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Rules Formulation

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Rules Formulation

for Election Committee

Presented by:
Pete Marvin D. Pañares
PA 4011 – Masters in Public Administration
Election Committee
Meaning and Practice of Democracy
in Cooperatives 1
Election Principles
and Practices
Fundamental Principles of
Election Procedure 2 Develop
and Processes

Draft Rules and

Drafting the Election Rules and
Guidelines for the Cooperative 3 Rules and
Part 1
Election Committee
Meaning and Practice of Democracy in Cooperatives
RA 9520

Meaning and Practice of

Democracy in Cooperatives
ART. IV. Cooperative Principle
(2) Democratic Member Control - Cooperatives
are democratic organizations that are controlled by
their members who actively participate in setting
their policies and making decisions. Men and women
serving as elected representatives, directors or
officers are accountable to the membership. In
primary cooperatives, members have equal voting
rights of one-member, one-vote. Cooperatives at
other levels are organized in the same democratic
Rule 7 – Sec.4 of IRR for RA 9520

Functions and Responsibilities of

the Officers of the Cooperative

4.3.1. The Election Committee shall:

a) Formulate election rules and guidelines and recommend to the General/Representative
Assembly for approval;
b) Recommend necessary amendments to the election rules and guidelines, in coordination with
the Board of Directors, for the General/Representatives Assembly's approval;
c) Implement election rules and guidelines duly approved by the General/Representative
d) Supervise the conduct, manner and proceedings of election and other election- related
activities and act on the changes thereto;
e) Canvass and certify the results of the election;
f) Proclaim the winning candidates;
g) Decide election and other election-related cases except those involving the Election
Committee or its members; and
h) Perform such other functions as prescribed in the By-laws or authorized by the
General/Representative Assembly.

Revised Guidelines Implementing the New Training

Requirements of Cooperative Officers
Section 6. Inclusion in the Cooperative Election Guidelines. Cooperatives shall include in their
election guidelines the following:
a) A policy requiring all officers to comply with the mandatory training requirements and the
person responsible to ensure compliance thereof, this shall be the election committee, in
case of elective officers, and in the case of appointed officers, the Board of Directors.
b) Provision that non-compliance with the training requirements during their term shall be one
of the grounds for disqualification for future election or appointment in any position in the
c) Provision that the cooperative shall ensure that all officers shall undertake/comply with the
mandatory training during his/her half of his/her term.

Taken from CDA Pro Forma By Laws

Article V - Committees

Section 3. Election Committee. An Election Committee is hereby created and shall be composed
of three (3) members to be elected during a General Assembly meeting and shall hold office for a
term of one (1) year or until their successors shall have been elected and qualified. Within ten (10)
days after their election they shall elect from among themselves a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson
and a Secretary. No member of the committee shall hold any other position within the Cooperative
during his/her term of office.
Part 2
Election Principles
and Practices
Fundamental Principles of Election Procedure and Processes
Fundamental Principles of
Election Procedure and Processes

1 One member, One vote

Cooperatives are democratic
organizations controlled by their
members. Members having equal
voting rights.

Corporations Co-op
How much of company they own One Member
= how much vote worth = One Vote
Fundamental Principles of
Election Procedure and Processes

2 Member Engagement
Board elections are an important
way that cooperative members –
owners and their Boards engage
with each other
Fundamental Principles of
Election Procedure and Processes

3 Excellence in governance
The Board, which bears ultimate
responsibility for the affairs of the
co-op, must ensure that elections
meet basic standards of fairness
and create strong leadership for
the cooperative.
What Makes an Election Fair and
Beneficial to the Cooperative?
 An informed electorate or membership-owners understand
● leadership role of the Board,

● on-going work in which the Board is engaged, and

● current issues facing the cooperative

 Voting processes that are open to all, easily understood and

 Clear and concise set of election procedures
 Elections are monitored and overseen by objective persons to
make sure that the procedures are followed.
 Every vote is sacred, without undue influence from anyone else
 Voters confidence with the election result
Best Practices in Running Elections

