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Materi Ajar Graphic Organizer R1

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Written by WINARTI

COVER ……………………………………………………………………………………………i

DAFTAR ISI……………………………………………………………………………………...ii



1. Short Description……………………………………………………………...............1

2. Relevance …………..…………………………………………………………….......1

3. Learning Guide ………….…………………………………...………………………2

a. Pre- Activity ………….…………………………………………………………..2

b. Main- Activity …………………………………………………………………….2

c. Post- Activity ……………………………………………………………………..2


1. Learning Outcome ………………...………………………………………………….3

a. Attitude………….…………………………………………………………………….3

b. Knowledge...…………………………………………………………………………..3

c. Skills............…………………………………………………………………………..3

2. Learning Materials and Activity………….......……………………………………….3

a. Definition ….………………………………………………………………………….4

b. Social Function………………………………………………………………………..6

c. Generic Structure………………………………………………………......………….6

d. Language Feature ….....................…………………………………………………….8

e. Types of Graphic Organization ……………………………………...………………..9

3. Discussion Forum …………………………..……………………………………….21


Summary ......…………………………………………………………………………….22


D. REFERENCE…………………………………………………………………………….25

E. TES FORMATIVE …………......……………………………………………………….26

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)



1. Short Description

This part convey the Learning Activity 3: Graphic Organizers. Nowadays, graphic

organizers are often used to visualize an information. You may see the graphic on the

banner, poster, television and brochure, etc. In this activity will provides materials related

to graphic organizer: the definition, the social function, the generic structure, and


2. Relevance

Have you ever seen the graphic organizers around of you? Or while the teacher teaches a

subjects or the public places? Can you get the information easily? Do you ever made the

graphic organizer to concept an information? In this learning activity will help you how

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
to get the information and how to make the graphic organizer for helping your learning


3. Learning Guide

Good students, there are three activities to help you achieve the learning outcomes of this

chapter, namely pre-activity, main activity, and post-activity.

a. Pre-Activity

This part build your background knowledge about graphic organizers. It provides with

theories related to graphic organizers.

b. Main Activity

This part encourages you to understand about the graphic organizers deeply. It

provides about the definition, social functions, generic structure, language features,

types, and example of graphic organizers.

c. Post-Activity

This part leads you to discuss and reflect your learning on graphic organizers. You

will guide to analyze the generic structure, language features and type of the graphic



1. Learning Outcomes

a. Attitude

You are going to uphold and apply religious values, moral values, ethical values,

personal and social values (honesty, discipline, accountability, and independence),

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
care and respect for differences, and diversity, tolerance, peace, collaboration, and


b. Knowledge

You are going to analyze the social functions, generic structure, and lexico-

grammatical features of graphic organizers regarding the context of the situation.

c. Skill

 Comprehend types of graphic organizer.

 Compare the difference among the types of notice.

 Compare the social functions, generic structure and language feature of graphic

organizers regarding the context of situation, the target readers, and the points of

interest or importance.

2. Learning Materials and Activities

a. Definition

Based on Wikipedia, A graphic organizer, also known as a knowledge

map, concept map, story map, cognitive organizer, advance organizer, or concept

diagram is a pedagogical tool that uses visual symbols to express knowledge and

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
concepts through relationships between them. The main purpose of a graphic organizer

is to provide a visual aid to facilitate learning and instruction.

Graphic organizers, as illustrated by Drapeau (1998), can be used to enhance students’

thinking skills by encouraging brainstorming, generating new ideas, connecting parts to

the whole, drawing sequence, analyzing causes and effects...etc.

A graphic organizer is a teaching and learning tool that is used to organize information

and idea in a way that is easy to comprehend and internalize. By integrating text and

visuals, graphic organizers show relationship and connection between concept, terms,

and fact.

Video 1. Learning Goal Source:

Video 2.

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)


Task 1

Good students, video 1 and 2 are two types of graphic organizers. Respond to the

following question to analyze the definition and function of graphic organizers.

