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Accelerated Fatigue Resistance of Thick CAD/CAM Composite Resin Overlays Bonded With Light - and Dual-Polymerizing Luting Resins

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Accelerated Fatigue Resistance of Thick CAD/CA M

Composite Resin Overlays Bonded with Light- and

Dual-polymerizing Luting Resins
Jack Goldberg3*/ Jan-Frederik Guthb / Pascal Magnec

Purpose: To evaluate the accelerated fatigue resistance of thick CAD/CAM composite resin overlays luted with
three different bonding methods.

Materials and Methods: Forty-five sound human second mandibular molars were organized and distributed into
three experimental groups. All teeth were restored with a 5-mm-thick CAD/CAM composite resin overlay. Group A:
immediate dentin sealing (IDS) with Optibond FL and luted with light-polymerizing composite (Herculite XRV). Group
B: IDS with Optibond FL and luted with dual-polymerizing composite (Nexus 3). Group C: direct luting with Optibond
FL and dual-polymerizing composite (Nexus 3). Masticatory forces at a frequency of 5 Hz were simulated using
closed-loop servo-hydraulics and forces starting with a load of 200 N for 5000 cycles, followed by steps of 400,
600, 800, 1000, 1200 and 1400 N for a maximum of 30,000 cycles. Each step was applied through a flat steel
cylinder at a 45-degree angle under submerged conditions.

Results: The fatigue test generated one failure in group A, three failures in group B, and no failures in group C. The
survival table analysis for the fatigue te st did not demonstrate any significant difference between the groups
(p = 0.154). The specimens that survived the fatigue test were set up for the load-to-failure test with a limit of
4600 N. The survival table analysis for the load-to-failure test demonstrates an average failure load of 3495.20 N
with survival of four specimens in group A, an average failure load of 4103.60 N with survival of six specimens in
group B, and an average failure load of 4 075.33 N with survival of nine specimens in group C. Pairwise compari­
sons revealed no significant differences (p < 0.016 after Bonferroni correction).

Conclusion: Within the limitations of this in vitro study, it can be concluded that although the dual-polymerizing lut­
ing material seems to provide better results under extreme conditions, light-polymerizing luting composites in com­
bination with IDS are not contraindicated with thick restorations.

Keywords: CAD/CAM, composite resin, dual-polymerizin g, fatigue resistance, immediate dentin sealing, light-poly­
merizing, overlays.

J Adhes Dent 2016; 18: 341-348. Submitted for publication: 23.08.15; accepted for publication: 01.06.16
doi: 10.3290/j.jad.a3651 5

rom a biomimetic perspective, the conservation of tooth parameters.25 It is clearly beneficial to keep the pulp alive by
F structure is paramount in maintaining the subtle equilib­
rium between biological, mechanical, functional, and esthetic
preventing endodontic treatm ent and avoiding the use of
posts and cores, because these more invasive approaches
violate the biomechanical balance and compromise the per­
formance of restored teeth over tim e.45 As quantified by
3 Private Practice, Mexico City, Mexico. Idea, conducted the experiments, wrote Edelhoff et al,10*preparations with deep shoulders and cham­
the manuscript.
fers, as required for complete coverage crowns utilizing con­
b Associate Professor, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Ludwig Maximilian
University, Munich, Germany. Statistical evaluation, contributed substantially
ventional retention and resistance forms, have been strongly
to conducting the experiments, proofread the manuscript. associated with decreased remaining tooth structure and
c Associate Professor, Division of Restorative Sciences, and Don and Sybil Har­ subsequent pulpal complications.14’43
rington Foundation Professor of Esthetic Dentistry, Herman Ostrow School of Even though posts are frequently used to retain coronal
Dentistry of University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Experimen­
tal design, contributed substantially to the discussion, proofread the manuscript. buildup materials, they do not reinforce roots and may even
weaken them through loss of radicular dentin necessitated
Correspondence: Dr. Jack Goldberg, Grupo Dental Bosques/Oral Health & by post space preparation.3 The loss of tooth structure dur­
Smile Design, Paseo de los Laurales 458-302 B, Bosques de las Lomas,
C iudad de M exico D.F. 0 5 1 2 0 , M exico. Tel: + 5 2 -5 5 -1 3 2 7 -0 0 5 0 ; ing preparation affects tooth stiffness, reduces its resis­
e-mail: jackgoidbergdds@gm tance to fracture, and consequently lim its its prognosis.

