neascus. Donges (1964b) published an account of the life cycle of P. cu·
12b. Genital bulb absent; testes bilobed, concave ventral- ticola which caused "blackspot" disease in fishes in Germany.
ly; parasitic in birds (Fig. 243) .
14b. Prepuce absent; copulatory bursa not evaginable
.................... Genus Diplostomum von Nordmann, 1832
(Fig. 247) Genus Neodiplostomum Railliet, 1919
Life cycle: D. flexicaudum- Miracidia develop and hatch in three This genus has been divided into two SUbgenera.
weeks following oviposition and penetrate the pulmonate snails, Subgenus: Neodiplostomum- Genital cone absent;
Stagnicola angulata and Lymnaea stagnalis in which strigea cer- testes unequal in size.
cariae develop in daughter sporocysts. The cercaria (Cercaria Conodiplostomum- Genital cone present; testes equal
flexicaudum) penetrates the common sucker, Catostomus com- in size.
mersoni and develops into a diplostomulum type of metacerca-
ria. (Diplostomulum gigas) in the lens of the eye, causing cat- Life cycle: N. intermedium - Miracidia hatch and penetrate the
aractous lenses to form. Diplostomula of ths species have also freshwater limpet, Pettancylus assimilis in which strigea cerca
been found in Iymnaeid and physid snails. riae develop in daughter sporocysts. After emerging, the cerca
Cercariae of D. flexicaudum were able to penetrate and be- riae penetrate tadpoles and adults of the tree frogs, Hyla pear·
come diplostomula in the lenses of tadpoles, frogs, turtles,
chicks, ducklings, mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits under ex- (Continued)
ventral papilla copulatory

Fig. 241 b. Sagittal section, posterior end.

Fig. 241 a. Parallelorchis diglossus.

Fig. 240. Procyotrema marsupiformis.

Fig. 243. Diplostomum huronense.


Fig. 242b. Sagittal section, posterior end.

Fig. 242a. Bolbophorus confusus.

Fig. 244. Hysteromorpha triloba.

Fig. 246b.

Fig. 245. Didelphodiplostomum variable.

genital cone
Fig. 246a. Posthodiplostomum minimum. Fig. 246c. Sagittal section, posterior end.

som and H. caerula. The natural definitive host is Rattus Life cycle: 0. ptychocheilus - Miracidia develop and hatch within
assimilis. The laboratory rat is a satisfactory experimental host, 10 days after eggs are released. They penetrate the pulmonate
eggs appearing in the feces in seven to eight days (Pearson, snails, Physa anatina and P. gyrina in which strigea cercariae
1961 ). develop in daughter sporocysts. The cercariae penetrate chubs,
15a. Ovary near margin of body, wedged between the shiners, squawfish, fathead and bluntnose minnows and johnny
testes; hindbody of uniform thickness throughout darter and encyst in the brain as neascus larvae. Natural defini·
(Fig. 248) . tive hosts are several species of ducks, especially mergansers.
................Genus Mesophorodiplostomum 'Dubois,1936 Experimental infections were established in chicks, ducklings
15b. Ovary opposite anterior testis; body becomes pro- and English sparrow (Hoffman, 1958b; Hendrikson, 1980).
gressively thicker in dorsa-ventral plane toward post-
erior end (Fig. 249) .
.................,.... Genus Ornithodiplostomum Dubois, 1936

Fig. 249. Ornithodipiostomum ptychocheilus.

Fig. 247. Neoaiptostomum sp.

Fig. 248. Mesophorodipiostomum pricei.

Family Cyathocotylidae Poche, 1926 Ii; ring-billed gull, Larus delawarensis and the raccoon, Procyon
lotor. The natural definitive host is the pelican, Pelecanus occi-
Body small (less than 2 mm), round oval or elongate, usually
dentalis (see Hutton and Sogandares-Bernal, 1960).
notdivided into distinct fore- and hind body; tribocytic organ bul-
bous,sometimes very large; ventral sucker absent in some gen- Martin (1961) studied the life cycle of Mesostephanus appendi-
era; ceca long; testes tandem, oblique or opposite; cirrus sac culatus which uses the prosobranch, Cerithidea ca/ifornica as
present, near posterior end of body; ovary either intertesticular first intermediate host. Furcocercous cercariae of the vivax
or opposite anterior testis; genital pore at posterior end of body; group develop in daughter sporocysts. Cercariae encyst in the
vitelline follicles in both fore- and hindbody or restricted to hind- muscles of the minnows, Fundulus parvipinnis p. and Gillichthys
body; uterus short; eggs few, operculate, nonembryonated; par- mirabilis. Metacercariae were fed to chicks and the adult para-
asitic in digestive tract of reptiles, birds and mammals. Epider- site recovered nine days later from the small intestine.
malcell formula of miracidium 6, 8, 4, 4; 6, 8, 4, 2 or 6, 8, 4, 3. Dennis and Penner (1971) and Dennis (1973) reported the
Key to Genera life cycle of M. yedeae which uses the same host mollusc as M.
1a. Body elongate, divided into flat forebody and conical appendiculatus. The cercariae encysted in Fundulus heterocli-
hindbody (Figs. 250, 251). .. . tus, Cyprinodon variegatus and in guppies, Peocilia reticulata.
.......... Genus Neogogatea Chandler and Rausch, 1947 Experimental infections were established in chicks, the adult
Life cycle: N. kentuckiensis (= Mesostephanus k.) - Longifur- parasite developing in about five days after feeding infected fish.
cate pharyngeate cercariae (= Cercaria kentuckiensis) of the The natural definitive host is the pelican, Pelecanus occidenta-
vivax type (Fig. 29) develop in daughter sporocysts in the pro- lis.
sobranch snails, Anaplocamus dilatatus and Mudalia carinata. Pike (1980) studied the life cycle of M. milvi which uses the
They encyst in the muscles of at least 10 species of freshwater mollusc Cleopatra aegyptiaca as first host. Cercariae of the vi-
fishes. The natural definitive host is the double-crested cormo- vax group develop and eventually encyst in the tissues of the
rant,Phalacrocorax auritus. Experimental infections were estab- frog, Discoglossus occipitalis. Experimental infections were es-
lished in young chicks, the parasite maturing in seven days after tablished in two wild nestlings of Abdim's stork, Sphenorhynchus
metacercariae were fed (Myer, 1960; Hoffman and Dunbar, . abdimii after treatment with CC1.and liquid paraffin to eliminate
1963;Stunkard, 1972a). previous infections. Adults were recovered seven days after
1b. Body oval or round in ventral view, not divided into feeding metacercariae.
distinct fore- and hind body . 2
2a. Body oval, concave ventrally; ventral sucker some 4a. Body concave ventrally; ventral sucker plainly visible,
distance posterior to oral sucker; tribocytic organ close to oral sucker; tribocytic organ very large; geni-
small 3 tal pore in posterior fourth of body (Fig. 255). .. .
2b. Body round; ventral sucker absent or close to oral ............................... Genus Hotostephenus Szidat, 1936
sucker when present; tribocytic organ large or small. Life cycle: H dubinini- Mother and daughter sporocysts develop
...................................................................................... 4 in the prosobranch, Bithynia tentaculata. Vivax cercariae devel-
3a. Ovary anterior to small bulbous tribocytic organ; op and after emerging from the snail, encyst in at least six spe-
testes tandem; cirrus sac has thin wall (Fig. 252). ...... cies of fishes. Metacercariae were fed to a cormorant, Phalacro-
........................... Genus Prohemistomum Odhner, 1913 corax carbo and adults recovered 76 hours later (Boitek and
Life cycle: P. chandleri - Vivax cercariae (Fig. 29) develop in Voitkova, 1968). ..
daughter sporocysts in the prosobranch snail, Pleurocera acuta. A partial life cycle is known for H. luhei (see Erasmus 1962;
Cercariae encyst in the tissues of several species of bass. Im- Pike, 1968).
mature specimens were recovered from the intestine of channel
catfish, Ictalurus punctata; Northern sculpin, Cottus bairdi and 4b. Body not concave ventrally; ventral sucker absent or
the water snake, Natrix sipedon, all of which had been fed meta- covered by tribocytic organ; genital pore at posterior
cercariae from bass. The natural definitive host is probably a end of body. 5
piscivorous bird. The anatomy of the mature adult is unknown 5a. Ventral sucker absent or covered by tribocytic organ;
(Vernberg, 1952). testes elongate and nearly opposite, near middle of
3b. Ovary posterior or dorsal to tribocytic organ; testes body; tribocytic organ large; vitelline follicles in
wreath-like design around periphery of body (Fig.
oblique; cirrus sac has thick wall; vitelline follicles re-
256). Genus Cyathocotyle Muhling, 1896
stricted to hlndbody (Fig. 253, 254) .
.................. Genus Mesostephanus Lutz, 1935 Life cycle: C. bushiensis - Miracidia develop and hatch in about
Life cycle: M. appendiculatoides - Vivax cercariae develop in 14 days. They enter the prosobranch, Bithynia tentaculata in
sporocysts in the marine prosobranch snail, Cerithium musca- which vivax cercariae develop in daughter sporocysts and after
rum. They encyst in the muscles of small mullet. Natural infec- emerging encyst in the digestive gland of the same or a different
tions with metacercariae were also found in three species of snail. Metacercariae were fed to day-old Pekin ducks and adults
mullet. Metacercariae from experimentally infected mullet were recovered from the ceca six days later. Natural definitive hosts
fed to a suckling opossum and partially developed flukes were are the black duck, Anas rubripes; blue-wing teal, Anas discors
recovered four days later. Experimental infections were also es- and the green-wing teal, A. carolinensis (see Khan, 1962a; Gib-
tablished in the black-crowned night heron, Nycticorax n. hoact- son et aI, 1972).

The life cycle of C. opaca was studied by Vojtek (1971). The Life cycle: L. szidati- Vivax cercariae (Cercaria szidati) develop
mollusc is the same as for C. bushiensis but the metacercaria in daughter sporocysts in the prosobranch, Campeloma rufum.
was found in several species of leeches and the adults inhabit Cercariae encyst in the tissues of the common shiner, Notropis
the lower small intestine and colon of ducks, causing injury to cornutus. Metacercariae were fed to baby chicks and the adults
the mucosa. recovered three days later. The opossum has been found to be
5b. Ventral sucker absent; testes oval, tandem or oblique; the natural definitive host for this species (Anderson and Cable,
trlbocytic organ small; vitelline follicles confined 1950; Lumsden and Winkler, 1962).
mainly to posterior half of body (Fig. 257). . .
..................................... Genus Linstowiella Szidat, 1933
Fig. 252. Prohemistomum chandleri, juvenile.
(from Vernberg, 1952)

Fig.250. Neogogatea kentuckiensis. (from Myer, 1960)

Fig. 251. Neogogatea bubonis.

(from Chandler and Rausch, 1947)

Fig. 255. Holostephanus ictaluri.

Fig.253. Mesostephanus appendiculatus.

(from Martin, 1961) Fig. 254. Mesostephanus appendiculatoides.
(from Cable, Connor and Balling, 1960)

Fig. 257. Linstowiella szidati.

(from Anderson and Cable, 1950)
Fig. 256. Cyathocotyle bushiensis.
(from Gilson, Broughton and Choquette, 1972)

Family Proterodiplostomidae Dubois, 1936 ovary and ventral sucker (Fig. 258) .
.................................. Genus Crocodilicola Poche, 1925
Body divided into flat forebody, containing the suckers and
1b. Division between tore- a'nd hindbody distinct. ........ l
bulbous tribocytic organ and a cylindrical hind body which con-
2a. Vitelline follicles extend into fore- and hind body (Fig.
tains the organs of reproduction; testes tandem, in middle of
259). Genus Archaeodiplostomum Dubois, 1944
hindbody; cirrus sac absent; seminal vesicle free in parenchy-
2b. Vitelline follicles confined to forebody. . 3
ma; thick-walled paraprostate organ posterior to testes; genital
3a. Hindbody with a linear series of accessory suckers on
atrium present; genital pore dorsal, near posterior end of body;
dorsal surface; atrial sucker also present in genital
hermaphroditic canal present; vitelline follicles in both fore- and
atrium; ejaculatory duct fused with terminus of uter-
hindbody or confined to forebody; parasitic in intestine of reptil-
us; hermaphroditic canal thin-walled (Fig. 260). .. .
es, especially alligators.
..................... Genus Polycotyle Willemoes-Suhm, 1870
3b. Hindbody without accessory and atrial suckers: eja-
culatory duct united with side of para prostate organ;
Key to Genera
hermaphroditic canal has thick muscular wall (Fig.
1a. Body linguiform, division between fore- and hindbody 261) .
indistinct; vitelline follicles confined to area between ....... Genus Pseudocrocodilicola Byrd and Reiber, 1942

Fig. 258. Crocodilicola pseudostoma.

Fig. 259. Archaeodiplostomum acetabulatum.

Fig. 261 b. Sagittal section, posterior end.

Fig. 260. Polycotyle ornata.

Fig. 261a. Pseudocrocodilicola americanense,
(from Byrd and Reiber, 1942)

through at least half of body; testes anterior to com-
Superfamily Schistosomatoidea Stiles and
mon cecum; parasitic in birds and mammals. .. 2
Hassall, 1926 1b. Body of male with short gynaecophoric canal, not ex-
Miracidia have two pairs of flame cells (one pair in the family tending through more than one-fifth of body length or
Sanguinicolidae); cercariae either brevifurcate-apharyngeate or canal absent; testes located along common cecum;
lophocercous-apharyngeate, develop in sporocysts in aquatic parasitic in birds. 7
snails; cercariae penetrate definitive host directly; adults mo- 2a. Testes 28 or more (up to 250). .. 3
noeciousor dioecious; parasitic in circulatory system of verte- 2b. Testes 20 or less. .. 4
brates;life cycles involve two hosts. 3a. Uterus long; eggs abundant; ovary near middle of
body; ceca of female with numerous lateral branches;
Family Schistosomatidae Poche, 1907 parasitic in mammals (Fig. 262). .. .
Adults dioecious with distinct sexual dimorphism; suckers ................................. Genus Heterobilharzia Price, 1929
presentor absent; pharynx absent; ceca united in posterior part Life cycle: H. americana - Miracidia hatch and enter the pulmo-
of body to form common cecum; body of male with gynaeco- nate snails, Lymnaea cubensis and Pseudosuccinea columella.
phoriccanal; testes four to multiple; cirrus sac present or ab- Brevifurcate-apharyngeate cercariae develop in daughter spo-
sent;body of female slender; ovary ovoid or spiral shaped; vitel- rocysts in 31 to 39 days. After emergence the cercariae pen-
line follicles distributed along common cecum; uterus usually etrate the skin of raccoon, dog, bobcat, rabbit, nutria and mice.
short;eggs nonoperculate, some with terminal spine, embryo- Developmental stages migrate through the lungs. The prepatent
nated;parasitic in blood vessels of birds and mammals. Epider- period in mice is 66 to 77 days. The mouse is a good experimen-
malcell formula of miracidium 6, 9, 4, 3 or 6, 8, 4, 3. tal host. Adults inhabit the hepatic portal and the mesenteric
Several species of the genus Schistosoma are parasitic in the veins (Lee, 1962; Greene, 1962).
circulatory system of human beings and domestic animals, Thrasher (1964) studied the pathology in dogs over a two-
causingschistosomiasis. The adult parasites develop in the liver year period. in addition to histological changes in intestine and
andinhabit the veins associated with the digestive and urinary liver, symptoms such as chronic, bloody diarrhea, emaciation
tracts.Distressing pathological symptoms result from infections and anorexia were evident. Fecal examination for eggs seemed
bythese parasites. to be the only practical method of diagnosis.
In North America species of several other genera cause 3b. Uterus short; contains one egg at a time; ovary in an-
schistosome dermatitis, the result of an allergic reaction to cer- terior third of body; ceca of female without lateral
cariaethat penetrate the skin of human beings. Death of the cer- branches; parasitic in birds (Fig. 263). .. .
cariaeduring skin penetration provokes a tissue reaction caus- .. Genus Ornithobilharzia Odhner, 1912
ing formation of papules and severe itching similar to the Key to species in Price (1929) and in Wetzel (1930).
symptomsassociated with poison ivy. The disease is more com- 4a. Gynaecophoric canal extends from middle to poste-
monlyknown as "swimmers itch" due to its occurrence in per- rior end of body; 14 to 18 testes; ceca with many lat-
sonswho frequent bathing beaches or the old swimming hole. eral branches; parasitic in rodents (Fig. 264). .. .
Species of the genera Trichobilharzia, Gigantobilharzia and ...... Genus Schistosomatium Tanabe, 1923
Scistosomatium are most frequently involved in the epidemiolo- Life cycle: S. douthitti - Embryonated eggs pass in the feces of
gy of the disease in North America. The adults normally parasitize the host. Miracidia hatch and penetrate pulmonate snails, Lym-
wildbirds and mammals. Control measures involve the destruc- naea stagnalis, Stagnicola palustris, S. emarginata, Physa gyri-
tionof the aquatic snails in which the cercariae develop. na and P. parkeri. Brevifurcate-apharyngeate cercariae de-
Key to Genera velop in daughter sporocysts and after leaving the snail,
1a. Body of male with long gynaecophoric canal, extends penetrate the skin of rabbits and rodents, eventually developing.

gynaecophoric canal


... ----~---......-~~••.. ,..

Fig. 262. Heterobilharzia americanum. a. male b. female

to adults in the liver. Natural definitive hosts are voles, muskrat,
porcupine, rabbits and jumping mouse. Experimental infections
have been established in rodents of the genera Peromyscus,
Mus, Rattus and also in rhesus monkeys. In the latter host some
sexually mature and some developing males and females were
recovered from the mesenteric veins and the pulmonary blood
vessels suggesting possible development in human beings
(Price, H.F., 1931 and Kagan, 1953).
4b. Gynaecophoric canal extends from ventral sucker to
posterior end of body; ceca without lateral branches .
5a. Testes 10 or less; ovary ovoid; parasitic in mammals
(Fig. 265). .. Genus Schistosoma Weinland, 1858
Key to species in Price (1929).
Life cycle: S. mansoni - Natural infections by species of the ge-
nus Schistosoma do not occur in North America but endemic in-
fections by S. mansoni occur in human beings in Puerto Rico,
Jamaica and some countries in South America. The adults in-
habit the mesenteric veins. Embryonated eggs pass in the feces
and miracidia hatch when eggs gain access to water. They pen-
etrate several species of planorbid snails in which brevifurcate-
apharyngeate cercariae develop in daughter sporocysts. The
cercariae penetrate the skin and mucous membranes of human
beings, enter the blood vessels, migrate to lungs, liver and
heart. Those in the liver develop to sexual maturity and migrate
into the hepatic portal and mesenteric veins for mating and egg
laying. Experimental infections have been established in mice,
rats, hamsters, rabbits and monkeys.
5b. Testes 16 to 20; ovary has spiral shape; parasitic in
birds 6
6a. Ovary posterior to middle of body (Fig. 266). . . a.
.......................... Genus Austrobilharzia Johnston, 1917
Life cycle: A. variglandis - Brevifurcate-apharyngeate cercariae
(Cercaria variglandis) develop in daughter sporocysts in the ma-
rine snails, Nassa obsoleta and Uttorina pintado. Cercariae pen-
etrate the skin of the lesser scaup duck, Marila affinis and the b.-
ruddy turnstone, Arenaria inter pres. The adult flukes inhabit the
mesentric veins. Experimental infections were established in ca- Fig. 263. Ornithobilharzia pricei. a. male b. female (from Wetzel,
naries, pigeons, ducklings, chickens, gulls and terns (Stunkard 1930)
and Hinchcliffe, 1951, 1952; Chu and Cutress, 1954).
Bearup (1956) studied the life cycle of A. terrigalensis, a ma-
rine species in sea gulls.
paying special attention to the pathology and migration of the
6b. Ovary anterior to middle of body (Fig. 267). . . schistosomules from time of penetration of skin to arrival in the
................................... Genus Microbilharzia Price, 1929 intestinal veins. Several additional intermediate and definitive
Key to species in McLeod (1940). hosts were also discovered.
7a. Body cylindrical, filamentous; gynaecophoric canal 8b. Gynaecophoric canal shallow, wide; eggs have termi-
very short; posterior end of body with knoblike lateral nal spine; suckers present (Fig. 269). . .
projections. 8 .... Genus Trichobilharzia Skrjabin and Zakharow, 1920
7b. Body flat, large (up to 30 mm) but not filamentous; gy- Life cycle: T. physellae - Miracidia hatch and penetrate several
naecophoric canal absent; posterior end of body species of snails of the genus Physa. Brevifurcate-apharyn-
rounded 9 geate cercariae develop in daughter sporocysts and after leaving
8a. Gynaecophoric canal narrow, slitlike, in anterior third the snail, penetrate the skin of ducks in which they migrate by
of body; eggs ovoid, no spine; suckers absent (Fig. way of the blood vessels to the heart, lungs and liver as well as
268) Genus Gigantobilharzia Odhner, 1910 other organs. Those that develop to the adult stage in the liver
Key to species in Brackett (1942) and in Donges (1964a). eventually migrate to the mesenteric veins. Natural definitive
Life cycle: G. huronensis - Miracidia hatch and penetrate the hosts are mallard, blue-wing and pintail ducks (McLeod and
pulmonate snail, Physa gyrina in which brevifurcate-apharyn- Little, 1942; McMullen and Beaver, 1945).
geate cercariae develop in daughter sporocysts. They penetrate Leite, Costa and Costa (1979) reported the life cycle of T. je-
the skin of birds. The natural definitive hosts are cardinal and quitibaensis as it occurs in Brazil. The adult parasitizes the duck,
goldfinch. Experimental infections were established in baby Cairina moschata domestica. Experimental infections with the
chicks and canaries, the adults developing in about 30 days fol- larval stages were established in the snails, Aplexa rivalis and
lowing exposure to cercariae (Najim, 1950, 1956). Lymnaea columella. Sexual maturity was attained in ducks 12
Daniell (1979) also reported the life cycle of G. huronensis, days following exposure to cercariae.

Fig.264. Schistosomatium douthitti. a. male b. female

. ...," ~,. "" "1

Fig.265. Schistosoma mansoni. a. male b. female

------------ ~- -

/. /77 /77.



Fig. 266. Austro/)ilharzia variglandis. a. male b. female (from

Chu and Cutress. 1954)

Fig. 267. Microbilharzia lari. a. male b. female (from McLeod,


Fig. 268. Gigantobilharzia gyrauli. a. male b. female (from Brackett,


Fig. 269. Trichobilharzia physellae. a. male b. female

9a. Ceca united in anterior third of body; common cecum Life cycle: B. polonica - Brevifurcate-apharyngeate cercariae de-
zigzag with short lateral branches; suckers absent; velop in sporocysts in the snails, Bathyomphalus contortus,
many eggs in uterus (Fig. 270). . . Planorbarius corneus and Planorbis planorbis. Adults inhabit the
.. Genus Dendrobilharzia Skrjabin and Zakharow, 1920 hepatic portal and mesenteric veins of several species of ducks
Key to species in Skrjabin (1964). of the genus Anas; merganser ducks, Mergus albel/us and he-
9b. Ceca united near middle of body; common cecum rons, Ardea cinerea. Anas platyrhynchos is the most common
without lateral branches; suckers present; one egg in natural definitive host (Khalifa, 1972).
uterus (Fig. 271) Genus Bilharziel/a Looss, 1899


Fig. 270. Dendrobilharzia anatinarum. a. male b. female Fig. 271. Bilharziella polonica. a. male b. female (from Price, 1929)

Family Sanguinicolidae Graff, 1907 4a. Ovary large, bilobed or butterfly-shaped; ceca short
and stubby; testis single and deeply lobed, preovari-
Body small, flat, delicate; pharynx and suckers absent; intesti- an (Fig. 274) Genus Sanguinico/a Plehn, 1905
nal ceca x- or H-shaped or ceca short and stubby; cirrus sac Key to species in Erickson and Wallace (1959).
usually absent; testes one, two or multiple; ovary posttesticular, Life cycle: S. idahoensis - Eggs accumulate in the gill capillaries
in posterior third of body; male and female genital pores usually of young steel head trout, Sa/mo gairdneri. Miracidia develop
separate, on dorsal surface of body; vitelline follicles abundant, and hatch and penetrate the prosobranch snail, Lithog/yphus vi-
in lateral areas of body; uterus short; eggs nonoperculate, shells
rens in which mother and daughter sporocysts develop. Lopho-
thin, nonembryonated; excretory system asymmetrical in some cercous-apharyngeate cercariae develop in the daughter sporo-
genera; parasitic in blood vessels and heart of freshwater and cysts, emerge and penetrate the tegument of fingerling trout of
marine fishes.
several species. Development to sexual maturity requires 40 to
Although the blood flukes of freshwater fishes are known to
50 days. Adults inhabit the blood vessels of the head region,
produce lophocercous-apharyngeate cercariae in prosobranch
some in the vascular choroid coat and iris of the eye and in ves-
snails, several other kinds of cercariae are assumed to be the
sels of the brain surface. Eggs and miracidia cause injury to the
larvae of marine sanguinicolids; however, there is no experi-
gill filaments (Schell, 1974).
mental evidence to support these assumptions. Spinous micro-
The life cycle of S. inermis was studied by SCheuring (1922)
cercous cercariae without suckers were found to develop in spo-
and that of S. a/seae (Cardico/a a/seae) by Meade and Pratt,
rocysts in marine lamellibranch molluscs. Brevifurcate-
apharyngeate and nonfurcate-apharyngeate cerariae are known
to develop in rediae in marine polychaete worms of the families 4b. Ovary small and bilobed; testis single but not lObed.
Terebellidae and Ampharetidae. Lophocercous-brevifurcate- ......................................................................................
apharyngeate cercariae develop in sporocysts in tubicolous ma- 5a. Intestinal ceca short and stubby, X-shaped; testis sin-
rineworms of the family Serpulidae (see Stunkard, 1929; Martin, gle, sinistral, postcecal; common genital pore medi-
1944,1952; Oglesby, 1961). an and dorsal; parasitic in blood vessels of elasmo-
branchs (sharks) (Fig. 275). .. .
Key to Genera ............................. Genus Se/echohemecus Short, 1954
1a. Body with a posterior lobe and a notch on left body 5b. Intestinal ceca long, H-shaped; testis single, median;
margin; dorsal protuberance on lobe contains male genital pores separate and dorsal; parasitic in blood
genital pore, posterior ceca long, anterior ceca short vessels of teleost fishes (Fig. 276). . .
(Fig. 272). .... Genus Psettarium Goto and Ozaki, 1930 ......................................... Genus Cardico/a Short, 1953
1b. Body without posterior lobe and marginal notch. ... 2 6a. Uterus mostly posterior to ovary, cirrus sac absent;
2a. Body oval; uterus long, folded; testes indistinct; ceca seminal vesicle free in parenchyma; posterior tip of
X-shaped; ovary lobed, dextral (Fig. 273) . body with patch of spines (Fig. 2n). .. .
.................................... Genus Deontacylix Linton, 1910 ......................... Genus Paradeontacylix Mcintosh, 1934
2b. Body elongate; uterus short; testes single or mul- 6b. Uterus mostly anterior to ovary; cirrus sac present,
tiple 3 contains seminal vesicle; posterior tip of body with-
3a. Testis single, large, anterior to ovary. 4 out spines (Fig. 278). .. .
3b. Testes multiple, small, intercecal. 6 .................................... Genus Aporocoty/e Odhner, 1900

Fig.272. Psettarium sebastodorum. (from Holmes, 1971) Fig. 273. Deontacyiix ovaiis.

Fig. 274. Sanguinicola idahoensis.

Fig. 275. Selacohemecus olsoni.
Fig. 278. Aporocotyle macfarlani.
Fig. 276. Cardicola laruei. Fig. 277. Paradeontacyiix sanguinicoloides.

Family Spirorchiidae Stunkard, 1921 5a. Testes multiple, fill intercecal area; parasitic in marine
turtles 6
Body lanceolate, flat; oral sucker present; ventral sucker pre-
5b. One spirally coiled testis or two testes. 10
sent or absent; pharynx absent; ceca long, end blindly; fused in
6a.· Testes separated into two groups by ovary; genital
posterior part of body to form common cecum in genus Neospi-
pore lateral to ovary and enclosed in a muscular geni-
rorchis, single cecum in genus Unicaecum; testes one, two or
tal sucker (Fig. 284). .. .
multiple; genital pore either in anterior or posterior third of body,
.... Genus Hapalotrema Looss, 1899
ventral, lateral or dorsal; cirrus sac present or absent; ovary in-
Key to species in Byrd (1939) and in Skrjabin (1964).
ter-, pre- or posttesticular; uterus short; eggs few, operculate,
6b. Testes not separated by ovary; genital sucker absent.
embryonated; parasitic in blood vessels and heart of turtles. Epi-
dermal cell formula of miracidium 6, 6, 4, 2.
7a. Ovary posterior to testes. 8
Key to Genera 7b. Ovary anterior to testes. 9
1a. Ventral sucker absent. 2 8a. Testes numerous, 20 or more; esophagus at least
1b. Ventral sucker present. 5 one-third as long as body; esophageal glands present
2a. One intestinal cecum; one testis; seminal vesicle, (Fig. 285). Genus Learedius Price, 1934
ovary and uterus all long, tubular and folded; genital Key to species in Byrd (1939).
pore at posterior end of testis; parasitic in freshwater 8b. Testes five to twelve; esophagus about one-fifth as
turtles (Fig. 279). .. Genus Unicaecum Stunkard, 1925 long as body; esophageal glands absent (Fig. 286). ...
2b. Two intestinal ceca; testes multiple or a single tubular .................................... Genus Monticellius Mehra, 1939
testis 3 9a. Muscular vagina present, immediately posterior to
3a. Ceca united in midbody to form common cecum ovary; testes in single linear series between ceca (Fig.
which extends to posterior end of body; testis and 287). Genus Carettacola Manter and Larson, 1950
ovary elongate, spirally coiled; ovary posterior to tes- 9b. Muscular vagina absent; testes in a zigzag linear se-
tis; parasitic in marine turtles (Fig. 280). .. . ries (Fig. 290). . .
................................... Genus Neospirorchis Price, 1934 .... Genus Haemoxenicon Martin and Bamberger, 1952
3b. Ceca separate throughout their length; ovary not 10a. One elongate spirally-coiled testis fills intercecal area
elongate; testes multiple; parasitic in freshwater tur- posterior to ovary; parasitic in freshwater turtles
tles 4 (Figs. 288, 289). ..... Genus Vasotrema Stunkard, 1928
4a. Testes all anterior to ovary (Figs. 281,282). .. . Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
............................... Genus Spirorchis MacCallum, 1919 Life cycle: V. robustum - Embryonated eggs pass in the feces of
the host. Miracidia hatch and penetrate the pulmonate snails,
Key to species in Byrd (1939).
Physa gyrina and P. integra in which brevifurcate-apharyngeate
Life cycle: S. elegans - Embryonated eggs from the feces of tur- cercariae develop in daughter sporocysts. After leaving the
tles were incubated several days before miracidia hatched. snail, the cercariae penetrate the mucous membranes of the
They entered the planorbid snails, Menetus buchanensis and mouth, nose and cloaca of turtles of the genus Amyda. Devel-
Helisoma anceps in which brevifurcate-apharyngeate cercariae opment to sexual maturity occur in the heart and large arteries
(Fig. 25) developed in daughter sporocysts. After emergence, within 10to 12 months (Wall, 1951).
the cercariae penetrate the mucous membranes of the eye, 10b. Two testes; ovary between testes. 11
nose, mouth and cloaca of turtles of the genera Chrysemys and 11a. Ovary, seminal vesicle and cirrus sac between testes;
Pseudemys. Development to sexual maturity requires six to ten parasitic in marine turtles (Fig. 291). . .
weeks in the turtle. The adults inhabit the heart and larger arte- ..................................... Genus Amphiorchis Price, 1934
ries (Goodchild and Kirk, 1960). 11b. Testes separated only by ovary; seminal vesicle and
The life cycles of S. artericola and S. parvus are similar to that cirrus sac anterior to testes; parasitic in freshwater
of S. elegans. turtles (Fig. 29'2.). .. .
4b. One testis posterior to ovary, the others anterior to ................. Genus Hapalorhynchus Stunkard, 1922
ovary (Fig. 283). . . Key to species in Brooks and Mayes (1975).
...... Genus Diarmostorchis Ejmont, 1927

------.~ - - --="

Fig. 281. Spirorchis artericola.

Fig. 279. Unicaecum ruszkowskii.

Fig. 280. Neospirorchis schistosomatoides.

Fig. 282. Spirorchis haematobium.

Fig. 283. Diarmostorchis blandingi. Fig. 284. Hapalotrema synorchis. Fig. 286. Monticellius similis.
Fig. 285. Learedius learedi.
Fig. 287. Carettacola bipora.
Fig. 289. Vasotrema longitestis.

Fig. 288. Vasotrema robustus.

(from Stunkard, 1982)

Fig. 290. Haemoxenicon stunkardi. Fig. 291. Amphiorchis amphiorchis. Fig. 292. Hapalorhynchus gracilis.
(from Martin and Bamberger, 1952)

Superfamily Clinostomoidea Dollfus, 1931
Miracidia have two pairs of flame cells. The cercariae are bre-
vifurcate-pharyngeate (clinostomoid) type, develop in a redia in
aquatic snails; three hosts are involved in the life cycle; adults
inhabit the mouth and esophagus of reptiles and birds.

Family Clinostomidae Luhe, 1901

Body large, flat; oral sucker small or vestigal, enveloped by a
collarlike body fold; ventral sucker much larger than oral sucker,
close to anterior end of body; pharynx present; intestinal ceca
long; testes tandem, in posterior third of body; cirrus sac and
genital pore in posterior third of body; ovary intertesticular; uter-
us has long ascending and descending limbs, restricted to hind-
body; vitelline follicles around ceca, restricted to hindbody; para-
sitic in mouth and esophagus of reptiles and birds. Epidermal
cell formula of miracidium is 6, 8, 4, 3.
Key to Genera
1a. Adult In mouth and esophagus of alligators; cirrus
sac and genital pore between testes (Fig. 293). . .
........................ Genus Odhneriotrema Travassos, 1928
Life cycle: O. incommodum - Adults of this species attach to the
lining of the mouth, pharynx and the surface of the tongue of alli-
gators. The host mollusc is still unknown but metacercariae
have been found enclosed in large fibrous capsules in the
ovaries, testes and mesenteries of the Florida gar, Lepisosteus
Fig. 293. Odhneriotrema incommodum.
platyrhynchus. More female gars were infected than males. Af-
(from Mcintosh, 1935).
ter ingestion by alligators, the metacercariae excysted in the
stomach or intestine then migrated up the esophagus, finally at-
taching in mouth pharynx or tongue. Migration required two to
six days. Development to sexual maturity required 80-90 days
and the life span in alligators is about two years. A fibrous nod-
ule forms at the point of attachment (Leigh, 1978).
1b. Adult in mouth and esophagus of piscivorous birds;
cirrus sac and genital pore anterior to testes or oppo-
site to anterior testis (Fig. 294). . .
................................... Genus Clinostomum Leidy, 1856
Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
Life cycle: C. marginatum- Embryonated eggs pass in the feces
of the host or are washed into water when bird drinks or eats.
Miracidia hatch in water and penetrate the planorbid snails, Heli-
soma antrosum and H. campanulatum in which a sporocyst and
two generations of rediae develop, the daughter rediae produc-
ing brevifurcate-clinostomoid cercariae which eventually encyst
in the muscles and connective tissues of freshwater fishes
where they develop into large yellow metacercariae. Their pres-
ence results in the "yellow grub disease" of fish. The adult para-
site develops in the mouth of herons, gulls and bitterns which
eat infected fish. The metacercariae are precocial as only a few
days are-required for development to sexual maturity after enter-
ing the definitive host (Hopkins, 1933; Hunter and Hunter, 1934;
Cameron, 1945).
The life cycle of C. attenuatum is also known. The cercariae
encyst in the tissues of frogs instead of fishes. The adult devel-
ops in the mouth of bitterns.

Fig. 294. Clinostomum marginatum.

Suborder Brachylaimata LaRue, 1957 Key to Genera

Cercaria furcocercous, trichocercous, microcercous or tail- 1a. One testis and two vasa efferentia; ovary pretesticu-
less; develop in sporocysts in gastropod or lamellibranch mol- lar; vitelline follicles few; left cecum longer than right
luscs;protonephridia mesostomate or stenostomate. cecum; adults progenetic in terrestrial snails (Fig.
295) .
.......... Genus Parabrachy/aima Lotz and Corkum, 1975
1b. Two testes; vitelline follicles abundant; ceca of equal
length; parasitic in vertebrate hosts. 2
Superfamily Brachylaimoidea Allison, 2a. Ceca distinctly sinuous; body linguiform; ovary pre-
1943 testicular or opposite to anterior testis (Fig. 296). ......
Cercaria microcercous furcocerous or tailless; develop in .................. Genus Postharmostomum Witenberg, 1923
branched sporocysts in terrestrial or amphibious snails; proto- Key to species in Mcintosh (1934b).
nephridia stenostomate; adults usually distomate with reproduc- Life cycle: P. helicis - Embryonated eggs in the feces of the host
tive organs near posterior end of body; parasitic in large intes- are ingested by the terrestrial snails, Anguispira a/temata, Oero-
tine, cloaca or bursa Fabricius of birds and mammals. Life cycle ceras /aeve and Po/ygyra spp. Obscuromicrocercous cercariae
involves two or three hosts. Miracidia have one pair flame cells (Fig. 15) develop in branched daughter sporocysts. The cerca-
andlong cilia in tufts or groups. riae leave the sporocyst and the snail and enter the pericardial
cavity of another snail of the same or a different species and de-
velop into metacercariae without encysting. They seem to be
unable to develop in the same snail that produced the sporo-
cysts. The adult fluke develops in about eight days in the cecum
Family Brachylaimidae Joyeux and Foley,
of Eastern chipmunk, Tamias strictus and the deermouse, Per-
1930 omyscus manicu/atus (see Robinson, 1949; Ulmer, 1951).
Body oval, linguiform or elongate; suckers well developed; Alicata (1940) studied the life cycle of P. gallinum, a parasite
pharynx present; ceca long; testes tandem or oblique (one testis of chickens in Hawaii where the terrestrial snail, Eu/ota similaris
in Parabrachy/aima); cirrus sac and genital pore near posterior is the first host. Obscuromicrocercous cercariae develop in
endof body; ovary pre- or intertesticular or opposite anterior tes- branched sporocysts in about 60 days. The cercariae leave the
tis;vitelline follicles along ceca, variable in extent; uterus usually snail and reenter the same or a different species of terrestrial
entirely anterior to gonads, generally restricted to hind body eggs snail (Subulina octona) in which they develop to infective meta-
operculate, embryonated; parasitic in colon, cecum or cloaca of cercariae in 25 days. Adults develop in the ceca of chickens in
birdsand mammals. Life cycle involves three hosts. about one month after ingesting metacercariae.

Fig. 295b. posterior end enlarged

Fig. 296. Postharmostomum gallinarum.

Fig. 295a. Parabrachylaima euglandensis.

2b. Ceca straight, not sinuous; body oval or elongate; Life cycle: B. virginiana - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the
ovary intertesticular •................................................. 3 land snail, Polygyra thyroides which can serve as both first and
3a. Genital pore and cirrus sac posterior to testes; para- second intermediate host. Obscuromicrocercous cercariae de-
sitic in the intestine of mammals (Fig. 297). . . velop in branched sporocysts, leave the sporocyst, creep over
................................... Genus PanopistusSinitzin, 1931 the surface of the snail and transfer to another snail when con-
ute cycle: P. pricei - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the terres- tacting it. Development to the metacercarial stage and encyst-
trial snails, Ventridens ligera, Zonitoides arboreus, Deroceras ment occur in the kidney of the snail. Other suitable second in-
laeve and the slug, Agriolimax agrestis. Obscuromicrocercous termediate hosts besides P. thyroides are Deroceras laeve,
cercariae (Fig. 15) develop in branched sporocysts and after Agriolimax columbianus, Helix pomatia, Mesomphix cupreus,
leaving the sporocyst, creep over the surface of the snail and Succinea spp., Pseudosuccinea columella and Helisoma ttivot-
are transferred to another snail upon contact. Metacercariae de- vis. The adult fluke develops in the colon of the opossum (Krull,
velop in the pericardial cavity of the terrestrial snails, Stenotre- 1934a, 1935a, 1936; Hand and Voge, 1952; Ulmer, 1952).
ma monodon, Deroceras laeve, Zonitoides nitidus and Ventri- The life cycle of B. oesophagi was studied by Lewis (1969) in
dens ligera. The short-tailed shrew, Blarina brevicauda is the Wales. The adult worms inhabit the esophagus and stomach of
definitive host (Krull, 1934b, 1935b; Reynolds, 1938; Villella, shrews. The host snail is Zonitoides excavatus. Metacercariae
1954). were fed to mice and shrews and the adult parasite recovered.
3b. Genital pore and cirrus sac either intertesticular or Villella (1953) reported the life cycle of B. thompsoni (Entosi-
pretesticular 4 phon us thompsoni), a parasite in the intestine of short-tailed
4a. Genital pore and cirrus sac intertesticular. 5 shew and white-footed mouse. Mother and daughter sporocysts
4b. Genital pore and cirrus sac pretesticular. . 6 develop in several species of land snails in the genera Ventri-
Sa. Parasitic in the intestine of birds; vitelline follicles dens, Zonitoides, Retinella and Succinea. The branched daugh-
usually extend into forebody (Fig. 298). . . ter sporocysts produce obscuromicrocercous cercariae which
... Genus Glaphyrostomum Braun, 1901 enter other land snails and develop to infective metacercariae.
Life cycle: G. mcintoshi - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the te- The infected snails are eaten by the definitive hosts.
restrial snail, Zonitoides arboreus. Tailless cercariae (cerca-
riaea) develop in branched sporocysts and remain in the sporo-
cyst without encysting and develop to the metacercaria stage.
Experimental infections were established in baby chicks by
feeding metacercariae. The natural definitive host is the oven-
bird, Seiurus aurocapillus (see Krull, 1935c).
5b. Parasitic in the intestine of mammals; vitelline folli-
cles confined to lateral areas of hindbody (Fig. 299) •
.... .., Genus Itygonimus Luhe, 1899
6a. Body very elongate, filiform; uterus confined to hind-
body; ventral sucker very close to oral sucker (Fig.
300). Genus Scaphiostomum Braun, 1901
Life cycle: S. pancreaticum - Embryonated eggs in the feces of
fhe host are eaten by the terrestrial snail, Anguispira alternata.
Miracidia, having clusters of long cilia, invade the hepatopan-
creas of the snail. Branched sporocysts eventually develop and
produce obscuromicrocercous cercariae. Metacercariae were
found unencysted in the kidneys of A. alternata that were not in-
fected with sporocysts and also in Triodopsis albolabris and
Haplotrema concavum. Metacercariae were fed to chipmunks
that were originally free of parasites. Eggs of the parasite were
present in the feces 30 days later. The adult flukes were recov-
ered (Jensen, 1972).
6b. Body only moderately elongate; some folds of uterus
anterior to ventral sucker which is some distance
posterior to the oral sucker (Fig. 301). . . Fig. 297. Panopistus pricei .
.., Genus Brachylaima Dujardin, 1843 Fig. 298. Glaphyrostomum mcintoshi.
(Synonyms: Ectosiphonus, Entosiphonus, Harmosto-
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Fig. 301. Brachylaima virginiana.

Fig. 299. /tygonimus sca/opi.
(from Turner and McKeever, 1980).

Fig. 300. Scaphiostomum pancreaticum.

Family Harmotrematidae (Yamaguti, 1933) Family Leucochloridiidae Dollfus, 1934
Mehra, 1962 Body oval or elongate; suckers well developed except in ge-
Body flat, spatulate, nonspinous; oral sucker subterminal; nus Urotocus in which they are vestigal or absent; pharynx pre-
ventral sucker in anterior half of body; pharynx present; esopha- sent; ceca long; testes tandem; cirrus sac and genital pore at
gus short; ceca long; testes tandem, in posterior third of body; posterior end of body; ovary intertesticular or opposite anterior
ovary intertesticular; cirrus sac in hindbody, anterior to gonads; testis; vitelline follicles lateral to ceca; uterus long, usually inter-
cirrus spiny; seminal vesicle bipartite, internal; genital pore in cecal, some folds in forebody; eggs operculate, embryonated;
hindbody, ventral to left cecum; vitelline follicles around ceca in parasitic in cloaca and bursa Fabricius of birds or in colon of
fore- and hindbody; uterus confined to hindbody; metraterm pre- mammals. Cercariae encyst in the sporocyst. Life cycle involves
sent. Parasitic in intestine of reptiles. only two hosts.
This family is represented in North America by the genus Dra-
Key to Genera
covermis Brooks and Overstreet, 1978. D. occidentalis (Fig.
302) has been reported as a parasite of American alligator, Alli- 1a. Body elongate; suckers vestigial or absent; ovary be-
gator mississippiensis. tween testes (Fig. 303). . .
Note: This genus was formerly assigned to the family Liolopi-
......................................... Genus Urotocus Looss, 1899
Key to species in Kagan (1952b)
Life cycle: U. tholonetensis - Embryonated eggs are eaten by
the terrestrial snail, Helicella arenosa. Miracidia hatch in the
snail and invade the hepatopancreas where tailless cercariae
(cercariaea) develop in branched sporocysts without pigmented
brood sacs. The cercariae encyst in the sporocyst. Infected
snails are eaten by magpies, and by crows. The adult parasite
develops in the bursa Fabricius (Timon-David, 1955b, 1957a).

1b. Body oval; suckers well developed; ovary either op-

posite anterior testis or between testes. 2
2a. Uterine loops pass across body posterior to ventral
sucker; cirrus short and stubby; ovary between testes
(Fig. 304). . Genus Urogonimus Monticelli, 1888
Key to species in Kagan (1952b).

Life cycle: U. macrostomus - Tailless cercariae develop in

branched sporocysts without pigmented brood sacs in the ter-
restrial snails, Cochlicopa lubrica, Vertigo pusilla, Vallonia cos-
tata and Clausilia bidentata. The cercariae remain in the sporo-
cyst and change to metacercariae which are enclosed in a
granular cyst envelope. Adult parasites developed in 14 species
of birds that had been fed metacercariae from infected snails.
They inhabit the cloaca, bursa Fabricius and large intestine
(Schmidt, 1964, 1965).
The life cycle of U. certhiae was studied by Lewis (1974).
Fig. 302. Dracovermis occidentalis.
(from Brooks and Overstreet, 1982). 2b. Uterine loops pass across body either between pha-
rynx and ventral sucker or dorsal to ventral sucker;
cirrus long; ovary opposite anterior testis. . 3
3a. Some uterine folds extracecal; cirrus long and nar-
row, smooth or spinous (Fig. 305). . .
............................. Genus Leucochloridium Carus, 1835
Key to species in Kagan (1952b).

Life cycle: L. variae - Tailless cercariae develop in branched

sporocysts having pigmented brood sacs which extend into the
tentacles of the snail, Succinea ovalis. The cercariae remain in
the brood sacs and change to metacercariae which are en-
closed in thick gelatinous cyst membranes. Metacercariae were
fed to baby chicks and adult parasites were recovered from the
cloaca. Natural definitive hosts are grouse, ptarmigan and war-
blers (Lewis, 1974).

3b. Uterine folds entirely intercecal; cirrus pustulate (blis-

tery) (Fig. 306). . .
....................... Genus Neoleucochloridium Kagan, 1952
Key to species in Kagan (1952b).
Lifecycle: N. notostomum - Embryonated eggs from the feces of cept for hosts. The snail, Oxy/oma retusa is host for the larvae.
coots were fed to the amphibious snails, Succinea pfeifferi and Tentacles containing brood sacs become distended and some-
S. e/egans. Cercariaea developed in branched sporocysts hav- times rupture, exposing the brightly colored sacs which are
ing pigmented brood sacs in the tentacles of the snail. They re- thought to attract birds that eat the infected snails. Definitive
main in the sporocyst and change to metacercariae which be- hosts for this species are birds in the family Ral\idae. The para-
come enveloped by a cyst membrane. The natural definitive sites attain sexual maturity in the cloaca of the bird in five to
host is the coot, Fulica atra (see Pojmanska, 1975). eight days (Kagan, 1951, 1,952a).
The life cycle of N. prob/ematicum is similar to the above ex-

Fig. 304. Urogonimus certhiae.

(from Mcintosh, 1932)
Neoleucochloridium problematicum.
(from Kagan, 1951)

Fig. 303. Urotocus fusiformis.

Fig. 305. Leucochloridium melospizae.
Family Leucochloridiomorphidae Travassos 1b. Body oval or fusiform; vitelline follicles in lateral clus-
ters some distance anterior to testes, usually lateral
and Kohn, 1966
to ventral sucker; testes opposite or tandem; uterus
Body small, elongate, fusiform or oval; ventral sucker in mid- mostly anterior to gonads, may extend into fore-
dle of body and larger than oral sucker; pharynx present; intesti- body 2
nal ceca long; testes tandem, oblique or opposite, close to post- 2a. Body oval; testes opposite; vitelline follicles antero-
erior end of body; ovary pretesticular; cirrus sac and genital pore lateral to ventral sucker; parasitic in bursa Fabricius
in hindbody; vitelline follicles in lateral clusters anterior to go- of birds (Fig. 307). .. .
nads or lateral to ventral sucker; uterus anterior to gonads; eggs ................... Genus Leucochloridiomorpha Gower, 1938
operculate, embryonated; adults parasitic in bursa Fabricius of Life cycle: L. constantiae - Embryonated eggs are ingested by
birds or in rectum and salivary glands of mammals. the prosobranch snail, Campeloma decisum. Furcocercous cer-
cariae, resembling the dichotoma type (Fig. 27) develop in
branched sporocysts. After leaving the snail, these cercariae may
Key to Genera
enter the respiratory chamber of another snail of the same spe-
1a. Body elongate; vitelline follicles immediately anterior cies. Metacercariae gradually accumulate in the uterus of the
to testes; testes opposite; uterus confined to area snail. Adult flukes developed in chickens, ducks and raccoon as
around gonads (Fig. 308). .. . a result of experimental feeding of metacercariae. Natural infec-
............................ Genus Amblosoma POjmanska, 1972 tions occur in the bursa Fabricius of the black duck, Anas ru-
Life cycle: A. exile - Metacercariae were found in the freshwater bripes (see Allison, 1943).
prosobranch snail, Viviparus viviparus. Feeding experiments 2b. Body fusiform; testes tandem; vitelline follicles post-
were unsuccessful but metacercariae were compared with ero-Iateral to ventral sucker; parasitic in the salivary
adults from natural infections in the duck, Aythya fuligula (see glands of rodents (Fig. 309). .. .
Pojmanska, 1972). .............. Genus Ptyalincola Wootton and Murrell, 1967
Metacercariae of Amblosoma suwaense were found free in Life cycle: P. ondatrae - Embryonated eggs are ingested by the
the hemocoel of the snail Sinotaia quadrata. The Metacercariae prosobranch snail, Campeloma decisum in which furcocercous
were cultured in the chorioallantois of incubating hens eggs at cercariae resembling the dichotoma type develop in branched
34 to 39 C. and adult parasites developed in about five days sporocysts. Cercariae leave the snail and are then drawn into
(Shimazu, 1974; Fried, Heyer and Pinski, 1981). the incurrent siphon of freshwater mussels of the genera Ano-
Font (1980) found unencysted metacercariae in the proso- donta, Lampsilis, Ligumia and Alasmidonta. Metacercariae were
branch, Campeloma decisum in Wisconsin. When some of found unencysted between the mantle and the shell in the re-
these larvae were placed in embryonated chicken eggs they de- gion of the umbo. Muskrats eat the infected mussels. Sexual
veloped to adults of A. suwaense. maturity is attained in seven to ten days (Wootton, 1966b).

Fig. 307. Leucoch/oridiomorpha constantiae. Fig.308. Amb/osoma suwaense. Fig. 309. Ptyalinco/a ondatrae.
(from Shimazu, 1974)

Family Hasstilesiidae Hall, 1916 The similar life cycle of H. ochotonae, a parasite of pikas in
Russia, has been studied by Soboleva (1972).
Body small (1 mm), spinous; suckers about equal, in anterior
half of body; pharynx present; intestinal ceca long; testes
oblique, in hindbody; cirrus sac near testes, the base directed
anterior; genital pore in posterior third of body; ovary opposite to Family Urotrematidae Poche, 1926
testes; vitelline follicles in lateral clusters along anterior half of
ceca; uterus anterior to and between gonads; parasitic in intes- Body elongate, spinous; suckers small, close to anterior end
tineof hares and rabbits. Cercariae remain in sporocyst. Life cycle of body; intestinal ceca long; testes tandem, usually in posterior
involvestwo hosts. third of body; cirrus sac and genital pore near posterior end of
body; ovary pretesticular, separated from testes by some folds
The genus Hassti/esia Hall, 1916 (Fig. 310) is represented in
of uterus; vitelline follicles limited in extent; uterus long, folds
NorthAmerica by H. tricolor.
Keyto species in Rowan (1955). between ovary and genital pore; parasitic in intestine of reptiles
and mammals (bats).
Lifecycle: H. tricolor - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the pupil-
lidterrestrial snails, Vertigo ventricosa and V. ovata. The miraci-
dia hatch in the snail intestine. Obscuromicrocercous cercariae Key to Genera
(Fig. 15) develop in branched sporocysts and, after losing the 1a. Ovary and testes lobed; ventral sucker far anterior to
tail,develop into metacercariae right in the sporocyst without en- ovary (Fig. 311). .... Genus Urotrematulum Macy, 1933
cysting. The definitive hosts are the cottontail rabbit, Sylvilagus 1b. Ovary and testes round or oval; ventral sucker only a
floridanus and the black-tailed jackrabbit, Lepus californicus. short distance anterior to ovary (Fig. 312). . .
They probably eat the infected snails with vegetation (Robinson, ....................................... Genus Urotrema Braun, 1900.
1953;Rowan, 1955). Key to species in Macy (1933) and in Skrjabin (1964).

