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A Quantitative Research

Presented to

The Teachers of
Little Shepherd Business and Science High School

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Baldemor, Rory Vee V.

Eleazar, Samantha E.
Samonte, Jiczy L.
Santos, Jewella C.
Villegas, Jenny Rose M.



Choosing a course in college is one of the first and most important decisions

a student makes. However, in today’s generation, there are a lot of different

courses emerging which makes it hard for 21st century learners to decide on what

career to pursue. That being so, through the new curriculum proposed by the

Department of Education (DepEd), Republic Act No. 10533, also known as the

Enhanced Basic Education, the students are given sufficient time to explore,

develop and master their abilities that will prepare them for college and the real

world as well. Also, this curriculum is more modernized and advance for the DepEd

required activities that involve the use of media which makes learning more

exciting and convenient for teachers and students. Through the additional two

years that this curriculum offers, the students can exercise their skills that can help

them in making decision and be more competitive and persistent in college.

In terms of college admission, graduating junior high school students face

one of the most critical decisions in their lives, and that is future career decision.

These students deal with the fact that this definite decision will determine their

future. Deciding on which college to attend to is not something that one can decide

based on his or her feelings. It requires critical thinking and involves a serious and

mature discussion although eventually, there could still be a possibility that it may

not lead to an initial choice. It is during this crucial stage in each student’s life that

there are some factors that could sometimes lead into a dilemma or confusion, and
further results to the wrong path. That is why choosing the right SHS strand is a

must for graduating junior high schools.

Given the fact that there are various of strands to choose from, the

researchers will be focusing on the General Academic Strand, a strand for those

who are still uncertain on what specific career path they would choose, resulting

from the fact that the researchers are GAS students as well. The researchers will

conduct a study to be able to determine how choosing General Academic Strand

affects the major decision of the students for their near college life.

This research paper aims to know how the General Academic Strand

affected choices and preferences of the graduates of LSBSHS. This paper will

explore how the GA strand impacts their choice of career, and their academic

performance as well as how the strand influenced their level of confidence to

determine whether choosing GAS could be proven effective for the upcoming

senior high school students.

1.1 Background of the Study

Going into senior high school, students must decide on a strand and track

that they would like to take for the next two years in their senior high school

life. Senior High School serves as the transition stage for student’s decision

making for their lifetime profession. It offers different learning tracks that will help

enhance one’s aptitude or potential on the field they want to pursue namely the

academic track, technical-vocational-livelihood track, sports track, and arts and

design track. Four different strands fall under the Academic track: Accounting,

Business and Management (ABM) strand, Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics (STEM) strand, Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand

and the General Academics strand. Each strand has its own uniqueness, they

differ on the major subjects they provide, this were classified as “specialized”,

these subjects are the ones that will guide and lead students to their chosen course

in college.

While other strands lead students to the specific branches of courses in

college, the General Academic Strand is inclined in wide areas of professions. It is

suitable for students who are still undecided on which course to take in college.

Known as the most flexible strand among the four strands, this strand gives the

students the opportunity to get a feel of what the different strands have to offer by

providing the students with open electives. GAS consists of a mix of specialized

subjects from the other three strands: Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)

Strand, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Strand, and

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Strand and other tracks offered

for Senior High School students.

The General Academic Strand is important because it is a strand for

learners who are not yet decided, it is where a student may explore more on what

course he or she may want when entering college. GA Strand will provide the

option for students to take their electives from specialized subjects of any other

strands. The basics are the foundation of unique abilities, and GA students are still

forming their fundamentals to best serve their community, until they can make up

their minds and decide on what track to take up, the General Academic strand is

there to guide them. (Yatco, 2016)

This research aims to generate knowledge and understanding about the

“GAS: Impacts to the Alumni of Little Shepherd Business and Science High

School”. The researchers are hoping to fulfill the following objectives after the

finalization of the study, namely, to discuss the meaning of the General Academic

Strand, to assess the impacts of choosing GAS in Senior High School through the

Alumni of LSBSHS batch of 2017-2019, to conclude whether or not taking GAS is

more effective in helping the students decide in their career path.

