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R. David G. Pyne (Author) - Groundwater Recharge and Wells - A Guide To Aquifer Storage Recovery-CRC Press (1995)

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A Guide to
Aquifer Storage Recovery

R. David G. Pyne

A CRC Press Company
Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Pyne, R. David G.
Groundwater recharge and wells a guide to aquifer storage
recovery I R. David G. Pyne.
p. em.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-56670-097-3
1. Aquifer storage recovery. 2. Title.
TD404.5.P95 1994
627'.56--dc20 94-27575

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International Standard Book Number 1-56670-097-3
Library of Congress Card Number 94-27575
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To Emily

Water is power. Control of water is, therefore, the currency of personal, regional
and national ambitions. Existing dams, surface reservoirs, major pipelines and
pumping stations continue to serve us well, and appeal to that side of us which
needs a monument to our achievements. The days are numbered, however, for
many major water resources development projects that are in the planning stages.
Changing priorities are causing us to reconsider the wisdom of traditional engi-
neering solutions that were quite acceptable just a few years ago. More sophis-
ticated, but less visible monuments are needed. The time has come to take a harder
look at storing water below ground in reservoirs provided by nature.
Groundwater levels continue to decline around the world in response to in-
creasing withdrawals to meet the needs of an expanding population. At the same
time, surface waters are proving increasingly unreliable to meet these growing
needs, despite numerous major and costly programs to store and divert water from
a diminishing number of uncontrolled rivers. Intensive urban and agricultural
development is draining our lands during times of rainfall, and depleting our
groundwater resources at an alarming rate during times of drought. As the global
nature of this challenge becomes more clear, we are slowly coming to grips with
the need for sustainable water management.
Adequate storage is the key to sustainable water management. We have suffi-
cient water in most cases, however we have difficulty storing it when it is
available so that it will also be available when and where we need it. Storage in
surface reservoirs is expensive and increasingly perceived as an unacceptable
exchange for valued ecosystems. Storage below ground has been limited for a
variety of reasons. Among these, the principal constraints have been technical,
although political, legal and other constraints have proved significant.
In recent years, development of technology for artificial recharge of aquifers
has accelerated. Most of the technical constraints have been addressed and re-
solved through research and experience at many sites. Systems to recharge aqui-
fers through surface methods such as basins and in-channel structures are func-
tioning reasonably well, however their widespread application is frequently lim-
ited by hydrogeologic constraints and the availability of land at reasonable cost.
Many areas would benefit from aquifer recharge but can do so only through wells.
While many test programs have been conducted, there are few operational well
recharge systems around the world.
Recent technical advances and operational experience have demonstrated that
well recharge is feasible and cost-effective. While many papers have been written
regarding specific recharge projects, the author is aware of only a few papers and
books that assemble the technology. This book provides a guide to those who
would endeavor to successfully recharge aquifers through wells.
A key element of this technology is the need to control well plugging due to
suspended solids in the recharge water, bacterial activity, gases and other causes.
Experience has demonstrated that dual-purpose wells, equipped for both recharge
and recovery, are best able to achieve recharge objectives while controlling
plugging. These dual-purpose wells are called "aquifer storage recovery," or ASR
wells. They are designed and operated differently than normal production wells
or injection wells. This book presents ASR technology, as it has evolved over the
past 25 years in the United States.
During the past six years, many interested in the field of groundwater recharge
have urged the writing of this book, so that they and others can more easily grasp
the ASR vision and implement this technology to meet their various needs. As
time has gone by and new technical issues have been met and resolved, the body
of knowledge that comprises ASR technology and experience has evolved and
matured. With 20 ASR systems now operational in the United States and about 40
more in various stages of development, it is appropriate to distill the variety of
technical and other experiences into this book, a guide to aquifer storage recovery.
Following the procedures suggested in these chapters should enhance the likeli-
hood of achieving success with groundwater recharge through wells.
Although ASR is not "high tech," neither is it "low tech."Understanding the
issues that have been encountered at other sites, and the steps that have lead to
successful resolution of these issues, can provide great help to those considering,
planning or implementing new groundwater recharge projects.
ASR is a new, efficient and cost-effective tool for water resources manage-
ment. Although developed primarily within the United States, it builds upon prior
experience, primarily in The Netherlands and Israel, relating to artificial recharge
of groundwater through wells. ASR is therefore equally applicable in other
countries, many of which have severe water supply challenges.
It is hoped that, by presenting the ASR technology and demonstrating its
feasibility and cost-effectiveness to meet global needs for sustainable water
development, this book will help to defuse political tensions, improve human
welfare and enhance the reliable supply of good quality water at reasonable cost
to people around the world.
R. David G. Pyne

David Pyne was born and raised in England, emi-

grating to the United States in 1957. He received a
BS degree in Civil Engineering from Duke Univer-
sity in 1966 and an MSE from the University of
Florida in 1967. He is employed by CH2M HILL,
consulting engineers, where he directs groundwater
technologies, including artificial recharge of ground-
water. Since 1976, he has pioneered development
of the aquifer storage recovery (ASR) technology
for seasonal, long-term and emergency storage of
large volumes of water underground in suitable aquifers through wells. The
success of these projects and the rapid implementation of ASR technology by
water users throughout the United States in recent years has provided the founda-
tion of experience for the writing of this book. During the past 24 years, Mr. Pyne
has provided consultant assistance to utility, agricultural and industrial clients and
government agencies in the United States and Canada. He has also assisted the
United Nations and several countries in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa and
the Caribbean with the development and management of water supply systems.
He is the author of many papers and has presented short courses as well as expert-
witness testimony on water resources and supply issues. He resides in Gainesville,
Florida (CH2M HILL, PO Box 147009, Gainesville, FL 32614-7009; Phone:
904-331-2442; Fax: 904-331-5320; CompuServ 74404.2640).

The author's experience with aquifer storage recovery has evolved from the
glimpse of an idea in 1976, to a grand vision during the mid-1980s, and to the
widespread and rapidly growing implementation of this vision as of 1994. The
experiences and understanding of many people have guided the development of
ASR technology during this period. Some have assisted directly with the writing
of this book, while many others have played important roles during the develop-
ment and refinement of ASR technology at many locations.
CH2M HILL Inc., consulting engineers, has provided a strong technical plat-
form, without which it is unlikely that ASR would have developed as successfully
and as rapidly as it has. By providing ready accessibility to technical experts in
a wide variety of fields, it has been possible to address and rapidly resolve many
issues that have arisen along the way, both technical and otherwise. By providing
a broad network of office locations and client needs, throughout the United States
and also overseas, we have been able to continually redefine ASR technology to
meet a rapidly growing number and variety of applications, thereby deepening our
understanding of the technology and how it may best be applied to meet these
Through their hard work and creative ideas, many of my friends at CH2M
HILL have earned recognition for their valuable contributions to the development
of ASR technology. Richard P. Glanzman, Denver, Colorado, has provided con-
tinuous enthusiastic encouragement and sage guidance on geochemistry for vir-
tually all ASR projects. Chapter 5, Geochemistry, is his contribution, for which
he has achieved widespread recognition. Some of the words are mine but many
are his, and the deep understanding upon which they are all based is his.
Kevin Bral, Denver, Colorado, has similarly contributed greatly to the techni-
cal success of many ASR systems and has earned recognition for his efforts in
many areas, particularly including well and wellhead design, test procedures and
the development of the column testing equipment and downhole control valve.
His contributions to Chapter 3, Design of ASR Systems, are greatly appreciated.
Richard Randall, Phoenix, Arizona, has worked for many years to gain improved
understanding of well clogging issues. The current status of his work is included
in Chapter 4, Selected ASR Technical Issues. Margaret !bison, Reston, Virginia,
has contributed her special knowledge of coring, core handling and analysis
procedures along with her enthusiasm and boundless perseverance. Ken McGill,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has persevered through a daunting sequence of tech-
nical challenges on a most complex project at Swimming River, New Jersey,
emerging successfully and contributing valuable experience to guide many other
projects with similar challenges. Dan Wendell, Los Angeles, has contributed his
understanding that comes from having helped to develop and operate the early
ASR system at Goleta, California. His insightful questions, suggestions and
observations have added much. Also in Los Angeles, Terry Foreman has guided
the local development of ASR to meet the needs of water users in southern
California, contributing greatly to the broadening applications of this technology.
Albert Muniz, Deerfield Beach, Florida, has pushed back the technical and
regulatory frontiers through his energetic and capable direction of several chal-
lenging ASR projects in Florida. Modelling of ASR systems has benefitted from
the strong capabilities of John Glass, Peter Kwiatkowski, AI Aikens, Margaret
O'Hare and Sumant Gupta. Their valuable work is reflected in these pages.
Through their efforts on several ASR projects, many others within CH2M
HILL have helped to move this technology forward, among whom are Mark
Lucas, Clifford Bell, Doug Dronfield, Tom Buchanan, Greg Tate, Bryan McDonald,
Ross Sproul, Robert Peterson, Dr. Jose Ignacio Garcia-Bengochea, Bart Zeigler,
Sean Skehan, Tim Sharp, Phil Waller, Mark McNeal, Mike Micheau, Paul Wallace,
Rene Brewster, John McLeod, Paul Thornhill, Larry Amans, Courtney Hemenway,
Andrea Aikin, Peter Livingston, Derrik Williams, Fritz Carlson, Jeff Barry, Stuart
Brown, Pamela Brody, David Livise and Ken Trotman. Many others are now
sharing in the ASR vision and will build upon the foundations laid by those who
have gone before.
Outside CH2M HILL, many have contributed through their suggestions, sup-
port and encouragement. Through his early grasp of the ASR vision and his
continuing attention to details as our shared understanding of the ASR technology
evolved, Sam Stone at the Peace River Water Treatment Plant, Florida, has made
a valuable and enduring contribution to the field. The American Water Works
Association Research Foundation (A WWARF) deserves much appreciation for
funding the research into reduction of disinfection byproducts that has been
observed to occur during ASR storage, as presented in Chapter 4. The Las Vegas
Valley Water District, Nevada, and Thames Water Utilities, England, also shared
in funding this important work. The Southwest Florida Water Management Dis-
trict deserves great credit for funding the initial ASR test program at Lake
Manatee in 1979, at a time when conventional wisdom was that the project would
undoubtedly fail. Without their early financial support, ASR might still be a
concept instead of a reality. Similarly, the South Florida Water Management
District has grasped the potential value of ASR technology to a region with
seasonally available supplies and many water resource challenges. Their early
financial support for the Marathon ASR program in the Florida Keys has contrib-
uted greatly to definition of potential ASR applications in brackish and seawater
Writing this book has required a lot of work, made easier through the efforts
of Tammy Nelson, Mark and Joyce Bradley, Michelle Colletti and Gary Mardock,
who assisted with the word processing, editing and graphics. Mr Hang Soo-Hoo
assisted with library support, unearthing sources from many strange places. I am
also grateful to Brian Lewis, whose early and continuing encouragement regard-
ing the writing and publishing of this book provided a timely stimulus. And for
her skill in editing the manuscript and preparing it for printing, and also for her
humor, Julie Spadaro has earned my gratitude for a job well done.
Most importantly, my family has waited patiently for too long for this book to
be finished so that we can get on with our lives. To Emily, thank you for your
support and encouragement. To Christopher, yes, it is finally, really, 100%

Preface ................................................................................................................. iv
Acknowledgments .............................................................................................. vii
List of Figures .................................................................................................... xiv

Chapter 1
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Water Management: A Global Challenge ............................................ !
1.2 ASR: A New Water Management Too1 .............................................. .4
1.3 What is ASR? ....................................................................................... 6
1.4 Historical Development of ASR .......................................................... 9
1.5 ASR Applications to Meet Water Management Needs ..................... 18
1.6 Objectives of This Book .................................................................... 21

Chapter 2
ASR Program Development ............................................................................ 23
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 23
2.2 Phase 1: Feasibility Assessment and Conceptual Design .................. 25
Recharge Objectives .......................................................................... 26
Water Supply ..................................................................................... 27
Recharge Water Quality ..................................................................... 28
Water Demand ................................................................................... 30
Hydrogeology .................................................................................... 32
Selection of Recharge Processes ........................................................ 34
Site Selection ..................................................................................... 34
Conceptual Design ............................................................................. 35
Existing Well vs. New Well .............................................................. 36
Hydrogeologic Simulation Modeling ................................................ 37
Outline of Test Program ..................................................................... 38
Regulatory and Water Rights Issues .................................................. 38
Institutional Constraints ..................................................................... 39
Economic Considerations .................................................................. 40
Final Report ....................................................................................... 41
2.3 Phase 2: Field Test Program ............................................................. .41
Baseline Testing ................................................................................. 43
ASR Cycle Testing ............................................................................ 46
Data Collection .................................................................................. 52
Sampling Frequency .......................................................................... 55
ASR Test Program Duration .............................................................. 55
2.4 Phase 3: ASR Wellfield Expansion ................................................... 56
Flow Rate Balancing .......................................................................... 56
Well Spacing and Arrangement ......................................................... 56
Stacking ............................................................................................. 57
Wellfield Layout ................................................................................ 53
2.5 Operations and Maintenance .............................................................. 59
Periodic Change in Operating Mode .................................................. 60
Backflushing to Waste During Recharge ........................................... 60
Disinfectant Residual ......................................................................... 60
Monitoring Data and Reports ............................................................. 61
2.6 Water Supply Planning with ASR ..................................................... 62

Chapter 3
Design of ASR Systems .................................................................................... 63
3.1 Wells .................................................................................................. 65
Casing Materials of Construction ...................................................... 65
Casing Diameter ................................................................................. 69
Cementing .......................................................................................... 70
Selection of ASR Storage Intervals ................................................... 70
Screen Design .................................................................................... 73
Pump Setting ...................................................................................... 73
3.2 Wellhead Facilities ............................................................................ 75
Materials of Construction .................................................................. 75
Pipeline Flushing and Waste Flow Discharge ................................... 76
Trickle Flows ..................................................................................... 76
Sampling Taps ................................................................................... 77
Disinfection of Recovered Flows ....................................................... 78
Cascading Control .............................................................................. 79
Air and Vacuum Relief ...................................................................... 86
Pressure and Water Level Measurement.. .......................................... 87
Flow Measurement ............................................................................ 89
Disinfection and pH Adjustment ....................................................... 91
Pump Considerations ......................................................................... 92
Other ASR Well Site Considerations ................................................. 95
Energy Recovery ................................................................................ 96
3.3 Wellfields ........................................................................................... 97
Dispersive Mixing .............................................................................. 97
Advective Mixing .............................................................................. 99

Chapter 4
Selected ASR Technical Issues ..................................................................... 101
4.1 Recovery Efficiency ........................................................................ 102
Definition ......................................................................................... 102
Water Quality Improvement with Successive Cycles ...................... 104
Water Quality During the Initial ASR Cycle ................................... 108
4.2 Well Plugging and Redevelopment ................................................. 111
Plugging Processes .......................................................................... 112
Measurement Methods for ASR Well Plugging .............................. 118
Normalization of Plugging Rates ..................................................... 120
Source Water Characterization ........................................................ 121
Well Plugging Relationships ............................................................ 124
Plugging Rate Site Investigations .................................................... 124
Redevelopment ................................................................................. l33
4.3 Wellhead Filtration .......................................................................... 136
4.4 Flow Control .................................................................................... 140
4.5 Disinfection Byproduct Reduction .................................................. 142
4.6 Pre- and Post-Treatment.. ................................................................. I 50
Disinfection ...................................................................................... 151
Iron ................................................................................................... 151
Manganese ....................................................................................... 156
Arsenic ............................................................................................. 157
Radon ............................................................................................... 158
Ion Exchange .................................................................................... 159
Hydrogen Sulfide ............................................................................. 160
4.7 Simulation Modelling ...................................................................... 161
ASR Water Supply System Model .................................................. 161
ASR Wellfield Operations Model .................................................... 163
Solute Transport Models .................................................................. 165

Chapter 5
Geochemistry .................................................................................................. 169
5.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 169
5.2 Water Chemistry .............................................................................. 171
Parameters ........................................................................................ 171
Mass Balance ................................................................................... 177
Water Chemistry Diagrams .............................................................. 178
Hydrogeochemical Processes ........................................................... 180
Changes in Groundwater Chemistry with Depth ............................. 183
Eh-pH Diagrams .............................................................................. 186
5.3 Aquifer Characteristics .................................................................... 191
Physical Characteristics ................................................................... 193
Colored Pictures of Cores ................................................................ 193
Mineralogy ....................................................................................... 194
Cation and Base Exchange Capacity ............................................... 194
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) ............................................ 194
Thin Section Petrography ................................................................ 196
5.4 Geochemical Processes .................................................................... 199
Suspended Solids Clogging ............................................................. 199
Biofouling ........................................................................................ 200
Adsorption ........................................................................................ 203
Ion Exchange .................................................................................... 203
Oxidation .......................................................................................... 204
Dissolution ....................................................................................... 204
Kinetics ............................................................................................ 208
5.5 Geochemical Models ....................................................................... 208
WATEQ ........................................................................................... 209
PHREEQE ........................................................................................ 210
MINTEQ .......................................................................................... 210
EQ3NR/EQ6 .................................................................................... 210
5.6 LaboratoryTesting ........................................................................... 211
Column Testing ................................................................................ 211
Batch Testing ................................................................................... 215
5.7 Field Investigations .......................................................................... 216

Chapter 6
Selected ASR Non-Technical Issues ............................................................. 217
6.1 Economics ........................................................................................ 217
6.2 Water Rate Impacts .......................................................................... 221
6.3 Legal and Regulatory Issues ............................................................ 225
EPA Surface Water Treatment Rule ................................................ 225
EPA Disinfection Byproducts Rule ................................................. 226
EPA Groundwater Rule ................................................................... 226
EPA Underground Injection Control Program ................................ 227
Ownership of the Stored Water ....................................................... 231
Non-Degradation of Groundwater Quality ...................................... 232
Seasonal vs. Long-Term Storage ..................................................... 233
Recovery Percentage ........................................................................ 234
Water Level Impacts ........................................................................ 234
Location for Recovery of Stored Water ........................................... 235
Permit Timing Relative to ASR Feasibility Investigations .............. 235
ASR Education ................................................................................. 236
6.4 Environmental Impacts .................................................................... 236
6.5 Public Involvement .......................................................................... 237

Chapter 7
Alternative ASR Applications ...................................................................... 241
7.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 241
7.2 Surface Water Storage ..................................................................... 242
Technical Considerations ................................................................. 242
Regulatory Considerations ............................................................... 245
Economics ........................................................................................ 246
Agricultural Applications of Surface Water ASR ........................... 247
7.3 Untreated Groundwater Storage ...................................................... 248
7.4 Reclaimed Water Storage ................................................................ 249
Reclaimed Water Injection Experience ........................................... 250
California Draft Regulations ............................................................ 251
Suggested Regulatory Strategy ........................................................ 253
Chapter 8
Future Directions ........................................................................................... 257
8.1 Technical Developments .................................................................. 258
8.2 Regulatory Issues ............................................................................. 260
8.3 Global Applications of ASR ............................................................ 261
Driving Forces ................................................................................. 261
Constraints ....................................................................................... 262
Opportunities .................................................................................... 262

Chapter 9
Selected Case Studies ..................................................................................... 265
9.1 Peace River, Florida ......................................................................... 265
9.2 Cocoa, Florida .................................................................................. 270
9.3 Marathon, Florida ............................................................................ 275
9.4 Port Malabar, Florida ....................................................................... 282
9.5 Boynton Beach, Florida ................................................................... 286
9.6 Okeechobee, Florida ........................................................................ 289
9. 7 Chesapeake, Virginia ....................................................................... 293
9.8 Swimming River, New Jersey .......................................................... 298
9.9 Wildwood, New Jersey .................................................................... 304
9.10 Kerrville, Texas ................................................................................ 305
9.11 Highlands Ranch, Colorado .............................................................. 309
9.12 Las Vegas Valley Water District, Nevada ....................................... 315
9.13 Calleguas Municipal Water District, California .............................. 318
9.14 Goleta, California ............................................................................. 323
9.15 Pasadena, California ........................................................................ 326
9.16 Seattle, Washington ......................................................................... 328
9.17 Kuwait .............................................................................................. 330

References ....................................................................................................... 335

Appendices ...................................................................................................... 339

Drinking Water Quality Standards ............................................................ 340
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ........................................... 340
European Community ...................................................................... 345
World Health Organization .............................................................. 354
Conversion Factors .................................................................................... 364

Index ................................................................................................................ 367


1.1 Estimated annual world water use, total and by sector, 1900-2000 .......... 3
1.2 Ground water recharge ................................................................................ 6
1.3 Location of ASR systems in the United States, 1993 ............................... 12

2.1 Peace River, Florida, monthly flows at Arcadia, 1932-1991 ................... 28

2.2 Peace River, Florida, drought-duration-frequency, 1932-1991 ................ 28
2.3 Supply-demand relationship with new ASR facilities, Evesham
Municipal Utilities Authority, New Jersey ............................................... 31
2.4 ASR initial test facilities and storage zone, Cocoa, Florida ...................... 45
2.5 Cycle testing data collection form, Port Malabar, Florida ........................ 52
2.6 Stacking ASR storage in multiple zones, Peace River, Florida ................ 57
2.7 Strategic water reserve: proposed well layout, Kuwait.. ........................... 58

3.1 ASR construction details and lithology, Marathon, Florida ..................... 72

3.2 Alternative pump setting for seasonal ASR operations ............................ 74
3.3 Alternative ASR wellfield designs and recovery efficiencies ................... 98

4.1 ASR recovery efficiency example .......................................................... 103

4.2 Water quality during initial cycle recovery ............................................. I 05
4.3 ASR recovery efficiency, Marathon, Florida .......................................... 107
4.4 Water quality improvement in successive cycles .................................... 110
4.5 Typical clogging processes ..................................................................... 112
4.6 Stages of clogging on a membrane filter ................................................ 114
4.7 Relationship between clogging rate, hydraulic conductivity and
total suspended solids .............................................................................. 131
4.8 ASR well increase in specific capacity, Manatee county, Florida .......... 135
4.9 Disinfection byproducts during ASR storage, Thames Water
Utilities, England .................................................................................... 143
4.10 Trihalomethane constituent distribution during ASR storage,
Thames Water Utilities, England ............................................................ 144
4.11 Disinfection byproduct formation potential during ASR storage,
Thames Water Utilities, England ............................................................ 145
4.12 Dissolved oxygen and nitrate concentrations during ASR storage,
Thames Water Utilities, England ........................................................... 146
4.13 Trihalomethane reduction during ASR storage at five sites ................... 146
4.14 Haloacetic acid reduction during ASR storage at five sites .................... 147
4.15 Ammonia concentrations observed during Cycle No.5, Well R-1,
Port Malabar, Florida .............................................................................. 151
4.16 Cyclic improvement in iron concentrations during recovery,
Swimming River, New Jersey ................................................................. 153
4.17 Cyclic improvement in manganese concentrations during recovery,
Swimming River, New Jersey ................................................................. 157
4.18 Hydrogen sulfide during ASR cycles, Cocoa, Florida ............................ 159
4.19 Peace River Water Supply System Model .............................................. 162
4.20 HST3D simulated relationship between recovery efficiency and
initial storage volume, Marathon, Florida ............................................... 165
4.21 HST3D simulated recovery efficiency vs. number of cycles for a
given storage duration, Marathon, Florida .............................................. 166

5.1 Stiff diagram ............................................................................................ 177

5.2 Collins diagram ....................................................................................... 178
5.3 Trilinear diagram ..................................................................................... 179
5.4 Trilinear diagram- environmental interpretation ................................. 182
5.5 Changes in groundwater chemistry with depth ....................................... 185
5.6 Approximate position of some natural environments as
characterized by Eh and pH .................................................................... 185
5.7 Equilibrium activity of dissolved iron as a function of Eh and pH ......... 186
5.8 Manganese stability and equilibrium as a function of Eh and pH .......... 187
5.9 Sulfur- Eh vs. pH ................................................................................. 188
5.10 Nitrogen- Eh vs. pH ............................................................................. 189
5.11 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) photomicrograph ........................ 195
5.12 Change in flowrate during recharge with different concentrations
of suspended solids ................................................................................. 199
5.13 Factors affecting growth of microorganisms and associated
well plugging ........................................................................................... 200
5.14 Solubility equilibria for calcite ................................................................ 202
5.15 Alkalinity-Carbonate species .................................................................. 204
5.16 Solubility particle size effect ................................................................... 205
5.17 Column testing apparatus ........................................................................ 211

9.1 ASR Well S-6 monthly recharge and recovery volumes and TDS
concentrations, Peace River, Florida ....................................................... 267
9.2 Location of water supply facilities, Cocoa, Florida ................................ 269
9.3 Water treatment plant and ASR wells, Cocoa, Florida ........................... 270
9.4 Recharge and recovery volumes (8/92-7/93), Cocoa, Florida ................ 273
9.5 Marathon, Florida, ASR location ............................................................ 274
9.6 Observation well chloride concentration vs. time, Marathon,
Florida ..................................................................................................... 278
9. 7 Construction details of the ASR facility, Port Malabar, Florida ............. 282
9.8 Chloride concentrations observed during ASR cycle testing,
Port Malabar, Florida .............................................................................. 283
9.9 ASR well construction and lithology, Okeechobee, Florida ................... 289
9.10 ASR well construction, Chesapeake, Virginia ........................................ 292
9.11 Chloride concentrations during cycles 1 & 2, Chesapeake,
Virginia ................................................................................................... 295
9.12 Core log of Upper PRM aquifer, Swimming River, New Jersey ............ 298
9.13 Construction of ASR Well SR-1, Swimming River, New Jersey ........... 299
9.14 Hydrograph for Arapahoe Well A-6, Centennial Water and
Sanitation District, Highlands Ranch, Colorado ..................................... 308
9.15 Downhole Flow Control Valve ............................................................... 312
9.16 Construction of ASR Wells 16 and 17, Las Vegas Valley Water
District, Nevada ...................................................................................... 314
9.17 Hydrogeologic cross-section, Calleguas Municipal Water District,
California ................................................................................................ 318
9.18 Lithology and well construction, Calleguas MunicipalWater District,
California ................................................................................................ 320

Slowly they wind athwart the wild,
And while young Day his anthem swells,
Sad falls upon my yearning ear
The tinkling of the Camel-hells.
The Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi
Sir Richard Burton


We are many travelers in a land that has limited water resources, and the
distance and direction to the next oasis are not well known. However, the
camel knows the way and will guide us. By storing water when and where
it is available, the camel is an appropriate symbol for a world in which the
incessant increase in demand for water is challenging our ability to meet
this demand.
Water resqurces must be managed more efficiently and wisely if we are
to sustain the needs of a growing world population. The signs are all
around us, for those willing to see:

• Groundwater supplies 97% of the water used in Saudi Arabia, yet water
levels are declining at such a rate that groundwater reserves will soon be
exhausted, probably within 20 to 50 years.
• About two-thirds of India is underlain by basalt aquifers that supply water
to hand dug wells for domestic and agricultural use. Increasing withdraw-
als are causing these wells to dry up in many areas, creating the need for
deep well pumping equipment and accelerating the rate of water level
• Groundwater withdrawals in the Denver Basin of Colorado in the U.S. have
caused water levels to decline from near land surface to a depth of almost
275 m (900 ft).
• Wells supplying growing populations in many coastal areas have been lost
to saltwater intrusion directly attributable to increasing groundwater with-
• Loss of wetlands and natural areas to urban development and agricultural
production is accelerating the rates of storm runoff and erosion in many
countries, creating pronounced increases in the intensity of flooding and
droughts in downstream areas, and reducing natural recharge to aquifers.
• In Beijing, China, water levels have been dropping about I to 2 m per year
and about one-third of the wells have reportedly gone dry [ 1].
• With a 1992 population of 56 million, Egypt has a renewable water supply
av,eraging only about 82 LPC/day (22 GPC/day). The population of Egypt
is doubling about every 28 years [2].

At the time of Christ, world population has been estimated to have been
approximately 300 million people [3]. It required 1700 years for the
population to double to slightly over 600 million people. By about 1860,
a span of 160 years, it had doubled again to 1.2 billion. The population
reached 2.4 billion by about 1945, doubling within 85 years. It had doubled
again to 4.8 billion by about 1984, 39 years, and is expected to double
again by the end of the century, another 16 years. Annual population
growth rates for the period 1980 to 1988 averaged about 1.7% worldwide,
within a range of 0.3% for Europe to 2.8% for Africa.
Per capita water demands have tended to rise, associated with standards
of living that have improved in many parts of the world. However, per
capita water supplies have fallen rapidly, associated with increasing popu-
lation growth. The widening difference between per capita demand and
supply represents a growing potential for problems and a growing chal-
lenge for water managers. Figure 1.1 shows the estimated annual world
water use between 1900 and 2000. During this period, water use has
increased almost ten times to over 5000 km3/year [4].
Global water supplies are generally believed to be constant. About
40,000 km 3/year constitutes the world's renewable freshwater supply [5].


1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000


Figure 1.1 Estimated annual world water use, total and by sector, 1900-2000.
From Shiklomanov, I. A., Global Water Resources, Nature and Re-
sources, Vol. 26, No. 3, 1990. With permission.

It is apparent that water is being utilized more intensively to meet the

growing needs of the global population. Examples include flood control
and channelization projects, levees and pumping stations, dams, reser-
voirs, regional irrigation systems, and water transmission pipelines.
These types of major regional water supply facilities were first con-
structed over 2500 years ago to irrigate the region of Mesopotamia around
the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, including such cities as Babylon, Nineveh,
and Ur. They have become quite common throughout the world during this
Even more intensive water management measures have been imple-
mented relatively recently in a few areas to meet local needs. Some of
these include pumped storage projects to meet peak power requirements,
deep injection wells to dispose of wastewater and to form salinity intrusion
barriers, desalination of brackish water and seawater, reclaimed water
irrigation systems, increasingly sophisticated treatment plants to treat
water and wastewater to potable standards, and artificial recharge facilities
to replenish aquifers.
Artificial recharge is therefore but one of many tools available to
achieve more efficient utilization of limited available water supplies.
Improvements in artificial recharge technology in recent years have re-
duced the cost of water supply facilities expansion substantially. As a
result, future use of this technology is expected to accelerate.


Interest in artificial recharge has strengthened in recent years, in re-

sponse to declining groundwater levels, increased vulnerability of surface
water supplies to contamination, environmental opposition to increased
reliance upon surface water supplies, and many other reasons. Conven-
tional artificial recharge methods have included surface infiltration sys-
tems and injection wells, both of which have technical constraints that
have tended to limit their widespread implementation.
Surface recharge systems work well in situations where soils are perme-
able from ground surface to the water table and where adequate land area
is available at reasonable cost to accommodate the recharge facilities.
Solids that accumulate at the surface are periodically removed following
a series of wet-dry cycles that maintain the long-term infiltration rate.
Where low permeability soils are present between ground surface and the
water table, or where land availability at reasonable cost is limited, surface
recharge may not be viable.
Injection wells tend to plug, requiring periodic redevelopment to main-
tain their capacity. Since they are usually not equipped with pumps, this
is achieved by redeveloping the well using a temporary pump or an air line,
assuming the degree of plugging is slight. However, if plugging has been
allowed to deteriorate to the point that this is inadequate to clear the well,
then it is necessary to use physical scrubbing, acidification, jetting, surg-
ing, pumping, disinfection, and other more intensive methods to restore
Both surface recharge and injection well systems have been utilized to
achieve the single limited objective of getting water into the ground. Since
the quality of water required for injection well systems to minimize
plugging generally has to be much better than that required for surface
recharge systems, injection wells have generally been perceived as a
higher cost recharge alternative, to be considered only at such time as all
possible alternatives for surface recharge have been proven non-feasible or
too costly. As a result, there have been relatively few applications of
injection well technology to achieve artificial recharge objectives.
The author proposes a broader vision of artificial recharge, one in which
the objective is not only to get water into the ground, but also to recover
it for a beneficial use at the same location. A key element of this broader
vision is that the storage zone may contain native water of poor or brackish
quality, in addition to freshwater zones previously considered for recharge.
With this broader vision and dual-purpose approach, recharge is accom-
plished with one or more wells, and the same wells are used for recovery
of the stored water. Pumps provided in the wells to enable recovery are

also used periodically to redevelop the wells, thereby maintaining their

injection capacity. Such dual-purpose wells are called aquifer storage
recovery or ASR wells.
This slight shift in approach radically alters the economics of artificial
recharge, and is therefore altering the direction of its future development.
In particular, operating experience has shown that if water is treated to a
level that will avoid rapid plugging of the well, such as meeting potable
drinking water standards, the water may be stored and recovered from the
well, generally without the need for retreatment other than disinfection.
This is true for freshwater storage zones and also for brackish water zones.
For potable and other higher quality water uses, the option exists to use the
same facilities for both recharge and recovery, without the need for
retreatment other than disinfection. For lower quality water uses such as
irrigation, the same advantage may possibly apply; however, greater care
will be needed to avoid well plugging and also to avoid aquifer contami-
nation (see Chapter 8, Future Directions).
With surface recharge systems, recovery of the water at the same site
would require additional cost for construction of wells, for piping and
pumps, and perhaps for construction of the associated treatment facilities
to meet water quality requirements prior to the ultimate use. Where both
surface and well recharge are feasible, well recharge may therefore tend to
be more cost-effective in situations where a need exists for the recovered
water at the recharge site and where treatment of the water would be
required anyway. As discussed subsequently in this chapter, there are
many applications that meet this description.
In situations where surface recharge is not feasible, ASR wells will tend
to be cost-effective relative to systems that rely upon separate injection and
recovery wells, due to the lesser costs of construction and operation for
dual-purpose ASR wells. Probably the only applications where single-
purpose injection wells are preferable are those where it is desired to
maximize blending between stored water and native groundwater, and
where aquifer hydraulics or recharge water awllity are such that plugging
is not an operating constraint. Even in situations where it is desired to use
the aquifer to convey water from the point of injection to a distant point
of recovery, providing a pump in the well will usually be less costly as a
means of maintaining injection capacity than periodically removing all
injection piping and redeveloping the well.
The ASR concept therefore represents a significant new development in
how we manage water. First and foremost it is an idea, or change in
thinking, about how to approach artificial recharge. However, it is also a
new technology. The technology is usually not complicated; however,
experience suggests that there are several technical and other elements

Ground Water Recharge

Basin Recharge Well Recharge

Single Purpose Dual Purpose
(Injection Wells) (Aquifer Storage
Recovery - ASR Wells)
Figure 1.2 Groundwater recharge.

unique to ASR that, if understood, can lead to a successful and cost-

effective operation. Similarly, neglecting these elements may contribute to
system failure due to plugging, improper well design or operation, poor
location, geochemical problems, inappropriate regulatory actions, and
other consequences.


Aquifer Storage Recovery may be defined as the storage of water in

a suitable aquifer through a well during times when water is available,
and recovery of the water from the same well during times when it is
needed. The concept is simple; that this ASR technology has only been
implemented fairly recently by the water industry reflects changing needs
and also successful technical resolution of several issues that previously
hindered recharge well performance.
In the wide range of activities that comprise artificial recharge, ASR is
a thriving newcomer, as shown in Figure 1.2. While most recharge still
occurs through surface methods such as basins and river channels, an
increasing amount of recharge occurs through wells.
Historically, recharge or injection wells have tended to plug, requiring
periodic redevelopment. The relatively high cost of well redevelopment
and the frequency with which this is often required have combined to
effectively preclude cost-effective well recharge activities at many sites.
As a recent technological development, ASR resolves the inherent opera-
tional drawbacks of single-purpose injection wells by equipping each well
with a pump and operating it in a dual-purpose mode for both recharge and
recovery. The pump used for recovery of the stored water is also used
periodically to redevelop the well and thereby maintain its capacity. No
additional facilities are required for recovery of the stored water. The ASR

approach to aquifer recharge overcomes the plugging associated with most

injection wells, the hydraulic limitations of many surface recharge sites,
and the large land area requirements of these sites. Because of these and
other advantages, ASR is being implemented at an accelerating rate in the
U.S. and overseas.
Typically, the same volume of water stored in an ASR well can be
recovered. In some situations, it may be possible to recover a greater volume
than the amount injected, relying upon mixing between the stored water and
the surrounding native water in the aquifer to provide a blend of acceptable
quality. In other situations, leaving a small percentage of the stored water in
the ground may be desirable to restore depleted groundwater reserves; to
address concerns regarding potential geochemical plugging; to form or
maintain a buffer zone between stored water and surrounding brackish or
poor quality native water; or to build up a reserve for future recovery
during droughts, emergencies, or anticipated times of higher demand.
Where storage zone characteristics are more than usually challenging,
it may not be possible to achieve 100% recovery efficiency. This may be
true in storage zones with very high transmissivity and also poor water
quality, zones with inadequate confinement separating them from adjacent
zones with poor water quality, and zones with substantial groundwater
velocity. In such situations, a careful evaluation of recovery efficiency and
cost-effectiveness can lead to the right decisions regarding ASR feasibility
and design.
In most instances, the water quality required for recharge must be rather
good. It is no coincidence that all of the existing (1994) operational ASR
systems store water that meets potable standards. However, it is important
to distinguish between regulatory requirements for potable water quality
and technical requirements for ASR well recharge. While meeting regula-
tory potable standards is probably suitable for ASR recharge, experience
suggests that, in some cases, additional treatment may be necessary, such
as reduction of total suspended solids or pH adjustment. Conversely, for
some applications recharge water quality could probably fall short of
meeting potable standards while still minimizing well plugging, assuming
regulatory concerns regarding potential aquifer contamination can be ad-
dressed satisfactorily. Potable water standards provide a reasonable refer-
ence point against which to evaluate recharge and recovered water quality
from ASR wells.
ASR recovered water usually requires no retreatment following recov-
ery, other than disinfection for potable uses. In a few situations, pH
adjustment of the recovered water may also be necessary.
Suitable storage zones for ASR may be confined, semi-confined, or
unconfined (water table) aquifers; however, most experience to date is

with semi-confined aquifers, some of which have been partially dewatered

due to overdevelopment. Storage in unconfined aquifers can also be fea-
sible; however, several factors adversely impact feasibility:

I. Groundwater velocity is usually higher in unconfined aquifers, a result of

which is that the stored water bubble will tend to move away from the well,
reducing recovery efficiency. Where the distance that the bubble moves
between the time of recharge and the time of recovery exceeds the diameter
of the bubble, it may not be possible to recover the stored water. Obviously
this is of greater concern in situations where native water quality is not as
high as recharge water quality.
2. The rate and duration of recharge may be limited by buildup of a mound in
the water table that intersects either ground surface or the invert of local
drainage systems, causing loss of the stored water.
3. Overlying land use in the vicinity of the ASR well may be inconsistent with
the need for protecting the quality of stored water for its anticipated ultimate
use following recovery.

