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Fabric of The Building: Factsheet

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of the

The Palace of Westminster is one of the most iconic and significant buildings in the world.
It is home to one of the busiest parliaments, with more than a million people, including
100,000 schoolchildren, passing through its doors each year
Following the fire of 1834, when the old Stonework Cast Iron Roofs
Palace burned down, a competition was The Palace was built using Anston The cast iron tiled roofs were installed
launched for its redesign, specifying that limestone from Yorkshire because it was on wrought iron structures in the mid-
the new building should be ‘Gothic or ideal for elaborate carving. However, 1800s, and used innovative, leading-edge
Elizabethan’. the stone quickly began to decay and technology. However, they have never
As the old Houses were originally designed very little was done to prevent its decline undergone major renovation or repair and
as royal apartments and were cramped during the 19th century. Some stone now, 160 years on, the roofs are leaking,
and ill-ventilated, the fire was seen as an cleaning and restoration work was carried causing significant damage to the stonework
opportunity to create a state-of-the-art out in the 1930s and again in the 1980s and historic interiors of the building.
purpose-built home for Parliament, using and 1990s, however there is still a huge
To avoid further damage to the fabric
cutting edge technology and the best of amount of essential work to be done.
of the building, a phased programme of
British craftsmanship. The main difficulties lie in access and the roof repairs is underway, which will also
Renowned architect Charles Barry was noise and disruption caused in a continuously ensure the building is watertight before
successful in his bid, with the support of used building. Internally, the original linings any major restoration and renewal work
Augustus Welby Pugin, who went on to are Painswick stone from Gloucestershire begins internally.
design most of the Palace’s magnificent and Caen stone from France, both chosen
because they were ideal for carving.
Gothic interiors, including carvings, gilt Key Facts
work, panelling, and furniture. Today, much of it is in need of cleaning or
restoration due to wear and tear, leaking roofs, Stonework
The Palace is now considered to be one
decaying windows and antiquated plumbing. • Built using sand-coloured
of the finest examples of neo-gothic
limestone from Anston Quarry
architecture in the world and is Grade in Yorkshire
I-listed and part of a UNESCO World
There are approximately 4,000 windows, • Each block up to 4ft thick
Heritage Site. However, years of under-
from basic casements in rooms and
investment and the need to conduct
corridors, to the ornate stained glass
repairs around sittings of Parliament
panels that allow light to fill the many • Approx. 4,000 windows
have resulted in a large backlog of hallways and chambers of the Palace. • Majority of these windows
major work. (approx. 3,800) are set in
This vast amount of glass, much of it set
The hidden problems of leaking roofs, bronze frames, while others are
in bronze frames, no longer provides
gutters, and steam pipes, failing iron-framed, leaded diamond-
weather resistance and generates
mechanical and electrical systems, pane or wooden
significant heat loss from the Palace.
and antiquated heating and ventilation
The vast majority of windows do not close Cast Iron Roofs
systems, are all becoming a serious
properly, and all are now in need of repair • 160 years old
threat to the fabric of the building and
its interiors.
or replacement. This work is needed to • Weight of each tile: 75kg
halt further damage and decay to the • Number of tiles on roof: approx.
surrounding stonework, and to reduce 7,000
heat loss and running costs of the Palace.
• Tile size: 100cm by 75cm by 1cm

