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Curriculum for
Technician Certificate
in Nursing and
(NTA Level 5)
Department of Human Resource Development
P. O. Box 9083
Dar es Salaam

Tel: +255 22 2120261/7

Fax: +255 22 2139951
Mach 2015
© Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
March 2015
The review of the Technician Certificate in Nursing and Midwifery curriculum involved
different experts, partners and stakeholders. The MoHSW appreciates the contributions of the
curriculum development experts, educationalists, tutors/teachers, representatives from health
training institutions, various hospitals, universities, and professional bodies. Their
participation and input in meetings and workshops, of reviewing this curriculum have been
valuable. It is the commitment of these experts that has made this product possible. The
MoHSW extends its sincere gratitude to the development partners for their financial
support; American International Alliance Health/Tanzania Nurses Initiatives (AIHA/TNI), I-
TECH International Training and Education for Health, Africa Medical Research Foundation
(AMREF), Child Birth International (CBI), Engender Health, Johns Hopkins Program for
International Education in Gynaecology and Obstetrics (JHPIEGO) and Help age
International. Without their support the completion of this activity would have been
My sincere appreciation to the Nursing and Midwifery Training Section for tireless
coordination of the entire process of this curriculum review; Mr. Ndementria the AD-NT,
Ms.Pilli Kimata CD-NT, Molland Mkamba CD-NT, Ms. Agenes Kinemo CD-CE and
Vumilia Mmari.
Also I would like to thank the Curriculum development experts from National Council for
Technical Education (NACTE) and co-facilitators for their technical support throughout the
process of reviewing of the Technician Certificate in Nursing and Midwifery curriculum.

Furthermore, I would like to express my special thanks to representatives from the society,
graduates, employers, trainers, professional bodies including Tanzania Nursing and
Midwifery Council (TNMC), professional associations including Tanzania Midwives
Association (TAMA) and Tanzania National Nurses Association (TANNA), Medical
Association of Tanzania (MAT), Paediatric Association of Tanzania (PAT), Medical council
of Laboratory, Pharmaceutical Council and Private Nurses and Midwives of Tanzania
(PRINMAT) their expressions during situational analysis process provided valuable
information that shaped the curriculum to address competences practiced by nurses at work
The MoHSW is indepted to Hurbert Kairuki Memorial University (HKMU) and Muhimbili
University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) their libraries were very helpful as they
allowed borrowing the needed references throughout the process of curricula review.
I wish to thank all curriculum implementers (tutors) who contributed wide wealth knowledge,
skills and experiences in this curriculum review, without which the completion of this activity
would have been difficult.
The list of those who contributed to this great job is too long to be registered here. Therefore,
on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare I wish to take this opportunity to
thank them all.

Dr Otilia F. Gowelle
Director of Human Resources Development
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare

Curriculum for Basic certificate in Nursing and Midwifery NTA LEVEL 5

Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................................ i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................. ii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................... iv
FOREWORD.................................................................................................................................. v
1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION .................................................................................... 1
2.0 PROGRAMME RATIONALE AND PHILOSOPHY ...................................................... 1
3.0 VISION AND MISSION OF TRAINING PROGRAMME .............................................. 3
3.1 Vision.................................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Mission ...................................................................................................................................... 3
3.3 Goal ........................................................................................................................................... 3
5.0 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................ 4
5.1 Minimum Requirement: ..................................................................................................... 4
7.0 METHODS OF STUDY ....................................................................................................... 5
8.0 ASSESSMENT ...................................................................................................................... 5
8.1. Objective of Assessment ..................................................................................................... 5
8.2. Principles of Assessment..................................................................................................... 5
8.3. Assessment Methods ........................................................................................................... 5
9.0 GENERAL REGULATIONS ............................................................................................ 7
10.0 EXAMINATIONS REGULATIONS ................................................................................ 7
11.0 CRITERIA FOR BENCHMARKING .............................................................................. 7
12.0 MODULES OF THE PROGRAMME .............................................................................. 8
13.0 MODULE CODING ............................................................................................................... 8
11.1 Distribution of Modules in the Semester .......................................................................... 9
12.0 GRADING SYSTEM ........................................................................................................ 10
PART II: CURRICULUM DETAILS ..................................................................................... 13
3.0 NTA Level: 5 ....................................................................................................................... 13
5.0 Minimum credits at this Level: 120 ................................................................................... 13
5.1 Total Credits at this Level: 132......................................................................................... 13
6.0 Credits from Lower Level : 120 ......................................................................................... 13
7.0 Minimum entry requirement: ............................................................................................... 13
8.0 Date of Curriculum Review: ................................................................................................. 13
CRITERIA ..................................................................................................................................... 14
11.0 ENABLING OUTCOMES AND SUB ENABLING OUTCOMES ..................................... 18
12.0 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA AND BENCHMARKS ........................................................... 26
ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS ................................................................................................. 26
12.2 Benchmarks for Assessment Criteria ................................................................................... 119
S/N ............................................................................................................................................... 119
Assessment Criteria ..................................................................................................................... 119
13. 0 DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM MODULES ................................................................... 124
13.1 DESCRIPTION OF MODULE ONE ................................................................................. 124
13.2 DESCRIPTION OF MODULE TWO ................................................................................ 127
13.3 DESCRIPTION OF MODULE THREE ............................................................................ 129
13.4 DESCREPTION OF MODULE FOUR.............................................................................. 132
13.5 DESCREPTION OF MODULE OF MODULE FIVE ....................................................... 136
13.6 DESCRIPTION OF MODULE SIX ................................................................................... 139
13.6.1 MODULE CODE: NMT 05106 .................................................................................... 139
13.7 DESCRIPTION OF MODULE SEVEN ............................................................................ 142
Curriculum for Basic certificate in Nursing and Midwifery NTA LEVEL 5
13.8 DESCRIPTION OF MODULE EIGHT ............................................................................. 145
13.9 DESCRIPTION OF MODULE NINE ................................................................................ 148
13.10 DESCRIPTION OF MODULE TEN ............................................................................ 151
13.11 DESCRIPTION OF MODULE ELEVEN .................................................................... 154
13.12 DESCRIPTION OF MODULE TWELVE ................................................................... 158
13.13 DESCRIPTION OF MODULE THIRTEEN ................................................................ 160

Curriculum for Basic certificate in Nursing and Midwifery NTA LEVEL 5

AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

AIHA American International Health Alliance

AMREF Africa Medical Research Foundation

CA Continuous Assessment

CBET Competency-Based Education and Training

GPA Grade Point Average

HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus

ICT Information Communication Technology

I-TECH International Training and Education for Health

MDGs Millennium Development Goals

MoH&SW Ministry of Health and Social Welfare

NACTE National Council for Technical Education

NGO Non-Governmental Organization

Curriculum for Basic certificate in Nursing and Midwifery NTA LEVEL 5
The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoH&SW) has committed itself to provide
comprehensive accessibility of quality health services for all Tanzanians in line with the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The review of the Technician Certificate in Nursing and Midwifery curriculum is one of the
strategies of ensuring quality health services.

Nursing training has undergone dramatic change in response to societal, institutional and
individual needs. Other influences are the advanced in medical technology specifically that of
nursing, advances in science and technology and effects of globalization as well as free

The challenges of today in nursing profession includes among others, the preparation of
nurses and midwives of the future. The provision of quality nursing training to its learners is
the heart of nursing education. If nursing training is to have a positive and a significant
impact, its curricula must become seriously focusing on practice skills and attitudes.

This reviewed curriculum addresses aspects of and gives the most up to date knowledge,
skills and attitudes that meet what is currently practiced at work place. Generally the
curriculum has taken care of the identified gaps during the stakeholders’ analysis and
therefore new knowledge and skills have been added to that response.

Moreover, the reviewed curriculum has addressed challenges which were noted in the
previous curriculum. It is the MoH&SW’s hope that this curriculum will enable the nurse
(trainee) to acquire the necessary competences needed at this level for the provision of quality
health services.

It is also anticipated that the stakeholders will find this curriculum useful.

Dr. Donan W. Mmbando

Permanent Secretary MOHSW

Curriculum for Basic certificate in Nursing and Midwifery NTA LEVEL 5

The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoH&SW), in its efforts to meet the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) pertaining to the health sector, has decided to review the
Technician Certificate in Nursing curriculum (NTA level 5) as one of the measures to
improve health services for the people of Tanzania.

The review of this curriculum is aimed at accommodating new developments in health

services provision in Tanzania and strives to create a well-trained and responsive workforce
that will cope with current and emerging health issues. In addition it aims at strengthening the
implementation of the National Health Policy and the ability to provide quality health care

The Technician Certificate in Nursing and Midwifery programme is a two semester

programme which has been developed to suit the needs of the health sector, the labour market
demands, legal and professional needs that exist in our country. It prepares graduate with
Basic Technician Certificate in nursing, who will be responsible for applying skills and
knowledge at routine level.

Implementation of this curriculum adopts the NTA system which is a mandatory requirement
for technical training programmes to be accredited by the National Council for Technical
Education (NACTE). The system provides a climbing ladder for higher learning skills,
opportunities and competences; hence the graduate will have wide chances for gaining
achievements in training and in service provision.

The programme has taken care and comprises competences basing on national health policy,
training regulations, standards and scope of proficiency, professional guidelines, society and
professional association expectations. Furthermore, issues of maternal and child care, mental
health, care of patients with medical and surgical conditions, professionalism, computer
applications and emerging diseases have been addressed accordingly. In doing so maternal
mortality and neonatal mortality as well as morbidity rates are expected to be reduced.

However, nursing services are gradually expanding, but not enough to cover the unmet needs
of the Tanzanian population. There is an acute shortage of nursing force in place. In essence
this programme seeks to reduce shortage of nursing staff.

Technician Certificate in Nursing and Midwifery curriculum will employ participatory

teaching methods where students will be main players. The programme regard students as not
empty bottles to be overdosed with contents through lectures, but as individual with
experience and owner of the programme. Therefore, students will be required to learn
through self-study, assignments, case studies and presentations, laboratory practice, clinical
practice and projects. They will write reports using practical/skill books noting clearly what
they have learned from any source of learning experiences. Meanwhile, tutor must have good
understanding of how to implement the curriculum for it to yield intended results.

Curriculum for Basic certificate in Nursing and Midwifery NTA LEVEL 5


The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in its efforts to strengthen nursing training in
Tanzania developed competency based curriculum under the guidance of NACTE, which
started to be implemented in 2008. The first students under this curriculum graduated in
2010. The curriculum has been in use for more than 5 years and so it was due for review.

The review of the Technician Certificate in Nursing and Midwifery curriculum aims at
producing high quality products and respond to changing needs of the community as well as
technological innovations of the world. It also aim at addressing challenges observed by its

The curriculum review was conducted following NACTE requirements which include
documentary review, conducting situation analysis, developing learning
outcomes/competencies, identifying assessment criteria and benchmarking and establishing
learning modules.

The reviewed Technician Certificate in Nursing training curriculum, has 13 learning

modules; spread over 2 semesters with a total of 132 credit values.


2.1. Programme Rationale
The total number of health facilities in the country in 2013 was 6,876 according to the new
staffing levels guideline (2014), out of these 5,913 are dispensaries, 711 Health centres, 219
district level hospitals, 25 regional referral hospitals and 8 national, zonal and specialized
hospitals. The minimum number of health workers in health services in these facilities is
145,454. The actual number of health workers available is 63,447 and the shortage is 82,007,
which is about 56.38%. There is a great challenge of rapidly aging work force which will
exacerbate the crisis.
Despite the existing network of primary health facilities, accessibility to health care services
is still inadequate due to many reasons. In some areas the accessibility to health facilities is
more than 10km whereas the Government intends to improve accessibility to be less than 5
kilometres to heath facilities. On the other hand, the availability of quality health care is
inequitable, due to the fact that trained health workers are inequitably deployed and it is
estimated that only 32% of the existing primary health facilities are manned by skilled

As a result this translates to high mortalities to children and women in reproductive age
groups who fail to access appropriate care in time. The Maternal and Child Mortality rates
are quite high standing at 450 per 100,000 live births and 58 per 1,000 live births respectively
(UNICEF, 2012). Currently, the country is grappling with a high burden of diseases from
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
malaria, HIV/AIDS, TB and Leprosy, malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, child
illnesses, accidents and non-communicable diseases are also on the increase.

The main objective of the National Health Policy is to improve the health and well-being of
all Tanzanians, with a focus on those most at risk, and to encourage the health system to be
more responsive to the needs of the people. This objective cannot be achieved without having
appropriately trained nurses and other health workers. According to WHO World Health
Report 2006, health workers are crucially important for producing good health through the
performance of health systems as they constitute a significant share of the labour force and
perform key social roles in all societies.

Tanzania Vision 2025, National Strategy for Economic Growth and Poverty Elimination
(NSEGPE), Health for All, Primary Health Care (PHC) and Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) are not achievable without an appropriately prepared and deployed health
workforce. Training of health workers is crucial for achieving equity-oriented national health

Nursing like many other professions is affected by the rapid changes currently taking place in
the society, science and technology. It is also shaped by changing demography,
epidemiology, health systems and consumer preference in the labour market. Strategic
planning actions should focus on investing in people, especially pre-service education to
promote quality care and equity by correcting nursing skill imbalances and in-service training
to enhance the performance of the health.

In this regard the Technician Certificate in Nursing and Midwifery curriculum cannot remain
static; it must be responsive to changes in nursing practice due to changing technology, the
demands of the society and should address the gaps observed in the previous curriculum.

The curriculum review has been done in line with the above considerations, which provides
for a creation of a life-long learning culture, leading to acquisition of more knowledge, skills
and wider understanding in nursing and health care practice.

The rationale for this programme is to achieve more responsive nursing education and
training system, aligned with health sector employment needs.

2.2 Programme Philosophy

Philosophy describes set of values and beliefs that guide all learning experiences of the
curriculum. It is the basic foundation that directs all further planning, organization,
implementation and evaluation of the curriculum. This programme is geared towards
producing innovative, creative and flexible nurses who will cope with the dynamic changes
of the profession, technology and socio-economic needs.

Nursing is an art and science of caring, and therefore we believe that:

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
 The enjoyment of the highest attainable standards of health and nursing care is the
fundamental right of the human being irrespective of gender, age, race, religion, socio-
cultural differences, political affiliation, economic or social background;
 The practice of nursing is humanitarian in nature and requires knowledge, skills and
attitudes in respect of compassion, respect and empathy, ethical and legal consideration in
the provision of care;
 Environment influences individuals, families and community at large. Therefore, a nurse
must acknowledge the different interaction patterns in the environment and the impact in
interaction to health and illness;
 Education is a continuous process that embraces new technology and community
demands and therefore a nurse shall keep abreast with current health development to
render quality cost– effective services;
 The learner is a unique individual with past experiences and needs, which should be
respected. She/he has the responsibility for her/his own learning and self development
through active participation; and
 Collaboration is necessary for effective actions to occur. Training institutions shall
maintain teamwork spirit at all levels of training environment.

It is, therefore, expected that the graduates from this level will have aspirations to pursue
higher qualifications in nursing profession. The programme adopts a modular system and
operates under semester structure. This facilitates a large degree of flexibility for recognition
of learning experiences and professional practice for the graduates’ future development.


3.1 Vision
To have competent nurses who will provide nursing care effectively at different health care
settings and cope with existing and emerging health issues.

3.2 Mission
To establish conducive and sustainable training environment that will allow students and
graduates to perform competently at their relevant levels and aspire for attainment of higher
knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting health, preventing diseases and caring for sick as
well as rehabilitating the debilitated individuals in all settings

3.3 Goal
To improve the overall quality of health care delivery in Tanzania through competently
trained health care providers.

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5

4.1 Aims of the Programme

The programme aims to achieve the following goals:

i. To form a flexible course that is responsive to dynamic and rapidly changing world of
work and the society;
ii. To provide nursing skills, knowledge and behaviours that is vital to learners and the
iii. To promote moral, legal and ethical conduct among nurses and other health
workers within the nursing profession and national legal framework.
iv. To enhancing knowledge, skills, behaviours and wider attributes to meet stakeholders
v. Building capacity to participate in the implementation of the National Health Policy
and its accompanying Operational Guidelines and

4.2 Program Objectives

The main objectives of this programme are to enable candidates to:

1. Apply knowledge, principles and standards of midwifery in the provision of basic

maternal and newborn care.
2. Apply knowledge and principles of child health in the provision of basic care to under
3. Apply knowledge skills and basic principles of nursing science to provide care to
medical and surgical conditions
4. Utilize community health approaches to provide community health care

5. . Apply nursing science in preventing and caring people with communicable disease


5.1 Minimum Requirement:

The course is open to a candidate who have completed NTA level 4, have passed all
modules and have achieved a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0


This programme comprises of 13 modules spread over a period of two semesters. Each
semester shall have a total of twenty (20) weeks. All 13 modules are considered core.

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
7.1 Teaching Methods

In both fundamental modules and clinical practice, the programme utilises a broad range of
study methods and approaches. These include lectures, lecture discussion, tutorials,
assignments, clinical training including demonstration/laboratory practice, study tours, case
study, role plays, group discussion, field work and field visits, simulation, gallery walk,
coaching, clinical nursing conference and supervised practice.

7.2 Teaching Aids

TV, DVD, VCD, VCR, LCD sets, camera, Overhead projector and Transparencies, LCD
projectors, Charts and models, textbooks, computers, boards, flip charts, markers, various
equipment in skills laboratory and demonstration rooms.

8.1. Objective of Assessment
The objective of assessment is to set a comprehensive system of measuring the achievement
of the learning outcomes. It provides a yardstick for which the expected outcomes and
benchmarking items are evaluated. This aspect has two major components; one for
measuring performance and achievement while the other is for evaluating the achievement of
the goal as well as ascertaining whether the teaching and learning processes are efficiently
and adequately attained.

8.2. Principles of Assessment

Assessment will:
(i) Reflect the aims and objectives of the overall scheme, and the learning outcomes of
the module.
(ii) Be designed to assist student learning, in particular their development as self-directed
learners and the acquisition of key skills.
(iii) Be varied, to facilitate motivation and in recognition of the need to adopt approaches,
which enable students to demonstrate that they have fulfilled learning objectives.
(iv) Reflect progression through studying modules and semesters, with increasingly more
complex methods being associated with higher order skills.

8.3. Assessment Methods

The following assessment methods will be used:
8.3.1 Assignments
The aim of assignments is to reinforce the learning process by involving the participation of
the students in finding the solution to a given question or problem which require decision-
making. They include tasks given to students apart from written tests and examination, e.g.
case study so as to enhance self-development. Assignments may be administered in a form of
written work or practical exercises that are done individually or in a group. The required
number of assignments and assessment instruments in a semester will be indicated under each

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
8.3.2 Skills Laboratory Work
Skills laboratory work is intended to allow the student to participate in undertaking a
particular activity individually or in groups. The learner should demonstrate the ability to take
observations and carry out basic nursing procedures before being allowed to handle patient
directly. Student should be assessed whether she/he has gained adequate skills in the
laboratory before being allowed to practice in the clinical setting directly on patients. It
generally reinforces the learning process and develops the learners’ practical abilities and

The MoHSW/TNMC and NACTE will provide for the required assessment instruments and
decide upon the number of skills laboratory work and clinical practice for a given module in a

8.3.3 Competence Tests

The intention of competence tests is to measure the practical capability of learners
through actual doing of a particular task or skill. Competence tests should better be
carried at the end of module because it combines the different knowledge and skills
required to perform a given activity.

8.3.4 Continuous Assessment

The intention of continuous assessment is to measure the theoretical ability and practical
performance of students. There will be a minimum of two written test for each module during
a semester, which will be supervised by institutional tutor(s) for duration not less than two (2)
hours one practical test which will be supervised by the institution.

8.3.5 End of Semester Examination

End of Semester Examination shall comprise a written examination and a practical
The written examination for each module shall comprise of one paper divided into 5 sections
to be conducted for duration not exceeding three (3) hours but not less than two (2) hours.
Practical examination shall be conducted within a period of one hour, whereby 40 minutes
will cover practical and 20 minutes will be for oral examination and evaluation. The
semester examination component shall carry a weight of fifty five percent (55).