These three considerations are of particular concern for unconfined

aquifer ASR applications. Where the water table is deep and relatively flat,
and overlying land use is not likely to contaminate the stored water, ASR
can be viable and cost-effective. It is an alternative to surface recharge
methods where land costs or availability preclude surface recharge, or
where it is desired to recover the stored water at the site for irrigation
Volumes of water stored in ASR wells depend upon several factors,
such as well yield, variability in water supply, and variability in water
demand. Typical volumes for individual wells range between 0.04 and 2
Mm3 (10 to 500 MG; 31 to 1535 acre ft). Where appropriate, multiple ASR
wells are operated as a wellfield, the capacity of which meets system needs
or opportunities during either recharge or recovery periods. As discussed
in the next section of this chapter, there are potentially many different
applications of ASR technology; however, all store sufficient volumes
during times when water is available and recover it from the same well(s)
when needed. The storage time is usually seasonal but may be diurnal,
long-term, or for emergencies.
Aggregate storage volumes for ASR wellfields may be large. The
largest three ASR wellfields currently in operation have design storage
volumes in excess of 4 Mm3 (1 BG; 3000 acre ft) and are able to augment
seasonal peak water supplies with treated drinking water at rates of 30 to
380 ML/day (8 to 100 MG/day).


The old saying that "there is nothing new under the sun" is also true of
ASR. The Kara Kum Plain is a 311,000 km2 (120,000 miles 2) desert
located on the southeast shore of the Caspian Sea in Turkmenistan, and is
characterized by black sand, alluvial plains interspersed by sand dunes.
Rainfall is usually less than 100 mm (4 inches). During the past several
hundred years, the nomads of this area found that recharge during infre-
quent rainfall in the area occurred only beneath the sand dunes, while a
shallow clay-silt layer and transpiration from desert vegetation prevented
recharge in other areas. The groundwater occurs under water table condi-
tions but is quite brackish except under the sand dunes. To ensure water
supplies, the nomads dug long trenches, extending radially from the sand
dunes and with lengths of up to 2 to 3 km/km2 of tributary area. They were
graded to convey intercepted surface runoff to a central pit excavated in
the dunes. A system of hand-dug wells, cased with locally available brush
wood woven with grass and camel wool, was then constructed surrounding
the central pit, to augment recharge during rainfall events and also to
supply water. Outer wells were utilized to provide poorer quality water for
livestock, while central wells were utilized to meet potable water needs.
With depletion of the stored water between rainfall events, outer wells
would be abandoned as they became too salty, and central wells would be
partially filled in to reduce upwelling of salty water from below, thereby
skimming the residual freshwater in the stored water bubble. Some of
these underground reservoirs were utilized routinely while others were
reserved for use during severe droughts. Because of the highly turbid
recharge water, the wells required cleaning every year [6].
It is perhaps ironic that the term "ASR," first utilized by the author in
1983 to describe the process of underground storage of water using dual-
purpose wells, is also a word that means "capture" in Arabic. Certainly, for
the nomads of the Kara Kum Plain, capturing the limited available rainfall
was absolutely essential for their survival.
In western India, a tribal community has been practicing artificial
recharge for several centuries to obtain drinking water for its members and
livestock. The primary occupation of the tribal people is cattle breeding
and selling milk products. The area is known as Banni and is located in the
northern part of the Kutch District of Gujarat State in western India. The
area is a raised tidal flat, about 5 m above sea level, and covers about 700
km2• Annual rainfall is only 15-20 em, most of which occurs during the
monsoon season from July to September. During the rainy season, runoff

from a large area is collected in a village tank through several collection

channels. The tank is about one hectare in area and about 2 m deep,
excavated in fine sand and clay. The quality of groundwater is brackish,
but the recharge from the tank displaces the native groundwater below the
tank bed and its vicinity. When the tank dries up by March, dug wells about
1 min diameter and 2-3 m deep are excavated in the tank bed to recover
the percolated runoff. During the summer months, it is necessary to dig
several such wells as each well can only be used for about two weeks
because of the less permeable strata. Dug wells that provide drinking water
supply for people are located in the central portion of the tank while those
for cattle are located near the margins [7].
Much has been written regarding artificial recharge experience in many
countries, primarily pertaining to surface recharge projects. Recharge
through wells has received less attention, but is more pertinent to this book
in that it provides a basis for the subsequent development of ASR. Accord-
ingly, a brief overview of well recharge operational experience in the U.S.
and overseas is perhaps helpful. The term "well" is intended to be synony-
mous with "borehole" and "tubewell," as used in other English-speaking
countries. The term "recharge well" covers all recharge through wells,
whether by gravity or pumping, that is intended primarily to replenish
groundwater supplies and meet drinking water needs. This includes ASR
wells, injection wells for potable aquifer recharge and for salinity intrusion
control, and reclaimed water injection wells that are used to replenish
potable water supplies. It excludes those wells operated for disposal of
wastewater or brine, drainage wells, air-conditioning return flows, and
hazardous waste cleanup re-injection wells. It also excludes recharge
through pits and shafts. Some specific well recharge projects are presented
in greater detail in Chapter 9, Selected Case Studies.

United States

Many well recharge studies and field investigations have been con-
ducted during the past few decades; however, few projects are currently
operational. Table 1.1 includes a list of 24 known recharge well projects,
all of which are currently operational. Of these, 20 are ASR projects, all
of which have become operational since 1968. Figure 1.3 shows the
location of ASR facilities in the U.S. as of 1994, including systems in
operation and others in various stages of development.


The Mannheim aquifer recharge program at Kitchener, Ontario, is one

of two known recharge well projects in Canada. Water from the Grand
River is being diverted and treated to meet local water demands. The water
treatment plant has a capacity of up to 16 migd (73 ML!day; 19 MG/day),
exceeding current water requirements. During low demand winter and
spring months, some of this water will be recharged through wells into the



location Began Storage Zone Application

Orange County, California 1950s Sand Salinity intrusion

Los Angeles County, 1950s Sand Salinity intrusion
California barrier
El Paso, Texas 1986 Sand Reclaimed
water injection
Gainesville, Florida 1978 Limestone Reclaimed
water injection
Wildwood, New Jersey 1968 Sand ASR
Gordons Corner, New Jersey 1972 Clayey sand ASR
Goleta, California 1978 Silty, clayey ASR
Manatee, Florida 1983 Limestone ASR
Peace River, Florida 1985 Limestone ASR
Cocoa, Florida 1987 Limestone ASR
Bueii-Red Prairie, Oregon 1988 Basalt Recharge
Las Vegas, Nevada 1988 Valley fill ASR
Port Malabar, Florida 1989 Limestone ASR
Oxnard, California 1989 Sand ASR
Chesapeake, Virginia 1990 Sand ASR
Kerrville, Texas 1991 Sandstone ASR
N. Las Vegas, Nevada 1991 Valley fill ASR
Seattle, Washington 1992 Glacial drift ASR
Calleguas, California 1992 Sand ASR
Pasadena, California 1992 Sand ASR
Highlands Ranch, Colorado 1993 Sand ASR
Swimming River, New Jersey 1993 Clayey sand ASR
Boynton Beach, Florida 1993 Limestone ASR
Murray Avenue, New Jersey 1994 Clayey sand ASR
Marathon, Florida 1994 Sand ASR

• In Operation
o In Development

Figure 1.3 Location of ASR systems in the United States, 1994.

Mannheim glacial drift aquifer and possibly into an underlying brackish

aquifer. During peak demand summer months, this water will be with-
drawn to supplement the capacity of the regional water system. Major
intake, pipeline, and treatment facilities have been constructed and are in
operation. Construction and field testing of new ASR wells is expected to
begin during 1994, and the recharge system should become operational
within a few years to help meet peak water demands. Expected recovery
capacity is about 20 migd (91 ML/day; 24 MG/day) to meet projected
demands in 2006, increasing to 37 migd (168 ML/day; 44 MG/day) by the
year 2036.
A second well recharge system in Canada is under development in
Saskatchewan, to improve the quality of groundwater available for water
supply to rural residents, using recharge of snowmelt or other high quality
surface water through existing production wells.


Since about 1956, artificial recharge through wells has been an impor-
tant element of the National Water System for Israel. Most of the long-
term operating experience has been in the sandstone aquifer of the coastal
plain and the limestone-dolomite aquifer of central Israel, although some
investigations have also been conducted in the basalt aquifer of lower
Galilee. Recharge has occurred primarily through dual-purpose injection/
production wells (ASR wells), although single purpose recharge wells,
recharge basins, and abandoned quarries are also utilized. The water

source is primarily chlorinated water from Lake Kinneret, although storm

runoff and groundwater from a limestone aquifer are also recharged.
Radioactive tracers have been utilized to determine movement and mixing
of the recharge water with the native groundwater. Annual recharge vol-
umes in excess of 80 Mm3 (21 BG; 64,000 acre ft) have been achieved,
utilizing over 100 wells and surface recharge facilities.


Thames Water Utilities is a private water company serving customers

in London and the Thames valley. During winter months, a portion of the
flow available from the River Thames and also the River Lee is treated and
injected into several wells in north London. The storage zone is a partially
dewatered confined aquifer composed of chalk overlain by sands. The
recharge water is primarily intended for drought storage, to help meet
demands during periods of low streamflow that are assumed to occur
approximately every 8 years. The water is recovered when needed, and is
retreated at the Coppermills Water Treatment Plant. Initial testing began
during the 1950s, and the wellfield has recently been expanded. Recovery
rates up to 90 ML/day (24 MG/day) are planned.
Well recharge has been tested at several other sites in England; how-
ever, none of these are believed to be currently operational.

The Netherlands

Extensive work relating to well recharge has been conducted in The

Netherlands, particularly in the coastal dunes area near Amsterdam. For
years, surface basins have been utilized to recharge treated water from the
River Rhine and the River Meuse into the surficial sand aquifer. Wells are
then utilized to recover the water for municipal water supply purposes.
Environmental and land use constraints are forcing increased reliance
upon wells (instead of basins) for recharge. Another important factor
contributing to the development of well recharge technology in The Neth-
erlands has been the need to reinject water pumped out of the ground
during dewatering operations for building construction. As a result, con-
siderable work has been conducted relating to well recharge, water quality
effects, clogging mechanisms, and water facilities design.
As of 1994, two recharge well systems are operational and two more are
under construction. Several other sites have been tested during the past few
decades. In operation since 1990, the two operational recharge well sys-
tems each have recharge rates of about 4 MCM/year. Total annual re-
charge from both wells and surface systems in The Netherlands was about
180 MCM as of 1990 [8].


Farmers in the vicinity of Adelaide use irrigation supply wells to

recharge their brackish aquifer with seasonally available fresh surface
water. This water is then recovered to augment irrigation supplies during
dry months. Recently investigations have been initiated to assess the
feasibility of recharging urban runoff through wells in the Adelaide area,
following pretreatment in natural swales and detention ponds. If technical
feasibility and regulatory viability can be confirmed, this practice would
offset increasing salinity of local aquifers, attributable to reduced natural
recharge in this urban area.
Many other well recharge projects are in development or operation that
do not appear on this list. A review of literature and other sources suggests
well recharge activity in Italy, Spain, Kuwait, India, Japan, and Iran.
However the list provides some idea of the global level of activity related
to recharge wells and, in particular, the principal current locations of well
recharge and ASR activity.
Prior to 1970 in the U.S., artificial recharge was little utilized and was
accomplished mostly by surface recharge methods, using recharge basins
or river channels in pervious soils to convey water into aquifer storage.
Several experiments with injection wells were undertaken prior to 1968,
among which those by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) are
perhaps best documented. Cederstrom [9] conducted early injection and
recovery experiments at Camp Peary, Virginia, in 1946, in which treated
water was stored in a brackish aquifer and was recovered from the same
well during several test cycles. Similar USGS investigations were con-
ducted at several other sites.
A common denominator of these early investigations is that few of them
were carried forward into continued operation by the utility systems and
other local water management agencies. Reasons for this vary, reflecting
site-specific challenges, needs and priorities. Several of the USGS pro-
grams were quite successful from a technical viewpoint. It may be inferred
that, prior to 1970, water management needs in the U.S. were adequately
met with conventional technology, including wellfields, dams, reservoirs,
and river diversions. Environmental constraints had yet to achieve the
impact upon water management policies that became evident during sub-
sequent decades. Artificial recharge was in its infancy as a viable water
management tool, and plugging problems with some recharge well projects
tended to support the conclusion that recharge well cost-effectiveness was
questionable when compared to other available alternatives.
That is not to imply that work prior to 1970 was of lesser value. The
USGS has compiled two bibliographies of artificial recharge [10,11] that

list numerous references on the subject. In 1973, the U.S. Department of

the Interior, Office of Water Resources Research published a bibliography
on the same subject [12]. The technical lessons learned in these investiga-
tions provided a foundation of experience, including both successes and
problems, upon which later projects might build. A review of these bibli-
ographies provides a rather complete perspective on artificial recharge in
the U.S. prior to 1973. More recently the University of Oklahoma com-
piled an updated bibliography on artificial recharge in the U.S. through
1985 [13]. Some international projects are also referenced.
The widely acknowledged leading area for artificial recharge in the U.S.
is southern California, which had a 1993 population of about 16 million
and local average precipitation in the Los Angeles area of less than 500
mm (20 inches). The high cost of several imported water sources, environ-
mental and other constraints upon their availability, and their vulnerability
to emergency loss during earthquakes has provided a continuing incentive
to make more efficient use of locally available water supplies. To control
saltwater intrusion that became a serious problem during the 1940s, the
Orange County Water District and Los Angeles County Department of
Public Works began operation of a series of salinity intrusion barriers, a
line of injection wells currently numbering over 200 wells and recharged
with over 170 ML/day (45 MG/day; 50,000 acre ft/year) of reclaimed
water from Water Factory 21 and from imported surface water. Portions
of this barrier have remained in continuous operation since 1956, while
new sections were added during the 1960s and 1970s. The barriers have
proven effective in achieving the original objective of controlling saltwater
intrusion. About 15% of the water flows seaward, while the balance flows
landward and recharges the local aquifer system. Other recharge activities
in southern California prior to 1970 were associated with surface recharge
through basins and river channels.
About 1970, water management in the U.S. began taking a new direc-
tion in response to growing recognition that continued construction of
dams and major water conveyance schemes were increasingly unaccept-
able for environmental reasons. Water management was also incapable, in
some areas, of keeping up with rising water demands by agriculture,
industry, and people. This opened the way for more serious and wide-
spread consideration of artificial recharge as a means of augmenting the
yield of limited available water supply sources. Several different areas
within the U.S. then began considering artificial recharge as a water supply
alternative deserving consideration. However, many had conditions un-
suited to surface recharge methods. The occurrence of hardpan, clay, or
other low permeability confining layers between the ground surface and
the water table or potentiometric surface in the aquifer frequently provided

a substantial constraint upon effective, long-term recharge rates and program

cost-effectiveness. In other locations, including southern California,
hydrogeologic characteristics were suitable but urban development encroached
upon river channels and other potential surface recharge expansion areas,
raising land values to the point that further acquisition for recharge purposes
was not cost-effective. In such areas, recharge could only be achieved
through injection wells. As discussed earlier, recharge experience with
injection wells was quite limited, partly reflecting recurring technical prob-
lems with well plugging due to a variety of physical and geochemical causes.
Outside the water utility field, injection well technology advanced
primarily through the needs of the petroleum industry, which increasingly
relied upon brine reinjection and water injection for secondary recovery
operations in order to produce oil. Wellhead filtration was required in
order to avoid plugging of injection wells with particulates. In addition,
increasingly sophisticated chemical pretreatment techniques were devel-
oped to avoid geochemical plugging of the aquifer receiving the injected
water and to achieve other objectives related to secondary recovery opera-
tions. Thus, by 1970, alternatives had been developed and applied in the
petroleum industry to address some of the reasons for well plugging that
had previously hindered implementation of injection well technology for
artificial recharge within the water utility field.
Wildwood, NJ was the first utility system (1968) to begin long-term
operation of a wellfield for seasonal storage and recovery of treated
drinking water. The purpose of this system was to meet short-term peak
demands during summer months with water stored in the same wells
during the remainder of the year. Four ASR wells have been constructed
at Wildwood. This was followed in 1971 by a similar system at Gordons
Corner, NJ. Both of these systems are still in operation as of 1994. These
are the oldest known U.S. water systems operating in what we now refer
to as an "aquifer storage recovery" operating mode.
During the early 1970s, the USGS continued with investigation of
injection well recharge and recovery at two sites. One, at Hialeah, FL,
obtained useful data on recovery efficiencies associated with cyclic stor-
age and recovery of freshwater from a shallow aquifer in a deeper, brack-
ish limestone aquifer [14]. At Norfolk, VA, Brown and Silvey [15] inves-
tigated similar cyclic storage in a brackish, clayey-sand aquifer, experienc-
ing serious well plugging which they attributed to geochemical reactions.
However, they were able to arrest further loss of well production and
injection capacity through treatment of the well with calcium chloride,
prior to termination of the investigation. Neither of these investigations
was carried forward into full operation by the participating water utilities
at the time, although ASR development is now underway in the vicinity of
each of these sites.

Little further operational development of the ASR concept occurred

until 1978, the year in which the Southwest Florida Water Management
District and Manatee County, FL, initiated an ASR project to seasonally
store treated drinking water in an artesian, limestone aquifer. Also in that
year, the Goleta Water District in southern California began a program to
recharge a local aquifer with treated drinking water using 18 unused
irrigation wells and 9 wells equipped with pumps. The latter were to be
available for use to redevelop the wells periodically and also recover the
stored water when required to meet system demands, augmenting yield of
the Cachuma reservoir during droughts. Soon after initiation of the Goleta
ASR system, a prolonged drought precluded water availability to recharge
the system for several years.
In Florida, meanwhile, the Manatee County project had proved to be
successful and cost-effective as a water supply alternative. Other Florida
water utility systems began what by then were termed "ASR" programs.
These included the Peace River project and then others for the City of
Cocoa and Port Malabar, all of which successfully stored treated drinking
water in brackish limestone aquifers and were carried forward into full
operation. The utility of ASR as a viable, cost-effective, and operationally
acceptable water supply alternative was therefore established in New
Jersey by 1972 and in Florida by 1988, when all four of these Florida ASR
systems were in operation, three of which had already been expanded or
had expansion plans.
It remained, then, to determine whether ASR operational success was
limited to the New Jersey coastal plain deposits and certain Florida lime- .
stone aquifers. These could be characterized as karst, with moderate to
high transmissivity, and with total dissolved solids concentrations less
than 1300 mg/L in the native groundwater. Alternatively, ASR might have
broader applicability.
Based upon the Florida and New Jersey successes with ASR, new
projects were initiated in several states that would eventually expand the
acceptance of ASR as a widely applicable water supply alternative. ASR
projects were initiated in Seattle, W A; Kerrville, TX; Chesapeake, VA;
Marathon, FL; Calleguas, CA; Swimming River, NJ; Highlands Ranch,
CO; and Tucson, AZ; and were soon followed by many others.
As of October 1994, 20 ASR projects were operational in the U.S.,
compared to three in 1983. These are listed in Table 1.1. All are storing
treated drinking water underground in suitable aquifers through wells,
with recovery to meet a growing variety of needs. About 40 additional
projects are currently in various stages of investigation, design, permitting,
construction, testing, or operational startup. The future for ASR technol-
ogy and implementation appears bright, with new technology develop-
ments, implementation in other countries, and broader applications for

storage of water from different sources such as reclaimed water and

agricultural supplies. These are discussed in Chapter 8, Future Directions.



Although most ASR applications are for seasonal, long-term, or emer-

gency storage of drinking water, many other applications have been con-
sidered or implemented at ASR sites across the U.S. and overseas. An ASR
system can usually be designed and operated to meet a primary objective
and one or more secondary objectives. However, such a system must be
carefully planned to ensure that facilities are situated, designed, permitted,
and operated in such a way as to achieve these multiple objectives.
Twenty-two ASR applications that can be used to guide future planning at
potential ASR sites are now briefly described.

1. Seasonal Storage. Water is stored during wet months, or months when it is

available, and is recovered during dry months, or months when it is needed.
Where water is plentiful, it may be stored during times when quality is best
and recovered during times of poor quality. The duration of seasonal recov-
ery periods may be several days to several months. Storage zones can be
confined, semi-confined, or unconfined aquifers containing fresh, brackish,
or saltwater.
2. Long-term Storage. Water is stored during wet years, or during years when
new supply, treatment, and distribution facilities have spare capacity, and is
recovered during drought years, or years when the capacity of existing
facilities is inadequate to meet system demand. This type of storage is
sometimes referred to as "water banking."
3. Emergency Storage. Water is stored, when available, to provide an emer-
gency supply or strategic reserve to meet demands when the primary source
of supply is unavailable, whether due to accidental loss, contamination,
warfare, or natural disaster. This type of storage is particularly appropriate
for water systems that rely heavily on a single source and a long transmis-
sion pipeline.
4. Disinfection Byproducts (DBP) Reduction. ASR storage can reduce the
concentrations of DBPs, such as trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic
acids (HAAs), and also their formation potential. For some water utilities,
an ASR system providing underground treatment may therefore be an
inexpensive method of meeting pending standards for THM and HAA
concentrations in drinking water.
5. Restore Groundwater Levels. Continuing trends of water level decline
can be reversed by incorporating an ASR system into a regional water
management plan. A small percentage of the stored water can be left in the
aquifer each year, or increased storage during wet years can be accumulated,
to eventually bring water levels to within a target range of elevations.

6. Reduce Subsidence. By restoring groundwater levels, ASR systems can

help reduce subsidence in areas where it is occurring because of continued
water level decline.
7. Maintain Distribution System Pressure. Aquifer storage at those loca-
tions within a utility distribution system that experience seasonal low pres-
sures can help to maintain these pressures by recovery during peak demand
months. Such locations are frequently at the ends of long transmission or
distribution pipelines that are undersized to handle existing or projected
flows. ASR location in conjunction with small elevated or ground storage
facilities can be a cost-effective means of meeting seasonal peak demands
at adequate pressures.
8. Maintain Distribution System Flow. Aquifer storage at those locations
within a utility distribution system that experience seasonal low flows can
help to maintain adequate disinfectant residuals and other indicators of
water quality. This is probably an alternative to flushing pipelines to waste.
9. Improve Water Quality. ASR systems can provide many water quality
improvements at different sites, including pH stabilization or adjustment,
THM and HAA reduction, iron and manganese reduction, hydrogen sulfide
reduction, possible arsenic reduction, blending with native groundwater,
and softening. Nutrient and coliform reduction may also occur where these
constituents are present in the recharge water.
10. Prevent Saltwater Intrusion. Placing ASR wells in a line parallel to
saltwater-intruded portions of an aquifer can prevent further movement of
the saltwater intrusion front, while also meeting seasonal peak demands.
11. Reduce Environmental Effects of Streamflow Diversions. The reliable
safe yield of surface water supplies has historically been established accord-
ing to allowable diversions during dry weather and low flow months in
order to protect aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems while maintaining down-
stream water quality. ASR systems primarily divert water during high flow
months when the percentage of streamflow that is diverted is frequently
small. This reduces the environmental effects of streamflow diversions and
thereby facilitates environmentally sound use of surface water sources.
12. Agricultural Water Supply. Seasonal storage of water for agricultural
irrigation purposes is possible in many areas where aquifer hydraulic char-
acteristics are such that high yield wells can be developed for recharge and
recovery purposes. Fresh or brackish aquifers are potentially useful for such
purposes. Regulatory and technical issues must be addressed where re-
charge water quality may not meet all potable standards.
13. Nutrient Reduction in Agricultural Runoff. Nutrients are frequently
present in agricultural runoff, causing eutrophication of lakes and reser-
voirs. Storage of agricultural runoff can reduce nitrogen concentrations
through bacterial denitrification. In addition, some aquifers can reduce
phosphorus concentrations through physical-chemical and bacteriological
14. Enhance Wellfield Production. Wellfields are usually designed and oper-
ated to produce water at rates within their long-term safe, sustained yield.
When these same wellfields are converted to an ASR mode, it is frequently

possible to produce water at higher rates during peak demand months,

counting on artificial recharge during off-peak months to restore water
levels before the following peak season.
15. Defer Expansion of Water Facilities. Water system components with ASR
are sized differently than those without ASR. In particular, it is frequently
possible to make more efficient use of existing investment in treatment and
conveyance capacity by operating these facilities at full capacity throughout
the year and throughout the life of the facility, except for scheduled main-
tenance periods. Excess treated water is stored for later recovery. With this
approach, expansion of water facilities can be deferred and downsized, with
substantial cost savings.
16. Compensate for Surface Salinity Barrier Leakage Losses. In south
Florida and possibly other areas, salinity barriers are located on major
drainage channels discharging to saltwater. Leakage around these structures
through the adjacent shallow aquifer during drought periods can be substan-
tial. With ASR, wells would be located adjacent to these barriers, recharging
water into deep brackish aquifers during wet months. Stored water would be
recovered during drought months to compensate for leakage losses.
17. Reclaimed Water Storage for Reuse. High quality reclaimed water may
be stored seasonally in brackish aquifers for recovery to meet irrigation
demands. This eliminates the need for expensive aboveground storage that
is often required for those periods when the seasonal demand for irrigation
water is reduced. In concept, the same principle could be used for reclaimed
water storage in potable aquifers. The stored reclaimed water would be
hydraulically controlled within a small radius around each ASR well, rather
than dispersing freely in the storage zone. It would be recovered from the
ASR well, having undergone some improvement in quality during seasonal
aquifer storage.
18. Soil Aquifer Treatment. Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial treatment pro-
cesses occur in both the saturated and unsaturated zones of an aquifer
system. In addition, physical-chemical processes are effective in treating
water stored in ASR wells. While much remains to be learned regarding soil
aquifer treatment in ASR wells, this appears to be a beneficial application
of ASR technology.
19. Stabilize Aggressive Water. Aggressive water is frequently treated with
calcium carbonate to achieve stability of product water from water treat-
ment plants. In limestone storage zones, stabilization can also be achieved
at lower cost during aquifer storage.
20. Hydraulic Control of Contaminant Plumes. In portions of aquifers that
are threatened by movement of contamination plumes, it is sometimes
possible to control movement of these plumes through the appropriate use
of injection or recovery wells. However, use of ASR wells can also achieve
seasonal production from these aquifers while controlling movement of the
plumes. With such applications, legal liability issues must be addressed

21. Diurnal Storage. ASR wells have been used in some areas to store water
at night for recovery during the day, in situations where daytime demands
exceed supply capacity.
22. Fish Hatchery Temperature Control. Seasonal variations in source water
temperature can be used to advantage by recovering and blending ASR
water to meet temperature control requirements.

Other applications of ASR technology may become evident in future

years, supplementing the above list. Each of these applications entails
associated hydraulic, hydrogeologic, and water quality requirements for
ASR system development and operation.


The purpose of this book is to present the author's vision of ASR as a

powerful and cost-effective water management tool that can alleviate
growing water supply problems around the world. If the vision can be
conveyed clearly, then those who choose to follow along this path will be
able to make reasonable judgments and decisions as they encounter differ-
ent circumstances, needs, and opportunities at new ASR sites.
The book endeavors also to provide useful guidelines, procedures,
design concepts, and other pertinent information to guide those who may
be interested in establishing new ASR systems. With a clear understanding
of the ASR vision and a grasp of the procedures that have proven sufficient
to ensure ASR success at many sites, the reader will hopefully be well
prepared to proceed with a new ASR program.
Chapter 1 presents the ASR concept as a relatively new global water
management tool with many different potential applications. The histori-
cal development of ASR is also discussed. A proven, successful approach
for ASR system development is presented in Chapter 2, including a series
of development phases leading to system operation and expansion. Chap-
ter 3 discusses the design of ASR wells, wellhead facilities, and wellfields.
Several design features are unique to ASR and are highlighted in this
chapter. Design considerations that apply to all wells and are not unique
to ASR are generally not covered. An understanding of many technical
issues unique to ASR constitutes the body of knowledge comprising ASR
technology. These issues are discussed in detail in Chapter 4. Chapter 5
presents a practical guide for understanding ASR geochemistry issues.
Geochemistry is a very important technical element of the ASR develop-
ment program at most sites. Other non-technical issues are equally as

important to ASR success, such as economics, water rate impacts, legal

and regulatory issues, environmental impact, and public involvement.
These are discussed in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 presents alternative ASR
applications for storage of water from sources such as reclaimed water and
untreated or partially treated surface water. Chapter 8 discusses future
directions for ASR, including technical and regulatory developments that
can be reasonably foreseen, and also expected global applications. Chapter
9 includes several case studies selected from among existing operational
ASR systems, or those that are in development. These are presented to
illustrate the range of potential applications, the successes, and the prob-
lems that have arisen at these sites, and how these problems were resolved.
As the first book to be published on the subject of aquifer storage
recovery, it is hoped that this will be perceived as a useful and complete
reference to guide professionals, water managers, water users and others
with a common interest in achieving more efficient, sustainable, and cost-
effective utilization of our global water resources.

The winds blow forth; to earth the quivering lightnings fall,
The plants shoot up; with moisture streams the realm of light.
For all the world ahundallt nourishment is hom,
When by Pwjanya Earth is fertilized with seed.
The rain of heaven bestow, 0 Manas, on us,
Of your strong steed pour forth the streams abundant.
With this thy thundering roar do thou come hither,
And shed the waters as our heavenly father.
With roar and thunder now the germ deposit,
Fly round us with thy water-hearing chariot.
Turn well thy water-skin unloosed downward,
Make, with the waters, heights and hollows level.
Draw the great bucket up and pour it downward,
And let the liberated streams flow forward.
On all sides drench both heaven and earth with fatness;
Let there he for the cows fair pools for drinking.
from the Rig Veda, Book V, 83, Parjanya (c. 1300 BC)


By following a logical process for the planning and implementation of

ASR projects, the probability of ultimate success can be maximized. Such

a process has been developed as a result of experience at several existing

operational recharge sites, and familiarity with others, and is presented in
this chapter. Although each ASR project tends to have important and site-
specific issues that determine the nature and direction of activities, com-
mon themes emerging from these different projects form the basis of a
recommended process for consideration at potential new ASR sites.
An essential element of the process is a phased approach in which the
level of effort and associated financial investment is related to the degree
of risk, both technical and non-technical. A minimum of three phases is
normally appropriate:

Phase 1: Preliminary Feasibility Assessment and Conceptual Design

Phase 2: Field Investigations and Test Program
Phase 3: Recharge Facilities Expansion

In some cases, the level of risk is higher than usual, justifying a greater
number of phases along the path to implementation. An increased number
of phases may also be necessary as a result of funding constraints, particu-
larly during field investigations. Certain regulatory, legal, or water rights
issues may be sufficiently important that a separate phase may be devoted
to full investigation of these issues before remaining portions of the
program can continue. In other cases, the level of risk is known to be quite
low as a result of nearby successful ASR experience, justifying moving
immediately into field investigations following an initial conceptual de-
sign effort.
The natural tendency to forego initial investigations and move immedi-
ately into field testing at a selected site tends to be risky. Some ASR
projects have developed in this fashion and have been successful. Others
have encountered significant problems. The problems usually lead to loss
of confidence in the concept of well recharge, as a result of which the
project is halted. The resulting loss of momentum can be hard to over-
come. More careful attention to initial planning details can identify and
resolve many of these issues in advance, thereby minimizing the risk of
failure. Where the penalty associated with failure is low, the higher risk
may be worth taking. However, where the penalty of failure is high,
possibly leading to the need for development of a far more expensive water
supply alternative, it is usually wiser to invest more in the proper initial
development of the ASR program to maximize the chance of success.
The probability of successfully implementing an ASR program can be
enhanced by assembling a multi-disciplinary technical team that includes
a balance of engineers and hydrogeologists with capabilities in the areas

of geochemistry, water treatment processes, utility operations, hydraulics,

aquifer simulation modeling, economics, water chemistry and design of
pipelines, pumping stations, and related elements of a water utility system.
Support may also be necessary to address environmental, legal, regulatory,
political, and possibly other issues. Failure to consider these issues at the
planning and conceptual design stages of the program can lead to costly
mid-course corrections at a later date, or possibly to failure of the program.
Phase 1 usually culminates in a preliminary feasibility report that presents
the ASR program in some detail to support issuance of permits for Phase 2,
and to obtain financial, political, and environmental support for the subse-
quent phase. Phase 2 completion usually occurs when the first ASR well is
fully operational, tested, and permitted, providing a firm basis in some detail
to obtain regulatory, financial, political and environmental support for Phase
2. Upon completion of Phase 3, the ASR program is ready to move into a
long-term operation and maintenance mode. Furthermore, sufficient confi-
dence in the role of ASR as a valuable water management tool has usually
been developed that long-range water supply plans can be formulated that
incorporate ASR as a key component. These elements of an overall ASR
program are presented in the remainder of Chapter 2.



Phase 1 frequently provides the key to ASR success. By planning the

project in detail, and evaluating all of the many varied factors that com-
prise successful implementation, this phase provides a sound basis for the
remainder of the program. Success requires satisfactory performance for
both technical and non-technical issues. In recent years, many of the
technical challenges that have adversely affected performance of recharge
systems have been resolved. All too frequently regulatory, legal, political,
environmental, and other issues have become the most significant factors
determining recharge program success or failure. The Phase 1 assessment
can provide not only the conceptual design of ASR facilities but also a
broader evaluation of how the program fits into the larger water manage-
ment picture, thereby constituting an effective tool for gaining a consensus
of regulatory and public support for the overall ASR program.
Several elements comprise an ASR preliminary feasibility assessment.
Not all of these require significant effort in every case; however, consid-
eration of all of the following issues is most likely to ensure ultimate

Recharge Objectives

It is important to carefully consider the range of recharge objectives for

any proposed project and to select and prioritize those that are applicable.
While this may sound intuitively obvious, it is a step that is usually
ignored, frequently leading to projects that are situated in the wrong
location or that fail to provide the degree of benefit that could otherwise
have been achieved. There is usually a primary objective that everyone can
agree on; otherwise, the project does not reach the Phase 1 stage. There are
also frequently one or more secondary objectives, early consideration of
which can broaden the base of support for the recharge program while also
affecting the conceptual design. Chapter 1 presented a list of potential
ASR applications derived from projects currently in operation around the
world or in various stages of development

• seasonal storage and recovery of water

• long-term storage, or "water banking"
• emergency storage, or "strategic water reserve"
• disinfection byproduct reduction
• diurnal storage
• restore groundwater levels
• reduce subsidence
• maintain distribution system pressure
• maintain distribution system flow
• improve water quality
• prevent saltwater intrusion
• reduce environmental effects of streamflow diversions
• agricultural water supply
• nutrient reduction in agricultural runoff
• enhance wellfield production
• defer expansion of water facilities
• compensate for surface salinity barrier leakage losses
• reclaimed water storage for reuse
• soil aquifer treatment
• stabilize aggressive water
• hydraulic control of contaminant plumes
• fish hatchery water temperature control

Other ASR objectives are undoubtedly possible. This list may be used
to assess potential primary and secondary objectives. For example, a
community may have a primary objective of storing potable water to meet
seasonal peak demands and thereby defer the need for expansion of water
treatment facilities. Location of the associated aquifer storage recovery
wells could be at the water treatment plant or at any suitable location in the

water transmission and distribution system. Many communities have por-

tions of their distribution system that require flushing to waste during low
demand months, in order to maintain a disinfectant residual. In peak demand
months the same areas may experience low pressures. Location of the ASR
wells at the problem areas in the distribution system can meet both the
primary and secondary objectives since excess water would be stored during
low demand months, maintaining adequate line velocity. During peak de-
mand months, the water would be recovered, helping to maintain adequate
local pressures while also augmenting system peak supplies.

