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Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

7 Parameter Information

This chapter contains detailed definitions of the parameters. For information on the use and format of
parameters, see Volume 2, Parameter Information.
Parameter information includes data that is entered into the Operations Manager dialog boxes in
Mastercam and tool information for the toolpath operation. The parameter information is passed to the
post customization file by several different methods depending on the parameter output options
selected and the parameter information type. The data contained in the NC parameters do not have
predefined numeric or string variables assigned to them. It is the responsibility of the post writer to
extract the NC parameters with the tools provided in the MP language.
Note: Do not generate parameter information from Mastercam if you don't need to. Avoiding the
overhead of reading the parameter information will speed up the posting process.

NC parameters types
Two basic types of NC parameters can be passed to the post customization file. The types are based on
the NCI Gcode range:
NC operation information (NCI Gcodes 10000 through 19999)
Tool information (NCI Gcodes 20000 through 29999)

10000s NC operation parameters

Information passed with the 10000s operation parameters is always in the following form:
NCI Gcode identifier
Single parameter passed with the NCI Gcode
This information is always accessed in the tool change series of NCI lines, normally just prior to the
actual tool change NCI Gcodes (1000, 1001 and 1002) and the 20000s parameter lines.
10000s parameters can be exposed to the post customization file by two different methods:
Inserted directly into the ASCII NCI file as was done in earlier versions of Mastercam.
This method is being phased out and will be eliminated in some future version of Mastercam.
Written to an external operation parameter file (.ops file), which is read during the posting process.
An operation parameter file contains all the data in the actual operation structures associated with
each toolpath operation in Mastercam. This file contains an operation-by-operation record of the
NC parameters as they are entered in the NC parameter dialog boxes. The information written to
the operation parameter file is the operation parameter definition structure ‘operation’ as found in
the C-Hook header file ‘m_avars.h’.

The data is presented to the post customization file (or the procedures used in the MP language) in
basically the same manner but is presented to post executable file in two different ways.
November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-1
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

Parameter information in the ASCII NCI

The 10000s parameters are written in the tool change series of NCI lines as ‘two line sets’ of NCI
lines. For example:


Parameter information in the Operation Parameter File
The post executable file uses the C-Hook MPPARAM.DLL to interpret the operation parameter
file. This file is written as a binary file. The MPPARAM.DLL reads each operation written in the
operation parameter file in the same order it finds the read command on the NCI Gcode 1020 line
in the NCI file. The read flag is not available as a numeric variable to the post customization file.
Data read from the operation parameter file is presented in the same manner (but not with the same
data) as the parameter information in the ASCII NCI to the post customization file.

The NCI Gcode for any particular parameter can be different depending on the type of toolpath that the
parameter is used in. See Determining the Parameter ID below for details. The parameter can be an
integer, a real value, or a string. However, there will only be one parameter for each NCI Gcode.

The 20000s tool information parameters

The 20000s parameters are written in the tool change series of NCI lines automatically in Mill and
Lathe toolpaths. The information is written just prior to the actual tool change NCI Gcodes (1000,
1001 and 1002) as a “two line sets” of NCI lines. For example:


1 10 1 0 0.25 0. 0. 180. 1 1 6.4176 6.4176 6.4176 2139 1 4
0 50. 50. 25. 25. 0. 0. 0.
0. 2. 3. 2.5 0.25 2. 1. 0 100. 25. 0

7-2 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

The parameter(s) can be integers, real values, or a string. Strings are always passed as a single
parameter. There are several numeric parameters passed with a single NCI Gcode with the 20000s
Note: These lines are not generated with the Wire product.

Enabling the NC parameters in Mastercam

Enabling 10000s operation parameters
Two system numbered questions have been added to the post customization (.PST) file that are used to
determine which procedure is to be used, if any, to generate the 10000s NC parameter data:
1501. Insert parameter information in the ascii NCI? n
1502. Write operation information to binary file (.ops)? y
Note: If you change these questions in your post customization file to produce the desired parameters,
you must repost existing operations from the Operations Manager.
A different procedure is used depending on which 10000s method is used to generate the operation
Insert parameter information in the ASCII NCI
Answering the system numbered question:
“1501. Insert parameter information in the ascii NCI?”
“yes” (y or true) instructs Mastercam to write a predefined set of NC parameters in the tool change
series of NCI lines of the ASCII NCI file. The set of parameters is not the same as those written to
the operation parameter file. Many toolpaths may not write any parameters to the NCI file even
with the “y” response (true).
Write operation information to binary file
Answering the system numbered question:
“1502. Write operation information to binary file (.ops)?”
“yes” (y or true) writes the 10000s parameters to the operation parameter file (OPS file). This file
is created when you execute the post command from Mastercam. The operation parameter file
appends the .ops extension to the NCI file name, for example, T.OPS. This file is written to the
same directory as the NCI file.

Using the param_read variable

The predefined numeric variable param_read is set automatically based on the response to the system
numbered questions 1501. and 1502. It is used to control the NC parameter read function in the post
executable file. param_read is set as follows:

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-3
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

0 = Read the parameters from the NCI file only.

1 = Read the parameters from ops file only.
2 = Read the parameters from both NCI file and ops file.
3 = Do not read the parameters from either file.
You can use param_read to eliminate redundant or duplicate data when reading from the operation
parameter file. This applies only to param_read originally set to 1 or 2:
Positive - Limited operation parameter file read; remove redundant and duplicate information.
Negative - Read all information contained in the .ops file.
Note: The postblock pprep is used to override the initial setting for param_read.

Enabling 20000s tool information parameters

The 20000s parameters are automatically written in Mill and Lathe toolpaths.
Note: The procedure “Insert parameter information in the ASCII NCI” file is scheduled for removal in
a future version of Mastercam. It is recommended that you use “Write operation information to binary
file” procedure.
Note: These lines are not generated with the Wire product.

Accessing the NC parameters

Accessing parameters in the post customization file is done through the following:
a single common postblock pparameter
a numeric variable prmcode that holds the NCI Gcode
a string variable sparameter that holds the parameter(s) as a single string
The parameters in the NC parameter and tool information parameters are not predefined in the post
customization file. The post writer must create user-defined numeric and string variables to hold the
parameters that will be used. Post functions are available to extract the information from the string
See Volume 1, Formulas for more information.
The postblock pparameter is called repeatedly for each set of prmcode and sparameter that is read from
the NCI file or the operation parameter file.
Note: Be sure to use some technique to store the information that is to be saved during the parameter
postblock call with the prmcode identifier value of interest.

Accessing 10000s NC parameters

The parameter expected with the 10000s NC parameters is a single integer, a single real value, or a
Extracting a common string variable
For a single common string variable, the procedure to capture the string is:

7-4 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

string_user #Define a string

pparameter #Predefined parameter postblock
if prmcode = 10000, string_user = sparameter

Extracting a numeric variable

To extract a common numeric variable from the string, use of the formula function rpar. The target of
the formula function is the numeric variable to receive the converted string value, which must either be
declared in the post customization file or be a predefined numeric variable. The first parameter is the
string variable to be converted. The second parameter indicates a single parameter to read:
var1 : 0 #Define a numeric variable
pparameter #Predefined parameter postblock
if prmcode = 10042, var1 = rpar(sparameter, 1)

Unfortunately, many NC parameters do not carry the same prmcode identifier value for a common NC
parameter. Different identifiers were assigned to the same parameter in the Mastercam dialog box for
different operations. Therefore, it is necessary to select the prmcode based on the operation type.
Typically, the numeric variable opcode is used to select the operation type.
A lookup table function fprmtbl and the formula function fprm are used to extract the parameters. The
lookup table consists of two columns. The first column contains the prmcode identifier value that is to
be captured. The second column contains the numeric or string variable that the parameter value will be
stored in. You must create user-defined numeric or string variables or use predefined variables for the
lookup table target variables. The lookup table function fprmtbl consists of the label fprmtbl label, a
unique table number (usually this is the opcode that contains the prmcode identifier values you are
looking for) and the number of entries in the table. For example:
string1 : 0 # User-defined string variables
string2 : 0
var1 : 0 # User-defined numeric variables
var2 : 0
var3 : 0
result : 0

fprmtbl 2 5 # Table Number, Size

10000 string1 # Toolpath ID (string)
10001 string2 # Tool String
10002 var1 # Tool Number
10003 var2 # Tool Dia. Offset Number
10004 var3 # Tool Length Number

The lookup table call is performed by the formula function fprm. The returned result is 1 if the table is
found, or 0 if the table was not found. The parameter in the function is keyed to the table number. In
this example, if the opcode value is 2 then the table is called and any matching prmcode identifier values
will write the parameter value to the associated variable.
pparameter # Predefined parameter postblock
result = fprm(opcode)
See Volume 1, Formulas for more information.
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Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

Accessing 20000s NC parameters

The parameter(s) passed with the 20000s NCI Gcode lines can be a series of integers and real values
delimited with a space or a single string. The parameters are passed in the string variable sparameter
and must be extracted from this string.
Extracting a string variable
To extract a string variable:
string_user #Define a string
pparameter #Predefined parameter postblock
if prmcode = 20001, string_user = sparameter

Extracting a numeric variable

To extract the numeric variables from the space-delimited string, use of the formula function rpar. The
target of the formula function is the first entry in the list. The second parameter indicates the number of
entries in the list. A list of unique user-defined variables that correspond to the parameters in the
delimited string must be in the post customization file. In this example, there are parameters to read.
var1 : 0 # User-defined numeric variables
var2 : 0
var3 : 0
var4 : 0
var5 : 0

Example NCI line:

1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5

pparameter # Predefined parameter postblock

if prmcode = 20004, var1 = rpar(sparameter, 5)

In this example, var1 = 1.1, var2 = 2.2, var3 = 3.3, var4 = 4.4 and var5 = 5.5.
See Volume 1, Formulas for more information.
The numeric variable strtool_v7 was introduced in Mastercam Version 7 when the tool name in Mill
became generic based on the tool type, and the tool definition index became the tool identifier. This
variable was added to allow the tool description to appear as in Mastercam Version 6.
strtool_v7 is used to capture the description from the tool definition (NCI Gcode 20001 in the NCI file)
to replace the tool name that is on the NCI Gcode 1013 line. This description is entered in the Define
Tool dialog box under the Parameters tab and Tool name. The tool name is replaced if strtool_v7 is 1.
The string is copied into the predefined string variables strtool, strtoolpath, and strtoolext.

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Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

NC parameters with the pre-read routine

The preparatory or pre-read routine used in the post executable file can read the NC parameter
information. This capability is enabled when the post customization file has the predefined numeric
variable tooltable set to 1 or 3 to activate the pre-read routine for calls to pwrtt and pwrttparam postblocks.
The postblocks must both be declared in the post customization file. The procedure is the same as
Accessing the NC Parameters except that the postblock pwrttparam is called during the pre-read routine
instead of pparameter. During the pre-read routine, the comment NCI Gcodes (1005, 1006, 1007 and
1008) are read through the same parameter read function and passed in the numeric variable prmcode
and string variable sparameter.
See Volume 1, How the Preparatory Postblocks Work for more information.

Mpparam.dll and the NC parameter functions

Mpparam.dll is used by the post executable to read the NC parameters from the operation parameter
file. This file must reside with the Mastercam executable for the post executable DLL to run even if
you do not use the operation parameter file. When you attempt to run MP without this file in a
searchable path or the Mastercam directory, you generate an error message that the MP.DLL could not
be found.

Writing the operation parameter file

This is controlled by the setting of the numbered question in the PST file:
“1502. Write operation information to binary file (.ops)?”
When set true (y), this enables the writing of the operation parameter file.
Operation data from Mastercam should be written to the operation parameter file when Mastercam
processes the selected operations for posting. Also, parameter 12 on the Stock Parameters NCI
Gcode 1020 should be set to 1. The parameter information is written when the operation number
changes and the parameter information is different.
Operation data should NOT be written if the operation does not write a tool change to the NCI file.
Without the NCI Gcode 1020 in the NCI file, the operation read does not maintain the proper order.
Mastercam Versions 8 and 9 write the transform operation parameters when using the transform. The
information in the NC parameters is of little value to the post writer. It is not possible to get the original
operation NC parameters if they are not written as part of the toolpath to the NCI file.
Error codes are returned at the end of a section read in the operation parameter file. The numeric
variable prmcode is set to 19999 and the string variable sparameter is set with one of the following

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Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

0 = Everything is OK
1 = End of file encountered (normally not an error)
2 = Error reading the .ops file
3 = Wrong DLL for Mastercam version number
4 = Error writing operation header
5 = Bad operation opcode found
6 = Bad input data type found
7 = Internal level structure index out of range
8 = Internal termination flag is set (use reset at initial read)
9 = Read bytes does not match bytes written

C-Hook developers and mpparam.dll

C-Hook developers who want to read the parameters from the operation parameter file can include the
mpparam.dll as an implicit DLL. The developer must create a “while” loop and process each operation
that was written to the parameter file. The DLL generates a Gcode and string as though NCI data were
being presented from the NCI file.
See the file header mpparam.h and the C-Hook operations header m_avars.h for the structures contained
in the operation parameter file.
Example of C code
if (bDoParamRead)
while (!opsTerminate)
fnMpparam(szFnam, &psGcode, szString, 80, &nOpsReset,
&nOpsTerminate, nOpsRead);
//Your code here
nOpsTerminate = 0;
This is the interface from mpparam.h:
//Remove extern "C" in C files
extern "C" MPPARAM_API int fnMpparam // 0 for normal termination
char* sopername, // I: The .ops file path and name to be read
short* gcode, // O: 10000's gcode
char* sparameter, // O: String conversion of data
int str_length, // I: Maximum string length
int* reset, // I: Reset the input file
int* terminate, // O: Terminate the current read section
int view_all); // I: Write all parameters from database

7-8 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

Determining the Parameter ID

Use this section to relate the NCI Gcode to the parameters you are using.

NC parameters
Mill Lathe Wire

Contour Contour
Drill Drill
Xform Xform
Finish 4
Curve 5 Axis
Swarf 5 Axis
Drill 5 Axis
Thread mill
Auto drill
Lcan Pattern
Lcan Rough

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Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

Note: No NCI parameters are written for the following operations:

Point (Mill)
Trim (Mill)
Finish 5 (Mill)

Operations file parameters

The parameters in this section are presented in data structure order, that is, the order in which they will
appear if written into the operations file (*.OPS).
OP_COMMON001 (multisurf)
OP_COMMON002 (drill)
OP_COMMON003 (lathe and wire)
OP_TOOL_INFO001 (drill)
OP_TOOL_INFO002 (lathe)
OP_TOOL_INFO003 (wire)
Note: The following parameters no longer exist. See OP_CC, OP_CC001, OP_CC002
OP_CC_COMPUTER001 (Lathe and Wire)
OP_CC_CONTROL001 (pocket)
OP_CC_CONTROL002 (Lathe and Wire)
OP_VIEW (Tplane)
OP_VIEW2 (Cplane)
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Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

OP_HOME_POS001 (lathe)
OP_LEAD_IO001 (pocket)
Select the structure for the operation you are tracking. If the structure is not listsed then it was not

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Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

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Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

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Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3


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Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

Parameters in the NCI


10008 Cutter compensation in computer

10010 Amount of stock to leave
10020 Clearance height
10021 Clearance incremental
10022 Retract height
10023 Retract incremental
10024 Feed height
10025 Feed incremental
10026 Rapid retract
10027 Top of stock height
10028 Top of stock incremental
10029 Toolpath depth
10030 Toolpath depth incremental
10031 Retract rate
10033 Material
10055 Post name
10065 Depth cuts: Rough: Distance
10066 Depth cuts: Finish: Steps
10067 Depth cuts: Finish: Distance
10068 Stock to leave Z
10069 Keep tool down
10070 Roll around sharp corners
10073 Unroll contours: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10074 Unroll angle tolerance
10080 Reference point X
10081 Reference point Y
10082 Reference point Z
10085 Tool display step mode
10086 Tool display delay
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Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10087 Tool display interpolate

10088 Tool display step size
10089 Tool display animate
10090 Tool type
10091 Tool corner type
10092 Tool tip angle
10093 Tool material
10094 Tool comment
10095 Tool view name
10096 Construction view name
10101 Infinite look-ahead: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10102 Entry line is perpendicular: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10103 Entry line length
10104 Entry arc radius
10105 Entry arc angle (in radians)
10106 Number of roughing cuts
10107 Rough cut spacing
10108 Number of finish cuts
10109 Finish cut spacing
10110 Linearization tolerance
10113 Maximum depth variance
10114 Finish all: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10115 Enter only on first depth cut
10117 Overlap amount
10118 Exit line perp.
10119 Exit line length
10120 Exit radius
10121 Exit arc sweep
10122 Exit only on last depth
10123 Keep tool down passes
10124 Optimize control cutter comp.

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Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information



10020 Clearance height

10021 Clearance incremental
10022 Retract height
10023 Retract incremental
10027 Top of stock height
10028 Top of stock incremental
10029 Toolpath height
10030 Toolpath incremental
10031 Retract rate
10033 Material
10055 Post name
10070 Roll around sharp corners
10073 Unroll contours: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10074 Unroll angle tolerance
10080 Reference point X
10081 Reference point Y
10082 Reference point Z
10085 Tool display step mode
10086 Tool display delay
10087 Tool display interpolate
10088 Tool display step size
10089 Tool display animate
10090 Tool type
10091 Tool corner type
10092 Tool tip angle
10093 Tool material
10094 Tool comment
10095 Tool view name
10096 Construction view name
10100 Drill cycle

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Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10102 Initial height is incremental: 0 = no, 1 = yes

10103 Incremental initial height
10104 Reference height is incremental: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10105 Incremental reference height
10106 Drill depth is incremental: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10107 Incremental depth
10108 First peck increment
10109 Subsequent peck increment
10110 Peck clearance
10111 Retraction distance
10112 Dwell
10116 Drill tip angle
10117 Use back face drill (C-axis face drilling)
10118 Drill shift

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Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information


10008 Cutter compensation in computer
10010 Amount of stock to leave
10020 Clearance height
10021 Clearance incremental
10022 Retract height
10023 Retract incremental
10024 Feed height
10025 Feed incremental
10026 Rapid retract
10027 Top of stock height
10028 Top of stock incremental
10029 Toolpath height
10030 Toolpath incremental
10031 Retract rate
10033 Material
10055 Post name
10064 Depth cuts: Rough: Steps
10065 Depth cuts: Rough: Distance
10066 Depth cuts: Finish: Steps
10067 Depth cuts: Finish: Distance
10068 Stock to leave Z
10069 Keep tool down
10070 Roll around sharp corners
10073 Unroll contours: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10074 Unroll angle tolerance
10080 Reference point X
10081 Reference point Y
10082 Reference point Z
10085 Tool display step mode
10086 Tool display delay
10087 Tool display interpolate
10088 Tool display step size
10089 Tool display animate
10090 Tool type
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Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10091 Tool corner type

10092 Tool tip angle
10093 Tool material
10094 Tool comment
10095 Tool view name
10096 Construction view name
10300 Cutting method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = spiral inside out, 2 = spiral outside in
10301 Roughing angle
10302 Roughing step size
10304 Number of finish passes
10305 Finish pass step size
10307 Entry line is perpendicular: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10310 Entry line length
10311 Entry arc radius
10312 Entry arc angle (in radians)
10313 Machine by region: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10314 Finish allowance
10315 Use additional finish parameters: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10321 Optimize finish passes
10331 Tapered wall pocketing: Base taper angle (in radians)
10332 Tapered wall pocketing: Island taper angle (in radians)
10350 Finish: Cutter compensation in control: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10380 Helix: 0 = off, 1 = on
10381 Helix: maximum radius
10382 Helix: ramp angle (in radians)
10383 Helix: maximum error
10384 Helix: 0 = CW, 1 = CCW
10385 Helix: xy clearance
10386 Helix: depth
10388 Ramp direction
10389 Helix: radius min.
10390 Ramp: zag angle
10391 Ramp: auto angle
10392 Ramp: slot width
10393 Helix: arc move

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Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10394 Helix: follow boundry

10395 Helix: only fail
10396 Helix: min bound length
10397 Helix: skip fail
10398 Helix: save boundry
10399 Helix: use entry point
10400 Helix: use point depth
10401 Use climb mill
10410 Remachine: tolerance percent
10411 Remachine: tolerance
10412 Remachine: display
10413 Remachine: display spiral
10414 Roughing stepover percentage
10415 Minimize tool burial
10416 Spiral inside to outside
10417 Finish outer boundary
10418 Finish keep tool down
10419 Entry only on first cut
10420 Entry/exit overlap
10421 Entry line is perpendicular: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10422 Entry line length
10423 Entry arc radius
10424 Entry arc angle (in radians)
10425 Number of roughing cuts
10426 Optimize cutter comp in control
10431 Remachine: remmaining stock mode
10432 Remachine: rough diameter
10433 Remachine: clearance
10434 Remachine: complete finish
10441 Open overlap percent
10442 Open overlap distance
10450 Pocket type

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Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3


10001 Tool reference
10008 Cutter compensation in computer
10010 Amount of stock to leave
10020 Clearance height
10021 Clearance incremental
10022 Retract height
10023 Retract incremental
10024 Feed height
10025 Feed incremental
10026 Rapid retract
10027 Top of stock height
10028 Top of stock incremental
10029 Toolpath depth
10030 Toolpath depth incremental
10031 Retract rate
10033 Material
10055 Post name
10065 Depth cuts: Rough: Distance
10066 Depth cuts: Finish: Steps
10067 Depth cuts: Finish: Distance
10068 Stock to leave Z
10069 Keep tool down
10070 Roll around sharp corners
10073 Unroll contours: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10074 Unroll angle tolerance
10080 Reference point X
10081 Reference point Y
10082 Reference point Z
10085 Tool display step mode
10086 Tool display delay
10087 Tool display interpolate
10088 Tool display step size
10089 Tool display animate
10090 Tool type
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Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10091 Tool corner type