Examinations for all modules administered at the end of semester I and II shall be
supervised by institutional tutors. The modalities will be those agreed jointly by the MoHSW,

8.3.6 Clinical /Practical examination

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Clinical practice will take place in all two semesters and will be monitored and
assessed through the use of Record of Practical Instructions and Experience Books. In
addition, oral presentations and demonstrations will be used to build and assess
students’ acquisition of practical competences and appropriate attitudes.

There will be a minimum of two practical/clinical examinations per each module

during the semester for each completed module. Institutions may provide for the
required assessment instruments and decide upon the number of practical/clinical area
attachment for a given module in a semester.

8.3.7 Community Field work Assessment

i. Field practice shall be conducted during second semester, for a period of four (4)
weeks. The field practice shall be assessed by oral presentation and a report to be
submitted by group and individual student, shall be assessed by a checklist with a
rating scale and the grade obtained shall count towards the final grade.

ii. The total weight of the practical training will be determined as for any other courses
in the module, based on the number of notional hours. The checklist will be marked
jointly by all tutors involved in teaching that module


A total of 130 credits must be earned for the award of the NTA level 5 Technician
certificate. A score of C grade or higher is required in order to pass a course. Each
candidate shall register for and must pass each module.
End of semester examination results must be released within three weeks from date of
completion of exams
Regulations will be those stipulated in the Examination Regulations for Training Institutions
developed by MOH&SW


Benchmarking shall be done based on:

i. Mastering and accomplishing a range of tasks from simple to complex

ii. Mastering and accomplishing tasks in a quantifiable range

The quantifiable range is found under the table of sub-enabling outcome and related task of
NTA level 5.

Examples drawn from daily or real life experiences, and from local, national and international
community settings

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
The modules broadly represent the main areas of activity in nursing and midwifery training.
These modules are taught in such a way to ensure that students gain an appreciation of the
nature and complexities of real life in provision of health services. In order to achieve an
integration of these modules there will be considerable use of various teaching and learning
methods mentioned in section 7.1 above. The modules for the Basic Technician Certificate in
Nursing and Midwifery curriculum are as in the Tables 1.

Tables 1: Summary of Modules


1. NMT 05101 Reproductive Health Care 5

2. NMT 05102 Child Health Services 4

3. NMT 05103 Care of a Sick Child 17

4. NMT 05104 Basic Care of Patient with Medical 18

5. NMT 05105 Basic Care of Patient with Surgical 10
6. NMT 05106 Basics of Mental Health Nursing 6

7 NMT 05107 Care of a Woman During Antenatal Period 7

8 NMT 05208 Care of a Woman in Labour and 11

9 NMT 05209 Pre Referral Management of Abnormal 4
Pregnancy Labour and Pueperium
10 NMT 04210 Care of a Normal New Born 5

11 NMT 05211 Management of Communicable Diseases 15

12 NMT 05212 Community Based Health Services 10

13 NMT05213 Community Health Nursing 20


The system of coding has adopted a combination of letters and numbers, which have specific
meaning. For example Child Services module is coded as NMT 05102 where:

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
NMT - Represents the first two letters of the department “Nursing and Midwifery

05 - Represents the respective NTA Level

1 - Indicates the first semester in which the module is conducted

02 - Represents the serial number to which a particular module is assigned in the

Respective department.

11.1 Distribution of Modules in the Semester

The distribution of modules in semesters is as indicated in the tables below

Table 2: Semester I
CODE Module Title Scheme of Study (Hours per week)
Assignme Module
Lecture Tutorial Skills
Clinical nt Credit
NMT 05101 Reproductive 1 - 0.5 1 0.5 5
Health Care
NMT 05102 Child Health 1 - 0.5 1 0.5 4
NMT 05103 Care of a Sick 3 1 2 4 1 17
NMT 05104 Basic Care of 3 1 2 4 2 18
Patient with
NMT 05105 Basic Care of 2 0.5 1 2 1.5 10
Patient with
NMT 05106 Basics of Mental 1 0.5 - 1 1.5 6
Health Nursing
NMT 05107 Care of a Woman 1 0.5 1 2 0.5 7
During Antenatal

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Total Hour per Week 45 hrs

Table 3: Semester II

Code Module title

Hours /week Module
Lecture Tutorial Practical Assignm Field credits
ent work
Skills Clinical
NMT Care of a 2 0.5 1 2.5 1 - 11
05208 Woman in
Labour and
NMT05209 Pre Referral 1.5 - - 1 0.5 - 4
Management of
Labour and
NMT05210 Care of a 1 - 0.5 1 0.5 5
Normal New
NMT05211 Management of 2 1 - 3 1 3 15
NMT05212 Community 2 1 - - 1 3 10
Based Health
NMT05213 Community 3 - - - 10 20
Health Nursing

Total Hours per week 42


For NTA level 5, all assessed work will be marked according to the following
grading system which specify range of scores for different grades, grade points and
their definitions, as shown in Table 4.

Table 4: The Range of Scores for Different Grades; Grade points and their Definitions

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Score Range Grade Grade point Definition

80 – 100 A 4 Excellent

65 – 79 B 3 Good

50 – 64 C 2 Pass

40 – 49 D 1 Poor

0 – 39 F 0 Failure

I - Incomplete

Q - Disqualification

13.1 Computation of Grade Point Average (GPA)

GPA shall be computed from marks achieved by students in each module by combining
results of CA and end of module examinations.
Divide the total of number of grade points earned by the student for that module times credits
assigned to the module by the total number of credits for module examined. For example

GPA for each candidate is calculated as follows:

(a) A cumulative grade point average (cum GPA) for each candidate shall be
computed by dividing the total number of grade points earned for all
modules by the total number of credits for the award examined.

Sum of ( P  N )
Cumulative GPA 
Sum of N

Where P represents a grade point assigned to a letter grade scored by the

student in a module and N represents the number of credits associated with the

(b) The Grade Point Average (GPA) shall be computed and truncated to single
decimal point.

13.2 Classification of Awards

The GPA shall be computed from credits and grade weights and classified as follows:
Class Of Award Cumulative GPA

First Class 3.5 – 4

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Second class 3.0 – 3.4

Pass 2.0 – 2.9

Failure 0 – 1.9

An awards shall be given to candidates who satisfy the following criteria:

(i) He/She completed all modules for the NTA Level 5 award
(ii) He/She achieved a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5

1.0 Qualification Title:

Technician Certificate in Nursing and Midwifery

2.0 Purpose of Qualification:

This qualification is intended for a person who will provide nursing care to the sick,
maternal and child health services as well as promoting health to individuals, families,
and communities

3.0 NTA Level: 5

4.0 Competency Level of descriptor:

The holder of the qualification will be able to apply skills and knowledge in a range of
activities some of which are non-routine and be able to assume operational

5.0 Minimum credits at this Level: 120

5.1 Total Credits at this Level: 132

6.0 Credits from Lower Level : 120

7.0 Minimum entry requirement:

A candidate who has successfully completed NTA Level 4 with a cumulative GPA of at
least 2.0

8.0 Date of Curriculum Review:

March, 2015

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5



1.0 Apply knowledge, 30 a) Assessment of pregnant woman is

principles and standards of done according to the principles of
midwifery in the provision midwifery
of basic maternal and b) Counseling and testing of pregnant
newborn care women is applied in preventing
mother to child transmission of
c) Normal delivery is conducted
according to the set standards
d) Postpartum standards are applied in
caring mother and newborn
e) Immediate care principles are
applied in managing a new borne
2.0 Apply knowledge and 20 a) Child health knowledge is applied
principles of child health in in monitoring growth and
the provision of basic care development to under fives
to under fives b) Immunization principles are
applied in the provision of vaccine
c) IMCI principles and guidelines are
applied in the provision of care to a
sick child
d) Basic nursing sciences knowledge
is applied in caring a sick child
e) Potency of vaccine is maintained
following cold chain guidelines.
3.0 Apply knowledge skills and 30 a) Basic sciences knowledge are
basic principles of nursing applied in administering medicine
science to provide care to b) Nursing care plan is implemented
medical and surgical in providing care to the patient.
conditions c) Basic nursing sciences knowledge
is applied in providing basic care to
client with medical, surgical and
mental disorders.
d) Basic nursing science knowledge is
applied in carrying out
4.0 Utilize community health 30 a) Community health approaches are
approaches to provide applied in assessing and diagnosing
community health needs.
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
community health care b) Health education is conducted
according set standard.
c) Nutrition science knowledge is
applied in promoting community
d) Community health knowledge is
applied to provide outreach
e) Community mental health
principles are applied in promoting
mental health to the community
f) Community health principles are
applied in promoting family health
5.0 Apply nursing science in 20 a) Knowledge and skills of nursing
preventing and caring for sciences are utilized in provision
people with communicable of care to a patient with diseases
disease transmitted through contact and
sexual transmitted diseases
b) Knowledge and skills of nursing
sciences are utilized in provision
of care to a patient with vector-,
air- , water- borne and animal
source disease
c) Knowledge and skills of nursing
sciences are utilized in provision of
care to a patient with fecal oral
d) Knowledge and skills of nursing
sciences are utilized in provision
of care to a patient with HIV and
e) Knowledge and skills of nursing
sciences are utilized in provision of
care to a patient with helminthic

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
S/N Principal Learning Outcome Enabling Outcomes

1.0 Apply knowledge, principles and 1.1 Utilize principles and standards of midwifery in
standards of midwifery in the providing care to pregnant woman.
provision of basic maternal and 1.2 Utilize midwifery knowledge and skills in
newborn care managing a woman in normal labor and
1.3 Provide pre-referral management of the women
with abnormal pregnancy, labour and
1.4 Utilize principles and standards of midwifery in
providing care to a newborn
1.5 Utilize midwifery knowledge and standards in
providing reproductive and child health care
2.0 Apply knowledge and principles 2.1 Utilize knowledge and skills of child health in
of child health in the provision of monitoring growth and development to under
basic care to under fives fives
2.2 Apply principles of immunization in the
provision of vaccines to under fives.
2.3 Utilize child health knowledge and skills to
manage under-fives with medical conditions.
2.4 Utilize child health knowledge and skills to
manage under fives with surgical conditions.
2.5 Utilize child health knowledge and skills to
manage under fives with immunizable diseases.
2.6 Utilize child health knowledge and skills to
manage under fives with Nutritional disorders.
2.7 Utilize child health knowledge and skills to
manage under fives with accidents.
3.0 Apply knowledge skills and basic 3.1 Apply nursing sciences in performing ward
principles of nursing science to round.
provide care to medical and 3.2 Utilize basic nursing sciences in managing
surgical conditions specimens at point of care
3.3 Utilize knowledge and skills of nursing science
in provision of care to patient with disorders of
respiratory system
3.4 Utilize knowledge and skills of nursing science
in provision of care to patient with disorders of
musculoskeletal system
3.5 Utilize knowledge and skills of nursing science
in provision of care to patient with disorders of
digestive system
3.6 Utilize knowledge and skills of nursing science
in provision of care to patient with disorders of
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
S/N Principal Learning Outcome Enabling Outcomes

special senses.
3.7 Utilize knowledge and skills of nursing science
in provision of care to patient with disorders
of Urinary and Reproductive system
3.8 Utilize knowledge and skills of peri-operative
nursing in provision of care to patients
undergoing surgery
3.9 Utilize basic mental health knowledge and skills
to provide care to client with anxiety and
substance related disorders
4.0 Utilize community health 4.1 Apply community health nursing process in
approaches to provide providing community health services.
community health care 4.2 Apply health promotion strategies in providing
community health care services.
4.3 Utilize community health knowledge and
principles in managing Gender Based Violence
(GBV) and Violence Against Children (VAC).
4.4 Apply knowledge of epidemiology and
demography in community nursing practice.
5.0 Apply nursing science in 5.1 Utilize knowledge and skills of nursing sciences
preventing and caring for people to provide care to patient with diseases
with communicable diseases transmitted through contact
5.2 Utilize knowledge and skills of nursing
sciences to provide care to patient with sexual
transmitted diseases
5.3 Utilize knowledge and skills of nursing sciences
to provide care to patient with vector borne
5.4 Utilize knowledge and skills of nursing sciences
to provide care to patient with fecal oral
5.5 Utilize knowledge and skills of nursing
sciences in providing care to patient with HIV
and AIDS
5.6 Utilize knowledge and skills of nursing sciences
to provide care to patient with helminthic
5.7 Utilize knowledge and skills of nursing sciences
to provide care to patient with animal and air
born diseases.

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Enabling Outcome Sub Enabling Outcomes

1.1 Utilize principles and 1.1.1 Describe concepts of midwifery

standards of midwifery in 1.1.2 Describe female and male reproductive system structure
providing care to and function relating to midwifery
pregnant woman. 1.1.3 Describe female pelvis
1.1.4 Describe fertilization and development of the fetus
1.1.5 Describe placenta
1.1.6 Describe fetal skull and circulation
1.1.7 Describe physiological changes during pregnancy
1.1.8 Provide focused antenatal care (FANC)to a pregnant
1.1.9 Provide care to a pregnant woman with minor disorders
1.2 Utilize midwifery 1.2.1 Provide care to woman in first stage of labor
knowledge and skills in
managing a woman in 1.2.2 Manage woman in second stage of labor.
normal labor and
puerperium. 1.2.3 Manage a woman in third and fourth stages of labor

1.2.4 Provide care to a woman in puerperium.

1.3 Provide pre-referral 1.3.1 Provide pre-referral management to a woman with

management to a woman abnormal pregnancy.
with abnormal pregnancy,
labour and puerperium 1.3.2 Provide pre-referral management to a woman with
abnormal labour
1.3.3 Provide pre-referral management to a woman with
abnormal puerperium
1.4 Utilize principles and 1.4.1 Provide general care to a newborn
standards of midwifery in
providing care to a 1.4.2 Provide immediate care to a Newborn
newborn 1.4.3 Resuscitate a newborn
1.4.4 Provide care to newborn with minor conditions
1.5 Utilize midwifery 1.5.1 Provide pre-conception care
knowledge and standards
in providing reproductive 1.5.2 Provide family planning services
and child health care 1.5.3 Provide care to a client with infertility and sterility
2.1 Utilize knowledge and 2.1.1 Describe concepts of growth and development to under
skills of child health in fives.

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Enabling Outcome Sub Enabling Outcomes

monitoring growth and 2.1.2 Describe various developmental milestone to under-fives

development to under
fives 2.1.3 Monitor growth and development of a child using
various tools
2.1.4 Use Road to health card (RCH card number 1) to record
growth and development of under fives
2.2 Apply principles of 2.2.1 Explain basic concepts of immunization
immunization in the
provision of vaccines to 2.2.2 Employ appropriate techniques in maintaining cold chain
under fives. 2.2.3 Apply knowledge and skills of immunization in the
provision of vaccine
2.3 Utilize child health 2.3.1 Provide care to under five children with Pneumonia
knowledge and skills to
manage under-fives with 2.3.2 Provide care to under five children with common cold
medical conditions. and tonsillitis
2.3.3 Provide care to under five children with asthma
2.3.4 Provide care to under five children with diarrhea
2.3.5 Provide care to under five children with meningitis and
2.3.6 Provide care to underfive children with anemia
2.3.7 Provide care to under five children with UTI
2.3.8 Utilize principles of IMCI in managing childhood
2.4 Utilize child health 2.4.1 Provide care to under five children with fracture
knowledge and skills to
manage under fives with 2.4.2 Provide care to under five children with burns and scalds
surgical conditions. 2.4.3 Provide care to under five children with osteomyelitis
2.4.4 Provide care to under five children with appendicitis
2.5 Utilize child health 2.5.1 Provide care to under five children with poliomyelitis
knowledge and skills to
manage under-fives with 2.5.2 Provide care to under five children with hepatitis
immunizable diseases. 2.5.3 Provide care to under five children with measles
2.5.4 Provide care to under five children with Diphtheria

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Enabling Outcome Sub Enabling Outcomes

2.5.5 Provide care to under five children with tetanus

2.5.6 Provide care to under five children with pertussis
2.5.7 Provide care to under five children with tuberculosis
2.6 Utilize child health 2.6.1 Provide care to under five children with marasmus
knowledge and skills to
manage under fives with 2.6.2 Provide care to under five children with kwashiorkor
Nutritional disorders. 2.6.3 Provide care to under five children with marasmic
2.7 Utilize child health 2.7.1 Provide care to a drowned under five child
knowledge and skills to
manage under fives with 2.7.2 Provide care to under five children with trauma
accidents. 2.7.3 Provide care to under five children with bites and stings
2.7.4 Provide care to under five children with poisoning
3.1 Apply nursing sciences in 3.1.1 Describe concepts of ward round
performing ward round.
3.1.2 Describe nurses’ roles in performing ward round
3.1.3 Demonstrate team working during ward round
3.2 Utilize basic nursing 3.2.1 Collect specimen by using standard operating
sciences in managing procedures
specimens at point of care
3.2.2 Test specimen using standard operating procedures
3.2.3 Interpret specimen results according guidelines
3.3 Utilize knowledge and 3.3.1 Provide care to patient with Common cold/flu
skills of nursing science
in provision of care to 3.3.2 Provide nursing care to patient with Pneumonia
patient with disorders of 3.3.3 Provide nursing care to patient with Tonsillitis
respiratory system
3.3.4 Provide nursing care to patient with Laryngitis
3.3.5 Provide nursing care to patient with Airway obstructions
3.3.6 Provide nursing care to patient with Asthma
3.4 Utilize knowledge and 3.4.1 Provide nursing care to patient with Fracture and
skills of nursing science dislocation.
in provision of care to
patient with disorders of 3.4.2 Provide nursing care to patient with wound

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Enabling Outcome Sub Enabling Outcomes

musculoskeletal system 3.4.3 Provide nursing care to patient with Burn

3.5 Utilize knowledge and 3.5.1 Provide nursing care to patient with Oral thrush
skills of nursing science
in provision of care to 3.5.2 Provide nursing care to patient with dental carries
patient with disorders of 3.5.3 Provide nursing care to patient with gastritis
digestive system
3.5.4 Provide nursing care to patient with peptic ulcers
3.5.5 Provide nursing care to patient with gastroenteritis
3.5.6 Provide nursing care to patient with diabetes
3.6 Utilize knowledge and 3.6.1 Provide nursing care to patient with pruritis and impetigo
skills of nursing science
in provision of care to 3.6.2 Provide nursing care to patient with eczema, and acne
patient with disorders of vulgaris
special senses. 3.6.3 Provide nursing care to patient with herpes zoster and
3.6.4 Provide nursing care to patient with exfoliative dermatitis
3.6.5 Provide nursing care to patient with condition affecting
the external and internal ear
3.6.6 Provide nursing care to patient with foreign body
3.6.7 Provide nursing care to patient with condition affecting
eye.(brepharitis, hordeolum, keratitis and uveitis)
3.7 Utilize knowledge and 3.7.1 Provide nursing care to patient with urinary inflammatory
skills of nursing science conditions (Urethritis and Cystitis)
in provision of care to
patient with disorders of 3.7.2 Provide nursing care to patient with kidney disorders
Urinary and Reproductive (Nephritis and Nephrotic syndrome)
3.7.3 Provide nursing care to male patient with disorders of
reproductive system (Phimosis, paraphimosis,
Epispadiasis, Hypospadias, Balanitis, Urethral stricture
Orchitis, Undescended testicles, and prostatitis).
3.7.4 Provide nursing care to patient with reproductive organs
infectious conditions (Endometritis, Cervicitis,
Oopharitis, Saplingitis)
3.7.5 Provide nursing care to patient with disorders of
menstruation (Dysmenorrhoea, Amenorrhoea,

