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PLC Manual Final

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Introduction .............................................................................................................................02
Main Board Module with PLC ................................................................................................03
PLC Introduction .....................................................................................................................07
Step 7 Programming Software.................................................................................................16
Experiment 1 ...........................................................................................................................25
Experiment 2 ...........................................................................................................................27
Experiment 3 ...........................................................................................................................28
Experiment 4 ...........................................................................................................................29
Experiment 5 ...........................................................................................................................30


The DC servo trainer is mainly used in DC servo motor control experiments. It can satisfy the
basic experiments and researches on motion control system such as motor control, electronic
and tracking and so on. Because of its simple structure, it is convenient to do experiments and
easy to analyze the results.

The DC servo trainer is composed of a mechanical Assembly, DC Servo motor,
intelligent drive system, and PC-based control software.

Mechanical Assembly
The mechanical Assembly consists of a main Shaft, belt pulley, potentiometer and
Assembly. Potentiometer acting as a position sensor attached to the shaft.

DC Servo motor
The motor is outfitted with an optical encoder which provides the current actual position as
feedback data.

ISM4803 Intelligent Drive

ISM4803 is a high performance intelligent servo modules, integrated motion controller, drive
and PLC and other functions. It not only can be used to drive DC brushed and
brushless motors or stepper motor which has maximum power of 150W and maximum voltage
of 48V, but also can implement distributed control and collaboration control. ISM4803
is a highly flexible and cost-effective solution.

Users can program in high-level language Technosoft Motion Language (TML),

combined the advanced motion control technology with PLC specific features, ISM4803 is
widely used in the distributed motor control, the sub-gear or CAM features.

PC-based Control Software

The control software allows for the user to program in a high level language known
Technosoft Motion Language (TML) in Easy Motion Studio, found on user‟s CD. In
addition, the control software is compatible with MATLAB and Labview

DC servo motor has the advantage of small volume, fast dynamic performance, high overload
and large range of velocity adjustment. So it is widely used in the servo systems for precious
velocity adjustment or position tracking. Despite of the quick development of AC servo
motor, DC servo motor still plays an essential role, especially in cannon stable system,
warship-based platform, radar antenna, robotic control system.

Two loops architecture, i.e. velocity loop and current loop is usually used in traditional DC
servo control system, and velocity measure motor, current sensors (hall devices) or analogue
electronic circuits are used to realize velocity closed-loop control. So it is simple, high
reliable and low cost but hard to manipulate. While in modern DC servo control system, high
speed digital signal processor (DSP) is adapted to sample the velocity and current signal, and
to realize various functions such as comparing, filtering, pulse width modulation (PWM), and

precious velocity control. Although digital velocity adjustment system has a more
complicated structure, little higher cost, it is easier to adjust and has much higher precision.
In this platform, one can use PWM servo driver which has torque, velocity and
position control models. In addition, one can use analogue control model as well which adapts
linear amplifier in driving circuit, so it is convenient to do electric and electronic experiments
just like in analogue control system. MATLAB and LabVIEW can be used as experiment
graphic interface and VC Libraries used in VC environment is provided as well.

System control diagram is shown as follows:

The hardware structure is drawn as follows:

The drive/control sequence of the DC servo system as set by the ISM4803 controller follows
the method shown below.
1. The ISM4803 stores and saves the user created control program.
2. The big pulley position is read through the attached potentiometer.
3. The onboard digital signal processor reads the program downloaded from step 1,
and calculates the necessary control signal according to the aforementioned created
4. The control signal is amplified and modulated through pulse-width modulation.
5. The DC motor is then adjusted for every discrete time sample so that the pulley is
positioned according to the user's configuration.

The control diagram of DC servo motor is expressed as follows:

The parameters of the motor are showed as below:

SPECS T/N Frame PM - Winding

T 54 - H
V in =* 24 Vdc
Ke =* 6.80 V/krpm
Kt = 9.0 oz-in/A
Rt = * 3.44 Ohms@20o C)
lo = * 0.3 Amps
l as = 7.0 Amps
T gs = 64 oz-in
l 1= 2.5 Amps
T 1 =* 20 oz-in 0.14 N.m
T 2 =* 40 oz-in 0.28 N.m
lp= 4.6 Amps
n nl = 3529 RPM
n1= 2429 RPM
n2= 1329 RPM
R th =* 6 oC/W

Tr = 113 oC

Vin---- input voltage;
Ke---- voltage constant;
Kt----Moment constant;
Io----No load current;
Ias----Block current;
Tgs----Block torque;
I1----Current of torque 1;
T1----Torque 1;
T2----Torque 2;
Ip----Current of torque 2;
nnl----Speed of no load;
N1----Speed of torque1;
N2----Speed of torque2;
Rth----Thermal resistance;
Tr----Temperature rise.