10092 Tool tip angle
10093 Tool material
10094 Tool comment
10095 Tool view name
10096 Construction view name

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Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3



10008 Cutter compensation in computer

10010 Amount of stock to leave
10020 Clearance height
10021 Clearance incremental
10022 Retract height
10023 Retract incremental
10024 Feed height
10025 Feed incremental
10026 Rapid retract
10027 Top of stock height
10028 Top of stock incremental
10029 Toolpath depth
10030 Toolpath depth incremental
10031 Retract rate
10033 Material
10055 Post name
10070 Roll around sharp corners
10073 Unroll contours: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10074 Unroll angle tolerance
10080 Reference point X
10081 Reference point Y
10082 Reference point Z
10085 Tool display step mode
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10086 Tool display delay

10087 Tool display interpolate
10088 Tool display step size
10089 Tool display animate
10090 Tool type
10091 Tool corner type
10092 Tool tip angle
10093 Tool material
10094 Tool comment
10095 Tool view name
10096 Construction view name
10200 Cut angle
10204 Chordal deviation
10205 Stepover distance
10208 Cutting method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way
10221 Short gap motion (along a cut): 0 = direct, 1 = broken
10223 Prompt for start point: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10226 Use check surfaces: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10227 Stock to leave on check surfaces
10228 Prompt for tool center boundary: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10233 Allow negative z motion along surface: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10234 Allow positive z motion along surface: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10235 Plunge control: 0 = multi-plunge, 1 = cut from one side, 2 = cut from
both sides
10240 Sharp corner tolerance as percentage of chordal deviation
10242 Tool roll control: 0-between surfaces, 1-all edges, 2-all, if tool center
boundary is used
10243 Use Z limit
10244 First Z limit
10245 Second Z limit
10246 Optimize cut order
10247 Plunge to previous
10248 Follow tool center boundary
10249 Sharp edge deviation
10250 Sharp edge percent
10251 Use sharp edge percent
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Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10252 Use sharp edges

10253 Corner deviation
10254 Use corner deviation percent
10255 Use short gap percent
10256 Use short gap check
10257 Use long gap check
10258 Maximum short gap percent
10259 Maximum short gap
10301 Reference diameter
10302 Reference corner radius
10303 Reference tool overlap distance
10310 Steep wall from shallow angle
10311 Steep wall to shallow angle
10312 Steep wall extension distance
10320 Shallow surface from shallow angle
10321 Shallow surface to shallow angle
10322 Shallow surface extension distance
10323 Collapse distance
10324 Create zones
10325 Collapse outside to inside
10326 Collapse result percent
10401 Entry radius
10402 Entry angle
10403 Z depth control: 0 = absolute, 1 = incremental
10404 Incremental top clearance
10405 Incremental bottom stock
10407 Absolute top depth
10408 Absolute bottom depth
10410 Z stepdown
10414 Rough Z distance
10415 Rough climb mill
10421 Rough cleanup
10423 Rough minimum contour length
10431 Rough one way
10442 Start tool center

7-26 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10443 Use all cut methods

10444 Use rough level order
10700 Use clearance height
10701 Clearance height
10702 Clearance incremental
10703 Use retract height
10704 Retract height
10705 Retract incremental
10706 Feed height
10707 Feed incremental
10708 Rapid retract
10709 Direction plunge XY
10710 Direction plunge Z
10711 Direction plunge relative
10712 Direction retract XY
10713 Direction retract Z
10714 Direction retract relative
10715 Use relative direction

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-27
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3



Wireframe toolpaths do not produce NCI parameters.

7-28 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information



Project toolpaths do not produce NCI parameters.

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-29
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3


10008 Cutter compensation in computer
10010 Amount of stock to leave
10020 Clearance height
10021 Clearance incremental
10022 Retract height
10023 Retract incremental
10024 Feed height
10025 Feed incremental
10026 Rapid retract
10027 Top of stock height
10028 Top of stock incremental
10029 Toolpath depth
10030 Toolpath depth incremental
10031 Retract rate
10033 Material
10055 Post name
10070 Roll around sharp corners
10073 Unroll contours: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10074 Unroll angle tolerance
10080 Reference point X
10081 Reference point Y
10082 Reference point Z
10085 Tool display step mode
10086 Tool display delay
10087 Tool display interpolate
10088 Tool display step size
10089 Tool display animate
10090 Tool type
10091 Tool corner type
10092 Tool tip angle
10093 Tool material
10094 Tool comment
10095 Tool view name
10096 Construction view name
7-30 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10700 Use clearance height

10701 Clearance height
10702 Clearance incremental
10703 Use retract height
10704 Retract height
10705 Retract incremental
10706 Feed height
10707 Feed incremental
10708 Rapid retract
10709 Direction plunge XY
10710 Direction plunge Z
10711 Direction plunge relative
10712 Direction retract XY
10713 Direction retract Z
10714 Direction retract relative
10223 Prompt for start point
10208 Cut method
10415 Use climb cutting
12138 Lead lag angle
12140 Axis dampening length
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12139 Side angle

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-31
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3


10008 Cutter compensation in computer
10010 Amount of stock to leave
10020 Clearance height
10021 Clearance incremental
10022 Retract height
10023 Retract incremental
10024 Feed height
10025 Feed incremental
10026 Rapid retract
10027 Top of stock height
10028 Top of stock incremental
10029 Toolpath depth
10030 Toolpath depth incremental
10031 Retract rate
10033 Material
10055 Post name
10070 Roll around sharp corners
10073 Unroll contours: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10074 Unroll angle tolerance
10080 Reference point X
10081 Reference point Y
10082 Reference point Z
10085 Tool display step mode
10086 Tool display delay
10087 Tool display interpolate
10088 Tool display step size
10089 Tool display animate
10090 Tool type
10091 Tool corner type
10092 Tool tip angle
10093 Tool material
10094 Tool comment
10095 Tool view name
10096 Construction view name
7-32 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10700 Clearance on
10701 Clearance height
10702 Clearance incremental
10703 Retract on
10704 Retract height
10705 Retract incremental
10706 Feed height
10707 Feed incremental
10708 Rapid retract
10709 Direction plunge XY
10710 Direction plunge Z
10711 Direction plunge relative
10712 Direction retract XY
10713 Direction retract Z
10714 Direction retract relative
10715 Use relative direction
12019 Output format axis type selected: 0 = 3-axis, 1 = 4-axis, 2 = 5-axis
12141 Curve type
12142 Tool axis
12023 Projection type
12022 Tip control
12143 Edge type
12144 Step method
12145 Step distance
12146 Maximum step distance
12147 Chordal deviation
12148 Maximum distance
12149 Offset radius
12150 Offset sign
12139 Side angle
12151 Lead angle
12152 Normal depth
12153 Toolplane axis
12154 View number
12155 Do all edges

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-33
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12156 Show clipping

12157 Minimize corners
12158 Do gouge checking
12159 Look ahead
12160 Surface compensation
12024 Tool display length
12025 Set fourth axis
12250 Axis specification
12251 Tool axis plane X vector
12252 Tool axis plane Y vector
12253 Tool axis plane Z vector

7-34 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information


10008 Cutter compensation in computer
10010 Amount of stock to leave
10020 Clearance height
10021 Clearance incremental
10022 Retract height
10023 Retract incremental
10024 Feed height
10025 Feed incremental
10026 Rapid retract
10027 Top of stock height
10028 Top of stock incremental
10029 Toolpath depth
10030 Toolpath depth incremental
10031 Retract rate
10033 Material
10055 Post name
10070 Roll around sharp corners
10073 Unroll contours: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10074 Unroll angle tolerance
10080 Reference point X
10081 Reference point Y
10082 Reference point Z
10085 Tool display step mode
10086 Tool display delay
10087 Tool display interpolate
10088 Tool display step size
10089 Tool display animate
10090 Tool type
10091 Tool corner type
10092 Tool tip angle
10093 Tool material
10094 Tool comment
10095 Tool view name
10096 Construction view name
November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-35
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10700 Clearance on
10701 Clearance height
10702 Clearance incremental
10703 Retract on
10704 Retract height
10705 Retract incremental
10706 Feed height
10707 Feed incremental
10708 Rapid retract
10709 Direction plunge XY
10710 Direction plunge Z
10711 Direction plunge relative
10712 Direction retract XY
10713 Direction retract Z
10714 Direction retract relative
12144 Step method
12145 Step distance
12146 Maximum step distance
12147 Chordal deviation
12153 Tool plane axis
12161 Floor type
12162 Wall type
12163 Distance above low point
12164 Not used
12165 Use floor
12166 No floor
12167 Use fans cuts
12168 Use swarf fans cuts
12169 Stock on walls
12170 Additional clearance on floor
12171 Maximum step along cut
12172 Number of wall passes
12173 Distance off wall per pass
12175 Number of floor passes
12176 Use floor for normal

7-36 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12177 Floor normal X vector

12178 Floor normal Y vector
12179 Floor normal Z vector
12180 Floor X point
12181 Floor Y point
12182 Floor Z point
12183 Fan feed rate
12184 Use floor gouge protect
12185 Show path before gouge protect
12158 Do gouge checking
12159 Look ahead
12024 Tool display length
12186 Retract between passes
12187 Minimize corners in toolpath
12025 Set fourth axis

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-37
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3


10020 Clearance height
10021 Clearance incremental
10022 Retract height
10023 Retract incremental
10027 Top of stock height
10028 Top of stock incremental
10029 Toolpath height
10030 Toolpath incremental
10031 Retract rate
10033 Material
10055 Post name
10070 Roll around sharp corners
10073 Unroll contours: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10074 Unroll angle tolerance
10080 Reference point X
10081 Reference point Y
10082 Reference point Z
10085 Tool display step mode
10086 Tool display delay
10087 Tool display interpolate
10088 Tool display step size
10089 Tool display animate
10090 Tool type
10091 Tool corner type
10092 Tool tip angle
10093 Tool material
10094 Tool comment
10095 Tool view name
10096 Construction view name
10100 Drill cycle
10102 Initial height is incremental: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10103 Incremental initial height
10104 Reference height is incremental: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10105 Incremental reference height
7-38 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10106 Drill depth is incremental: 0 = no, 1 = yes

10107 Incremental depth
10108 First peck increment
10109 Subsequent peck increment
10110 Peck clearance
10111 Retraction distance
10112 Dwell
10116 Drill tip angle
10117 Use back face drill (C-axis face drilling)
10118 Drill shift
12019 Output format axis type selected: 0 = 3-axis, 1 = 4-axis, 2 = 5-axis
12020 Drill point selection type
12021 Tool axis control
12022 Tip control
12023 Projection type
12024 Tool display length
12025 Set fourth axis
12054 Tool axis plane X vector
12055 Tool axis plane Y vector
12056 Tool axis plane Z vector

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-39
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3


No NCI parameters are written.

7-40 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information


No NCI parameters are written.

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-41
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3


10020 Clearance height
10021 Clearance incremental
10022 Retract height
10023 Retract incremental
10027 Top of stock height
10028 Top of stock incremental
10029 Toolpath height
10030 Toolpath incremental
10031 Retract rate
10033 Material
10055 Post name
10070 Roll around sharp corners
10073 Unroll contours: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10074 Unroll angle tolerance
10080 Reference point X
10081 Reference point Y
10082 Reference point Z
10085 Tool display step mode
10086 Tool display delay
10087 Tool display interpolate
10088 Tool display step size
10089 Tool display animate
10090 Tool type
10091 Tool corner type
10092 Tool tip angle
10093 Tool material
10094 Tool comment
10095 Tool view name
10096 Construction view name
10100 Drill cycle
10102 Initial height is incremental: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10103 Incremental initial height
10104 Reference height is incremental: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10105 Incremental reference height
7-42 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10106 Drill depth is incremental: 0 = no, 1 = yes

10107 Incremental depth
10108 First peck increment
10109 Subsequent peck increment
10110 Peck clearance
10111 Retraction distance
10112 Dwell
10116 Drill tip angle
10117 Use back face drill (C-axis face drilling)
10118 Drill shift

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-43
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3


No NCI parameters are written.

7-44 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information


10008 Cutter compensation in computer
10010 Amount of stock to leave
10020 Clearance height
10021 Clearance incremental
10022 Retract height
10023 Retract incremental
10024 Feed height
10025 Feed incremental
10026 Rapid retract
10027 Top of stock height
10028 Top of stock incremental
10029 Toolpath depth
10030 Toolpath depth incremental
10031 Retract rate
10033 Material
10055 Post name
10065 Depth cuts: Rough: Distance
10066 Depth cuts: Finish: Steps
10067 Depth cuts: Finish: Distance
10068 Stock to leave Z
10069 Keep tool down
10070 Roll around sharp corners
10073 Unroll contours: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10074 Unroll angle tolerance
10080 Reference point X
10081 Reference point Y
10082 Reference point Z
10085 Tool display step mode
10086 Tool display delay
10087 Tool display interpolate
10088 Tool display step size
10089 Tool display animate
10090 Tool type
10091 Tool corner type
November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-45
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10092 Tool tip angle

10093 Tool material
10094 Tool comment
10095 Tool view name
10096 Construction view name
10101 Cut method
10102 Move between cuts
10103 Linear tolerance
10104 Step over
10105 Step over percent
10106 Along overlap
10107 Along overlap percent
10108 Across overlap
10109 Across overlap percent
10110 Approach distance percent
10113 Use auto angle
10114 Rough angle
10115 Change feed rate between cuts
10116 Feed rate between cuts
10117 Z stock
10118 Use depth cuts
10119 Depth cuts: Rough: Steps
10120 Depth cuts: Finish: Steps
10121 Depth cuts: Finish: Distance
10122 Keep tool down

7-46 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information


No NCI parameters are written.

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-47
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3


No NCI parameters are written.

7-48 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information


10001 Tool comment
10002 Tool number
10003 Tool offset
10004 Tool orientation
10005 Tool radius
10006 Tool width
10007 Home position: Z axis
10008 Home position: X axis
10020 Cutter compensation in computer
10021 Cutter compensation in control
10022 Coolant: 0 = off, 1 = flood, 2 = mist, 3 = tool (spindle)
10030 Cutting feed rate
10031 Plunge feed rate
10032 Plunge feed rate type
10033 Cutting feed rate type
10034 Spindle speed
10035 Spindle speed type
10036 Maximum spindle speed
10040 Starting sequence number
10041 Sequence number increment
10042 Program number
10500 Drill cycle
10502 Drill X position
10503 Drill dwell
10504 Initial height absolute amount
10505 Reference height absolute amount
10506 Drill depth absolute amount
10507 First peck increment
10508 Subsequent peck increment
10509 Peck clearance
10510 Retraction distance
10511 Adjust depth per drill tip: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10512 Drill tip angle (in degrees)
10513 Initial height incremental amount

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-49
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10514 Initial height: 0 = absolute, 1 = incremental

10515 Reference height incremental amount
10516 Reference height: 0 = absolute, 1 = incremental
10517 Depth incremental amount
10518 Depth: 0 = absolute, 1 = incremental
10519 Drill Z position
10520 Drill shift

7-50 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information


10001 Tool comment
10002 Tool number
10003 Tool offset
10004 Tool orientation
10005 Tool radius
10006 Tool width
10007 Home position: Z axis
10008 Home position: X axis
10020 Cutter compensation in computer
10021 Cutter compensation in control
10022 Coolant: 0 = off, 1 = flood, 2 = mist, 3 = tool (spindle)
10030 Cutting feed rate
10031 Plunge feed rate
10032 Plunge feed rate type
10033 Cutting feed rate type
10034 Spindle speed
10035 Spindle speed type
10036 Maximum spindle speed
10040 Starting sequence number
10041 Sequence number increment
10042 Program number
10100 Number of cuts
10101 Amount of each cut
10102 Stock to leave in X
10103 Stock to leave in Z
10104 Finish tolerance
10122 Start cut comped
10123 Plunge angle
10124 Allow plunge
10125 Use width
11001 Entry vector: Z component
11002 Entry vector: X component
11003 Entry vector: 1 = rapid, 0 = feed
11004 Entry vector: feed rate
November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-51
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

11005 Entry vector: feed rate type

11006 Use arc lead in (True/False)
11007 Arc lead in radius
11008 Arc lead in sweep
11011 Retraction vector: Z component
11012 Retraction vector: X component
11013 Retraction vector: 1 = rapid, 0 = feed
11014 Retraction vector: feed rate
11015 Retraction vector: feed rate type
11016 Use arc lead out (True/False)
11017 Arc lead out radius
11018 Arc lead out sweep
11021 Entry extend amount
11022 Use entry extension (True/False)
11023 Entry mode
11024 Minimum auto entry/exit vector length
11025 0 = use auto entry/exit, 1 = use user defined entry/exit
11026 Exit extend amount
11027 Use exit extension
11028 Exit mode
11029 Minimum auto entry/exit
11030 Use auto entry/exit (True/False)

7-52 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information


10001 Tool comment
10002 Tool number
10003 Tool offset
10004 Tool orientation
10005 Tool radius
10006 Tool width
10007 Home position: Z axis
10008 Home position: X axis
10020 Cutter compensation in computer
10021 Cutter compensation in control
10022 Coolant 0 = off, 1 = flood, 2 = mist, 3 = tool (spindle)
10030 Cutting feed rate
10031 Plunge feed rate
10032 Plunge feed rate type
10033 Cutting feed rate type
10034 Spindle speed
10035 Spindle speed type
10036 Maximum spindle speed
10040 Starting sequence number
10041 Sequence number increment
10042 Program number
10100 Number of cuts
10101 Amount of each cut
10102 Stock to leave in X
10103 Stock to leave in Z
10104 Finish tolerance
11001 Entry vector: Z component
11002 Entry vector: X component
11003 Entry vector: 1 = rapid, 0 = feed
11004 Entry vector: feed rate
11005 Entry vector: feed rate type
11006 Use arc lead in
11007 Arc lead in radius
11008 Arc lead in sweep
November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-53
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

11011 Retraction vector: Z component

11012 Retraction vector: X component
11013 Retraction vector: 1 = rapid, 0 = feed
11014 Retraction vector: feed rate
11015 Retraction vector: feed rate type
11016 Use arc lead out
11017 Arc lead out radius
11018 Arc lead out sweep
11021 Entry extend amount
11022 Use entry extension
11023 Entry mode
11024 Minimum auto entry/exit vector length
11025 0 = use auto entry/exit, 1 = use user defined entry/exit
11026 Exit extend amount
11027 Use exit extension
11028 Exit mode
11029 Minimum auto entry/exit
11030 Use auto entry/exit (True/False)

7-54 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information


10001 Tool comment
10002 Tool number
10003 Tool offset
10004 Tool orientation
10005 Tool radius
10006 Tool width
10007 Home position: Z axis
10008 Home position: X axis
10020 Cutter compensation in computer
10021 Cutter compensation in control
10022 Coolant: 0 = off, 1 = flood, 2 = mist, 3 = tool (spindle)
10030 Cutting feed rate
10031 Plunge feed rate
10032 Plunge feed rate type
10033 Cutting feed rate type
10034 Spindle speed
10035 Spindle speed type
10036 Maximum spindle speed
10040 Starting sequence number
10041 Sequence number increment
10042 Program number
10301 Amount of each cut
10302 Rough stock to leave in X
10303 Rough stock to leave in Z
10305 Spline tolerance
10306 Angle the groove points ( 0 = 270 degrees, 1 = 90 degrees, 2 = 0 degrees,
3 = 180 degrees, 4 = other angle)
10307 Groove angle
10308 Do groove roughing: 0 = false, 1 = true
10309 Cut direction: 0 = positive, 1 = negative, 3 = center
10310 Stock clearance
10311 Backoff percent
10312 Do pecking: 0 = false, 1 = true
10313 Peck on first plunge only: 0 = false, 1 = true

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-55
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10315 Number of pecks

10316 Peck increment
10318 Last peck increment
10319 Use peck retract/dwell: 0 = dwell, 1 = retract
10320 Peck retract increment
10321 Peck dwell (seconds)
10322 Do groove depth cuts: 0 = false, 1 = true
10323 Use depth number/increment: 0 = number, 1 = increment
10324 Number of depth cuts
10325 Depth cut increment
10326 Retract rate: 0 = rapid, 1 = feed rate
10327 Retract feed rate
10328 Retract feed rate type
10329 Rough stock amount
10331 Groove width
10332 Groove height
10333 Wall 1 taper
10334 Wall 2 taper
10335 Corner 1 type: 0 = none, 1 = radius, 2 = chamfer
10336 Corner 1 radius
10337 Corner 1 chamfer angle
10338 Corner 1 chamfer height/width
10339 Corner 1 chamfer: 0 = height, 1 = width
10340 Corner 2 type: 0 = none, 1 = radius, 2 = chamfer
10341 Corner 2 radius
10342 Corner 2 chamfer angle
10343 Corner 2 chamfer height/width
10344 Corner 2 chamfer: 0 = height, 1 = width
10345 Corner 3 type: 0 = none, 1 = radius, 2 = chamfer
10346 Corner 3 radius
10347 Corner 3 chamfer angle
10348 Corner 3 chamfer height/width
10349 Corner 3 chamfer: 0 = height, 1 = width
10350 Corner 4 type: 0 = none, 1 = radius, 2 = chamfer
10351 Corner 4 radius

