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July 1995 - Volume 1, Number 3


W with Data
Delphi as a Database Front-End

Cover Art By: Victor Kongkadee


The DBTracker Utility John OConnell

Did the record post? Its a question of data integrity,
and any database veteran can tell you the importance of
knowing when critical database events occur. Mr OConnell
provides us with an invaluable tool for tracking these elusive events.


Moving to Local InterBase Marco Cant

Although real client/server topology calls for separate client
and server processors, Mr Cant points out that you can
obtain many of the benefits of a SQL server by moving your
data to the Local InterBase product that comes with Delphi.



JULY 1995


OP Tech Bill Todd

The Memo component is cool, no doubt, but it does lack
some important cursor controlling functionality.
Fortunately, thanks to Mr Todd and a couple of Windows
API messages, its just not a problem.


Visual Programming Sedge Simons

It aint Object Pascal, but it is a vital portion of every
Delphi form. Mr Simons introduces the .DFM file, explains
its function, and describes how developers might exploit it
to perform a number of programming tasks.



DBNavigator Cary Jensen, Ph.D.

Dr Jensen continues his exploration of the TField object.
This months topics include calculated fields, using the
OnCalcFields event to display lookup data, and how to
manipulate the creation order of objects so they are there
when you need them.

37 Developers Visual Suite Deal

Product review by Douglas Horn

Informant Spotlight Robert Vivrette

One of the (extraordinarily) few complaints youll hear
about Delphi is Why are the executables it creates so
big? The short answer is that Delphi makes you pay
once, up front for a multitude of Windows niceties. And as
Mr Vivrette explains its a bargain.

40 Instant Delphi Programming

Book review by Jerry Coffey
40 Delphi by Example
Book review by Jerry Coffey
41 teach yourself...Delphi
Book review by Jerry Coffey

2 Delphi Tools
4 Newsline


New Products
and Solutions

Delphi Training
HTR, Inc. is an authorized
Delphi Training center offering
two Delphi classes: Client/Server
Application Development Using
Delphi and Advanced
Client/Server Application
Development. The classes run
through July at various
cities nationwide.
The three-day Client/Server
Application Development Using
Delphi class costs US$1050,
and Advanced Client/Server
Application Development is a
two-day event priced at US$700.
For more information, or to
enroll, call (301) 881-1010.

Pinnacles Graphic Server Ships

Pinnacle Publishing of
Kent, WA has upgraded its
Graphics Server. Its improved
tool kit, Graphics Server 4.0,
allows developers to add
graphing and charting features
to their Windows applications.
Graphics Server 4.0 includes
16 and 32-bit versions of its
DLLs, so it allows graphing
functionality to be ported
from Windows 3.1 to
Windows 95 and Windows
NT 3.5 with no change in
code. In addition to standard
16-bit VBXes, developers will
be able to use 16 and 32-bit
OLE custom controls (OCX).
It also features an editing
interface that allows users to
change graph type, style, perspective, and other parameters
with simple button clicks.
Graphs can be edited through
either the toolbar or dialog
box invoked by right-clicking
with the mouse.
Graphic Servers graphing
capabilities were also upgraded
for this new release. These

include true 3D graphs that

users can rotate on their X or
Y axis. The point of view can
be interactively moved above
or below the horizon for viewing multiple data sets. Four
new graph types have been
added including box-whisker,
candlestick, surface, and timeseries, plus three new variations on existing types: lin/log,
log/log, and open-high-lowclose. Statistical functions have
also been augmented with the
addition of spline and moving

average curve fits, error bars,

and a new Fast Fourier
Transform function that
enables users to transform data
into the frequency domain.
Price: US$299
Contact: Pinnacle Publishing, 18000
72nd Avenue South, Suite 217, Kent, WA
Phone: (800) 788-1900, or (206)
Fax: (206) 251-5057

Sax Software Announces Sax Comm Objects

Sax Software of Eugene,
OR has begun shipping Sax
Comm Objects v 2.0
Professional Edition, a package
that combines Sax Comm
Objects and the Sax Basic
Engine scripting language.

JULY 1995

Using the Professional Edition,

developers can write serial communications programs that
include customized common
dialog boxes. The Professional
Edition includes the Standard
Edition of Sax Comm Objects.
Because the Standard Edition is
a custom control, it provides all
the VBX and OCX power needed to get connected. It supports
the most popular file-transfer
protocols, including ZModem,
YModem, XModem, Kermit,
and CompuServe B+.
The built-in terminal emulation lets developers create
Windows front-ends for character-based programs such as
those used by UNIX systems
or by many on-line services.
Sax Basic Engine is a custom
control that offers developers a

Basic-syntax scripting language. The comm extensions

are written specifically by Sax
Software to make joining the
Comm Objects and the Basic
Engine with a single function
call. The Professional Edition
includes complete source code
for Sax Comm Objects and for
the comm extensions to the
Basic Engine.
Sax Software charges no royalties or run-time fees, and all
Sax Software products include
an unconditional 30-day
money-back guarantee.
Price: US$495.
Contact: Sax Software, 950 Patterson
Street, Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: (503) 344-2235
Fax: (503) 344-2459

New Products
and Solutions

New Delphi Books

Delphi Programming EXplorer
By Jeff Duntemann,
Jim Mischel, & Don Taylor
Coriolis Group Books
ISBN: 1-883577-25-X
Delphi Programming EXplorer
alternatively covers the theory and
practice of Delphi programming.
It also addresses Object Pascal
basics, object-oriented programming, and includes VB to Delphi
conversion tips.
Price: US$39.99 (627 pages), disk
Phone: (800) 410-0192

Using Delphi, Special Edition

By John Matcho & David Faulkner
QUE Corporation
ISBN: 1-56529-823-3
Using Delphi, Special Edition targets
intermediate to expert programmers,
and stresses application
development and delivery.
Coverage includes database
programming, ReportSmith, DDE,
OLE, DLLs, and the Windows API.
Price: US$29.99 (573 pages)
Phone: (317) 581-3500

Free Trial-Run Components for Delphi from TurboPower

TurboPower Software, of
Colorado Springs, CO has
announced a free, Trial-Run version of Orpheus, a collection of
native VCL data entry components for Delphi. The Trial-Run
components offer the full functionality of Orpheus, but run
only when the Delphi development environment is running.
The free tools include abbreviated on-disk documentation.
Orpheus includes validated
data-aware fields for string,
numeric, currency, and
date/time variables. It has a
form controller for managing
validation error events and configurable command/key mappings. It features a text editor
with 16MB capacity,
undo/redo, word wrap, and
more. Orpheus includes a list
box with unlimited capacity,
multiple selection and colors,
along with a notebook page
with Windows 95-style top or
side tabs.
It has a flexible table that
holds edit fields, combo boxes,

bitmaps, checkboxes, and more.

It also includes two, four, and
five-way spinners. The components in Orpheus are native
VCL components.
The free tools are available on
the Delphi Informant Companion Disk and for download
from the Informant Forum on
CompuServe (ICGFORUM).
Library 12: Delphi 1.x. File
name: ORPHEUS.ZIP. The
file is also available from the
Informant Bulletin Board at
(916) 686-4740. Library
name: DIWINLIB. In addition, its available on Internet

(ftp from and from the

TurboPower BBS.
Price: US$199, includes full source, comprehensive printed documentation, free
support from Delphi experts by phone, email, and fax, and a 60-day money-back
Contact: TurboPower, P.O. Box 49009,
Colorado Springs, CO, 80949-9009
Phone: (719) 260-6641
Fax: (719) 260-7151
TurboPower BBS: (719) 260-9726

Access Mainframe Data from PC with TransPortal PRO

The Frustum Group, Inc.
of New York, NY has released
TransPortal PRO, version 4.1.
This data exchange toolkit
integrates PC applications
with on-line host screen based
Developers can create PC
front-ends for complicated or
unfriendly host systems. PC

applications using TransPortal

PRO can retrieve host data in
real time. TransPortal PRO
requires no additional mainframe software and follows
existing terminal security procedures. TransPortal PRO
works with more than 30 PC
programming languages in
DOS, Microsoft Windows,

and OS/2 using the same syntax and one function call.
TransPortal PRO documentation includes sample code
for all supported languages,
on-line help in Windows and
DOS, enhancements to
Gupta SQL Windows, a new
installation program, and
improvements to TurboMap.
Using TurboMap, PC programmers can automate complicated mainframe terminal
operator procedures.
Price: US$2450
Contact: The Frustum Group, Inc., 525
North Broadway, White Plains, NY 10603
Phone: (914) 428-7200 or
(800) 548-5660
Fax: (914) 428-0795

JULY 1995



July 1995

Softbite International, Borland

International, and Informant
Communications Group have
announced two additional international dates for the 1995 Delphi
World Tour. The event is scheduled
to stop in London on October 1213, and Amsterdam on October
16-17. Other international dates
are planned, but no details were
available at press time.
In the US, the two-day seminar is
scheduled to stop in Columbus,
Boston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia,
Chicago, Seattle, Dallas, New York,
Atlanta, San Francisco, Washington
DC, Denver, Minneapolis, Orlando,
Phoenix, Detroit, Houston, and
For more information contact Softbite
International by calling (708) 8330006, or sending an e-mail to
Informant Communications
Group has secured Synectics
Software as their African distributor of Delphi Informant and
Paradox Informant Magazines.
Synectics Software territories include:
Republic of South Africa, Lesotho,
Swaziland, Namibia, Botswana,
Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Mauritius,
Angola, Zambia, and Malawi.
For information,
call 27 11 789-4316,
fax 27 11 886-5697, or
e-mail 100075,1636.

JULY 1995

Borland Developers Conference Heads to San Diego

Scotts Valley, CA Borland
International has announced
their 6th Annual Borland
Developers Conference is slated for August 6-9, 1995, in
San Diego, CA. Housed in
the San Diego Conference
Center, the event will spotlight four product-specific
tracks: Delphi, Paradox,
dBASE, and Borland C++.
Focusing on Paradox application development in
Windows and Windows 95,
the Paradox sessions will cover:
using interface design, eventdriven programming, and realworld Paradox programming
solutions. Specific topics
include: Leveraging Windows
95 in Paradox Application
Development, Multi-Form
Application Development,
Upsizing: Programming
ObjectPAL and SQL, Security
in Paradox Applications,
Programming Paradox for
Windows with OLE 2.0, and
Delivering and Deploying
Paradox Applications.
The Delphi tracks will present a thorough introduction
to Delphi, including the
Delphi object model, visual
programming environment,
client/server development, and
much more. Specific topics
include: Delphi and Windows
95, Rapid Application
Development with Delphi,
Visual Programming with
Delphi, Creating Delphi
Components, Using Borland
C++ DLLs with Delphi,
Object-Oriented Application
Design, The Delphi Object
Model, Accessing Data with
Delphi, Client/Server Issues for
Delphi, Delphi Exception
Handling, Delphi SQL programming, and OLE 2.0
Programming with Delphi.
For dBASE, Borland focuses
on programming dBASE
applications in Windows and

Windows 95. It addresses

issues such as solutions, programming, tools and techniques, and more. The
Borland C++ sessions teach
C++ Windows and Windows
95 programming techniques
including templates, Object
Windows Programming,
exception handling, and DLL
Borland is also offering elective tracks on emerging industry trends, business solutions,
hardware, and operating system
issues, InterBase, ReportSmith,
and many others. Those
attending a track will receive
the appropriate technical paper,
source code, and examples.

The conference registration prices are: single,

US$1195, and 3 or more
from the same company,
US$1145 each. Each
attendee is eligible to receive
one free Borland product:
Delphi for Windows (CDROM), Paradox for
Windows (CD-ROM or 3
1/2 disks), Borland C++ 4.5
(CD-ROM), or dBASE for
Windows (CD-ROM or 3
1/2 disks).
Attendees may also attend
pre-conference tutorial available on Sunday August 6 and
receive a free lunch.
To register call Borland at
(800) 350-4244.

Delphi Updates Available

Scotts Valley, CA Borland
International has released
Delphi update files. The
updates are contained in three
files: DELCSPAT.ZIP for
Delphi Client/Server Edition
(including VCL patches);
Desktop Edition; and
VCLPATCH.ZIP, for updating Desktop Edition users
VCL code.
According to the readme file
provided with the update files,
the following problems have
been addressed: improved
compatibility with Windows 95
M8 beta for MDI (e.g. new
child) and OLE2 (e.g. insert
object); IDE debugger compatibility fix for Windows NT;
fixed MDI design mode problem when minimizing MDI
Child window; significant
updates to OLE2 API unit (see
fixed unit version problem in
DLIB.EXE; fixed problem in
Browser when you double-click
a reference to a .PAS file that is
not already open in the editor;
fixed Options | Rebuild

Library problem when the current project has an active

Dataset; fixed AF problem
in Grid control; fixed DBGrid
to allow cancel of SetKey mode;
TForm.DefineProperty now calls
its inherited method; support
for owner draw in TOutline;
DBImage.CutToClipboard now
correctly updates the Clipboard;
in TDataSource.OnDataChange,
fixed invalid pointer in the
Field Parameter; fixed various
demo problems.
In addition, Borland has
released the Delphi VCL
Reference Manual and Object
Pascal Language Reference in
Adobe Acrobat format. These
manuals are also available in
hard copy for an additional
fee. For information call
Borland at (408) 431-1000.
Note: Both manuals are
already available as Windows
on-line Help with the CDROM release of Delphi and
Delphi Client/Server.
The update files and manuals are available for download
from the Delphi Forum on
CompuServe, Library 2.


July 1995

Borland International Inc.

recently posted a US$51 million
loss for the fourth quarter of fiscal
1995 (ending March 31st), but
its less than the US$76 million
loss from the fourth quarter of last
year. Also, revenues increased 9
percent to US$55.5 million from
US$51 million in 1994.
The company also reported a loss
of US$12.2 million, or 43 cents a
share for fiscal 1995. Compared
to a loss of US$69.9 million, or
US$2.62 a share for fiscal 1994,
Borland is looking stronger.
Borlands president Gary Wetsel
said the company was pleased
with its progress. According to
Wetsel, Borland had three primary objectives during the last quarter: to reduce the cost structure,
focus on the software developer
market, and launch Delphi.
Coming to Chicago July 25 - 28,
Windows World and Enterprise
Computing Solutions will be
held simultaneously at the
McCormick Place.
ECS 95 covers the four areas of
enterprise computing: hardware
platforms, connectivity, strategic
applications, and operating
environments. Dedicated to
Windows-based enterprise
solutions, Windows World
features information on
client/server products, enterprise
systems and servers, imaging
systems, e-mail, messaging,
Internet links, and new
strategic applications.
To receive a registration form via
fax, call (617) 449-5554 and
enter code 72. Have your fax
number ready and a form will be
faxed to you within 24 hours.

JULY 1995

DB/Expo: A Look at Borlands RAD Pack for Delphi and New dBASE
San Francisco, CA With
close to 100 new product
announcements and presentations, DB/Expo attracted
31,108 attendees to the 7th
annual conference and exposition held May 1-5 at the
Moscone Convention Center
in San Francisco, CA. This
years database, client/server,
and networking event featured
900 exhibits from more than
200 IT companies worldwide.
Borland International
announced the release of the
RAD Pack for Delphi, a new
companion tool set that combines many of Borlands products into one package. It
includes the Visual Component
Library source code and the
Resource Workshop for extracting and modifying standard
Windows resources, such as
icons, cursors, bitmaps, and dialog boxes.
It also features a Resource
Expert that converts standard
resource scripts into Delphi
forms, a Delphi Language
Reference Guide, and the Turbo

Debugger. The RAD Pack will

be available through major
resellers or directly from
Borland for US$249.95.
Borland also showed its
dBASE for Windows upgrade,
code-named Voyager. Recently
introduced at Spring
COMDEX, this 16-bit product
is based on visual tools and a
business programming language, and will run under both
Windows 3.1 and Windows
95. It also has client/server features and performance enhancements. Borland said a dBASE
compiler for Windows will be
available with Voyager allowing
developers to create and deploy
stand-alone (.EXE) applications
royalty-free. The Voyager
demonstration is part of a
spring tour of trade shows, user
group meetings, training seminars, and other special review
events designed to inform developers about the new software.
In addition, Microsoft and
Gupta announced they will
market a single product that
combines Guptas software

Borlands New Companion Products

Group includes Delphi/Link and Poet
Scotts Valley, CA Borland
International Inc. is currently
developing its Companion
Products Group, a compilation of utilities and third-party
tools for developers using
Borland and other products.
Its first release, RAD Pack
for Delphi, was launched at
DB/Expo. Its a new companion tool set that combines
many of Borlands products
into one package. The RAD
Pack is now available from
major resellers or directly from
Borland at a suggested retail
price of US$249.95.
Other products in the group
include Delphi/Link for Lotus
Notes from Brainstorm

Technologies, Poet Software

from Poet Software, and
Object Master from ACI.
According to Borland, several
new products are scheduled to
launch just after Windows 95
is released, including products
supporting Borland languages
and databases, Microsofts
Visual Basic, and Powersofts
Powerbuilder. A majority of the
tools within Borlands
Companion Products Group
are priced between US$100
and US$200.
For more information about
the Companion Products
Group or to order the RAD
pack for Delphi, call Borland
at (800) 233-2444 ext.1310.

development tools with

Microsofts database products.
Other strategic alliances include
BMC Software Inc.s plans to
distribute DataTools, Inc.s
backup and recovery products.
DB/Expo New York 1995 is
the events next stop. Its scheduled for December 4-8, 1995 at
Jacob K. Javits Center. For
more information contact
Blenheim at (415) 966-8440.

