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Language in Action - Grammar

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(Complied by Muhammad Azam FCPO/WTR through lectures of Grammar Teacher)


• Noun
• Pronoun
• Verb
• Adverb
• Adjective
• Preposition
• Conjunction
• Interjection
• Articles


Noun is the name of anything e.g. person, place or thing. A noun may be living object
or non living object, relationship, system etc. In grammar structure is also known as


A pronoun is a word used in place of noun. Pronoun is used instead of noun. In

grammar structure it is also known as person.

Things to remember:

• A pronoun always refers a noun.

• A pronoun can change its sound according to situation.
• Where a pronoun is used, there must be a noun elsewhere.

1st 2nd 3rd

Person Person Person
Singula I You He, She,
r It
Plural We You They

Associated Pronoun

Pronou Associated Pronoun

I Me, Myself, Mine
He His, Himself, His self
She Her, Herself,
It Itself, Its
They Their, Themselves,
You Your, Yourself,
We Our, Ourselves

• Adjective is a word which adds meaning to noun or pronoun.

• Adjective is the characteristic or quality of a noun.
• Quality negative or positive
• Quantity Number, Colour, Moods, State, Size
• ‘The’ is added with Superlative
• ‘A’ or ‘An’ is added with Comparative
• Where Competition involve, Comparative will be used
• When word is long break into two parts:
• Put ‘More’ with Comparative
• Put ‘Most’ with Superlative
• When word cannot be broken:
• Put ‘er’ with comparative
• Put ‘est’ with superlative

Kinds of Adjective

• Gradable Adjective
• Non Gradable Adjective

Gradable Adjective

• Positive
• Comparative
• Superlative

Formation of Degrees

• Regular Formation
• Irregular Formation


Adverbs are the words which tell more about the verb.

Kinds of Adverb

• Adverb of Manner How (Adjective)

• Adverb of Place Where, There, Here, Inside, Outside (Noun)
• Adverb of Time When (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Year, Months,

Adverb of Time

• Time
• Frequency Adverb
• Definite
• Indefinite

• Definite Frequency Adverb

• Always
• Sometimes
• Usually
• Yearly
• Often
• Never
• Seldom

• Indefinite Frequency Adverb

• Everyday
• All the time
• Last
• Once
• Twice
• Thrice


The adjective ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ are called articles.

Type of Articles

• Definite Article i.e. The

• Indefinite Article i.e. A & An

Rules using Definite Article ‘The’

• When speak of a particulars person or thing

• When a singular noun represents a whole class
• With the names of rivers, seas, oceans, groups of Island and mountains range
• Before the names of books and newspapers
• Before common names which are names of unique things

Rules using Indefinite Article ‘A’ & ‘An’

• Indefinite article can be used only with a things can be counted.

• ‘A’ is used before the word beginning with the consonant sound.
• ‘An’ is used before the word beginning with a vowel sound


The word which use to state or express something about a noun or pronoun in
connection with ‘doing’ ‘being’ or ‘having something’ is called verb. i.e. Go, Fly, Eat,
Sleep, Work,


A preposition is a word that shows in what relation the person or thing indicated by it
stands to another. i.e. at, under, on, in, from, to, with, over, behind. A preposition is
placed before a noun or pronoun.

At used with placed usually city/small town and definite point of time
In used with large place or country and indefinite period of time
‘At’ is used with smaller one (place or city) and ‘in’ used with greater one
(place or country)

By used after verb in passive expression, agent or doer of action expressed

by verb
With relates to the instrument with which action is done

Between refer to two persons or things

Among refer to more than two persons or things

In used in speaking of things at rest.

Into used in speaking of things in motion/movement

In means at the end of a future period

Within means before the end of a future period

In generally used to show some period of time in future

After generally used to denote some period of time in the past

Beside means ‘by the side of’ or outside of

Besides In addition to

Since used to denote a point of time never a period of time

It is preceded by a verb in the present perfect tense. But it is correctly

used when speak of the past time and can never be used with reference
to the present or future time.