7-56 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10352 Corner 4 chamfer angle

10353 Corner 4 chamfer height/width
10354 Corner 4 chamfer: 0 = height, 1 = width
10360 Do groove finish
10361 Groove finish direction: 0 = negative, 1 = positive
10364 Number of finish passes
10365 Finish cut amount
10366 Finish stock to leave in X
10367 Finish stock to leave in Z
10370 Finish: 0 = one pass at a time on all grooves, 1 = each groove completely
10380 Lengthen first pass amount
10381 Overlap amount
11001 Entry vector: Z component
11002 Entry vector: X component
11003 Entry vector: 1 = rapid, 0 = feed
11004 Entry vector: feed rate
11005 Entry vector: feed rate type
11006 Use arc lead in
11007 Arc lead in radius
11008 Arc lead in sweep
11011 Retraction vector: Z component
11012 Retraction vector: X component
11013 Retraction vector: 1 = rapid, 0 = feed
11014 Retraction vector: feed rate
11015 Retraction vector: feed rate type
11016 Use arc lead out
11017 Arc lead out radius
11018 Arc lead out sweep
11021 Entry extend amount
11022 Use entry extension
11023 Entry mode
11024 Minimum auto entry/exit vector length
11025 0 = use auto entry/exit, 1 = use user defined entry/exit
11026 Exit extend amount
11027 Use exit extension

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-57
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

11028 Exit mode

11029 Minimum auto entry/exit
11030 Use auto entry/exit (True/False)

7-58 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information



10001 Tool comment

10002 Tool number
10003 Tool offset
10004 Tool orientation
10005 Tool radius
10006 Tool width
10007 Home position: Z axis
10008 Home position: X axis
10020 Cutter compensation in computer
10021 Cutter compensation in control
10022 Coolant: 0 = off, 1 = flood, 2 = mist, 3 = tool (spindle)
10030 Cutting feed rate
10031 Plunge feed rate
10032 Plunge feed rate type
10033 Cutting feed rate type
10034 Spindle speed
10035 Spindle speed type
10036 Maximum spindle speed
10040 Starting sequence number
10041 Sequence number increment
10042 Program number

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-59
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3


10001 Tool comment
10002 Tool number
10003 Tool offset
10004 Tool orientation
10005 Tool radius
10006 Tool width
10007 Home position: Z axis
10008 Home position: X axis
10020 Cutter compensation in computer
10021 Cutter compensation in control
10022 Coolant: 0 = off, 1 = flood, 2 = mist, 3 = tool (spindle)
10030 Cutting feed rate
10031 Plunge feed rate
10032 Plunge feed rate type
10033 Cutting feed rate type
10034 Spindle speed
10035 Spindle speed type
10036 Maximum spindle speed
10040 Starting sequence number
10041 Sequence number increment
10042 Program number
10200 Amount of each cut
10201 Overlap amount
10202 Stock to leave in X
10203 Stock to leave in Z
10204 Roughing angle (in radians)
10205 Rough tolerance
10213 Rough method: 0 = one way, 1 = zigzag
10214 Rough direction: 0 = OD, 1 = ID, 2 = face, 3 = back
10215 Equal steps: 0 = remainder on last cut, 1 = equal sized steps
10216 Use overlap
10220 Use advanced settings
10221 Plunge feed rate
10222 True = start compensated for tool width, false = start on corner
7-60 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10223 Maximum incremental plunge angle (in radians)

10224 True = allow tool to plunge along angle
10225 True = use tool width in compensation calculation
11200 X stock corner
11201 Z stock corner
11001 Entry vector: Z component
11002 Entry vector: X component
11003 Entry vector: 1 = rapid, 0 = feed
11004 Entry vector: feed rate
11005 Entry vector: feed rate type
11006 Use arc lead in
11007 Arc lead in radius
11008 Arc lead in sweep
11011 Retraction vector: Z component
11012 Retraction vector: X component
11013 Retraction vector: 1 = rapid, 0 = feed
11014 Retraction vector: feed rate
11015 Retraction vector: feed rate type
11016 Use arc lead out
11017 Arc lead out radius
11018 Arc lead out sweep
11021 Entry extend amount
11022 Use entry extension
11023 Entry mode
11024 Minimum auto entry/exit vector length
11025 0 = use auto entry/exit, 1 = use user defined entry/exit
11026 Exit extend amount
11027 Use exit extension
11028 Exit mode
11029 Minimum auto entry/exit
11030 Use auto entry/exit (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-61
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3


10001 Tool comment
10002 Tool number
10003 Tool offset
10004 Tool orientation
10005 Tool radius
10006 Tool width
10007 Home position: Z axis
10008 Home position: X axis
10020 Cutter compensation in computer
10021 Cutter compensation in control
10022 Coolant: 0 = off, 1 = flood, 2 = mist, 3 = tool (spindle)
10030 Cutting feed rate
10031 Plunge feed rate
10032 Plunge feed rate type
10033 Cutting feed rate type
10034 Spindle speed
10035 Spindle speed type
10036 Maximum spindle speed
10040 Starting sequence number
10041 Sequence number increment
10042 Program number
10200 Amount of each cut
10202 Stock to leave in X
10203 Stock to leave in Z
10204 Roughing angle (in radians)
10205 Rough tolerance
10214 Rough direction: 0 = OD, 1 = ID, 2 = face, 3 = back
11200 X stock corner
11201 Z stock corner
11001 Entry vector: Z component
11002 Entry vector: X component
11003 Entry vector: 1 = rapid, 0 = feed
11004 Entry vector: feed rate
11005 Entry vector: feed rate type
7-62 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

11006 Use arc lead in

11007 Arc lead in radius
11008 Arc lead in sweep
11011 Retraction vector: Z component
11012 Retraction vector: X component
11013 Retraction vector: 1 = rapid, 0 = feed
11014 Retraction vector: feed rate
11015 Retraction vector: feed rate type
11016 Use arc lead out
11017 Arc lead out radius
11018 Arc lead out sweep
11021 Entry extend amount
11022 Use entry extension
11023 Entry mode
11024 Minimum auto entry/exit vector length
11025 0 = use auto entry/exit, 1 = use user defined entry/exit
11026 Exit extend amount
11027 Use exit extension
11028 Exit mode
11029 Minimum auto entry/exit
11030 Use auto entry/exit (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-63
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3


10001 Tool comment
10002 Tool number
10003 Tool offset
10004 Tool orientation
10005 Tool radius
10006 Tool width
10007 Home position: Z axis
10008 Home position: X axis
10020 Cutter compensation in computer
10021 Cutter compensation in control
10022 Coolant: 0 = off, 1 = flood, 2 = mist, 3 = tool (spindle)
10030 Cutting feed rate
10031 Plunge feed rate
10032 Plunge feed rate type
10033 Cutting feed rate type
10034 Spindle speed
10035 Spindle speed type
10036 Maximum spindle speed
10040 Starting sequence number
10041 Sequence number increment
10042 Program number
10601 Overcut amount
10603 Do face roughing: 0 = false, 1 = true
10604 Maximum stepover
10605 Rough stock to leave in Z
10606 Do face finish: 0 = false, 1 = true
10607 Number of finish cuts
10608 Finish cut amount
10609 Finish stock to leave in Z
10612 Retract anount
10613 Retract speed: 0 = linear, 1 = rapid
10614 Retract distance
10615 Cut from Z axis
11001 Entry vector: Z component
7-64 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

11002 Entry vector: X component

11003 Entry vector: 1 = rapid, 0 = feed
11004 Entry vector: feed rate
11005 Entry vector: feed rate type
11006 Use arc lead in
11007 Arc lead in radius
11008 Arc lead in sweep
11011 Retraction vector: Z component
11012 Retraction vector: X component
11013 Retraction vector: 1 = rapid, 0 = feed
11014 Retraction vector: feed rate
11015 Retraction vector: feed rate type
11016 Use arc lead out
11017 Arc lead out radius
11018 Arc lead out sweep
11021 Entry extend amount
11022 Use entry extension
11023 Entry mode
11024 Minimum auto entry/exit vector length
11025 0 = use auto entry/exit, 1 = use user defined entry/exit
11026 Exit extend amount
11027 Use exit extension
11028 Exit mode
11029 Minimum auto entry/exit
11030 Use auto entry/exit (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-65
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3


10001 Tool comment
10002 Tool number
10003 Tool offset
10004 Tool orientation
10005 Tool radius
10006 Tool width
10007 Home position: Z axis
10008 Home position: X axis
10020 Cutter compensation in computer
10021 Cutter compensation in control
10022 Coolant: 0 = off, 1 = flood, 2 = mist, 3 = tool (spindle)
10030 Cutting feed rate
10031 Plunge feed rate
10032 Plunge feed rate type
10033 Cutting feed rate type
10034 Spindle speed
10035 Spindle speed type
10036 Maximum spindle speed
10040 Starting sequence number
10041 Sequence number increment
10042 Program number
10701 X tangent
10702 Do pecking: 0 = false, 1 = true
10703 Number of pecks
10704 Peck increment
10706 Last peck increment
10709 Peck dwell time (seconds)
10711 Cut tool to: 0 = front radius, 1 = back radius
10712 Lead in amount
10713 Use chamfer
10714 Chamfer angle (in radians)
10715 Chamfer: 0 = width, 1 = height
10716 Chamfer width/height
10718 Use clearance
7-66 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10719 Clearance amount X

10720 Clearance amount Z
10721 Clearance lead in
10722 Use clearance peck
10723 Clearance peck type
10724 Clearance peck number
10725 Clearance peck increment
10726 Clearance peck last increment
10727 Clearance peck retract type
10728 Clearance peck absolute amount
10729 Clearance peck incremental amount
10731 Clearance peck dwell type
10732 Clearance peck dwell
10740 Peck retract type
10741 Peck absolute amount
10742 Peck incremental amount
10743 Peck dwell
10744 Peck type
10750 Retract type
10751 Retract absolute amount
10752 Retract incremental amount
10760 Corner type
10761 First corner radius
10762 Second corner radius
11001 Entry vector: Z component
11002 Entry vector: X component
11003 Entry vector: 1 = rapid, 0 = feed
11004 Entry vector: feed rate
11005 Entry vector: feed rate type
11006 Use arc lead in (True/False)
11007 Arc lead in radius
11008 Arc lead in sweep
11011 Retraction vector: Z component
11012 Retraction vector: X component
11013 Retraction vector: 1 = rapid, 0 = feed

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-67
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

11014 Retraction vector: feed rate

11015 Retraction vector: feed rate type
11016 Use arc lead out
11017 Arc lead out radius
11018 Arc lead out sweep
11021 Entry extend amount
11022 Use entry extension
11023 Entry mode
11024 Minimum auto entry/exit vector length
11025 0 = use auto entry/exit, 1 = use user defined entry/exit
11026 Exit extend amount
11027 Use exit extension
11028 Exit mode
11029 Minimum auto entry/exit
11030 Use auto entry/exit (True/False)

7-68 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information


10007 Home position: Z axis
10008 Home position: X axis
10022 Coolant: 0 = off, 1 = flood, 2 = mist, 3 = tool (spindle)
10030 Cutting feed rate
10033 Cutting feed rate type
10034 Spindle speed
10035 Spindle speed type
10036 Maximum spindle speed
10040 Starting sequence number
10041 Sequence number increment
10042 Program number
10400 Lead: positive = inch/thread, negative = thread/inch
10401 Amount of first cut
10402 Amount of last cut
10403 Stock acceleration clearance
10404 Pull off amount
10405 Lead in angle (in radians)
10406 Lead out angle (in radians)
10407 Number of spring cuts
10408 Finish allowance
10409 NC toolpath type: 0 = canned, 1 = longhand, 2 = box
10410 Feed rate
10411 Major diameter
10412 Minor diameter
10413 Start Z
10414 End Z
10415 Taper angle
10416 0 = cut on positive side of axis, 1 = cut on negative side of axis
10417 Major diameter allowance
10418 Minor diameter allowance
10419 Cut type: 0 = ID, 1 = OD, 2 = face/back
10420 Number of starts
10421 Compute stock clearance from formula: (True/False)
10422 Thread name
November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-69
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10423 Allowance name

10424 Allowance tolerance
10430 Use allowance
10431 Z clearance on thread
10432 X clearance on thread
10433 End clearance
10434 Use end clearance
10435 Use thread pull off
10436 Use number of cuts
10437 Number of thread cuts
10438 Use equal depth cuts
10439 Lead in angle
10440 Included angle

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Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information


10001 Tool number
10002 Tool diameter offset number
10003 Tool length offset number
10004 Tool diameter
10005 Amount of stock to leave
10006 Feed rate
10007 Corner type: 0 = conical, 1 = sharp, 2 = constant, 3 = other
10020 Cutter compensation in computer: L = left, R = right, A = auto,
blank = off
10021 Cutter compensation in control: L = left, R = right, A = auto,
blank = off
10022 Flush: 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = other
10023 4-axis step size (when sync = none)
10024 Chordal deviation
10040 Starting sequence number
10041 Sequence number increment
10042 Program number
10050 Wire on (True/False)
10051 Power on (True/False)
10052 Automatic start position: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10053 Auto entry (for No Core)
10054 Auto exit (for No Core)
10055 Initial Taper
10060 Linear array: number along X axis
10061 Linear array: distance along X axis
10062 Linear array: number along Y axis
10063 Linear array: distance along Y axis
10070 Roll around sharp corners
10071 Infinite look ahead: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10072 Reset Pass Number for Tabcuts: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10100 Skim cut method: 1 = reverse, 2 = one-way
10101 UV height
10102 XY height
10103 Starting subprogram number

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-71
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10104 Number of rough skim cuts

10105 Lead length
10106 UV trim plane
10107 XY trim plane
10108 Tab width
10109 Tab height
10110 Number of tab cuts
10111 Number of finish cuts - separate
10112 Number of finish cuts - together
10113 Cut tab at end of last rough cut: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10114 Tab stop type: 0 = stop point, 1 = glue stop
10115 Thread inside closed contour: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10116 All contours use same subprogram numbers: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10700 Lead in (N = none, L = line, Y = line+arc, A = 2 lines+arc)
10701 Lead out (N = none, L = line, R = arc, Y = line+arc, A = 2 lines+arc)
10702 Lead radius
10703 Lead angle
10704 Maximum lead out length
10705 Amount of Contour overlap
10706 Use contour lead in/out values for tab: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10707 Tab lead in
10708 Tab lead out
10709 Tab lead radius
10710 Tab lead angle
10711 Tab maximum lead out length
10712 Tab overlap amount
10713 Auto-position cut: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10714 Trim final lead out: 0 = no, 1 = yes

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Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information


10400 Drill cycle
10401 Initial height
10402 Reference height
10403 Absolute depth
10404 First peck increment
10405 Subsequent peck increment
10406 Peck clearance
10407 Retraction distance
10408 Dwell

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Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3


10200 Cutting method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = spiral inside out, 2 = spiral outside in
10201 UV Height
10202 XY Height
10203 Roughing angle
10204 Roughing scallop size
10205 Roughing step size
10206 Number of finish passes
10207 Finish pass step size
10208 Mulitple collapse points: 1 = yes, 0 = no
10209 Entry arc radius
10210 Entry arc angle (in radians)

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Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information


10001 Tool number
10002 Tool diameter offset number
10003 Tool length offset number
10004 Tool diameter
10005 Amount of stock to leave
10006 Feed rate
10007 Corner type: 0 = conical, 1 = sharp, 2 = constant, 3 = other
10020 Cutter compensation in computer: L = left, R = right, A = auto,
blank = off
10021 Cutter compensation in control: L = left, R = right, A = auto,
blank = off
10022 Flushing: 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = other
10023 4-axis step size (when sync = none)
10024 Chordal deviation
10040 Starting sequence number
10041 Sequence number increment
10042 Program number
10050 Wire on (True/False)
10051 Power on (True/False)
10052 Automatic start position: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10053 Auto entry (for No Core)
10054 Auto exit (for No Core)
10055 Initial taper
10060 Linear array: number along X axis
10061 Linear array: distance along X axis
10062 Linear array: number along Y axis
10063 Linear array: distance along Y axis
10070 Roll around sharp corners
10071 Infinite look ahead: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10072 Reset Pass Number for Tabcuts: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10700 Lead in:: N = none, L = line, Y = line+arc, A = 2 lines+arc
10701 Lead out: N = none, L = line, R = arc, Y = line+arc, A = 2 lines+arc
10702 Lead radius
10703 Lead angle

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Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10704 Maximum lead out length

10705 Amount of contour overlap
10706 Use Contour lead in/out values for tab: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10707 Tab lead in
10708 Tab lead out
10709 Tab lead radius
10710 Tab lead angle
10711 Tab maximum lead out length
10712 Tab overlap amount
10713 Auto-position cut: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10714 Trim final lead out: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10300 Skim cut method: 1 = reverse, 2 = one-way
10303 Trimming: N = in computer, Z = in control, A = 3D
10305 UV trimming plane 1: absolute depth
10306 XY trimming plane 2: absolute depth
10307 Starting subprogram number
10308 Number of skim cuts
10309 Ruled cutting method: 0 = 4-axis taper, 1 = 4-axis direct
10310 Maximum lead out length
10311 UV extension: incremental (for 3D trimming)
10312 XY extension: incremental (for 3D trimming)
10313 Tab width
10314 Number of tab cuts
10315 Number of finish cuts
10316 Cut tab at end of last rough cut: 0 = no, 1 = yes
10317 Tab stop type: 0 = stop point, 1 = glue stop

7-76 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

Parameters in the Ops file

14000 Starting pass number
14001 Power setting library entitiy ID #
14065 Power setting library entitiy ID #
-14049 Pointer to power setting library entity
-14066 Pointer to power setting library entity
14067 Use miscellaneous integers/reals (True/False)
14068 Multipass miscellaneous integers and reals entitiy ID #
14069 Pointer to multipass miscellaneous integers/reals entity
10311 UV extension
14002 True = UV extension incremental, false = absolute
10106 UV trim plane
14003 True = UV trim plane incremental, false = absolute
10101 UV height
14004 True = UV height incremental, false = absolute
10102 XY height
14005 True = XY height incremental, false = absolute
10107 XY trim plane
14006 True = XY trim plane incremental, false = absolute
10312 XY extension
14007 True = XY extension incremental, false = absolute
10050 Wire on (True/False)
10051 Power on (True/False)
10022 Flush: 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = other
14070 Tank: 0 = empty, 1 = fill
11052 True = start wirepath at thread position (‘Auto start position’ is ON)
11024 Linearization tolerance
14008 Thread position (X coordinate)
14009 Thread position (Y coordinate)
14010 Thread position (Z coordinate)
14011 Cut position (X coordinate)
14012 Cut position (Y coordinate)
14013 Cut position (Z coordinate)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-77
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

14014 Second (UV) thread position (X coordinate) - future

14015 Second (UV) thread position (Y coordinate)- future
14016 Second (UV) thread position (Z coordinate)- future
14017 Second cut position (X coordinate) - future
14018 Second cut position (Y coordinate) - future
14029 Second cut position (Z coordinate) - future
14020 Start position (X coordinate)
14021 Start position (Y coordinate)
14022 Start position (Z coordinate)
14023 Work origin (X coordinate)
14024 Work origin (Y coordinate)
14025 Work origin (Z coordinate)
14080 Use UV thread position (True/False)
14081 UV thread cut flag: 0 = not used, 1 = thread, 2 = cut, 3 = both
14082 Rapid height
14083 True = rapid height incremental, false = absolute
14084 Use rapid height (True/False)
14085 Use UV extension (True/False)
10486 Use UV trim plane(True/False)
14087 Use XY trim plane (True/False)
14088 Use XY extension (True/False)
14089 Suppress thread (True/False)
14090 Suppress cut (True/False)

7-78 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

14000 Starting pass number
14001 Power setting library entitiy ID #
14065 Power setting library entitiy ID #
-14049 Pointer to power setting library entity
-14066 Pointer to power setting library entity
14067 Use miscellaneous integers/reals (True/False)
14068 Multipass miscellaneous integers and reals entitiy ID #
14069 Pointer to multipass miscellaneous integers/reals entity
10311 UV extension
14002 True = UV extension incremental, false = absolute
10106 UV trim plane
14003 True = UV trimplane incremental, false = absolute
10201 UV height
14004 True = UV height incremental, false = absolute
10102 XY height
14005 True = XY height incremental, false = absolute
10107 XY trim plane
14006 True = XY trimplane incremental, false = absolute
10312 XY extension
14007 True = XY extension incremental, false = absolute
10050 Wire on (True/False)
10051 Power on (True/False)
10022 Flush: 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = other
14070 Tank: 0 = empty, 1 = fill
10052 True = start wirepath at thread position (‘Auto start position’ is ON)
10215 Linearization tolerance
14008 Thread position (X coordinate)
14009 Thread position (Y coordinate)
14010 Thread position (Z coordinate)
14011 Cut position (X coordinate)
14012 Cut position (Y coordinate)
14013 Cut position (Z coordinate)
14014 Second thread position (X coordinate) - future
14015 Second thread position (Y coordinate) - future
November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-79
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