Windows Component
Resource Goes
Layton, UT Imagicom is
now providing a free comprehensive component resource
service to Windows developers. The service has information on OCX, VBX, DLL,
and Delphi custom controls
organized by component type,
file format, and vendor.
Imagicoms service is located on a World Wide Web
(WWW) home page and can
be accessed by any Internet
browser. The home page is
similar to an interactive catalog, where the user can pointand-click until the correct
information is found. Once a
developer has selected the
right grouping, a specific
component can be located
from text descriptions, product images, and downloadable
demonstration copies.
Vendors can put basic
information about their components on the service for
free. Imagicom charges a fee
to maintain higher levels of
service such as downloadable
demonstration copies, independent Web pages, and
images of custom controls.
Imagicoms home page is
gicom/. For more information
send e-mail to

On the Cover
Delphi / Object Pascal / IDAPI

By John OConnell

The DBTracker Utility

Inside Delphis Database Control Events

elphis database connectivity is based on a number of components that

work together to allow your applications access to database tables. At
a basic level, database access is provided by a component descended
from TDataSet, such as TTable, TQuery, and TStoredProc.

A TTable component provides access to a tables records via IDAPI the Borland Database
Engine (BDE). A TQuery retrieves selected records from a table based on selection criteria, and a
TStoredProc enables procedures and functions to be executed on a remote database server. These
components are known collectively as datasets.
The TDataSource component is the link between data-aware controls such as TDBEdit or
TDBGrid and a dataset. TDataSource is the middle layer in Delphis database connectivity scheme.
The TTable component is the lower layer, and data-aware controls are the upper layer.
Another component of Delphis database connectivity is the TField component. It allows programmatic access to a field in the record. The TField object also performs default formatting and validating of field values. A TField object is created when a dataset is opened at run-time, or at design
time by using the Fields editor for a TDataSet descendant component. In the latter case, properties
and event handlers can be defined for the TField at design time. The list of TFields in a dataset can
be accessed using the Fields array property at run-time. [For an in-depth introduction to TFields,
see Cary Jensens article The TField Class in the June 1995 Delphi Informant. He continues the
discussion in this months article The TField Class: Part II, beginning on page 21.]
The TDataSource can be seen as a record buffer between data-aware controls and datasets. The
TTables current record is copied to the TDataSource buffer and read by the
data-aware controls using that datasource.
Datasource and dataset components generate notification events at various
stages during manipulation of the database tables associated with them.
This article will discuss the events generated by the TTable dataset and
TDataSource using Paradox tables.
A TTable generates notification events for these reasons:
The dataset is being opened or closed.
The dataset is about to enter or exit edit mode.
The dataset is about to insert or delete a record.
The dataset is about to post or cancel changes to a record.
JULY 1995


On The Cover

A new record has just been created in the dataset.

A datasets calculated field needs recalculation.

A TDataSource generates notification events for the following

The datasources view of the record needs to be refreshed.
The state of the dataset pointed to by the datasource has
The data in the current unposted record has changed.
The tables in Figures 1, 2, and 3 list these events and the possible states for a TTable or TDataSource.
But when do these events occur in an operating database application? It would be very useful to track these events as they happen to understand the order in which events occur in response to
table manipulation by user interaction and Object Pascal code.

TDataSet Event
BeforeOpen, AfterOpen

Before/after a dataset is opened

BeforeClose, AfterClose

Before/after a dataset is closed

BeforeInsert, AfterInsert

Before/after a dataset enters

Insert mode

BeforeEdit, AfterEdit

Before/after a dataset enters

Edit mode

BeforePost, AfterPost

Before/after a dataset posts changes

to the current record

BeforeCancel, AfterCancel

Before/after a dataset cancels the

current state

BeforeDelete, AfterDelete

Before/after a record is deleted


When a new record has been created


When calculated fields need to be


What DBTracker Does

The DBTracker utility (see Figure 4) does just this for one or
two tables (which can be linked if desired). In this example Ive
used the CUSTOMER and ORDERS tables (linked one-tomany) in the DBDEMOS alias created by Delphi. This utility
can be used with several tables without any changes to the source
code (as well discuss later).
DBTracker tracks all TDataSource and TTable events and writes
information about each event to a TListBox component. You can
use the DBNavigator buttons to manipulate the tables, or use the
buttons located in the Methods group box. Each button calls the
named TTable method for the selected datasources dataset table.
For instance, this is useful when you want to track the exact
stream of database events resulting from calling TTable.Post.

TDataSource Event

When the view of the current record

needs to be refreshed, usually as a
result of moving to another record or
the table being refreshed


When a field(s) value in the current

record is about to be updated prior
to posting the record


When the mode or state of a dataset



When Triggered


When the dataset is closed


When the dataset is in Browse state


When the dataset is in Edit state


When the dataset is in Insert state


When the dataset is in SetKey state

(TTable.SetKey has been called)


When the OnCalcFields event is


Figure 1 (Top): The TDataSet events. Figure 2 (Middle): The

TDataSource events. Figure 3 (Bottom): The State constants.

The code behind DBTracker demonstrates a few techniques that

could be used to achieve what may usually be required in a dataentry application. For example, it enables or disables buttons
depending on the state of a table (or tables) as well see later.

Figure 4 shows the database events triggered just after the dialog box
is displayed, and the master and detail tables are opened by code in
the forms FormCreate event. Lets examine this list more closely:
The master table is opened which triggers BeforeOpen for

JULY 1995

When Triggered


The table the method buttons call can be chosen from a combo box
labeled Call Method for. It contains the names of all TDataSource
components found in the form at run-time. When DBTracker is
first started, the first TDataSources dataset table is affected by the
Methods buttons. The contents of the ListBox with the tracked
database events can be saved to an ASCII text file and the list can
also be emptied.
The master TTable in the form is called tblMaster, the detail
TTable is called tblDetail these are the datasets for the respective TDatasources dsMaster and dsDetail. The tables are linked
one-to-many by the detail tables secondary index.

When Triggered

Because tblMaster has a calculated field defined, OnCalcFields

is triggered for tblMaster.
The state for dsMaster and tblMaster changes from dsInactive
to dsBrowse after tblMaster has opened.
The OnDataChange event occurs for dsMaster when the displayed record changes from undefined to the first record in
the master table.
Finally the AfterOpen event for the master table is triggered.

A similar stream of events occurs for the detail table, tblDetail,

except for the OnCalcFields event because there isnt a calculated
field defined).

On The Cover
the state at form startup). Because the datasource needs to
refresh its view of the new empty record, the OnNewRecord
event is triggered for tblMaster followed by the
OnDataChange event.
Entering a value in the CustNo field in the new empty record and
moving to the next field (by pressing F for example) triggers the
following events:
OnCalcFields for tblMaster
OnDataChange for dsMaster.CustNo

Figure 4: The DBTracker utility in action.

Using DBTracker
The buttons in the Methods group box explicitly call various
TTable methods (Insert, Delete, Edit, Post, Cancel, Open, and Close,
respectively). Pressing the equivalent buttons on the navigator
toolbar has the same effect. However, using the Methods buttons
allows you to clearly see what occurs between the moment the relevant TTable method is called, and the moment the method has
completed. To specify which datasource the buttons will act upon,
specify the desired datasource name from the combo box.
The Open and Close buttons allow you to open or close the
TTable associated with the selected datasource. If the linked
detail table dsDetail is closed, then the links between
tblDetail and tblMaster will be ignored. If dsMaster is closed
then tblDetail will effectively be an unlinked table with all
records in view instead of the restricted view thats in force
when tblMaster is open.
Lets look at the sequence of events for some common database
usage scenarios.

Database Events for a Single Table

Viewing a Single Record
In this scenario dsMaster is open and dsDetail is closed.
Moving through records or pressing the Refresh button on
the Navigator toolbar causes OnCalcFields followed by
OnDataChange to be triggered. Each time another record is
reached, the dataset tblMaster signals that its calculated field
requires recalculation and the record that the datasource is
pointing to has changed. The OnDataChange event is triggered because the datasource needs to refresh its view of the
record that in turn supplies the data-aware controls with the
new field values for the record.
Pressing the Insert button causes the following chain of events:
BeforeInsert for tblMaster
OnStateChange to dsInsert for dsMaster
Table state change to dsInsert for tblMaster
OnNewRecord for tblMaster
OnDataChange for dsMaster
AfterInsert for tblMaster

Here, the states for dsMaster and tblMaster have changed

from their previous states (which in this case were dsBrowse,
JULY 1995

Similar events occur for the Company field:

OnCalcFields for tblMaster
OnDataChange for dsMaster.Company

As a result of moving from a modified field, the value of the current record has changed in the underlying table. This causes the
dataset to signal that its calculated field needs recalculating, and
that the datasources controls need refreshing with the changed
field values of the record.
When the text in a data-aware control has changed and that control has lost focus, the text is sent to the underlying TField
object. It then converts the text to the fields data type, validates
the field value, and applies formatting.
Because the record has changed, the dataset notifies the
associated datasource (dsMaster) that its view of the record
needs to be updated, thus triggering the OnDataChange
event. This ensures the data-aware controls are seeing exactly whats in the underlying record after the TField has done
its bit. Note that the record itself isnt actually committed
or posted to the table until TTable.Post is called or the
entire record is refreshed.
Pressing the Post button triggers the following events:
OnUpdateData for dsMaster
BeforePost for tblMaster
OnStateChange to dsBrowse for dsMaster
Table state change to dsBrowse for tblMaster
OnCalcFields for tblMaster
OnDataChange for dsMaster
AfterPost for tblMaster

The OnUpdateData event is triggered by tblMasters Post method.

It notifies all controls associated with dsMaster that the record in
the table is about to change, so they can update their field values. During the post, the states for dsMaster and tblMaster switch
from dsInsert to dsBrowse. The OnCalcFields event is triggered for
the usual reason, and the OnDataChange event is triggered
because the record has been refreshed after being successfully
posted (i.e. written to the table).
Suppose wed pressed the Cancel button rather than the Post
BeforeCancel for tblMaster


On The Cover
OnStateChange to dsBrowse for dsMaster
Table state change to dsBrowse for tblMaster
OnCalcFields for tblMaster
OnDataChange for dsMaster
AfterCancel for tblMaster

The chain of events triggered in this case is much the same, except
the record is canceled and no changes are written to the table.
Pressing the Edit button generates the following chain of events:
BeforeEdit for tblMaster
OnCalcFields for tblMaster
OnStateChange to dsEdit for dsMaster
Table state change to dsEdit for tblMaster
OnDataChange for dsMaster
AfterEdit for tblMaster

In this case, the datasources view of the record is refreshed

before the table is ready for editing. This ensures the latest version of the record is being edited.
This is especially important where several applications are accessing the same table concurrently. Its possible that between the
time a certain record is moved and edited, another application
has edited that same record and posted the changes. This means
youre viewing and editing the old version of the record! Thus
moving from record to record (or getting ready to edit and insert
a record) will always refresh the record.
If the datasource and table states are dsInsert or dsEdit, refreshing
a table will cause a modified record to be posted and an
unchanged record to be canceled. Try it yourself by editing and
changing a master record in tblMaster and pressing the Refresh
button on dsMasters navigator control.
However, theres a lot more going on behind the scenes than
DBTracker is showing us when TTable.Edit is called. In fact, the
single most important action to occur for a dataset before a record
can be edited, doesnt generate a dataset or datasource event. This
leads us to discuss the implications of using shared tables. (Paradox
programmers will be familiar with these concepts.)

Record Locking and Shared Tables

Lets suppose the record you wish to edit is being edited by
another user. When a record in a Paradox table is being edited, it
is write-locked until the changes are posted (and the record
unlocked) or canceled. This ensures that only one person at a
time can make changes to a record. Therefore, when you start
editing, an attempt is made to place a lock on the current record.
If this fails (because another user has already locked the record)
then the edit fails, an exception is raised, and the table state
reverts to dsBrowse.
Calling TTable.Edit will attempt to lock the current record, as
will TTable.Delete just before it tries to delete the record.
When a record is locked by another user, you cant place a
lock on it until the record is unlocked. This means you cant
do anything to change the record. (Note that a Paradox

JULY 1995

record lock is a write-lock, so only you can write to it. There

is no such thing as a record read-lock for Paradox tables.) If
DBTracker tries to edit (or delete) a locked record, the only
event that occurs is BeforeEdit (or BeforeDelete) before an
exception is raised.
Another issue with shared tables is that of accuracy. For example, how do you know that the records being viewed in a
DBGrid are current? Furthermore, how do you know that the
record youre viewing even exists and hasnt been deleted by
another user?
You dont at least not until the moment after TTable.Refresh is
called, a TDBNavigator objects Refresh button is pressed, or the
set of records being viewed has just been scrolled into view.
At this stage, Paradox users will point out that Paradox can
refresh tables automatically at preset intervals, so this isnt a
problem with Paradox applications. Fortunately, the same effect
can be achieved with Delphi by calling TTable.Refresh in
response to a TTimers OnTimer event. However, remember what
refreshing does to a table whose state is dsEdit or dsInsert. If the
datasource and table states are dsInsert or dsEdit, refreshing a
table will cause a modified record to be posted and an
unchanged record to be canceled. Therefore, only call
TTable.Refresh when the datasets state is dsBrowse. (Remember, if
the datasource/table state is dsInsert or dsEdit, refreshing a table
will cause a modified record to be posted and an unchanged
record to be canceled.)

