Empowering Assurance Systems Pvt Ltd (EAS) conducts ISO key auditor training in Chennai for various standards such as 9001:2015 (QMS), 14001:2015 (EMS), 18001:2007 (OHSAS), 22000:2005 (FSMS), 220 2018 (updated FSMS), 27001:2013 (ISMS), 22301:2012 (BCMS), and above all the most
recent iso 45001:2018 (OHSMS) and 45001:2018 Migration Key Auditor Training. EAS is a CQI/IRCA Approved Training Partner (ATP-6031531). EAS has entered the main level of the organization that provides these prestigious Key Auditor/Auditor training courses to different individuals and companies.
Due to our strong certification platform for more than 2 decades, it is possible to establish a course that meets the IRCA criteria requirements and delegate expectations. Therefore, our course has brought wide acceptance from all participants because it is understandable for each individual thus helping
students of all walks of life to be able to go through this course. Furthermore, the courses are designed to cover all third-party audit activities. ISO Auditor Training includes several levels such as Awareness/Funds – Talk about a basic understanding of standards. Secondly, Internal Audit- This training
course provides skills and knowledge of audit methods for a specific process within an organization. In general, the capacity of the Internal Auditor is demonstrated through the certificate of training of the Internal Auditor. Finally, ISO Key Auditor Training is the highest level of training - Here planning,
communication, conducting audits and third-party ISO audit conclusions will be provided. ISO Key Auditor courses in Chennai There are very few institutions that offer CQI-IRCA approved ISO Key Auditor courses in Chennai. EAS is a pioneer among all such ISO training institutions, providing ISO key
auditor training courses for approximately 8 programs, and this list continues to grow as the demand for new programs is also growing. The Main Auditor courses ensure candidates enrich their careers as well as their organizations to have capable personnel in implementing iso management systems in
their organizations. Moreover, to know more about ISO auditor courses in Chennai, download promotional materials. (i) Providing ISO Key Auditor courses in Chennai ISO Main Auditor courses in Chennai is conducted as a full-time, 5-day continuous (40-hour) course as a public open program. In some
cases, according to the convenience of the participant, the course is conducted in the form of a division course. (5 days insured on different and non-continuous days) If the number of participants is more than six from a single organization, we can conduct the ISO Key Auditor course in the organization
itself exclusively for its employees. (ii) Who can take this ISO Key Auditor course: Any individual with previous ISO system knowledge can take this course. There are no educational limits. No experience required. If you have ISO Internal Auditor Course, it will take precedes. Take this course: Choose a
schedule that's right for you by checking the ongoing schedule for ISO key auditor courses in Chennai from this link. Download the application form and submit the completed form via e-mail If you would like to discuss with our training coordinator to know more about the course.
Complete payment in the online portal. Collect course materials from the EAS office to read and prepare for the course. What the course includes: All ISO Key Auditor courses iso management system standards comply with and meet the CQI-IRCA criteria. The course covers all activities performed in a
third-party certification audit for any Management System Standards. (i) Topics covered include: Overview of The Management System Standard Assessment of Standard Requirements The basic principles of auditing Audit Roles, responsibilities, knowledge and skills of audit auditing - Overview of audit
planning of the audit system Preparation of audit reports and audit monitoring. (ii) Criteria for completing the ISO Main Auditor course: Applicants must reach 70% when continuously assessed by tutors. On top of that, candidates should score a minimum of 63 points out of 90 in the Final Exam, which is
finally held on day five. Benefits of taking the ISO Key Auditor course: First of all, you can get the world-famous IRCA ISO Chief Auditor Certificate. Therefore, opens up registration opportunities for you to apply for CQI-IRCA and, therefore, it supports your career development. The skills and knowledge
you have will help to perform better in mid-level management or higher in planning, implementing and auditing the management system (i) Advantages of implementing the ISO Key Auditor course in Chennai: EAS can be one of the very few organizations that run this course with a success rate of over
90%. Success is due to our experience, interest and passion in providing training, For reasons the course is prepared by real-time auditors, it is highly effective. On top of that, simple and transparent course materials make it easy to understand. (ii) Fees: Fees for iso main auditor courses vary depending
on course type, delivery method and location. The prices charged by EAS for the ISO Main Auditor course include IRCA recognition fees, training fees, exam fees, course materials, lunches and refreshments. Please download promotional materials or contact our training coordinator e-mail: and mobile +91 99625 90571. ISO Online Internal Auditor Training Courses If you want to complete the Internal Auditor course, before taking this Main Auditor course, you can try 'training course' our 'in-house online auditor'. This may be a better way to equip yourself with a Key Auditor
course. Our online Internal Auditor training courses are to match different ambitious candidates who have different backgrounds for almost any program. This is suitable for individuals who require a more essential understanding of standards and have less free time to come and attend in the classroom.