14016 Second thread position (Z coordinate) - future

14017 Second cut position (X coordinate) - future
14018 Second cut position (Y coordinate) - future
14029 Second cut position (Z coordinate) - future
14020 Start position (X coordinate)
14021 Start position (Y coordinate)
14022 Start position (Z coordinate)
14023 Work origin (X coordinate)
14024 Work origin (Y coordinate)
14025 Work origin (Z coordinate)
14080 Use UV thread position (True/False)
14081 UV thread cut flag: 0 = not used, 1 = thread, 2 = cut, 3 = both
14082 Rapid height
14083 True = rapid height incremental, false = absolute
14084 Use rapid height (True/False)
14085 Use UV extension (True/False)
14086 Use UV trim (True/False)
14087 Use XY trim (True/False)
14088 Use XY extension (True/False)
14089 Suppress thread (True/False)
14090 Suppress cut (True/False)

7-80 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

14000 Starting pass number
14001 Power setting library entitiy ID #
14065 Power setting library entitiy ID #
-14049 Pointer to power setting library entity
-14066 Pointer to power setting library entity
14067 Use miscelleous integers/reals (True/False)
14068 Multipass miscelleous integers and reals entitiy ID #
14069 Pointer to multipass miscelleous integers/reals entity
10311 UV extension
14002 True = UV extension incremental, false = absolute
10305 UV trim plane
14003 True = UV trimplane incremental, false = absolute
10101 UV height
14004 True = UV height incremental, false = absolute
10102 XY height
14005 True = XY height incremental, false = absolute
10306 XY trim plane
14006 True = XY trimplane incremental, false = absolute
10312 XY extension
14007 True = XY extension incremental, false = absolute
10050 Wire on (True/False)
10051 Power on (True/False)
10022 Flush: 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = other
14070 Tank: 0 = empty, 1 = fill
10052 True = start wirepath at thread position (‘Auto start position’ is ON)
10024 Linearization tolerance
14008 Thread position (X coordinate)
14009 Thread position (Y coordinate)
14010 Thread position (Z coordinate)
14011 Cut position (X coordinate)
14012 Cut position (Y coordinate)
14013 Cut position (Z coordinate)
14014 Second thread position (X coordinate) - future
14015 Second thread position (Y coordinate) - future
November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-81
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

14016 Second thread position (Z coordinate) - future

14017 Second cut position (X coordinate) - future
14018 Second cut position (Y coordinate) - future
14029 Second cut position (Z coordinate) - future
14020 Start position (X coordinate)
14021 Start position (Y coordinate)
14022 Start position (Z coordinate)
14023 Work origin (X coordinate)
14024 Work origin (Y coordinate)
14025 Work origin (Z coordinate)
14080 Use UV thread position (True/False)
14081 UV thread cut flag: 0 = not used, 1 = thread, 2 = cut, 3 = both
14082 Rapid Height
14083 True = rapid height incremental, false = absolute
14084 Use rapid height (True/False)
14085 Use UV extension (True/False)
14086 Use UV trim (True/False)
14087 Use XY trim (True/False)
14088 Use XY extension (True/False)
14089 Suppress thread (True/False)
14090 Suppress cut (True/False)

7-82 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10700 Lead in: N = none, A = arc, L = line
10701 Lead out: N = none, A = arc, L = line
10702 Radius of entry / exit arc
10703 Sweep angle of entry / exit arc (in radians)
14026 Apply the value in max lead out length (even if zero) (True/False)
10704 Maximum lead out length
10705 Overlap amount (can be negative for tabs)
14027 Cut wire before leaving contour (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-83
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10707 Lead in: N = none, A = arc, L = line
10708 Lead out: N = none, A = arc, L = line
10709 Radius of entry arc
10710 Sweep angle of entry arc (in radians)
14028 Apply the value in max lead out length (even if 0) (True/False)
10711 Maximum lead out length
10712 Overlap amount (can be negative for tabs)
14029 Cut wire before leaving contour (True/False)

7-84 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

14116 Lead in: N = none, A = arc, L = line
14117 Lead out: N = none, A = arc, L = line
14118 Radius of exit arc
14119 Sweep angle of exit arc (in radians)
14120 Apply the value in max lead out length (even if 0) (True/False)
14121 Maximum lead out length
14122 Overlap amount (can be negative for tabs)
14123 Cut wire before leaving contour (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-85
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

14072 Wire sort method
14073 Sort start angle for rotary sort

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Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10071 Infinite look-ahead is enabled (True/False)
14074 Taper active (True/False)
10055 Initial taper angle. Note: Positive or 0
14030 Taper direction: 0 = left, 1 = right
14031 0=no cancel taper, 1=cancel after, 2=apply after
14032 Pass number to apply/cancel taper on
14033 CW corner type :
0 = Conical
1 = Sharp
2 = Constant
3 = Other
4 = Fixed
5 = FishTail
14034 CW corner radius - if corner type fixed
14035 CCW corner type:
0 = Conical
1 = Sharp
2 = Constant
3 = Other
4 = Fixed
5 = FishTail
14036 CCW corner radius - if corner type = fixed
14037 CW UV arc type
14038 CW UV arc radius - if uv arc type = fixed
14039 CCW UV arc type
14040 CCW UV arc radius - if uv arc type = fixed

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-87
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

PRM_WIRE_EE (contour)
PRM_WIRE_EE2 (tab)
10714 Apply max lead length to final skim pass (True/False)
10713 Allow program to change cut position with tabs
10115 Lead in comes from inside closed coutour (True/False)
10100 Skim cut method: 0 = one-way, 1 = reverse
14041 Lead in comes from left of open coutour (True/False)
10108 Tab width
14078 Distance from start of chain to thread
10104 Number of rough skim cuts
10110 Number of tab cuts
10111 Number of finish cuts - together
10112 Number of finish cuts - separate
14042 0 = all cuts together, 1 = tabs and finish together,
2 = rough, tab and finish separtely
14043 Use special entry/exit to prevent part drop out
10072 Reset starting power setting number for tab cut
10113 Output tab with last rough cut (True/False)
10114 True = output tab as glue stop, false = stop point
14044 Output sub program labels (True/False)
14045 True = output sub program in incremental,
false = absolute
10116 Multiple contours use same subprogram (True/False)
14075 Contour was created as a NoCore finish contour
14076 Expand this operation (True/False)
14077 This operation was created by expanding (True/False)
14079 Apply thread distance (old tab_height) (True/False)

7-88 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

14105 Contour type:

0 = No taper
1 = Taper IN
2 = Taper OUT
3 = Land UP
4 = Land DOWN
14106 Chain Height position:
0 = XY height
1 = Land height
2 = UV height
14107 Land height (XY extension)
14108 True = land height is set incremental, False = absolute
14109 Generate stop: 0 = always, 1 = first only, 2 = never
14110 Use sub offset (True/False)
14111 Sub offset
PRM_WIRE_EE3 finish passes entry/exit info
14112 ‘Perform rough cut’ option is checked (True/False)
14113 ‘Tab’ cut option is checked (True/False)
14114 ‘Skim cuts after tab’ option is checked (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-89
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10400 Drill cycle
10401 Initial height
10402 Reference height
10403 Absolute height
10404 First peck increment
10405 Other peck increment
10406 Peck clearance
10407 Retract distance
10408 Dwell
15071 Custom drill cycle parameters
15072 Custom drill cycle parameters
15073 Custom drill cycle parameters
15074 Custom drill cycle parameters
15075 Custom drill cycle parameters
15076 Custom drill cycle parameters
15077 Custom drill cycle parameters
15078 Custom drill cycle parameters
15079 Custom drill cycle parameters
15080 Custom drill cycle parameters
15081 Use custom parameters is checked (True/False)

7-90 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10053 Auto entry - go from start to thread to pocket start
10054 Auto exit - go to cut position afterward (True/False)
10714 Apply max lead length to final skimpass (True/False)
10713 Allow program to change cut position with tabs
10200 Cutting method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way, etc.
10217 Stepover percentage
14046 Roughing step size
10203 Roughing angle
10216 Roughing direction : 0 = CW, 1 = CCW
14047 Finishing enabled (True/False)
10206 Number of finish passes
10207 Finish pass step size
10212 Move to closest boundary point for finish (True/False)
14078 Output finish passes with rough pass (True/False)
10211 Compensation for finish passes
14044 Output sub program labels (True/False)
14045 True = output sub program in incremental,
false = absolute
10116 Multiple contours use same subprogram (True/False)
14079 Minimize tool burial (True/False)
14080 Create additional finish contour operation (True/False)
14110 Use sub offset (True/False)
14111 Sub offset

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Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3


7-92 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10071 Infinite look-ahead is enabled (True/False)
10023 4axis step size (if sync = NONE)
10303 Old common trim_plane1
10309 4axis cutting method: 0 = taper or 1 = direct
PRM_WIRE_EE (contour)
PRM_WIRE_EE2 (tab)
10714 Apply max lead length to final skim pass (True/False)
10713 Allow program to change cut position with tabs
10115 Lead in comes from inside closed contour (True/False)
10300 Skim cut method: 0 = one-way, 1 = reverse
14041 Lead in comes from left of open contour (True/False)
10313 Tab width
14078 Distance from start of chain to thread
10308 Number of rough skim cuts
10314 Number of tab cuts
10315 Number of finish cuts - together
10112 Number of finish cuts - separate (Unused)
14042 Unused for now in 4-axis
14043 Use special entry/exit to prevent part dropout
10072 Reset starting power setting number for tab cut
10316 Output tab with last rough cut (True/False)
10317 True = output tab as glue stop, false = stop point
14048 Sync option setting:
0 = None
1 = By entity
2 = By Branch
3 = By node
4 = By point
5 = Manual
6 = Manual/density
14044 Output sub program labels (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-93
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

14045 True = output sub program in incremental,

false = absolute
10116 Multiple contours use same subprogram (True/False)
14079 Apply thread distance (old tab_height) (True/False)
14109 Generate stop: 0 = always, 1 = first only, 2 = never
14110 Use sub offset (True/False)
14111 Sub offset
14112 Rough on (True/False)
14113 Tab on (True/False)
14114 Finish on (True/False)

7-94 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15007 View matrix
15008 View matrix
15009 View matrix
15010 View matrix
15011 View matrix
15012 View matrix
15013 View matrix
15014 View matrix
15015 View matrix
15016 View origin
15017 View origin
15018 View origin
15019 View number at time of creation

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-95
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

15391 View matrix
15392 View matrix
15393 View matrix
15394 View matrix
15395 View matrix
15396 View matrix
15397 View matrix
15398 View matrix
15399 View matrix
15400 View origin
15401 View origin
15402 View origin
15403 View number at time of creation

7-96 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15020 Relative to operation.Cplane - tp_mirror_x, tp_mirror_l
15021 Coordinates translated to vw2 (True/False)
15051 Mirror axis endpoints in world coordinates
15052 Mirror axis endpoints in world coordinates
15053 Mirror axis endpoints in world coordinates
15054 Mirror axis endpoints in world coordinates
15055 Mirror axis endpoints in world coordinates
15056 Mirror axis endpoints in world coordinates
15057 Reverse cutter compensation (True/False)
15058 Reverse toolpath (True/False)
15059 Method generated (endpoint, midpoint, etc.)
15060 Method generated (endpoint, midpoint, etc.)
15061 T values
15062 T values
15063 T values
15064 T values
15065 Selected entities ID numbers
15066 Selected entities ID numbers
-15067 Selected entities database pointers
-15068 Selected entities database pointers

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-97
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

15020 1 = C view origin, 2 = point
15021 Coordinates translated to view 2 (True/False)
15042 Number of steps
15043 Rotation point in world coordinates (X)
15044 Rotation point in world coordinates (Y)
15045 Rotation point in world coordinates (Z)
15046 Rotation angle (in degrees)
15047 Method generated: endpoint, midpoint, etc.
15048 T values
15049 T values
15050 Selected entities ID number
-15067 Selected entities database pointer
15273 Start angle (in degrees)

7-98 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15020 17 = rect, 18 = polar, 19 = between pts, 20 = between views
15021 Coordinates translated to view 2 (True/False)
15022 Number of steps in X
15023 Number of steps in Y
15024 Translate distance in X
15025 Translate distance in Y
15026 Pt_type: 1 = vector, 3 = from pt, 4 = to pt
15027 Pt_type: 1 = vector, 3 = from pt, 4 = to pt
15028 Pt_type: 1 = vector, 3 = from pt, 4 = to pt
15029 Pt_type: 1 = vector, 3 = from pt, 4 = to pt
15030 Pt_type: 1 = vector, 3 = from pt, 4 = to pt
15031 Pt_type: 1 = vector, 3 = from pt, 4 = to pt
15032 Polar distance (if polar method used)
15033 Polar angle (in degrees) (if polar method used)
15274 Zigzag toolpath array (True/False)
15390 Use source view (True/False)
PRM_XFORM_VIEW Source view data
PRM_XFORM_VIEW2 Destination view data
15034 Method generated: endpoint, midpoint, etc.
15035 Method generated: endpoint, midpoint, etc.
15036 T values
15037 T values
15038 T values
15039 T values
15040 Selected entities ID number
15041 Selected entities ID number
-15067 Selected entities database pointer
-15068 Selected entities database pointer

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-99
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10050 Xform type: 1 = Mirror, 2 = Rotate, 3 = Translate
-15069 Start of operation range to transform
-15070 End of operation range to transform
15331 True-if make_ops = true, don't delete transform
source operation
15332 0 = # offsets at post time, 1 = maintain source
operations, 2 = assign
15333 Start number work offsets with this number
15334 Increment work offsets by this number
15335 First match work offset in named views and ops
15275 Force unique subprogram number for 'clump' option
15276 Don't post the source operations (True/False)
15264 Don't skip original instance (True/False)
15000 True = group ops, false = seperate ops
15001 True = output sub program in incremental,
false = absolute
15002 Look for pre-defined work offset #'s when xforming
the Tplane (True/False)
15003 True = transform geometry and make new ops,
false = transform toolpath only
15004 Translate NCI coordinates - leave tool plane intact
15005 Output sub program labels (True/False)
15006 Shift tool origin in NCI 1013 data (True/False)

7-100 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10431 Remaining stock mode: 0 = all previous operations, 1 = the previous
operation, 2 = rough tool diameter
10432 Roughing tool diameter
12000 Clearance as a percentage of the tool diameter
10433 Clearance to unmachined stock
10434 Machine complete finish passes (True/False)
10410 Remachining tolerance percentage
10411 Remachining tolerance
12002 Display stock for remachining (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-101
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10110 Linearization tolerance
10114 Finish all (True/False)
12004 True = comp to tool tip, false = comp to tool center

7-102 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10110 Linearization tolerance
10314 Finish all (True/False)
12004 True = comp to tool tip, false = comp to tool center

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-103
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12005 Chamfer width
12006 Chamfer tip offset
12007 Chamfer depth

7-104 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12008 Ramp contour option: 0 = angle, 1 = depth, 2 = plunge
12009 Ramp angle
12010 Ramp/plunge depth
12011 Ramp one way on open contours (True/False)
12012 Linearize ramp contour helixes (True/False)
12013 Ramp contour helix linearization tolerance

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-105
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10101 Infinite look-ahead is enabled (True/False)
10113 Maximum depth variance
12014 Contour type:
0 = 2D Contour
1 = 3D Contour
2 = 2D Chamfer
3 = 3D Chamfer
4 = Ramp
5 = Remaching
12015 Tapered wall contour enabled (True/False)
12016 Taper angle (in radians)
12017 True = Process depth cuts by depth, false = by contour
PRM_EXT_SHORT Start extend/shorten
PRM_EXT_SHORT2 End extend/shorten
15485 Entry feed rate override
15486 Entry feed rate override is enabled (True/False)
15487 Exit feed rate override
15488 Exit feed rate override is enabled (True/False)

7-106 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

16000 Breakthrough enabled (True/False)
16001 Breakthrough amount

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-107
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

16002 Tabs enabled (True/False)
16003 Automatically calculate tab positions (True/False)
16004 Number of tabs (for auto tab)
16005 Tab width
16006 Tab thickness
16007 Full thickness tab (True/False)
16008 Tab point: (0 = start, 1 = midpoint, 2 = end) of tab
16009 Tab entry/exit (0 = vertical, 1 = arc, 2 = ramp)
16010 Arc radius
16011 Percentage of tab thickness (arc radius)
16012 Ramp angle
16013 Use advanced auto tab positioning (True/False)
16014 Use feed plane for full height tabs (True/False)
16015 Use points on chain for start & tab positions (True/False)
16016 Minimum distance from endpoint
16017 Minimum distance between tabs
16018 Minimum distance from sharp corner
16019 Sharp corner angle
16020 X dimension of maximum size shape to tab
16021 Y dimension of maximum size shape to tab
16022 Tab all shapes
16053 Overwrite tab edit (True/False)
16054 Cutoff type (0 = none, 1 = after)
16055 Do tab cutoff pass on finish (True/False)

7-108 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

16023 Infinite look-ahead is enabled (True/False)
16024 Maximum depth variance
16025 Contour type
16026 Tapered wall contour enabled (True/False)
16027 Taper angle (in radians)
16028 True = process depth cuts by depth, false = by contour
PRM_EXT_SHORT Start extend/shorten
PRM_EXT_SHORT2 End extend/shorten
15485 Entry feed rate override
15486 Entry feed rate override enabled (True/False)
15487 Exit feed rate override
15488 Exit feed rate override enabled (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-109
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10100 Drill cycle
10108 First peck increment
10109 Subsequent peck increment
10110 Peck clearance
10111 Retraction distance for chip break
10112 Dwell
10118 Pre-defined bore shift
10117 Add this amount to total depth
10115 Adjust depth per drill tip (True/False)
12018 Drill point sorting method used
15071 Custom drill cycle parameters
15072 Custom drill cycle parameters
15073 Custom drill cycle parameters
15074 Custom drill cycle parameters
15075 Custom drill cycle parameters
15076 Custom drill cycle parameters
15077 Custom drill cycle parameters
15078 Custom drill cycle parameters
15079 Custom drill cycle parameters
15080 Custom drill cycle parameters
15081 Use custom parameters is checked (True/False)
12019 Drill5ax output format axis type selected: 0=3 axis, 1=4 axis, 2=5 axis
12020 Use points and lines or points
12021 Tool axis option
12022 Tip position control
12023 Project type (to plane or surface)
12024 5-axis tool display length
12025 Drill5ax output format 4-axis type axis selected (0 = X, 1 = Y, 2 = Z)
12254 Plane vector for drill5ax plane option
12255 Plane vector for drill5ax plane option
12256 Plane vector for drill5ax plane option
15212 Output 1018 NCI (sub program) line in drill cycle (True/False)
15213 True = subprogram incremental, else absolute

7-110 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15277 Operation was created as a ‘automatic start hole’ operation

PRM_5AX_LIMIT multi-axis limits

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-111
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10500 Drill cycle
10507 First peck increment
10508 Subsequent peck increment
10509 Peck clearance
10510 Retraction distance for chip break
10503 Dwell
10520 Shift value
10117 Drill tip compensation breakthrough amount
10511 Drill tip compensation is checked (True/False)
10519 Drill point in Z
10512 Drill tip angle
10514 Feed plane (retract value) incremental mode is checked (True/False)
10511 Adjust depth per drill tip (True/False)
15071 Custom drill cycle parameters
15072 Custom drill cycle parameters
15073 Custom drill cycle parameters
15074 Custom drill cycle parameters
15075 Custom drill cycle parameters
15076 Custom drill cycle parameters
15077 Custom drill cycle parameters
15078 Custom drill cycle parameters
15079 Custom drill cycle parameters
15080 Custom drill cycle parameters
15081 Use custom parameters is checked (True/False)
13169 Clearance height is incremental from stock (True/False)
13170 Retraction height is incremental from stock (True/False)

7-112 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

OPS: PRM_LATHE_EE_VEC (Entry / Exit parameters)

11001 Vector
11002 Vector
13000 Arc
13001 Arc
11007 Arc
13002 Arc
11008 Arc
13003 Use entry/exit vector (True/False)
11006 Use entry/exit arc (True/False)
11021 Amount to extend the first/last move in toolpath
11022 Extend first / last move in toolpath (True/False)
11003 True = rapid, false = feed rate
11023 Mode: 0 = user, 1 = tangent, 2 = perpendicular
11004 Feed rate
11005 ‘R’ = feed/rev, ‘M’ = feed/minute
11025 True = auto entry/exit, false = user defined entry/exit
11024 Minimum auto entry length
13004 Adjust contour first / last entities (True/False)
13005 Amount to lengthen / shorten contour first/last entity
13006 Use amount to lengthen / shorten contour first/last entity (True/False)
13007 Length of line added to contour first / last entity
13008 Angle of line added to contour first / last entity
13009 Add a line perpendicular to contour first / last entity (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-113
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

OPS: PRM_LATHE_EE_VEC2 (Entry / Exit parameters)

11011 Vector
11012 Vector
13010 Arc
13011 Arc
11017 Arc
13012 Arc
11018 Arc
13013 Use entry/exit vector (True/False)
11016 Use entry/exit arc (True/False)
11026 Amount to extend the first/last move in toolpath
11027 Extend first / last move in toolpath (True/False)
11013 True = rapid, false = feed rate
11028 Mode: 0 = user, 1 = tangent, 2 = perpendicular
11014 Feed rate
11015 ‘R’ = feed/rev, ‘M’ = feed/minute
11030 True = auto entry/exit, false = user defined entry/exit
11029 Minimum auto entry length
13014 Adjust contour first / last entities (True/False)
13015 Amount to lengthen / shorten contour first/last entity
13016 Use amount to lengthen / shorten contour first/last entity (True/False)
13017 Length of line added to contour first / last entity
13018 Angle of line added to contour first / last entity
13019 Add a line perpendicular to contour first / last entity (True/False)

7-114 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information


November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-115
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10122 True = start compensated for tool width, false = start on corner

