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The Learning Module
Polling Station
Micro Observers

Learning Module for Micro Observer 1

To know your Role as Micro Observer

• You will identify deviations

in your assigned polling
station/s & report it to
General Observer through
proper channel of
• You will look after working
of polling party, polling
agent and other security
personnel in the assigned
locations Learning Module for Micro Observer 2
To have knowledge of your
Responsibilities as Micro Observer
To be present at the time of preparation of the
Ballot Box at the Polling Station/s & reach the
polling station at least one hour before
commencement of poll (that is 7 o clock in the
morning – If for some reason it is not possible to
reach in the morning , he/she should reach in
the evening of the previous day)

To Identify & note down particulars filled up

Counterfoil of the Ballot Paper

To check that the Presiding Officer or Polling

Officers going towards voting compartment
or giving any undue instructions to the voters
Learning Module for Micro Observer 3
To have knowledge of your
Responsibilities as Micro Observer
To check the scrutiny of voters in the
Absentee, Shifted and Duplicate list done
by the Presiding Officers.

To check Preparation of Ballot Box done

by Presiding Officer

To keep a track of complaints by Candidates,

Polling Agent/s, or any Political Party and
understand the nature and seriousness of
the complaint done by Presiding Officer
To report to General Observer from time
to time regarding any deviations that
might occur
Learning Module for Micro Observer 4
Sub learning Objective 1.2 – To have knowledge
of your Responsibilities as Micro Observer

To check availability of polling material

provided to the Polling Party
To observe the presence of Polling Agents &
observance of SEC instructions with regards
to them
Observance of entry pass system & access to
Polling station

To assess the preparedness of the election

process on the day of poll
To observe that proper identification of
electors takes place & secrecy of voting is
maintained during the polling process
Learning Module for Micro Observer 5
Reports to be filled by MO

Learning Module for Micro Observer 6

Reports to be filled by MO

Learning Module for Micro Observer 7

To utilize your Authorities as Micro

• In this session you will be able to

understand the authorities delegated to
you as a Micro Observer

Learning Module for Micro Observer 8

Your role as

A Job Description for your

position has been handed to Thus you now know your
you that will act as a ready major responsibilities
reckoner while you are on

You have knowledge of

Reports to be filled and
& can implement your
submitted by you
Learning Module for Micro Observer
authorities when needed
To list down major legal provisions with respect
to conduct of elections

Learning Module for Micro Observer 10

Learning Objective 3

Learning Objective Sub Learning Objective (s)

To know sections of GHMC Act, 1955

To know major sections under RP Act, 1951

To be aware of the
To know rules of Conduct of Election Rules, 2005
legal provisions
related to conduct
of free and fair
elections To know major sections under IPC related to electoral
offences and corrupt practices

To know major sections under Criminal Procedure


Learning Module for Micro Observer 11

Sub Learning Objective: The Conduct of Elections Rules,
PART IV: Voting in Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies -
Chapter I: Voting by Ballot

• A notice specifying the area, the electors of

Rule 18: Arrangements at which are entitled to vote there, a copy of the
the polling stations list of contesting candidates, voting
compartment, electoral rolls, Ballot Boxes

• Presiding Officer shall regulate the number of

Rule 16: Admission to electors to be admitted in the polling station
polling stations • Exclude entry of persons other than
authorized person

Learning Module for Micro Observer

Sub Learning Objective: The Conduct of Elections Rules,

• Demonstration to the polling agents

before the commencement of the poll,
Rule 20: Preparation of fixing of the green paper seal, close the lid
Ballot Box for poll in Balloting Position & secured & placed in
full view of the presiding officer & polling

Learning Module for Micro Observer

Sub Learning Objective: The Conduct of Elections Rules,

• Presiding officer to demonstrate to the

polling agents & others that the electoral
Rule 66: Marked copy of
roll to be used does not contain any entry
electoral roll
/mark other than the ones made under the

• To be admitted into the polling station in

Rule 67: Facilities for alternate batches with men
women electors • RO/PO may appoint a woman to assist
women electors & issues related with them

• Checking the elector's name & other

Rule 23: Identification of
particulars in the electoral roll, identity card
of the elector
Learning Module for Micro Observer
Sub Learning Objective: The Conduct of Elections Rules,

• Any polling agent may

challenge the identity of
voter trying to impersonate
Rule 70: other person by submitting
sum of 5 rupees in cash to
Challenging Presiding Officer, whereby
of identity presiding officer shall take
actions to clarify the identity
& take appropriate actions
against the elector
Learning Module for Micro Observer
Sub Learning Objective: The Conduct of Elections Rules,