Water Supply

Careful consideration of alternative sources of water for recharge is

essential. Each source should be evaluated as to the average flow available,
monthly or other variability in flow rate, and any trends in flow. Water
may be available for recharge at a higher rate initially, declining with time
as other, higher priority demands for that source arise. Monthly variability
is also common, based upon raw water source availability, seasonal varia-
tions in quality competing demands, legal or regulatory constraints, or
other characteristics of each system. It is usually insufficient to know the
average and peak rate of water availability for recharge, although this is
helpful. A knowledge of monthly variability is essential.
Figure 2.1 shows a typical situation for water supply variability for the
Peace River ASR site in Florida, which stores treated drinking water from
a river source that is highly variable in terms of both flow and quality. For
each month, the maximum, minimum, and average streamflows are shown.
The minimum regulatory flow is also shown, above which up to 10% of
the flow can be diverted. No diversions are allowed below the regulatory
low flow for each month.
Figure 2.2 shows the drought duration frequency analysis for this same
site, based upon over 50 years of records and assuming the regulatory
diversion rule was in effect for the full duration of the records. It is
apparent that, despite the high average flow from this source, drought
durations of up to 7 months would have occurred, while those lasting two
months are common. While not shown in this figure, a long-term trend
analysis of the streamflow records at this site indicated a fundamental shift
in streamflow characteristics occurring approximately at the middle of the
record. As a result, monthly hydrologic parameters that were later used for
ASR simulation modeling were obtained from the more recent portion of
the hydrologic record.
This type of hydrologic analysis is essential for the Phase 1 ASR
feasibility assessment because it defines water supply and variability.

7,000 25

f- 20
f- 15
&4.000 ()
~ 3,000
u:: /Minimum ~verage - 10~u::


I . ..
___ , , ,

0 If> --- --- --- --- -L_ --- I

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep

Monthly minimum flow in Peace river. below which no
diversions may occur. is 130 cts (84 mgd. 0.3 mcmd)
except in April and May when it is 100 cts.

Figure 2.1 Peace River, Florida, monthly flows at Arcadia, 1932-1991.

Where multiple sources are available, the results can then be compared
between sources to assess their relative suitability for ASR purposes.

Recharge Water Quality

Recharge water quality also has to be addressed carefully. Frequently,

average values mask an underlying seasonal cycle or long-term trend,

(Based on average monthly flows)
>'o:"_oo loloko Cop~'';"" '""":'

sc 15

... 5 Longest period of 22 mgd =50 months
Longest period of 0 mgd = 7 months
6% of the time no withdrawal
35% of the time less than 22 mgd
59% of the time 22 mgd
0 ~L_L~
1 UL-~
1 _j_~
1 ~=r===G====~~~====~~~--~L_~~_L~
1932 1937 1942 1947 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987

Figure 2.2 Peace River, Florida, drought-duration-frequency, 1932-1991.


which can affect recharge activities. Months when high flows are available
for recharge can also be months when significant water quality issues are
prevalent that would create water treatment difficulties or cause ASR wells
to plug. A thorough scan of recharge water quality records for each source
is required in order to properly assess the potential for problems. An initial
scan on at least one sample obtained during typical recharge months and
flows can be quite helpful in guiding the future direction of the project.
Chapter 9 includes several examples of water quality data for specific ASR
sites, showing the parameters deemed to be of significance at these sites.
Comparison of recharge water quality constituent concentrations with
applicable water quality standards is an important element of the prelimi-
nary feasibility assessment. Where treated drinking water is to be stored,
it is usually sufficient to show that primary and secondary standards are
being met during recharge months. Where other water sources are under
consideration for ASR storage, such as untreated or partially treated sur-
face water, untreated groundwater, or reclaimed water, then comparison
with applicable water quality standards can provide a basis for regulatory
evaluation of the proposed ASR project, as discussed further in Chapter 7,
Alternative ASR Applications. Appendix A includes 1993 water quality
standards for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the European
Community, and the World Health Organization.
For the Peace River water supply example discussed above, potential
diversions from the river were further constrained by the algal content of
the river water. Analysis revealed that there are several months during the
year when water may be available for diversion, considering only quantity
criteria; however, the quality is so poor that it cannot be readily treated.
The probability of not diverting due to algal content varied from zero in
September through December to one-third in March. Furthermore, expe-
rience at that site suggests that this is not easily predicted, occurring
somewhat randomly during certain months of the year and averaging about
17% of the potential diversions for the entire year. This analysis had a
pronounced effect upon the initial conceptual design of the ASR system
and the other facilities at the Peace River site. Subsequently, facilities were
constructed and additional facilities are planned so that this water can be
diverted and treated rather than lost.
An important water quality consideration is the suspended solids con-
tent of the recharge water source. Invariably this data is not available for
Phase 1 investigations. As discussed in Chapter 4, well plugging and
redevelopment is an important ASR technical issue, the resolution of
which includes field data collection to gather information regarding total
suspended solids content in the recharge water, how these solids vary with
time and with flow, and what materials contribute to these solids. In some

cases particle counting and a detailed analysis of particle size may be

appropriate in order to provide a basis for understanding and resolving
plugging issues. Where this data is not available for Phase 1, it may be
obtained early during Phase 2 investigations.
Once recharge quality and quantity issues have been addressed, it is
possible to combine the two and thereby evaluate those times of the year
when recharge water is available in a useful quantity and with suitable
quality. This provides the basis for determination of annual recharge
volume potentially available in the initial and subsequent years.

Water Demand

In most situations it is important to evaluate water demands, including

average demands, monthly variability, and trends. Records of monthly
maximum day, average day and minimum day demand for a period of
three or more years are frequently helpful in showing the degree of
seasonal, monthly and daily variability. Ratios of maximum day to
average annual demand, maximum week to average annual demand, and/
or monthly demand as a percent of average annual demand are frequently
helpful in assessing the duration of peak demand periods when recovery
of stored water would provide maximum benefit. Such ratios also help
in assessment of the amount of idle supply, treatment, and transmission
capacity to be expected during each month, as a result of normal monthly
variability in system demands. Another useful output of this analysis is
the annual volume of water required during recovery to meet system
Sometimes the duration of the peak demand period is quite short. An
analysis of monthly water demand records for the Alexander Orr Water
Treatment Plant at Miami, Florida, indicates little seasonal variability in
demand, with a ratio of 1.2 for maximum to average day demand. The
relatively low ratio partly reflects the large size of this urban area. How-
ever an analysis of daily records shows that peak demand durations of up
to 18 days per year are associated with the highest 20 MGD of peak
demands. The highest 10 MGD occurs for only about 3 days per year.
Similarly, the peak demand for Wildwood, New Jersey, occurs during July
4 weekend each year when large numbers of people visit this coastal resort
community. In such situations, the volume to be recovered from storage is
therefore not that great. The rate of recovery in such situations may
determine the number of ASR wells required to meet system demands. In
other situations, the number of wells may be determined by the recharge
rate necessary to store the volume of water required to meet demands
during the recovery period.

Municipal water systems are usually designed to meet peak day de-
mands during some future year. The typical ratio of peak day to average
annual demand is about 1.3 to 2.0, although ratios as high as 5.0 are
known. Consequently, it is not uncommon for water systems to have a
substantial amount of idle capacity during much of the year. This capacity
can be utilized for treatment and storage of water during off-peak months,
using ASR and other recharge facilities.
Figure 2.3 shows the record and projection of average and maximum
day water demand for Evesham, NJ, showing the effect of adding one ASR
well on extending the useful capacity of existing water supply and treat-
ment facilities. Typically, an ASR system enables a water utility to meet
maximum day demands with water supply and treatment facilities sized to

1.7 mgd
ASR Expansion•

1.7 mgd
ASR Expansion*

Average Day

• Includes 1.3 mgd from PRM and 0.4 mgd from Mount Laurel Aquifers


1987 1990 1995 2000


Figure 2.3 Supply-demand relationship with new ASR facilities, Evesham Mu-
nicipal Utilities Authority, New Jersey.

meet close-to-average demands, and ASR facilities sized to provide the

difference. Usually treatment and piping facilities are much more costly
than are ASR wells.
Quality requirements for the recovered water also need to be evaluated
to aid in assessment of the potential treatment requirements. Usually it is
only necessary to disinfect the recovered water prior to distribution. In
some cases pH adjustment may also be required, either to maintain stabil-
ity within a desired range or to maintain disinfection effectiveness.


This is frequently the most time-consuming element of the Phase 1

feasibility assessment. Careful evaluation of area hydrogeology can lead
to the selection of suitable storage zones, recharge water sources, and
treatment requirements, and usually affects the location and design of ASR
facilities. Depending upon the amount of information available for review,
it is frequently possible to complete this task without substantial field
investigations. On the other hand, such an evaluation may indicate impor-
tant technical unknowns that can only be addressed through drilling and
testing. Whether such field investigations are performed during the first
phase or deferred to the second phase is a site-specific decision; however,
identification during Phase 1 of what is known and what is unknown can
lead to more enlightened decisions regarding project planning and funding.
The hydrogeologic evaluation during Phase 1 should consider the fol-
lowing technical issues to the extent possible with available data and
resources. Where the data is not available and is deemed to be significant
to the program, plans should be made to obtain this information through
supplemental investigations, whether during Phase 1 or at the beginning of
Phase 2:

• stratigraphy, including geologic cross-sections

• aquifers (areal extent, thickness, and depth)
• confining layers or aquitards (aerial extent, thickness, and depth)
• lithology of aquifers and confining layers
• potential availability of cores
• hydraulic characteristics (transmissivity, storativity, leakance, hydraulic
conductivity, porosity, etc.)
• typical well construction and production rates
• mineralogy of clays, sands, and other soil components
• geophysicallogs
• water quality of each aquifer
• geochemical compatibility of recharge and native water with formation

• structure (unconsolidated, consolidated, fractures, bedding planes, solution

features, fissures, etc.)
• recharge and discharge boundaries
• water table levels or potentiometric surface
• local gradient of the potentiometric surface
• natural groundwater velocity and direction
• well inventory within a reasonable radius
• groundwater withdrawals within the surrounding area
• proximity of potential sources of contamination
• proximity of potential contamination plumes that may be affected by re-
charge operations

In many cases the selection of the aquifer to be recharged appears

obvious. However, it is important to consider all possibilities, since ASR
operations can also occur in deep, brackish, or otherwise undesirable
aquifers containing water quality too poor for normal consumption. It is
quite common for attention to focus upon shallow aquifers for which
considerable data is already available, when deeper aquifers at the same
site may have equal or better potential for ASR storage but may be less
well documented. With appropriate design and operation, these aquifers
can frequently be used for storage purposes, and all of the water stored can
be recovered without the need for retreatment. "Stacking" the storage
zones is frequently highly cost-effective, using multiple zones for storage
at a single site and thereby saving construction and operation costs for an
extensive piping network.
The level of effort appropriate for assessment of geochemical issues
should be carefully evaluated. The attention given to this part of the project
is frequently too small, sometimes resulting in unexpected or unexplained
It is probably wise to obtain and analyze cores in the potential storage
zones for the following situations, so that the risk of geochemical plugging
can be properly assessed:

• where insufficient data is already available to perform such an assessment

• clays, silts and other fine materials are possibly present in the potential
storage zones; or
• there is no local recharge experience to consider

The cost of conducting this work can be weighed against the perceived
risk and cost of potentially plugging and losing use of a recharge facility.
Where the risk is low, or the value of the facilities at risk is not too great,
then this portion of the assessment can probably be deferred or minimized.
Otherwise, coring and geochemical analysis should be conducted during

Phase 1 or at an early stage in Phase 2. Further consideration of coring and

core analysis is included in Chapter 5, Geochemistry.


An infonned decision can usually be made at this point regarding

recharge process or processes that appear appropriate. Consideration of
water supply and demand factors will usually indicate the annual volume
of water available for recharge or required for recovery. If the hydrogeologic
evaluation indicates that surface recharge is probably feasible, it is then
possible to conduct an evaluation of possible sites for in stream or offstream
surface recharge facilities. Once potential sites are identified, a prelimi-
nary screening can usually indicate whether sufficient recharge capacity is
likely to be present to fully utilize available recharge flows. If land
availability and hydrogeology are favorable, surface recharge is usually
the most cost-effective recharge approach if the objective is limited to
getting the recharge water into the ground. Where either of these factors
become limiting, then well recharge should be considered.
As discussed in Chapter 1, aquifer storage recovery wells are more
likely to meet overall recharge objectives than are conventional single-
purpose injection wells. In some cases, a combination of the two recharge
approaches (surface and well recharge) offers operating flexibility while
also fully utilizing the available recharge flows and storage capacity in the
As part of the selection process, it is very important to consider potential
recharge objectives. Getting the water into the ground is usually only part
of the process. Equally important is the ultimate potential use and value of
the stored water at the point of recovery. Storage and recovery of higher
value potable water may, in many cases, be more cost-effective and useful
than storage and recovery of lower cost raw water from rivers, especially
if all of the stored water can be recovered without the need for retreatment.
Recharge economics should therefore consider not just the cost of getting
the water into the ground, but also the overall cost for achieving the local
water management objectives.

Site Selection

For most ASR projects, the site for the Phase 2 test facilities is best
located either at or close to the water treatment plant, or at some point in
the distribution system where major facilities are already in place, such as
a pumping station or a ground storage reservoir. This provides increased
likelihood that qualified personnel will be available during the test pro-

gram to aid in gathering hydraulic and water quality monitoring data.

Sampling and data collection can be intensive during portions of the test
program, so it is helpful to have operations staff close to the site to assist
with the program. Conversely, a site that is distant from operations staff
will have greater difficulty and cost in obtaining the requisite data, and
correspondingly higher potential for occurrence of problems that are not
noticed until considerable time has elapsed.
Site selection should also take into account the need for disposal of
water produced during testing, backflushing, or well redevelop-
ment operations. In some residential areas, water disposal can be a major
constraint unless an adequate surface drainage system is in place. In other
areas characterized by extensive wetlands, disposal of brackish waters
during initial testing of brackish water storage zones can be a significant
challenge. It should be possible to pump the well to waste at its design
production rate, or somewhat higher if pumping to free discharge, to
maintain this rate for several hours or possibly several days.
Hydrogeologic considerations may affect site selection, such as a sig-
nificant trend of well yields, water quality, or well depth within the
potential storage aquifer across the utility service area. affecting well
depth and yield, the presence of geologic faults may affect the suitability
of some areas for ASR purposes, either positively or negatively. Fre-
quently site selection is dominated the availability of suitable existing
wells for testing purposes. Proximity of recharge water pipelines with
adequate transmission capacity is also an important factor, especially in
more remote areas.
Although very little land area is required for ASR facilities, this can be
a constraint in urban areas. Consequently, land availability and site access
have to be considered. In some states, regulatory requirements stipulate the
need for a radius around ASR wells, within which no existing or potential
contamination sources are allowed. Typical radius values are about 31 m
(100ft). This can control location of ASR wells near property boundaries,
potentially affecting the site selection process.

Conceptual Design

Assuming that ASR is selected as the recharge process and one or more
alternative sites have been identified, advantages and disadvantages of
each site can be considered, and criteria can be developed and applied for
recharge site selection. Conceptual design of facilities to achieve recharge
objectives can then be conducted. Usually it is sufficient to develop a
preliminary conceptual design for Phase 2 test facilities, with some con-
sideration for the probable layout of the ultimate ASR site to ensure that

test facilities are located and constructed reasonably with an

ultimate The conceptual design would include the location and sizing
of the ASR test pipelines, building, controls, and other
sufficient detail that an cost can be
oped. If desired, a similar cost estimate for the ultimate
also be prepared to a basis for consideration of
operating costs of peak water supply "";r'""'"

A is the decision
whether to utilize an well
purposes or to construct new facilities designed
but at increased cost for the test program. -'-'"''""'"F.
and abandoned are frequently and
ered for test program purposes, for reasons.
not seldom constructed
may not be in a condition suitable for purposes.
As discussed subsequently in Chapter 3, ASR wells have a
design that is different from either production or injection wells. Where
zone water quality is fresh and potential geochemical problems are
production well may be very similar to ASR well
However, when the storage zone water quality differs from water
and where geochemical issues are of concern, the ASR well
will tend to be different from the well
selection between using an existing or a new
some care if optimum well performance is to be achieved.
Where an existing well is it will be necessary to
the condition of the well to testing. Whether this is done Phase
1 or at the of Phase 2 is a site-specific decision.
exercise may include video camera logging of the
activities as wire brushing the screen and casing while pumping the
acid treatment; disinfection; and a second video log to confirm results. In
old wells that are equipped with oil-lubricated pumps, it is common to find
a layer of oil floating in the casing, which should be removed prior to ASR
testing operations.
It is important that program objectives not be compromised by a
sion to utilize existing facilities that are unsuitable for the purpose. Once
an ASR test well becomes severely plugged or has other major problems
during testing, the test program tends to lose support. It is then very
difficult to regain support by pointing out that further investment in new

test facilities would have been more likely to achieve success. Wells are
usually abandoned or not utilized for a reason: due to construe-
age, sand production, or other water quality problems that can se-
""''"J'A the conduct of successful recharge testing. Where
for great care has to be exercised to
if possible, correct shortcomings m design or construction
affect success of the program.

basis for vVlL!'-'-''-'

In most cases,
benefit since not be
construction and testing of ASR facilities during Phase 2. txpeJnei1C
suggests that data uncertainties frequently render such modeling
Phase 1 to be of limited value, although it is certainly of interest. At
end of Phase 2, hydrogeologic modeling of expanded ASR
important and essential tool for planning and budgeting Phase 3 '"'"IIJall"''"J"·
Modeling activities are discussed further in Chapter 4, Selected ASR
Technical Issues. Generally, ASR hydrogeologic modeling
different objectives:

1. hydraulic analysis of wellfield design and operations

2. geochemical simulation to evaluate between stored and native water
in the presence of aquifer minerals
3. solute transport modeling to establish the direction and rate of water move-
ment during aquifer storage, to establish constituent concentrations
recovery, and to estimate percentage recovery

Hydraulic analysis is usually best addressed at the end of Phase 2 when

site-specific data are available, and results support further consideration of
an expanded ASR wellfield. Sometimes this has to be performed
Phase 1, based upon preliminary estimates of character-
istics, in order to obtain the permits to conduct Phase 2 testing. Usually,
however, such models require estimates of aquifer dispersivity, values
which are determined based upon data collected during Phase 2.
Geochemical simulation is usually conducted early during Phase 2
when formation samples, water quality samples, cores, and core analysis

results are available to support a detailed geochemical analysis. A prelimi-

nary geochemical assessment is appropriate during Phase 1, based upon
available information in the literature, in order to guide Phase 2 planning,
site selection, and storage zone selection.
Solute transport modeling is increasingly utilized as a tool in ASR
investigations to assess site location relative to other production or ASR
wells, and the impact of well interference upon recovery efficiency. As
it can be a useful Phase 1 tool in accompaniment with
modeling. In many cases, both of these of models can be deferred to
the end of Phase 2, relying upon site-specific data without
significant risks in site selection, design, or operation. As additional ex-
perience is with the application of solute transport to
ASR systems, will become more useful as prediction tools to guide
location and design of ASR

The proposed testing and monitoring program should be in

some detail. This includes baseline hydraulic testing, water quality sam-
pling, and water level monitoring of the storage zone, followed by several
cycles of operation under typical conditions. The location and frequency
of data collection and sampling, and the parameters to be analyzed on each
sample, should be developed. Typically, this includes water
pressures, .water quality, and other data at ASR and
facilities. This is a and expensive
program and be planned as carefully as
it is scoped budgeted adequately. It is
adequate data to interpretation ASR
The next section in this chapter provides greater detail on the and
implementation of test programs. It is impmiant to build considerable
flexibility into the Phase 2 test program plan. Flow rates, volumes, storage
periods, sampling frequencies, and just about every other monitoring
parameter can provide compelling reasons to adjust the original testing
plan prepared during Phase 1, in order to meet changing Phase 2 needs.

Regulatory and Water Rights Issues

These issues are different in every part of the U.S. Each state has its own
requirements and procedures. The federal government (U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation, U.S. Geological Survey) also is involved in recharge activi-
ties through funding of local demonstration programs and state water

projects, and through regulation of Underground Injection Control (UIC)

Class V Well activities by the Environmental Protection Agency.
A common theme among recharge projects is the ownership of the
stored water. State legislation and associated case law is
supporting the position that, if the water is already available to a user for
consumption or storage purposes, it is also available to that user through
recovery from storage. In other words, rights to the water are not lost
through underground storage. It is necessary in some states to pass supple-
mental local ordinances or state legislation to reinforce the water rights
associated with a recharge project. In other states, it is necessary to obtain
separate permits for recharge and for recovery. During the next few years
it is anticipated that a variety of state laws relating to ASR will be passed,
hopefully achieving some commonality on critical issues.
Environmental considerations usually are important regulatory con-
cerns. Impacts upon river flows and quality need to be considered, as well
as impacts upon groundwater levels, groundwater quality, recovered water
quality, and impacted ecosystems. Normally, recharge operations are per-
ceived as benefitting the environment by making more efficient use of
water when it is available without causing significant adverse effects.
However, each project has to be evaluated on its own merits. Mitigation
plans may be appropriate to address potential adverse environmental ef-
fects. The potential cost of such plans should be incorporated in the site
economic analysis.
Chapter 6, Selected ASR Non-Technical Issues, presents further details
on consideration of regulatory, water rights, and environmental issues
during the ASR Phase 1 feasibility assessment.

Institutional Constraints

Whether addressed directly in the Phase 1 report, or handled through

parallel efforts, this is usually a vitally important element of a recharge
program. Water is synonymous with political power, and recharge pro-
grams are not exempt from the associated pressures. Sometimes the agency
assuming responsibility for the recharge program may have institutional
constraints that can hamper effective recharge program implementation.
This can take several forms:

• lack of access to suitable recharge sites or water sources

• a range of operations flexibility in the agency charter that is too narrow to
encompass effective integration of recharge operations
• higher priority water management programs that can effectively inhibit
progress on cost-effective, competing, promising alternatives

• established policies that were developed many years ago without consider-
ation of ASR potential opportunities, and
• numerous other institutional constraints

Failure to carefully evaluate and address these often subtle issues can
easily lead to recharge program failure or extended delay. Conversely, use
of the Phase 1 feasibility report as a tool to elicit political and institutional
support for the recharge program can lead to constructive input and en-
hanced likelihood of ultimate success.
In some cases institutional or regulatory issues will create the need for
public involvement in the planning and implementation of the recharge
program. This can occur in several ways but usually involves meetings
with advisory committees or at regulatory hearings during development
and permitting of the recharge program. The Phase 1 report can be a
valuable tool at such meetings to help present the overall program in an
unambiguous way and thereby dispel misconceptions that frequently arise.

Economic Considerations

It is important to develop a preliminary estimate of the capital and

operating cost of ASR operations as early as possible. It is also frequently
useful to develop estimated unit costs for expected increases in peak water
supply capacity. Such an analysis would consider the useful life of the
recharge project and the anticipated future availability of the recharge
water source.
Sometimes it is appropriate to extend the economic analysis to estimate
annual costs, including amortization of capital investment plus normal
operation and maintenance. For the Phase 1 feasibility assessment,
cost estimate can be provisional, to be confirmed upon completion of
Phase 2 testing. It is useful to have some idea of expected overall cost, for
comparison with other water management alternatives that may achieve
some or all of the same objectives.
ASR operations are invariably cost-effective when compared with con-
ventional water supply alternatives involving development of new water
sources, primarily due to the distance to new sources, and the associated
environmental constraints and costs. It is not unusual for ASR alternatives
to be less than half the capital cost of other water supply alternatives,
particularly those involving development of new reservoirs or construction
of treatment facilities. Once the feasibility of ASR operations is confirmed
through Phase 2 testing, it is usually appropriate to conduct broader
economic analyses to assess the optimal plan for overall phased develop-
ment of water management facilities, including ASR operations.

In some cases, it may be appropriate to extend the economic analysis to

include financing and rate-paying considerations, particularly where out-
side sources of water or funding are to be sought.
As discussed in Chapter 6, Selected ASR Non-technical Issues, off-
peak purchase or sale of water supplies can provide the opportunity for
substantial reduction in unit costs. Where this approach has been evalu-
ated, unit cost reductions exceeding 50% have been demonstrated for
wholesale purchasers.
Project cost-sharing between various contributing sources can be pro-
posed in the Phase 1 report or can be deferred to Phase 2 when feasibility
is confirmed through field testing. This can be an important element of an
overall ASR program where multiple water users may participate but their
individual requirements for supplemental water may vary from year to

Final Report

Results of the Phase 1 feasibility assessment and conceptual design

should be incorporated in a final document that achieves two key objectives:

1. presents a well-considered technical approach to the ASR program

2. provides a document for use in obtaining necessary permits, environmental
support, institutional support, and funding

As the recharge program is implemented, changes will undoubtedly

occur in the circumstances surrounding the project, necessitating reevalu-
ation of certain elements of the original plan. Furthermore, as the test
program is implemented, evaluation of test data will undoubtedly justify
changes in the testing approach or monitoring program. This is normal,
and provision for such changes should be incorporated in the original plan
and associated contracts and funding arrangements.


Once the decision is made to move ahead with a Phase 2 test program,
the first step usually is to design and construct the ASR test facilities.
These should be designed at full scale, capable of recharging and recov-
ering at whatever rates are reasonably available from an efficient well
penetrating the selected aquifer. Testing in a small diameter test well
necessitates recovery rates that are lower than those that would ultimately
be expected from a full size well. Conclusions regarding potential seasonal

volumes and associated unit costs therefore tend to be biased on the high
side. In some situations, such as storage of freshwater in brackish aquifers,
the extrapolation of results from small-sized facilities can lead to incorrect
conclusions regarding ASR recovery efficiency and cost-effectiveness
compared to results from properly-sized test facilities. Design issues will
be addressed in greater detail in Chapter 3, Design of ASR Systems.
Construction issues are similar to other well construction projects, with
the possible exception of the greater amount of hydrogeologic data col-
lected during construction. Sometimes this includes collection of cores for
detailed laboratory analysis to determine mineralogy, geochemistry, and
associated hydraulic properties, as discussed in Chapter 4, Selected ASR
Technical Issues, and Chapter 5, Geochemistry. Chapter 6 discusses permit-
ting issues associated with construction and operation of ASR facilities.
Interval pumping tests are sometimes conducted at several different
depths during construction of open hole wells, in order to estimate the
productive intervals of the aquifer for correlation with geophysical
and drill cutting descriptions. Geophysical logging is conducted after pilot
hole drilling in order to establish casing and screen intervals. For screened
wells, caliper logs may be obtained after the pilot hole is reamed and prior
to setting the screen, while flowmeter logs are obtained after the screen is
installed and developed. For open hole wells, flowmeter and caliper logs
are obtained following well completion. The baseline distribution of pro-
duction with hole depth or screen interval is useful as a reference point
against which to compare subsequent logs and thereby estimate changes in
the flow distribution due to ASR operations. Upon completion of ASR
facilities construction, the test program begins.
Design of the test program reflects a careful assessment of the many
issues of concern at each new site. Well plugging is always a primary
issue; however, others of importance may include the following:

• geochemical effects such as cation exchange, precipitation, or solution, and

their effect upon well plugging
• backflushing frequency required to maintain recharge capacity and control
well plugging
• mixing characteristics between stored and native water
• water quality changes for selected non-conservative constituents of interest
• improvement of water quality with successive ASR cycles
• effect of storage time on water quality response
• recovery efficiency
• trickle injection flow rate during periods of no recharge or no recovery,
required to maintain a disinfectant residual in the well (this may also be
required to maintain a target recovery volume in a highly brackish or
seawater aquifer subject to density stratification losses)

• regional and local response of water levels to ASR operations (recharge,

storage, recovery)

Other site-specific testing objectives may also occur. Depending upon

the relative importance of each of these concerns, the test program design
will typically adjust to meeting site-specific needs.

Baseline Testing

The first part of the test program includes baseline hydraulic and water
quality testing prior to initiating significant recharge activities. This pro-
vides a reference point against which future results may be compared.
Baseline hydraulic testing usually starts with a standard step drawdown
pumping test in order to establish well and formation loss coefficients and
well efficiency. Following water level recovery, a long duration pumping
test should be conducted in order to estimate aquifer hydraulic character-
istics in the vicinity of the ASR well. Duration of the test depends upon
local experience in obtaining reliable estimates of aquifer hydraulic char-
acteristics. Typical durations are about one day, sometimes longer. If
observation wells are present, they should be incorporated in the pumping
test to better define aquifer transmissivity and estimate storativity. Obser-
vation well data are frequently more useful since it is less affected by
variations in the pumping rate that affect drawdowns in the pumping well.
The test establishes aquifer hydraulics in the vicinity of the well before
recharge commences.
Upon completion of the long-term pumping test and associated recov-
ery of water levels to background, a step-injection test is usually conducted
to characterize water level response in the ASR well under reverse condi-
tions from the previous step-drawdown test. Recharge during this step-
injection test occurs at three different increasing rates, generally bracket-
ing the expected recharge rate for the well. Each recharge rate step is of
the same short duration, such as 2 to 4 hours. Water level response to this
test characterizes the baseline water level response of the well in the
presumed absence of significant plugging. At any subsequent point in
time, this test can be repeated to evaluate whether plugging has occurred
between the two tests. This is discussed further in Chapter 4, Selected ASR
Technical Issues.
An important element of the baseline step-injection test is that the
recharge water should be allowed to flow to waste near the wellhead at the
planned recharge rate for a few minutes prior to recharge down the well or
until any solids in the recharge water have been flushed from the system.
Depending upon the length and the normal flow rate in the tributary piping,

flow reversal in the piping during ASR recharge can sweep a substantial
volume of solid material down the well, causing immediate onset of
plugging if these solids have not first been purged from the system.
Baseline water quality characteristics are also determined during this
initial part of the test program. Samples are collected usually at the
beginning, middle, and end of the long-term pumping test to fully charac-
terize water quality in the ASR well prior to recharge. The last sample
usually receives a complete water quality analysis, including EPA primary
and secondary drinking water standards and several other parameters, as
suggested in Table 2.2. The initial and middle samples collected during
this long-term pumping test are analyzed for a smaller range of parameters
in order to estimate whether any trend in water quality occurs during the
test If a trend is apparent from field data such as chloride, conductivity,
or pH, it may be appropriate to extend the pumping test until such time as
equilibrium water quality is apparent.
Sometimes the situation arises where the storage zone is separated
a thin or poorly defined confining layer from an overlying or underlying
highly transmissive aquifer containing water of very poor quality. The
adequacy of this confining layer may be of some concern. In particular, if
the time required for poor quality water to move through the confining
layer under the head differential imposed during seasonal recovery is
shorter than the expected ASR operational recovery period, then deterio-
rating recovery water quality will tend to define the upper limit of ASR
recovery duration and volume, regardless of the volume stored.
Figure 2.4 shows the ASR initial test wells and storage zone at Cocoa,
FL. Chloride concentration in the storage zone is about 400 mg/L; how-
ever, an underlying aquifer, not penetrated by the ASR well, has a chloride
concentration of 1320 mg/L. The confining layer separating the aquifers
was approximately 36ft thick and was of uncertain integrity. Following
initial pump testing and cycle testing to determine storage zone hydraulic
characteristics and water quality response to ASR operations, it was evi-
dent that upflow was occurring from the underlying aquifer through the
confining layer during recovery. The ASR well and production zone
observation well were then plugged back to a shallower depth, with
cement, to reestablish the integrity of the lower confining layer. The
shorter open hole interval of the ASR well was acidized to restore the
production capacity lost when the well was plugged back, following which
a 90-day pumping test was performed at the design recovery rate for the
ASR well. Chloride concentration during the test remained steady, sug-
gesting that future ASR operations with recovery periods of up to 90 days
would not be likely to experience reduction in water quality due to up-
welling of brackish water from below.
Depth in
o~~--~----~m 0
100 m
200 z

300 Chloride= 380-420 mg/L



600 Chloride= 1300-1400 mg/L
Open Hole
to 595 Feet

Figure 2.4 ASR initial test facilities and storage zone, Cocoa, Florida.

Another ASR test site at Tampa, FL, showed inadequate lower confine-
ment from a similar test, as evidenced by breakthrough of poor quality
water from an underlying highly transmissive aquifer with a total dis-
solved solids (TDS) concentration of 8000 mg/L. The storage zone had
been acidized to improve its low initial yield, resulting in a dramatic
increase in specific capacity. Unfortunately, the acid opened up a channel
through the lower confining layer, which was about 21 m (80ft) thick. The
breakthrough of poor quality water during recovery occurred after a given
volume of recovery, essentially regardless of the volume recharged. In this
case, plugging the bottom of the well with cement may possibly help to
restore adequacy of the lower confining layer; however, this may also
substantially reduce well yield. Relocation of the ASR well would then be

ASR Cycle Testing

Selection of the appropriate number and duration of ASR cycles during

the field investigations entails considerable judgment and the requirement
that, whatever initial selection is made, flexibility is retained to make
adjustments during the test program in order to respond to changing needs.
Certain key points underly the development of the cycle testing plan.
A short initial cycle is advisable, to confirm satisfactory ASR perfor-
mance at small volumes and to provide a quick appraisal of plugging and
geochemical reactions. Usually this has a duration of about 1 to 2 weeks
and entails intensive hydraulic and water quality data collection. Except in
situations where significant adverse geochemical reactions are expected or
identified from water quality data, it is advisable to recover approximately
150 to 200% of the stored water during the first cycle, or until recovered
water quality approaches native water quality. This fully defines the
mixing characteristic curve for the well at the scale tested in the first cycle
and is useful for comparison to comparable data from other sites. As
discussed below, recovery should be less than 100% of the stored water
volume in situations, where geochemical reactions are of concern.
Recovery efficiency for the initial cycle is typically lower than for
subsequent cycles. For storage zones that are brackish or otherwise contain
non-potable water, it is important that recovery efficiency expectations are
carefully managed and that subsequent cycles at similar larger volumes are
Data from the first cycle can be used to reasonably estimate perfor-
mance in subsequent cycles. However, there is no real substitute for actual
performance during several cycles if you wish to build confidence in the

ASR system. A brief interval between the first and second cycle is some-
time useful to obtain and review laboratory water quality results and
hydraulic data, permitting adjustment of the testing plan for subsequent
cycles or adjustment of the ASR facilities, if appropriate.
If water quality difference between stored and native water is small and
there are no significant concerns regarding geochemical reactions, then a
small number of long cycles is appropriate in order to focus upon plugging
rates and backflushing frequency required to maintain recharge rates. A
minimum of three cycles is usually appropriate in such situations, with the
third approximating an operational recharge duration. Recovery of 100%
of the stored water volume in each cycle after the first is a reasonable
target, although greater or lesser recovery volume may be appropriate in
some situations.
If there is a significant water quality difference between stored and
native water, a larger number of cycles will be required. After the first
cycle, the next three cycles have the same recharge volume and storage
period in order to demonstrate improvement in recovery efficiency with
successive identical cycles. Subsequent groups of three or more cycles
tend to have larger volumes and, in some cases, may incorporate storage
periods as discussed below. The total number of cycles may be in the range
of 4 to 10. Recovery occurs to a target water quality concentration in each
cycle. The water not recovered in each cycle forms a buffer zone to
improve quality during the subsequent cycle. The target constituent con-
centration may or may not be a potable water quality standard, depending
upon whether any blending will occur between the recovered water and
water from other sources prior to consumption.
If there is a real concern regarding potential geochemical reactions, care
should be taken to avoid shocking the formation with a sudden change in
quality. Furthermore, storage time should be built into the test program
since some reactions such as manganese dissolution require several days
or weeks to occur. Geochemical plugging reactions that occur several feet
away from the well screen have little effect upon well hydraulics, while
those occurring close to the well can have substantial adverse effects.
Hence, in these cases it is appropriate to design the ASR test cycles in such
a way that stored water is never fully recovered, always leaving a small
buffer around the well, which tends to build with successive cycles.
Where potential geochemical reactions are an issue, it is advisable to
run a larger number of small cycles to demonstrate control over geochemi-
cal issues near the well, before moving on to larger operational cycles. It
would not be unusual to run 6 to 10 cycles in situations with complex
geochemical issues.

