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Review of Related Literature

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Review of Related Literature

Related Literature Studies

Foreign Literature

Preliminary Statement

This includes the study of some foreign researches which is related to

our current study. College Readiness: The Importance of Preparing For College While

in High School (Jaime, April 2017) and Readiness for College, Career, and Life: The

Purpose of K to 12 Public Education Today (Chris Sturgis, November 2017), are parts

of the foreign literature.

According to Jaime (April 2017), College Readiness: The Importance Of Preparing

For College While In High School

Reality Changers has a history of helping disadvantaged San Diego-area

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without our targeted initiatives and programs that help students with their college

preparation. You must make sure you are making the right decision regarding

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debt in Sweden.

In order to optimize your college readiness, it helps to know what skills are
necessary for thorough college preparation. Plus, we’ll show which activities,

experiences and skills can make your college experience all it was meant to be.

College readiness isn’t just about the academic aspects of a high school

student’s resume and overall profile – it’s essential, no doubt, but it’s only one

element of a broader, well-rounded skill set. Think about college preparation from

the following perspectives:

Academic college preparation. A four-year bachelor’s degree demands an

inquisitive mind, plenty of hard work, proper study habits and much more.

However, the culmination of all those college prep classes and other academic

coursework is the start of something, not the end. The academic aspect of college

preparation means the ability to complete your chosen degree program with

distinction. If you’re fully prepared academically, you’re ready to take the next

step and excel beyond high school – at college, in workplace and in adulthood.

When it came to college, I did not find completing some of my essays to the

deadline a bit of a struggle. Looking back, I thought about getting help with my

essays, as I knew my writing service would make sure what I give was on time

and would be good quality.

Emotional college readiness. Much of your social skill development is a

work in progress as you enter college, but you can shorten the learning curve by

getting involved in as much school-related activities – academic clubs, sororities

& fraternities and more – as possible.

According to Chris Sturgis (November 2017), Readiness for College, Career, and

Life: The Purpose of K to 12 Public Education Today. New Learning Models,


Today, states and districts define the purpose of education in variety of

different ways. Increasingly that purpose is stated as “college and career

readiness,” or a variation thereof. But what does it really mean to be college and

career ready? Although the terminology and details may vary, almost all states

and districts continue to use a combination of time-based academic credits, state

graduation exams and state accountability exams to measure learning. For the

majority of states, these elements prioritize content knowledge rather than skills,

with a focus upon a narrow set of areas — math and English language arts.

Students who are able to articulate a vision for their futures, exercise agency in

pursuing that vision and effectively navigate their own paths is commonly

expressed as the goal for students in competency-based districts and schools.

While college and career readiness are absolutely central to any educational

system, the definition used in most states today is more limited than the vision of

educational equity.

Unlike traditional systems of K-12 education, competency-based structures

place an equal emphasis upon lifelong skills such as growth mindset,

metacognition, learning how to learn, problem-solving, advocacy, collaboration,

creativity and the habits of success as they do upon academic content knowledge
and skills. Districts that are pursuing competency-based systems share a belief

that the current purpose of K-12 education is to facilitate a process through which

all students graduate high school with the academic and lifelong learning skills to

be leaders in their communities, and agents of their own success — whether in

college, career, or navigating the opportunities and challenges they will encounter

in their lives.

They believe that competency-based education offers the most effective

structure for achieving this educational purpose. However, realizing this purpose

for all students requires attention to issues of equity and quality, meeting students

where they are, and policies that create the conditions for success.


Local Literature

Preliminary Statement

This includes the study of some local researchers which is related to our

current study. Readiness Assessment For Senior High School (RASH): Validity and

Reliability Factors (Ma. Angeles Guanzon-Lapena, Karissa Danice O’Hara, & Mirzie

Ann Panganiban 2016) and General Academic Strand Students: College Preparedness

(Cruz 2017), are parts of the local literature.

According to Ma. Angeles Guanzon-Lapena, Karissa Danice O’Hara, & Mirzie Ann

Panganiban (2016), Readiness Assessment For Senior High School (RASH): Validity
And Reliability Factors.