Fig. 310. Hasstilesia tricolor. Fig.312 Urotrema lasiurensis.

Fig.311. Urotrematulum attenuatum.


Superfamily Fellodistomoidea LaRue, 1957 2a. Body with muscular circumoral papillae and lateral
transverse muscular folds on body immediately post-
Miracidia have one pair of flame cells. Cercariae furcocer- erior to oral sucker; testes tandem, near posterior end
cous, microcercous or nonoculate trichocercous with large Yo, V- of body (Fig. 314)..... Genus Tergestia Stossich, 1899
or U-shaped excretory vesicle, develop in sporocysts in marine Key to species in Manter (1954) and in Skrjabin (1964).
lamellibranch or gastropod molluscs and encyst in a variety of Life cycle: No complete life cycle is known in this genus but
marine invertebrates, sometimes encysting in the sporocyst. three species of cercariae have been assigned to the genus Ter-
Life cycle involves two or three hosts. Adults parasitic in fishes gestia on the basis of comparative anatomy. Cercaria haswelli
and birds. was obtained from Mytilus latus collected in New Zealand. C.
kenti and C. mathiasi were found in marine plankton samples.
All three are furcocercous with the base of the tail in the form of
Family Fellodistomidae Nicoll, 1913 a dilated crest having crenated margins. The body has muscular
Body small, oval, fusiform or elongate; suckers well devel- circumoral processes and lateral transverse ridges behind the
oped; pharynx present; ceca long or short; testes oblique, oppo- oral sucker. These latter features are like those of adult Terges-
site or tandem (single testis in Infundibulostomum); cirrus sac tia spp. The second intermediate host is unknown; however, in
present; seminal vesicle usually bipartite; genital pore anterior to the family Fellodistomidae the metacercariae are known to oc-
ventral sucker; ovary inter-, pre- or posttesticular; vitelline folli- cur in either crustaceans or molluscs.
cles usually in small clusters lateral to ceca; uterus usually con- 2b. Body without muscular papillae around oral sucker. .
fined to hindbody; eggs operculate, embryonated; excretory ...................................................................................... 3
vesicle V-, Y- or U-shaped, the arms extending forward to level 3a. Body has large muscular lobes along sides and on
of pharynx; parasitic in intestine of marine fishes. One species ventro-Iateral surfaces; testes-lobed, oblique; ovary
reported as being progenetic in marine lamellibranch molluscs. lobed, anterior to right testis (Fig. 315). . .
.. Genus Lomasoma Manter, 1935
3b. Body without lateral and ventrolateral lobes. 4
Key to Genera
4a. Body oval, concave ventrally, with prominent folds
1a. One testis; external seminal vesicle present (Fig. near anterior and posterior ends; hindbody has five
313) . transverse muscle bands; testes lobed, oblique;
...... Genus Infundibulostomum Siddiqi and Cable, 1959 ovary lobed, anterior to righttestis (Fig. 316). . .
1b. Two testes; external seminal vesicle absent. 2 ...................................... Genus Lissoloma Manter, 1934

Fig. 313. Infundibulostomum spinatum. Fig. 314. Tergestia acuta.

(from Siddiqui and Cable, 1960)
Fig. 315. Lomasoma wardi. (from Manter, 1934)

4b. Body without anterior and posterior folds and muscle 11a. Vitelline follicles restricted to area around gonads;
bands 5 cirrus sac large, contains bipartite seminal vesicle,
5a. Oral sucker terminal. 6 part of which is ovoid and part tubular; ovary oval
5b. Oral sucker not terminal. 9 (Fig. 322) Genus ProctoecesOdhner, 1911
6a. Testes elongate, nearly opposite, posterior to cecal Life cycle: P. macu/atus - Microcercous cercariae (Cercaria mil-
ends; uterus extends between testes (Fig. 317). .. . fordensis) develop in sporocysts in the digestive gland of the
.............. Genus He><agrammia Baeva, 1965 marine mussel, Mytilus edulis. Metacercariae were found in the
6b. Testes oval or round ; 7 coelom and in the tissues of Nereis caudata following exposure
7a. Testes tandem, near posterior end of body; ovary pre- to cercariae from mussels. The same metacercaria has also
testicular; uterus preovarian; oral sucker saucer- been reported from other lamellibranchs. Metacercariae from
shaped (Fig. 318). .. . Nereis were fed to the marine fishes Coris julis, Gobius niger
................................ Genus Anisorchis Poljansky, 1955 and Crenilabrus griseus. Adults were recovered from C. griseus
7b. Testes opposite, near middle of body; ovary posttesti- five days later. Natural infections occur in at least 10 species of
cular 8 marine fishes. Progenetic adults have been found in the lamelli-
branchs Myti/us edulis and Scrobicu/aria plana. (see Uzmann,
8a. Oral sucker saucer-shaped; vitellaria in two compact
1953; Freeman and Llewellyn, 1958; Stunkard and Uzmann,
masses, postero-Iateral to ventral sucker; ovary lobed
1959; Prevot, 1965; Lang and Dennis, 1976).
(Fig. 319) .
Wardle (1980) maintains that Cercaria milfordensis, C. ten-
............... Genus Pseudopentagramma Vamaguti, 1971
uans and C. brachidontus are all the larvae of P. mecutetus. He
8b. Oral sucker funnel-shaped; vitellaria follicular, ante- reports the hooked mussel, /schadium recurvum as first inter-
rior to ventral sucker and lateral to ceca; ovary round mediate host. Metacercariae were also found in this host as well
(Fig. 320). Genus Antorchis Linton, 1911 as in the platform mussel, Mytilopsis /eucopheata. Adults were
9a. Testes tandem or oblique; ovary pretesticular. ..... 10 found in the hindgut of sheeps head, Archosargus probatoce-
9b. Testes usually opposite, may be slightly oblique; pha/us. There was no sign of progenesis in the mussels.
ovary Intertesticular or anterior to right or left testis. 11b. Vitelline follicles distributed around ceca through
.................................................................................... 12 about three-fourths of body length; ovary trilobed, op-
posite to anterior testis; cirrus sac small (Fig. 323). ...
10a. Suckers about equal in size; testes tandem; vitelline
.................................... Genus Stenakron Stafford, 1904
follicles around ceca in area between ventral sucker
Note: Chubrik (1952c, 1966) found in Russia what
and anterior testis; parasitic in parrotfishes (Fig.
might be the larval stages of S. quadri/obatum. The
321) Genus Meso/ecitha Linton, 1910
host gastropods are two species of So/ariella. Micro-
10b. Ventral sucker larger than oral sucker; testes oblique; cercous cercariae, without a stylet develop in sporo-
vitelline follicles either distributed along ceca or re- cysts. It is possible that this genus might be finally
stricted to area around gonads. 11 placed in the family Opecoelidae.

Fig. 317. Hexagrammia /ongitestis.

Fig. 316. tissotome brotu/ae.

(from Manter, 1934) Fig. 318. Anisorchis opisthorchis.

Fig. 319. Pseudopentagrammapetrovi.

12a. Oral sucker with zone of circular muscle fibers close ceca; cirrus sac entirely anterior to ventral sucker
to mouth; two bands of muscle fibers extend from (Fig. 329) .
oral sucker to sides of body; genital atrium tubular ............... Genus Lintonium Stunkard and Nigrelli, 1930
with an atrial sac; cirrus spiny; parasitic in hogfishes Life cycle: L. vibex - Nonoculate trichocercous cercariae (C. lae-
(Fig. 324). . Genus Megalomyzon Manter, 1947 vicardii) with finlets on the tail develop in elongate sporocysts in
12b. Oral sucker without circular muscle fibers and muscle the hemocoel of the marine lammellibranch, Laevicardium mor-
bands; genital atrium not tubular 13 toni. The metacercariae inhabit the jelly of the ctenophore, Mne-
13a. Vitelline follicles arranged in two compact clusters miopsis leidyi. The puffer, Spheroides maculatus harbors the
lateral to ventral sucker; ovary intertesticular or post- adult parasite (Martin, 1945; Cable, 1954; Stunkard, 1978).
testicular (Fig. 325). . . 18a. Vitelline follicles lateral to ventral sucker and gonads;
......... Genus Pseudobacciger Nahhas and Cable, 1964 ovary anterior to right testis; &xcretory vesicle Y-
13b. Vitelline follicles distributed along ceca. 14 shaped (Fig. 330). . .
14a. Body pyriform or round; vitelline follicles restricted to ............................. Genus Fellodistomum Stafford, 1904
forebody, confluent anterior to ventral sucker; cirrus Life cycle: F. fellis (syn. Stefingotrema ovacutum) - Furcocer-
sac transverse; testes opposite; ovary trilobed, inter- cous cercariae with a large V-shaped excretory vesicle develop
testicular (Fig. 326)..... Genus Hypertrema Manter, 1960 in sporocysts in the marine lamellibranch, Nucula tenuis. The
14b. Body oval; vitelline follicles restricted to hindbody or cercariae are eaten by brittle stars, Ophiura albida, O. sarci and
in both fore- and hindbody; testes opposite or Amphiura chiajei. Metacercariae develop but do not encyst in
oblique 15 the brittle stars. The infected brittle stars are in turn eaten by
15a. Vitelline follicles extending posterior to testes. 16 wolf fish, Anarhichas lupus; long rough dab, Hippoglossoides
15b. Vitelline follicles not extending posterior to testes. platessoides and by plaice, Pleuronectes platessa in which the
.................................................................................... 18 adult fluke develops, inhabiting the duodenum and the gall blad-
16a. Testes oblique; ovary opposite anterior testis; vitel- der (Chubrik, 1952; Koie, 1980).
line follicles numerous, extend into fore- and hindbo- 18b. Vitelline follicles in a confluent band across body at
dy, confluent at posterior end of body (Fig. 327) . level of ventral sucker; excretory vesicle V-shaped
...................... Genus Pycnadena Linton, 1910 (Fig. 331). Genus Steringotrema Odhner, 1911
16b. Testes opposite; ovary intertesticular or median and Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
slightly anterior to testes. 17 Life cycle: S. pagelli - Furocercous cercariae without a tail stem
17a. Body oval, small (1-2mm); ovary oval and intertesticu- develop in the marine bivalve, Nucula nitidosa. They bear a su-
lar; vitelline follicles clustered around ends of ceca; perficial resemblance to bucephaloid cercariae. The tail furcae
some uterine folds anterior to testes and ovary; cirrus are hollow and appear to serve as hydrostatic organs, enabling
sac overlaps ventral sucker dorsally (Fig. 328). . . the cercariae to float upside down. The cercariae are taken in
......................... Genus Pycnadenoides Yamaguti, 1938 with water currents and swallowed by lemon sole, Microstomus
17b. Body fusiform, large (5-6mm); ovary lobed, median kitt and by the dab, Limanda limanda in which they develop to
and anterior to both testes; uterus entirely posterior mature flukes in less than 12 days. Pleuronectes platessa is
to both gonads; vitelline follicles in clumps lateral to also known to harbor this parasite (Koie, 1980).

Fig. 321. Mesolecitha Iinearis.

Fig. 320. Antorchis uma.

Fig. 322. Proctoeces lintoni.

Fig. 323. Stenakron vetustum.

(from Miller, 1941)

Fig. 324. Megalomyzon robustus. Fig. 325. Pseudobacciger manteri.

(from Manter, 1947) (from Nahhas and Cable, 1964)

Fig. 326. Hypertrema ambovatum. (from Manter, 1960)

Fig. 327. Pycnadena lata. Fig. 328. Pycnadenoides calami.

Fig. 329. Lintonium vibex.

(from Stunkard and Nigrelli, 1930).

Fig. 331. Steringotrema corpulentum. (from Manter, 1931)

Fig. 330. Fellodistomum brevum.

Family Monascidae Dollfus, 1952
Body elongate, cylindrical; suckers near anterior end of body;
moutha longitudinal slit; pharynx large; intestine a single cecum
uniteswith excretory vesicle at posterior end of body; testes tan-
dem, in middle of hind body; seminal vesicle bipartite; genital
pore and cirrus sac anterior to ventral sucker; ovary pretesticu-
lar;vitelline follicles in lateral bands between ventral sucker and
testes;uterus fills most of hindbody; excretory vesicle V-shaped,
armsextend to level of pharynx; parasitic in intestine of marine
The family contains only the genus Monascus Looss, 1907
whichis represented in North America by M. filiformis (Fig. 332).

Lifecycle: M. filiformis - Furcocercous cercariae with a large V-

shapedexcretory vesicle develop in reddish-brown, thick-walled
sporocysts in the marine lamellibranch, Nucu/a nitidosa. The
cercariae are eaten by the dab, Limanda Iimanda in which they
developdirectly to the adult stage. Some cercariae are also eat-
en by the crystal goby Crystallogobius Iinearis in which almost
no development takes place. The latter are then eaten by the
horse mackerel, Trachurus symmetricus. The goby can be re-
g~rdedas a paratenic host.
The cercaria and the adult have a long right cecum and a ves-
tigialleft cecum which is located between the ventral sucker and
theovary (Koie, 1979).

Fig. 332. Monascus filiformis. (from Dollfus, 1947)

Family Gymnophallidae Morozov, 1955 4a. Excretory vesicle V-shaped; ovary anterior to right or
left testis; ceca very short; seminal vesicle saccular
.Body very small (1 mm or less), oval, pyriform or fusiform,
(Fig. 337). Genus Meiogymnophal/us Ching, 1965
SpinOUS;ventral sucker near middle of body, smaller than oral
Life cycle: M. multigemmulus - Dichotoma cercariae develop in
sucker; pharynx small; ceca extend about to midbody; testes op-
Macoma inconspicua, a marine clam. The cercariae remain in
posite, in hindbody or lateral to ventral sucker; cirrus sac absent;
the sporocyst and change to the metacercarial stage. Experi-
seminal vesicle free in parenchyma; genital pore median, ante-
mental infections were established in field mice, Peromyscus
rior to ventral sucker; ovary pretesticular; vitellaria composed of
maniculatus after feeding metacercariae. The natural definitive
one or two compact masses or clusters of follicles, usually inter-
hosts are ducks, Oidemia nigra and Melanitta perspici/lata which
testicular; uterus fills posttesticular area of body; eggs opercu-
probably eat the infected clams (Ching, 1965).
late, embryonated; excretory vesicle V- or V-shaped, arms ex-
Bowers and James (1967) investigated the life cycle of M.
tend forward to level of pharynx; parasitic in the intestine, gall
minutus in England. The host mollusc is the cockle, Cardium ed-
bladder on bursa Fabricius of birds.
ule in which metacercariae were found below the umbo. Natural
Key to Genera definitive hosts are the common scoter duck and the oyster-
1a, Ventral pit present anterior to genital pore; vitellaria in catcher. Ducklings served as experimental definitive host.
form of two compact masses dorsal to ventral sucker; 4b. Excretory vesicle V-shaped; ceca long or half long •...
oral sucker with pair of lateral papillae (Fig. 333). . . . 5
.................................. Genus Lacunovermis Ching, 1965 5a. Vitelline follicles posteriolateral to ventral sucker;
ovary anterior to right or left testis; ovary and testes
Life cycle: L. conspicuous - Furcocercous cercariae of the dicho-
in hindbody; seminal vesicle saccular; esophagus
toma type develop in sporocysts in the marine clam, Macoma in-
longer than pharynx (Fig. 336). . .
conspicua. They leave the sporocyst but remain in the clam, de-
.............................. Genus Gymnophal/us Odhner, 1900
veloping to the encysted metacercarial stage between the shell
and mantle. Metacercariae were fed to field mice, Peromyscus Life cycle: G. choledochus - Furcocercous cercariae of the di-
maniculatus and adult flukes recovered. The diving ducks, Oide- chotoma type develop in sporocysts in the cockle, Cardium edu-
mia nigra and Aythya marila serve as natural definitive hosts Ie. In the spring and summer the cercariae leave the sporocysts
(Ching, 1965). and the cockle and penetrate polychaete worms of the genera
1b. Ventral pit absent. 2 Nereis, Nephthys and Arenicola in which the metacercariae de-
velop. In fall and winter the cercariae remain in the sporocysts
2a. Vitellaria in form of a single cluster offollicles. 3
and metamorphose to the metacercarial stage. The adult para-
2b. Vitellaria in form of two clusters of follicles or two
site develops in the gall bladder of gulls, terns and ducks which
compact masses. 4
eat infected cockles and polychaete worms (Loos-Frank, 1969a
3a. Vitellaria single transverse or V-shaped cluster of fol-
and 1969b).
licles; seminal vesicle bipartite; prostatic vesicle well
Bartoli (1972) studied the life cycles of G. nereicola and G.
developed; excretory vesicle V-shaped (Fig. 334). .....
fossarum in France. The cercariae of G. fossarum are drawn
.......................... Genus Paragymnophal/us Ching, 1973
into marine lamellibranch molluscs in water currents. There they
3b. Vitellaria in form of a single round cluster of follicles;
change to infective metacercariae, lodging between the shell
seminal vesicle unipartite; prostatic vesicle not well
and the mantle. Cercariae of G. nereicola were found unen-
developed but prostatic gland well developed; excre-
tory vesicle V-shaped (Fig. 335). . . cysted in the parapodia of polychaete worms of the genus Ne-
..................................... Genus Parvatrema Cable, 1953 reis.
Popova and Nikitina (1978) provide an account of the life cy-
Key to species in James (1964).
cle of Gymnophal/us discursata, a parasite of gulls and terns in
Life cycle: P. borinquenae - Furcocercous cercariae of the di-
the Caspian Sea.
chotoma type develop in sporocysts in the marine lamellibranch,
5b. Vitelline follicles anteriolateral to ventral sucker; ova-
Gemma purpurea. After leaving the clam, the cercariae enter
ry between testes; ovary and testes lateral to ventral
the marine snail, Cerithidea costata and develop to infective
sucker; seminal vesicle cylindrical; esophagus short-
metacercariae without encysting. The adult flukes developed in
er than pharynx (Fig. 338). . .
baby chicks after feeding metacercariae. The natural definitive
.................. Genus Pseudogymnophal/us Hoberg, 1981.
host is unknown (Cable, 1953).

Fig. 333. Lacunovermis conspicuous.
Fig. 334. Paragymnophallus odhneri. Fig. 335. Parvatrema borinquenae.
(from Ching. 1973)

Fig. 337. Meiogymnophallus multigemmu/us. Fig. 338. Pseudogymnophallus a/cae.

(from Ching. 1965) (from Hoberg. 1981).
Fig. 336. Gymnophallus deliciosus.


Family Botulisaccidae Yamaguti, 1971 Superfamily Bucephaloidea LaRue, 1926

Body oval, spinous; suckers well developed, in anterior half of Miracidia with cilia mounted on plates or bars that extend from
body; pharynx present; esophagus has pair of lateral pouches; the body. Cercariae of the bucephaloid (gasterostome) type with
intestinal ceca arise at middle of body and extend a short dis- contractile furcae and very short tail stem; develop in branched
tance beyond testes; cirrus sac posterior to ventral sucker; testes sporocysts in larnellibranch molluscs and encyst in fishea-Llte
opposite, in middle of hindbody; seminal vesicle internal, bipar- cycles involve three hosts.
tite; genital pore sinistral, posterior to ventral sucker; ovary be- The term "bucephalus" (meaning "ox head") arises from the
tween testes; vitelline follicles in lateral clusters, anterior to appearance of the cercaria which swim with the furcae foremost
testes; uterus between and posterior to testes; eggs operculate; or uppermost and body hanging down, resembling an ox head.
excretory vesicle V-shaped, extends to level of esophagus; par-
asitic in intestine and pyloric ceca of marine fishes.
Family Bucephalidae Poche, 1907
The family contains only the genus Botulisaccus Caballero,
Bravo-Hollis and Grocott, 1955. B. pisceus has been reported Body elongate, spinous; mouth on midventral surface of
from North America (Fig. 339) as a parasite of bonefish, Albula body, leads to pharynx and saccular intestine; muscular sucker
vulpes. or conical rhynchus at anterior end of body; testes tandem or
oblique, in hindbody; cirrus sac, genital atrium and genital pore
near posterior end of body; ovary pretesticular or opposite to an-
terior testis; vitelline follicles in lateral areas in anterior half of
body; uterus extends into fore- and hindbody; eggs operculate,
embryonated; parasitic in the digestive tract of fishes.
Key to Genera
1a. Muscular sucker at anterior end of body. .. 2
1b. Conical rhynchus at anterior end of body, with or
without spines. 4
2a. Sucker surmounted by a flat hood; parasitic in marine
and freshwater fishes (Fig. 340). .. .
............................... Genus Rhipidocotyle Diesing, 1858
Key to species in Chauhan (1943).
Life cycle: R. transversalis and R. lintoni - The life cycle is the
same for both species, involving the same hosts. The definitive
host is the garfish, Strongylura marina, a littoral species that fre-
quently ascends coastal rivers. Bucephaloid cercariae develop
in branched daughter sporocysts which inhabit the gonads and
the digestive gland of the marine clam, Lyonsia hyalina. After
emergence, the cercariae penetrate and encyst in the muscles
of the Atlantic silversides, Menidia menidia. The furcae and tail
stem are discarded when the cercariae penetrate the fish. The
garfish eats the infected silversides (Stunkard, 1976).
The life cycle of R. septpapillata was studied by Krull (1934c)
and by Kniskern (1952). The adult is a parasite of pumpkinseed
and small mouth bass. Miracidia hatch and are probably swept
into the incurrent siphon of the freshwater mussel, Lampsilis sili-
quoidea, in the gonads of which bucephaloid cercariae develop
in branched sporocysts. Cercariae are known to encyst in the
tissues of fingerling pumpkinseed, creek chub and largemouth
2b. Sucker not surmounted by a flat hood. .. 3
3a. Sucker provided with fimbriae (tentacles); parasitic in
marine and freshwater fishes (Fig. 341). .. .
Fig. 339. Botulisaccus pisceus. (from Overstreet, 1969)
....................................... Genus Bucephalus Baer, 1826
Key to species in Eckmann (1932).

Lifecycle: B. polymorphus - Eggs in the feces of the host contain spines; parasite of marine fishes (Fig. 344). .. .
miracidia which hatch and enter the freshwater mussel, Lampsi- .............................. Genus Dollfustrema Eckmann, 1934
lis iris and Anodonta spp. in which bucephaloid cercariae (Fig. 4b. Rhynchus without spines. 5
23) develop in branched sporocysts. Cercariae emerge and en- 5a. Rhynchus elongate and provided with tentacles; par-
cyst in the fins and muscles of fishes. The adult parasite devel- asite of marine fishes (Fig. 346). .. .
opsin the intestine of bluegill, bass, perch, pike burbot and gud- ............................... Genus Alcicornis MacCallum, 1917
geon (Woodhead, 1929, 1930). 5b. Rhynchus not elongate and without tentacles. 6
3b. Sucker without fimbriae (Figs. 342, 343). .. . 6a. Rhynchus well developed; testes round or oval; par-
........................... Genus Bucephalopsis (Diesing, 1855) astic in intestine of fishes (Fig. 345). .. .
(= Bucephaloides Hopkins, 1954) ............................. Genus ProsorhynchusOdhner, 1905
Key to species in Eckmann (1932). Life cycle: P. squamatus - Bucephaloid cercariae develop in
Life cycle: B. haimeana - Bucephaloid cercariae develop in branched sporocysts in the marine mussel, Mytilus edulis. After
branched sporocysts in at least eight different marine lamelli- emergence, they penetrate the marine fishes, Cottus scorpius
branchs. Experimental infections were established in the goby, and Liparis liparis, in which they change to metacercariae with-
Pomatoschistus microps and in plaice, Pleuronectes platessa. out encysting. Progenetic adults were found in the second inter-
The cercariae penetrate almost any part of the fish and encyst in mediate host. Eight species of marine fishes are known to serve
the connective tissues and liver. The definitive host is the bass, as natural definitive host for this species (Chubrik, 1952b).
Morone labrax in Europe. The metacercaria and the adult are 6b. Rhynchus very small, vestigial; testes lobed; parasit-
linked only on the basis of comparative anatomy (Matthews, ic in gall bladder of freshwater fishes (Fig. 347). .. .
1973). ....................... Genus Paurorhynchus Dickerman, 1954
4a. Rhynchus provided with several transverse rows of

Fig. 342. BucephaJopsis pusil/a

Fig.340. RhipidocotyJe barracudae.
(from Manter, 1940) Fig. 341. BucephaJus eJegans Fig. 343. BucephaJopsis Jongovifera.


Fig. 344. Dollfustrema macracanthus.

(from Hanson, 1950) Fig. 345. Prosorhynchus pacificus. Fig. 347. Paurorhynchus hiodontis.
(from Dickerman, 1954)

Fig. 346. Alcicornis carangis.

(from MacCallum, 1917)


Order Azygiida Schell, 1982 Life cycle: P. macrostoma - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the
Suborder Azygiata LaRue, 1957 prosobranch snails, P/eurocera acuta and Goniobasis lives-
cens. Miracidia hatch in the snail and metamorphose to the spo-
Superfamily Azygioidea Skrjabin and rocyst which produces a generation of rediae in which large
Guschanskaja, 1956 furcocystocercous cercariae develop. After emergence, the cer-
Miracidia have one pair of flame cells, spines or bristles re- cariae are eaten by the definitive host which can be one of seve-
place cilia. Cercariae furcocystocercous; develop in a redia in ral species of freshwater fishes (Horsfall, 1933, 1934; Dicker-
prosobranch or pulmonate snails; eaten directly by the definitive man, 1934, 1945).
host. Life cycle involves two hosts. Progenetic forms occur in The life cycle of P. dickermani is similar to the above cycle ex-
prosobranch snails. cept that it is sometimes progenetic in the host snail. When this
occurs, miracidia develop and hatch in the snail, thus using a
single host to complete the cycle. The life cycle cannot only be
Family Azygiidae Odhner, 1911 completed in a single host but can be repeated in the same
snail. At least four species of Proterometra are known to be pro-
Body muscular, nonspinous, elongate oval or fusiform; suck-
genetic in prosobranch snails (Anderson and Anderson, 1963,
ers large; pharynx present; ceca long; testes tandem, oblique or
1967). An analysis of the degrees of variation of progenesis
opposite; ovary pre- or posttesticular; vitelline follicles usually
among different species of Proterometra is presented by Ander-
lateral to ceca, confluent in some genera, usually restricted to
son and Anderson (1969). For life cycles of other species see
hindbody; uterus preovarian; parasitic in stomach, intestine or
Anderson and Anderson (1967).
coelom of fishes. Miracidia have epidermal cell formula of 5, 4
2b. Vitelline follicles and uterus confined to hindbody .
with spines or bristles replacing cilia.
.. 3
3a. Vitelline follicles confluent posterior to testes; arms
Key to Genera
of excretory vesicle extend forward and unite dorsal
1a. Ovary posterior to testes; testes oblique (Fig. 348). to oral sucker; parasitic in stomach and coelom of
........... Genus Leuceruthrus Marshall and Gilbert, 1905 elasmobranchs and holocephalans (Fig. 351). .. .
Lifecycle: L. micropteri - Furcocystocercous cercariae (Cercaria ............................... Genus Otodistomum Stafford, 1904
stephanocauda) develop in rediae in the prosobranch snails, Key to species in Dollfus (1937).
Goniobasis /aqueata and P/eurocera canalicu/atum. Cercariae 3b. Vitelline follicles restricted to lateral areas, not con-
were fed to Lepomis macrochirus, Microptera sa/moides and M. fluent; arms of excretory vesicle long but not united
punctu/atus in which adult flukes develop in the stomach. Natu- anteriorly; parasitic in stomach of teleost fishes (Fig.
ral definitive hosts are Microptera sa/moides, M. dotomieui, 350). Genus Azygia Looss, 1899
Amb/oplitis rupestris and Chaenobryttus gu/osus (see Patton, Life cycle: A. /onga - Embryonated eggs in feces of the host are
1976). eaten by the prosobranch snail, Amnico/a limosa in which
1b. Ovary anterior to testes; testes opposite or oblique. .. furcocystocercous cercariae develop in rediae. After emer-
...................................................................................... 2 gence, the cercariae are eaten by the definitive host. This spe-
2a. Vitelline follicles and uterus extend anterior to ventral cies has been reported from many species of freshwater fishes.
sucker; body oval (Fig. 349). .. . A. sebago is regarded as a synonym of A. /onga (see Stunkard,
............................... Genus Proterometra Horsfall, 1933 1956; Sillman, 1962).

Fig. 350. Azygia angusticauda.

Fig. 351. Otodistomum hydro/agio
Fig. 348. Leuceruthrus micropteri. Fig. 349. Proterometra macrostoma.

The life cycle of A. lucii was studied by Odening (1976) who species. The host snail is Cerithium literatum. The cercariae are
found several genera and species of pulmonate snails can serve eaten by the big-eyed squirrel fish, Myripristis jacobus (see Ca-
as intermediate host. The cercaria is identical to Cercaria splen- ble and Nahhas, 1962b).
dens, having flame cells in body, tail stem and furcae. Experi- The development of furcocystocercous cercariae in a redia
mental infections with the adult were established in Esox lucius and the absence of a second intermediate host in the life cycle
and Salmo gairdneri, the adults developing in about 63 days. indicate relationship to the family Azygiidae.
The cercariae developed in a larval form that was not a typical
redia since it contained a "pharynx-like structure" but no intes- Suborder Hemiurata Skrjabin and
tine. They were designated as mother and daughter parthenitae,
Guschanskaja, 1954
the former developing from the miracidium, the latter producing
the furcocystocercous cercariae. Miracidia spinous, nonciliated. Cercariae cystophorous, de-
Ubgade and Agarwall (1980) investigated the life cycle of A. velop in a redia in gastropod molluscs, eaten by a crustacean in
papillata in India. Embryonated eggs hatched after being eaten which the metacercaria develops. Adults either hermaphroditic
by the prosobranch, Vivipara bengalensis. The miracidia meta- or gonochoristic; parasitic in the digestive tract of fishes, am-
morphosed to the sporocyst stage which was followed by two phibians and reptiles (snakes) or in the branchial cavity, coelom
generations of rediae. The mother rediae gave rise to daughter or swim bladder of fishes. Life cycle involves three hosts.
rediae at first but later produced cercariae. The daughter rediae
produced only cercarie. The furcocystocercous cercariae were Superfamily Hemiuroidea Faust, 1929
fed to fish, Channa marulius and mature flukes recovered after Family Hemiuridae Liihe, 1901
32 days.
Body oval, elongate or fusiform, flat or cylindrical; telescoping
ecsoma present in some genera; cuticle nonspinous but margi-
nal serrations, plications or flat scales may be present; ventral
Family Bivesiculidae Yamaguti, 1939
sucker usually larger than oral sucker, variable in position; pha-
Body small (1 mm or less), fusiform, spinous; suckers absent; rynx present; ceca long, usually extend into ecsoma; testes tan-
pharynx present; intestinal ceca extend to middle of body; one dem, oblique or opposite, in hindbody; cirrus sac absent; sinus
testis; cirrus sac large, in anterior half of body, the base directed sac present, encloses hermaphroditic duct; genital cone and
toward anterior end of body; internal and external seminal vesi- genital atrium may be present; genital pore ventral to esophagus
cles present; ovary almost opposite to testis, near midbody re- or pharynx; ovary usually posttesticular; vitellaria compact or tu-
gion; vitelline follicles around ceca; two excretory vesicles, each bular, lobed or unlobed, occasionally in the form of a rosette;
extending forward to level of esophagus; parasitic in the intes- uterus extends posterior to gonads and vitellaria; eggs opercu-
tine and pyloric ceca of marine fishes. late, embryonated; main ducts of excretory system usually unit-
The genus Bivesicula Yamaguti, 1934 (Fig. 352) has been re- ed dorsal to pharynx; parasitic in the stomach of fishes, reptiles
ported in North America. (snakes) and amphibians (amphiuma); the swim bladder of fish-
Key to species in Cable and Nahhas (1962b). es; the pharynx and Eustachian tubes of amphibians. A few spe-
Life cycle: B. hepsetiae - Two weeks are required for devel- cies are known to be progenetic.
opment of the miracidium following oviposition. It is not known
Key to Genera
whether the miracidia hatch before or after entrance into the
snail. Furcocystocercous cercariae develop in a fork-tailed redia 1a. Telescoping ecsoma present (Fig. 353). 2
in several species of marine snails of the genus Cerithium. Cer- 1b. Telescoping ecsoma absent 14
cariae are large and are eaten by the hardhead silverside, Ath- 2a. Vitellaria tubular (Fig. 353). 3
erinomorus stipes (see LeZotte, 1954). 2b. Vltellaria in form of two round or lobed masses. 6
The life cycle of B. caribbensis is similar to that of the above 3a. Transverse cuticular plications on body surface; uter-
us does not extend into ecsoma (Fig. 353). .. .
.................. Genus Dinurus Looss, 1907
3b. Body surface smooth, no cuticular plicatlons. 4
4a. Prostate duct not very long, gland cells restricted to
distal portion of duct (Fig. 354). .. .
....................................... Genus Ectenurus Looss, 1907
4b. Prostate duct long, gland cells present all along
duct. 5
5a. Ecsoma longer than soma; body very elongate (2 cm
or more); vltellarla tubular and lateral to ceca (Fig.
356) Genus Stomachicola Yamagutl, 1934
5b. Ecsoma shorter than soma; body not very long (less
than 1 cm.); vitellaria tubular, In form of a rosette,
posterior to ovary (Fig. 355). .. .
.......................... Genus Tubulovesicula Yamagutl, 1934
Key to species in Sogandares-Bernal (1959).
Life cycle: T. pinguis - Embryonated eggs were fed to the marine
Fig. 352b. Cercaria prosobranch, Nassarius trivitattus in which cystophorous cerca-
Fig. 352a. Bivesicula caribbensis.
(from Cable and Nahhas, 1962) riae develop in daughter rediae. Emerging cercariae are eaten
by the marine copepod, Acarta tonsa in which metacercariae
then develop. The adult develops in silversides, Menidia meni-
dia and numerous other marine fishes (Stunkard, 1980b). tubes of amphibians (Fig. 368). .. .
6a. Body surface smooth, without transverse cuticular ....................................... Genus Halipegus Looss, 1899
plications or rows of scales. 7 Life cycle: H. eccentricus - Embryonated eggs from the feces of
6b. Body surface contains transverse cuticular plications frogs are eaten by pulmonate snails of the genera Physa and
or rows of scales 10 Helisoma. Spinous, nonciliated miracidia hatch in the intestine
7a. Seminal vesicle bilobed, a narrow duct connecting of the snail, penetrate the wall and then metamorphose to spo-
the lobes (Fig. 357). . . rocysts which in turn produce rediae. The latter produce cysto-
.................................. Genus Dissosaccus Manter, 1947 phorous cercariae which are eaten by copepods of the genera
7b. Seminal vesicle oval or clubshaped, not bilobed. ... 8 Cyclops and Mesocyclops. Metacercariae develop in the hemo-
8a. Seminal vesicle thick-walled; vitellaria compact, oval coel of the copepod without encysting. Infected copepods are
or round; genital pore ventral to oral sucker; oral eaten by tadpoles in the stomach of which the parasites undergo
sucker has papillae (Fig. 358). . . some development until the tadpole metamorphoses, after
..................................... Genus Lethadena Manter, 1947 which they migrate to the pharynx and Eustachian tubes where
8b. Seminal vesicle thin-walled; vitellaria compact, lobed; they mature. About three months are required for development
genital pore ventral to pharynx or cecal bifurcation; to sexual maturity (Thomas, 1939).
oral sucker without papillae. 9 Macy et al (1960) investigated the life cycle of H. occidualis, a
9a. Preacetabular pit present (Fig. 359). . . parasite in the mouth, esophagus and stomach of Rana aurora,
.................................. Genus Lecithochirium L'uhe, 1901 Taricha granulosa and Dicamptodon ensatus in Oregon. Embry-
9b. Preacetabular pit absent (Fig. 360). . . onated eggs are eaten by the pulmonate snail, Helisoma sub-
...................................... Genus Sterrhurus Looss, 1907 crenatum in which the miracidium hatches and changes to a
10a. Body contains transverse rows of scales. 11 sporocyst which in turn produces a generation of rediae. Cysto-
10b. Body surface has transverse cuticular plications, phorous cercariae develop in the rediae, emerge from the snail
margins serrated. 12 and are then eaten by ostracods in which metacercariae devel-
11a. Seminal vesicle bipartite, thin-walled; vitellaria lobed; op without encysting. Natural infections with metacercariae
body scales in close transverse rows; prostate duct were also found in dragonfly nymphs. Experimental infections
short (Fig. 361) Genus Dinosoma Manter, 1934 were established in Taricha granulosa which were fed infected
Key to species in Skrjabin (1964). ostracods. Note: This might be a four-host cycle like the one
11b. Seminal vesicle oval, thick-walled; vitellaria oval; which follows.
body scales sparse, spine-like; prostate duct long The life cycle of H. ovocaudatus was reported by Combes and
(Fig. 362) . Kechemir (1978) and by Kechemir (1978) and found to be an
................................. Genus Anahemiurus Manter, 1947 obligatory four-host cycle. The host mollusc is Planorbis planor-
12a. Preacetabular pit present; vitellaria in form of two bis which eats the embryonated eggs. Spinous miracidia hatch
lobed masses near center of soma; seminal vesicle in the snail intestine, change to sporocysts which then produce
dorsal to ventral sucker (Fig. 363). . . rediae which in turn produce cystophorous cercariae. The latter
... Genus Brachyphal/us Odhner, 1905 are eaten by cope pods and ostracods in which a so called "me-
12b. Preacetabular pit absent; vitellaria in form of two oval socercaria" develops. This stage has gills at the caudal end of
or round masses in posterior third of soma; seminal the body. When infected crustaceans are eaten by dragonfly
vesicle some distance posterior to ventral sucker. nymphS the parasite changes to a metacercaria. The adult para-
.................................................................................... 13 site develops in the frog, Rana ridibunda which feeds on drag-
13a. Seminal vesicle bipartite, anterior part thick-walled onflies. All hosts are said to be needed for completion of the cy-
(Fig. 364). Genus Hemiurus Rudolphi, 1809 cle.
13b. Seminal vesicle unipartite, oval, thick-walled through- 16b. Vitellaria in the form of two compact masses at poste-
out (Fig. 365). . . rior end of body; parasitic in stomach of reptiles
................. Genus Parahemiurus Vaz and Pereira, 1930 (snakes) and amphibians (amphiuma) (Fig. 367). . .
Lifecycle: P. bennettae - The estuarine pulmonate snail, Salina- ................................. Genus Vitel/otrema Guberlet, 1928
tor fragi/is is the host in Australia. Sporocysts develop and in 17a. Seminal vesicle long, extending posterior to ventral
turn produce elongate rediae. The latter eventually produce ru- sucker 18
dimentary cystophorous cercariae, progenetic adults and a few 17b. Seminal vesicle short, entirely anterior or dorsal to
daughter rediae. The caudal chamber or tail of the cercaria de- ventral sucker. 23
generates, the body is never withdrawn into the chamber but in- 18a. Vitellaria in the form of a cluster (rosette) of digitiform
stead goes on to become an adult, remaining in the redia. This is or clubshaped tubes. 19
an abbreviated cycle, all of it occurring within the snail without a 18b. Vitellaria in the form of two compact round or oval
metacercarial stage. The fate of the daughter redia is unknown masses, or a cluster of six to eight lobes resembling
(Jamieson, 1966). follicles. 21
14a. Eggs have a unipolar filament. 15 19a. Ovary and vitellaria anterior to testes (Fig. 369). . .
14b. Eggs without unipolar filament. 17 ................................. Genus Macradenina Manter, 1947
15a. Vitellaria anterior to testes; uterus spirally coiled; 19b. Ovary and vitellaria posterior to testes. 20
testes close to posterior end of body; parasitic in fish 20a. Vitellaria in the form of 12 or more digitiform tubes;
{Fig. 366) Genus Hemipera Nicoll, 1912 body elongate and cylindrical; prostate duct extends
15b. Vitellaria posterior to testes which are some distance far posterior to ventral sucker; ovary round; testes
from posterior end of body. 16 tandem (Fig. 370). ..... Genus Macradena Linton, 1910
16a. Vitellaria in form of two clusters of follicles at poste- 20b. Vitellaria consisting of a cluster of seven or eight
rior end of body; parasitic in pharynx and Eustachian clubshaped tubes, close to posterior end of body;

body fusiform; prostate duct short, anterior to ventral 27b. Vitellaria in the form of seven follicles arranged in two
sucker; ovary lobed; testes opposite (Fig. 372). . . groups; ovary posterior to right or left testis; uterus
........................................ Genus Lecithaster Luhe, 1901 mainly posterior to vitellaria (Fig. 378). . .
Key to species in Srivastava (1966). . Genus Aponurus Looss, 1907
28a. Ventral sucker close to oral sucker; vitellaria in form
Life cycle: L. confusus - Cystophorous cercariae develop in re-
of two multilobed masses, anterior to lobed ovary;
diae in the marine snail, Odostoma trifida. They are eaten by the
body fusiform; parasitic in swim bladder of marine
marine copepod, Acarta tonsa in which metacercariae develop
fishes (Fig. 379) Genus Dictysarca Linton, 1910
without encysting. The adult parasite develops in stickleback,
28b. Ventral sucker in middle of body; vitellaria posterior
Apeltes quadracus and in the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitis and
to or opposite to ovary; ovary oval; body oval; para-
F. maja/is (see Hunninen and Cable, 1943).
sitic in stomach of marine fishes. 29
21a. Vitellaria in the form of six or eight lobes; prostate
29a. Hermaphroditic duct not enclosed in a sac; prostate
duct long, surrounded by prostate gland cells; vitella-
gland not well developed (Fig. 380). . .
ria, ovary and testes all close to posterior end of body
....................................... Genus Leurodera Linton, 1910
(Fig. 373) Genus Dichadena Linton, 1910
29b. Hermaphroditic duct enclosed in a conical sinus sac;
21b. Vitellaria in the form of two round or oval masses
prostate gland well developed (Fig. 381) ;; .
posterior to testes. 22
........................................ Genus Derogenes Luhe, 1900
22a. Transverse cuticular plications on body surface; vitel-
Note: D. varicus is known to be progenetic in the intestine of the
laria in center of body; prostatic vesicle thick-walled
parasitic copepod, Lernaeocerca lusci on the codfish Gadus ius-
and glandular; seminal vesicle free in parenchyma
cus. It is also progenetic in the hermit crab, Pagurus pubescens
(Fig. 371) Genus Myosaccium Montgomery, 1957
and in several species of arrow worms, Sagitta spp. The hermit
22b. Body without cuticular plications; vitellaria and ovary
crabs and arrow worms probably get the parasite by eating in-
near posterior end of body; prostatic vesicle absent;
fected free-living copepods.
prostatic duct long, surrounded by gland cells for
30a. Vitellaria in the form of a single lobed mass posterior
most of its length; seminal vesicle in a sac (Fig. 377).
to ovary; testes in anterior part of hindbody, sepa-
.................................. Genus Opisthadena Linton, 1910
rated from ovary by uterus; body elongate (Fig. 382). .
23a. Ventral sucker posterior to middle of body; uterus fills ................................ Genus Hysterolecitha Linton, 1910
much of forebody; gonads confined to very short 30b. Vitellaria in form of two compact masses; testes close
hindbody 24 to ovary. . 31
23b. Ventral sucker anterior to middle of body or at middle 31a. Hermaphroditic duct and sinus sac absent; pseudo-
of body; uterus in hindbody. 25 cirrus sac present, encloses ejaculatory duct; pros-
24a. Prostate gland well developed, globose (Fig. 374) . tatic vesicle well developed, surrounded by prostate
................................. Genus Gonocercel/a Manter, 1940 cells (Fig. 383). Genus Intuscirrus Acena, 1947
24b. Prostate gland small or apparently absent (Fig. 376). 31b. Pseudocirrus sac absent; hermaphroditic duct pre-
.................................... Genus Gonocerca Manter, 1925
sent, enclosed in a sinus sac (hermaphroditic sac);
25a. Testes opposite. .. 26
prostatic vesicle absent; prostate gland small, poste-
25b. Testes tandem or oblique. 30
rior to sinus sac. 32
26a. Vitellaria a cluster of clubshaped tubes forming a ro-
32a. Uterus extends posterior to vitellaria; parasitic in
sette or two clusters of follicles; prostate gland well
stomach of marine fishes (Fig. 385). . .
developed, in forebody 27 ...................................... Genus Geno/inea Manter, 1925
26b. Vitellaria composed of two compact oval or round
32b. Uterus entirely anterior to vitellaria; parasitic in a
masses 28
stomach of freshwater fishes and amphibians (Fig.
27a. Vitellaria a single rosette of clubshaped tubes, poste-
384). .... Genus Deropegus McCauley and Pratt, 1961.
rior to ovary; most of uterus anterior to vitellaria (Fig.
375) Genus Lecithophyl/um Odhner, 1905

Fig. 354. Ectenurus americanus.
Fig. 353. Dinurus scombri.

Fig. 355a. Tubulovesicula Iindbergi.

Fig. 356. Stomachiocola magnus.

Fig. 355b. Anterior end

Fig. 358a. Lethadena profunda.

(from Manter, 1934)

Fig. 357. Dissosaccus laevis.

Fig. 358b. Anterior end,

lateral view. Fig. 359. Lecithochirium
Fig. 360. Sterrhurus musculus.
Fig. 362. Anahemiurus microcercus.
(from Manter, 1947)

Fig. 361. Dinosoma rubrum.

(from Manter, 1934)

Fig. 364. Hemiurus levinseni.

Fig. 363a. Brachyphallus crenatus.

(from Lloyd, 1938)

Fig. 363b. Sagittal section, anterior end.

Fig. 366. Hemipera nicolli.

Fig. 365. Parahemiurus merus. Fig. 367. Vitellotrema fusipora. Fig. 368. Halipegus occidualis.
Fig. 373. Dichadena acuta.
(from Linton, 1910)

Fig.369. Macradenina acanthuri.

(from Manter, 1947) Fig. 372. Lecithaster sa/monis.

Fig. 371. Myosaccium ecaude.

(from Montgomery, 1957)

Fig. 370. Macradena perfecta.


Fig. 376. Gonocerca phycidis. e


Fig. 374. Gonocercella trachinoti.

Fig. 375. Lecithophyllum pyriforme. (from Linton, 1910)

Fig. 377. Opisthadena dimidia.

Fig. 378. Aponurus intermedius. Fig. 379. Dictysarca virens. Fig. 380. Leurodera decora.
(from Manter, 1934) (from Linton, 1910)

Fig. 381. Derogenes crassus.

Fig. 383. Intuscirrus aspicotti.

Fig. 384. Deropegus aspina. Fig. 385. Genolinea laticauda.
Fig. 382. Hysterolecitha rosea.

Family Bathycotylidae Dollfus, 1932 Family Lampritrematidae Skrjabin and
Body long (up to 18 mm), cylindrical, with preoral lobe; ventral Guschanskaja, 1955
sucker pedunculate, encircled by muscular body fold; pharynx Body elongate (12-50 mm), cylindrical, cuticle contains papil-
small; ceca long; testes tandem, in middle of hindbody; cirrus lae; ventral sucker in anterior third of body, slightly pedunculate,
sac absent; seminal vesicle tubular, free in parenchyma; her- larger than oral sucker; pharynx present; intestinal ceca long
maphroditic duct absent; genital pore ventral to oral sucker; with dorsal diverticula; testes tandem, in middle of hindbody; cir-
ovary between testes; vitellaria tubular and branched, restricted rus and cirrus sac present; seminal vesicle long, free in paren-
to hindbody; uterus extends from pharynx to posterior end of chyma; hermaphroditic duct absent; genital pore ventral to pha-
body; eggs operculate, embryonated; main ducts of excretory rynx; ovary posttesticular; vitellaria tubular, branched, posterior
system united dorsal to pharynx; parasitic in the stomach of ma- to ovary; uterus extends posterior to vitellaria and into forebody;
rinefishes. metraterm opens into genital atrium; eggs operculate, embryo-
The family contains only the genus Bathycotyle Darr, 1902. B. nated; adults parasitic in stomach of marine fishes.
coryphaenae is a stomach parasite of mackerel in North Ameri- The family contains only the genus Lampritrema Yamaguti,
ca (Fig. 386). 1940 (Fig. 389), which is represented in North America by L. nip-
ponicum, a parasite of bream and salmon.

Family Ptychogonimidae Dollfus, 1937

Family Syncoeliidae Dollfus, 1923
Body muscular, nonspinous with transverse wrinkles; suckers
large,subequal, the ventral sucker near middle of body; pharynx Body elongate, cylindrical, arched ventrally; ventral sucker at
present; esophagus absent; ceca long, inflated and fused with end of long peduncle; intestinal ceca long, fused at a posterior
excretory vesicle to form uroproct; testes tandem or oblique, end to form cyclocoel; 16 to 20 testes in hind body; cirrus sac ab-
near posterior end of body; cirrus sac absent; seminal vesicle sent; seminal vesicle long, free in parenchyma; ovary single or
free in parenchyma; muscular genital atrium and genital pore follicular, posttesticular; hermaphroditic duct present; genital
anterior to ventral sucker; ovary prestesticular; vitelline follicles pore ventral to oral sucker; vitelline follicles few (5 to 7), in clus-
alongceca in hindbody; uterus confined to hindbody; eggs oper- ter posterior to ovary; uterus long, many folds all along ceca;
culate; main ducts of excretory system form ring around oral main excretory ducts extend forward to level of pharynx where
sucker; excretory vesicle small; parasitic in stomach of elasmo- they fuse; parasitic in branchial cavity of marine fishes.
branchs and freshwater fishes (perch). Only the genus Syncoelium Looss, 1899 occurs in North
The family contains only the genus Ptychogonimus tiihe, America (Fig. 390). S. filiferum is a parasite of humpback sal-
1900 (Fig. 387). P. fontanus has been reported as a parasite of mon, Onchorhynchus gorbuscha and blueback salmon, 0. ner-
yellow perch in Canada. ka in the Pacific Northwest. Metacercariae have been found in
Life cycle: P. megastomus - Nonciliateo miracidia with tufts of and on the surface of marine copepods.
rigid bristles at the anterior end invade the mantle cavity of the
tooth shell, Dentalium alternans. Microcercous cercariae (C.
dentali) develop in elongate sporocysts which escape from the
host mollusc and are believed to be eaten by numerous species
of decapod crustaceans in which the metacercaria then devel-
ops without encysting. The infected crustaceans are probably
eaten by sharks and rays the natural definitive hosts (Palombi,

Family Sclerodistomidae (Odhner, 1927)

Yamaguti, 1958
Body muscular, wrinkled, nonspinous; ventral sucker larger
than oral sucker, in anterior third of body; ceca long; testes
small, opposite, immediately posterior to ventral sucker; cirrus
sac absent; seminal vesicle convoluted, free in parenchyma;
qenital cone protrudes into genital atrium and contains her-
maphroditic duct; genital pore close to cecal bifurcation; ovary
posttesticular, in middle of hindbody; vitellaria tubular and
branched, form a network lateral to ceca; uterus intercecal, re-
stricted to hindbody; parasitic in stomach of marine fishes.
The family contains only the genus Sc/erodistomum Looss,
1912 which is represented in North America by S. sphoeroidis
(Fig. 388), a parasite of porcupine fish and puffers.
Fig. 386. Bathycotyle coryphaenae. (from Yamaguti, 1938)


Fig. 387. Ptychogonimussp.

Fig. 388. Sclerodistomum sphaeroidis. (from Manter, 1947)

Fig. 389. Lampritrema nipponicum. (from Yamaguti, 1940)

Fig. 390. Syncoelium filiferum.
has many folds, extending throughout body; eggs operculate,
Superfamily Accacoelioidea Dollfus, 1960
contain a spinous nonciliated miracidium; excretory vesicle tu-
Family Accacoeliidae Looss, 1912 bular; adults parasitic in muscles, skin, lining of pharynx, co-
Bodyelongate, cylindrical, nonspinous; ventral sucker pedun- elom, ovary or other visceral organs of freshwater and marine
culate,accessory suckers sometimes present; intestinal ceca fishes.
witha pair of anterior branches, ceca fused posteriorly with ex- Cable and Nahhas (1962a) reported larval didymozoids in
cretoryvesicle; testes tandem, in anterior half of body; ovary goose barnacles (Lepas sp.). Unencysted metacercariae have
posttesticular;cirrus sac absent; seminal vesicle long, convo- been found in the coelom of marine copepods, coelenterates,
luted,free in parenchyma; hermaphroditic duct sometimes pre- arrow worms and fishes.
sent;genital pore median, anterior to peduncle; vitelline glands Nikolaeva (1965) suggests a possible life cycle involving ma-
filamentous;uterus with long descending and ascending limbs, rine snails as first intermediate host, barnacles as second inter-
extendingto posterior end of body; parasitic in intestine of ocean mediate, small fishes as third intermediate and large predatory
sunfish,Mola mola. fish as definitive host. The development of a spiny, nonciliated
Key to Genera miracidium and the use of a crustacean second intermediate
host indicate relationship to the hemiuroid trematodes.
1a. Several accessory suckers on anterio-dorsal surface
of body and on peduncle of ventral sucker (Fig. 391).
................................ Genus Odhnerium Yamaguti, 1934
1b. Accessory suckers absent. 2 Key to Genera
2a. Vitelline glands not extending anterior to peduncle; 1a. Body subdivided into narrow anterior and thick poste-
anterior cecal diverticula unbranched (Fig. 392). . . rior portions; ventral sucker absent; hermaphroditic;
................................. Genus Accacladium Odhner, 1928 parasitic in the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach
2b. Vitelline glands extend anterior to peduncle; anterior or coelom of marine fishes (Fig. 394). . .
cecal diverticula branched (Fig. 393). . . .................................. Genus Didymocystis Ariola, 1902
........................ Genus Accacladocoelium Odhner, 1928 1b. Body very long, filiform or ribbonlike throughout. .. 2
Lifecycle: Unencysted metacercariae have been found in arrow 2a. Sexes separate (gonochoristic), sexual dimorphism
worms(Sagitta spp.) and in the medusae of coelenterates. not pronounced; testes parallel, extending through
most of body; parasitic in mouth and pharynx of ma-
rine fishes (Fig. 395). . .
Superfamily Didymozooidea
.......................... Genus Gonapodasmius Ishii, 1935
(Monticelli, 1888) Yamaguti, 1971 2b. Hermaphroditic. 3
Family Didymozoidae Poche, 1907 3a. Body ribbonlike, flat; one testis; pharynx absent; par-
Body variable in size and shape, may be very long (several asitic in lining of pharynx of marine fishes (no illustra-
meters) and cylindrical or ribbonlike, or short and subdivided tion). . Genus Atalostrophion MacCallum, 1915
intonarrowanterior and spherical or hemisphericalposterior part, 3b. Body filiform, cylindrical; two tubular testes; pharynx
body may also be multilobed or branched; adults either her- present; ventral sucker present; parasitic in body wall
maphroditicor gonochoristic with sexual dimorphism and are or in visceral organs of fishes. 4
usually encysted in pairs; oral sucker vestigial or well devel- 4a. Parasitic in ovary of freshwater fishes; adults up to
oped; ventral sucker, pharynx and ceca present or absent; two and one-half meters long (Fig. 397). . .
testestubular, long or short, paired or unpaired; cirrus and cirrus ............. Genus Ovarionematobothrium Yamaguti, 1971
sacabsent; genital pore usually close to oral sucker; ovary tubu- 4b. Parasite embedded in body wall of marine sunfish
lar, branched or unbranched, posttesticular; vitellaria tubular, (Mola mo/a); adults up to 12 meters long (Fig. 396). .....
branchedor unbranched, posterior to ovary and testes; uterus .......................... Genus Nematobothrioides Noble, 1974

Fig. 392. Accacladium nematulum.