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Enabling Outcome Sub Enabling Outcomes

menorrhagia, metrorrhagia)
3.7.6 Provide nursing care to patient with Ovarian cyst
3.8 Utilize knowledge and 3.8.1 Explain concepts of operating theatre
skills of peri-operative
nursing in provision of 3.8.2 Prepare Operating theater room for surgery
care to patients 3.8.3 Provide Pre-operative nursing care
undergoing surgery
3.8.4 Provide intra-operative nursing care
3.8.5 Provide post-operative nursing care
3.9 Utilize basic mental 3.9.1 Describe basic concept and principles of mental health
health knowledge and nursing
skills to provide care to
client with anxiety and 3.9.2 Describe common signs and symptoms of mental illness
substance related 3.9.3 Conduct mental status assessment to client with abnormal
3.9.4 Provide care to client with anxiety disorders
3.9.5 Provide care to clients with psychoactive substance
4.1 Apply community health 4.1.1 Describe concepts of community health nursing.
nursing process in
providing community 4.1.2 Assess community health needs and problems by
health services. utilizing community nursing process.
4.1.3 Diagnose the community problems by utilizing
community nursing process
4.1.4 Plan community care according to community health
4.1.5 Implement community health care by using community
nursing process
4.1.6 Evaluate Community health care interventions

4.2 Apply health promotion 4.2.1 Conduct screening in identifying health risks.
strategies in providing
community health care 4.2.2 Prevent diseases through community participation
services. 4.2.3 Describe concepts of Primary Health Care ( PHC) in the
promotion of community health

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Enabling Outcome Sub Enabling Outcomes

4.2.4 Provide community based health care(CBHC) to clients

according to individual needs in the community
4.3 Utilize community health 4.3.1 Explain concepts of Gender Based Violence(GBV) and
knowledge and principles Violence against Children(VAC)
in managing Gender
Based Violence (GBV) 4.3.2 Prevent GBV and VAC in the community
and Violence Against 4.3.3 Manage survivors of GBV and VAC in different setting
Children (VAC).
4.4 Apply knowledge of 4.4.1 Describe concepts of epidemiology and demography
epidemiology and
demography in 4.4.2 Describe demographic data and health vital statistics in
community nursing the community.
practice. 4.4.3 Formulate interventions to address community health
5.1 Utilize knowledge and 5.1.1 Describe concepts of communicable diseases
skills of nursing sciences
to provide care to patient 5.1.2 Provide care to patient with scabies
with diseases transmitted 5.1.3 Provide care to patient with Pediculosis
through contact
5.1.4 Provide care to patient with tinea infection
5.1.5 Provide care to patient with bacterial conjuctivitis
5.1.6 Provide care to patient with trachoma
5.2 Utilize knowledge and 5.2.1 Describe concepts of STIs
skills of nursing sciences
to provide care to patient 5.2.2 Provide care to patient with syphilis & gonorrhea
with sexual transmitted 5.2.3 Provide care to patient with chancroid & chlamydia
5.2.4 Provide care to patient with trichomoniasis and
5.3 Utilize knowledge and 5.3.1 Describe Concepts of vector borne diseases
skills of nursing sciences
to provide care to patient 5.3.2 Provide care to patient with malaria, plague & dengue
with vector borne 5.3.3 Provide care to patient with bancroftian filariasis,
diseases. schistosomiasis & onchocerciasis.
5.3.4 Provide care to patient with relapsing fever and
5.4 Utilize knowledge and 5.4.1 Describe concepts of fecal-oral diseases

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Enabling Outcome Sub Enabling Outcomes

skills of nursing sciences 5.4.2 Provide care to patient with cholera

to provide care to patient
with fecal oral diseases. 5.4.3 Provide care to patient with typhoid fever
5.4.4 Provide care to patient with dysentery
5.4.5 Provide care to patient with amoebiasis
5.4.6 Provide care to patient with acute gastroenteritis.
5.5 Utilize knowledge and 5.5.1 Explain concepts of HIV and AIDS
skills of nursing sciences
in providing care to 5.5.2 Describe different methods/approaches in HIV/AIDS
patient with HIV and Prevention
AIDS 5.5.3 Provide Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) to HIV
exposed individual.
5.5.4 Classify patients’ condition by utilizing WHO clinical
staging of HIV/AIDS guideline in provision of care
5.5.5 Explain the effect of stigma and discrimination in
management of HIV/AIDS patients
5.5.6 Provide nursing care to patient with common side effect
and adverse drug reactions related to ARV
5.5.7 Describe the concepts of integrated management of adult
and adolescent illness (IMAI) HIV and AIDS diagnosis
5.5.8 Provide nursing care to patient with HIV related
opportunistic infections
5.6 Utilize knowledge and 5.6.1 Describe concepts of helminthic infections
skills of nursing sciences
to provide care to patient 5.6.2 Provide care to patient with strongyloidiasis &
with helminthic enterobiasis
infections. 5.6.3 Provide care to patient with trichuriasis and ascariasis
5.6.4 Provide care to patient with hookworm and tape worm
5.7 Utilize knowledge and 5.7.1 Provide care to patient with rabies & tetanus
skills of nursing sciences
to provide care to patient 5.7.2 Provide care to patient with anthrax & brucellosis
with animal and air bone 5.7.3 Provide care to patient with rift valley fever & ebola
5.7.4 Provide care to patient with meningitis

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Enabling Outcome Sub Enabling Outcomes

5.7.5 Provide care to patient with TB & leprosy

5.7.6 Provide care to patient with measles and mump

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5

No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
1.1.1 Describe concepts of a) Define the terms Concepts of - Oral questioning - Question
midwifery midwifery, midwife, midwifery are - Written tests papers
b) Explain historical described according - Assignments - Assignment
background and regulation to standards reports
of midwifery in Tanzania
- Marking
c) Explain laws and ethics
regulating midwifery scheme
practice in Tanzania - Checklist
d) Outline socio-cultural
issues affecting
pregnancy, labour and
e) Identify responsibilities of
a midwife
1.1.2 Describe female and a) Differentiate between Male and female - Oral questioning - Question
male reproductive system male and female reproductive system - Written tests papers
structure and function reproductive organs are correctly - Assignments - Assignment
relating to midwifery b) Describe physiological described
functions of male and
female reproductive - Making
organs scheme
- Checklist
c) Draw and label various Various parts of - Observation of - Checklist
parts of male and female reproductive system performance -
reproductive system correctly drawn and - Competence test
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
1.1.3 Describe female pelvis a) Describe the structure of Female pelvis is - Oral questioning - Question
female pelvis (Bones, properly described - Written tests papers
ligaments, joints) - Assignments - Assignment
b) Identify types of pelvis
- Making
c) Describe pelvic diameters
and landmarks - scheme
d) Draw and label female Female pelvis - Observation of - Check list
pelvis correctly drawn and performance
labeled - Competence test
1.1.4 Describe fertilization and a) Define the terms Fertilization and - Oral questioning - Question
development of the fetus fertilization, ovum, development of the - Written tests papers
ovulation, menstruation, fetus described - Assignments - Assignment
puberty, menopause
b) Explain the process of
fertilizatio - Making
c) Describe early scheme
development of fertilized
d) Describe fetal
developmental stages
1.1.5 Describe placenta a) Explain development of Placenta is correctly - Oral questioning - Question
placenta described - Written tests papers
b) Describe mature placenta - Assignments - Assignment
(functions of placenta, reports
appearance at term,
amniotic fluid and - Making
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
umbilical cord) scheme
c) Explain anatomical
variations of placenta and
umbilical cord insertion
1.1.6 Describe fetal skull and a) Explain the bones of fetal Fetal skull and fetal - Oral questioning - Question
circulation skull circulation is - Written tests papers
b) Identify Sutures and properly described - Assignments - Assignment
fontanel’s of the fetal reports
- Making
c) Identify Regions and
landmarks of fetal skull scheme
d) Describe the Diameters of - Checklist
fetal skull in relation to
pelvic diameters
e) Explain fetal circulation
f) Explain the adaptation to
extra uterine life
g) Draw and label fetal skull Fetal skull correctly - Observation of - Check list
drawn and labeled performance
- Competence test
1.1.7 Describe physiological a) Describe the physiological Physiological - Oral questioning - Question
changes during changes in various body changes during - Written tests papers
pregnancy systems pregnancy is - Assignments - Assignment
b) Identify the signs of correctly described
pregnancy (presumptive
signs, probable signs and - Making
positive signs scheme
c) Describe diagnostic
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
measures and tests for
pregnancy (Urine
Pregnancy Test, obstetric
ultrasound, blood test,
physical examination and
history taking)
1.1.8 Provide focused antenatal a) Define the terms focused - Oral questioning - Question
care (FANC)to a antenatal care, antenatal, Concepts of FANC - Written tests papers
pregnant woman gravid, nullipara, is described - Assignments - Assignment
primipara, according to
pimigravida,gravida, para, guideline
multipara, grand - Making
maltipara, safe scheme
b) Identify the pillars of safe
motherhood initiative
c) State rationale for safe
motherhood initiative
d) Explain the aim of FANC
e) Identify essential elements - Observation of - Check list
of FANC Antenatal care performance
f) Conduct quick assessment provided by using - Competence test
of antenatal woman various techniques
g) Take history of antenatal
h) Perform physical
examination (head to toe,
weight, height, vital signs

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
i) Perform abdominal
examination (inspection,
fundal height estimation,
palpation, auscultation)
j) Carry out baseline
investigations (Urine
VDRL/RPR, HIV testing,
malaria test)
k) Provide counseling on
health promotion
(nutrition, hygiene,
Individual Birth Plan,
Birth Preparedness,
preparedness, Danger
signs in mother and
newborn, Intermittent
Preventive Therapy)
l) Plan for antenatal visits
and referral
m) Provide pre and post test
counseling for HIV
n) Interpret and Document
antenatal findings
o) Administer vaccines and
(Anthelminthics, IPT, TT,

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
Folic acid, ferrous
sulphate, ARV)
1.1.9 1 Provide care to a a) Define minor disorders - Oral questioning - Question
pregnant woman with b) Explain various minor Various minor - Written tests papers
minor disorders disorders in various body disorders properly - Assignments - Assignment
systems explained
- Making
c) Counsel a pregnant Counseling, - Observation of - Check list
woman with minor education and performance
disorders medication provided - Competence test
to antenatal woman
with minor disorders
d) Educate - -
a pregnant woman on
identified minor disorders
e) Provide medicines to a - -
pregnant woman with
minor disorders
1.2.1 Provide care to woman in a) Define labour, normal - Oral questioning - Question
first stage of labor labour and first stage of Concepts of first - Written tests papers
labour stage of labour are - Assignments - Assignment
b) Describe physiology of described according
the first stage of labour to principles
- Making
c) Identify signs of true
labour scheme
d) Explain parts of a

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
e) Take history of a woman Care in first stage of - Observation of - Check list
in labour labour is provided performance
f) Admit a woman in labour using various - Competence test
g) Perform physical techniques
examination of a woman
in labour
h) Perform abdominal
examination to a woman
in labour
i) Perform vaginal
examination to a woman
in labour
j) Monitor progress of
labour by using
k) Provide analgesia for pain
relief in labour.
l) Prevent infection by
utilizing IPC technique
m) Provide non-
pharmacological therapy
n) Provide bladder care
o) Provide proper nutrition
p) Communicate with the
woman and her
companion cordially
q) Document and interpret

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
r) Prepare for delivery
(environment, equipments
and supplies, mother)
1.2.2 1 Manage a woman in a) Define second stage of - Oral questioning - Question
second stage of labor. labour Physiology of - Written tests papers
b) Describe physiology second stage is - Assignments - Assignment
second stage of labour correctly described
c) Identify signs of second
- Making
stage of labour
d) Describe mechanism of scheme
normal labour
e) Monitor progress of - Observation of - Check list
second stage labor Second stage of performance
f) Perform episiotomy labour managed
- Competence test
g) Conduct delivery
h) Document findings
1.2.3 1 a) Define third and fourth - -
stages of labour
b) Describe physiology of
third and fourth stages of
c) Identify signs of placenta
d) Perform active
management of third stage
of labor

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
e) Examine the placenta
f) Monitor fourth stage of
g) Document findings
1.2.4 1 Provide care to a woman a) Define puerperium Concepts of - Oral questioning - Question
in puerperium b) Describe physiology of puerperium is - Written tests papers
puerperium properly described - Assignments - Assignment
c) Explain mood changes in reports
- Making
d) Perform daily examination Care during - Observation of - Check list
of postnatal mother puerperium is performance
e) Promote physical and appropriately - Competence test
emotional wellbeing provided
(prevent infection,
ambulation and exercises,
rest and sleep, care of the
breast, nutrition,
prevention of anaemia
f) Counsel on health, timing
and spacing of pregnancy,
hygiene, postnatal danger
signs on the mother and
baby, HIV prevention, use
of ITN, Immunization,
and cord care
g) Schedule for postnatal

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
follow up visits
h) Document assessment
findings and care
i) Discharge the mother
1.3.1 Provide pre referral a) Define pre eclampsia and - Oral questioning - Question
management to a woman eclampsia, arbortion, Concept of pre- - Written tests papers
with abnormal pregnancy ectopic pregnancy, eclampsia and - Assignments - Assignment
placenta praevia and eclampsia,arbortion,
ectopic reports
abruption placenta
b) Identify signs and pregnancy,placenta - Making
symptoms of pre praevia correctly scheme
eclampsia and eclampsia described
praevia and abruption
c) Keep the airway clear Pre referral - Observation of - Check list
d) Control convulsions for management is performance
patient with eclampsia provided according - Competence test
e) Administer intravenous to guidelines
f) Refer the patient
1.3.2 Provide pre referral a) Define obstructed labour, Concepts of - Oral questioning - Question
management to the prolonged labour, cord obstructed labour, - Written tests papers
woman with abnormal prolpse, maternal and prolonged labour, - Assignments - Assignment
labour fetal distress, reptured cord prolpse,
uterus, breech maternal and fetal
b) Outline signs and distress, ruptured - Making

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
symptoms of obstructed uterus described scheme
labour, prolonged labour, according to
maternal and fetal distress, guidelines
ruptured uterus,
c) Explain diagnosis of cord
prolapse and breech
d) Outline causes of
obstructed labour,
prolonged labour, cord
prolapse, maternal and
fetal distress, ruptured
uterus, breech
e) Diagnose abnormalities in Pre referral - Observation of - Check list
labour management is performance
f) Resuscitate the woman provided using - Competence test
with intravenous fluids various techniques
g) Provide proper position to
the women with cord
h) Give intravenous
antibiotics start to the
women with obstructed.
i) Refer the woman
1.3.3 1 Provide pre referral a) Define primary and Concepts of - Oral questioning - Question
management to a woman secondary postpartum postpartum - Written tests papers
hemorrhage, retained hemorrhage,

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
with abnormal placenta, puerperial sepsis retained placenta, - Assignments - Assignment
puerperium b) Explain types of puerperial sepsis is reports
postpartum hemorrhage correctly described - Making
c) Outline the signs and scheme
symptoms of postpartum
haemmorrhage, puerperial
sepsis, retained placenta
d) Outline risk factors of
postpartum hemorrhage,
retained placenta,
puerperial sepsis
e) Call for help Pre referral - Observation of - Check list
f) Resuscitate the woman management is performance
with intravenous fluids provided using - Competence test
g) Stop bleeding (give various techniques
uterotonic medicine,
massage the uterus, empty
bladder, empty uterus to
the patient with
postpartum hemorrhage
h) Give antibiotics and
analgesics start to the
women with puerperial
i) Refer the patient.
1.4.1 Provide general care to a a) Provide identification tag. General care to a - Observation of - Checklist
newborn b) Perform newborn physical newborn baby performance.
examination provided using

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
c) Provide immunization. various techniques. - Competence test.
d) Prevent infection
e) Provide eye care.
f) Provide cord and skin
g) Demonstrate
breastfeeding technique.
h) Document the findings.
1.4.2 Provide immediate a) Define newborn, Concept of normal - Oral questioning - Question
essential Newborn care immediate care. newborn is correctly - Written tests papers
b) Explain characteristics of described. - Assignments. - Assignment
a newborn baby reports
- Making
c) Provide warmth Essential immediate - Observation of - Checklist
d) Check breathing newborn care is performance
e) Clamp and cut the cord provided according - Competence test.
f) Initiate breastfeeding to guidelines
g) Initiate skin to skin
h) Assess the baby’s
condition using APGAR
1.4.3 Resuscitate a newborn a) Define newborn - Oral questioning - Question
resuscitation. Resuscitation - Written tests papers
b) Outline the aims of procedure is - Assignments. - Assignment
newborn resuscitation. properly described.
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
- Making
c) Prepare equipments and Resuscitation of a - Observation of - Checklist
environment for newborn baby performance
resuscitation. performed using - Competence test.
d) Dry, clear airway and various techniques
stimulate breathing
e) Provide warmth
f) Position the head.
g) Ventilate using ambu bag
and mask.
h) Monitor the baby after
i) Refer complicated cases
j) Process equipments after
1.4.4 a) Identify minor disorders - -
Provide care to newborn of the newborn (sore
with minor conditions buttocks, engorged breast,
vomiting, rushes)
b) Explain minor disorders
of the newborn

c) Counsel mother on coping

and managing the
identified minor disorders
1.5.1 Provide pre-conception a) Define preconception Pre conception care - Observation of - Check list
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
care care. is provided performance
b) Perform assessment according to - Competence test
c) Provide health promotion standards
on diet, drug abuse,
smoking, alcohol,
exercise, hazardous and
noxious substances.
d) Identify preexisting
medical conditions.
1.5.2 Provide family planning a) Define family planning. Concepts of family - Oral questioning - Question
services b) Explain advantages of planning described - Written tests papers
family planning - Assignments - Assignment
c) Describe short term and reports
long term acting
- Making
reversible contraceptive
methods scheme
d) Explain elements of
family planning service
e) Take obstetric history and Family planning - Observation of - Checklist
gynecological history. services are performance
f) f)Perform physical provided according - Competence test
examination to guidelines
g) Counsel and educate the
client on informed choice.
h) Screen client for medical
eligibility for
contraceptive choice

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
i) Initiate the chosen method
of contraceptive (oral
contraceptive, injectable,
implant, Intrauterine
contraceptive devices,
natural and barrier
j) Plan for a follow up visit
k) Refer for permanent
method (vasectomy, tubal
1.5.3 Provide care to a client a) Define infertility and Concepts of - Oral questioning - Question
with infertility and sterility infertility and - Written tests papers
sterility b) Classify types of sterility are correctly - Assignments - Assignment
infertility and sterility described
c) Outline causes of
- Making
infertility and sterility
d) Describe factors scheme
associated with infertility
e) Explain psychological and
social problems related to
infertility and sterility
f) Identify different assisted
reproduction techniques
g) Counsel the client with Infertility care - Observation of - Checklist
infertility and sterility provided according performance
problem to principles - Competence test
h) Refer the client with

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
infertility and sterility
i) Explain the preventive
measures of infertility and
2.1.1 Describe concepts of a) Define growth and Concepts of growth - Written test - Question
growth and development development and development are - Oral questioning papers
to under fives. b) Explain characteristics of well described - Checklist
growth and development - Marking
c) Describe stages of growth scheme
and development to
d) Explain factors
influencing growth and
e) Explain principles of
growth and development
2.1.2 Describe various a) Define developmental Developmental - Written test - Question
developmental Milestone milestone milestones of - Oral questioning papers
to under-fives b) Describe psychosocial children are - Assignment - Checklist
development of under- correctly described
- Assignment
fives (Freud and Ericson
theory) report
c) Explain cognitive
development (Peugeot