Database Events for 1-M Linked Tables

In this situation both dsMaster and dsDetail are open and linked.
The events triggered when using multiple linked tables are a little
different from the previous single table situation. These events
will be triggered when moving from record to record in tblMaster:
OnCalcFields for tblMaster
OnDataChange for dsDetail
OnDataChange for dsMaster

The datasource dsDetail is told to refresh its view of the set of

records displayed in the grid before dsMaster is told to refresh
its view of the single record. (The events probably occur in that
order to avoid displaying master and detail records that dont
match, because the detail table is potentially slower to update
especially where the master-detail link is one-to-many.)
The events that occur when calling the various TTable methods
for a detail table are similar to a single unlinked table. The
important differences between these triggered events can be seen
when calling the Edit, Insert, or Delete methods for tblMaster.
Calling tblMaster.Edit triggers the usual stream of events, as does
calling tblDetail.Edit. However, watch what happens when calling tblMaster.Post when tblDetail.State is dsEdit:
OnUpdateData for dsMaster
OnUpdateData for dsDetail


On The Cover
BeforeCancel for tblDetail
OnStateChange to dsBrowse for dsDetail
Table state change to dsBrowse for tblDetail
OnDataChange for dsDetail
AfterCancel for tblDetail
BeforePost for tblMaster
OnStateChange to dsBrowse for dsMaster
Table state change to dsBrowse for tblMaster
OnCalcFields for tblMaster
OnDataChange for dsMaster
AfterPost for tblMaster

According to Borlands documentation, the OnUpdateData event

is triggered by TTable.Post or TTable.UpdateRecord. So why is
OnUpdateData called for dsDetail when tblDetails current
unmodified record is being canceled?
In fact, tblDetails record was modified when tblMaster entered
edit mode. Remember the field in tblDetails current record
thats used for the link with tblMaster will have been modified
by tblMaster. So the record is being updated by a call to
TTable.UpdateRecord that simply updates tblDetails record
without posting it. The detail record is then canceled because,
in effect, the record is unmodified (as there was no
OnDataChange event triggered for any single field in dsDetail).
If tblMaster.Cancel is called instead of tblMaster.Post when
tblDetail.State is set to dsEdit, the same sequence of events
occurs except that OnUpdateData isnt called for dsMaster,
only for dsDetail.
Another interesting sequence of events occurs when
tblMaster.Edit is called when tblDetail.State is dsEdit:
OnUpdateData for dsDetail
BeforeCancel for tblDetail
OnStateChange to dsBrowse for dsDetail
Table state change to dsBrowse for tblDetail
OnDataChange for dsDetail
AfterCancel for tblDetail
BeforeEdit for tblMaster
OnCalcFields for tblMaster
OnStateChange to dsEdit for dsMaster
Table state change to dsEdit for tblMaster
OnDataChange for dsMaster
AfterEdit for tblMaster

Placing tblMaster into edit mode actually cancels tblDetails

unmodified record! What if tblDetails record had been modified
and unposted? Then tblMaster would post the changes to
tblDetails record before entering edit mode.
While its all very well to discuss data control events, theres no
substitute for using DBTracker yourself with various database
scenarios to learn what happens when a certain button is pressed
or method is called.

ing and pasting TDataSource and TTable components, adding a

few DBEdit components or a DBGrid component will provide all
the functionality for tracking TTable and TDataSource events. Of
course youll need to set the relevant properties for your new
components to make them work together.

Event Handlers
Tracking TDataSource and TTable events is pretty straightforward just add the appropriate event handlers for all
TDataSource and TTable objects. This doesnt have to be done
for all DataSource and Table objects, just one of each. We can
then copy and paste each object as needed at design time
each copy will use the same event handlers.
The event handlers log event information to the list box using
the custom LogEvent method. Each event handler can identify
the dataset or datasource that triggered the event by typecasting
the Sender parameter to the appropriate type and then accessing
the Name and/or DataSet properties.
The OnStateChange event handler, TrackStateChange, logs the
new state and name of the datasource and checks to see if there
is a DataSet property defined for Sender (the only parameter for
a TNotifyEvent). If not, a warning message is logged. Otherwise
the datasets new state is logged. The datasource and dataset
states will usually be the same.
We can identify Sender as a TDataSource by typecasting it as a
TDataSource (using the as operator) and assigning it to
MySender. We can do that because TDataSource is really a pointer to a dynamically allocated DataSource component.
With Delphi there isnt a static instance of a component or
object because all components are created dynamically at runtime, and hence are referenced using pointers. So in effect, typecasting objects means treat this pointer as a pointer to the type
being cast as.
Whenever you reference an objects property or method, the
pointer is automatically de-referenced so it doesnt seem as if
youre dealing with a pointer. The following statement from
TrackStateChange is pure pointer assignment MySender
points to the same dynamic object instance that Sender points
to. Because TObject is the class all VCL objects are descended
from, we can typecast it to the TDataSource descendant class
that we know is the event sender:
MySender := Sender as TDataSource;

The following statement references the pointer so that the

objects Name property can be accessed:

The Source Code

NameString := MySender.Name;

DBTracker was written with easy extensibility in mind (see

Listing One beginning on page 12). Although just two tables are
included in the form, more tables could be included and linked
without any need for source code modifications. By simply copy-

The ToggleButtons method called in TrackStateChange simply disables the relevant Methods buttons according to the state of the

JULY 1995



On The Cover
The OnDataChange event is triggered for a number of reasons
that were discussed earlier. This TDataChange event is handled
by the TrackDataChange method. A TDataChange event has an
additional parameter, called Field, that can be used to determine
why OnDataChange was triggered. If Field is a nil pointer, then
the event occurred as a result of moving from record to record in
browse mode because more than one field contributed to the
record changing. If Field is not nil and the table state is dsEdit or
dsInsert, then the event occurred because a fields value changed
and the unposted record was updated.
The TTable event handlers are very straightforward they simply log each event with the senders name. Most of the TTable
events are triggered before and after a particular TTable action.
When a record is posted, a BeforePost and AfterPost event is triggered. When a before event is logged all events subsequently
logged are indented by one level. When an after event is
logged the indenting is reduced by one level. This indentation
displays which events occur between, before, and after events.
The cboTables TComboBox object lists the datasources that can be
chosen for the Methods buttons to act on. The items in the
TStrings object property of the ComboBox contain both the names
of each datasource and a pointer to the named datasource instance.
A TStrings list is able to store both a string and pointer instead of
just a string. Adding a string to a TStrings list is done using the
Add or Insert methods. To add both the string and pointer to the
list, use either the AddObject or InsertObject method (see the
FormCreate method in Listing One). Strings and pointers to
objects in the list can be accessed using the Items and Objects array
properties respectively.
The TStrings object can be very useful for creating bag type
arrays (containers) used to store items of different types. If youre
familiar with Paradoxs DynArray type, the same storage functionality can be achieved in Delphi by using a TStrings object.
As previously mentioned, DBTracker can easily be changed at
design-time to include more TTables and TDataSource components (whose properties can be set interactively) and then data aware controls set up to work with them. All events will still be
tracked without you having to modify any source code. The only
caveat is that you must have a TDataSource called dsMaster and a
TTable called tblMaster in the form. You may need to define a
few field objects for those tables that are linked. Youll also need
to define a calculated field called MyCalcField for tblMaster.

labeled Call Method for. As mentioned, the TStrings list contains a list of names of TDataSource components in the form
with a pointer to each TDataSource instance. This drop-down
list allows the user to select the table to be affected when pressing one of the Call Method buttons.
The TDataSource and TTable variables CurrentSource and
CurrentTable are used to track the DataSource and Table pair
to be acted on by the Methods buttons. When the form is created CurrentSource is set to default to the first datasource found
in the form. CurrentSources DataSet property is used to initialize CurrentTable. If there isnt a DataSet property defined
for CurrentSource, then CurrentTable cannot be set and the
program will halt.
Assuming that CurrentTable is defined, all tables associated
with the datasources are then opened. All TTables must be not
be open (i.e. their Active properties must be set to False) at
design time. If a TDataSource has no DataSet property, a warning message is displayed stating the TDataSource has no DataSet
and no associated table can be opened.
The two TDBEdit components are then set to have their DataField
properties set to point to the first two fields in tblMaster. (Note that
tblMaster doesnt necessarily have to be the master table in a multitable form. Ive used this as a convention to identify the table used
by the two TDBEdit components for their data fields.) Finally, the
forms buttons have their Enabled properties set.
The TComboBox OnChange event is handled by the custom
cboTablesChange procedure. Here the CurrentSource and
CurrentTable are set to that of the chosen datasource, and its
DataSet property (if this is undefined then a warning error message is displayed). The Methods buttons have their Enabled
properties set by the call to the custom ToggleButtons procedure.
Notice how the object pointer assignments were typecast using
value typecasting, instead of the type-safe casting using the as
operator. The difference between these ways of typecasting is this:
if the typecast fails, then using as will raise an exception whereas
the value typecast may cause undefined behavior later on (possibly causing a crash when the pointer is dereferenced). However,
in this case we know that this particular typecast is safe.
The SaveEventList method that handles the OnClick event for
the Save List button writes each item in the TStrings list to an
ASCII file whose name is chosen using a SaveDialog component.

Extending DBTracker


I mentioned earlier that DBTracker was written with easy extensibility in mind. So how is this achieved? Lets start with the
FormCreate method.

I have DBTracker set up as a form template in the gallery for

those times when I need to create a quick form that can track the
flow of database events in a complex multi-linked tables setup. I
can quickly add those tables and datasources required by copying
and pasting from the existing TTables and TDataSources. Then all
thats required is to set up the links between tables (and set their
properties), place TDBGrid or TDBEdit components on the form
(and set their properties), and run the form.

FormCreate checks the type of each component listed in the

Components array property of the form to find all TDataSource
components in the form at run-time. Each one found is added
to the TStrings list of the cboTables TComboBox drop-down list
JULY 1995



On The Cover
DBTracker was developed as a result of my need for a way of
debugging code in a Data Access components event handler. It
also serves as a tool for learning and understanding how and
when database events are triggered.
If desired, you could dig deeper into the data controls event model
by logging the TField events, but Ill leave that exercise to you.
The DBTracker utility is available on the 1995 Delphi Informant
Works CD located in INFORM\95\JUL\JO9507.

John OConnell is a software consultant (and born-again Pascal programmer), based in

London, specializing in the design and development of Windows database applications. Besides using Delphi for software development, he also writes applications using
Paradox for Windows and C. John has worked with Borland UK technical support on a
regular freelance basis and can be reached at (UK) 01-81-680-6883, or on
CompuServe at 73064,74.

Begin Listing One: FormCreate method

unit Track;
SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes,
Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, DBCtrls,
StdCtrls, Mask, Buttons, Grids, DBGrids, DB, DBTables;
DbStates :
array[dsInactive..dsCalcFields] of string[12] =
('dsInactive', 'dsBrowse', 'dsEdit',
'dsInsert', 'dsSetKey', 'dsCalcFields');
TFrmDBTrack = class(TForm)
dsMaster: TDataSource;
tblMaster: TTable;
dsDetail: TDataSource;
DBGrid1: TDBGrid;
DBEdit1: TDBEdit;
DBEdit2: TDBEdit;
DBNavigator2: TDBNavigator;
lstEvent: TListBox;
btnClear: TBitBtn;
tblDetail: TTable;
DBEdit4: TDBEdit;
Label1: TLabel;
DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator;
edCount: TEdit;
cboTables: TComboBox;
Label2: TLabel;
GroupBox1: TGroupBox;
btnInsert: TBitBtn;
btnDelete: TBitBtn;
btnEdit: TBitBtn;
btnPost: TBitBtn;
btnCancel: TBitBtn;
btnOpen: TBitBtn;
btnClose: TBitBtn;
dlgSaveAs: TSaveDialog;
btnSaveList: TBitBtn;
tblMasterCustNo: TFloatField;
tblMasterCompany: TStringField;
tblMasterMyCalcField: TIntegerField;

JULY 1995

Label3: TLabel;
Label4: TLabel;

btnInsertClick(Sender: TObject);
btnDeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
btnEditClick(Sender: TObject);
btnPostClick(Sender: TObject);
btnCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
btnClearClick(Sender: TObject);
TrackDataChange(Sender: TObject;
Field: TField);
TrackStateChange(Sender: TObject);
TrackUpdateData(Sender: TObject);
FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
TrackAfterCancel(DataSet: TDataset);
TrackAfterClose(DataSet: TDataset);
TrackAfterDelete(DataSet: TDataset);
TrackAfterEdit(DataSet: TDataset);
TrackAfterInsert(DataSet: TDataset);
TrackAfterOpen(DataSet: TDataset);
TrackAfterPost(DataSet: TDataset);
TrackBeforeCancel(DataSet: TDataset);
TrackBeforeClose(DataSet: TDataset);
TrackBeforeDelete(DataSet: TDataset);
TrackBeforeEdit(DataSet: TDataset);
TrackBeforeInsert(DataSet: TDataset);
TrackBeforeOpen(DataSet: TDataset);
TrackBeforePost(DataSet: TDataset);
TrackOnCalc(DataSet: TDataset);
TrackNewRec(DataSet: TDataset);
btnOpenClick(Sender: TObject);
btnCloseClick(Sender: TObject);
cboTablesChange(Sender: TObject);
FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject;
var CanClose: Boolean);
SaveEventList(Sender: TObject);

ListLen: Word;
IndentLevel: Byte;
CurrentTable: TTable;
CurrentSource: TDataSource;
procedure LogEvent(EventStr: string);
procedure ToggleButtons(StateParam: TDataSetState);
FrmDBTrack: TFrmDBTrack;
{$R *.DFM}
procedure TFrmDBTrack.ToggleButtons(StateParam:
ButtonEnabled: Boolean;
{ If the table is in edit or insert mode then disable
the Insert Delete and Edit buttons else disable the
Post and Cancel buttons. If the table is closed/
inactive then disable all pushbuttons. }
ButtonEnabled :=
not(StateParam in [dsEdit, dsInsert, dsInactive]);
btnInsert.Enabled := ButtonEnabled;
btnDelete.Enabled := ButtonEnabled;
:= ButtonEnabled;
if StateParam = dsInactive then
:= False;
btnCancel.Enabled := False;



On The Cover

:= not ButtonEnabled;
btnCancel.Enabled := not ButtonEnabled;
:= (CurrentTable <> nil);
btnOpen.Enabled := ButtonEnabled;
btnClose.Enabled := ButtonEnabled;
procedure TFrmDBTrack.LogEvent(EventStr: string);
IndentStr : string[32];
: byte;
with lstEvent do
IndentStr := '';
if IndentLevel > 0 then
for i := 1 to IndentLevel do
IndentStr := IndentStr + ' ';
Items.Add(IndentStr + EventStr);
edCount.Text := IntToStr(ListLen);
ItemIndex := Items.Count - 1;
btnSaveList.Enabled := (ListLen > 0);

with (Sender as TDataSource) do
LogEvent('OnUpdateData for ' + Name);

procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackDataChange(Sender: TObject;

Field: TField);
ds: TDataSource;
ds := Sender as TDataSource;
if (Field = nil) then
{ Event was triggered by more than one field so
event resulted from moving to another record }
LogEvent('OnDataChange for ' + ds.Name)
if ds.State in [dsEdit, dsInsert] then
{ Event was triggered by a single field therefore
this event resulted from a single field value
being changed during editing }
LogEvent('OnDataChange for ' + ds.Name + '.' +
{ Event occurred for single field while
not in Edit/Insert }
LogEvent('OnDataChange for ' + ds.Name)

procedure TFrmDBTrack.btnPostClick(Sender: TObject);

LogEvent('Begin TTable.Post');
LogEvent('End TTable.Post');

procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackStateChange(Sender: TObject);

MySender: TDataSource;
MySender := Sender as TDataSource;
LogEvent('OnStateChange to '+DbStates[MySender.State]+
' for ' + MySender.Name);
{ Don't try getting name of undefined dataset }
if MySender.DataSet <> nil then
LogEvent('Table state change to ' +
DbStates[TTable(MySender.DataSet).State] +
' for ' + TTable(MySender.DataSet).Name)
LogEvent('WARNING -- No dataset defined for ' +
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackUpdateData(Sender: TObject);

JULY 1995

procedure TFrmDBTrack.btnInsertClick(Sender: TObject);

LogEvent('Begin TTable.Insert');
LogEvent('End TTable.Insert');
procedure TFrmDBTrack.btnDeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
LogEvent('Begin TTable.Delete');
LogEvent('End TTable.Delete');
procedure TFrmDBTrack.btnEditClick(Sender: TObject);
LogEvent('Begin TTable.Edit');
LogEvent('End TTable.Edit');

procedure TFrmDBTrack.btnCancelClick(Sender: TObject);

LogEvent('Begin TTable.Cancel');
LogEvent('End TTable.Cancel');
procedure TFrmDBTrack.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
i: word;
{ Find all TDataSource objects on form and add them
the TStrings list associated with the TCombobox }
with cboTables do
for i := 0 to Self.ComponentCount - 1 do
if (Self.Components[i] is TDataSource) then
{ Add object name & pointer to the list }
{ Form's main buttons will call TTable methods
for CurrentTable which defaults to dataset
of first TDataSource object found in form's
component list. CurrentSource must have a
dataset defined }
CurrentSource :=TDataSource(Items.Objects[0]);
if CurrentSource.Dataset <> nil then
CurrentTable := TTable(CurrentSource.DataSet)
else begin
MessageDlg('The default datasource ' +