Fig. 393. Accacladocoelium macrocotyle.

Fig. 391. Odhnerium calyptrocotyle. (from Lloyd, 1938)
Fig. 394. Didymocystis coatesi. (from Nigrelli, 1939)

Fig. 395a. Gonapodasmius okushimai, female

(from Ishii, 1935) Fig. 395b. male

3 0

. a
.. a


Fig. 396. Nematobothrioides histoidii. (from Noble, 1975)

Fig. 397. Ovarionematobothrium texomense.
(from Self, Peters and Davis, 1963)
Order Echinostomida La Rue, 1957
Suborder Echinostomata Szidat, 1939
Miracidia with one pair of flame cells. Cercariae echinosto-
mate, echinostome-like, megalurous, gymnocephalous, mega-
perid or haplosplanchnid type; develop in rediae in aquatic
snails and encyst on aquatic vegetation or in a variety of inverte-
brate or vertebrate second intermediate hosts. Cysts spherical,
hemispherical or flask-shaped. Life cycle involves two or three

Superfamily Echinostomatoidea Faust, 1929

Family Echinostomatidae Looss, 1902
Body oval to elongate, spinous, usually provided with a spiny
head collar; ventral sucker usually larger than oral sucker; intes-
tinal ceca long; testes tandem; cirrus sac present; genital pore
anterior to ventral sucker; ovary pretesticular; vitelline follicles
distributed along ceca, confined to hindbody; uterus entirely pre-
ovarian; eggs operculate, nonembryonated; parasitic in intestine
of reptiles, birds and mammals; rarely in the urinary tract of
birds. Epidermal cell of formula of miracidium 6, 6, 4, 2; 6, 8, 4,2;
Key to Genera
1a. Spiny head collar weakly developed or absent. 2
1b. Spiny head collar well developed. 3 Fig. 398. Protechinostoma mucronisertulatum.
2a. Head collar absent; some very small collar spines
present but tend to be deciduous; excretory ducts
Fig. 399. Hypoderaeum conoideum.
have lateral diverticula; suckers about equal; uterus
short; eggs few; parasitic in birds (Fig. 398). . .
........................... Genus Protechinostoma Beaver, 1943
Life cycle: P. mucronisertulatum - Echinostome-like cercariae
develop in rediae in the aquatic pulmonate snail, Stagnicola re-
flexae. These cercariae have a dorso-ventral finfold on the tail
and are without a spiny collar. They encyst in Physa gyrina,
Lymnaea stagnalis and S. reflexae. Experimental infections with
the adult parasite were established in baby chicks by feeding
metacercariae from snails. The natural definitive host is the sora
rail, Porzana carolina (see Feldman, 1941; Redington and Ul-
mer, 1964).
2b. Spiny head collar weakly developed; spines tend to
be deciduous; excretory ducts without lateral
branches; uterus contains many eggs; ventral sucker
at least five times as large as oral sucker (Fig. 399). ... Fig. 400b. Cercaria of
..... Genus Hypoderaeum Dietz, 1909 Aporchis massiliensis.
Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
Life cycle: H. conoideum - About three weeks are required for
development of the miracidia which penetrate the pulmonate
snail, Lymnaea stagnalis and L. limosa in which sporocysts and
mother and daughter rediae develop. Echinostome cercariae
develop in the latter and after leaving the snail, may enter anoth-
er snail to encyst. The adult fluke develops in the intestine of
ducks, geese and swans. Completion of the life cycle requires
about four months at 20 degrees C. (Mathias, 1925).
Khan (1960, 1962b) reports a similar life cycle for H. essexen-

Fig. 400a. Aporchis continuus.

Lie (1964) studied the life cycle of H. dingeriin Holland. There
the miracidium penetrates Lymnaea rubiginosa in which it
changes to a sporocyst. Mother and daughter rediae develop,
the latter producing echinostome cercariae. The cercariae
emerge and then reenter the same or another species of snail
for encystment and development to infective metacercariae.
Ducks and geese serve as experimental and natural definitive
38. Testes close to posterior end of body or at least in
posterior fifth of body; body long and filamentous;
Fig. 401 b. spiny collar
ventral sucker close to oral sucker. . 4
3b. Testes always some distance from posterior end of
body; body long or short. 7
48. Posterior half of body with cuticular plications and
serrated margins; eggs have unipolar filament; para-
sitic In Intestine of gulls (Fig. 400). . .
...... Genus Aporchis Stossich, 1905
Lifecycle: A. massiliensis - Eggs have a polar filament and con-
tain a partially developed miracidium when laid. Miracidia be-
come fully developed in about five days and already contain a
rediawhich, after leaving the miracidium, penetrates the proso-
branchsnail, Vermetus triqueter. Daughter rediae produce echi-
nostome cercariae and granddaughter rediae simultaneously.
Cercaria is furcocercous with short tail stem (Fig. 400b). Cerca-
riae eventually encyst on aquatic vegetation or other subtrates
suchas snail shells. Infected snails are eaten by gulls, Larus ar- Fig. 401 a. Pelmatostomum americanum.
gentatus in which the adult parasite develops in about 40 days (from Dronen and Badley, 1979).
4b. Body without plications and serrated margins; eggs
without polar filament. 5
Sa. Collar spines in double row and spines interrupted
dorsal to oral sucker; cirrus sac unusually long, ex-
tending some distance posterior to ventral sucker
(Fig. 401) .
............... Genus Pelmatostomum Dietz, 1909
5b. Collar spines in single row, uninterrupted dorsal to
oral sucker; cirrus sac short, oval. 6
68. Posterior part of body trough-Shaped; body narrow
between ventral sucker and ovary; vitelline follicles
confluent posterior to testes (Fig. 402). .. .
....... Genus Longicollia Bykovskala-Pavlovskaia, 1954
6b. Body not trough-shaped, sides of body parallel
throughout; vitelline follicles not confluent posterior
to testes (Fig. 403). Genus Himasthla Dietz, 1909
Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
Lifecycle: H. rhigedana - Miracidia develop in 18 days in seawa-
ter at room temperature. After hatching, they penetrate the pro-
sobranch snail, Cerithidia californica in which echinostome cer-
cariae develop in rediae. After leaving the snail the cercariae
encyst on vegetation. Metacercariae are infective immediately
for chicks. The natural definitive host is the curlew (Adams and
The life cycle of H. quissetensis was studied by Stunkard
(1938a). Echinostome cercariae develop in daughter rediae in
theprosobranch marine snail, Nassa obsoleta and encyst in the
tissues of marine lamellibranchs of the genera Mya, Mytilus,
Modiolus, Cumingia, Pecten, Ensis and in the qastropod. Crepi-
dulasp. The definitive host is the herring gull.
Fig. 402. Longicollia canaanensis.

Fig. 403. Himasthla rhigedana.


Herman and Bacha (1978) report the infection of young chick- The natural definitive host is the pied-billed grebe (Beaver,
ens by placing cercariae of H. quissetensis on the cloacal lips. 1941b).
Adults were recovered from the ileum and ceca six days later. McCauley and Pratt (1960) studied the life cycle of E. milvi
The metacercaria of this species does not appear to undergo and found that zygocercous cercariae, probably Cercaria gorgo-
any changes while in the intermediate host which seems to nocephala, develop in rediae in the prosobranch snails Oxytre-
serve merely as a transfer host. ma silicula and Goniobasis livescens. Cercariae emerge in clus-
Life cycles are also known for H. littorinae (see Stunkard, ters with tails entwined. These clusters are eaten by fish such as
1966a; H. elongata (see Werding, 1969); H. interrupta and H. shiners, trout, dace, sticklebacks and guppies. They encyst in
continua (see Looss-Frank, 1967). the gills of the fish which are then eaten by the definitive host.
7a. Body long and slender; ventral sucker close to oral Experimental infections were established in hamsters and
sucker; vitelline follicles confined to testicular and ducks. The natural definitive host is unknown.
posttesticular region; testes elongate, in middle of 12a. Lateral margins of hind body serrated and spinous;
body; parasitic in intestine of otters (Fig. 404) . collar reniform; testes elongate; parasitic in birds
. Genus Baschkirovitrema Skrjabin, 1944 (Fig. 409) Genus Prionosoma Dietz, 1909
7b. Body short or only Slightly elongate; suckers not 12b. Body margins not serrated 13
close together; vitelline follicles variable in extent; 13a. Body widest at anterior end, tapering gradually to-
not in otters. 8 ward posterior end; corner spines of collar very large;
8a. Collar spines interrupted dorsal to oral sucker. . 9 testes lobed (Fig. 410) .
8b. Collar spines uninterrupted dorsal to oral sucker. ..... .... Genus Drepanocephalus Dietz, 1909
..................................................................................... 12 13b. Body and collar spines not as described above. 14
9a. Collar with deep dorsal and ventral indentations; col- 14a. Collar spines in a single uninterrupted row 15
lar spines in single row; testes elongate; ventral suck- 14b. Collar spine in a double uninterrupted row. . 16
er unusually large (Fig. 405). . . 15a. Cirrus sac long, extending some distance posterior to
...........................................Genus PatagiterDietz, 1909 ventral sucker; 23 collar spines; testes round or oval
Key to species in Jain and Srivastava (1970). (Fig. 411). Genus Acanthoparyphium Dietz, 1909
9b. Collar without deep dorsal and ventral indentations;
ventral sucker not unusually large 10 Life cycle: A. spinulosum - Bearup (1960) investigated this cycle
10a. Parasitic In urinary tract of birds; body long and slen- in Australia where the estuarine sandflat snail, Pyrazus australis
der; ovary some distance posterior to ventral sucker; serves as first intermediate host. Sporocysts were not found but
vitelline follicles extend anterior to ovary (Fig. 406). .. mother and daughter rediae developed, the latter producing
.......................................", Genus Ignavia Freitas, 1948 echinostome cercariae. After a brief free-living period, the cerca-
10b. Intestinal parasites of reptiles, birds and mammals; riae encysted in the gastropods Salina tor tragilis, P. australis
body not long and slender; ovary close to ventral and in small polychaete worms. Infected S. tragi/is were fed-to
sucker; vitelline follicles not extending anterior to lev- silver gulls, Larus novaehollandiae and adult worms recovered.
el of ovary. 11 S. tragilis seems to be the chief second intermediate host. Natu-
11a. Vitelline follicles extend forward only as far as ante- ral definitive hosts for this species are plovers and ducks.
rior testis; eggs abundant; parasitic in intestine of Martin and Adams (1961) studied this species in California
reptiles, birds and mammals (Fig. 407). . . where the prosobranch, Cerithidia calitornica serves as both first
............................. Genus Stephanoprora Odhner, 1902 and second intermediate host and the natural definitive hosts
Key to species in Gupta (1963). are avocet and plover which eat the infected snails.
The life cycle of A. paracharadrii was studied by Velasquez
Life cycle: S. denticulata - Echinostome cercariae of the magna- (1964).
cauda type develop in rediae in the gastropod, Biomphalaria
glabrata. They leave the snail and are probably swept into the 15b. Cirrus sac short, anteriodorsal to ventral sucker; col-
pharynx of fishes where they encyst on the gills. Metacercariae lar spines 26 or more; testes elongate, twisted spirally
have been found encysted in the gills of killifish, Fundulus het- (Fig. 412). Genus Euparyphium Dietz, 1909
eroclitis. Experimental infections were established in chickens, Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
gulls and hamsters, the adult fluke developing in seven days af- Life cycle: E. beaveri - Echinostome cercariae develop in rediae
ter feeding metacercariae. Natural definitive hosts are sandpip- in the pulmonate snail, Stagnicola angulata. They encyst in the
er, heron, crow and skimmer (Stunkard and Uzmann, 1962; Na- wall of the cloaca of tadpoles. Definitive hosts such as mink, ot-
sir and Scorza, 1968). ter and snowshoe hare eat the infected tadpoles or metamor-
The life cycle of S. paradenticulata was studied by Nasir and phosed frogs and acquire the parasite (Beaver, 1941 a).
Rodriguez (1969). The cercaria is not of the magnacauda type 16a. Body short (1-2mm), plump, widest at middle; testes
and is without a spiny collar. The metacercaria has spines but oblique; ventral sucker in middle of body or posterior
no collar. The adult has both collar and spines. The natural de- to middle; uterus short; eggs few; parasitic in birds
finitive hosts are stilt and sandpiper. (Fig. 413) Genus PetasigerDietz, 1909
11b. Vitelline follicles extend forward to level of ovary; Life cycle P. nitidus - Echinostome cercariae of the magnacauda
uterus short; eggs few; parasitic in birds and mam- type develop in rediae in the planorbid snails, Helisoma smithi
mals (Fig. 408). .... Genus Echinochasmus Dietz, 1909 and H. percarinatum. Cercariae leave the snails and are eaten
Life cycle: E. donaldsoni - Echinostome cercariae develop in re- by several species of freshwater fishes in which they encyst and
diae in the prosobranch snails, Amnicola limosa and A. histrica. develop to the metacercarial stage. Experimental infections
They encyst in the gills of several species of freshwater fishes. were established in canaries by feeding metacercariae. The
Metacercariae are infective after three weeks. Experimental in- horned grebe, Colymbus auritis is the natural definitive host
fections were established by feeding metacercariae to pigeons. (Beaver, 1939a).
16b. Body elongate; ventral sucker anterior to middle of 18b. Collar spines of equal size in the two rows; body
body; uterus contains numerous eggs; testes tan- elongate (10-14 mm); ventral sucker in anterior third
dem 17 of body (Fig. 416). .. .
17a. Testes irregular in shape or lobed, in middle of hind- ............................. Genus Echinostoma Rudolphi, 1809
body; 27 collar spines (Fig. 414) . Key to species in Skrjabin (1964) .
.................................... Genus Isthmiophora t.iihe, 1909
17b. Testes round or oval. 18 Life cycle: E. revolutum - Miracidia develop and hatch in three to
18a. Collar spines of unequal size in the two rows; ventral four weeks after eggs are laid. They penetrate snails of the gen-
sucker a short distance anterior to middle of body era Physa, Lymnaea, Stagnicola, Helisoma and Pseudosucci-
(Fig. 415) Genus Echinoparyphium Dietz, 1909 nea in which sporocysts and mother and daughter rediae devel-
Lifecycle: E. flexum - Miracidia develop and hatch in about 14 op. The latter produce echinostome cercariae which leave the
days and then penetrate the pulmonate snail, Stagnicola palus- snail and eventually encyst in the same or a different species of
Irisin which a generation of sporocysts and mother and daugh- snail or in clams or larval amphibians. The adult fluke is parasitic
ter rediae develop. The latter produce echinostome cercariae in the intestine of ducks. There are rare reports of it as a parasite
whichleave the snail in which they are produced and enter other of human beings (Beaver, 1937).
Khan (1961) investigated the life cycle of E. londonensis
snailssuch as Helisoma trivolvis, Physa integra and Stagnicola
pafustris and encyst. Some cercariae also encyst in tadpoles of which developed to sexual maturity in the pigeon, an experimen-
Rana, Hyla and Pseudacris spp. Natural definitive hosts are tal host, within eight days after feeding metacercariae. The host
bluewinged teal and American scoter ducks which probably eat snail for the early larvae is Planorbis corne us. Metacercariae de-
veloped in P. corne us and also in Lymnaea stagnalis and L.
the infected snails and tadpoles (McCoy, 1927; Najarian, 1953,
1954). pereger.
The life cycle of E. dunni was studied by Lie Kian and Uma-
thevy(1965) and that of E. hydromyos by Angel (1967).


Fig.406a. tgnavia venusta. (from Freitas, 1948).

Fig. 405. Patagifer vioscai.

Fig. 406b. spiny collar

Fig. 404. Baschkirovitrema incrassatum.

Fig. 410. Drepanocephalus spathans.

Fig. 407. Stephanoprora pseudoechinata.

Fig. 409. Prionosoma serratum.
Fig. 408. Echinochasmus donaldsoni.

:. :
F·Ig. 411 . Acanthoparyphium spinullsum.

Fig.413. Petasiger nitidus.

F·Ig. 412 Euparyphium inermo.

Fig.414. Isthmiophora metis. (from Dietz, 1910).

Fig.415. Echinoparyphium recurvatum.
Fig. 416. Echinostoma revolutum.

Family Psilostomidae Odhner, 1913 Life cycle: R. thomasi (= Pseudopsilostoma ondatrae) - Miracidia
develop and hatch in two to three weeks after eggs are passed
Body oval, fusiform, elongate or pyriform; ventral sucker
in the feces of the host. They penetrate the planorbid snail, Heli-
usually in anterior half of body, usually larger than oral sucker
soma percarinatum, in which echinostome-like cercariae (Cer-
(pedunculate in Stephanoproraoides); pharynx present; ceca
caria thomasi) develop in daughter rediae. The cercariae encyst
long; testes tandem or oblique; cirrus sac dorsal or anterior to
in the lateral line canal, nasal cavities and beneath the scales of
ventral sucker; genital pore anterior to ventral sucker; ovary pre-
perch, bluegill, pumpkinseed and bass. The cercariae and the
testicular; vitelline follicles along ceca, may extend into forebo-
metacercariae have esophageal diverticula like the adults which
dy; uterus pretesticular; eggs operculate, embryonated; parasit-
develop in the intestine of ducks, gulls, osprey and hawks. Ex-
ic in digestive tract of birds and mammals.
perimental infections were established in ducks, chicks, pigeons
and canaries (Beaver, 1939b).
Key to Genera
la. Ventral sucker pedunculate; body cylindrical, elong- The life cycle of R. marini was studied by Basch and Sturrock
ate; vitelline follicles posterior to testes; parasitic in (1969) in the West Indies. The host snail is Biomphalaria glabra-
intestine of beavers (Fig. 417) . ta in which Cercaria marini develops in a redia. The cerariae en-
......................... Genus Stephanoproraoides Price, 1934 cyst in guppies, Lebistes sp. The adult fluke inhabits the wall of
1b. Ventral sucker sessile; body oval, fusiform or elong- the proventriculus of pigeons, canaries and finches which were
ate 2 infected by feeding metacercariae. The natural definitive host is
2a. Vitelline follicles confined to hindbody; cirrus sac the blue heron, Florida caerula.
long, extends posterior to ventral sucker. 3
2b. Vitelline follicles in fore- and hind body; cirrus sac 5b. Esophagus without diverticula. .. 6
short, not extending posterior to ventral sucker. .... 5 6a. Ventral sucker in middle or posterior to middle of
3a. Body very elongate, sides nearly parallel; ventral body 7
sucker close to oral sucker and at least five times as 6b. Ventral sucker anterior to middle of body. .. 9
large as oral sucker; testes elongate and curved (Fig. 7a. Body fusiform; ventral sucker posterior to middle of
418). Genus Mesaulus Braun, 1902 body and smaller than oral sucker; right cecum forms
3b. Body elongate but sides not parallel; ventral sucker in permanent loop near cecal bifurcation; parasitic in
anterior third of body, about twice as large as oral wild turkeys (Fig. 422). .. .
sucker; testes oval or slightly lobed. 4 .............. Genus Psi/otornus Byrd and Prestwood, 1969
4a. Body rounded at posterior end (Fig. 419). .. . 7b. Body oval or pyriform; ventral sucker in middle of
................................... Genus Psi/ostomum Looss, 1899 body and larger than oral sucker; no loop in right ce-
cum 8
Life cycle: P. brevicolle - Encysted metacercariae from the 8a. Genital pore posterior to cecal bifurcation; cirrus sac
cockle, Cardium edule and the mussel, Myti/us edulis were fed long, bipartite; testes oblique or nearly opposite (Fig.
to an oystercatcher, Haematopus ostralegus and adults of P. 423). Genus Astacatrematula Macy and Bell, 1968
brevicolle were recovered. Eggs from these specimens were
used to infect laboratory-reared snails, Hydrobia stagnalis in Life cycle: A. macrocotyla - Psilostome cercariae develop in re-
which cercariae of the magnacauda type developed in rediae. diae in the freshwater prosobranch snail, Fluminicola virens. En-
Natural definitive hosts are ducks of the genera Clangula, Mel- cysted metacercariae from the gills and sternites of crayfish, As-
anitta, Oidemia and Aythya (see Reimer, 1964). tacus trowbridgi were fed to baby chicks. Development to sexual
Loos-Frank (1968b) studied the life cycle of the above spe- maturity occurred within three days in the small intestine of
cies and reported a gymnocephalous cercaria for it. Natural de- chicks. The natural definitive host is unknown (Macy and Bell,
finitive hosts are oystercatcher and herring gull. 1968a).
Ching (1980) investigated the life cycle of P. magniovum. Psi- 8b. Genital pore anterior to cecal bifurcation; cirrus sac
lostome cercariae developed in rediae in Littorina scutulata and short, unipartite; testes tandem (Fig. 424). .. .
encysted in Myti/us edulis. Natural definitive hosts are several ........................... Genus Sphaeridiotrema Odhner, 1913
species of diving ducks.
4b. Body tapered at posterior end (Fig. 420). .. . Life cycle: S. globulus - Echinostome-like cercariae (Cercaria he/-
................................... Genus Psi/ochasmus Luhe, 1909 vetica XVII) develop in a redia in the prosobranch snails, Bithy-
nia tentaculata, Vivipara fasciata, Fluminicola virens and in the
Life cycle: P. oxyurus (= P. aglyptorchis) - Gymnocephalous
pulmonate snails Lymnaea palustris, L. auricularia, Physa ecute
cercariae with a dorso-ventral finfold on the tail develop in yellow
and Planorbis corneus. The cercariae emerge for a brief period,
rediae in the prosobranch snails, Bithynia tentaculata Littoridina
then return to the snail and encyst between the mantle and shell.
australis and Hydrobia ulvae. The cercariae leave the snail then
The adult flukes develop in the intestine of merganser, scaup,
encyst on the inner surface of the shell and in the mantle tissue
old squaw and domestic ducks which eat infected snails. Experi-
of the same or a different species of snail such as Spirulina vor-
mental infections were established in ducks, guinea fowl, geese
tex and Radix sp. Metacercariae were fed to ducklings and
and turkeys (Szidat, 1937; Macy and Ford, 1964; Francalanci
chicks and mature flukes recovered in three weeks from the
and Manfredini, 1969).
small intestine. Natural definitive hosts are species of ducks in
the genera Anas, Oidemia and Nyroca (see Szidat, 1957;
Burns (1961a) studied the life cycle of S. spinoacetabulum
Wisniewski, 1958a; Loos-Frank, 1968a).
which is a parasite of ducks. The cycle is similar to that of S.
Sa. Esophagus with a pair of lateral diverticula; usually globulus except the adults inhabit the ceca of ducks.
parasitic in birds (Fig. 421). .. .
.................................. Genus Ribeiroia Travassos, 1939 (Continued)
........• '

::>: .
~~ ,\

~ ;:

Fig.419. Psilostomum magniovum. Fig. 420. Psilochasmus oxyurus.

Fig. 418. Mesaulus grandis.
Fig. 417. Stephanoproraoides lawi. (from Braun, 1902).
(from Price, 1934).

Fig. 423. Astacatrematula macrocotyla.

Fig. 421. Ribeiroia thomasi. Fig. 422. Psilotomus audacirrus. (from Macy and Bell, 1968).
(from Byrd and Prestwood, 1969).

Belyakova (1978) studied the life cycle of S. globulus in Rus- parasitic In proventriculus and intestine of birds (Fig.
sia. There the host snail is Bithynia leachi. Cercariae encysted in 425) Genus Pseudopsilostoma Yamagutl, 1958
pulmonate snails of the genera Physa, Planorbis, Planorbarius 9b. Vitelline follicles not confluent posterior to testes;
and Lymnaea. Adults developed in ducklings which ingested the testes some distance from posterior end of body;
metacercariae with the snails. Belyakova regards S. globulus eggs large, few (usually one); usually parasitic in
and S. spinoacetabulum as synonyms. mammals (Fig. 426). . .
9a. Vitelline follicles confluent posterior to testes; testes ...... Genus Gyrosoma Byrd, Bogitsh and Maples, 1961
near posterior end of body; eggs small, abundant;

Fig.424. Sphaeridiotrema g/obu/us. Fig.425. Pseudopsilostoma varium.

Fig.426. Gyrosoma singu/aris.

I· Family Philophthalmidae Travassos, 1918 The life cycle of C. philippinum which was investigated by Ve-
8 Body elongate, oval or fusiform, spinous; ventral sucker larg- lasquez (1969b) is similar to that of the above species.
I; er than oral sucker, spiny collar envelops oral sucker in some 3a. Body constricted posterior to ventral sucker; spiny
r; genera; pharynx present; ceca long; testes opposite or tandem, collar well developed with several rows of ventral cor-
n near posterior end of body; cirrus sac present; genital pore ante- ner spines and single row of dorsal spines; parasitic in
rior to ventral sucker; ovary pretesticular; vitelline follicles ar- bursa Fabricius of birds (Fig. 429). . .
1 ranged in a V-or U-shaped design, anterior to testes; uterus an- ................. Genus Paratrema Dronen and Badley, 1979
terior to gonads, confined to hindbody; eggs operculate,
3b. Body not constricted posterior to ventral sucker;
embryonated; excretory vesicle has arms that extend far for-
spiny collar vestigial or absent. 4
ward in body; parasitic in intestine, cloaca, bursa of Fabricius or
4a. Spiny collar vestigial around oral sucker; intestinal
conjunctival sac of birds.
parasite of birds (Fig. 430). . .
. Genus EChinostephilla lebour, 1909
4b. Body without a spiny collar; adults beneath nictitating
Key to Genera membrane (conjunctiva) of birds (Fig. 431) .
1a. Testes opposite; parasitic in cloaca or bursa Fabrici- ...............................Genus Philophthalmus looss, 1899
Two species in the genus have been reported as para-
us of birds. 2
sites in the eyes of human beings.
1b. Testes tandem or oblique; parasitic in intestine or in
conjunctival sac, or bursa Fabricius. 3 Life cycle: P. gratli -Eggs contain a miracidium when laid and the
2a. Spiny collar around oral sucker; testes lobed; genital miracidium contains a mother rediae. After hatching they pen-
pore immediately anterior to ventral sucker; uterus etrate the epidermis of the freshwater prosobranch snails, Pleu-
confined to hindbody (Fig. 427). . . rocera acuta and Goniobasis spp., then release the mother re-
..... Genus Parochis Nicoll, 1907 dia which migrates to the heart of the snail. Megalurous
Life cycle: P. avitus - Miracidia, which already contain a mother cercariae develop in daughter rediae and encyst in flask-shaped
redia, hatch either before or soon after eggs are laid. Echinos- cyst membranes on the surface of aquatic arthropods which are
tome-like cercariae develop in rediae in the marine prosobranch then eaten by birds. The excysted metacercariae migrate from
snails, Urosalpinx cinereus and Thais lapillus. After leaving the the mouth to the eye by way of the nasal cavities and nasolach-
snail, they encyst in hemispherical cyst membranes on vegeta- rymal ducts. The adult flukes develop around the upper end of
tion and other substrates. The adult flukes develop in the com- the ducts and beneath the nictitating membrane. Natural defini-
mon tern, Sterna hirundo and the roseate tern, S. dougalli, tive hosts are heron, turkey, kingfisher, bittern, crow and magpie
which ingest the metacercariae along with their food (Stunkard (Ching, 1961; West, 1961).
and Cable, 1932). Alicata (1962) discovered that eggs leave the definitive host
Angel (1954) investigated the life cycle of P. acanthus. by way of the mouth when birds drink water. He also observed
Cercariae of the megalura group (Fig. 47) develop in daughter that there are three generations of rediae for this species.
rediae in the marine snail, Nucella lapillus. They encyst in the la- The life cycle of P. hegeneri is similar to that of P. graJli. The
mellibranch molluscs, Cardium and Mytilus spp. which are then host mollusc is Batillaria minima from the Gulf of Mexico. Natural
eaten by gulls in which the adult parasite develops. definitive hosts are royal tern, yellow-crowned night heron,
2b. Spiny collar absent; testes oval; genital pore ventral laughing gull and willet (Penner and Fried, 1963).
to pharynx; some folds of uterus extend into forebody McMillan and Macy (1972) studied the life cycle of P. megalu-
(Fig. 428). Genus Cloacitrema Yamaguti, 1935 rus.
Life cycle: C. michiganense - Miracidia hatch either before or at- Dronen and Penner (1975) described the life cycle of P. an-
tereqqs are laid and penetrate the marine prosobranch snail, dersoni which uses the marine prosobranch, Cerithium stercus-
Cerithidia californica in which megalurous cercariae develop in muscarum as host. The miracidium also contains a mother re-
daughter rediae. After emerging from the snail, they encyst on dia. Cyst membranes are flask-shaped. Chickens were used as
vegetation or other substrates. The adult flukes develop in the experimental definitive host but the natural hosts are caspian
cloaca of sandpipers, black-necked stilts, western willet and tern, Hydroprogne caspia and the royal tern, Thalasseus maxi-
gulls (Robinson, 1952). mus.

Fig. 428. Cloacitrema michiganense.

Fig. 427. Parorchis acanthus.

Fig. 429a. Paratrema numenii.

(from Dronen and Badley, 1979).

Fig. 429b. spiny collar

Fig. 430. Echinostephilla haematopi.

Fig. 431. Philophthalmus hegeneri.

Family Cathaemasiidae Fuhrmann, 1928 Family Rhopaliidae (Looss, 1899) Viana,
Body elongate; ventral sucker larger than oral sucker; intesti- 1924
nal ceca long; testes tandem, lobed or ovoid in middle of hindbo- Body elongate, densely spinous, a retractile proboscis with
dy; cirrus sac present; ovary pretesticular; genital pore median, large spines on each side of oral sucker; ventral sucker larger
anterior to ventral sucker; vitelline follicles in lateral areas of than oral sucker; intestinal ceca long; testes tandem, in middle
hindbody; uterus entirely preovarian; parasitic in the intestine of of hindbody; cirrus sac very long, extending far posterior to ven-
birds. tral sucker; ovary pretesticular; genital pore median, anterior to
The genus Cathaemasia Looss, 1899 (Fig. 432) is rep- ventral sucker; uterus entirely preovarian; vitelline follicles fililat-
resented in North America by C. nycticoracis, a parasite of he- eral areas of hindbody, confluent posterior to testes; parasitic in
rons. Key to species in Olsen (1940) and in Skrjabin (1964). the intestine of opossum.
Life cycle: C. hians - Miracidia hatch and penetrate freshwater The family contains only the genus Rhopa/ias Stiles and Has-
pulmonate snails of the genera Planorbis and Lymnaea and also sail, 1898. R. macracanthus (Fig. 433) has been reported from
the prosobranch marine snails Bithynia tentaculata and Vivipara North America as a parasite of Didelphis virginiana, the opos-
fasciata. Cercariae resembling those of the echinostomes and sum. Key to species in Siebert (1971).
psilostomes develop in daughter rediae and after emergence
from the mollusc, encyst in tadpoles of Rana esculenta. The
adult fluke develops in herons and storks (Szidat, 1939).

Fig. 432. Cathaemasia nycticoracis.

Fig. 433. Rhopalias macracanthus. (from Chandler, 1932)

Superfamily Haploporoidea Mehra, 1961 The mullets, Mugi/ cepha/us and Trachystoma petardi eat the in-
fested algae and acquire the parasite (Martin, 1973).
Miracidia have one pair of flame cells. Cercariae may be echi- Cable and Isseroff (1969) described a precocial haploporid
nostome-like with unadorned tailor haplosplanchnid type with cercaria found in the prosobranch snail Amnico/a coma/ensis in
lateral finger-like processes on the tail or megaperid type with Texas. It is essentially an adult with a tail but lacks eggs. All reo
wide lateral finfolds on the tail. Cercariae develop in rediae or in productive organs are present. These cercariae encyst on vege-
sporocysts in prosobranch snails and encyst on vegetation. Life tation and other solid surfaces in oval cyst membranes. They
cycles involve two hosts. are regarded as the precocial larva of Saccocoelioides sogan-
daresi. This is the first report of a freshwater haploporid cercaria.
Family Haploporidae Nicoll, 1914 6b. Body elongate; vitelline follicles oval to elongate, dis-
Body small, elongate, pyriform or oval, spinous; ventral suck- tributed around ceca and testis; hermaphroditic sac
er in anterior half of body, pedunculate in some genera; pharynx large, extends posterior to ventral sucker (Fig. 438). ..
present; ceca about half length of body; testes one or two, in ................................... Genus Carassotrema Park, 1938
hindbody; cirrus sac absent but hermaphroditic sac present, 7a. Body tapered posteriorly; ventral sucker larger than
contain hermaphroditic duct, metraterm and anterior portion or oral sucker; hermaphroditic sac at level of pharynx;
bipartite seminal vesicle, remainder of seminal vesicle free in vitelline follicles fill most of hindbody; eggs small, nu-
parenchyma; genital pore anterior to ventral sucker; ovary pre- merous (Fig. 439). . Hap/adena Linton, 1910
testicular; vitellaria either compact or follicular; uterus variable in Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
extent; eggs operculate, embryonated; parasitic in intestine of Life cycle: H. varia - Cable (1962) described an oculate cercaria
marine and freshwater fishes. (Cercaria caribbea LlI) having some echinostome-like features
such as stenostomate excretory system, cystogenous glands,
Key to Genera
no penetration glands, no stylet, simple tail and spinous body. It
1a. Ventral sucker pedunculate, retractile, with two developed in a redia in the marine snail, Zebina browniana and
pointed muscular papillae; eggs have unipolar fila- encysted on vegetation in thick oval cyst membranes. Experi·
ment. 2 mental infections resulted in the production of developing adults
1b. Ventral sucker sessile, not retractile; papillae ab- that bore some resemblance to H. varia.
sent •............................................................................ 3
7b. Body not tapered posteriorly; suckers equal; her-
2a. Peduncle long; ceca fused with excretory vesicle to
maphroditic sac dorsal to ventral sucker; vitelline fol-
form uroproct; one testis; prominent dorso-ventral
licles in H-shaped design in hindbody; eggs large and
muscle bands in forebody (Fig. 434). . .
few (Fig. 440). Genus Saccocoelium Looss, 1902
.............................. Genus Myodera Montgomery, 1957
Life cycle: S. tensum - Miracidia hatch from embryonated eggs
2b. Peduncle short; ceca end blindly; two testes; dorso-
in feces of the host and enter the prosobranch snails, Hydrobia
ventral muscle bands absent (Fig. 435). . .
acuta and H. ventrosa in which oculate gymnocephalous cerca-
......................... Genus Scorpidico/a Montgomery, 1957
riae develop in a redia. The cercariae encyst on vegetation after
3a. One testis. 4
only a brief free-living existence. Very young mullets were allow-
3b. Two testes. 8
ed to feed on metacercariae and adult flukes were recovered 25
4a. Vitelline gland a single compact mass, dorsal to ovary
to 30 days later. Metacercariae are infective shortly after the cer-
and testis; ceca extend only to level of testis (Fig.
cariae encyst. The entire life cycle requires 5 to 6 months in the
436). Genus Dicrogaster Looss, 1902
laboratory. Five species of mullet serve as definitive host for this
4b. Vitellaria follicular 5
parasite (Fares and Maillard, 1974).
5a. Vitelline follicles large, few. . 6
The same authors studied the life cycle of S. obesum which
5b. Vitelline follicles small, numerous. 7
uses the same definitive hosts. The host mullusc is Rissoa sp. in
6a. Body pyriform; vitelline follicles irregular in shape,
distributed around ceca and testis; hermaphroditic
sac small, oval (Fig. 437). . . 8a. Vitelline follicles in form of thick dorsa-ventral bands
............................. Genus Saccocoelioides Szidat, 1954 arranged in linear series lateral to ceca (Fig. 442). ......
Life cycle: S. pearsoni - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the ...................... Genus Vitellibacu/um Montgomery, 1957
freshWater snail, Posticobia brazieri in which a sporocyst and 8b. Vitelline follicles small, abundant, distributed along
one generation of rediae develop. Oculate cercariae with a sim- inflated ceca; pigmented eyes pots present (Fig.
ple tail are produced in rediae. They encyst on freshwater algae. 441) Genus Megaso/ena Linton, 1910

Fig. 436. Dicrogaster fastigatus.

Fig.434. Myodera media/unae.

Scorpidico/a californiensis.
· 437 . Saccocoelioides sogandaresi.

F·Ig. 438 . Carassotrema mugiiico/a.

Fig. 442. Vitellibacu/um girella.

Fig. 439. Hap/adena /eptote/ea. Fig. 440. Saccocoelium beauforti.

Fig. 441. Megaso/ena estrix.
(from Linton, 1910)

Family Haplosplanchnidae Poche, 1925
Body elongate, nonspinous; suckers about equal; pharynx
present; intestine a single cecum; one testis; cirrus sac absent;
seminal vesicle long, free in parenchyma; ovary pretesticular;
genital pore median, close to pharynx; vitelline follicles numer-
ous, in fore- and hindbody, confluent posterior to testis; uterus
preovarian, median; eggs operculate, embryonated; parasitic in
intestine of marine fishes, especially mullet.
Key to Genera
1a. Oral sucker trilobed with papillae; vitelline follicles
small, in chainlike clusters, confined to hindbody;
parasite of mullet (Fig. 443). . .
...................... Genus HymenocottoidesYamaguti, 1971
1b. Oral sucker doughnut-shaped, papillae absent; vitel-
line follicles in both fore- and hindbody, confluent
posterior to testis; parasite of halfbeaks and needle-
fish (Fig. 444). Genus
..... Schikhobalotrema Skrjabin and Guschanskaja, 1955
Life cycle: S. acutum - Oculate haplosplanchnid cercariae (Fig.
30) develop in sporocysts in the marine prosobranch snail, Ceri-
thium variable. Cercariae encyst on vegetation in spherical cyst
membranes. The adult parasite develops in the intestine of half-
beaks, Hyporhamphus unifasciatus and needlefish, Strongylura
sp. which browse on the infested vegetation (Cable, 1954b).

Fig. 444. Schikhobalotrema kyphosi. (from Manter, 1947)

Fig. 443. Hymenocottoides manteri.

Family Megaperidae Manter, 1934 Key to Genera

Body round, oval or elongate, spinous anteriorly; oral sucker 1a. Oral sucker without plasmic regions between muscle
larger than ventral sucker; pharynx wide, anterior margin lobed; bands; oral sucker enclosed in fold of body wall (Fig.
intestinal ceca wide, opening through separate ani at posterior 445). Genus Thysanopharynx Manter, 1933
end of body; testes opposite, anterior to ventral sucker; cirrus 1b. Oral sucker with plasmic regions separating muscle
sac absent; genital pore anterior to ventral sucker; ovary post- bands; oral sucker not in fold of body wall (Fig. 446). .
testicular, in hindbody; vitelline follicles fill most of hindbody; ...................................... Genus Megapera Manter, 1934
uterus entirely preovarian; excretory vesicle tubular parasitic in Life cycle: M. gyrina - Oculate megaperid cercariae with ventral
the intestine of trunk-, cow- and file-fishes. and lateral finfolds on the tail, develop in rediae in the gastropod,
Crepidula convexa. Cercariae encyst on marine aquatic vegeta-
tion (Cable, 1954a).

Fig. 446. Megapera pseudura.

Fig. 445. Thysanopharynx elongatus.

Key to Genera
Superfamily Fascioloidea Faust, 1929
1a. Intestinal ceca unbranched; ventral sucker much larg·
Miracidia have one pair of flame cells; epidermal cell pattern
er than oral sucker; body elliptical (Fig. 447). '" .
is 6, 6, 3, 4, 2 or 6, 6, 6, 6, 6; cercariae are gymnocephalous,
................................... Genus Fesciotopsis Looss, 1899
develop in a redia in gastropod molluscs and encyst on vegeta-
Life cycle: F. buski - This genus is not represented in North
tion in spherical cyst membranes. Life cycle involves two hosts.
America but in the Far East F. buski is a common parasite of
swine and human beings. Miracidia develop within three to sev-
Family Fasciolidae Railliet, 1895 en weeks after eggs are laid. Following hatching, they enter the
Body large (20 to 100 mm), flat, elliptical or oval, anterior end planorbid snails, Hippeutis cantori, Gyraulus saigonensis and
conical or rounded; ventral sucker in anterior fifth of body; pha- several species of the genus Segmentina. The miracidium
rynx small; ceca long, branched or unbranched; testes tandem, metamorphoses to a sporocyst which then produces mother re-
dendritic, in middle third of hindbody; cirrus sac ante rio-dorsal to diae which in turn produce daughter rediae. Some daughter re-
ventral sucker; genital pore median, between the suckers; ovary diae produce granddaughter rediae and cercariae simulta-
usually dendritic, pretesticular; vitelline follicles confined to hind- neously during warm weather. The latter produce gym-
body, distributed around ceca, confluent posterior to testes; nocephalous cercariae which after 45 days leave the snail
uterus preovarian; eggs operculate, nonembryonated; parasitic
in liver, bile duct, gall bladder or upper small intestine of herbivo-
rous mammals including human beings.

Fig. 447. Fasciolopsis buski. Fig. 449. Fascioloides magna. Fig. 448. Fasciola hepatica.
and encyst on vegetation. Important cysts are those on the seed
pods of red ling and water chestnut. Human beings habitually
Superfamily Orchipedioidea Mehra, 1961
eat the fruits by first removing the outer covering with their teeth, Family Orchipedidae Skrjabin, 1924
thus accidently ingesting metacercariae. The adult parasite de- Body elongate, nonspinous; suckers well developed; ceca
velops in the upper fourth of the small intestine of swine and hu- long; testes multiple, intercecal; cirrus sac absent; ovary pretes-
man beings (Barlow, 1925). ticular; genital pore median, anterior to ventral sucker; vitelline
lb. Intestinal ceca have many branches; suckers about follicles lateral to ceca in hindbody; uterus entirely preovarian;
equal 2 excretory vesicle tubular; parasitic in nasal cavities, trachea and
2a. Anterior end of body conical; body two to three cm. esophagus of birds.
long; vitelline follicles dorsal and ventral to ceca (Fig. The genus Orchipedum Braun, 1901 (Fig. 450) is represented
448). Genus Fasciola Linn., 1758 in North America by several species.
Key to species in Skrjabin (1964). Key to species in Schell (1967b).
Life cycle: F. hepatica - Miracidia develop in about 15 days after Life cycle: Metacercariae have been found in shrimp and cray-
eggs are laid. They hatch and enter snails of many genera and fishes. A supposedly progenetic metacercaria was found be-
species. Sporocysts and two generations of rediae develop in neath the tergites of the freshwater shrimp, Leander f/uminico/a
the snails. The daughter rediae produce gymnocephalous cer- in India. They were not encysted, only attached by suckers to
carae (Fig. 48) which leave the snail and encyst on aquatic the tergites. A partially developed uterus was present (Farooqi,
vegetation. Definitive hosts such as sheep, cattle, goats, rabbits, 1958).
deer and human beings accidently ingest the metacercariae
with their forage. The metacercariae perforate the intestine, en-
ter the coelom and then penetrate the outer surface of the liver.
Human beings have been known to become infected by eating
water cress or by using lettuce or endive grown under irrigation
(Leuckart, 1882; Thomas, 1883).
Ogambo-Ongoma and Goodman (1976) investigated the lar-
val stages of F. gigantica and found that the miracidium
changed directly to a redia instead of a sporocyst. Mother and
daughter rediae were produced, the latter giving rise to either
third generation rediae and/or cercariae in 45 to 50 days. There
were also some fourth generation rediae. The adult of this spe-
cies attains a length of 60 to 120 mm.
2b. Anterior end of body rounded; body three to 10 cm.
long; vitelline follicles only ventral to ceca (Fig. 449) .
..................................... Genus Fascioloides Ward, 1917
F. magna is the only species in the genus and is one of the
largest known trematodes. The life cycle is similar to that
of Fasciola heptica, using many of the same hosts.
The adults inhabit the liver and sometimes the lungs of sheep,
catte, horses, elk and deer, encapsulated in pairs. The capsule
wall is sometimes calcareous. The black pigment melanin is se-
creted into the excretory system of the parasite. This pigment is
then released into the capsules making them appear black.

Fig. 450. Orchipedum tracheicola.

Suborder Cyclocoelata LaRue, 1957 3a. Testes lobed, not separated by folds of uterus (Fig.
Superfamily Cyclocoeloidea Nicoll, 1934 452). .. Genus Typhlocoelum Stossich, 1902
Miracidia have one pair of flame cells, contain a redia and Key to species in Skrjabin (1964) and in Fotedar (1965).
have an epidermal cell formula of 6,9,4,2 or 4,7,4,2. Cercaria 3b. Testes round, separated by some folds of uterus (Fig.
tailless (cercariaeum) with one, two or no suckers; develop in a 453). Genus Tracheophilus Skrjabin, 1913
redia in pulmonate snails; encyst in the redia or in tissues of the Life cycle: T. cymbium - Miracidia, which hatch from embryo-
snail. Life cycle involves two hosts. nated eggs at time of oviposition, already contain a redia. They
penetrate the pulmonate snail, Helisoma trivolvis then release
the redia which grows and eventually produces tailless cerca-
Family Cyclocoelidae Kossack, 1911 riae. They leave the redia and encyst in the same snail. Cerca-
Body large (up to 15 mm), translucent, flat, oval or fusiform, riae and metacercariae have a cyclocoel. The ventral sucker is
nonspinous; suckers absent or vestigial; pharynx present; ceca resorbed in the metacercarial stage. The definitive host be·
with or without diverticula, fused posteriorly to form cyclocoel; comes infected by eating the infected snails. The adult parasite
testes two or multiple, usually close to posterior end of body; cir- develops in the mouth, nasal cavities, trachea and bronchi of
rus sac present; genital pore close to pharynx; ovary pre-, inter- ducks, geese and grebes (Stunkard, 1934).
or posttesticular; vitelline follicle along ceca, sometimes con- Sreekumaran and Peters (1973) studied this species in India
fluent posteriorly; uterus fills intercecal area anterior to gonads; where the host mollusc is Indoplanorbis exustus. Eggs could not
eggs operculate, embryonated; parasitic in nasal sinuses and be found in the feces of ducks. It was assumed that they leave
respiratory tract of birds. the bird by way of the nasal excretions when ducks drink water.
Key to Genera Adult parasites were sometimes coughed up by the birds.
Szidat (1932) investigated the life cycle of T. sisowi which is
1a. Testes multiple, along inner margin of ceca; uterine considered to be a synonym of T. cymbium. Following the inqes-
folds intercecal; ovary median, near cecal arch; cirrus tion of infected snails, the metacercariae excyst then enter the
sac long, extends some distance posterior to cecal bi- blood vessels of the intestinal mucosa or invade the coelom.
furcation; vitellaria form a reticulum along cyclocoel; Those that eventually get to the lungs develop to sexual maturity
parasite of Ibis (Fig. 451). .. . in the trachea and bronchi.
................ Genus Polycyclorchis Pence and Bush, 1973
4a. Ovary posterior to testes; testes some distance from
1b. Two testes, usually near posterior end of body. ..... 2
posterior end of body; genital pore anterior to pha-
2a. Ceca have six or more diverticula along their inner
rynx; uterine folds intercecal in anterior third of body
surface 3
but overlap ceca in remainder of body; parasitic in na-
2b. Ceca without diverticula. 4
sal and orbital sinuses of birds (Fig. 454). .. .
...................... Genus Ophthaimophagus Stossich, 1902

Fig. 452. Typhiocoeium cucumetinum.

Fig. 451. Poiycyclorch;s eudocunee. Fig. 453. Tracheophilus sisovd.
(from Pence and Bush, 1973)

Life cycle: Ophtha/mophagus singu/aris - The adult parasite in- 6a. Uterine folds chevron-like, some folds embracing go-
habits the nasal cavities and orbits of the clapper rail, Rallus nads laterally, folds may extend to body margins; no
/ongirostris. The miracidium which already contains a tiny redia uterine folds between testes; parasitic in abdominal
develops and hatches in the uterus of the adult worm. They then air sacs of avocet (Fig. 456). . .
leave the uterus, attach to the tissues of the marine snails, Me/- ........................ Genus Haematotrephus Stossich, 1902
ampus bidentatus and Detracia floridanus. The redia is then re- 6b. Uterine folds not chevron-like, mostly intercecal;
leased from the miracidium and penetrates the snail tissues. some folds between testes; folds do not embrace go-
Only one generation of redias is produced. Tailless cercariae nads (Fig. 457). ... Genus Cyc/ocoe/um Brandes, 1892
(cercariaea) develop and encyst in the redia. Rails are thought Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
to become infected by eating the metacercariae in infected Life cycle: C. mutabile - Miracidia which already contain a redia,
snails (Taft and Heard, 1978). hatch and partially penetrate a snail. The redia escapes and en-
4b. Ovary either between or anterior to one or both ters the tissues of pulmonate snails of the genera Helisoma, Gy-
testes; testes close to posterior end of body. .. 5 rau/us, Promenetus, Armigera, Physa and Lymnaea. Tailless
Sa. Ovary between testes; gonads in a straight line; some cercariae develop in the redia and later leave it and encyst in the
uterine folds between testes; genital pore posterior to tissues of the snail. Metacercariae are infective to coots, Fulica
pharynx (Fig. 455). Genus Morishitium americana and F. atra and also to several species of ducks.
Witenberg, 1928 (= Pseudhyptiasmus Dollfus, 1948) Adults develop in the air sacs, trachea and bronchi within 30
Life cycle: M. dollfusi - Miracidia contain a redia but they do not days following ingestion of metacercariae. Newly excysted
hatch in water. Instead, embryonated eggs were fed to the ter- metacercariae penetrate the intestinal wall, enter the coelom
restrial snail, Helicella arenosa in which hatching apparently oc- then penetrate the live( where they remain for about 12 days.
curs. Cercariae with a rudimentary bilobed tail develop in the re- They then return to the coelom and enter the air sacs. Eggs
dia in which the cercariae also encyst. The metacercaria loses must pass from the air sacs to the lungs for elimination from the
the tail. Experimental infections were established in pigeons, birds (Mcl.auqhltn, 1976, 1977a).
crows and sparrows. The natural definitive hosts are magpie, McLaughlin (1977b) also reported a similar life cycle for C. oc-
sparrows and crows in which the parasite Inhabits the air sacs. u/eum which also parasitizes coots.
The complete cycle requires about 140 days (Timon-David Taft (1973) studied the life cycle of C. obscurum which uses
1955a, 1957b). Gyraulus hirsutus as host mollusc. Encysted metacercariae
5b. Ovary pretesticular or opposite anterior testis; go- were first observed in the redia at 14 days. Snipes, godwits and
nads form a triangle. 6 willets serve as definitive hosts.

Fig. 455. Morishitium dumetellae.