Vol 18, No 4, 2016 341

Goldberg et al

Other studies12-16’23'27 have confirmed that endodontically high power light curing of a direct composite may be a via­
treated teeth restored without posts have similar fracture ble alternative to luting lithium disilicate glass-ceramic
resistances and failure modes compared with those with CAD/CAM restorations.
posts, which suggest th a t posts are not necessarily re­ Gregor et al15 concluded that the Vicker’s microhardness
quired. values of the dual-polymerized resin cement and the light-
Partial coverage preparations with reduced macroreten- polymerized restorative composite resin through 7.5-mm-
tive geometry, such as onlays and partial coverage ceramic thick endocrowns reached at least 80% of the control Vick-
crowns, could be a good alternative in such cases and have e r’s m icrohardness values, which m eans th a t both
been reported to remove half the amount of tooth structure materials can be adequately polymerized when they are
compared to a complete coverage metal ceramic crown.10 used for luting thick indirect restorations.
With survival rates of 88.7% after 17 years35 and 84% after The purpose of this study was to assess and compare
12 years,13 porcelain adhesive inlays and onlays have dem­ the accelerated fatigue resistance and fracture load of
onstrated long-term reliability. 5-mm-thick non-retentive CAD/CAM composite resin over­
The performance of composite resins has also improved lays luted with three different luting methods for the reha­
significantly during the last decade22-24’44 through a super­ bilitation of heavily compromised molars. The null hypothe­
ior bond between the different phases34 and various post­ sis considered was that no significant difference would be
polymerization treatm ents.39 Key properties of composite found with respect to fatigue resistance among the three
resin restorations include their low abrasiveness to antago­ luting methods used in this study for composite overlays.
nistic teeth21 and low elastic modulus, allowing more ab­
sorption of functional stresses through deformation 30 The
fatigue resistance of CAD/CAM composite resin overlays MATERIALS AND METHODS
has proved to exceed that of CAD/CAM porcelain ones.29
Given the development of stronger materials in combination Once approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of
with CAD/ CAM techniques and innovative adhesive technol­ the University o f Southern C alifornia Review Board,
ogy such as immediate dentin sealing (IDS),8'26'32'37 which 45 freshly extracted sound human second mandibular mo­
implies sealing the freshly cut dentin with a dentin bonding lars were stored in 0.1% thymol solution (Tymol Crystal,
agent directly following tooth preparation, more conservative Merck; Darmstadt, Germany).
approaches should consequently be considered. Using the stratified random sampling process, all teeth
Several kinds of resin cements are available for use as (N = 45) were organized into groups of three by approxi­
luting agents for indirect restorations.40 It is essential to mately similar sizes (medium-sized buccolingual and mesio-
achieve adequate polymerization of the luting resin under distal dimensions, height); afterwards, these teeth were
the restoration, because the degree of monomer conversion randomly distributed into the te s t groups A, B, and C
of the resin is intimately related to its final mechanical and (n = 15). A single operator with 12 years of experience per­
biological properties.4-38 Therefore, the extent of the poly­ formed all the procedures. Teeth were mounted in a special
merization of the resin cement indirectly plays an important positioning jig with acrylic resin (Palapress vario light pink,
role in the ultimate success of the restoration. The pres­ Heraeus Kulzer; Hanau, Germany), embedding the root up
ence of a composite resin or ceramic restoration between to 2.0 mm below the cementoenamel junction (CEJ).
the light tip and the resin cement impairs the transmission
of the polymerizing light, thus reducing the energy density Tooth Preparation
available for the photoinitiated polymerization.1-24 A standardized, flat, nonretentive tooth preparation was cre­
The question still remains whether to use a dual-polymer­ ated by removing the clinical crown down to 2 mm above
izing or light-polymerizing luting agent to bond the restor­ the CEJ using a round-ended tapered diamond rotary cutting
ation to the conservatively prepared tooth. As early as instrument (850-023, Brasseler USA; Savannah, GA, USA)
1995, Besek et al5 found that dual-polymerizing resin had without opening the pulp chamber (Fig 1). Once the prepar­
no advantages over light-polymerizing resin with respect to ation was completed, the specimens from groups A and B
polymerization rate when seating Cerec CAD/CAM inlays. received immediate dentin sealing, whereas delayed dentin
Park et al36 found that the restorative composites polymer­ bonding was carried out for specimens in group C. As sug­
ized more efficiently than did the dual-polymerizing resin gested by several authors,28-29'31 a three-step etch-and-
cements, and Kramer et al19 concluded that the substance rinse dentin bonding agent (OptiBond FL, Kerr; Orange, CA,
loss within the luting gap of restorative composites was USA) was used following the manufacturer’s instructions;
more resistant to mechanical wear than dual-polymerizing 15-s dentin etching with 37.5% phosphoric acid (Ultra-Etch,
resins. Ultradent; South Jordan, UT, USA), copious rinsing, careful
Kramer et al18 and Schulte et al42 found that solely light- air drying for 3 to 5 s without desiccation, application of the
polymerized luting composite can be used successfully in primer with a light brushing motion for 15 s, air drying for 3
routine clinical therapy, demonstrated a certain advantage to 5 s, and application of adhesive resin only on dentin by
in handling, and found less excess at the margins due to gentle brushing for 20 s (no air thinning). The adhesive was
the ability of the clinician to remove the excess prior to then light polymerized for 20 s at 1000 mW /cm2 (Valo; Ul­
polymerization. Recently, Kameyama et al17 concluded that tradent) with an additional 10 s under an air barrier (K-Y