On The Cover

CurrentSource.Name +
#10' has no DataSet property defined.'#10+
#10'This application will terminate',
mtError, [mbOk], 0);
IndentLevel := 0;
{ Open all tables in form, but check that each
TDataSource in list has a dataset defined }
for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do
if (TDataSource(
Items.Objects[i]).DataSet = nil) then
MessageDlg('The datasource ' +
TDataSource(Items.Objects[i]).Name +
' has no DataSet property defined',
mtWarning, [mbOK], 0)
DBEdit1.DataField := tblMaster.Fields[0].FieldName;
DBEdit2.DataField := tblMaster.Fields[1].FieldName;
btnSaveList.Enabled := (ListLen > 0);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.btnClearClick(Sender: TObject);
ListLen := 0;
IndentLevel := 0;
edCount.Text := IntToStr(ListLen);
btnSaveList.Enabled := (ListLen > 0);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackAfterCancel(
DataSet: TDataset);
with (DataSet as TTable) do
LogEvent('AfterCancel for ' + Name);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackAfterClose(
DataSet: TDataset);
with (DataSet as TTable) do
LogEvent('AfterClose for ' + Name);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackAfterDelete(
DataSet: TDataset);
with (DataSet as TTable) do
LogEvent('AfterDelete for ' + Name);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackAfterEdit(DataSet: TDataset);
with (DataSet as TTable) do
LogEvent('AfterEdit for ' + Name);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackAfterInsert(
DataSet: TDataset);
with (DataSet as TTable) do
LogEvent('AfterInsert for ' + Name);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackAfterOpen(DataSet: TDataset);

JULY 1995

with (DataSet as TTable) do
LogEvent('AfterOpen for ' + Name);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackAfterPost(DataSet: TDataset);
with (DataSet as TTable) do
LogEvent('AfterPost for ' + Name);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackBeforeCancel(
DataSet: TDataset);
with (DataSet as TTable) do
LogEvent('BeforeCancel for ' + Name);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackBeforeClose(
DataSet: TDataset);
with (DataSet as TTable) do
LogEvent('BeforeClose for ' + Name);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackBeforeDelete(
DataSet: TDataset);
with (DataSet as TTable) do
LogEvent('BeforeDelete for ' + Name);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackBeforeEdit(DataSet: TDataset);
with (DataSet as TTable) do
LogEvent('BeforeEdit for ' + Name);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackBeforeInsert(
DataSet: TDataset);
with (DataSet as TTable) do
LogEvent('BeforeInsert for ' + Name);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackBeforeOpen(DataSet: TDataset);
with (DataSet as TTable) do
LogEvent('BeforeOpen for ' + Name);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackBeforePost(DataSet: TDataset);
with (DataSet as TTable) do
LogEvent('BeforePost for ' + Name);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackOnCalc(DataSet: TDataset);
with (DataSet as TTable) do
LogEvent('OnCalcFields for ' + Name);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.TrackNewRec(DataSet: TDataset);



On The Cover

with (DataSet as TTable) do

LogEvent('OnNewRecord for ' + Name);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.btnOpenClick(Sender: TObject);
LogEvent('Begin TTable.Open');
LogEvent('End TTable.Open');
procedure TFrmDBTrack.btnCloseClick(Sender: TObject);
LogEvent('Begin TTable.Close');
LogEvent('End TTable.Close');
procedure TFrmDBTrack.cboTablesChange(Sender: TObject);
{ Set CurrentSource and CurrentTable if user changes
datasource to be acted on by Call Method buttons }
with cboTables do
CurrentSource :=
CurrentTable := TTable(CurrentSource.DataSet);
if CurrentTable = nil then
MessageDlg('The datasource ' + CurrentSource.Name +
'has no DataSet property defined',
mtWarning, [mbOK], 0);
procedure TFrmDBTrack.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject;
var CanClose: Boolean);
if MessageDlg('Are you sure you wish to exit?',
mtConfirmation,[mbYes,mbNo],0) <> mrYes
then CanClose := False;
procedure TFrmDBTrack.SaveEventList(Sender: TObject);
LogFileName: string;
LogFile: TextFile;
i, j : Word;
{ Write items in lstEvent to specified ASCII file }
if dlgSaveAs.Execute then
LogFileName := dlgSaveAs.Filename;
AssignFile(LogFile, LogFileName);
j := lstEvent.Items.Count - 1;
for i := 0 to j do
writeln(LogFile, lstEvent.Items[i]);
MessageDlg('Events list written to ' + LogFileName,
mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);

End Listing One

JULY 1995



On the Cover
Delphi / Object Pascal / IDAPI

By Marco Cant

Moving to Local Interbase

The First Step Towards Upsizing a
Delphi Application to Client/Server

psizing is the process of taking an application that works on a PC and

making it more robust by moving it to client/server. This is the opposite
of downsizing, or taking a mainframe or mini-computer application
and moving it to the client/server model.

As weve heard, Delphi can be used to build client/server applications. Further, developing a
new Delphi database application using a SQL server is similar to developing an application
based on local files.
Having said this, however, whats involved in upsizing an application? To make it function,
very little. And just a little more work is required to take advantage of SQL server features
such as transaction processing.

Having What It Takes

In this article, well discuss whats involved in upsizing an existing Delphi database application
(based on a local Paradox table), to a client/server application (based on a Local InterBase
database). This can be seen as a first step in upsizing the application to use a remote SQL
server. The next step moving from a local SQL database to a remote SQL server is generally quite simple, particularly if you use two versions of the same database.
To begin, Ive built a simple database application that accesses a Paradox table (the sample
Country.DB table that ships with Delphi), with a calculated field. The final version of the
example will be similar, but connected to the Local InterBase server.
In this article, well:
Write an initial example program using a Paradox table.
Write a program to copy the data from a Paradox table file
to a Local InterBase database.
Update the first example program to use it with the Local
InterBase table.

Generating Code with the Database Form Expert

The first draft of the program can be built using the Database Form
Expert. To do this, create a project and start the Expert by selecting
Help | Database Form Expert. In the Expert, select the following:
JULY 1995



On The Cover
of their data-aware components. When you define new fields
at design-time, they are listed in the Object Inspector.

Creating a Calculated Field

To open the Fields editor, select the Table (or Query) component on the form, right-click to activate its SpeedMenu, and
select Fields editor. Use the Add button to select which fields
of the database table should be used by the Table or Query
component (see Figure 2). [For an in-depth discussion of
TField objects and the Fields editor, see Cary Jensens article
The TField Object in the June 1995 Delphi Informant.]

Figure 1: The expert-generated program, at run-time.

a simple form based on a TTable object,

the Country table (country.db) in the \delphi\demos\data
all the fields,
and a grid for the output.

After generating the code, you can remove the previous blank
form from the project (Form1 by default), compile the program, give appropriate names to the files, and run it. The
result (with some modifications) is shown in Figure 1.
Delphis DBNavigator component is already transaction-oriented, so you can easily use it for transaction processing. In
this example, the DBNavigator components VisibleButtons
property has been set so that nbInsert, nbDelete, nbEdit,
nbPost, nbCancel, and nbRefresh are False. In addition, the
Caption property of Form1 was changed to Expert Grid.

The Fields of a Table

The grid of our example Expert Grid form includes all the
fields in the source table. Of course, we could have removed
some fields using the Database Form Expert, but how do we
remove them once the code has been generated? And what
about adding new fields?
The answer to these questions lies in the concept of the field.
Field components (instances of the TField class) are non-visual components that are fundamental to each Delphi database
application. Data-aware components are directly connected to
these field objects, which correspond to database fields.
By default, TField components are automatically created by
Delphi at run-time. This happens each time a DataSet component is active. These fields are stored in the Fields property of
table and query components as an array of fields. We can access
these values in a program with a statement like the following:

Figure 2: The Fields editor and Add Fields dialog box.

Click the Define button in the Fields editor to display the

Define Field dialog box (see Figure 3). In this dialog box, you
can define new calculated fields, and enter a descriptive field
name that can include blank spaces. The dialog box generates
an internal name the name of the component that you
can modify.
Next, select a data type for the field, and check the
Calculated box. For our calculated field, well use population

and country area data from the Country table to compute the
population density of each country.
To do this, well need to add another field to the table by
clicking the Add button in the Fields editor. Then click on
the Define button and enter a proper Field name,
Population Density in this example, and Field type
FloatField for the new calculated field. Note that as
you type in the field name, the component name is generated by default.
Of course, we also need to provide a way to compute the
new field. This is accomplished in the OnCalcFields event of
the Table component with the following Object Pascal code:


procedure TForm1.Table1CalcFields(DataSet: TDataset);

Table1PopulationDensity.Value :=
Table1Population.Value / Table1Area.Value;

Alternatively, Field components can be created at design-time,

using the Fields editor. In this case, you can set a number of
properties for these fields. These properties affect the behavior

As you can see, this code accesses the other fields directly (e.g.
Table1Area.Value). This is possible because the Fields editor has added the fields to the form. Here is the Object Pascal

JULY 1995



On The Cover

Figure 3: Defining a calculated field in the Define Field

dialog box.

code the Fields editor added to the form definition:

Table1PopulationDensity: TFloatField;
Table1Area: TFloatField;
Table1Population: TFloatField;
Table1Name: TStringField;
Table1Capital: TStringField;

Also note that each time you add or remove fields in the
Fields editor, the forms grid is automatically updated. Of
course, you wont see the values of a calculated field because
the method used to compute it must be compiled, and will be
available only at run-time.
After defining components for the fields, we can use their
properties to customize some of the grid's visual components. For example, as shown in Figure 4, we've changed the
first column's name to Country (instead of Name). To do
this, simply select Table1Name in the Object selector and
change its DisplayLabel property to Name. Last, press J to
accept the changes.
We also set a display format, adding a comma to separate
thousands. For example, you can select Table1Area in the
Object selector and enter #,# for its DisplayFormat property
(likewise, select Table1Population and change its
DisplayFormat property).
These changes have an immediate effect on the grid at design
time. Also, the form's Caption property has been changed
from Expert Grid to Calculated Field.

Figure 4 (Top): The grid at design time, after some changes to the
properties of the field components. Figure 5 (Bottom): The output of
the example, with the calculated Population Density field.

second approach to introduce the BatchMove component.

Create a new project and place two Table components, a
BatchMove component, and a Button component on the blank
form. Change the Caption property of Button1 to Move, and
the forms Caption property to Move Countries (see Figure 6).

Now that we have built the basic program, we can start the
upsizing process by copying the table to a Local InterBase

Connect the first table to the original Paradox table

(Country.DB). We can immediately open it by setting its Active
property to True. The second table should relate to the target
database, indicating the name of the new table. (We cannot
select Country as the target name, because there is already a
table with this name in the IBLOCAL database.) Instead, well
use America, since there are only American countries in the
table. Once each table is properly set up, use them for the
Source and Destination properties of the BatchMove component.

There are basically two ways to copy a Paradox table to a

SQL server. The first is to use an interactive tool, such as the
Database Desktop. The other is to write a program in
Delphi, based on the BatchMove component (located on the
Data Access page of the Component Palette). Well use the

Last, set a proper value for the BatchMove components Mode

property. The default value is batAppend which appends
records to an existing destination table. You can also set the
following values:
batUpdate updates matching records in an existing table

We can now compile and run the program. At run-time the

grid will have proper values for the calculated field,
Population Density (see Figure 5).

Copying a Table to the Server

JULY 1995



On The Cover

batAppendUpdate updates
matching records of, and
appends new records to, an
existing table
batCopy creates a destination
table with structure and content of source table
batDelete deletes matching
records in existing table

There are two ways to add columns to the answer set in

the lower portion of the Visual Query Builder (see Figure
7). You can drag a column from the table window (AMERICA:AMERICA in our example) to the bottom half of the
screen, or simply double-click on each column in the
table window.
Figure 6: The example
form, Move Countries
(shown here at design time),
is used to copy the tables.

The batCopy parameter is what

were looking for so select it.
Next, right-click on the form to activate its SpeedMenu,
and select the Execute command. Delphi will create the
new table (after asking for log-in information to the Local
InterBase server).
Weve done it! And without compiling the program! As an
alternative, we can write one line of code for the Move buttons OnClick event handler:

Now were ready for the second step of the upsizing process.

Porting the Application

Now that the table has been moved to the Local InterBase
server, we can turn our attention to modifying the application.

Next, well define a calculated field directly in the query.

Click on the Expression button in the Visual Query Builders
toolbar (it has an a + b icon). In the Expression dialog box
(see Figure 8), enter the Expression Name (DENSITY in this
example), click on the POPULATION column, the division
operator ( / ), and then on the AREA column. The expression
will appear in the Expression box.
If its correct, click on the Close button to return to the
Visual Query Builder. A new column will be added to the
table resulting from the query. Now you can click the Run
button (a lightning bolt) to see the result. The calculated field
will appear as if it were an original field of the table.
You can also look at the code of the SQL query by clicking
on the SQL (eyeglasses) button:

Open the old application (or a copy), select the Table component, and set its Active property to False. Then select the
IBLOCAL database and the America table (that should
appear in the list of available tables in the Object Inspector).

Click on the OK (green check mark) button to copy the text of

the query back to the Query component in the form. Now activate it, and youll see the fields of the form in the grid, including the calculated Density field, at design-time. (If you do not
own the Delphi Client/Server edition, simply write the SQL
statement above in the SQL property of the Query component.)

Activate the table again, and the live data is displayed. The
difference is that now we are accessing a SQL server. When
you run the program, the new calculated field will appear,
exactly as it did in the previous version.

There is still a minor problem, however. The division calculation we wrote in the SQL expression results in a floatingpoint number with several decimal places. The problem is
that the default grid is not wide enough to accommodate all

Using the Visual Query Builder

To build a more advanced version of our example, you can
use a Query component instead of a Table component.
Simply remove the Table component and add a Query component. Connect the data source to the Query component
and write the appropriate SQL statement.
Since we are exploring the development of client/server
applications, well use Delphis Visual Query Builder to
create the SQL statement. (Note that the Visual Query
Builder is available only with the Client/Server version of
Delphi.) To access the Visual Query Builder, right-click on
the Query component to display its SpeedMenu. Then
select Query Builder to display the Databases dialog box.
Select the IBLOCAL database and enter the password.
When the Add Table dialog box appears, select the
America table. Then close the dialog box.
JULY 1995

Figure 7: The Visual Query Builder.



On The Cover
do not need compiled Object Pascal code to make this computation. Instead, the Local InterBase server does it while
processing a SQL statement.
This is a key point. We have moved a processing task from
the client application to the SQL server. This means that we
can move computations from the client computer to the server computer, which can usually handle the large amount of
data involved in big queries more quickly and efficiently.
Although, admittedly, we are currently running both the
client and server code on the same computer (since were
using Local InterBase), this doesnt modify the general perspective. A true client/server application distributes the processing workload of an application between a client and server
computer. The client should be primarily involved in the user
interface, and the server in data processing.

To obtain all the benefits of true client/server programming, we would need to go one step further and employ a
SQL server that resides on another computer. The easiest
migration would be to an InterBase database on another
platform (e.g. Microsoft Windows NT, Novell NetWare,
SCO UNIX, etc.).
Still, just by moving the data to Local InterBase, we receive
many advantages over a Paradox database. Greatly enhanced
data integrity via triggers, stored procedures, and transaction
processing is just one example.
Figure 8 (Top): The Expression dialog box of the Visual Query Builder
can be used to define calculated fields. Figure 9 (Bottom): The form
with the SQL-calculated Density field at design time.

the numbers, so the values dont appear correctly. To solve

the problem, we simply need to resize the grids columns.
However, this is possible only if you define Field components
for the query, using the Fields editor. Again, right-click on the
form to access the Fields editor and add all the fields. Now,
you can resize the grids columns to obtain the desired effect
(see Figure 9).

From Porting to Upsizing

In the last example, we obtained two interesting advantages.
The first and most evident advantage is that now we can display a calculated field at run-time. This is possible because we

JULY 1995

This article was adapted from material for Marco Cants

book, Mastering Delphi, published by Sybex.

The demonstration projects referenced in this article are available

on the 1995 Delphi Informant Works CD located in

Marco Cant is a freelance writer and consultant based in Italy. Besides writing
books and articles, he enjoys training Delphi and C++ programmers and
speaking at conferences. You can reach Marco on CompuServe at 100273,2610.