10123 Maximum incremental plunge angle (in radians)

10124 Plunge cutting selection setting: 0, 1, 2, or 3

10125 True = use tool width in compensation calculation

7-116 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

OPS: PRM_LATHE_PLUNGE001 (Lathe Rough)

10222 True = start compensated for tool width, false = start on corner

10223 Maximum incremental plunge angle (in radians)

10224 Plunge cutting selection setting: 0, 1, 2, or 3

10225 True = use tool width in compensation calculation

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-117
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10603 Do groove roughing (True/False)
10604 Maximum stepover
10606 Do groove finishing (True/False)
10608 Amount of each cut
10607 Number of finish passes
10609 Stock to leave after rough and finish
10614 Lead-in amount
10612 Retract amount
10613 True = rapid, false = feed
10601 Overcut_amount
10615 True = cut away from center line, false = cut toward center line

7-118 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10100 Number of finish cuts
10101 Step amount
10102 Stock to leave in X
10103 Stock to leave in Z
10104 Linearization tolerance
13020 True = use chain, false = use associated operation’s chain
13021 Operation that contains profile
13022 Direction: 0 = ID, 1 = OD, 2 = face, 3 = back

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-119
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10214 Direction: 0 = ID, 1 = OD, 2 = face, 3 = back
10200 Step amount
10215 Use equal steps (True/False)
10201 Overlap amount
10216 True = use overlap, false = no overlap
10220 Use advanced parameters (True/False)
10204 Cut angle relative to cut direction
10213 True = zigzag, false = one way
10202 Stock to leave in X
10203 Stock to leave in Z
10205 lrough_ltol
10221 Plunge move feed rate
13164 Entry amount
13171 False = use plunge feed rate, true = use regular feed
rate when plunge
13188 Use minimum angle (True/False)
13189 Minimum overlap angle
13190 Minimum overlap angle absolute (True/False)
13191 Minimum step amount
13192 Do semi-finish pass (True/False)
13193 Number of cuts
13194 Step amount
13143 Stock to leave in X
13144 Stock to leave in Z

7-120 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10702 Use peck parameters (True/False)
10744 Peck type: 0= none, 1 = number, 2 = incremental, 3 = decreasing
10313 Peck on first plunge only (True/False)
10703 lgroove_peck_number
10704 lgroove_peck_incr
10706 lgroove_last_incr
10740 Retract type: 0= none, 1 = absolute, 2 = incremental
10742 lgroove_retract_incr
10741 lgroove_retract_incr
10743 Dwell type: 0= none, 1 = all pecks, 2 = last peck
10709 Dwell value
13023 Dwell units: 0 = seconds, 1 = revolutions

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-121
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10722 Use peck parameters (True/False)
10723 Peck type: 0= none, 1 = number, 2 = incremental, 3 = decreasing
13024 Peck on first plunge only (True/False)
10724 lgroove_peck_number
10725 lgroove_peck_incr
10726 lgroove_last_incr
10727 Retract type: 0= none, 1 = absolute, 2 = incremental
10728 lgroove_retract_incr
10729 lgroove_retract_incr
10731 Dwell type: 0 = none, 1 = all pecks, 2 = last peck
10732 Dwell
13025 Dwell units: 0 = seconds, 1 = revolutions

7-122 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10312 Use peck parameters (True/False)
10744 Peck type: 0 = none, 1 = number, 2 = incremental, 3 = decreasing
10313 Peck on first plunge only (True/False)
10315 lgroove_peck_number
10316 lgroove_peck_incr
10318 lgroove_last_incr
10319 Retract type: 0 = none, 1 = absolute, 2 = incremental
10742 lgroove_retract_incr
10320 lgroove_retract_incr
10743 Dwell type: 0 = none, 1 = all pecks, 2 = last peck
10321 Dwell
13023 Dwell units: 0 = seconds, 1 = revolutions

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-123
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10713 True = corner defined, false = none (square)
10335 Type: 0 = square, 1 = radius, 2 = chamfer, 3 = chamfer with radius
10336 Corner radius or top radius on chamfer
10762 Bottom radius on chamfer
10337 Chamfer angle
10339 True = height, false = width
10338 Chamfer width or height

7-124 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

13026 True = corner defined, false = none (square)
10340 Type: 0 = square, 1 = radius, 2 = chamfer, 3 = chamfer with radius
10341 Corner radius or top radius on chamfer
13027 Bottom radius on chamfer
10342 Chamfer angle
10344 True = height, false = width
10343 Chamfer width or height

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-125
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

13028 True = corner defined, false = none (square)
10345 Type: 0 = square, 1 = radius, 2 = chamfer, 3 = chamfer with radius
10346 Corner radius or top radius on chamfer
13029 Bottom radius on chamfer
10347 Chamfer angle
10349 True = height, false = width
10348 Chamfer width or height

7-126 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

13030 True = corner defined, false = none (square)
10350 Type: 0 = square, 1 = radius, 2 = chamfer, 3 = chamfer with radius
10351 Corner radius or top radius on chamfer
13031 Bottom radius on chamfer
10352 Chamfer angle
10354 True = height, false = width
10353 Chamfer width or height

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-127
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10713 True = corner defined, false = none (square)
10760 Type: 0 = square, 1 = radius, 2 = chamfer, 3 = chamfer with radius
10761 Corner radius or top radius on chamfer
10762 Bottom radius on chamfer
10714 Chamfer angle
10715 True = height, false = width
10716 Chamfer width or height

7-128 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

13031 Radius to output canned text
13040 Canned text values
13041 Canned text values
13042 Canned text values
13043 Canned text values
13044 Canned text values
13045 Canned text values
13046 Canned text values
13047 Canned text values
13048 Canned text values
13049 Canned text values

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-129
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

13032 Radius to output canned text
13050 Canned text values
13051 Canned text values
13052 Canned text values
13053 Canned text values
13054 Canned text values
13055 Canned text values
13056 Canned text values
13057 Canned text values
13058 Canned text values
13059 Canned text values

7-130 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

13033 Radius to output canned text
13060 Canned text values
13061 Canned text values
13062 Canned text values
13063 Canned text values
13064 Canned text values
13065 Canned text values
13066 Canned text values
13067 Canned text values
13068 Canned text values
13069 Canned text values

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-131
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

13034 Radius to output canned text
13070 Canned text values
13071 Canned text values
13072 Canned text values
13073 Canned text values
13074 Canned text values
13075 Canned text values
13076 Canned text values
13077 Canned text values
13078 Canned text values
13079 Canned text values

7-132 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

13035 Radius to output canned text
13080 Canned text values
13081 Canned text values
13082 Canned text values
13083 Canned text values
13084 Canned text values
13085 Canned text values
13086 Canned text values
13087 Canned text values
13088 Canned text values
13089 Canned text values

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-133
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

13036 Radius to output canned text
13090 Canned text values
13091 Canned text values
13092 Canned text values
13093 Canned text values
13094 Canned text values
13095 Canned text values
13096 Canned text values
13097 Canned text values
13098 Canned text values
13099 Canned text values

7-134 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

13037 Radius to output canned text
13100 Canned text values
13101 Canned text values
13102 Canned text values
13103 Canned text values
13104 Canned text values
13105 Canned text values
13106 Canned text values
13107 Canned text values
13108 Canned text values
13109 Canned text values

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-135
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

13038 Radius to output canned text
13110 Canned text values
13111 Canned text values
13112 Canned text values
13113 Canned text values
13114 Canned text values
13115 Canned text values
13116 Canned text values
13117 Canned text values
13118 Canned text values
13119 Canned text values

7-136 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10701 lcutoff_x_tangent
10711 lcutoff_to_back_rad
10712 lcutoff_leadin
10750 0 = none, 1 = absolute, 2 = incremental,
10752 Retract amount, absolute
10751 Retract amount, incremental
10718 Do clearance cut (True/False)
10719 lcutoff_clearance_cut_x
10720 lcutoff_clearance_cut_z
10721 Clearance cut lead in amount
13039 Do canned text (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-137
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10331 Groove width
10332 Groove height
10333 Taper on wall 1
10334 Taper on wall 2
13172 Make groove same width as tool (True/False)

7-138 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10322 lgroove_do_depth (True/False)
10323 True = increments, false = number, lgroove_use_depth_incr
10325 lgroove_depth_incr
13120 True = incremental stock clearance, false = absolute stock clearance
10324 lgroove_n_depth
13121 Zigzag between depth cuts (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-139
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

13122 Clean up ‘stair steps’ between depths (True/False)
13123 Minimum step size to clean up
13124 Radius to arc on with for step removal cut
13125 Sweep angle to arc on with for step removal cut
13126 Arc onto step cleanup pass (True/False)

7-140 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10308 Do groove rough (True/False)
13127 Finish current groove before roughing next one
10309 Cut direction: 0 = positive, 1 = negative,
2 = bi-directional (center start), 3 = chain direction
10301 Step amount
13128 Number of steps across groove
13129 Rough step: 0 = use number of steps, 1 = use step,
2 = use percent of tool width
10302 Stock to leave in X
10303 Stock to leave in Z
10310 Stock clearance between cuts
10329 Amount of stock on top of groove
10311 Backoff percent of step
13130 Finish each groove after roughing it (True/False)
13131 Step percent of tool width

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-141
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10360 Do groove finish (True/False)
10361 Start on positive side (True/False)
10364 Number of finish passes
10365 lgroove_fin_cut - step
Stock to leave in X
Stock to leave in Z
Tool back offset number
Use back offset number (True/False)
True = finish each groove completely, false = finish grooves
10380 Amount to lengthen 1st cut
13134 Amount of overlap between 1st and 2nd cuts
13136 True = overlap is percent of tool width, false = overlap is length

7-142 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

13137 Groove defintion type: 0 = 1 point, 1 = 2 point,
2 = 3 line, 3 = 2 boundary method (chain)
10305 Spline linearization tolerance
13138 Groove cut direction: 0 = ID, 1 = OD, 2 = face,
3 = back, 4 = angle
10307 Groove angle
10326 Retract moves rate: True = rapid, false = feed
10327 Retract feed rate
10328 Retract feed rate type: R = per rev, M = per minute
13240 Finish backoff
13241 Backoff type: 0 = invalid (pre v9.1), 1 = percent of tool
width, 2 = distance

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-143
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

No specific information is written to the OPS file for this parameter.

7-144 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10419 Thread cut type: 0 = ID, 1 = OD, 2 = face/back
10400 Thread lead :thread/inch (mm) setting returns a negative value, inches
(mm)/thread setting returns a positive value
10411 Major diameter
10412 Minor diameter
10413 Start position
10414 End position
10415 Taper angle
10416 True = bottom spindle, false = top spindle
10430 Use allowance (True/False)
10417 Major allowance
10418 Minor allowance
10424 Allowance tolerance
10405 Lead angle
10440 Included angle
13195 Diameter at small end (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-145
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10409 NC output type: 0 = long hand (G32), 1 = canned (G76),
2 = box (G92)
10401 First cut depth
10402 Last cut depth
10420 Number of starts
10421 Auto compute acceleration clearance (True/False)
10403 Acceleration clearance amount
10431 True = convert to number of threads for GUI
10432 Clearance above threads between passes
10433 Clearance at to add at end of thread pass
10434 True = convert to number of threads for GUI
10404 Anticipated pulloff distance
10435 True = convert to number of threads for GUI
10408 Amount of stock to leave for spring cuts
10407 Number of spring cuts
10410 Feed rate
10437 Number of cuts
10438 True = equal depth, false = equal area
10436 True = use number of cuts, false = use first cut depth
10439 Tool lead-in angle at start of thread

7-146 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10422 cur_thread_name
10423 cur_allow_name

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-147
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

13139 Change to longhand (True/False)
10214 Direction: 0 = OD, 1= ID, 2 = face, 3 = back
10200 Step amount
10202 Stock to leave in X
10203 Stock to leave in Z
10205 lrough_ltol
10201 Overlap
13164 Entry Amount
13239 True = profile has an undercut (relief) condition

7-148 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

13121 Operation that contains profile
13141 Not used
13142 Change to longhand (True/False)
13143 fin_stock_x (Not used)
13144 fin_stock_z (Not used)
13145 Linearization tolerance
13165 Unique subprogram number
13239 True = profile has an undercut (relief) condition

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-149
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

13147 Output longhand (True/False) (Not used)
13148 Change to longhand (True/False)
10100 Number of passes
10101 Stepover
10102 Stock to leave in X
10103 Stock to leave in Z
13149 Pattern offset angle (in radians)
10104 Linearization tolerance

7-150 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12026 Tapered wall pocketing enabled (True/False)
10331 Tapered wall pocketing: Base taper angle (in radians)
10332 Tapered wall pocketing: Island taper angle (in radians)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-151
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10389 Minimum radius
10381 Maximum radius
10386 Z clearance (relative to top of stock / previous depth)
10382 Plunge angle (in radians)
10385 XY clearance
10384 True = CCW, false = CW
10397 True = Skip if entry fails, false = plunge if entry fails
10394 Follow boundary (True/False)
10395 Follow boundary on failure only (True/False)
10396 Minimum boundary length (for follow boundary)
10398 Save boundary (True/False)
10393 Output arc move(s) (True/False)
10383 Maximum error tolerance
10399 Use entry point (True/False)
12027 Minimum radius %
12028 Maximum radius %
12029 True = use feed rate, false = use plunge rate

7-152 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12030 Minimum length
12031 Maximum length
12032 Z clearance (relative to top of stock / previous depth)
12033 Zig plunge angle
10390 Zag plunge angle
12034 XY clearance
10388 Ramp direction
10391 Calculate ramp direction automatically (True/False)
12035 True = CCW, false = CW
12036 True = Skip if entry fails, false = plunge if entry fails
12037 Save boundary (True/False)
10392 Additional slot width
12038 Use entry point (True/False)
10400 Use entry point depth (True/False)
12039 Minimum length % (of tool dia.)
12040 Maximum length % (of tool dia.)
12041 True = use feed rate, false = use plunge rate

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-153
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12042 Rough entry on (True/False)
10380 Entry type: 0 = helix, 1 = ramp, 2 = entry point

7-154 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10406 Overlap percentage
10407 Overlap amount
10408 Approach distance
10409 Stock above islands
12043 Exit distance

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-155
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10431 Mode: 0 = all previous operations, 1 = previous operation,
2 = rough tool diameter
10432 Roughing tool diameter
12000 Clearance as a percentage of the tool diameter
10433 Clearance to unmachined stock
12001 Apply entry/exit curves to the rough pass (True/False)
10434 Machine complete finish passes (True/False)

7-156 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10441 Overlap as a percentage of tool diameter
12413 Overlap distance on the open side
12044 Use a specialized open cutting method (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-157
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12045 Roughing enabled (True/False)
12046 Finishing enabled (True/False)
10401 True = climb mill, false = conventional
10315 Create additional finish operation (True/False)
10300 Cutting method (zigzag, one way, etc.)
10302 Roughing step size
10414 Roughing step size (percentage)
10301 Roughing angle
10416 Spiral inside to outside (True/False)
10415 Minimize tool burial (True/False)
10304 Number of finish passes
10305 Finish pass step size
10417 Finish outer boundary (True/False)
10321 Optimize finish passes (True/False)
10418 Keep tool down (True/False)
10313 Output finish passes with rough pass (True/False)
10410 Remachining tolerance (percentage)
10411 Remachining tolerance
10412 Display stock for remachining (True/False)
10413 Display stock for constant overlap spiral (True/False)
10350 Compensation for finish passes
12017 True = process depth cuts by depth, false = by pocket
10450 Pocket type
15474 Number of finish spring cuts
15475 Feed rate override
15476 Spindle speed override

7-158 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15477 Feed rate override enabled (True/False)

15478 Spindle speed override enabled (True/False)
15479 Entry feed rate override
15480 Entry feed rate override enabled (True/False)
15481 Exit feed rate override
15482 Exit feed rate override enabled (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-159
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

16030 Roughing enabled (True/False)
16031 Finishing enabled (True/False)
16032 True = climb mill, false = conventional
16033 Create additional finish operation (True/False)
16034 Cutting method (zigzag, one way, etc.)
16035 Roughing step size
16036 Roughing step size (percentage)
16037 Roughing angle
16038 Spiral inside to outside (True/False)
16039 Minimize tool burial (True/False)
16040 Number of finish passes
16041 Finish pass step size
16042 Finish outer boundary (True/False)
16043 Optimize finish passes (True/False)
16044 Keep tool down (True/False)
16045 Output finish passes with rough pass (True/False)
16046 Remachining tolerance percentage
16047 Remachining tolerance
16048 Display stock for remachining (True/False)
16049 Display stock for constant overlap spiral (True/False)
16050 Compensation for finish passes
16028 True = process depth cuts by depth, false = by pocket
16051 Pocket type
15474 Number of finish spring cuts
15475 Feed rate override

7-160 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15476 Spindle speed override

15477 Feed rate override enabled (True/False)
15478 Spindle speed override enabled (True/False)
15479 Entry feed rate override
15480 Entry feed rate override enabled (True/False)
15481 Exit feed rate override
15482 Exit feed rate override enabled (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-161
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12051 Cut method: zigzag, one way (climb), one way (conventional), one
12052 Move between cuts: HighSpeed loops, linear, rapid
12053 Linearization tolerance
12054 Stepover distance
12055 Stepover distance as % of tool diameter
12056 Along overlap distance
12057 Along overlap as % of tool diameter
12058 Across overlap distance
12059 Across overlap as % of tool diameter
12060 Approach distance
12061 Approach distance as % of tool diameter
12062 Exit distance
12063 Exit distance as % of tool diameter
12064 Determine roughing angle automatically (True/False)
12065 Roughing angle
12066 Change feed rate between cuts (True/False)
12067 Feed rate between cuts
12068 Amount of stock to leave in Z

7-162 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10226 Respond to check bit on surfaces (True/False)
10227 Stock to leave on check surfaces
10228 Prompt for tool center boundary (True/False)
12410 Comp to tip (True/False)
10204 Cut tolerance
12411 Maximum stepdown

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-163
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10255 True = use gap percentage, false = use gap distance
10259 Maximum short gap (as a distance)
10258 Maximum short gap (as percentage of stepover (or tool diameter))
10221 Gap motion: 0 = direct, 1 = broken, 2 = smooth, 3 = follow surface fixed feed rate,
10 = direct, 11 = broken, 12 = smooth, 13 = follow surface
10256 Check short gap motion for gouge (True/False)
10257 Check long gap motion for gouge (True/False)
10246 Optimize cut order (True/False)
10247 Plunge into previously cut area (True/False)
10248 Follow tool center boundary in gap (True/False)
12414 Tangential arc radius
10402 Tangential arc sweep angle

7-164 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10252 Search for shared edges (obsolete - defaults to False)
10251 Use "solid hidden face" (True/False)
10249 Containment boundary offset distance (set to 0 in v8 operations)
10250 Containment boundary offset option
0 = offset inside
1 = no offset (center) (this is default)
2 = offset outside
10242 Roll tool at edges: 1 = only between surfaces, 2 = over all surfaces,
3 = auto
10254 True = use corner percentage, False = use corner distance
10253 Sharp corner tolerance (as distance)
10240 Sharp corner tolerance (as percentage of cut tolerance)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-165
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10715 Direction vectors are to be used (True/False)
10709 Plunge angle in XY
10710 Plunge angle in Z
10711 Plunge relative: 0 = to Cplane X-axis, 1 = to cut
10712 Retract angle in XY
10713 Retract angle in Z
10714 Retract relative: 0 = to Cplane X-axis, 1 = to cut

7-166 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10403 True = incremental depths, false = absolute
12070 True = tip depths, False = center depths
10404 Incremental: adjustment to top cut
10405 Incremental: adjustment to bottom and other cuts
12412 Absolute: highest cut
14071 Absolute: lowest cut
12072 Critical depths selected by user
12073 Critical depths selected by user
12074 Critical depths selected by user
12075 Critical depths selected by user
12076 Critical depths selected by user
12077 Critical depths selected by user
12078 Critical depths selected by user
12079 Critical depths selected by user
12080 Critical depths selected by user
12081 Critical depths selected by user
12082 Critical depths selected by user
12083 Critical depths selected by user
12084 Critical depths selected by user
12085 Critical depths selected by user
12086 Critical depths selected by user
12087 Critical depths selected by user
12088 Critical depths selected by user
12089 Critical depths selected by user
12090 Critical depths selected by user
12091 Critical depths selected by user
12092 Critical depths selected by user
12093 Critical depths selected by user
12094 Critical depths selected by user
12095 Critical depths selected by user
12096 Critical depths selected by user
12097 Critical depths selected by user
12098 Critical depths selected by user
12099 Critical depths selected by user
November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-167
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12100 Critical depths selected by user

12101 Critical depths selected by user

7-168 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10233 Allow motion in -Z along surface (True/False)
10224 Allow motion in +Z along surface (True/False)
10235 1 = cut from one side, 2 = cut from both, 0 = allow multiple plunges

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-169
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10243 Use cut depth limits (True/False)
12102 True = tip depths, false = center depths
10244 Depth limit 1
10245 Depth limit 2

7-170 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10205 Maximum stepover
10200 Machining angle
10208 Cut method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way
10223 Prompt for relative start point (True/False)
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-171
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12103 Maximum angle increment
10208 Cut method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way
12106 Start inside (True/False)
12107 Start angle
12108 Sweep angle
12109 Offset distance
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)

