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CAD/CAM Ceramic Restorative Materials For Natural Teeth: F.A. Spitznagel, J. Boldt, and P.C. Gierthmuehlen

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JDRXXX10.1177/0022034518779759Journal of Dental ResearchCAD/CAM Ceramic Restorative Materials

Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & Medicine

Journal of Dental Research
CAD/CAM Ceramic Restorative © International & American Associations
for Dental Research 2018

Materials for Natural Teeth Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0022034518779759

F.A. Spitznagel1 , J. Boldt1, and P.C. Gierthmuehlen1

Advances in computer-aided design (CAD) / computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technologies and their ease of application enabled
the development of novel treatment concepts for modern prosthodontics. This recent paradigm shift in fixed prosthodontics from
traditional to minimally invasive treatment approaches is evidenced by the clinical long-term success of bonded CAD/CAM glass-ceramic
restorations. Today, defect-oriented restorations, such as inlays, onlays, and posterior crowns, are predominately fabricated from glass-
ceramics in monolithic application. The variety of CAD/CAM ceramic restorative systems is constantly evolving to meet the increased
demands for highly aesthetic, biocompatible, and long-lasting restorations. Recently introduced polymer-infiltrated ceramic network
CAD/CAM blocks add innovative treatment options in CAD/CAM chairside 1-visit restorations. The material-specific high-edge stability
enables the CAD/CAM machinability of thin restoration margins. Full-contour zirconia restorations are constantly gaining market
share at the expense of bilayered systems. Advancements in material science and bonding protocols foster the development of novel
material combinations or fabrication techniques of proven high-strength zirconia ceramics. CAD/CAM applications offer a standardized
manufacturing process resulting in a reliable, predictable, and economic workflow for individual and complex teeth-supported
restorations. More evidence from long-term clinical studies is needed to verify the clinical performance of monolithic polymer-infiltrated
ceramic network and zirconia teeth-supported minimally invasive and extensive restorations.

Keywords: computer-aided design, clinical outcomes, ceramics, prosthetic dentistry/prosthodontics, minimally invasive dentistry,
aesthetics dental

Introduction orthodontics, and complex treatment-planning strategies.

Hence, the decision to choose the right material for each indi-
Computer-aided design (CAD) / computer-aided manufactur- cation has become challenging.
ing (CAM) technology is one of the fastest-evolving aspects in Consequently, the aim of this work is to review the evolution
modern restorative dentistry. The track record of CAD/CAM of CAD/CAD ceramic materials, to survey their respective prop-
technology and chairside dentistry started in 1985, when erties, and to critically discuss the recent clinical evidence.
Mörmann and Brandestini introduced the Cerec system.
An increasing number of chairside systems are now avail-
able (Zaruba and Mehl 2017). Intraoral scanners have become Evolution and State of the Art of CAD/
significantly better, faster, and smaller, with more intuitive CAM Ceramic Restorative Materials
design software surfaces. This virtual environment with on-screen
designing and computer-assisted production with rapid proto- Glass-Ceramics
typing, such as milling or the growing option of 3-dimensional
Silica. The first CAD/CAM fine-structure feldspar ceramics
printing possibilities, allows for the fabrication of various resto-
(VITA Mark II; VITA-Zahnfabrik) evolved from traditional
rations without any physical models. Major advantages for the
feldspathic ceramics and are still in clinical application (Table).
digital workflow over the conventional impression technique
The microstructural characterization of this feldspathic CAD/
are patient’s preferences as well as excellent marginal and inter-
CAM ceramic reveals 2 crystallization patterns, with a sodium
nal fit of fixed prosthodontics (Chochlidakis et al. 2016;
potassium aluminum silicate peak (Al8K2Na6O34Si9) and a
Gallardo et al. 2018). Due to the application of homogeneous
industrial blanks and blocks, fewer material failures are likely
to occur during fabrication and clinical application (Belli et al. 1
Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Heinrich-Heine-
2017). In comparison with hand-built materials, CAD/CAM University, Düsseldorf, Germany
blocks reveal a decreased presence of flaws and pores, resulting
Corresponding Author:
in increased reliability (Zhang and Kelly 2017). F.A. Spitznagel, Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry,
A large range of materials (Fig. 1) is currently available for the Heinrich-Heine-University, Moorenstraße 5, 40225 Düsseldorf,
digital manufacturing process, increasing the range of indica- Germany.
tions in the field of restorative dentistry, dental implantology, Email:
2 Journal of Dental Research 00(0)

et al. 2008). With this technique termed

“dispersion strengthening” and the addi-
tion of fillers such as uniformly dispersed
leucite throughout the feldspathic glass, a
moderate strength increase could be
achieved (Höland et al. 2008). Empress
CAD exhibits a flexural strength of 185
MPa according to the manufacturer. The
material shows a low characteristic
strength (σ0, 187.7 MPa) but a high
Weibull modulus of 16.10 (Wendler et al.
2017; Fig. 1).

