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How Facebook Protects The Perpetrators Instead of The TI in Cyberstalking - Bullying

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“Even if you're not doing anything wrong, you are being watched and recorded”. Edward Snowden.

• April 18, 2021

How Facebook Protects The Perpetrators Instead

Of The TI In Cyberstalking/Bullying
Facebook claims is has a no to speak out against the
bullying policy and if you break corruption of local law
the policy on the social media enforcement, Cia, Nsa, United
platform you will be subject to States Military, and the FBI.
being blocked and or suspended In the horrendous crimes
from posting and commenting. against humanity they are
What I have noticed is Facebook committing against innocent
will block the targeted person Americans and other countries
and not the perpetrators who is around the world. USA
actually doing the bullying. satellites are hoovering over
Leaving the targeted individual those countries in illegal
not being able to stand up for surveillance ease dropping,
themselves against cyber spying, v2k technologies, and
bullying. Anyone who has ever remote neural monitoring, I
been cybered bullied knows the have witness citizens getting
attacks keep coming. Staying attacked byby microwave
quiet is not an option when your weapons. Instead these
Author JusticeTI being targeted in any compacity. agencies use their agents and
Report and expose is the only followers to target us who dare
Exposing PERPS Melissia Hayes, way to go. A lot of us targeted speak out aboutwhat is being
Timothy Rogert, and Facebook. Don't be individuals are being cyber done to us. Full Article
fooled by perps sent in to discredit TIs bullied only because we chose

Family Receives Life in Prison for First - Ever

Cyberstalking Conviction
Lenore Matusiewicz's lawyer the federal "cyberstalking resulting in Matusiewicz, fatally shot his former
Kenneth Edelson leaves the death" statute, marking a shifting daughter-in-law Full Article
federal courthouse and declined attitude about the real-world threat
to comment as Amy Gonzalez posed by cyber-intimidation.
and David Matusiewicz were Three family members—former
sentenced to life in U.S. District optometrist David T. Matusiewicz; his
Court in Wilmington, Delaware, mother, Lenore Matusiewicz; and his
on February 18. In sentencing sister, Amy Gonzalez—were sentenced
David Matusiewicz and to life in prison last week for the 2013
Gonzalez, the judge described murder of David's ex-wife and her
the stalking and shooting of friend at a Delaware courthouse. The
Christine Belford as a "crime of three family members' convictions,
malice" that struck at the heart which include conspiracy, interstate
of the state of Delaware's stalking resulting in death and
judicial system and tore the cyberstalking resulting in death,
fabric of the community. THE followed a five-week jury trial this
NEWS JOURNAL/AP. past summer.
In a national first, defendants in On February 11, 2013, David AuthorTI Post Request
Delaware have been convicted under Matusiewicz’s father, Thomas


Signed as Law: Utah Bill Creates
Process to Review and Shut Down
Surveillance Programs PASSED
Last week, Utah Gov. Spencer Cox signed a bill that creates a AuthorTI Post Request
process to review state and local surveillance technology and to
halt the use of surveillance tech that doesn’t meet acceptable
standards. The law will create an important layer of
transparency and oversight for surveillance programs in Utah
and push back against the growing federal surveillance state..
Rep. Francis Gibson (R) introduced House Bill 243 (HB243) on Jan. 26.
The legislation creates the position of “state privacy officer” along with
the Personal Privacy Oversight Committee within the office of the state
auditor. The committee will have the authority to review government use
of surveillance technology and require state or city agencies to terminate
the use of such technology if they fail to meet minimum acceptable TI PODCAST
standards. This will be subject to a legislative override. Full Article

Case Result: 2 Year Restraining Order

Obtained to Protect Client
How would you like your perp’s name on a two year restraining Order ?

Early this Morning we were in a California Court and got a C.C.P. 527.6
Order, to prohibit harassment and stalking.
Author LaJuana Reid.
The victim is a 60 year old woman, subject to stalking and harassment by her
neighbor. Her efforts to get government assistance yielded little.