7-172 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12110 Projection type: 0 = NCI, 1 = curves, 2 = points,
3 = blend
12111 NCI filename
12112 Add depths (True/False)
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12113 Oper ID # of NCI to project
12302 Blend stepover
10208 Cut method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way
12310 0 = across, 1 = along
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-173
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10208 Cut method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one-way, 2 = spiral
12115 Use along distance (True/False)
12116 Along cut: distance
12117 Use across distance (True/False)
12118 Across cut: distance
12119 Across cut: scallop height
12120 Check flowline motion for gouge (True/False)
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12121 Corner
12122 Upalong
12264 Shared edge tolerance: 0.0 = off
12421 True = row only (v8 code), false = grid (v9)
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)

7-174 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10223 True = prompt for relative start point
10208 Direction of open boundaries: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way
10415 Direction of closed boundaries: True = climb
12123 Use rest mill (True/False)
12124 Rest stepover
12125 Rest overlap
12126 True = bottom to top, False = top to bottom
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12127 Sharp corner smoothing length
12128 How shallow is to be used in contour:
0 = shallow is off, remove cuts, allow partial
1 = shallow is off, remove cuts, disallow partial
2 = shallow is off, add cuts, allow partial
3 = shallow is off, add cuts, disallow partial
10 = shallow is on, remove cuts, allow partial
11 = shallow is on, remove cuts, disallow partial
12 = shallow is on, add cuts, allow partial
13 = shallow is on, add cuts, disallow partial
12129 Minimum stepdown to add cuts to shallow area
12130 Angle to determine shallow area
12131 Smooth stepover length
12132 Rampdown length
12133 Use tangent z arc (True/False)
12134 Restmill cut Z extension length
12135 Offset consecutive closed contours by this
12114 Previous operation ID
12283 Bit 0: 0 = use prev op's recut file, 1 = use prev op's NCI file
12300 Adjust absolute cut depths for drive stock

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-175
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12301 Allow tangent entry/exit arc outside tool center boundary

12310 True = use helix, False = straight
12311 Helix radius
12312 Helix Z clearance
12313 Helix Z angle
12314 True = output arcs, False = lines
12315 Helix tolerance
12316 Helix direction: True = CCW, False = CW
12317 Helix feed: True = feed rate, False = plunge rate
12318 Top of stock is on (True/False)
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)
15471 Allow burial: True = allow in cut order, False = minimize it

7-176 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10223 Prompt for relative start point (True/False)
10442 Plunge tool outside tool center boundary
12126 True = bottom to top, False = top to bottom
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12136 True = use quick zigzag in place of toolpath/zigzag
12131 Smooth stepover length
12133 Use tangent Z arc (True/False)
12257 Top of stock is on (True/False)
12300 Adjust absolute cut depths for drive stock
12308 Channel everywhere (for deep Z cuts) (True/False)
12418 True = pre-drill and enter at deepest point(s)
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-177
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10205 Maximum stepover
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12113 Operation ID # of NCI to project
12310 True = use helix, 1 = straight
12310 True = use helix, False = straight
12311 Helix radius
12312 Helix Z clearance
12313 Helix Z angle
12314 True = output arcs, False = lines
12315 Helix tolerance
12316 Helix direction: True = CCW, False = CW
12317 Helix feed: True = feed rate, False = plunge rate
12318 Top of stock is on (True/False)
12319 Path type: 0 = 2 point grid, 1 = NCI
12428 Tangent line length (gap seting)

7-178 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10205 Maximum stepover
10200 Machining angle
10208 Cut method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way
10223 Prompt for relative start point (True/False)
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-179
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12103 Maximum angle increment
10208 Cut method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way
12106 Start inside (True/False)
12107 Start angle
12108 Sweep angle
12109 Offset distance
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)

7-180 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12110 Projection type: 0 = NCI, 1 = curves, 2 = points,
3 = two curve blend
12111 NCI filename
12112 Add depths (True/False)
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12113 NCI to project
12302 Blend stepover
10208 Cut method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way, 2 = spiral
12238 True = along, False = across
12417 If along, True = do 2D projection, false = do 3D
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)
15472 Percentage of stepover to use for temporary ‘across’
cut used to build final along 3D cut.
15473 Skip vertical walls (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-181
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10208 Cut_method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way, 2 = spiral
12115 Use along distance (True/False)
12116 Along cut: distance
12117 Use across distance (True/False)
12118 Across cut: distance
12119 Across cut: scallop height
12120 Check flowline motion for gouge (True/False)
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12121 Corner
12122 Upalong
12264 Shared edge tolerance: 0.0 = off
12421 True = row only (v8 code), false = grid (v9)
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)

7-182 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10223 Prompt for relative start point (True/False)
10208 Direction of open boundaries: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way
10415 Direction of closed boundaries: true = climb
12123 Use rest mill (True/False)
12124 Rest stepover
12125 Rest overlap
12126 True = bottom to top, false = top to bottom
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12127 Sharp corner smoothing length
12128 How shallow is to be used in contour:
0 = shallow is off, remove cuts, allow partial
1 = shallow is off, remove cuts, disallow partial
2 = shallow is off, add cuts, allow partial
3 = shallow is off, add cuts, disallow partial
10 = shallow is on, remove cuts, allow partial
11 = shallow is on, remove cuts, disallow partial
12 = shallow is on, add cuts, allow partial
13 = shallow is on, add cuts, disallow partial
12129 Minimum stepdown to add cuts to shallow area:
12130 Angle to determine shallow area
12131 Smooth stepover length
12132 Rampdown length
12133 Use tangent Z arc (True/False)
12134 Restmill cut extension length
12135 Offset consecutive closed contours by this value
12114 Previous operation ID #
12283 Bit 0: 0 = use prev op's recut file, 1 = use prev op’s NCI
12300 Adjust absolute cut depths for drive stock (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-183
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12301 Allow tangent entry/exit arc outside tool containment

boundary (True/False)
12310 True = use helix, False = straight
12311 Helix radius
12312 Helix Z clearance
12313 Helix Z angle
12314 True = output arcs, False = lines
12315 Helix tolerance
12316 Helix direction: True = CCW, False = CW
12317 Helix feed: True = feed rate, False = plunge rate
12318 Top of stock is on (True/False)
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)
15471 Allow burial: True = allow burial in opt cut order, False =
minimize it

7-184 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10415 True = climb, False = conventional cut
10223 Prompt for relative start point (True/False)
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
10200 Machining angle (bias angle)
12263 True = ignore climb(/conventional) flag
12424 Number of total passes
12054 Stepover for offset passes
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-185
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10205 Maximum stepover
10200 Machining angle
10208 Cut method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way, 2 = 3D collapse
10223 Prompt for relative start point (True/False)
10301 Roughing tool diameter
10302 Roughing tool corner radius
10303 Cut extension
10415 True = climb, false = conventional cut
10325 Expand cuts from the inside to the outside (True/False)
10324 Create outermost 3D collapse pass (True/False)
10326 Resolution: percentage of stepover
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12292 Zigzag/oneway: True = perpendicular to pencil, false =
at mach_angle
12298 from_angle - allows leftover to be used with…
12299 … a shallow (or steep) range. (to_angle)
12303 True = automatically calculate res_pct, false = use res_pct
12304 True = skip smoothing of outer boundary, false = do it
12320 True = blend Z cuts with XY, False = XY only
12321 Blend extension
12322 Blend angle
12323 Rough tool cut tolerance
12422 True = use rough tolerance, False = set rough tolerance =
cut tolerance
12423 True = skip rough pencil map, False = use it
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)
12430 True = skip internal lines in 3D collapse

7-186 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10205 Maximum stepover
10200 Machining angle
10208 Cut method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way
10223 Prompt for relative start point (True/False)
10310 Angle of surface normal (start of range)
10311 Angle of surface normal (end of range)
10312 Cut extension
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12307 True = include cuts outside from/to range,
false = do not include them
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-187
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10205 Maximum stepover
10200 Machining angle
10208 Cut method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way, 2 = 3D collapse
10223 Prompt for relative start point (True/False)
10320 Angle of surface normal (start of range)
10321 Angle of surface normal (end of range)
10322 Cut extension
10415 True = climb, false = conventional cut
10325 Expand cuts from the inside to the outside (True/False)
10324 Create outermost 3D collapse pass (True/False)
10326 Resolution: percentage of stepover
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12923 False = 3-axis, true = 5-axis
12924 5-axis output: lead/lag angle
12925 5-axis output: lead/lag angle limit
12926 5-axis output: side angle
12927 5-axis output: side angle limit
12303 True = automatically calculate res_pct, false = use res_pct
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)
12430 True = skip internal lines in 3D collapse

7-188 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10205 Maximum stepover
10223 Prompt for relative start point (True/False)
10415 True = climb, false = conventional cut
10325 Expand cuts from the inside to the outside (True/False)
10324 Create outermost 3D collapse pass (True/False)
10326 Resolution: percentage of stepover
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12137 Optimization type: 0 = extrema, 1 = closest
10200 Machining angle
12303 True = automatically calculate res_pct, false = use res_pct
12306 True = hold outermost zone static, False = collapse it
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)
12430 True = skip internal lines in 3D collapse

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-189
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10208 Cut method
12115 Use along distance (True/False)
12116 Along cut: distance
12117 Use across distance (True/False)
12118 Across cut: distance
12119 Across cut: scallop height
12120 Check flowline motion for gouge (True/False)
12138 Positive: top of tool is forward (tip back)
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12139 Side angle: positive is to the right, negative is to the
12121 corner
12122 upalong
12264 Shared edge tolerance: 0.0 = off
12421 True = row only (v8 code), False = grid (v9)
12427 Tool display and NCI output length
12019 OutputFormat (CM5dlg parameters)
12373 PatternType (CM5dlg parameters)
12142 ToolAxis (CM5dlg parameters)
12025 4th axis: 0 = X, 1 = Y, 2 = Z
12250 specflags : so far only used for chain tool axis
control usage (bits 0 & 1)
12251 Plane vector for tool axis control
12252 Plane vector for tool axis control
12253 Plane vector for tool axis control

7-190 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10223 True = use center point, false = no center
10208 Direction of open boundaries: (0 = zigzag, 1 = one
10415 Direction of closed boundaries (true = climb)
12138 Positive = top of tool is forward (tip back)
12140 Axis damp length
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12139 Side angle: positive is to the right, negative is to the
12025 4th axis: 0 = X, 1 = Y, 2 = Z
12284 True = axial cut, false = rotary cut
12285 Axial cut angular step (max) (radius)
12286 Axial cut angular start (radius)
12287 Axial cut angular sweep (radius)
12427 Tool display and NCI length
12019 OutputFormat (CM5dlg parameters)
12373 PatternType (CM5dlg parameters)
12142 ToolAxis (CM5dlg parameters)
12025 4th axis: 0 = X, 1 = Y, 2 = Z
12250 specflags : so far only used for chain tool axis control
usage (bits 0 and 1)
12251 Plane vector for tool axis control
12252 Plane vector for tool axis control
12253 Plane vector for tool axis control

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-191
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12267 True if approach/retract wanted
12268 Approach/retract height
12269 True if entry/exit wanted
12270 True if right of toolpath
12271 length
12272 height
12273 thick
12274 pivotang

7-192 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12275 True if approach/retract wanted
12276 Approach/retract height
12277 True if entry/exit wanted
12278 True if right of toolpath
12279 length
12280 height
12281 thick
12282 pivotang

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-193
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

ENT_EXIT (entry)
ENT_EXIT2 (exit)
12266 curvetol

7-194 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12019 OutputFormat (CM5dlg parameters)
12141 CurveType (CM5dlg parameters)
12142 ToolAxis (CM5dlg parameters)
12023 ProjectType (CM5dlg parameters)
12022 TipControl (CM5dlg parameters)
12143 EdgeType (CM5dlg parameters)
12144 True = step increment, false = chordal deviation
12145 Step increment distance
12146 Maximum step distance for chordal deviation
12147 Chordal deviation
12148 Maximum projection distance
12149 offset_radius
12150 offset_sign
12139 side_angle
12151 lead_angle
12152 norm_depth
12153 True = 5- axis, False = 3-axis
12154 view_number
12155 do_all_edges (True/False)
12156 Display clipped corners on the screen (True/False)
12157 Minimize corners (True/False)
12158 Gouge check: 0 = infinite, 1 = user defined look ahead distance, 2 =
12159 User defined look ahead distance
12160 Tip compensation: 0 = tip on curve, 1 = compensate to surface
12024 Tool display and NCI vector length
12025 Fourth axis: 0 = X, 1 = Y

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-195
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12250 Bit 0 means lines are relative to toolpath direction

Bit 1 was used for relative to surface
Bit 2 is used for finish all depths
Bit 3 is or chain tool axis control
12251 Plane vector for tool axis control
12252 Plane vector for tool axis control
12253 Plane vector for tool axis control

7-196 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12144 True = step increment, False = chordal deviation
12145 Step increment distance
12146 Maximum step distance for chordal deviation
12147 Chordal deviation
12153 True = 5-axis, False = 4-axis
12161 Floortype
12162 Walltype
12163 Dist_above_low
12164 userulings (True/False)
12165 Bhavefloor (True/False)
12166 Bnofloor (True/False)
12167 Havefans (True/False)
12168 Swarffan
12169 Stockwalls
12170 Addfloor
12171 Maxstepalong
12172 Wallpasses
12173 Walloffperpass
12174 Floorpasses
12175 Flooroffperpass
12176 Usefloor (True/False)
12177 Floornorm
12178 Floornorm
12179 Floornorm
12180 Floorpt
12181 Floorpt
12182 Floorpt
12183 Fanfeed rate

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-197
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12184 False = protect, True = detect

12185 Show toolpath before gouge check (True/False)
12158 Gouge check: 0 = infinite, 1 = user-defined look ahead distance,
2 = none
12159 User defined look ahead distance
12024 Tool display and NCI vector length
12265 Do finish passes at all depths (True/False)
12187 True if want to minimize corners
12025 Fourth axis: 0 = X, 1 = Y
12262 Sync option setting: 0 = none, 1 = by Entity, ...
6 = Manual/Density
12429 Use zigzag muliple passes (True/False)

7-198 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12188 Number of active teeth
12189 Clearance plane depth
12190 Feed plane
12191 Top of thread
12192 Thread depth
12193 thrdmill_abs or thrdmill_inc
12194 Thread pitch
12107 Thread start angle
12195 Overcut
12196 Entry/exit arc clearance
12197 Entry/exit line length
12198 Helical entry/exit at top of thread (True/False)
12199 Helical entry/exit at bottom of thread (True/False)
12200 Linearize helixes (True/False)
12201 Helix linearization tolerance
12202 thrdmill_id or thrdmill_od
12203 Thread diameter
12204 thrdmill_right or thrdmill_left
12290 Start at center (True/False)
12205 thrdmill_top_to_bottom or thrdmill_bottom_to_top
12291 Perpendicular entry (True/False)
12385 Taper angle (to centerline)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-199
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12004 Comp to tip (True/False)
12107 Thread start angle
12206 Entry/exit arc sweep
10407 Overlap between entry and exit arcs
12207 Circle diameter (used when circles are defined by points)
12208 Start at center of circle (True/False)
12209 Enter along a line that is perpendicular to the entry arc (True/False)
12210 Enable roughing (True/False)
12055 Stepover as a percentage of the tool diameter
12054 Stepover
12211 Enable helical entry (True/False)
12265 True = write the finish pass at all depths; False = write finish pass at
final depth

7-200 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12004 Comp to tip (True/False)
12107 Start angle
12206 Entry/exit arc sweep
10407 Overlap between entry and exit arcs
12207 Diameter (used when circles are defined by points)
12208 Start at center of circle (True/False)
12209 Enter along a line that is perpendicular to the entry arc
12210 Enable roughing (True/False)
12055 Stepover as a percentage of the tool diameter
12054 Stepover
12211 Enable helical entry (True/False)
12265 True = write the finish pass at all depths
False = write finish pass at final depth

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-201
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10208 Cutting method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way, 2 = circular, 3 = 5ax swarf
12212 5-axis swarf angle
12213 Constant Z cutting enabled (True/False)
12214 Constant Z cutting - initial
12215 Constant Z cutting - final
12216 Constant Z cutting - step
12217 Stepover amount (across cut distance)
12218 Trimming plane 1: 0 = X, 1 = Y, 2 = Z, 3 = none
12219 Trimming plane 1 coordinate
12220 Trimming plane 2 : 0 = X, 1 = Y, 2 = Z, 3 = none
12221 Trimming plane 2 coordinate
12222 True = trim the toolpath, false = trim the tool
12223 True = gouge check perp to machining angle
12004 True = comp to tool tip, false = tool center
12224 Sync option setting: 0 = none, 1 = by Entity, … 6 = Manual/Density

7-202 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12225 Axis: X, Y or L: L = toolpath point entity points to the axis
12226 Trim: N = nothing, H = height, W = width
12227 Shape: True = concave, False = convex
12228 Retract to reference plane (True/False)
12229 Retract amount (absolute)
12054 Stepover amount
12230 Center
12231 Axis Depth (abs)
12232 Height (under ‘Trim toolpath to’)
12233 Width – From (under ‘Trim toolpath to’)
12234 Width – To (under ‘Trim toolpath to’)
12235 trim_sign
12236 trim_sign
12004 True = comp to tool tip, false = tool center
12237 True = rapid between passes, false = feed

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-203
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10208 Cut method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way, 2 = circular, 3 = 5ax swarf
12238 along
12239 across
12004 True = comp to tool tip, false = tool center
12224 Sync option setting: 0 = none, 1 = by Entity, … 6 = Manual/Density
12240 Direction: 0 = along, 1 = across

7-204 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12239 Across cut distance
12241 Across: roll cutter around corners (0 = none, 1 = sharp, 2 = all)
12242 Across: cutter comp in computer (0 = right, 1 = left)
12243 Along: roll cutter around corners (0 = none, 1 = sharp, 2 = all)
12244 Along: cutter comp in computer (0 = right, 1 = left)
12004 True = comp to tool tip, false = tool center
12224 Sync option setting: 0 = none, 1 = by entity, ... 6 = manual/density
12409 Infinite look ahead enabled (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-205
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10208 Cut direction: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way, 2 = circular, 3 = 5ax swarf
12238 Along cut distance
12239 Across cut distance
12004 True = comp to tool tip, false = tool center
12224 Sync option setting: 0 = none, 1 = by entity, ... 6 = manual/density
12240 Direction: 0 = along, 1 = across
12245 0 = rotate the across contour, 1 = translate
12246 Number of across contours: 1 or 2

7-206 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10208 Cut method: 0 = zigzag, 1 = one way, 2 = circular, 3 = 5ax swarf
12247 Blending: 0 = linear, 1 = parabolic, 2 = cubic, 3 = cubic with slope
12238 Along cut distance
12239 Across cut distance
12004 True = comp to tool tip, false = tool center
12224 Sync option setting: 0 = none, 1 = by entity, ... 6 = manual/density
12240 Direction: 0 = along, 1 = across
12248 Number of patches in across direction
12249 Number of patches in along direction

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-207
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

15266 Operation description to display in the Operation Manager
15267 Source C-Hook name (no prefix path). If "" (null string), call as .dll.
15268 C-Hook's function or dll to call when operation’s parameters are
selected in the Operation Manager
15269 C-Hook's function or dll to call when operation’s tool is selected in the
Operation Manager
15270 C-Hook's function or dll to call when operation’s geometry is selected
in the Operation Manager
15271 C-Hook's function or dll to call when operation’s NCI is selected in
the Operation Manager with the left mouse button
15272 C-C-Hook's 's function or dll to call to regenerate operation’s NCI
15336 C-Hook's function or dll to call when operation’s NCI is selected in
the Operation Manager with the right mouse button
15337 True = operation OK to be filtered
15338 True = operation OK to be toolpath-edited

7-208 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12288 X - which side to keep
12289 Y - which side to keep
12290 Z - which side to keep
12291 0 = keep tool up, 1 = keep tool down

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-209
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

Note: These parameters do NOT get to the Post, since AutoDrill generates
individual drilling toolpath operations.
15278 Tool type: 0=Drill, 1=Tap RH Coarse, 2=Tap RH Fine, 3=Tap LH
Coarse, 4=Tap LH Fine, 5=Reamer, 6=Boring Bar, 7=Endmill
15279 Use filter arc (True/False)
15280 No warnings (True/False)
15281 Spot drill (True/False)
15282 Spot maximum depth
15283 Spot diameter
15284 Chamfer type: 0 = none, 1 = add depth to spot cycle, 2 = make new op
15285 Chamfer size
15286 Destination operation group id #
15287 Depth from top of arc (True/False)
15288 Tool library name
15289 Pre drill (True/False)
15290 Minimum pre-drill diameter
15291 Pre-drill diameter increment
15292 Pre drill stock
15293 Pre drill tip comp (True/False)
15294 Pre drill break thru
15295 Pre drill stock flag (True/False)
15296 PRM filename
15297 Tool match tolerance
15298 Tip comp (True/False)
15299 Break thru
15300 5-axis (True/False)
15301 View RB
15302 Group added (True/False)
15303 Use arc views (True/False)
15304 Use default diameter (True/False)
15305 Default diameter
15306 Sel

7-210 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15307 Minimum hole radius
15308 Maximum hole radius
15309 Include blind holes (True/False)
15310 Create arcs using this offset
15311 New geometry color
15312 Limit search to given plane (True/False)
15313 Plane to limit search to if limit_by_plane = True
15314 Include split cylinders (True/False)
15315 sd_sweep_... limit by sweep code
15316 Limit sweep angle 0.0 - 360.0 degrees
15317 Limit sweep step size - controls # of sections tested along

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-211
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