Lithium Disilicate Ceramics. Significantly

higher strength was achieved with a
glass-ceramic by precipitating (controlled
nucleation and growth) lithium disilicate
crystals (Höland et al. 2008). With 2 suc-
cessful precursor systems (Empress 2 and
IPS e.max Press; Ivoclar-Vivadent), a
lithium disilicate glass-ceramic IPS
e.max CAD (Ivoclar-Vivadent) has been
designed for CAD/CAM processing tech-
nology. It is derived from the SiO2-Li2O-
K2O-ZnO-P2O5-Al2O3-ZrO2 system
through formation and solid-state reac-
tion (Höland et al. 2008). Lithium disili-
cate (LDS) ceramic reveals needle-like
particles (0.5 to 4 µm) with different ori-
Figure 1.  Overview of CAD/CAM ceramic restorative materials for natural teeth.
Representative commercial CAD/CAM materials of different classes are listed with their clinical entations (Höland et al. 2000). The milled
indications. Glass-infiltrated alumina ceramics and densely sintered alumina ceramics were not LDS CAD/CAM is exposed to a 2-stage
included in the present overview. (I) Data for the characteristic strength—ball-on-3-balls biaxial crystallization process. After sintering,
strength test, with specimens in rectangular plate geometry—and (II) Weibull modulus (m)
are from Wendler et al. (2017). 3Y-TZP, 3 mol% yttria partially stabilized tetragonal zirconia
the LDS CAD/CAM obtains its final flex-
polycrystal; CAD/CAM, computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing; FDP, fixed dental ural strength of 530 MPa according to the
prosthesis. Flexural strength data for 5Y-TZP (5 mol% yttria partially stabilized tetragonal zirconia manufacturer. A recent study described a
polycrystal), so-called translucent zirconia, is from Zhang and Lawn (2018); a Weibull modulus for high characteristic strength (σ0, 609.80
5Y-TZP is not reported (n.r.).
MPa) and Weibull modulus (13.4;
Wendler et al. 2017; Fig. 1). Hence, LDS
potassium sodium aluminum silicate peak (AlK0.29Na0.71O3Si3; has the highest strength in glass-ceramics, approximately 3 to
Ramos Nde et al. 2016). The material shows a low characteris- 4 times the strength of other glass-rich ceramics (Wendler et al.
tic strength (biaxial test with plate geometry σ0, 118.65 MPa; 2017). Due to the favorable translucency and shade variety, the
Wendler et al. 2017). The Weibull modulus of this CAD/CAM material can be used for monolithic restorations or as a core
glass-ceramic, as a measure of data scatter and the material’s material coated with apatite-containing veneering ceramics
reliability, is high (m = 19.9; Wendler et al. 2017; Fig. 1). (Maunula et al. 2017). The indication ranges from all kind of
single-tooth and implant restorations to anterior and posterior
Leucite-Reinforced Glass-Ceramics. Empress CAD (Ivoclar- 3-unit fixed dental prostheses (FDPs; limited to premolars;
Vivadent) is a well-established ceramic derived from early Zhang and Kelly 2017). With recent patent expiration, the vari-
generations of CAD/CAM blocks containing leucite crystals ations on the LDS material have become available for other
up to 40% embedded in an feldspathic glass-ceramic (Höland manufacturers (e.g., 3G HS; Jeneric Pentron). No scientific
et al. 2007). It is a successor of the monolithic CAD/CAM studies are currently available on these derivatives.
block (ProCAD; Ivoclar-Vivadent) that uses a SiO2-Al2O3-
K2O-Na2O glass system for the nucleation and crystallization Lithium Silicate/Phosphate Glass-Ceramics. In 2013, a novel
of leucite crystals (Höland et al. 2007). Leucite reveals a den- lithium silicate/phosphate (LSP) CAD/CAM material, also
tritical growth through surface crystallization of glass particles termed zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate glass-ceramics
in powdered glass by bulky crystallization of monolithic (VITA Suprinity, VITA Zahnfabrik; Celtra, Celtra Duo,
glasses having TiO2 and CeO2 as nucleating agents (Höland Dentsply-Sirona), was introduced. The monolithic Suprinity
CAD/CAM Ceramic Restorative Materials 3

Table.  Recent Clinical Studies on CAD/CAM Restorations by Material.

Study Design; Material (Core / Monolithic/
First Author Setting; Veneering Layered; CAD/ Secondary Loss of Mean ± SD
(Year) Restoration Material) CAM System Restorations, n caries, % Fracture, % retention, % Chipping, % Follow-up, mo Survival Rate, %