1. What information was shown in the two videos?

2. How did the speakers in the two videos explain the information?

3. What tools’ data organizers were used in the two videos to explain the information?

4. Do you think the organizers helped you understand the information? Why?

5. How can you define a graphic organizer?

b. Social Function of Graphic Organizers

Good students, having defined graphic organizers by watching the videos, now it is time

for you to know the generic structure of graphic organizers. The following are some social

function for using graphic organizers:

1. Tools for critical and creative thinking

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
Graphic organizers assist learners concentrate on what’s significant because they

highlight key concepts and vocabulary, and their interaction. Thus they offer the tools

for critical and creative thinking.

2. Tools for organizing information

Graphic organizers are network-like visual representation that enable learners to add

or alter their background knowledge be seeing the links and contradictions between

existing knowledge and fresh information.

3. Tools for understanding information and relationships

Graphic organizers serve as mental instruments for helping learners comprehend and

maintain significant information and relationship.

4. Tools for describing knowledge and understanding

Graphic organizers provide an optional way to depict knowledge and comprehension,

so it is especially useful for learner who difficult to express relationship in written

language between certain components.

5. Tools for self-learning

Learner who use graphic organizers are able to develop autonomous learning like note

taking, planning, presentation, etc. in other words, graphic organizers are beneficial to

learners’ learning inside and beyond classrooms.

c. Generic Structure

Graphic organizers can help you to memorize the information. In taking graphic

organizers, you should know the structure of graphic organizers. Take a look at the following

figures to analyze the structure of graphic organizers.

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)

figure 1 “Free Virus Graphic Organizer by number to neurons”

Figure 2 “the venn diagram of the overlap Covid 19 symptoms”

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
Task 2:

Respond to the following questions related to the generic structure of graphic organizers.

1. What was the main point being explained in each figure?

2. Where can you find the specific information of the main point?

3. Do you find any explanation of the information? How was it presented?

4. Now, can you mention the generic structure of a graphic organizer? What are they?

To confirm your analysis, the followings are the generic structure of graphic organizers.

♣ Titles, headings, and/or labels

The title of a graphic organizer indicates the data or information which is going to be


♣ Specific locations for information

Information in a graphic organizer is presented in the form of pictures, symbols or word

specifically so that the readers will easily understand the content of an issue or topic.

♣ Short descriptions (bullets or limited sentences)

The description of visual presentations is often limited to minimize the long wordily

explanation which will distract the readers.

d. Language Feature

⮚ Complex information is conveyed in a simple-to-understand manner through a visual

display. In other words, a large amount of information can be converted into easy to-

read display. In short, they show instead of tell how information is structured. It

facilitates students’ understanding in an easier way.

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
⮚ Analytical, critical, planning, and creative thinking skills are concerned. By using

graphic organizers, the learner has to identify the relationships between items, see the

meaning, prioritize the information, and decide the items should be placed. It leads to

form their learning strategy better.

⮚ The organizers are made to be easily edited, revised, and added.

⮚ Graphic organizers have multiple uses such as planning, brainstorming, studying, or

summarizing. They can be used in writing or reading skill.

⮚ Most graphic organizers use short words or phrases, or drawings, so they can

appropriately be used with all levels of learners.

e. Types of Graphic Organizers

In this guide you will find five types of graphic organizers which bring certain social

function more specifically.

1. Description / Cluster Diagram

Figure 1.1 figure 1.2

Cluster diagrams can be used to facilitate a brainstorming session or structure idea

generation and even to help with exploring new topics.

Signal words:

- For example - Such as

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
- For instance - Looks like

- Specifically - In addition

- Characteristics are

How to use it?

 Step 1: pick your topic to explore. This should be placed in the middle of

the diagram.

 Step 2: brainstorm around the main idea and come up with sub- topics

related to it. Place them around the center.

 Step 3: brainstorm around each of the sub-topics and write down related

ideas around them.

 Step 4: add as many layers as you want. However, use color-coding to

emphasize each branch of though. This will make it easier for you to read

and understand the description/cluster diagram.

2. Sequence

Figure 2.1 figure 2.2

Good students, if you want to list items in numerical, chronological order/ step of

a process, and timeline of events, you can present sequence graphic organizer.

Signal words:

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
- First - After that

- Second At last

- Next finally

How to use it

 Step 1: identify the steps in the process or event.

 Step 2: using a sequence chart, arrange these step in sequential order.