15319 Delete dependants
15320 Basic
15321 Solid operation ID
15322 Solid pointer
15323 Redetect on regen (True/False)
15324 Stock clearance
15502 Create points: (True/False)

7-212 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

-15254 Start of section fpos in binary file, -1 if not yet generated
-15255 End of section fpos in binary file, -1 if not yet generated
15083 Number of entities in this operation (for alloc)
15084 Number of boundaries in this operation (contour, pocket)
15085 High entity ID # (used to number boundaries)
15086 True = NCI marked for regeneration (dirty)
15087 True = selected for editing, deleting and reordering
15088 True = selection expanded in treeview
15089 True = ASCII NCI has been generated and/or posted
15090 True = operation imported from library
15330 Transform operation ID # that spawned this operation
15497 Aggregate head ID number assigned to this operation
15498 Tool position ID number assigned to this operation
15092 Number of entities to display in Operation Manager
15093 True = display toolpath
15094 ID # of operation this operation replaced
15095 True = binary NCI of operation has been edited
15096 System level
-15256 True = don't ever post this operation
15097 True = operation contains solids toolpath entities
15325 Op ID # of trimming operation, null_id for not trimmed
15326 Number of times the operation has been edited
15340 True = NCI section has been read in, False = go get it when needed
15499 Geometry sub-tree expanded (True/False)
15500 Last tab page in toolpath parameters page (zero-based)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-213
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10042 Program number
10040 Starting sequence number
10041 Sequence number increment
10020 Clearance plane
10021 True = clearance depth incremental, false = absolute
15100 Clearance plane on (True/False)
15374 Retract plane
10023 True = retract plane incremental, false = absolute
15101 Retract plane on (True/False)
10024 Feed plane
10025 True = feed plane incremental, false = absolute
10029 Depth in Z of toolpath
15103 True = depth incremental, false = absolute
10026 True = rapid up from bottom depth
15105 Calculated cycle time for NCI section
15106 Use reference point(s) (True/False)
10080 Toolpath reference (retraction) point – X
10081 Toolpath reference (retraction) point – Y
10082 Toolpath reference (retraction) point – Z
15107 NCI output destination file name
10010 Amount of stock to leave
10027 Top of stock
10028 True = top of stock incremental, false = absolute
15108 True = force a tool change in nci
15109 True = use only entities contained in tp_group group id #'s
15110 True = use tp_ents from other operations
15111 Operation group ID #
10007 For common parameter dialog cmp_to_tip (True/False)
15112 True = op's NCI not immediately generated (batch)
12258 Use reference point(s) (True/False)
12259 Second reference point – X
12260 Second reference point – Y
12261 Second reference point – Z

7-214 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15327 Abs/inc, XYZ enabled

15339 Use clearance plane at start/end (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-215
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10042 Program number
10040 Starting sequence number
10041 Sequence number increment
10701 Clearance plane
10702 True = clearance depth incremental, false = absolute
10700 Clearance plane on (True/False)
10704 Retract plane
10705 True = retract plane incremental, false = absolute
10703 Retract plane on (True/False)
10706 Feed plane
10707 True = feed plane incremental, false = absolute
15102 Depth in Z of toolpath
15103 True = depth incremental, false = absolute
10708 True = rapid up from bottom depth
15105 Calculated cycle time for NCI section
15106 Use reference point(s) (True/False)
10080 Toolpath reference (retraction) point – X
10081 Toolpath reference (retraction) point – Y
10082 Toolpath reference (retraction) point - Z
15107 NCI output destination file name
10010 Amount of stock to leave
10027 Top of stock
10028 True = top of stock incremental, false = absolute
15108 Force a tool change in NCI (True/False)
15109 True = use only entities contained in tp_group group ID #'s
15110 True = use tp_ents from other operations
15111 Operation group ID #
10007 For common parameter dialog cmp_to_tip (True/False)
15112 True = op's NCI not immediately generated (batch)
12258 Use reference point(s) (True/False)
12259 Second reference pt – X
12260 Second reference pt – Y
12261 Second reference pt – Z

7-216 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15327 Abs/inc, XYZ enabled

15339 Use clearance plane at start/end (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-217
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10042 Program number
10040 Starting sequence number
10041 Sequence number increment
10020 Clearance plane
10021 True = clearance depth incremental, false = absolute
15100 Clearance plane on (True/False)
15374 Retract plane
10102 True = retract plane incremental, false = absolute
15101 Retract plane on (True/False)
10105 Feed plane
10104 True = feed plane incremental, false = absolute
10107 Depth in Z of toolpath
10106 True = depth incremental, false = absolute
10026 True = rapid up from bottom depth
15105 Calculated cycle time for NCI section
15106 Use reference point(s) (True/False)
10080 Toolpath reference (retraction) poin - Xt
10081 Toolpath reference (retraction) point – Y
10082 Toolpath reference (retraction) point – Z
15107 NCI output destination file name
10010 Amount of stock to leave
10027 Top of stock
10028 True = top of stock incremental, false = absolute
15108 Force a tool change in NCI (True/False)
15109 True = use only entities contained in tp_group group id #'s
15110 True = use tp_ents from other operations
15111 Operation group ID #
10007 For common parameter dialog cmp_to_tip (True/False)
15112 True = op's NCI not immediately generated (batch)
12258 Use reference point(s) (True/False)
12259 Second reference point – X
12260 Second reference point – Y
12261 Second reference point - Z

7-218 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15327 Abs/inc, XYZ enabled

15339 Use clearance plane at start/end (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-219
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10042 Program number
10040 Starting sequence number
10041 Sequence number increment
15098 Clearance plane
15099 True = clearance depth incremental, false = absolute
15100 Clearance plane on (True/False)
10505 Retract plane
10516 True = retract plane incremental, False = absolute
15101 Retract plane on (True/False)
10504 Feed plane
10514 True = feed plane incremental, False = absolute
10506 Depth in Z of toolpath
10518 True = depth incremental, False = absolute
15104 True = rapid up from bottom depth
15105 Calculated cycle time for NCI section
15106 Use reference point(s) (True/False)
10080 Toolpath reference (retraction) point – X
10081 Toolpath reference (retraction) point – Y
10082 Toolpath reference (retraction) point – Z
15107 NCI output destination file name
10010 Amount of stock to leave
10027 Top of stock
10028 True = top of stock incremental, False = absolute
15108 Force a tool change in NCI (True/False)
15109 True = use only entities contained in tp_group group ID #'s
15110 True = use tp_ents from other operations
15111 Operation group id #
-15257 For common parameter dialog
15112 True = operation’s NCI not immediately generated (batch)
-12258 Use reference point(s) (True/False)
-12259 Second reference point – X
-12260 Second reference point – Y
-12261 Second reference point – Z

7-220 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15327 Abs/inc, XYZ enabled

15339 Use clearance plane at start/end (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-221
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

13150 Use toolpath entry point (True/False)
13151 Toolpath start point
13152 Toolpath start point
13153 Toolpath start point
13154 Use toolpath retraction point (True/False)
13155 Update boundaries for current operation (True/False)
13156 Update boundaries for subsequent operations (True/False)
13157 Stock boundaries are valid for operation (True/False)
13158 Regenerate toolpath for tool collision (True/False)
13159 Entity ID for left stock boundary
13160 Entity ID for right stock boundary
13161 Entity ID for left chuck boundary
13162 Entity ID for right chuck boundary
13163 Entity ID for tailstock boundary
13173 Entry angle for ‘remaining stock’ (in radians)
13174 Exit angle for ‘remaining stock’ (in radians)
13175 Do ‘remaining stock analysis’ for operation (True/False)
13196 True = use clearance from operation, False = from job setup
13197 Boundary avoidance clearance for lathe tools
13198 Entry/exit vector clearance
13199 Keep uncut stock (True/False)
13204 Entity ID for steadyrest boundary

7-222 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15113 On (True/False)
15114 File name
15115 File date
15253 True = aux file marked for regeneration (dirty)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-223
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

15120 On (True/False)
15121 Canned text 0-99, 1000-1099, 2000-2099
15122 Canned text 0-99, 1000-1099, 2000-2099
15123 Canned text 0-99, 1000-1099, 2000-2099
15124 Canned text 0-99, 1000-1099, 2000-2099
15125 Canned text 0-99, 1000-1099, 2000-2099
15126 Canned text 0-99, 1000-1099, 2000-2099
15127 Canned text 0-99, 1000-1099, 2000-2099
15128 Canned text 0-99, 1000-1099, 2000-2099
15129 Canned text 0-99, 1000-1099, 2000-2099
15130 Canned text 0-99, 1000-1099, 2000-2099

7-224 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15258 Axis of rotation, currently only a main axis
15259 Axis of rotation, currently only a main axis
15260 Axis of rotation, currently only a main axis
15261 Axis of rotation, currently only a main axis
15262 Axis of rotation, currently only a main axis
15263 Axis of rotation, currently only a main axis
15131 The ‘from pt’ used when translating – X
15132 The ‘from pt’ used when translating – Y
15133 The ‘from pt’ used when translating – Z

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-225
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

15134 Arc filter on (True/False)
15135 True = use arcs, false = lines
15136 Maximum tolerance error
15137 Minimum arc radius
15138 Maximum arc radius
15082 Amount of look ahead
15340 Create arcs in XY plane (True/False)
15341 Create arcs in XZ plane (True/False)
15342 Create arcs in YZ plane (True/False)
15343 One way (True/False)

7-226 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10002 Tool number
10090 Tool type ID number
10091 Radius type: None, corner or full
10005 Tool diameter
10006 Tool corner radius
15139 Threads per inch or thread pitch (mm)
10092 Tool tip angle
10003 Diameter offset number
10004 Length offset number
10030 Feed rate
10031 Plunge rate
15140 Retract rate
10034 Spindle speed
15141 Merged from ASCII NCI file (True/False)
10035 Spindle speed is CSS (True/False)
15345 Feed rate is actually a surface finish (True/False)
15375 Plunge feed rate is actually a surface finish (True/False)
10022 Coolant: 0 = off, 1 = flood, 2 = mist, 3 = tool (spindle)
15143 Number of flutes
10093 Tool material: HSS, CAR, etc.
10094 Tool description
15144 Mastercam tool reference geometry filename
LTOOL_REC (lathe)
15145 Values in metric (True/False)
15146 Station number for mill-turn
15147 Active turret (for mill-turn)
15148 Active spindle (for mill-turn)
15149 Internal tool ID #
10036 Maximum spindle speed (lathe)
15376 Custom tool display comes from: auto(0), file (1) or level (2)
15377 Tool reference level

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-227
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10002 Tool number
10090 Tool type ID number
10091 Tool radius type: none, corner or full
10005 Tool diameter
10006 Tool corner radius
15139 Threads per inch or thread pitch (mm)
10116 Tool tip angle
10003 Diameter offset number
10004 Length offset number
10030 Feed rate
10031 Plunge rate
15140 Retract rate
10034 Spindle speed
15141 Merged from ASCII NCI file (True/False)
10035 Spindle speed is CSS (True/False)
15345 Feed rate is actually a surface finish (True/False)
15375 Plunge feed rate is actually a surface finish (True/False)
10022 Coolant: 0 = off, 1 = flood, 2 = mist, 3 = tool (spindle)
15143 Number of flutes
10093 Tool material: HSS, CAR, etc.
10094 Tool description
15144 Mastercam tool reference geometry file
LTOOL_REC (lathe)
15145 Values in metric (True/False)
15146 Station # for mill-turn
15147 Active turret (for mill-turn)
15148 Active spindle (for mill-turn)
15149 Internal tool id #
10036 Maximum spindle speed (lathe)
15376 Custom tool display comes from: 0 = auto, 1 = file, 2 = level
15377 Tool reference level

7-228 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

10002 Tool number
10090 Tool type ID number
10091 Tool radius type: none, corner or full
-13165 Tool diameter
-13166 Tool corner radius
15139 Threads per inch or thread pitch (mm)
10512 Tool tip angle
-13167 Diameter offset number
10003 Length offset number
10030 Feed rate
10031 Plunge rate
15140 Retract rate
10034 Spindle speed
15141 Merged from ASCII NCI file (True/False)
10035 Spindle speed is CSS (True/False)
15345 Feed rate is actually a surface finish (True/False)
15375 Plunge feed rate is actually a surface finish (True/False)
10022 Coolant: 0 = off, 1 = flood, 2 = mist, 3 = tool (spindle)
15143 Number of flutes
10093 Tool material: HSS, CAR, etc.
10094 Tool description
15144 Mastercam tool reference geometry file
LTOOL_REC (lathe)
15145 Values in metric (True/False)
15146 Station number (for mill-turn)
15147 Active turret (for mill-turn)
15148 Active spindle (for mill-turn)
15149 Internal tool ID #
10036 Maximum spindle speed (lathe)
15376 Custom tool display comes from: 0 = auto, 1 = file, 2 = level
15377 Tool reference level

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-229
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10001 Tool number
10090 Tool type ID number
10091 Tool radius type: none, corner or full
10004 Tool diameter
-14050 Tool corner radius
-14051 Threads per inch or thread pitch (mm)
-14052 Tool tip angle
10002 Diameter offset number
10003 Length offset number
10006 Feed rate
-14053 Plunge rate
-14054 Retract rate
-14055 Spindle speed
15141 Merged from ASCII NCI file (True/False)
-14056 Spindle speed is CSS (True/False)
-14124 Feed rate is actually a surface finish (True/False)
-14125 Plunge rate is actually a surface finish (True/False)
-14058 Coolant: 0 = off, 1 = flood, 2 = mist, 3 = tool (spindle)
-14059 Number of flutes
10093 Tool material: HSS, CAR, etc.
10094 Tool description
15144 Mastercam tool reference geometry file
LTOOL_REC (lathe)
15145 Values in metric (True/False)
-14060 Station number (for mill-turn)
-14061 Active turret (for mill-turn)
-14062 Active spindle (for mill-turn)
-14063 Internal tool ID #
-14064 Maximum spindle speed (lathe)
15376 Custom tool display comes from: 0 = auto, 1 = file, 2 = level
15377 Tool reference level

7-230 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

(The following parameters no longer exist: See OP_CC, OP_CC001, OP_CC002)

OPS: OP_CC_COMPUTER (No longer exists! See OP_CC, OP_CC001, OP_CC002)

10008 blank = off, L = left, R = right
10070 none, sharp or all

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-231
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

(No longer exists! See OP_CC, OP_CC001, OP_CC002)

10020 blank = off, L = left, R = right
10070 none, sharp or all

7-232 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

(No longer exists! See OP_CC, OP_CC001, OP_CC002)

15150 blank = off, L = left, R = right
10124 True = optimize cutter comp in control

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-233
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

(No longer exists! See OP_CC, OP_CC001, OP_CC002)

15150 blank = off, L = left, R = right
10426 True = optimize cutter comp in control

7-234 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

(No longer exists! See OP_CC, OP_CC001, OP_CC002)

10021 blank = off, L = left, R = right
15151 True = optimize cutter comp in control

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-235
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

OPS: OP_VIEW (tool view data - Tplane)

15152 Tool plane is on
15153 Tool plane view number at time of creation
15154 Tool plane view matrix
15155 Tool plane view matrix
15156 Tool plane view matrix
15157 Tool plane view matrix
15158 Tool plane view matrix
15159 Tool plane view matrix
15160 Tool plane view matrix
15161 Tool plane view matrix
15162 Tool plane view matrix
15163 Tool plane origin (world coordinates)
15164 Tool plane origin (world coordinates)
15165 Tool plane origin (world coordinates)
15348 Named view ID #
15166 User defined work offset number

7-236 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

OPS: OP_VIEW2 (construction view data - Cplane)

15167 Construction plane is on
15168 Construction plane view number at time of creation
15169 Construction plane view matrix
15170 Construction plane view matrix
15171 Construction plane view matrix
15172 Construction plane view matrix
15173 Construction plane view matrix
15174 Construction plane view matrix
15175 Construction plane view matrix
15176 Construction plane view matrix
15177 Construction plane view matrix
15178 Construction plane origin (world coordinates)
15179 Construction plane origin (world coordinates)
15180 Construction plane origin (world coordinates)
15349 Named view ID #
15181 User-defined work offset number

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-237
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

OPS: OP_VIEW3 (WCS view data)

15355 WCS is on
15356 WCS plane view number at time of creation
15357 WCS plane view matrix
15358 WCS plane view matrix
15359 WCS plane view matrix
15360 WCS plane view matrix
15361 WCS plane view matrix
15362 WCS plane view matrix
15363 WCS plane view matrix
15364 WCS plane view matrix
15365 WCS plane view matrix
15366 WCS plane origin (world coordinates)
15367 WCS plane origin (world coordinates)
15368 WCS plane origin (world coordinates)
15369 Named view ID #
15370 User-defined work offset number

7-238 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15182 True = on
-15190 Misc ints 1-10
-15191 Misc ints 1-10
-15192 Misc ints 1-10
-15193 Misc ints 1-10
-15194 Misc ints 1-10
-15195 Misc ints 1-10
-15196 Misc ints 1-10
-15197 Misc ints 1-10
-15198 Misc ints 1-10
-15199 Misc ints 1-10
-15200 Misc reals 1-10
-15201 Misc reals 1-10
-15202 Misc reals 1-10
-15203 Misc reals 1-10
-15204 Misc reals 1-10
-15205 Misc reals 1-10
-15206 Misc reals 1-10
-15207 Misc reals 1-10
-15208 Misc reals 1-10
-15209 Misc reals 1-10

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-239
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

15211 True = on
10065 Max rough step size
10066 Number of finish cuts
10067 Z depth of finish cuts
10068 Stock to leave
15378 Output sub program labels (True/False)
10069 Keep tool down (True/False)
10064 Use island depths (True/False)
15379 True = by depth, False = by contour
15452 True = output sub program incremental, false = absolute

7-240 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15214 True = on
10106 Number of roughing cuts
10107 Depth of roughing cuts
15380 Number of finish cuts
15381 Depth of finish cuts
15385 Keep tool down (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-241
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

15215 True = on
15216 Tool home position
15217 Tool home position
15218 Tool home position

7-242 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15215 True = on
10007 Tool home position
10008 Tool home position
-13168 Tool home position

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-243
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

15219 Use entry / exit entities (True/False)
10102 True = perpendicular, false = tangent
10103 Length of entry/exit line
15220 Line ramp height
10104 Radius of entry/exit arc
10105 Sweep angle of entry arc (in radians)
15221 Arc helix height
15382 Output entry/exit on only first/last depth cut (True/False)
15222 Use entry/exit point (True/False)
15223 Use entry/exit point depth (True/False)
15224 Length of entry/exit line as % of tool diameter
15225 Radius of entry/exit arc as % of tool diameter

7-244 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15219 Use entry exit entities (True/False)
10307 True = perpendicular, false = tangent
10310 Length of entry/exit line
15220 Line ramp height
10311 Radius of entry/exit arc
10312 Sweep angle of entry arc (in radians)
15221 Arc helix height
10419 Output entry/exit on only first/last depth cut (True/False)
15222 Use entry/exit point (True/False)
15223 Use entry/exit point depth (True/False)
15224 Length of entry/exit line as % of tool diameter
15225 Radius of entry/exit arc as % of tool diameter

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-245
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

15226 Use entry exit entities (True/False)
10118 True = perpendicular, false = tangent
10119 Length of entry/exit line
15227 Line ramp height
10120 Radius of entry/exit arc
10121 Sweep angle of entry arc (in radians)
15228 Arc helix height
15389 Output entry/exit on only first/last depth cut (True/False)
15229 Use entry/exit point (True/False)
15230 Use entry/exit point depth (True/False)
15231 Length of entry/exit line as % of tool diameter
15232 Radius of entry/exit arc as % of tool diameter

7-246 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15226 Use entry exit entities (True/False)
10421 True = perpendicular, false = tangent
10422 Length of entry/exit line
15227 Line ramp height
10423 Radius of entry/exit arc
10424 Sweep angle of entry arc (in radians)
15228 Arc helix height
10425 Output entry/exit on only first/last depth cut (True/False)
15229 Use entry/exit point (True/False)
15230 Use entry/exit point depth (True/False)
15231 Length of entry/exit line as % of tool diameter
15232 Radius of entry/exit arc as % of tool diameter

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-247
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

15233 True = on
OP_ENTRY_EXIT (contour entry)
OP_ENTRY_EXIT001 (pocket entry)
OP_ENTRY_EXIT_PK (contour exit)
OP_ENTRY_EXIT_PK001 (pocket exit)
10117 Overlap amount
15234 Enter at midpoint of first entity for closed
contours (True/False)
15328 Check entry/exit motion for gouges
15449 Output first move before plunge
15450 Output last move after plunge (True/False)

7-248 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15233 True = on
OP_ENTRY_EXIT (contour entry)
OP_ENTRY_EXIT001 (pocket entry)
OP_ENTRY_EXIT_PK (contour exit)
OP_ENTRY_EXIT_PK001 (pocket exit)
10420 Overlap amount
15234 Enter at midpoint of first entity for closed
contours (True/False)
15328 Check entry/exit motion for gouges
15449 Output first move before plunge
15450 Output last move after plunge

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-249
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

15235 Use tool display (True/False)
10085 True = step, false = run
10086 Delay in seconds
10087 True = step, false = endpoints
10088 Amount of step increment
10089 True = animate, false = static