Lu (2018) Prospective; VITA Mark II Monolithic; Cerec 34 No secondary 2.9 5.8 Not reported 36 3 y: 90.7
university; AC Bluecam / caries
onlay intraoral scan /
Cerec MCXL
Federlin (2014) Prospective, VITA Mark II, Monolithic; Cerec 68 RXU: 3 RXU: 8.8, RXU: 8.8, Not reported 36 3 y: RXU: 72.6,
split-mouth; RXU: without 3D cast scan RXU + E: 8.8 RXU + E: 3 RXU + E: 87.6
university; PCR enamel etching,
RXU + E:
with selective
enamel etching
Otto (2015) Prospective; VITA Mark II Monolithic; 65 (25 Not reported Shoulder endocrowns: 8 Shoulder crowns: 128 12 y: 90.3
private CEREC 3 endocrowns crowns: 2.5; 2.5 (shoulder
practice; SC Redcam / + 40 shoulder endocrowns: 4 crowns. 94.9;
intraoral scan crowns) endocrowns:
Netjatidanesh Retrospective; Cerec Blocks Monolithic; Cerec 102 No secondary 1 No loss of Not reported 60 5 y: 96
(2015) private AC Bluecam / caries retention
practice; inlay / intraoral scan /
onlay Cerec MCXL
Netjatidanesh Retrospective; Empress CAD Monolithic; Cerec 57 No secondary 3.7 1.8 Not reported 60 5 y: 94.6
(2015) private AC Bluecam / caries
practice; inlay / intraoral scan /
onlay Cerec MCXL
Lithium disilicate
Akin (2015) Prospective; IPS e.max CAD Layered; cast scan 15 No secondary No fracture No loss of No chipping 24 2 y: 100
university; SC caries retention
Seydler (2015) Prospective; IPS e.max CAD Monolithic; 30 No secondary No fracture No loss of No chipping 26.3 ± 2.8 2 y: 100
private intraoral scan caries retention
practice; SC Bluecam /
intraoral scan /
Cerec MCXL
Rauch (2018) Prospective; IPS e.max CAD Monolithic; 34 7.7 3.8 3.8 No chipping 121.2 ± 2.4 10 y: 83.5
university / LT intraoral scan
private (CEREC 3)
practice; SC
Reich (2014) Prospective; IPS e.max CAD Monolithic / cut- 32 Not reported 3.1 Not reported 6.25 46 ± 8.4 4.7 y: 93
university / LT ( + IPS back; Cerec3D
private e.max Ceram) / intraoral scan,
practice; FDP inLab / cast
Zimmermann Prospective; Lava Ultimate Monolithic; Cerec 42 Not reported 4.8 7.1 Not reported 24 2 y: 85.7
(2017) university / AC Bluecam
dental students; / cast scan /
Spitznagel (2018) Prospective; VITA Enamic Monolithic; Cerec 103 No secondary 3.8 No loss of 5 36 3 y: 96.4, Inlay:
university; InLab cast scan caries retention 97.4 PCR: 95.6
inlay / PCR
Lu (2018) Prospective; VITA Enamic Monolithic; Cerec 67 No secondary 1.5 1.5 Not reported 36 3 y: 97
university; AC Bluecam / caries
onlay intraoral scan /
Cerec MCXL
Chirumamilla Retrospective; VITA Enamic Monolithic; Cerec 45 (31 with RMGI: 7.1 No fracture RMGI: 7.1 No chipping 24 2 y: Resin cement:
(2016) private AC Bluecam / self-adhesive 96.8 RMGI:
practice; SC intraoral scan / cement; 14 92.9
Güncü (2015) Retrospective; Zirconia (Lava Layered; cast scan 618 0.5 No fracture 1 1.9 60 5 y: 98.1
university / [Anatomical] +
private VITA VM9)
practice; SC
Nejatidanesh Retrospective; Zirconia (Cercon Layered; cast scan 324 No secondary No fracture 6.3 8.1 60.7 5 y: 97.3
(2016) university / [Anatomical] + (CAD: Cercon) caries
private Cercon Ceram
practice; SC Kiss)
Rinke (2016) Prospective; Zirconia Layered; cast scan 50 2 2 4 12 64 ± 4.8 5 y: 94
private [Anatomical] + (CAD: Cercon)
practice; SC Cercon Ceram
Güncü (2016) Retrospective; Zirconia (Lava Layered; cast scan 24 No secondary No fracture No loss of 4.2 48 4 y: 98
university / [Anatomical] + (Lava System) caries retention
private VITA VM9)
practice; SC

4 Journal of Dental Research 00(0)

Table. (continued)

Study Design; Material (Core / Monolithic/
First Author Setting; Veneering Layered; CAD/ Secondary Loss of Mean ± SD
(Year) Restoration Material) CAM System Restorations, n caries, % Fracture, % retention, % Chipping, % Follow-up, mo Survival Rate, %

Monaco (2017) Prospective; Zirconia (IPS Layered; cast scan 45 No secondary 2.2 No loss of 6.7 65.7 5 y: 97.73
university; SC e.max ZirCAD caries retention
+ ZirPress)
Dogan (2017) Prospective; Zirconia (Lava + Layered; cast scan 20 No secondary No fracture No loss of Not reported 58.7 5 y: 100
university; SC Lava Ceram) (Lava System) caries retention
Seydler (2015) Prospective; IPS e.max Layered; Bluecam 30 No secondary No fracture No loss of No chipping 25.3 ± 1.4 2 y: 100
private ZirCAD + IPS. / intraoral scan caries retention
practice; SC e.max CAD / Cerec MCXL)
Sasse (2014) Prospective; Zirconia + IPS Layered; cast scan 42 2.4 No fracture 4.8 No chipping 61.8 6 y: 100
university; e.max Ceram (Cerec inLab)
Sailer (2014) Retrospective; IPS e.max Layered; cast scan 15 Not reported No fracture 13.3 No chipping 53.3 4 y: 100
university; ZirCAD (Cerec inLab /
RBFDP / Cerion Ethkon, Cares
Straumann + Straumann)
Initial GC
Kern (2017) Retrospective; Zirconia Layered; cast scan 108 Not reported No fracture 6.5 2.7 92.2 ± 33 10 y: 98.2
Solá-Ruíz (2015) Prospective; Lava + Lava Layered; cast scan 27 7.4 No fracture 7.4 14.8 84 7 y: 88.8
university; FDP Ceram (Lava System)
Ioannidis (2016) Prospective; VITA In-Ceram Layered; cast scan 59 3.5 No fracture Not reported 28 75.6 ± 22.8 6.3 y: 94.7; 10 y:
university; 2000YZ + (inLab) 85.0
FDP Vitadur Alpha
Naenni (2015) Prospective; IPS e.max Pressed / layered; 40 Not reported No fracture No loss of 33.2; ZirPress: 36.8 / 34.9 3 y: 100
university; ZirCAD cast scan retention 40 IPS e.max
FDP [Anatomical] (inEOS + Ceram: 20
+ IPS e.max inLab)
ZirPress or IPS
e.max Ceram
Zenthöfer (2015) Prospective; Lava [Anatomical] Layered; cast scan 11 No secondary No fracture No loss of 20 36 3 y: 100
university; + LavaCeram (Lava System) caries retention
Moscovitch Case series; Zirconia (Prettau Monolithic / 236 Not reported No fracture Not reported No chipping 2 to 68 5.6 y: 100
(2015) private + VITA VM9) facially layered;
practice; SC cast scan
Bömicke (2017) Prospective; Zirconia (Cercon Monolithic (MZC) 162 (90 MZC, MCZ: 1.2 No fracture MZC: 2.4; PZC: 1.5 35.1 ± 6.3 3 y: 98.5 MZC:
university; SC ht) + Cercon / partially 72 PZC) PZC: 1.5 100; PZC: 98.5
Ceram Kiss layered (PZC);
cast scan
(CAD: D700 /
D800 3Shape)

