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Volleyball Skills Assessment Rubric

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Volleyball Skills Assessment Rubric Jones

Volleyball Skills Assessment Description: Sports skills are a big emphasis in this class because we want
students to feel confident trying things outside of school. Each unit will have a knowledge test (Unit
Test) and a skills test. The skills test shows us if the students are able to show the proper technique
during game play. Each student had access to written descriptions, pictures, and teacher
demonstrations on how to perform each skill correctly. In addition, the students were given ample time
to practice their skills while the teacher made corrections.

Volleyball Skills Assessment Rubric: Students may show a level of mastery, but this is not expected.
The target for each student is to achieve a level of proficiency. Students are evaluated in five areas and
can achieve a maximum score of 20 out of 20 on this assessment. If a student shows a level of mastery
in one or more areas, that extra point will be added to a weaker area.

Criteria Minimal effort Basic (2) Emerging (3) Proficient (4) Mastery (5)
Rules of the Relies on Shows limited Shows a fair Knows most of Knows almost
Game others to knowledge of knowledge of the rules and all the rules.
figure out the rules the rules. is able to Can help teach
what to do Knows the apply and others that
basic and make calls don’t know all
most during game of the rules.
important play
rules of the
Forearm Does not Student tries, Picks up basic Passes the ball Consistently
Passing attempt but cannot skills on how correctly most uses correct
proper make contact to pass but at of the time. form and
technique with the ball, times does not Body is an shows good
hands are use the skills athletic control.
apart properly, stance, knees
elbows are bent, hands
bent, some together, ball
control of the goes towards
ball target
Overhead Does not Student tries, Picks up basic Passes the ball Consistently
Passing attempt but cannot skills on how correctly most uses correct
(setting) proper make contact to pass but at of the time. form and
technique with the ball, times does not Athletic shows good
not in athletic use the skills stance, knees control.
position properly, slaps bent, elbows
ball with out, hands
palms as make a
opposed to basket, ball
finger pads, goes towards
some control target.
of the ball
Serving Does not Student tries, Picks up basic Serve lands in Consistently
attempt but cannot skills on how play most of uses correct
Volleyball Skills Assessment Rubric Jones

proper make contact to serve but at the time. form and

technique with the ball. times does not Shows weight shows good
No control of use the skills transfer and control.
the ball properly, control of the
strikes the ball ball.
with the
surface, same
foot forward
Attitude/Team Shows little Rarely focuses Listens to Listens to all Anticipates
work interest on tasks and instructions, instructions needs of the
instruction but has to be and follows all teacher and
reminded of the steps of team and
task, will the task. implements
somewhat Productive them with
work with member of proper
others team. amount of
respect and

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