Initial ASR cycles are usually performed with the recovered water
discharged either to waste or to retreatment. Water from subsequent cycles
during the test program can usually be returned to the distribution system
once adequate water quality has been demonstrated and the system is
permitted. Frequently the last test cycle is designed so that the volume to
be recovered is large, and recovery occurs during a time of peak demand,
so that the water meets a local need.
The effect of storage time on system performance is always of interest.
However, it is quite rare for this to be a significant parameter in ASR
operational performance. One situation where the effect of storage time is
significant is where the storage zone TDS concentration is sufficiently
high that density stratification is significant. A difference between re-
charge and native water TDS concentration of about 5000 mg/L or higher
is probably a threshhold above which this should be considered. A second
situation would be where the regional or local hydraulic gradient around
the ASR well is sufficiently steep, and the aquifer transmissivity suffi-
ciently high, that there is real concern that the stored water will rapidly
move away from the well prior to or during recovery, such that poor
quality native water would then be recovered. Finally, storage time can be
significant in situations that are geochemically complex. For example,
manganese production requires several days or weeks to develop, as
discussed above. Other than these situations, it is better to spend the time
more productively, recharging and recovering water and gathering data.
Consideration of these guidelines will reveal that priorities need to be
established at the outset of the test program design, since some of the
guidelines are incompatible with others. For example, it is not advisable to
recover 150 to 200% of the stored water during the first cycle if the initial
data suggests that adverse geochemical reactions may be occurring. For
low permeability storage zones in brackish sand aquifers with no significant
geochemical sensitivity, definition of plugging rates and redevelopment
frequencies may take precedence over demonstration of recovery efficiency
improvement in successive cycles, moving the test program in the direction
of a small number of long cycles instead of a larger number of short cycles.
Tables 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 present the actual test programs implemented
at three sites, illustrating a range of issues to be resolved. Each site is
discussed in greater detail in Chapter 9, Selected Case Studies.
In the first case, Table 2.2 shows the test program for Marathon, FL.
This ASR site includes a geochemically insensitive sand aquifer contain-
ing water with a TDS concentration of 39,000 mg/L. The storage zone is
confined, and the ASR test well has a low specific capacity of about 3 G/
min/ft. The site provides an emergency water supply for the Florida Keys,
Volume (MG) Duration (Days) (a) 0
Cycle No. Recharge Recovery "/o Recharge Storage Recovery Total ;;;;:
1 4.5 5.1 33 17 0 19 32
2 9.7 3.5 30 42 34 1i 87
3 5.3 4.2 68 27 0 16 43
4 3.6 2.8 72 14 0 9 23
5 15.0 6.5 43 51 39 26 116
6 15.1 7.7 51 56 36 43 135
7 15.8 8.9 55 56 35 30 i 21
8 15.4 i 0.1 65 76 21 34 131
9 15.0 10. i 65 54 0 44 98
10 15.3 8.6 56 56 35 31 122
11 14.0 10.4 71 63 81 (b) 25 169

Note: (a) Testing conducted 1990 to 1993. (b) Trickle flow of about 50 G/min during last 57 days of storage
period. Total recharge plus trickle flow volume = 19.2 MG.



Gallons Recharge/
Recharged/ Recovery
Recovered Rate
Begin End Total Time (millions) (G/min)

Cycle 1
Recharge 4/2/91 4/5/91 3 days, 1 hr. 2.93 669
Storage 4/5/91 4/7/91 2 days
Recovery 4/7/91 4/9/91 2 days, 7 hrs. 2.86 867
Cycle 2
Recharge 4/15/91 5/14/91 29 days, 3 hrs. 24.9 595
Storage 5/14/91 6/13/91 30 days
Recovery 6/13/91 7/3/91 20 days 25.0 868

a region that is quite vulnerable to damage during hurricanes. Eleven ASR

test cycles have been conducted to demonstrate improvement in recovery
efficiency with successive cycles at two different storage volumes, and
also to demonstrate the ability to maintain a target storage volume by
addition of a trickle flow during storage periods. Different storage dura-
tions without any trickle flow showed the adverse effect of density strati-
fication upon recovery efficiency. Plugging was shown to be insignificant.
Table 2.3 presents the test program for the ASR facility at Kerrville,
TX. There is little significant difference in water quality between the
recharge water and the native groundwater, and no geochemical issues are
evident. The potentiometric surface in the Kerrville area is such that all
water recharged will ultimately be recovered as long as excessively high
water levels are avoided in the ASR well. The aquifer is confined and
consolidated and has low-to-moderate transmissivity. The test program
needed primarily to focus upon plugging rather than water quality issues.
It included only two cycles, neither of which demonstrated any significant


Volume Volume
Injected Recovered "/o
Cycle Dates (MG) (MG) Recovered

1 07-29/08-2 i -91 9.6 7.2 74

2 08-21/09-13-91 9.8 5.4 55
3 09-13/10-07-91 8.5 7.6 89
4 10-07/11-08-91 10.0 7.0 70
5 11-10-91/06-16-92 52.1 46.8 90
6 06-16/06-22-92 3.4 3.0 88
7 12-02/12-11-92 3.9 3.5 89

Table 2.4 shows the test program for the ASR facility at Swimming
River, NJ. The storage zone is a confined, clayey sand aquifer that is
geochemically complex and sensitive, including native water iron concen-
trations exceeding 13 mg/L and manganese sources in the storage zone.
The site also has moderate transmissivity of 509 to 658 m2/day (41,000 to
53,000 G/day/ft). Seven ASR test cycles were conducted to initially re-
solve plugging issues and then to address iron and manganese geochemical
issues. As discussed subsequently in Chapter 4, ASR testing at this site
was preceded by a pretreatment phase to condition the aquifer around the
well. Initial resolution of these complex issues was successfully resolved
through small volume cycles in which reactions occurred reasonably close
to the well. It was then possible to move on to larger cycles.
A characteristic of ASR test programs is that utility operational require-
ments often affect the planning or implementation of the testing plan. Water
may not be available for recharge at the rate or time desired. Water may be
required from recovery to meet peak demands at a time that may be inap-
propriate from the limited perspective of the test program. Mechanical and



Parameter Recharge Recovery Daily Weekly

* Total suspended solids X X X

Turbidity X X X
* Total dissolved solids X X X
Sp. conductance X X X
pH X X X
Temperature X X X
Dissolved oxygen X X
Chloride X X X
Total alkalinity X X X
Calcium X X X
Magnesium X X X
Sodium X X X
Potassium X X X
*Iron X X
Aluminum X X
Sulfate X X X
Total coliforms X X
Gross alpha (cycle 1 only) X X

* = Parameters for which increased frequency required at certain times. During

Cycle 1 recovery, DO readings were obtained weekly; temperature, Ca, Mg, SO

electrical breakdowns occur and necessitate delays in the program, which

can impact the usefulness of results. Maintaining flexibility is important.
Another important element is the need to continually analyze the
draulic and water quality monitoring data collected during the test pro-
gram. This provides a basis for adjustment of the testing plan as new data
becomes available, thereby avoiding wasted time and effort. It can be quite
frustrating to wait until all of the data is available from the first two or three
cycles, and then realize that some important but subtle reactions or hydrau-
lic problems occurred at the beginning of the program and were not
detected until too late to adequately respond.

Data Collection

Hydraulic data collection includes the following parameters:

• flow rate during recharge and recovery

• cumulative volume stored
• water level or pressure in the well
• wellhead injection pressure
• water level response in observation wells
• elevation of pressure/water level measurement points

Accurate flow measurement is essential to the success of ASR pro-

grams. It is desirable (but usually not implemented) to provide two
flowmeters in series during the test program, collecting duplicate data sets
with different measurement devices. At such time as the readings may start
to diverge, it becomes immediately apparent, and appropriate remedial
steps can be taken. While this may appear overly conservative, experience
at many ASR sites has included flowmeter failure or loss of accuracy. This
is a problem at any time with any system; however, during the middle of
an ASR test program, it can have a severe adverse affect upon interpreta-
tion of the results.
The same concern relates to water level measurement. Backup manual
measurements should be collected along with any pressure transducer
measurements, in case transducer failure occurs.
Figure 2.5 shows an example of a typical hydraulic data form utilized
during Cycle 3 of testing at the Port Malabar, FL, ASR site. The form is
set up in such a way that input data is immediately converted to specific
capacity or specific injectivity, and cumulative volume is calculated. This
facilitates real-time control of ASR test operations.
Water quality data collection is tailored to the specific needs of each
site. Field data collection typically includes conductivity, pH, and tem-
perature. Chloride is frequently selected as a natural tracer constituent, the
Well !nje<tw1>
Elapsed Vohme !Head lll.!llte Specific Albllinlty JH...-dness
lnjct,ty a.~
Time inje<tDol1 lnje<ted Pressure (gpm) l'ercent S""'ple Con<!. "I'" .,. Total~ Ca 'funi>i<lity
Date 'fime (!!rsl Meter !J!al) (~) (•calc) (!pm/1'1) lnJe<ted Ill!Imber ('!!iii) (mmhicm) ~li j!IH• !mg/1) (mg/1) ('!!iii) ('!!iii) (l>tu)
08i01i88 106 0.00 6839960 0 5.27 0 0 0.00
BEGIN INJECTION New meter installed
08i01i88 12 15 0.00 0 0 405 0.00
08i01i88 17 20 5.08 57000 57,000 18.00 360 12.2 1.64 C3!Rl.l 186 664 8.3 8.08 0 32 180 160 0.60
08i02/88 11 22 23.12 437000 437,000 18.50 351 11.5 12.57 C31R2.1 178 653 8.2 8.14 0 32 !68 140 0.32
08i03i88 7 55 43.67 866000 866,000 18.50 348 11.4 24.91 C31R3.1 170 6!4 7.8 8.26 0 24 160 140 0.36
08i04i88 8 11 67.93 1374000 1,374,000 18.80 349 11.2 39.53 C31R4.1 174 634 8.0 8.21 0 28 164 136 0.47
08i05i88 9 59 93.73 1872000 1,872,000 18.60 322 10.4 53.85 C31R5.1 178 642 8.1 8.21 0 28 164 136 0.46
08i06i88 8 5 115.83 2379000 2,379,000 18.70 382 12.3 68.44 C31R6.1 180 611 8.7 8.11 8 36 164 132 0.54
08i07i88 9 17 141.03 2908000 2,908,000 19.00 350 11.0 83.65 C31R7.1 183 634 8.2 8.22 4 28 164 132 0.87
08i08i88 8 6 163.85 3386000 3,386,000 18.90 349 11.1 97.40 C3IR8.1 178 635 8.5 8.16 4 32 164 132 0.49
08i08i88 12 0 167.75 3469000 3,469,000 18.50 355 11.6 99.79 C3IR8.2 176 592 8.5 8.38 0 20 168 128 0.34
08i08i88 12 21 168.10 3476250 3,476,250 -- 345 . 100.00


NOTE: "Calculated Injection J/laJe

Figure 2.5A Cycle testing data collection form, Port Malabar, Florida.
Depth I<>
Elapsed Water Recovery Speclllc Volume Alkalinity lli!ardn ..s
Time ll.eoovory (+ =abv. Ml') Rat. Capacity Roooverod ll'orcenl Sample Chloride Cood. "II'" "T" Too.! Ca Turbidity lll2S Sulf&lo
Date Time (hrs) Meter (-=below Ml') (!jpm) (grmln) !pi) Recovery Number (mgn) (mmh/cm) pll plli (mgil) (mgm (mg/1) (mg/1) (n!u) (mg/1) (mg/1)

08/08/88 14 30 0 +15.75 0 0.0 0 0.0

08/08/88 15 1 0.00 0 0 0.00
08/08/88 15 2 O.o2 300 300 O.ot C3RR!.I 1.8
08/08/88 15 6 0.08 2500 550 2,500 O.o7 C3RR!.2 1.5
08/08/88 15 12 0.18 5500 700 5,500 0.16 C3RRI.3 1.25
08/08/88 15 17 0.27 10000 900 10,000 0.29 C3RRI.4 1.75
08/08/88 15 27 0.43 16000 600 16,000 0.% C3RR!.5 0.66
08/08/88 15 30 0.48 18500 18,500 0.53 C3RR!.6 0.38
08/08/88 15 40 0.65 25500 700 25,500 0.73 C3RR!.7 0.47
08/08/88 15 49 0.80 31500 -39.67 667 12.0 31,500 0.91 C3RRI.8 0.82
08/08/88 16 5 1.07 43000 -45.81 700 11.4 43,000 1.24 C3RRI.9 190 614 8.5 8.3 24 172 140 0.25
08/08/88 20 0 4.98 208500 710 208,500 6.00 C3RR!.!O 190 614 8.3 8.0 40 188 160 0.50

08/09/88 7 43 16.70 700500 -48.63 700 10.9 700,500 20.15 C3RR2.1 185 676 8.3 8.0 40 190 148 0.22 51
08/09/88 14 20 23.32 975000 -48.15 695 10.9 975,000 28.05 C3RR2.2 186 712 8.4 8.0 40 192 !52 0.30 0.00 52
08/09/88 19 50 28.82 1160000 -%.50 695 11.2 1,160,000 33.37 C3RR2.3 180 7!2 8.5 8.0 40 188 156 0.34 0.00 50

08/10/88 8 20 41.32 1689500 ·50.96 725 10.9 1,689,500 48.60 C3RR3.l 195 730 8.2 7.9 0 44 208 164 0.31 0.00 54
08/10/88 13 10 46.15 !870680 625 1,870,680 53.81 C3RR3.2 200
08/10/88 15 20 48.32 1960000 680 1,960,000 56.38 C3RR3.3 198 734 8.3 7.9 0 44 204 168 0.32 0.00 55
08/1088 19 26 52.42 2123000 -43.50 660 11.1 2,123,000 61.07 C3RR3.4 216 767 8.2 8.0 0 44 220 160 0.38 0.00 60

08/11188 8 15 65.23 2672500 -51.43 730 10.9 2,672,500 76.88 C3RR4.1 250 8% 8.2 7.8 0 60 252 180 1.4 0.00 67
08/11/88 10 48 67.78 2786000 730 2,786,000 80.14 C3RR4.2 2%
08111/88 12 45 69.73 2873245 -49.21 705 !0.9 2,873,245 82.65 C3RR4.3 265
08/11/88 14 41 71.67 2910000 700 2,910,000 83.71 C3RR4.4 265
08111/88 15 45 72.73 2952500 700 2,952,500 84.93 C3RR4.5 275
08/11/88 IS 54 72.88 2961000 2,961,000 85.18 C3RR4.6 947 8.2 7.9 0 44 268 196 0.48 0.00
08111/88 16 45 73.73 2998000 -45.70 725 11.8 2,998,000 86.24 C3RR4.7 263 962 8.2 7.8 0 56 264 184 0.39 0.00 71
08111/88 17 0 73.98 3001985 3,001,985 86.36


NOTE: "Cokulated Recm·ery l/.oie

Figure 2.58

concentration of which is analyzed daily during recharge and recovery.

Dissolved oxygen may be obtained at a few intervals during recharge and
early in recovery. Any significant, rapid change in dissolved oxygen
concentration can indicate geochemical or bacterial activity underground.
Where possible, field measurements of Eh, or oxidation-reduction poten-
tial, are useful to support geochemical analyses, particularly in confined
aquifers. Where Eh measurement is not possible, dissolved oxygen mea-
surements provide an indirect indicator of Eh, particularly in unconfined
aquifers where groundwaters contain oxygen.
Laboratory analyses typically include a broad range of parameters, a
few of which are analyzed daily and the remainder less frequently. Table
2.1 presents a typical range of water quality parameters considered for
ASR test program applications. Table 2.4 shows a typical water quality
sampling schedule, as planned for the ASR test program at Swimming
River. The range and frequency of a water quality sample collection
usually changes during the test program, in response to early laboratory
analysis results and other observations. However, the first cycle generally
is subject to rather intensive sampling, data collection, and laboratory
analysis, in order to gain a rapid understanding of hydraulic and water
quality issues. Subsequent cycles require less intensive sampling and
analysis, unless an important issue is identified in the first cycle that
requires such effort in subsequent cycles.

Sampling Frequency

Recharge water quality variability determines the frequency of sam-

pling appropriate during recharge periods. Sometimes recharge quality is
sufficiently stable that sampling need occur only at the beginning, middle,
and end of the recharge period. Usually more frequent recharge sampling
is appropriate. Field data collection should occur daily. Recovery sampling
should be sufficiently frequent as to show clearly the system response,
both hydraulic and water quality. A minimum of 10 samples during a
normal recovery period is usually appropriate except for very short cycles.
Daily samples should be collected and analyzed for basic parameters and
tracer constituents.

ASR Test Program Duration

Depending upon the range of issues addressed during the test program,
the duration may extend for as short as about 3 months and as long as 2
years or more. Short programs are appropriate in situations where no
geochemical or water quality issues are involved and where plugging does
not appear to be significant in early testing. On the other hand, where the

storage zone contains brackish or other non-potable water, or where com-

plex geochemical issues are present, the test program duration may easily
extend for two years. Where a short duration is selected, care must be taken
to continue monitoring for subtle water quality changes that may not
become apparent until the aquifer has reached water quality and geochemi-
cal equilibrium. This may require several months.
A typical duration is about 6 to 12 months, at the end of which a report
is prepared presenting results of the test program and also a plan for ASR
wellfield expansion to meet projected needs, if appropriate. The report
provides the justification for issuance of an ASR operating permit in those
states where such a permit is required between the end of the test program
and the beginning of permanent operation.


There are a few factors to consider in the design of an ASR wellfield that
are quite different than for a conventional wellfield. Failure to consider these
factors can reduce the value of an ASR system to meet water demands.

Flow Rate Balancing

Where there is a significant difference in quality between the stored

water and the native groundwater and it is essential to minimize mixing
between the two prior to recovery, it is important that the wellfield be
designed so that recharge flow rate distribution among the wells is propor-
tional to recovery flow rate distribution. If this balance is not maintained,
then excessive recharge or recovery in one well can effectively move the
stored water bubble away from adjacent wells, reducing overall system
recovery efficiency. This requires a design that allows flow rate adjust-
ment at each wellhead.
If recharge and recovery flow rates are unbalanced, the effect may
become apparent as a change in recovery efficiency for each of the wells,
when compared to results immediately following their construction and
initial testing. Some wells may have very high efficiency, while others are
very low.

Well Spacing and Arrangement

For an ASR system that primarily meets seasonal water supply needs,
the annual volume of water stored will create a bubble of stored water

around the well, with a diameter typically in the range of 100 to 300m (328
to 984 ft). If well spacings are less than this diameter, the storage bubbles
from adjacent ASR wells should tend to coalesce. Over a period of several
cycles, this should tend to improve recovery efficiency, compared to a
wellfield with spacings such that no coalescence occurs. As discussed
subsequently in Section 3.3, Wellfield Design, well arrangements includ-
ing a central well should provide improved recovery efficiency. The
tradeoff between increased annual power costs for recharge and recovery
in a "clustered" ASR wellfield with closely-spaced wells can be compared
with the expected improvement in recovery efficiency, based upon Phase
2 results and modeling, as discussed in Chapter 4. A decision can then be
made regarding appropriate well spacing. In general, closer well spacing
will be appropriate in more brackish aquifer systems, while conventional
well spacing criteria will tend to govern wellfield design in situations
where groundwater quality is fresh.


In many ASR applications, multiple aquifers or producing intervals are

available at the test site. Shallow aquifers are generally the freshest, with
deeper aquifers containing water of poorer quality. For ASR purposes,
aquifer native water quality is less important than hydraulic characteris-
tics. A deep brackish aquifer that has little or no value for water supply
purposes can be quite useful for ASR purposes. This opens up the possi-
bility of storing water in multiple aquifers at the same site. This is termed
"stacking." To the extent that storage in the shallowest zone can meet
program objectives, this may be the least expensive plan. However, piping
and pumping costs to distribute ASR wells over a wide area in such a zone
can be substantial. In such cases it is frequently more cost-effective to
locate ASR wells in clusters, penetrating multiple zones in order to meet
storage volume requirements in a relatively small area.
Figure 2.6 shows a hydrogeologic cross-section of the multiple storage
zones at the Peace River ASR wellfield. The water in each of these zones
is brackish, with TDS concentrations ranging from about 700 to 900 mg/
L in the upper two zones, and about 2900 mg/L in the deepest zone. The
shallowest zone, the Tampa formation, stores little water due to well
interference with adjacent domestic and agricultural wells. The second
zone, the Suwannee formation, stores almost all of the water at this time.
The deep zone, the A von Park formation, is being tested to determine its
recovery efficiency characteristics. The high yield of wells in this deep
zone suggests low unit costs for water stored in this zone, if reasonable

Well S-1 WeiiT-1 WeiiAP-1

0 - ~

ITP, lB_t) o.iJ

Hawthorn ~,,.
I< [<
'·(? ~~
·~ t

Tampa !l ~
400 Storo e Zone
·a Confining Layer It '~

Suwanee p_
.<::: Storage Zone
a soo ~·
Ocala Confining Layer !l

1,200 - !l
1,400 -
Park Storage Zone

Figure 2.6 Stacking ASR storage in multiple zones, Peace River, Florida.

recovery efficiency can be confirmed. With all three zones, seasonal

storage requirements could be met for many years with wells all located
on the water treatment plant site. Cost savings would be substantial.

Wellfield Layout

Land ownership and other practical constraints frequently govern the

location of ASR wells. As with conventional wellfields, layout can include
dispersed individual wells located at key points around the distribution
system; linear arrangements, and clusters. As discussed above, more-
compact layouts are better suited for brackish or otherwise non-potable
water storage zones.
Where the regional hydraulic gradient is such that stored water may
move a significant distance away from each ASR well between the time
of recharge and the time of recovery, a linear arrangement generally
perpendicular to the direction of the regional gradient may be appropriate.
Flows during recharge and recovery would be distributed so that more
recharge occurs in up-gradient wells and more recovery occurs in down-
gradient wells. Figure 2.7 illustrates this approach, as modeled for a
proposed ASR wellfield in Kuwait that was to form part of a peak season
water supply and also a strategic water reserve. Regional water movement
on a seasonal basis was insignificant. However, long-term water move-
ment over a period of many years would tend to reduce recovery efficiency
without provision for downgradient ASR wells. The proposed wellfield
arrangement provided for seasonal operation of all wells; however, the
distribution of recharge and recovery would be adjusted slightly to achieve

New Pipeline


Initial site Type l

Initial site Type 2
lnltral site Type 3
lnltral site Type 4

Notes: e Four different well designs were considered to test operating

performance and recovery efficiency prior to wellfield expansron.
• Recharge in upgradient wells and recovery in downgradient wells
for long-term storage. Use all wells for seasonal storage.

Figure 2.7 Strategic water reserve: proposed well layout, Kuwait.

long-tenn storage objectives. The conceptual design provided for higher

recovery rates in the central line of wells so that reasonable flows could be
maintained even though saline water may reach the outer lines of wells
during emergency recovery.


ASR wellfield operation and maintenance requirements are marginally

greater than for conventional wellfields. Some of the elements that com-
prise the difference are as follows.

This occurs typically two to four times per year as the system changes
from recharge to recovery and back again. Where ASR wells are used to
meet peak demands in areas where diurnal and weekly variations are more
significant than seasonal variations, more frequent changes in operating
mode will occur. Automated controls facilitate such The pro-
cedure at each well may need to include flushing lines to waste for a few
minutes at each wellhead, depending upon the amount of rust, and
other solid material in the piping. Proper selection of construction mate-
rials can substantially ease this operating requirement.


This procedure is implemented at most ASR sites in order to maintain

recharge capacity by purging from the well any solids that may have
carried into the well during recharge. Backflushing frequency ranges from
every day at two long-tenn operational ASR sites in New Jersey, to every
few years at the Orange County Water District salinity intrusion barrier
injection wellfield in southern California. The two sites in New Jersey are
automated and pump to waste for 10 min each day. The Orange County
sites require removal of all injection piping from the introduction of
a packer and jetting assembly, well redevelopment while pumping each of
a series of screen intervals, and re-assembly of injection tubing. The effort
typically about five days per well.
Some ASR wells currently in operation are
extended pumping, as a part of the recovery without any addi-
tional backflushing frequency. Some ASR sites backflush to waste every
one to two weeks to maintain recharge . Whether automated or
not, this increases the operation and maintenance for ASR
facilities. Further discussion of well plugging rates and
frequency is included in Chapter 4.

Disinfectant Residual

It is advisable to ensure a disinfectant residual within the well

screen and gravel pack, or borehole. This will control bacterial in
the fonnation immediately adjacent to the well, thereby helping to main-
tain recharge specific capacity and avoid bacterial plugging. This is easily
accomplished during recharge if the recharge source is treated drinking
water with a small disinfectant residual.

some situations initial baseline sampling will indicate no

rine residual is available at the ASR site, reflecting low flows and long
times in the water distribution system during recharge
of ASR for recharge will accelerate local water move-
ment, sometimes achieving a positive chlorine residual.
storage periods in excess of about two to three 1t 1s
advisable to trickle feed a chlorine, chloramine or other disinfectant solu-
tion into the well casing, at a low rate of typically about 10 to 20 Llmin
(2 to 5 G/min). a periodic flush of recharge water from the
distribution system can sometimes achieve the same if the vol-
ume is sufficient to displace water in the and screen or borehole
with chlorinated water. obtained from the well at
the beginning of a storage period can show the time required for
the disinfectant residual to dissipate in the well, thereby providing a
calculation of the trickle flow recharge rate or the of
flushes to maintain the well free of
This is a precautionary step that may not be required in all ASR wells.
In particular, it may be unnecessary for storage zones with transmis-
sivity, karst solution features, or otherwise with low plugging potential due
to the low organic and carbon content of the recharge water. However, at
most water sites it is relatively easy and inexpensive to nrP"P¥1<

bacterial plugging, which can be difficult to rectify once it has occurred.

A higher trickle flow rate during storage may be appropriate at
those sites drinking water in aquifers with very high TDS concen-
trations in the native water. For at Marathon, the flow rate
required for disinfection storage periods is under 0.3 Lisee G/
about 2.8 Lisee (45 is needed to maintain a
recovery volume of 38 megaliters (10 MG) for a hurricane season
duration of 120 The native water TDS at this site is mg/L. The
trickle flow rate offsets mixing losses due to density stratification at this


Monitoring requirements for ASR systems depend upon local needs and
regulatory requirements at each site. It is vitally important to accurately keep
track of flow rates and cumulative volumes at each well and for the entire
ASR wellfield. Regular calibration of flowmeters is therefore essential.
Periodic measurement of water levels in ASR and monitor wells is also
important, in order to check for well plugging rates, pump efficiencies,
effect of ASR operations upon water levels in adjacent wells, and other

criteria. Routine sampling in ASR and monitor wells is also appropriate,

in order to keep track of the recovered water quality and, at some brackish
zone locations, the lateral extent of the stored water bubble.
For large ASR wellfields, it is advisable to develop a computer-based
data collection and analysis system that can provide monthly, annual, and
other reports as needed to meet operational and regulatory needs. For
automated systems with computer control, this may represent a relatively
easy extension of existing hardware and software.
An important element of ASR operation and maintenance is the need for
periodic review of the operating data so that performance can be evaluated
relative to expectations, and adjustments made as appropriate. This is
particularly important in the first two to five years of system operation
when the greatest changes in water levels and water quality will tend to
occur and normal ranges for various parameters tend to be defined.


At some logical point in the overall ASR development program, it

becomes appropriate to consider how to integrate ASR as a water manage-
ment tool into the local and regional water supply network. This may occur
at the end of the Phase 2 field investigations, as a part of the report
preparation. It is more likely to occur after a few ASR wells have been
constructed (Phase 3) and are in operation for a year or two. At that point
the utility operating the ASR system has gained confidence in long-term
performance, justifying reevaluation of future plans for water system
As discussed in Chapter 4, an ASR water supply system model can be
helpful in evaluating the most cost-effective combination of capacities for
key water system components (i.e., alternative sources, intake structure,
treatment plant, raw water storage, ASR treated water storage, etc.) to meet
future demand at different time steps along the expansion path. For many
water systems, such a model may be essential in view of the complexity
of the economic analysis. The relatively low cost of ASR systems, as
discussed in Chapter 6, is usually a strong incentive to provide a careful
and accurate analysis of the optimum role that these systems can play in
future water supply planning.

Once there was a great drought. The rain stopped falling and the Earth became
dry. Finally the streams themselves stopped flowing. There was a village of
people who lived by the side of a stream, and life nmv became very lzardfor them.
They sent someone upstream to see why the stream had stopped. Before long, the
man came back.
"There is a dam across the stream," he said. "It is holding back all of the
water. There are guards on the dam. They say their chief is keeping all the water
j(n· himself:''
"Go and beg him.fiJr water," said the elders of' the 1·illage. "Tell him we are
dying without water to drink." So the messenger went back again. When he
returned, he held a bark cup filled with mud.
"This is all the Vl'ater their chief will allow us to have," he said.
Now tlze people were angry. They decided to fight. They sent a party of
warriors to destroy the dam. But as soon as the warriors came to the dam, a great
monsta rose out of the water. His mouth vt·as big enough to swallow a moose.
His belly was huge and yellow. He grabbed the warriors and em shed them in his
long .fingers, which were like the roots of cedar trees. Only one warrior escaped
to come back to the people and tell them what happened.
"We cannotfight a monster," the people said. They were not sure what to do.
Then one of the old chief:' spoke. "We must pray to Gitchee Manitou," he said.
''Perhaps he will pity us and send help." Then they burned tobacco and sent their
prayers up to the Creator.


Their prayers were heard. Gitchee Manitou looked down and saw the people
were in great trouble. He decided to take pity and help them and he called
Koluscap. "Go and help the people," Gitchee Manitou said.
Koluscap then went down to the Earth. He took the shape of a tall warrior,
head and shoulders taller than any of the people. Half of his face was painted
black and half was painted white. A great eagle perched on his right shoulder
and by his side two wolves walked as his dogs, a black wolf and a while wolf. As
soon as the people saw him they welcomed him. They thought surely he was
someone sent by the Creator to help them.
"We cannot afford you anything to drink," they said. "All the water in the
world is kept by the monster and his dam. "
"Where is this monster?" Koluscap said, swinging his war club, which was
made of the root of a birch tree.
"Up the dry stream bed, " they said.
So Koluscap walked up the dry stream bed. As he walked he saw dried up and
dead fish and turtles and other water animals. Soon he came to the dam, which
stretched between two hills.
"I have come for water," he said to the guards on top of the dam.
"Give him none, give him none!" said a big voice from the other side of the
dam. So the guards did not give him water.
Again Koluscap asked and again the big voice answered. Four times he made
his request, and on the fourth request Koluscap was thrown a bark cup half-full
of filthy water.
Then Koluscap grew angry. He stomped his foot and the dam began to crack.
He stomped his foot again and he began to grow taller and taller. Now Koluscap
was taller than the dam, taller even than the monster who sat in the deep water.
Koluscap's club was now bigger than a great pine tree. He struck the dam with
his club and the dam burst open and the water flowed out. Then he reached down
and grabbed the water monster. It tried to fight back, but Koluscap was too
powerful. With one giant hand Koluscap squeezed the water monster and its eyes
bulged out and its back grew bent. He rubbed it with his other hand and it grew
smaller and smaller.
"Now," Koluscap said, "no longer will you keep others from having water.
Now you'll just be a bullfrog. But I will take pity on you and you can live in this
water from now on. " Then Koluscap threw the water monster back into the
stream. To this day, even though he hides from everyone because Koluscap
frightened him so much, you may still hear the bullfrog saying, "give him none,
give him none. "
The water flowed past the village. Some of the people were so happy to see the
water that they jumped into the stream. They dove so deep and stayed in so long
that they became fish and water creatures themselves. They still live in that river
today, sharing the water which no one person can ever own.
Mic Mac and Maliseet Indian story, Nova Scotia [1]


ASR wells have certain unique features in their design that differentiate
them from production wells or injection wells. When completed, the wells
may often be similar; however, the design process is different, and the end
results may also be different, depending upon conditions at each ASR site.
In this section, the ASR well design approach is discussed, addressing
those features that differentiate ASR wells from other wells.

Casing Materials of Construction

ASR wells generate rust from steel casings to a greater extent than either
production or injection wells, due to the increased surface area subject to
wetting and drying during recharge and recovery. This is particularly true
for brackish water storage zones. This rust flows down the well during
recharge, contributing to plugging of the well. Solids present in the re-
charge water are usually more significant causes of ASR well plugging
than is rust. However, for low permeability aquifers, the increase in
plugging potential due to rust can be unacceptable in some cases, particu-
larly where frequent backflushing to waste is perceived as an operating
problem to be avoided if possible. During recovery or backflushing rede-
velopment, the rust combines with other solids carried into the well during
recharge and is pumped from the well, either to waste or into the wellhead
piping system.
For ASR wellfields located at water treatment plants, it is not uncom-
mon for the water pumped from the well at the beginning of recovery to
be conveyed back to the treatment process for retreatment. Duration of this
period may typically range from about 10 min to 2 hours or more. Once
the rust and other particulates have been flushed from the well, the water
can then be diverted directly into the treated water distribution system
following disinfection.
For ASR wells located other than at water treatment plants, the only
option is to waste this water to a nearby drainage system or sewer line. The
pumping rate at such times may be slightly greater than the design recov-
ery rate for the well, since the pump is usually pumping against a lower
head than normal and therefore producing more water. This is good in that
it helps to purge solid material from the well; however, disposal of water
for an extended period at such rates is sometimes a problem. In residential
areas lacking storm drainage networks, ASR backflushing operations can
cause temporary, localized flooding of streets and homeowner opposition

due to inconvenience and apparently wasted water. In other areas with

adequate drainage networks, regulatory opposition may be encountered
due to the ultimate discharge into a receiving stream for this colored water,
initially containing considerable solid material. That this event may occur
infrequently during initial testing and then perhaps once or twice per year
is of little assistance.
One solution to this problem is to utilize casing material that will not
contribute to the production of rust. In particular, polyvinyl chloride
(PVC) casing offers many advantages in situations where casing length
and diameter are suitable. Where a steel casing is required, epoxy coating
can substantially reduce or eliminate the surface area of steel that is subject
to rusting. Both of these approaches have been used successfully in opera-
tional ASR systems. Other potential approaches that may be appropriate in
certain cases include fiberglass casings and stainless steel casings. Finally,
a frequent solution is to utilize a conventional black steel casing and accept
the solids production as a long-term operating issue to be dealt with later.
Further discussion of each of these options follows.

PVC Casing

PVC well casing is utilized frequently in the water well industry,

particularly for smaller, shallower wells. For larger, deeper wells, greater
care is required in order to ensure satisfactory construction. PVC casing
diameters are readily available up to 400 mm ( 16 inches) and are available
by special order up to 900 mm (36 inches). Recent introduction of me-
chanical joint casing connections by CertainTeed Corporation (Phone: 1-
800-359-7296) has dramatically speeded up the installation process, thereby
reducing both risk and cost.
The deepest PVC casing for an ASR well is at Marathon, FL, which is
400 mm (16 inch) diameter to 118m (387ft). For other purposes, the
author is aware of 200 mm (8 inch) PVC casing set to 335 m ( 1100 ft); 300
mm (12 inch) casing set to 293m (960ft), and 460 mm (18 inch) casing
set to 335 m (1100 ft). All of these are Florida projects. In general, setting
a PVC casing to a depth of about 152m (500ft) is not too difficult. Below
that depth, the technology exists to successfully construct the well; how-
ever, considerable time, skill, and great care is required to avoid casing or
hole collapse.
For most ASR systems, PVC casing diameters in the range of 200 to 400
mm (8 to 16 inches) will be appropriate. These are outside diameter
measurements. Wall thickness for PVC casings is thicker than for steel
casings. Schedule 80 casing is frequently selected; however, this is a

standard wall thickness and therefore provides decreasing resistance to

collapse with larger diameters. Selection of casing according to an SDR
(standard dimension ratio) number, such as SDR 17, ensures consistent
collapse strength regardless of casing diameter. For SDR 17, the wall
thickness is 1117 times the outside diameter of the casing. For 400 mm
(16 inch) casing, Schedule 80 would have a 19 mm (0.75 inch) wall
thickness, whereas SDR 17 would have a 24 mm (0.94 inch) wall thick-
ness. Inside diameters of PVC casings are therefore smaller for corre-
sponding pipe sizes.
Couplings add another 40 mm ( 1.5 inches) outer diameter to the casing
string. Since it is important to be able to introduce a 50 mm (2 inch) tremie
line into the annulus around the PVC casing for cementing operations, the
hole into which the casing is run should be at least 150 mm (6 inches)
greater diameter than the couplings. Installation of long runs of PVC
casing in a well is comparable to threading a wet spaghetti noodle down
the barrel of a rifle. It is therefore advisable to provide a sufficient annular
space in order to facilitate installation.
The compressive strength of the PVC casing is weakest during cement-
ing of the casing, when the heat of hydration can be sufficient to raise the
casing temperature and thereby reduce its strength. For this reason it is
sometimes advisable to cement the casing in a series of stages. Circulating
water within the casing while the cement is curing for each stage is another
option. Control of temperatures and pressures is important. All of this extra
care increases well construction time and therefore cost. The extra cost,
combined with the increased installation difficulty, are the principal rea-
sons why deeper, larger ASR well casings have traditionally utilized
materials other than PVC. However, successful experience with deep,
large diameter PVC casings is becoming more widespread.
It is important that the hole to be cemented stays open during the
successive cementing stages. Settling of drilling mud and subsequent hole
collapse may preclude staged cementing of the casing to ground surface in
some situations where the casing installation and cementing operation re-
quires excessive time. At extra cost, the risk of hole collapse during cement-
ing can be offset through setting additional outer steel casings so that each
cementing stage is likely to terminate within the next steel casing string.
For screened wells constructed with cable tool techniques, PVC casing
may be inappropriate since the force required to pull back the casing to
expose the screen and gravel pack may exceed the tensile strength of the
casing couplings, causing them to pull apart. This should be discussed with
the well driller where applicable. It is not a problem with rotary drilled

The use of PVC casings at the Cocoa and Marathon, FL, ASR sites has
been effective, in conjunction with appropriate selection of wellhead
piping materials, in keeping the production of solid materials during
recharge and recovery to an acceptable minimum. At each site, water is
clear and meets all applicable drinking standards within about 20 min after
the beginning of recovery.
A factor to consider during installation of PVC casings is that the
density of the PVC is approximately the same as the density of drilling
mud. Consequently, it may be necessary to push the casing down the hole
prior to cementing, particularly if the drilling fluid weighs more than about
12 lbs/G, or has a specific gravity greater than about 1.44.