Experiment based on Programmable Logic Controller


This board facilitates the students in getting practical knowledge of PLC interfacing
with different applications/modules. It’s a single station solution for learning as it provides
almost all commonly used applications mounted on board and ready to get interfaced with

1.1 Trainer board overview

The PLC trainer has two basic parts.

I. Main board module with PLC.

II. Add-on external board module.(Optional)

SMATIC S7-1200 1215C


1.2 The Base Board Module:
The base board module is basically a platform where PLC can be interfaced with the
Input/Output module as well as with the analog module. This board is distributed into sub-

1.2.1 Digital Input module:

This module consists of all the Digital inputs of the PLC. The inputs are connected to the
LED’s and as well as with 2mm pins. The PLC also has LED indicators which shows
the status of the Inputs.

1.2.2 Digital Output module:

This module consists of all the Digital outputs of the PLC. The outputs are connected to
the LED’s and as well as with 2mm pins. The PLC also has LED indicators which shows the
status of the outputs.

1.2.3 Analog Input module:

The analog input module is connected with the analog input channels of the PLC. The
module have two Volt-type inputs. This module helps students to connect analog devices
with the PLC.

1.2.4 Analog Output module:

The analog output module is connected with the analog output channels of the PLC.
The module have two Volt-type outputs. This module helps students to connect analog
devices with the PLC.

1.2.5 Converters:
This module consists of two types of converters.
i) V to I converter
This converts 0-10V DC analog signal to 0-20mA analog signal with accuracy of
+ 10%.
ii) I to V converter
This converts 0-20mA analog signal to 0-10V DC analog signal with accuracy of
+ 10%.

1.2.6 Interface Connector:

This expansion connector is used to connect the add-on modules to the Main board.
All Digital inputs, Digital outputs, Analog inputs, Analog outputs and Power Supplies
are linked with the expansion connector.

1.2.7 Digital Input Simulator:

The Digital Input Simulator section is used to provide Digital inputs to the PLC. This
section consists of Toggle inputs as well as momentary inputs.

1.2.8 Analog Input Simulator:

The Analog Input Simulator section is used to provide Analog inputs to the PLC. This
section consists of two analog sources. Both sources are ±10V DC

1.2.9 PLC Supply:
PLC supply section is available to supply power to the PLC common points. This is to
facilitate the user so that the user can use any supply at the output.

1.2.10 PLC Out Common:

The Siemens 1215C has one common output point known as 4L+. This point is used to
supply power at the output. Using the patch cords connect this common point with the PLC
supply according to the demand.

1.3 Add on external board module:
The main board can be connected to a huge range of add-on modules. These modules
can be connected to the Main board by using Interface connector. The user can also connect
the Main board with any circuit using this connector.
The detailed pin configuration of the connector is given below:

40 pin FRC cable diagram


This section describes the device features and gives brief overview of the device
which is Siemens 11215C PLC. Before writing a program a student should know
about the I/O registers and device resources which available so that one can use them
according to one’s requirement.

2.1 Siemens 1215C core features

Following are the some of the key features of the device:

1. Branded Micro PLC in easy to use form.

2. Based on standard PLC’s from Siemens.
3. Use of IEC-1131-3 standard languages Ladder, SCL & FBD for easy understanding.
4. Exhaustive course material & References.
5. Hardware and software included.
6. PC Based computer programming facility.
7. Easy downloading of programs.
8. Extremely easy and student friendly software to develop different programs.
9. Expandable input output.
10. Built- in DC power supplies.
11. Compact size.

2.2 Technical Specifications:
CPU 1215C
2.2.1 General specifications and features:

General specifications

CPU features

1. The slower speed is applicable when the HSC is configured for quadrature mode of
2 For CPU models with relay outputs, you must install a digital signal board (SB) to use the
pulse outputs.