Fig.454. Ophtha/mophagus singu/aris. Fig. 456. Haematotrephus /anceo/atum. Fig. 457. Cyciocoelum mutabile
(from Kossack, 1911)

Suborder Paramphistomata Szidat, 1936 5a. Ventral sucker about twice as large as oral sucker; vi-
telline follicles medial to ceca; parasitic in toads and
Miracidia have one pair of flame cells. Cercariae oculate, am- snakes (Fig. 459). . .
phistomate or monostomate; cystogenous glands abundant; ................................ Genus Ophioxenos Sumwalt, 1926
penetration glands and stylet absent; cercariae leave redia be- 5b. Ventraf sucker at least four times as large as orat
fore they attain full development and complete development in sucker and having a naval-like papilla in center of
tissues of snail; cercariae encyst on vegetation in hemispherical sucker 6
cyst membranes or remain in sporocyst (Heronimidae) and 6a. Vitelline follicles entirely medial to posterior ends of
metamorphose to metacercariae without encysting; excretory ceca; parasitic in colon of newts (Fig. 460). . .
system stenostomate. Life cycle involves two hosts. . Genus Pseudophisthodiscus Vamaguti, 1958
(= Opisthodiscus Hall, 1928)
6b. Vitelline follicles chiefly ventral to ceca; parasitic in
Superfamily Paramphistomoidea Stiles and colon and cloaca of amphibians (Fig. 461). . .
Goldberger, 1910 ............................ Genus MegalodiscusChandler, 1923
Cercaria, metacercaria and adult are all amphistomate; cer- Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
cariae develop in a redia or in a branched sporocyst; no adhe- Life cycle: M. temperatus - Eggs are embryonated when laid.
sive glands at posterior end of body of cercaria; main collecting Miracidia hatch and penetrate snails of three species of the qe-
ducts of excretory system not united in anterior part of body; nus Helisoma in which they change to the sporocyst stage. Am-
lymph system well developed in adults. phistome cercariae develop in daughter rediae. After leaving the
snail they encyst in the skin of frogs and tadpoles. Frogs be-
come infected when they eat pieces of shed epidermis or when
Family Paramphistomidae Fischoeder, 1901 eating tadpoles. The adult flukes develop in the cloaca and col-
on of frogs. The limpet, Ferrissia fragi/is has also been reported
Body thick, muscular, nonspinous; oral sucker usually termi-
as a possible host mollusc for the larval stages (Krull and Price,
nal, frequently with a pair of muscular diverticula; ventral sucker
1932; Herber, 1938, 1939; Smith, 1967).
at posterior end of body; pharynx absent; esophagus may have
Macy (1960a) found the life cycle of M. microphagus to be
muscular bulb at posterior end; ceca long; testes tandem or
similar to that of M. temperatus except for species of hosts. The
oblique; cirrus sac present or absent; ovary posttesticular; vitel-
host snails are Menetus cooperi and Gyraulus sp. The definitive
line follicles distributed along ceca; uterus intercecal; genital
hosts are Hyla regilla, Rana aurora and Taricha granulosa.
pore median, ventral to esophagus or near cecal bifurcation;
eggs operculate, embryonated or nonembryonated; excretory 7a. Testes round, small, oblique; vitelline follicles small,
pore dorsal, near posterior end of body; extensive lymph system abundant (Fig. 462). . .
present; parasitic in colon or cloaca of vertebrates. Epidermal ............................. Genus Allassostoma Stunkard, 1917
cell formula of miracidium 6, 8, 4, 2. 7b. Posterior end of body with corner-like projections;
testes multi-lobed; parasitic in turtles (Fig. 464) .
...................... Genus Allassostomoides Stunkard, 1925
Key to Genera
Life cycle: A. parvus - Amphistome cercariae develop in daugh-
1a. Oral sucker with a pair of muscular diverticula (Fig.
ter rediae in Helisoma trivolvis and H. antrosum. After leaving
458) 2
the snail they encyst on aquatic vegetation and on skin of tad-
1b. Oral sucker without muscular diverticula. . 9
poles or on exoskelton of crayfishes. The adult fluke develops in
2a. Esophageal bulb present (Fig. 458). 3
the colon, cloaca and urinary bladder of turtles which eat the
2b. Esophageal bulb vestigial or absent. 8
cysts with their food (Beaver, 1929; Krull, 1933).
3a. Ventral sucker with pair of muscular papillae on post-
erior margin; testes and ovary lobed; parasitic in col- 8a. Main excretory ducts united dorsal to esophagus; vi-
on or cloaca of birds (Fig. 458). . . telline follicles present only along posterior half of
.... Genus Zygocotyle Stunkard, 1917 ceca; parasitic in intestine of fishes (Fig. 463). . .
Life cycle: Z. lunata - Miracidia develop and hatch in 20 to 40 .................................. Genus Cleptodiscus Linton, 1910
days following oviposition. They penetrate the pulmonate snail, 8b. Main excretory ducts not united dorsal to esophagus;
Helisoma antrosum in which amphistome cercariae (Cercaria vitelline follicles all along ceca and esophagus; para-
poconensis) develop in a redia. Some rediae produce only cer- sitic in colon of muskrat (Fig. 466). . .
cariae while others produce cercariae and daughter rediae si- .......................... Genus Wardius Barker and East, 1915
multaneously. After emergence, the cercariae encyst on aquatic .Life cycle: W. zibethicus - Amphistome cercariae develop in re-
vegetation in brown hemispherical membranes. Ducks serve as diae in the freshwater snail, Helisoma antrosum. After leaving
the main definitive host but chickens, turkeys and geese also the snail they encyst on vegetation or other substrates. Metacer·
harbor the parasite. Sexual maturity is attained in 41 to 44 days cariae were fed to mice, hamsters and guinea pigs and partially
in the colon and ceca. Experimental infections were established developed adults recovered. The natural definitive host is musk-
by feeding metacercariae to rats and sheep (Willey, 1930, 1936, rat (Murrell, 1963, 1965).
9a. Oral sucker retracted within body and preceded by
3b. Ventral sucker without muscular papillae. 4
cylindrical vestibule; esophageal bulb present; re-
4a. Vitelline follicles few, located either ventral or medial
tractor muscles well developed; testes tetra lobed;
to ceca; parasitic in frogs, toads, newts or snakes. ....
parasitic in mammals (Fig. 465). . .
...................................................................................... 5
................................ Genus Chiorchis Fischoeder, 1901
4b. Vitelline follicles abundant, located both medial and
lateral to ceca; parasitic in turtles. .. 7 9b. Oral sucker and testes not as described above. ... 10
10a. Testes dendritic, tandem; vitelline follicles restricted sporocysts and one of rediae are produced. Two redial genera-
to posterior half of ceca; parasitic in cecum and colon tions are known to develop in some cases. Amphistome cerca-
of beaver (Fig. 468). . . riae develop, emerge from the redia and the snail, then encyst
............................. Genus Stich orchis Fischoeder, 1901 on aquatic vegetation which is in turn eaten by the ruminant
Life cycle: S. subtriquetrus - Miracidia develop and hatch in mammals. Five to eight months are required for completion of
about one month after eggs are laid. The miracidium already the entire cycle. The mature flukes are in the rumen of the host
contains a mother redia which is released as the miracidium (many authors).
penetrates the host gastropod. Fossaria parva is first interme- Mukherjee (1968) investigated the life cycle of C. indicum in
diate host in North America. In Russia, Planorbis vortex, Lym- India. Miracidia developed and hatched in 10 to 15 days at 32 to
naea vortex, L. ovata and Bithynia tentaculata have been found 35 C. They penetrate the pulmonate snail, Indoplanorbis exus-
to serve as hosts. The mother redia produces daughter rediae tus which were laboratory-reared and served as experimental
which in turn produces amphistome cercariae. After leaving the and the natural intermediate host. Amphistome cercariae (Cer-
snail, the cercariae encyst on aquatic vegetation and other aqua- caria indicae XXVI) developed in 30 to 36 days. Some rediae
tic substrates. The adult develops in the cecum of beaver, Castor produced cercariae and daughter rediae simultaneously. En-
canadensis, which eats the infested vegetation (Bennett and cysted metacerariae were fed to a parasite-free goat and adult
Humes, 1939; Orloff, 1941; Bennett and Allison, 1957). flukes were recovered from the rumen and reticulum in about
10b. Testes lobed or round, tandem or oblique; vitelline five months.
follicles distributed along full length of ceca. 11
11a. Testes round, small, oblique; esophagus with muscu- 12b. Muscular genital sucker absent (Fig. 469). . .
lar bulb; parasitic in the intestine of fishes (Fig. 467). ................... Genus Paramphistomum Fischoeder, 1901
....................... Genus Pisciamphistoma Yamaguti, 1954 Life cycle: P. cervi - A generation of sporocysts followed by
11b. Testes lobed, large, tandem; esophagus without mus- mother and daughter rediae develop in pulmonate snails of the
cular bulb; parasitic in rumen of mammals 12 genera Physa, Bulinus, Galba and Pseudosuccinea. The
12a. Muscular genital sucker encloses genital pore (Fig. daughter rediae produce amphistome cercariae (Cercaria pig-
470) . mentata) which encyst on aquatic vegetation in hemispherical
........ Genus Cotylophoron Stiles and Goldberger, 1910 cyst membranes. Sheep, cattle and goats eat the cysts with their
Life cycle: C. cotylophorum - Miracidia develop and hatch within forage. Metacercariae excyst in the duodenum then pass forward
10 to 29 days after eggs are laid. They penetrate the freshwater to the rumen where they develop to maturity (many authors).
snails, Fossaria parva and F. modicella in which a generation of
~-+--- oral diverticula

esophageal bulb

Fig. 459. Ophioxenos dienteros.

Fig. 458. Zygocotyle lunata Fig. 460. Pseudopisthodiscus americanus.
(from HolI, 1928)

Fig. 462. Allassostoma magnum. Fig. 463. Cleptodiscus reticulatus.

Fig. 461. Megalodiscus temperatus.

Fig. 465. Chiorchis fabaceus.
(from Price, 1932)

Fig. 464. A/lassostomoides chelydrae.

Fig. 466. Wardius zibethicus.

Fig. 467. Pisciamphistoma stunkardi.

Fig. 468. Stichorchis subtriquetrus.

Fig. 470. Cotylophoron cotylophorum.

Fig. 469. Paramphistomum cervi.

Family Heronimidae Ward, 1917 Superfamily Notocotyloidea LaRue, 1957
Body elongate; ventral sucker absent; intestinal ceca long; Cercariae monostomate, bi- or trioculate, usually with one
testes tubular, sinuous, two-thirds as long as body; cirrus sac pair of adhesive glands at posterior end of body; excretory pores
present; genital pore ventral to oral sucker; ovary pretesticular, at sides of tail; main excretory ducts united by a transverse duct
near anterior end of body; vitellaria tubular, three-fourths as long in anterior part of body; cystogenous glands present; penetra-
as body; uterus with double descending and ascending limbs; tion glands absent; metacercaria and adult monostomate; cer-
excretory vesicle V-shaped but inverted with the excretory pore cariae encyst on vegetation; life cycle involves two hosts.
dorsal to the pharynx; parasitic in the lungs of turtles.
The family is monotypic, containing only Heronimus mol/is ( =
H. che/ydrae) (Fig. 471). Family Notocotylidae LaRue, 1957
Life cycle: H. mollis- Miracidia hatch while eggs are still in the
Body oval or elongate, flat; ventral surface of body usually
uterus and penetrate pulmonate snails of the genus Physa upon
with one or more longitudinal ridges or rows of glands; ventral
entering water. Amphistome cercariae with flame cells in the tail,
sucker and pharynx absent; ceca long; testes opposite, close to
develop in branched sporocysts in the snails. The cercariae re-
posterior end of body; cirrus sac elongate, in anterior half of
main the sporocysts and metamorphose to the metacercaria
body; genital pore ventral to esophagus; ovary intertesticular; vi-
stage without encysting. Turtles eat the infected snails. In tur-
telline follicles in lateral clusters, usually anterior to testes; uter-
tles, the metacercariae migrate to the lungs by way of the
us with many transverse folds, preovarian; eggs operculate,
esophagus larynx and trachea. As they develop to the adult
stage, the body expands ventrally and the ventral sucker is re- have long bipolar filaments, embryonated; parasitic in intestine
sorbed. This results in shifting the excretory pore to the dorsal and ceca of birds and mammals.
surface near the anterior end of the body. Three months are re-
quired for development to sexual maturity in the turtle. The am- Key to Genera
phistome cercaria indicates relationship to trematodes in the 1a. Vitelline follicles anterior and lateral to testes; para-
family Paramphistomatidae (Ulmer, 1960, Crandall, 1960; sites of birds (Fig. 473). . .
Lynch, 1934). ....................... Genus Hofmonostomum Harwood, 1939
1b. Vitelline follicles entirely anterior to testes. 2
2a. Body broadly oval, without ventral longitudinal ridges
or rows of glands; parasitic in birds and mammals
(Fig. 474). . Genus Paramonostomum Luhe, 1909

Life cycle: P. a/veatum and P. parvum - Oculate monostomate

cercariae develop in rediae in the prosobranch snail, Hydrobia
sa/sa. They emerge from the snail and encyst on vegetation,
snail shells and on other substrates. Metacercariae were fed to
day-old chicks, laboratory-reared eider ducks and domestic
ducklings and the adult flukes recovered from the intestine.
Adults are known to penetrate between the villi and cause injury
to the mucosa of the intestine. Many species of anseriform birds
serve as natural definitive host for this parasite (Kulachkova,
1954; Stunkard, 1967).
The life cycle of P. philippinensis was investigated by Velas-
quez (1969a).

2b. Body oval or elongate, with longitudinal ridges or

rows of glands. 3
3a. Body with two to five longitudinal rows of glands or
both glands and ridges. 4
3b. Body with one to many longitudinal ridges. 6
4a. Body with five longitUdinal rows of glands; parasitic
in mammals (Fig. 475). . : .
...................... Genus QuinqueserialisSkwortzow, 1935

Life cycle: Q. quinqueserialis - Embryonated eggs are eaten by

the freshwater pulmonate snail, Gyrau/us parvus. Miracidia
hatch in the snail intestine, penetrate the intestinal wall and
transform to sporocysts. Mother and daughter rediae are even-
Fig. 471 b. Cercaria of Heronimus mollis. tually produced, the latter give rise to monostome cercariae
(from Crandall, 1960). which leave the snail and encyst in hemispherical cyst mem-
branes on vegetation. The adult trematodes develop in the ce-
Fig. 471 a. Heronimus mollis cum of muskrat, meadow voles and jumping mouse in about 14
days after cysts are ingested (Herber, 1942).
4b. Body with two or three longitUdinal rows of glands. ...
...................................................................................... 5
a. Quinqueserialis b. Notocotylus c. Catatropis d. Tristriata e. Ogmogaster

Fig. 472. Ventral glands of notocotylids:

Sa. Ventral surface of body with three longitudinal rows Life cycle: N. novicie - Embryonated eggs in feces of host are
of glands (Fig. 476). .. . eaten by the operculate snail, Pomatiopsis /apidaria in which a
.................................. Genus Notocoty/us Diesing, 1839 sporocyst and two generations of rediae develop. Monostome
Life cycle: N. stagnicolae - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the cercariae (Fig. 31) develop in daughter rediae and after leaving
pulmonate snail, Stagnico/a emarginata in which miracidia hatch the snail, encyst in hemispherical cyst membranes on aquatic
and metamorphose to a mother sporocyst after penetrating the vegetation. The metacercariae are eaten with the vegetation.
intestinal wall. Later mother and daughter rediae develop, the The adult trematodes develop in the bile duct of the meadow
latter produce monostome cercariae which, after leaving the mouse, Microtus pennsy/vanicus or in the small intestine of the
snail, encyst on vegetation in hemispherical cyst membranes. muskrat, Ondatria zibethicus (see Ameel, 1944).
The adult parasite develops in several species of ducks and in
. chickens which eat the metacercariae (Herber, 1942).
Stunkard (1966b) studied the life cycle of N. at/anticus a ma-
rine species. The host snail is Hydrobia sa/sa, a prosobranch.
The natural definitive host is the eider duck.
5b. Ventral surface of body with a median longitudinal
ridge and a row of glands on each side of the ridge
(Flg.4n) Genus CatatropisOdhner, 1905
Life cycle: C. johnstoni - Monostome cercariae develop in rediae
in the marine prosobranch snail, Cerithidea californica and en-
cyst on vegetation. Metacercariae, fed to baby chicks, devel-
oped to sexual maturity in 9 to 13 days (Martin, 1956)
Rohde and Lee (1967) studied the life cycle of C. indica.
6a. Ventral surface of body with three longitudinal ridges;
parasitic in birds (Fig. 478). .. .
.... Genus Tristriata Belopolskaia, 1953
6b. Ventral surface of body with 3 or more longitudinal
ridges, each ridge composed of numerous transverse
rows of tiny glands; parasitic in marine mammals
(Fig. 479). Genus Ogmogaster Jagerskiold, 1891

Family Nudacotylidae Barker, 1916

Body pyriform or oval, concave ventrally, nonspinous; ventral
sucker and pharynx absent; ceca long; testes opposite, lobed,
near posterior end of body; cirrus sac transverse, in posterior
third of body; male and female genital pores separated, anterior
to right testis; ovary lobed, intertesticular; vitelline follicles in
paired lateral clusters, anterior to testes; uterus has many trans-
verse folds, anterior to gonads; eggs have bipolar filaments; par-
asitic in small intestine and bile duct of mammals.
The genus Nudacoty/e Barker, 1916 is represented in North Fig. 480. Nudacotyle novicia.
America by N. novicia, a parasite of rodents (Fig. 480).
Fig. 475. Quinqueserialis quinqueserialis.
Fig. 474. Paramonostomum alveatum.

Fig. 473. Hofmonostomum himantopodis.

(from Harwood, 1939)

Fig. 478. Tristriata anatis.

(from Belopolskaya in Skrjabin, 1953)

Fig. 476. Notocotylus filamentis. Fig. 477. Catatropis harwoodi.

Fig. 479. Ogmogastertrilineatus.

Fami1y Pronocephalidae Looss, 1902 at posterior end of body; cirrus sac large; testes
oblique, intercecal (Fig. 481). . .
Body elongate with parallel sides; triangular nonspinous head
........................... Genus Macravestibulum Mackin, 1930
collar present in some genera; ventral sucker and pharynx ab-
Life cycle: M. eversum - Embryonated eggs with bipolar fila-
sent; ceca long, may have lateral branches; testes two or mul-
ments are probably eaten by the freshwater prosobranch snail,
tiple, opposite or oblique when two or in U-shaped design when
Goniobasis livescens in which oculate monostome cercariae de-
multiple, close to posterior end of body; cirrus sac in anterior half
velop in daughter rediae. The cercariae emerge and then encyst
of body; seminal vesicle external, long; genital pore sinistral, in on the operculum of the snail. The adult flukes develop in the in-
anterior third of body; ovary pre- or intertesticular; vitelline folli-
testine of turtles that eat infected snails (Hsii, 1937).
cles along ceca, pretesticular; uterus has many transverse inter- The life cycle of M. obtusicaudum is similar to that of M. ever-
cecal folds, preovarian; eggs operculate, embryonated, have bi- sum. Cercaria infracaudatum is the larva of this species. Adults
polar filaments; excretory vesicle Y- or V-shaped, arms long,
develop to sexual maturity in about 60 days following ingestion
united in anterior part of body, pore dorsal, near posterior end of of metacercariae (Horsfall, 1935).
body; parasitic in intestine, stomach or urinary bladder of turtles 2b. Vestibular cavity absent; cirrus sac small; testes op-
and birds, rarely in fishes or marine iguanids. posite 3
Key to Genera 3a. Testes and vitelline follicles lateral to ceca; ceca with-
1a. Ceca unbranched; triangUlar head collar distinct. .. 2 out diverticula but main excretory ducts have diverti-
1b. Ceca with lateral branches; triangular head collar ab- cula; parasitic in digestive tract of birds (Figs. 482,
sent or weakly developed. 5 483) .
2a. Parasite of freshwater turtles; large vestibular cavity ........... Genus Parapronocephalum Belopolskaia, 1952

Fig.481. Macravestibulum obtusicaudum. Fig. 483. Parapronocephalum petasatum.

(from Dollfus, 1966)

Fig. 482. Parapronocephalum reversum.

Fig. 484. Astrorchis renicapite.

Life cycle: P. petasatum (= Notocotyloides petasatum) Mo- 5a. Head collar weakly developed; testes two, opposite;
nostomate, nonoculate, microcercous cercariae with a triangular esophagus long, about one-fourth as long as body
head collar develop in rediae in the marine prosobranch snail, (Fig. 487) Genus Pleurogonius Looss, 1901
Littorina obtusata. They encyst in the hemocoel of the snail in Life cycle: P. malaclemys - Trioculate monostome cercariae de-
spherical cyst membranes. The natural definitive hosts are cha- velop in rediae in the snail, Nassarius obsoleta. The ceca of the
radriforme birds which eat the infected snails. The parasite de- cercaria are branched like those of the adult Cercariae encyst
velops in the intestinal' ceca of the birds (Dollfus, 1966). on the operculum of the snail and develop to infective metacer-
3b. Testes medial to ceca and lobed; vitelline follicles cariae. When these were fed to the turtle, Malaclemys centrata
around ceca; ceca sinuous. .. 4 partially developed adults were recovered. This was a superim-
4a. Body large (15 to 20 mm); vitelline follicles abundant, posed infection. Metacercariae were also fed to a laboratory-
distributed along ceca and extending into anterior reared Chelonia mydas and immature worms were recovered
half of bod.y (Fig. 484). .. . 10 days later (Hunter, 1967).
....................................... Genus Astrorchis Poche, 1925 5b. Head collar absent; anterior end of body rounded;
4b. Body six to nine mm. long; vitelline follicles around testes multiple, in U-shaped design near posterior
ceca in only posterior half of body (Fig. 486). .. . end of body; esophagus very short (Fig. 485). .. .
.... Genus Pyelosomum Looss, 1899 .......................... Genus DiaschistorchisJohnston, 1913

Fig. 485. Diaschistorchis elJipticus. (from Pratt, 1914) Fig. 486. Pyelosomum longicaecum. Fig. 487. Pleurogonius malaclemmys.
Family Opisthotrematidae Poche, 1926 Family Microscaphidiidae Travassos, 1922
Body broadly oval, concave ventrally, margins curved, spin- Body elongate or fusiform, nonspinous, concave ventrally;
ous on ventral surface; ventral sucker and pharynx absent; ceca ventral sucker and pharynx absent; esophageal bulb sometimes
long, sinuous; testes opposite, lobed, in posterior third of body; present; ceca long; testes tandem, in middle third of body; cirrus
cirrus sac long, at posterior end of body; genital pore at posterior sac absent; seminal vesicle free in parenchyma; hermaphroditic
end of body; ovary lobed, anterior to right testis; vitelline follicles sac present or absent; genital pore median, ventral to oral suck-
intercecal, pretesticular; uterus occupies much of area anterior er or near cecal bifurcation; ovary posterior to testes; vitelline
to gonads; eggs have polar filaments; parasitic in the respiratory follicles lateral to ceca, variable in extent; uterus mostly preova-
system, esophagus, stomach and Eustachian tubes of marine rian, intercecal; excretory system has network of tubules
mammals. through parenchyma; parasitic in large intestine of turtles.
The genus Opisthotrema Fischer, 1883 is represented in Key to Genera
North America by O. cochleotrema (Fig. 488).
1a. Body elongate; oral sucker large with triangular pro-
jections; hermaphroditic sac absent; esophageal bulb
absent; posterior end of body rounded (Fig. 489). ......
.............................. Genus DictyangiumStunkard, 1943
1b. Body-fusiform; oral sucker small, without triangular
projections; hermaphroditic sac present; esophageal
bulb present; body with two pointed projections at
posterior end (Fig. 490). . .
................................... Genus Hexangitrema Price, 1937


Fig. 488. Opisthotrema coch/eotrema. (from Price, 1932)

Fig. 490. Hexangitrema pomacanthi.

(from Overstreet, 1969)
Fig. 489. Dictyangium che/ydrae.

Order Plagiorchiida LaRue, 1957 armatae group develop in daughter sporocysts. The cercariae
Suborder Plagiorchiata LaRue, 1957 encyst in snails of the genera Helisoma, Physa, Lymnaea,
Pseudosuccinea and Campeloma and also in the larvae of Dob-
Miracidia have one pair flame cells, epidermal cell formula is sonflies of the genus Corydalus. The definitive host is the newt,
3, 3. Xiphidiocercariae of the armatae, ornatae, virgulate, ubiqui- Triturus viridescens (see Stunkard, 1936).
ta, cercariaeum or microcercous groups, develop in daughter Owens (1946) studied the life cycle of P. salamandra and
sporocysts in gastropod molluscs; stylet horizontal; protonephri- found that the miracidia develop within one week after oviposi-
dia mesostomate, no excretory vessels in tail; cercariae encyst in tion. Xiphidiocercariae with a finfold on the tail develop in daugh-
arthropods, molluscs or in poikilothermIc vertebrates. Life cycle ter sporocysts in Pseudosuccinea columella. They encyst in div-
involves three hosts. ing beetles, dragonfly nymphs and in several species of snails.
The newt, Triturus viridescens is the definitive host.

6a. Oral sucker with one pair of ventro-Iateral muscular

Superfamily Plagiorchioidea Dollfus, 1930 papillae and at least twice as large as ventral sucker;
emended posterior end of body truncate; excretory vesicle
Excretory vesicle V-shaped or tubular, main excretory ducts opens through funnel-shaped muscular chamber;
attached at anterior end of vesicle. Cercariae of armatae or or- parasitic in intestine of turtles (Fig. 496). . .
natae type in most species; develop in pulmonate snails; flame .............................. Genus Eustomos Mac Callum, 1921
cell formula [2(3 + 3 + 3) + (3 + 3 + 3)]. Life cycle: E. chelydrae - Xiphidiocercariae of the armatae group
develop in sporocysts in the freshwater pulmonate snails, Heli-
soma antrosa, Lymnaea stagnalis, Stagnicola angulata and Bu-
Family Plagiorchiidae Luhe, 1901 limoides megasoma. Cercariae encyst in the branchial basket of
Body oval fusiform or elongate, spinous; ventral sucker in an- dragonfly nymphs and in several species of snails. The normal
terior half of body; pharynx present; ceca usually long; testes definitive hosts are snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina and the
opposite, tandem or oblique, in hindbody; cirrus sac present; painted turtle, Chrysemys picta, six to ten weeks being required
genital pore anterior to ventral sucker; ovary pretesticular; vitel- for development to sexual maturity after feeding metacercariae
line follicles along ceca, variable in extent; uterus confined to (Krull, 1934d; McMullen, 1935a).
hindbody; eggs operculate, embryonated; parasitic in intestine,
gall bladder, bile duct or cloaca of vertebrates. 6b. Oral sucker without muscular papillae; body rounded
posteriorly; excretory pore not funnel-shaped. . 7
7a. Testes in posterior third of body. . 8
Key to Genera 7b. Testes widely separated from posterior end of body
1a. Testes opposite 2 by folds of the uterus; parasitic in reptiles. . 10
1b. Testes tandem or oblique. 6 8a. Body fusiform; vitelline follicles few, restricted to
2a. Vitelline follicles in lateral clusters, confined to fore- middle third of body, not confluent posterior to testes
body; main ducts of excretory system extend forward (Fig. 497) Genus Parastiotrema Miller, 1940
as far as pharynx; parasitic in mouth and esophagus 8b. Body oval; vitelline follicles abundant, in fore- and
of snakes (Fig. 491) . hindbody, confluent posterior to testes. . 9
............................... Genus Stomatrema Guberlet, 1928 9a. Testes tandem; cirrus sac extends some distance
2b. Vitelline follicles in lateral regions of hindbody or in posterior to ventral sucker; uterus pretesticular (Fig.
both fore- and hindbody 3 498). Genus Neoglyphe Shaldybin, 1954
3a. Excretory vesicle Y- shaped with stem of Y long and
Life cycle: N. soricis - Xiphidiocercariae of the armatae group
sinuous and having a pair of lateral diverticula near
develop in sporocysts in the freshwater snail, Lymnaea buli-
posterior end, arms of Y embrace ventral sucker; par-
moides. The cercariae either encyst in the sporocysts or emerge
asitic in turtles (Fig. 494). . .
and then encyst in water beetles, caddisfly larvae or in mayfly
................................ Genus Styphlotrema Odhner, 1911
nymphs. Experimental infections were established in hamsters
3b. Excretory vesicle not as described above; parasites
by feeding metacercariae. Natural infections occur in shrews
of newts, snakes or fishes. 4
which probably eat the infected intermediate hosts (Macy and
4a. Metraterm well developed; vitelline follicles few, lat-
Moore, 1958).
eral to gonads; ventral sucker larger than oral sucker;
parasitic in snakes (Fig. 492). . . 9b. Testes oblique; cirrus sac barely extends posterior to
..................................... Genus Travtrema Pereira, 1929 ventral sucker; some uterine folds between testes
4b. Metraterm not well developed; vitelline follicles abun- (Fig. 499). Genus Plagiorchis Luhe, 1899
dant, in fore- and hindbody; suckers equal or oral Key to species in Olsen (1937).
sucker larger than ventral sucker 5 Life cycle: P. muris - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the pulmo-
5a. Testes oval, median to ceca; ovary lobed; parasite of nate snail, Stagnicola emarginata in which xiphidiocercariae of
freshwater fishes (Fig. 493). . . the armatae group develop in daughter sporocysts. Some cer-
......... Genus Vietosoma Van Cleave and Mueller, 1932 cariae encyst in the sporocyst but most of them leave the sporo-
5b. Testes lobed, at ends of ceca; ovary oval; parasitic in cysts and the snail and encyst in dipterous larvae of the family
intestine of amphibians (Fig. 495). . . Chironomidae. Natural definitive hosts are rat, dog, nighthawk,
............................................. Genus Plagitura HolI, 1928 robin, herring gull and sandpiper. Experimental infections were
Life cycle: P. parva - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the pulmo- established in mice, rats, pigeon and human beings (McMullen,
nate snail, Helisoma antrosa in which xiphidiocercariae of the 1937).
Fig.491. Stomatrema guberleti.
Fig. 493. Vietosoma parva.
Fig. 492. Travtrema tamiamiense. (from Van Cleave and Mueller, 1932)

Fig. 494. Styphlotrema solitarium. Fig. 495. P/agitura parva.

(from Stunkard, 1936) Fig. 497. Parastiotrema ottawanense.
Fig. 496. Eustomos che/ydrae.

Macy (1960b) published an account of the life cycle of P. ves-
perti/ionis parorchis. The host snail is Lymnaea stagnalis. The
cercariae encyst in larvae of mosquitos and caddisflies and the
nymphs of mayflies and dragonflies. Bats serve as the natural
definitive host.
The life cycles of other species of Plagiorchis were studied by
Williams (1964); Brendow (1970); Theron (1976); Blankespoor
(1977); Ogata (1941); Najarian (1961); Rees (1952).
10a. Stem of V-shaped excretory vesicle with lateral diver-
ticula; ovary immediately posterior to ventral sucker;
testes lobed, near midbody (Fig. 500). . .
........ Genus Styphlodora Looss, 1899
Key to species in Dawes (1942) and in Skrjabin (1964).
Life cycle: S. magna - Xiphidiocercariae develop in daughter
sporocysts in the pulmonate snail, Physa anatina in 35 to 40
days. Cercariae leave the snail and then penetrate and encyst in
the poeciliid fishes Mollienesia latipinna, Heterandria formosa
and Gambusia affinis. Metacercariae are infective in about six
weeks and are found chiefly at the base of the fins. They were
fed to several species of snakes of the genus Natrix and devel-
oping adults were recovered two weeks later from the bile duct
(Graham, 1971). Fig. 500. Styphlodora magna.
10b. Excretory vesicle voluminous, extending forward as
far as the ovary which is some distance posterior to
the ventral sucker; testes in posterior half of body
(Fig. 501). Genus Allopharynx Shtrom, 1928
Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).

Fig. 498. Neoglyphe soricis. Fig. 499-. Plagiorchis proximus.

Fig. 501. Allopharynx multispinosa.

(from Bennett, 1935)
Family Haematoloechidae Odening, 1964 Rana pretiosa. The parasite develops in the lungs (Schell,
Body elongate or oval; ventral sucker present, vestigial or ab- The life cycles of H. parvip/exus has been investigated by
sent; pharynx present; ceca long; testes oblique or opposite, in Krull (1931) and H. /ongip/exus by Krull (1932).
posterior half of body; cirrus sac elongate, near anterior end of 1b. Uterus without extracecal longitudinal folds (Fig.
body; genital pore ventral to esophagus or pharynx; ovary pre- 504). .. Genus Ostio/um Pratt, 1902
testicular; vitelline follicles in a series of clusters along ceca, va-
Life cycle: O. mediop/exus - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the
riable in extent; uterus contains many folds; eggs small, opercu-
planorbid snail, P/anorbu/a armigera in which ornatae cercariae
late, embryonated; parasitic in lungs of amphibians. develop in daughter sporocysts. After leaving the snail, the cer-
cariae are drawn into the respiratory chamber of dragonfly
Key to Genera
nymphs in water currents and encyst in the wall of the branchial
1a. Uterus has extracecal longitudinal folds (Figs. 502, basket. Sympetrum obtrusum and S. rubicundu/um are the spe-
503). Genus Heemetotoecnus Looss, 1899 cies involved. Infected dragonflies and nymphs are eaten by the
Key to species in Odening (1958). Kennedy (1981) pub- frog, Rana c/amitans. The adult fluke develops in the lungs
lished a key to species in Canada and the United States. (Krull, 1931).
Six species are thought to be valid but the genus Ostio/um Dronen (1975) investigated the life cycle of 0. cotoreoensis.
was not recognized. Ornatae cercariae develop in daughter sporocysts in the pulmo-
Life cycle: H. brevip/exus - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the nate snail, Physa virgata. Cercariae encyst in dragonfly nymphs
planorbid snail, Gyrau/us similaris in which mother and daughter of the genera Tramea, Libellu/a and Anax and in damselfly
sporocysts develop, the latter giving rise to xiphidiocercariae ~f nymphs of the genus Enallagma. The definitive host is Rana pi-
the ornatae group (Fig. 34). Cercariae penetrate and encyst In piens.
dragonfly nymphs of Aeschna multicoior. The definitive host is

Fig. 502. Haemat%echus /ongip/exus. Fig. 503. Haemat%echus simitip/exus.

Fig. 504. Ostio/um mediop/exus.

Family Macroderoididae McMullen, 1937 5a. Body long and slender; testes widely separated; geni-
tal pore some distance anterior to ventral sucker; vi-
Body elongate, oval or fusiform, spinous; ventral sucker in an-
telline follicles lobed; progenetic in antennal gland of
terior half of body, usually smaller than oral sucker; pharynx pre-
crayfish (Fig. 509). .. .
sent; ceca long or short; testes tandem, oblique or opposite, in
.......... Genus Alloglossoides Corkum and Turner, 1977
hindbody; cirrus sac present; genital pore median, anterior to
5b. Body not unusually long; testes close together; geni-
ventral sucker; ovary pretesticular; vitelline follicles along ceca,
tal pore immediately anterior to ventral sucker; vitel-
variable in extent; uterus extends posterior to testes; eggs oper- line follicles not lobed. 6
culate, embryonated; excretory vesicle tubular; parasitic in in- 6a. Several circles of spines on oral sucker; vitelline folli-
testine of poikilothermic vertebrates, several species progenetic cles lateral to ceca; seminal vesicle bipartite; parasit-
in leeches and crustaceans. Epidermal cell formula of miracidi- ic in garfish (Fig. 510). .. .
um is3, 3. .. Genus Paramacroderoides Venard, 1941
Life cycle: P. pseudoechinus - Embryonated eggs in the feces of
Key to Genera the host are eaten by the pulmonate snail, Helisoma duryi in
1a. Testes opposite or nearly opposite 2 which xiphidiocercariae of the ornatae group develop in daugh-
1b. Testes tandem or oblique. 5 ter sporocysts. Cercariae later encyst in numerous small fishes
2a. Body oval or linguiform; vitelline follicles distributed of the genera Gambusia, Fundulus, Jordanella, Heterandria,
along full length of ceca in fore- and hind body; ventral Mollienesia and also in the frog, Rana sphenocephala and in
sucker close to oral sucker; parasitic in chameleons tadpoles of R. grylio. Of the fishes, Gambusia affinis is the most
(Fig. 505). Genus Alloglyptus Byrd, 1950 common intermediate host. The adult fluke develops in the in-
2b. Body fusiform or oval; vitelline follicles distributed testine of the Florida gar, Lepisosteus platyrhincus (see Leigh
along about half of body length; ventral sucker in an- and Holliman, 1956 and Leigh, 1975).
terior half of body. . 3 The life cycle of P. echinus is similar, utilizing the same hosts
3a. Body oval; ceca extend only to middle of body; semi- but the cercaria is of the armatae type and behaves differently
nal vesicle bipartite; vitelline follicles lateral to ceca than the cercaria of P. pseudoechinus.
between pharynx and testes; progenetic in leeches
6b. Oral sucker without circles of spines. .. 7
(Fig. 506) .
7a. Vitelline follicles in both fore- and hindbody; parasitic
... Genus Hirudicolotrema Fish and Vande Vusse, 1976
in fishes, several species progenetic in leeches and
3b. Body fusiform; ceca extend almost to posterior end of
crustaceans (Fig. 511). .. .
body; seminal vesicle unipartite; vitelline follicles do
................................. Genus Alloglossidium Simer, 1929
not extend forward to pharynx; parasitic in amphibi-
Key to species in Font and Corkum (1975); Timmers
ans 4
4a. Some uterine folds anterior to testes; vitelline follicles Life cycle: A. corti - Xiphidiocercariae develop in daughter spa-
lateral to ceca, between cecal bifurcation and testes rocysts in the planorbid snails, Helisoma trivolvis and H. csm-
(Fig. 507). Genus Hylotrema Sullivan, 1973 panulatum. They encyst in the muscles and fatbody of mayfly
Life cycle: H. pennsylvaniensis (= Choledocystus p.) - Xiphidio- and dragonfly nymphs and also in crustaceans. The adult para-
cercariae develop in daughter sporocysts in the pulmonate site develops in the madtom, Schilbeodes gyrinas; the brown
snail, Physa gyrina. Cellular paletots of host origin develop bullhead, /cta/urus nebu/osus and the yellow bullhead, I. nata/is
around the sporocysts. Cercariae emerge and penetrate tad- (see McMullen, 1936; Crawford, 1937).
poles of Hyla crucifer in which they develop to infective metacer- Corkum and Beckerdite (1975) studied the life cycle of A.
cariae without encysting. After the host metamorphoses to the macrobdellensis which is progenetic in the leech, Macrobdella
adult stage, the metacercariae migrate to the intestine where ditetra. Xiphidiocercariae of the armatae group develop in spa-
they develop to sexual maturity (Sullivan, 1973). rocysts in Helisoma trivolvis. They penetrate the body of leeches
4b. Uterine folds almost entirely posttesticular; some vi- and encyst temporarily in the wall of the crop. Soon they excyst
telline follicles extend posterior to testes; esophageal and enter the lumen of the crop, then pass to the intestine where
glands well developed (Fig. 508). . . they attain sexual maturity.
............................... Genus Glypthelmins Stafford, 1905 Font and Corkum (1976) report adults of A. renale from the
Key to species in Skrjabin (1964). antennary glands of freshwater shrimp, Palaemonetes kodia-
Life cycle: G. quieta - Embryonated eggs in frog feces are eaten kensis. The life cycle is unknown.
by pulmonate snails of the genus Physa in which xiphidiocerca-
7b. Vitelline follicles confined to hind body 8
riae of the ornatae group develop in daughter sporocysts. Pale-
8a. Body elongate; vitelline follicles in lateral regions of
tots of host origin envelop the sporocysts. After emerging from
middle third of body; testes tandem; seminal recepta-
the snail, the cercariae encyst in the skin of frogs of the genus
cle present; parasitic in amphibians (Fig. 512). .. .
Rana. Frogs become infected by eating metacercariae along
............................... Genus Haplometrana Lucker, 1931
with pieces of shed epidermis when molting. The adult fluke de-
velops in the intestine (Rankin, 1944; Leigh, 1946; Schell, Life cycle: H. intestinalis - Embryonated eggs are eaten by pul-
1962a). monate snails of the genera Physa, Helisoma and Lymnaea in
The life cycle of G. hy/oreus, a parasite of the Pacific tree frog, which xiphidiocercariae of the ornatae group develop in daugh-
Hy/a regilla was investigated by Martin, GW. (1969). Cercariae ter sporocysts. After emerging from the snail, the cercariae en-
enter the coelom of tadpoles of H. regilla but do not encyst. Fol- cyst in the epidermis of frogs which later become infected by
lowing metamorphosis of the frog the metacercariae migrate to eating cysts in pieces of shed epidermis following a molt. Rana
the frog intestine where they develop to sexual maturity. This cy- pretiosa is the definitive host (Olsen, 1937b; Schell, 1961; Cur-
cle is similar to that of Hylotrema pennsylvaniensis. rent and Lang, 1975).
Fig. 505. Alloglyptus crenshawi. Fig. 506. Hirudicolotrema richardsoni. Fig. 507. Hylotrema pennsylvaniensis.
(from Fish and Vande Vusse, 1976) (from Byrd and Maples, 1963)

Fig. 510. Paramacroderoides echinus.

Fig. 508. Glypthelmins quieta.

Fig. 509. Alloglossoides cardicola.
(from Corkum and Turner, 1977)

8b. Testes oblique; parasitic in fishes. 9 Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
9a. Vitelline follicles large, in lateral region of hind body Life cycle: M. spinifera - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the
between ventral sucker and testes; ventral sucker in planorbid snail, Helisoma duryi in which xiphidiocercariae of the
anterior fourth of body, close to oral sucker (Fig. armatae group develop in daughter sporocysts. After leaving the
513) Genus snail, they encyst in the tissues of fishes of the genera Gambu-
Pseudomagnivitellum Dronen and Underwood, 1980 sia, Fundulus, Mollienesia, Heterandria and in tadpoles of frogs.
9b. Vitelline follicles small, in lateral regions of hind body The adult fluke develops in the intestine of the garfish, Lepisos-
between ventral sucker and posterior end of body, ex- teus platyrhincus, attaining sexual maturity in 10 to 12 days
tending posterior to testes; ventral sucker near mid- (Leigh, 1958).
dle of body (Fig. 514) .
.............................. Genus Macroderoides Pearse, 1924

Fig. 513. Pseudomagnivitellum ictalurum. Fig. 514. Macroderoides typica.

Fig. 511. Alloglossidium corti. Fig. 512. Haplometranaintestinalis. (from Dronen and Underwood,1980)

thyroidus and Agriolimax agrestis. MiracidIa hatch in the intes-
Family Brachycoeliidae Odening, 1964
tine of the snail, penetrate the wall and change to a small mother
Body oval to elongate, tapered posteriorly, spinous; ventral sporocyst. Tailless cercariae (Cercariaea), without a stylet,
sucker smaller than oral sucker, close to middle of body; pha- eventually develop in daughter sporocysts. As cercariae emerge
rynx present; ceca short, seldom extend beyond ventral sucker; from the snail, they secrete a jellylike capsule over themselves.
testes opposite or oblique, in hindbody; cirrus sac present; geni- These encapsulated cercariae are eaten by numerous species
tal pore median, anterior to ventral sucker; ovary anterior to ei- of land snails in which they encyst and develop to infective
ther right or left testis or opposite anterior testis; vitelline follicles metacercariae which when fed to the salamanders, Desmogna-
in clusters lateral to ceca and ventral sucker; uterus fills most of thus fuscus and Eurycea bislineata cirrigera develop to the adult
posttesticular and intertesticular area; eggs operculate, embryo- stage (Denton, 1962; Jordan, 1963; Jordan and Byrd, 1967).
nated; excretory vesicle V-shaped; parasitic in intestine of am- Cheng (1960a) investigated the life cycle of B. obesum which
phibians and reptiles. uses the snail, Zonitoides ligerus. Stubby-tailed cercariae with a
Key to Genera stylet develop in sporocysts and encyst either in the hemocoel of
the snail or right in the sporocyst. Metacercariae were fed to
1a. Testes opposite; cirrus sac short, dorsal to ventral
newts, Triturus viridescens and young adults were recovered.
sucker; seminal vesicle not bipartite; ovary anterior to
1b. Testes oblique; cirrus sac long, extends some dis-
right or left testis (Fig. 515). . .
tance posterior to the ventral sucker; seminal vesicle
............ Genus Brachycoelium Stiles and Hassan, 1898
bipartite; ovary opposite to anterior testis (Fig. 516).
Key to species in Byrd (1937) and in Cheng (1958).
................................ Genus Cymatocarpus Looss, 1899
Life cycle: B. mesorchium - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the
terrestrial snails, Triodopsis carolinensis, Mesodon inflectus, M.

Fig. 515. Brachycoelium salamandrae.

Fig. 516. Cymatocarpus undulatus.

Family Mesocoeliidae Oollfus, 1933 Family Cephalogonimidae Nicoll, 1915
Body oval or elliptical, spinous; suckers equal, the ventral Body linguiform or oval, spinous; ventral sucker in anterior
sucker in middle of body; pharynx present; ceca extend to mid- half of body; suckers unequal in size; pharynx small; ceca long;
body; testes opposite, lateral to ventral sucker or immediately testes tandem, oblique or opposite, in middle third of body; cir-
posterior to it; cirrus sac dorsal to ventral sucker; genital pore rus sac long; genital pore lateral or antero-dorsal to oral sucker;
median, anterior to ventral sucker; ovary posttesticular; vitelline ovary pretesticular; vitelline follicles lateral to ceca in middle
follicles lateral to ceca; uterus fills area posterior and between third of body; uterus fills most of posttesticular part of body; eggs
gonads; eggs operculate, embryonated; excretory vesicle tubu- operculate, embryonated; excretory vesicle V-shaped with nu-
lar; parasitic in intestine of amphibians and reptiles. merous lateral branches; parasitic in intestine of fishes, amphibi-
The family contains only the genus Mesocoelium Odhner, ans and reptiles.
1911 (Fig. 517). Several species occur in North America.
Key to Genera
Key to species in Cheng (1960b) and in Nasir and Diaz (1971).
Life cycle: M. brevicaecum - Embryonated eggs pass in the 1a. Body broadly oval; testes opposite; muscular prepha-
feces of the host. Tailless cercariae (Cercariaea) are produced rynx present; ventral sucker larger than oral sucker;
in daughter sporocysts in the terrestrial snail, Euhadra quaesita. parasite of mud eel (Siren sp.) (Fig. 518) Genus
Cercariae encyst in the sporocyst and develop to the metacer- Cephalogonimoides Brooks and Buckner, 1976
carial stage. These were fed to frogs and toads. Flukes, con- 1b. Body linguiform; testes tandem; prepharynx not mus-
taining a few eggs, were recovered at seven days. Development cular; suckers about equal; parasitic in frogs (Fig.
to sexual maturity requires about 25 days. Common definitive 519) Genus Cephalogonimus POirier, 1886
hosts are Buto vulgaris, Rana rugosa, R. nigromaculata, Key to species in Ogata (1934); Caballero and Sokoloff
R. catesbeiana, Elaphe quadrivirgata and Eumeces latiscutatus (1936); Lamothe-Argumedo (1965).
(see Ochi, 1930). Life cycle: C. americanus - Embryonated eggs are ingested by
planorbid snails, Helisoma antrosum and H. trivolvis. Xiphidio-
cercariae of the armatae group develop in daughter sporocysts
in the snail hemocoel. After leaving the snail, the cercariae pene-
trate tadpoles and encyst in the tissues. The adult parasites
develop in the small intestine of frogs of the genus Rana which
eat infected tadpoles (Lang, 1968).
Dronen and Lang (1974) investigated the life cycle of C. sala-
mandrus which is similar to the life cycle of the above species.
The definitive host is the salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum.
Dronen and Underwood (1977) reported the life cycle of C.
vesicaudus, an intestinal parasite of the spiny soft-shell turtle,
Trionyx spiniterus. The host snail is Helisoma trivolvis. Armatae
cercariae develop in the snail, and after emergence encyst in the
skin of tadpoles of Rana sphenocephala. The latter are eaten by
the above turtle and by several other species of turtles.

Fig. 517. Mesocoelium waltoni.

Fig. 518. Cephafogonimoides sireni. (from Premvati, 1969) Fig. 519. Cephafogonimus amphiumae.

Family Auridistomidae Stunkard, 1924 third of body; pharynx present; intestinal ceca long; testes tan-
dem, in middle third of body; cirrus sac present; genital pore an-
Body elongate, spinous; oral sucker with paired ventro-Iateral
terior to ventral sucker; ovary pretesticular; seminal receptacle
and dorso-Iateral muscular papillae; ventral sucker smaller than
absent; vitelline follicles restricted to hindbody; uterus entirely
oral sucker, in anterior third of body; pharynx present; ceca long;
preovarian; excretory vesicle V-shaped, the main collecting
testes tandem or oblique, in middle of hindbody; cirrus sac ante-
ducts having many lateral branches; parasitic in the intestine of
rior to ventral sucker; genital pore median, close to cecal bifur-
marine turtles.
cation; ovary pretesticular, close behind ventral sucker; vitelline
The genus Rhytidodes Looss, 1901 (Fig. 521) is represented
follicles along ceca, usually confined to hindbody, confluent
in North America by R. secundus from the intestine of Caretta
posterior to testes; uterus pretesticular; excretory vesicle Y-
caretta, the marine turtle.
shaped, with long stem; parasitic in intestine of turtles.
The genus Auridistomum Stafford, 1905 is represented in
North America by two species (Fig. 520). Family Pachypsolidae Yamaguti, 1958
Life cycle: A. chelydrae - Xiphidiocercariae of the armatae
group (Cercaria concavocorpa) develop in sporocysts in the Body thick, oval, spinous anteriorly; suckers large, in anterior
freshwater snail, Helisoma trivolvis. They encyst in the tissues of half of body; pharynx present; intestinal ceca long with lateral
tadpoles of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. Metacercariae were branches only in forebody; testes opposite, in hindbody; ovary
fed to young snapping turtles, Chelydra serpentina and devel- pretesticular; cirrus sac present; genital pore submedian, ante-
oping adults were recovered from the small intestine (Sizemore, rior to ventral sucker; vitelline follicles small, in lateral regions of
1936; Ralph, 1938). middle third of body; uterus mostly posttesticular; excretory vesi-
cle V-shaped, the main collecting ducts are branched and unite
dorsal to the oral sucker; parasitic in the intestine of marine tur-
Family Rhytidodidae Odhner, 1926 tles.
Body elongate, nonspinous; oral sucker has one dorsal and The family contains only the genus Pachypsolus Looss, 1901
two ventro-Iateral muscular papillae; ventral sucker in anterior (Fig. 522). P. ovalis has been reported from North America.

Fig. 520. Auridistomum chelydrae. Fig. 521. Rhytidodes secundus. (from Pratt, 1914) Fig. 522. Pachypsolusovalis. (from Pratt, 1914)
Family Cephaloporidae Travassos, 1934 Superfamily Ochetosomatoidea Odening,
Body pyriform, spinous; ventral sucker large, near-posterior 1964
end of body; pharynx present; intestinal ceca short, extend only Xiphidiocercariae of the armatae group develop in daughter
to testes; testes opposite, dorsal to ventral sucker; cirrus sac sporocysts in pulmonate snails; excretory system mesostomate;
near pharynx; genital pore close to oral sucker; ovary pretesticu- excretory vesicle V-shaped with the arms of the Y partly encir-
lar; vitelline follicles in lateral areas between oral sucker and cling the ventral sucker; metacercariae encysted in poikilother-
testes; uterus chiefly dorsal to ventral sucker and posterior to mic vertebrates; adults parasitic in poikilothermic vertebrates.
testes; eggs operculate, nonembryonated; parasitic in stomach Life cycle involves three hosts.
and ovary (?) of marine fishes.
The genus P/ectognathotrema Layman, 1930 is represent~d
in North America by P. hydro/agi, (Fig. 523) a stomach parasite
of the rattish, Hydro/agus colliei.
Family Ochetosomatidae Leao, 1944
Body elongate, linguiform or pyriform, spinous; ventral sucker
in middle of body or anterior to middle; pharynx present; ceca
extend to level of testes or beyond; testes opposite or oblique, in
middle of hindbody or near posterior end of body; cirrus sac
long, mayor may not extend posterior to ventral sucker; genital
pore anterior to ventral sucker, marginal, submarginal or medi-
an; ovary pretesticular; vitelline follicles along ceca in middle
third of body; uterus usually with long descending and ascend-
ing limbs; eggs operculate, embryonated; excretory vesicle Y-
shaped with arms encircling ventral sucker; parasitic in mouth,
esophagus or respiratory tract of snakes.

Key to Genera
1a. Testes opposite or nearly so. 2
1b. Testes Oblique. . 5
2a. Genital pore marginal or submarginal; cirrus sac
long, entirely anterior to ventral sucker (Fig. 524). ......
................................... Genus Ochetosoma Braun, 1901
Life cycle: O. aniarum (= Renifer a.) - Eggs in feces of host con-
tain miracidia which hatch after eggs are eaten by the pulmo-
nate snail, Physa he/ei. Xiphidiocercariae of the armatae group
develop in daughter sporocysts. After leaving the snail, the cer-
cariae penetrate and encyst in tadpoles of the genera Rana,
Hy/a and Pseudacris. Infected tadpoles were fed to snakes of
the genus Natrix and adults recovered from the mouth and
esophagus 35 days later (Byrd, 1935; Walker, 1937 and 1939).
Sogandares-Bernal and Grenier (1971) studied the life cycle
of O. kansensis and O. /aterotrema which use Physella anatina
as first intermediate host. Cercariae encyst in tadpoles of Rana
pipiens. Infected tadpoles were fed to very young cottonmouth
snakes and the adult parasites were recovered from the mouth.
2b. Genital pore median or submedian; cirrus sac not en-
tirely anterior to ventral sucker. . 3
3a. Body pyriform; testes lobed; uterus contains some
transverse folds, fills most of hind body (Fig. 525). .....
........................... Genus PneumatophilusOdhner, 1911
Key to species in Byrd and Denton (1938) and in Skrjabin
Fig. 523. P/ectognathotrema hydro/agio (from Olsson, Hanson and
Pratt,1970) Life cycle: P. /eidyi - Embryonated eggs in feces of the host are
eaten by the pulmonate snail, Physa sayii in which xiphidiocer-
cariae of the armatae group develop in daughter sporocysts.
Cercariae encyst in the tissues of tadpoles of the genus Rana; in
mudpuppies, Necturus macu/osus; in the cricket frog, Acris cre-
pitans and in the catfish, Schilbeodes miurus. The definitive host
is the water snake, Natrix sipedon which eat the infected inter-
mediate hosts (Norris, 1945).
3b. Body linguiform; testes oval or Irregular in shape. . 4

4a. Uterus composed of several transverse folds; metra- forward through the trachea are swallowed and leave the body
term about as long as cirrus sac (Fig. 526). . . in the feces of the host. Eggs are eaten by pulmonate snails of
............ Genus Para/echriorchis Byrd and Denton, 1938 the genus Physa in which miracidia hatch, penetrate the intes-
Key to species in Byrd and Denton (1938). tine and then change to the sporocyst stage. Xiphidiocercariae
Life cycle: P. syntomentera - (= Zeugorchis s.) - Embryonated develop in daughter sporocysts and after leaving the snail en-
eggs are eaten by the pulmonate snails, Physa gyrina. Xiphidio- cyst in tadpoles and frogs which are later eaten by snakes (Tal-
cercariae of the armatae group develop in daughter sporocysts. bot, 1933).
After leaving the snail, the cercariae penetrate the skin of tad- 5a. Body elongate; vitelline follicles in short lateral clus-
poles of Hy/a regilla, Rana aurora and Triturus torosus in which ters in vicinity of ovary; ovary some distance poste-
they encyst. The adult fluke develops in the lungs and oro-nasal rior to ventral sucker; cirrus sac long, extends some
cavities of snakes which eat the infected amphibians (Ingles, distance posterior to ventral sucker (Fig. 528). . .
1933). ....................................... Genus Natriodera Mehra, 1937
4b. Uterus composed of two longitudinal folds, the as- 5b. Body linguiform or elliptical; vitelline follicles numer-
cending fold usually greatly inflated when filled with ous, fill lateral areas of hindbody; ovary immediately
eggs; metraterm much shorter than cirrus sac (Fig. posterior to ventral sucker; cirrus sac not extending
527) Genus Lechriorchis Stafford, 1905 posterior to ventral sucker (Fig. 529). . .
....................................... Genus Dasymetra Nicoll, 1911
(Includes Zeugorchis Stafford, 1905)
Key to species in Byrd and Denton (1938).
Key to species in Byrd and Denton (1938) and in Skrjabin
Life cycle: Byrd (1935) investigated the life cycle of D. villicaeca
and found it to be very similar to that of Ochetosoma aniarum.
Life cycle: L. primus - The adult parasite inhabits the lungs of Byrd and Maples (1964; 1969) described part of the life cycle of
snakes of the genus Thamnophis. Embryonated eggs that pass D. conferta.