342 The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry

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Fig 1 Standardized flat nonretentive preparation with anti-rota­ Fig 2 Immediate dentin sealing, step-by-step procedure (groups A
tional features. and B).

Fig 3 Restoration design using Cerec 3 CAD/CAM system. Fig 4 Excess of light-polymerized restorative composite (Herculite
XRV, group A).

Jelly; Johnson & Johnson; New Brunswick, NJ, USA) to re­ lotte, NC, USA), following thorough rinsing for 20 s with oil-
duce the oxygen-inhibition layer (Fig 2). Excess adhesive free water. Cleaning included the application of 37.5%
resin was then removed from the surrounding enamel with phosphoric acid (Ultra-Etch; Ultradent), as recommended in
a round diamond rotary cutting instrument (801-023, Bras- previous studies,940,21,39 followed by rinsing for 20 s and
seler USA; Savannah, GA, USA) and 2-mm-deep indenta­ immersion in distilled water in an ultrasonic bath for 3 min.
tions were prepared with a round diamond rotary cutting in­ After air drying, the intaglio surfaces were silanated (Silane,
strument (801-014, Brasseler USA; Savannah, GA, USA) in Ultradent) and heat dried at 100°C for 1 min (DI500 oven,
the mesial and distal areas for anti-rotation purposes at Coltene; Altstatten, Switzerland).
1500 rpm. Each tooth was then stored in distilled water for
24 h before the designing, machining and adhesive place­ Group A
ment of the CAD/CAM restorations. To reactivate the IDS-surface, all teeth in group A were air­
borne-particle abraded with 27-pm aluminum oxide at
Design and Fabrication of the Restorations 0.5 bar (Rondoflex plus 360, KaVo Dental), and etched for
All specimens were restored using the Cerec 3 CAD/CAM 30 s with 37.5% phosphoric acid (Ultra-Etch, Ultradent),
system (Fig 3) (Cerec software v3.03; Sirona Dental Sys­ rinsed and dried. The adhesive resin (Optibond FL, bottle 2;
tems; Bensheim, Germany) and were fitted with a standard­ Kerr; Orange, CA, USA) was applied to both fitting surfaces
ized 5-mm-thick cylindrical overlay milled out of a CAD/CAM of the restoration and the tooth and left unpolymerized. The
block of composite resin (Lava Ultimate, 3M/ESPE; St Paul, specimens received light polymerizing restorative composite
MN, USA). All restorations were inspected to detect even­ resin as a luting material (Herculite XRV, Enamel A2; Kerr),
tual cracks generated by milling, polished and finished preheated at 68°C in Calset (Fig 4) (Calset, AdDent; Dan­
using brushes (Jiffy Composite Polishing Brushes, Ultra­ bury, CT, USA).
Group B
Luting Procedure To reactivate the IDS-surface, all teeth in group B were air­
Surface conditioning of the restorations for all groups was borne-particle abraded with 27-pm aluminum oxide at
initiated by airborne-particle abrasion with 27-pm aluminum 0.5 bar (Rondoflex plus 360, KaVo Dental), and etched for
oxide at 0.5 bar (Rondoflex plus 360, KaVo Dental; Char­ 30 s with 37.5% phosphoric acid (Ultra-Etch, Ultradent),

Vol 18, No 4, 2016 343

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Fig 5 Excess of dual-polymerized luting agent (Nexus 3, groups B Fig 6 Specimen in the load chamber at 45-degree angle.
and C).

rinsed and dried. The adhesive resin (Optibond FL, bottle 2; ated with a positioning device (sliding table) in a reproduc­
Kerr) was applied to both fitting surfaces of the restoration ible position, in order to achieve simultaneous contact of
and the tooth and left unpolymerized. The specimens were the loading surface with a flattened edge of the restoration
luted utilizing a dual-polymerizing luting agent (Nexus 3, (Fig 6). Ultrafine 600-grit wet sandpaper (Norton Abrasives;
Kerr) (Fig 5). Worcester, MA, USA) was used until sim ultaneous and
equal contact was accomplished. The load chamber was