CAD/CAM: computer-aided design / computer-aided manufacturing; FDP: fixed dental prosthesis; PCR: partial coverage restoration; RBFDP: resin-bonded fixed dental prosthesis; RMGI: resin-modified
glass ionomer; SC: single crown.

blocks are provided in a metasintered stage to facilitate grind- characteristic strength that is in an intermediate range in com-
ing, and the later piece is subjected to a final crystallization parison with silicate ceramics and zirconia (σ0: Celtra Duo,
firing. The Celtra blocks are available in a precrystallized (Cel- 565.87 MPa; Suprinity, 537.03 MPa; Wendler et al. 2017; Fig.
tra CAD) or fully sintered (Celtra Duo) stage. Inlays, onlays, 1). Similar fracture toughnesses of LSP were observed when
veneers, and crowns are indications for LSP (Belli et al. 2017). compared with LDS. Hence, the addition of ZrO2 to lithium
The lithium silicate glass containing ZrO2 uses diphosphorous metasilicate and disilicate did not result in an increased strength
pentoxide (P2O5) as a nucleation agent for crystallization of or higher resistance to crack propagation as compared with LDS
metasilicate (Belli et al. 2017). According to the manufacturer, (Ramos Nde et al. 2016). Yet, a low Weibull modulus (~5.5) was
LSP ceramics contain 10% by weight of dispersed zirconia par- described for Suprinity and Celtra Duo, indicating material-
ticles embedded in a fine-grained glass matrix of 500 to 800 nm. dependent strength-limiting defects of wide size distribution
A recent microstructural and phase characterization revealed (Fig. 1). Multiple cracking and surface pitting were observed in
that both materials have very similar microstructures, consti- scanning electron microscope evaluation throughout the speci-
tuted of mainly 2 crystal phases. However, the size of the men surface. Thermal incompatibility between phases and
Li2SO3 phase, which appeared to have grown larger in Celtra related high local residual stresses that are relieved upon cooling
Duo (up to ~1 µm in length) than in Suprinity (~0.5 µm), is by means of microcracking are possible reasons (Wendler et al.
significantly different (Belli et al. 2017). 2017). In addition, damage induced to the presintered block by
The manufacturer states that the flexural strength averages diamond-coated grinding instruments during machining is
360 MPa. A recent study showed that both materials reveal a another source of concern (Chavali et al. 2017).
CAD/CAM Ceramic Restorative Materials 5

Figure 2.  Clinical recommendations, behavior, and advantages of resin-matrix-ceramics. (a) Recommended adhesive bonding protocol for resin-
matrix-ceramics. Scanning electron microscope pictures with respective recommended pretreatments at magnifications of (I) 100× and (II) 1,000×.
At 100× for the resin-based composites Lava Ultimate, Cerasmart, and Shofu Block, a uniformly rough surface caused by alumina air-particle abrasion
can be observed. At a higher magnification of 1,000×, minor cracks, cutting edges, small pores, and material-specific grains are evident. A different
surface texture can be noticed for the hydrofluoric acid–pretreated polymer-infiltrated ceramic network (PICN) material. At low magnification, a
clear etching pattern is visible. The partly dissolved glass phase and a polymeric network phase are perceptible. The enlarged pores and roughened
surface subsequently allow a penetration of the bonding systems and enable a permanent adhesive interface. (III) Suggested pretreatment protocol
for resin-based composites with air-particle abrasion (50-μm Al2O3) at a moderate pressure and 5% hydrofluoric (HF) acid etching for the PICN
material. Consequently, all resin-matrix-ceramics should be pretreated with a silane and bonded with an adhesive resin cement. (b) Three-dimensional
evaluation of 2 PICN inlays after 6 and 36 mo (FDI 25, 26) of clinical function. Matching and superimposition (Geomagic Qualify; 3D Systems) of 6-mo
and 3-y recall resin model with color-coded distance display (dark blue color indicates surface loss vs. baseline scan). (c) The PICN material-specific
high-edge stability enables the CAD/CAM machinability of thin restoration margins. The computer-aided manufacturing of a minimally invasive onlay
restoration in the milling preview is displayed in the software (PowerMill Pro 2016; Autodesk). Minimally invasive onlay and full veneer restorations
milled from PICN (milling unit: Ultrasonic Linear 20; DMG Mori AG). Smooth and intact margins can be notified.