Delphi / Object Pascal

By Cary Jensen Ph.D.

The TField Class:

Part II
Using Calculated Fields

Field components are a class of objects that permit you to directly manipulate the data displayed on a form. These objects are created automatically at run-time or manually at design time. By creating TFields at design
time you can exert greater control over the default characteristics of the corresponding fields. For example, you can display only some of the fields from a
table in a DBGrid component.

Last months article examined how to use the Fields editor dialog box to instantiate fields associated
with a Table object, and how to control their properties both at design time and run-time. This month
we will explore TFields further. However, instead of instantiating TFields that belong to a Table, we
will learn how to create calculated fields. [For a discussion of calculated fields in a client/server configuration, see Marco Cants article Moving to Local InterBase beginning on page 16.]

Reckoning with Data

Calculated fields differ from other TFields in one very important waythey are not associated with
data in your table. Furthermore, the value displayed in a calculated field is always defined using Object
Pascal code. In other words, as a developer you are responsible for assigning values to calculated fields.
At first thought this seems very inconvenient. Since most data control components (e.g. DBGrid,
DBText, or DBEdit components) automatically display data from their associated DataSource, you
may wonder why anyone would want to use a field requiring you to add code to display data.
However, when you use calculated fields to display data that is not stored in a DataSource the answer
becomes more apparent. There are two instances where this is particularly valuable: displaying calculations and lookup data. Lets consider calculations first.

Displaying Calculated Values

Imagine you have a table of individual items being purchased by a customer for a particular
order (a line items table). At a minimum this table holds the item Identification (ID) for
each item being purchased, along with the corresponding price and quantity.
In most applications such a table doesnt include a total field to hold the product of price and
quantity. Since the total can always be calculated from the data by multiplying the item price times
the quantity ordered, a total field is redundant.

JULY 1995



OnCalcFields events occur even when no change has been made
to data. Each time its necessary for a Table object to update the
display of a record, an OnCalcFields event occurs. For example,
OnCalcFields events occur for each displayed record when a form
first opens, as well as when you advance to a new record.
If the DataSet (TTable, TQuery, or TStoredProc) is responsible
for more than one record being displayed, the OnCalcFields
event occurs once for each record. For example, if a DBGrid is
associated with a detail table in a one-to-many form, there will
be one OnCalcFields event generated for each record being displayed in the DBGrid when the form first initializes, as well as
when the user advances to a new master record.
Figure 1: As shown here, the total of price and quantity, as well as the
custom company name and employee last name fields, are displayed
using calculated fields.

Although storing a total value in the table isnt necessary, its

often desirable to display this value on a form. It is for this purpose that a calculated field is intended. Using Object Pascal code
you can calculate the product of price and quantity, and assign
this value to the calculated field. An example of a DBGrid that
displays the product of the Price and Quantity fields in a calculated field (named Total) is shown in Figure 1.
The amount in the Total field is easily calculated. Simply attach
the code that performs the assignment for calculated fields to
the OnCalcFields event associated with the TTable component
for which you have defined the calculated field. For example,
suppose you have a Table component named Table1 attached
to the table named Items.DB and have created a calculated field
named Amount. To assign a value to Amount, place the appropriate code in the OnCalcFields event associated with Table1.

Displaying Lookup Data

The second purpose of calculated fields is to display lookup data.
Lookup data is information about one record that is stored in
another table. For example, the table of items being sold to a
customer must contain a part number (or some other value that
identifies what the customer is purchasing). However, such a
table rarely contains a description of the product. This description is normally located in another table a parts table that
holds one record for each part.

Adding Code to OnCalcFields

The OnCalcFields event doesnt occur unless you have instantiated at least one calculated field for the associated DataSet component. To do this use the Fields editor dialog box. Use the following steps to create a form on which youll place a table that
includes a calculated field.
Begin by creating a new project. Place the following components
on the form: a DataSource, Table, DBNavigator, and DBEdit.
Finally, place a Label component to the left of the DBEdit object
(see Figure 2).
Display the Object Inspector and change the properties of your
objects as follows: Set the Caption property of the Label to Order
Number:. Set the DataSources DataSet property to Table1. Set
the DBNavigators DataSource property to DataSource1.
Next, select the Table object and in the Object Inspector change
its DatabaseName property to DBDEMOS. (This is the default alias
created when you installed Delphi. If this alias doesnt exist,
either create and use an alias for the directory where Delphi
installed its sample database tables, or use the entire path in the
TableName property.) Change the TableName property to
ORDERS.DB (If you were able to set DatabaseName to DBDEMOS,
you can select this table name from the TableName drop-down

To display a part description from a parts table, without having to

also enter and store this information in a line items table, create a
calculated field that displays the description. Then, update the value
of this field from the OnCalcFields event. Each time an OnCalcFields
event triggers, you can locate the corresponding part record in the
parts table and assign its description to the calculated field.

The OnCalcFields Event

The OnCalcFields event is triggered each time Delphi needs to
update the data displayed in this field. This happens frequently.
For example, if you edit a value displayed in a DBEdit component attached to a DataSource component, the OnChange event
for that field will trigger an OnCalcFields event.
JULY 1995

Figure 2: The OnCalcFields event demonstration form.



list.) You should now activate the connection to the table by setting Active to True.
Now set the DBEdit component properties by changing the
DataSource property to DataSource1 and setting its DataField
property to OrderNo.
You are now ready to instantiate TField components. From the
Forms window, double-click the Table object to display the
Fields editor dialog box. First, add a TField component for the
OrderNo field (from the ORDERS.DB table). Do this by clicking the Add button on the Fields editor dialog box, highlighting
OrderNo from the Available Fields list, and then clicking OK
to return to the Fields editor dialog box.
Next, add the calculated field. Click the Define button on the
Fields editor dialog box to display the Define Field dialog box.
In the Field Name text box enter CalcDemo. Delphi will automatically add Table1CalcDemo in the Component Name text
box. You can optionally define an alternative component name,
but this is usually not necessary.

Figure 3: Use the Define Field

dialog box to create calculated

At this point, select the type

of the calculated field. This
field type must correspond to
the data type youll assign to
this calculated field. In this
example no data will be
assigned to the calculated
field, so the field type is irrelevant. For simplicitys sake,
select FloatField (this field
type does not require a size).
The Define Field dialog box
should look like Figure 3.
Click the OK button.

The Fields editor dialog box should emulate the one displayed in
Figure 4. The objects and properties are now in place. Because you
instantiated the calculated field, an OnCalcFields event will be generated each time Delphi attempts to update the display of the
DBEdit component. Close the Fields editor dialog box.

After you respond to this message box, the form will appear.
Thereafter, the message box is
displayed each time you move
to a new record. It will also
display if you edit the order
number. (However, you
shouldnt do this since the
Orders table has detail records
that rely on the value of the
order number field.)

More About OnCalcFields


Figure 4: The Fields editor dialog

box with one regular field and
one calculated field.

There are a number of special characteristics of OnCalcFields

events you need to be aware of to use them effectively. First, they
occur frequently. As mentioned earlier, every time a user
advances to a new record, or changes a value in a single field, an
OnCalcFields event triggers for that record.
In some cases, advancing to another record can result in several
OnCalcFields events. This occurs when you advance to another
master table record and you have calculated fields in a detail
table. Under these conditions, OnCalcFields events trigger for
each record in the restricted view of the detail table. In short, its
usually desirable to keep the code you attach to the OnCalcFields
events short and quick. Its important to remember that placing
time-consuming operations in the OnCalcFields event can greatly
affect your forms performance.
Another limitation of OnCalcFields events results from the
special state in which Delphi places itself during the event.
During the OnCalcFields event Delphi sets the State property
of the associated Table, Query, or StoredProc object to
dsCalcFields. When in this state, Delphi will not allow you to
assign new values to TField objects that are not calculated
fields. In other words, the only type of field you can assign a
value to during the OnCalcFields event is a calculated field.
(You can determine if a given field is a calculated field by
inspecting its Calculated property.)

To see that this event is occurring, select the Table component

and go to the Object Inspectors Events page. Double-click the
OnCalcFields event to display the event handler. Enter the following code in the Table1CalcFields procedure:
Application.MessageBox(OnCalcFields, Here is one.,mb_OK)

Your screen should look like Figure 5.

Youre done! Press 9 to compile and run your project.
Notice that even before the running form is visible, the message box is displayed as a result of an OnCalcFields event. This
OnCalcFields event is produced when the form is initialized.
JULY 1995

Figure 5: Sample code added to an OnCalcFields event handler.



Also, be mindful that OnCalcFields is triggered by many events
that modify a DataSet. For example, navigating to a new record
may generate one or more OnCalcFields events. You must avoid
triggering these events with the code you add to the
OnCalcFields event handler. Failure to do so may result in
unwanted and uncontrollable recursion.
Under normal conditions, an OnCalcFields event triggers automatically each time you modify a field in a record. This occurs
because the AutoCalcFields property of TTable, TQuery, and
TStoredProc components is True by default. If you change the
AutoCalcFields property to False, OnCalcFields events will only be
triggered automatically when Delphi first loads and displays a
record from a database.
Finally, remember that OnCalcFields events occur when objects
are initialized on an opening form. Consequently, the creation
order of objects can have an impact on the success of the code
you place in an OnCalcFields event. For example, if you are using
an OnCalcFields event to display lookup data, the lookup table
must be created and opened first. You can easily control the creation order of objects on a form by selecting View | Creation
Order from Delphis menu.

Creating a Calculation and Lookup Fields Example

The following example builds on the project we created with the
steps described earlier. (If you did not follow those steps, and want
to create this example, simply refer to the previous example.)
In this example youll add a DBGrid to the form. The modified
form will display the line item details for a given order number. This
DBGrid will also display information from three calculated fields.
Two of these fields will display lookup information from another
table, and the third field will display the results of a calculation.
First, add two additional Table and two additional DataSource
objects to the form. Then add a DBGrid component. When you
are done your form should look similar to Figure 6.
Select DataSource2 and change its DataSet property to Table2.
Select DataSource3 and change its DataSet property to Table3.
Select Table2 in the Object selector and set its DatabaseName to
DBDEMOS, its TableName property to ITEMS.DB, and its Active
property to True. Likewise, select Table3 and set its
DatabaseName property to DBDEMOS, its TableName property to
PARTS.DB, and its Active property to True.
Double-click on the Table2 object to display its Fields editor
dialog box. Select Add to display the Add Fields dialog box and
select all fields. Click OK to return to the Fields editor. Now
add the calculated fields. Click Define to display the Define
Field dialog box. At Field Name enter Description, at Field
Type select StringField, and at Size enter 25. Click OK.
Click Define again to add the second calculated field. At Field
Name enter Price, and at Field Type select CurrencyField.
Click OK to return. Click Define again and at Field Name
JULY 1995

Figure 6: The modified form after adding five objects.

enter Amount and at Field

Type select CurrencyField.
Click OK to return. Your
Fields editor dialog box
should look like the one
shown in Figure 7.
Select the DBGrid and set its
DataSource property to
DataSource2. Delphi will
now display live data in the
DBGrid. The fields in the
DBGrid will appear in the
order that they appeared in
the Fields editor dialog box.

Figure 7: Fields instantiated for


Youll want to make a few modifications to the DBGrids display. First, remove the OrderNo field from display. This field is
part of the master record, and is displayed in the DBEdit
object. To do this, select the Table2OrderNo object and set its
Visible property to False.
Youll also want to modify the order of the fields in the
DBGrid. You can change a columns location by dragging the
column heading for a field in the DBGrid to a new location.
As you drag the mouse, the column will move. Drop the
columns in the order you want them to appear. Probably the
most reasonable order for these columns is ItemNo, Price,
Description, PartNo, Qty, Discount, and Amount. (You can
also change the order of the fields in a DBGrid by dragging the
field names to new locations within the Fields editor window.)
You may want to make additional changes to the DBGrid to
make it look better. For example, you can increase the size of
the form, and then increase the size of the DBGrid. You can
adjust the size of the individual fields in the DBGrid by dragDelphi INFORMANT



Figure 9 (Top):
Adjusting the
creation order to
ensure that the
OnCalcFields event
does not try to
reference Table3
before its created.
Figure 10
(Bottom): A form
making use of
calculated fields.

Figure 8: The example form has been spruced up with a Label component. The non-visual objects were placed over the DBGrid to remain
unobtrusive during design.

ging the left column marker of the column header. Figure 8

shows an example of how the customized form might look.
Its now time to add the OnCalcFields event-handling code.
Select Table2 and display the Events page of the Object
Inspector. Double-click on the OnCalcFields event to display its
event handler. Enter the following code:
procedure TForm1.Table2CalcFields(DataSet: TDataSet);
SubTotal : real;
if Table3.FindKey([Table2PartNo.value]) then
Table2Price.value := Table3ListPrice.value;
Table2Description.value := Table3Description.value;
SubTotal := Table2Price.AsFloat * Table2Qty.AsFloat;
Table2Amount.value :=
SubTotal - (SubTotal*(Table2Discount.AsFloat/100));

Notice that this code first attempts to locate the current value
displayed in the Table2PartNo field in Table3. It does this by
using the FindKey method. (Use the on-line help for more information about FindKey.)
If FindKey returns True it means that a record in Table3 has been
located and corresponds to the part number in Table2. Under this
condition the lookup fields can be assigned. The value in the
ListPrice field of Table3 is assigned to the calculated field
Table2Price. And the value in the Description field of Table3 is
assigned to the calculated field Table2Description. This completes
the lookup operation.
The last two steps in this code are used to produce the calculated field. The values displayed in Table2Price (a lookup
field) and Table2Qty are multiplied, and then divided by the
percentage represented by Table2Discount. The results of this
calculation are assigned to the calculated field Table2Amount.
(Note: This operation was performed in two steps for the sake
of clarity. The entire calculation can be performed in a single
JULY 1995

There is one last required step. The code attached to Table2s

OnCalcFields event makes reference to Table3. Since this code
will be executed when Table2 is initialized, its essential to ensure
that Table3 is created before Table2. You do this by selecting Edit
| Creation Order from Delphis menu. Drag Table3 to a position above Table2, as shown in Figure 9. Complete this operation by closing the Creation Order dialog box.
This step is optional, although recommended. Remove the reference to the Table1CalcFields procedure from the OnCalcFields
event for Table1 because it is no longer needed.
Press 9 to compile your project and run the form. Once the
form is running, your screen will look like Figure 10. Recall that
the Description and Price fields are produced by looking up the
Parts table. Also, the Amount field is produced by a calculation.

Calculated fields are an important part of database programming. Using these fields you can display related data from other
tables, and perform calculations to display data that doesnt otherwise need to be stored in the database.
The demonstration projects referenced in this article are available
on the 1995 Delphi Informant Works CD located in
Cary Jensen is President of Jensen Data Systems, Inc., a Houston-based
database development company. He is a developer, trainer, and author
of numerous books on database software. You can reach Jensen Data
Systems at (713) 359-3311, or through CompuServe at 76307,1533.


Informant Spotlight
Delphi / Object Pascal

By Robert Vivrette

A Question of Size
Or, Why Are Delphi Executables So Big?

veryone loves small, efficient programs. Perhaps that explains all the
hubbub. Since the release of Delphi, there has been quite a bit of discussion about the size of executable files created with Delphi. In this article well discuss some of the issues relating to executable size, and present a
detailed picture of what exactly goes into a Delphi executable.

First, lets see if we can understand the issue a little better. I created an example do-nothing
Windows application with Delphi and with Borland Pascal 7. The application presents a normal,
resizeable main window (see Figure 1). The main window (by default) has a control box in the
upper-left corner, minimize and maximize buttons in the upper-right corner, and can be resized.
There are no buttons, fields, or controls on the form. This type of application is what you get if
you choose File | New Project in Delphi and then immediately compile the result. To see how big
these resulting executable files are, take a look at Figure 2.
As you can see, Delphi applications are larger by more than a factor of 10. By using Options
| Project and selecting Delphis Optimize for size and load time option, the final executable
is reduced by about 37KB. However, both options are nowhere near the size of a Borland
Pascal 7 executable. Everyone else seemed to notice this as well. Borlands answer to this is
accurate, if a bit vague. Here is the related excerpt from one of Borlands FAQ (frequently
asked questions) sheets:
Delphis VCL is based on RTTI and exceptions. This requires a footprint
of about 120Kb for an empty application. The 200K you get has additional
debug info or is not optimized by the compiler. Note that the size of your
.EXE doesn't go to 400K for two buttons, but rather to 201K, i.e. after the
footprint each additional control just adds the usual amount of data/code
size. Additionally, you can slim your .EXEs down by checking the
Optimize For Size And Load Time checkbox on the Linker page of the
Options | Project dialog.
Thats a satisfactory answer, but lets dig a little deeper. What is Delphi
doing in that extra 140KB that has no apparent visual or functional effect
on the program? Lets uncover the truth.