For more, her food safety management training courses give your organization international acceptance and competitive advantage, ISO 22000 provides a clear and clear, flexible framework for your business needs and expectations. Our ISO 22000 training courses are NABET-recognized and mutually
recognized by the NBQP designed to complete internationally recognized training and qualifications. FSSC 22000 v5/ISO 22000:2018 (FSMS) Main Auditor Training Course – learn how to conduct FSMS first, second and third-party audits against FSSC 22000 v5. This course will provide students with the
knowledge and skills necessary to perform FSMS first, second and third-party audits compared to FSSC 22000 v5, in accordance with ISO 19011:2018, ISO TS/22003:2013 and ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015, if applicable. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: Describe the purpose of the
FSMS standard, FSMS, third-party management and certification audit Explaining the role of auditors in planning, conducting, reporting and monitoring FSMS audits in accordance with ISO 19011:2018 (and ISO TS/22003:2013, including ISO 17021-1:2015, if any) conduct, report and monitor FSMS
audits to establish conformity, or otherwise, with ISO 22000/FSSC 22000 or acceptable equivalents, in accordance with ISO 19011:2018 (and ISO TS/2 2003: 2013, including ISO 17021-1:2015, if applicable) This course is approved by FSSC 22000 and certified by the Chartered Institute of Quality (CQI)
and the International Register of Certified Auditors : CQI / IRCA course certificate number: 2207-PT 368. Certified students who pass both exams and ongoing assessment will be issued an achievement certificate that meets the formal training requirements for an individual seeking a certificate as the
CQI/IRCA chief auditor/auditor. Certificates of Achievement are valid for a period of five years from the last day of the course with the aim of certification as an auditor with CQI/IRCA. Those who do not pass the assessment continuously and have attended for the entire duration of the course will be issued
a certificate of attendance. Students who do not pass the written exam and pass the test continuously will receive a certificate of attendance and will be allowed to re-take the exam within 12 months from the end of the original course. Prerequisites Before starting this course, students must have prior
knowledge of the following food safety management principles and concepts: Cycle Plan, Do, Test, Act (PDCA) Core of a management system and the connection between top management responsibilities, policies, objectives, planning, implementation, measurement, review and continuous improvement
of food safety management principles, including prerequisite programs in accordance with ISO 22000:2018/TS 22002 (all departments) and HACCP The relationship between food safety management, provide safe food products to prevent or mitigate adverse effects on human health and proactively
improve food safety performance Examples of dissemination of relevant national and local FSMS laws and requirements FSSC requirements 22000 v5 or equivalent and commonly used food safety management terms and definitions , as specified in the ISO 22000:2018 training course, can be achieved
by completing the CQI/IRCA certified ISO 22000:2018 (FSMS) training course or Equivalent Course Detail Time : 5-day delivery method: direct recognition: FSSC 22000 and CQI/IRCA Why SGS? As a leader in professional training, we draw on years of global experience. Our courses are offered by
FSMS professionals and experienced instructors. Your knowledge and skills will be developed through an interactive approach to practical learning. Contact us today to make your reservation on our FSSC 22000 v5/ISO 22000:2018 lead auditor training course. Course.
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