Resin-Matrix-Ceramics polymer ratio of 80%/20% wt (Wendler et al. 2017). It has a

flexural strength of 200 MPa and a dentin-like modulus of elas-
Resin-matrix-ceramics (RMCs) form a novel group of CAD/ ticity of 12 GPa (Lauvahutanon et al. 2014). The materials
CAM ceramic restorative materials, which were developed to showed a comparatively low characteristic strength (σ0:
combine the positive advantages of polymers, which are not 300.64 MPa) in a recent study (Wendler et al. 2017). The
brittle, with ceramics resulting in superior aesthetics (Coldea Weibull modulus is ~10 (Fig. 1). The Young’s modulus for LU
et al. 2013). There is still an ongoing controversy in the litera- is much lower when compared with VITA Enamic (VE; Belli
ture about the correct classification of this novel material et al. 2017).
group. RMCs are also termed as “hybrid ceramic” or “nanoc- Cerasmart (GC-Corp), Shofu Block HC (Shofu-Inc.), and
eramics” due to marketing reasons or insurance reimbursement Brilliant Crios (Coltene) are novel RBCs with a homogeneous
policies, especially in North America (Mainjot et al. 2016). and evenly distributed ceramic network. Flexural strengths up
However, these commercial names do not reflect the correct to 230 MPa have been reported (Lauvahutanon et al. 2014).
material-specific chemical composition. RBCs are indicated for veneers, inlays, onlays, single crowns (SCs),
Based on their microstructure and industrial polymerization and implant crowns (except LU). For resin bonding, RBCs
mode, RMCs can be subdivided to 1) high-temperature polym- should be pretreated through air-particle abrasion and applica-
erized resin-based composites (RBCs; CAD/CAM) with dis- tion of a universal bonding agent (Fig. 2; Spitznagel et al. 2016).
persed fillers and a predominately organic phase and 2)
high-temperature/high-pressure polymer-infiltrated ceramic PICN Materials. Recent studies showed that this material
network (PICN) materials with a predominately inorganic (VITA Enamic; VITA-Zahnfabrik) is composed of a PICN
phase (Coldea et al. 2013; Mainjot et al. 2016). containing urethane dimethacrylate and triethylene glycol
dimethacrylate cross-linked polymers and a fine open porous
Resin-Based Composites (CAD/CAM).  Lava Ultimate (LU) was feldspathic ceramic structure network (86% wt, 75% vol; Col-
released as a CAD/CAM machinable block (3M-ESPE) in dea et al. 2013). Both networks interpenetrate each other to
2011. It is based on the polymerizable resin composite Filtek combine the positive characteristics of ceramics and compos-
Supreme Ultra (3M) and contains dispersed nanometric col- ites. Microstructure characterization confirmed that the PICN
loidal silica and ZrO2 spherical particles in agglomerated and is amorphous (both phases) with no evidence of crystallization
nonagglomerated form (80% wt, 65% vol) embedded in a (Ramos Nde et al. 2016). With an E-modulus of ~30 GPa (34.7
dimethacrylate resin (Belli et al. 2017). LU exhibits a ceramic/ GPa; Ramos Nde et al. 2016), VE exhibits properties between
6 Journal of Dental Research 00(0)