Fig. 526. Paralechriorchis syntomentera.

Fig. 524. Ochetosoma ophoboli. Fig. 525. Pneumatophilus leidyi.
Fig. 527. Lechriorchis primus.
Fig. 528. Natriodera verlata.
Fig. 529. Dasymetra conferta.

Superfamily Prosthogonimoidea Odening,
Family Prosthogonimidae Nicoll, 1924
Body flat, oval or pyriform, spinous; ventral sucker in anterior
half of body; pharynx present; ceca long; testes opposite, in
hindbody; cirrus sac entirely anterior to ventral sucker; genital
pore either ventral to pharynx or lateral to oral sucker; ovary
lobed, close to ventral sucker; vitelline follicles in lateral clusters
in fore- or hindbody; uterus fills post- and intertesticular areas of
hindbody; eggs operculate, embryonated; excretory vesicle Y-
shaped; parasitic in cloaca, bursa Fabricius and oviduct of birds
and liver of mammals.

Key to Genera
1a. Body oval; genital pore ventral to pharynx; vitelline
follicles in forebody; parasitic in liver of mammals
(Fig. 534) .
Genus Mediogonimus Woodhead and Malewitz, 1936
1b. Body pyriform; genital pore lateral to oral sucker; vi-
telline follicles in hind body; parasitic in cloaca, bursa
Fabricius or oviduct of birds (Fig. 535). . .
....... Genus Prosthogonimus Luhe, 1899
Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
Life cycle: P. macrorchis - Embryonated eggs in feces of the
host are eaten by the prosobranch snail, Amnicola limosa. Mira-
cidia hatch in the snail intestine. Xiphidiocercariae with a short Fig. 534. Mediogonimus ovi/acus.
tail develop in sporocysts. After leaving the snail they are drawn
into the branchial basket of dragonfly naiads, then enter the he-
mocoel and encyst in the abdominal muscles. Definitive hosts
such as ducks, chickens, crows and pheasants eat the infected
insects (Macy, 1934, 1939, 1940).
Boddeke (1960) investigated the life cycle of P. ovatus which
uses the gastropod, Bithynia tentaculata as first intermediate
host. The adult parasite develops in the oviduct of starlings,
chickens, crows and ducks. Boddeke's research revealed that
there is some host effect on the adults in that metacercariae
from one species of laboratory-infected dragonfly naiad, when
fed to starlings, crows and chickens, developed into adults with
characters of P. ovatus in the starlings and crows but with char-
acters of P. pel/ucidus when developing in chickens.
Adults of P. ovatus have been found in the eggs of chickens
and ducks. Infected birds lay eggs that have a very thin shell or
almost no shell. At times, egg laying stopped, the combs of the
birds turned blue and at autopsy the wall of the oviduct was in-
flamed and thickened.
Life cycles are also known for P. pel/ucidus and P. cuneatus
(see Krasnobolova, 1963 and Macy, 1965).

Fig. 535. Prosthogonimus macrorchis.

Family Telorchiidae Nicoll, 1924
Body elongate, slender, spinous; suckers in anterior third of
body; the ventral sucker smaller than the oral sucker; oral suck-
er has paired muscular papillae in Auritelorichis; pharynx pre-
sent; ceca long; testes tandem, both testes close to posterior
end of body or testes widely separated by folds of uterus; cirrus
sac long, either entirely anterior to ventral sucker or extends
posterior to ventral sucker; genital pore either ventro-median
and immediately anterior to ventral sucker or dorsal and sublate-
ral and some distance anterior to ventral sucker; ovary pretesti-
cular; vitelline follicles along ceca, confined to hind body; uterus
with many intercecal folds, either entirely pretesticular or folds
between testes; eggs operculate, embryonated; excretory vesi-
cle V-shaped, with long stem; parasitic in intestine of amphibi-
ans and reptiles.
Key to Genera
1a. Testes widely separated by folds of uterus; parasite
of marine turtles (Fig. 530). . .
.................................... Genus Orchidasma Looss, 1900
1b. Both testes near posterior end of body. 2
2a. Oral sucker with paired anterio-Iateral muscular papil- ~
lae; parasitic In Intestine of snakes and turtles (Fig.
531). ... Genus Auritelorchis Stunkard and Franz, 19n
: i
2b. Oral sucker without muscular papillae; parasites of
amphibians and reptiles. 3 ::
3a. Cirrus sac entirely anterior to ventral sucker; genital
pore dorsal, near left body margin; parasitic in fresh- Fig. 530. Orchidasma amphiorchis. Fig. 531. Auritelorchis dollfusi.
water turtles (Fig. 532). . .
..................... Genus Protenes Barker and Covey, 1912
Key to species in Bennett (1935).
3b. Cirrus sac long, extending some distance posterior to
ventral sucker; genital pore median, anterior to ven-
tral sucker; parasitic in Intestine of amphibians and
reptiles (Fig. 533) Genus Telorchis Luhe, 1899
Key to species in Wharton (1940).
Life cycle: T. medius - Embryonated eggs in feces of turtles are
eaten by the pulmonate snail, Physa integra. Xiphidiocercariae
develop in daughter sporocysts and after leaving the snail,
penetrate tadpoles in which they encyst. Turtles acquire the par-
asite by eating the infected tadpoles (McMullen, 1934).
Schell (1962b) investigated the life cycle of T. bonnerensis.
Embryonated eggs are eaten by the snails, Physa gyrina, P. am-
pu/lacea and P. propinqua in which miracidia hatch. Mother and
daughter sporocysts develop in the snail, the latter producing xi-
phidiocercariae of the armatae group (Fig. 37). After leaving
the snail, the cercariae encyst in other snails, in sphaeriid clams
and in tadpoles of frogs and salamanders. The adult parasite
develops in tadpoles of the long-toed salamander, Ambystoma
macrodactylum, which eats the infected intermediate hosts.
Adult salamanders do not harbor the parasite.

Fig. 532. Protenes angustus. Fig. 533. Telorchis bonnerensis.

cariae leave the snail and then encyst in the pericardial cavity of
Superfamily Microphalloidea Morozov, 1955
sand fleas, Talorchestia longicornis. Adult flukes develop in the
Xiphidiocercariae of the ubiquita, virgulate or microcercous intestine of shore birds such as plovers and sandpipers which
types, develop in sporocysts in prosobranch snails. Metacerca- eat infected sand fleas (Rankin, 1940).
riae usually encyst in arthropods. The life cycle involves two or 3b. Vitelline follicles anterior to testes; testes lobed; mus-
three hosts. cular cirrus absent (Fig. 537). .. .
................ Genus Derytrema Rebecq, 1962
4a. Vitelline follicles confined to forebody, anterior to
Family Microphallidae Travassos, 1920 ceca (Fig. 538). . Genus Plenosoma Ching, 1960
4b. Vitelline follicles in hindbody. .. 5
Body small, pyriform or oval, concave ventrally, spinous; ven-
5a. Vitelline follicles form a ring, encircling testes and
tral sucker posterior to middle of body; two ventral suckers in
uterus (Fig. 539) Genus Maritrema Nicoll, 1907
some genera; pharynx present; ceca short, divergent; testes op-
Key to species in Deblock and Combes (1965).
posite, in hindbody; cirrus sac present or absent; genital atrium
Life cycle: M. laricola - Xiphidiocercariae of the ubi~uita.gro.up
present, sometimes contains pockets or alveoli or has a folded
develop in sporocysts in the marine prosobranch snails, Llttorma
membranous wall; cirrus of the usual eversible type or in the
scutulata and L. sitkana. They encyst in the crabs, Hemigrapsus
form of a muscular bulbous structure; genital atrium opens lat-
oregonensis and H. nudus. Adults developed in gulls in 48 to 72
eral to ventral sucker; ovary anterior to right or left testis; vitelline
hours after feeding metacercariae. The glaucous-winged gull,
follicles usually posterior to testes or in wreathlike design envel-
Larus glaucescens is the natural definitive host (Ching, 1963).
oping gonads and uterus; uterus confined to hindbody; eggs op-
Deblock (1975) reported an abbreviated cycle for M. oocysta.
erculate, nonembryonated; adults parasitic in the intestine of
Ubiquita cercariae (Cercaria oocysta) develop and encyst di-
rectly in the sporocyst in the prosobranch, Hydrobia ulvae. T.he
Life cycles in this family usually involve three hosts, mol-
natural definitive host is the sandpiper, Tringa totanus which
lusc, an arthropod and a vertebrate but in some species there is
probably eats the infected snails.
a tendency for the cycle to be abbreviated or shortened. One
Ching (1978) worked with the marine species, M. megame-
method of abbreviation is by way of elimination of the second in-
trios which uses the beach flea, Orchestia traskiana and the ma-
termediate host. In these species the cercaria encysts directly in
rine isopod, Gnorimosphaeroma oregonense as second inter-
the sporocyst. The infected mollusc is then eaten by the defini-
mediate host. The adult parasitec develops in the gull, Larus
tive host. These cercariae have a short life span and there is no
philadelphia. Ching likewise found the metacercaria of M. gratio-
free-living period. They are without penetration glands, tail and
sum in the barnacle, Balanus glandula and the adult developed
stylet and are nonmotile. They have been designated as "pseu-
in the gOldeneye, Bucephala islandica.
docercariae". The life cycle of Spelotrema pygmaeum follows
Jourdane (1979) reported the life cycle of M. pyrenaica, a par-
this course.
asite of the insectivores Neomys toaiens and Galemys pyrenai-
The most extreme method of abbreviation is evident in a few
ca in France. Cercariae of the ubiquita group develop in daugh-
species that produce "blastocercariae" which are scarcely more
ter sporocysts in the qastropod, Bythinella reyniesii and later
than germinal masses that detach from the wall of the sporocyst,
penetrate and encyst in the amphipod, Gammarus pulex.
remain there and encyst, developing directly to the metacerca-
Life cycles are also known for M. setoenensis and M. mise-
rial stage. Microphallus abortivus goes through this kind of life
nensis (see Bridgman, 1971 and Prevot et aI, 1976).
cycle. In one species the blastocercaria even loses the ability to
5b. Vitelline follicles in lateral clusters in vicinity of
testes 6
In the usual three-host life cycles, the metacercariae tend to
6a. Transverse vitelline ducts long, prominent, pass ante-
be precocial in that they develop gonads and genitalia while in
rior to testes (Fig. 541). . .
the second intermediate host but do not become sexually ma-
....... Genus Longiductotrema Deblock and Heard, 1969
ture. Beyond this condition are those species that are truly pr~-
6b. Transverse vitelline ducts inconspicuous and not
genetic (e.g. Microphallus opacus), becoming sexually mature ~n
passing anterior to testes. 7
the second intermediate host which is an arthropod. Progenetlc
7a. Body elongate; vitelline follicles in narrow lateral
forms can be encysted or not encysted. In Microphallus opacus
bands; ovary and testes lobed (Fig. 540) .
the reproductive organs develop soon after the cerariae pene-
................................. Genus Odhneria Travassos, 1921
trate a crayfish and long betore the cyst membrane is formed.
Life cycle: Odhneria odhneri - Microcercous cercariae develop
Key to Genera in oval sporocysts in the marine prosobranch, Littorina saxatilis.
The cercariae are eaten by the shrimp, Palaemonetes vulgaris
1a. Cirrus sac present, containing seminal vesicle and
in the muscles of which they encyst within thick cyst membranes
prostate gland. 2
and develop to metacercariae. The latter were fed to gulls and
1b. Cirrus sac absent; seminal vesicle and prostate gland
adult parasites recovered. Fourteen species of shore birds have
free in the parenchyma. 11
been reported as host for this parasite (Stunkard, 1979a).
2a. Two ventral suckers present. 3
7b. Body oval or pyriform; vitelline follicles not in lateral
2b. One ventral sucker. 4
bands; ovary and testes usually oval or spherical. . 8
3a. Vitelline follicles posterior to testes; testes oval; mus-
8a. Vitelline follicles restricted to middle third of body,
cular cirrus to right of ventral suckers (Fig. 536) .
confluent dorsal to ceca and cirrus sac; oral sucker
.............................. Genus Gynaecotyla Yamaguti, 1939
with anterior and lateral expansions and distinct mus-
Key to species in Dery (1958).
cle bands (Fig. 543). .. .
Life cycle: G. nassicola - Miracidia hatch and penetrate the ma-
............................. Genus Probolocorphe Otagaki, 1958
rine prosobranch snail, Nassa obsoleta in which xiphidiocerca-
riae of the ubiquita group develop in daughter sporocysts. Cer- (Continued)
Fig. 536. Gynaecotyla sippiwissettensis. Fig. 537. Derytrema riggini. (from Dery, 1958)
(from Rankin, 1939)
Fig. 538. Plenosoma minimum. (from Ching, 1960)

Fig. 539. Maritrema ovatum.

Fig. 541. Longiductotrema f1oridensis.

(from Deblock and Heard, 1969)

Fig. 540. Odhneria fimnodromi.

Fig. 543. Probolocorphe glandulosa.
(from Cable, Connor and
Balling, 1960)

Fig. 542. Androcotyla arenariae. Fig. 544. Maritreminoides nettae, dorsal view.
(from Deblock and Heard, 1970)

Life cycle: P. uca - Cercariae of the ubiquita group develop in 12a. Oral sucker contains pair of ventro-Iateral papillae;
sporocysts in the prosobranch, Cerithidia californica. They muscular post-oral ring present around prepharynx;
emerge from the snail and then encyst in fiddler crabs, Uca ere- female pouch absent (Fig. 546). .. .
nu/ata, entering by way of the gills. Cysts were found in the gill ...... Genus Heard/evinseniella Stiles and Hassall, 1901
tissue, base of the eyestalks and in the pericardial sinus. The 12b. Oral sucker without papillae; post-oral ring absent;
species is known only from the metacercaria which is precocial male pockets well developed; female pouch usually
but not progenetic. The definitive host is unknown (Sarkisian, present (Fig. 547). .. .
1957). ............... Genus Levinseniella Stiles and Hassall, 1901
8b. Vitelline follicles in clusters around testes; oral suck- 13a. Genital atrium very small; male copulatory organ
er round, without muscular bands. 9 small; parasitic in Intestine of freshwater fishes (Fig.
9a. Esophagus about five times as long as pharynx; geni- 548). Genus Microphallus Ward, 1901
tal atrium large, with muscle fibers in wall and con- Life cycle: M. opacus - Ubiquita xiphidiocercariae develop in
tains three male papillae (Fig. 542). . . daughter sporocysts in the prosobranch snail, Amnico/a limosa.
............... Genus Androcoty/a Deblock and Heard, 1970 After emerging from the snail, the cercariae enter crayfish, Cem-
9b. Esophagus about as long as pharynx; genital atrium barus propinquis and undergo considerable development to the
without papillae and muscle fibers. 10 metacercarial stage before encystment occurs. Some rnetacer-
10a. Genital atrium large, spinous; cirrus sac long, ante- cariae developed to sexual maturity in the crayfish, releasing
rior to ventral sucker (Fig. 544) . eggs within the cyst membrane. Adults of this species have
............................ Genus Maritreminoides Rankin, 1939 been reported from seven species of fish, two species of turtles
Life cycle: M. obstipus - About 35 days are required for devel- and also from two mammalian hosts (Caveny and Etges, 1971).
opment of the miracidium after eggs are released. Eggs are eat- The life cycle of M. bittii was reported by Prevot (1972). The
en by the freshwater prosobranch snail, Amnicola pi/sburyi in cercaria is of the ubiquita type and develops in sporocysts in the
which xiphidiocercariae (not the ubiquita type) develop in sporo- prosobranch snail, Bittium reticu/atum. They encyst in the ap-
cysts. Cercariae encyst in the hemocoel of aquatic freshwater pendages of the crab, Carcinus maenas. Gulis serve as defini·
isopods, Asellus communis which are eaten by ducks which tive host.
serve as definitive host (Etges, 1953). Deblock (1974) studied the life cycle of M. abortivus which
10b. Genital atrium small, nonspinous; cirrus sac dorsal to passes through an abbreviated cycle by producing blastocerca-
ventral sucker, transverse (Fig. 545). . . riae in sporocysts in the marine prosobranch, Hydrobia ulvae.
.................... Genus Pseudospelotrema Yamaguti, 1939 These cercariae are without a tail, stylet, penetration glands and
11a. Genital atrium contains male pockets (alveoli), with or excretory system. They encyst in the sporocyst where they de-
without denticles or teeth. 12 velop directly to the metacercarial stage. Snails containing these
11b. Genital atrium large or small, without male pockets or metacercariae were fed to domestic ducklings and the adult per-
denticles. 13 asites were recovered 72 hours later.
Fig. 547. Levinseniella propinqua.
Fig. 546. HeardJevinsenieJ/a byrdi. (from Heard, 1968) (from Rankin, 1939)
Fig. 545. PseudospeJotrema ammospizae.
(from Hunter and Vernberg, 1953)

Fig. 549. Ascorhytis charadriformis.

(from Ching, 1965)

Fig. 550. Atriophallophorus minuta.

Fig. 548. Microphallus opacus.

Jourdane (1977) studied the life cycle of M. gracilis, an intesti- branchs, Littorina saxatilis, L. littoralis and L. scutu/ata. The cer-
nal parasite of the insectivore, Neomys fodiens in France. The cariae have a rudimentary tail, pharynx and oral sucker. The re-
host snail is Bythinella reyniesii in which ubiquita cercariae de- mainder of the digestive system is absent as is the stylet and
velop in daughter sporocysts. They encyst in the appendages of penetration glands. They are nonmotile and remain in the sporo-
the amphipod, Gammarus pulex. The adults are protandrous cysts where they develop to the metacercarial stage without en-
hermaphrodites. cysting. The adult fluke develops in domestic ducklings and in
13b. Genital atrium large, cirrus a large muscular, bulbous young herring gulls in two or three days after eating infected
organ; parasitic in birds and/or mammals •............ 14 snails. Natural definitive hosts are herring gull, Larus argentatus
14a. Male copulatory pouch with muscular folds; female and rock pipit, Anthus spino/etta (see Belopolskaia, 1949;
pouch pyriform and provided with numerous gland Ching, 1962; James, 1968).
cells (Fig. 549). Genus Ascorhytis Ching, 1965 Cable and Hunninen (1940) reported the life cycle of S. nicolli.
Ufe cycle: A. charadriformis - Xiphidiocercariae of the ubiquita Ubiquita cercariae develop in sporocysts in the marine gastro-
group develop in oval sporocysts in Littorina scutu/ata. They en- pod, Bittium alternatum. They encyst in the tissues of blue crab,
cyst in crabs, Hemigrapsus oregonensis and H. nudus, even- Callinectes sapidus and develop to infective metacercariae
tually developing to the metacercarial stage. Experimental infec- which eventually developed to adults when fed to herring gulls.
tions were established in mice, ducklings, chicks, goldfish, frogs The cercariae have two distinct kinds of glands with different
and young gulls to which metacercariae were fed. The natural staining characteristics.
definitive hosts are the gull, Larus g/aucescens and the charadri- 16b. Genital atrium contains fleshy trilobed male copulato-
forme birds Limosa fedoa and Catoptrophorus inornatus. Meta- ry organ; vitelline follicles overlap testes; parasitic in
cercariae maintained in seawater at 35 C for 24 hours produced intestine of birds and mammals (Fig. 552). . .
eggs (Ching, 1962). . Genus Carneophallus Cable and Kuns, 1951
14b. Muscular, male copulatory organ present in genital Note: Most species originally assigned to this genus have been
atrium 15 shifted to the genera Microphallus and Spe/otrema but their sta-
15a. Genital atrium large, contains conical cirrus; seminal tus is still somewhat uncertain.
receptacle present; parasitic in the intestine of birds Ufe cycle: C. choanophallus - Xiphidiocercariae of the ubiquita
. (Fig. 550). . . group develop in daughter sporocysts in the prosobranch, Ly-
....... Genus Atriophallophorus Deblock and Rose, 1964 rodes parvu/a. They encyst in the abdomen and cephalothorax
Ufe cycle: A. minutus (Syn. Levinseniella m.) - Embryonated of shrimp of the genera Pa/aemonetes and Macrobrachium.
eggs were fed to the prosobranch snail, Hydrobia minuta in Natural definitive hosts are raccoon and the black rat, Rattus rat-
which somewhat degenerate, monostomate, tailless cercariae tus (see Bridgman, 1969).
(blastocercariae) developed in sporocysts and encysted directly Velasquez (1975) investigated the life cycle of C. brevicaeca
in the sporocysts. The adult parasite developed in one to three which also uses shrimp as second intermediate host.
days in mice that were fed metacercariae (Stunkard, 1958). The blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, has been involved as sec-
15b. Genital atrium large, contains bulbous muscular cir- ond host for some species, the cercariae encysting in the ner-
rus; seminal receptacle absent. .. 16 vous system, causing death of the crustaceans.
16a. Genital atrium contains bulbous cirrus without lobes C. brevicaeca has been reported as the cause of fatal involve-
(Fig. 551). . Genus Spe/otrema Jagerskiold. 1901 ment of heart and spinal cord of human beings in the Philippine
Lite cvcie: S. pygmaeum - Pseudocercariae (cercene littonnee Islands where infected crustaceans are eaten raw or under-
rudis) develop in daughter sporocysts in the marine proso- cooked (Africa and Garcia, 1935).

Fig. 551 b. cross section

through genital atrium.

Fig. 551a. Spelotremapygmaeum. Fig. 552. Carneophallus trilobatus.

Family Lecithodendriidae Odhner, 1910 8b. Cirrus sac present, curved, confined to hindbody;
ovary oval, anterior to right testis; parasitic in bats
Body oval or pyriform, spinous; ventral sucker usually in mid-
(Fig. 561) Genus Gyrabascus Macy, 1935
dle of body; pharynx present; ceca variable in length; testes op-
9a. Testes in hindbody 10
posite; cirrus sac present; genital pore median, submedian or
9b. Testes in forebody or lateral to ventral sucker 14
marginal; ovary pre- inter- or posttesticular; vitelline follicles in
lOa. Body truncate posteriorly; genital pore ventral to left
lateral clusters in forebody, rarely in hindbody; uterus fills most
cecum; cirrus sac transverse; vitelline follicles lateral
of hindbody, rarely extends into forebody; eggs operculate, em-
to cecal bifurcation; parasitic in frogs (Fig. 560) .
bryonated; parasitic in digestive tract of amphibians, birds or
.. Genus Langeronia Caballero and Bravo-Hollis, 1949
mammals (bats). Several species have been found in human
lOb. Body rounded or conical posteriorly; cirrus sac not
beings and other primates in the Far East.
transverse. ............................................................... 11
Key to Genera lla. Vitelline follicles confluent across forebody; ceca
long, arched anteriorly; ovary round, anterior to right
1a. Genital pore on right or left margin of body. 2
testis; parasitic in birds (Fig. 562). Genus
lb. Genital pore not on margin of body 3
.......... Ornithodendrium Oshmarin and Dotsenko, 1951
2a. Cirrus sac and marginal genital pore in hind body;
11b. Vitelline follicles in distinct lateral clusters, not con-
uterus confined to hindbody; testes posterior to ven-
fluent; ceca long or short. 12
tral sucker; metraterm weakly developed (Fig. 553). ..
12a. Ceca long, inflated; ovary lobed, dorsal to ventral
....................................... Genus Macyel/a Neiland, 1951
sucker; uterine folds extend into forebody; parasitic in
2b. Cirrus sac and marginal genital pore in forebody;
bile duct of frogs (Fig. 564). . .
some uterine folds in forebody; testes lateral to ven-
.................................... Genus Loxogenoides Kaw, 1945
tral sucker; metraterm well developed (Fig. 554). . .
.................... Genus Pseudosonsinotrema Dollfus, 1951 Life cycle: L. bicotor - Virgulate cercariae (Cercaria nyxtica) de-
3a. Genital pore on dorsal surface of body. . 4 velop in daughter sporocysts in the freshwater prosobranch, Go-
3b. Genital pore on ventral surface of body. 5 niobasis depygis. Cercariae emerge and then encyst in naiads
4a. Genital pore dorsal and to left of oral sucker; ovary of dragon- and mayflies. Metacercariae 40 days old were fed to
oval, submedian, close to ventral sucker; parasitic in frogs but without success (Seitner, 1945).
intestine of salamanders (Fig. 555). . . 12b. Ceca short or halflong, not inflated 13
............ Genus Cepha/outerina Senger and Macy, 1953 13a. Body pyriform; ceca extend to testes; parasitic in
Life cycle: C. dicamptodoni - Xiphidiocercariae develop in birds (Fig. 563). Genus Mosesia Travassos, 1921
daughter sporocysts in the prosobranch snail, 8ythinel/a hemp- Key to species in Khotenovski (1967).
hilli. After leaving the snail, they encyst in nymphs of the stone- Life cycle: M. chordeilesia - Virgulate xiphidiocercariae (Fig.
fly, Acroneuria californica. The natural definitive host is Pacific 35) develop in sporocysts in the freshwater prosobranch snails,
giant salamander, Dicamptodon ensatus and the tailed frog, Goniobasis livescens and P/eurocera acuta. The cercariae en-
Asc'aphus truei. Experimental infections were established in cyst in the hemocoel of mayfly nymphs. The adult fluke develops
Rana aurora after feeding metacercariae (Anderson, Martin and in the intestine of nighthawks (Hall, 1959).
Pratt, 1966). 13b. Body fusiform; ceca extend only to level of ventral
4b. Genital pore dorsal and extracecal; ovary lobed, me- sucker; parasitic in bats (Fig. 565). . .
dian, in forebody; adults encysted in wall of duode- ................................ Genus Tremajoannes Saoud, 1964
num and stomach offrogs (Fig. 556). . . 14a. Testes in forebody; ceca very short and divergent; vi-
.................................. Genus Loxogenes Stafford, 1905 telline follicles in clusters lateral to oral sucker and
Life cycle: L. arcanum - Metacercariae of this species have been pharynx; some uterine folds in forebody; parasitic in
found encysted in the muscles of nine species of dragonfly frogs (Fig. 567)..... Genus Prosthopycoides Martin, 1966
naiads which are eaten by frogs (Crawford, 1938). Life cycle: P. /ynchi - Microcercous xiphidiocercariae develop in
Sa. Genital pore posterior or lateral to ventral sucker. . 6 rediae (?) in the prosobranch snail, 8ythinel/a hemphi/li. Cerca-
5b. Genital pore anterior to ventral sucker. . 9 riae penetrate and encyst in the fatbody of the stonefly larvae,
6a. Genital pore and cirrus sac to right or left of ventral Acroneuria californica. Metacercariae were fed to frogs and the
sucker; vitelline follicles in clusters at ends of short adult flukes recovered. Some progenetic adults were found in
ceca (Fig. 558). .... Genus Limatu/um Travassos, 1921 the second intermediate host. Rana aurora is the normal defini-
6b. Genital pore posterior to ventral sucker 7 tive host (Martin, G.w., 1966).
7a. Testes lateral to ventral sucker; ovary deeply lobed, 14b. Testes lateral to ventral sucker; parasitic in bats .. 15
some distance anterior to ventral sucker (Fig. 557). ... 15a. Vitelline follicles confined to lateral regions of hind-
..................... Genus Metoliophilus Macy and Bell, 1968 body, posterior to testes; ovary usually in hindbody
(Fig. 566). Genus Lecithodendrium Looss, 1896
Life cycle: M. uvaticus - Adults were recovered from the intestine
15b. Vitelline follicles confined to fore body . 16
of baby chicks five days after feeding metacercariae from
16a. Vitelline follicles in clusters lateral to ceca, not lateral
nymphs of stonefly, Acroneuria pacifica. The water ouzel, Cin-
to oral sucker and pharynx. 17
e/us mexican us unicotot is the natural definitive host (Macy and
16b. Vitelline follicles in clusters lateral to oral sucker,
Bell, 1968b).
pharynx, or anterior to ceca. 19
7b. Testes in hindbody; ovary dorsal to ventral sucker or
17a. Genital atrium spinous (Fig. 568). . .
anterior to right testis. 8
................................... Genus Acanthatrium Faust, 1919
8a. Cirrus sac absent; ovary lobed, dorsal to ventral
Key to species in Williams (1960).
sucker; Parasitic in intestine of birds (Fig. 559). . .
............. Genus Echinuscodendrium Skarbilovich, 1943 (Continued)
Fig. 554. Pseudosonsinotrema catesbeianae.
(from Christian, 1971).

Fig. 553. Macyel/a postgonoporus.

Fig. 555. Cephalouterina dicamptodoni.

Fig. 557. Metoiiophilus uvaticus.

Fig. 556. Loxogenes arcanum. Fig. 558. Limatulum oklahomiensis.

Fig. 559. Echinuscodendrium echinus. Fig. 560. Langeronia parva. (from Christian, 1970) Fig. 561. Gyrabascus brevigastrus.
Fig. 562. Ornithodendrium imanensis.
Fig. 564. Loxogenoides bicolor.

Fig. 563. Mosesia chordei/esia.

Fig. 565. Tremajoannes buckleyi.

Fig. 566. Lecithodendrium breckenridgei. Fig. 567. Prosthopycoides Iynchi.
(from Cain, 1966)
(from Martin, G.w., 1966)

Fig. 568. Acanthatrium micracanthium. Fig. 569. Paralecithodendrium carlsbadense. (from Cain, 1966)

Life cycle: A. oregonense - Virgulate xiphidiocercariae develop .......................... Genus Prosthodendrium Dollfus, 1931
in sporocysts in the prosobranch snail, Oxytrema silicula. They Life cycle: P. pyramidum - Virgulate xiphidiocercariae develop in
penetrate caddisfly larvae, enter the hemocoel but do not en- sporocysts in the snail, Melania tuberculata. The cercariae are
cyst. Bats become infected by eating the infected caddisflies thought to be eaten by anopheline mosquito larvae in which
(Knight and Pratt, 1955; Burns, 1961a). they encyst. The adult parasite develops in the intestine of bats
Etges (1960) studied the life cycle of A. anoplocami. Virgulate which probably eat the adult mosquitos (Abdel-Azim, 1936).
cercariae develop in sporocysts in the prosobranch snail, Ano- 19a. Oral sucker with muscular ventrolateral papillae; cir-
plocamus dilatatus. They penetrate nymphs of the mayfly, Hex- rus sac oval and arcuate; ovary angular (Fig. 571) .
agenia bilineata but do not encyst until after the nymphs meta- ........................................... Genus Ototrema Font, 1978
morphose to the adult stage. Mice were infected by feeding 19b. Oral sucker without muscular papillae. 20
encysted metacercariae in adult mayflies. The natural definitive 20a. Body round; ovary lobed; cirrus sac oval; pseudogo-
host is unknown. notyl present near ventral sucker (Fig. 572). . .
17b. Genital atrium nonspinous. . 18 ...................... Genus Ochoterenatrema Caballero, 1943
18a. Ovary lobed, anterior to right testis; cirrus sac round 20b. Body oval; ovary oval or triangular; cirrus sac folded;
(Fig. 569). .. Genus Paralecithodendrium Odhner, 1910 pseudogonotyl absent (Fig. 573). . .
18b. Ovary round or oval, between testes; cirrus sac oval, ..................................... Genus Glyptoporus Macy, 1936
In forebody (Fig. 570). . .

Fig. 570. Prosthodendrium naviculum.

Fig. 571. Ototrema schildti. Fig. 572. Ochoterenatrema labda. (from Cain, 1966).
(from Font, 1978).

Fig. 573. Glyptoporus noctophilus, dorsal view. (from Macy, 1936).

1b. Intestinal ceca long, extend beyond ventral sucker; vi-
Family Allassogonoporidae Odening, 1964
telline follicles confined to forebody 2
Body flat, pyriform or oval; suckers about equal; ventral suck- 2a. Body pyriform; genital pore on lateral margin of hind-
er near middle of body; ceca arcuate, long or halflong; testes op- body; vitelline follicles confluent across fore body
posite, in hindbody; cirrus sac absent; seminal vesicle free in (Fig. 575). Genus Allassogonoporus Olivier, 1938
parenchyma; genital pore on right or left margin of body; ovary
Life cycle: A. vespertilionis - Virgulate xiphidiocercariae (Fig.
anterior to right or left testis; vitelline follicles in clusters lateral to
35) develop in sporocysts in the prosobranch snail, Fluminicola
ceca, usually in forebody; uterus confined to hind body; eggs op-
virens. The cercariae creep on the substrate and upon contact-
erculate, nonembryonated; excretory vesicle tubular; parasitic in
ing a caddisfly larva they penetrate the gills and encyst. Meta-
intestine of mammals, especially bats. cercariae are infective in about one week. The adult parasite de-
Key to Genera velops in the intestine of bats which eat the infected caddisflies
(Knight and Pratt, 1955; Burns, 1961 b).
1a. Intestinal ceca extend only as far as ventral sucker;
vitelline follicles lateral to ventral sucker (Fig. 574). ... 2b. Body oval, anterior end conical; genital pore marginal,
............. Genus Cephalophallus Macy and Moore, 1954 lateral to ventral sucker; vitelline follicles not con-
Life cycle: C. obscurus - Virgulate xiphidiocercariae (Fig. 35) fluent; parasitic in bats (Fig. 576). .. .
develop in sporocysts in the prosobranch snail, Fluminicola vi-
....................................... Genus Myotitrema Macy, 1939
rens and encyst in the muscles of crayfish, Astacus trowbridgii.
The adult parasite develops in the small intestine of mink which
eat the infected crayfish (Macy and Moore, 1954).

Fig. 575. Allassogonoporus marginaiis.

Fig. 574. Cephalophallus obscurus. Fig. 576. Myotitrema assymetricum.

Family Stomylotrematidae Poche, 1926 Family Laterotrematidae Yamaguti, 1958
Body small (2 to 3mm), oval, nonspinous; suckers very large Body small (1 to 2mm); suckers well developed, in anterior
for size of body; ventral sucker in posterior third of body; pharynx half of body; pharynx present; intestinal ceca variable in length;
present; ceca long; testes opposite, in forebody; cirrus sac testes opposite, in middle of hindbody; cirrus sac transverse, in
oblique, dextral, in forebody; genital pore marginal, at level of forebody; genital pore on left margin of body; ovary anterior to
pharynx; ovary anterior to left testis; vitelline follicles few, lateral right testis, usually in forebody; vitelline follicles in clusters in an-
to ceca; uterine folds surround ventral sucker; parasitic in large terio-Iateral regions of body, confined to forebody; uterus fills
intestine and cloaca of birds. most of hindbody, much of it posttesticular; parasitic in digestive
The family contains only the genus Stomy/otrema Looss, tract of song birds.
1900 which is represented in North America by two species (Fig. The genus Laterotrema Semenow, 1928 is represented in
577,578). North America by two species (Fig. 579).
Life cycle: S. vicarium - Metacercarie were found encysted in the Key to species in Macy and Strong (1967).
hemocoel of the diving beetle, Megadytes g/auca. Some were
fed to day-old chicks and to a lapwing, Be/onopterus cayennen-
sis and the adult parasites recovered four to seven days later.
Both the metacercaria and the adult have the ventral sucker
close to the posterior end of the body. In addition, the main ducts
of the excretory system have lateral branches and flame cells
are abundant. Very young metacercariae have a stylet which is
shed. It is assumed that a virgulate cercaria in the prosobranch,
Ampul/aria canalicu/ata is the larva of this parasite (Ostrowski
de Nunez, 1978).

Fig. 579. Laterotrema americanum.

Fig. 577. SJomylotrema gratiosum.

(from Lumsden and Zischke, 1963).

Fig. 578. Stomylotrema vicarium.

Superfamily Dicrocoelioidea Faust, 1929 4b. Vitelline follicles numerous, distributed over about
half of body length. 6
Miracidia have one pair flame cells. Xiphidiocercariae with ei- 5a. Testes and ovary small, oval; parasitic in mammals
ther a long or short tail develop in daughter sporocysts in terres- (Fig. 582). Genus Concinnum Bhalerao, 1936
trial snails; cercariae encyst in terrestrial arthropods. Flame cell
Life cycle: C. procyonis - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the
formula of cercaria is 2 [(2 + 2 + 2) + (2 + 2 + 2)]. Life cycle in-
land snail, Mesodon thyroideus in which microcercous xiphidio-
volves three hosts.
cercariae develop in daughter sporocysts. The latter are ex-
pelled through the spiracle and lodge on vegetation. A second
intermediate host has not been found for this species but some
Family Dicrocoeliidae Odhner, 1910 arthropod is thought to be involved. The adult fluke develops in
Body filiform, elongate or fusiform, translucent; ventral sucker the pancreatic duct of raccoon (Denton, 1944).
in anterior fourth of body, vestigial or absent in a few genera; 5b. Testes and ovary large, lobed; parasitic in birds and
pharynx present; ceca long, single cecum in some species of mammals (Fig. 583). .. .
genus Lutztrema; testes tandem, oblique or opposite, in hindbo- ............................... Genus P/atynosomum Looss, 1907
dy; cirrus sac close to ventral sucker; genital pore median, ante- Key to species in Ku (1957).
rior to ventral sucker; ovary posttesticular; vitelline follicles lat- Life cycle: P. fastosum - Microcercous xiphidiocercariae develop
eral to ceca, usually restricted to middle third of hindbody, only in sporocysts in the terrestrial snail, Subulina octona. The sporo-
on one side of body in genus Athesmia; uterus fills most of hind- cysts leave the snail and are eaten by terrestrial isopods in
body; eggs operculate, embryonated; parasitic in gall bladder, which the metacercariae develops. Obligatory third intermediate
pancreatic, hepatic or bile duct of reptiles, birds and mammals. hosts such as lizards and frogs also seem to be involved. Natu-
This family can be divided into two groups on the basis of the ral definitive hosts are cat, opossum, house mouse and skunk
type of cercaria produced. Some species produce leptocercous which eat the infected third intermediate hosts (Maldonado,
xiphidiocercariae which leave the snail in slime balls. The sec- 1945b; Eckerlin and Leigh, 1962).
ond type of cercaria is microcercous. They remain in the spore- 6a. Ventral sucker larger than oral sucker; body narrowly
cysts which in turn is expelled from the snail in a mass of mucus. fusiform (Fig. 584). .. .
.............................. Genus Conspicuum Bhalerao, 1936
Key to Genera
Life cycle: C. icteridorum - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the
1a. Testes opposite 2 terrestrial snail, Zonitoides arboreus and by the slug, Deroceras
1b. Testes tandem or oblique. .. 7 /aeve in which microcercous xiphidiocercariae develop in
2a. Ventral sucker at least twice as large as oral sucker; daughter sporocysts. The latter are expelled through the spira-
body lanceolate, widest at level of testes (Fig. 580). ... cle of the snail and are later eaten by the terrestrial isopods,
................................ Genus Zonorchis Travassos, 1944 Oniscus asel/us and Armadillium quadrifrons, in the digestive
tract of which the cercariae are liberated. They penetrate the in-
Life cycle: Z. petio/atum (= Dicrocoelioides p.) - Embryonated
testinal wall and encyst. The adult parasite develops in the gall
eggs are eaten by the terrestrial snail, Helicel/a arenosa in which
bladder of grackles, blackbirds and meadowlarks which feed on
the miracidium hatches. Mother and daughter sporocysts devel-
the infected isopods (Patten, 1952).
op, the latter producing microcercous xiphidiocercariae. The
6b. Suckers of equal size; body broadly fusiform (Fig.)
daughter sporocysts, each containing several cercariae, are ex-
585) Genus LubensTravassos, 1920
pelled from the snail by way of the pneumostome, each sporo-
7a. Vitelline follicles unilateral; testes lobed; parasitic in
cyst enveloped in a mass of mucus. A thick endocyst membrane
birds and mammals (Fig. 586). .. .
then forms beneath the sporocyst wall. The endocyst probably
........................................ Genus Athesmia Looss, 1899
provides extra protection for the cercariae during this free-living
Key to species in Mcintosh (1937) and in Skriabin (1964).
period. These sporocysts are eaten by terrestrial isopods, Arma-
7b. Vitelline follicles bilateral; testes usually not lobed ....8
dillo officinalis and Armadillidium vulgare in which the cercariae
8a. One Intestinal cecum present; body lanceolate; para-
then develop to infective metacercariae in about two months.
sitic In birds (Fig. 587). .. .
Passerine birds eat infected isopods and acquire the parasite.
................................ Genus Lutztrema Travassos, 1941
Passer domesticus, the European tree sparrow is the natural
definitive host (Timon-David, 1960). Life cycle: L. monenteron - Embryonated eggs were fed to lab-
oratory-reared specimens of the terrestrial snail, AI/ogona pty-
2b. Suckers equal or ventral sucker only slightly larger
chophora. Long-tailed xiphidiocercariae left the snail in slime
than oral sucker. 3
balls 148 days later. Four other genera and species of snails
3a. Ceca Inflated, sinuous; parasite of reptiles and birds
were also found to serve as first intermediate hosts for this para-
(Fig. 581) Genus Paradistomum Kossack, 1910
site (Carney, 1966).
Life cycle: P. mutabile - Microcercous xiphidiocercariae develop 8b. Two ceca present. 9
in daughter sporocysts in Helicel/a arenosa. This mollusc is not 9a. Body fusiform, widest at middle; testes Irregular in
the natural host for this species. A second intermediate host has shape; vitelline follicles restricted to short lateral
not been found but the author suggests it might be a terrestrial zone near middle of body; parasitic in birds and mam-
anthropod. The definitive host is the lizard, Lacerta muralis (see mals (Fig. 588). ... Genus Dicrocoelium Dujardln, 1845
Timon-David and Timon-David, 1967). Key to species in Macy (1931) and in Skrjabin (1964).
3b. Ceca narrow and straight. 4 Life cycle: D. dendriticum - Embryonated eggs in the feces of the
host are eaten by the terrestrial snail, Cionel/a /ubrica. Miracidia
4a. Vitelline follicles few, restricted to small lateral clus-
hatch in the snail intestine and penetrate the intestinal wall. Xi-
ters In midbody region, extending over about one-fifth
of body length. 5 (Continued)
Fig. 583. Platynosomum fastosum.

Fig. 581. Paradistomum passerculum. Fig. 582. Concinnum burleighi.

Fig. 580. Zonorchis petiolatum.

Fig. 584. Conspicuum macrorchis.

Fig. 585. Lubens lubens. Fig. 586. Athesmiajolliei.
Fig. 589. Lyperosomum oswaldi.

Fig. 588. Dicrocoelium dendriticum.

Fig. 587. Lutztrema monenteron.

Fig. 590. Allocorrigia filiformis. (from Turner and Corkum, 1977) Fig. 591. Corrigia obscura. Fig. 592. Brachylecithum mosquensis.
(from Daniels and Freeman)

llhidiocercariae with a long tail (Cercaria vitrina) develop in Superfamily Renicoloidea LaRue, 1957
daughter sporocysts. As the cercariae leave the sporocysts, the
Family Renicolidae Dollfus, 1939
snail secretes mucus around masses of several hundred cerca-
rie to form so-called "slime balls" which are expelled by way of Body rounded anteriorly, conical at posterior end, spinous:
the spiracle of the snail. Slime balls are eaten by ants, Formica ventral sucker vestigial or absent; pharynx small; ceca extend to
fusca in which cercariae encyst and develop to metacercariae. middle of body; testes opposite or oblique, in posterior fourth of
Encystment is commonly in the brain of the ants, causing abnor- body; cirrus sac absent; seminal vesicle free in parenchyma;
mal behavior and probably making them easier prey for the de- genital atrium and genital pore median, in anterior half of body;
finitive host. Infected ants are eaten by herbivorous mammals ovary anterior to right or left testis; vitelline follicles in lateral
such as sheep, goats, cattle, pig, deer, marmot and rabbit. Meta- clusters in middle third or posterior third of body; uterus fills most
cercariae excyst, then go to the liver by way of the bile duct. De- of body anterior to gonads; eggs operculate, embryonated; ex-
velopment to sexual maturity requires six to seven weeks (Krull cretory vesicle V-shaped, the main ducts extend forward as far
and Mapes 1952, 1953; Mapes 1952, 1953; Mapes, 1951; as the oral sucker, contain many lateral branches and join sides
Mapes and Krull, 1951; Romig, Lucius and Frank, 1980). of the vesicle; parasitic in the kidneys and ureters of birds.
The family contains only the genus Renicola Cohn, 1904
9b. Body lanceolate or filiform; testes oval. .. 10
which is represented in North America by at least two species
10a. Body filiform (Fig. 589). 11
(Fig. 593). Three different cercariae have been associated with
10b. Body lanceolate (Fig. 592). 12
this family. Leptocercous xiphidiocercariae which develop in
11a. Vitelline follicles small, abundant, some follicles ante-
sporocysts in marine prosobranchs and encyst in marine lamelli-
rior to ovary; parasitic in birds and mammals (Fig.
branchs are known to be the larval stage of one species of Reni-
589) Genus Lyperosomum looss, 1899
Life cycle: Lyperosomum sp. - Embryonated eggs are eaten by Nonstyleted gymnocephalous and rhodometopa cercariae
the land snails Polygyra texasiana and Practicol/ela berlandie- are also involved in renicolid life cycles. Both of these develop in
riana. Xiphidiocercariae of the armatae group develop in daugh- sporocysts in marine prosobranchs. Experimental evidence is
ter sporocysts. Cercariae leave the snail in slime balls which are still lacking for linkage of "typical" rhodometopa cercariae (Fig.
eaten by the chrysomelid beetle, Gastroidia cyanea. Devel- 46) to this family but Prevot and Bartoli (1978) have reported a
opment to the cercarial stage requires about 100 days. Normal similar cercaria as being the larva of Renicola lari (see below).
definitive hosts are meadowlark and bronzed grackles which Life cycle: R. thaidus - Xiphidiocercariae develop in daughter
feed upon the infected beetles (Denton, 1941). sporocysts in the marine prosobranch snail, Thais lapillus. Cer-
11b. Vitelline follicles dendritic, no follicles anterior to cariae encyst in the marine lamellibranchs, Myti/us edulis, Pec-
ovary; parasitic (progenetic) in antennal glands of ten irradians and Gemma gemma. The adult parasite develops
crayfish (Fig. 590). .. . in the herring gull, Larus argentatus which eats the infected mol-
............... Genus AI/ocorrigia Turner and Corkum, 19n luscs (Stunkard, 1964b).
12a. Body widest at level of testes; testes small, spherical; Werding (1969) investigated the life cycle of R. roscovita in
ceca somewhat sinuous; parasitic in pancreatic duct of Europe. This species uses the marine snail, Littorina littorea as
black ducks (Fig. 591). . . first intermediate host, Myti/us edulis as second host and Larus
......................................... Genus Corrigia Shtrom,1940 argentatus as definitive host. R. roscovita and R. thaidus might
Life cycle: C. corrigia - Microcercous xiphidiocercariae develop possibly be synonyms.
in daughter sporocysts in the terrestrial snail, Jaminia potaninia- The life cycle of R. cerithidicola was studied by Martin (1971).
na. The cercariae penetrate and encyst in the crustaceans Nonstyleted gymnocephalous cercariae develop in the marine
Hemi/epistus fetschenkoi (natural infection) and Orthometopon prosobranch snail, Cerithidea ceutotruce in yellow sausage-
planum (experimental infection) where they develop to the shaped sporocysts. They encyst in the gills of killifish, Fundulus
metacercarial stage. Adults developed in about 75 days in Alec- parvipinnis. Lamellibranch molluscs could not be infected byex-
toris gracea after feeding infected crustaceans. This work was posing them to cercariae of this species.
done in Kazakhstan by Panin and Romanenko (1978). Prevot and Bartoli (1978) reported the life cycle of R. lari, a
12b. Body widest at level of ventral sucker; testes large, kidney parasite of Larus argentatus and L. ridibundus. The ma-
oval; ceca straight; parasitic in liver, bile duct and gall rine prosobranchs, Cerithium rupestre and C. mediterraneum
bladder of birds and mammals (Fig. 592). . . serve as first intermediate host. The cercaria is large and has a
................... Genus Brachylecithum Shtrom, 1940 much branched excretory vesicle like that of the rhodometopa
cercaria but the flame cells are in groups of three instead of five
Life cycle: B. mosquensis - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the and there are no finfolds on the tail. Marine fishes, Atherina
terrestrial snail, AI/ogona ptychophora, in which miracidia hatch, boyera and A. hepsetus serve as second intermediate host, the
penetrate the intestinal wall, then migrate to the digestive gland metacercariae being encysted in the livers.
where mother and daughter sporocysts develop. Xiphidiocerca-
riae with a long tail develop in the daughter sporocysts and
leave the snail in slime balls which are then eaten by carpenter
ants of the genus Camponotus in which the metacercaria then
develops. Encysted metacercariae have been found in the brain
of the ants and are believed to alter their behavior so as to in-
crease their chances for predation by the definitive host which in
this case is the robin (Carney 1967, 1969, 1970).
Carney (1972 and 1974) studied the life cycles of B. myadestis
and B. stunkardi and found them to be similar to the above spe-
cles, Denton (1945) investigated the life cycle of B. americanum.
Suborder Eucotylata Odening, 1961
Superfamily Eucotyloidea Odening, 1961
Miracidia have one pair of flame cells. Cercariae tailless (cer-
cariaea) or tail rudimentary; stylet absent; cystogenous and pen-
etration glands present; excretory system mesostomate, vesicle
tubular and thin-walled; cercariae develop in daughter sporo-
cysts in terrestrial snails and encyst in the sporocysts.
Life cycle involves two hosts.

Family Eucotylidae Skrjabin, 1924

Body elongate, sides parallel, anterior end rounded or in form
of a triangular head collar, cuticle spinous or scaly; ventral suck-
er vestigial or absent; pharynx small; ceca long, either end blind-
ly or fuse to form cyclocoel; testes opposite or oblique; cirrus sac
present or absent: ovary pretesticular, lobed; vitelline follicles
lateral to ceca, variable in extent; uterus mostly intercecal; eggs
operculate, embryonated, may be triangular in cross section;
parasitic in kidneys and ureters of birds.
Key to Genera
1a. TriangUlar head collar at anterior end of body; testes
opposite; ceca blind posteriorly (Fig. 594). . .
........................................... Genus Eucoty/e Cohn, 1904
Key to species in Schell (1967a).
1b. Anterior end of body rounded; testes oblique; ceca
fused to form cyclocoel (Fig. 595). . . Fig. 593. Renicola thaidus .
...................................... Genus Tanaisia Skrjabin, 1924
Key to species in Byrd and Denton (1950).
Life cycle: T. bragai - Embryonated eggs in feces of the host are
eaten by the terrestrial snail, Subulina octona, in which cerca-
riae with a rudimentary tail develop in sporocysts in which they
encyst. The definitive host becomes infected by eating the in-
fected snails. Development to sexual maturity takes place in the
kidneys of pigeons, chickens, turkeys, grackles and oven-birds.
Excysted metacercariae migrate to the kidneys by way of the
cloaca and ureters. Metacercariae have a ventral sucker but it
atrophies by the time the mature adult develops (Maldonado,
The life cycle of T. zarudnyi was studied by Kingston (1965)
and by Ahmad and Gabrion (1975) in Canada and France re-
spectively. Different species of hosts were involved in the two lo-
calities. Otherwise the cycle resembles that of T. bragai.

Fig. 594. Eucoty/e wehri. Fig. 595. Tanaisia fedtschenkoi.

Suborder Zoogonata Odening, 1961 Koie (1976) investigated the life cycle of Z. viviparus which
uses the prosobranch snail, Buccinum undatum for production
Superfamily Zoogonoidea Skrjabin, 1957 of larval stages. Tailless cercariae encyst in brittle stars, poly-
emended chaete worms, prosobranch and lamellibranch molluscs. In·
Miracidia have one pair of flame cells. Cercariae chaetomi- fected brittle stars were fed to plaice and flounders and the de-
crocercous or tailless (cercariaea); with or without a stylet; pen- veloping adults were recovered.
etration and cystogenous glands present; protonephridia ste- 4b. Cecal bifurcation dorsal to ventral sucker; testes
nostomate; excretory vesicle has cellular wall. Cercariae posterior to ventral sucker; cirrus sac lateral to ven-
develop in either a redia or a sporocyst in gastropod molluscs tral sucker (Fig. 600). .. Genus Zoogonus Looss, 1901
and encyst in marine lamellibranchs, freshwater snails, turbella- Life cycle: Z. rubel/us (= Z. mirus) - Miracidia hatch in seawater
rians, aquatic annelid worms or in sea urchins. Life cycle in- and enter the marine snail, Nassa obso/eta. Tailless cercariae
volves three hosts. develop in daughter sporocysts and encyst in the parapodia of
Nereis virens. The adult develops in the eel, Anguilla chrysypa
and in the toadfish, Opsanus tau (see Stunkard 1938b and
Family Zoogonidae Odhner, 1911 1940).