and Public

The Palace of Westminster is one of the most iconic and significant buildings in the world.
It is home to one of the busiest parliaments, with more than a million people, including
100,000 schoolchildren, passing through its doors each year
The Palace of Westminster’s Mechanical, More recent additions include cabling for
Electrical and Public Health (MEP) systems telephones and communication systems, KEY FACTS
provide essential services such as heating, IT systems and asbestos insulation. By
• 128 MEP plant rooms, 80% in
water, ventilation and power. These the late twentieth century the vertical
the basement
services are essentially the arteries of the and horizontal ducts had become
Palace and are critical for the ongoing severely congested, making access to
• 98 distribution risers
throughout the Palace
functioning of the building. the originally installed pipes and cables
virtually impossible. • 778 radiators
The primary MEP services are run mainly • 701 fan coil units
along the extensive basement corridors This has led to the current situation
• 272 other heaters (electric,
and riser shafts (vertical ducts), while the where it has become extremely difficult to
oil and unidentified)
many secondary MEP services run under repair, replace or remove many of the now
• 40 air handling units
the floors of the Palace upper storeys. Since redundant services. The condition and
construction of the Palace in the mid-1800s, age of the mechanical pipe infrastructure • 34 heat exchangers
the services infrastructure has developed is variable, but some of the pipe work is • 2 km of basement corridors
significantly, with additional systems added between 60-100 years old. Cabling
and overlaid to serve the ever increasing
These infrastructure systems include, but • 2 km high voltage cabling
and changing demands of the Houses of
are not limited to: steam, condensate, • 150 km low voltage cabling
Parliament. These have included cabling
hot and cold water systems, mains cold • 4 km earthing
for specialist systems such as division bells,
water, fire mains, gas, compressed air
and pipe work for heating and lighting. • 2 km lightning protection
and drainage. To reduce the risk of system
• 4 km system clocks cabling
failure to pipes and cables, and to ensure
the safety of contractors working in the • 80 km fire system cabling
plant rooms, the steam system must now • 70 km security systems cabling
operate at a reduced pressure. • 70 km Building Management
Systems cabling
Because of the sheer scale of the MEP
work required and the disruption it would
• 11 km division bell cabling
cause to the operation of both Houses, Pipework
the current medium-term risk reduction • 11 km steam system
programme, being run over several years, • 6 km low temperature hot water
focuses only on areas at particularly
• 5 km chilled water
high risk of failure. Consequently, it only
addresses 15% of the primary system Specialist IT cabling
plant rooms and just one of the 98 risers in • 80 km telephone cabling
the Palace. • 180 km network cabling
• 50 km broadcast cables

Cables and pipes in the basement of the Palace.

Palace of

The Palace of Westminster is one of the most iconic and significant buildings in the world.
It is home to one of the busiest parliaments, with more than a million people, including
100,000 schoolchildren, passing through its doors each year
The Palace is part of a UNESCO World The Palace was damaged by air raids on
Elizabeth Tower
Heritage Site which also incorporates 14 different occasions during the Second
Westminster Abbey, the Jewel Tower and World War. The most notable damage was • Formerly called the Clock Tower
St Margaret’s Church. caused in 1941, when the Commons Chamber • Commonly known as Big Ben
was entirely destroyed. A replacement after its main bell
The Palace contains a combination of
was constructed to the designs of Sir Giles • Houses turret clock designed by
ancient and modern structures and is
Gilbert Scott and opened in 1950. E.B. Denison
home to a significant collection of works
• Height: 96.3m
of art, archives and furnishings. It houses
royal ceremonial rooms for the State Key Facts • Steps to the belfry: 334
Opening of Parliament, the Chambers for • Steps to the lantern (Ayrton
both Houses and their attendant spaces, • Grade I listed building and part Light): 399
offices for members of both Houses and of UNESCO Westminster World • Weight of the Great Bell (Big
their staff, together with staff working for Heritage Site Ben): 13.8 tonnes
the administrations. • Total ground area of Palace:
Victoria Tower
8 acres (32,375m2) – includes
Designed by the architect Charles Barry to • Designed as a royal entrance
all courtyards, gardens and 5
be the purpose-built home of Parliament, • Gateways built wide enough to
acres of buildings
it replaced the old Palace which burned allow Queen’s Coach to drive
down in a major fire in 1834, and is now • Total internal area: 112,476m2
through for State Openings of
considered to be one of the finest examples – includes all floors, internal
of neo-gothic architecture in the world. walls, plant rooms, hallways,
• Home to Parliamentary Archives
Augustus Welby Pugin assisted Barry by storage spaces, and
underground car park • Iron flagstaff flies Royal
designing most of the Palace’s ornate Standard if monarch is present
Gothic interiors, including carvings, gilt • Nearly 300m in length
or Union flag at all other times
work, panelling and furniture. • More than 1,100 rooms, 100 • Height: 98.5m
The Palace is on four main levels and staircases and 31 lifts
Westminster Hall
was designed so the surviving medieval • More than 3km of passages set
buildings – Westminster Hall, the Cloisters over seven levels • Oldest structure on the estate,
of St Stephen’s College, and the Chapel of
completed in 1099
Central Tower • One of very few parts of the
St Mary Undercroft – formed an integral
• Only Palace tower to have a ancient Palace which survives in
part of the whole.
stone spire almost its original form
The ground floor river front houses offices, • Contains largest known • Probably the largest hall of its
catering facilities and meeting rooms, octagonal gothic vault without time in Europe
the first or principal floor includes the a central pillar • Largest medieval timber roof
Chambers, libraries, and dining rooms,
• Originally designed to serve as in Northern Europe, measuring
the second or Committee floor on the river
a ventilating chimney for stale 20.7m by 73.2m
front has Committee rooms, as does the
air and smoke from fireplaces
third or Upper Committee floor.