enamel and dentin. The Young’s modulus of VE is approxi- Sintering a CAD/CAM-milled LDS veneer (IPS e.max
mately 3-fold higher when compared with LU. The continuous CAD) with a low-fusing glass onto the zirconia coping (IPS
interpenetrating inorganic phase is responsible for the stiffen- e.max ZirCAD) was introduced for SCs and 3-unit FDPs
ing of the VE material (Belli et al. 2017). According to the (Schubert et al. 2017).
manufacturer’s data, the material has a flexural strength of 160
MPa. A recent study showed that the characteristic strength Monolithic Zirconia. Monolithic zirconia restorations refined
(σ0, 193.45 MPa,) is low but the Weibull modulus is high ~18 with superficial glazing are increasingly used (Moscovitch
(Wendler et al. 2017; Fig. 1). Due to the dual network struc- 2015; Bömicke et al. 2017). The mechanical stability of mono-
ture, crack propagation is mitigated by the interlinked polymer lithic zirconia for crown and FDPs was demonstrated in many
network (Coldea et al. 2013). VE can be used for all types of in vitro studies (Zhang and Lawn 2018).
single-tooth and implant-crown restorations (Coldea et al. Traditionally, sintering of zirconia is a time-consuming pro-
2013). In vitro results show that 2-body wear, gloss, and rough- cess. To meet the demand for time and cost-effective chairside
ness is comparable to human enamel (Mainjot et al. 2016). 1-visit CAD/CAM restorations, novel speed and super-speed
Hydrofluoric acid etching in combination with silane is recom- sintering protocols (Speedfire; Dentsply-Sirona) have been
mended as a surface pretreatment prior to bonding (Fig. 2; developed. The effect of speed sintering on the flexural strength
Spitznagel et al. 2016). of monolithic Y-TZP was investigated (Fig. 3) and showed that
no significant difference was observed (Kaizer et al. 2017).
The metastability of tetragonal-zirconia increases the sus-
Oxide Ceramics
ceptibility to aging in the presence of moisture. This aging phe-
Zirconia Ceramics.  In the early 1990s, CAD/CAM technology nomenon is known as low-temperature degradation (LTD) and
made zirconia widely available in dentistry. Hence, the mate- was described many years ago (Kobayashi et al. 1981). There
rial’s properties are well known and are described briefly. The is currently no clear relationship between LTD and failure pre-
material, characterized by a dense monocrystalline homogene- dictability when zirconia is used in dentistry. Long-term clini-
ity, possesses low thermal conductivity, low corrosion poten- cal studies are needed to determine the effect of LTD on
tial, and good radio-opacity. Due to a phenomenon called monolithic zirconia.
“transformation toughening,” zirconia reveals unsurpassed
flexural strength values (900 to 1,200 MPa) and a high fracture Translucent Zirconia.  To overcome the problem of veneer chip-
toughness (9 to 10 MPa.m1/2; Denry and Kelly 2008). A recent ping, some progress has been made in improving the translu-
study confirmed its very high characteristic strength (σ0: cency of Y-TZP by reducing porosity, decreasing grain size,
1,303.21 MPa) and Weibull modulus (~12.30; Wendler et al. and eliminating the addition of alumina. Many manufacturers
2017; Fig. 1). Zirconia, specifically yttria-stabilized zirconia (e.g., BruxZir-Solid-Zirconia, Glidewell; InCoris-TZI, Dentsply-
polycrystal (Y-TZP), was developed as a core material to elim- Sirona; Prettau-Anterior, Zirkonzahn) introduced a somewhat
inate bulk fracture of restorations. Hence, the range of applica- more translucent CAD/CAM zirconia block for crowns and
tions has been expanded from single crowns and short-span FDPs (Zhang and Lawn 2018; Fig. 3).
FDPs to multiunit and full-arch zirconia frameworks as well as In addition, so-called cubic zirconia materials were
to complex implant superstructures to support fixed and launched for monolithic application. An optically isotropic
removable prostheses (Zhang and Lawn 2018). The majority cubic zirconia phase is introduced into an ordinarily tetragonal
of currently available CAD/CAM systems shape blocks of par- material (e.g., DD CubeX2, Dental-Direkt; ZpexSmile, TosoCorp).
tially sintered zirconia prior to densification. Enlarged frame- In contrast to the traditional dental tetragonal zirconia, these
works are then sintered to their full strength, as accompanied translucent ceramic materials are significantly weaker and
by shrinkage of approximately 25% to the desired dimensions more brittle and cannot be considered an alternative for the
(Belli et al. 2017). Press and, most dominantly, hand-layer strong but more opaque Y-TZP. The flexural strength of the
veneering techniques are used to apply the respective veneer- aforementioned ceramic reveals 600 to 700 MPa and is only
ing ceramic. half of that of Y-TZP (Zhang and Lawn 2018; Fig. 1). The
Most recently, functionally graded glass/zirconia/glass mechanical integrity and its susceptibility to LTD have to be
structures (Zhang and Kim 2009; Zhang and Lawn 2018) are elaborated.
being explored in high–load bearing areas.
Minimally Invasive CAD/CAM
CAD/CAM veneering techniques. Advanced CAD/CAM
systems are now able to design and manufacture separate
monolithic core and veneer layers that can then be joined Scientific data on minimally invasive restorations such as
with adhesive or sintering methods (Schubert et al. 2017). CAD/CAM veneers are still scarce. A recent in vitro study
The VITA-Rapid-Layer-Technology (VITA-Zahnfabrik) uses revealed that minimally invasive anterior veneers can be fabri-
a CAD/CAM silicate ceramic veneer (Vitablocks-Triluxe, cated from LDS and leucite-reinforced glass-ceramics at a
VITA-Zahnfabrik) and a CAD/CAM zirconia core (VITA-YZ- thickness of 0.5 mm. However, ultrathin veneers (0.3 mm)
cubes; VITA-Zahnfabrik) that are adhesively bonded. could be milled only from LDS but not leucite-reinforced
CAD/CAM Ceramic Restorative Materials 7

glass-ceramics (Maunula et al. 2017). For

the posterior dentition, CAD/CAM bonded
veneers are increasingly applied. Nonretentive
preparation designs ranging from 0.4 to 0.6 mm
at the fissure and 1.0 to 1.3 mm at the cups
tip are suggested (Schlichting et al. 2016).
On many occasions even no preparation is
needed—for example, with significant loss
of the vertical dimension of occlusion due to
erosive wear (Schlichting et al. 2016). High
fracture loads surpassing physiologic chew-
ing forces were described for these mini-
Figure 3.  In vitro and clinical behavior as well as advantages of translucent zirconia ceramics.
mally invasive restorations when fabricated (a) Monolithic translucent 3Y-TZP crowns (InCoris TZI; Dentsply Sirona) under optical
from LDS, LSP, and PICN, irrespective of microscope (SZH 10; Olympus) after 5-y clinical chewing simulation with steatite antagonist
the application of fatigue (Al-Akhali et al. (1.2 million sliding cycles at 198 N). The dashed circle indicates the dynamic loading area. (I, IV)
Super speed sintered (1,580 °C, total sinter time: 10 min). (II, V) Speed sintered (1,510°C, total
2017; Yazigi et al. 2017). sinter time: 1 h (III, VI) Long term sintered (1,510 °C, total sinter time: 4 h). Material loss is
Conservative monolithic zirconia molar limited to the removal of the glaze layer, with only minor superficial damage to the zirconia. (b,
crowns (0.5-mm occlusal thickness; Nakamura c) Monolithic translucent 5Y-TZP veneer restorations (Prettau Anterior; Zirkonzahn); note the
et al. 2015) and posterior 3-unit FDPs (0.6- high light transmission of these 0.5- to 0.7-mm-thin veneer restorations. Favorable aesthetic
clinical outcomes were obtained. 3Y-TZP, 3 mol% yttria partially stabilized tetragonal zirconia
mm occlusal thickness; Bömicke et al. polycrystal; 5Y-TZP, 5 mol% yttria partially stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal.
2016) also showed high fracture resistance.