2.2.2 Timers, counters and code blocks supported by CPU 1215C:

Blocks, timers and counters supported by CPU 1215C


Power supply

2.2.6 CPU 1215C wiring diagrams:

CPU 1215C DC/DC/DC (6ES7 215-1AG40-0XB0)

STEP 7 programming software

STEP 7 provides a user-friendly environment to develop, edit, and monitor the logic
needed to control your application, including the tools for managing and configuring all of
the devices in your project, such as controllers and HMI devices. To help you find the
information you need, STEP 7 provides an extensive online help system. STEP 7 provides
standard programming languages for convenience and efficiency in developing the control
program for your application.

LAD (ladder logic) is a graphical programming language. The representation is based

on circuit diagrams.
FBD (Function Block Diagram) is a programming language that is based on the
graphical logic symbols used in Boolean algebra.
SCL (structured control language) is a text-based, high-level programming language.

When you create a code block, you select the programming language to be used by that
Block. Your user program can utilize code blocks created in any or all of the programming

STEP 7 is the programming and configuration software component of the TIA

Portal. The TIA Portal, in addition to STEP 7, also includes WinCC for designing
and executing runtime process visualization, and includes online help for WinCC
as well as STEP

Experiment No1.
To implement logic gates.

Implement the following logic gates using I0.0 and I0.1 as input and Q0.0 as output complete
the following truth tables:

1. Connect B.0 with I0.0
2. Connect B.1 with I0.0
3. Connect 24V with L4+.

1. Inverter.

I0.0 Q0.0

2. Two input AND gate.

I0.0 I0.1 Q0.0

0 0

0 1

1 0

1 1

3. Two input OR gate.

I0.0 I0.1 Q0.0

0 0

0 1

1 0

1 1

4. Two input NOR gate.

I0.0 I0.1 Q0.0

0 0

0 1

1 0

1 1

5. Two input XOR gate.

I0.0 I0.1 Q0.0

0 0

0 1

1 0

1 1


To implement UP/DOWN Counter.

In this experiment you have to implement an UP/DOWN counter.

1. When a pulse comes at I0.0 count UP.

2. When a pulse comes at I0.1 count DOWN.
3. When a pulse comes at I0.2 Reset counter.
4. When Count up Q0.0 turn ON.

1. Connect A.0 with I0.0
2. Connect A.1 with I0.1
3. Connect A.2 with I0.2
4. Connect 24V with L4+.

Experiment No3.

To implement Timers.

In this experiment you have to implement different Timers.

1. When I0.0 is ON delay of 10s to Switch ON Q0.0

2. When I0.1 is OFF delay of 10s to Switch OFF Q0.1
3. When I0.2 is collectively switch ON for 10s delay to Switch ON Q0.2

1. Connect B.0 with I0.0
2. Connect B.1 with I0.1
3. Connect B.2 with I0.2
4. Connect 24V with L4+.


Traffic light control by PLC is a four way traffic light control system. It enables
students to practice the application of Traffic light control using PLC. The objective is to
connect and program an external programmable logic controller to monitor and control the
Traffic lights system.
PLC Inputs:
System Enable Input from Digital input simulator.
PLC outputs:
Red/Green signals and Yellow signals.

Traffic signal Control in Four Direction

Connect PLC Trainer and Elevator control Module with 40-Pin Interface cable.

PLC Input Voltage:

24V DC when particular I/P is activated from Module.
PLC Output Voltage:
24V DC when particular O/P is activated from PLC.
Power supply:
From PLC trainer
Connect PLC Output Common +4L with 24VDC on PLC trainer.
Connect B.0 with I0.0 on PLC Trainer.
I/O Connections:

PLC Digital Outputs


1 Start Switch B.0 I0.0

PLC Digital Outputs


1 North RED/GREEN Q0.0

2 North YELLOW Q0.1

3 South RED/GREEN Q0.2

4 South YELLOW Q0.3

5 East RED/GREEN Q0.4

6 East YELLOW Q0.5

7 West RED/GREEN Q0.6

8 West YELLOW Q0.7

Working Procedure:

1. Connect PLC with TIA Portal.

2. Write the Program in Ladder logic language using B.0 as Program enable bit.
3. Run Ladder program.
4. Connect PLC Trainer and Traffic signal Module with 40-pin Interface cable.
5. Connect B.0 with I0.0 on PLC Trainer.
6. Place B.0 Toggle switch at position 1.