Getting Down to Basics

To answer this question, first we need to know which pieces of code are in
the final executable. To do this select Options | Project and choose the
Linker page. Then select the Detailed option in the Map file area. This
JULY 1995



Informant Spotlight
of that compiled code in the executable file. Using information
like this, Turbo Debugger allows you to step through your programs lines of source code while its running.
Indirectly, this same information tells which lines of code actually made it into the .EXE file after linking. Remember, the
Delphi compiler performs dead code elimination, so any code
thats not referenced in a program wont be written to the executable, and hence will not be listed in the map file.
Equipped with this information, it becomes just a matter of
reviewing this map file and finding the lines of source code in the
.EXE file. This is not a pleasant job, I assure you. However, the
resulting information is very useful, and helps us gain a much
deeper appreciation for the efforts that went into creating Delphi.
Lets examine the results. Below is a list of the units included (at
least most of them) in our sample program. Most of these units
arent represented in their entirety in the final executable, so I
have listed only those features that are. Again, this is because
Borlands smart linker removes code that isnt referenced. As a
result, the information below provides a summary of all inherited behavior a Delphi developer receives with each and every
application created all in only 154KB!

The Forms Unit








Figure 1 (Top): Whats going on? The executable file for a basic,
do-nothing form can consume a whopping 191KB of disk space.
Figure 2 (Middle): Here are the executable sizes for the form shown
in Figure 1, created with Delphi, Delphi (optimized), and Borland
Pascal 7. Figure 3 (Bottom): A portion of the map file created by
Delphi by selecting the Detailed option in the Map file area. Among
other things, this file is useful for discovering just what Delphi includes
in the executable files it produces.

tells Delphi to create a text file that provides additional information about the content of an .EXE file. Named Project1.Map by
default, a portion of this file is shown in Figure 3.
The information provided in this map file is similar to what
Delphi includes in an .EXE file for use by an external debugger
(if you have Include TDW debug info checked on the Linker
page). This debug information identifies each source code file
and maps the line numbers used with the corresponding address
JULY 1995

As its name implies, the Forms unit is responsible for all the
code necessary for creating and managing Forms. Since we do
have a form, it should come as no surprise that this unit gets
linked into our sample program. However, theres a lot more
here than meets the eye.
CTL3D Support The CTL3D and CTL3DV2 dynamic link
libraries (DLLs) provide a 3-D look to dialog boxes and window
controls. These DLLs essentially sub-class existing controls to provide them with an elegant 3-D look. You will really only see a difference in the form if you change its BorderStyle property to
bsDialog. However, it also serves as the default behavior through
the ParentCTL3D property of any controls placed on it.
Auto Scrolling Client Area Though not immediately apparent,
our simple main form example has the ability to automatically scroll
its contents in case the window shrinks below a certain size. To test
this, place a button near the lower-right corner of a form and run
the program. When the form (and button) appears, resize the window so it partially obscures the button. Scroll bars will appear automatically to provide a way of scrolling the button back into view.
Default Windows Message Handling This is an essential,
low-level part of any Windows program. By providing default
message handling, Delphi greatly minimizes development time.
For C or C++ Windows programs, the programmer is generally
responsible for writing and maintaining the code necessary to
handle the flurry of message traffic for the application. For
Delphi however, we only need to generate events and write handlers for those events. The maintenance of the Windows message queues is handled for us.


Informant Spotlight
Form Recreation A very useful capability, it allows us to change
the basic class of a form (such as changing a normal resizeable window to a dialog box). Normally we would have to jump through a
number of hoops to achieve this, but Delphi manages it by automatically recreating the form for us. To see this behavior, create an
OnClick event for the form and insert the following code:
if BorderStyle = bsSizeable then
BorderStyle := bsDialog
BorderStyle := bsSizeable;

Now, by clicking on the form, it will toggle between a resizeable

window style, and a fixed-size dialog box style.
Different Form Styles Embedded in our sample application is
support for all the types of forms Windows creates. These
include: Standard resizeable forms, MDI Forms, MDI Children,
and Dialogs. It also gives us the ability to force a window to stay
on top of all other running applications.
Menus Our form already has one (the System menu), but
support for the application menu as well as any pop-up menus
has also been provided. Try adding a pop-up menu to the form
with four or five menu items on it. Now compile and check the
executable size. Only about 300 bytes have been added. Not
bad! We can also add or change the applications system menu.
Form Scaling Using the PixelsPerInch and Scaled properties of
a form, our sample also has the ability to dynamically size itself
to handle different resolutions at run-time.
Color and Font Changes Normally quite a chore, Delphi has
provided an easy and elegant way to alter the entire appearance
of the form. We can display text in any available font and can
change the forms color based on a users Windows color scheme.
User Events Perhaps one of the more important capabilities,
this support allows us to connect custom procedures to forms.
We can attach code to a wide range of events such as Mouse
Click/Movement, Drag/Drop, and Keyboard events.
Screen Object Management The Screen object encapsulates all the basic information about the current display environment. We can easily access the screen resolution, pixels per
inch, available fonts, and cursors. The Screen object can also
provide a list of, and access to, all forms available in the current application.
Exception Handling Our application also provides a rich exception management system. It smoothly handles error conditions
relating to forms, and manages the use and restoration of memory
from Windows memory pools. Much of the code also protects us
against lost resources in case the application terminates abnormally.
Idle-State management This allows the programmer to provide behavior for an idle application. For example, the programmer may want some special activity while waiting for user input.
JULY 1995

This is different from having timer events in that idle-state

events only occur while the application is idle (i.e. no other
events are occurring).
Hints This provides support for the Help Hints (or balloon
help) that appear when the mouse pauses for a moment over a
form or component. It also provides support for information in
the Status bar. To see this, add a short sentence to the Hint property of the form and set ShowHint to True. After compiling,
check the size of the executable. No increase!

The Controls Unit

This unit defines the basic TControl object with its descendants
TWinControl and TGraphicsControl. This unit plays a key role in
adding Delphi behavior to standard Windows controls (such as
list boxes, buttons, etc.). The behaviors that appear in our sample application are listed below.
Drag-and-Drop All the basic drag-and-drop behavior is here.
This allows components or on-screen items to be moved to
another location via drag-and-drop. A typical use for this behavior might be, for example, dragging items from one list box to
another (as in the case of the Dual list box form template provided with Delphi).
Device Contexts Management A lot of drudgery is eliminated for developers because they dont have to deal with Windows
device contexts. Many controls have new graphical behaviors
(such as the speed buttons) that are automatically managed
through Delphis encapsulation of device contexts into canvases.
Parent and Children Lists Our application automatically
maintains internal lists so parent objects can keep track of their
children. In the case of Delphi however, these lists enable the
application to correctly destroy components that are contained
within other parent controls. It also allows the parent font and
hint overriding capabilities.
Control Scaling Control scaling allows the control to
change its scale in percentages or in relation to other objects.
This behavior can be used, for example, when a form is
resized, or when the application needs to adjust to displays
with different resolutions.
Cursor Management This allows the control to change the
cursor when the mouse pointer moves over the controls
boundaries. Examples of this might include the drag-and-drop
cursors (visually allowing or restricting dropping of an object
over a control) or changing the cursor to a shape more appropriate to the control (such as a hand for a spinner control).
Z-Order Management In addition to X and Y screen coordinates, all Windows controls also have a Z-order (or stacking
order) on the form. This determines which objects are stacked in
front of other objects on the screen. The Delphi controls can
change the stacking order so some controls can be moved in
front or behind others.


Informant Spotlight
Mouse Detection This adds basic mouse detection for controls. Virtually any control can now respond to mouse clicks and
mouse movement.

The Graphics Unit

Popup Menus Particularly with the new interface elements

appearing in the latest versions of Windows and OS/2, users are
demanding a higher level of ease-of-use. Pop-up menu support
allows individual controls to provide context-sensitive menus at
the click of a mouse button.

The Graphics unit automatically manages a wide range of graphics chores for us. The foremost of these is the encapsulation of
the Windows device contexts into the Canvas property. The
Graphics unit also provides the support outlined below.
Loading Graphics from a Resource File This allows the program to extract graphics data (icons, bitmaps, etc.) from an
embedded resource file and incorporate this data into object
properties (such as a Picture or Glyph).

Tab-Order Management This code allows us to modify the

tab sequence of controls on a form. Typically the TabOrder and
TabStop properties are only set at design time, but Delphi allows
us to modify these at run-time as well.

Font Support By encapsulating Windows font support into

the Font object, the program can freely and easily display text
anywhere on a form without requiring the programmer to issue
low-level instructions to load or create the fonts needed.

Control Alignment This allows controls to align in various

ways relative to their parent controls or the form. By using
this capability, we can have controls that dynamically adjust
their position when a user resizes a form. You can see this
behavior by placing a ListBox component on the form and
setting its Align property to alClient. When the program runs,
the list box will now dynamically adjust its size when the form
containing it is resized.

Pens and Brushes Need a green pen three pixels wide? How
about a hatched brush with a clear border? Rather than create
these, they are encapsulated in the Pen and Brush objects.

User Events Perhaps one of the more important capabilities, this support allows us to connect custom procedures to
controls. We can attach code to a wide range of events such as
Mouse Click/Movement events, Drag/Drop events, and
Keyboard events.
Other Support Our sample application also provides support
for Short and Long Hints, Fonts, Colors, Palettes, and CTL3D.

The Printers Unit

You may not recall asking this program to print, but it can.
To see this, add an OnClick event handler to a form and enter
Form1.Print as the only line of code. When you click on the
form, it will print itself. Granted you will only get a big gray
rectangle on the page, but there is a significant amount of
work behind that rectangle. The Printers unit adds the behaviors listed below.
Encapsulation of Printer Support Printing in Windows is a
lot of work. The creators of Delphi have encapsulated all the
printing behavior into a neat little package called the Printer
object. To begin printing use Printer.BeginDoc and to end
printing use Printer.EndDoc. The Printer object has a canvas
that we simply write on as we wish between these two commands. The Printer object saves the developer the unpleasant
task of working with a printer device context.
Exception Handling Exception handling for this unit allows
the program to overcome potentially fatal problems, such as selecting an invalid printer, failures in the Windows print system, etc.
Management of Default Printers Each computer has a list of
available printers and Delphi grants us easy access to this list.
JULY 1995

Color Constants These make it easier to select colors for

use in the application. Rather than request a specific RGB
(Red/Green/Blue) color combination (i.e. the statement
RGB(0,128,255) to refer to a bright, light blue), we can now
refer to a color by means of color constants such as clGreen and
clWhite. We also have access to colors that depend on the users
color scheme, such as clButtonFace and clWindowText. These
allow the user to change the color preferences, and the program
remains consistent with the users desktop environment.
Canvases Delphi captures all the behavior of Windows device
contexts into the Canvas object. We simply draw, paint, write
text, et cetera, on the canvas and it appears on the screen.
Graphics Exceptions and Memory Allocation This code
saves us from many graphics pitfalls. It handles graphics error
conditions, and manages the use and restoration of memory
from Windows memory pools.
Bitmap Manipulation This encapsulates basic management
of bitmap and icon images. It allows us to copy, move, and
stretch images with very little effort. For example, if you place a
TImage component that is 100 pixels square on a form, and then
load a 50x50 pixel bitmap, it will display only in the top-left
corner of the components boundaries. However, simply setting
the TImages Stretch property to True will extend the bitmaps size
to cover the entire 100x100 area. Without this, we would have
to write custom support for the Windows StretchBlt function.
Automatic Palette Support Whenever we deal with graphics of different color depths (e.g. 16 vs. 256 colors),
Windows needs to switch into the appropriate color palette so
the colors on screen appear correctly. Delphi manages most of
this for us automatically.
Metafiles Windows Metafiles are a sort of graphics macro
language. They package all sorts of Windows GDI calls into a
graphics file format that is easily exchangeable between Windows


Informant Spotlight
programs. I recently had to add my own metafile support to a
Borland Pascal 7 program and it wasnt a pleasant experience.
The metafile format is an integral part of the Delphi graphics
system; we can load, save, and display metafiles with no more
effort than that required for simple bitmaps.
Clipboard Support This allows Delphi to easily move
graphics data (in many supported formats) to and from the
Windows Clipboard.
Handle Caching Delphis graphics system can cache various
graphic objects such as pens, brushes, fonts, etc. By caching
these objects, the program can quickly flip between various
objects without having to recreate them each time. This is entirely invisible to the programmer.
Management of Stock Objects This adds some minor support for the various stock graphic objects that Windows has
available (such as a black pen, or a white brush).
User Event Handling These events are the hooks we can
put in our code to extend an objects basic behavior. For example, events allow us to have a graphic respond to the mouse passing over it, or to have a bitmap know when it has changed.

Menu Text and Shortcuts This enables the user to easily

define text and shortcut keys for menu items.
Checked and Disabled States Some menu items allow a
checked (or toggled) condition, while all menu items can be disabled if required. The code included allows the developer to
access such menu items, read and modify their Checked state,
and enable or disable them.
Moving and Changing Menu Items Normally a fairly complex job, the developer can now change menu items and even
merge menus from different forms.
Hints Hints are automatically included as part of menu
items. The Hints respond to an applications OnHint events and
can, for example, provide status-line hints on an item currently
selected in a menu.
Help Contexts If a Help system is tied to the application, the
menu items can be assigned context numbers allowing them to
provide help information to the user at run-time. For example, a
user might activate a pop-up menu by right-clicking on a form
or component, and move the selection bar down to one of the
menu items. Before clicking on that item, pressing 1 calls the
assigned topic from the help system.

The Dialogs and Buttons Units

The Dialogs unit adds some minor, low-level support for common
dialog boxes. Additional segments of the Dialogs unit are not
linked into the executable until we add one or more of the common dialogs from the Dialogs page of the Component Palette. The
Buttons unit adds support for the TSpeedBtn and TBitBtn components. However, most of the unit has been linked. What remains is
about four lines of code that clean memory usage of BitBtn glyphs.

The Classes Unit

The Classes unit contains the declarations for many of the base
object classes used by Delphi. Much of the support provided is for
low-level capabilities such as memory management, string management, exception handling, reading from and writing to streams,
etc. Interestingly however, this unit also provides a Quicksort routine for sorting string lists, and an object reader/writer that has the
functionality used in most objects Read and Write access methods.

The Menus Unit

Not surprisingly, this unit adds support for all menu types to
our programs. The principal functionality is its ability to create, display, and allow modification of the menus and menu
items. The two principal objects added to our program are
the TMainMenu and TPopupMenu objects. The behaviors listed below are also included.
Pop-up Menus Pop-up menu support is added giving the
application the ability to show context-sensitive pop-up
menus when the user right-clicks over a component or form.
Because all base support is already there, adding a fully functional pop-up menu (with four or five menu items) to the
main form only adds about 300 bytes to the programs size.
JULY 1995

User Events This code enables support for user-related

events. For example, if we want something special to occur when
a pop-up menu is activated (such as a sound effect), it could be
done using the OnPopup event for the PopupMenu object.

As you can see, there is quite a bit of inherited behavior in Delphis
executables. Equipped with this knowledge, 154KB of inherited
code doesnt seem like much does it? Somewhere down the line Id
like to see extensions to the compiler options that would allow programmers to tailor this inherited behavior to suit their needs
perhaps a series of check boxes disabling support for certain features, such as MetaFiles or PopupMenus, for example.
The developers of Delphi have gone to great lengths to provide
a rich and powerful programming environment for all of us. By
encapsulating complex Windows programming concepts into
easy-to-use properties and methods, the Delphi environment
saves programmers from having to deal with the drudgery of
programming. Instead, it allows us to concentrate on the creative and innovative aspects of software development.
Robert Vivrette is a contract programmer for a major utility company. He has worked
as a game designer and computer consultant, and has experience in a number of programming languages. He can be reached on CompuServe at 76416,1373.