• Elector about whose

identity Presiding/Polling
Rule 71: Officer be satisfied shall
Safeguards allow his left forefinger to
against be inspected by the
personation presiding/polling officer
& an indelible ink mark
put on

Learning Module for Micro Observer

Sub Learning Objective: The Conduct of Elections Rules,

• Before permitting any elector to vote,

polling officer shall verify the name of the
elector in the electoral roll number of the
Rule 22: elector, obtain the signature, mark the
Procedure for name of the elector in the marked copy of
electoral roll.
voting • Necessary to obtain signature or thumb
impression elector on the counterfoil of
the Ballot Paper issued to him.

Section 602 of GHMC

Act: Maintenance of
• Every elector must maintain & observe the
secrecy of voting by
voting procedure laid down to maintain
electors within the
secrecy of voting
polling station and
voting procedures

Learning Module for Micro Observer

Sub Learning Objective : The Conduct of Elections Rules,

• Presiding Officers shall

Rule 25: allow a companion of not
Recording less than 18 years of age.
of votes of • No person shall be
blind or allowed to act as a
infirm companion for more than
one elector at any polling
voters station on the same day.

Learning Module for Micro Observer

Sub Learning Objective : The Conduct of Elections Rules,

• If an elector after his electoral roll number

has been entered in counterfoil of the Ballot
Rule 75: Elector deciding Paper & put his signature on it & decides not
not to vote to vote, a remark to this effect shall be put
by the presiding officer in the register of

• If a person representing himself to be a

particular elector applies for a ballot paper
after another person has already voted as
Rule 28: such elector, on satisfactorily answering
Tendered votes questions relating to his identity as the
presiding officer may ask be entitled to
vote, but he shall not put the ballot paper in
the box and give it to the Presiding officer.
Learning Module for Micro Observer
The Conduct of Elections Rules, 2005

• Presiding officer to
prepare an account of
Rule 35: votes recorded in
Ballot Form XXI at the close
of the poll & enclose it
Paper in separate cover &
Account furnish a copy to the
Polling agents at the
Learning Module for Micro Observer
Sub Learning Objective : The Conduct of Elections Rules,
Rule 34 (2): Sealing of • By the Presiding officer in the manner
Election Papers after close directed by the SEC, polling agent who desire
of Poll & delivery it to RO to affix their seals are also allowed

• Separate packets of: marked copy of

electoral roll, Counterfoils used Ballot
Rule 34: Custody & Papers, tendered ballot papers, challenged
Return of Ballot Boxes & votes, any other directed by SEC & sealed
Papers relating to with the seal of the presiding officer & of any
Election polling agent who desire to fix the seal

• Delivery of Polled Ballot Boxes, Ballot Paper

Rule 34(3): Transmission Account, sealed packets, & other papers at
of Ballot Boxes and their the poll
custody to the returning
officer • By the Presiding Officer to the place directed
d by RO
Learning Module for Micro Observer
Sub Learning Objective : The Conduct of Elections Rules,

• Procedure of
Rule 31: Adjournment under
section 58 shall apply
on • RO shall provide sealed
packet of marked copy
adjournme of electoral roll,
nt of poll register of voters & a
new voting machine

Learning Module for Micro Observer

To have knowledge of the
Preparation of Ballot Box and
Marked copy of the Electoral Roll

Preparation of
Ballot Box and
Marked copy of
the Electoral Roll
27-11-2020 Learning Module for Micro Observers 23
To have knowledge of the Preparation of
Ballot Box and Marked copy of the
Electoral Roll
Preparation for Ballot Box

Demonstration of Ballot Box

Show the Ballot Box is empty and it does not contain

any thing in that Box before the Polling Agents

Fixing of Paper Seal

Preparing Ballot Box ready for commencement of Poll in

the presence of Polling Agents

27-11-2020 Learning Module for Micro Observers 24

To have knowledge of the Preparation of
Ballot Box and Marked copy of the
Electoral Roll
Preparation for Ballot Box