Group C filled with distilled water until complete immersion of the
Specimens in group C received a delayed bonding protocol specimen, and isometric mastication (under load control)
which consisted of a 3-step etch-and-rinse dentin bonding was simulated at a frequency of 5 Hz, starting with a load
agent (OptiBond FL, Kerr) following the manufacturer’s in­ of 200 N for 5000 cycles (preconditioning phase to guaran­
structions: 15-s dentin etching with 37.5% phosphoric acid tee predictable positioning of the specimen) followed by
(Ultra-Etch, Ultradent), copious rinsing, careful air drying for stages of 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200 and 1400 N at a
3 to 5 s without desiccation, application of the primer with maximum of 30,000 cycles each. Specimens were loaded
a light brushing motion for 15 s, air drying for 3 to 5 s, and until catastrophic failure (lost restoration fragments) or to a
application of adhesive resin by gentle brushing for 20 s, maximum of 1 8 5 ,0 0 0 cycles (loading protocol modified
air thinning for 3 s, but no light curing. The adhesive resin from Fennis et al11-20). The fracture load was determined
(Optibond FL, bottle 2; Kerr) was applied to the fitting sur­ as the load step at which the machine stopped (triggered by
face of the restoration and the specimens were luted utiliz­ the displacement-based, failure-detection module of the
ing a dual-polymerizing luting agent (Nexus 3, Kerr). testing software). The number of endured cycles and failure
The restorations for all groups were carefully seated and mode were recorded.
then subjected to a standardized load of 6N (by applying The specimens that survived the fatigue test were stati­
weights through a custom device) during removal of excess cally loaded until failure or to a maximum of 4600 N with
luting material (CompoSculp DD1/DD2, Suter; Chico, CA, the same loading configuration explained above, with the
USA) and initial light polymerization. Occlusal, vestibular, antagonist loading surface at a crosshead speed of
and lingual surfaces were exposed to 1000 mW/cm2 (Valo, 0.5 m m/min. The maximum post-fatigue load before failure
Ultradent) for 60 s (20 s per surface, repeated 3 times). was recorded in Newtons.
The margins were then covered with an air barrier (K-Y Jelly, Following a two-examiner agreement under optical mi­
Johnson & Johnson; New Brunswick, NJ, USA) and light po­ croscopy at 32X magnification (Leica MZ 125, Leica Micro­
lymerized for an additional 20 s. Restorations and margins systems; Wetzlar, Germany), a distinction was made be­
were then polished mechanically using a composite resin tween cohesive fracture (within the restoration) or adhesive
polishing system (Kit 4 47 7, Q-Polishing System, Komet; fractures at the bonding interface, and photographed under
Rock FHills, SC, USA) and a silicon bristle brush (Oc- standardized conditions at 1.5X m agnification (Nikon
clubrush, Kerr). Each specimen was then stored individually D7000 and Nikkor 105 mm lens, Nikon; Tokyo, Japan).
in a labeled container in distilled water at ambient tempera­ The endurance of all groups was compared using life-ta­
ture for at least 24 h before testing. ble survival analysis. During the fatigue test, for each time
interval (defined by each load step), the difference between
Fatigue Testing the specimens starting the interval intact and the speci­
Masticatory forces were applied using closed-loop servo- mens failing during that interval was counted, providing the
hydraulics (MiniBionix II MTS Systems; Eden Prairie, MN, survival probability (%) at each load step. Differences were
USA) with a flat-surface steel cylinder. Each specimen was analyzed using the Log Rank (Mantel Cox) test at a signifi­
placed in the load chamber at a 45-degree angle and situ­ cance level of 5%.