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
2.1.3 Monitor growth and a) Define anthropometry Anthropometric and - Written test - Question
development of a child under-nutrition is - Oral questioning papers
using various tools well explained - assignment - Checklist
- Assignment
b) explain under-nutrition report

c) Obtain dietary history Anthropometric - Demonstration - checklist

measurements to - Competence test
d) Assess for danger signs of monitor growth of a
malnutrition - observation
child is properly
e) Measure weight, height performed
and Mid upper arm
circumference (MUAC) in
f) Provide health education
and counseling to a
mother/ care taker
g) Refer the child for further
2.1.4 Use Road to health card a) Define road to health card Concepts on RCH - Written test - Question
(RCH card number 1) to b) Describe parts of RCH card number 1 is - Oral questioning papers
record growth and card no 1 well described - assignment - Checklist
development of under c) Describe the importance - Assignment
fives of growth monitoring
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
d) Identify various report
measurements that are
used to measure growth
into RCH card no 1
e) Record and interpret the RCH card number 1 - Demonstration - checklist
growth card measurement is correctly recorded - Competence test
and interpreted - observation
2.2.1 Explain basic concepts of a) Define the term Immune, Concepts of - Written test - Question
immunization Immunize, Immunization immunization are - Oral questioning papers
and vaccine correctly described - assignment - Checklist
b) Explain types of - Assignment
immunization report
c) Describe types of vaccine
d) Describe the
immunization schedule
2.2.2 Employ appropriate a) Define cold chain first aid basics of - Written test - Question
techniques in maintaining managing eye - Oral questioning papers
cold chain injuries are properly - assignment - Checklist
- Assignment
b) Identify different Management of cold - Written test - Question
refrigerator used to store chain are correctly - Oral questioning papers
vaccine described - Assignment - Checklist
c) Describe advantages and - Assignment
disadvantages of for each
type of refrigerator report

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
d) Describe the
recommended vaccine
temperature and storage
e) Use vaccine cold-chain Vaccine cold chain - Observation of -
monitor to check vaccine are correctly performance - Checklist
f) Pack vaccine in cold box managed using - Competence test
appropriate different technique
2.2.3 Apply knowledge and a) Explain the indication of Knowledge of - Written test - Question
skills of immunization in vaccine vaccine - Oral questioning papers
the provision of vaccine administration is - assignment - Checklist
b) Explain the well explained
contraindications of - Assignment
vaccine report
c) Identify the routes of -
vaccine administration
d) Identify site of vaccine
e) Administer vaccine Vaccine are - Demonstration - Checklist
correctly - Competence test
2.3.1 Provide care to under a) Define pneumonia Concepts of - Written test - Question
five children with b) Identify types of pneumonia is well - Oral questioning papers
Pneumonia pneumonia described - assignment - Checklist
c) Identify causes of - Assignment
pneumonia report
d) Outline sign and
symptoms of pneumonia

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
e) Describe complications of
f) Provide antibiotics, Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
analgesics and antipyretics children with
g) Maintain oxygenation Pneumonia is
correctly performed
h) Maintain airway clearance
i) Maintain adequate
Provide care to under a) Define common cold and Concepts of - Written test - Question
2.3.2 five children with tonsillitis common cold and - Oral questioning papers
common cold and b) Identify causes of tonsilitis is well - assignment - Checklist
tonsillitis common cold and described
- Assignment
c) Outline sign and
symptoms of common
cold and tonsilitis
d) Describe complications of
common cold and
e) Give expectorant therapy Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
to a child with common children with
cold common cold and
f) Maintain oxygenation to a tonsillitis is correctly
child with common cold performed
g) Provide analgesics and

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
h) Provide symptomatic
treatment for viral
i) Administer antibiotic
therapy for bacterial
2.3.3 Provide care to under a) Define asthma Concepts of asthma - Written test - Question
five children with asthma b) Identify causes of asthma is well described - Oral questioning papers
c) Outline sign and - assignment - Checklist
symptoms of asthma - Assignment
d) Describe complications of
e) Administer inhaled rapid Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
acting bronchodilators children with
f) Administer corticosteroids asthma is correctly
g) Maintain oxygen performed
h) Maintain environment free
from allergens
i) Prepare for mechanical
2.3.4 Provide care to under a) Define diarrhea Concepts of diarrhea - Written test - Question
five children with b) Identify causes of diarrhea is well described - Oral questioning papers
diarrhea c) Outline sign and - Assignment - Checklist
symptoms of diarrhea - Assignment
d) Describe complications of
e) Identify types of diarrhea
f) Prevent dehydration Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
g) Maintain nutrition balance children with
h) Weigh daily diarrhea is correctly
i) Maintain body hygiene performed
j) Give health education
2.3.5 Provide care to under a) Define meningitis and Concepts of - Written test - Question
five children with convulsions meningitis and - Oral questioning papers
meningitis and b) Identify causes of convulsions are well - Assignment - Checklist
convulsions meningitis and described
- Assignment
c) Outline sign and
symptoms of meningitis
and convulsions
d) Describe complications of
meningitis and
e) Maintain a clear airway Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
f) Isolate the infected child children with
g) Monitor for signs and meningitis and
symptoms of increased convulsions is
intracranial pressure correctly performed
h) Monitor intake and output
i) Decrease environmental
j) Administer antibiotic,
anticonvulsant and
2.3.6 Provide care to underfive a) Define anemia Concepts of - Written test - Question
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
children with anemia b) Identify causes of anemia common anemia is - Oral questioning papers
c) Outline sign and well described - assignment - Checklist
symptoms of anemia - Assignment
d) Describe complications of report
e) Describe classifications of
f) Minimize physical care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
exertion and emotional children with
stress anemia is correctly
g) Administer oxygen performed
h) Help replace blood
i) Promote adequate intake
of iron-rich foods
2.3.7 Provide care to under a) Define UTI Concepts of - Written test - Question
five children with UTI b) Identify causes of UTI common UTI are - Oral questioning papers
c) Outline sign and well described - assignment - Checklist
symptoms of UTI - Assignment
d) Describe complications of
e) Maintain intake and Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
output children with UTI is
f) Collect urine for testing correctly performed
g) Monitor temperature
h) Give antibiotic and
2.3.8 Utilize principles of a) Define IMCI IMCI concepts are - Written test - Question
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
IMCI in managing b) Describe the historical correctly described - Oral questioning papers
childhood conditions background of IMCI - assignment - Checklist
c) Explain the objective and - Assignment
components of IMCI report
d) Describe case
management charts and
case recording forms
e) Explain principles of
integrated clinical case
management guideline
f) Describe steps in
integrated case
g) Identify diseases covered
h) Explain essential care for
sick child
i) Assess and classify sick Childhood - Competence test - Checklist
child conditions is - Log book
j) Identify treatment and properly managed
treat the sick child using IMCI
k) Counsel the mother of the guidelines
sick child
l) Conduct follow up to
mother of sick child
2.4.1 Provide care to under a) Define fracture Concepts of - Written test - Question
five children with b) Identify causes of fracture common fracture is - Oral questioning papers
fracture c) Outline signs and well described

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
symptoms of fracture - assignment - Checklist
d) Describe complications - Assignment
of fracture report
e) Identify types of fracture
f) Prevent further Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
bone/tissue injury children with - -
g) Alleviate pain fracture is correctly
h) Prevent complications performed
2.4.2 Provide care to under a) Define burn and scalds Concepts of - Written test - Question
five children with burn b) Identify causes of burn common burn and - Oral questioning papers
and scalds and scalds scalds is well - assignment - Checklist
c) Outline signs and described
- Assignment
symptoms burn and
d) Describe complications
e) Maintain proper body Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
alignment with supports children with burn
or splints, especially for and scalds is
burns over joints correctly performed
f) Initiate the rehabilitative
phase on admission
g) Perform exercises
h) Medicate for pain before
activity or exercise
i) Discuss skin care with
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
j) Provide appropriate burn
care and infection control
2.4.3 Provide care to under a) Define osteomylitis Concepts of - Written test - Question
five children with b) Identify causes of osteomyeliti are well - Oral questioning papers
osteomyelitis osteomylitis described - assignment - Checklist
c) Outline sign and - Assignment
symptoms osteomylitis
d) Describe complications of
e) Restrict movement on the Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
affected part children with
f) Maintain comfortable osteomyelitis is
position correctly performed
g) Isolate child with open
h) Give antibiotics,
analgesics and antipyretic
i) Give nutritious food
j) Provide pre operative care
k) Provide post operative
2.4.4 Provide care to under a) Define appendicitis Concepts of - Written test - Question
five children with b) Identify causes of appendicitis is well - Oral questioning papers
appendicitis appendicitis described - assignment - Checklist
c) Outline sign and - Assignment
symptoms appendicitis
d) Describe complications of
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
e) Provide pre operative Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
care children with
f) Provide post operative appendicitis is
care correctly performed
2.5.1 Provide care to under a) Define poliomyelitis Concepts of - Written test - Question
five children with b) Identify causes of poliomyelitis s is - Oral questioning papers
poliomylitis poliomyelitis well described - assignment - Checklist
c) Outline sign and - Assignment
symptoms poliomyelitis
d) Describe complications of
e) Maintain a patent airway Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
f) Encourage a return to mild children with
activity as soon as poliomyelitis is
possible. correctly performed
g) Prevent fecal impaction
h) Provide tube feedings
when needed
i) Provide good skin care
j) Assess bladder retention
that cause muscle
k) Provide emotional support
to the patient and his
2.5.2 Provide care to under a) Define hepatitis Concepts of hepatitis - Written test - Question

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
five children with b) Identify causes of are well described - Oral questioning papers
hepatitis hepatitis - assignment - Checklist
c) Outline sign and - Assignment
symptoms hepatitis report
d) Describe complications of
e) Maintain hygiene Care to under five - Competence test - checklist
f) Restrict fatty food children with
diphtheria is
correctly performed
2.5.3 Provide care to under a) Define measles Concepts of measles - Written test - Question
five children with b) Identify causes of measles are well described - Oral questioning papers
measles c) Outline sign and - assignment - Checklist
symptoms measles - Assignment
d) Describe complications of
e) Give nutritious food Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
f) maintain eyes hygiene children with
g) Give antipyretic measles is correctly
h) Give antibiotic for performed
secondary bacterial
2.5.4 Provide care to under a) Define diphtheria Concepts of - Written test - Question
five children with b) Identify causes of diphtheria are well - Oral questioning papers
diphtheria diphtheria described - assignment - Checklist
c) Outline sign and - Assignment
symptoms diphtheria
d) Describe complications of
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
e) Isolate the patient. Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
f) Maintain hygiene of the children with
throat diphtheria is
g) Provide required diet correctly performed
h) Observe for respiratory
i) Provide antitoxin
2.5.5 Provide care to under a) Define tetanus Concepts of tetanus - Written test - Question
five children with tetanus b) Identify causes of tetanus are well described - Oral questioning papers
c) Outline sign and - assignment - Checklist
symptoms tetanus - Assignment
d) Describe complications of
e) Give antitetanus serum Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
f) Maintain hygiene children with tetanus
g) Maintain quite a is correctly
h) Perform suction performed
i) Turn child
j) Monitor spasm
k) Maintain nutrition status
l) Provide antispasmodic
2.5.6 Provide care to under a) Define pertusis Concepts of pertusis - Written test - Question
five children with b) Identify causes of pertusis are well described - Oral questioning papers
pertussis c) Outline sign and - assignment - Checklist
symptoms pertusis - Assignment
d) Describe complications of
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
pertusis report
e) Maintain fluid Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
f) Maintain nutrition status children with
g) Maintain clear airway pertusis a is
h) Provide antibiotic and correctly performed
i) Isolate the child
2.5.7 Provide care to under a) Define tuberculosis Concepts of - Written test - Question
five children with b) Identify causes of tuberculosis are well - Oral questioning papers
tuberculosis tuberculosis described - assignment - Checklist
c) Outline sign and - Assignment
symptoms tuberculosis
d) Describe complications of
e) Provide nutritious food Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
f) Administer ant children with
tuberculosis and tuberculosis a is
antipyretic correctly performed
g) Provide education about
TB infection and disease
h) Monitor the TB
medication regimen
i) Evaluate the patients’
knowledge and beliefs
about TB

2.6.1 Provide care to under a) Define marasmus Concepts of - Written test - Question

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
five children with b) Identify causes of marasmus are well - Oral questioning papers
marasmus marasmus described - assignment - Checklist
c) Outline sign and - Assignment
symptoms marasmus report
d) Describe complications of
e) Perform assessment Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
f) Maintain nutritional status children with
g) Monitor weight marasmus a is
h) Maintain body temp correctly performed
i) Give vitamin and minerals
j) Monitor intake and output
k) Give health education to
the parent
l) Give proper treatment for
2.6.2 Provide care to under a) Define kwashiorkor Concepts of - Written test - Question
five children with b) Identify causes of kwashiorkor are well - Oral questioning papers
kwashiorkor kwashiorkor described - assignment - Checklist
c) Outline sign and - Assignment
symptoms kwashiorkor
d) Describe complications of
e) Maintain nutritional status Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
f) Perform assessment children with
g) Monitor intake and output kwashiorkor is
h) Give health education to correctly performed
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
the parent
i) Maintain hygiene
2.6.3 Provide care to under a) Define marasmic Concepts of - Written test - Question
five children with kwashiorkor marasmic - Oral questioning papers
marasmic kwashiorkor b) Identify causes of kwashiorkor are well - assignment - Checklist
marasmic kwashiorkor described
- Assignment
c) Outline sign and
symptoms marasmic
d) Describe complications of
marasmic kwashiorkor
e) Perform fluid Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
administration by children with
intravenous and oral marasmic
rehydration programs kwashiorkor is
appropriately. correctly performed
f) Educate the family about
treatment regime.
g) Assess the state of
development of
h) Implement the provision
of appropriate treatment
i) Measure growth
2.7.1 Provide care to a a) Define drowning Concepts of - Written test - Question
drowned under five child b) Explain signs and drowning are well - Oral questioning papers
symptoms of drowning described - assignment - Checklist
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
- Assignment
c) Maintain air way Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
d) Maintain warmth children with
e) Position the patient in a drowning is
slight trendelenburg correctly performed
2.7.2 Provide care to under a) Define trauma Concepts of trauma - Written test - Question
five children with trauma b) Identify types of trauma is well described - Oral questioning papers
c) Explain signs and - assignment - Checklist
symptoms of differed
- Assignment
d) Assess neurological and Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
respiratory status children with trauma
e) Monitor vital signs is correctly
f) Monitor Intake and output performed
g) Assess for cerebral spinal
h) Administer medication
i) Maintain patent airway
2.7.3 Provide care to under a) Define the terms bites and Concepts of bites - Written test - Checklist
five children with bites stings and stings is well - Oral questioning
and stings b) Explain the factors described - assignment
predisposing to child’s
sting s and bites
c) Outline the signs and
symptoms of a child with
stings and bites
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
d) Explain the prevention of
stings and bites to children
e) Remove the stings from Care to under five - Competence test - Checklist
the injured part children with bites
f) Apply the ice to limit and stings is
inflammation and venom correctly performed
g) Administer corticosteroids
and histamine
h) Control bleeding to
children with bites
i) Administer Tetanus toxoid
and ant rabies
2.7.4 Provide care to under a) Define poisoning Concepts of - Written test - Question
five children with b) Identify types of poisoning are well - Oral questioning papers
poisoning poisoning described - assignment - Checklist
- Assignment
c) Maintain patent air way Care to underfive - Competence test - Checklist
d) Remove poison children with
e) Maintain vital signs poisoning is
f) Assess contributing correctly performed
g) Educate the parent
3.1.1 3 Describe concepts of a) Define ward round Concepts of ward - Oral questioning - Assignment
ward round b) Explain importance of are correctly - Assignments report
ward round described - Written test - Marking
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
c) Explain different stages scheme
and types of ward round
d) Prepare requirement Ward round is done - Observation of - Check list
before ward round properly to patients performance
e) Conduct ward round - Competency test
f) Perform activities after
ward round
3.1.2 Describe nurses roles in g) Identify nurses role in Nurses role in - Oral questioning - Assignment
performing ward round performing ward round performing ward - Assignments report
round are correctly - Written test - Marking
h) Explain nurses and
multidisciplinary team in scheme
ward round
i) Organize task afterward Nurses roles was - Observation of - Check list
round done properly using performance
patient centre - Practical test
3.1.3 Demonstrate team a) Define team work Team work concepts - Oral questioning - Assignment
working during ward are correctly - Assignments report
round b) Identify members described - Written test - Marking
involved in ward round
c) Explain benefits of
multidisplinary ward
d) Implement and evaluate Team working was - Observation of - Check list
multidisciplinary ward done properly using performance
round patient centre - Practical test
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria

3.2.1 Collect specimen by a) Define specimen Collection of - Oral questioning - Assignment

using standard operating specimen are - Assignments report
procedures b) Outline purpose of correctly described
collecting specimen - Written test - Marking
c) Explain types of specimen
to be collected
d) Collect specimen using Collection of - Observation of - Check list
principles specimen was performance
conducted properly - Practical test
using principles
3.2.2 Test specimen using e) Explain types of tests to Test specimen is - Oral questioning - Assignment
standard operating be done correctly described - Assignments report
procedures f) Describe steps in - Written test - Marking
conducting tests scheme
g) Perform specimen testing Testing of specimen - Observation of - Check list
and according to guideline was conducted performance
properly - Practical test
3.2.3 Interpret specimen results a) Define standard operating Interpretation of - Oral questioning - Assignment
according guidelines procedure specimen is - Assignments report
correctly described - Written test - Marking
b) Outline purpose of
standard operating scheme

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
c) Identify benefits of
standard operating
d) Use guidelines to interpret Interpretation of - Observation of - Check list
specimen results specimen was performance
conducted properly - Practical test
3.3.1 Provide nursing care to a) Define common cold Concepts of - Oral questioning - Assignment
patient with Common common cold are - Assignments report
b) Explain causes and
cold correctly described - Written test - Marking
pathophysiology of
common cold scheme
c) Identify clinical features
of common cold
d) List complications of
common cold
e) Identify preventive
measures of common cold
f) Maintain airway patency Nursing care is - Observation of - Check list
g) Provide adequate provided properly to performance
fluids(oral a patient with - Practical test
common cold using
h) Promote balanced diet
different approach
i) Observe signs of
of breath
j) Monitor intake and output

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
k) Administer antihistamine
and antinflamatory,
analgesics medicine
3.3.2 Provide nursing care to a) Define pneumonia Concepts of - Oral questioning - Check list
patient with Pneumonia b) Identify causes of Pneumonia are - Assignments - Assignment
pneumonia correctly described - Written examination report
c) Outline classifications of - Marking
d) Explain pathophysiology
of pneumonia
e) Identify clinical features
of pneumonia
f) Identify diagnostic
measures of pneumonia
g) Mention prevention of
h) List complication of
i) Monitor patent airway Nursing care to - Observation of - Check list
patient with performance
j) Position patient in semi pneumonia is
sitting - Practical test
properly provided
k) Provide
l) Monitor vital signs
m) Give fluids
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
n) Counsel on nutrition
3.3.3 3 Provide care to patient a) Define tonsillitis Concepts of - Oral questioning - Assignment
with Tonsillitis b) Identify causes of Tonsillitis is - Assignments report
tonsillitis correctly described - Written Test/ - Marking
c) Explain pathophysiology examination scheme/paper
of tonsillitis answers
d) Identify clinical features
of tonsillitis
e) Identify diagnostic
measures of tonsillitis
f) Mention complications of
g) Give medication Nursing care to - Observation of - Check list
h) Monitor vital signs patient with performance
i) Give fluids tonsillitis is - Practical test
j) Counsel on nutrition properly provided
using different
k) Prepare pt for surgery
3.3.4 Provide nursing care to a) Define laryngitis Laryngitis is - Oral questioning - Check list
patient with Laryngitis correctly described - Assignments - Assignment
b) I identify causes of - Written paper report
- Marking
c) Identify clinical features
of laryngitis scheme/paper
d) Identify diagnostic answers
measures of laryngitis
e) Maintain patent airway Nursing care to - Observation of - Checklist