1.2 Problem Statement

The study was guided by the research question:

 What are the impacts of choosing GAS to the Alumni of LSBSHS batch of

2017-2019 regarding their choice of career, academic performance, as well

as their confidence?

1.3 Objective

 The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of taking GAS and to

analyze how it affects the choice of career, academic performance and

confidence of the Alumni of LSBSHS batch of 2017-2019.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be of great benefit to the following aspects:

Students. This study will serve as a guide for the students regarding the

General Academic Strand especially for the upcoming senior high school in

choosing the right strand that will fit their skills, knowledge and interest. It will also

spread awareness that choosing a strand on Senior High School is a serious

Parents. The results of the study will help the parents to evaluate the

importance of the GAS. This may help them gain knowledge that will help them to

choose the strand suitable for their children to prevent strand or course mismatch.

Future Researchers. This study will be helpful for future researchers for

this study will generate results that may be significant for future studies.

School. This study is also beneficial to the school as it will encourage more

students to choose and enroll in the GA strand that will lead to the increased

enrolment. This study may serve as an eye-opener to those who are still undecided

on what course to take.

1.5 Scope and Delimitation

This study shall focus foremost among the Alumni of Little Shepherd

Business and Science High School batch of S.Y. 2017-2019. The researchers

considered the graduates’ information such as their present school, course, and

their interest or hobbies. This study is composed of information mostly about the

impacts of taking GAS to the lives of the graduates. This research will only cover

the students who were under the General Academic Strand of LSBSHS. A total of

forty-one alumni from LSBSHS were chosen to complete the online survey

questions that will be given by the researchers as a means of gathering the needed

data. The researchers are expected to finish their study in a quarter.

1.6 Conceptual Framework

The paradigm below is comprised of independent and dependent variables

that will serve as a guide for the researchers.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Profile of students: Impacts on the students:

 Course  Career Choice
 Present school  Academic
 Interest/Hobbies Performance
 Confidence
General Academic Strand:
 Level of Interest to
the Strand
 Talents/Skills of
Figure1. Figure 2.

The figures simply show that there is an effect in choosing GAS to the

students regarding their career choice, academic performance, and confidence.

The first figure contains the independent variable which is composed of the profile

of the students which includes the course, present school, and interest/hobbies. It

is also composed of the General Academic Strand where the level of interest of

the students to the said strand as well as their talents or skills are measured

because they are the factors that can cause an effect or impact to the dependent

variables. The second figure contains the dependent variables. The dependent

variables of the study are impacts on the students may it be on their career choice,

their academic performance, and their confidence.

1.7 Theoretical Framework

The different theories that are presented are about choosing a specific

strand or course that a student will pursue after their high school life. These

theories will serve as the basis and support for the researchers in developing the
research that they have undertaken in order to validate and determine the results

of the study.

According to Holland (2017) in his theory of Career Choice (RIASEC),

people prefer jobs where they can be around others who are like them. People

tend to choose a career that is reflective of their personality. They search for

environments that will let them use their skills and abilities, and express their

attitudes and values, while taking on enjoyable problems and roles. Behavior is

determined by an interaction between personality and environment. As the theory

stated, “People tend to choose a career that is reflective of their personality”. Thus,

the researchers think that the GA strand is the appropriate strand for students who

still remain undecided even after graduating junior high school. This strand will

help the students search and hone their interest due to its broad range of scope

that it encompasses all the basics of the different strands such as STEM and ABM.

The environment within the GA stand will let them refine their personality that will

help them discover their specialization. As their foundation for their specialization

is built in the GA strand, they will not be left behind by the other students who took

a different strand.