344 The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry

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Fig 7 Survival table analysis for the fatigue


— Group A
— Group B
— Group C

0.0 1000.00 2000.00 3000.00 4000.00 5000.00

Fig 8 Survival table analysis for the load-to-
load [N]
failure test.

The specimens that survived the fatigue test (group A: and the tooth, and cohesive within the tooth with fracture of
n = 14; group B: n = 12; group C: n = 15) were subse­ the root. The survival table analysis for the fatigue test
quently loaded to failure. The data were then analyzed (Fig 7) did not demonstrate any significant difference be­
using the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis (step scale of tween the groups (p = 0.154).
575 N). The influence of the luting material on the survival The specimens that survived the fatigue test were set up
rate was observed by comparing the survival curves using for the load-to-failure test with a limit of 4600 N due to the
the Log Rank (Mantel Cox) test at a significance level of holding jig ’s capabilities and considering clinical signifi­
0.05. Differences were localized using pairwise post-hoc cance, because it is virtually impossible to exceed these
comparisons with the chi-squared test at a significance limits in an oral environment. The survival table analysis for
level of 0.016 (after Bonferroni correction for 3 compari­ the load-to-failure test (Fig 8) demonstrates an average fail­
sons). ure load of 3495.20 N with survival of four specimens in
group A, an average failure load of 4103.60 N with survival
of six specimens in group B, and an average failure load of
RESULTS 4075.33 N with survival nine specimens in group C
(Table 1). Pairwise comparisons revealed no significant dif­
The fatigue test generated one failure in group A, three fail­ ferences at a significance level of 0.016 after Bonferroni
ures in group B, and no failures in group C (Table 1), all of correction: 1) group A vs B: p = 0.109; 2) group B vs C:
which were mixed, adhesive in part between the restoration p = 0.543; 3) group A vs C: p = 0.026. Disregarding the