Body linguiform, fusiform or elongate, spinous; ventral sucker

usually near middle of body; pharynx present; ceca long; testes
opposite or oblique, in hindbody or lateral to ventral sucker; cir- Family Steganodermatidae Dollfus, 1952
rus sac present; seminal vesicle bipartite; genital pore marginal Body elongate, pyriform or fusiform; ventral sucker usually in
or submarginal; genital atrium rarely present; ovary pre- or post- anterior half of body; pharynx present; ceca variable in length;
testicular; vitellaria in form of one or two compact masses; uter- testes opposite, in hindbody; cirrus sac in forebody; genital pore
us confined to hindbody; eggs have thin shells, embryonated; marginal or submarginal; ovary pretesticular or intertesticular;
parasitic in intestine of marine fishes. vitellaria follicular, in lateral clusters either anterior or posterior
to ventral sucker; uterus fills most of hind body; eggs embryo-
Key to Genera nated, shells very thin; parasitic in intestine or urinary bladder of
1a. Vitellarium a bilobed compact mass, intertesticular; marine fishes.
ovary pretesticular. .. 2
1b. Vitellarium a single compact mass, posttesticular;
Key to Genera
ovary posttesticular. . 3
2a. Testes oblique or nearly tandem; anterior part of body 1a. Vitelline follicles restricted to hindbody. .. 2
clothed in large spines; oral sucker terminal and fun- 1b. Vitelline follicles in forebody and/or lateral to ventral
nel-shaped (Fig. 596). .. . sucker 6
.......... Genus G/aucivermis Overstreet, 1971 2a. Ceca short, extend only to level of ventral sucker or to
2b. Testes opposite; body spines not prominent; oral middle of body. .. ~ 3
sucker subterminal, not funnel-shaped (Fig. 597). 2b. Ceca long, inflated, extend nearly to posterior end of
•••.•..•.....••.•.••••. Genus Oiphtherostomum Stossich, 1904 body 5
3a. Ventral sucker about three times as large as oral
Life cycle: O. brusinae - Tailless cercariae (Cercaria inconstans) sucker; distal end of cirrus sac surrounded by gland
develop in sporocysts in the marine prosobranch snails, Nassa cells; esophagus at least six times as long as pharynx
reticu/ata, N. mutabilis, Natica poliana and Cyc/onassa kamys- (Fig. 601). Genus Proctophantastes Odhner, 1911
chiensis. Cercariae encyst in at least five genera of marine la- 3b. Suckers equal or subequal; no gland cells around
mellibranch molluscs. The marine teleost, Gobius niger and Oi- end of cirrus sac; esophagus not more than three
p/odus annularis serve as definitive host (Palombi, 1930; Prevot, times as long as pharynx. .. 4
1966; Dolgikh and Naidenova, 1967). 4a. Vitelline follicles at ends of ceca and some distance
posterior to ventral sucker; genital pore dorsal and
3a. Genital atrium at right margin of body with an acces- sublateral; body fusiform (Fig. 602). .. .
sory seminal receptacle; cirrus sac flexed; ceca long ................................ Genus Lepidophyl/um Odhner, 1902
and inflated; parasitic in black perch (Fig. 598). .. . 4b. Vitelline follicles along ceca between testes and ven-
..................................... Genus Neozoogonus Arai, 1954 tral sucker; genital pore ventral and sublateral; body
3b. Genital atrium and accessory seminal receptacle ab- elliptical (Fig. 603). .. .
sent; cirrus sac not flexed. 4 ............................ Genus Steganoderma Stafford, 1904
4a. Cecal bifurcation far anterior to ventral sucker; testes 5a. Forebody tapered, body widest at level of testes;
lateral to ventral sucker; cirrus sac anterior to ventral ovary lobed; parasitic in urinary bladder of marine
sucker (Fig. 599). . . fishes (Fig. 604). .. Genus Urinatrema Yamaguti, 1934
.... Genus Zoogonoides Odhner, 1902 5b. Forebody not tapered, widest at level of ventral suck-
er; ovary oval; parasitic in the intestine of marine fish-
Life cycle: Z. /aevis - Embryonated eggs from feces of the host es (Fig. 605). .. Genus Hudsonia Campbell, 1975
hatch in seawater. Miracidia penetrate the marine snail, Co/um- 6a. Vitelline follicles clustered lateral to ventral sucker;
bel/a lunata in which tailless cercariae develop in daughter spo- ceca very short, extend to level of ventral sucker (Fig.
rocysts. After leaving the snail, the cercariae encyst in the par- 606) Genus Brachyenteron Manter, 1934
apodia and body wall of the marine polychaete, Nereis virens. 6b. Vitelline follicles lateral and anterior to ventral sucker;
The adult parasite develops in the tautog, Tautoga onitis and the ceca extend far posterior to ventral sucker (Fig. 607).
Atlantic round herring, Etrumeus sadina (see Stunkard, 1943). ...................................... Genus Oeretrema Linton, 1910
Fig. 596b. Anterior end.

Accessory seminal receptacle

Fig. 596a. Glaucivermis spinosus. Fig. 598. Neozoogonus californicus. (from Arai, 1954)
(from Overstreet, 1971)

Fig. 597. Diphtherostomum americanum. (from Manter, 1947)

Fig. 599. Zoogonoides laevis. (from Linton, 1940) Fig. 600. Zoogonus rubel/us. (from Odhner, 1902)
Fig. 602. Lepidophyllum steenstrupi.
(from Odhner, 1902)

Fig. 603. Steganoderma formosum. Fig. 604. Urinatrema aspinosum.

Fig. 601. Proctophantastes glandulosa. (from Manter, 1925) (from Schiller, 1956)

dorsal view. (from Byrd, 1964)

Fig. 606. Brachyenteron peristedioni. (from Manter, 1934)

Fig. 605. Hudsonia agassizi. (from Campbell, 1975) Fig. 607. Deretrema fusillus. (from Linton, 1910)

Family Lissorchiidae Poche, 1926 emended eaten by the coarsescale sucker, Catostomus maeroeheilus in
which the adult fluke develops as an intestinal parasite (Schell,
Body elongate or oval, spinous; ventral sucker in anterior half
of body; pharynx present; ceca usually long; one or two testes,
2b. Vitelline follicles either anterior to gonads or in nar-
tandem, usually in middle of hindbody; cirrus sac present; semi-
row bands lateral to ceca. 3
nal vesicle usually bipartite; genital pore marginal or submargi-
3a. Vitelline follicles few, large, between ovary and ven-
nal, lateral to oral sucker; ovary pretesticular; vitelline follicles
tral sucker; ceca very short; testes opposite; parasitic
along ceca, in hindbody, sometimes confluent dorsally; uterus
in squawfish (Fig. 610). .. .
long, extends posterior to testes; parasitic in intestine of fresh-
.. Genus Palaeorehis Szidat, 1943
water and marine fishes.
Life cycle: P. problematieus - Cercariaea develop in rediae in the
Key to Genera prosobranch snail, Fluminieola virens. Encysted metacercariae
1a. One testis; body elongate; seminal vesicle bipartite were also found in this snail. Some progenetic specimens were
with one part outside of cirrus sac; vitelline follicles in also found in the snails. Natural infections with the adult parasite
lateral clusters between testis and ventral sucker (Fig. occur in the intestine of squawfish. Metacercariae maintained in
608). Genus Asymphylodora Looss, 1899 culture medium at 25 C developed to sexual maturity (Macy and
Key to species in Skrjabin, (1964). Berntzen, 1970; Macyand English, 1975).
Life cycle: A. amnieolae - Embryonated eggs from feces of the 3b. Vitelline follicles numerous, small, lateral to ceca;
host are eaten by the prosobranch snail, Amnieola limosa, in
ceca long; testes tandem; seminal vesicle bipartite;
whiqh the miracidium hatches and changes to a sporocyst parasitic in catostomid fishes (Fig. 611). .. .
which in turn produces a generation of rediae. The latter give ............ Genus Lissorehis Magath, 1917
Key to species in Krygier and Macy (1969); Christensen et
rise to tailless cercariae of the cercariaeum group which emerge
from the snail and then reenter another uninfected snail to en-
cyst and change to the metacercarial stage. Infected snails are Life cycle: L. mutabile - Tailless cercariae (Cereariaeum muta-
eaten by fish in which the adult parasite develops. Suitable fish- bile) develop in rediae in the limpets Laevapex fuseus and Fer-
es are perch, killifish, small mouth bass or pumpkinseed. Some rissia rivularis and also in the planorbid snails, Helisoma trivolvis
metacercariae become sexually mature in the snails as proge- and H. eampanulatum. Emerged cercariae are eaten by planari-
netic forms (Stunkard, 1959). ans (Dugesia sp.) and by the aquatic oligochaete, Chaetogaster
Broek Van Den and De Jong (1979) reported the life history of limnaei, in which metacercariae develop. The adult fluke devel-
A. tineae, an intestinal parasite of tench, Tinea tinea in Holland. ops in the intestine of chub and white sucker which probably in-
The host snail is the prosobranch Bithynia tentaeulata which gest the infected planarians and oligochaetes (Wallace, 1941;
serves as first and second intermediate host. Tailless cercariae Smith,1968).
(cercariaea) develop in rediae and after leaving the snail reen- Three new cercariaea, thought to be the larvae of lissorchiids
tered the same or a different snail. Some cercariae encysted in were found to encyst in Chaetogaster limnaei and in the planari-
the snails and developed to infective metacercariae; however, ans Dugesia tigrina and Dorotoeephala dorotoeephala. The cer-
some do not encyst but develop to sexual maturity as free pro- cariae developed in rediae in the limpets, Laevapex fuseus and
genetic forms. Ferrissia rivularis (see Duncan and DeGiusti, 1976).
There is a tendency for species in this genus to be progenetic.
A. progenetiea and A. tineae mature in B. tentaeulata. A. dollfusi
is progenetic in B. leaehi. A. demeli matures in the polychaete
worm, Nereis diversieolor which can also serve as the normal
second intermediate host (Serkova and Bychowsky, 1940; Bi-
guet et al, 1956; Reimer, 1973). The normal definitive host for
species in this genus appears to be freshwater and marine fish-
Broek (1978) conducted experimental work on the effect of
temperature on the metacercaria of A. lineae in the Netherlands.
Water temperature above 20 C induced development of proge-
netic forms in Bithynia. She found progenetic and nonprogenetic
specimens simultaneously throughout the year in warm lakes.
1b. Two testes; body oval or elliptical; seminal vesicle en-
tirely within cirrus sac. 2
2a. Vitelline follicles confined to area around testes, con-
fluent dorsal to testes and uterus; body oval; ceca ex-
tend to testes; testes tandem; parasitic in suckers
(Fig. 609). Genus Neopaleorehis Schell, 1973
Life cycle: N. eatostomi - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the
prosobranch snail, Lithoglyphus virens in which the miracidia
hatch and develop into delicate sporocysts which in turn pro-
duce a generation of rediae. Chaetomicrocercous cercariae de-
velop in the rediae and after emerging from the snail reenter an-
other gastropod such as Physa ampullaeea, Gyraulus simillaris,
Ferrissia rivularis as well as L. virens. The cercariae encyst and
develop to the infective metacercaria stage. Infected snails are
Fig. 609. Neopaleorchis catostomi.

Fig. 608. Asymphylodora atherinopsidis. Fig. 610. Palaeorchisproblematicus.

(from Olson, 1977)
Fig. 611. Lissorchis attenuatum.


Superfamily Monorchioidea n. superfam. 6a. Vitelline follicles lateral to ventral sucker; body pyri-
form or round (Fig. 617). . .
Cercaria oculate or nonoculate, tailless or leptocercous with
....................................... Genus Monorchis Looss, 1902
lappets on tailor furcocercous without tail stem, nonstyleted; de-
6b. Vitelline follicles posterior to ventral sucker 7
velop in sporocyst in marine lamellibranchs; metacercariae en-
7a. Most of uterus pretesticular; body pyriform or oval;
cyst in lamellibranchs; adults in intestine or coelom of fishes.
oral sucker subterminal (Fig. 618). . .
Life cycle involves three hosts.
............................. Genus Postmonorchis Hopkins,1941
Life cycle: P. donacis - Leptocercous cercariae with transverse
Family Monorchiidae Odhner, 1911 rows of scales on the tail and spinous body develop in sporo-
cysts in the bean clam, Donax gouldi which also serves as host
Body variable in shape; ventral sucker in anterior half of body
for the metacercaria. Encysted metacercariae were fed to shiner
or near middle of body; pharynx present; ceca usually long; one
perch, black perch and spotfin croaker and the adult flukes re-
testis usually present, opposite when two are present; cirrus sac
covered (Young, 1953).
present, cirrus spiny; genital pore median, usually anterior to
7b. Most of uterus posttesticular; body elongate or oval;
ventral sucker; spinous genital atrium sometimes present; ovary
oral sucker terminal, funnel-shaped or bowl-shaped ...
usually pretesticular, rarely intertesticular; vitelline follicles few,
in lateral clusters in hindbody; uterus confined to hind body; me-
8a. Genital atrium spiny; oral sucker bowl-shaped (Fig.
traterm in form of a spiny terminal organ in a metraterm sac;
619). Genus Genolopa Linton, 1910
eggs operculate, nonembryonated, with or without polar fila-
8b. Genital atrium not spiny; oral sucker funnel-shaped
ment; parasitic in intestine of marine fishes.
(Fig. 620). Genus Lasiotocus Looss, 1907
Note: Cercariae in this family are without a stylet and can be lep-
Life cycle: L. minutus (Genolopa minuta) - Non-styleted micro-
tocercous, microcercous, furcocercous or tailless. All of them
cercous cercariae (C. adranocerca) develop in daughter sporo-
develop in sporocysts in marine lamellibranchs.
cysts in the marine clam, Gemma gemma. These cercariae
Key to Genera have numerous cystogenous glands but no penetration glands.
Shortly after release from the sporocyst, they encyst directly in
1a. Two testes, opposite. 2
the clam hemocoel and then develop to the metacercariae
1b. One testis. 3
which are extruded within a jelly-like matrix into seawater. They
2a. Uterus opens into base of terminal organ; eyespots
are apparently ingested by the silverside, Menidia menidia.
usually present; vitelline follicles arranged in H-
Metacercariae were fed to silversides and a series of devel-
shaped design, between and anterior to testes (Fig.
opmental stages were recovered from the intestine (Stunkard,
612). Genus Monorcheides Odhner, 1905
Key to species in Skrjabin (1964). 1980d and 1981 b).
The life cycle of L. elongatus is similar, involvinq the same
Life cycle: M. cumingiae - Oculate cercariae with lappets on the
hosts (see Stunkard, 1981 c).
tail develop in sporocysts in the marine clams, Cumingia telli-
noides, Tellina tenera and Macoma tenta. Cercariae leave by
way of the excurrent siphon but may reenter the same or a dif-
ferent clam and encyst in the gills, foot, mantle or wall of the in-
current siphon. The adult flukes develop in the intestine of eels
and flounders which might eat the infected clams (Martin,
1939b, 1940; Stunkard, 1974).
2b. Uterus opens into side of terminal organ; eyes pots
usually absent; vitelline follicles few, close to testes
(Fig. 613). Genus Diplomonorchis Hopkins, 1941
3a. Vitelline follicles posterior to testis, close to posterior
end of body (Fig. 615). . .
.............. Genus Telolecithus Lloyd and Guberlet, 1932
Life cycle: T. pugetensis - Partially embryonated eggs are eaten
by the clam Transennella tantilla in which the miracidium com-
pletes its development. Cercariae with short furcae but no tail
stem (Fig. 615b) develop in sporocysts. They leave the clam
through the excurrent siphon and upon contacting any of five
species of lamellibranch molluscs penetrate and encyst. Clams
that most frequently serve as second intermediate host are Telli-
na s..almonea and Macoma nasuta. Several species of sea perch
serve as definitive host (De Martini and Pratt, 1964).
3b. Vitelline follicles anterior to testis. 4
4a. Eggs have monopolar filament. .. 5
4b. Eggs without filament. . 6
Sa. ,Cecaextend to vitelline follicles; eyespots present; vi-
telline follicles in lateral clusters, not confluent (Fig.
616). Genus Hurleytrema Srivastava, 1939
5b. Ceca extend almost to posterior end of body; vitelline
fOllicles confluent anterior to ovary (Fig. 614). . .
.................... Genus Hurleytrematoides Yamaguti, 1954.
Fig. 612. Monorcheidescummingiae. Fig. 613. Diplomonorchis leiostomi.
(from Martin, 1940) (from Hopkins, 1941)

Fig. 614. Hurleytrematoides chaetodoni.

(from Manter, 1942)

Fig. 615b. Cercaria.

Fig. 616. Hurleytrema pyriforme. (from Overstreet, 1969)

Fig. 615a. Telolecithus pugetensis

Fig. 617. Monorchis latus. (from Manter, 1942)

Fig. 618. Postmonorchis orthopristis.

Fig. 619. Genolopa ampullacea.

Fig. 620. Lasiotocus longicaecum. (from Manter, 1940)

Suborder Troglotremata Schell, 1980 1b. Oral sucker without stylet; testes in hindbody; vitel-
line follicles small, mostly restricted to forebody;
Superfamily Troglotrematoidea Faust, 1929
ovary anterior to right or left testis; parasitic in frontal
Miracidia have one pair of flame cells; cercariae chaetomicro- sinuses of mammals (Fig. 622). . .
cercous or sulcatomicrocercous; stylet present; nonoculate; .................................. Genus Trog/otremaOdhner, 1914
penetration and cystogenous glands well developed; excretory Life cycle: T. muste/ae (= Sel/acoty/e m.) - Sulcatomicrocer-
system mesostomate; excretory vesicle has cellular wall; devel- cous cercariae (Fig. 18) develop in redia in the freshwater pro-
op in a redia in prosobranch snails; metacercariae in crusta- sobranch snail, Campe/oma rutum. After losing the stubby tail,
ceans and fishes. the cercariae penetrate of a variety of fishes such as pike, perch,
bullheads, mudminnows, suckers and shiners and encyst in the
Family Troglotrematidae Odhner, 1914 muscles and connective tissues. Mink, the natural definitive
host, become infected by eating the infected fish. Experimental
Body flat, oval or pyriform, spinous; ventral sucker in middle
of body; pharynx present; ceca variable in length; testes oppo- infections were established in dog, cat, ferret, fox, raccoon and
skunk (Wallace. 1935).
site, near posterior end of body or close to ventral sucker; cirrus
Vogel and Voelker (1978) reported the life cycle of T. acutum.
sac present; genital pore median, posterior to ventral sucker;
Chaetomicrocercous (?) cercariae develop in rediae in the gas-
ovary either pre- or posttesticular; vitelline follicles in lateral
tropod, Bythinel/a dunkeri and B. a/ta which had been exposed
areas of either fore- or hindbody; uterus confined to hindbody;
to miracidia of T. acutum. Cercariae emerged from the snails
parasitic in intestine, frontal sinuses, kidneys or gall bladder of
and encysted in the muscles of the frog, Rana temporaria. Meta-
cercariae were fed to cats and ferrets. Adult parasites were reo
Key to Genera covered from the nasal sinuses of the ferret, Muste/a putorius
1a. Oral sucker with very small stylet; testes lateral or an- turo. They cause injury to bones of the skull.
terior to ventral sucker; vitelline follicles large, few,
restricted to lateral regions of hindbody; ovary post-
testicular; parasitic in insectivorous mammals
(shrews) (Fig. 621) •........................................................
................................ Genus Xiphidiotrema Senger, 1953

Fig. 621. Xiphidiotrema lockerae. Fig. 622. Troglotrema mustelae.

Family Paragonimidae Dollfus, 1939
Body oval, thick, spinous; suckers nearly equal; ventral suck-
er near middle of body; pharynx present; ceca long; testes oppo-
site, lobed, in middle of hindbody; cirrus sac absent; seminal
vesicle free in parenchyma; genital pore posterior to ventral
sucker; ovary lobed, anterior to right or left testis; vitellaria ac-
inous, widely distributed along ceca; uterus opposite to ovary,
entirely pretesticular; eggs operculate, nonembryonated; para-
sitic in lungs of mammals, including human beings.
The family contains only the genus Paragonimus Braun, 1899
and is represented in North America by P. kellicotti (Fig. 623).
Key to species in Chen (1960).
Life cycle: P. kellicotti - The adult is a parasite of mink, muskrat,
dog, cat, swine, fishers and fox. Eggs are swept up the trachea
to the pharynx then swallowed and finally pass in the feces. Mi-
racidia develop and hatch in about three weeks. They enter the
freshwater prosobranch snail, Pomatiopsis lapidaria and P. cin-
cinnatiensis in which sporocysts and mother and daughter re-
diae develop. The latter give rise to chaetomicrocercous cerca-
riae (Fig. 17) which after leaving the snail, encyst around the
heart of crayfish of the genera Cambarus and Orconectes. The
definitive host eats the infected crayfish, Excysted metacerca-
riae penetrate the intestinal wall and diaphragm and enter the
outer surface of the lungs in which they finally develop to sexual
maturity, loosely encapsulated in pairs (Ameel, 1934; Harley,
P. westermanni is indigenous to the Far East where it parasit-
izes human beings as. well as feline, canine and porcine mam-
Shimazu (1981) reported an experimental life cycle for P.
westermanni, using the gastropod, Semisulcospira libertina as Fig. 623. Paragonimus kellicotti.

first intermediate host. The crab, Geothelphusa dehaani and the

crayfish, Procambarus clarki seved as second intermediate
hosts. The experimental definitive host was a dog in which seve-
ral flukes matured within 13 weeks after feeding metacercariae.
This species is known to survive up to 20 years in the lungs of
human beings.

Family Nanophyetidae Dollfus, 1939 Family Collyriclidae Ward, 1917
Body small (1 mm), oval or pyriform, nonspinous; ventral Body round or oval, concave ventrally, nonspinous; ventral
sucker in middle of body; pharynx present; ceca extend as far as sucker absent; pharynx small; ceca long; testes opposite in
testes; cirrus sac present or absent; testes opposite, in middle of posterior third of body; cirrus sac small, thin-walled; ovary lobed,
hindbody; genital pore median, posterior to ventral sucker; vitel- in anterior third of body; vitelline follicles lateral to ceca in ante-
line follicles fill lateral areas of body, confluent across dorsal part rior half of body; uterus fills most of posterior half of body; para-
of body; uterus fills intertesticular area; eggs operculate, nonem- sitic in skin of birds.
bryonated; parasitic in small intestine of mammals including hu- The family contains only the genus Collyrielum Kossack,
man beings. 1911 with two species reported from North America (Fig. 625).
Only the genus Nanophyetus Chapin, 1927 (Fig. 624) is rep-
resented in North America with N. salmineola parasitizing many
species of mammals.
Life cycle: N. salmineola - Eggs in feces of the host are nonem-
bryonated when laid. At least four months are required for devel-
opment of the miracidium which hatch and penetrate the fresh-
water prosobranch snail, Oxytrema si/ieula in which
chaetomicrocercous cercariae develop in a redia. Cercariae
penetrate the skin and gills of salmonid and other fishes and en-
cyst in the muscles and connective tissues. The adults develop
in the intestine of many carnivorous mammals including human
beings which eat infected fish (Bennington and Pratt, 1960; Mis-
hakov, 1971; Carter, 1973).
This parasite is important in the Pacific Northwest of the Unit-
ed States and in eastern Siberia because of its role in the trans-
mission of Neoriekettsia helmintheea, the organism causing
salmon-poisoning disease in dogs and other canid mammals. It
is not pathogenic in human beings. Mortality in dogs can be as
high as 90 percent.

Fig. 625. Collyric/um faba.

Fig. 624. Nanophyetus sa/minco/a.

Suborder Allocreadiata Skrjabin, Petrow and Key to species in North America in Amin (1982).
Life cycle: C. cooperi - Miracidia develop and hatch in seven to
Koval, 1958
ten days after eggs are laid. They penetrate fingernail clams of
Miracidia with one pair of flame cells. Cercaria trichocercous, genus Musculium in which ophthalmoxiphidiocercariae develop
homalometronine or oculate xiphidiocercaria; penetration and in daughter rediae. Some mother rediae are known to produce
cystogenous glands present; protonephridia mesostomate; ex- daughter rediae and cercariae simultaneously. Cercariae encyst
cretory vesicle with cellular wall; cercaria develop in rediae in la- in the hemocoel of mayfly nymphs, The adult fluke develops in
mellibranch or gastropod molluscs. the pyloric ceca of several species of freshwater fishes (Hop-
kins, 1934a).
Superfamily Allocreadioidea Nicoll, 1934 Ameel (1937) studied the life cycle of C. cornutum. The larvae
develop in clams of the genera Musculium and Sphaerium. Cer-
Oculate xiphidiocercariae develop in rediae in lamellibranch
cariae encyst around the heart of the crayfish, Cambarus immu-
molluscs or occasionally in freshwater limpets; metacercariae
develop in arthropods, limpets or lame IIibranch molluscs.
6b. Uterus extends posterior to testes. 7
7a. Ceca extend to posterior end of body; testes tandem
Family Allocreadiidae Stossich, 1903 or nearly so; vitelline follicles all along ceca (Fig.
Body elongate, oval or fusiform, nonspinous; eyes pots pre- 631). .. Genus Bunodera Railliet, 1896
sent in some species; oral sucker contains muscular papillae in Life cycle: B. luciopercae - Gravid worms with embryonated
some genera; ventral sucker in anterior half of body; pharynx eggs in the uterus are passed in the feces of the host. The
present; ceca long; testes tandem or oblique, in hindbody; cirrus worms eventually rupture to release eggs which then hatch
sac present; genital pore anterior to ventral sucker; ovary pre- when entering water. Miracidia penetrate gills of the sphaeriid
testicular; vitelline follicles distributed along ceca, limited in ex- clam, Pisidium variable and change to the sporocyst stage
tent; uterus entirely pretesticular in some genera but extends which in turn produce rediae. Ophthalmoxiphidiocercariae de-
posterior to testes in some genera; eggs operculate, nonem- velop in the rediae and after leaving the clam, encyst in the he-
bryonated; excretory vesicle tubular or saccular; parasitic in the mocoel of the amphipods, Hyalel/a azteca and Crangonyx graci-
intestine of fishes and amphibians. Epidermal cell formula of mi- lis. The adult parasites develop in the intestine of yellow perch,
racidium 6, 6, 4, 2 or 6,7,4,2. Perea flavescens within several months following ingestion of
metacercariae (Cannon, 1971).
Key to Genera
Wisniewski (1958b) studied the life cycle of B. luciopercae in
1a. Oral sucker with one or more pairs of muscular papil- Europe where different hosts are utilized.
lae 2 Cannon (1971) also investigated the life cycle of B. sacculata
1b. Oral sucker without muscular papillae. 8 (= Bunoderina s.) which parasitizes fish in the genera Perea
2a. Oral sucker with one pair of muscular papillae. 3 Stizostedion, Lepomis, Umbra, Notropis and Micropterus in
2b. Oral sucker with two or more pairs of muscular papil- North America. The metacercariae develop in the cladocerans,
lae 5 Daphnia similis and Moina affinis which are regarded as only ex-
3a. Four testes in opposite pairs; uterus passes median perimental intermediate hosts.
to testes (Fig. 626). .. . 7b. Ceca extend only to level of testes which are nearly
.................................. Genus Megalogonia Surber, 1928 opposite; vitelline follicles confined to small lateral
Life cycle: M. ictaluri - Ophthalmoxiphidiocercariae develop in clusters, lateral to ventral sucker (Fig. 632). .. .
rediae in fingernail clams (Sphaeridae) and encyst in the gills of ...................................... Genus Bunoderina Miller, 1936
mayfly nymphs, The adult fluke develops in the intestine of Life cycle: B. eucaliae - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the
freshwater fishes of the genera Ictalurus, Micropterus and Notu- sphaeriid clam, Pisidium novebracense in which miracidia then
rus (see Hopkins, 1934a). hatch. Ophthalmoxiphidiocercarie develop in rediae in the clam.
3b. Two testes. 4 The second intermediate host is unknown. The adult parasite
4a. Uterus entirely pretesticular (Fig. 627) . develops in stickleback, Eucalia inconstans and in the mudmin-
.......... Genus Creptotrema now, Umbra limi (see Hoffman, 1955).
Travassos, Artigas and Pereira, 1928 8a. Vitelline follicles few, chiefly lateral to ceca between
4b. Uterus extends posterior to testes (Fig. 628) . level of ovary and ventral sucker; genital pore subme-
........ Genus Paracreptotrematina Amin and Myer, 1982 dian, sinistral. 9
Sa. Oral sucker with one pair of ventra-lateral and one 8b. Vitelline follicles numerous, distributed along ceca
pair of dorsal papillae; parasitic in intestine of frogs for most of their length; genital pore usually median.
(Fig. 629). Genus Bunoderel/a Schell, 1964 .................................................................................... 10
Life cycle: B. metteri - About 35 days are required for devel- 9a. Testes tandem; hind body longer than forebody; ovary
opment of the miracidium after eggs are laid. Ophthalmoxiphi- pretestlcular (Fig. 633). .. .
diocercariae develop in rediae in the fingernail clam, Pisidium ........ Genus Plagiocirrus Van Cleave and Mueller, 1932
idahoense. They penetrate and encyst in the hemocoel of cad- 9b. Testes oblique; fore- and hind body about equal in
disfly and chironomid larvae. The adult parasite develops in the length; ovary opposite anterior testis (Fig. 634). .. .
intestine of the tailed-frog, Ascaphus truei which eats the in- ........................... Genus PseudurorchisYamagutl, 1971
fected insects (Anderson, Schell and Pratt, 1965). lOa. Vitelline follicles confined to hindbody; testes tandem
or oblique, ovoid or lobed; genital pore median, at ce-
5b. Oral sucker with one pair of ventra-lateral and two pairs cal bifurcation; parasitic in fishes or progenetic in
of dorsal papillae; parasitic in freshwater fishes. 6 aquatic insects (Fig. 635). .. .
6a. Uterus entirely pretesticular (Fig. 630) . .................................. Genus AI/ocreadium Looss, 1900
.............................. Genus Crepidostomum Braun, 1900 (Continued)
Fig. 626. Megalogonia ictaluri. Fig. 627. Creptotrema funduli.

Fig. 628. Paracreptotrematina limi,

(from Amin and Myer, 1982).

Fig. 630. Crepidostomum farionis.

Fig. 629b. oral sucker, dorsal view

Fig. 629a. Bunoderella metteri.
Fig. 631. Bunodera luciopercae.

There is a tendency for species in this genus to be "neotenic" by .................................... Genus Mu/tivitellina Schell, 1974
retaining larval features such as stylet and eyespots, and "pro- 11 b. Ovary oval or spherical, close to ventral sucker; geni-
genetic" by developing to sexual maturity in arthropods which tal pore median. 12
serve as second intermediate host. 12a. Testes oblique; uterus extends posterior to testes; vi-
Life cycle: A. neotenicum - Adults of this species develop in the telline follicles not confluent posterior to testes; para-
hemocoel of diving beetles of the genera Dytiscus and Acilius. sitic in the intestine of salamanders (Fig. 638). . .
Miracidia develop and hatch within two weeks and penetrate ................................. Genus Caudouterina Martin, 1966
sphaeriid clams of the genera Pisidium and Sphaerium in which 12b. Testes tandem; uterus entirely pretesticular; vitelline
a generation of sporocysts and then one of rediae develop. Oph- follicles confluent posterior to testes; parasitic in
thalmoxiphidiocercariae develop in the latter. Cercariae enter fishes (Fig. 637). . .
dytiscid beetle larvae and develop to sexually mature, neotenic .................................. Genus Po/y/ekithum Arnold, 1934
adults, retaining the stylet and pigmented eyes pots of the cerca- Life cycle: P. ictaluri (= Allocreadium i.). - Miracidia hatch and
ria. The parasite survive the metamorphosis of the host. Eggs of penetrate limpets, Laevapex fusca. Ophthalmoxiphidiocercariae
the parasite are trapped until the beetle dies and decays (Craw- develop in rediae and after emergence, encyst in the mantle of
ford, 1940; Peters, 1955). the freshwater mussel, Lampsi/is si/iquoidea and in limpets, in-
Wootton (1957) studied the life cycle of A. alloneotenicum. cluding those that are shedding cercariae. These were assumed
Adults develop in the hemocoel of caddisfly larvae of the genus to be the larvae of P. icta/uri, a common parasite of black bull-
Limnephi/us. Miracidia hatch from eggs in debris left when lar- head, /cta/urus me/as (see Peters and Self, 1963).
vae die and decay. They penetrate the gills of sphaeriid clams,
Pisidium abditum in which sporocysts develop and give rise to
mother rediae which in turn produce a generation of daughter
rediae in which ophthalmoxiphidiocercariae develop. Some re-
diae produce cercariae and rediae simultaneously. The cerca-
riae penetrate caddisfly larvae in which the adult parasite then
De Giusti (1962) reported progenetic adults of A. /obatum in
the hemocoel of the amphipods, Gammarus pseudo/imnaeus
and Crangonyx gracilis. Viable parasite eggs were produced but
remained trapped in the hemocoel until death and decay of the
host. The normal definitive hosts for this species are several
species of fish.
Madhavi (1976, 1978) studied the life cycle of A. fasciatusi in
India. This species uses the prosobranch snail Amnico/a travan-
corica as first intermediate host instead of a lamellibranch. The
miracidium upon hatching already contains a redia which proba-
bly is released and penetrates the gastropod, eventually produc-
ing a generation of daughter rediae. These in turn produce oph-
thalmoxiphidiocercariae which penetrate copepods of the
genera Mesocyc/ops, Microcyclops and Marcocyc/ops, encyst-
ing in the hemocoel and developing to the metacercarial stage.
The definitive host is the toothed carp, Ap/ochei/us me/astigma
which eats the infected copepods. The miracidium of this spe-
cies differs from all other allocreadiid miracidia in containing a
redia and in having epidermal cells in three tiers (6, 8, 4) instead
of four tiers. Also, the excretory pores of the miracidium are dor-
sal and midventral instead of lateral.
The life cycle of A. handiai was reported by Madhavi (1980).
This species parasitizes the freshwater fishes, Channa puncta-
ta, C. orienta/is and C/arias batrachus. The miracidium develops
and hatches in 7-12 days. The first intermediate host is the pro-
sobranch, A/ocinna travancorica in which ophthalmoxiphidiocer-
cariae develop in daughter rediae. Cercariae encyst in the same or
in a different snail such as, Gyrau/us convexiuscu/us, Lymnaea
luteola and Thiara tuberculata. Metacercariae from snails were
fed to the freshwater fish Channa orienta/is and partially devel-
oped specimens were recovered seven days later. The cercaria
of this species has dorso-ventral finfolds on the tail as does sev-
eral other allocreadiid cercariae. The species is unique in using
gastropods as first and second intermediate hosts.
Fig. 632. Bunoderina eucaliae.
10b. Vitelline follicles in both fore- and hindbody. . 11
11a. Ovary lobed, adjacent to anterior testis; genital pore
to left of esophagus; uterus extends posterior to
testes; parasitic in fishes (Fig. 636) .
Fig. 634. Pseudurorchis catostomi.

Fig. 633. Plagiocirrus primus.

Fig. 635. AI/ocreadium lobatum.

Fig. 636. Multivitellina idahoensis.

Fig. 637. Polylekithum hal/i. Fig. 638. Caudouterina rhyacotriton.

(from Mueller and Van Cleave, 1932) (from Martin, G., 1966)

Superfamily Lepocreadioidea Cable, 1956 9a. Ventral sucker with prominent muscular lamellae or
bands on inner margin. 10
Miracidia have one pair of flame cells. Cercariae are oculate 9b. Ventral sucker without muscular lamellae or lips on
trichocercous or homalometronine type; develop in a redia in inner margin. 12
prosobranch snails and encyst in molluscs, anellid worms, co- 10a. Ventral sucker with circle of concentric lamellae or
elenterates, ctenophorans or in turbellarians. Life cycle involves bands along inner margin (Fig. 648). . .
three hosts. ................................ Genus Neolabrifer Pritchard, 1970
10b. Ventral sucker with two semicircular lamellar pads on
Inner margin (Fig. 647). . 11
Family Lepocreadiidae Nicoll, 1934 11a. Semicircular lamellar pads and transverse lips in an-
Body elongate, oval or round, spinous; pigmented eyes pots in terior and posterior positions on ventral sucker (Fig.
young adults; oral sucker occasionally with muscular papillae; 647) Genus LabriferYamaguti, 1936
ventral sucker sometimes contains lamellae and/or lamellar 11b. Semicircular lamellar pads and lips on lateral posi-
pads; pharynx present; ceca long, may open posteriorly through tions of ventral sucker (Fig. 649). . .
one or two ani or fuse with excretory vesicle to form uroproct; .................................... Genus Myzoxenus Manter, 1934
one, two or multiple testes, in hindbody; cirrus sac usually pre- 12a. Oral sucker surrounded by circle of large spines;
sent; external seminal vesicle present in some genera, with or body elongate; ovary and testes near posterior end of
without surrounding prostate cells and membranous sac; ovary body; parasitic in ocean sunfish, Mola mola (Fig.
pretesticular; vitelline follicles along ceca in hindbody or in both 650). Genus Dihemistephanus Looss, 1901
fore- and hindbody, usually confluent posterior to testes; uterus 12b. Oral sucker without large circumoral spines. 13
short, pretesticular; eggs operculate, nonembryonated; excreto- 13a. Testes oblique; external seminal vesicle absent; para-
ry vesicle tubular or V-shaped; parasitic in intestine or pyloric sitic in urinary bladder of marine fishes (Fig. 651) .
ceca of fishes. ................................... Genus Neophasis Stafford, 1904
Key to Genera 13b. Testes tandem; external seminal vesicle present; par-
asitic in intestine of marine fishes. 14
1a. Testes multiple (10 to 12) 2 14a. External seminal vesicle surrounded by prostate
1b. One or two testes. 3 cells 15
2a. Testes in two bilateral clusters with ovary between 14b. External seminal vesicle not surrounded by prostate
clusters (Fig. 639) Genus Multitestis Manter, 1931 cells 16
Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
15a. External seminal vesicle and prostate cells sur-
2b. Testes in single intercecal group; ovary pretesticular; rounded by membranous sac (Fig. 652). . .
parasitic in filefishes (Fig. 640). . . ............................... Genus Lepidapedon Stafford, 1904
.................................... Genus Rhagorchis Manter, 1931 15b. External seminal vesicle and prostate gland not sur-
3a. Body round, flat, margins curved ventrally; testes op- rounded by membranous sac (Fig. 653). . .
posite, lobed; ceca arcuate; parasitic in trunkfishes. ............................ Genus Neolepidapedon Manter, 1954
.......•......•....•............................................................•.•... 4
16a. Ceca fused with excretory vesicle to form uroproct;
3b. Body oval or elongate; testes tandem or oblique; ceca excretory vesicle tubular, extends forward as far as
not arcuate. 5 ventral sucker (Fig. 654). . .
4a. Ventral surface of body with numerous glands (Fig. .............................. Genus Neopechona Stunkard, 1969
641) Genus Dermadena Manter, 1946
Life cycle: N. pyriforme - Oculate trichocercous cercariae devel-
4b. Ventral surface of body without glands (Fig. 642). ......
op in daughter rediae in the marine prosobranch snail, Anachis
......................... Genus Pseudocreadium Layman, 1930
avara. Cercariae leave the snail and enter the ctenophore, Mne-
Sa. Ceca open through separate ani at posterior end of
miopsis leidyi and hydrozoan and scyphozoan medusae of the
body; forebody flat and wider than hindbody 6
genera Gonionemus, Bougainvillia, Nemopsis and Chrysaora in
5b. Ceca end blindly or fuse with excretory vesicle to
which they develop to infective metacercariae without encysting.
form uroproct. 7
The adult parasite develops in the scup, Stenostomus chrysops
6a. Ovary oval; esophagus at least as long as pharynx; vi-
which eat the infected intermediate hosts (Stunkard, 1969,
telline follicles extend forward as far as ovary; muscu-
lar metraterm absent; genital pore median (Fig. 643).
A similar life cycle was described by Stunkard (1980) for N.
.......................... Genus Diploproctodaeum LaRue, 1926
cablei which utilizes many of the same hosts.
6b. Ovary lobed; esophagus very short or absent; vitel-
line follicles extend forward to level of ventral sucker; l6b. Ceca not fused with excretory vesicle; vesicle does
muscular metraterm present; genital pore submedian not extend forward as far as ventral sucker 17
(Fig. 644). Genus Bianium Stunkard, 1930 17a. Body elongate, slender; esophagus long, partly glan-
7a. Oral sucker with 8 to 10 muscular papillae on anterior dular; metraterm weakly developed; external seminal
rim 8 vesicle oval; a few prostate cells may be outside of
7b. Oral sucker without muscular papillae. .. 9 the cirrus sac (Fig. 657). . .
8a. One elongate testis present; one or more accessory ....................................... Genus Opechona Looss, 1907
suckers anterior to ventral sucker; ceca fused with Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
excretory vesicle to form uroproct (Fig. 645). . . Life cycle: 0. bacillaris - Oculate trichocercous cercariae devel-
.................................. Genus Cadenatella Dollfus, 1946 op in rediae in the marine prosobranch, Nassarius pygmaeus.
8b. Two testes present; accessory suckers absent; ceca After leaving the snail, they enter the ctenophore, Pleurobrachia
fused and open through a single anus (Fig. 646). . . pileus, the chaetognath, Sagitta sp. and coelenterate medusae
..................................... Genus Enenterum Linton, 1910 (Continued)
Fig. 641. Dermadena lactophrysi.
Fig. 639. Multitestis inconstans.

Fig. 640. Rhagorchis odhneri.

Fig. 642. Pseudocreadium lamelliformis.

Fig. 644. Bianium piicitum.

Fig. 643. Diploproctodaeum haustrum.

Fig. 647. Labrifer secundus.

(from Manter, 1940)

Fig. 648. Neolabrifer bravoae.

Fig. 645. Cadenatella americana. Fig. 646. Enenterum aureum. (from Pritchard, 1972)
(from Manter, 1949)

Fig. 651. Neophasis pusil/a.
Fig. 649. Myzoxenus vitellosus.
(from Miller, 1941) Fig. 652a. Lepidapedon nicolli.
(from Manter, 1934)

Fig. 650. Dihemistephanus fragi/is.

;~..-- internal seminal vesicle

gland cells
membranous sac
external seminal vesicle

Fig. 652b. Cirrus sac and external seminal vesicle.

Fig. 653b. Cirrus sac and

Fig. 654. Neopechona pyriformis.
external semnial vesicle.
(from Stunkard, 1969).

Fig. 653a. Neo/epidapedon media/unae.

Fig. 656. Lepocreadium retrusum.

Fig. 655. Lepocreadium trulla. Fig. 657. Opechona menidiae.
(from Manter, 1931)

in which they develop to infective metacercariae. Metacercariae Family Homalometridae Mehra, 1962
were not fed but immature O. bacillaris from natural infections in
Body oval or fusiform, spinous; ventral sucker in anterior half
the lumpsucker, Cyclopterus lumpus were compared and found
of body; pharynx present; ceca long; testes tandem, oblique or
similar to metacercariae from the second intermediate hosts.
opposite, in hindbody; cirrus sac absent; seminal vesicle free in
The adults parasitize marine fishes of at least five genera (Koie,
parenchyma; hermaphroditic duct present; genital pore median,
anterior to ventral sucker; ovary pretesticular; vitelline follicles
17b. Body oval or pyriform; esophagus very short; metra-
along ceca, confluent posterior to testes; uterus entirely pretesti-
term well developed; external seminal vesicle long;
cular; eggs operculate, nonembryonated; excretory vesicle tu-
no prostate cells outside of cirrus sac (Fig. 655, 656).
bular; parasitic in intestine of marine and freshwater fishes.
................ Genus Lepocreadium Stossich, 1904
Key to species in Edwards and Nahhas (1968). Key to Genera
Life cycle: L. setiferoides - Oculate trichocercous cercariae (Cer- 1a. Testes opposite; vitelline follicles confined to post-
caria setiferoides) develop in daughter and granddaughter re- testicular area; ovary anterior to right testis; body
diae in the marine prosobranch snail, Nassa obsoleta. They less than 1 mm. long (Fig. 658). .. .
leave the snail and enter scyphomedusae, Chrysaora spp.; ................................ Genus Microcreadium Simer, 1929
spionid polychaete worms, Polydora spp.; acoelus turbellarians, Life cycle: M. parvum - Cercariae of the homalometronine type
Childia spp. and polclads of the genera Euplana and Stylochus. develop in rediae in the freshwater prosobranch snail, Amnicola
The metacercariae were not encysted. Some were fed to young peracuta. They encyst in the sphaeriid clam, Musculium ferrissi
flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus and young devel- (see Hopkins, 1937).
oping specimens of L. setiferoides were recovered two weeks 1b. Testes tandem; vitelline follicles not confined to post-
later (Martin, 1938; Stunkard, 1972b). testicular area. 2
Bartoli (1967) investigated the life cycle of L. pegorchis. Oc- 2a. Vitelline follicles in both fore- and hind body . 3
ulate trichocercous cercariae develop in rediae in the proso- 2b. Vitelline follicles confined to hindbody. .. 5
branch snail, Nassa mutabilis. After emergence from the snail, 3a. Cuticle thick, wrinkled; vitelline follicles confluent an-
the cercariae enter the inhalant siphon of several different ma- terior to ventral sucker (Fig. 659). .. .
rine lamellibranch molluscs but do not encyst. Free metacerca- .................................... Genus Crassicutis Manter, 1936
riae were found in the labial palpi, mantle, foot and visceral Key to species in Bravo-Hollis and Arroyo-Sancho (1962).
mass of several genera and species of lamellibranchs. Adult 3b. Cuticle thin, not wrinkled. 4
flukes inhabit the pyloric ceca and intestine of gobies. 4a. Genital por~ anterior to ventral sucker; vitelline folli-
Stunkard (1979b, 1980a) reported the life cycle of L. areola- cles confluent antenor to ventrar sucker; pharynx has
tum. Oculate trichocercous cercariae develop in rediae in the sphincter muscle anteriorly; oral opening a longitudi-
marine prosobranch, Nassarius trivittatus. The second interme- nal slit (Fig. 660). .. .
diate hosts are the medusae of the hydroid coelenterate, Podo- .......... Genus Neoapocreadium Siddiqi, 1959
coryne carnea which lives on the shells of N. trivittatus. Metacer- 4b. Genital pore posterior to ventral sucker; vitelline folli-
cariae were fed to cunners, Tautogolabrus adspersus and adult cles not confluent anterior to ventral sucker; pharyn-
parasites recovered. Adults also parasitize the puffer, Spher- geal sphincter absent; oral opening round (Fig. 661).
oides maculatus. ...................................... Genus Post porus Manter, 1949
Palombi (1931, 1937) described the life cycle of L. album. 5a. Oral sucker with pair of lateral muscular papillae; pig-
mented eyes pots present; seminal vesicle bipartite,
free in parenchyma (Fig. 662). .. .
........................... Genus Barbulostomum Ramsey, 1965
5b. Oral sucker without muscular papillae; eyes pots ab-
sent or vestigial; seminal vesicle unipartite. 6
6a. Hermaphroditic duct long; ovary close to anterior tes-
tis (Fig. 663). .. Genus Apocreadium Manter, 1947
6b. Hermaphroditic duct short; ovary separated from an-
terior testis by about twice its diameter (Fig. 664) .
............................ Genus HomalometronStafford, 1904
Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
Life cycle: H. pallidum - Embryonated eggs were fed to the ma-
rine prosobranch snail, Hydrobia minuta in which homalcmetro-
nine cercariae (Fig. 43) developed in daughter rediae. Theyen-
cysted in H. minuta, Gemma gemma and in small polychaete
annelids. The natural definitive host is Fundulus heteroclitus
(see Stunkard, 1964a).
Hopkins (1934b and 1937) described the life cycle of H. etms-
tum, a parasite of freshwater fishes. Homalometronine cercariae
develop in rediae in the freshwater prosobranch snail, Amnicola
peracuta and encyst in clams of the families Unionidae and

Fig. 659. Crassicutis marina. Fig. 660. Neoapocreadium coili.
Fig. 658. Microcreadium parvum.
(from Sogandares-Bernal, 1959)

Fig. 663. Apocreadium balistis.

(from Manter, 1947)
r Fig. 661. Postporus epinepheli. Fig. 662. Barbulostomum cupuloris.

Fig. 664. Homalometron pal/idum.

Family Deropristiidae (Skrjabin, 1958) Family Pleorchiidae Poche, 1926
Peters, 1961 emended Body linguiform to elongate, spinous; pigmented eyespots
Body elongate, densely spinous; pigmented eyespots in sometimes present; suckers in anterior third of body; intestinal
young adults; ventral sucker in anterior half of body; pharynx ceca long, each with an anterior branch plus some short lateral
present; ceca long; testes tandem or oblique, in posterior part of branches; testes multiple, arranged in two dorsal and two ven-
hindbody; cirrus sac clubshaped; seminal vesicle bipartite; her- trallongitudinal rows, intercecal; cirrus sac present; ovary lobed,
maphroditic duct present; genital pore median, anterior to ven- pretesticular; genital pore median; anterior to ventral sucker; vi-
tral sucker; ovary pretesticular; vitelline follicles distributed along telline follicles small, fill most of area lateral to testes; uterus en-
ceca in middle third of body, confluent in some genera; uterus tirely preovarian; intestinal parasites of marine fishes.
extends posterior to testes in some genera; eggs operculate, em- The family contains only the genus Pleorehis Railliet, 1896
bryonated; parasitic in intestine of freshwater and marine fishes. (Fig. 669). Two species occur in North America as parasites of
sea bass. Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
Key to Genera
1a. Anterior end of body inflated (widened). 2
1b. Anterior end of body not inflated. 3
2a. Anterior end of body with patches of large spines;
ovary separated from seminal vesicle by some folds
of uterus; uterus entirely pretesticular; parasitic in
common eel and sturgeon (Fig. 665). .. .
.................................... Genus Deropristis Odhner, 1902
Life cycle: D. inflata - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the ma-
rine prosobranch snail, Bittium alternatum in which oculate cer-
cariae, resembling the homalometronine type develop in daugh-
ter rediae. After emerging from the snail, the cercariae encyst in
the parapodia and body tissues of the marine polychaete, Ne-
reis virens. The adult parasite develops in the intestine of the
common eel, Anguilla rostrata (see Cable and Hunninen,
Vaes (1978) studied the life cycle of what is provisionally
thought to be D. inflata in western Europe. The host snail there
is the prosobranch, Hydrobia stagnorum. The second interme-
diate host is Nereis diversieolor.
2b. Body without patches of large spines, anterior part of
body uniformly spinous; ovary adjacent to seminal
vesicle; uterus extends posterior to testes; parasitic
in pike (Fig. 666). .. .
........................... Genus Cestrahelmins Fischthal, 1957
3a. Anterior end of body with a ventrally-interrupted cir-
cle of circumoral spines; cirrus sac, metraterm and
hermaphroditic duct all long (Fig. 667). .. .
......................................... Genus Pristieola Cable, 1952
3b. Anterior end of body without circumoral spines; cir-
rus sac, metraterm and hermaphroditic duct all short
(Fig. 668); parasitic in sturgeon. .. .
............................. Genus Skrjabinopsolus Ivanov, 1935
Life cycle: S. manteri - Peters (1961) proposed a possible life cy-
cle for this species, based on evidence obtained from his obser-
vation of natural infections and some experimental infections.
He concluded that the oculate trichocercous cercaria reported
by Seitner (1951) for Alloereadium ietaluri is really the larva of S.
manteri. This cercaria develops in a redia in the freshwater pro-
Fig. 669. Pleorchis californiensis.
sobranch, Pleuroeera aeuta. It resembles the homalometronine
type of cercaria. The metacercariae occur in freshwater oligo-
chaetes upon which sturgeon, the natural definitive host, feeds.

Fig. 665b. Lateral view of anterior end.

Fig. 665a. Deropristis inflata.

Fig. 665c. Cercaria of D. inflata.

Fig. 666. Cestrahe/mins teruei. Fig. 667. Pristico/a sturionis. (from Little, 1930) Fig. 668. Skrjabinopso/us manteri.