Epoxy-Coated Steel Casing

A fusion-bonded epoxy coating can be applied at the factory and is

selected to meet applicable American Water Works Association (A WW A)
standards for use with public drinking water systems. For welded steel
casing, the coating adjacent to each weld will be lost during construction.
For threaded and coupled casing, the coating would remain; however, the
marginal reduction in surface area exposed to rusting is probably insuffi-
cient justification by itself to provide threaded and coupled casing at
significantly greater cost.
Care is required during well construction to avoid damage to the coating
during well construction activities that occur after the casing is set and
cemented in place. Rubber bumpers have been used successfully around
the drill pipe to prevent such damage.
Epoxy-coated steel casing has been used successfully at the Peace
River, FL; Kerrville, TX; and Chesapeake, VA ASR facilities. Production
of solids from the casing during recharge or recovery has not been an
operating issue at these sites.

Fiberglass and Stainless Steel Casing

These have not yet been utilized for ASR wells, primarily due to the
availability of less-expensive alternatives. It is reasonable to expect that
use of these casing materials will occur sooner or later for an ASR system,
in order to meet site-specific needs.
ASR system operating costs are discussed in Chapter 6. At such time as
we have greater understanding of the annual costs associated with periodic
backflushing for well redevelopment, and for initial recovery to waste to
remove solids, the tradeoff between investment in higher cost well casing
and reduced operating costs will become more clear. Until that time, it
seems wise to seek reasonable opportunities to minimize solids produc-

tion. One of these alternatives is to select an appropriate casing material,

even at some increase in well construction cost.
Cost is not the only issue here. Operational complexity is an important
factor. An ASR well in a low permeability, unconsolidated aquifer that
requires backflushing every few days or weeks represents less of an
operating problem if the backflushing duration and pumped volume is
minimized. Selection of an appropriate casing material can help to mini-
mize the frequency, duration, and volume of backflushing.

Steel Casing

Uncoated steel casing is utilized in many ASR situations, similar to

conventional production wells. When existing production wells are to be
utilized for ASR testing or operations, there is usually no choice in the well
design or casing material. The only option available is cleaning the exist-
ing casing prior to ASR retrofitting.
Operating measures can be implemented to handle the solids produced
from the steel casing during recovery and to minimize introduction of
solids to the well during recharge. During initial recovery or backflushing
operations, water can be returned to the water treatment plant for retreatment.
It can also be discharged directly to the storm drainage system, whether
piped or by surface conveyance. It may also be discharged to a drywell, pit,
or pond, constructed adjacent to the ASR well with sufficient volume to
contain a considerable portion of the water to be discharged to waste. This
may reduce the peak rate of discharge to the local drainage system, if
necessary, and will provide some settling and dilution of the initial solids
pumped from the well. This approach is utilized at El Paso, TX, for the
Fred Hervey Water Reclamation Facility injection well system. It was also
utilized during initial testing at the Riverton Heights ASR test well,
Seattle, W A.
One or more injection tubes are sometimes provided inside the casing
to control cascading. These tubes also serve to reduce entry of rust into the
well during recharge since the surface area of exposed steel is reduced.
Water is conveyed into the well through the tubes and therefore is less
likely to scour rust from the casing. The tubes may be of steel or PVC. This
requires sufficient casing diameter to accommodate the pump and also the
injection tube(s). An alternative approach is to recharge down the pump
column, achieving the same objective.

Casing Diameter

For ASR wells, casing diameter should be no different than for normal
production wells, except when one or more injection tubes are used for

recharge. It is advisable to have a small amount of extra space inside the

casing to allow easy entry and withdrawal of the pump, injection tubing,
air line, and electrical cable for submersible pumps. It is also helpful to be
able to lower geophysical logging tools past the pump in order to evaluate
changes in flow distribution due to differential plugging of the well during
However, larger casing diameters increase well construction expense.
For the first well at any new ASR wellfield, it may be appropriate to pay
the additional expense in order to gain the ability to better understand
aquifer response to ASR operations. Subsequent wells could be designed
with smaller diameter casings to reduce costs. Frequently well construc-
tion costs represent a relatively small component of the overall construc-
tion cost for an ASR wellfield.
Due to the increased cost associated with larger casing diameters, the
downhole control valve discussed subsequently in Section 4.4, Flow Con-
trol and Measurement, is expected to rapidly gain in popularity since it
provides needed control of injection flows without requiring larger casing
diameters. This valve expedites ASR operations in situations where exist-
ing wells with small diameter casings are retrofitted to ASR operations.


Casings in ASR wells should be cemented from the bottom of the casing
to ground surface to ensure an adequate seal against flow movement
outside the casing through possible channels opened during construction.
At three known ASR sites in existing uncemented water supply wells, the
pressures occurring during recharge caused upward flow around the out-
side of the casing. At one site this created flow at the surface. At another
site the result was formation of a sinkhole adjacent to the well. The third
site experienced downward movement of surficial sands into the underly-
ing limestone production interval, causing a severe solids problem in the
well. Cementing is normally a desirable practice to prevent production
well contamination from adjacent land use activities; however, for ASR
wells there are additional hydraulic reasons that apply due to the cyclic

Selection of ASR Storage Intervals

Water Quality Issues

The simplest case is one in which the ASR storage zone under consider-
ation contains water of similar quality to that which will be recharged, and

has no potential geochemical issues. In such a case, the ASR well design will
tend to be similar to a conventional production well design. If screened, the
screen length will tend to be longer to maximize recharge efficiency and to
minimize the rate of plugging. If open hole, the hole length will tend to fully
penetrate the production interval for the same reason.
In situations where the storage zone is brackish, or contains water of
such quality that mixing is to be minimized, the selection of the storage
interval requires greater care. Thin intervals that have excellent vertical
confinement are best suited for minimizing mixing. Figure 3.1 shows a
geologic cross-section for the Marathon ASR test well, FL, which success-
fully stores treated drinking water for emergency water supply purposes.
Storage is in a confined sand production interval 11 m (40ft) thick and
containing seawater with a total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration of
39,000 mg/L. This site is discussed further in Chapter 9. In less extreme
cases of water quality difference, thicker storage intervals with less con-
finement may be sufficient to provide the desired recovery efficiency.
Where the choice of storage intervals is limited, well and wellfield
design can, to some extent, adapt to the limitations imposed by nature.
Multiple wells can provide ASR development of a zone that has sufficient
storage volume capacity but low yield to individual wells. The cost of
additional wells is frequently small when compared to the cost of alterna-
tive storage approaches.
Where the storage zone has great thickness or poor confinement and
contains poor quality native groundwater, acceptable recovery perfor-
mance may sometimes be achieved by operating at high rates and long
durations during recharge. The volume stored may then be sufficient to
displace the poor-quality water away from the well, both vertically and
laterally, so that a useful recovery volume can be achieved during each
recovery season. This may take several annual cycles of operation, each
showing an increase in recovery efficiency. Alternatively, a large initial
storage volume may be provided following construction. This may be
considered as the formation of a buffer zone, analagous to initial filling of
a surface reservoir. Once the buffer zone is formed, or the surface reservoir
is filled, ASR operations at the ultimate recovery efficiency can proceed.
The recovery efficiency attainable will depend upon the hydraulic and
water quality characteristics at each site. While 100% recovery efficiency
is a reasonable target and is obtained in most cases of storage in brackish
aquifers, lower recovery efficiency may occur in some situations due to
technical constraints or regulatory restrictions designed to promote aquifer
recharge. An economic analysis will then indicate whether the lost value
of the water not recovered is more than offset by the value of the water
recovered when needed. Usually this is the case.


I~ 30 ~I
Lffhologlc Lffhologlc Natural Gamma
Description Column Ray Log

pale orange to '--,
whrre abundant
cora line structure,
hard and cavernous 50

LIMESTONE. very ! ... ~
pole orange to
whiTe chalky, I
porous, dense, with
some shell shards
~ f--

SAND, white poorly 200
angular to ~
limestone lenses .!

olive moderately
subangular to 1--,

SAND. yellowish to c""p.
light olive-gray
428' unconsolidated, fine
to very coarse
grained quartz, well
4" 25 Slot graded, round to "--
20/30 PVC Screen
lO' SS Sump
427' to 432'
388' to 428' w:~hi~fe~~J~~~T 11...--
clay lenses below
358' to 430' 428 teet 500
TD = ±432' TD = ±428'
0 20 40 60 80
API Units
Ia Silty Sand
Clay D Quartz ~and
and Gravel

Figure 3.1 ASR construction details and lithology, Marathon, Florida.


Geochemical Issues

The most complex issues pertaining to storage zone selection are with
aquifers, or portions of aquifers, that offer geochemical challenges. This is
discussed in greater detail in Chapter 5, Geochemistry. However, one
solution is to design the ASR well to case out production intervals that
contribute severe geochemical problems, if this can be achieved without
losing much of the potential production capacity of the well.
Typically, the detailed information needed to make a reasonable judg-
ment regarding well design to avoid geochemical problems can only
follow coring, core analysis, and geophysical logging. In the absence of
this data, it is difficult to know which intervals are contributing the water
quality constituents of concern. Consequently, the design of the second
and subsequent ASR wells may benefit from experience gained with the
first such well at any new site.

Screen Design

Discussion has occurred during recent years regarding whether the

screen and gravel pack design for an ASR well in an unconsolidated
aquifer should be any different than for a normal production well. A case
can be made that the screen slot size should be slightly larger than normal
such that during pumping and redevelopment, the gravel pack will clear of
solid particles more readily. In such situations it is necessary to add one or
two gravel tubes from the ground surface to the top of the gravel pack,
adding gravel as necessary to make up for gravel pack material washed
through the casing during recovery. Otherwise the formation material may
collapse around the screen during changes from recharge to recovery.
However, some uncertainty will always exist as to whether provision of
one or more gravel tubes will adequately protect the well against collapse.
The best solution is to design the screen identical to that for a production
well so that there is no increased likelihood of gravel pack movement
around the screen. Whether used for production or for ASR, a sand-
producing well is an operating problem to be avoided.

Pump Setting

One alternative that has not yet been applied in an ASR well is to set
the pump below the screen interval at the bottom of the well. For seasonal
operation, this practice may enable recovery rates well in excess of normal
continuous production rates. The specific yield of unconfined portions of
the aquifer will release much larger volumes of water from storage than

will the storativity associated with confined aquifers. Consequently, a

pump located below the screen may support higher seasonal production
rates and longer durations than will a pump in the same well, located at the
base of the casing, above the screen. During the subsequent recharge
period, water levels would be restored to normal high levels or possibly
above those levels. Figure 3.2 illustrates this design option.
It is probable that this approach would work well at some sites and not
at others. In particular, where the uppermost screen interval is close to the
top of the aquifer and produces most of the water, the benefits of this
approach may not be significant since dewatering the top screen interval
would rapidly increase hydraulic losses and reduce well yield. However,
where production is distributed more uniformly from the top to the bottom
of the aquifer, dewatering the top portion of the aquifer for a brief time
may be beneficial in terms of increasing short-term peak well yields.

Conventional Potential ASR

Pump Setting Pump Setting

Confining Surface
...... ...... ..- . - - Layer
Long Term'-
Equilibrium /
Decline /
'\ I
'\ ; - - Short Term
\ 1 Seasonal
'\ Decline


Figure 3.2 Alternative pump setting for seasonal ASR operations.



Several features of ASR wellhead design should be considered for

efficient, long-term operation of an ASR system. That is not to say that
disregard of these features will cause system failure. Rather, it is probable
that consideration of these features will greatly enhance system perfor-
mance. The various features are discussed in the following paragraphs.

Materials of Construction

As discussed previously in this chapter, materials of construction can

play an important part in ensuring efficient and cost-effective ASR system
performance. For both wells and wellhead facilities, the same principles
apply. Non-ferrous piping systems, such as PVC and cement-lined ductile
iron pipe, are preferred for ASR wellhead piping, particularly in systems
where aquifer permeability is low to moderate and some concern exists
regarding plugging and redevelopment frequency. Where this is imple-
mented, the volume of rust carried into the well during recharge and from
the well during initial recovery will be greatly reduced. Furthermore,
smooth piping will reduce the opportunity for solids entrapping near the
wellhead. These factors, in turn, will tend to reduce the plugging rate,
redevelopment frequency, and regulatory issues associated with disposal
of backflush water to waste. Any increase in initial capital cost will offset
higher long-term operating costs associated with handling of initially rust-
colored, turbid recharge and recovery flows.
For downhole piping, such as injection tubes and pressure transducer
tubes, PVC or other non-ferrous materials are also recommended. Galva-
nized tubing should be avoided, reflecting adverse experience with failure
due to electrochemical corrosion. In particular, galvanized surfaces create
a corrosion cell with non-galvanized surfaces, causing reduced service life
and screen plugging. Where such corrosion is anticipated, it can also be
partially inhibited with use of protective coatings and cathodic protection.
However, this requires maintenance for continued operation and also
requires additional space within the casing to accommodate the cathodic
protection system.
In general, use of non-metals, epoxy coatings, cement-lined piping and
special alloy materials of construction in ASR wells is usually a wise
investment. The economic savings usually attributable to implementation
of ASR justifies reasonable investment in the design of the wells and
wellhead facilities.

Pipeline Flushing and Waste Flow Discharge

Regardless of the materials of construction of the well and wellhead

piping, the transmission and distribution system conveying water to the
wellhead may have deposits of solid material trapped in places such as
connections, valves and fittings. Pressure surges and reversal of flow in
this piping, due to startup of recharge operations, can resuspend these
particulates and carry them down the well, causing rapid plugging.
For this reason, it is advisable to flush both the well and the wellhead
piping to waste immediately prior to recharge, at a flow rate at least as high
as the flow rate expected into or from the well. Wellhead piping must be
designed with the ability to discharge waste flows at high rates, frequently
to a ditch or sewer line near the wellhead or to the water treatment plant
for retreatment. The duration of this flushing period may range from 10
min to as long as 2 hours or more, depending upon the site and the amount
of solid material in the recharge water or in the well.
In many situations where the ASR well is supplied by a long, dead-end
transmission pipeline, disposal of the resulting water from line-flushing
operations can sometimes be difficult due to the large volumes and high rates
involved. Furthermore, disinfecting new pipelines by filling them with
chlorinated water and then draining them to waste at a low flow rate does not
remove solids from the pipeline. The solid material will be carried into the
well during the first recharge operation. Mechanical cleaning of the pipeline,
such as by "pigging," can be helpful to remove solids in such situations.
Where the ASR well is supplied by a new long, cement-lined pipeline,
high pH values may occur during initial recharge testing, due to grout and
cement curing in the pipeline. At one site, this caused pH values to exceed
9.0 in the recharge water. Such an effect should be considered transitional
until cement curing is complete.
Provision should be included in the wellhead design to isolate each well
from the system and flush it to waste at the wellhead, so that remedial work
can proceed while the remainder of the system is in normal operation.
Otherwise the entire wellfield may need to be shut down during periodic
backflushing operations. This is particularly important in situations where
backflushing is expected to occur more frequently than a few times per
year. For large ASR wellfields, it may be sufficient to be able to isolate
groups of adjacent wells for backflushing operations.

Trickle Flows

Whether in the surface piping, wellhead piping, or well casing and

screen, stagnant water is to be avoided. During periods of neither recharge

nor recovery, it is advisable to maintain a trickle flow of chlorinated water

into the well. This can be provided through small-diameter tubing convey-
ing typically 2 to 5 G/min (8 to 19 Llmin) down the well. In addition to
the tubing, a small flowmeter and a valve are suggested, bypassing water
around any isolation valve at the wellhead that prevents recharge flows.
The required rate of this trickle flow can be easily calculated by monitor-
ing the rate at which a chlorine residual in the recharge water dissipates in
the well or in the wellhead piping at the end of a recharge period. Typi-
cally, a residual is maintained for up to one or two days, seldom longer.
Maintaining a small chlorine residual in the well during storage periods
prevents bacterial growth in and adjacent to the well, thereby reducing the
potential for bacterial plugging.
A second reason for providing a trickle flow of recharge water during
idle periods is applicable particularly in very brackish and saline aquifers.
Maintenance of freshwater in the casing permits use of pump materials that
are less expensive than those that would be necessary for a well in which
water quality can change from fresh to brackish or seawater.
For long lengths of transmission piping, the trickle flow at 2 to 5 G/min
(8 to 19 L/min) may be insufficient to maintain a chlorine residual in the
transmission piping to the well, in which case the residual is also lost in
the well. In such situations, one alternative is to provide a small chlorine
feed using low flows from chlorination facilities provided at or near the
wellhead for treatment of recovery flows. Another approach is to periodi-
cally slug the well with a large volume of recharge water during storage
periods, sufficient to provide a residual of chlorinated water in the well and
surface piping. The frequency of such an operation would be site specific,
but probably every few days. For short storage periods, this practice may
be considered acceptable. For longer potential storage periods, provision
for wellhead chlorination of recharge flows may be wiser.

Sampling Taps

Sampling taps should be provided in the piping at the wellhead to permit

sampling of both recharge and recovery flows. They should be suitable for
collection of bacteriological samples and therefore should utilize non-
ferrous material such as bronze. For the same reason, they should also be
unthreaded at the discharge end. They should be installed on the side of the
pipeline. Addition of a sampling tap at the bottom of recharge piping may
also be advisable in situations where there is concern for suspended solids
in the recharge water.
At some locations special provisions may be necessary to convey
sample flows away from the wellhead and piping in order to avoid ponding,

iron staining, rusting, or algae formation. A short drain is usually suffi-

Care must be taken to ensure that the sampling tap is located at a point
of positive pressure. During recharge, negative pressures can develop at
the wellhead if flow is insufficient to maintain positive pressure in the well
or injection piping. If the sample tap is located downstream of the last
control valve at the wellhead and negative pressure develops, it will not be
possible to obtain samples. This can be resolved by installing the recharge
sampling tap upstream of the last control valve on the recharge line.
Pressure gauges should not be connected to sampling taps. Where both
are connected to the same tap in the pipeline, pressure gauge readings will
tend to be erroneous during sample collection. Although proper valving
can remedy this problem, it is wiser to avoid potential human error by
installing separate taps for each purpose.
If the recovered flows will be disinfected at or near the wellhead, or if
other chemical addition is planned such as pH adjustment, an additional
sampling tap may be required sufficiently downstream of the chemical
feed point that a representative sample is obtained.

Disinfection of Recovered Flows

Water recharged to and recovered from most ASR facilities meets

drinking water standards and can be used following disinfection. However,
there are certain disinfection considerations that should be considered
during design.
Recovered flows are typically disinfected with chlorine. Chlorine gas is
used in many applications, because it is readily obtainable and transport-
able to most sites. Liquid chlorine can be used; however, larger volumes
are required and the disinfectant properties degrade with time. For either
approach, adequate facilities for storing and handling the chlorine must be
in place. These are usually defined in local and state regulatory require-
When chlorine gas is added to water, the pH will decrease to some
extent, dependent upon the chlorine dosage, the alkalinity of the water, and
the blend ratio between ASR recovered flows and those from the water
treatment plant or other source. In some cases the pH decrease can be
sufficient to produce an aggressive or corrosive water. While the probable
extent of the pH decrease can be estimated during design, it is necessary
to confirm the actual decrease following construction and operational
testing. Provision should be included in the design to incorporate locations
for chemical addition, if needed at a later date to raise the pH. Chemicals

may include ammonia for chloramine formation, or base chemicals such

as sodium hydroxide to raise the pH.

Cascading Control

This is one of the more important elements of ASR wellhead design and
requires some care. Cascading occurs when the water level in the recharge
piping does not rise to ground surface during recharge. Allowing water to
cascade down the well can lead to significant plugging problems due to air
binding in the storage zone, and induced geochemical or bacterial activity.
Air present in recovered water can cause consumer complaints. Cascading
can also cause structural problems due to cavitation damage to pipes,
valves, and fittings. Cascading needs to be controlled in order to avoid
these problems, each of which causes plugging of the ASR well. Plugging
usually can be reversed; however, it requires considerable time and effort.
Water can be introduced into a well through the pump column, the
annulus between the pump column and the casing, one or more injection
tubes inside the casing, or some combination of these approaches. It can
be introduced under pressure or under vacuum, and it can be controlled
from the wellhead or from the bottom of the injection piping. Selection
among these alternatives is based upon consideration of several factors,
principal among which are the following:

• casing diameter
• static water level in the well
• type, size and capacity of the pump
• specific capacity and specific injectivity of the well
• expected production rate and range of injection rates

Some of this information may not be available at the time the design is
completed, creating the need for a flexible design approach, capable of
accommodating a reasonable range of expected conditions. It is usually
wiser to construct and test the ASR well to determine hydraulic perfor-
mance characteristics before finalizing design of the wellhead facilities.
This requires more time; however, it leads to better results. Provision of
flexibility is still advisable, since recharge rates can sometimes drop below
planned rates, causing unplanned cascading.

Annulus Recharge

High flow rates can sometimes be recharged down the annulus of a well.
To maintain positive pressure at the wellhead and thereby prevent cascad-

ing, it is necessary to ensure that sufficient flows are always available for
recharge. When recharge flows fall below this critical rate, cascading will
occur and a vacuum will develop in the annulus and wellhead piping. Air
will be drawn into any open air relief or vacuum breaker valves, any leaks
in the upper portion of the casing or pump column, or elsewhere in the
wellhead assembly and will be carried down the well into the formation,
where it will tend to plug the well. This can happen due to reduction in
recharge flow rate or due to local or regional lowering of the static water
level in the storage zone.
A flexible solution is to seal the annulus at the wellhead and to ensure
that any wellhead valves that are connected to the annulus are closed
during recharge. In this way recharge can occur regardless of wellhead
pressure or vacuum, and under a full range of recharge rates, thereby
maximizing recharge volumes and reducing operating requirements.
A disadvantage of this approach is that water flows over a substantial
surface area of casing that is alternately wetted and dried. Therefore,
annulus recharge in steel casings has a high potential for production of rust
that can contribute to plugging the well during recharge and create regu-
latory problems during backflushing and initial stages of recovery. For
new wells, this can be avoided by selection of a non-ferrous casing or
coating where possible. For existing wells, particularly those with long
steel casings into low or moderate permeability aquifers, annulus recharge
can contribute to particulate plugging problems.
A second disadvantage of this approach applies, in particular, to retro-
fitting of existing wells for ASR purposes. Where the quality of well
construction is unknown or suspected to be poor, it is possible that the
casing or pump base may not be sealed adequately. Recharge would
therefore entrain air even if the wellhead piping and control valves were
sealed and closed, respectively. This can be checked by installing a tem-
porary packer in the well and pressure testing the casing to determine if it
will hold a given pressure for 30 min. This is sometimes referred to as
"mechanical integrity testing." Alternatively, a brief recharge test can be
conducted at a low rate in the supposedly sealed annulus, sufficient to
create a wellhead vacuum. Recharge is then shut off, and the vacuum is
monitored to see if it will hold for 30 min.
A related issue is that pressure surges have been known to occur in the
recharge piping of some ASR wells. In other ASR wells, recharge occurs
at higher pressures anyway, to overcome high static water levels or to
overcome density differences in saline aquifers. In such situations, the
pump bases should be designed to withstand expected operating and
transient pressures without leaking at the connection to the casing. A

flanged connection between the top of casing and the pump base, ma-
chined to ensure flat, parallel surfaces, and sometimes provided with a
circular groove and o-ring, can provide the required degree of sealing.
Recharge down the annulus of wells equipped with submersible pumps
requires care to ensure that the electrical cable port in the wellhead flange
is adequately sealed to prevent air entry during vacuum recharge or to
prevent leakage during pressure recharge.
Several variations on this annular recharge approach are possible. Re-
charge could occur down the annulus at sufficiently low velocity below the
water level in the well that any entrained air has the opportunity to bubble
out before reaching the formation. No known existing or planned ASR
sites utilize this approach, but in theory it should work. A downhole water
velocity in the casing below the pump would have to be less than the air-
bubble rise rate, or about 0.3 to 0.4 m/sec (1 to 1.3 ft/sec) for air bubbles
with diameters of 0.1 to 10 mm.
Another variation is to cease recharge at such times as cascading begins,
whether due to static water level decline or due to reduction in recharge
flows. This assumes that previous testing has shown that cascading causes
air entrainment in the well. Such an approach requires a degree of operat-
ing attention that is frequently not available. Larger ASR wellfields with
computer-controlled operations and telemetered monitoring parameters
can build this into their control systems; however, smaller systems are
more likely to continue recharge regardless of whether cascading is occur-
ring or not, with resultant reduction in recharge rates, due to plugging.
Methods to increase friction loss in the annulus have occasionally been
considered or tried. These have included sizing the pump to minimize the
annular space between the pump and the casing; addition of flanges at the
couplings in the pump column; inflation of a packer above the pump in the
annulus through an air or water line from the surface; and other novel
approaches such as adding floating objects in the annulus. Except for the
inflatable packer, each of these approaches has the same drawback in that
it is sometimes difficult to place in the well, or retrieve from the well, a
tightly fitting object. One that is not tightly fitting will probably not
provide much resistance to flow. Well casings are not always straight,
plumb, or round.
Several ASR sites utilize annulus recharge. Among these are Cocoa,
Peace River, Marathon, and Chesapeake. Cocoa and Marathon utilize PVC
casings; Peace River has epoxy-coated steel casings on all but the first two
ASR wells, and Chesapeake also utilizes an epoxy-coated steel casing. The
first two of these sites store drinking water in brackish aquifers within
which the depth to static water level is about 3 and -7 m (10 and-22ft)

below land surface, respectively. Marathon utilizes a seawater aquifer with

a static water level that varies above or below ground surface, depending
upon the water density in the well. At Chesapeake, the aquifer is slightly
brackish with a depth to water level of about 20m (66ft). The first three sites
store water under slight pressure, while Chesapeake recharges either under
pressure or with a vacuum in the annulus, depending upon the flow rate.

Injection Tube Recharge

One or more injection tubes are frequently used to control cascading

during recharge. The small diameter tubes provide sufficient head loss at
high flow rates that the water column is under positive pressure inside
these tubes. For instance, a 2-inch (inner diameter) clean, new steel injec-
tion tube flowing at 18 Lisee (280 G/min) provides a friction loss of about
1 m for every meter of length. Table 3.1 shows friction losses for small
diameter pipes at several flow rates, assuming a Hazen-Williams friction
factor of 160, representative of new, smooth pipe. When recharge flows
available exceed the capacity of one tube, a second tube may be opened.
Two different sized tubes can cover a broad range of potential flow rates
by operating separately or together.
An advantage of this approach is that positive pressures can be main-
tained at the wellhead over a wide range of flows. Furthermore, the surface
area in contact with the water is small, substantially reducing generation
of rust during wet-dry cycles associated with recharge and recovery.
Disadvantages are several. Existing wells rarely have sufficient room
within the annulus to add one or more injection tubes, in addition to the
already existing pump column, power cable (for submersible pumps), air
line or other water level measurement device. For new wells, the cost of
oversizing the casing in order to provide sufficient room for all of the tubes
and pipes can be substantial, particularly for deep casings.
The principal disadvantage ofthis approach, however, is the operational
complexity. While it may be adequate during a test program of limited
duration to adjust flow through different injection pipes to meet recharge
flow variations, under operational conditions this approach is time-con-
suming and unforgiving. If available recharge flow exceeds the injection
tube capacity for some period of time, this additional flow cannot be
recharged without manually adjusting the wellhead to utilize a second
injection tube. Conversely, if available flow falls below the capacity of the
injection tube in use, cascading will occur, and therefore the well should
be isolated from the system. Within the flow range of the injection tube(s),
the system will work but requires more operational effort than is usually

available. Above or below the flow range, the system will perform improp-
erly by either rejecting available flow or cascading.
Injection tubes are most applicable in situations where adequate opera-
tional attention is available to monitor and control flows at the wellhead.
They are also quite applicable in multiple ASR well systems where opera-
tions are controlled by telemetry and recharge flow variations can be met
by adding or deleting ASR wells from operation. In this way the relatively
narrow flow range of individual wells is not a substantial constraint.
Such an approach may require careful development of an operating plan
fGr those situations where the storage zone is brackish or otherwise con-


Head Loss (ft/1 00 ft)

Pipe Diameter Flow Rate Velocity
(inches) (G/min) (ft/sec) c =120 c"" 160
1.5 50 9 29 16
100 18 104 61
150 27 219 129
2 150 15 54 32
200 20 92 54
250 26 139 82
2.5 200 13 31 18
300 20 66 39
400 26 112 66
3 300 14 27 16
400 18 46 27
500 23 70 41
600 27 98 57
700 32 130 76
4 600 15 24 14
800 20 41 24
1000 26 62 36
1200 31 87 51

Note: 1. Based upon Hazen Williams formula:

Q = 1.318 C R0 ·63 8° 54 A
where Q =flow in fP/sec, C =roughness coefficient, A =pipe area
(ft2), S = slope of total head line = head loss/length, R = areal
perimeter for round pipe.
2. Head loss is based upon water at 60°F. Viscosity at 32°F
increases head loss by 20%.
3. Range of C factors:
Welded or seamless steel 80 corroded
150 new
PVC pipe 140 design value
160 new

tains water of unacceptable quality. Design of ASR wellfields should

usually attempt to balance water storage among the ASR wells so that
hydraulic interference does not move the storage bubbles away from each
well. Adding or deleting ASR wells in such situations to respond to
variations in recharge rates may contribute to reduced recovery efficiency
unless the wells added and deleted are selected with care.
When injection tubes are utilized, they should extend below the lowest
expected static water level in the well. They may utilize an orifice plate at
the bottom to increase friction loss. Changing the orifice plate therefore
changes the head loss in the injection tube if this becomes desirable. To
further dissipate head and to protect the well and screen from the effects
of prolonged high speed jetting, it may be desirable to install a short screen
or bucket assembly at the base of the injection tube in order to deflect flows
laterally or vertically. A recent alternative is installation of a downhole
control valve to adjust flows as needed in order to maintain water levels
in the recharge piping. This option is discussed further in Section 4.4, Flow
Control and Measurement.
An example of injection tube ASR applications is at Kerrville, TX,
where the injection tube is stainless steel to a depth of 61 m (200 ft) in
order to remain below the static water level in the well. This is the primary
method of recharge; however, the well is also equipped for annulus re-
charge at higher flow rates.

Pump Column Recharge

Vertical Turbine Pumps. Recharge through vertical turbine pumps has
been implemented at several ASR sites. The head loss generated by
reverse water flow through the pump is usually sufficient to control
A non-reverse ratchet can be installed on the electric motor to prevent
backspin of the pump and motor during recharge.
If head loss through the pump column and bowls is insufficient and
cascading still occurs, a vacuum will develop in the upper part of the
column. This may draw air into the well through the column coupling
threads and also at the lineshaft stuffing box, particularly in existing wells
where the condition and installation workmanship of the pump column
may not be known. The resulting cavitation may potentially damage the
column and lineshaft.
The potential development of a vacuum in the column is of particular
importance for oil-lubricated pumps, since the vacuum can draw oil into
the recharge water, thereby contaminating the water. The best solution is
to avoid this potential occurrence by not utilizing oil-lubricated pumps in

ASR wells. Alternate approaches include the use of food grade oil for
lubrication, or making special precautions to avoid vacuum development
in the pump column. Use of new column pipe is also advisable to minimize
the likelihood of leaks at the threaded connections.
For vertical turbine pumps, cast iron discharge heads are available in
various sizes, and fabricated steel heads can be made to accommodate
most configurations. Standard cast iron discharge heads can be machine
surfaced to fit a steel sole plate grooved for an 0-ring. This approach may
be useful for retrofitting an existing well for ASR purposes. It also pro-
vides a reasonable pressure seal for situations where recharge water levels
may rise above land surface during continued ASR operations or pressure
Examples of recharge through the columns of vertical turbine pumps
include Goleta Water District, CA; Calleguas Municipal Water District,
CA, Las Vegas, NV and one of the ASR wells at Kerrville. All four sites
utilize existing wells retrofitted for ASR purposes.

Submersible Pumps. Water may also be recharged through the columns

of submersible pumps. These pumps typically include a check valve at the
base of the column to prevent water from running backwards through the
pump. This valve can be removed to provide for recharge; however, it is
then necessary to provide a motor restart delay to the pump controls to
avoid severe pump damage during power failures and emergency restarts,
or during normal ASR operations. Another consideration is that reverse
spin of the motor will generate electricity. Resistive loads wired to the
motor leads at the motor starter could be used to dissipate this generated
electrical energy. Recharge flow rates through the submersible pump
should not exceed design production rates for the pump, as excessive
rotational speeds may develop.
Regarding development of a vacuum in the submersible pump column,
the same concerns apply as for a vertical turbine pump. Cavitation can
damage the upper part of the column, potentially leading to structural
failure, as well as drawing air into the column through threaded connec-
tions or the wellhead piping.
A better approach for cascading control in wells where the static and
recharge water levels would otherwise be below ground surface is the use
of a downhole control valve. This was first developed and tested during
1992 at Highlands Ranch, CO, in a well with a depth to static water level
of about 900 ft (274 m). It has been used successfully at the base of the
column of submersible pumps and should also be applicable for vertical
turbine pumps. This valve is discussed in greater detail in Section 4.4,
Flow Control and Measurement.

The type of well head seal will depend upon the type of pump in the
well. For submersible pumps, a flanged surface plate should be used.
Alternatively, a blind flange bored and welded to the column pipe can be
fitted to a ring flange on the well casing.


In general, pump column recharge is likely to provide the greatest

degree of head loss for recharge flows, while annulus recharge is likely to
provide the least head loss. Where it is desired to maximize recharge rates,
and water levels during recharge should be at or above land surface,
annulus recharge may be most applicable. Where water levels during
recharge will probably be below ground level, pump column or injection
tube recharge may be most applicable.
Flexibility to utilize more than one method of recharge is sometimes
useful, particularly in situations where a wide range of recharge flows or
static water levels may be encountered, or where considerable uncertainty
exists as to the ultimate operating conditions. For example, the ASR
system at Chesapeake, includes the provision to recharge down the pump
column and also down the annulus, or both if high flows are available for
recharge. At Kerrville, the ASR system includes one well equipped to flow
down the vertical turbine pump column in a retrofitted production well,
while a new ASR well is equipped to recharge down the annulus or two
injection tubes.

Air and Vacuum Relief

All ASR wells experience a greater degree of water level change than
typical production or injection wells. This change in water level results in
air being drawn into, or released from the well during different phases of
operation. Adequate venting on the casing and on the wellhead discharge
piping should be provided in the form of air/vacuum release valves or
other form of vented opening. However, it is essential that these valves be
closed during recharge to prevent entry of air during potential vacuum
recharge. This is an important operating requirement, the omission of
which can entrain substantial quantities of air and plug the well.
Air relief valves are usually designed to vent air under relatively high
operating pressures. ASR wells usually recharge under much lower oper-
ating pressures at the wellhead. Sometimes under these lower pressures the
air relief valves will leak slightly. Provision for drainage of this leakage
water will avoid a problem that may be aesthetically unappealing (rust),

inconvenient (ponding), or sometimes slippery and dangerous. An easy

solution is to provide a low pressure seat for the air release valve on the
recharge piping.