OP Tech
Delphi / Object Pascal / Windows API

By Bill Todd

A Little Memo Help

Manipulating the Cursor in Delphis Memo Components

elphi includes two classes of memo control components, TMemo and

TDBMemo, that enable the user to edit text. Since both of these controls encapsulate the Windows multi-line edit control they are limited to
a maximum of 32KB of text.

To make editing the text in a memo control component easier, the TMemo and TDBMemo controls treat the text as an array of Pascal strings that you can access via the memos Lines property.
Each element in the string array corresponds to one line in the memo. This enables you to manipulate the text in a memo using all the Object Pascal run-time library procedures and functions for
Pascal strings.
Access to the contents of the Windows multi-line edit control as an array of strings is provided by
the TStrings class. TStrings includes the methods listed in Figure 1 that let you manipulate the text
in a memo.
The TStrings class also includes a Count property that tells you the number of lines the memo contains. Count is zero-based, so the statement:
Panel1.Caption := Memo1.Lines[0];

displays the first line of the memo in Panel1, and:

Panel1.Caption := Memo1.Lines[Memo1.Lines.Count - 1];

displays the last line of the memo in the panel.

But Wheres the Cursor?

While the Lines property provides an easy, intuitive interface between the
Pascal String type and the text in a memo, there is one problem: There is
no way to manipulate the cursor. TMemo does have the SelStart property
that allows you to get or set the current cursor position. However, the
position is given as the number of bytes from the beginning of the memo
text including the carriage return and line feed characters at the end of
each line. This is completely incompatible with the line and column position you need when working with the memos Lines property.
Fortunately, TMemo and TDBMemo encapsulate the Windows multi-line
edit component and there are two Windows API calls that save the day.
JULY 1995



OP Tech



Add a line to the memo.


Delete all lines from the memo.


Delete a line from the memo.


Exchange the position of two lines.


Find line number of specified text.


Insert a line into the memo at any location.


Move a line from one place to another.

Figure 1: Selected TStrings methods that enable you to handle text in

a memo.

The first of these is the Windows EM_LINEFROMCHAR message.

Sending this message to a Windows multi-line edit control along
with a character offset returns the number of the line containing
that character offset. Therefore, the statement:
MemoLine := SendMessage(Memo1.Handle, EM_LINEFROMCHAR,
Memo1.SelStart, 0);

returns the number of the line that contains the cursor.

{ Get the line number and column number

the cursor is positioned at in the memo. }
procedure GetMemoLineCol(Memo: TCustMemo;
var MemoLine, MemoCol: Integer);
with Memo do
{ Get the line number of the line
that contains the cursor. }
MemoLine := SendMessage(Handle, EM_LINEFROMCHAR,
SelStart, 0);
{ Get the offset of the cursor in the line. }
MemoCol := SelStart - SendMessage(Handle, EM_LINEINDEX,
MemoLine, 0) + 1;

{ Set the cursor position in a memo

to the specified line and column. }
procedure MemoCursorTo(Memo: TCustomMemo;
MemoLine, MemoCol : Integer);
Memo.SelStart := SendMessage(Memo.Handle, EM_LINEINDEX,
MemoLine, 0) + MemoCol -1;

The first parameter in the call to SendMessage is the memo components window handle. This identifies the component the message will be sent to. The second is the constant that identifies the
message to send, EM_LINEFROMCHAR in this case. The third parameter is the offset from the beginning of the memo of the character whose line number you want to find. In this case you want
to find the line that contains the cursor. The memos SelStart
property is what you need, since it gives the cursor position as an
offset from the beginning of the memo.
The second Windows message you need is EM_LINEINDEX.
Sending the EM_LINEINDEX message to a memo returns the position of the first character of the line you specify as an offset from
the beginning of the memo. For example:
LineStart := SendMessage(Handle, EM_LINEINDEX, 3, 0);

returns the offset of the first character of the fourth line of the
memo. The first two parameters in the SendMessage call are the
same as before. The third parameter is the number of the line
whose offset you want to find.

Some Custom Procedures

Using these two messages you can write a generic procedure that
returns the line number and column number of the cursor position. You can also write a second procedure that will move the
cursor to any specified line and column number. As you have
already seen, getting the number of the line that contains the
cursor is a matter of sending the EM_LINEFROMCHAR message to
the memo. To determine which column the cursor is in, subtract
the offset of the first character of the line from the cursor position given by SelStart property. Figure 2 contains the complete
code for the custom GetMemoLineCol procedure.

JULY 1995

Figure 2 (Top): The custom GetMemoLineCol procedure obtains the

cursors position in the memo component as a line and column number. Figure 3 (Bottom): Setting the cursor position of a Memo or
DBMemo component to a specified line and column number.

This procedure takes three parameters. The first is the Memo or

DBMemo component whose cursor position you wish to find.
Note that the type of this parameter is TCustomMemo.
TCustomMemo is used because it is an ancestor of both TMemo
and TDBMemo. This allows the actual parameter to be of either
type. The second two parameters are the line and column number that are returned. In this procedure the line is zero-based and
the column is not.
Figure 3 shows the MemoCursorTo procedure that will set the
cursor position of a Memo or DBMemo component to the line
and column number you specify. (Again, the line is zero-based
and the column is not.) This procedure uses the EM_LINEINDEX
message to set SelStart to the offset of the first character of the
specified line plus the column number minus 1.
To make it easy to use these procedures in any application, put
them in a separate unit along with any other memo-related procedures you write. Then simply add the unit to the uses clause in
any program that needs these procedures. Figure 4 shows the
complete unit, MEMOS.PAS.
Figure 5 shows the form for a simple test program to demonstrate these procedures. The first button moves the cursor to line
3 column 5 in the text. The second displays the current cursor
position in the panel at the bottom of the form.



OP Tech

unit Memos;
uses WinProcs, SysUtils, StdCtrls, Dialogs, Messages;
{ Get the line number and column number the cursor
is positioned at in the memo. }
procedure GetMemoLineCol(Memo: TCustomMemo;
var MemoLine, MemoCol : Integer);
{ Set the cursor position in a memo to the specified
line and column. }
procedure MemoCursorTo(Memo: TCustomMemo;
MemoLine, MemoCol: Integer);
{ Get the line number and column number the cursor
is positioned at in the memo. }
procedure GetMemoLineCol(Memo: TCustomMemo;
var MemoLine, MemoCol : Integer);
with Memo do
{ Get the line number of the line that
contains the cursor. }
MemoLine := SendMessage(Handle, EM_LINEFROMCHAR,
SelStart, 0);
{Get the offset of the cursor in the line.}
MemoCol := SelStart - SendMessage(Handle,
MemoLine, 0) + 1;
{ Set the cursor position in a memo to the specified
line and column. }
procedure MemoCursorTo(Memo: TCustomMemo;
MemoLine, MemoCol : Integer);
Memo.SelStart := SendMessage(Memo.Handle, EM_LINEINDEX,
MemoLine, 0) + MemoCol - 1;

procedure TForm1.SetCursorBtnClick(Sender: TObject);

{ Move the cursor to line 3, column 5. }
ActiveControl := Memo1;
MemoCursorTo(Memo1, 2, 5);
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
MemoLine, MemoCol: Integer;
{ Display the memo's cursor position. }
GetMemoLineCol(Memo1, MemoLine, MemoCol);
Panel1.Caption := 'Line: ' + IntToStr(MemoLine) +
' Col: ' + IntToStr(MemoCol);

Figure 6: The OnClick event-handling procedures for the Set

Cursor Position and Get Cursor Position buttons.

Figure 6 shows the code for the two buttons. Note the statement:
ActiveContol := Memo1;

in the SetCursorBtnClick procedure. When you change the cursor position in a Memo component, the memo must have
focus or the cursor will seem to disappear. This statement
moves focus from the button back to the memo before calling
the MemoCursorTo procedure.

Delphis memo components let you access the text in the memo
as an array of strings. However, they provide no way to locate or
move the cursor using the line and column position notation.
The Windows API messages EM_LINEINDEX and EM_LINETOCHAR let you convert the cursor position between line and
column, and character offset so you can easily determine or
change the cursor position.

The demonstration unit and form referenced in this article are

available on the 1995 Delphi Informant Works CD located in

Bill Todd is President of The Database Group, Inc., a consulting firm based near
Phoenix. He is also a member of Team Borland (supporting Paradox on CompuServe)
and a speaker at all Borland database conferences. Bill can be reached at (602) 8020178, or on CompuServe at 71333,2146.

Figure 4 (Top): The complete code for the Memos unit. Figure 5
(Bottom): The Cursor Demo application in action.

JULY 1995



Visual Programming

By Sedge Simons, Ph.D.

Meet the .DFM File

Modifying Delphis File Behind the Form

he graphical properties of a Delphi form and its components are stored

in a .DFM file. In this article, well see how to open and edit this file,
making short work of global changes or component creation, and giving
you an additional approach for troubleshooting.

When you create a form, Delphi maintains both a unit file (with a .PAS extension), and a graphical form file (with a .DFM extension). A simple form and the corresponding unit are shown in
Figures 1 and 2. Looking at the unit file in Figure 2, youll notice that it does not include any
specifications of the properties of the form or its components, only declarations of the objects
themselves. Delphi stores the properties in a separate file, the graphical form file, which well refer
to as the .DFM file.

The .DFM File

Believe it or not, Figure 1 is a .DFM file. You see, the Delphi Form Designer is really a graphical
editor for the .DFM file. As you place, resize, and rearrange components with the Form Designer,
Delphi updates the .DFM file accordingly, much like it updates declarations in the Object Pascal
unit file.
The creators of Delphi included a second way to edit the .DFM file. From the Open File dialog
box, select a file type of Form file (*.DFM) and select the .DFM file with the same name as the
unit youre using. If youre currently editing the form in the Form Designer, Delphi will offer to
save your changes and close the Form
Designer. Naturally, Delphi does not allow
you to edit the same .DFM file with two
editors at once.
Figure 3 shows the .DFM file in the Code
Editor. Remember that this is the same file
shown in Figure 1, but it is now revealed
through the Code Editor rather than the
Form Designer.
We can make several observations looking at
the listing in Figure 3:
The .DFM file doesnt contain Object
Pascal code.
JULY 1995

Figure 1: This sample form contains only one component, a TShape named Shape1.



Visual Programming

Figure 3: This is the .DFM

file, Demo1.DFM, that
defines the form in Figure
1. Graphical form files are
automatically given the
same name as the unit file,
but with a .DFM extension.

Figure 2: This is the unit file, Demo1.PAS, that goes with the form in
Figure 1. Notice that it doesnt specify any properties of the form or the

Many of the properties are familiar from the Object Inspector.

A lot of familiar properties are not included in the .DFM file.

Lets take these observations one at a time.

Its not Object Pascal code. No, its not Object Pascal, so dont
use the Object Pascal assignment operator ( := ) or statement terminator ( ; ) by mistake. The .DFM file is stored more like a data
file, and the Code Editor has converted it to a text format that
you can edit. If you try to look at the file in Notepad or another
editor, you will not see this converted view. You can, of course,
use the Clipboard to copy and paste text between the Code
Editor and Notepad, or other applications. You can also use File |
Save As with a .TXT extension to save the file in ASCII format.
Many of the properties are familiar from the Object Inspector.
Yes, these are the same properties. Some properties, like Font, are
expanded using the familiar dot notation. Youll see Font.Size,
Font.Style, and so on. You can change these properties here just
as you can in the Object Inspector.
A lot of familiar properties are not included in the .DFM file.
In fact, many are missing. How does Delphi know that Shape1 is
a rectangle, for example? The answer is that Delphi only stores
those properties that differ from the default properties of the
component. This is really an effect of inheritance. Shape1 inherits
the default properties of a TShape component, unless you set different properties. You can add any legitimate property settings to
the .DFM file if you want to override the default properties.
JULY 1995

This inheritance has a serious implication. If you change the

default properties of components on your palette, then return to
an old project, the default properties of components in that project will assume their new default values. This is how inheritance
is supposed to operate, but if youre not expecting it, you might
be shocked at how your project is changed. Imagine all your rectangles turning into ellipses because you defined stEllipse as the
default shape for TShape components!
Youll probably never change the defaults of components that ship
with Delphi, but the moral is to be thoughtful in choosing
default properties in your own components. And be aware of how
subsequent changes you make to your palette might affect old
projects. If you feel you must change the default properties of a
component, but are concerned about backward compatibility,
consider creating a new component with new defaults instead.

Editing the .DFM File

Having access to the .DFM file in the Code Editor provides some
powerful capabilities. Among the most useful is search-and-replace.
Lets say you want to change the font used throughout a form from
System to Arial. This process could be tedious in the form designer,
and you might miss a few objects, particularly if they are on different
notebook pages. (You couldnt use Edit | Select All in the Object
Inspector since some components dont have a Font property.)
Instead, just use the Code Editor to replace System with Arial.
You could also replace colors (e.g. clWindowText with clBlack) so the
colors on your form will not depend on the users configuration.
You might also find that you can solve some alignment, centering, or sizing problems more easily by setting properties like Left,
Top, Width, and Height through the Code Editor rather than by
using the Object Inspector or Alignment Palette.
Occasionally, a debugging problem may send you to the .DFM
file. If youve restructured a data table and changed some field
names, references to the old names might linger in the .DFM
file. If youre sure youve fixed all the references in the unit file
and the problem persists, search the .DFM file for the offending
field name.


Visual Programming
Finally, consider the problem of creating many similar components. Copy-and-paste might be faster in the Code Editor than
in the Form Designer, or you might prefer to use the Clipboard
to paste text from another application. You could, for example,
write a Word for Windows macro that generates the appropriate
text for 100 rectangles in a 10-by-10 grid, then paste that text
into the .DFM file. You might even create a Delphi project than
writes a text file you can paste into a .DFM file!
If you do create or delete components in the .DFM file, dont
forget to update the unit file. When you use the Code Editor to
change the .DFM file, you dont have Delphi helping you keep
everything synchronized.
Also remember that the .DFM file is strictly a design object. You
will see your changes when you go back to the Form Designer,
but the .EXE file is not changed until you recompile the project.

Delphi does so much of the work for us that most of the time we
can forget that the .DFM file exists. But easy access to this file is
one of the many features that makes Delphi so flexible. Hopefully
these examples will have you thinking about even more ways of
beefing up your RAD repertoire through the .DFM file.

Dr. Simons is a senior systems analyst at Jensen Data Systems, Inc., a Texas-based
provider of Database training, consulting, and application development. He writes
applications and does consulting in Delphi and Paradox. You can reach him through
CompuServe at 70771,75 or by calling Jensen Data Systems, Inc. at (713) 359-3311.

JULY 1995



New & Used




The Developers Visual Suite Deal

A Truly Sweet Deal from Visual Tools

he Developers Visual Suite Deal from Visual

Tools does not mince words. It promises to
provide you with the VBX components necessary to build an Excel-compatible spreadsheet, word
processor, spell checker, image viewer, and unparalleled charting package. On most of these promises,
the Suite Deal delivers.

The Developers Visual Suite Deal is five component packages

bundled together. These components can be used as dynamic
linked libraries (DLLs), C class libraries, or Visual Basic controls
(VBXes). This suite was clearly assembled with the serious developer in mind. It contains the tools necessary to build an integrated software application that could rival many on the market.
Used individually, its tools are doubly valuable they allow
Delphi developers to use these popular functions in their applications with a minimum of programming.

First Impression

The First Impression 3D combination chart shows impressive charting


First Impression is arguably the Suite Deals flagship product. It

can create almost two dozen charts, including two and threedimensional versions of pie, bar, and Gantt charts. What is
more, First Impressions high degree of customization creates the
appearance of hundreds of chart combinations.

First Impressions fine-tuning does come at a price, however. Its

not as highly integrated with Delphi as Chart F/X is. While First
Impressions ability to allow end-users to customize charts at runtime is very nice, some features are only selectable at run-time,
and not through Delphi code.