I have seen her since last month.

From denotes a point of time

It may be used with all the tenses. It must be followed by to, till or until
either expressed or understood.

He began French from the age of nine.

He worked hard from morning till evening.

For denotes a period of time. It may be used with any tense except the
present imperfect.

I have seen him for five days.

I have been unwell for two days.


The conjunction is a joining word. It joins word or phrases or clauses (sentences)

together i.e and, but, or, if, so, as, than, however.


An interjection is word which is used to express sudden feelings or emotions i.e. Alas!,
Oh!, Hurrah!, Hush!, Hallo!


Old New

Past Indefinite Simple

Present Continuous Progressive
Future Perfect Perfect
Prefect Continuous Perfect Progressive


Subject + verb 1 + Object

Is, Am, Are, Has, Have

Subject + Verb 1 + Object 3rd Person (Singular) Subject + verb 1, s/es +


Note: Helping verbs are used as main verbs

Using of Is, Am, Are

IS = He, She, It & Singular Noun

AM = I
ARE = You, We, They & Plural Noun

Using of S/ES in Simple Present

ES = with alphabets O, S, CH, SH & X

S = with all other alphabets

Rules to use Simple Present

• Routine *(I attend ELC class daily)

• Repeated Actions *(I make a mistake in assignment)
• Habits *(Shehla does not speak truth)
• Universal Truth *(The Earth is sphere)
• Belongings *(I have a motorbike)
• Possession *(I do not have my own house)
• Facts & Figures *(My reading teacher speaks softly)
• State & Report *(The sea is rough today)
• Likes/Dislikes *(I like Pizza) *(I dislike rude people)
• If the future is conditioned *(If you work hard, you will pass the exam)

Indicators of Simple Present

These are strong indicators of simple present. These are also called frequency verbs.
EVERY, Always, Sometimes, Often, Usually, Rarely, Never, and Seldom


• Subject + is/am/are + Not + Object

• Subject + do/does + Not + Verb 1 + Object
• Subject + does not + Have + Object

Uses of do not/does not

Does Not = He, She, It, Naming Word & Singular Noun
Do Not = I, You, We, They & Plural Noun

Use of Has/Have as Helping Verb

Has = Does Not

Have = Do Not

Use of ‘does not’ with ‘Has’ as helping verb in negative simple present is not allowed
and ‘Has’ will be changed into ‘Have’.

e.g. Ali has his own car

Ali does not have his own car

Note: Frequency verb (Every, always, sometimes, often, usually, rarely, never, and
seldom) would not change its place with subject while change into negative or


• Is/am/are + Subject + Object + ?

• Do/does + Subject + Verb 1 + Object + ?
• Do/Does + Subject +Have + Object + ?

Note: ‘I’ & ‘We’ is to be changed into ‘You’ in interrogative sentence.

e.g. We are not agree with this proposal Are you agree with this proposal?
No, I’m not angry. Are you angry?
Yes, I can drive. Can you drive?



• When action is in progress.

• You can observe the action (s).
• If the future is scheduled.


Affirmative Subject + is/am/are + verb 1 + ing + Object

Negative Subject + is/am/are + not + verb 1 + ing + Object
Interrogative Is/Am/Are + Subject + verb 1 + ing + Object + ?


He, She, It & Singular Noun = Is

I = Am
You, We, They & Plural Noun = Are

• ‘Am’ in interrogative is used seldom only when some performing verb about
something is inquired.
e.g. Am I playing well? Am I cooking tasty? Am I driving roughly?

• ‘I’ & ‘We’ is to be changed into ‘You’.

• ‘Am’ is used with Adverb of Manner only



• Completion of action
• Any action which started in past and completed recently

Indicators Already, Just Now, Yet


Affirmative Subject + has/have + verb 3 + Object I have already completed

my task.
Negative Subject + has not/have not + verb 3 + Object She has not completed her
Interrogative Has/Have + Subject + verb 3 + Object Have they
completed their task?