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
f) Monitor fluid intake and patient with performance - Marking
output laryngitis is properly - Practical test scheme
g) Encourage fluid intake provided using
different approach
h) Encourage nutrition
i) Administer medication-
(steam inhalation e.g.
aerosol, corticosteroids)
3.3.5 Provide care to patient a) Define airway obstruction Airway obstruction - Oral questioning - Check list
with Airway obstructions b) I identify causes of is correctly - Assignments - Assignment
airway obstruction described - Witten examination report
c) Explain pathophysiology - Marking
of airway obstruction scheme
d) Identify clinical features
of airway obstruction
e) Identify diagnostic
measures of airway
f) Monitor airway patent Nursing care to - Check list
patient with airway - Observation of - Marking
g) Monitor arterial blood gas
obstruction is performance scheme
h) Monitor mechanical properly provided
ventilation using different - Practical test
i) Position in sitting up methods
j) Encourage fluid intake
k) Assist in coughing and
breathing exercises
3.3.6 Provide nursing care to a) Define asthma Concepts of Asthma - Oral questioning - Check list
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
patient with Asthma. b) Identify causes of asthma are correctly - Assignments - Assignment
c) Outline classification of described - Witten examination report
asthma - -marking
d) Explain pathophysiology scheme/paper
of asthma answers
e) Identify clinical features
of a patient with asthma
f) Identify diagnostic
measures of patient with
g) Monitor airway patent Nursing care to a - Observation of - Check list
h) Monitor vital signs patient with asthma performance
i) Monitor arterial blood gas is properly provided - Practical test
using different
j) Monitor mechanical
k) Position the patient in
sitting up
l) Encourage fluid intake
m) Assist in coughing and
breathing exercises
n) Give balanced nutrition
3.4.1. Provide nursing care to a) Define terms fracture and Concepts of fracture - Oral questioning - Assignment
patient with Fracture and dislocation and dislocation are - Assignments report
dislocation b) Identify classifications of correctly described - Witten examination - Marking
dislocation and fracture scheme/paper
c) Identify causes of fracture
and dislocation
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
d) Explain clinical features
of a patient with
e) Administer analgesics for Nursing care to a - Observation of - Check list
pain relief patient with performance
f) Monitor vital signs dislocation and - Practical test
g) Observe potential fracture is properly
complication provided using
h) Monitor input and output different methods
i) Explain complications of
fracture and dislocation
j) Asses 5p’s (pain , pulse,
k) Administer medication (
analgesics, antibiotics)
l) Dress open wound
m) Observe
n) Prepare patient for traction
3.4.2. Provide care to patient a) Define wound Concepts of wound - Oral questioning - Assignment
with wound b) Identify causes and types are properly - Assignments report
of wound described - Written examination - Marking
c) Explain clinical features scheme
of wound
d) Mention diagnostic
measures of a wound
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
e) Explain wound healing
f) Identify factors delaying
wound healing
g) Explain complications of
h) Control bleeding Care to patient with - Observation of - Check list
i) Administer wound correctly performance
medication(analgesics, provide - Practical test
j) Prepare requirement
k) Dress wound
3.4.3. Provide nursing care to a) Define burn Concepts of Burn - Oral questioning - Assignment
patient with Burn b) Identify causes and types are correctly - Assignments report
of burn described - Written examination - Marking
c) Explain pathophysiology scheme
of burn
d) Enumerate clinical
features of burn
e) Explain extent and
degree of burn injury use
rule of nine
f) Mention diagnostic
measures of a burn
g) Explain complications of

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
h) Asses airway , breathing Nursing care to a - Observation of - Check list
and circulation patient with burn is performance
i) provide fluid to correct properly provided - Practical test
electrolyte balance using different
j) Monitor intake and methods
k) Monitor vital signs
l) Administer medication (
analgesics, )
m) Clean and dress wound
n) Counsel on balanced
nutritious diet
3.5.1 Provide nursing care to a) Define oral thrush Concepts of oral - Oral questioning - Assignment
patient with Oral thrush b) Identify causes of oral thrush are correctly - Assignments report
thrush described - Written examination - Marking
c) Enumerate clinical scheme
features of oral thrush
d) Mention diagnostic
measures of oral thrush
e) Explain complications of
oral thrush
f) Provide mouth saline Nursing care to a - Observation of - Check list
gurgle patient with oral performance
g) Provide fluid to correct thrush is properly - Practical test
electrolyte balance provided using

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
h) Monitor vital signs different methods
i) Monitor intake and output
j) Administer medication
k) Counsel on nutritious soft
3.5.2 . Provide nursing care to a) Define dental carries Concepts of dental - Oral questioning - Assignment
patient with Dental carries are correctly - Assignments report
b) Identify causes of dental
carries described - Written examination - Marking
c) Enumerate clinical scheme
features of dental carries
d) Mention diagnostic
measures of dental carries
e) f) Explain preventive
measures of dental carries
f) Provide mouth wash and Nursing care to a - Observation of - Check list
tooth brush patient with dental performance
g) Counsel on eating food carries is properly - Practical test
free from refined sugar provided using
different methods
3.5.3 Provide nursing care to a) Define gastritis Concepts of gastritis - Oral questioning - Assignment
patient with Gastritis b) Identify causes of gastritis are correctly - Assignments report
c) Explain pathophysiology explained - Written examination - Marking
of gastritis scheme
d) Enumerate clinical
manifestation of gastritis

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
e) Mention diagnostic
measures of gastritis
f) List complications of
g) Administer medication Nursing care to a - Observation of - Check list
(analgesics, bismuth salts patient with gastritis performance
,histamine) is properly provided - Practical test
h) Counsel on diet using different
i) Monitor vital signs
j) Monitor intake and output
3.5.4 Provide nursing care to a) Define peptic ulcer Concepts of peptic - Oral questioning - Assignment
patient with peptic ulcers ulcer are correctly - Assignments report
b) Identify causes of peptic
explained - Written examination - Marking
c) Explain pathophysiology scheme
of peptic ulcer
d) Enumerate clinical
manifestation of peptic
e) Mention diagnostic
measures of peptic ulcer
f) Identify complications of
peptic ulcers
g) Administer medication Nursing care to a - Observation of - Check list
(proton pump inhibitors, patient with peptic performance
antibiotics, ,histamine2) ulcer is properly - Practical test
h) Counsel on diet provided using

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
i) Monitor vital signs different methods
j) Monitor weight
k) Monitor intake and output
3.5.5 Provide nursing care to a) Define diabetes Concepts of diabetes - Oral questioning - Assignment
patient with diabetes b) Identify types of diabetes are correctly - Assignments report
explained - Written examination - Marking
c) Identify causes of diabetes
d) Explain pathophysiology scheme
of diabetes
e) Enumerate clinical
manifestation of diabetes
f) Mention diagnostic
measures of diabetes
g) Identify complications of
h) Monitor blood glucose Nursing care to a - Observation of - Checklist
i) Administer patient with peptic performance
medication(insulin, oral ulcer is properly - Practical test
ant diabetic agent,) provided using
j) Monitor vital signs different methods
k) Counsel on diet
l) Counsel on life style
3.6.1. Provide nursing care to a) Define terms pruritis and Concepts of Pruritis - Oral questioning - Assignment
patient with pruritis and impetigo and impetigo are - Assignments report
Impetigo b) Identify causes of pruritis correctly described - Written examination - Marking
and impetigo
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
c) Explain pathophysiology scheme
of pruritis and impetigo
d) Enumerate clinical
manifestation of pruritis
and impetigo
e) Mention diagnostic
measures of pruritis and
f) Identify complications of
pruritis and impetigo
g) administer topical Nursing care to a - Observation of -
medication patient with pruritis performance
h) Educate the patient on and impetigo is - Practical test
body hygiene and properly provided
compliance to medication using different
3.6.2. Provide care to patient a) Define of Eczema and Concepts of eczema - Oral questioning - Assignment
with Eczema and acne Acne vulgaris and Acne vulgaris - Assignments report
vulgaris b) Identify causes of Eczema are correctly - Written examination - -marking
and Acne vulgaris described
c) Enumerate clinical
manifestation of Eczema
and Acne vulgaris
d) Mention diagnostic
measures of eczema and
Acne vulgaris
e) Identify complications of
aczema and acne vulgaris

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
f) Administer topical Nursing care to a - Observation of - Checklist
medications patient with Eczema performance
and Acne vulgaris is - Practical test
properly provided
g) Educate on body hygiene,
foods, skin care and
adherence to medications

3.6.3. Provide nursing care to a) Define herpes zoster and Concepts of Herpes - Oral questioning - Assignment
patient with Herpes herpes simplex zoster is correctly - Assignments report
zoster and herpes b) Explain causes and described - Written examination - Marking
simplex pathophysiology of herpes scheme
zoster and herpes simplex
c) Identify signs and
symptoms of herpes zoster
a herpes simplex
d) Mention diagnostic
measures of herpes zoster
herpes simplex
e) List complications of
herpes zoster and herpes
f) Counsel on how to apply Nursing care to a - Observation of - Check list
wet dressing to the patient with herpes performance
lesions zoster and herpes

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
h) Administer topical simplex is properly - Practical test
medications provided
i) Educate on body hygiene,
skin care and adherence to
3.6.4. Provide care to patient a) Define exfoliative Concepts of - Oral questioning - Assignment
with exfoliative dermatitis exfoliative - Assignments report
dermatitis b) Explain causes and of dermatitis is - Written examination - -marking
exfoliative dermatitis correctly described
c) Identify signs and
symptoms of exfoliative
d) List complication of
exfoliative dermatitis
e) Asses level of dehydration Nursing care to a - Observation of - Check list
patient with performance
f) Provide warm bath
exfoliative - Practical test
g) Administer medicine dermatitis is
(anti-histamine, steroids, properly provided
antibiotics, folic acid
h) Counsel on nutritious diet
(high protein diet)
3.6.5. Provide nursing care to a) Define external otitis and Concepts of - Oral questioning - Assignment
patient with condition otitis and internal media external otitis and - Assignments report
affecting the external and b) Outline causes of external internal is correctly - Written examination - Marking
internal ear otitis and otitis media described
c) Identify sign and
symptoms of external
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
otitis and internal otitis
d) Mention diagnostic
measures of external otitis
and internal otitis media
e) Administer drug for Nursing care to a - Observationof - Check list
external and internal otitis patient with otitis performance
media media and external - Practical test
f) Counsel on prevention of otitis are properly
external otitis and internal provided
otitis media
3.6.6. Provide nursing care to a) Define foreign body Concepts of foreign - Oral questioning - Assignment
patient with foreign body b) Explain causes and body is correctly - Assignments report
classifications of foreign described - Written examination - Marking
body scheme
c) Enumerate clinical
features of foreign body
d) Outline preventive
measures of foreign body
e) Provide specific nursing Nursing care to a - Observation of - Check list
care to a client with patient with foreign performance
foreign body body is properly - Practical test
3.6.7. Provide nursing care to a) Define terms. (brepharitis, Concepts of - Oral questioning - Assignment
patient with condition hordeolum, conjunctivitis, Brepharitis - Assignments report
affecting eye.(brepharitis, keratitis and uveitis) hordeolum, - Written examination - Marking
hordeolum, b) Explain causes of conjunctivitis,
conjunctivitis, keratitis brepharitis, hordeolum, keratitis and uveitis)

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
and uveitis) conjunctivitis, keratitis is correctly
and uveitis described
c) Identify signs and
symptoms of brepharitis,
hordeolum, conjunctivitis,
keratitis and uveitis
d) Diagnose brepharitis,
hordeolum, conjunctivitis,
keratitis and uveitis
e) List complications of
brepharitis, hordeolum,
conjunctivitis, keratitis
and uveitis
3.7.1. Provide nursing care to a) Define terms Urethritis Concepts of - Oral questioning - Assignment
patient with urinary and Cystitis Urethritis Cystitis is - Assignments report
inflammatory conditions b) Explain causes of correctly described - Written examination - Marking
(Urethritis and Cystitis) Urethritis and Cystitis scheme
c) Explain classification of
d) Enumerate clinical
features of Urethritis and
e) d) Outline preventive
measures of urethritis and
f) f)prevent complication Nursing care to a - Observation of - Check list
g) Provide medicine patient with performance

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
h) Provide psychological Urethritis and - Practical test
support Cystitis is properly
3.7.2. Provide nursing care to a) Define the terms nephritis Concepts of - Oral questioning - Assignment
patient with kidney and Nephritic syndrome Nephritis and - Assignments report
disorders (Nephritis and b) Identify causes of nephrotic syndrome - Written examination - Marking
Nephritic syndrome nephritis and Nephritic is correctly
syndrome described
c) Explain pathophysiology
of nephritis and Nephritic
d) Outline signs and
symptoms of nephritis and
Nephritic syndrome
e) Mention diagnostic
measures of nephritis and
Nephritic syndrome
f) Prevent infection(maintain Nursing care to a - Observation of - Check list
hygiene) patient with performance
g) Provide warmth nephritis and - Practical test
nehprotic syndrome
h) Prevent bed sores is properly provided
i) i)Counsel on diet (high
protein diet)
3.7.3. Provide nursing care to a) Define phimosis, Concepts of - Oral questioning - Question
male patient with paraphimosis, disorders of male - Assignment papers
disorders of reproductive Epispadiasis, reproductive system - Written examination - Marking
Hypospadias, Balanitis,
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
system (Phimosis, Urethral stricture Orchitis, correctly described scheme
paraphimosis, Undescended testicles, - Assignment
Epispadiasis, and prostatitis report
Hypospadias, Balanitis, b) Explain causes of
Phimosis, paraphimosis,
Urethral stricture Epispadiasis,
Orchitis, Undescended Hypospadias, Balanitis,
testicles, and prostatitis). Urethral stricture Orchitis,
Undescended testicles,
and prostatitis
c) Describe signs and
symptoms of Phimosis,
Hypospadias, Balanitis,
Urethral stricture Orchitis,
Undescended testicles,
and prostatitis
d) Explain the management
of Phimosis,
Hypospadias, Balanitis,
Urethral stricture Orchitis,
Undescended testicles,
and prostatitis
e) Outline preventive
measures of Phimosis,
paraphimosis, Balanitis,
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
Urethral stricture Orchitis,
and prostatitis
f) Provide nursing care to Nursing care to - Oral questioning - Question
clients with Phimosis, client with male - Assignment papers
paraphimosis, reproductive system - Written - Marking
Epispadiasis, disorders correctly examination
Hypospadias, Balanitis, provided - Observation of
Urethral stricture Orchitis, performance - Assignment
Undescended testicles, - Clinical examination report
and prostatitis - Checklist
- Check list
3.7.4. Provide nursing care to a) Define Endometritis, Concepts of female - Oral questioning - Question
patient with reproductive Cervicitis, Oopharitis, and reproductive organ - Written tests papers
organs infectious Saplingitis infectious conditions - Assignment - Marking
conditions (Endometritis, b) Outline Signs and correctly described scheme
symptoms of
Cervicitis, Oopharitis, - Assignment
Endometritis, Cervicitis,
Saplingitis) report
Oopharitis, and Saplingitis
c) Explain the
pathophysiology of
Endometritis, Cervicitis,
Oopharitis, and Saplingitis
d) Explain the preventive
measures of Endometritis,
Cervicitis, Oopharitis, and
e) Provide nursing care to Nursing care to - Observation of - Checklist
client with Endometritis, client with female performance
Cervicitis, Oopharitis, and reproductive organ - Clinical examination
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
Saplingitis infectious condition
correctly provided
3.7.5. Provide nursing care to a) Define Dysmenorrhoea, Concepts of - Oral questioning - Question
patient with disorders of Amenorrhoea, disorders of - Written tests papers
menstruation menorrhagia, and menstruation - Assignment - Marking
(Dysmenorrhoea, correctly described scheme
b) Explain the causes of
Amenorrhoea, - Assignment
menorrhagia, report
metrorrhagia) menorrhagia and
c) Describe the management
of Dysmenorrhoea,
d) Provide nursing care to Nursing care to - Observation of - Checklist
client with client with disorders performance
Dysmenorrhoea, of menstruation - Clinical examination
Amenorrhoea, correctly provided
3.7.6. Provide nursing care to a) Define Ovarian cyst Concepts of female - Oral questioning - Question
patient with Ovarian cyst b) Explain the causes of reproductive - Written tests papers
Ovarian cyst disorders correctly - Assignment - Marking
c) Describe treatment of described - Written examination scheme
Ovarian cyst
- Assignment
d) Describe the preventive
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
measures of Ovarian cyst
e) Provide the prescribed Nursing care to - Observation of - Checklist
medications client with female performance
f) Prepare the patient for reproductive system - Clinical examination
possible surgery correctly provided
g) Provide post-operative
nursing care
h) Counsel the patient for
coping with the condition
3.8.1. Explain concepts of a) Define operating theater Concepts of - Oral questioning - Question
operating theatre b) Explain operating theater operating theater - Written tests papers
layout correctly described - Assignment - Marking
c) Explain function of - Written scheme
different theater zones examination
- Assignment
d) Describe operating theater
3.8.2. Prepare Operating theater a) Identify needs of the Operating theater - Observation of - Checklist
room for surgery procedure to be done room prepared performance
b) Perform sterilization and according to - Clinical examination
disinfection of instrument standards
c) Assemble equipments for
the procedure
d) Arrange equipment to
their respective places
3.8.3. Provide Pre-operative a) Define preoperative Concepts of - Oral questioning - Question
nursing care nursing care preoperative nursing - Written tests papers
b) Describe a comprehensive care correctly - Assignment - Marking
preoperative assessment
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
c) Identify legal and ethical described scheme
consideration related to - Assignment
informed consent report
d) Identify right patient for Preoperative nursing - Observation of - Checklist
the right operation care correctly performance
e) Perform the immediate provided - Clinical examination
preoperative preparation
f) Provide preoperative
nursing measures that
decreases the risk for
infection and other post
operative complications
3.8.4. Provide intra-operative a) Define intraoperative Concepts of - Oral questioning - Question
nursing care nursing care intraoperative - Written tests papers
b) Describe the nursing care - Assignment - Marking
interdisciplinary approach correctly described - Written examination scheme
to care of the patient
- Assignment
during surgery
c) Describe the principles of
surgical asepsis
d) Describe nursing roles in
the intraoperative phase of
e) Identify the surgical risk Intraoperative - Observation of - Checklist
factors related to age nursing care performance
specific populations correctly provided - Clinical examination
f) Provide nursing
intervention to reduce risk
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
related to aging
g) Provide nursing care to
optimize outcomes during
the intraoperative period
3.8.5. Provide post-operative a) Define post operative Concepts of post - Oral questioning - Question
nursing care nursing care operative nursing - Written tests papers
b) Identify common post care are described - Assignment - Marking
operative complication scheme
c) Describe the
- Assignment
responsibilities of a nurse
in the immediate
prevention of
d) Describe variable that
affect wound healing
e) Assess a patient in a Post operative - Oral questioning - Checklist
recovery area nursing care - Observation of
f) Provide post operative correctly provided performance
nursing care to prevent - Clinical examination
post operative
3.9.1 Describe basic concepts a) Define Mental health and Concepts and - Oral questioning - Question
and principles of mental Mental illness principle of mental - Written tests papers
health b) Explain the evolution of health correctly - Answer guide
mental health services described
c) Explain historical