Pressure and Water Level Measurement

Accurate pressure and water level measurement is important to ASR

success. While recharge and recovery may occur without collection of this
data, there would be no way to determine whether plugging is occurring
until such time as the water level rise begins to inhibit recharge rates. By
that time, the severity of plugging may preclude easy redevelopment by
pumping. Instead it may be necessary to pull the permanent pump and
any additional tubing from the well; clean the casing and screen with
scraping, jetting, brushing, or other redevelopment methods while pump-
ing the well with a temporary pump; acidize the well and surrounding
formation; and disinfect it prior to reinstalling the permanent pump. This
is time-consuming, expensive, and risky since the recharge specific
capacity may not be fully restored. More cost-effective would be peri-
odic redevelopment by backflushing to maintain recharge capacity. The
need for backflushing is usually based upon pressure and water level

Pressure Gauges

Pressure gauges should be both durable and accurate. Sealed cases filled
with glycerin or silicone stand up well to harsh, outdoor conditions. The
fluid-filled gauges also provide needle damping if vibrations are present.
Pressure readings are useful in many places on ASR wellhead piping.
Consideration should be given to installing taps for pressure gauges at the
distribution system piping supplying the ASR well, upstream and down-
stream of any pressure control valves, upstream and downstream of any
wellhead filters, and on the wellhead recharge and recovery piping. If
vacuum or negative pressures may occur, particularly at the wellhead, a
combination vacuum/pressure gauge should be provided.
Gauges should provide the level of accuracy necessary for each loca-
tion. Generally, a gauge with 0.5% accuracy is desirable for the wellhead
but is not necessary at other locations.
To protect the gauges against damage during pressure surges, spikes, or
fluctuations, dampening devices can be installed for each gauge. These
range from a fitting provided by the gauge manufacturer to a simple, small

Water Level Measurement

A variety of systems are available for obtaining accurate measurement

of water levels in a well, among which are the following:

• casing access tube for direct measurement

• air lines and bubbler systems
• portable electronic sounders
• electronic pressure transducers

It is important to provide a direct means of measuring water levels

through a casing access tube, even if other indirect means are also provided
for convenience. The selection of the measurement system should reflect
the probable frequency of water level measurement and other operational
needs and opportunities.
Water levels fluctuate over a larger range in ASR wells, from recharge
pressures attained at the end of the recharge period to drawdowns at the
end of recovery or during backflushing to waste at high rate. The range can
sometimes exceed the design range for pressure transducers, causing their
failure. Pressure transducers are also vulnerable to failure due to lightning
Air lines and bubbler systems work well. A small diameter tube is
installed in the well with the end of the tube submerged below the static
water level. Air or nitrogen gas is pumped down the tube at a low rate until
the gas bubbles out of the end of the tube. The pressure required to pump
the gas out of the end of the tube is equal to the depth the tube is submerged
below the well water level. However, at some ASR installations the range
in water levels exceeds 30m (100ft), which is the approximate limit for
use of a bicycle pump to purge an air line. In this case a small air
compressor can purge up to about 75 m (230 ft) of air line, or a nitrogen
bottle can meet higher pressure needs. It is possible to use two separate air
lines with the appropriate valving for applications involving large water
level changes.
Providing a small diameter PVC casing access tube with a cap on the
bottom and a perforated section near the bottom is advisable, regardless of
the measurement method. For recharge down the well annulus, this is
probably the only way to measure water levels since cascading in the
annulus will otherwise preclude accurate water level measurement. Cas-
cading, whether under a vacuum or not, creates a column of water ex-
panded with air bubbles so that it is difficult to determine the true water
level in the well unless it is measured at greater depth.

Flow Measurement

A very important aspect of ASR operations is measurement of flows

and volumes of water recharged and recovered. This is important for both
technical and regulatory reasons.
Flowmeters used on ASR projects have included propeller, turbine,
magnetic, venturi, and ultrasonic meters, as well as orifice plates and other
approaches. Selection of the appropriate flowmeter should reflect project
needs as well as meters currently in use at other locations operated by the
same water agency or utility. Accuracy of these meters ranges from ±2%
of actual flow, down to ±0.5% of actual flow. For example, an ASR site
recharging at a rate of 4 megaliters/day (1.1 MG/day) for 90 days would
store about 360 megaliters. A flowmeter with 2% accuracy may be off by
7.2 megaliters, or almost 2 days' pumping. For a site storing treated
drinking water in a storage zone containing freshwater and with no real
risk of geochemical reactions, this would be quite adequate. However, for
a site storing treated drinking water in a storage zone with very poor water
quality and/or high potential for geochemical reactions near the well that
may cause plugging, a more accurate flowmeter may be important in order
to ensure that an adequate buffer zone of stored water is maintained around
the well at all times. This is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 4.
Selection of the appropriate flowmeter range is important since it is
quite common for recharge flows to vary over a broad range during initial
testing and subsequent operations. An ASR system may be designed to
recharge at a high rate. However, water may not always be available for
recharge at this rate due to operational constraints such as increasing
distribution system demands or maintenance of minimum distribution
system pressures in the vicinity of the ASR well. The alternatives include
continued recharge at whatever lower flow rate may be available, or
stopping recharge until flows are available at a rate within the range of the
flowmeter. A flowmeter with an accuracy range of 10 to 120% of the
design flow would probably be sufficient to permit continued recharge for
most of the time until the system is switched over to recovery. Added
operational flexibility at the low end of the operational recharge flow range
can extend the usefulness of ASR in situations where there is a need to
store as much as possible of a limited supply of seasonally available water.
Flowmeter accuracy depends on appropriate location in the wellhead
piping, requiring an adequate distance of straight pipe upstream and down-
stream. For new ASR wellhead facilities, the flowmeter selected and the
associated piping distances can be easily incorporated in the design. How-
ever, for retrofitting existing wells for ASR purposes, it is frequently

necessary to select a flowmeter type that will provide the desired accuracy
within the piping distance available. Straightening vanes are sometimes
used to straighten flow lines upstream and downstream of the meter.
For larger ASR systems, or those involving automated control systems,
it may be appropriate to obtain a certificate of proper flowmeter installa-
tion from the manufacturer.
For all ASR systems, consideration should be given to providing dual
flow measurement capability, at least for the duration of the test program.
Meter failure or loss of calibration during the test program has occurred at
several sites for a variety of reasons. Loss of calibration is difficult to
detect at the time, and usually only becomes apparent late in the program
when it is too late to repeat the tests. The resulting data can be difficult to
interpret. It is desirable to have two different types of flowmeters, one of
which is the primary meter. Any trend of increasing difference in measure-
ments between the two meters would signal the need for calibration or
meter replacement before proceeding further with the test program. These
problems appear to be more common with propeller meters that are used
widely in the water industry. Having a standby propeller meter or replace-
ment parts on hand can be helpful, available for rapid substitution if
necessary. A venturi tube or similar device incorporated in the wellhead
piping can provide the backup flow measurement during testing, and can
easily be removed when the system changes into long-term operation, if
Bi-directional flowmeters have been used at some ASR sites where it
was desired to convey both recharge and recovery flows through the same
pipe. However, bi-directional propeller meters have proven much less
reliable than corresponding venturi or magnetic meters.
Flowmeters utilized on ASR systems should include totalizing mea-
surement in order to monitor cumulative volumes during both recharge
and recovery. This is typically provided with propeller type flowmeters,
which are readily available, relatively inexpensive, and have been used
widely on ASR projects. Propeller meters are usually accurate to within
±2% of the actual flow rate.
Turbine meters are similar to propeller meters; however, they use a
turbine instead of a propeller. The turbine spins at a higher velocity and
subsequently requires a more precise bearing and mechanism. For this
reason, turbine meters are more sensitive to sand and particles in the water
flow. Upstream screens should be installed with turbine meters. They
typically provide higher accuracy and a wider operating range than does
a propeller meter. Typical accuracy is about ±1.5% of actual flow. Cost is
usually about 30% greater than the corresponding propeller meter.

Venturi meters offer the advantage of having no moving parts. They

place a smooth constriction in the flow stream and then measure the
reduction in pressure at the throat of the constriction. The difference in
pressure between the meter throat and the adjacent pipe is related to the
flow rate. The actual meter tube can usually be installed between two pipe
flanges and therefore requires little space. However, adequate upstream
and downstream pipe distances must still be provided. These meters result
in relatively low head loss through the meter. They require a mechanism
to read the differential pressure and a separate totalizer to integrate the
flow signal. Reading the differential pressure requires a fairly sensitive
gauge. Typically, a differential pressure transmitter is mounted at the
venturi tube and sends a signal to a remote flow rate indicator and totalizer.
These meters are accurate within ±1% of full scale.
Magnetic flowmeters also have no moving parts and have the advantage
of compact size. The meter works by first creating a magnetic field in the
pipe. When the water moves through the magnetic field, a voltage is
induced that is proportional to the flow rate. Flow rate indicators and
totalizers are available with either local or remote mounts. Magnetic
meters are bi-directional, with no loss in accuracy. The required upstream
pipe distance is usually low, as a result of which these meters are particu-
larly useful in retrofitting existing wells for ASR purposes. However, these
meters are typically more expensive than other meter types. They can be
obtained with accuracies of ±0.5% of the actual flow rate.
Ultrasonic flowmeters are portable, and can be moved easily from one
length of pipe to another. The meter mounts to the outside of an existing
pipe and requires no moving or other parts in the water flow stream. They
operate by electronically measuring the time required for an ultrasonic
signal to travel between two or three transducers mounted to the outside
of the pipe. The difference in time between signals traveling upstream and
downstream is proportional to the liquid velocity. The meters usually
consist of several transducers that can be mounted in several configura-
tions and record to a data-logging microprocessor. Pipe material, diameter,
wall thickness, and lining type and thickness must be known and entered
into the microprocessor. Ultrasonic flowmeters are well suited for check-
ing the performance and accuracy of inline meters and can be obtained
with an accuracy of ±1% of the actual flow rate.

Disinfection and pH Adjustment

At drinking water ASR sites, recovered flows usually require only

disinfection prior to distribution. Facilities therefore need to include pro-

vision for storing and handling the chlorine or other disinfectant that will
be used.
Chlorine gas added to water will typically result in a decrease in pH.
The magnitude of the decrease will depend upon the chlorine dosage and
the alkalinity of the water. Where the recovered water will be blended with
a much larger flow of water, the effect may be negligible. However, where
little or no blending will occur prior to consumption, the pH drop follow-
ing chlorination can be sufficient to produce an aggressive water, capable
of causing corrosion of pipes and fittings, and associated "red water"
complaints from consumers. The need for pH adjustment following recov-
ery is usually determined following construction and initial testing of ASR
facilities. Consequently, it is desirable to equip ASR wellhead facilities
with locations for chemical addition, if later required.
Adjustment of pH may also be advisable for recharge flows. Where
manganese is present in the storage zone, recharge at pH of less than about
8.0 may tend to cause the manganese to go into solution during an
extended storage period. Recovery of the stored water may then create a
problem with excessive concentrations of manganese and associated black
discoloration of wetted surfaces. Adjustment of the recharge water pH to
levels of about 8.5 or above will help protect against recovery of water
with high manganese concentrations.
Depending upon the potential for formation of disinfection byproducts
such as trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids when the recovered water is
disinfected, it may be necessary to add ammonia to the recovered water to
form a chloramine residual. Where ammonia is present in the recharge
water, its presence in the recovered water should be tested before making
a determination as to whether re-ammoniation is necessary. Typically,
ammonia is substantially reduced during aquifer storage. Reduction of
disinfection byproducts during ASR storage is discussed in greater detail
in Section 4.5, Disinfection Byproduct Reduction.

Pump Considerations

Selection of a pump for an ASR well includes a few features not

normally considered in pump selection for a normal production well.
Pumping water levels may vary depending upon the degree of well plug-
ging. At the beginning of recovery, pumping water levels may be lower
than those occurring following redevelopment. Hence, it is frequently
advisable to set the pump deeper in an ASR well, which requires additional
column pipe. Pump hydraulic characteristics should be selected so that
operation occurs over a reasonable range around the design point for flow

and head. The additional column pipe provides operating flexibility, since
the range of pumping water levels is usually not known until after a few
cycles of operation. Net positive suction head (NPSH) and motor electrical
horsepower should also be sufficient to match the full range of expected
pumping water levels.
Pump setting has been within the casing, or within a blank section
between screen intervals, in all ASR wells to date. However, it is antici-
pated that some future ASR installations may set the pump below the
producing interval in a bottom section of casing that serves as a sump. In
this way, seasonal production may be conducted at rates higher than those
associated with normal well operation, causing rapid seasonal lowering of
water levels and potential partial dewatering of confined or semi-confined
The volume of water available from dewatering a confined aquifer is
defined by the specific yield, which typically ranges from 5 to 35% of the
volume of aquifer material dewatered. In contrast, the volume of water
released from lowering of water levels within a range above the top of the
same confined aquifer would be defined by the storativity, which typically
ranges from 0.1 to 0.001%. Hence, in situations where hydrogeological,
geochemical, and bacteriologic considerations permit, it may be very
desirable to better utilize the large volume of water stored in an aquifer by
producing at a high rate for a short period of a few weeks or months. The
aquifer would then be recharged during the following low demand season.
This is illustrated in Figure 3.2. The pump design would then entail
additional column pipe and, for submersible pumps, a shroud around the
pump and motor to ensure that water flows around the motor during pump
operation, to provide adequate cooling.
To date, ASR wells have been equipped with vertical turbine, submers-
ible, and horizontal centrifugal pumps. All have proven adequate for their
specific applications.
In a few situations where storage zone permeability is very low, plug-
ging potential is deemed to be high, or discharge of initially turbid water
is a significant concern, consideration should be given to coating the
column pipe, both inside and outside, in order to reduce the surface area
subject to rusting during alternate wetting and drying periods associated
with recharge and recovery.
Normally it is wise to utilize the same pump manufacturer utilized for
other wells and pumping installations operated by the owner of the ASR
well. However, certain submersible pump manufacturers have indicated
that they will not honor the pump warranty if the pump is used for
injection. In this case, alternate manufacturers or types of pumps should be

considered. Injection through a submersible pump entails removal of the

check valve normally provided at the base of the pump column. With the
check valve removed, there is greater risk of premature re-start of the
pump after recharge or after a power failure, at a time when water is still
draining down the column pipe. The resulting additional torque can dam-
age the pump. Hence, a restart delay may need to be provided to protect
the pump.
A related consideration pertinent to the use of large submersible or
vertical turbine pumps is that large motors should not be cycled on and off
repeatedly without an intermediate period for heat dissipation, as well as
for cessation of flow in the column pipe. Turning these large motors on and
off causes considerable wear and tear, which should be minimized. Each
manufacturer will have its own criteria for acceptable pump operation.
ASR well redevelopment and backflushing sometimes includes pumping
the well to waste at a high rate for a few minutes, resting the well, then
pumping the well again for a few minutes. This cycle is sometimes
repeated one or two times to surge the well and thereby remove solids from
the screen and gravel pack, or surrounding formation. The redevelopment
operation may occur as frequently as every day or two, or as infrequently
as once every year at the beginning of seasonal recovery. For vertical
turbine pumps, such a redevelopment sequence is less of a problem.
However, short cycle operation of large submersible pumps for redevelop-
ment and backflushing may be inadvisable, depending upon manufacturer
requirements. Where the need for frequent cycling of large submersible
motors becomes apparent, it may be advisable to reconsider well design
and operation, to reduce the generation of solids and the associated fre-
quency of backflushing.
For vertical turbine pumps, a non-reverse ratchet should be included to
prevent impeller rotation during recharge and also following pump shutoff.
With a non-reverse ratchet, the torque on the impeller is in the same
direction during recharge as during normal pump operation, so there is no
tendency for the pump to unwind during recharge. Without the non-reverse
ratchet, situations can develop that can unwind the shaft.
Oil-lubricated vertical turbine pumps should generally be avoided in
ASR wells, where possible. Under certain operating conditions, the poten-
tial may exist for a vacuum to form in the column pipe where this is used
for recharge. The oil would then be pulled into the recharge water, plug-
ging the storage zone and contaminating the water. If the annulus is used
for recharge, any floating oil in the annulus will be carried into the
formation. The problem can be minimized through use of a separate
injection tube. In vertical turbine pumps, shutting off the oil reservoir

supply to the pump shaft at the beginning of each recharge period and
opening it at the beginning of each recovery period can also work; how-
ever, this is somewhat risky as a long-term operational requirement since
it would be easy to overlook the adjustment.
To date, no ASR wells have been provided with variable frequency
drives, providing for adjustment of recovery rates over a wide range.
However, some wells in California have been provided with two-speed
motors to facilitate energy recovery during recharge. One site in the
planning stages in southeast Florida is considering a two-speed motor to
enable recovery at normal rates to meet distribution system diurnal varia-
tions in demand, and higher rates if needed to meet fire flow requirements.
At this site, the ASR system is under consideration as a cost-effective
alternative to a new above-ground storage tank in an existing residential
area. Residents of this area oppose construction of the above-ground tank.

Other ASR Well Site Considerations

Pressure control valves may be required on either the recharge line, the
recovery line, or both. This provides operational flexibility in situations
where recharge pressures may fluctuate, where available flow may be
limited during certain hours of the day or months during the year, or where
recovered flows may interfere with system head curves at certain times.
A permanent survey benchmark should be provided at each ASR site,
showing the elevation. This will provide a reference point for measure-
ment of water levels.
ASR projects typically require substantial onsite testing during both day
and night. Consequently, it is important to provide adequate lighting, not
only for the ASR well but also for any observation wells that will be
measured or sampled at night. Electrical outlets at the site facilitate use of
test equipment, power tools, and other activities, the need for which may
not be apparent at the time the wellhead is designed.
If observation wells are to be sampled, consider how the samples will
be taken and if dedicated pumps should be installed in these wells.
Adequate site access is important. Delivery of chlorine cylinders and
suitable access for pump trucks is important. Adequate road access should
be provided so that cars can get to the wellhead, rather than just four-wheel
drive or track vehicles.
Provision of telemetry control is frequently desirable, particularly with
larger ASR systems, in order to reduce operational labor requirements. Not
only does this facilitate routine operations, it can also simplify data collec-
tion, monitoring, and reporting requirements. ASR systems may be changed

from recharge to recovery mode, typically once or twice a year. However,

adjustment of flow rates may occur more frequently, during both recharge
and recovery. Telemetry control may include some or all of the following

• pump on-off
• pump failure alarm
• recharge pressure control valve setting
• recovery pressure control valve setting
• water level in ASR and observation wells
• chlorine residual
• recovery flow rate
• butterfly valve operation
• conductivity probe
• turbidity probe

The telemetry control system should provide adequate capability for

data storage and processing, and preparation of monitor program reports
to track cumulative storage volume, water quality, and operational perfor-
mance. It should also include a physical or software lock to prevent
inadvertent discharge of turbid water into the treated water distribution or
collection system upon initiation of recovery.

Energy Recovery

Where depth to static water level is substantial, the opportunity for

energy recovery may be considered. Modifications would probably be
required to the pump and bowl assembly in order to accommodate reverse
rotation and power generation in an ASR well. In particular, conversion to
a two speed motor would probably be required, the higher speed for
pumping and a lower speed for power generation. A less desirable alter-
native is to design the system so that the pump motor is disengaged during
recharge while a second motor is connected through a right-angle gear
drive. Electrical modifications would be required for both approaches.
The kilowatt output capability of a typical turbine is approximated by
the following formula:

kw = (1.88 x J0-4) x Q x H x Turbine Efficiency

where: Q = flow in G/min and H = net head in feet.

Typically, the expected energy produced by well pump/turbines of this
type is approximately 30% of the well production brake horsepower.

Energy recovery has been implemented at the Calleguas Municipal

Water System in southern California.


Design of an ASR wellfield differs from design of a production wellfield

whenever mixing between stored and native water is to be minimized.
Mixing can occur due to two situations:

• mixing due to dispersion around each ASR well

• mixing due to advective movement of stored water away from the well

Where no significant difference in water quality occurs, or where the

intended use of the recovered water is such that any mixing is acceptable,
then conventional wellfield design procedures relating to spacing and
arrangement of wells are applicable.

Dispersive Mixing

Clustering of ASR wells provides the opportunity to create a bubble of

stored water from the center of the bubble outward, thereby displacing
poor quality native water away from the wellfield and avoiding trapped
areas of this poor quality water. When designed and operated in this
manner, ASR system performance can exceed that which would occur as
a result of conventional wellfield design.
The difference lies primarily in the ASR well spacing, which tends to
be closer than for conventional wellfield design. The spacing tends to be
related more to the lateral extent of the stored water around each well at
projected cyclic operational volumes, rather than short-term well interfer-
ence effects during recharge and recovery. For example, the ASR wellfield
for the City of Cocoa, includes six ASR wells around the periphery of the
water treatment plant site on 60 acres (25 hectares) of land. The spacing
between ASR wells averages about 183 m (600ft), or approximately the
theoretical radius of the stored water bubble around each well at its
planned seasonal operating volume of about 61 Mm3 (160 MG). This
spacing is somewhat closer than would be appropriate for a conventional
wellfield in the same aquifer. Native water at the ASR wellfield site in the
storage zone beneath the water treatment plant has a chloride concentra-
tion of about 400 to 1200 mg/L and a total dissolved solids concentration
of about 1000 to 3000 mg/L.

In addition to spacing, well arrangement also affects ASR recovery

efficiency in situations where mixing between stored and native water is
to be minimized. To date, no ASR wellfield has been operated in such a
way as to attempt to displace native water potentially trapped between
ASR wells. However, this situation has been addressed theoretically by
Merritt (2) for water storage in a brackish aquifer using different wellfield
arrangements. The situation is similar to the centuries-old practice of the
bedouins of the Kara Kum Plain, as discussed in Chapter 1.
Whether the storage zone contains brackish water, high nitrates, or
some other deleterious compound, it will not be long before a situation
arises where an ASR wellfield is designed and operated to minimize
mixing through radial recharge and recovery of the stored water. Recharge
would commence in the center of the wellfield and proceed outward,
adding wells as the stored water front displaces native water past these
wells. During recovery, the opposite procedure would be followed. Central
wells may be designed to recharge and recover at equal and also higher
rates than peripheral wells, in order to stabilize wellfield operational flow
rates during recovery.
Where a radial wellfield arrangement is incompatible with available site
constraints or with local geology, a linear arrangement incorporating some
of the same design considerations may be appropriate. For example, a
central row of higher yield ASR wells could be paralleled with two
adjacent rows of lower yielding ASR wells. Initial recharge and late
recovery would occur in the central wells, while other ASR operations
would occur in all wells. This is shown in Figure 2.7.
Figure 3.3 shows different wellfield design arrangements, as discussed
above [2]. These results are theoretical, since wellfields are seldom de-
signed without paramount consideration of available land area and shape.
However, incorporation of these principles into wellfield design can po-
tentially improve overall ASR performance in situations where this is
important. For the wellfield arrangements modeled in Figure 3.3, the total
volume of water stored was identical; however, the number and arrange-
ment of wells varied and also the recharge approach. In some situations,
recharge commenced at the center and subsequently commenced at sur-
rounding wells when the freshwater front reached these wells. This was
termed "sequential" recharge. In other situations, recharge occurred simul-
taneously in all wells. This was termed "simultaneous" recharge. For all
arrangements, recovery occurred simultaneously in all wells. All recovery
efficiency results were compared to a baseline, single well recovery effi-
ciency of 83.1 %.
Twelve different arrangements were modeled, with two to nine wells in
each. Recovery efficiencies ranged from 74.0 to 82.5%. In each case, an

Recovery Efficiency: (%) Recovery Efficiency: (%)

Recovery Efficiency: (%)
(A) 82.4 (B) 81.7 (A) 79.6 (A)82.4

I ·: • I
Recovery Efficiency: (%) Recovery Efficiency: (%) Recovery Efficiency: (%)
(A) 80.0 (B) 82.0 (A) 74.0 (B) 82.5

Note: •(A) Recharge simultaneous

• • ••••• ••
in all wells
(B) Recharge sequential,
center well first

••• • Single well recovery


• •
Recovery Efficiency: (%)
Recovery Efficiency: (%) (modified from MA. Merritt
USGS WSP 2261, 1985)
(B) 81.4 (8) 81.4

Figure 3.3 Alternative ASR wellfield designs and recovery efficiencies.

arrangement with a central well that was recharged sequentially achieved

higher recovery efficiency than an arrangement with the same number of
wells but no central well, which was recharged simultaneously in all wells.
No analyses were performed at the same volume to compare results when
recovery also occurs sequentially, first in all wells and then in the central
well. By inference, this should lead to improved recovery efficiencies.

Advective Mixing

ASR wellfields are subject to advective movement of the stored water

away from the well at a rate that is usually very slow, depending upon the
regional gradient and the aquifer hydraulic characteristics. The lateral
distance that the stored water moves between recharge and recovery is
usually insignificant when compared with the radius of the stored water
bubble during a typical recharge and recovery cycle. It is not unusual for
the cyclic volume stored to occupy a theoretical radius of a few hundred
meters around the ASR well, whereas the advective movement of the
storage bubble may typically displace this volume at the rate of only a few
meters per year. Consequently, the loss in recovery efficiency is slight, and
usually difficult to detect.

Some ASR wellfields may potentially store water in aquifers for which
the background advective rate of movement is significant relative to the
radius of the stored water during a typical ASR cycle. For example, the
cycle may entail water storage for several years to bridge drought/flood
periods or to meet emergencies. Alternatively, the storage zone may be an
unconfined aquifer, which typically has a greater rate of groundwater
movement than does a confined aquifer. In these situations, improved
recovery efficiency should be possible by elongating the wellfield design
in the direction of expected regional groundwater flow and providing for
a greater portion of recharge in upgradient wells and a greater portion of
recovery in downgradient wells.
Figure 2.8 shows an example of this kind of situation. It is a conceptual
layout of an ASR wellfield to store drinking water in a brackish, confined
limestone aquifer in Kuwait; it is designed to help meet seasonal peak
demands during summer months, and also to provide a strategic water
reserve for emergency purposes. The regional gradient would not be a
significant factor affecting recovery efficiency for annual ASR cycles;
however, that portion of the potable supply in long-term storage to meet
emergency needs would be subject to advective losses. Hence, the wellfield
is arranged in a linear fashion in the direction of regional groundwater

And God said, Let the waters under the heaven he gathered together unto one
place and let the dry land appear; and it was so. And God called the dry land
earth and the gathering together of' the waters He called the seas: and God saw
that it was good.
Genesis 1:9-10

ASR is not high technology requiring skills beyond the capability of all
but a few specialists in the field. But neither is it low technology. It is
somewhere in the middle of this range. The body of knowledge that
differentiates ASR from other water management and recharge technolo-
gies has been developed since about 1970 through investigations and
operating experience at several sites. Design considerations were dis-
cussed in Chapter 3, for wells, wellheads, and ASR wellfields. In this
chapter, several key technical issues are discussed in greater detail to
provide a broader understanding of the technology. Geochemistry issues
pertaining to ASR systems are discussed in Chapter 5. Taken together, the
information presented in these three chapters comprises the current status
of ASR technology development. Chapter 8 presents some probable future
directions for ASR technology.



The two most frequently-asked questions following ASR presentations

are "How much of the water that I inject will I get back?" and "What is to
stop someone else from drilling a well to pump out the water that I store?"
The first question is addressed in this section, while the second question
is addressed in Chapter 6, Selected ASR Non-Technical Issues.
Recovery efficiency usually has little significance where both stored
water and native water are potable. In such situations the main concerns
are usually aquifer plugging and redevelopment frequency. However, to
the extent that the difference in water quality between stored and native
water is significant so that mixing has to be controlled, recovery efficiency
can become an increasingly important factor in the assessment of ASR


Recovery efficiency is defined as the percentage ofthe water volume

stored that is subsequently recovered while meeting a target water
quality criterion in the recovered water. If 1 Mm 3 (264 MG) of drinking
water are stored in a brackish aquifer and, subsequently, 0.8 Mm 3 (211
MG) are recovered before the total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration
of the recovered water exceeds a target criterion of 500 mg/L, then the
recovery efficiency for that ASR cycle is 80%.
A key element of this definition is that it is based on volumes stored and
recovered. It may be of theoretical interest to some individuals to evaluate
recovery efficiency based on percentage recovery of a tracer in the re-
charge water. Sometimes referred to as "counting the molecules," this
approach will always lead to a lower estimate for recovery efficiency,
since it eliminates any allowance for mixing between stored and native
water. Such mixing can occur without any adverse effect upon use of the
recovered water, so long as the degree of mixing is within the limitations
of the water quality criteria for the recovered water. However, most people
interested in ASR are less concerned about whether the same molecules
are recovered that were injected, and are more interested in knowing the
volume of water that is recovered that is useful for their intended purpose.
An illustration of this difference is as follows:

Assume for the example above that the average recharge TDS concentration is
200 mg/L; background TDS concentration in the aquifer is 1000 mg/L; the
drinking water standard for TDS is 500 mg/L; and during recovery, TDS
concentration increases as shown on Figure 4.1, reaching the target criterion
of 500 mg/L TDS at 80% recovery.

Note: • Recovery efficiency is 80% based on volume

• Molecules recharQed actually recovered = 70%
based on integration under the recovery curve.

Recharge Water
Quality - 200 (mg/1)

0 20 40 60 80 100
"1. Recovery

Figure 4.1 ASR recovery efficiency example. '

The recovery efficiency is 80%. However, at the beginning of recovery the

water is 100% recharge water, while at the end of recovery the water is a blend
of 62.5% recharge water and 37.5% native water. Integrating beneath the
recovery water quality curve suggests that about 70%, or 185 MG of the actual
stored water was recovered during this cycle, while the balance (79 MG) was
from native water in the aquifer.

In practice, the difference in analytical approaches is sometimes more

significant than this example would suggest. By suggesting a lower per-
centage recovery, the second approach illustrated in the example can cause
confusion among non-technical decision-makers trying to understand and
evaluate the results from an ASR test program. The confusion can easily
contribute to some loss of confidence in the program. It is much simpler
to follow the recommended definition of recovery efficiency consistently,
while being aware that individuals with a theoretical rather than an opera-
tional interest may occasionally ask valid questions regarding recovery
efficiency calculated as performed in the example.
A second key element of the definition of recovery efficiency is that the
target water quality criteria can easily vary from site to site, depending
upon hydraulic and other factors. Most ASR sites are located at water
treatment plants or at locations in the water transmission or distribution

system, where blending can occur between recovered water and water
flowing through the plant or distribution piping. So long as the water
quality of the blend meets applicable drinking water standards, regulatory
criteria are met. Consequently, it is usually not necessary to terminate
recovery when drinking water standards are reached. Recovery can con-
tinue until such higher concentration is reached that the blend going to the
consumer approaches but does not exceed applicable standards. Obvi-
ously the target water quality criteria will depend upon a number of
factors such as the available blend with water from other sources during
recovery periods, water quality for these other sources, and local regu-
latory constraints.
For the situation where the ASR well is located within the distribution
system and consumers may receive ASR recovered water directly without
any blending, then drinking water standards will govern the target water
quality criterion. This is uncommon, based upon experience to date.

Water Quality Improvement with Successive Cycles

Recovery efficiency tends to improve with successive cycles when the

same volume of water is stored in each cycle. "The more you use it, the
better it works." This is because the residual water not recovered in one
cycle becomes a transition or buffer zone of marginal quality surrounding
the stored water in the next cycle. This is illustrated in Figure 4.2, which
is based upon data from several operational ASR sites.
Building the buffer zone around each ASR well is usually completed
over a series of cycles, typically about three to six, at the end of which the
ultimate recovery efficiency for the site is achieved. However, in theory it
can be completed at one time by storing an initial large volume of water
in the well immediately after construction, and then proceeding with the
expectation of achieving the ultimate recovery efficiency of water stored
from that point on. This is closely analogous to filling a reservoir following
dam construction, before using the reservoir for water supply, recreation
and other purposes. The problem with the latter approach is that the
required initial volume is usually not known until considerable ASR
investigations, testing, and operations have been performed in an area.
Consequently, it is usually only appropriate when an ASR wellfield is
being expanded and there is reasonable confidence that new wells will
perform similarly to existing ASR wells.
The financial investment in stored water that is required to achieve the
ultimate recovery efficiency at a site is usually quite small relative to the
cost of the ASR facilities. This investment is made with water generated


Figure 4.2 Water quality during initial cycle recovery.

during off-peak months and therefore has relatively low marginal costs,
reflecting only electrical power, chemicals, and a small amount of opera-
tion and maintenance. The investment may be made over a period of
several years through successive full scale cycles in which increasing
volumes of water are recovered each year. Alternatively, it may be made
up front during several months of continuous recharge and no recovery.
The value of the buffer zone water invested is invariably quite small
relative to the savings achieved by proceeding with an ASR solution to
water supply needs.
The ultimate recovery efficiency attainable at any site has to be deter-
mined through testing and operations. At most ASR sites, 100% recovery
efficiency is attainable; however, the number of cycles of operation to
achieve this level may vary, as may the volume of buffer zone water
invested. Where 100% recovery efficiency is not attained after several
cycles, several factors may contribute to this result:

• inappropriate ASR well or wellfield design or operation

• testing at too small a scale for the storage zone
• insufficient number of cycles to develop the storage zone
• increasing volumes on successive cycles
• density stratification in highly saline aquifers
• high transmissivity of storage zone, particularly with more brackish or
poorer water quality aquifers

• advective loss of stored water due to regional hydraulic gradient in the

storage zone
• regulatory constraints designed to achieve aquifer recharge by requiring that
a certain percentage of the water remain underground

Table 4.1 presents selected results for improvement in recovery effi-

ciency with successive cycles for several ASR sites in brackish artesian
aquifers in Florida. All show improvement in recovery efficiency with
successive cycles; however, not all have attained 100% recovery effi-
ciency. Those that have not include Marathon in the Florida Keys and Lake
Okeechobee. As discussed below, Marathon utilizes a storage zone con-
taining seawater, while Lake Okeechobee ASR utilizes a very transmis-
sive, thick storage zone containing very brackish water. Neither of these
sites is expected to reach 100% recovery efficiency. Boynton Beach is
expected to reach 100% recovery efficiency over a few more cycles. As
discussed below, recovery efficiency below 100% may still represent a
wise and cost-effective water management decision.
The Marathon site has a storage zone in a sand aquifer containing
seawater with a TDS concentration of 39,000 mg/L, causing substantial
tendency for density stratification. As shown in Figure 4.3, ultimate
recovery efficiency is primarily related to storage time at this site, and
secondarily related to storage volume. Expected recovery efficiencies
under long-term operating conditions are in the range of 50 to 75%. The
annual investment in water not recovered is small compared to the cost of
other alternatives to supply water during emergencies that may occur, such
as loss of water treatment or transmission facilities during a hurricane. The
operating strategy at this site is to store a given volume immediately prior
to the hurricane season, maintain a target recovery volume during the


Native Water Recovery

Site TDS (mg/l) Efficiency(%} (a)

Peace River, Florida 700-920 100

Cocoa, Florida 1000-2000 100
Port Malabar, Florida 1320 100
Boynton Beach, Florida 5000 80+ (b)
Marathon, Florida 37,200 40-75 (c)
Note: (a) Ultimate recovery efficiency after initial formation of under-
ground reservoir. (b) Recovery efficiency approaching 100%
expected once underground reservoir formation is complete. (c)
Range reflects duration of trickle flow of about 50 G/min to offset
losses due to density stratification.

hurricane season by adding a trickle flow of water to offset density

stratification losses, and then recover the water during the following peak
demand season.
Lake Okeechobee has a storage zone TDS concentration of 7000 mg/L.
The aquifer transmissivity is very high, about 60,000 m2/day (4.5 million
G/day/ft). Furthermore, the well was designed for disposal, not recovery,
and all testing to date has been at a scale too small to properly draw
conclusions regarding attainable recovery efficiency. Nevertheless, any
recovery efficiency greater than about 40% at this site represents a net gain
to the water management system since evapotranspiration and seepage
losses associated with surface reservoir storage and canal conveyance are
at least 60%. Water not recovered from storage in this aquifer will ulti-
mately benefit the region, since the aquifer is increasingly being relied
upon for brackish water supply to desalination treatment facilities. The lost
ASR water will recharge the aquifer and may eventually tend to reduce the
TDS concentrations.
Boynton Beach has a storage zone TDS concentration of 5000 mg/L.
ASR testing to date has included seven cycles, five of which were at a
volume of 227,000 m3 (60 MG), while the first and fourth cycles were at
smaller volumes. Recovery efficiencies have climbed to 80% on the
seventh cycle and are expected to approach 100%. On the fourth cycle,
100 ,-------,--------.-------,--------,--------,-------.