2 Prepare
1 Educate and Inform  At least 6 to 8 weeks prior to
 Inform members the upcoming election, compile information that
board vacancies ahead of time. voters needed.
 State the board member  Nominee profiles and ballots
responsibilities & compensations should be printed ahead
Best Practices in Running Elections

3 Deliver
 Plan to have your members
receive their voting information, 2
weeks prior to election.

4 Remind
 Increase member’s response
 As much as possible, reminders
should be personalized
Best Practices in Running Elections

5 Prioritize Members
 Always keep your members in mind when
planning the time and place of voting.
 Schedule a time and location that is convenient
for members.

6 Voting Options
 More voting options = more votes
 Consider demographics when conducting elections
 On-site
 Mail
 Online
 Call-in
Other Best Practices

2 Candidates
1 Criteria  Create an application packet
 Establish a set of criteria for fair for candidates to educate them
and democratic election, include in about the Board’s role and
the Election Committee Guideline give them opportunity to
 ELECOM must supervise the evaluate their qualifications
election process to report back to  Board should present
the board members, with more than
 Report should indicate how the enough qualified candidates.
election process met with the pre-
established criteria
Other Best Practices

3 Duration
 For cooperatives with large number of membership (1,000 and
above), allow members to cast ballots over a period of time, rather
than solely at the annual meeting.
 More time = more member’s participation
01 Acceptance of
2020 Election Timeline

Approves 29

07 Candidate

General 14

16 Election
RA 9520

Educate the Newly Elected

ART. IV. Cooperative Principle
(5) Education, Training and Information - Cooperatives shall provide education
and training for their members, elected and appointed representatives, managers,
and employees, so that they can contribute effectively and efficiently to the
development of their cooperatives.

Don’t forget to orient and train your new

directors / elected officers.
Part 3
Draft Rules and
Drafting the Election Rules and Guidelines for the Cooperative
Drafting the Election Rules and
Guidelines for the Cooperative
Article I – General Provisions
Section 1. Applicability
Section 2. Definition of Terms
a. Election
b. Board of Directors
c. Audit Committee
d. Election Committee (ELECOM)
e. Voter
f. Master List of Voters
g. Voting Precinct
h. Screening Committee
Section 3. Date of Election
Section 4. Postponement of Election
Section 5. Notices of Regular Election
Article II – Eligibility to Run and Certificate of Candidacy
Section 6. Qualifications for Board of Directors, Audit Committee
Section 7. Disqualifications of a Board of Directors and Committee
Section 8. One Member One Vote Policy
Section 9. Certificate of Candidacy
Section 10. Filing of Certificate of Candidacy (COC)
Section 11.Withdrawal or Cancellation of Certificate of Candidacy
Article III – Term
Section 12.Term of Office

Article IV – Prohibited Acts of Candidates

Section 13.Prohibited Act of a Candidate

Article V – Watchers
Section 14.Official Watchers of Candidates
Section 15.Duties and Prerogative of Watchers

Article VI – Regular Members

Section 16.Master list of Regular Members
Section 17.Registration of Regular Members
Article VII – Voting Precinct/s
Section 18.Voting Precinct/s
Section 19.Ballot Boxes
Section 20.Tally Boards
Section 21.Furnishing of Ballot Boxes, Form and Other Materials for
the Election.

Article VIII – Election Committees

Section 22.Composition
Section 23.Duties and Functions of ELECOM

Article IX– Official Ballot

Section 24.Official Ballot
Article X – Casting of Votes
Section 25.Voting Hours
Section 26.Order of Voting
Section 27.Manner of Preparing the Ballot
Section 28.Minutes of Voting

Article XI – Counting of Votes

Section 29.Counting to the Public and without Interruption
Section 30.Manner of Counting of Votes
Section 31.Proclamation of Winning Candidates

Article XII – Election Protest and Resolution

Section 32.Election Protest
Section 33.Protest Resolution
Thank You!

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