from fire

The Palace of Westminster is one of the most iconic and significant buildings in the world.
It is home to one of the busiest parliaments, with more than a million people, including
100,000 schoolchildren, passing through its doors each year
In 1834, fire destroyed most of the old Another major cause of concern is the lack
medieval Palace, when wood being burned of effective compartmentation between Key Facts
in a solid fuel boiler caused fire to spread, sections of the Palace, as found in modern
• 6,969 fire detection devices
to devastating effect. buildings. Compartmentation slows the
including 2,584 smoke
spread of fire through a building, providing
Given the fate of the old palace, its detectors
time for occupants, including disabled
replacement was designed by architect • 810 manual call points
occupants, to be safely evacuated and for
Charles Barry with fire-proofing in mind.
the London Fire Brigade to get fire fighters • 1,500 fire extinguishers –
The main structural materials were stone
and specialist equipment on site. 900 AFFF (foam) extinguishers
and cast-iron to counter the risk from
and 600 CO2 extinguishers
numerous smoke flues. However, a great Compartmentation needs to progress
deal of combustible material was used for beyond the current 65% implementation. • Last open coal fire in 1956
the interior decoration and the building’s It is, however, extremely invasive work – in
complex network of ventilation shafts many cases requiring the removal and
and floor voids unintentionally created reinstatement of interior walls and wood
conditions for fire and smoke to spread panelling that contribute towards the
through the building. Palace’s Grade I-listed and World Heritage
Site status.
The condition of fire safety systems
in the Palace was reviewed by Much has been done to improve fire safety
independent consultants during 2007- standards by providing effective fire
09, who confirmed that the coverage of alarms, means of escape and monitoring
automatic fire detection and voice alarm procedures as well as efficient fire and
systems was incomplete and that the smoke prevention.
infrastructure was in need of upgrade,
The Palace is safe for users and
without which the already high level of
visitors because fire protection and
alarm system failures could be expected
prevention teams remain vigilant and the
to increase. Consequently, a fire safety
improvement programme and appropriate
improvement programme has been
measures are in place to reduce the risk
established to implement the necessary
of fire as far as possible. However, much
upgrades, albeit over many years, around
more needs to be done to ensure the
sittings of Parliament.
building’s fabric and its historic interiors
The devastating fire at Notre Dame are better safeguarded against another
occurred while the spire was undergoing major fire.
restoration work, and we stand ready
to learn any lessons that emerge from
this fire as part of our Restoration and
Renewal Programme. Top image credit: Palace of Westminster
on Fire 1834 by unknown artist, ©Palace of
Westminster WOA1978 Fire exit in the basement of the Palace.

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