What merits a C.C.P. 527.6 Order ? Full Article

DARPA Wants to Jolt the Nervous

System with Electricity, Lasers,
Sound Waves, and Magnets

The defense agency announces funding for 7 projects under its

new ElectRx program
Author LaJuana Reid
Viewing the body as a chemical system and treating maladies with
pharmaceuticals is so 20th century. In 21st century medicine, doctors
may consider the body as an electrical system instead, and prescribe
therapies that alter the electrical pulses that run through the nerves.Full

Tulsi Gabbard: Domestic-Terrorism Bill Is ‘a

Targeting of Almost Half of the Country’
“It’s so dangerous as you guys Alliance of religious
have been talking about, this is extremists, racists, bigots, he
an issue that all Democrats, lists a few others and at the
Republicans, independents,
end, even libertarians.”
Libertarians should be extremely
concerned about, especially She said her concern lies in
because we don’t have to guess how officials will define the
about where this goes or how characteristics they are
this ends,” Gabbard said. searching for in potential
She continued: “When you have
Author TI Post Request people like former CIA Director “What characteristics are we
John Brennan openly talking looking for as we are building
Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democratic about how he’s spoken with or
this profile of a potential
representative from Hawaii, on Friday heard from appointees and
nominees in the Biden extremist, what are we talking
expressed concern that a proposed measure to
combat domestic terrorism could be used to administration who are already about? Religious extremists,
undermine civil liberties. starting to look across our are we talking about
Gabbard’s comments came during an country for these types of Christians, evangelical
appearance on Fox News Primetime when host movements similar to the Christians, what is a religious
Brian Kilmeade asked her if she was “surprised insurgencies they’ve seen extremist? Is it somebody who
they’re pushing forward with this extra overseas, that in his words, he
says make up this unholy is pro-life? Where. Full Article
surveillance on would-be domestic terror.”

What Role Do Local Fusion Centers Play In Contracting People

Out To Community Harassment and Organized Stalking?
This is what you need to Surveillance Under the This is the FBI biggest role in the gang
USA/PATRIOT Act stalking. The FBI is 100% totally to
understand. blame for cyber stalking and cyber
Fusion centers are ran strictly Normally a narcissist, a worthless security.
through Homeland security. I think police officer, or a worthless judge
we have a total of 90 fusion centers in puts you on the gang stalking list. Cyberstalking | Federal Bureau of
the U.S as of right now. We also have Investigation Full Article
900 prison FEMA camps or The police departments and FBI are
concentration camps in the U.S. right in charge of finding gang stalkers! The
now! That’s a whole other ball game. police departments hire the gang
The fusion centers role are strictly to stalkers and so does the FBI.
put you under 24/7 illegal
surveillance. Once the fusion centers FBI is Secretly Targeting, Surveilling,
have targeted an individual, that and Gang Stalking Innocent
individual is now on the federal Americans Using Fraudulent
terrorist watchlist! The individuals “Anti-Terrorism” As Pretext (youtube
name can never be removed. This is interviews and transcriptions) – Gang
where the U.S. Patriot Act is load of Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults
crap. The U.S. Patriot Act makes this Then you have the cyber stalking that
legal for this torture and terrorism. Author Kenney Gleason
is strictly through our wonderful FBI!

Author LaJuana Reid

DARPA you had no right to allow Big

Pharma ana Academia to run illegal
human experiments on innocent
civilians and then bring in law
enforcement and their criminal
GANGSTALKERS to terrorize test
subjects into silence!

DARPA's ElectRx program (Electric

Prescriptions) is funding research into tiny
embedded devices that can monitor
conditions inside the body and stimulate
Author TI Post Request
particular nerves in response, enhancing
the body's self-healing abilities

TIS OF THE MONTH DARPA is examining health on a nano scale

through its electrical prescriptions
(ElectRx) program.


I believe this app was created by the
United States Government. Because It has
systematic timing features.

Author JusticeTI

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