Ljw;,~:~t~I. ·~-~~~~~~~~~~
Trickle Flow
Cycles 1-10



- Cycle Test Results

- - - Extrapolation Note: Recharge TDS = 260 mg/L
Storage zone TDS = 39.000 mg/L
• Storage time is mid-point of recharge to mid-point of recovery
• Trickle small flow into well during period between recharge and recovery
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Storage Time (days)·

Figure 4.3 ASR recovery efficiency, Marathon, Florida.


recovery efficiency reached 95%. However, the smaller volume recharged

and recovered compared to previous cycles helped to achieve this high
recovery efficiency.
Two other operational Florida ASR sites shown in Table 4.1 have
achieved 100% recovery efficiency in aquifers that have TDS concentra-
tions in the range of 1000 to 1320 mg/L. A fourth site, Peace River, is still
building the buffer zone volume. However, operating results to date sug-
gest that full recovery efficiency should be attained. The storage zone TDS
concentrations at Peace River range from 700 to 900 mg/L.
Where water supply is quite limited, or prices are already high due to
major capital investments in treatment and transmission facilities, public
reaction to the apparent loss of water can be a more difficult problem to
handle than the actual value of the "wasted" water. Hence, it is always
advisable to strive for as high a recovery efficiency as possible, using
whatever tools are available to achieve this end. Careful site selection, well
design, and operation are major factors in achieving this goal. Other
important factors include careful control of expectations of ASR program
early results, particularly in higher risk situations.
ASR testing in storage zones containing brackish or poor quality water
usually includes at least three cycles with the same volume stored, in order
to evaluate the trend in recovery efficiency improvement with successive
cycles. Where storage volumes in successive cycles vary, different recov-
ery efficiencies will result in each cycle and may or may not show an
improvement with successive cycles. For example, following a series of
equal, larger volume test cycles with a smaller volume cycle may substan-
tially increase recovery efficiency in the smaller cycle due to the relatively
large buffer zone available from the earlier cycles. Conversely, a series of
test cycles each of which is larger than the one before will tend to reduce
or eliminate any increase in recovery efficiency between cycles, since the
buffer zone formed from the previous cycle is small relative to that
required for the larger subsequent cycle.

Water Quality During the Initial ASR Cycle

The first ASR cycle at a new site provides a unique opportunity to

gather useful data that can provide an early indication of ultimate recov-
ery efficiency and ASR performance. Once the first cycle is completed
and residual water in the aquifer around the well no longer reflects back-
ground water quality, then evaluation of performance in subsequent
cycles is more complicated because it has to be interpreted with careful
consideration of previous operations. Consequently, the first cycle should

be planned carefully and implemented under conditions that are as well-

controlled as possible.
In theory, it is always possible to repeat the first cycle after recovering
to background water quality. This would provide the opportunity to correct
problems that may have arisen, or to vary some of the test conditions, such
as altering the volume stored to determine the effect of operating scale
upon recovery efficiency on the first cycle. In practice, this is not easy to
implement. There are invariably practical, operational constraints that
provide a strong incentive to build the buffer zone and achieve ultimate
recovery efficiency at the earliest possible date, usually in time for the next
anticipated operational recovery period.
The first cycle is usually designed to confirm that wellhead facilities are
operating correctly, to gather preliminary data regarding aquifer hydraulic
response and geochemical and biological changes, to assess the recovery
water quality response due to mixing in the aquifer, and to revise the
remaining test program, if appropriate. The volume is usually small rela-
tive to subsequent cycles. Typically, recharge will occur for about a week,
followed immediately by recovery.
Figure 4.4 shows that the initial cycle recovery water quality results for
several ASR sites in brackish aquifers. Of some interest is the difference
in the shape of these curves. Sites such as Marathon and Port Malabar, FL,
and Chesapeake, VA show very little mixing with surrounding brackish
water until late in the recovery portion of the initial cycle. These three sites
utilize relatively thin, confined aquifers for ASR storage. Conversely,
Lake Okeechobee shows substantial mixing at the beginning of the cycle,
reflecting the relatively small volume utilized for testing, the high trans-
missivity of the aquifer, the substantial aquifer thickness, and the high
TDS of this zone, as discussed above.
The shape of the recovery-water quality curve on the first cycle is an
indication of the mixing or dispersion characteristics of the aquifer in the
vicinity of the ASR well. Curve shapes that are initially flat, showing
little or no mixing close to the well, are encouraging signs that succes-
sive cycles are likely to form a buffer zone that will support higher
ultimate recovery efficiencies. Curves that are initially steep, showing
mixing close to the well, are indicative of lower ultimate recovery effi-
ciencies. Where the storage zone is fresh or only slightly brackish, the
curve shape may not be very significant. However, where the storage zone
is very brackish and little mixing can be tolerated in the recovered water, the
curve shape needs to be reasonably flat at the beginning of recovery, in order
to sustain expectations for ASR storage zone development to achieve high
recovery efficiency.


Recharge '--""--"'--4.---------:::---------------'
0 50 100
Recovery (%)

Figure 4.4 Water quality improvement in successive cycles.

The shape of the recovery curve is only determined following expendi-

ture of much time, money, and effort for preliminary investigations, de-
sign, permitting, and well construction. As a result, there is only so much
that can be done to improve recovery efficiency once the facilities are
constructed and initially tested.
Occasionally initial test results may indicate that the well requires
partial backplugging to eliminate a zone of poor water quality at the base
of the storage zone or to improve lower confinement. This was discussed
in greater detail in Section 2.3, Phase 2: Field Test Program. Following
such corrective action, the test program proceeds.
Assuming that the best available zone for the intended use has been
selected, and that the well is designed and constructed appropriately, the
remaining variables that can be used to improve recovery efficiency are
primarily operational: storage volume, recharge and recovery rates, and
storage time between recharge and recovery. Results from the first cycle
can then be used to adjust the planned test program so that recovery
efficiency is enhanced. This may entail use of larger storage volumes;
higher recharge and recovery rates; shorter storage times than perhaps
originally planned; or addition of a trickle flow to the well during the
storage period to compensate for losses due to density stratification. Through
data collected during the test program, reasonable ranges for these oper-
ating variables can be determined to support ASR feasibility assessment
and to guide subsequent planning, operations, and ASR expansion.


Artificial recharge of groundwater through a well usually results in

increasing resistance to flow, or head buildup near the well, which is
referred to as "plugging" or "clogging." The primary sites of plugging are
the gravel pack (if present), the borehole wall, and the formation immedi-
ately surrounding the borehole wall. Increased head buildup in the well
due to plugging changes the hydraulic characteristics of the well. Plugging
during recharge can result in a decreasing rate of recharge or the need to
continually increase the recharge head to maintain a constant recharge rate.
Plugging that occurs during recharge and remains during recovery, other-
wise known as "residual plugging," will have a negative impact on pump-
ing. Residual plugging increases drawdown during pumping (decreased
specific capacity) and thus reduces the pumping rate and/or efficiency
during pumping. Residual plugging is probably aggravated by increasing
recharge pressure or water mounding to excessive levels in order to
maintain recharge rates.
To mitigate the effects of plugging, ASR wells are periodically redevel-
oped by pumping. Single purpose injection wells are typically redeveloped
by installing a vertical turbine pump, by air lift pumping (sometimes with
packer systems), or by swabbing and bailing with cable tool drilling
equipment. ASR wells with a permanent pump can be redeveloped at more
frequent intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal), whereas single pur-
pose wells are typically redeveloped at long intervals of one year or longer.
ASR wells are more suitable for the majority of applications where annual
redevelopment is insufficient to maintain recharge capacity.
The preferred method of redevelopment is periodic pumping to mini-
mize plugging and to prevent any lasting effects of residual plugging. Such
redevelopment of a well is easily managed where a permanent pump is
installed and where redevelopment flows can be conveniently discharged.
Difficulties with discharging the redevelopment water require consider-
ation of longer intervals between redevelopment activities. In situations
where the number of ASR wells to be used is large and conditions are not
ideal, the frequency of redevelopment can be a key issue in determining
project feasibility and cost.
Since the rate of plugging during recharge ultimately determines the
required frequency of redevelopment, it is appropriate to investigate the
factors affecting the rate of plugging. With an increased understanding of
plugging mechanisms, predictive tools can be used during the planning
stages of ASR programs to estimate redevelopment requirements. An

1/ (Abundant Food Supply)

j Gas Bubbles
.,..,.------ / ;.::~~~~~~-Food Supply)
. /.
I .... ... -···
.I ~.,·,
.I /

.I ................
\ Bacterial Growth


Figure 4.5 Typical clogging processes.

increased understanding of plugging will also be useful during operations

in diagnosing the magnitude and origin of plugging, and in developing
operations and maintenance guidelines.

Plugging Processes

Previous researchers have documented a list of processes that are pri-

marily responsible for plugging of recharge wells [1, 2, 3, 4]. These
processes include entrained air and gas binding, deposition of total sus-
pended solids (TSS) from the recharge source water, biological growth,
geochemical reactions, and particle rearrangement in the aquifer materials
adjacent to the well. Site-specific conditions, such as aquifer and ground-
water characteristics, well construction, recharge facilities design, and
source water quality determine the influence of these processes on well
Each plugging mechanism or process is briefly described below, fol-
lowed by a discussion of its relative importance. Figure 4.5 illustrates the
typical relationship between time and resistance to flow for plugging
caused by suspended solids, entrained air, and biological growth. During
recharge, an increased resistance to flow results in an increase in the water
level in the well. Comparing a graph of water level rise due to plugging
with these typical curves can be a useful tool for diagnosing the cause of
the observed plugging.

Entrained Air and Gas Binding

During recharge, air bubbles may be entrained by free fall of water

inside the well casing or by allowing air to enter the recharge piping where
negative pressures occur. If recharge water with entrained air is allowed
inside the well, there is a danger that these air bubbles will be carried
downhole; through the well screen, perforations, or open hole; and out into
the aquifer formation. For entrained air bubbles to move downward in the
well casing, the downward velocity must exceed 0.3 m/sec (1.0 ft/sec),
which is the rate at which 0.1- to 10-mm bubbles rise in still water [4].
When the entrained air enters the formation materials, the bubbles tend to
lodge in pore spaces. This increases resistance to flow, resulting in higher
water levels within the well.
Air entrainment is characterized by a rapid increase in the resistance
to flow, which levels off in a matter of hours. Air entrainment effects
stabilize because the rate at which bubbles redissolve into the flowing
water equalizes with the rate of bubble formation. The plot described as
"gas bubbles" on Figure 4.5 illustrates a typical well response to entrained
Typically, the possibility of air entrainment is prevented by proper
wellhead design and operation. Maintaining positive pressure in the injec-
tion tube or pump column prior to discharge below the water level in the
well is the most common method of preventing entrained air. Another
method is to recharge with a wellhead designed to be airtight. Even though
the recharge water may cascade within the well's annular space, injection
tube, or pump column, preventing air from entering the well eliminates the
possibility of air entrainment.
A plugging mechanism related to air entrainment is caused by a release
of dissolved gases within the aquifer formation after injection, which also
causes gas binding. This results in reduced permeability. Dissolved oxy-
gen (DO) is an indicator of the concentration of gases in solution. Gener-
ally, gas dissolution is not a concern unless DO concentrations exceed 10
mg/L. If dissolved gases are present, they may be released due to an
increase in temperature or a decrease in pressure, causing a dissolution of
gases contained in the recharge water. An increase in temperature is more
likely in northern climates where cold, oxygenated water may be available
during winter months for storage in seasonally warmer aquifers. However,
a decrease in pressure is unlikely in ASR operations, particularly during
recharge. On the contrary, an increase in pressure tends to occur as the
water moves down the well and into the storage zone. This pressure
increase tends to keep dissolved gases in solution.

Cake Filtration
Blocking with
Filtration Cake or Gel Filtration Compression

Total Volume

Figure 4.6 Stages of clogging on a membrane filter.

Microbial activity may also release gases as a metabolic byproduct that

can result in reduced permeability. Although microbial activity is increas-
ingly recognized as a being prevalent in ASR operations, no evidence of
plugging due to release of gases from microbial activity has been noted in
ASR wells to date.

Suspended Solids

In unconsolidated formations (typically sands and gravels with minor

silts and clays), suspended solids are removed from the recharge water as
it flows through the gravel pack into the formation. Resistance to flow near
the well increases as the filter cake accumulates due to filtration.
A theoretical analog of this process is plugging of a membrane filter,
which has been described as a three-phase progression: blocking filtration,
cake or gel filtration, and cake filtration with compression. A typical
filtration curve is presented in Figure 4.6.
Blocking filtration is characterized by particles physically blocking
pore spaces in the filter medium. The duration of this process is typically
short and the magnitude of plugging is minor compared to the later stages
of plugging of membrane filters. Blocking filtration may be more conse-
quential in ASR and other recharge wells because the pores in the forma-
tion and the filter pack are larger than the pores in a membrane filter. The
filter pack surrounding the well screen may trap larger particles before

they reach the borehole wall, thus reducing the long-term plugging rate by
acting as a coarse pre-filter. It is possible that blocking filtration in the
filter pack continues while caking filtration progresses at the borehole
The next stage of plugging is cake or gel filtration. Cake filtration
begins when the layer of filtrate on the filter begins to thicken. The
resistance is directly proportional to the thickness of the filtrate. Cake
filtration in an ASR well is evidenced by a linear increase of injection head
over time while maintaining a constant injection rate. This linear response
conforms with the response of a membrane filter during the caking stage
of filtration.
Cake filtration continues until the filtrate thickness increases enough to
allow compression of the filtrate, thus initiating the final stage of plugging:
cake filtration with compression. Cake filtration with compression is
characterized by a sharp increase of resistance to flow, which is dependent
on the compressibility of the suspended solids. If this stage of plugging
occurs at an ASR well, continuing injection after this point may not be
practical due to the associated high plugging rate and/or resulting in-
creased difficulty of redeveloping the well. Identifying the beginning of
this stage of plugging during recharge may provide the signal for redevel-
opment of the well.
Suspended solids are present in the recharge water for virtually all ASR
wells constructed to date. While data on turbidity is readily available for
potable water sources, data on total suspended solids is not commonly
available. Experience at many different ASR sites has shown the presence
of an interesting range of solids in the recharge water, including sand, rust,
diatoms (single cell algae), alum floc, twigs, dead mice, live shrimp and
slugs. Accordingly it is wise to assume that solids are probably present and
take steps to quantify their occurrence and typical concentrations. This
provides a basis for remedial design and operational measures. Solids
typically occur in short intervals, probably associated with pressure tran-
sients and flow reversals in adjacent portions of the water distribution
system. Discrete, small volume samples are less likely to define the solids
loading in the recharge water than long-term composite sampling. Simi-
larly, samples from the bottom of a pipe are more likely to be representa-
tive than samples from the side.

Biological Growth

Plugging that occurs due to biological growth during recharge is not

well understood. The plugging mechanisms include an accumulation of

impermeable slimes, development of a mat of dead cells and byproducts,

and the dispersion or alteration of colloidal particles in the soil-aquifer
matrix. The degree of biological growth is directly related to the amount
of carbon and nutrients present. Although the concentration of nutrients in
the source water may be low, the process of concentrating suspended
particles near the well, due to filtration, often provides the substrate needed
to foster biological growth.
A common method of controlling biological growth during recharge is
to maintain a chlorine residual of 1 to 5 mg/L in the source water.
However, even with chlorination during recharge, a pause in operations for
more than about two days can allow biological growth to form [1]. Con-
tinuous addition of chlorinated water at a trickle flow rate between periods
of recharge and recovery is frequently practiced to maintain a chlorine
residual and thereby control bacterial activity in the ASR well. The trickle
flow rate can be estimated by monitoring chlorine residual in the well,
following the end of a recharge period, to determine the number of days
before the residual has dissipated. Typically this is 1 to 3 days. The trickle
flow rate is then determined so that the volume of water in the well is
displaced in about half of that period. Typical trickle flow rates for
disinfection purposes range from about 0.1 to 0.3 Lisee (2 to 5 G/min).
A drawback of chlorination during recharge and storage is potential
formation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) such as trihalomethanes and
haloacetic acids. However, as shown subsequently in this chapter, disinfec-
tion byproducts generally decline in concentration during aquifer storage.
Reports from operators of the salinity barrier injection wells for Los
Angeles County, CA, indicate that in early years chlorine was added prior
to injection. Later, the practice of injecting Colorado River water with only
the residual chlorine remaining from the water treatment plant was adopted,
resulting in satisfactory operations for over 20 years. However, since the
water treatment plants have switched to chloramines (a combination of
chlorine and ammonia) for disinfection to reduce DBPs, operators have
observed an increase in plugging and an increased difficulty in redevelop-
ment of the injection wells [5].
In a few European countries, well recharge is practiced using water with
little or no residual chlorine since water treatment includes chlorination
followed by dechlorination. Pretreatment to reduce total organic carbon
(TOC) is sometimes practiced to remove undesirable organic constituents
and also to control bacterial activity in the well. While this is effective, it
is also expensive. Where undesirable organic constituents are absent in the
recharge water, it may be more cost-effective to control bacterial activity
in the well with chlorine rather than with TOC removal treatment pro-

cesses. As discussed in Section 4.5, Disinfection Byproducts, natural

processes occurring in the aquifer may reduce or eliminate disinfection
byproducts in the ASR well during storage.

Geochemical Reactions

During recharge, geochemical reactions can occur that adversely affect

aquifer permeability or cause changes in the quality of the recovered
water. These chemical and physical changes are a function of:

• recharge water quality

• native groundwater quality
• aquifer mineralogy
• changes in temperature and pressure that occur during recharge and recovery

The most notable of the possible adverse geochemical reactions are

precipitation of calcium carbonate (calcite); the precipitation of iron and
manganese oxide hydrates; and the formation, swelling, or dispersion of
clay particles. Geochemistry is discussed subsequently in Chapter 5.

Particle Rearrangement

Repeated cycles of recharge and recovery may result in rearranging and

settling of the aquifer materials in the annular vicinity of the well (me-
chanical jamming), which may lead to a decrease in pore spaces and
produce a reduction in permeability [6]. This effect may extend to a
maximum distance of several feet from the well bore. After the initial
settling of particles, no further reduction in the permeability is likely to
occur. Rapid plugging, which occurs during initial startup of injection,
may be caused by particle rearrangement.
Reductions in permeability caused by particle rearrangement are small
and are not likely to be an important mechanism in plugging. After the
initial settling of formation particles occurs, plugging due to particle
rearrangement is not likely to have an appreciable effect during recharge.
Most ASR sites have experienced a difference in recharge and recovery
specific capacities, with the recharge specific capacity invariably being
lower than the recovery specific capacity. Exceptions include some sites
in highly transmissive limestone aquifers where little or no difference
occurs. The ratio of recharge specific capacity to recovery specific capac-
ity, for comparable flows and durations, typically ranges from 25 to 100%,
with 50 to 80% being a reasonable range for unconsolidated aquifers. The
reason for this difference has prompted considerable discussion over the

past few years. Particle rearrangement, or a "skin effect," is usually

postulated as the reason.
An alternate hypothesis that has been proposed by the author is a
"balloon effect." It is easier to let the air out of a balloon than to inflate it.
This would imply a hysteresis effect, or differential response of the forma-
tion and overlying formations to the stress imposed during recharge and
the release of that stress during recovery. It would also imply that lower
specific capacity ratios would be expected for more compressible forma-
tions and for deeper storage zones. Further work on this issue may be
helpful to provide an improved basis for planning and design of ASR
wellhead facilities, which are frequently designed and constructed before
data is available to determine the specific-capacity ratio.

Measurement Methods for ASR Well Plugging

The drawdown in a pumping well is a function of (1) the aquifer

parameters, (2) the design and construction of the well and pumping
facilities, and (3) the pumping (discharge) rate. When water is recharged
through a well, the same three items (with discharge rate modified to
become recharge rate) plus the changes that occur from plugging deter-
mine the water-level rise in the well at any given time.
Water level data collected at any ASR well during recharge operations
can provide a basis for evaluation of plugging characteristics and compari-
son to similar data from other sites. Such data may be adjusted to reflect
barometric variations and regional groundwater level changes. Three
methods have been developed for evaluation of plugging from the adjusted
data: (1) specific time of injection, (2) water-level difference, or (3)
observed vs. theoretical water level rise.

Specific Time of Injection Method

The specific time of injection method is particularly useful when an

observation well is not available, since only the water level in the ASR
well is used for the analyses. The theory behind this method is that for a
selected recharge rate, held constant during the test, the water level rise in
the well since the start of recharge is repeatable, assuming no plugging has
occurred. If the water level rise is only attributable to well losses (laminar
and nonlaminar) and aquifer response, then repetition of the same recharge
rate over the same period of time should produce the same resulting water
level rise. Therefore, a comparison of two specific time of injection
measurements taken at the same recharge rate and time interval indicates
whether plugging has occurred. Any time interval could be chosen for this

analysis, but, typically, an elapsed time of 2 to 4 hours since start of

recharge is used so that the water level measurement is taken when the rate
of water level change is reduced.
A drawback to the specific time of injection method is lack of control
over recharge rates. Between tests, these often vary due to factors beyond
the control of the operator. Rising water levels in the well can affect the
hydraulics of the recharge system and thereby change recharge rates
substantially. One way around this disadvantage is to conduct step injec-
tion tests over a range of flows at the beginning of testing. Presumably
these tests are conducted during "pre-plugging" conditions. Later, step
injection tests conducted over the same time period can be compared with
an interpolated value from the "pre-plugging" step injection tests to deter-
mine the magnitude of plugging. Interpolation of the "pre-plugging" data
is done by fitting the data to a power curve (y =ax b). The type curve is then
used to obtain a calculated water level rise at a specific injection rate. In
this instance, the equation for a power curve was considered more appro-
priate than the Theis equation because non-linear well losses are the
dominant factor in water level rise for the short test period.

Difference in Water Level Rise Method

The difference in water level rise method to determine in situ plugging

rates uses data from both the ASR well and one or more observation wells.
The accuracy of this method is predicated on the assumption that the
recharge rate is kept constant and that the wells are perforated or screened
in the same interval. When the flow regime in the aquifer system has
reached a quasi-steady state, the difference in the water levels in the ASR
well and the observation wells theoretically will remain constant. An
increasing difference in water levels indicates plugging.

Observed vs. Theoretical Water Level Rise Method

The water level rise observed in the ASR well is a combination of

aquifer response and well losses. It is assumed that for a constant recharge
rate, the well losses should remain constant, and therefore any water level
rise in the well, without plugging, would be due solely to aquifer response.
Therefore, using estimates of aquifer parameters, transmissivity, and
storativity or specific yield, the water level response in the aquifer is
estimated and compared to the observed change in water level in the well.
The difference between the calculated, or theoretical, water level and the
observed water level is presumably due to plugging. The term theoretical
water level is used as a reminder that theoretical aquifer conditions (i.e.,

homogeneous, isotropic, and infinite in areal extent) are some of the

assumptions when using a groundwater flow equation to calculate water
level response during recharge or pumping. When using this method, it is
best to calculate differences in theoretical water levels and compare them
with observed changes in water levels. Avoiding the variability that can
occur early is accomplished by choosing a beginning time that occurs
several hours after the start of recharge. The average rate of recharge for
the beginning time and ending time, along with estimates of aquifer
parameters, is used to calculate a theoretical change in water level, for
comparison with the observed change in water level in the ASR well. For
this method to be valid, recharge rates at the beginning and ending times
must be the same so that well losses will be similar. Varying recharge rates
between measurements is not a concern and is factored into the average
recharge rate used to calculate the rise at the ending time.
If the recharge rate is held constant during injection and the plugging
rate is low, a graphical procedure can be used. With the graphical method,
water level rise vs. time is plotted on a semi-log chart, and a straight line
is drawn through the moderate time data points (i.e., greater than 2 hours
but less than 24 hours). Theoretically, the water level rise would plot along
a straight line, assuming no plugging is occurring and boundary conditions
within the aquifer are not reached. Therefore, the variance from the straight
line can be an indication of plugging.

Normalization of Plugging Rates

Common factors affecting long-term plugging rates during recharge

include (1) velocity or hydraulic loading (herein referred to as "flux") at
the borehole wall, which is a function of the surface area through which
the water is entering the aquifer and the rate of recharge; and (2) viscosity
of the recharge water, which is a function of temperature. The flux of water
entering the aquifer could be likened to the hydraulic loading rate of filters.
Higher hydraulic loadings cause faster plugging because of the greater
amount of total solids load over a given time interval. Previous studies of
recharge wells and filters, performed in the Netherlands, have demon-
strated the effects of suspended solids and temperature on plugging rates.
Use of a standard flux at the borehole wall and a standard temperature
to normalize recharge well plugging data allows for a more meaningful
comparison of plugging rates. Normalized rates are not necessarily esti-
mates of actual plugging rates under those conditions, but are meant to
adjust the relative plugging rates of various recharge and ASR well tests
for comparison purposes. The following formula (modified from Formula
3.22, Ref. 6) was used to calculate normalized plugging rates:

LlQl norm = Ll<l>(qsq )



where Lie!> norm = rate of plugging normalized for a recharge flow velocity
(flux) of 3 ft/hour at the borehole wall over a period of one year at a
temperature of 20°C; Li<P =rate of plugging (feet of head per year); qs =
standard flux (loading rate or velocity) at borehole wall of 3 ft/hour; q =
calculated average velocity (flux) at the borehole wall in ft/hour; this is the
injection rate/infiltration surface area (over the effective saturated thick-
ness or perforated/screened interval); lls =viscosity at a standard tempera-
ture of 20°C (centipoise); !l =viscosity at temperature of injection water

Source Water Characterization

Samples of recharge water, native groundwater, and recovered water

have to be collected and analyzed to investigate possible physical, chemi-
cal, or biological factors that contribute to well plugging. Where chemical
and biological factors can be eliminated from consideration, and where air
binding is controlled through appropriate ASR well design, construction,
and operation, particulate plugging frequently remains as a significant
issue requiring evaluation. Particulate plugging is common to almost all
ASR sites, even when recharging treated drinking water. The important
issue is the rate at which it will occur, and the associated backflushing
frequency required to maintain acceptable recharge capacity.
The two basic concerns with quantifying the suspended solids concen-
tration of the recharge water are (1) obtaining accurate measurements for
low concentrations and (2) obtaining measurements that account for the
changes in concentration that may occur during recharge. The possibility
of flushing sediments contained in the pipelines is a concern, since re-
charge rates often create high flow velocities in a direction opposite to the
normal flow pattern. Periodic sampling may miss "slugs" of sediment-
laden water entering the well.
Several direct and indirect measurements of suspended solids in potable
water for the purposes of ASR testing have been unsuccessful. These
unsuccessful test methods have included turbidity measurements, standard
laboratory suspended solids measurements, and Rossum Sand Tester
measurements. The measurement of turbidity, a common measurement of
drinking water quality (which indirectly measures suspended solids), has
been shown to have limited value for ASR purposes. The correlation
between turbidity and suspended solids concentrations is poor, and the

range of turbidity measurements is small. Typical measurements of turbid-

ity for potable water range from 0.1 to 0.7 NTU (nephelometric turbidity
TSS measurements conducted during routine laboratory testing of po-
table water samples have typically indicated non-detectable results for
potable water. Since suspended solids were often the suspected clogging
mechanism during injection, it was determined that the TSS detection limit
of 0.4 mg/L for Standard Methods [7] was inadequate to measure sus-
pended solids in the recharge water. Attempts were made to increase the
detection limit for the laboratory analysis of TSS, by increasing the vol-
ume of filtered samples from 1 L to as much as 10 L. Laboratory experi-
ence indicated that filtering large sample volumes tended to erode the filter
material, resulting in inaccurate measurements.
The Rossum Sand Tester is a standard device commonly used during
well development or when a production well is suspected of producing
sand, to measure suspended materials in the discharge water. Data col-
lected with Rossum Sand Testers during injection have indicated a lack of
sensitivity when used with potable water. Typically, the test results show
a low concentration of suspended materials in the water during the initial
startup of an ASR well, and non-detectable results during the remainder of
the testing.

Membrane Filter Index

A method that can be used to define the plugging potential of potable

water is the membrane filter index (MFI). The theory, equipment, and
methodology for MFI testing was developed in the Netherlands. Origi-
nally, MFI testing was developed for measuring the potential of waters to
plug membranes during reverse osmosis water treatment. Later, MFI was
adapted for use on injection and ASR wells. MFI testing equipment and
methods, derived from work by Schippers and Verdouw (1980) [8], were
first used by Huisman and Olsthoorn (1983) [4] during the early 1970s.
The testing procedures have subsequently been refined for ASR purposes,
based upon experimentation and field experience.
The basic theory behind MFI testing is to assume that the rate at which
a filter becomes plugged at a constant pressure can be used to define a
"plugging index" for a specific water at a given temperature. The mem-
brane filter tests were conducted by directing recharge water through a
0.45-!!m, 47-mm diameter membrane filter at a constant measured pres-
sure of 15 to 30 pounds per square inch (psi). A temperature measurement
was made during each test. The filter operated initially at 0.2 G/min or less.
A single test typically required 15 min to 1 hour of field time.

The membrane filter tests were used to develop an MFI for each water
source. The MFI is represented by the slope of the straight portion of the
plot of time/volume (t/V) vs. volume (V), on a linear scale. Because of the
small amount of water and the short times used in the test, the reporting
units for MFis are sec/L/L.
MFis, as determined by plotting, were normalized to standard condi-
tions so that MFis measured with different pressure and temperature
conditions could be compared. The standard conditions used were a pres-
sure drop of 30 psi and a temperature of 20°C. The following equation was
used to normalize the measured values to standard conditions:

MF/norm = MFJ X Jl 20 X}!__

!l 30

where MFI = slope of the straight portion of the plot of individual values
(sec/LIL); Jl 20 = viscosity of water at standard temperature of 20°C
(centipoise); Jl = viscosity of water at measured temperature in °C
(centipoise); P =pressure drop across filter (psi).

Bypass Filter Test

Bypass filter test (BFTs) are conducted on the source of recharge water,
to measure the average concentration of suspended solids over periods of
time ranging from a few hours to a week or more. The source water is
directed through a 5-J-Lm, 10-inch-long, spun polyester cartridge filter at
pressures ranging from 5 to 30 psi. Cartridges with smaller pore sizes (0.45
Jlm or 1 Jlm) are available, but have higher costs and shorter life expect-
ancy due to rapid plugging. A t1owmeter similar to those used by utilities
for household water use is installed in the filter piping, to measure the
volume of t1ow through the filter at each site.

Analysis Method

The bypass filters are used to measure the suspended solids concentra-
tion in the recharge water, over extended periods of time. The filters are
dried and weighed to the nearest 0.1 gin the laboratory. The totalizer on
the t1owmeter is read prior to putting the filters into service. The filters are
operated during injection until the flow rate through the filter decreases to
about 25% of the initial flow rate. When a filter is taken out of service, the
flowmeter is read, and the spent filters are put in plastic bags and delivered
to the laboratory for drying and weighing. The polyester filter material
cannot withstand the 105°C temperature of the standard drying oven.

Therefore, the filters can be placed on top of the ovens and dried for
several days. The difference in filter weights and the meter readings are
used to calculate the concentration of suspended solids in the recharge
water. Filters utilized in tests to date were operated between 2 to 20 days,
with 10 days as the average service life.

Well Plugging Relationships

If long-term plugging is assumed to be a function of suspended solids

in the recharge water, the rate of plugging will primarily be a function of
recharge water plugging potential and aquifer conditions (defined in terms
of hydraulic conductivity). The plugging rate can be normalized for rate of
recharge and water temperature, by a normalizing procedure that accounts
for the flux (also referred to as "velocity") of recharge water at the
borehole wall (a function of injection rate, well diameter, area of perfora-
tion/screen, and effective saturated thickness) and the viscosity of the
source water. The flux at the borehole wall is analogous to the hydraulic
loading rates applied to filter media. The adjustment for viscosity accounts
for the increment of head buildup created by recharge source waters of
different temperatures.
It seems reasonable that, with enough data points from operating facili-
ties, a family of type curves could be developed that relate normalized
plugging rates to hydraulic conductivity for source waters of different
suspended solids concentrations. The objective is to use these type curves
during Phase 1 ASR feasibility investigations, to estimate well plugging
potential and probable frequency of well redevelopment required.
These type curves could also be used to determine whether an ASR well
is operating within a "normal" range of plugging. Determining whether
well plugging is excessive could provide a signal to investigate other
causes of plugging.

Plugging Rate Site Investigations

Data was collected during testing at nine ASR sites, including informa-
tion regarding treatment and conveyance of the water prior to recharge,
well construction, recharge rates, pumping rates during redevelopment,
hydrogeology, and aquifer parameters. Table 4.2 summarizes well con-
struction and hydrogeologic conditions, while Table 4.3 summarizes the
ASR well testing characteristics and general information about the source
water. General information regarding seven of the nine sites is included in
project descriptions included in Chapter 9, Selected Case Studies.
The water level data from the ASR test wells and, when available, the
data from nearby observation wells were used to estimate plugging rates.

Well Construction Hydrogeo~ogic Conditions

Casing Perforated Surface Type of Aquifer and Depth Hydraulic
Name of Agency and Diameter Interval Area Description of To Water Transmissivity Conductivity
injection Well(s) (inches) (ft) (ft2) Materials (ft) (G/day/ft) (G/day!ft2)

Centennial Water and 10 932-1,354 524 Confined, partially 950 8,500 40

Sanitation District, CO (total200) cemented sandstone

Las Vegas Valley Water 20 360-980 3,246 Leaky confined, sand and 175 250,000 400
District, NV gravel basin-fill deposits
Well i1A

Calleguas Municipal 14 670-930 953 Confined, sand and gravel 220 140,000-70,000 250-500
Water District, CA marine deposits

City of Pasadena, CA 26 192-629 1,089 Confined, sand and gravel 300 200,000-300,000 1,000-1,500
Garfield Well (total160) 300,000

Seattle Water 16 285-335 293 Confined, sandy gravel 165 370,000 2,500
Department, WA outwash deposits
Metro Test Well

Sonoma County Water 12 and 16 400-800 1,466 Unconfined, sand 56 20,000 50-100
Agency, CA and gravel
Occidental Road Well

Tucson Water, AZ
Weii8-44B 16 141-480 1,324 Basin fill with interbedded 200 65,000 200
Well C-14B 16 260-600 1,424 Basin fill with interbedded 220 25,000 60
Well C-26A 10 and 12 128-480 775 Basin fill with interbedded 250 50,000 180

Testing Characteristics
Rate Rate Monitor
Source Water
of of Well
Name of Agency and Injection Pumping Wellhead (distance Raw Water
Injection Well(s) (G/min) (G/min) Design in feet) Source Treatment Process

Centennial Water and Sanitation 260 410 Pump column pipe with None Mclellan Reservoir Chemical addition,
District, CO downhole control valve flocculation, filtration
WeiiA-6 and chlorination

Las Vegas Valley Water District, NV 1,460 2,000 Pump column pipe 870 and Lake Mead Chemical addition,
Weii11A 1,200 (Colorado River) flocculation, filtration
and chlorination

Calleguas Municipal Water District, 605 680 Pump column pipe 80 CA state project Chemical addition,
CA water flocculation, filtration
Well97 and chlorination

City of Pasadena, CA 1,550 1,600 Pump column pipe and None CA state project Chemical addition,
Garfield Well well annulus water flocculation, filtration
and chlorination

Seattle Water Department, WA 700 800 Conductor pipes in the 70 Cedar River, diverted Chlorination and
Metro Test Well well annulus via intake screening addition of lime to
reduce corrosivity

Sonoma County Water Agency, 590 1,500 Pump column pipe 75 Russian River, Chlorination
CA pumped from
Occidental Road Well collector well

Tucson Water, AZ
Well B-448 1,210 {Bailed 3- and 4-inch } 149 { Pumped
Well C-148 1,220 to conductor 60 groundwater Chlorination }
Well C-26A 1,060 redevelop pipes 50

The three methods of analysis of plugging previously described were used

where applicable. Due to ease of use, the most predominant method was
the observed vs. theoretical water level rise method. Only a few sites had
observation wells nearby, which are necessary for the water level differ-
ence method to be used. The specific time of injection method requires
testing and data collection procedures designed specifically for this method
and was therefore only performed at a few of the sites. Plugging rates
varied widely, from undetectable to 220 ft/month. The results of these
analyses are presented in Table 4.4.
While in most cases extensive water quality monitoring of chemical and
bacteriological parameters was conducted during the test program, only
the data related to suspended solids concentration or plugging potential
(MFI measurements) are presented in Table 4.5.
As shown on the table, the amount of data collected varies widely
between testing programs. Where numerous tests were performed, the
testing results often covered a wide range of values. Therefore, interpre-
tations and conclusions drawn from these data should be tempered by the
amount of data collected on a case by case basis. Each of the source waters
tested were considered potable water, yet the testing results indicate a wide
range of suspended solids concentrations/plugging potentials that can
affect ASR well performance. Where water was delivered from an existing
water distribution system, the sediment loads in the water were always
higher at the beginning of recharge, and sometimes sediment loads would
increase for short periods of time during recharge. These data suggest that
reversing the flow through existing pipelines often results in sweeping
sediments contained in the pipes into the ASR wells.
A summary of the ASR well plugging data is presented in Table 4.6.
The normalized plugging rates shown in the table are typically less than
the observed plugging rate, mostly due to the flux at the borehole wall
being greater than the standard of 3 ft/hour. The relationship between
normalized plugging rates, hydraulic conductivity, and suspended solids
concentration is shown in Figure 4.7. The size of type used to label the
data points is intended to be roughly representative of the magnitude of
suspended solids in the source water. Generally, the data points appear to
follow a logical pattern, such as a comparison of Well 97 and Well llA.
These wells have similar hydraulic conductivities but the well with the
highest suspended solids concentration has the highest plugging rate. An
anomalous data point is the Garfield Well which, in comparison with the
other data, should have a plugging rate that is considerably lower.
The results of this testing indicate that the relationships between ASR
well plugging, source water quality, and aquifer permeability generally
follow intuitive reasoning. The instances where the ASR well performance

Membrane Filter Testing Bypass Filter Testing

(Membrane Filter Index: s/1 2 (Suspended Solids Cone.: mg/l)
Name of Agency and Water Temp. No. of No. of
Injection Weli(s) (OC) Sam pies Maximum Minimum Average Samples Maximum Minimum Average

Centennial Water and 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 3.010 0.130 0.167
Sanitation District, CO

Las Vegas Valley Water 20 4 24.4 11.2 16.1 1 - - 0.083

District, NV

Calleguas Municipal Water 14 N/A N/A N/A N/A 11 2.400 0.100 0.386
District, CA

City of Pasadena, CA 23 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 0.023 0.009 0.015

Garfield Well

Seattle Water Department, 10 13 165.0 35.0 79.2 2 2.300 1.200 1.750

Metro Test Well

Sonoma County Water 18 Membrane filter would run Est. <0.1 1 - - 0.002
Agency, CA for hours without clogging
Occidental Road Well

Tucson Water, AZ.