Suborder Opecoelata Odening, these cercariae encysted in L. intermedia which then died from
overexposure (Manter, 1934).
1960 emended
5b. One or two testes. 6
Miracidia with one pair of flame cells. Cercariae cystocercous 6a. Cirrus sac very long, extending far posterior to ven-
or cotylomicrocercous; develop in sporocysts in prosobranch or tral sucker; vitelline follicles confined to hind body;
lamellibranch molluscs; stylet present; cystogenous and pene- parasitic in squirrelfish (Fig. 673). . .
tration glands well developed; protonephridia mesostomate, ..................................... Genus Stenopera Manter, 1933
excretory vesicle with cellular wall; metacercariae in aquatic ar- Key to species in Pritchard (1966).
thropods and fishes. 6b. Cirrus sac short, not extending posterior to ventral
sucker 7
Superfamily Opecoeloidea Cable, 1956 7a. Oral sucker terminal, funnel-shaped, larger than ven-
Cercariae cotylomicrocercous; nonoculate; develop in sporo-
tral sucker; vitelline follicles confined to hindbody,
confluent posterior to testes (Fig. 674). . .
cysts in prosobranch snails. Life cycle involves three hosts.
Some species progenetic in arthropods.
. Genus Allostenopera Baeva, 1968
7b. Oral sucker round, smaller than ventral sucker; vitel-
line follicles variable in extent, not confluent posterior
Family Opecoelidae Ozaki, 1925 to testes (Fig. 676). . .
Body elongate or oval, nonspinous; ventral sucker in anterior .................................. Genus Helicometra Odhner, 1902
half of body, pedunculate in some genera, papillae on margin of Key to species in Manter (1934) and in Skrjabin (1964).
sucker in some genera; pharynx present; ceca may end blindly, 8a. Testes opposite; ceca short, extending only to testes;
open posteriorly through separate ani, fuse with excretory vesi- genital pore alongside of pharynx; body oval (Fig.
cle to form uroproct, fuse with each other to form cyclocoel or 675) Genus Eurycreadium Manter, 1934
fuse and open through a single anus; testes opposite, oblique or 8b. Testes tandem or oblique; ceca extend nearly to post-
tandem, in hindbody, multiple testes in some genera; cirrus sac erior end of body. 9
usually present; external seminal vesicle sometimes present; 9a. Small accessory sucker close to genital pore which is
genital pore anterior to ventral sucker (dorsal in Neonotoporus); to left of esophagus; ventral sucker in fold of body
ovary pretesticular; vitelline follicles along ceca, variable in ex- wall; cirrus sac absent; seminal vesicle long, folded
tent; uterus usually pretesticular (extends posterior to testes in (Fig. 677). Genus Genitocotyle Park, 1937
Nezpercella; eggs operculate, nonembryonated; parasitic in in- Life cycle: G. acirrus - Metacercariae from the sand shrimp, Cra-
testine of fishes. Epidermal cell formula of miracidium 6, 7, 4, 2. go stylirostris were fed to laboratory-reared redtail surfperch,
Amphistichus rhodoterus, the most frequently infected definitive
Key to Genera host, and mature specimens of G. acirrus were recovered 14
1a. Ceca end blindly at posterior end. 2 days later. The first intermediate host is unknown (Pratt, 1970).
1b. Ceca open through one or two ani or unite to form cy- 9b. Accessory sucker absent. 10
clocoel, or fuse with excretory vesicle to form uro- 10a. Ventral sucker pedunculate; cirrus sac very long;
proct. 18 genital pore to left of cecal bifurcation; body elongate
2a. Genital pore on dorsal surface near left margin of (Fig. 678) .
body; cirrus sac long; testes oblique lobed; vitelline .................... Genus Neopodocotyloides Pritchard, 1966
follicles in fore- and hindbody (Fig. 670). . . 10b. Ventral sucker not pedunculate. 11
...... Genus Neonotoporus Srivastava, 1942 11a. Genital pore to left of pharynx; cirrus sac absent. .12
2b. Genital pore on ventral surface of body. . 3 11b. Genital pore not to left of pharynx; cirrus sac usually
3a. Uterus extends posterior to testes; vitelline follicles present 13
confined to hindbody; genital pore submedian, sinis- 12a. Testes tandem; seminal vesicle free, extends some
tral; parasitic In freshwater fishes (Fig. 671). . . distance posterior to ventral sucker; vitelline follicles
.................................... Genus Nezpercella Schell, 1974 mostly confined to hindbody (Fig. 679). . .
Life cycle: N. lewisi - Miracidia develop and hatch in about two ................... Genus Pseudopecoelusvon Wicklen, 1946
weeks after eggs are laid. They penetrate the prosobranch snail, 12b. Testes oblique or nearly opposite; seminal vesicle
Lithoglyphus virens in which cotylomicrocercous cercariae de- does not extend posterior to ventral sucker; vitelline
velop in daughter sporocysts. After leaving the snail they encyst follicles In fore- and hind body (Fig. 680). . .
in shiners, dace, sculpins, squawfish and trout fingerlings in ................................ Genus Manteriella Yamaguti, 1958
which the metacercariae then develop. The natural definitive 13a. Genital pore median, posterior to pharynx. . 14
hosts are squawfish and small mouth bass (Schell, 1976). 13b. Genital pore submedian, sinistral 15
3b. Uterus entirely pretesticular. . 4 14a. Vitelline follicles confined to hindbody, confluent
4a. Eggs have unipolar filament. 5 posterior to testes; ovary irregular or oval in shape
4b. Eggs without unipolar filaments. 8 (Fig. 681) Genus Apopodocotyle Pritchard, 1966
5a. Three to nine testes (usually nine) in two longitudinal 14b. Vitelline follicles in fore- and hindbody, usually not
rows; ovary lobed (Fig. 672) . confluent posterior to testes; ovary lobed (Fig. 682).
................................. Genus Helicometrina Linton, 1910 . Genus Cainocreadium Nicoll, 1909
life cycle: H. nimia - Encysted metacercariae occur in the tho- Life cycle: C. labracis - Miracidia hatch and penetrate the proso-
racic muscles of shrimp, Lysmata intermedia and Crangon for- branch snail, Gibbula adamsoni. Cotylomicrocercous cercariae
mosum. A cotylomicrocercous cercaria (Cercaria J of Miller, (Cercariae cotylura) develop in orange daughter sporocysts. Af-
1925) develops in the marine snail, Columbella mercatoria is ter leaving the snail, the cercariae encyst in the muscles of go·
thought to be the cercaria of H. nimia. In a laboratory experiment biid and syngnathid marine fishes. The adult parasite develops
in the intestine of the marine bass, Morone labraxwhich eats the vae of the alderfly, Sialis infumata and larvae of the mosquito,
infected intermediate hosts (Maillard, 1971). Culex pipiens. Experimental infections were established in the
The life cycle of C. gulella (= Hamacreadium g.) has been swordtail, Xiphophorus helleri by feeding infected insect larvae.
described by McCoy (1929, 1930). The natural definitive host is the hog sucker, Hypentelium nigri-
15a. Vitelline follicles confined to hind body . 16 cans.
15b. Vitelline follicles in both fore- and hindbody 17 18a. Ceca open posteriorly through separate ani; genital
16a. Ovary round (Fig. 683) . pore to left of pharynx. .. 19
........................... Genus Allopodocotyle Pritchard, 1966 18b. Ceca fused with each other or with excretory vesicle.
16b. Ovary lobed (Fig. 684) . 19a. Ventral sucker very large and conical; cirrus sac pre-
................................. Genus Podocotyle Dujardin, 1845 sent; ovary lobed (Fig. 688). . .
Life cycle: P. atomon - Cotylomicrocercous cercariae develop in .. Genus Pellamyzon Montgomery, 1957
daughter sporocysts in the marine snail, Littorina rudis. After 19b. Ventral sucker round, not conical; cirrus sac absent;
leaving the snail they encyst in the hemocoel of marine amphi- ovary round or irregular in shape. 20
pods of the genera Gammarus, Amphithoe and Carinogamma- 20a. Testes oval or round (Fig. 689). . .
rus. The cycle can now follow two courses. Metacercariae can ................................ Genus Neopecoelus, Manter, 1947
be eaten by the eel, Anguilla rostrata or by the four-spined 20b. Testes lobed (Fig. 690). . .
stickleback, Apeltes quadracus in which the adult fluke then de- .................................... Genus Apertile Overstreet, 1969
velops, or they can develop into progenetic adults right in the 21a. Ceca fused to form cyclocoel; anus absent. 22
amphipod (Hunninen and Cable, 1943a). 21b. Ceca fused and open through a single anus or fused
Ching (1979) studied the life cycle of P. enophrysi. Cotylomi- with excretory vesicle to form uroproct. 23
crocercous cercariae develop in daughter sporocysts in the ma- 22a. Genital pore median; marginal papillae on ventral
rine prosobranch, Lacuna marmorata. Cercaria encyst in the sucker; cirrus sac very small or absent (Fig. 691) .
amphipod, Hyale plumbosa. Metacercariae from amphipods ........................ Genus Dactylostomum Woolcock, 1935
were fed to the sculpin, Oligocottus maculosus and the adult Life cycle: D. anaspidis (= Coitocaecum a.) - Miracidia hatch
flukes recovered 25 days later. and penetrate the prosobranch snails, Potamopyrgus antipo-
The :ife cycle of P. reflexa was reported by Koei (1981). Coty- dum and P. badia. Cotylomicrocercous cercariae develop in
lomicrocercous cercariae develop in daughter sporocysts in the sporocysts and later encyst in the freshwater amphipods, Para-
marine prosobranchs, Buccinium undatum and Neptunea anti- calliope fluviatilis and Anaspidis tasmaniae. Metacercariae are
gua. They encyst in the muscles of decapod crustaceans. The progenetic, developing to sexual maturity in both species of am-
adult develops in cod, Gadus morhua which eat the infected phipods. Experimental infections were established by feeding
crustaceans. infected amphipods to fish, Gobiomorphus gobioides which had
17a. Testes oblique; arms of excretory vesicle long, ex- been reared. Several species of marine fishes serve as natural
tend to level of cecal bifurcation; genital pore sinistral definitive host (Macfarlane, 1939).
(Fig. 685). Genus Hamacreadium Linton, 1910 22b. Genital pore to left of esophagus; ventral sucker with-
Life cycle: H. mutabile - Cotylomicrocercous cercariae develop out marginal papillae; cirrus sac present (Fig. 692) ....
in sporocysts in the marine prosobranch snail, Astraea ameri- .................................... Genus Nicolla Wisniewski, 1934
cana. They encyst in marine fishes of the genera Sparisoma, Life cycle: N. gallica - Cotylomicrocercous cercariae develop in
Halichoeres, Haemulon and Neomaenus. Metacercariae be- sporocysts in the prosobranch snails, Theodoxia fluviatilis and in
come infective within three days after encystment. The adult Bythinella sp. Natural infections with metacercariae were found
parasites develop in the intestine of many species of marine in amphipods of the genera Echinogammarus and Gammarus.
fishes (McCoy, 1929, 1930). Some of these metacercariae were progenetic. Experimental in-
17b. Testes tandem; excretory vesicle extends forward fections were established in Gammarus pulex which were
only as far as ventral sucker; genital pore to left of placed with snails that were shedding cercariae. The resulting
esophagus and pharynx (Fig. 686, 687). . . metacercariae were identical to those found in natural infec-
................................. Genus Plagioporus Stafford, 1904 tions. Natural definitive hosts are common eel, Anguilla anguilla
and the sculpin, Cottus gobio (see Dollfus, 1959, 1960; Grizel
Life cycle: P. shawi - Miracidia develop and hatch in about two
and Vianey-Liaud, 1973).
weeks after eggs are laid. They penetrate the prosobranch snail,
23a. Cirrus sac present; ceca fused and open through a
Lithoglyphus virens in which mother and daughter sporocysts
single anus; ventral sucker sessile or only slightly pe-
develop, the latter producing cotylomicrocercous cercariae. Af-
dunculate. 24
ter emerging, the cercariae encyst in amphipods, nymphs of
23b. Cirrus sac absent; ceca fused with excretory vesicle
stonefly and mayfly and in chironomid larvae in which the meta-
to form uroproct; ventral sucker distinctly peduncu-
cercaria then develops. Metacercariae were fed to young steel-
late 26
head trout and partly developed adults were recovered 26 days
24a. Papillae absent on margin of ventral sucker; cirrus
later. Natural definitive hosts are silver salmon, kokanee, moun-
sac elongate, extends posterior to ventral sucker (Fig.
tain whitefish and several species of trout (Schell, 1975).
694) Genus Opecoelina Manter, 1934
Mathias (1937) studied the life cycle of P. angusticollis. The
24b. Papillae present on margin of ventral sucker 25
host mollusc is Neritina fluviatilis. Cercariae encyst in freshwater
25a. Body elongate; vitelline follicles confined to hindbo-
amphipods and isopods. The adult fluke develops in the com-
dy; ventral sucker only slightly pedunculate; cirrus
mon eel, Anguilla vulgaris and in the sculpin, Cottus gobio.
sac long, extends posterior to ventral sucker (Fig.
Hendrix (1978) reported the life cycle of P. hypentelii. Miraci-
693) Genus Opecoelus Ozaki, 1925
dia hatch and penetrate the prosobranch, Leptoxis carinata in
Key to species in Banerjee (1965).
which cotylomicrocercous cercariae develop in daughter sporo-
cysts. Cercariae emerge and then penetrate and encyst in lar- (Continued)
Fig. 670. Neonotoporus yamaguti. Fig. 671. Nezpercella lewisi.

Fig. 672. Helicometrina elongata.

(from Noble and Park, 1937)

Fig. 673. Stenopera equilata. Fig. 674. Allostenopera pugetensis. Fig. 675. Eurycreadium vitellosum.

Fig. 676. Helicometra torta. Fig. 677. Genitocoty/e acirrus.

Fig. 678. Neopodocoty/oides sinusaccus.

Fig. 680. Manteriella crassum.

(from Manter, 1947)

Fig. 681. Apopodocoty/e oscitans.

Fig. 679. Pseudopecoe/us barkeri.

Fig. 682. Cainocreadium gulella. Fig. 683. Allopodocotyle lepomis.
Fig. 684. Podocotyle atomon.
(from Linton, 1910)
Fig. 685. Hamacreadium mutabile.

Fig. 689. Neopecoelus scorpaenae.

Fig. 686. Plagioporus shawi.

Fig. 687. Plagioporus sinitsini. Fig. 688. Pellamyzon sebastodis.
Fig. 690. Apertile holocentri.
(from Manter, 1947)
Fig. 691. Dactylostomum vitellosum.
(from Manter, 1940)

\ Fig. 692. Nicolla haiichoeri.

Fig. 693. Opecoelus adsphaericus.

(from Manter and Van Cleave. 1951)

Fig. 695. Opecoeloides brachyteleus.

(from Manter, 1947)
Fig. 694. Opecoelina scorpaenae.
Fig. 696. Pseudopecoeloides equesi. Fig. 697. Opegaster synodi.

25b. Body oval or fusiform; cirrus sac short, not extending Superfamily Gorgoderoidea Odening,
posterior to ventral sucker; vitelline follicles in fore-
1960 emended
and hindbody; ventral sucker sessile (Fig. 697). . .
....................................... Genus OpegasterOzaki, 1928 Miracidia have one pair of flame cells. Cystocercous cerca-
26a. Accessory sucker and genital pore at base of pedun- riae develop in daughter sporocysts in lamellibranch molluscs;
cle (Fig. 695) Genus Opecoeloides Odhner, 1928 metacercariae encyst in arthropods and in gastropod molluscs
Life cycle: O. vitellosus (Syn. Anisoporus manten) - Cotylomi- or rarely in the sporocyst. Adults parasitic in gall bladder, bile
crocercous cercariae develop in sporocysts in the marine snail, duct, urinary bladder, intestine or coelom of poikilothermic verte-
Mitrella lunata and encyst in marine amphipods of the genera brates. Life cycle involves three hosts.
Carinogammarus and Amphithoe. Several species of marine
fish serve as definitive host (Hunninen and Cable, 1941).
26b. Accessory sucker absent; genital pore close to pha-
rynx (Fig. 696). . .
Family Gorgoderidae Looss, 1901
.................. Genus PseudopecoeloidesVamaguti, 1940 Body flat, translucent, lanceolate, pyriform or banjo-shaped,
nonspinous; ventral sucker in anterior half of body, larger than
oral sucker; pharynx present or absent; ceca long, may be fused
Family Opistholebetidae Fukui, 1929 posteriorly to form cyclocoel; testes opposite, tandem or
oblique, in hindbody, multiple testes in a few genera; cirrus sac
Body thick, muscular, round, dark pigment around vitellaria, absent; seminal vesicle free in parenchyma; ovary pretesticular;
margins of body crenulate; ventral sucker close to posterior end vitellaria in form of two compact masses, anterior to ovary; uter-
of body and larger than oral sucker; ventral sucker surrounded us posterior to testes; eggs nonoperculate, embryonated; para-
by a disc; muscular ring between oral sucker and pharynx; intes- sitic in urinary bladder of fishes, amphibians and reptiles and in
tinal ceca arcuate, extending to testes; testes opposite, anterior
the coelom of elasmobranchs or in gall bladder of turtles. Epi-
to ventral sucker; cirrus sac present; genital pore median, in
dermal cell formula of miracidium 6, 6, 3.
middle of body; ovary anterior to right testis; vitelline follicles fill
lateral areas of body; intestinal parasites of marine fishes.
Two species of the genus Opistholebes Nicoll, 1915 (Fig. Key to Genera
698) have been reported from North America as parasites of
1a. Pharynx present. 2
porcupine fishes. Key to species ~able (1956).
1b. Pharynx absent. 5
2a. Body truncate at posterior end with two pointed pro-
jections; sides of body nearly parallel; vitellaria in two
compact masses; parasitic in gall bladder of turtles
(Fig. 699) Genus Bicomuata Pearse, 1949
2b. Body pyriform or banjo-shaped. 3
3a. Body banjo-shaped; parasitic in urinary bladder and
cloaca of sea turtles (Fig. 700). . .
........ Genus Plesiochorus Looss, 1900
3b. Body broadly pyriform, foliate posteriorly; seminal re-
ceptacle present; parasitic in coelom of elasmo-
branchs 4
4a. Vitelline glands lateral to ceca; ceca without diverticu-
la; excretory vesicle V-shaped (Fig. 701). . .
~ .................... Genus Probolitrema Looss, 1902
~ 4b. Vitelline glands usually median to ceca but some-
It) times may also be lateral; diverticula on ceca; excre-
\:) tory vesicle V-Shaped (Fig. 702). . .
......................................... Genus Nagmia Nagaty, 1930
Sa. Body banjo-shaped or pyriform; parasitic in fishes
and amphibians. 6
5b. Body lanceolate; parasitic in amphibians. 8
6a. Ceca fused posteriorly to form cyclocoel; parasitic in
urinary bladder of marine fishes (Fig. 703). . .
....................................... Genus Xystretum Linton, 1910
6b. Ceca not fused posteriorly, end blindly; parasitic in
urinary bladder of fishes and amphibians. 7
7a. Body pyriform; testes multiple (5-8); parasitic in url-
Fig. 698. Opistholebes adcotylophorus. (from Manter, 1947) nary bladder of common eel (Fig. 704). . .
......... Genus Progorgodera Brooks and Buckner, 1976
7b. Body banjo-shaped; two testes, opposite or oblique
(Fig. 705) Genus Phyllodistomum Braun, 1899
Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).

Fig. 699. Bicornuata caretta.
Fig. 700. Plesiochorus cymbiformis. Fig. 701. Probolitrema californiense. (from Stunkard, 1935)
(from Pearse, 1949)

Fig. 702. Nagmia f/oridensis. (from Markell, 1953)

Fig. 703. Xystretum solidum.

Life cycle: P. solidum - Miracidia hatch as eggs enter water. 8a. Testes multiple (9 to 11) in two longitudinal rows (Fig.
They are drawn into the incurrent siphon of fingernail clams of 706) Genus Gorgodera Looss, 1899
the genus Pisidium in which cystocercous cercariae develop in Life cyle: G. amplicava - Miracidia hatch from embryonated eggs
daughter sporocysts which inhabit the gill lamellae of the clam. passed in the feces of the host. They are swept into the incurrent
The cercariae eventually encyst in the hemocoel of dragonfly siphon of the fingernail clam, Musculium partumeium. Cystocer-
nymphs. The adult flukes develop in the urinary bladder of the cous cercariae develop in daughter sporocysts in the gill lamel-
dusky salamander, Desmognathus fuscus and in the two-lined lae of the clam. Cercariae leave the clam by way of the excur-
salamander, Eurycea bislineata which eat infected insects rent siphon and are then eaten by tadpoles of frogs and
(Goodchild, 1943; Groves, 1945). salamanders and by crayfishes. They encyst in the intestinal
Schell (1967a) investigated the life cycle of P. staffordi, a par- wall of these hosts. The adult parasite develops in the urinary
asite in the urinary bladder of the bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus. bladder of adult frogs, toads and salamanders which eat the in-
Cystocercous cercariae develop in daughter sporocysts in the fected intermediate hosts (Krull, 1935d; Goodchild, 1948).
sphaeriid clam, Musculium ryckholti and encyst in naiads of 8b. Two tandem testes (Fig. 707). . .
damselflies and trichopterous larvae. The bullheads eat the in- ................................... Genus Gorgoderina Looss, 1902
fected insects.
Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
Wanson and Larson (1972) studied the life cycle of P. noco-
Life cycle: G. attenuata - Newly-hatched miracidia enter the fin-
mis and report that the cercaria which develops in daughter
gernail clam, Sphaerium occidentalis by way of the incurrent sl-
sporocysts in sphaeriid clams, has a small tail that is narrower
phon. Cystocercous cercariae develop in daughter sporocysts in
and shorter than the body. Cercariae encyst in the sporocyst the gills of the clam. They leave the clam and are eaten by tad-
where they change to metacercariae. The host fish is the horny-
poles in which they encyst around the heart and liver. Frogs eat
head chub, Hybopsis biguttata which eats the infected clams.
the infected tadpoles. The developing parasites remain tempo-
Ubelaker and Olsen (1972) reported the life cycle of P. bufo-
rarily in the Wolffian ducts of the frog, then enter the urinary
nis a parasite in the urinary tract of the toad, Bufo boreas. Mac-
bladder where they mature. Natural definitive hosts are frogs of
rocercous cercariae developed in sporocysts in the fingernail
the genus Rana and newts, Triturus viridescens. The metacer-
clam, Pisidium adamsi and after emerging encysted in dragonfly
cariae have nine testis primordia like trematodes in the genus
naiads of the genus Ubellula. Some progenetic metacercariae
Gorgodera but by the time they become sexually mature only
were found in the naiads.
two testes remain (Rankin, 1939).
Wu (1938) found progenetic specimens of P. lesteri in the
The life cycle of G. rochalimai was studied by Jourdane and
freshwater shrimps, Palaemon asperulus and P. nipponensis in
Theron (1975).

Fig. 704. Progorgodera fo/iata. Fig. 705. Phyllodistomum staffordi. Fig. 706. Gorgodera sp. Fig. 707. Gorgoderina sp.
(from Brooks and Buckner. 1976)

Order Opisthorchiida LaRue, 1957 4a. Body broadly fusiform; some folds of uterus envelop
ventral sucker; testes oval, oblique (Fig. 710) .
Miracidia with one pair flame cells. Cercariae distomate or
........................................Genus Metorchis Looss, 1899
monostomate; primary excretory vessels present in tail; stylet
Life cycle: M. conjunctus - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the
present or absent; tail with or without finfolds; develop in rediae
prosobranch snail, Amnicola limosa in which a generation of
in prosobranch snails; metacercariae in fishes. Life cycle in-
sporocysts and one of rediae are produced. Pleurolophocercous
volves three hosts.
cercariae develop in the latter. After emergence, they encyst in
the common sucker, Catostomus commersoni. Piscivorous
Suborder Opisthorchiata LaRue, 1957 mammals, including human beings, become infected by eating
infected fish. Metacercariae excyst in the small intestine and mi-
Superfamily Opisthorchioidea Faust, 1929 grate to the liver and gall bladder by way of the bile duct (Camer-
Cercariae pleuro- or parapleurolophocercous or gymnoce- on, 1944).
phalous; oculate; cuticle spinous; protonephridia mesostomate; 4b. Body narrowly fusiform; uterine folds do not enve-
primary excretory pores on margins of tail close to body-tail lop ventral sucker (Fig. 711). .. .
junction; excretory vesicle with cellular wall. ............................Genus Opisthorchis Blanchard, 1895
Life cycle: 0. tonkae - Embryonated eggs in feces of host are
eaten by the prosobranch snail, Amnicola limosa in which pleu-
Family Opisthorchiidae Braun, 1901 rolophocercous cercariae develop in rediae. The cercariae en-
cyst in sand shiners, pumpkinseed and blunt-nosed minnows.
Body flat, translucent, fusiform or elongate; ventral sucker in
The natural definitive hosts are muskrat and Eastern meadow
anterior third of body; pharynx present; ceca long; testes tan-
mouse. Experimental infections were established in dog, cat, rat
dem or oblique, near posterior end of body; cirrus sac absent;
and guinea pig (Wallace and Penner, 1939; Wallace, 1940; Sill-
seminal vesicle free in parenchyma; genital pore median, an- man, 1953). '
terior to ventral sucker; ventro-genital sac and gonotyl absent;
Wykoff et al (1965) investigated the life cycle of 0. viverrini, a
ovary pretesticular; vitelline follicles lateral to ceca; uterus en-
parasite in the livers of human beings in the Far East. Eggs are
tirely preovarian, intercecal, usually confined to hindbody; eggs
ingested by several species of snails of the genus Bithynia in
operculate, embryonated; parasitic in bile duct, gall bladder, liv-
which a generation of sporocysts and one of rediae are pro-
er or upper small intestine of vertebrates.
duced, the latter giving rise to oculate pleurolophocercous cer-
cariae which encyst in at least nine species of fishes. Human be-
Key to Genera
ings become infected by eating raw or inadequately cooked fish.
1a. Testes dendritic, overlapping ceca laterally; vitelline Bourgat and Kulo (1977) described the life cycle of 0. cha-
follicles lateral to ceca between ovary and ventral baudi in Togo. Pleurolophocercous cercariae develop in rediae
sucker; parasitic in liver of mammals (Fig. 708) . in the gastropod Gabbia neumanni in Togo. They encyst in tad-
......................................Genus Clonorchis Looss, 1907 poles and when metacercariae were fed to a kitten adults were
Life cycle: C. sinensis - This is the Chinese liver fluke of human recovered from the bile ducts seven weeks later.
beings. It does not occur in North America but is a common par- 5a. Body elongate, posterior end truncate, sides parallel;
asite of cats, dogs and human beings in Asia. Embryonated suckers vestigial; parasitic in birds (Fig. 714) .
eggs in feces of host are eaten by the prosobranch snails, Para- ..................................Genus Plotnikovia Skrjabin, 1945
fossarulus manchouricus and Bulimus japonicus. One genera- 5b. Body elongate, posterior end rounded; at least one
tion of sporocysts and one of rediae develop, the latter produce sucker present; vitelline follicles interrupted lateral to
pleurolophocercous cercariae. After emergence, the cercariae ovary 6
encyst in fishes of several species. Human beings become in- 6a. Oral and ventral suckers well developed, the orallarg-
fected by eating metacercariae in fish flesh. Defecation by hu- er than the ventral; vitelline follicles not confluent an-
man beings in exposed places and the custom of eating raw or terior to ventral sucker (Fig. 712). .. .
undercooked fish contribute to the high incidence of this parasite ..................................Genus Amphimerus Barker, 1911
in the Far East. Life cycle: Amphimerus sp. - Embryonated eggs are eaten by
1b. Testes lobed or oval, usually intercecal. 2 the prosobranch snail, Goniobasis semicarinata. Pleurolopho-
2a. Body fusiform or elliptical. 3 cercous cercariae develop in daughter rediae in about 90 days.
2b. Body elongate, slender. .. 5 The second intermediate host is unknown but it is probably a
3a. Vitelline follicles confined to lateral regions of ante- fish. The mature fluke develops in the bile duct and gall bladder
rior half of body, confluent anterior to ventral sucker; of the snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina (see Cable, 1939).
testes lobed, tandem; excretory vesicle passes be- Evans (1963) fed presumably infected flesh of the common
tween testes (Fig. 709). .. . sucker, Catostomus commersoni to a cat and later recovered
............................Genus Parametorchis Skrjabin, 1913 adults of Amphimerus pseudofelineus from the liver.
3b. Vitelline follicles lateral to ceca in middle third of body 6b. Oral sucker absent, ventral sucker very small; vitel-
or more posterior than this, not confluent; parasitic in line follicles confluent anterior to ventral sucker (Fig.
birds and mammals. 4 713). Genus Pseudamphimerus Gower, 1940

Fig. 708. Clonorchis sinensis. Fig. 709. Parametorchis complexus.

Fig. 710. Metorchis albidus.

Fig. 711. Opisthorchis tenuicollis.

Fig. 714. Plotnikovia podilymbae.

Fig. 712. Amphimerus ovalis.
Fig. 713. Pseudamphimerus sterni.
(from Gower, 1940)
Family Heterophyidae Odhner, 1914 nonsplnous (Fig. 718). . .
........................... Genus Apophalloides Yamaguti, 1971
Body small, oval, fusiform or pyriform; body spines conical or
Note: This genus might not be valid. It is based on one poorly
scalelike; oral and ventral suckers present; pharynx present;
preserved specimen.
ceca variable in length; one or two testes; testes opposite,
Sa. Oral sucker conical with solid posterior appendix,
oblique or tandem, in hindbody; cirrus and cirrus sac absent;
dorsal lip present on oral sucker. . .
seminal vesicle free in parenchyma; ovary pretesticular; genital
.. Ascocotyle Complex 6
sac (containing genital pore and gonotyl if present) or ventroge-
5b. Oral sucker without solid posterior appendix. 9
nital (containing ventral sucker, genital pore and gonotyl); male 6a. Circumoral spines absent; ceca short; vitelline folli-
and female ducts fused to form hermaphroditic duct (genital si- cles near posterior end of body; short hermaphroditic
nus); vitelline follicles along ceca or clustered around gonads; duct opens into genital sac immediately posterior to
uterus usually confined to hindbody; eggs operculate, embryo- gonotyl (Fig. 720). . .
nated; parasitic in intestine of birds or mammals. ........ Genus Pseudascocotyle Sogandares-Bernal and
Note: The gonotyl is regarded as a muscular and sometimes
Bridgman, 1960
spiny outgrowth of the wall of the genital or ventrogenital sac. Ufe cycle: P. mollienisicola - Metacercariae of this species were
The genital pore is usually adjacent to the gonotyl but in a few found encysted in the intestinal wall, gills and muscles of the
species it is surrounded by the gonotyl. saHfin molly, Mollienisia latipinna. Cysts were fed to hamsters
and the adult parasites recovered. Other larval stages and the
Key to Genera natural definitive host are unknown (Sogandares-Bernal and
Bridgman, 1960).
1a. One testis. 2
6b. Circumoral spines present. 7
1b. Two testes. . ,. 5
7a. Vltellaria restricted to testicular region (Fig. 723) .
2a. One circle of circumoral spines present; hermaphro-
..... Genus Phagicola Faust, 1920
ditic duct modified to form muscular ejector; seminal
Key to species in Burton (1958).
vesicle bipartite; prostatic vesicle present (Fig. 715).
7b. Vitellaria distributed along lateral regions of hind-
............................... Genus Pygidiopsoides Martin, 1951
body 8
Ufe cycle: P. spindalis - Metacercariae from the gills of the Cali-
8a. ceca short, extend only to level of ventral sucker;
fomia killifish, Fundulus parvipinnis, were fed to cats and baby
uterus confined to hindbody (Fig. 721). . .
chicks and mature trematodes were recovered four to six days
........ Genus Ascocotyle Looss, 1899
later. The natural definitive host is unknown. Early larval stages
develop in the prosobranch marine snail, Cerithidia californica. Ufe cycle: A. pachycystis - Pleurolophocercous cercariae devel-
Cercariae, resembling the pleurolophocercous type except for op in a redia in the prosobranch, Littoridinops tenuipes. After
the absence of finfolds on the tail, develop in a redia (Martin, leaving the snail, they penetrate the gills of killifish, Cyprinodon
1951,1964). variegatus, migrate to the bulbus arteriosus where they encyst
2b. Circumoral spines and muscular ejector absent. ... 3 and develop in infective metacercariae in about 25 days. The in-
3a. Body oval or pyriform, clothed in rows of scalelike fected bulbus enlarges to about 20 times normal size. The adult
spines; genital sac present, containing only genital parasite develops in the intestine of raccoon (Schroeder and
pore; gonotyl absent (Fig. 716). . . Leigh,1965).
.............................. Genus Phocitremoides Martin, 1950 Ostrowski de Nunez (1976) studied the life cycle of A. tenui-
Ufe cycle: P. ovale - Pleurolophocercous cercariae develop in collis in Argentina where Littoridina piscium is the host snail.
rediae ln the marine prosobranch, Cerithidia californica and after Parapleurolophocercous cercariae develop in a redia and fol-
leaving the snail, encyst beneath the scales of jack smelt Atheri- lowing emergence encyst in the bulbus arteriosus of the vivipa-
nopsis californica and the California killifish, Fundulus parvipin- rous top minnow, Cnesterodon decemmaculatus in which meta-
nis. The natural definitive host is unknown but experimental in- cercariea then develop. The latter were fed to a white mouse
fections were established in cats and baby chicks by feeding and adults recovered 3 to 5 days later. The natural definitive
rnetacercarlae (Martin, 1950a). hosts are several species of herons.
Partial life cycles are known for A. branchialis and for A. sexi-
3b. Body fusiform or elongate; spines conical, not scale-
digita (see Timon-David and Timon-David, 1966; Martin and
like; ventrogenital sac present. 4
Steele, 1970).
4a. Body fusiform; ceca short; ovary oval, close to testis;
vitelline follicles small, clustered around gonads; 8b. Ceca long extend to testes; uterus extends into fore-
ventral sucker inclined anteriorly and cavity of sucker body (Fig. 722). . .
spinous (Fig. 717). . . .. Genus Leighia Sogandares-Bernal and
...... Genus Euhaplorchis Martin, 1950 Lumsden, 1963
Ufe cycle: E. californiensis - Parapleurolophocercous cercariae Life cycle: L. mcintoshi - Oculate gymnocephalous cercariae
develop in rediae in the marine prosobranch, Cerithidia californi- with a spiny retractile anterior end and no finfolds on the tail de-
ca and after leaving the snail encyst in the brain of the California velop in a redia in the prosobranch, Littoridinops monroensis.
killifish. The natural definitive host is the California gull, Larus The cercariae are eaten by small fish, Poecilia latipinna and
californicus. Experimental infections were established in baby Gambusia affinis. They penetrate the intestinal wall and finally
chicks (Martin, 1950b). encyst in the coelom. Adult flukes developed in baby chicks
4b. Body elongate; ceca long; ovary angUlar, separated within 48-60 hours after feeding metacercariae (Leigh, 1974).
from testis by some distance; testis near posterior 9a. Circumoral spines present; body convex dorsally; vi-
end of body; vitelline follicles large lobed, distributed tellaria in form of rosettes in later regions of body;
along ceca; ventral sucker not inclined anteriorly and adults in pairs in cysts in wall of stomach and intes-
tine of birds and mammals (Fig. 724). . . 13b. Gonotyl without spines; genital pore usually outside
........................................ Genus PholeterOdhner, 1914 of gonotyl. 14
9b. Circumoral spines absent; vitellaria not in form of ro- 14a. Oral sucker with dorsal lip set off by a transverse
settes; adults not paired in cysts. . 10 groove; anterior wall of gonotyl provided with pock-
10a. Anterior end of body truncate, wider than rest of ets or invaginations; vitelline follicles large, lateral to
body; testes and ovary lobed; testes tandem; arms of ceca; testes opposite (Fig. 729). . .
excretory vesicle extend into anterior part of body ............... Genus Phocitrema Goto and Ozaki, 1930
and united by several transverse canals in region of 14b. Oral sucker without dorsal lip; gonotyl without invagi-
gonads (Fig. 725). . . nations; vitelline follicles small. 15
............... Genus Scaphanocephalus Jagerskiold, 1903 15a. Body linguiform; ventrogenital sac with suckerlike
Life cycle: S. expansus - Metacercariae of this species were anterior pocket; ventral sucker small, embedded in
found in the smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata (see Hutton, gonotyl and in form of a nucleated knob (Fig. 730) .
1964). ..................................... Genus Cryptocotyle Liihe, 1899
10b. Body not as described above. 11 Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
11a. Ventral sucker submedian and variably lobed at apex; Life cycle: C. lingua - Several days are required for development
mouth ofventrogenital sac directed anteriorly. .... 12 of the miracidium after eggs are laid. Pleurolophocercous cerca-
11b. Ventral sucker median and not lobed at apex; mouth riae develop in rediae in the marine prosobranch snail, Littorina
of ventrogenital sac not directed anteriorly. 13 littorea and after leaving the snail, encyst in the subcutaneous
128. Vitelline follicles confined to hindbody; testes connective tissue of cunners. Accumulation of black pigment in
oblique; oral sucker subterminal; esophagus twice the cyst capsule results in "black spot" disease. The adult para-
length of pharynx (Fig. 726). . . site develops in several species of piscivorous birds as well as in
.. Genus Metagonimus Katsurada, 1913 cat, dog and rat (Stunkard, 1930).
Life cycle: M. yokogawai - Although this genus is not rep- Ching (1978) reported new hosts for this species in British
resented in North America, it is included because of its impor- Columbia. The host snail is Littorina scutulata. Metacercariae
tance as a parasite of human beings and some domestic ani- developed in the sculpins, Leptocottus armatus and Oligocottus
maculosus and in the starry flounder, Platichthys stellatus.
mals in the Far East. Embryonated eggs are ingested by the
snail, Semisulcospira libertina in which the miracidium hatches Adults were recovered from the gull, Larus glaucescens.
and changes to.a sporocyst which in turn produces two genera- 15b. Body not linguiform; ventrogenital sac without suck-
tions of rediae. Pleurolophocercouscercariae develop in daugh- erllke anterior pocket; ventral sucker muscular •... 16
ter rediae. After leaving the snail, they encyst beneath the skin 16a. Ventral sucker armed with spines or sclerites. ..... 17
of numerous species of freshwater fishes. The adult parasite in- 16b. Ventral sucker unarmed •......................................... 19
habits the small intestine of cat, dog, pig and human beings. 17a. Seminal vesicle thin-walled, bi- or tripartite; ventral
sucker armed with large spines or sclerites (Fig. 731,
12b. Vitelline follicles in fore- and hindbody; testes oppo- 732, 733). Genus Stictodora Looss, 1899
site; oral sucker terminal; esophagus very short or Life cycle: S. cursitans - Parapleurolophocercous cercariae (=
absent (Fig. 727). . . C. cursitans) develop in rediae in the prosobranch, Cerithidia
.................. Genus Metagonimoides Price, 1931 scalariformis. Metacercariae develop in three species of killifish
Life cycle: M. oregonensis - Miracidia develop within 23 days af- of the genus Fundulus. Experimental infections were estab-
ter eggs are laid. Pleurolophocercous cercariae develop in re- lished by feeding metacercariae to mice, the adult flukes devel-
diae in several species of prosobranch snails of the genus Go- oping in six days. Natural definitive hosts are rice rats, opossum
niobasis. Cercariae can either remain in the redia and develop and raccoon (Holliman, 1961; Kinsella and Heard, 1974).
to infective metacercariae or they can leave the redia and the
snail and encyst in tadpoles of frogs, toads and salamanders Martin (1950c) reported the life cycle of S. hancocki (= Par-
where they then develop to metacercariae. Experimental infec- astictodora hancocki). Parapleurolophocercous cercariae devel-
tions have been established in hamsters but the natural defini- op in rediae in Cerithidia califomica. Metacercariae were found
tive host is the raccoon (Ingles, 1935; Burns and Pratt, 1953; in the California killifish, Fundulus parvipinnis and in the mud-
Lang and Gleason, 1967). sucker, Gillichthys mirabilis. Experimental infections were es-
tablished in baby chicks after feeding metacercariae. The natu-
13a. Gonotyl postero-sinlstral to ventral sucker and armed ral definitive host is unknown.
with rows of fine spines; gonotyl envelops genital 17b. Seminal vesicle has thick wall; ventral sucker armed
pore (Fig. 728). .... Genus Heterophyes Cobbold, 1886 with numerous small spines. 18
Life cycle: H. heterophyes - The genus is not represented in 18a. Gonotyl present; envelops genital pore; hermaphro-
North America but is included because of its importance as a ditic duct (= genital sinus) short; seminal vesicle bi-
parasite of human beings in the Far East. The life cycle is very partite (Fig. 734, 735). . .
much like that of Metagonimus yokogawai. The host snails are ... Genus Galactosomum Looss, 1899.
Pirenella conica and Tympanotomus microptera which ingest Key to species in Pearson (1973).
the embryonated eggs. Pleurolophocercous cercariae develop Life cycle: G. timondavidi - Monostomate, oculate cercariae with
and encyst in several species of fish. The adult stage develops a very long tail without finfolds develop in rediae in the marine
in the small intestine of cat, dog and human being. Metacerca- prosobranch, Cerithium mediterraneum. After leaving the snail,
riae and developing adults of H. heterophyes and Metagonimus the cercariae encyst in the brain of mullet, Mugi/ auratus and in
yokogawai sometimes invade the intestinal mucosa, enter pipefish, Syngnathus abaster. The definitive host is the herring
branches of the mesenteric blood vessels and are carried to the gull, Larus argentatus which ingests the infected fishes (Prevot,
central nervous system and the heart where they clog blood 1973).
vessels. (Continued)
Fig. 716. Phocitremoides ova/e.

Fig. 717. Euhap/orchis californiensis.

Fig. 715. Pygidiopsoidesspindalis. (from Martin, 1951)


ventral sucker

seminal vesicle

Fig. 720b.

Fig. 719. Ascocoty/e angrense,

oral sucker, lateral view. Fig. 720a. Pseudascocoty/e molliensico/a.

(from Sogandares-Bernal and Bridgman, 1960)

Fig. 718. Apophal/oides pyriformis.

(from Webster and Wolfgang, 1956)

Fig. 721 b. Oral sucker

lateral view. Fig. 722. Leighia sp. Fi~. 723. Phagico/a sp.
Fig. 721 a. Ascocoty/e sp.

Fig. 724. Pholeter gastrophilus.
(from Pearson and Courtney, 1977).

Fig. 726a. Metagonimus yokogawai.

Fig. 725. Scaphanocephalus expansus.

Fig. 726b. ventral sucker, lateral view

Fig. 727. Metagonimoides oregonense.

Fig. 728. Heterophyes heterophyes.

Fig. 729. Phocitrema fusiforme.

Fig. 730b. ventrogenital sac,
(from Pearson and Courtney, 1977). Fig. 731 b. ventrogenital sac
sagittal section

Fig. 730a. Cryptocotyle lingua. Fig. 731 a. Stictodora cursitans.

(from Kinsella and Heard, 1974).
ventral sucker

Fig. 733. Stictodora caballeroi

Fig. 732. Stictodora hancocki. (from Martin, 1950)

ventral sucker

~\!J-l-- ventrogenital sac

Fig. 734a. Galactosomum humbargari.
(from Park, 1936)

prostrate gland

seminal vesicle

Fig. 734b. ventrogenital sac

Fig. 735. Galactosomum

(from Pearson, 1973)

Fig. 736b. ventrogenital sac

Fig. 736a. Neostictodora nuttoni.

Fig. 737. Pygidiopsisplana. (from Linton, 1928).

Sogandares-Bernal and Hutton (1960) found the metacerca- The natural definitive host is mink. Experimental infections were
ria of what was believed to be G. spinetum encysted in the vis- established in cats and rats, the parasite attaining sexual maturi-
ceral fat of the half beak, Hyporhampus unifasciatus. When fed ty in one week (Ameel, 1938).
to hamsters the adults failed to develop. Madhavi and Rao Anderson and Pratt (1965) investigated the life cycle of E.
(1968) found the metacercaria of G. puffini in four species of clu- squamula. Pleurolophocercous cercariae develop in rediae in
peoid fishes. The cysts were in the wall of the esophagus, the Bythinel/a hemphilli and encyst under the skin of frogs of the
adult is a parasite of gulls. Cable (1956b) proposed that the cer- genera Rana and Ascaphus and also in the newt, Triturus crista-
caria produced by species in this genus is the nonaggregating tus. Experimental infections were established in cats and ham-
magnacercous (opisthorchioid) type. sters. Raccoon and mink serve as natural definitive hosts in
18b. Gonotyl absent; hermaphroditic duct long; seminal North America.
vesicle has thin wall (Fig. 736). . . 20b. Body not rectangular, either oval or pyriform; testes
........... Genus Neostictodora Sogandares-Bernal, 1959 oval or round; parasitic in birds or in mammals other
19a. Vitelline follicles confined to areas lateral to gonads, than mustellds. 21
near posterior end of body; seminal vesicle bipartite; 21a. Testes opposite; seminal vesicle bipartite; vitelline
genital sac present, contains genital pore and weakly follicles In fore- and hlndbody; intestinal parasites of
developed gonotyl (Fig. 737). . . marine-mammals (Fig. 739). . .
. Genus Pygidiopsis Looss, 1907 ..................................... Genus Pricetrema Clurea, 1933
Life cycle: P. pindoramensis - The work was done in Argentina 21b. Testes oblique or tandem; seminal vesicle unlpartite;
where the host snail is Littoridina piscium. Pleurolophocercous vitelline follicles confined to hlndbody; Intestinal para-
cercariae develop in a redia and after emerging, encyst in the gill sites In birds and mammals (Fig. 740). . .
filaments and mesenteries of the viviparous top minnow, Cnes- .... Genus Apophal/us LUile, 1909
terodon decemmaculatus where metacercariae develop, The, Life cycle: A. venustus - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the
latter were fed to a white mouse and adults developed 3 to 5 prosobranch snail, Goniobasis livescens in which the miracidia
days later. The natural definitive hosts are several species of he- hatch. Pleurolophocercous cercariae develop in rediae and after
rons (Ostrowski de Nunez, 1976). leaving the snail, penetrate several species of freshwater fish
19b. Vitelline follicles more extensive than described where they encyst in muscles and skin. The adult parasites de-
above; gonotyl well developed. 20 velop in cat, dog, raccoon and great blue heron which acquire
20a. Body rectangular or pyriform; testes lobed; vitelline the infection by eating infected fish (Cameron, 1937).
follicles in both fore- and hind body; usually intestinal A. brevis causes "black spot" disease in several species of
parasites in mustelid mammals (Fig. 738). . . freshwater fishes.
........ Genus Euryhelmis Poche, 1926 Niemi and Macy (1974) reported the development of A. doni-
Life cycle: E. monorchis - Pleurolophocercous cercariae devel- cus in human volunteers who had been fed metacercariae.
op in rediae in the freshwater prosobranch snail, Pomatiopsis There have been other reports of infection with this species in
lapidaria and encyst in tadpoles and frogs of the genus Rana. human beings where fish are eaten raw.

Fig. 738. Euryhelmis squamula.

Fig. 739. Pricetrema zalophi.

Fig. 740. Apophal/us brevis.

Family Cryptogonimidae Ciurea, 1933 7b. Oral sucker subterminal, ventral, round. 10
8a. Vitelline follicles in narrow lateral rows along ceca be-
Body variable in shape; eyespots present in some genera; tween ovary and ventral sucker: oral sucker oval;
oral sucker terminal or not; circumoral spines present in some body with rows of scale-like spines: muscular pad im-
genera; ventral sucker usually enclosed in a ventro genital sac mediately anterior to ventral sucker (Fig. 746). . .
along with one or more gonotyls; pharynx present; ceca usually ............................. Genus Cryptogonimus Osborn, 1903
long;testes opposite, oblique or tandem (nine testes in Siphode- Life cycle: C. spinovum - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the
ra) cirrus sac absent; seminal vesicle free in parenchyma, usual-
prosobranch snail, Cincinatia peracuta in which pleurolophocer-
ly bipartite; hermaphroditicduct present, opens into ventro geni- cous cercariae develop in rediae. They encyst in the tissues of
tal sac; ovary lobed or follicular, pretesticular or intertesticular;
freshwater fishes such as Micropterus sa/moides and Elassoma
vitelline follicles distributed along ceca; uterus confined to hind- zonatum and three species of Lepomis. The definitive hosts are
body, extends posterior to testes; eggs operculate, embryo- M. sa/moides and M. punctulatus (see Greer and Corkum,
nated, some have polar filaments; arms of excretory vesicle ex- 1979).
tend forward to level of pharynx; parasitic in intestine of fishes. 8b. Vitelline follicles in small clusters, lateral to pharynx:
oral sucker funnel- or cup-shaped. 9
Key to Genera 9a. Two ventral suckers present in tandem: ovary tri-
1a. Oral sucker with large circumoral spines; testes oppo- lobed; ceca short and inflated (Fig. 748). . .
site •............................................................................. 2 ..... Genus Turgecaecum Sullivan, 1975
1b. Oral sucker without circumoral spines. 4 9b. One ventral sucker present; ovary not trilobed; ceca
2a. Ovary follicular; vitelline follicles lateral to ovary and short but not inflated (Fig. 747). . .
testes; Intestinal parasites of freshwater fishes (Fig. .... Genus Caecincola Marshall and Gilbert, 1905
741)•................................................................................ Life cycle: C. parvulus - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the
..... Genus Neochasmus Van Cleave and Mueller, 1932 freshwater prosobranch snail, Amnicola histrica in which pleuro-
2b. Ovary single, lobed. 3 lophocercous cercariae develop in rediae. The cercariae encyst
3a. Ovary a transverse lobed mass; vitelline follicles in the skin of several species of centrarchid and cyprinid fishes.
along ceca between level of ovary and seminal vesicle Metacercariae are infective in about three weeks. The adult par-
which Is some distance anterior to ventral sucker; asites develop in the pyloric ceca and intestine of largemouth
parasitic In freshwater fishes (Fig. 742). . . and smallmouth bass (Lundahl, 1941).
................ Genus A/lacanthochasmus Van Cleave, 1922 Greer and Corkum (1979) studied the life cycle of C. latosto-
3b. Ovary a rounded lobed mass; vitelline follicles lateral ma which utilizes the prosobranch snail, Cincinatia peracuta.
to ovary and overlapping testes; seminal vesicle post- Pleurolophocercous cercariae encyst in the muscles of Microp-
erior to ventral sucker parasitic in marine fishes (Fig. terus sa/moides, Elassoma zonatum and Lepomis spp. Meta-
743). ......... Genus Paracryptogonimus Yamaguti, 1934 cercariae were fed to M. sa/moides and M. punctulatus which
48. Nine testes, arranged In two longitudinal rows (5 and serve as definitive hosts.
4); vitelline follicles lateral to ceca, between ventral 10a. Body fusiform; ovary pretesncutar: suckers about
sucker and testes (Fig. 744). . . equal in size (Fig. 749). . .
. Genus Siphodera Linton, 1910 .............................. Genus Centrovarium Stafford, 1904
Life cycle: S. vinaledwardsii - Pleurolophocercouscercariae de- 10b. Body broadly oval; ovary lntertesncular: oral sucker
velop in a redia in the marine prosobranch snail, Bittium altema- larger than ventral sucker (Fig. 750). . .
tum. They encyst in the fins and body wall of summer flounder, ....................................... Genus Metadena Linton, 1910
Paralichthys dentatus. The adult fluke develops in the intestine Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
of the toadfish, Opsanus tau and in the pigfish, Orthopristis 11a. Ten or eleven muscular, lip-like gonotyls in linear series
chrysopterus (see Cable and Hunninen, 1941, 1942b). anterior to ventral sucker; vitelline follicles in lateral
clusters In forebody (Fig. 751). . .
4b. Two testes. .. 5 ............................ Genus Multigonotylus Premvati, 1967
5a. Testes opposite. 6 11b.Gonotyi Single, knob-like 12
5b. Testes tandem or oblique. 11 12a. Oral sucker terminal, saucer-shaped; gonotyl without
6a. Testes elongate, lobed, close to posterior end of large spines; vitelline follicles confined to hlndbody;
body; ventral sucker submedian; seminal vesicle ovary round; parasitic in marine fishes (Fig. 752). ......
long; parasite In ovary of catfish (Fig. 745) . ................................. Genus Claribu/la Overstreet, 1969
................................... Genus Acetodextra Pearse, 1924 12b. Oral sucker subterminal; gonotyl has several large
Life cycle: A. ameiuri - Some adult worms have been found in spines; vitelline follicles confined to forebody; ovary
thfoswim bladder but the normal habitat is thought to be the lobed; parasitic in freshwater fishes (Fig. 753). . .
oVary.Gravid worms retain eggs until they leave the host with ................... Genus Textrema Dronen, Underwood and
fish eggs at spawning time. Suderman,19n
6b. Testes round or oval and some distance from poste- Life cycle: T. hopkinsi - Embryonated eggs are eaten by the pro-
rior end of body; ventral sucker median; parasitic in sobranch snail, Cincinatia peracuta in which pleurolophocer-
Intestine of fishes. . 7 cous cercariae develop in rediae. They encyst in the muscles,
7a. Oral sucker terminal, large, either funnel-shaped or skin and fins of Micropterus sa/moides, Elassoma zonatum and
oval. 8 in two species of Lepomis (see Greer and Corkum, 1979).

Fig. 743. Paracryptogonimus americanus.
Fig. 741. Neochasmusumbellus.
Fig. 742. Allacanthochasmus varius.
(from Van Cleave and Mueller, 1932).
(from Van Cleave, 1922)

Fig. 746a. Cryptogonimus chyli.

Fig. 745. Acetodextraameiuri.

Fig. 744. Siphodera vinaledwardsii.

Fig. 746b. ventrogenital sac

Fig. 747. Caecincola parvulus. Fig. 748a. Turgecaecum longifauces.

(from Marshall and Gilbert, 1905). (from Sullivan, 1975). Fig. 748b. Sagittal section of ventral suckers
Fig. 750. Metadena crassulata.

Fig. 749. Centrovarium lobates.