According Lapena, et al. K-12 provides time for students to consolidate

acquired academic skills and competencies in preparation for their chosen career

path after high school. Graduates of the new educational system will be equipped

with the skills and competencies that serves as a foundation for their future


These assessment benefits are identifying specific strengths and weaknesses

in line with the five applied track subjects of the senior high school curriculum. It

also enable students to identify tracks or strands based on their core competencies

and occupational interests and it assist teachers, guidance counselors, parents, and

the students themselves in career exploration and planning educational and

vocational guidance.

The study concludes that there is an evidence of RASH’s validity, given the

outcome of the factor analysis studies done on the test. Evidence of the reliability

of the RASH is seen in the Cronbach Alpha values being greater than .70 for 4 of

7 core competency scales, 4 of 5 achievement scales (FORM B), and for 4 of the

6 occupational preferences scales. Further reliability and validity studies on the

RASH needs to be done.


According to Isagani Cruz (2017), General Academic Strand Students: College


Based on Isagani, college readiness is one of the anomalies about education

that k to 12 wants to correct. The article focused on the real reason why the

General Academic Strand of the K to 12 program was implemented. It is to give

ways for the undecided students to think about their preferred degree once they

step into college. it may seem to be fair to hear the good side of it but it’s obvious

to know that the students who took the said strand are not really prepared for their

future. One of the anomalies of the program stated in the article is that some

students go to college for the sake of getting a college degree. However, the

article stated that the students who took the GAS will not be able to enter a type

of college related to other strands such as Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics or Accountancy, and Business Management because they have not

taken the introductory subjects of either of the said three strands. On a side note,

the government did not implement the General Academic Strand for the

undecided students only. Of course, students that wanted to pursue a major in

college related to education are to be placed in this strand.



The General Academic Strand of K to 12 program is a very helpful tool for the

senior high school students who are still undecided on what career to take in their

college years. But still, based on the related studies and reviews, there are still
advantages and disadvantages about the said strand. One of the advantages includes;

General Academic Strand students still have 2 more years to prepare and to be ready

in deciding their preferred college course; and students who will graduate from this

strand will be competent enough in the coming college years because of the skills and

knowledge they gained in senior high school. There are also disadvantages about this

strand such as; graduates of General Academic Strand are not able to take the

preferred courses of other strands like Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS),

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), and Accountancy, and

Business Management (ABM), thus there are only limited course offered to them and

one of those is BS Education; and, one of the problem that the researchers noticed is

the lack of financial stability, there are some students who can’t continue schooling

because of this problem. To summarize, this program or strand focuses or aims to

equip students with much needed skills to gain more knowledge and for them to be

able to decide on what career to take in college. It also seems that this strand is able

and really helpful in preparing the undecided students towards college readiness.

Conceptual Framework
In this research, a framework has been developed to guide the researcher in his or

her work. This was shown in figure I

In the first frame, the input will be needing survey questionnaires and it also

includes the demographic profile of the Grade 12 General Academic Strand students

in Tagaytay City Science National High School which have their age, sex, and

performance in class.

On the next frame, the process will need to prepare the survey questionnaires,

conduct survey on the right respondents and interpret all the data gathered by

statistical treatment.

On the last frame, it consists of the result and the title itself of the thesis or study.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarification, the important terms used in this study have been

defined in the conceptual framework. The following terms are:

Conduct- Process of identifying a question, gathering information, analyzing and

evaluating evidence, drawing conclusion, and sharing knowledge gained.

Data- Individual pieces of factual information and used for the purpose of


General Academic Strand- Designed for students who are still undecided on

which track to take and what career to pursue in college.

Interpret- To give or provide meaning of; explain; explicate; elucidate; process of

making sense of numerical data that has been collected, analyzed, and presented.

Preparedness- State of readiness of students towards career deciding, set of

actions that are taken as precautionary measures.

Result- A consequence, effect, or outcome of something.

Survey- List of questions aimed at extracting specific data to examine, investigate

or test something.

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