Vol 18, No 4, 2016 345

Goldberg et al

Table 1 Comparison of fatigue test and load-to-failure

test results

Specimen Fatigue test Load-to-failure test

Maximum load Cycles Maximum load

Al Survived 185,000 3493 N
B1 Survived 185,000 4185 N
Cl Survived 185,000 4139 N Group A Group B Group C
A2 1007 N 101,005 Failed fatigue test
B2 807 N 66,514 Failed fatigue test
C2 Survived 185,000 Survived
Fig 9 Example of failure modes per group.
A3 Survived 185,000 2473 N
B3 Survived 185,000 4022 N
C3 Survived 185,000 3834 N Bonferroni correction leads to significant differences be­
A4 Survived 185,000 3349 N tween group A and C.
B4 Survived 185,000 3467 N Failure modes for all three groups (Fig 9) exhibited a ten­
C4 Survived 185,000 Survived dency similar to that during the fatigue test, ie, mixed fail­
A5 Survived 185,000 3783 N ures, adhesive in part between the restoration and the
B5 1208 N 130,104 Failed fatigue test
tooth, and cohesive within the tooth with fracture of the
root. In all cases, a portion of the remaining crown or root
C5 Survived 185,000 Survived
demonstrated a fracture. Load-to-failure testing of the fa­
A6 Survived 185,000 4147 N
tigued specimens started to demonstrate differences above
B6 Survived 185,000 3907 N 3200 N; 40% of the tested specimens failed below 3200 N
C6 Survived 185,000 4237 N for group A, while 100% of the tested specimens for groups
A7 Survived 185,000 4585 N B and C survived the load of 3200 N.
B7 Survived 185,000 4574 N
C7 Survived 185,000 3817 N
A8 Survived 185,000 Survived
B8 Survived 185,000 Survived
The null hypothesis, namely, that no significant difference
C8 Survived 185,000 Survived
would be found with respect to resistance among the three
A9 Survived 185,000 3113 N luting methods used in this study for posterior composite
B9 Survived 185,000 Survived overlays was accepted, owing to the fact that no significant
C9 Survived 185,000 Survived differences were found within the test groups.
A10 Survived 185,000 Survived Flowever, during load-to-failure testing, when disregarding
BIO Survived 185,000 4467 N the statistical Bonferroni correction, the dual-polymerizing
luting agent showed an increased fatigue resistance com­
CIO Survived 185,000 Survived
pared to the light-polymerizing luting agent, even though
A ll Survived 185,000 3817 N
these differences only started to appear beyond 3200 N,
B ll Survived 185,000 Survived
which far exceeds normal human physiological masticatory
C ll Survived 185,000 4211 N forces.
A12 Survived 185,000 3011 N In the present study, a closed-loop servo-hydraulic con­
B12 Survived 185,000 Survived trol system in combination with a stepped load protocol
C12 Survived 185,000 Survived was applied to create a testing method which allows a
A13 Survived 185,000 3181 N physiological representation of mastication.6 Based on orig­
inal studies by Fennis et al,11 this test strategy seems to
B13 Survived 185,000 Survived
provide a better simulation of the clinical conditions than do
C13 Survived 185,000 4214 N
static load tests. The presented protocol appears to be the
A14 Survived 185,000 Survived best compromise between available in vitro fatigue testing
B14 Survived 185,000 Survived methods and clinical reality. It is critical to elucidate that
C14 Survived 185,000 Survived during the pilot tests for the present study, the specimens
A15 Survived 185,000 Survived did not fail when the load was applied at 30 degrees; there­
B15 1411 161,505 Failed fatigue test fore, the authors decided to modify the angle of force to 45
C15 Survived 185,000 Survived
degrees in order to create a more extreme simulation and
increase the stress concentration in the bonded area. Al­
though this testing protocol surpasses the physiological