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
background of mental
health services in
d) Explain principles of
mental health in the
provision of mental health
e) Describe physical and
psychological responses to
3.9.2 Describe common signs a) Describe etiological Common signs and - Oral questioning - Question
and symptoms of mental factors of mental illnesses symptoms of mental - Written tests papers
illness b) Explain the symptoms illness are correctly - Answer guide
related to disorder of described - Check list
c) Explain the symptoms
related to disorder of
d) Explain the symptoms
related to disorder of
e) Explain the symptoms
related to disorder of
f) Explain symptoms related
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
to disorder of memory
g) Explain symptoms related
to disorder of
3.9.3 Conduct Mental Status a) Describe the process of Mental health - Oral questioning - Question
assessment to client with taking history of a assessment is - Written tests papers
abnormal behaviors mentally ill patient correctly described - Observation of - Answer guide
b) Describe the steps in performance - Check list
performing mental status
c) Prepare the environment Mental health
for conducting psychiatric assessment is
interview correctly conducted
d) Take history of a client
with abnormal behaviors
e) Perform MSE to identify
client with mental illness
3.9.4 Provide care to client a) Differentiate Anxiety, Concepts of anxiety - Oral questioning - Question
with anxiety disorders stress and fear disorders correctly - Written tests papers
b) Describe the causes of described - Answer guide
anxiety disorders - Check list
c) Describe various types of
anxiety disorders
(Generalized anxiety,
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
Panic disorder,
Posttraumatic stress
disorder, phobia and
Obsessive compulsive
d) Describe treatment
modalities relevant to
anxiety disorders
e) Provide specific treatment Care to patient with - Observation of - Check list
modalities for anxiety anxiety disorders performance
disorders correctly provided - Oral questioning
f) Provide specific nursing - Clinical examination
care to client with anxiety
3.9.5 Provide care to clients a) Define terms related to Concepts of - Oral questioning - Question
with psychoactive psychoactive substance substance misuse - Written tests papers
substance misuse misuse (substance abuse, correctly described - Answer guide
substance dependence/ - Assignment
addiction, substance reports
withdrawal, Tolerance,
Substance intoxication)
b) Describe etiology of
substance abuse
c) Describe common abused
psychoactive substances
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
d) Explain the effect of
psychoactive substances
e) Identify clients with Client/Patient with - Observation of - Check list
psychoactive substance psycho active performance
use using substance use - Clinical examination
appropriate tool(s) correctly identified
by using appropriate
f) Provide intervention to Interventions to - Observation of - Check list
client affected by client with performance
substances psychoactive - Oral questioning
substance use - Clinical examination
correctly provided
4.1.1 Describe concepts of a) Define terms used in Concepts of  Oral questions  Checklist
community health community health nursing community health  Assignment Written  Assignment
nursing (community, community nursing are correctly tests report
health, community health described  Marking
nurse) Scheme
b) Explain functions of the
community health
c) Explain the characteristics
of the community
d) Outline type of the
e) Explain the purpose of the
community health
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
f) Describe the interaction of
health and community
g) Identify roles of
community health nurse
h) Explain the principles of
community health.
i) Describe elements of the
community health
j) Identify factors
influencing community
4.1.2 Assess community health a) Define community Community health  Written tests  Structured
needs and problems by assessment needs and problems  Assignment questions
utilizing community b) Identify types of are properly  Oral question  Assignment
nursing process. community needs assessed report
assessment  Structured
c) Describe the community questions
methods of assessment
d) Explain sources of
community data
e) Describe data analysis and
f) Conduct community Community  Observation  Checklist.
assessment assessment is performance  Assignment
properly conducted.  Assignment reports
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
4.1.3 Diagnose the community a) Define community health Community health  Written tests  Structured
problems by utilizing diagnosis diagnosis is  Assignment questions
community nursing b) Describe types of correctly defined.  Assignment
process. community health report
c) Identify Steps in
conducting community
d) Formulate community Community health  Observation  Checklist
health diagnosis diagnosis is performance  Community
correctly formulated.  Field assessment field work
4.1.4 Plan community care a) Explain the concept of The concepts of  -oral questions  Checklist
according to community planning in relation to planning as related  Assignment Written  Structured
health needs. community health. to community health question
is properly explained 
b) Establish priority of the Community health  Assignment  Checklist
problem diagnosed care planned  Written tests  Assignment
according to health report
needs  Structured
c) Formulate goals and  Observation  Assignment
objectives in priority performance report
order.  Practical test  Checklist
d) Write community nursing  Assignment
intervention to accomplish  Written
the goal. examination

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
e) Prepare an action plan
(Work plan)
4.1.5 Implement community a) Provide a descriptive Implementation as  Oral questions  Marking
health care by using definition of related to  Written scheme
community nursing implementation in relation Community health  assignment  Assignment
process. to community health correctly described reports
b) Outline factors
implementation in the
c) Describe
mechanisms/strategies for
implementation of
intervention in the
d) Implement community community  Observation  Assignment
interventions using interventions are performance report
different mechanisms implemented  Practical test  Checklist
 Assignment Marking
4.1.6 Evaluate Community a) Define the term evaluation Community health  Oral questions  Checklist
health care interventions in relation to community interventions are  Assignment  Assignment
health correctly evaluated  Written tests report
b) Explain purpose of  Structured
evaluation in relation to questions
community health.

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
c) Describe types o
evaluation in relation to
community health
d) Conduct community Community  Observation  Assignment
evaluation. evaluation properly performance report
conducted  Practical test  Checklist
4.2.1 Conduct screening in a) Define the term screening Screening in  Oral questions  Checklist
identifying health risks. identifying health  Assignment Written  Assignment
b) Outline principles of risks is correctly tests report
screening conducted  Marking
c) Explain types of screening scheme
d) Enumerate limitations of
e) Identify various
equipment required for
f) Perform screening to Screening to identify  Observation  Assignment
identify health risks health risks is performance report
properly performed.  Practical test  Checklist
 Assignment
4.2.2 Prevent diseases through a) Define the term disease Diseases in the  Oral questions  Checklist
community participation prevention community are  Assignment Written  Assignment
b) Describe levels of disease correctly prevented tests report
prevention in the  Structured
community questions
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
c) Involve community in the Community is  Observation  Assignment
disease prevention properly involved in performance report
interventions the diseases  Assignment  Checklist
prevention  Community field
interventions work
4.2.3 Describe concepts of a) Define the term PHC Concepts of PHC is  Oral questions  Checklist
Primary Health Care ( b) Describe elements of PHC correctly described  Assignment Written  Assignment
PHC) in the promotion c) Explain principles of PHC in the promotion of tests report
of community health community health  Structured
d) Identify roles o PHC
worker in the community
 Marking
e) Explain strategies of PHC scheme
4.2.4 Provide community a) Define the term CBHC. Concepts of  Oral questions  Checklist
based health care(CBHC) b) Explain the objectives of community based  Assignment Written  Assignment
to clients according to CBHC health care is tests report
individual needs in the
c) Enumerate the advantages
correctly described  Structured
community questions
d) Describe various activities  Marking
performed in relation to scheme
CBHC.(Home Visiting,
School Health, RCH -
including Family
e) Identify health problems
affecting the community

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
f) Identify the importance of
g) Outline the strategies of
h) Conduct community Community resource  Observation  Assignment
resource assessment. assessment is performance report
properly conducted  Practical test  Checklist
i) Provide community based  Assignment  Field work
health care to the  Community field report
community work

4.3.1 Explain concepts of a) Define common terms Concepts of Gender  Oral questions  Checklist
Gender Based used in GBV and VAC Based  Assignment  Assignment
Violence(GBV) and b) Identify types of GBV and Violence(GBV) and  Written tests report
Violence against VAC Violence against  Structured
Children(VAC) c) Explain effects of GBV Children(VAC) questions
and VAC
d) Describe magnitude of
e) Identify the causes of
f) Explain effects of power
imbalances with regard to
g) Outline actions to promote
gender equality in relation
to GBV and VAC
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
h) Identify links between
poverty, HIV, GBV and
4.3.2 Prevent GBV and VAC a) Define safety plan GBV and VAC  Oral questions  Checklist
in the community  Assignment  Assignment
in the community  Written tests report
b) Outline guiding questions are appropriately  Structured
for assessment of questions
survivor’s safety prevented
c) List things to consider
when developing safety
d) Identity referral
mechanism for GBV and
VAC survivors
e) Identify levels of GBV
and VAC prevention
f) List pillars of Multi-
sectoral approach in
prevention of GBV and
g) Prevent GBV and VAC
occurrence in the
4.3.3 Manage survivors of a) Explain guiding principles GBV and VAC  Observation  Checklist
GBV and VAC in for care of GBV and VAC survivors are performance  Assignment
different setting survivors. properly managed in

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
b) Explain roles of service different setting  Assignment report
providers in managing  Field work  Structured
survivors of GBV and questions
c) Identify things to consider
when obtaining consent to
GBV and VAC survivors
d) Outline steps for
screening potential GBV
and VAC survivors
e) Describe guidelines for
comprehensive history
taking from GBV and
VAC survivors

f) Explain steps of
conducting physical
examination of GBV and
VAC survivors
g) List the psychological
needs for GBV and VAC
h) Explain the management
of stress for GBV and
VAC survivors
i) Take a comprehensive Management and  Observation  Assignment
history from GBV and counseling to GBV performance report
VAC survivors and VAC survivors

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
j) Perform counseling to properly performed.  Competence test  Checklist
GBV and VAC survivor.  Assignment
k) Refer GBV and VAC
survivors for further
4.4.1 Describe concepts of a) Define the term Concepts of  Oral questions  Checklist
epidemiology and epidemiology. epidemiology and  Assignment Written  Assignment
demography. b) Explain aims of demography tests report
epidemiology correctly described  Marking
c) Identify scope and uses of scheme

d) Explain the historical

roots of epidemiology.
e) Explain terms used in
epidemic disease
f) Explain methods of
epidemiological studies
g) Describe the sources of
information for
epidemiological studies
h) Explain epidemiological
i) Explain the natural history
of disease and levels of

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
j) Outline measures of
health, morbidity,
mortality and fertility.
4.4.2 Describe demographic a) Define the terms Demographic data  Oral questions  Checklist
data and health vital demography, population, and health vital  Assignment Written  Assignment
statistics in the vital statistics, statistics in the tests report
community. b) Identify the uses of vital community is  Marking
statistics correctly described. scheme
c) Outline importance of
demographic data
d) Explain the uses of
population pyramids in
presenting demographic
e) Identify the elements of
f) Explain major
demographic processes.
4.4.3 Formulate interventions a) Interpret available Community health  Observation  Assignment
to address community epidemiological data in problems properly performance report
health problems the community solved using  Assignment  Checklist
b) Identify possible epidemiological and  Case study  Written case
interventions demographic data  Practical test study
c) Plan for community
d) Implement community

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
e) Evaluate community
5.1.1 Describe concepts of a) Define the terms Concepts of  Written test  Question
communicable diseases communicable disease, communicable  Assignment paper
incubation period and diseases described  Oral questioning  Assignment
carrier report
b) Outline routes of guideline
communicable disease  Oral question
transmission paper guide
c) Explain main methods of  Marking
communicable disease scheme
5.1.2 Provide care to patient a) Define scabies Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with scabies b) Explain epidemiological scabies provided  Assignment paper
distribution of scabies correctly  Oral questioning  Assignment
c) Describe clinical picture report
of the patient with scabies guideline
d) Identify diagnostic  Checklist for
techniques for scabies practical
infection assessment
e) Explain treatment required  Marking
for scabies infection scheme
f) Provide nursing care to  Oral question
patient with scabies paper guide
g) Explain prevention and
control methods for the
scabies infection
5.1.3 Provide care to patient a) Define pediculosis Care to patient with  Written test  Question
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
with Pediculosis b) Explain epidemiological Pediculosis provided  Assignment paper
distribution of pediculosis correctly  Oral questioning  Assignment
c) Describe clinical picture report
of the patient with guideline
pediculosis  Checklist for
d) Identify diagnostic practical
techniques for pediculosis assessment
e) Explain treatment required  Marking
for pediculosis scheme
f) Provide nursing care to  Oral question
patient with pediculosis paper guide
g) Explain prevention and
control methods for the
5.1.4 Provide care to patient a) Define tinea Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with tinea infection b) Identify different types of tinea infection  Assignment paper
tinea infections provided correctly  Oral questioning  Assignment
c) Explain epidemiological report
distribution of common guideline
tinea infection  Checklist for
d) Describe clinical picture practical
of the patient with tinea assessment
infection  Marking
e) Identify diagnostic scheme
techniques for tinea  Oral question
infection paper guide
f) Explain treatment required
for tinea infection

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
g) Provide nursing care to
patient with tinea
h) Explain prevention and
control methods for the
tinea infection
5.1.5 Provide care to patient a) Define conjunctivitis Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with bacterial b) Explain epidemiological bacterial  Assignment paper
conjuctivitis distribution of conjuctivitis  Oral questioning  Assignment
conjunctivitis provided correctly report
c) Describe clinical picture guideline
of conjunctivitis  Checklist for
d) Identify diagnostic practical
techniques of assessment
conjunctivitis  Marking
e) Explain treatment of scheme
conjunctivitis  Oral question
f) Provide nursing care to paper guide
patient with conjunctivitis
g) Describe methods of
control and prevention of
5.1.6 Provide care to patient a) Define trachoma infection Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with trachoma b) Identify causative agent of trachoma provided  Assignment paper
trachoma infection correctly  Oral questioning  Assignment
c) Explain epidemiological report
distribution of trachoma guideline
d) Describe clinical picture

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
of a patient with trachoma  Checklist for
e) Identify diagnostic practical
techniques for trachoma assessment
f) Explain treatments  Marking
required to patient with scheme
trachoma  Oral question
g) Provide nursing care to paper guide
patient with trachoma
h) Describe ways to prevent
and control trachoma
5.2.1. Describe concepts of a) Define the terms sexually Concepts of STIs  Written test  Question
STIs transmitted diseases described correctly  Assignment paper
(STDs) and sexually  Oral questioning  Assignment
transmitted infections report
(STIs) guideline
b) Identify risk factors for  Marking
STIs scheme
(biological,individual risk  Oral question
behavior, health behavior, paper guide
demographic factors,
social economic factors
and environmental
c) Outline general clinical
presentation of patient
with STIs
d) Mention common

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
diagnostic techniques for
e) State general management
to patient with STIs
f) List main techniques
applied in control and
prevention of STIs
g) Counsel the client with Client with STIs are  Observation Check list
STIs counseled performance
 Competence test
5.2.2. Provide care to patient a) Define the terms syphilis Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with syphilis and gonorrhea syphilis & gonorrhea  Assignment paper
&gonorrhea b) Identify causative agent of provided correctly  Oral questioning  Assignment
syphilis and gonorrhea report
c) Explain epidemiological guideline
distribution of syphilis  Checklist for
and gonorrhea infection practical
d) Describe clinical assesment
presentation of the  Marking
syphilis and gonorrhea scheme
e) Determine diagnostic  Oral question
methods for syphilis and paper guide
f) Identify treatment of
syphilis and gonorrhea
g) Provide nursing
management of a patient
with syphilis and
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
h) Describe prevention and
control techniques for
syphilis and gonorrhea
5.2.3. Provide care to patient a) Define terms chancroid Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with chancroid& and chlamydia chancroid &  Assignment paper
chlamydia b) Identify causative agent chlamydia provided  Oral questioning  Assignment
for chancroid and correctly report
chlamydia guideline
c) Explain epidemiological  Checklist for
distribution of chancroid practical
and chlamydia infection assessment
d) Describe clinical  Marking
presentation of a patient scheme
with chancroid and  Oral question
chlamydia paper guide
e) Determine diagnostic
techniques for chancroid
and chlamydia
f) Identify treatment for
chancroid and chlamydia
g) Provide nursing care to a
patient with chancroid and
h) Describe prevention and
control techniques for
chancroid and chlamydia
5.2.4. Provide care to patient a) Define the terms Care to patient with  Written test  Question

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
with trichomoniasis and trichomoniasis and trichomoniasis and  Assignment paper
candidiasis candidiasis candidiasis provided  Oral questioning  Assignment
b) Identify causeative agent correctly report
of trichomoniasis and guideline
candidiasis  Checklist for
c) Explain distribution of practical
trichomoniasis and assessment
candidiasis  Marking
d) Describe clinical scheme
presentation of a patient  Oral question
with trichomoniasis and paper guide
e) Outline diagnostic
techniques for
trichomoniasis and
f) Determine treatment for
trichomoniasis and
g) Provide nursing care to
patient with
trichomoniasis and
h) Outline prevention and
control techniques for
trichomoniasis and
5.3.1 Describe Concepts of a) Define the terms vector Concepts of vectors  Written test  Question

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
vector borne diseases and vector borne disease borne diseases  Assignment paper
b) Classify vector borne described correctly  Oral questioning  Assignment
diseases according to report
causative organisms guideline
c) Explain general  Marking
techniques to control scheme
vector borne diseases  Oral question
paper guide
5.3.2 Provide care to patient a) Define the terms malaria, Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with malaria, plague & plague and dengue malaria, plague  Assignment paper
dengue b) Identify causative agent of &dengue provided  Oral questioning  Assignment
malaria, plague and correctly report
dengue guideline
c) Identify vector for  Checklist for
malaria, plague and practical
dengue assessment
d) Explain epidemiological  Marking
distribution for malaria, scheme
plague and dengue  Oral question
e) Describe life cycle for paper guide
f) Describe clinical
presentation of a patient
with non-severe malaria,
plague and dengue
g) Describe clinical features
of a patient with severe

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
h) Identify diagnostic
techniques for malaria,
plague and dengue
i) Perform mRDT
j) Prepare thick blood smear
for malaria
k) List differential diagnosis
for malaria
l) Identify treatment for non-
severe, malaria, plague
and dengue
m) Identify treatment for
severe malaria
n) Dispense first line
medication to patient with
non-severe malaria
o) Prepare and provide
antimalaria to severe
p) Prepare and provide
quinine to patient with
severe malaria
q) Provide nursing care to
patient with malaria,
plague and dengue
r) Describe control and
prevention techniques for
malaria, plague and

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
5.3.3 Provide care to patient a) Define the terms Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with bancroftian bancroftian filariasis, bancroftian  Assignment paper
filariasis, schistosomiasis schistosomiasis and filariasis,  Oral questioning  Assignment
& onchocerciasis onchocerciasis schistosomiasis & report
b) Identify causative agent of onchocerciasis guideline
bancroftian filariasis, provided correctly.  Checklist for
schistosomiasis and practical
onchocerciasis assesment
c) Describe life cycle of the  Marking
bancroftian filariasis, scheme
schistosomiasis and  Oral question
onchocerciasis paper guide
d) Describe clinical
presentation of
bancroftian filariasis,
schistosomiasis and
e) Identify diagnostic
techniques for bancroftian
filariasis, schistosomiasis
and onchocerciasis
f) Outline treatment for
bancroftian filariasis,
schistosomiasis and
g) Provide nursing care to
patient with bancroftian

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
filariasis, schistosomiasis
and onchocerciasis
h) Determine prevention and
control techniques for
bancroftian filariasis,
schistosomiasis and
5.3.4 Provide care to patient a) Define the terms relapsing Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with relapsing fever and fever and trypanosomiasis relapsing fever and  Assignment paper
trypanosomiasis. b) Identify causative agent of trypanosomiasis  Oral questioning  Assignment
relapsing fever and provided correctly.  Practical report
trypanosomiasis assessment guideline
c) Describe epidemiological  Oral question
distribution of relapsing paper guide
fever and trypanosomiasis  Checklist for
d) Describe clinical practical
presentation of relapsing assessment
fever and trypanosomiasis  Marking
e) Outline treatment for scheme
relapsing fever and
f) Explain nursing care to
patient with relapsing
fever and trypanosomiasis
g) Describe prevention and
control techniques for
relapsing fever and

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
5.4.1 Describe concepts of a) Define fecal oral diseases Concepts of fecal-  Written test  Question
fecal-oral diseases b) List fecal oral diseases oral diseases  Assignment paper
c) Explain the transmission described correctly  Assignment
cycle of fecal oral diseases report
d) Explain preventive guideline
measures of fecal oral
5.4.2 Provide care to patient a) Define cholera Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with cholera b) Outline sign and cholera provided  Assignment paper
symptoms of cholera correctly  Assignment
c) Provide nursing care to report
patient with cholera guideline
d) Outline activities done
during cholera outbreak
5.4.3 Provide care to patient a) Define Typhoid fever Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with Typhoid fever b) Outline sign and Typhoid provided  Assignment paper
symptoms of Typhoid correctly  Oral questioning  Assignment
fever report
c) Provide nursing care to guideline
patient with Typhoid fever  Class
d) Outline principles of participation
prevention and control of guide
Typhoid fever.
5.4.4 Provide care to patient a) Define dysentery Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with dysentery b) Outline sign and dysentery Provided  Assignment paper
symptoms of dysentery correctly  Assignment
c) Provide nursing care to guideline
patient with dysentery
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
d) Outline principles of
prevention and control of
5.4.5 Provide care to patient a) Define amoebiasis Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with amoebiasis b) Outline sign and amoebiasis provided  Assignment paper
symptoms of amoebiasis correctly  Assignment
c) Provide nursing care to report
patient with amoebiasis guideline
d) Outline principles of
prevention and control of
5.4.6 Provide care to patient a) Define amoebiasis Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with acute gastroenteritis b) Outline sign and acute gastroenteritis  Assignment paper
symptoms of amoebiasis provided correctly  Assignment
c) Provide nursing care to report
patient with amoebiasis guideline
d) Outline principles of
prevention and control of
5.5.1 Explain concepts of HIV a) Define HIV and AIDS Concepts of HIV  Written test  Question
and AIDS b) Explain the transmission and AIDS explained  Assignment paper
cycle of HIV correctly  Oral questioning  Assignment
c) Outline mode of report
transmission of HIV guideline
d) Explain the WHO stages  Class
of HIV/AIDS participation
5.5.2 Describe different a) Outline different HIV/ Different  Written test  Question
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
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Outcome Criteria
methods/approaches in AIDS prevention methods/approaches  Assignment paper
HIV/AIDS Prevention measures in HIV/AIDS  Assignment
b) Explain the Abstinance, Prevention described report
Being faithful anc correctly guideline
Condom use (ABC)
c) Explain the PMTCT
5.5.3 Provide Post Exposure a) Define PEP Post Exposure  Written test  Question
Prophylaxis (PEP) to b) Outline steps of Prophylaxis (PEP) to paper
HIV exposed individual. administering PEP HIV exposed
c) Provide nursing care to a provided correctly
patient with PEP
5.5.4 Classify patients a) Identify differential Patients condition by  Written test  Question
condition by utilizing characteristics of WHO utilizing WHO  Assignment paper
WHO clinical staging of HIV/AIDS stages clinical staging  Assignment
HIV/AIDS guideline in b) Outline signs and guideline in report
provision of care symptoms in each of provision of care
WHO Clinical stage classified correctly
c) Provide nursing care to
patients in different WHO
5.5.5 Explain the effect of a) Define stigma and Effect of stigma and  Written test  Question
stigma and discrimination discrimination in  Assignment paper
discrimination in b) Differentiate between management of  Assignment
management of stigma and discrimination HIV/AIDS patients report
HIV/AIDS patients c) Outline the impact of explained correctly guideline
stigma and discrimination