Machinability of CAD/CAM dental porcelain, polymers, crowns, dental prosthesis, fixed

dental prosthesis, inlays, survival, survival rate, longevity,
clinical trials, clinical studies or follow-up studies. The fol-
The machinability (“tool penetration rate for a given applied lowing inclusion criteria were applied: 1) clinical studies
force”) of LU (3.21 mm/min) and VE (2.53 mm/min) was sig- related to CAD/CAM ceramic restorative material restorations
nificantly greater when compared with LDS (1.12 mm/min) or on teeth; 2) human clinical trials with 1 of the following study
LSP (0.80 mm/min; Chavali et al. 2017). The material brittle- designs—prospective, retrospective, randomized controlled, or
ness was directly correlated with the degree of marginal chip- case series; 3) studies with a dropout rate <25%; and 4) clinical
ping. The ceramic-based materials LDS and LSP revealed edge studies with a mean follow-up time of at least 2 y in function.
chipping (Chavali et al. 2017). The high strength of LDS and Manual search complemented the electronic search.
brittleness of its glassy phase make it difficult to machine dur- The initial search resulted in 570 records. After title and
ing shaping and adjustments with diamond burs (Song et al. abstract analysis, 51 publications were retrieved for full-text
2016). Surface roughness for machined LDS was comparable analysis. A total of 26 articles were finally included for data
to that of other glass-ceramics (Song et al. 2016). In this con- extraction. The Table scrutinizes the current available clinical
text, the power output of the milling spindels in a mill is related evidence of CAD/CAM ceramic restorative materials.
to torque and tool spindles to guarantee high-precision pro- Glass-infiltrated alumina ceramics and densely sintered
cessing of all areas of the workpiece (Kurbad 2017). Hence, alumina ceramics, which are no longer in use, were not
the CAD software and milling unit should be modified to included in the present review.
match the power of the mill with the machinability of the mate-
rial. Besides the innovations in material science, novel devices
for chairside milling are being developed for faster fabrication Glass-Ceramics
times with protocols that are adjusted to the respective CAD/ Silica. Recent studies report excellent marginal integrity for
CAM material (Chavali et al. 2017; Kurbad 2017; Fig. 2). CAD/CAM chairside fabricated glass-ceramic restorations
(Nejatidanesh et al. 2015; Otto and Mormann 2015; Lu et al.
2018). The clinical long-term performance with high survival
Clinical Evidence: Recent Clinical Trials rates is well documented for CAD/CAM fabricated glass-
An electronic database search (MEDLINE via PubMed, ceramic inlays, onlays, and crowns (Table; Federlin et al.
Cochrane Library) for English-language clinical trials pub- 2014; Otto and Mormann 2015; Otto 2017; Lu et al. 2018).
lished between January 1, 2014, and December 1, 2017, per- The adequate preparation design and proper adhesive
taining to the clinical performance of CAD/CAM materials on cementation protocol are crucial for the long-term success of
teeth was performed to provide a comprehensive overview and these restorations (Federlin et al. 2014; Nejatidanesh et al.
limit bias in the selection and assessment of the dental litera- 2015). Nowadays, nonretentive preparation designs in combi-
ture. A combination of MeSH terms and free-text words was nation with reduced ceramic thicknesses allow a minimally
used: computer-aided design, digital, CAD/CAM, ceramics, invasive treatment approach (Ahlers et al. 2009). Due to this
8 Journal of Dental Research 00(0)

treatment modality and the fabrication of CAD/CAM restora- were also reported for PICN PCRs (Lu et al. 2018). This clini-
tions in a single treatment session, endodontic complications cal data revealed that PICN is susceptible toward cementation
decreased significantly and are rarely reported in the present failure if the material-specific recommendations are not fol-
literature (Nejatidanesh et al. 2015; Otto and Mormann 2015). lowed. Deterioration of the PICN surface was observed (Chi-
Also, secondary caries has become a rare biological complica- rumamilla et al. 2016; Spitznagel et al. 2018); hence, further
tion (Federlin et al. 2014; Nejatidanesh et al. 2015; Otto and clinical long-term data have to be awaited.
Mormann 2015; Lu et al. 2018; Table).