Affirmative Subject +Has/Have +been + Verb1+ing +Object +Since/For.

I have been reading newspaper since morning.
She has been watching Star Plus for two days.

Since is used with specific point of time

For is used with period of time

Negative Subject +Has not/Have not +been + Verb1+ing +Object +Since/For

They have not been speaking on this issue since last month.
Hafsa has not been reading SST for five days.

Interrogative Has/Have + Subject +been + Verb1+ing +Object +Since/For + ?

Have they been speaking on this issue since last month?

Has Hafsa been reading SST for five days?



• An action started and finished

• Completion of action

Indicators Last, Yesterday, Past Year, Before, Ago


Affirmative Subject + verb 2 + Object She cooked food.

Subject + was/were + Object He was my father.
Subject + had + Object They had 03 roses in their

Negative Subject + did not + verb 1 + Object She did not cook food.
Subject + was not/were not+ Object He was not my brother.
Subject + did not + have + Object They did not have 03 red roses.

Interrogative Did + Subject + verb 1 + Object + ? Did she cook food?

Was/Were + Subject + Object + ? Were they your relatives?
Did + Subject + have + Object + ? Did he have 03 red roses.

Rules to use

Following rules as used in Simple Present would also be observed in Simple Past.

• Routine
• Repeated Actions
• Habits
• Universal Truth
• Belongings
• Possession
• Facts & Figures
• State & Report
• Likes/Dislikes



• The action was in progress when you were observed.


Affirmative Subject + was/were + verb 1 + ing + Object

(She was working on a painting)

Negative Subject + was/were + not + verb 1 + ing + Object

(They were not eating pizza in the restaurant)

Interrogative Was/Were + Subject + verb 1 + ing + Object + ?

(Were you milking the cow?)


He, She, It & Singular Noun = Has

All other & Plural = Have

• “When” always used in Past Progressive

• ‘I’ & ‘We’ is to be changed into ‘You’ in Interrogative.
• ‘While’ is used in begging of sentence will be used as Simple Past and in used in
between, the remaining sentence would be Past Progressive
• “Ing” cannot be used with these words in Past Progressive Know, Complete,
Want, Love, Hate, Interest



• Completion of action in the past.


Affirmative Subject + Had + verb 3 + Object I had taught Grammar in D&L

Negative Subject + Had Not + verb 3 + Object I had not taught Grammar in D&L
Interrogative Had + Subject + verb 3 + Object + ? Had you taught Grammar
in D&L class?



Affirmative Subject +Had +been + Verb1+ing +Object +Since/For.

Ali had been taking medicine since Sunday.
He had sending gift to his friend on birthday for two year.

Since is used with specific point of time

For is used with period of time

Negative Subject +Had not +been + Verb1+ing +Object +Since/For

They had not been speaking on this issue since Monday.

Saleh had not been reading newspaper for two weeks.

Interrogative Had + Subject +been + Verb1+ing +Object +Since/For + ?

Had they been speaking on this issue since Monday?

Had Saleh been reading newspaper for two weeks?.



• Uncertain future
• Shows future without any schedule, planning and result


Affirmative Subject + will+ verb 1 + Object Sania will visit Harrapa.

Subject + will be + Profession/Quality/Object She will be a good

Negative Subject + will not + verb 1 + Object Sania will not visit Harrapa.
Subject + will not +be + Profession/Quality/Object
She will not be a good architect.

Interrogative Will + Subject + verb 1 + Object + ? (Will Sania visit

Will +subject + be + Profession/Quality/Object Will she be a good



Affirmative Subject +will be + Verb1+ing +Object

I will be working till evening.

When he reaches Lahore it will be raining.

Negative Subject +will be + not+Verb1+ing +Object

I will not be working till evening.
When he reaches Lahore it will not be raining.