3. Compare and Contrast / Venn Diagram

Figure 3.1 figure 3.2

Compare and contrast / venn diagram are great helping to find similarities and

differences between concepts.

The similarities in a compare-contrast graphic organizers are placed in the union

between two or more circles, while differences are placed where the previous

circles don’t meet. The graphic can be quite complex with many circles (or other

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
shapes) overlapping in different areas, showing comparisons and differences

between lots of different things.

Signal words:

- Different - on other hand

- Contrast - both

- Alike - either-or

- Same as - however

How to use it

It works similar to the double map.

 Step 1: Write down the topics being compared on the top of each circle.

 Step 2: Write down the differences or unique characteristics inside its own

sector avoiding the overlapping area.

 Step 3: List the similarities in the common area.

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
4. Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect

What happened? Why did it happen?

Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.2 figure 4.3

This type of graphic organizer shows the causes and effects of an event. The cause

is the reason why something has happened, and effect is the result of what has

happened. Visualization helps clearly understand the different cause and effect


Signal words:

- Reasons why - finally

- Reason for - leads to

- If….then - effects of

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
- As a result - caused by

- Therefore - result

- Because - outcome

- Influenced by - impact

How to use it

Using a cause and effect graphic organizer, identify the causes and effects related

to the problem you are studying or writing about. There could be several models

of cause and effect events, such as one cause leading to one effect or multiple

effects, or multiple causes leading to one effect or multiple effects.

 One cause leading to several effects

 Several causes leading to one effect (You can use a fishbone diagram


 Each cause having one related effect

 One cause triggering another cause that leads to another

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
5. Problem and Solution



Possible Solutions


Figure 5.1 figure 5.2

Problem and solving graphic organizers can be used to improve the problem-

solving skills of the students. It helps students identify and evaluate solution to


Signal Words:

- Problem to - answer

- Dilemma is - because

- Puzzle is - since

- solve - this led to

How to use it

 Step 1: Identify the problem and write it in the problem box

 Step 2: Ask students to then write down why they think it is a problem in

the first place

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
 Step 3: Get them to brainstorm all possible solutions along with the pros

and cons relates to them.

 Step 4: Once they select the best possible solution, ask them to list down

all its possible consequences

 Step 5: Students can then make suggestions to improve the selected

solution further

Task 3

Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2

Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)

Figure 3.5

Take a look to the 5 figures about the examples of graphic organizers. Analyze

the generic structure of each example and put your information in the provided

table below.

No. Type of Generic Structure

Title/Heading Forms of information Descriptions




Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)


3. Discussions Forum

Discuss with your partner about the text below. And find out what type of graphic

organizer you can use to describe the topic.

Make your best graphic organizers by your own selves or you can use the template from

some application likes Canva, Prazy, ect

How Does COVID 19 Spread Between People?

COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which spreads between

people, mainly when an infected person is in close contact with another


The virus can spread from an infected person’s mouth or nose in small liquid

particles when they cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe heavily. These

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
liquid particles are different sizes, ranging from larger ‘respiratory droplets’

to smaller ‘aerosols’.

Other people can catch COVID-19 when the virus gets into their mouth,

nose or eyes, which is more likely to happen when people are in direct or

close contact (less than 1 meter apart) with an infected person.

Current evidence suggests that the main way the virus spreads is by

respiratory droplets among people who are in close contact with each other.

Aerosol transmission can occur in specific settings, particularly in indoor,

crowded and inadequately ventilated spaces, where infected person(s) spend

long periods of time with others, such as restaurants, choir practices, fitness

classes, nightclubs, offices and/or places of worship. More studies are

underway to better understand the conditions in which aerosol transmission

is occurring outside of medical facilities where specific medical procedures,

called aerosol generating procedures, are conducted.

The virus can also spread after infected people sneeze, cough on, or touch

surfaces, or objects, such as tables, doorknobs and handrails. Other people

may become infected by touching these contaminated surfaces, then

touching their eyes, noses or mouths without having cleaned their hands


Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)





1. A graphic organizer is a teaching and learning tool that is used to organize information

and ideas in a way that is easy to comprehend and internalize. By integrating text and

visual, graphic organizers show relationships and connection between concepts, terms,

and facts.