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
in HIV/AIDS nursing
5.5.6 Provide nursing care to a) Outline ARVs side effect Nursing care to  Written test  Question
patient with common b) List the common ARVs patient with  Assignment paper
side effect and adverse side effects common side effect  Assignment
drug reactions related to c) Identify nursing care to and adverse drug report
ARV patient with ARV side reactions related to guideline
Effects. ARV provided
5.5.7 Describe the concepts of a) Define IMAI Concepts of  Written test  Question
integrated management b) Outline the advantages integrated  Assignment paper
of adult and adolescent and disadvantages management of adult  Assignment
illness (IMAI) HIV and management of adult and and adolescent report
AIDS diagnosis adolescent illness (IMAI) illness (IMAI) HIV guideline
HIV and AIDS diagnosis and AIDS diagnosis
c) Outline the steps in described correctly
management of
emergency in IMAI
5.5.8 Provide nursing care to a) Define opportunistic Nursing care to  Written test  Question
patient with HIV related infections patient with HIV  Assignment paper
opportunistic infections b) List common HIV related related opportunistic  Assignment
opportunistic infections infections provided report
c) Outline nursing care correctly guideline
activities to patient with
HIV related opportunistic
5.6.1 Describe concepts of a) Define helminthic Concepts of  Written test  Question
helminthic infections infections helminthic infections

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
b) List common helminthic described correctly  Assignment paper
infections  Assignment
c) Classify common report
helminthic causing guideline
diseases to human being
5.6.2 Provide care to patient a) Define strongyloidiasis , Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with strongyloidiasis & enterobiasis strongyloidiasis and  Assignment paper
enterobiasis b) Explain the epidemiology enterobiasis  Assignment
of strongyloidiasis and Provided correctly report
enterobiasis guideline
c) Outline the clinical
features and diagnostic
measures of
strongyloidiasis and
d) Provide nursing to a
patient with
strongyloidiasis and
5.6.3 Provide care to patient a) Define trichuriasis and Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with trichuriasis and ascariasis trichuriasis and  Assignment paper
ascariasis b) Explain the distribution of ascariasis provided  Assignment
trichuriasis and ascariasis correctly report
c) Outline the clinical guideline
features and diagnostic
measures of trichuriasis
and ascariasis
d) Provide nursing

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
management to a patient
with trichuriasis and
5.6.4 Provide care to patient a) Define hookworm and Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with hookworm and tape tape worm hookworm and tape  Assignment paper
worm b) Explain the distribution of worm provided  Assignment
hookworm and tape worm correctly report
c) Outline the clinical guideline
features and diagnostic
measures of hookworm
and tape worm
d) Provide nursing
management to a patient
with hookworm and tape
5.7.1 Provide care to patient a) Define rabies and tetanus Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with rabies & tetanus b) Explain the life cycle of rabies and tetanus  Assignment paper
rabies and tetanus Provided correctly  Assignment
c) Outline the clinical report
features of rabies and guideline
d) Outline complication
related to rabies and
e) Provide nursing
management to a patient
with rabies and tetanus
5.7.2 Provide care to patient a) Define anthrax and Care to patient with  Written test  Question

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
with anthrax & brucellosis anthrax &  Assignment paper
brucellosis b) Explain the life cycle of brucellosis provided  Assignment
anthrax and brucellosis correctly report
c) Outline the clinical guideline
features of anthrax and
d) Outline complication
related to anthrax and
e) Provide nursing
management to a patient
with anthrax and
5.7.3 Provide care to patient a) Define Rift valley fever Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with rift valley fever & and Ebola rift valley fever  Assignment paper
ebola b) Explain the life cycle of ebola provided  Assignment
Rift valley fever and correctly report
Ebola guideline
c) Outline the clinical
features of Rift valley
fever and Ebola
d) Outline complication
related to Rift valley fever
and Ebola
e) Provide nursing
management to a patient
with Rift valley fever and

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
No Sub – Enabling Related Tasks Assessment Assessment Methods Assessment Tools
Outcome Criteria
5.7.4 Provide care to patient a) Define meningitis Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with meningitis b) Outline the clinical meningitis Provided  Assignment paper
features of patient with correctly  Assignment
meningitis report
c) Outline complication guideline
related to meningitis
d) Provide nursing
management to a patient
with meningitis
5.7.5 Provide care to patient a) Define TB and leprosy Care to patient with  Written test  Question
with TB & leprosy b) Outline the clinical TB & leprosy  Assignment paper
features of patient with provided correctly  Assignment
TB and leprosy report
c) Outline complication guideline
related to TB and leprosy
d) Provide nursing
management to a patient
with TB and leprosy

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
12.2 Benchmarks for Assessment Criteria
The learner has knowledge/skills of, ability to, can…
Assessment Criteria
Satisfactory Good Excellent Male and female Differentiate Differentiate Differentiate between male and female reproductive
reproductive system between between male organs,
are correctly male and and female Describe functions of male and female reproductive
described female reproductive organs
reproductive organs.
organs List functions
of male and
organs External and internal Draw Draw external Draw external and internal parts of male and female
parts of male and external and internal reproductive system and label them all
female reproductive parts female parts of male
system correctly reproductive and female
drawn and labeled system and reproductive
label system and
label external
system Concepts of growth Define Define growth Define growth and development, describe stages of
and development are growth and and growth and development, explain characteristics,
well described development development, factors influencing growth and development and
, explain describe stages principles of growth and development to under five

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
characteristi of growth and
cs of growth development,
and explain
development characteristics
, describe and factors
stages of influencing
growth and growth and
development development to
to under under five
fives Care to under five Maintain Administer Administer antibiotics, analgesics, antipyretics and
children with airway antibiotics, maintain airway clearance, nutrition status, adequate
Pneumonia are clearance analgesics, hydration and oxygenation
correctly provided and nutrition antipyretics
status, and maintain
administer airway
antibiotics, clearance,
analgesics nutrition status
and and adequate
antipyretics hydration Concepts of Define ward Define ward Define ward round, explain importance of ward round,
Ward are correctly round and round, explain explain types of ward round , and describe different
described explain importance of stages of ward round
importance ward round
of ward and explain
round, types of ward

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5 Ward round is done Prepare Prepare Prepare him/herself, prepare patients, prepare
properly to patients him/herself, him/herself, requirement before ward round , conduct ward round,
prepare prepare perform activities after ward round, and evaluate
patients, and patient, activities after ward round
requirement prepare
before ward requirements
round, before ward
conduct round ,
ward round conduct ward
round, and
activities after
ward round Concepts of Explain the Describe the Describe the concepts of community health nursing on
community health concepts of concepts of definition, functions, characteristics, types, purpose, and
nursing are correctly community community interaction of community system, roles, principles,
described health health nursing element and factors influencing community health.
nursing focusing on
focusing on definition,
definition, functions and
functions characteristics,
and types, purpose,
characteristi and interaction
cs. of community
system Community health Defined the Defined the Defined the term community assessment, identified the
needs and problems term term types, identified methods of assessment and sources of
are properly assessed community community data, described data analysis and conducted community
assessment assessment, assessment.
and identified the
identified types,
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
the types. identified
methods of
assessment and
assessment. Concepts of Define Define terms Define the terms communicable disease, incubation
communicable terms communicable period and carrier ,Outline routes of communicable
diseases described communicab disease, disease transmission and describe main methods of
le disease, incubation communicable disease
incubation period and
period and carrier and
carrier, Outline routes
outline of
routes of communicable
communicab disease
le disease transmission

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5 Care to patient with Define Define scabies, Define scabies,
scabies provided scabies,
Explain Explain epidemiological distribution of scabies,
Explain epidemiologica
epidemiolog l Describe clinical picture of the patient with scabies,
distribution of Identify diagnostic techniques for scabies infection,
of scabies scabies,
Describe treatment required for scabies infection
Describe Describe
clinical clinical picture
picture of of the patient
the patient with scabies,
with scabies Identify
Identify diagnostic
diagnostic techniques for
techniques scabies
for scabies ,infection and
infection explain
l distribution of

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5


13.1.1 MODULE CODE: NMT 05101
13.1.2 NAME: Reproductive Health Care
1.5.1. Provide pre-conception care
1.5.2. Provide family planning services
1.5.3. Provide care to a client with infertility and sterility
3.7.4. Provide nursing care to patient with reproductive organs infectious conditions (Endometritis, Cervicitis, Oopharitis,
3.7.5. Provide nursing care to patient with disorders of menstruation (Dysmenorrhoea,
Amenorrhoea, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia)
3.7.6 Provide nursing care to patient with Ovarian cyst


 None
 Lectures, lecture discussion, group discussion, tutorials, seminars, practical and workplace learning, skill laboratory

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
 Computer, assessment tools, examination questions, books, LCD
Continuous Assessment 45%

Written Tests 15%

Assignment report 5%
Practical examinations 15%
Portfolio (casework) 5%
Practical procedure handbook 5%
End of Module Examination 55%
Written Examination 25%
Practical Examination 30%

13.1.9 References
Diane, M.F. & Magret, A. C. (2003). Myles textbook for midwives (14thed). Churchill Livingstone Elsevier Edinburg London new
York oxford Philadelphia st lois Sydney Toronto.

Diane, M. F., Magret, A. C. & Anna, G.W. N. (2009). Myles textbook for midwives (African edition). Churchill livingstone Elsevier
edinburg London new York oxford Philadelphia St. Lois Sydney toronto.

Diane, M. F. & Magret, A. C. (2009). Myles textbook for midwives (15thed). Churchill Livingstone Elsevier edinburg London new
York oxford Philadelphia St. Lois Sydney Toronto.
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Ministry of health and social welfare. (2005). Advanced life saving skills volume 2 training manual. Reproductive and child health

Ministry of health and social welfare (September 2013). Malaria Diagnosis and treatment training manual. National Malaria control

Ministry of health and social welfare (December 2008). Emergency obstetric care job aid. Reproductive and child health section.

Ministry of health and social welfare (2007). Tanzania National PMTCT Guidelines. Ministry of health and social welfare

Ministry of health and social welfare (2010). National Family planning Procedure manual. Ministry of health and social welfare

Ministry of health and social welfare (2010). Learning resource package for basic emergency obstetric and newborn care (BEmONC)
Facilitator guide. Ministry of health and social welfare- Ministry of health and social welfare.

Ruth, V. B. & Linda, K. B. (1996). Myles textbook for midwives, (12thed). Churchill Livingstone edinburg London Madrid Melbourne
new York and Tokyo

WHO Family planning (2011). A global handbook for providers. United states agency for international development USAIDS.

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
13.2.1. MODULE CODE: NMT 05102
13.2.2. MODULE TITLE: Child Health Services
13.2.3. Number of credits: 4
2.1.1 Describe concepts of growth and development to under-fives.
2.1.2 Describe various developmental Milestone to underfive
2.1.3 Monitor growth and development of a child using various tools
2.1.4 Use Road to health card (RCH card number 1) to record growth and development of under-five
2.2.1 Explain basic concepts of immunization
2.2.2 Employ appropriate techniques in maintaining cold chain
2.2.3 Apply knowledge and skills of immunization in the provision of vaccine
 None
 Lecture/discussions, tutorials, seminars, individual and group presentations, gallery walk, demonstrations, simulations,
role modelling, role play, games coaching, practical and workplace learning.


 Computers, Multimedia projector, Chalk/White boards, Flip charts, Chalk /Marker pens, Screen and Overhead Projectors

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Continuous Assessment 45%

Written Tests 15%

Assignment report 5%
Practical examinations 15%
Portfolio (casework) 5%
Practical procedure handbook 5%
End of Module Examination 55%
Written Examination 25%
Practical Examination 30%

13.2.9. References
Ball, J (2006). Child Health Nursing: Partnering with children and families; Prentice Hall

MOH (2003). Management of uncomplicated and severe malaria prescribers’ manual (3rd ed), Dar es Salaam

Stanfield, P., Balldin & Versluys, Z. (2003) Child health. A Manual for medical and health workers in health centres and rural
hospitals. AMREF, Nairobi.

WHO (2006). Hospital Care for Children; Geneva Ashburn, S and Schuster, S (1992). The process of human development. A holistic
life span approach; Lippincott Company

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
13.3.1. MODULE CODE: NMT 05103
13.3.2. MODULE TITLE: Care of a Sick Child
2.3.1 Provide care to under five children with Pneumonia
2.3.2 Provide care to under five children with common cold and tonsillitis
2.3.3 Provide care to underfive children with asthma
2.3.4 Provide care to underfive children with diarrhea
2.3.5 Provide care to underfive children with meningitis and convulsions
2.3.6 Provide care to underfive children with anemia
2.3.7 Provide care to under five children with UTI
2.3.8 Utilize principles of IMCI in managing childhood conditions
2.4.1 Provide care to under five children with fracture
2.4.2 Provide care to under five children with burn and scalds
2.4.3 Provide care to under five children with osteomyelitis
2.4.4 Provide care to under five children with appendicitis
2.5.1 Provide care to under five children with poliomylitis
2.5.2 Provide care to under five children with hepatitis
2.5.3 Provide care to under five children with measles
2.5.4 Provide care to under five children with diphtheria
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
2.5.5 Provide care to under five children with tetanus
2.5.6 Provide care to under five children with pertussis
2.5.7 Provide care to under five children with tuberculosis
2.6.1 Provide care to under five children with marasmus
2.6.2 Provide care to under five children with kwashiorkor
2.6.3 Provide care to under five children with marasmic kwashiorkor
2.7.1 Provide care to a drowned under five child
2.7.2 Provide care to under five children with trauma
2.7.3 Provide care to under five children with bites and stings
2.7.4 Provide care to under five children with poisoning


 None
 Lecture, lecture discussion, group discussion, skills lab demonstration, tutorial, seminars
 Text books, LCD projector, flip charts, chalks/ white boards, chalk/marker pens
Continuous Assessment 45%
Written Tests 10%
Assignment report 5%

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Practical examination 15%
Portfolio (case study) 5%
Practical procedure handbook 10%
End of Module Examination 55%
Written Examination 20%
Project report 5%
Practical Examination 30%
13.3.9. Key References
Alexander, M. F. Fawcett, J. N. & Runciman, P. J. (2002) Nursing Practice.( 2nd ed).Churchill Livingstone. London.
Bare, B. & Smeltzer, C.S. (1999). Text Book of Medical Surgical Nursing (9th ed). Philadelphia Lippincott Willams & Wilkins
Bare, B. & Smeltzer, C.S. (2004). Text Book of Medical Surgical Nursing (10th ed). Philadelphia Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Brigden J. R. (1998). Operating Theatres Technique ( 5th Ed).Churchill Livingstone
Grven, R. E. & Hirine, C.J. (2009). Fundamentals of nursing (6th ed). Philadelphia. Lippincott Williams & Wilkin
Prof.paget. S.& Nimrod.B.(2007).Child health.African medical and research foundation Nairobi.

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
13.4.1 MODULE CODE: NMT 05104
13.4.2 MODULE TITLE: Basic Care of Patient with Medical Conditions
3.1.1 Describe concepts of ward round
3.1.2 Describe nurses’ roles in performing ward round
3.1.3 Demonstrate team working during ward round
3.2.1 Collect specimen by using standard operating procedures
3.2.2 Test specimen using standard operating procedures
3.2.3 Interpret specimen results according guideline
3.3.1 Provide nursing care to patient with Common cold/flu
3.3.2 Provide nursing care to patient with Pneumonia
3.3.4 Provide nursing care to patient with Laryngitis
3.3.5 Provide care to patient with Airway obstructions
3.3.6 Provide nursing care to patient with Asthma
3.5.1 Provide nursing care to patient with Oral thrush
3.5.2 Provide nursing care to patient with Dental carries
3.5.3 Provide nursing care to patient with Gastritis
3.5.4 Provide care to patient with Peptic ulcers
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
3.5.5 Provide nursing care to patient with gastroenteritis
3.5.6 Provide nursing care to patient with diabetes
3.6.1 Provide nursing care to patient with Pruritis and Impetigo
3.6.2 Provide care to patient with Eczema and Acne vulgaris
3.6.3 Provide nursing care to patient with Herpes zoster and herpes simplex
3.6.4 Provide care to patient with Exfoliative dermatitis
3.6.5 Nursing care to a patient with conditions affecting external and internal ear
3.6.6 Provide nursing care to patient with Foreign body
3.6.7 Nursing care of the patient with condition affecting eye. (brepharitis, hordeolum, keratitis and uveitis)
3.7.1 Provide nursing care to patient with urinary inflammatory conditions (Urethritis and
3.7.2 Provide nursing care to patient with kidney disorders (Nephritis and Nephrotic syndrome)


 None
 Lectures and tutorials, assignments, skills laboratory demonstration, clinical practice, case presentations, case studies,
written tests and examinations.
 Text books, LCD projector, computer, flip charts, projection screen, marker pens, practical procedure handbook, skills
laboratory and a sample examination questions.
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Continuous Assessment 45%
Written Tests 20%
Assignment report 5%
Clinical Practice Assessment 10%
Case study/presentation 5%
Practical procedure handbook 5%
End of Module Examination 55%
Written Examination 30%
Practical Examination 25%
13.4.9 References:
Brunner & Suddarths (2004).Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (10th ed). Lippicott: Williams & wilkings.

Brunner& Suddarths (2010). Textbook of Medical-Surgical nursing 12th ed.Lippicott: Williams & wilkings.

Dossey, M.B., Guzzetta, C. E., & Kenner, C. V. (1992). Critical Care Nursing; Body-Mind-Spirit (3rd ed). Philadelphia, New
York: Baltimore. J.B. Lippincott Company.

National guidelines for the clinical management of HIV/AIDS 4th edition MOH Tanzania April 2012

Nordberg, E & Kingondu ,T. (2007). Communicable disease( 4th ed) . Nairobi

Perry, A. G., & Potter, P. A. (1994). Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques (3rd ed.). St, Louis, Missouri (USA).Mosby.

Rosdahl, C. B. (1999). Textbook of Basic Nursing (7th ed.). Philadelphia, New York: Baltimore. J.B. Lippincott Company.