Fig. 751. Multigonotylus micropteri. Fig. 752. Claribulla longula. (from Overstreet, 1959). Fig. 753. Textrema hopkinsi.
Family Acanthostomidae Poche, 1926 adult parasite inhabits the intestine of the marine bass, Morone
/abrax. Miracidia hatch and penetrate the prosobranch snails,
Body elongate, spinous; oral sucker terminal, funnel-shaped,
Hydrobia acuta and H. ventrosa in which pleurolophocercous
surrounded by a row of circumoral spines; ventral sucker small-
cercariae develop in rediae. Cercariae emerge and then encyst
er than oral sucker, in anterior half of body; pharynx, prepharynx
in the muscles of small marine fishes of the families Gobiidae,
and esophagus present; ceca long, end blindly, open through
Mugilidae and Atherinidae. As the metacercariae develop the
separate ani or fuse with excretory vesicle to form a cloaca; one
circumoral spines and ventral sucker appear and the pigmented
cecum might be vestigial or absent in some species; testes near
eyespots and glands of the cercariae disappear. Morone /abrax,
posterior end of body, tandem; ovary pretesticular; cirrus sac
the definitive host, eats the infected small fishes (Maillard,
absent; seminal vesicle free in parenchyma; gonotyl and her-
maphroditic duct present in some species; genital pore anterior
The life cycle of T. praeteritum is similar, involving the same
to ventral sucker; preacetabular and postacetabular pits present
hosts but the cercaria is parapleurolophocercous (Maillard,
in some genera; ventrogenital sac absent; vitelline follicles lat-
eral, along ceca in hindboy; uterus pretesticular; eggs embryo-
1b. Ovary immediately anterior to testes; uterus entirely
nated, operculate; excretory vesicle Y- or V-shaped; parasitic in
preovarian; seminal receptacle posterior to ovary. . 2
intestine of fishes and reptiles.
2a. Gonotyl present anterior to ventral sucker; esopha-
Key to Genera gus shorter than prepharynx; body spines very small
(Fig. 755). Genus Proctocaecum Baugh, 1957
1a. Ovary some distance anterior to testes; some uterine 2b. Gonotyl absent; esophagus longer than prepharynx;
folds posterior to ovary; Seminal receptacle anterior body spines large (Fig. 756). . .
to ovary (Fig. 754). ... Genus Timoniella Rebecq, 1960 ........ Genus Caimanico/a Teixeira de Freitas and Lent,
Ufe cycle: T. imbutiforme (= Acanthostomum imbutiforme) -The 1938

Fig. 756. Caimanicola pavida.

Fig. 754. Timoniella loossi.

Fig. 755. Proctocaecum coronarium.
(from Brooks and Overstreet, 1977)
Family Pachytrematidae Baer, 1944 Suborder Acanthocolpiata Nahhas and
Body flat, broadly oval, nonspinous; suckers equal, close to Cable, 1964
anterior end of body, pharynx very small; ceca long; testes op- Superfamily Acanthocolpioidea Nahhas
posite, in posterior fourth of body; cirrus sac absent; seminal and Cable, 1964
vesicle free in parenchyma; genital pore median, between suck-
Cercariae distomate, oculate, with or without stylet; tail sim-
ers; ovary median, intertesticular or slightly posttesticular; vitel-
ple, with or without finfolds; protonephridia stenostomate, excre-
line follicles in clusters lateral to ceca; uterus very long with
tory pores on sides of tail well removed from body-tail junction;
many transverse folds, confined to hindbody; eggs operculate,
excretory vesicle V-shaped with cellular wall. Cercariae develop
embryonated; parasitic in the gall bladder of bile duct of reptiles,
in a redia in prosobranch snails; metacercariae encysted in fish-
birds and mammals.
es. Life cycle involves three hosts.
The family contains only the genus Pachytrema Looss, 1907
which is represented in North America by P. sanguineum (Fig.
757). Key to species in Skrjabin (1964). Family Acanthocolpidae Liihe, 1902
Body elongate, cuticle densely spinous, large circumoral
spines in some genera; eyespots in young adults; ventral sucker
in anterior half of body; pharynx present; ceca long, end blindly
or fuse with excretory vesicle to form uroproct; testes tandem, in
hindbody; cirrus sac present; ovary pretesticular; hermaphrodit-
ic duct present, not enclosed in a sac; genital pore anterior to
ventral sucker; vitelline follicles restricted to hindbody, confluent
posterior to testes; uterus preovarian; eggs operculate, embryo-
nated; parasitic in intestine of fishes.
Key to Genera
1a. Circumoral spines absent; suckers small; ceca united
with excretory vesicle to form uroproct (Fig. 758) .
.................................. Genus Tormopsolus Poche, 1926
Key to species in Skrjabin (1964).
1b. One or two rows of circumoral spines present. 2
2a. Circumoral spines in a single row; arms of excretory
vesicle divided to form two convoluted tubes on each
side of body; ventral sucker very close to oral sucker
(Fig. 759). Genus Manteria Caballero, 1950
2b. Circumoral spines In two uninterrupted rows; arms of
excretory vesicle not divided in each side of body
(Fig. 761) Genus Stephanostomum Looss,1899
Key to species in Manter and Van Cleave (1951) and in
Caballero (1952).
Life cycle: S. tenue - Oculate xiphidiocercariae (Fig. 760) with a
spiny body and cellular excretory vesicle develop in rediae in the
marine prosobranch snail, Nassa obsoleta. After leaving the
snail, they are eaten by the silverside, Menidia notata in which
they encyst. Metacercariae were fed to Northern puffer, Sphae-
roides maculatus and the adult flukes recovered. The natural
definitive host is the striped bass, Roccus saxatilis (see Martin,
Stunkard (1961) described the life cycle of S. dentatum. The
cercaria is probably Cercaria dipterocerca which differs from
other cercariae reported for the genus Stephanostomum in hav-
ing lateral and ventral finfolds on the tail.
Mac Kenzie and Liversidge (1975) investigated the life cycle
of S. baccatum. The cercaria is C. neptunae and the host snails
are Buccinum undatum and Neptunea antigua. Cercariae en-
Fig. 757. Pachytremasanguineum. (from Linton, 1928). cyst in plaice, Pleuronectes platessa and in common dabs, U.
manda Iimanda. The adult is a parasite of several marine carni-
vorous fishes.

· .
: ..

•. :!'

Figl 760. Cercaria of

Fig. 758. Tormopsolus lintoni. Fig. 759. Manteria brachyderus. Stepanostomum tenue.

(from Caballero, 1952). (from Manter, 1940).

Fig. 761. Stephanostomum casum.

Family Campulidae Odhner, 1926 3b. Ceca with anterior and lateral diverticula; cirrus sac
short, oval. 4
Body large, elongate, spinous; suckers about equal; pharynx
4a. Ventral sucker near middle of body; body 25 to 45 mm
present; Ceca long, with or without diverticula, either open
long; testes dendritic (Fig. 765) .
through separate ani posteriorly or fuse with excretory vesicle to
............................... Genus Lecithodesmus Braun, 1902
form uroproct; testes tandem, in hindbody; cirrus sac present;
4b. Ventral sucker close to oral sucker, in anterior fourth
genital pore median, anterior to ventral sucker; ovary pretesticu-
of body; body 10 to 15 mm long; testes lobed. 5
lar; vitellaria follicular or in the form of rosettes, distributed along
5a. Ceca fused with excretory vesicle to form uroproct;
ceca in fore- and hindbody or confined to hindbody; uterus en-
eggs triangular in cross section; parasite of por-
tirely preovarian; eggs usually triangular in cross section; excre-
poises (Fig. 768). Genus Campula Cobbold, 1858
tory vesicle tubular; parasitic in bile duct and small intestine of
Key to species in Price (1932) and in Skrjabin (1964).
marine mammals.
5b. Ceca end blindly; eggs round in cross section; para-
Key to Genera site of seals (Fig. 767). . .
........... Genus Zalophotrema Stunkard and Alvey, 1929
1a. Ceca with a pair of anterior diverticula but no lateral
diverticula. 2
/ 1b. Ceca without diverticula of any kind or with both ante-
Family Nasitrematidae (Ozaki, 1935)
rior and lateral diverticula. 3 Yamaguti, 1951 emended
2a. Vitellaria in form of rosettes and restricted to posttes- Body elongate, spinous; suckers subequal; ventral sucker in
ticular region of body; body large (30 to 60mm); testes anterior fifth of body; pharynx present; ceca long, serpentine,
oval (Fig. 762). Genus Hadwenius Price, 1932 without branches; testes lobed or dendritic, tandem, in hind-
2b. Vltellaria follicular, in fore- and hindbodYi body less body; cirrus sac absent; seminal vesicle and. prostate gland free
than 15 mm long; testes lobed (Fig. 763) . in parenchyma; genital pore median, anterior to ventral sucker;
.......................... Genus OrthosplanchnusOdhner, 1905 ovary lobed, pretesticular; vitelline follicles restricted to hindbo-
3a. Ceca without diverticula; vitelline follicles confined to dy; uterus preovarian; eggs triangular in cross section; excretory
hlndbody; testes lobed; cirrus sac long, extending vesicle tubular; parasitic in nasal cavities of whales.
some distance posterior to ventral sucker (Fig. 764). Two species of the genus Nasitrema Ozaki, 1935 have been
.............. Genus Synthesium Stunkard and Alvey, 1930 reported in North America (Fig. 766).
Fig. 763. Orthosplanchnus arcticus.
(from Price, 1932).

Fig. 764. Synthesium tursionis.

(from Price, 1932).
Fig. 765. Lecithodesmus spinosus.
(from Margolis and Pike, 1955)

Fig. 762. Hadwenius seymouri.

Fig. 768. Campula oblonga.

Fig. 766. Nasitrema globicephalae. Fig. 767. Zalophotrema hepaticum.

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A Amphipolycotyle, 70, 71 A. papillata, life cycle, 130

Anahemiurus, 131, 134 Azygiida, 129
Absonifibula, 57, 60 Anchor, 25, 32, 34 Azygiidae, 83, 129
Acanthatrium, 193, 195 Anchoradiscoides, 37 Azygioidea, 129
A. oregonense, life cycle, 196 Anchoradiscus, 37
A. anoplocani, life cycle, 196 Ancyrocephalus, 37, 38
Acanthocolpiata, 247 Androcotyla, 190 B
Acanthocolpidae, 82, 247 Anisoporus manteri, life cycle, 232
Acanthocolpioidea, 247 Anisorchis, 119 Barbulostomum, 222, 223
Acanthocotylidae, 26, 50 Anonchohaptor, 32, 35 Baschkirovitrema, 144, 146
Acanthocotyloidea, 26, 50 Anoplocotyloides, 46, 48 Bathycotyle, 137
Acanthoparyphium, 144, 147 Anterior organ, 13 Bathycotylidae, 80,137
A. spinulosum, life cycle, 144 Anthocotyle, 59, 61 Batonnet cells, 9
Acanthostomidae, 82, 246 Antorchis, 119, 121 Benedeniella, 43, 44
Acanthostomum, 246 Apatemon, 87, 89 Bianium, 219, 220
A. imbutiforme, life cycle, 246 A. gracilis, life cycle, 87 Bicornuata, 232, 233
Accacladium, 139, 140 A. intermedius, life cycle, 87 Bicotylophora, 59, 61
Accacladocoe/ium, 139, 140 Apertile, 227, 231 Bilharziella, 104
Accacoeliidae, 80, 139 Apharyngostrigea, 86, 88 B. polonica, life cycle, 104
Accacoelioidea, 139 A. pipientis, life cycle, 86 Birthpore, 9
Acetodextra, 243, 244 Aplodiscus, 34, 35 Bivagina, 64, 65
A. ameiuri, life cycle, 243 Apocreadium, 222, 223 Bivesicula, 130
Aco!penteron, 32, 35 Aponurus, 132, 136 B. caribbensis, life cycle, 130
A. catostomi, life cycle, 32 Apophalloides, 237, 239 B. hepsetiae, life cycle, 130
Actinocleidus, 37, 38 Apophallus, 242 Bivesiculidae, 78, 130
Aethycteron, 37, 39 A. donicus, life cycle, 242 Black-Spot disease, 90, 238, 242
Alaria, 90, 91 A. venustus, life cycle, 242 Blastocercaria, 188, 190, 192
A. arisaemoides, life cycle, 90 Apopodocotyle, 226, 229 Bolbophorus, 92, 93
A. marcianae, life cycle, 90 Aporchis, 143 B. confusus, life cycle, 92
Alcicornis, 127, 128 A. massiliensis, life cycle, 143 Bothitrema, 40
Allacanthochasmus, 243, 244 Aporocotyle, 105, 106 Bothitrematidae, 26, 40
Allacanthocotyla, 50 Archaeodiplostomum, 98 Botulisaccidae, 83, 126
Allassogonoporidae, 80, 197 Archigyrodactylus, 32, 33 Botu/isaccus, 126
Allassogonoporus, 197 Aristocleidus, 39, 40 Brachyenteron, 204,206
A. vespertilionis, life cycle, 197 Ascocotyle, 237, 239 Brachycoeliidae, 85, 179
Allassostoma, 162, 164 A. pachycystis, life cycle, 237 Brachycoe/ium, 179
Allassostomoides, 162, 165 A. tenuicollis, life cycle, 237 B. mesorchium, life cycle, 179
A. parvus, life cycle, 162 Ascorhytis, 191, 192 B. obesum, life cycle, 179
Allencotyla, 66, 69 A. charadriformis, life cycle, 192 Brachylaima, 112, 113
Allocorrigia, 201, 202 Aspidogastrea, 2, 25, 73 B. thompsoni, life cycle, 112
Allocreadiata, 215 Aspidogasteridae, 73 B. virginiana, life cycle, 112
Allocreadiidae, 83, 85, 215 Aspidogaster, 74 Brachylaimata, 111
Allocreadioidea, 215 A. conchicola, life cycle, 74 Brachylaimidae, 79, 111
Allocreadium, 215, 218 Aspinatrium, 64, 65 Brachylaimoidea, 111
A. alloneotenicum, life cycle, 217 Astacatrematula, 148, 149 Brachyphallus, 131, 134
A. fasciatusi, life cycle, 217 A. macrocotyla, life cycle, 148 Brachylecithum, 201, 202
A. handiai, life cycle, 217 Astrorchis, 169, 170 B. mosquensis, life cycle, 202
A. lobatum, life cycle, 217 Asymphylodora, 207, 208 Buccal funnel, 2
A. neotenicum, life cycle, 217 A. amnicolae, life cycle 207 Bucephalidae, 78,126
Alloglossidium, 176, 178 A. tincae, life cycle, 207 Bucephaloidea, 126
A. corti, life cycle, 176 Atalostrophion, 139 Bucephaloides, 127

\ A. macrobdellensis, life cycle, 176

Alloglossoides, 176, 177
Alloglyptus, 176, 177
Athesmia, 199, 200
Atriophallophorus, 192
A. minutus, life cycle, 192
Bucephalopsis, 127
B. haimeana, life cycle, 127
Bucephalus, 126
Allopharynx, 174 Auridistomidae, 82, 182 B. polymorphus, life cycle, 127
Allopodocotyle, 227, 230 Auridistomum, 182 Bunodera, 215,216
Allopyragraphoridae, 29, 72 A. chelydrae, life cycle, 182 B. luciopercae, life cycle, 215
Allopyragraphorus, 72 Auritelorchis, 187 B. sacculata, life cycle, 215
Allostenopera, 226, 228 Austrobilharzia, 100, 102 Bunoderella, 215, 216
Amblosoma; 116 A. variglandis, life cycle, 100 B. metteri, life cycle, 215
A. exile, life cycle, 116 Axine, 66, 67 Bunoderina, 215, 217
A. suwaense, 116 Axinidae, 29, 66 B. euca/iae, life cycle, 215
Amphibdella, 34, 36 Axinoides, 66, 67
Amphibdelloides, 34, 36 Azygiata, 129
Azygia, 129
Amphimerus, 235, 236
Amphimerus sp., life cycle, 235 A. longa, life cycle, 129 Cadenatella, 219, 220
Amphiorchis, 107, 109 A. lucii, life cycle, 130 Caecincola, 243, 244

C. latostoma, life cycle, 243 megalurous, 15, 17 C. indicum, life cycle, 163
C. parvulus, life cycle, 243, 244 megaperid, 15, 17 Cotylurus, 86, 89
Caimanicola, 246 microcercous, 10 C. f1abelliformis,life cycle, 86
Cainocreadium, 226, 230 monostome, 12, 14 Crassicutis, 222, 233
C. labracis, life cycle, 226 mutabile, 10 Crassiphiala, 90
Campula, 248, 249 nonoculate-trichocercous, 15, 16 C. bulboglossa, life cycle, 90, 91
Campulidae, 82, 248 obscuromicrocercous, 10, 11 Crepidostomum,215,216
Capsala, 43, 44 oculate-trichocercous, 15, 16 C. cooperi, life cycle, 215
Capsalidae, 27, 43 ophthalmoxiphidio, 12, 14 C. cornutum, life cycle, 215
Capsaloidea, 27, 43 opisthorchioid, 15 Creptotrema, 215, 216
Capsaloides, 43, 44 ornatae, 14, 15 Crocodilicola, 98
Carassotrema, 154, 155 parapleurolophocercous, 16 Cryptocotyle, 238, 240
Cardicola, 105, 106 pleurolophocercous, 15 C. lingua, life cycle, 238
Cardiocephalus, 86, 88 rhodometopa, 15, 17 Cryptogonimidae, 80, 242
C. longicollis, life cycle, 86 strigea, 12, 13 Cryptogonimus, 243,244
Carettacola, 107, 109 sulcatomicrocercous, 10, 11 C. spinovum, life cycle, 243
Carneophallus, 192 ubiquita, 14, 15 Cyathocotyle, 95, 97
C. brevicaeca, 192 virgulate, 14, 15 C. bushiensis, life cycle, 95
C. choanophallus, life cycle, 192 vivax, 12, 13 C. opaca, life cycle, 96
Catatropis, 167, 168 xiphidio, 12 Cyathocotylidae, 79, 95
C. johnstoni, life cycle, 167 zygocercous, 15, 16 Cyclocoelata, 160
Cathaemasia, 153 Cestrahelmins, 224, 225 Cyclocoelidae, 78, 160
C. hians, life cycle, 153 Chimaericola, 57 Cyclocoeloidea, 160
Cathaernasiidae, 83, 153 Chimaericolidae, 28, 57 Cyclocoelum, 161
Cathariotrema, 46, 47 Chimaericoloidea, 28, 57 C. mutabile, life cycle, 161
Caudal bodies, 13 Chiorchis, 162, 165 Cymatocarpus, 179
Caudouterina, 217, 218 Chlamydaxine, 66, 67 Cynoscionicola, 66, 68
Cemocotyle, 66, 68 Choricotyle, 57, 58 Cystogenous glands, 9
Centrovarium, 243, 245 Ciliated bar, 7
Cephalogonimidae, 85, 180 Cirrus, 84 o
Cephalogonimoides, 180, 181 Clamps, 1,2, 26, 30, 58
Cephalogonimus, 180, 181 dactylogyrid, 30 Dactylocotyle, 62
C. americanus, life cycle, 180 discocotylid,30 D. denticulata, life cycle, 62
C. salamandrus, life cycle, 180 firetong, 29, 63 Dactylocotylidae, 28, 30, 62
C. vesicaudus, life cycle, 180 gastrocotylid,31 Dactylogyrid copulatory complex, 34
Cephalophallus, 197 guitar shaped, 63 Dactylogyrid anchors and hook, 34
C. obscurus, life cycle, 197 microcotylid, 30 Dactylogyridae, 26, 32
Cephaloporidae, 79, 183 oblong, 63 Dactylogyroidea, 26
Cephalouterina, 193, 194 Claribulla, 243, 245 Dactylogyrus, 34, 36
C. dicamptodoni, life cycle, 193 Cleidodiscoides, 39, 40 D. vasta tor, life cycle, 34
Cercariae, 9 Cleidodiscus, 37, 38 Dactylostomum, 227, 231
key to, 10 Cleptodiscus, 162, 164 . D. anaspidis, life cycle, 227
amphistome, 12, 14 Clinostomidae, 79, 110 Dasybatotrema, 46, 47
Clinostomoidea, 110 Dasymetra, 184, 185
anallocreadine, 15
armatae, 14, 15 Clinostomum, 11 °
C. marginatum, life cycle, 110
D. villicaeca, life cycle, 184
Dasyonchocotyle, 54, 55
brevifurcate-apharyngeate, 12, 13
bucephaloid, 10, 12 Cloaca, 1, 220 Dendromonocotyle, 46, 48
cercariaeum, 10 Cloacitrema, 151, 152 Dendrobilharzia, 104
chaetomicrocercous, 10, 11 C. michiganense, life cycle, 151 Denticulate pad, 30, 62
clinostomoid, 10, 13 Clonorchis, 235, 236 Deontacylix, 105
cotylomicrocercous, 10, 11 C. sinensis, life cycle, 235 Deretrema, 204, 206
cystocercous, 10, 11 Clupeocotyle, 59, 60 Dermadena, 219, 220
cystophorous, 10, 11 Collyriclidae, 78, 214 Dermophthirius, 50
dichotoma, 12, 13 Collyriclum, 214 Derogenes, 132, 136

\ echinostome, 15, 16
fellodistomid, 15
furcocercous, 10
Concinnum, 199,200
C. procyonis, life cycle, 199
Conodiplostomum, 92
D. varicus, life cycle, 132
Deropegus, 132, 136
Deropristiidae, 85, 224
furcocytocercous, 10, 11 Conspicuum, 199,200 Deropristis, 224, 225
gasterostome,10 C. icteridorum, life cycle, 199 D. inflata, life cycle, 224
gymnocephalous, 15, 17 Copulatory bursa, 79, 91 D. inflata, cercaria, 225
haplosplanchnid, 12, 14 Copulatory complex, 34 Derytrema, 188, 189
homalometronine, 15, 16 Corrigia, 201,202 Diarmostorchis, 107, 108
leptocercous, 10 C. corrigia, life cycle, 202 Diaschistorchis, 170
lepocreadiid, 15 Cotyla,20 Dichadena, 132, 135
leucochloridiid, 10, 11 Cotylocidium, 4, 6 Diclidophora, 57,58
longifurcate-pharyngeate, 12, 13 Cotylaspis, 73 Diclidophoridae, 29, 30, 57
lophocercous, 10, 14 Cotylogasteroides, 74, 75 Diclidophoroidea, 28, 57
lophocercous-apharyngeate, 10, 13 C. occidentalis, life cycle, 74 Diclybothriidae, 28, 54
macrocercous, 10 Cotylophoron, 163, 165 Diclybothrium, 54
magnacauda, 15, 16 C. cotylophorum, life cycle, 163 Dicrogaster, 154, 155

Dicrocoeliidae, 80,199 E. beaveri, life cycle, 144 G. choledochus, life cycle, 124
Dicrocoelioidea, 199 Eurycreadium, 226, 228 Gynaecophoric canal, 99
Dicrocoelium, 199, 201 Euryhelmis, 242 Gynaecotyla, 188, 189
D. dendriticum, life cycle, 199 E. monorchis, life cycle, 242 G. nassicola, life cycle, 188
Dictyangium, 171 E. squamula, life cycle, 242 Gyrbascus, 193, 194
Dictysarca, 132, 136 Eustomos, 172, 173 Gyrodactylidae, 26, 32
Didelphodiplostomum, 92, 93 E. chelydrae, life cycle 172 Gryodactyloidea, 32
D. variable, life cycle, 92 Excretory systems, 3 Gyrodactylus, 32, 33
Didymocystis, 139, 141 mesostomate, 9 G. elegans, life cycle, 32
Didymozoidae, 78, 139 stenostomate,9 Gyrodactylid hooks and anchors, 32
Didymozooidea, 139
Digenea, 25, 78
Dihemistephanus, 219, 221 H
Dinosoma, 131, 134
Fasciola, 159
Dinurus, 130, 133 Habitat of adult trematodes, 3
F. hepatica, life cycle, 159
Dioecious trematodes, 1 Hadwenius, 248, 249
Fasciolidae, 82, 158
Dionchidae, 27, 46 Haematoloechidae, 78, 85, 175
Fascioloides, 159
Dionchus, 46, 48 Haematoloechus, 175
Fasciolopsis, 158
Diphtherostomum, 204, 205 H. breviplexus, life cycle, 175
F. buski, life cycle, 158
D. brusinae, life cycle, 204 Haematotrephus, 161
Fellodistomidae, 84, 118
Diplectanidae, 26, 41 Haemoxenicon, 107, 109
Fellodistomoidea, 118
Diplectanotrema, 34, 36 Haliotrema, 37, 39
Fellodistomum, 120, 122
Diplectanum, 41 , 42 Halipegus, 131, 134
F. fellis, life cycle, 120
Diplomonorchis, 209, 210 H. eccentricus, life cycle, 131
Fibricola, 90, 91
Dip.'oproctodaeum, 219, 220 H. occidualis, life cycle, 131
F. intermedius, life cycle, 90
Diplostomidae, 79, 90 H. ovocaudatus, life cycle, 131
F. texensis, life cycle, 90
Diplostomum, 92, 93 Hamacreadium, 227, 230
D. flexicaudum, life cycle, 92 H. mutabile, life cycle, 227
Flame cell formula, 9
Diplostomulum, 20 Hapalorhynchus, 107, 109
Discocotyle, 59, 61 Hapalotrema, 107, 108
Discocotylidae, 29, 30, 59 G Hapladena, 154, 155
Dissosaccus, 131, 133 H. varia, life cycle, 154
Dollfustrema, 127, 128 Galactosomum, 238, 241 Haplocleidus, 39, 40
Dracovermis, 114 G. spinetum, life cycle, 242 Haplometrana, 176, 178
Drepanocephalus, 144, 146 G. timondavidi, life cycle, 238 H. intestinalis, life cycle, 176
Gastrocotylidae, 29, 31,70 Haploporidae, 80,154
E Genital atrium, 3, 84 Haploporoidea, 154
Genital bulb, 89, 93 Haplosplanchnidae, 82, 156
Echinochasmus, 144, 146 Genital cone, 79, 91 Haptoral appendage, 26
E. donaldsoni, life cycle, 144 Genital sac, 3, 81,237 Hargisia, 63
E. milvi, life cycle, 144 Genital sinus, 3, 79, 81 Hargitrema, 34, 37
Echinoparyphium, 145, 147 Genitocotyle, 226, 229 Harmotrematidae, 79, 114
E. flexum, life cycle, 145 G. acirrus, life cycle, 226 Hasstilesia, 117
Echinopelma, 57, 58 Genolinea, 132, 136 H. tricolor, life cycle, 117
Echinostephilla, 151, 152 Genolopa, 209, 211 Hasstilesiidae, 79, 117
Echinostoma, 145, 147 Gigantobilharzia, 100, 103 Head lappets, 27
E. revolutum, life cycle, 145 G. huronensis, life cycle, 100 Head organs, 27, 28
Echinostomata, 142 Glaphyrostomum, 112 Heardlevinseniella, 190, 191
Echinostomatoidea, 142 G. mcintoshi, life cycle, 112 Helicometra, 226, 229
Echinostomatidae, 82, 142 Glaucivermis, 204, 205 Helicometrina, 226, 228
Echinostomida, 142 Glypthelmins, 176, 177 H. nimia, life cycle, 226
Echinuscodendrium, 193, 194 G. hyloreus, life cycle, 176 Hemipera, 131, 134
Ecsoma,81 G. quieta, life cycle, 176 Hemiurata, 130
Ectenurus, 130, 133 Glyptoporus, 196 Hemiuridae, 80,130

\ Eggs, 4,5
Ejaculatory pouch, 89, 91
Empruthotrema, 46, 47
Gonadopodasmius, 139, 141
Gonocerca, 132, 135
Gonocercelle, 132, 135
Hemiuroidea, 130
Hemiurus, 131, 134
Hermaphroditic duct, 3, 79, 81
Encotyllabe, 43, 44 Gonochoristic, 1 Hermaphroditic sac, 82
Enenterum, 219, 220 Gonotyl, 81,237 Heronimidae, 78, 166
Enhydridiplostomum, 90, 91 Gorgodera, 234 Heronimus, 166
Entobdella, 45 G. amplicava, life cycle, 234 H. mollis, life cycle, 166
E. soleae, life cycle, 45 Gorgoderidae, 84, 232 Heteraxinidae, 29, 66
Erpocotyle, 54 Gorgoderina, 234 Heteraxinoides, 66, 69
Eucotylata, 203 G. attenuata, life cycle, 234 Heterobilharzia, 99
Eucotyle, 203 Gorgoderoidea, 232 H. americana, life cycle, 99
Eucotylidae, 78, 203 Gotocotyla, 70, 71 Heterocotyle, 46, 48
Eucotyloidea, 203 Grubea, 59,60 Heteronchocotyle, 54, 55
Euhaplorchis, 237, 239 Grysoma, 150 Heterophyes, 238, 240
E. californiensis, life cycle, 237 Gymnophallidae, 83, 124 H. heterophyes, life cycle, 238
Euparyphium, 144, 147 Gymnophallus, 124, 125 Heterophyidae, 80, 237
Hexabothriidae, 28, 54 L. mcintoshi, life cycle, 237 Macyella, 193, 194
Hexabothrium, 54, 55 Lepidapedon, 219, 221 Manteria, 247, 248
Hexagrammia, 119 Lepidophyllum, 204, 206 Manteriella, 226, 229
Hexangitrema, 171 Lepocreadiidae, 80, 219 Maritrema, 188, 189
Hexostoma, 64 Lepocreadioidea, 219 M. /arico/a, life cycle, 188
Hexostomatidae, 28, 64 Lepocreadium, 221, 222 M. megametrios, life cycle, 188
Himasth/a, 143 L. areo/atum, life cycle, 222 M. oocysta, life cycle, 188
H. quissetensis, life cycle, 143 L. pegorchis, life cycle, 222 M. pyrenaica, life cycle, 188
H. rhigedana, life cycle, 143 L. setiferoides, life cycle, 222 Maritreminoides, 190
Hirudic%trema, 176, 177 Leptoc/eidus, 34, 36 M. obstipus, life cycle, 190
Hofmonostomum, 166, 168 Lethadena, 131, 133 Mazocraeidae, 29, 30, 59
H%stephanus, 95, 97 Leuceruthrus, 129 Mazocraeoides, 59, 60
H. dubinini, life cycle, 95 L. micropteri, life cycle, 129 Mediogonimus, 186
Homalometridae, 83, 222 Leucochloridiidae, 79, 114 Mega/ocoty/e, 43, 44
Homa/ometron, 222, 223 Leucoch/oridium, 114, 115 Mega/odiscus, 162, 164
H. armatum, life cycle, 222 L. variae, life cycle, 114 M. microphagus, life cycle, 162
H. pallidum, life cycle, 222 Leucochloridiomorphidae, 116 M. temperatus, life cycle, 162
Hooks, marginal, 25, 32, 34 Leucoch/oridiomorpha, 116 Mega/ogonia, 215, 216
Hudsonia, 204, 206 L. constantiae, life cycle, 116 M. icta/uri, life cycle, 215
Hur/eytrema, 209, 210 Leuresthicola, 66, 68 Mega/omyzon, 120, 121
Hur/eytrematoides, 209, 210 Leurodera, 132, 136 Megapera, 157
Hy/otrema, 176, 177 Levinseniella, 190, 191 M. gyrina, life cycle, 157
H. pennsy/vaniensis, life cycle, 176 Life cycles, Megaperidae, 83, 157
Hymenocottoides, 156 abbreviated, 188 Megaso/ena, 154, 155
Hypertrema, 120, 121 atypical,6 Mehlis' gland, 3, 77
Hypoderaeum, 142 variations, 21 Meiogymnophallus, 124, 125
H. conoideum, life cycle, 142 Limatu/um, 193, 194 M. minutus, life cycle, 124
H. dingeri, life cycle, 143 Lintaxine, 66, 68 M. mu/tigemmu/us, life cycle, 124
Hystero/ecitha, 132, 136 Linstowiella, 96, 97 Merizocoty/e, 46, 47
Hysteromorpha, 92, 93 L. szidati, life cycle, 96 Mesau/us, 148, 149
H. triloba, life cycle, 92 Lintonium, 120, 122 Mesocercaria, 18
L. vibex, life cycle, 120 Mesocoelidae, 80, 180
Lissotoms, 118 Mesocoelium, 180
Lissorchiidae, 79, 207 M. brevicaecum, life cycle, 180
Lissorchis, 207, 208 Meso/ecitha, 119, 121
/ce/anonchohaptor, 32, 35 L. mutabile, life cycle, 207 Mesophorodip/ostomum, 94
/gnavia, 144, 146 Lobatostoma, 74, 75 Mesostephanus, 95, 97
/nfundibu/ostomum, 118 L. manteri, life cycle, 74 M. appendicu/atoides, life cycle, 95
/ntuscirrus, 132, 136 Loculus, 25 M. appendicu/atus, life cycle, 95
/sthmiophora, 145, 147 Loimoidae, 27, 49 M. milvi, life cycle, 95
/tygonimus, 112, 113 Loimopapillosum, 49 M. yedeae, life cycle, 95
Loimos,49 Metacercaria, 19
K Loimosina, 49 Metadena, 243, 245
Lomasoma, 118 Metagonimoides, 238, 240
Kuhnia, 59, 60 Longicollia, 143 M. oregonensis, life cycle, 238
Longiductotrema, 188, 189 Metagonimus, 238, 240
L Lophotaspis, 74, 75 M. yokogawai, life cycle, 238
Loxogene~ 193, 194 Metamicrocoty/a, 64, 65
Labrifer, 219, 220 L. arcanum, life cycle, 193 Metoliophilus, 193, 194
Lacunovermis, 124, 125 Loxogenoides, 193, 195 M. uvaticus, life cycle, 193
L. conspicuous, life cycle, 124 L. tncotor, life cycle, 193 Metorchis, 235, 236
Lampritrema, 137, 138 Lubens, 199,200 M. conjunctus, life cycle, 235
Lampritrematidae, 80, 137 Lutztrema, 199, 201 Metraterm, 1, 3, 82
Langeronia, 193, 194 L. monenteron, life cycle, 199 Metraterm sac, 84, 210
Lasiotocus, 209, 211 Lyperosomum, 201, 202 Microbilharzia, 100, 102
L. minutus, life cycle, 209 Lyperosomum sp., life cycle, 202 Microbothriidae, 27, 50
Laterotrema, 198 Lyrodiscus, 39, 40 Microbothrium, 50
Laterotrematidae, 80, 198 Microcoty/e, 64, 65
Laurer's canal, 1, 77 M M. spinicirrus, life cycle, 64, 66
Learedius, 107,108 Microcotylidae, 29, 64
Lechriorchis, 184, 185 Macradena, 131, 135 Microcotyloidea, 28, 64
L. primus, life cycle, 184 Macradenina, 131, 135 Microcoty/oides, 64, 65
Lecithaster, 132, 135 Macravestibu/um, 169 Microcreadium, 222, 223
L. confusus, life cycle, 132 M. eversum, life cycle, 169 M. parvum, life cycle, 222
Lecithochirium, 131, 133 Macroderoides, 178 Microphallidae, 84, 188
Lecithodendriidae, 83, 193 M. spinifera, life cycle, 178 Microphalloidea, 188
Lecithodendrium, 193, 195 Macroderoididae, 85,176 Microphallus, 190, 191
Lecithodesmus, 248, 249 Macrohaptor, 37, 38 M. abortivus, life cycle, 190
Lecithophyllum, 132, 135 Macrovalvitrematidae, 28, 29, 63 M. bittii, life cycle, 190
Leighia, 237, 239 Macrova/vitrematoides, 63 M. opacus, life cycle, 190
Microscaphidiidae, 78, 171 Neopolystoma, 52, 53 Ornithobilharzia, 99
Miracidium, 4, 7 Neospirorchis, 107, 108 Ornithodendrium, 193, 195
Monascidae, 84, 123 Neostictodora, 241, 242 Ornithodiplostomum, 94
Monascus, 123 Neoteny, 217 0. ptychocheilus, life cycle, 94
M. filiformis, life cycle, 123 Neothoracocotyle, 70, 71 Orthosplanchnus, 248, 249
Monocotyle, 46, 48 Neozogonus, 204,205 Ostiolum, 175
Monocotylidae, 27, 28, 46 Nematobothrioides, 139, 141 0. coloradensis, life cycle, 175
Monogenea, 25 Nematostrigea, 86, 88 O. medioplexus, life cycle, 175
Monopisthocotylea, 1,25,27,32 Nezpercel/a, 226, 228 Otodistomum, 129
Monorcheides, 209, 210 N. lewisi, life cycle, 226 Ototrema, 196
M. cumingiae, life cycle, 209 Nicol/a, 227, 231 ' Ovarionematobothrium, 139, 141
Monorchiidae, 83, 84, 209 N. gallica, life cycle, 227
Monorchioidea, 209 Nitschia, 43, 44 p
Monorchis, 209, 211 Notocotylid ventral glands, 167
Monticellius, 107, 108 Notocotylidae, 78, 166 Pachypsolidae, 83, 182
Morishitium, 161 Notocotyloidea, 166 Pachypsolus, 182
M. dollfusi, life cycle, 161 Notocotylus, 167, 168 Pachytrema, 247
Mosesia, 193, 195 N. stagnicolae, life cycle, 167 Pachytrematidae, 83, 247
M. chordeilesia, life cycle, 193 Nudaciraxine, 66, 67 Palaeorchis, 207, 208
Multigonotylus, 243, 245 Nudacotyle, 167 P. problematicus, life cycle, 207
Multitestis, 219, 220 N. novicia, life cycle, 167 Panopistus, 112
Multivitellina, 217, 218 Nudacotylidae, 78, 167 P. pricei, life cycle, 112
Myodera, 154, 155 Papil/ocotyle, 46, 47
Myosaccium, 132, 135
Myotitrema, 197
o Parabrachylaima, 111
Paracreptotrematina, 215, 216
Myzotrema, 37, 38 Ochetosoma, 183 Paracryptogonimus, 243, 244
Myzoxenus,219,221 0. aniarum, life cycle, 183 Paradeontacylix, 105, 106
Ochetosomatidae, 85, 183 Paradistomum, 199, 200
N Ochoterenatrema, 196 P. mutabile, life cycle, 199
Octomacrum, 59, 61 Paragonimidae, 83, 213
Nagmia, 232, 233 Odhneria, 188, 189 Paragonimus, 213
Nanophyetidae, 83, 214 0. odhneri, life cycle, 188 P. kellicotti, life cycle, 213
Nanophyetus, 214 Odhneriotrema, 110 P. westermanni, life cycle, 213
N. salmincola, life cycle, 214 0. incommodum, life cycle, 110 Paragymnophal/us, 124, 125
Nasitrema, 248, 249 Odhnerium, 139, 140 Parahemiurus, 131, 134
Nasitrematidae, 82, 248 Ogmogaster, 167, 168 P. bennettae, life cycle, 131
Natriodera, 184, 185 Onchocleidus, 39,40 Paralechriorchis, 184
Neascus,20 Onchomiracidium, 4, 6 P. syntomentera, life cycle, 184
Neoapocreadium, 222, 223 Ootype, 3 Paralecithodendrium, 195, 196
Neobenedenia, 43 Opechona, 219,221 Paral/elorchis, 92, 93
N. mel/eni, life cycle, 43 0. bacillaris, life cycle, 219 Paramacroderoides, 176, 177
Neochasmus, 243,244 Opecoelata, 226 P. pseudechinus, life cycle, 176
Neoclupeocotyle, 59, 60 Opecoelidae, 80, 83, 226 Parametorchis, 235, 236
Neodermophthirius, 50 Opecoeloidea, 226 Paramonostomum, 166, 168
Neodiplectanum, 41 , 42 Opecoelina,227,231 P. alveatum, life cycle, 166
Neodiplorchis, 52, 53 Opecoeloides, 231,232 P. parvum, life cycle, 166
Neodiplostomum, 92, 94 0. vitel/osus, life cycle, 232 Paramphistomata, 162
N. intermedium, life cycle, 92 Opecoelus, 227, 231 Paramphistomidae, 78, 162
Neodiscocotyle, 59, 61 Opegaster, 227, 231 Paramphistomoidea, 162
Neoerpocotyle, 54, 55 Ophiosoma, 86, 89 Paramphistomum, 163, 165
Neog~ph~ 172, 174 Ophioxenos, 162, 164 P. cervi, life cycle, 163
N. soricis, life cycle, 172 Ophthalmophagus, 160 Parapronocephalum, 169
Neogogatea, 95, 97 0. singularis, life cycle, 161 P. petasatum, life cycle, 170
N. kentuckiensis, life cycle, 95 Opishaptor, 1, 2, 25, 26, 52, 53 Paraprostate organ, 79, 98
Neoheterobothrium, 57, 58 Opisthadena, 132, 135 Parastiotrema, 172, 173
Neoheterocotyle, 46, 48 Opistholebes, 232 Parastrigea, 86, 88
Neohexostoma, 64 Opistholebetidae, 78, 232 P. robusta, life cycle, 86
Neolabrifer, 219, 220 Opisthorchiata, 235 Paratrema, 151, 152
Neolepidapedon, 219, 221 Opisthorchiida, 235 Parorchis, 150, 152
Neoleucochloridium, 114, 115 Opisthorchiidae, 83, 235 P. acanthus, life cycle, 151
N. holostomum, life cycle, 115 Opisthorchioidea, 235 P. avitus, life cycle, 151
N. problematicum, life cycle, 115 Opisthorchis, 235, 236 Parvatrema, 124, 125
Neonotoporus, 226, 228 O. chabaudi, life cycle, 235 P. borinquenae, life cycle, 124
Neopaleorchis, 207, 208 0. tonkae, life cycle, 235 Patagifer, 144, 146
N. catostomi, life cycle, 207 O. viverrini, life cycle, 235 Paurorhynchus, 127, 128
Neopechona, 219,221 Opisthotrema, 171 Pedocotyle, 57, 58
N. pyriforme, life cycle, 219 Opisthotrematidae, 78, 171 Pel/amyzon, 227, 230
Neopecoelus, 227, 230 Orchidasma, 187 Pel/ucidhaptor, 34, 35
Neophasis, 219, 221 Orchipedidae, 80, 159 Pelmatostomum, 143
Neopodocotyloides, 226, 229 Orchipedum, 159 Penetration glands, 4, 7, 9,18
Petasiger, 144, 147 P. donacis, life cycle, 209 Pseudospe/otrema, 190, 191
P. nitidus, life cycle, 144 Post porus, 222, 223 Pseudotagia, 63
Phagico/a, 237, 239 Preoral flap, 28 Pseudurorchis, 215, 218
Pharyngostomoides, 90, 91 Prepuce, 93 Psi/ochasmus, 148, 149
P. procyonis, life cycle, 90 Pricetrema, 242 P. oxyurus, life cycle, 148
Phocitrema, 238, 240 Pnonosoma, 144, 146 Psilostomidae, 83,148
Phocitremoides, 237, 239 Pristico/a, 224, 225 Psilostomum, 148, 149
P. ova/e, life cycle, 237 Probolitrema, 232, 233 P. brevicolle, life cycle, 148
Phoietet, 238, 240 Ptobolocotpne, 188, 190 P. magniovum, life cycle, 148
Phyllodistomum, 232 P. uca, life cycle, 190 Psi/otomus, 148, 149
P. bufonis, life cycle, 234 Proctocaecum, 246 Plya/inco/a, 116
P. nocomis, life cycle, 234 Proctoeces, 119, 121 P. ondatrae, life cycle, 116
P. solidum, life cycle, 234 P. macu/atus, life cycle, 119 Ptychogonimidae, 137
P. staffordi, life cycle, 234 Proctophantastes, 204, 206 Ptychogonimus, 137, 138,
Philophthalmidae, 82,151 Procyotrema, 92, 93 P. megastomus, life cycle, 137
Phi/ophtha/mus, 151, 152 P. marsupiformis, life cycle, 92 Pu/vinifer, 90, 91
P. andersoni, life cycle, 151 Progenesis, 22 Pycnadena, 120, 122
P. gra/Ii, life cycle, 151 Progorgodera, 232, 234 Pycnadenoides, 120, 122
Pigmented brood sac, 8 Prohaptors, 1,27,28 Pye/osomum, 170
Pisciamphistoma, 163, 165 Prohemistomum, 95, 97 Pygidiopsis, 241, 242
P/agiocirrus, 215, 218 P. chand/eri, life cycle, 95 p, pindoramensis, life cycle, 242
P/agioporus, 227, 230 Pronocephalidae, 78, 169 Pygidiopsoides, 237, 239
P. angustcollis, life cycle, 227 Prosomicrocoty/a, 64, 65 P. spindalis, life cycle, 237
P. hypentelii, life cycle, 227 Prosorhynchus, 127, 128 Pyragraphoridae, 29, 30, 72
P. shawi, life cycle, 227 P. squamatus, life cycle, 127 Pyragraphorus, 72
Plagiorchiata, 172 Prostate glands, 3, 81,82,84
Plagiorchiida, 172 Prosthodendrium, 196 Q
Plagiorchiidae, 85, 172 P. pyramidum, life cycle, 196
Plagiorchioidea, 172 Prosthogonimidae, 85,186 Quinqueserialis, 166, 168
P/agiorchis, 172, 174 Prosthogonimoidea, 186 Q. quinqueserialis, life cycle, 166
P. muris, life cycle, 172 Prosthogonimus, 186
P/agitura, 172, 173 P. macrorchis, life cycle, 186
P. parva, life cycle, 172 P. ovatus, life cycle, 186
P. sa/amandra, life cycle, 172 Prosthopycoides, 193, 195
Rajonchocoty/e, 54, 55
Plaque, 42 P. /ynchi, life cycle, 193
Rediae, 6, 9
P/atynosomum, 199, 200 Protancyrocepha/oides, 34, 36
Renico/a, 202, 203
P. fastosum, life cycle, 199 Protechinostoma, 142
R. cerithidico/a, life cycle, 202
P/ectognathotrema, 183 P. mucronisertu/atum, life cycle, 142
R. Ian, life cycle, 202
P/enosoma, 188, 189 Protenes, 187
R. roscovita, life cycle, 202
Pleorchiidae, 224 Proterodip/ostomidae, 79, 98
R. thaidus, life cycle, 202
P/eorchis, 224 Proterometra, 129
Renicolidae, 83, 202
P/esiochorus, 232, 233 P. dickermani, life cycle, 129
Rhabdosynochus, 41,42
P/eurogonius, 170 P. macrostoma, life cycle, 129
Rhagorchis, 219, 220
P. ma/ac/emys, life cycle, 170 Psettarium, 105
Rhamnocercus, 41 , 42
P/otnikovia, 235, 236 Pseudacanthocoty/a, 50
Rhinobatonchocoty/e, 54, 55
Pneumatophilus, 183 Pseudamphimerus, 235, 236
Rhipidocoty/e, 126
P. /eidyi, life cycle, 183 Pseudanthocoty/oides, 59, 60
R.lintoni, life cycle, 126
Podocoty/e, 227, 230 Pseudapatemon, 87, 89
R. septpapillata, life cycle, 126
P. atomon, life cycle, 227 Pseudascocoty/e, 237, 239
R. transversalis, life cycle, 126
P. enophrysi, life cycle, 227 P. mollienisico/a, life cycle, 237
Rhopalias, 153
P. reflexa, life cycle, 227 Pseudaxine, 70, 71
Rhopaliidae, 82, 153
Po/yc/ithrum, 32, 33 Pseudentobdella, 45
Rhynchus, 12
Potycotyie, 98 Pseudobacciger, 120, 121
Rhytidodes, 182
Po/ycyc/orchis, 160 Pseudobenedenia, 45
Rhytidodidae, 82, 182
Po/y/ekithum, 217, 218 Pseudocercaria, 188, 190
Ribeiroia, 148, 149
P. icta/uri, life cycle, 217 Pseudocreadium, 219, 220
R. marini, life cycle, 148
Polyopisthocotylea, 1, 25, 26, 52 Pseudochauhanea, 66,68
R. thomasi, life cycle, 148
Po/ystoma, 52 Pseudocrocodi/ico/a, 98
Rugogaster, 76, 77
P. integerrimum, life cycle, 52 Pseudodip/orchis, 52, 53
Rugogastridae, 73, 76
Polystomatidae, 28, 52 Pseudogymnophallus, 124, 125
Polystomatoidea, 27, 52 Pseudomagnivitellum, 178
Po/ystomoidella, 52, 53 Pseudomazocraes,59,61 s
Po/ystomoides, 52, 53 Pseudomazocraeoides, 59, 60
P. oris, life cycle, 52, 53 Pseudomurraytrema, 34, 37 Saccocoelioides, 154, 155
Postharmostomum, 111 Pseudopecoe/oides, 231,232 S. pearsoni, life cycle, 154
P. gallinum, life cycle, 111 Pseudopecoe/us, 226, 229 S. sogandaresi, 154
P. he/icis, life cycle, 111 Pseudopentagramma, 119 Saccocoe/ium, 154, 155
Posthodip/ostomum, 92, 93 Pseudopisthodiscus, 162, 164 S. tensum, life cycle, 154
P. minimum, life cycle, 92 Pseudopsi/ostoma, 150 Salmon-poisoning disease, 214
Postmonorchis, 209,211 Pseudosonsinotrema, 193, 194 Sanquinico/a, 105
S. idahoensis, life cycle, 105 Stomatrema, 172, 173 Turgecaecum, 243, 244
Sanguinicolidae, 78, 105 Stomylotrema, 198 Typhlocoelum, 160
Scaphanocephalus, 238, 240 S. vicarium, life cycle, 198
Scaphiostomum, 112, 113 Stomylotrematidae, 80, 198 u
S. pancreaticum, 112 Strigeatida, 86
Schikhobalotrema, 156 Strigea, 86, 88 Udonella,51
S. acutum, life cycle, 156 S. elegans, life cycle, 86 U. caligorum, prehatching
Schistosoma, 100, 101 Strigeidae, 79, 86 development, 51
S. mansoni, life cycle, 100 Strigeoidea, 86 Udonellidae, 26, 51
Schistosomatidae, 78, 99 Styphlodora, 174 Udonelloidea,51
Schistosomatium, 99, 101 S. magna, life cycle, 174 Unicaecum, 107, 108
S. douthitti, life cycle, 99 Styphlotrema, 172, 173 Urinatrema, 204, 206
Sclerodistomidae, 80, 137 Swingleus,32, 33 Urogonimus, 114, 115
Sclerodistomum, 137, 138 Syncoelidae, 80, 137 U. macrostomus, life cycle, 114
sclentes, Syncoelium, 137, 138 Urotocus, 114, 115
curved,26 Synthesium, 248, 249 U. tholonetensis, life cycle, 114
lateral,30 Urotrema, 117
median,30 T Urotrematidae, 79, 117
Scomberocotyle, 70 Urotrematulum, 117
Scorpidicola, 154, 155 Taeniocotyle,73 Uroproct, 1, 220
Selechohemecus, 105, 106 Tanaisia, 203 Uvulifer, 90, 91
Sellacotyle, 212 T. bragai, life cycle, 203 U. ambloplites, life cycle, 90
S. mustelae, life cycle, 212 Telolecithus, 209, 210
Seminal vesicles, external and T. pugetensis, life cycle, 209 v
internal, 1, 82, 221 T. pugetensis, cercaria, 210
Septum, 25 Telorchiidae, 85,187 Vaginae, 55
Sinus sac, 3, 81 Telorchis, 187 Vallisia, 59, 61
Siphodera, 243, 244 T. bonnerensis, life cycle, 187 Vasotrema, 107, 109
S. vinaledwardsii, life cycle, 243, 244 T. medius, life cycle, 187 V. robustum, life cycle, 107
Skrjabinopsolus, 224, 225 Terebratorium, 4, 7 Ventral disc, 2
S. manteri, life cycle, 224 Tergestia, 118 Ventrogenital sac, 3, 81,237
Spelotrema, 192 Tergestia sp., life cycle, 118 Virgula organ, 14
S. nicolli, life cycle, 192 Terminal organ, 84, 210 Vitellibaculum, 154, 155
S. pygmaeum, life cycle, 192 Tetracotyle,20 Vitellotrema, 131, 134
Sphyranura, 56 Tetraonchidae, 26, 41
S. oligorchis, life cycle, 56 Tetraonchoidea, 26, 41 w
Sphyranuridae, 28, 56 Tetraonchus,41
Spinuris, 46, 48 Textrema, 243, 245 Wardius, 162, 165
Spirorchiidae, 78, 107 T. hopkinsi, life cycle, 243 W. zibethicus, life cycle, 162
Spirorchis, 107, 108 Thaumatocotyle, 46, 47
S. elegans, life cycle, 107, 108
Sporocysts, mother and daughter, 6, 8
Thoracocotyle, 70, 71
Thysanopharynx, 157
Sphaeridiotrema, 148, 150 Timoniella, 246 Xiphidiotrema, 212
S. globulus, life cycle, 148 T. imbutiforme, life cycle, 246 Xystretum, 232, 233
Spur, 30 Tormopsolus, 247, 248
Squamodisc, 42
Steganoderma, 204, 206
Tracheophilus, 160
T. cymbium, life cycle, 160
Steganodermatidae, 80, 204 Transverse bar, 25
Zalophotrema, 248, 249
Stenakron, 119, 121 Travtrema, 172, 173
Zeugorchis, 184
Stenopera, 226, 228 Tremajoannes, 193, 195
Zonorchis, 199, 200
Stephanoprora, 144, 146 Trematodes,
Z. petiolatum, life cycle, 199
S. denticulata, life cycle, 144 collecting, 23
Zoogonata, 204
S. paradenticulata, life cycle, 144 defined,1
Zoogonidae, 80, 204
Stephanoproraoides, 148, 149 digenetic, 3
Zoogonoidea, 204
Stephanostomum, 247, 248 habitats, 3
Zoogonoides, 204, 205
S. baccatum, life cycle, 247 keeping records, 23
Z. laevis, life cycle, 204
S. dentatum, life cycle, 247 monogenetic, 2
Z. viviparus, life cycle, 204
S. tenue, life cycle, 247 preserving, 23
S. tenue, cercaria, 248 Trichobilharzia, 100, 103
Z. rubellus, life cycle, 204
Steringotrema, 120, 122 T. physellae, life cycle, 100
Zygocotyle, 162, 164
S. pagelli, life cycle 120 Tristoma, 43, 44
Z. lunata, life cycle, 162
Sterrhurus, 131, 133 Tristriata, 167, 168
Stichocotyle, 76 Troglotrema, 212
Stichocotylidae, 73, 75, 76 T. acutum, life cycle, 212
Stichorchis, 163, 166 T. mustelae, life cycle, 212
S. subtriquetrus, life cycle, 163 Troglotremata, 212
Stictodora, 238, 240 Troglotrematidae, 83, 212
S. cursitans, life cycle, 238, 240 Troglotrematoidea, 212
S. hancocki, life cycle, 238, 241 Tubulovesicula, 130, 133
Stomachicola, 130, 133 T. pinguis, life cycle, 130

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