Interrogative Will +Subject + be + Verb1+ing +Object+?

Will I be travelling by next year?

Will she be living here by this time next year?
Why will you be reading their letter?



Affirmative Subject +will have + Verb3+Object

I will have travelled to Lahore next day.

By next year, she will have completed his studies.

Negative Subject +will have + not + Verb3+Object

By next May, you will have not written this book.

Before you go to see she will have not gone.
I hope it will have not stopped raining by evening.

Interrogative Will + Subject +have + Verb3+Object + ?

Will I have travelled to Lahore by next day?

Will they have finished their task next month?



Affirmative Subject +will have + been + Verb1+ing +Object +By/For.

I will have been travelling by next year.

By this time next year, she will have been living here for six years.
They will have been completing their graduation by next month.

Negative Subject +will have + not + been + Verb1+ing +Object +By/For.

I will have not been travelling by next year.

By this time next year, she will have not been living here for six years.
They will have not been completing their graduation by next month.

Interrogative Will +Subject +have not + been + Verb1+ing +Object +By/For?

Will I have been travelling by next year?

Will she have been living here for six years by this time next year?
Will they have been completing their graduation by next month?



• Most modern structure in Grammar

• Planned future, future planning


Affirmative Subject +am/is/are + going to + Verb1 +Object

Subject +am/is/are + going to + be +Profession/Quality

I am going to appear in professional exam.

She is going to see her mother.

Aatika is to going to be a doctor.

We are going to be smart Chiefs.

Negative Subject +am/is/are + not + going to + Verb1 +Object

Subject +am/is/are + not + going to + be +Profession/Quality

We are not going to visit the Museum.

She is not going to write a book.

I am not going to be an Architect.

They are not going to be good traders.
He is not going to be punctual.



• Advise on very friendly way

• Friendly advise


Affirmative Subject +should + Verb1 +Object

Negative Subject +should not+ Verb1 +Object

You should care your health.

We should not hide the facts.
She should observe my feelings.



• Advise on harsh tone

• Advise in angry way
• Order or authoritative statement


Affirmative Subject +must + Verb1 +Object

Negative Subject +must not+ Verb1 +Object

He must go to Masjid.
We must obey teachings of Islam.
She must not tell a lie.
You must not interfere in other’s job.



• Compulsion to do things
• Higher degree of authoritative statement


Subject +Has/have to+ Verb1 +Object

He has to go in market.
Anwer has to open the window.
I have to call him.
You have to submit files to the Boss.


Rules to Make Questions

• Select Target
• Use the correct WH words according to the target
• Identify the tense
• Form interrogative of identifying tense

Contents Based Questions

Always start from Show quality of

When Time
Where Place
Who Human name
What Information
How many Numbers
How long Duration
How much Quantity

Note: Frequency adverbs (always, often, sometime, usually, daily) would start from
How Often.

Short Nature Questions

Always start from

How answers are made in own wording by picking main
What do you think idea of question from the contents of given paragraph
How can you say

Polar Questions

• Always start from helping verbs i.e.

• Simply answered it in ‘Yes’ or ‘No’

Example Does she read the book? Did he play cricket?

Yes, she does. No, he didn’t

Practice of Question Formation

I always teach grammar to secondary classes.

How often do you teach grammar to secondary classes? (Target is frequency

Who always teach grammar to secondary classes? (Target is ‘teach’)
What do you do? (Target is ‘subject’)
What do you teach? (Target is ‘grammar’)
Whom do you teach grammar? (Target is ‘secondary

I always get up early in the morning. How often do you get up early in the
I go for walk in the morning. When do you go for walk?
No, I have never been to Karachi before. Have you ever been to Karachi before?
I start my work at 7’0 clock. What time do you start your work?
She travelled by train. How did she travel?
He has been learning English for four years. How long has he been learning English?
I/We have 10 books of poetry How many books of poetry do you
They stayed abroad for two years. How long they stayed abroad?
I need Rs. 40,00/00. How much rupees do you need?