Temperature Control by PLC is a temperature control module. It enables students to

practice the Application of Temperature Control using PLC. The objective is to connect and
program an external Programmable Logic Controller to monitor and control the Temperature.
There are two techniques of Temperature control in this module.
Voltage: Which gives voltage output with respect to temperature.
Current: Which gives current output with respect to temperature.

Temperature Measurement Sensor with output voltage & Current


Connect PLC Trainer and Temperature control Module with 40-Pin Interface cable.

PLC Input Voltage:

24V DC when particular I/P is activated from Module.
PLC Output Voltage:
24V DC when particular O/P is activated from PLC.
Power supply:
From PLC trainer
Connect PLC Output Common +4L with 24VDC on PLC trainer (IT-1200S)
Connect 2mm patch cords on Temperature control module as shown in figure.

I/O Connections:

PLC Digital Outputs


1 Heater of Voltage Section Q0.0

2 Fan of Voltage Section Q0.1

3 Heater of Current Section Q0.2

4 Fan of Current Section Q0.3

PLC Analog Input


1 Analog I/P 1 AI0

2 Analog I/P 2 AI1

Working Procedure:

1. Connect PLC with TIA Portal.

2. Write the Program in Ladder Logic Language on Step 7 using PLC Trainer.
3. Run Ladder program.
4. Connect PLC Trainer and Temperature Control Module with 40-pin Interface cable.
5. Connect 2mm patch cords on Temperature control module as shown in


The objective is to connect and program an external programmable logic controller

to monitor and control the DC Motor.

PLC Inputs:
Inputs from Digital input simulator and Analog Input Simulator.
PLC outputs:
PWM and Motor Direction Signals

Connection Diagram for DC Motor


Connect PLC Trainer and Motor Control Module with 40- Pin Interface cable.

PLC Input Voltage:

24V DC when particular I/P is activated from Module.
PLC Output Voltage:
12V DC when particular O/P is activated from PLC.
Power supply:
From PLC trainer
Connect PLC Output Common +4L with 12VDC on PLC trainer.
Connect B.0 with I0.0 on PLC Trainer.
Connect B.1 with I0.1 on PLC Trainer.
Connect Source-1 to AI0 on PLC Trainer.
I/O Connections:

PLC Digital Outputs


1 CW Direction B.1 I0.0

2 CCW Direction B.2 I0.1

PLC Digital Outputs


1 PWM Output Q0.0

2 Motor Direction output 1 Q0.1

3 Motor Direction output 2 Q0.2

PLC Analog Input


1 Analog I/P 1 AI0

Working Procedure:

1. Connect PLC with TIA Portal.

2. Write the ladder program of DC Motor Control on Step 7 using PLC Trainer.
3. Run Ladder program.
4. Connect PLC Trainer and Motor Control Module with 40-pin Interface cable.
5. Connect 2mm patch cords on Motor Control Module as shown in figure.


The objective is to connect and program an external programmable logic controller

to monitor and control the Stepper Motor.

PLC Inputs:
Inputs from Digital input simulator an Inputs of Sensors.
PLC outputs:
Motor drive Pulses

Connection Diagram for Stepper Motor


Connect PLC Trainer and Motor Control Module with 40- Pin Interface cable.

PLC Input Voltage:

24V DC when particular I/P is activated from Module.
PLC Output Voltage:
12V DC when particular O/P is activated from PLC.
Power supply:
From PLC trainer
Connect PLC Output Common +4L with 12VDC on PLC trainer.
Connect B.0 with I0.0 on PLC Trainer (IT-1200S).
Connect B.1 with I0.1 on PLC Trainer (IT-1200S).
I/O Connections:

PLC Digital Outputs


1 CW Direction B.0 I0.0

2 CCW Direction B.1 I0.1

3 0 degree I0.2

4 90 degree I0.3

5 180 degree I0.4

6 270 degree I0.5

PLC Digital Outputs


1 A+ Q0.0

2 A- Q0.1

3 B+ Q0.2

4 B- Q0.3

5 Enable 1 Q0.4

6 Enable 2 Q0.5

Working Procedure:

1. Connect PLC with TIA Portal.

2. Write ladder program of Stepper Motor Control on Step 7 using PLC Trainer.
3. Run Ladder program.
4. Connect PLC Trainer and Motor Control Module with 40-pin Interface cable.
5. Connect 2mm patch cords on Motor Control Module as shown in figure.


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