A study published in a site named GradesFixer in 2018 mentioned that

Gottfredson’s theory of Circumscription and Compromise describes that students

become attracted to certain specialization. According to this theory, self-concept is

the key to specialization selection. Students tend to choose jobs that are

compatible with their personality. The key determinants according to the theory are

one’s social class, level of intelligence and experiences with sex typing. In the
study of Siguan Jr., (1994) as cited in Sonsona (2012) self-concept was also found

significant on the choice of specialization of students. Gottfredson’s theory stated

that, “Students tend to choose jobs that are compatible with their personality.”

Knowing one’s personality will help a student to determine in what field their

interest really lies in. However, if a student possess multiple personalities like those

of having a personality of holding interest in Accountancy and Science and wants

to pursue both, taking the GA strand is what best fit that student as subjects

regarding both interest will be given to them.

Another theory that will be considered is the Planned Happenstance Theory,

which was proposed by John Krumboltz. As cited by Batu et al. (2018) in their

study, Krumboltz’s theory makes it fine to not always plan, because unplanned

events could lead to good careers. John Krumboltz is an established career

theorist. He most recently developed ideas about supporting indecision in clients.

He states that indecision is desirable and sensible, as it allows the opportunity for

clients to benefit from unplanned events. This emerging theory specifically

addresses the need for people to deal with change within the rapidly changing

labor market. Managing life transitions is seen as an essential career management

skill. Krumboltz’s theory offers insight on how to deal with the limited degree of

control we have over some career experiences. At the core of this theory is the

fact that unpredictable social factors, chance events and environmental factors are

important influences on clients’ lives. Happenstance theory was helpful in

examining career development as it focuses on the actions and skills that can be

used to overcome unplanned challenges and unpredicted events to reach a

person’s career goals. Based on this theory, the students have the ability on

changing their decisions. The researchers relate this theory on their study because

they would like to figure out what are the reasons why did they change their


In another related work, according to Batu et. al., (2018) Katharine Briggs

created a theory with her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers, which they called the

"Myers-Briggs theory". One way to discover your closest Myers-Briggs kind(s) is

to complete the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator instrument and undergo a validation

process underneath the supervision of a qualified MBTI practitioner. According to

this theory, the man or woman has the functionality on deciding on their own. The

researchers connect this theory to their study because they would like to find out,

along with the duration of the analysis, whether they decide on their own or whether

there are other factors that affect their decision. One of the questions inside the

instrument utilized by the researcher has to do with this concept that's, “Why did

you choose General Academic Strand when you were in Senior High School year?”

Myers-Briggs Theory has been useful in selecting their strand for undecided

students. This theory is intended to identify their likely type of personality and the

career choices that might suit them best. Besides, it can help the students to

understand themselves and use their natural abilities rather than struggling against

their own nature.

Similarly, in the article of Careers New Zealand (2019), Parsons’ theory

states that occupational decision making occurs when people have achieved an

accurate understanding of their individual traits such as their aptitudes, interests

and personal abilities. This is what he called the Trait and Factor Theory of

Occupational Choice. This theory operates under the premise that it is possible to

relate individual’s talents and attributes required in careers. It also concludes that

people may attain the occupation that suits their traits. Parsons supposed that

people would be more productive at the jobs they choose if they gain satisfaction

in it. As it was stated at the theory earlier, “Occupational decision making occurs

when people have achieved an accurate understanding of their individual traits”.

For students, the researchers believe that one may only achieve an accurate

understanding of their holistic selves if they participate on a path that can offer a

lot of activities associated to any field or career. Through these activities, students

may gain experiences that would allow them to explore more about their abilities.

Therefore, the GA strand is a perfect choice of strand for the upcoming Senior High

School students, as it grants a learning and experience that is universal. If the

students will be able to discover more about themselves, they would most likely

choose a career that is suitable to their abilities. The researchers believe that it is

relevant to select a career that would satisfy not only one’s financial status but

one’s character as well.

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