2. There are five types of graphic organizers. Such as; description/ cluster diagram,

sequence, compare and contrast, cause and effect, problem and solution.

3. Social function of graphic organizers are:

a. Visualize or present information in a way that easier to comprehend, by breaking

down larger or complex concepts or ideas into smaller and simpler parts.

b. Provide students the opportunity to actively contribute and participate in learning

process through the creation of graphic organizers.

c. Help develop cognitive skills such as brainstorming, critical and creative thinking,

categorizing and prioritizing content, reflection, etc.

d. Help recall prior knowledge about a subject and quickly connect it to new


e. Promote self-learning. By using graphic organizers for note-taking, analyzing,

studying, etc. students can familiarize themselves with a lesson far more easily.

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)

Please fill in this self- assessment honestly and in truthfully according to your feeling after

learning this material!

1. Give the check list (√) on one of the pictures that can represent your feelings after studying

this material!

2. What do you have learned?




3. What do you comprehend from the material?




4. What part have you not mastered?




Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
5. What are your efforts to master what you have not mastered?




6. Mention things that are interesting about the learning activities you have already had done!

Give the reason!




7. Mention things that are not interesting about the learning activities that you have done! Give

the reason!




Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
D. References

1. Blog, Creately. (Updated on 9 April 2021). I Retrieved on April

20, 2021 at 4.21 a.m.

2. Blog, Wikipedia. (Edited on 17 January 2021, at 14:39(UTC)). Graphic Organizer Retrieved on April 20, 2021 at 4.30


3. Learners Independent, teaching. 37, 6 k

subscribers. 75.602 viewers. Retrieved on April 20, 2021 at 6 a.m.

4. MFG, Infinity. (4 April 2017). Quality (part 2: Ishikawa Diagram). 43, 8 k subscribers. 60023 viewers. Retrieved on

April 20, 2021 at 6.20 a.m.

5. World Health Organization, blog. (20 October 2020).


Retrieved on April 21, 2021 at 10.20 a.m.

6. Ph.D, Saefurrohman.(2019). Pendalaman materi pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Modul

1 English Fore Public Information

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
E. Formative Test

Choose the best answer a, b, c or d for each number

1. The statements below are the function of using graphic organizers, except….

a. Tools for critical and creative thinking

b. Tools for organizing information

c. Tools for understanding information and relationship

d. Tools for playing

2. The author listed item in numerical or chronological order, uses ….. graphic organizer

a. Sequence

b. Compare and contrast

c. Cause and effect

d. Problem and solve

3. Which one is the way to present cause and effect graphic organizer?

a. Write down the topics being compared on the top of each circle

b. One cause triggering another cause that leads to another

c. Write down the differences or unique characteristic inside its own sector avoiding

the overlapping area

d. List the similarities in the common area

4. Look at the following figure. What type of the graphic organizers is it?

a. Sequence

b. Description

c. Cause and effect

d. Problem and solving

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
5. What is the topic being presented in this graphic organizer?

a. Do squirrel like people?

b. Squirrels live in the forest

c. Squirrel is mammals

d. Squirrel’s food

6. What is the similarity of cats and dogs based on the following graphic organizer? except

a. They have 4 legs

b. They can be pets

c. They have long fur

d. They can jump

7. What topic fits type of graphic organizer?

a. sleepless is not good for health

b. How to smarter students

c. Indonesia’s cultures

Winarti (002 Bahasa Inggris)
d. The function of left and right hemispheres of brain

8. What type of graphic organizer suits to our topic if we want to tell characters in a

narrative story in detail?

a. Description graphic organizer

b. Sequences graphic organizer

c. Cause and effect graphic organizer

d. Compare and contrast graphic organizer

9. What can you tell from the following Venn diagram?

a. It describes the steps of building a corporation.

b. It enlist the benefits of working as a freelancer.

c. It describes the differences and similarities between freelance and corporate.

d. It tells the sequence of being both a freelancer and company employee.

10. If you are going to present the process of a complete metamorphosis of butterflies, the

most appropriate type of graphic organizer you can use is …..

a. Description graphic organizer

b. Sequence graphic organizer

c. Cause and effect graphic organizer

d. Problem and solving graphic organizer


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