346 The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry

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forces found in humans, it was deemed necessary to create In this study, it was decided to use 5-mm-thick onlays,
a study design that would test the restoration as a whole which are not encountered frequently in the clinical setting
unit comprised of the tooth, bonding area, and restoration. (most of the time a thinner restoration will be fabricated).
Healthy humans exhibit maximal isometric bite forces in Nevertheless, it was the objective of this study to create a
the molar region ranging between 597 N (women) and 847 very extreme restoration and loading protocol to test the
N (men), but they can also reach up to 900 N.46 Even system under exceptional circumstances. It is essential to
higher forces can occur by an accidental bite on a hard for­ mention that in most cases, depending on each specimen’s
eign body found in a food bolus. Although it is difficult to natural anatomy, a 1- to 2-mm rim of enamel was left cir­
draw direct correlations between the load ranges applied in cumferentially on the flat preparation, which contributed
this study and their significance in vivo, a study by Sakagu- greatly to achieving a stable bond between the restoration
chi et al,41 using a similar machine, correlated 250,000 cy­ and the tooth.
cles at only 13.6 N with one year of clinical service. Due to Regarding the results observed, the use of light-polymer­
the application of far higher forces in this study, it can be izing composite resin as a luting agent with thick CAD/CAM
expected that an accelerated life cycle of the restored tooth restorations might be an alternative to traditional luting
may have been simulated. Restorative materials are often agents, such as dual- or chemically polymerizing resin ce­
tested by subjecting standardized beams to a 3- or 4-point ment. This would provide the clinician with the advantages
flexural cyclic load. Only two modes of fatigue can be simu­ of using a light-polymerizing luting agent, such as longer
lated by this process: contact and flexure.2 In the present and determinable working time, improved biomechanical
study, a fully functional restored natural tooth was simu­ properties and wear resistance, as well as ease of removal.
lated, which constitutes the uniqueness of this protocol. From a clinical standpoint, given the extraordinarily high
Although in vitro studies only partially mimic the clinical loads required to break the specimens in this study, the
reality, their main advantage over clinical studies is the three luting protocols tested provided enough in vitro fa­
possibility to minimize confounding variables and further tigue resistance to be considered as viable options for lut­
enable the testing of samples with a well-defined biomech­ ing CAD/CAM composite resin restorations, even though
anical status.7 Because of the high standardization level this in vitro research does not fully simulate the oral envi­
that can be attained at all preparation and restorative ronment. Thus, it is difficult to draw direct correlations to
steps, the remaining confounding variable is limited to the the clinical performance of these restorations. The present
age, size, and shape of extracted teeth. Therefore, only study is therefore limited, and further research should in­
mandibular second molars were used and distributed clude clinical trials.
evenly into each experimental group. Further, after stan­
dardized preparation of the specimens, standardized cylin­
drical onlays were designed using CAD/CAM technology; all CONCLUSION
of the above facilitated the loading of the specimen in an
identical configuration. Within the limitations of this in vitro study, it can be con­
The luting procedure utilized during this study consti­ cluded that although dual-polymerizing luting material
tuted another strong element of the protocol. It included seems to provide better results under extreme conditions,
“immediate dentin sealing” associated with application of a light-polymerizing luting composites in combination with IDS
preheated light-polymerizing composite resin restorative ma­ are not contraindicated with thick restorations. Extraordi­
terial as a luting agent. Even though IDS did not present a narily high loads (2300 to 4600 N) were required to break
significant advantage in terms of fracture strength during the specimens, which also speaks for the performance of
this test, it still possesses other notable clinical advan­ the adhesive systems used in this study.
tages, eg, including protecting against bacterial leakage
and sensitivity during the provisional phase. A distinction
between this in vitro study and clinical reality should be ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
mentioned: in a clinical setting after preparing the tooth for
The authors would like to thank Kerr and 3M ESPE for providing the
an indirect restoration, a provisional restoration is needed. materials needed for this study.
Therefore, it is important to utilize provisional cement that
will not interfere with the bonding procedure that takes
place during final delivery of the restoration. REFERENCES
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