• Use for observation, scientific research paper

• Show formal writings or official writing
• Use by print media or electronic media
Conditions in which a sentence cannot be “Passivized”

• If the subject & object both are same

e.g. You are my students
• If is/am/are/has/have/was/were/had are used as Main Verb.
e.g. I am happy.
I have four brothers.
• If the structure is ‘Perfect Progressive’.
e.g. It has been raining since morning.
It had been raining since morning.
It will have been raining since morning.
• If there is no object in the sentence.
e.g. Yes, I went.
• If the subject cannot perform the function of an ‘Agent’ (means object)
e.g. I was in Manora.
• If the object is the name of any important place.
e.g. I visited Shah Faisal Mosque last year.
• If the structure is ‘future progressive’.
e.g. I will be teaching grammar to class.
• If there is any preposition just after the Main Verb.
e.g. I go to the market every Sunday.

• Phrasal Verbs (Cannot be Passivized) When preposition becomes the part of

the verb i.e. look at, look into, look after, give up etc.
• Put ( ) after Verb in passive, by + subject should be in ( )

Changed Subject

Subject Changed in
I Me
He Him
It It
She Her
They Them
You You
We Us

Simple Present

Active Subject + Verb1 + Object

Passive Object + is/am/are + Verb3 + by + Subject

i.e. I play hockey. She teaches us grammar.

Hockey is played (by me). We are taught grammar (by her).
I always play hockey.
Hockey is always played (by me).

Present Progressive

Active Subject + is/am/are + Verb1 + ing + Object
Passive Object + is/am/are + being + Verb3 + by + Subject

e.g. She is eating oranges. Ali is reading the article.

Oranges are being eaten (by her). The article is being read (by Ali).

Pure milk is diminishing nowadays. Libraries are fulfilling reading needs.

Cannot be passivized. Reading needs are fulfilled by the

Present Perfect

Active Subject + has/have + Verb3 + Object

Passive Object + has/have + been + Verb3 + by + Subject

e.g. My uncle has purchased tickets.

Tickets have been purchased (by my uncle).

Lions have eaten little deer.

Little deer has been eaten (by loins).

They have reached Islamabad last night.

Cannot be passivized.

Simple Past

Active Subject + Verb2 + Object

Passive Object + was/were + Verb3 + by + Subject

e.g. She ate oranges. Flight reached Lahore.

Oranges were eaten (by her). Cannot be passivized.

She wrote many books.

Many books were written (by her).

Past Progressive

Active Subject + was/were + Verb1 + ing + Object

Passive Object + was/were + being + Verb3 + by + Subject

e.g. The leader was making the speech.

The speech was being made (by the leader).

Little girls were plucking the roses from the garden.

The roses were being plucked from the garden (by little girls).

Their plan was disappointing us.

We were being disappointed (by their plan).

Past Perfect

Active Subject + had + Verb3 + Object
Passive Object + had been + Verb3 + by + Subject

e.g. His ugly manners had disgusted us.

We had been disgusted (by his ugly manners).

Raja had visited them.

They had been visited (by Raja).

The villager had constructed the road.

The road had been constructed (by the villagers).

Simple Future

Active Subject + will + verb 1 + Object

Passive Object + will + be + Verb3 + by + Subject

e.g. Firdous will visit Harrapa. Shahid will fly that plane.
Harrapa will be visited (by Firdous). That plan will be flown (by

Future Perfect

Active Subject + will have + verb 3 + Object

Passive Object + will have + been + Verb3 + by + Subject

e.g. Distt Govt will have constructed the building.

The building will have been constructed by Distt Govt.

Kala Bagh Dam will have us given most of irrigation water.

Most of irrigation water will have been given us (by Kalabagh Dam).
We have been given most of irrigation water (by Kalabagh Dam).


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