affixing the signatures of Polling

Agents and PO signature on the
white surface of Paper Seal

Affix Labels and address tags

inside and outside of the Ballot

27-11-2020 Learning Module for Micro Observers 25

Arrangement of Polling Stations

Arrangement outside Polling Station

Arrangement inside Polling Station

To be able to identify and address discrepancies in

polling process

27-11-2020 Learning Module for Micro Observers 26

To check the Arrangement outside
Polling Station

To observe and report

whether these items are
displayed prominently
outside polling station

• Notice specifying polling area

• Electors entitled to vote the
polling station
• Copy of the list of the
contesting candidates
27-11-2020 Learning Module for Micro Observers 27
To check the Arrangement outside
Polling Station
• To observe and report • To observe and report
that Separate waiting whether the sufficient
space for men and space is provided outside
women is provided or not the polling station for:
outside the polling station • Polling agents
• Any person over & above • Security personnel
the age of 60 years will be • Queue for men and
allowed to use separate women.
que for meant for senior
citizens & physically • No vehicles to be allowed
challenged persons inside the 100 meter
perimeter of a PS
• Candidate's booths to
have 1 table & 2 chairs
beyond the PD perimeter
• No posters or banners

27-11-2020 Learning Module for Micro Observers 28

To check arrangements inside the Polling
A separate entrance and exit for voters is

Ensure marking of 100m & 200m around PS

through SO

The seating arrangements of Polling Agents

according to diagram in next slides

Video covered PS should have Videography

27-11-2020 Learning Module for Micro Observers 29
To check arrangements inside the Polling
Polling agents should be seated in a way that they can see the face of an
elector as & when he enters the polling station & able to see the entire
operation, but not to see voters actually casting their votes
Voting compartment is so place that neither Presiding officer not the
agents or polling officers should be able to see the actual voting

Polling agents must have a valid photo identity card

Voting compartment cannot be near to the PO or even near any

window where one can see from outside

Voting Compartment of is not transparent or semi transparent

27-11-2020 Learning Module for Micro Observers 30

To check arrangements inside the Polling

Media persons should carry the passes

issued to them by the GHMC

Media persons cannot take the

interview of audio video bites of voters
or any other personalities for direct

Where Police Force is deployed will

stand outside at the door of the PS, he
cannot enter the PS
27-11-2020 Learning Module for Micro Observers 31
To check arrangements inside the Polling Station

• The voting compartment

should be of 21”x 21”
Secrecy of voting
maintained by • It should not be placed
putting the voting near door or window
compartment • No one is allowed to
according to
guidelines of SEC enter the compartment
when someone is casting
the vote
27-11-2020 Learning Module for Micro Observers 32
Arrangement inside Polling Station

27-11-2020 Learning Module for Micro Observers 33

To check arrangements inside the Polling Station

Poll that takes place at any location apart from the designated polling station
will be considered null and void ab-initio.

Re-poll to be recommended in such cases.

Voting Compartment to be set up in corner of room to ensure secrecy

of voter while voting It should not be placed near any window.

Ballot Box to be kept under custody of PrO

Ballot Papers should not be left at PS the previous night under any

Presiding Officer to be seated at position where he can watch proceedings in

entire PS
To check arrangements inside the Polling Station

To check that seating arrangements for

Polling Agents is in following order:

Candidates Candidates
of of registered
of registered
Recognized political
political Independent
National & parties
parties with Candidates
State without
Political reserved
Parties symbol

Learning Module of RO/ARO 35

To be able to identify and address discrepancies in polling
Presiding Officer to Verify signatures of
verify appointment candidates/agents on
letters of Polling appointment letters
Agents who begin to based on specimens
report provided by RO

A candidate can No more than 1 polling

appoint one Polling agent per candidate
agents and two relief allowed at any point in
polling agents time

Entry Pass system to be followed with

proper account of same by PrO for Polling
Learning Module of RO/ARO 36
To be able to identify and address discrepancies in polling

The MO
Demonstra- Demonstra- Commencem should be
tion to be tion to be ent of Poll present
conducted at But not to be during
conducted should be
least 30 delayed due Preparation
ideally in reported by
minutes* to their of Ballot Box
presence of the RO within
before time absence & check that
Candidates/a 30 minutes of
fixed for gents completion* it takes place
commenceme in the
nt of poll required
To be able to identify and address discrepancies in polling
• Presiding Officer to keep correct
account of green paper seals used
by him out of the total supplied to
• Candidates/polling agents to be
allowed to note down Serial no. of
green paper seals used
• PrOs demonstrate to
– Marked Copy of electoral rolls to show
that except those statutorily required,
Learning Module of RO/ARO 38
no other marks have been made
To be able to identify and address discrepancies in polling