7-250 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15236 True = on
15351 Rotation type: 1 = axis substitution, 2 = rotary axis positioning,
3 = 3-axis
15352 Rotary axis to rotate about: 1 = about X, 2= about Y, 3 = about Z
15258 Axis of rotation line (endpoint)
15259 Axis of rotation line (endpoint)
15260 Axis of rotation line (endpoint)
15261 Axis of rotation line (endpoint)
15262 Axis of rotation line (endpoint)
15263 Axis of rotation line (endpoint)
10072 Rotary diameter
15371 Direction: CW or CCW
15372 Axis to substitute, relative to view: 1 = X, 2 = Y
15373 Angle point 0,0 rolls to
10073 Unroll enabled (True/False)
10074 Unroll tolerance

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-251
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

13200 Tool orientation number
13201 Corner radius
13202 Width (tool clearance data)
15241 Height (tool clearance data)
15242 Angle (in radians)
15243 Rake angle (in radians)
15244 Tool center position
15245 Tool center position
15246 back_v
15247 back_v
15248 front_v
15249 front_v
15250 Back used (True/False)
15251 Front used (True/False)

7-252 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

-10004 Tool orientation number
-10005 Corner radius
-10006 Width (tool clearance data)
-15241 Height (tool clearance data)
-15242 Angle (in radians)
-15243 Rake angle (in radians)
-15244 Tool center position
-15245 Tool denter position
-15246 back_v
-15247 back_v
-15248 front_v
-15249 front_v
-15250 Back used (True/False)
-15251 Front used (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-253
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

15489 Extend / shorten is enabled (True/False)
15490 True = extend, False = shorten
15491 Distance to extend / shorten
15492 Percentage of tool diameter

7-254 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15493 Extend / shorten is enabled (True/False)
15494 True = extend, False = shorten
15495 Distance to extend / shorten
15496 Percentage of tool diameter

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-255
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

16023 Infinite look ahead is enabled (True/False)
16024 Maximum depth variance
16025 Contour type:
0 = 2D contour
1 = 3D contour
2 = 2D chamfer
3 = 3D chamfer
4 = ramp contour
5 = contour remachining
16026 True = tapered wall contour
16027 Taper angle (in radians)
16028 True = process by depth

7-256 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12324 True = axis limit active
12325 Axis minimum angle (as cosine)
12326 Axis maximum limit (as cosine)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-257
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12327 True = axis limit active
12328 Axis minimum angle (as cosine)
12329 Axis maximum limit (as cosine)

7-258 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12330 True = axis limit active
12331 Axis minimum angle (as cosine)
12332 Axis maximum limit (as cosine)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-259
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12333 Option

7-260 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

13176 Break the corners (True/False)
13177 True = put radius on corners, False = put chamfer on corners
13178 Size of radius
13179 Maximum angle to put radius on
13180 Minimum angle to put radius on
13181 Chamfer height
13182 Radius on chamfer
13183 Chamfer angle tolerance
13184 Feed rate mode: 0 = same as toolpath, 1 = Feed rate,
2 = minimum number of revolutions
13185 Feed rate
13186 Feed rate type: R = feed/revolution, M = feed/min.,
S = surface finish

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-261
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

13205 Active spindle for stock transfer
13206 Z coordinate on stock to be transferred
13207 Previous Z coordinate on stock to be transferred
13208 Use stock BACK face as init z position (True/False)
13209 Z coordinate on transferred stock
13210 Source chuck reference position before transfer
13211 Source chuck reference position before transfer
13212 Source chuck reference position after transfer
13213 Source chuck reference position after transfer
13214 Destination chuck reference position before transfer
13215 Destination chuck reference position before transfer
13216 Destination chuck pickoff position
13217 Destination chuck pickoff position
13218 Get final (Lathe) X coordinate from stock (True/False)
13219 Move Cplane origin to new stock position (True/False)
13220 Move Tplane origin to new stock position (True/False)
13221 Transfer geometry also (True/False)
13222 Level to store transferred geometry on
13223 Offset from source geometry level for transferred geometry
13224 Use geolevel (as opposed entity level) (True/False)
13225 Blank original geometry (True/False)
13226 Entity with list of transferred entity IDs
13227 Entity with list of original entity IDs
OP_MISC Custom real / integer parameters

7-262 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

13205 Active spindle for stock to flip
13206 Z coordinate on stock before flip
13207 Previous Z coordinate on stock
13209 Z coordinate on stock after flip
13210 Chuck reference position before flip
13211 Chuck reference position before flip
13212 Chuck reference position after flip
13213 Chuck reference position after flip
13219 Move Cplane origin to new stock position (True/False)
13220 Move Tplane origin to new stock position (True/False)
13221 Transfer geometry also during flip (True/False)
13222 Level to store transferred geometry on
13223 Offset from source geometry level for transferred geometry
13224 Use geolevel [param: 13222] (as opposed entity level)
13225 Blank original geometry (True/False)
13226 Entity with list of transferred geometry entity IDs
13227 Entity with list of original geometry entity IDs
OP_MISC Custom real / integer parameters

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-263
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

13205 Active spindle for stock to barfeed
13206 Z coordinate on stock before barfeed
13207 Previous Z coordinate on stock
13208 Get initial Z position from stock face (True/False)
13209 Z coordinate on stock after barfeed
13210 Chuck reference position before barfeed
13211 Chuck reference position before barfeed
13212 Chuck reference position after barfeed
13213 Chuck reference position after barfeed
13228 Use chuck positions (True/False)
13219 Move Cplane origin to new stock position (True/False)
13220 Move Tplane origin to new stock position (True/False)
13221 Transfer geometry also during barfeed (True/False)
13222 Level to store transferred geometry on
13223 Offset from source geometry level for xfer’d geometry
13224 Use geolevel [param: 13222](as opposed entity level)
13225 Blank original geometry (True/False)
13226 Entity with list of transferred entity id's
13227 Entity with list of original entity id's
13229 Operation type: 0= bar feed, 1 = bar feed with tool as stop,
2 = bar pull
13230 Stock clearance for bar pull
13231 Grip length for bar pull
13232 Use plunge feed rate for approaching stock (True/False)
OP_MISC Custom real / integer parameters
13233 Tool X position for stop, bar puller

7-264 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

13205 Active spindle for chuck
13329 Operation type: 0 = clamp, 1 = un-clamp, 2 = reposition
13210 Initial chuck reference position
13211 Initial chuck reference position
13212 Final chuck reference position
13213 Final chuck reference position
OP_MISC Custom real / integer parameters

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-265
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

13234 True = engage, False = retract
13235 Initial tailstock reference position
13236 Final tailstock reference position
13237 Is initial / final position based on stock position(True/False)
13237 Is initial position based on tailstock minimum point (True/False)
OP_MISC Custom real / integer parameters

7-266 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

13235 Initial steadyrest reference position (Z)
13236 Initial steadyrest reference position (Z)
OP_MISC Custom real / integer parameters

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-267
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12419 Sharp corner smoothing length
12420 Channel mode: 0 = off, 1 = full material,
2 = everywhere (for deep Z cuts)
12309 Distance between channel loops (high speed)
12305 Channel radius (for high speed pocket)

7-268 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

15483 Thinwall on (True/False)
15484 Number of thinwall cuts
15503 True = climb cut, False = conventional cutting

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-269
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10223 Prompt for operation’s start point (True/False)
10208 Direction of open boundaries (0 = zigzag, 1 = one-way)
10415 Direction of closed boudaries (True = climb)
12123 Use rest mill (True/False)
12124 Stepover
12125 Overlap
12126 True = bottom to top, False = top to bottom
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12127 Sharp corner smoothing length
12128 How shallow is to be used:
0 = shallow is off, remove cuts, allow partial
1 = shallow is off, remove cuts, disallow partial
2 = shallow is off, add cuts, allow partial
3 = shallow is off, add cuts, disallow partial
10 = shallow is on, remove cuts, allow partial
11 = shallow is on, remove cuts, disallow partial
12 = shallow is on, add cuts, allow partial
13 = shallow is on, add cuts, disallow partial
12129 Minimum stepdown to add cuts to shallow area
12130 Angle to determine shallow
12131 Smooth stepover length
12132 Rampdown length
12133 Use tangent z arc (True/False)
12134 Restmill cut extension length
12135 Offset consecutive closed contours by this
12114 Previous operation ID #

7-270 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12283 Rest code:

bit 0: 0 = use previous operation's recut file
1 = use previous operation's NCI file
bit 1: 0 = use ONE prev operation
1 = use ALL prev operations
bit 2: 0 = use previous operation
1 = use rough tool
12300 Adjust absolute cut depths for drive stock (True/False)
12301 Allow tangent entry/exit arc outside the tool
containment boudary (True/False)
12415 Rough diameter
10302 Rough corner radius
12310 True = helix, False = straight
12311 Helix radius
12312 Helix Z clearance
12313 Helix Z angle
12314 True = output arc, False = lines
12315 Helix tolerance
12316 True = CCW, False = CW
12317 True = feed rate, False = Plunge rate
12318 Top of stock is on (True/False)
12425 Use rest overlap, (True/False)
12426 Remaining stock resolution
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)
15471 True = allow burial in curt order, False = minimize it

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-271
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10223 Prompt for relative start point (True/False)
10442 Plunge tool outside tool enter boundary (True/False)
12126 True = bottom to top, False = top to bottom
12104 Plunge distance
12105 Retract distance
12136 True = use quick zigzag in place of toolpath/zigzag
12131 Smooth stepover length
12133 Use tangent Z arc (True/False)
12257 Top of stock is on (True/False)
12300 Adjust absolute cut depths for drive stock (True/False)
12308 Channel everywhere (for deep Z cuts) (True/False)
12418 Pre-drill and enter at deepest point(s) (True/False)
12428 Tangent line length (gap setting)

7-272 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information


15346 Compensation type:
0 = computer
1 = control
2 = wear
3 = reverse wear
4 = off
15347 Comp. direction: 0 = left, 1 = right
10070 Roll
10124 True = optimize
(applicable only when type = COMP_CONTROL)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-273
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

OPS: OP_CC001 (for Pocket paths) (replaces OP_CC_CONTROL)

15346 Compensation type:
0 = computer
1 = control
2 = wear
3 = reverse wear
4 = off
15347 Comp. direction: 0 = left, 1 = right
10070 Roll
10426 True = optimize
(applicable only when type = COMP_CONTROL)

7-274 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

OPS: OP_CC002 (for Lathe and Wire operations) (replaces

15346 Compensation. type:
0 = computer
1 = control
2 = wear
3 = reverse wear
4 = off
15347 Comp. direction: 0 = left, 1 = CC_right
10070 Roll
15151 True = Optimize
(applicable only when type = COMP_CONTROL)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-275
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

15404 Version
15405 Resolution
15406 ResCBox
15407 ResUser
15408 SheetToSheetDist
15409 SheetToPartDist
15410 PartToPartDist
15411 IfFitPartInPart
15412 IfFillAllSheets
15413 IfAutoPairs
15414 IfNestFillersToNestHeight
15415 IfPreferHoleFilling
15416 IfDeleteChains
15417 IfCreateGroups
15418 IfUseMainColor
15419 IfUseMainLevel
15420 IfCycleColors
15421 IfCycleLevels
15422 ResultColor
15423 ResultLevel
15424 IfRestoreLast
15425 IfSaveScrap
15426 IfAddPartsAsGroup
15427 IfIgnoreHoles
15428 IfInnerHoles
15429 StartingCorner
15430 IfAddLabels
15431 ScanForNotes
15432 DrawUsingColors
15433 LabelHeight
15434 IfAutoOrigins
15435 ScrapName

7-276 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

xform stuff follows…

15436 xfmMethod: 0 = Toolplane, 1 = Coordinate
15437 xfmGroupOutputBy: 0 = operation order, 1 = operation type
15438 xfmWoff: 0 = off, 1 = maintain source operation's #'s, 2 = assign
15439 XfmWoffStart
15440 XfmWoffInc
15441 xfmWoffMatchExisting (True/False)
15442 xfmWoffCreateNewOps (True/False)
15443 xfmWoffKeepExistingOp (True/False)
15444 xfmCopySourceOps (True/False)
15445 xfmDisablePosting (True/False)
15446 xfmSubPgmOn (True/False)
15447 xfmSubPgmAbs (True/False)
15448 xfmSubPgmUnique (True/False)
15453 ParentOpId
15454 SeparateOpPerSheet (True/False)
15455 WorkOffsetPerSheet (True/False)
15456 WoffStart
15457 WoffInc
sorting stuff follows…
15458 sortMode: 0=none, 1=next closest, 2=max vacuum, 3=manual
15459 sortGroupByTool (True/False)
15460 sortGroupByRegion (True/False)
15461 SortRegionOrder
15462 SortRegionX
15463 SortRegionY
15464 SortRegionOverlap
15465 sortStartPt – X
15466 sortStartPt – Y
15467 sortStartPt – X
15468 sortZigZag (True/False)
15469 sortMinToolChg (True/False)
15470 sortGroupBySheet (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-277
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

15501 force_re-nest (True/False)

7-278 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

14092 Automatically calculate tab positions (True/False)
14093 Number of tabs (for auto tab)
14094 Tab point: (0 = start, 1 = midpoint, 2 = end) of tab
14095 Use advanced auto tab positioning (True/False)
14096 Use points on chain for start and tab positions (True/False)
14097 Minimum distance from endpoint
14098 Minimum distance between tabs
14099 Minimum distance from sharp corner
14100 Sharp corner angle
14101 X dimension of maximum size shape to tab
14102 Y dimension of maximum size shape to tab
14103 Tab all shapes (True/False)
14104 Overwrite tab edit (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-279
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

12107 Start angle
12206 Entry/exit sweep
10407 Overlap
12207 Circle diameter
12208 Start at center of circle (True/False)
12209 Enter along a line
13298 Z step per revolution for roughing
12399 Number of roughing passes
12400 Roughing stepover
12401 Feed rate at final depth as a percentage
12402 Feed rate at final depth
12403 Output a finish pass (True/False)
12404 Z step per revolution for finishing
12393 Finish stepover
12405 Finish pass spindle speed as a percentage
12406 Finish pass spindle speed
12407 Finish pass feed rate as a percentage
12408 Finish pass feed rate
10393 Output arc move(s) (True/False)
12391 Helix linearization tolerance

7-280 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

12004 Comp to tip (True/False)
12107 Start angle
12206 Entry/exit sweep
10407 Overlap between entry and exit arcs
12207 Circle diameter (used when circles are defined by points)
12208 Start at center of circle (True/False)
12209 Enter along a line that is perpendicular to the entry arc
12386 Enable ramp entry (True/False)
12387 Ramp stepover as a percentage of the tool diameter
12388 Ramp stepover
12389 Ramp plunge angle
12390 Output helixes as arcs (True/False)
12391 Helix linearization tolerance
12392 Number of finish passes
12393 Finish pass stepover
12394 Number of rough passes
12395 Rough pass stepover
12396 True = write the finish pass at all depths,
False = write finish pass at final depth
12397 Keep tool down (True/False)

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-281
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

Tool parameters (20000s) (Lathe)

Tool information NCI lines
Tool information lines are added in the 20000s line range. These are not assigned variable names but
can be scanned for the desired values with the function rpar.
Tool definition - tool name

g = 20001
string = tool name

Tool definition – manufacturer’s tool code


g = 20002
string = manufacturer’s tool code

Tool definition - tool programming parameters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

g = 20100

1 tool slot number

2 tool type:
0 General Turning Tools
1 Threading Tools
2 Grooving/Parting Tools
3 Boring Bars
4 Drills, Taps, Reamers
5 Custom Geometry Tools
3 use in top turret
4 active spindle
5 tool angle in turret (in degrees)
6 top turret

7-282 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

7 tool number
8 tool offsets for right edge
9 tool offsets for left edge

Tool definition - tool general cutting parameters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

g = 20101

1 fast feed rate

2 feed rate type
3 slow feed rate
4 spindle speed
5 spindle speed in css
6 percent of material css to use
7 percent of material feed/rev to use
8 spindle direction
9 coolant status for tool
10 cutting parameters in metric

Tool definition - tool geometric parameters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

g = 20102

1 tool orientation
2 tool clearance angle for programming
3 tool rake angle for programming
4 tool width for programming
5 tool height for programming
6 tool center for programming
7 tool center for programming
8 comp to center of insert nose radius

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-283
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

Tool definition - tool insert name


g = 20103
string = tool insert name

Tool definition - tool insert general parameters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

g = 20104

1 ASCII code for insert shape

2 IC diameter
3 length
4 corner radius
5 thickness
6 insert material for feed speed calculations
7 insert type (-1 = not used)
8 is insert defined in mm or inches?

Tool definition - general turning/boring insert parameters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

g = 20105

1 cross section index ASCII code

2 end relief angle
3 roughing depth of cut
4 finish depth of cut
5 roughing overlap amount
6 facing retraction amount
7 facing x overcut amount

7-284 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

Tool definition - threading insert parameters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

g = 20106

1 insert style:
1 'TOP NOTCH' Thread Insert
2 'LAYDOWN' Thread Insert
2 unified, ACME, buttress, etc.
3 insert for external thread?
4 design thread pitch
5 top notch dist. to insert point from side of insert
6 laydown height of insert (~= thread depth)
7 width of flat for ACME, buttress
8 depth of 1st cut
9 depth of last cut
10 finish pass allowance
11 anticipated pull-off
12 number of spring cuts

Tool definition - grooving/parting insert parameters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

g = 20107

1 cutting length of insert

2 shank width
3 end length for top notch type P
4 distance to insert point for top notch type V
5 end angle for Sandvik type 5R
6 roughing depth of cut
7 finish depth of cut
8 stock clearance
9 backoff percent

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-285
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

10 roughing overlap amount

Tool definition - drilling tool parameters (geometry)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

g = 20108

1 drill, tap, reamer, etc:

1 Drill
2 Center Drill
3 Countersink
4 Counterbore
5 End Mill
6 Reamer
7 Right Hand Tap
8 Left Hand Tap
2 tool diameter
3 shank diameter
4 tip included angle
5 flute length
6 length at cutting diameter
7 flute helix angle
8 number of flutes
9 chamfer height for reamers, taps
10 tip diameter for center drills
11 tip length for center drills
12 shoulder angle for center drills
13 thread pitch for taps
14 tap type:
1 Tapered Tap
2 Plug Tap
3 Bottoming Tap
7-286 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

Tool definition - drilling tool parameters

1 2 3 4 5 6

g = 20109

1 preferred drilling cycle

2 1st peck increment
3 subsequent peck increment
4 peck clearance
5 retraction amount
6 dwell time

Tool definition - tool holder name


g = 20110
string = tool holder name

Tool definition - tool holder parameters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

g = 20111

1 shape index ascii code

2 qualified length
3 maximum width
4 shank width
5 shank height
6 'head' length
7 'head' width
8 corner chamfer width
9 corner chamfer height
10 end cutting edge angle
November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-287
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

11 side cutting edge angle

12 true = round shank
13 left hand tool?
14 vertically mounted tool?
15 is holder defined in mm or inches?

Tool definition - custom tool geometry file name


g = 20112
string = custom tool geometry file name

7-288 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

Tool Parameters (20000s) (Mill)

Tool information NCI Lines
Tool info lines are added in the 20000's line range. These are not assigned variable names but can be
scanned for the desired values with the function rpar.

Tool definition - tool name


g = 20001
string = tool name from tool definition

Tool definition – manufacturer’s tool code


g = 20002
string = manufacturer’s tool code

Tool definition - chuck (name)


g = 20003
string = chuck name

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-289
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

Tool definition - tool parameters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
g = 20004
1 tool number
2 tool type:
1 center drill
2 spot drill
3 drill
4 right hand tap
5 left hand tap
6 reamer
7 boring bar
8 counter bore
9 counter sink
10 end mill - flat
11 end mill - spherical
12 chamfer mill
13 face mill
14 slot mill
15 radius mill
16 dovetail mill
17 tapered mill
18 lollipop mill
19 end mill – bullnose
3 tool material:
1 high speed steel
2 carbide
3 coated carbide
4 ceramic
5 borzon
6 unknown

7-290 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

4 corner radius type:

0 flat mill
1 bullnose mill
2 spherical mill
5 tool diameter
6 corner radius
7 number of threads/inch or pitch (mm)
8 tool tip included angle
9 diameter offset register #
10 length offset register #
11 linear feed rate
12 plunge feed rate
13 retract feed rate
14 spindle speed
15 coolant type:
0 coolant off
1 flood
2 mist
3 tool (spindle)
16 number of flutes

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-291
Chapter 7 Parameter Information Volume 3

Tool definition - drill type tool specific parameters

g = 20005
1 drill canned cycle type
2 1st peck increment (% of tool dia.)
3 2nd peck increment (% of tool dia.)
4 peck clearance (% of tool dia.)
5 chip break (% of tool dia.)
6 amount of dwell in seconds
7 shoulder angle
8 tap drill diameter
9 amount to shift off wall for fine boring

Tool definition - mill type tool specific parameters

g = 20006
1 cutter ability:
0 capable of roughing and finishing
1 capable of roughing only
2 capable of finishing only
2 % of tool dia. for rough XY stepover
3 % of tool dia. for rough Z step
4 % of tool dia. for finish XY stepover
5 % of tool dia. for finish Z step
6 tool tip diameter
7 tool minor diameter
8 thread mill angle

7-292 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide November 2002
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Parameter Information

Tool definition - holder parameters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
g = 20007
1 minimum diameter required for tool to plunge
2 flute length
3 overall length
4 shoulder length
5 arbor diameter
6 holder diameter
7 holder length
8 0 = cw, 1 = ccw
9 % of surface ft/mm to be applied against workpiece matl sfm
10 % of feed/tooth to be applied against workpiece matl fpt
11 0 = values in inches, 1 = metric

November 2002 Mastercam Version 9.1 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 7-293

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