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Watson. J. E. (1997). Medical Surgical Nursing and Related Physiology. Sunders. London

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
13.5.1 MODULE CODE: NMT 05105
13.5.2 MODULE TITLE: Basic Care of Patient with Surgical Conditions
3.8.1. Explain concepts of operating theatre
3.8.2. Prepare Operating theatre room for surgery
3.8.3. Provide Pre-operative nursing care
3.8.4. Provide intra-operative nursing care
3.8.5. Provide post-operative nursing care
3.3.3 Provide nursing care to patient with Tonsillitis
3.4.1. Provide nursing care to patient with Fracture and dislocation
3.4.2. Provide care to patient with wound
3.4.3. Provide nursing care to patient with Burn
3.7.3. Provide nursing care to male patient with disorders of reproductive system (Phimosis, paraphimosis, Epispadiasis,
Hypospadias, Balanitis, Urethral stricture Orchitis, Undescended testicles, and prostatitis).
3.7.6. Provide nursing care to patient with Ovarian cyst


 None
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
 Lectures and tutorials, assignments, skills laboratory demonstration, clinical practice, case presentations, case studies,
written tests and examinations.
 Text books, LCD projector, computer, flip charts, projection screen, marker pens, practical procedure handbook, skills
laboratory and a sample of examination questions.


Continuous Assessment 45%
Written Tests 20%
Assignment report 5%
Clinical Practice Assessment 10%
Case study/presentation 5%
Practical procedure handbook 5%
End of Module Examination 55%
Written Examination 30%
Practical Examination 25%

13.5.9 References:

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Brigden J. R. (1998). Operating Theatres Technique( 5th Ed).Churchill Livingstone

Brunner & Suddarths (2004).Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (10th ed). Lippicott: Williams & wilkings.

Brunner& Suddarths (2010). Textbook of Medical-Surgical nursing 12th ed.Lippicott: Williams & wilkings.

Dossey, M.B., Guzzetta, C. E., & Kenner, C. V. (1992). Critical Care Nursing; Body-Mind-Spirit (3rd ed). Philadelphia, New
York: Baltimore. J.B. Lippincott Company.

Grven, R. E. & Hirine, C.J. (2009). Fundamentals of nursing (6th ed). Philadelphia. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5

13.6.1 MODULE CODE: NMT 05106

13.6.1 MODULE TITLE : Basics of Mental Health Nursing

3.9.1. Describe basic concept and principles of mental health

3.9.2. Describe common signs and symptoms of mental illness
3.9.3. Conduct mental status assessment to client with abnormal behaviors
3.9.4. Provide care to client with anxiety disorders
3.9.5. Provide care to clients with psychoactive substance misuse


 None
 Lecture/discussions, tutorials, seminars, individual and group presentations, gallery walk, demonstrations, simulations,
role modelling, role play, games coaching, practical and workplace learning.
 Computers, Multimedia projector, Chalk/White boards, Flip charts, Chalk /Marker pens, Screen and Overhead Projectors


Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Continuous Assessment 45%
Written Tests 20%
Assignment report 5%
Clinical Practice Tests 10%
Case study/presentation 5%
Practical procedure handbook 5%
End of Module Examination 55%
Written Examination 30%
Practical Examination 25%
13.6.8 Referances
WHO (2000). Collaborating centre for Mental Health Disorders; Australia

Habber, J, Leah, A and Schudy, S. (2000). Comprehensive Psychiatric Nursing. McGraw Hallbook company

DSM – VTM (2005). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental Health disorders, Washington

Mbatia, J, Kilonzo G, and Hauli, J (2004) Mental Health. A basic manual for General health workers in primary health
care. MEHATA publication, Dar es Salaam

Ndetei, D (2006). Clinical psychiatry and mental health. AMREF, Nairobi

Perry, A. G., & Potter, P. A. (1994). Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques (3rd ed.). St, Louis, Missouri (USA).Mosby.

Rosdahl, C. B. (1999). Textbook of Basic Nursing (7th ed.). Philadelphia, New York: Baltimore. J.B. Lippincott

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
13.7.1 MODULE CODE: NMT 05107
13.7.2 MODULE TITLE: Care of a Woman During Antenatal Period

1.1.1 Describe concepts of midwifery

1.1.2 Describe female and male reproductive system structure and function relating to midwifery
1.1.3 Describe female pelvis
1.1.4 Describe fertilization and development of the fetus
1.1.5 Describe placenta
1.1.6 Describe fetal skull and circulation
1.1.7 Describe physiological changes during pregnancy
1.1.8 Provide focused antenatal care (FANC) to pregnant woman
1.1.9 Provide care to a pregnant woman with minor disorders


 None

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
 Lectures, lecture discussion, group discussion, tutorials, seminars, practical and workplace learning, skill laboratory
 Computer, assessment tools, examination questions, books, LCD
Continuous Assessment 45%
Written Tests 20%
Assignment report 5%
Practical examinations 15%
Portfolio (casework) 5%
Practical procedure handbook 5%

End of Module Examination 55%

Written Examination 25%
Practical Examination 30%
13.7.9 References
Diane. M.F & Margret A.C. (2009). Myles textbook for midiwives15thed. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier Edinburg London
New York oxford Philadelphia st lois Sydney Toronto.

Diane. M.F &Margret A.C. (2003). Myles textbook for midiwives14thed. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier Edinburg London
New York oxford Philadelphia St Luis Sydney Toronto.

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Diane. M.F, Magret A.C. & Anna. G.W.N. (2009).Myles textbook for midwives African edition. Churchill Livingstone
Elsevier Edinburg London New York oxford Philadelphia St Luis Sydney Toronto.

Ministry of health and social welfare (2010).Learning resource package for basic emergency obstetric and newborn care
(BEmONC) Facilitator guide. Ministry of health and social welfare- Ministry of health and social welfare.

Ministry of health and social welfare (2010).National Family planning Procedure manual. Ministry of health and social welfare

Ministry of health and social welfare (December 2008).Emergency obstetric care job aid. Reproductive and child health

Ministry of health and social welfare (September 2013).Malaria Diagnosis and treatment training manual. National Malaria
control Programme.

Ministry of health and social welfare. (2005).Advanced life saving skills volume 2 training manual. Reproductive and child
health section.

Ministry of health and social welfare. (2007).Tanzania National PMTCT Guidelines. Ministry of health and social welfare

Ruth. V.B. & Linda .K.B.(1996). Myles textbook for midiwives, 12th ed. Churchill Livingstone Edinburg London Madrid
Melbourne New York and Tokyo

WHO Family planning (2011).A global handbook for providers. United States agency for international development USAID

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
13.8.1 MODULE CODE: NMT 05208
13.8.2 MODULE TITTLE: Care of a Woman in Labour and Pueperium
1.2.1 Provide care to woman in first stage of labour
1.2.2 Manage woman in second stage of labour
1.2.3 Manage woman in third and fourth stage of labour
1.2.4 Provide care to a woman in puerperium


 None


 Lectures, lecture discussion, group discussion, tutorials, seminars, practical and workplace learning, skill laboratory


 Computer, assessment tools, examination questions, books, LCD


Continuous Assessment 45%

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Written Tests 15%
Assignment report 5%
Clinical Practice Tests 15%
Case study/presentation 5%
Practical procedure handbook 15%
End of Module Examination 55%
Written Examination 25%
Practical Examination 30%

13.8.9 References
Diane. M.F & Margret A.C. (2003). Myles textbook for midiwives14thed. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier Edinburg London New
York oxford Philadelphia St Luis Sydney Toronto.

Diane. M.F & Margret A.C. (2009). Myles textbook for midiwives15thed. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier Edinburg London New
York oxford Philadelphia st lois Sydney Toronto.

Diane. M.F, Margret A.C. & Anna. G.W.N. (2009).Myles textbook for midiwives African edition. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier
Edinburg London New York oxford Philadelphia St Luis Sydney Toronto.

Ministry of health and social welfare (2010).Learning resource package for basic emergency obstetric and newborn care
(BEmONC) Facilitator guide. Ministry of health and social welfare- Ministry of health and social welfare.

Ministry of health and social welfare (2010).National Family planning Procedure manual. Ministry of health and social welfare
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Ministry of health and social welfare (December 2008).Emergency obstetric care job aid. Reproductive and child health section.

Ministry of health and social welfare (September 2013).Malaria Diagnosis and treatment training manual. National Malaria control

Ministry of health and social welfare. (2005).Advanced life saving skills volume 2 training manual. Reproductive and child health

Ministry of health and social welfare. (2007).Tanzania National PMTCT Guidelines. Ministry of health and social welfare

Ruth. V.B. & Linda .K.B. (1996). Myles textbook for midwives, 12thed. Churchill Livingstone Edinburg London Madrid
Melbourne New York and Tokyo

WHO Family planning (2011).A global handbook for providers. United States agency for international development USAIDS.

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
13.9.1 MODULE CODE: NMT 05209
13.9.2 MODULE TITLE: Pre Referral Management of Abnormal Pregnancy Labour and Pueperium
1.3.1 Provide pre referral management to the woman with abnormal pregnancy

1.3.2 Provide pre referral management to the woman with abnormal labour

1.3.3 Provide pre referral management to the woman with abnormal puerperium


 Care of woman in labour and puerperium
 Lecture, lecture discussion, group discussion, skills lab demonstration, tutorial, seminars
Text books, LCD projector, flip charts, chalks/ white boards,
Continuous Assessment 45%
Written test 10%
Assignment report 5%
Portfolio (case study) 5%
Practical examinations 20%
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Practical procedure/log book 10%
End of Semester Examination 55%
Written examination 25%
Practical examination 30%

13.9.9 References
Diane. M.F & Margret A.C. (2009). Myles textbook for midiwives15thed. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier Edinburg London New
York oxford Philadelphia st lois Sydney Toronto.

Diane. M.F &Margret A.C. (2003). Myles textbook for midiwives14thed. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier Edinburg London New
York oxford Philadelphia St Luis Sydney Toronto.

Diane. M.F, Magret A.C. & Anna. G.W.N. (2009).Myles textbook for midwives African edition. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier
Edinburg London New York oxford Philadelphia St Luis Sydney Toronto.

Ministry of health and social welfare (2010).Learning resource package for basic emergency obstetric and newborn care
(BEmONC) Facilitator guide. Ministry of health and social welfare- Ministry of health and social welfare.

Ministry of health and social welfare (2010).National Family planning Procedure manual. Ministry of health and social welfare

Ministry of health and social welfare (December 2008).Emergency obstetric care job aid. Reproductive and child health section.

Ministry of health and social welfare (September 2013).Malaria Diagnosis and treatment training manual. National Malaria
control Programme.

Ministry of health and social welfare. (2005).Advanced life saving skills volume 2 training manual. Reproductive and child
health section.

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Ministry of health and social welfare. (2007).Tanzania National PMTCT Guidelines. Ministry of health and social welfare

Ruth. V.B. & Linda .K.B.(1996). Myles textbook for midiwives, 12th ed. Churchill Livingstone Edinburg London Madrid
Melbourne New York and Tokyo

WHO Family planning (2011).A global handbook for providers. United States agency for international development USAID

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
13.10.1 MODULE CODE: NMT 05210
13.10.2 MODULE TITTLE: Care of a Normal New born
1.4.1 Provide general care to a new born
1.4.2 Provide immediate care to a Newborn
1.4.3 Resuscitate a newborn

1.4.4 Provide care to newborn with minor conditions

13.10.5 PREREQUISITE MUDULES: Care of a woman in labor and puerperium

13.10.6 LEARNING CONTEXT: Lectures, lecture discussion, group discussion, tutorials, seminars, practical and workplace
learning, skill laboratory demonstrations
13.10.7 TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: Computer, assessment tools, examination questions, books, LCD
Continuous Assessment 45%
Written test 10%
Assignment report 5%
Portfolio (case study) 5%

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Practical examinations 20%
Practical procedure/log book 10%
End of Semester Examination 55%
Written examination 25%
Practical examination 30%

13.10.9 References
Diane. M.F & Margret A.C. (2009). Myles textbook for midiwives15thed. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier Edinburg London
New York oxford Philadelphia st lois Sydney Toronto.

Diane. M.F &Margret A.C. (2003). Myles textbook for midiwives14thed. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier Edinburg London
New York oxford Philadelphia St Luis Sydney Toronto.

Diane. M.F, Magret A.C. & Anna. G.W.N. (2009).Myles textbook for midwives African edition. Churchill Livingstone
Elsevier Edinburg London New York oxford Philadelphia St Luis Sydney Toronto.

Ministry of health and social welfare (2010).Learning resource package for basic emergency obstetric and newborn care
(BEmONC) Facilitator guide. Ministry of health and social welfare- Ministry of health and social welfare.

Ministry of health and social welfare (2010).National Family planning Procedure manual. Ministry of health and social welfare

Ministry of health and social welfare (December 2008).Emergency obstetric care job aid. Reproductive and child health

Ministry of health and social welfare (September 2013).Malaria Diagnosis and treatment training manual. National Malaria
control Programme.

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Ministry of health and social welfare. (2005).Advanced life saving skills volume 2 training manual. Reproductive and child
health section.

Ministry of health and social welfare. (2007).Tanzania National PMTCT Guidelines. Ministry of health and social welfare

Ruth. V.B. & Linda .K.B.(1996). Myles textbook for midiwives, 12th ed. Churchill Livingstone Edinburg London Madrid
Melbourne New York and Tokyo

WHO Family planning (2011).A global handbook for providers. United States agency for international development USAID

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
13.11.1 MODULE CODE: NMT 05211
13.11.2 MODULE TITLE: Management of Communicable Diseases
5.1.1 Describe concepts of communicable diseases
5.1.2 Provide care to patient with scabies
5.1.3 Provide care to patient with Pediculosis
5.1.4. Provide care to patient with tinea infection
5.1.5 Provide care to patient with bacterial conjunctivitis
5.1.6 Provide care to patient with trachoma
5.2.1. Describe concepts of STIs
5.2.2. Provide care to patient with syphilis &gonorrhea
5.2.3. Provide care to patient with chancroid & chlamydia
5.2.4. Provide care to patient with trichomoniasis and candidiasis
5.3.1. Describe Concepts of vector borne diseases
5.3.2. Provide care to patient with malaria, plague & dengue
5.3.3 Provide care to patient with bancroftian filariasis, schistosomiasis & onchocerciasis.
5.3.4. Provide care to patient with relapsing fever and trypanosomiasis.
5.4.1. Describe concepts of fecal-oral diseases

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
5.4.2. Provide care to patient with cholera
5.4.3. Provide care to patient with typhoid fever
5.4.4. Provide care to patient with dysentery
5.4.5. Provide care to patient with amoebiasis
5.4.6. Provide care to patient with acute gastroenteritis.
5.5.1. Explain concepts of HIV and AIDS
5.5.2. Describe different methods/approaches in HIV/AIDS Prevention
5.5.3. Provide Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) to HIV exposed individual.
5.5.4. Classify patients’ condition by utilizing WHO clinical staging of HIV/AIDS guideline in provision of care
5.5.5. Explain the effect of stigma and discrimination in management of HIV/AIDS patients
5.5.6. Provide nursing care to patient with common side effect and adverse drug reactions related to ARV
5.5.7. Describe the concepts of integrated management of adult and adolescent illness (IMAI) HIV and AIDS diagnosis
5.5.8. Provide nursing care to patient with HIV related opportunistic infections
5.6.1. Describe concepts of helminthic infections
5.6.2. Provide care to patient with strongyloidiasis & enterobiasis
5.6.3. Provide care to patient with trichuriasis and ascariasis
5.6.4. Provide care to patient with hookworm and tape worm
5.7.1. Provide care to patient with rabies & tetanus
5.7.2. Provide care to patient with anthrax & brucellosis
5.7.3. Provide care to patient with rift valley fever & ebola
5.7.4. Provide care to patient with meningitis
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
5.7.5. Provide care to patient with TB & leprosy
5.7.6. Provide care to patient with measles and mumps


 None
 Lecture/discussions, tutorials, seminars, individual and group presentations, gallery walk, demonstrations, simulations,
role modelling, role play, games coaching, practical and workplace learning.
 Computers, Multimedia projector, Chalk/White boards, Flip charts, Chalk /Marker pens, Screen and Overhead Projectors
Continuous Assessment 45%
Written Tests 20%
Assignment report 5%
Clinical Practice Tests 10%
Case study/presentation 5%
Practical procedure handbook 5%
End of Module Examination 55%
Written Examination 25%
Practical Examination 30%
Sub Total 55%
Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
13.11.9 References
Alexander, M. F. Fawcett, J. N. & Runciman, P. J. (2002). Nursing Practice.( 2nd ed). Churchill Livingstone. London.
Bare, B. & Smeltzer, C.S. (2004). Text Book of Medical Surgical Nursing (10th ed). Philadelphia Lippincott Williams &
Bare, B. & Smeltzer, C.S. (1999). Text Book of Medical Surgical Nursing (9th ed). Philadelphia Lippincott Willams &
Brunner, I and Suddath, S (2000), Medical and surgical nursing (10th ed), Lippincott, Philadelphia, New York
MOH (2001). STI Training a manual for clinicians, Dar es Salaam
MOH (2005). Guidelines for Home-Based Care Services in Tanzania, Dar es Salaam
MOH (2005). National Guidelines for HIV.AIDS in Tanzania, Dar es Salaam
MOH (2007). HIV/AIDS. Management of HIV infected patients, Dar es Salaam
Norberg, F (2007). Communicable diseases. A manual for health workers in sub-Saharan Africa, (4th ed) AMREF, Nairobi

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
13.12.1 MODULE CODE: NMT 05112
13.12.2 MODULE TITLE Community Based Health Care
4.3.1 Explain concepts of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Violence against Children (VAC)
4.3.2 Prevent GBV and VAC in the community
4.3.3 Manage survivors of GBV and VAC in different setting
4.4.1. Describe concepts of epidemiology and demography.
4.4.2. Describe demographic data and health vital statistics in the community.
4.2.1 Conduct screening in identifying health risks.
4.2.2 Prevent diseases through community participation
4.1.6 Evaluate Community health care interventions
4.4.3. Formulate interventions to address community health problems

 None
 Lecture discussion, assignments, field visits, community field work practice

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
 Computer, LCD, chalkboard, whiteboard, flip charts, marker pen, chalks, field work guidelines, tape measures, weighing


Continuous assessment 45%
Written Test 30%
Assignment 15%
End of semester Examination 55%
Written examination 55%

13.12.9 Reference
Allender, J.A & Spradley, B. (2001). Community Health Nursing concepts and practice; 5th Edition, Lippincott Philadelphia,
New York.
Bennet, J. (199). Community Health in Developing Countries
Clemen-stone, S, MC Guire, S, Eigsti, D, (2002). Comprehensive Community Health Nursing Family Aggregate and
Community practice, ( 6th Ed), Mosby St. Louis, London
Stanhope, L. (2000). Community public Health Nursing, 5th Edition, St. Louis, Toronto
Wood, C. Glanville, H & Vaughan, J. (2001). Community Health, 2nd Edition, AMREF, Nairobi

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
13.13.1 MODULE CODE: NMT 05213
13.13.2 MODULE TITLE: Community Health Nursing
4.1.1 Describe concepts of community health nursing
4.2.3 Describe concepts of Primary Health Care (PHC) in the promotion of community health
4.2.4 Provide community based health care (CBHC) to clients according to individual needs in the community
4.1.2 Assess community health needs and problems by utilizing community nursing process.
4.1.3 Diagnose the community problems by utilizing community nursing process.
4.1.4 Plan community care according to community health needs.
4.1.5 Implement community health care by using community nursing process.

 None
 Lecture discussion, assignments, field visits, community field work practice
 Computer, LCD, chalkboard, whiteboard, flip charts, marker pen, chalks, field work guidelines, tape measures, weighing

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5
Continuous assessment 45%
Written Test 30%
Assignment 10%
End of semester Examination 55%
Written examination 35%
Project Report 20%
13.13.9 Reference
Allender, J.A & Spradley, B. (2001). Community Health Nursing concepts and practice; 5th Edition, Lippincott Philadelphia,
New York.
Bennet, J. (199). Community Health in Developing Countries
Clemen-stone, S, MC Guire, S, Eigsti, D, (2002). Comprehensive Community Health Nursing Family Aggregate and
Community practice, (6th Ed), Mosby St. Louis, London
Stanhope, L. (2000). Community public Health Nursing, 5th Edition, St. Louis, Toronto
Wood, C. Glanville, H & Vaughan, J. (2001). Community Health, 2nd Edition, AMREF, Nairobi

Curriculum for Technician Certificate in Nursing NTA LEVEL 5

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