As a charting tool, First Impression compares favorably with

the Chart F/X VBX included with Delphi (although a more
advanced version of Chart F/X is available that more evenly
approximates First Impressions capabilities). First Impression
offers a more sophisticated array of charts and graphs including
doughnut and combination charts. It also features a number of
formatting options such as gradient fills, and screen or printeroptimized output.

This drawback aside, First Impression adds a number of useful

extras that help create professional-looking charts. Backgrounds
can include graphics, gradient or pattern fills, and a large assortment of other design elements. Three-dimensional charts allow
the user to configure such parameters as view angles, lighting
sources, line smoothing, and column shape. Furthermore, First
Impressions three-dimensional shadowing and dithering are first
rate, enhancing the appearance of these charts.

JULY 1995



New & Used

Like Formula One, VisualWriter is a multi-control VBX.
VisualWriters four controls are text, button bar, status bar, and
ruler. The text control where end-users will type their documents is the main component. It contains a property linking
it to each of the others, much the same as Formula One spreadsheet controls link to edit boxes. With the properties linked, the
VisualWriter controls almost immediately look and behave like a
word processor. All thats left for the developer is to add a menu
and a series of program functions, such as Open or File | Save.

With VisualWriter, this simple word processor application was created

in Delphi in about 10 minutes.

First Impression charts may be modified in one of two ways:

directly, or through the use of a Formula One spreadsheet. While
setting chart datapoints through Delphi code is possible, this
direct approach requires much code and extensive use of the period key ( . ), and is certainly not the preferred method. The ability
to link First Impression charts to Formula One spreadsheet files is
better. These files can then be changed and updated to instantly
reflect changes in the underlying data. This solution suffices,
although its not as useful as a direct DataSource link would be.

Formula One
Formula One is Visual Tools Excel-compatible spreadsheet.
As noted earlier, it forms the link between program data and
First Impression charts. However, Formula One is capable of
much more.
Formula One includes two VBX controls: a spreadsheet and
an edit box. These two objects link easily via the spreadsheet
controls EditBox property. Such thoughtful integration is
found throughout the suite. Formula One spreadsheets can be
modified by the end-user as any Excel-type worksheet file.
However, the program also includes a more useful interface.
Selecting the spreadsheet controls ApplicationDesigner property calls the Formula One application screen. From this
screen, designers can create any number of pre-configured
worksheets. Changes made to the worksheet here are reflected
in the Delphi control. Once the sheet is complete, the developer can turn off whichever editing rights she chooses to protect the finished sheet.
While Formula One is called Excel-compatible, it contains a
number of features such as in-cell editing that many
users may find preferable to Excels. On the other hand,
although Formula One provides a great many mathematical
and financial functions, it does not include Excels more
advanced add-in libraries or Solver capabilities. As a spreadsheet component, however, it has all the features most developers would probably use.

JULY 1995

VisualWriter allows developers to create a word processor as

powerful as they choose it to be, since all functions are created
by the developer. With the power of Delphi behind them, programmers should be able to conjure up everything from featurerich stand-alone word processors and HTML generators, to simple letter writers integrated into larger applications.
VisualWriter can save files in its native format, or in rich text
format (RTF) for exchange with other Windows word processor
applications. It also offers two print methods PrintForm that
prints at screen resolution, or Print, the standard printer-resolution printing command.
The VisualWriter documentation is sparse compared to the thick
manuals for First Impression and Formula One. It suggests a
plan for creating a full-fledged word processor with VisualWriter
components, but falls short of truly describing the process.
Fortunately, most experienced developers will be able to figure
out these details.

VisualSpeller is a 100,000-word spell checker VBX that functions seamlessly with VisualWriter components. VisualSpeller
also works independently in any Delphi application.
Visual Speller is excellent. It goes far beyond the capabilities of
the spell checkers included with most Windows applications
not only does it allow multiple dictionaries and custom dictio-

Formula One spreadsheet and edit box components in a Delphi application.



New & Used

A Delphi application
linking a Formula One
spreadsheet to a First
Impression two-dimensional, open-hi-lowclose chart, with an
image and gradient-fill

In general, the suites documentation is also excellent.

First Impression and Formula
One are each extremely welldocumented. Each has a users
guide and a separate function
manual that describes programming with the components as VBXes or C class
libraries and DLLs. The
VisualSpeller documentation is
also appropriate, although the
VisualWriter manual lacks the
finesse of the others.

Developers Visual Suite Deal is a suite

of five VBX components for Delphi
developers, featuring high quality
three-dimensional charting, Excel-compatible spreadsheet, word processor,
100,000+ word spell checker, graphics file viewer, and conversion components. Although the graphics VBX is
incompatible with Delphi, the package
is excellent and well worth the money.
Visual Tools
15721 College Blvd.
Lenexa, KS 66219

naries, but also includes options available in few other applications. For example, one of the more useful options is Allow
Joined Words. As Madison Avenue and Silicon Valley continue
to force words such as OpenDoc and VisualSpeller on us, its
nice to finally have a spell checker that recognizes them.

Visual Tools allows Suite Deal

buyers royalty-free licenses to
distribute applications that
include its components. Only
ImageStream has a more restrictive license limited to 100
run-time copies of a single commercial application per license.

Another nice VisualSpeller feature is the ability to tell the component how to search for suggestions. There are eight techniques
available, ranging from simple capitalization to exchanges, insertions, and deletions. In this vein, VisualSpeller also allows users
to provide suggestions even for properly spelled words. This
method, while tedious, is the best way to halt errors, such as
form for from (which normal spell checkers never catch).

Each tool is easy to install. The

setup program copies the necessary files to the hard drive and then offers a choice between
copying the .VBX files to the \Windows\System directory or
adding the VBX directory to the PATH statement. Once
installed, the components can easily be added to the Delphi
Component Palette.

The Juicy Details

Besides the component and help files, each control included at

least one sample application. The more complex components
like Formula One included several. Unfortunately, the sample
applications are all in Visual Basic, Access, and C/C++. This is
understandable at present, but hopefully Delphi will soon be
added to the list of required languages for all componentware.

The fifth application in the Visual Tools suite is ImageStream, a

graphics viewing program that handles dozens of graphic file formats, both vector and bitmapped images. The only catch is that
the ImageStream VBX doesnt work with Delphi! Visual Tools
acknowledges this known bug, but as of this writing, they have
no plans for an update. This is unfortunate, as ImageStream may
have been one of the more useful VBXes in the suite.
Visual Tools did, however, readily accept the fault for the bug
rather than trying to lay the blame on Borland. In fact, in
three test calls to Visual Tools technical support line, I found
the service to be excellent. Technical support is free, although
its a toll call. Most developers probably dont mind paying for
the call as long as they dont spend an eternity in voice mail
purgatory. (Visual Tools also provides Fax, BBS, and
CompuServe technical support.)
The Visual Tools technical support crew answered all my calls
within a minute, and provided correct answers to each question. But what impressed me the most was this: instead of
seeming to read from a manual, the Visual Tools support representatives seemed to have a deep understanding for the
issues we discussed something that is becoming a rarity in
the computer industry.
JULY 1995

Price: Suite US$399;

First Impression only US$249;
Formula One only US$249;
VisualSpeller only US$149;
VisualWriter Pro version only US$249.
Phone: (913) 559-6500
Fax: (913) 599-6597

Developers Visual Suite Deal from Visual Tools is exceptional. It
takes custom applications to a new level. Even the most mundane of the included tools is worth the price of the package.
Getting Formula One and First Impression at this price almost
makes the buyer feel guilty.
ImageStream will be sorely missed by many developers, but even
without it, the Developers Suite Deal is well worth the money. It
brings much needed functionality to Delphi applications with
minimal programming. Buy this package and use it. The competition certainly will.
Douglas Horn is a freelance writer and computer consultant in
Seattle, WA. He specializes in multilingual applications, particularly
those using Japanese and other Asian languages. He can be reached
via CompuServe at 71242,2371.


Te xt F i l e
Instant Will Score with Windows Programmers
Despite the fact that it was
the first Delphi-specific book
on the market, Instant Delphi
Programming by Dave Jewell
(Wrox Press Inc.) does not
suffer from beta screen shots
and the editorial gaffes typical
of a quick-to-market effort.
Instead, Instant is an excellent
introduction to Delphi programming for an experienced
developer. (Conversely, Instant
would be a poor choice for a
beginning programmer; it
assumes a good deal of programming knowledge.)
Jewell is obviously very comfortable with Delphi and
Windows programming, and
liberally peppers Instant with
Windows programming savvy.
Its full of unexpected treats,
such as a section of tips for
keeping your Object Pascal
code ready for a port to the
32-bit Win95. This will be
especially appealing to developers coming from a
Windows programming background who are curious about
what Delphi is doing behind
the scenes as it interacts with
Microsoft Windows.
The coding examples are easy
to follow and Jewell breaks
them up with small excursions
into related tidbits of information. He carries this off very
well and succeeds at spicing up
the material rather than going
off on tangents. For example,
immediately after a demonstration of creating a graduated
blue backdrop la Windows
Help (itself, a nifty trick), Jewell
JULY 1995

makes the important point that

many Object Pascal Canvas
methods (e.g. FillRect and
LineTo) have the same names as
their Windows API counterparts. The Object Pascal equivalents are much easier to use, but
this can be confusing.
Instant covers the ground you
would expect from an introductory book: the Delphi IDE, the
various pieces of a Delphi project (e.g. .PAS and .PRJ files,
etc.), managing projects, customizing the Delphi development environment, programming menus, building MDI
applications, touring the
Component Palette, etc. Instant
features a particularly good

introduction to event handlers

with again an eye
towards the Windows details.
Theres also a solid discussion of
the Delphi debugging environment, and a particularly strong
introduction to Delphi graphics
programming (i.e. working
with the Canvas object).
Another stand-out section
describes how to create custom
components, using descendants
of the TOpenDialog and
TGraphicControl classes.
Instant finishes with a short-butclear introduction of using
Delphi as a database front-end,
and two appendices with tips
for programmers coming from
Pascal or Visual Basic. Each

chapter ends with some additional exercises, so Instant would

lend itself to a classroom setting.
For the lazy or slow-of-hand,
an accompanying diskette
contains just over 1MB of
supporting Delphi files. (Note:
The initial printing of Instant
contained no diskette and had
Instant continued on page 41

Que Offers Beginners Imperfect Example

With many step-by-step examples of real-world programming tasks, Blake Watsons
Delphi By Example has plenty
to offer the beginning Object
Pascal programmer. Unfortunately, this Que Corporation
book is so badly flawed with
errors and incomplete examples, that its difficult to recommend. Especially to its target audience it is beginners
that will be most confused by
Examples lapses.
As it claims, Example is for
beginners; accomplished programmers will find the pace
maddening. However, new
programmers will probably
benefit from Watsons incremental approach. He warms
up to topics slowly, taking the
reader by the hand through

each statement, and even providing a historical perspective

on programming concepts
such as loops, objects, and
sub-routines. Again, however,
the explanations are too often
marred by missing or inaccurate instructions.
Also frustrating is that
Example contains sections that
are plainly taken from an earlier Pascal book. Statements
such as Borlands Delphi has
evolved greatly until it has
become as powerful as any
tool available reveal the cutand-paste approach.
Having said all this, Example
does have something to offer if
youre willing to put up with its
failings. The emphasis is on
Object Pascal (although Watson

insists on calling it Pascal

throughout), an emphasis provided by no other beginning
programming book now on the
market. The other introductory
books available (as of this early
June writing) focus on visual
programming. While such
books are important, theres a
real lack of language-based
books such as Example.
Example continued on page 41



teach yourself ... Will Confound Target Audience

Devra Halls teach yourself ...
Delphi (MIS Press) was the
second Delphi book available
in bookstores, and it shows. It
was obviously based on a prerelease version of Delphi and
contains beta screen shots
throughout. This is particularly inexcusable, since the first
Delphi book on the market
the far more ambitious Instant
Delphi Programming (also
reviewed in this issue)
doesnt have this problem.
First, teach yourself is a slight
book. With large print and
oversize figures, its really
shorter than its 309 pages. (In
fact, the font size selected for
the code examples is so large
that many Object Pascal statements are chopped up to such
a degree that theyre hard to
read.) Theres nothing wrong
with this per se, but there are
other books that do a better
job covering the same material. Essentially an introduction
to visual programming with
Delphi, teach yourself attempts
to cover the same ground as
IDGs Delphi Programming for
Dummies (reviewed in last
months Delphi Informant),
although it doesnt have the
broad scope of Dummies
and none of its panache.
The initial four chapters of teach
yourself introduce the Delphi
programming environment
from the Code Editor and
Object Inspector, to customizing event handlers. These introductory chapters suffer the most
from inaccuracies, beta problems, and typos. This is followed by a long-but-shallow
chapter on variables and data
types. The next chapter goes on
to introduce the Canvas object.
Its an odd specialty topic in this
context, considering the book
neglects so many basic areas of
JULY 1995

Delphi. For example, there is no

methodical exploration of the
Component Palette.
On the other hand, teach yourself does a particularly good job
of describing the construction
of a database form that includes
lookup help. An entire chapter
is devoted to the Database
Desktop and demonstrates creating and populating a Paradox
table. However, the book incorrectly limits Delphis database
support to Paradox and dBASE
tables, omitting any of the supported SQL servers, and
most surprisingly InterBase.
The book ends with a perfunctory chapter on
ReportSmith that features a
two-page description of the
Query component. The final
chapter on Debugging and
Error Handling is inappropriate for the reader level and
cursory in any case. For the
record, an accompanying
diskette contains just over
2MB of example files and
includes two Visual Basic controls from Sheridan Software.
teach yourself might be appropriate if youre looking for a book
that takes a very slow approach.
If you find yourself in over your
head with Dummies, teach yourself might be the book you're
looking for to help you get to
square one with Delphi.
Unfortunately, the numerous
errors and beta version material
will present an additional hurdle
between you and Delphi.
The unpleasant truth is that few
will benefit from this book.
Leave teach yourself ... Delphi in
the bookstore. Even in the
fledgling Delphi-book marketplace, you can do much better.
Jerry Coffey

teach yourself ... Delphi by

Devra Hall, MIS Press, 115
West 18th Street, New York,
NY 10011; (800) 488-5233.
ISBN: 1-55828-390-0
Price: US$27.95
309 pages, diskette


[cont. from page 40]

a confusing text omission early

in the book, page 38, to be
exact. Wrox Press corrected
the error in subsequent printings and included the diskette.
You can contact Wrox to get
the diskette if you have this
early version of the book.)
Dave Jewells Instant Delphi
Programming is a pithy, tipstudded excursion into Delphi
development that shows a
remarkable level of understanding especially remark-


able for the first book about a

new product.
Jerry Coffey
Instant Delphi Programming
by Dave Jewell, Wrox Press
Inc., 2710 West Touhy
Avenue, Chicago, IL 606453008; Phone: (312) 465-3559;
Fax: (312) 465-4063.
ISBN: 1-874416-57-5
Price: US$24.95
446 pages, diskette

[cont. from page 40]

After a quick tour of the Delphi

interface, Example begins its exploration of Object Pascal by
introducing variables, sub-routines, and data conversion. This
is followed by a discussion of
Object Pascals branching and
looping structures, and advanced data types.
The next section tackles ASCII
text and typed files. Conspicuously absent is any discussion of
working with database files. The
final section of Examples discusses
objects and OOP, demonstrates
the as and is operators, and offers
a quick guide to approaching a
development project.
Closing each chapter with
review questions and exercises,
Example is well suited to a
classroom situation. In fact,
with its blemishes, this is
probably the optimal environ-

ment for this book one

with an expert to help cut the
wheat from the chaff.
Despite its serious flaws, Blake
Watsons Delphi By Example is
the only Object Pascal primer
available just now. If youre satisfied with your visual programming skills and need an introduction to Delphi programming with plenty of down-anddirty coding examples, this
could be the one for you.
Jerry Coffey
Delphi By Example by Blake
Watson, Que Corporation,
11711 North College Avenue,
Suite 140, Carmel, IN 46032;
(800) 428-5331.
ISBN: 1-56529-757-1
Price: US$29.99
517 pages


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