Leucite-Reinforced Glass-Ceramics.  Long-term data are presently

Oxide Ceramics
available only for minimally invasive restorations. Favorable Zirconia Ceramics
survival rates of 95% after 5 y have been reported (Nejatidanesh Layered restorations.  Anterior zirconia single-retainer resin-
et al. 2015). Tooth vitality played a significant role: ceramic bonded fixed dental prostheses exhibited excellent clinical out-
fracture occurred significantly more often in nonvital than in comes, with survival rates of 100% to 98.2% after 4 to 10 y
vital teeth (Nejatidanesh et al. 2015). No secondary caries was (Sailer and Hammerle 2014; Sasse and Kern 2014; Kern et al.
observed, and the color match was significantly better when 2017). Loss of retention is still the most common failure.
compared with feldspathic-based CAD/CAM systems (Nejati- Clinical zirconia framework failure rates are much lower
danesh et al. 2015). than those reported for silicate-based frameworks but cannot
be entirely excluded (Table). However, the clinical success of
Lithium Disilicate Ceramics.  CAD/CAM LDS crowns showed veneered zirconia restorations is predominately limited by the
high clinical survival rates for chairside fabrication: 100% poor performance of the veneering ceramic. The low thermal
after 2 y (Akin et al. 2015; Seydler and Schmitter 2015) and conductivity of the zirconia core results in a large temperature
83.5% after 10 y (Rauch et al. 2018). Promising results are also gradient in the veneer layer upon cooling. Hence, residual ther-
available for CAD/CAM monolithic LDS 3-unit FDPs, with mal stresses become locked into the material system, leading to
survival rates of 93% after 4.7 y (Reich et al. 2014), with lim- fractures within the veneering ceramic (Naenni et al. 2015).
ited technical and biological complications. However, ade- Veneer fracture rates are reported at 1.9% to 8.1% for SCs after
quate dimension of the connectors is crucial for the clinical 4 to 5 y (Güncü et al. 2015; Nejatidanesh et al. 2016; Monaco
success of LDS FDPs. Clinical long-term studies on minimally et al. 2017) and 14.8% to 40% for FDPs after 3 to 10 y (Naenni
invasive LDS restorations are needed. et al. 2015; Solá-Ruíz et al. 2015; Zenthöfer et al. 2015;
Ioannidis and Bindl 2016). Anatomic Y-TZP core design and
Lithium Silicate/Phosphate Glass-Ceramics. No clinical study slow-cooling veneer application protocols could reduce the
that met the inclusion criteria of this search could be identified, incidence of veneer failures (Zhang and Lawn 2018). However,
as the material was only recently introduced. Preliminary data press veneer application did not result in superior performance
revealed a success rate of 96.7% for LSP restorations after 12 of the veneering ceramic when compared with the traditional
mo (Zimmermann, Koller, Mehl, and Hickel 2017). However, hand-layer veneering (Naenni et al. 2015). Chairside occlusal
future studies need to address the long-term performance of adjustment is a major concern. Significantly higher chipping
LSP glass-ceramics. incidence due to the deterioration of the ceramic surface was
observed after occlusal grinding (Bömicke et al. 2017).
Resin-Matrix-Ceramics CAD/CAM veneering techniques.  A 2-y evaluation revealed
Resin-Based CAD/CAM Composites. Preliminary data on LU 100% survival for CAD/CAM veneered crowns with no bio-
partial-coverage restorations (PCRs) revealed a survival rate of logical or technical complications. However, increased occlu-
85.7% after 2 y. Two tooth fractures (4.8%) and 3 debondings sal substance removal (1.8 mm) is necessary for the CAD/
(7.1%) were observed. However, it has to be noted that dental CAM veneering technique, which represents a major limitation
students performed the restorations (Zimmermann, Koller, (Seydler and Schmitter 2015).
Reymus, et al. 2017). Clinical long-term data are lacking to
date. The degradation and discoloration behavior of the RBCs Monolithic restorations.  Preliminary clinical studies showed
needs to be addressed in further research. No clinical study on that monolithic or minimally veneered (no feldspathic veneer
other RBC materials could be identified. in function) zirconia appeared as a viable treatment option. The
evidence on monolithic zirconia crowns and FDPs restorations
PICN Materials. Chairside fabricated PICN crowns revealed is presently low (Table). The available studies showed that all
2-y survival rates of 96.8% for resin composite cementation monolithic zirconia restorations exhibited a 100% survival rate
and 92.9% for resin-modified glass ionomer cementation (Chi- after 36 to 68 mo (Moscovitch 2015; Bömicke et al. 2017). No
rumamilla et al. 2016). Promising results are also available for fractures, cracks, or chipping within the monolithic zirconia
PICN minimally invasive restorations: the 3-y survival rates material was observed.
were 97.4% for inlays and 95.6% for PCRs (Fig. 2; Spitznagel Concerns with respect to the wear behavior could be elimi-
et al. 2018). Similar results with survival rates of 97% after 3 y nated when the zirconia surface is well polished and glazed
CAD/CAM Ceramic Restorative Materials 9

(Stober et al. 2014). The wear rates of monolithic zirconia crown P.C. Gierthmuehlen, contributed to conception, design, and data
restorations are in consensus with other clinical studies on all- analysis, drafted and critically revised the manuscript. All authors
ceramic restorations (Lohbauer and Reich 2017). However, gave final approval and agree to be accountable for all aspects of
increased surface roughness due to intraoral adjustment will the work.
affect the wear rate. Hence, a perfect polish is a prerequisite for
a suitable wear resistance of zirconia and the opposing antago- Acknowledgments
nists (Bömicke et al. 2017; Esquivel-Upshaw et al. 2018). The authors thank Iris Walz for performing the fatigue test of the
zirconia crowns (Figure 3) and MDT Udo Plaster for some of the
Translucent zirconia.  No clinical studies on novel translu- pictures displayed in Figures 1 and 2. The authors received no
cent zirconia materials are currently available. financial support and declare no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the authorship and/or publication of this article.

Nowadays, the subtractive approach is the most current basis
for CAD/CAM systems in dentistry. Additive manufacturing, F.A. Spitznagel
also known as 3-dimensional printing, builds a material layer
by layer directly from 3-dimensional digital data without the
use of expensive molds and tooling, which are required for the
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