PrO to give
warning S/he cannot Poll must be
PrO All
before extend closed at
should formaliti
commence polling appointed time
ment of poll commen es to be
hours if except when
regarding ce at complete
s/he starts electors are
Sec 602 exact d before present at
poll late if
(Secrecy of time the fixed closing time.
for some
Voting) and fixed for hour for Only those
penalty of unforeseen
the same start of voters should be
breaching reason
poll allowed to vote.
the same
Learning Module of RO/ARO 39
To be able to identify and address discrepancies in polling
• Identification of Electors
Polling • Marked Copy of Electoral Roll

Second • Application of Indelible Ink on left forefinger of voters


Third • In charge of Ballot Paper Bundles. Taking signature of the elector on

Polling the ballot paper of the counterfoil.
• In charge of entire election process in assigned PS
• Address any complaints, queries, etc.
• Deal with votes challenged by the Polling Agent
To be able to identify and address discrepancies in polling

Voters to come last to Presiding Officer

No crisscross movement to be allowed by voters

Presiding Officer to maintain visit sheet- wherein anyone who

visits PS is to sign, be it Observer, Election Authority, Addl. EA,
Dy. EA and Asst. EA etc

All of them must record their visit an observations in visit sheet

Learning Module of RO/ARO 41

To be able to identify and address discrepancies in polling process

ONLY following people can enter or be inside the

Polling Station:
– Voters in Manageable numbers
– Contesting Candidate for that Ward
– Candidate’s Election Agent in that Ward
– One Polling Agent per candidate for that PS
– Authorized media personnel
– Election Officials
– Micro Observers (and their seating arrangements
inside PS when deployed)
– Child in arms accompanying elector
– Person accompanying blind/infirm voter(18+ years)
– Elector/Candidate with Z+ security with one security
personnel in civilian clothes and one concealed
small arm
Every person allowed to enter the PS must have valid
authorization properly displayedLearning Module of RO/ARO 42
To be able to identify and address discrepancies in polling

Separate queue for

PrO directs how many voters to direct
men and women
into the PS (3-4)

ID proofs will be
Men and women
Infirm & women voters verified by PrO or
voters admitted in
to be given preference Polling Officer who will
alternate batches
come out every 30 min

Till then non-EPIC

voters to remain
Learning Module of RO/ARO 43
To be able to identify and address discrepancies in polling

6. If satisfied with ID,

1. First Polling Officer
then allow voting and 7. PrO will maintain
to verify identity of
MO will take photo of account of such voters
electors properly
such voter

8. Those issued EPIC

2. In case of doubt, 5. In case such elector
will not be allowed any
direct to PrO who shall arrives, then PrO to
other ID documents to
satisfy himself about ID thoroughly verify
establish their
of voter identity

9. PrO may employ

3. If not satisfied, shall
hand him over to the 4. Separate list of ASD
police with written voters to be made
Officer as Identifying
complaint in case of available to PrO
Officer posted outside
entrance of PS
Learning Module of RO/ARO 44
To be able to identify and address discrepancies in voting

PrO to record
Diary to be serially
relevant events of
numbered with
poll in his PS in
PrO Diary

Account to be
Any lapse in filling
maintained of
up of diary to be
diaries supplied to
seriously viewed

Observers to give
special attention
to this aspect
Learning Module of RO/ARO 45
To have knowledge of the manner of close of poll


Poll to be closed at exact hour fixed for same

All electors present at that hour to be allowed to vote

Pre-numbered slips to all electors present to be given starting from last

person in queue

Total No. of Votes Polled which is to be recorded in Item 9 of Part I of

Form XXIModule
Learning (Ballot Paper Account)
of RO/ARO 46
To have knowledge of the manner of close of poll

PrO can[u/s 58] adjourn poll at PS when:

Natural calamity like flood, heavy snowfall, severe storm etc.

Non-receipt/loss/damage to essential materials like EVMs,

ballot papers, electoral roll etc.

Disturbance of peace at PS making it impossible to conduct


Non arrival of polling party at PS due to obstruction on the

way or serious difficulty

Any other sufficient cause

He reports such fact to You and you shall report to SEC for
further directions
Learning Module of RO/ARO 47
To report Deviations to the Observer

In this session you will

These are examples of
be able to understand
deviations that might
the deviations in
occur, it should not be
election process to
considered as an
report them to General
exhaustive list
To report Deviations to the Observer
• Secrecy of voting is been violated by polling
party or media or polling agents
• Security guard interferes with the election
• Unauthorized persons allowed to enter
polling booth
• Indelible ink is not marked properly
• Bogus voting takes place
• Booth capturing takes place
• Law and Order in and around PS not

27-11-2020 Learning Module for Micro Observers 49


Learning Module for Micro Observer 50

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