Well B-448 20 6 0.9 0.5 0.7 9 0.130 0.007 0.060
Well C-148 22 5 2.2 0.7 1.3 11 0.095 0.011 0.052
Well C-26A 23 6 2.4 0.2 0.9 25 0.123 0.017 0.043

Membrane Filter Testing Bypass Filter Testing

(Membrane Filter Index: s/i 2 (Suspended Solids Cone.: mg/l)
Name of Agency and Water Temp. No. of No. of
Injection Well(s) CC) Samples Maximum Minimum Average Samples Maximum Minimum Average

Centennial Water and 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 3.010 0.130 0.167
Sanitation District, CO

Las Vegas Valley Water 20 4 24.4 11.2 16. i 1 - - 0.083

District, NV

Calleguas Municipal Water 14 N/A N/A N/A N/A 11 2.400 0.100 0.386
District, CA

City of Pasadena, CA 23 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 0.023 0.009 0.015

Garfield Well

Seattle Water Department, 10 13 165.0 35.0 79.2 2 2.300 1.200 1.750

Metro Test Well

Sonoma County Water 18 Membrane filter would run Est. <0.1 1 - - 0.002
Agency, CA for hours without clogging
Occidental Road Well

Tucson Water, />Z.

Well B-44B 20 6 0.9 0.5 0.7 9 0.130 0.007 0.060
Well C-14B 22 5 2.2 0.7 1.3 11 0.095 0.011 0.052
Well C-26A 23 6 2.4 0.2 0.9 25 0.123 0.017 0.043

Membrane Observed interval Flux at the Normalized

Water Filter Suspended Clogging Injection Surface Borehole Clogging Hydraulic
Name of Agency and Source of Temp Index Solids Rate Rate Area Waii Rate Conductivity
Injection Well(s) Water (OC) (s/1 2) (mg/l) (ft/month) (G/min) (ft2) (ftlhr) (ft!month) (G/min!ft2)

Centennial Water, CO Surface water, 10 N/A 0.167 220.3 260 524 4.0 96.6 40
Well A-6 treated

Las Vegas Valley Surface water, 20 16.1 0.083 3.4 1,460 3,246 3.6 2.3 400
Water District, NV treated

North Los Posas Surface water, 14 N/A 0.386 113.5 605 953 5.1 33.9 375
Basin, CA treated

City of Pasadena, CA Surface water, 23 N/A 0.015 24.9 1,550 1,089 11.4 1.8 1,250
Garfield Well treated

Seattle Water, WA Surface water, 10 79.2 1.750 4.3 700 293 19.1 0.1 2,500
Metro Test Well disinfected

Sonoma County Surface water, 18 Est. <0.1 0.002 0.0 590 1,466 3.2 0.0 75
Water Agency, CA disinfected
Occidental Road Well

Tucson Water, AZ
Well B-448 Groundwater 20 0.7 0.060 1.4 1,210 1,324 7.3 0.2 200
Well C-148 disinfected 22 1.3 0.052 2.9 1,220 1,424 6.9 0.6 60
Well C-26A 23 0.9 0.043 3.2 1,060 775 11.0 0.3 180
96.6 0
lOO.O m~f:o::~~~~~~lf1Tf~f=:i~: ~~11~1m=:~~~~~1~~J~~t~W.~f-9.7.111~n~~~ ~~~~~~~:: ----"-" (/)
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~ m

'E 0.1
0 :::::::::: :::~::::::::::::::::: ~::::: : =~=~=~ :::: ::::::::::::::::::: ::~::::::: :::: :;: ~::;:::~::: ~=:: ::::: :::::~:::. =~ ::: ~== ~:: ~=~:
• ----~ ~-~r- •• --.--~ -.-- ~ - -r--r--(--·- ------ ---·--- ---.--- -..---~- -.--:- "'~- " t - - - - - - - - __ "'! ___ - - - : - - - - . : - - - : - - '1'-~-
:::::: ::~~:: :::~:: ~~:: ::q:~:~: ·:::::: ::::~~~ ::r: :E: r ~: : : ~: r: ::::: ~et~ w~-.J
-----. ···c·· ---;·-· ·r·- . ·r·r-,· ·;· ------ •• -;-·-
··o·-- ";".-,-. c--.-o· ,. ---- ---1'71::.: -....... --.- "Jj';" •
............ f··· .. ······:· ... ~. . ·+··1· -;- -~- .............. -~- .. ·····1·"''' ·1·. ·i·. ·1·<···1··1· .... ······· ·+· -~ ·•·•:•91: ~-·
00 ' ' ' ' '
, 0.002 mg/L
~cldonl,. Rd.""'' ]
10 1.000 10.000
Aquifer hydraulic conductivily - gpd/ftl

Note: The size of type used to label the data points is intended to be roughly
representative of the magnitude of suspended solids in the source water.

Figure 4.7 Relationship between clogging rate, hydraulic conductivity and total suspended solids. ........w

does not follow the pattern of other wells is possibly due to inability to
accurately measure the controlling factors or due to other factors that have
not been identified or adequately accounted for. The data from the Occi-
dental Well is possibly the most significant data presented in this study,
because it demonstrates conclusively that for low aquifer permeability and
low suspended solids content in the source water, plugging does not occur.
Well A-6 is another important data point, since it demonstrates that for low
aquifer permeability and moderate suspended solids content, the plugging
rates are high. The Metro Well demonstrates that low plugging rates can
occur with high suspended solids if the aquifer is highly permeable.
Data from additional ASR well sites would further define the relation-
ships presented here. However, this analysis provides a reasonable ap-
proach for estimating plugging rates at new well sites prior to well con-
struction and testing, based upon literature values for aquifer parameters,
assumed well design, and field measurements of recharge water character-
istics. Estimated plugging rates, in tum, can provide a basis for well
selection, design, and pretreatment to achieve acceptable backflushing and
redevelopment frequency and satisfactory operational performance of re-
charge facilities.
Following is a theoretical example of how this approach may be used
to guide ASR feasibility investigations at a potential new site.

Example: Assume an ASR site is under consideration at a location where

the source water would be treated drinking water from a nearby distribution
system, the temperature of which varies between 10 and l6°C, averaging 13°C
during expected recharge months. The recharge water is tested at a nearby tap
in the distribution system and found to have a low suspended solids content of
0.05 mg/L, averaged over three bypass filter tests, each lasting about two days
and occurring during representative recharge months. Distribution system
pressures at this point during recharge months are typically at least 30 psi.
Recharge would typically occur for up to six months followed by a three month
recovery period to meet peak demands.
The storage zone under consideration at this site is an unconsolidated,
confined aquifer with expected transmissivity of 40,000 G/day/ft and thickness
of 100ft, between 250 and 350 ft below land surface. The ASR well would
fully penetrate the aquifer, probably utilizing a 12-inch, .040 slot screen within
an 18-inch hole, based upon local experience. Static water level is 50ft below
land surface. Typical well yields in this aquifer are about 1 MG/day.
From this data, which is reasonably available from the literature or from
local experience at most sites, the hydraulic conductivity can be calculated by
dividing the transmissivity by the aquifer thickness, or 400 G/day/ft2 • The
screen open area is about 90 ft 2 , considerably less than the borehole surface

area of about 470 ft 2. For consistency with the way in which the data in Figure
4.7 were generated, the screen area is utilized for normalizing the data.
Estimated recharge rate is about 0.5 MG/day, or half of the typical well
production rates in the area. Recovery specific capacity is estimated from a rule
of thumb (transmissivity/2000), or from local experience, at 10 G/min/ft.
Recharge specific capacity is expected to be about half of recovery specific
From Figure 4.7, the normalized plugging rate is estimated at about 0.25 ft/
month. This should be multiplied by a factor of 1.2 to account for temperature
and viscosity differences. It should also be multiplied by a factor of 31 to
account for the flux rate difference at the borehole wall. Adjusting for temperature
and flux normalizing factors, the expected plugging rate is about 9.3 ft/month.
At the beginning of recharge, water level in the ASR well would be about
20 ft above land surface. During a typical recharge season, water levels may
rise due to plugging to 70ft above land surface within about five months. This
would effectively reduce recharge rates, since the pressure available from the
distribution system may be insufficient to overcome further plugging head
losses. The need for periodic redevelopment is indicated. A monthly frequency
would maintain water levels within an operating range of about 20 to 30 ft
above land surface and would be more likely to eliminate residual plugging that
can occur when heads build up so high that pumping the well is insufficient to
restore its recharge or recovery capacity.

This example illustrates the analysis that might be performed at a

proposed ASR site to gain insight regarding probable plugging rates and
redevelopment frequency. Such an analysis may suggest the advantages of
an alternate site, an alternate water source, treatment of recharge flows to
reduce suspended solids, or a different storage zone. As more data be-
comes available to refine these relationships, the analysis will become
more useful.


Despite the calculations and estimates discussed above, the frequency

and method of redevelopment pumping in an ASR well ultimately has to
be determined based upon initial testing and operating experience at each
site. One of the three methods described above is applied to determine the
plugging rate during initial ASR test cycles, following which a judgment
is made as to how frequently to redevelop the well in order to maintain
recharge rates and also to avoid residual plugging.
A useful starting point is to avoid recharging at a rate, or for a duration,
that would cause the water level rise during recharge to exceed the avail-

able water level decline in the ASR well during pumping. For the example
above, where the recharge specific capacity is estimated at half of the
recovery specific capacity, the recharge rate could initially be set at half
the recovery rate, or a slightly lower rate with anticipated less-frequent
backflushing. The actual plugging rate would then be monitored to com-
pare with the expected value. The well would then be pumped to waste for
a few minutes or hours to purge solids from the well. Assuming that
recharge and recovery specific capacity are restored, the recharge rate or
duration could be extended in small increments in later cycles, each of
which would show greater plugging. So long as redevelopment pumping
was able to restore specific capacity, the incremental increases in rate or
duration would continue until either the desired recharge rate had been
achieved, the duration extended to a full recharge season, or signs of
residual plugging became evident, such as inability to easily restore re-
charge specific capacity. The ideal situation is one in which the plugging
rate is sufficiently slow that redevelopment only needs to occur at the
beginning of scheduled recovery.
Redevelopment pumping or backflushing usually involves pumping the
ASR well to waste for anywhere from 10 min to 2 hours. Surging the well
by alternately turning the pump on and then shutting it off for two or three
cycles in a period of about 3 hours or less is practiced at some sites. This
is usually sufficient to restore specific capacity during recharge. However,
as discussed in Section 3.2, Design of Wellhead Facilities, care has to
exercised to avoid damaging the motor on submersible pumps or the shaft
on all pumps by restarting it too soon after shutdown.
The frequency of redevelopment pumping varies substantially between
ASR sites. Table 4.7 lists a number of operational ASR sites and the
typical redevelopment frequency. Information is also included regarding



Site Backflushing Frequency Lithology

Wildwood, New Jersey Daily Clayey sand

Gordons Corner, New Jersey Daily Clayey sand
Peace River, Florida Seasonal Limestone
Cocoa, Florida Seasonal Limestone
Port Malabar, Florida Monthly Limestone
Las Vegas, Nevada Seasonal Alluvium
Chesapeake, Virginia Bimonthly Sand
Seattle, Washington Weekly Glacial drift
Calleguas, California Monthly (approx.) Sand
Highlands Ranch, Colorado Monthly Sandstone

the lithology at each of the sites, to aid in comparison of their operating

It is usually desirable to pump the ASR wells either to waste or to
retreatment during backflushing. Pumping to waste usually provides the
opportunity to pump at a high rate, since the discharge head on the pump
is substantially reduced or eliminated. This is desirable as it helps to purge
solids from the welL
At a few sites, regulatory restrictions on the disposal of water during
backflushing operations are sufficiently rigorous that special containment
and treatment provisions are required. This is the case for the salinity
intrusion barrier injection wells in southern California. Where this is the
case, or may be reasonably expected in the future, greater care is needed
during design of well and wellhead facilities, to minimize the volume of
solids entering the well and thereby reduce the frequency of backflushing
as well as to improve the quality of the backflush water.
For unconsolidated aquifers, experience suggests that recharge rates
tend to approach an equilibrium level that is lower than the initial recharge
rate at the beginning of testing, but can be sustained by periodic
backflushing. Some early loss of initial recharge capacity occurs at many
such sites, while still maintaining long-term rates at a useful level. For
consolidated aquifers, such loss in capacity is less apparent.
It is probably wise to assume that ASR wells will need full redevelop-
ment about every five years, including pulling and setting the pump,
cleaning, acidization, disinfection, and possibly other methods to restore
its condition. This may not be required at some sites, particularly those in
consolidated aquifers; however, in the absence of site-specific evidence to
the contrary, the need for redevelopment every few years should be
assumed for budgetary and planning purposes.
The ASR system at Manatee County, FL, recharges with water that is
diverted from the water treatment plant prior to final pH stabilization. The
recharge water is slightly aggressive, but is rapidly stabilized when it
comes into contact with the limestone in the storage zone. Figure 4.8
shows the increase in specific capacity that occurred at this site during the
first few cycles of testing. Calculations indicated that the volume of
calcium carbonate in the storage zone that was dissolved during this
process was very small, and not significant to long-term well operations.
This eliminated the need for periodic redevelopment of the ASR wells at
this site and also saved the cost associated with stabilizing the water in the
treatment plant. During pH stabilization in the aquifer, the total dissolved
solids concentration of the recovered water showed an increase of about 25
mg/L. This was evident at the beginning of each cycle, even when the



Figure 4.8 ASR well increase in specific capacity, Manatee County, Florida.

storage period between recharge and recovery was on the order of an hour
or less.
A similar approach has been considered, but not implemented, for
storage of aggressive waters produced from desalination plants in the
Arabian Gulf. These plants typically are located over brackish limestone
aquifers, some of which would be suited to seasonal, long-term, and
emergency storage of drinking water while similarly achieving savings in
water treatment costs through pH stabilization in the aquifer.


If the rate of ASR well plugging, or the expected frequency of required

backflushing, is perceived as a potential operating problem, a desirable
solution is to keep the solids out of the well in the first place. As discussed
previously, this involves at least purging the recharge piping to waste prior
to initiating recharge.
One solution that has been implemented at an ASR site in New Jersey
is to incorporate a short length of large diameter (60 inch, 1500 mm)
pipeline into the recharge piping at the wellhead in order to reduce flow
velocity and thereby settle out any solids. The primary purpose of this
large pipe is to provide detention time for chlorination of recovered flows

before they enter the distribution system; however, it is anticipated that it

will also serve to settle out any solids in the recharge water.
Gordons Corner, NJ, has operated an ASR system since 1971 that
incorporates wellhead sand filtration in order to minimize entry of solids
into the ASR wells. It is anticipated that other ASR systems recharging
treated drinking water may, in some cases, benefit from providing well-
head filtration. Solids in distribution systems often include sand, rust, alum
floc, or other constituents capable of plugging an ASR well.
As an ASR operating practice, wellhead filtration is in its infancy with
only three sites (Salt Lake County, UT; Salt River Project, AZ; and Gordons
Corner) known to be providing these facilities. The Utah test site utilizes a
pressure sand filter. The Arizona test site has utilized a drum filter, and the
New Jersey operational site utilizes a sand filter. Some new sites recharging
treated drinking water into aquifers prone to plugging are expected to
include wellhead filtration facilities. In addition, future sites using ASR
technology to store surface water containing low levels of suspended
solids are expected to incorporate wellhead filtration as a basis of design.
This is discussed further in Chapter 7, Alternative ASR Applications.
The technology for wellhead filtration is widely available, as developed
for the water utility, mining, and agricultural sectors. Costs of these
systems tend to be highest for the water utility applications and lowest for
the agricultural applications. However, the particle sizes removed tend to
reflect the system costs. The optimum tradeoff between investment in
wellhead filtration facilities and system operating costs remains to be
determined. For proposed sites where redevelopment pumping is a prob-
lem due to cost, potential electric motor damage, water disposal or permit-
ting difficulties, the investment in wellhead filtration facilities may be
advisable and should be considered during design. A reasonable solution
for many sites will be to provide space in the wellhead design to incorpo-
rate wellhead filtration at a later date, if required.
Complete sand media filtration systems for agricultural applications are
readily available at (1993) manufacturer's costs ranging from $4000 to
treat flow rates of 300 G/min, $12,000 to treat 700 G/min, and $30,000 to
treat 7000 G/min. Each 300 G/min modular unit has about a 6 ft x 6 ft
imprint and stands about 6.5 ft high. Multiple units would be manifolded
to achieve the desired filtration flow rate. Such systems are used widely
to prevent clogging of spray nozzles in microjet irrigation systems. An
alternative approach using a ring filter capable of treating flows of 100
G/min may cost about $7,500. As discussed subsequently in greater detail
in Section 7.2, Surface Water Storage, horizontal well technology also
achieves significant reduction in the solids content of surface water as a

result of sand filtration. Through patented trenching and backfilling meth-

ods, a fabric-covered, slotted pipeline drains water from the water table and
any adjacent surface water sources through a sand formation or backfill,
thereby improving water quality prior to recharge into an ASR well.
For municipal applications, a multi-media pressure sand filter manufac-
tured by the Yardney Company can remove particles down to 10 J.lm in
size. A system capable of filtering 0.5 MG/day would include two 48-inch
diameter tanks, each 60-inch tall, and would cost about $15,000. Filtering
1 mgd would require four such tanks, or three tanks each 54 inches in
diameter, and would cost about $30,000.
An alternative approach offerred by the 3M Company is to use dispos-
able filter cartridges within an inline pressure filter. Different cartridges
are capable of providing filtration from 15 11m down to 2 11m. Each
cartridge is capable of filtering about 50 G/min, requiring multiple car-
tridges to achieve flow rates of interest to ASR operations. Vessels capable
of handling 18 cartridges are readily available. The initial pressure drop
across the 2, 5, 10, and 15 micron cartridges is about 0.9, 0.5, 0.4, and 0.3
psi, respectively. Cartridges have to be replaced when the pressure drop
reaches 35 psi.
The cartridges are reported to be able to handle 21 to 24 lbs of sus-
pended material before changeout is required. This data is reported from
tests using silica dust at 40 G/min. Assuming 5 mg/L suspended solids
across a cartridge at 50 G/min, the cartridge would function for 8 to 9 days.
If the loading was 2 mg/L, the cartridges would require changing every 21
to 24 days. This assumes that all of the suspended solids are trapped by the
filter. In reality, the particles trapped will be a function of the size distri-
bution of the particles and the size of the filter pore spaces. The cartridges
may last longer than the numbers presented; however, it is not possible to
estimate the duration without first investigating the water to be filtered.
The 3M Company provides an analysis of particle size and estimated
cartridge life upon request. The 1993 manufacturers' cost of such a system
to handle 0.5 MG/day is about $16,000, while a 1 MG/day system is
estimated at about $31,000. Cartridges cost about $367 each, so frequent
changeout can lead to high operating costs.
Membrane processes may also be used for wellhead pretreatment. In
particular, microfiltration systems can provide a higher level of treatment
but at somewhat higher cost. Since about 1988, Memtec America, manu-
facturer of the Memcor m3F (continuous microfiltration) process, has
supplied microfiltration units for potable water treatment with capacities
up to 4.4 Lisee (0.1 MG/day), although larger units of 3.8 megaliters/day
(1 MG/day) and 13 megaliters/day (3.5 MG/day) capacity have been

commissioned. The same units have been in use for wastewater renovation
since the mid-1980s. Operating pressures for these units range from 25 to
40 psig, while the pressure differential across the membrane varies from
2 psig for a clean membrane to 15 psig when the membrane is fouled.
Particle sizes are reduced to below 0.2 J.lm with this process. The backwash
volume is about 2 to 7% of the feedwater volume. The membranes are
chemically cleaned when pressure differentials exceed about 15 psig,
using caustic-based solutions at pH values above 12. These units retain
protozoan cysts such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium, nearly all bacteria
of health concern, and turbidity. They also provide between 2- and 4-log
removal of viruses.
Installed manufacturer prices for Memcor units range from $1.00/G
installed capacity for a unit capable of treating 360,000 G/day; $0.50/G
installed capacity for a unit capable of treating 1.1 MG/day, and $0.35/G
installed capacity estimated for a unit capable of treating 23 MG/day.
An alternative approach is manufactured by Kalsep, Inc., called the
Kalsep Fibrotex System. As applied to alum-floculated surface water for
reverse osmosis pretreatment, this unit is estimated to cost about $300,000
to treat 2.5 MG/day of water with a TSS concentration of 1 mg/L. Result-
ant particle sizes in the product water are estimated within the range of 1
to 3 J.lm.
Considering the range of alternatives presented above, it appears that
sand filters, ring filters, drum filters and horizontal wells can filter re-
charge water to small particle sizes generally suitable for agricultural
applications that would not plug irrigation systems. In some cases, these
may also be suitable for ASR wellhead filtration, particularly with storage
zones that have high transmissivity. Where aquifers have lower transmis-
sivity, other filtration systems are available that can reduce particle sizes
down to between 2 and 10 J.lm using multi-media pressure filters or
cartridge filters. Microfiltration systems using membrane filter technology
can remove particles down to 0.2 J.lm. Selection of the appropriate technol-
ogy to meet the technical and regulatory requirements for ASR operation
has yet to be clearly defined.
It appears that agriculturally oriented systems can be supplied at costs
acceptable to the agricultural community, since such systems are already
in wide use. At higher manufacturer's costs of roughly $30,000 per 1 MG/
day system, wellhead filtration can be provided to reduce particle sizes to
levels that would probably be compatible with most ASR systems. Even
higher levels of treatment can be provided with membrane and comparable
processes, for unit costs in excess of $100,000 per MG/day installed

Considering the substantial cost savings usually attributable to imple-

mentation of ASR technology, it is anticipated that pretreatment costs
may, in many cases, have little adverse impact upon the overall cost-
effectiveness of ASR systems. As discussed in Section 6.1, Economics,
capital costs of ASR systems, including engineering and construction,
average about $400,000 per MG/day of recovery capacity ($0.40/gallon).
This is frequently less than half the cost of other viable alternatives.
Consequently, a capital cost increase of $30,000 to $100,000 per MG/day
may not eliminate the cost-effectiveness of ASR in situations where well-
head filtration is desirable.
Wellhead filtration is one of the aspects of ASR technology that is
evolving rapidly. Experience is demonstrating the desirability of keeping
solids out of the ASR wells. While a higher quality of recharge water will
tend to improve overall performance of an ASR system and also expedite
regulatory approval, the most cost-effective tradeoff between the invest-
ment in wellhead filtration and ASR performance has yet to be established
for municipal and agricultural applications.
An important difference between ASR applications and other applica-
tions of advanced filtration technology is that ASR wells are provided with
a backup capability to remove solids from the well that pass through the
filter. This is the periodic backflushing operation. This would not be the
case for applications preceding reverse osmosis membrane treatment plants,
for instance. Experience at several sites will be required to estimate the
most cost-effective combination of wellhead filtration and backflushing
frequency for aquifers with different hydraulic characteristics.


During recharge, it is not uncommon for wellhead pressure to vary over

a very wide range. Initially some low pressure may be required to start
flow into the well; however, once flow is established, a full vacuum may
immediately develop at the wellhead when the water is allowed to cascade
into a sealed well with a few feet or more of depth to water level. As
recharge continues, mounding of the recharge water in the aquifer may
combine with plugging to cause the recharge water level to rise above land
surface. In a few applications, recharge pressure is then increased steadily
to compensate for head losses attributable to plugging, up to the maximum
available pressure from the source of supply. At that point, redevelopment
is required to hopefully restore ASR capacity. Flow control is usually
provided to smooth out this extreme range in operating conditions, where
they may occur.

During ASR recovery or backflushing, water levels will typically expe-

rience a broader range than for a normal production well, reflecting
slightly higher initial water levels and slightly to significantly lower pump-
ing water levels at the end of seasonal recovery. This range sometimes
presents a challenge in sizing a pump to produce a desired flow rate, since
initial flows may be much higher than ultimate flows at the end of a
recovery period. One solution to this is to provide a pressure control valve
on the recovery piping, so that the pump is always operating within an
acceptable range of flow rates.
The broader ranges for operating water levels and pressures have to be
considered during well and wellhead design to ensure that the system will
operate properly over the expected range. Low pressures at the wellhead
tend to cause very high flow rates that can cause operating problems, either
in the distribution system during recharge or sometimes in the surface
drainage system during backflushing to waste. Flow control is therefore
required for many ASR systems.
In Section 3.2, Wellhead Facilities Design, various approaches were
discussed for control of cascading during recharge, many of which in-
volved maintaining positive pressure in the well piping. A significant
recent development is a downhole water level control valve that is oper-
ated by air, water, or oil pressure from the surface, and that throttles
recharge flows in ASR wells with substantial depth to water level. The
throttling mechanism is a permanent inflatable packer that is connected
either in the pump column or at the base of an injection tube. With this
approach, flows can be set at a rate that maintains any particular desired
wellhead pressure or depth to water level during recharge. Developed by
Baski Valve Company, Denver, CO, during 1992, this valve has been
applied successfully for the Centennial ASR Well A6 in Highlands
Ranch, CO. Depth to static water level in this well is about 900ft below
land surface. Flow control from the end of the recharge piping seems
preferable to flow control from the beginning of this piping near the
A significant advantage of this downhole water level control valve is its
small diameter. As a result, many existing small diameter wells in loca-
tions with great depths to water level may be retrofitted to ASR purposes
by recharging down the pump column without having to add injection
tubes inside the casing to control flow rates and cascading.
Limiting recharge water levels within a reasonable, positive range will
tend to stabilize flow rates. Where negative pressures are still expected at
the wellhead, it is important that adequate valving is provided to ensure
positive pressures a short distance upstream of the wellhead so that
flowmeters, sampling taps, and pressure gauges are operating under posi-

tive pressures. Otherwise, flow measurements may be erroneous and sam-

pling taps will not function.
The transition from negative to positive pressures at the wellhead during
recharge is probably best accomplished with a globe valve at the wellhead
with a manual control. Automatic controlled globe valves tend to oscillate
under such circumstances. Where an automatic globe valve is used, it
should be accompanied with an orifice plate so that the downstream side
of the globe valve is always under positive pressure. Butterfly and gate
valves do not last long under such operating conditions.


Chlorination of water containing color and natural organics, such as

humic and fulvic acids produces DBPs, such as trihalomethanes (THMs)
and haloacetic acids (HAAs), which are carcinogenic. In recent years,
considerable attention has been directed to research into this public health
challenge with the result that water treatment practices are changing in
response to new regulations. At the same time, data collected from several
early ASR sites indicated some reduction in DBP concentrations during
ASR storage. The data were generally not conclusive since they were not
collected under conditions designed to separate out mixing as a causative
factor. However, they were reasonably consistent in showing some DBP
reduction between recharge and recovery.
During 1991, a study [9] was initiated to take a closer look at whether
or not DBP reduction is occurring during ASR operations and, if so, to
evaluate the mechanisms responsible for the reduction. This investigation
was performed during a two-year period by CH2M HILL, Inc., consulting
engineers, in association with the University of North Carolina. The
American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AWWARF)
provided funding for the project, while supplemental funding was pro-
vided by Thames Water Utilities, Reading, England, and by the Las Vegas
Valley Water District, NV. Participating utilities also included the Peace
River/Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority, FL; Centennial Water
and Sanitation District, Highlands Ranch, CO; and Upper Guadalupe
River Authority, Kerrville, TX.
The plan was to conduct the test at each site so that, to the extent
possible, samples were collected from the the same water volume with
minimal mixing between this recharge water and the surrounding ground-
water (or recharge water remaining from previous ASR cycles), during
recharge, storage, and the first recovery sample. The second and third
recovery samples were more likely to show mixing with surrounding water

in the aquifer, as determined by evaluation of tracer concentrations such

as chlorides. At each ASR site, volumes between 34 and 140 megaliters (9
and 37 MG) were recharged and then allowed to stay in the storage zone
for periods that ranged from 48 to 191 days (mid-point of recharge to mid-
point of recovery), following which all or a portion of the water was
recovered. Samples were collected three times during recharge, five times
during the storage period, and three times during recovery, plus one
background sample was collected at each site. The total volume of water
pumped out for sample collection was negligible compared to the volume
initially stored. Samples were analyzed for a wide variety of water quality
constituents, including total organic carbon (TOC) and ultra-violet radia-
tion, both of which are indicative of THM and HAA precursors. In addi-
tion, calculations were performed to check the expected movement of the
stored water during the storage period under the influence of the hydraulic
gradient reported at each site. Natural tracers were utilized to estimate
mixing between stored and native water at each site, although this was
complicated by the small differences at some longer-term operational
Figure 4.9 shows DBP concentrations, while Figure 4.10 shows THM
constituents and their differential rates of decline during ASR storage for
the Thames Water Utilities site. Figure 4.11 shows DBP formation poten-
tial decline during ASR storage at this site. Within 111 days from the end
of recharge, THM concentrations had disappeared, while THM formation
potential had declined by half from the end of recharge. Similarly, HAA
concentrations disappeared within 3 days after the end of recharge, while
HAA Formation Potential had declined by 76% within 111 days. Figure
4.12 shows the reduction in dissolved oxygen and nitrate concentrations at
this site during the sampling period. Denitrification is suggested by the
reduction in nitrate concentrations soon after the end of recharge and
roughly coincident with the loss of dissolved oxygen in the aquifer.
Similar results are available for the other four sites.
Figure 4.13 shows a comparison of the THM data for the five sites,
while Figure 4.14 shows a comparison of the HAA data. Table 4.8
includes a summary of the results, including the reduction in DBPs that
might have been expected based upon mixing between recharge and native
waters, as judged from natural tracers.
In general, it was concluded that

• THMs and HAAs are removed from chlorinated drinking water during
aquifer storage.
• HAA removal precedes THM removal; the more brominated species tend to
be eliminated earliest.

• In most cases, removal of these halogenated DBPs does not appear to occur
until anoxic conditions develop, and frequently follows the onset of denitri-
fication. A biological mechanism is suggested. Additional work must be
conducted to establish the mechanism(s) responsible for removing these
DBPs, and the conditions under which they occur.
• THM and HAA precursors are also removed to a significant degree during
aquifer storage.

For the five sites investigated, THM and HAA reduction occurred
during a few weeks of storage, as opposed to days or months. Site-specific
testing is needed at other sites to establish reductions that may be achieved;
however, it appears that seasonal ASR storage can provide useful water
quality improvement benefits for many utilities. Whether or not THM
formation potential is reduced at any particular site during ASR storage,
the reduction in instantaneous THM concentrations may provide a signifi-
cant reduction in total THM concentrations (instantaneous THM plus
THM formation potential) once the recovered water is re-chlorinated prior
to distribution.
This is a significant benefit attributable to ASR systems. For some ASR
sites, it may be possible to recover water with low DBP concentrations,
blend it with higher DBP water from the treatment plant, and thereby meet


60 llll THAA

..... Note: Recovery began on Day 111 .
:a:: 40
c 30



Rch1 Rch2 Rch3 3 22 50 78 112 119 126
Storage time (days)

Figure 4.9 Disinfection byproducts during ASR storage, Thames Water Utilities,
30 m
0 CHCI3 m
IS:! CHBrCI2 (/)
25 :D
~ CHBr3 0
~ 20 r
::;, Ui
....... NOTE: Recovery began on Day 111 . (/)
c: c
0 m
15 15
8 wJI ~ ~~ ~ I ~SSM - 1'9'::

Rchl Rch2 Rch3 3 22 50 78 112 119 126
Storage time (days)

Figure 4.10 Trihalomethane constituent distribution during ASR storage, Thames Water Utilities, England. .....


NOTE: Recovery began on Day 111.

c 80
c 60
0 (j)
c ::0
0 0
u 40 c
0 ::0
Rch1 Rch2 Rch3 3 22 50 78 112 119 126 m
Storage time (days) I
Figure 4.11 Disinfection byproduct formation potential during ASR storage, Thames Water Utilities, m
England. z

0 DO
!Ill N-N03

NOTE: Recovery began on Day 111.

_g 3


Rch1 Rch2 Rch3 3 22 50 78 112 119 126
Storage lime (days)

Figure 4.12 Dissolved oxygen and nitrate concentrations during ASR storage,
Thames Water Utilities, England.

DBP standards that are expected to be lowered within the next few years.
Other potential benefits are the opportunity to recharge water with a
chlorine residual, avoid the addition of ammonia, and count on biological
processes in the aquifer to reduce resulting DBP concentrations prior to
recovery. As discussed in Section 4.2, Well Plugging and Redevelopment,
changing from chlorine to chloramine disinfection in Los Angeles, CA


r::-. ~ ........ - - THMFP
- - THM

•§"1oo ~ \ \
120 I( Kerrville, Texas
............ \
T Thames Water, England
........... \
........__ c Centennial WD, Colorado

•~ ~~... ~\. h \~...

~ p Peace River, Florida

las Vegas, Nevada
• 80
'\ ~
g' \ ~~ - r- p

:15 40 ..', , . ~ ~ ' ' ... ...'""' .. ...

.r:: 60

... ...

... ...

---... ... -----

-~ ... c
... ...
--- - --
......... ---- - --...~-
-p- ... __ K
... c -- T
0 2 4 6 8 lO 12 14 16 18
Time (weeks)

Figure 4.13 Trihalomethane reduction during ASR storage at five sites.


120 - - HAA
K Kerrville, Texas
& r Thames Water. England
c Centennial WD, Colorado
p Peace River, Florida
eg! 100
< 80 v Las Ve as, Nevada
_g 60
Ill G)
at 40 JJ
0 0
;!. 20 T c

0 ~
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 m
Time (weeks)
Figure 4.14 Haloacetic acid reduction during ASR storage at five sites. I
Storage Expected r
Disinfection Byproduct Reduction (%)
Duration Reduction Due (jj
Site (days) to Dilution (%) TTHM TTHMFP HAA HAAFP c
Thames Water Utilities, England 111 64 100 >51 100 >76
Upper Guadalupe River Authority, Kerrville, Texas 127 50 25 24 100 (4)
Centennial Water and Sanitation District, Highlands 49 0 92 (<80) 100 12
Ranch, Colorado
Peace River/Manasota Regional Water, Supply 90 0 100 (-11) 100 100
Authority, Arcadia, Florida
Las Vegas Valley Water District, Las Vegas, 36 25 33 44 100 90

Note: ( ) means concentration increase, not decrease.


injection wells has been shown to encourage bacterial activity around the
well, increasing both plugging rates and redevelopment difficulty.
Following completion of the field testing for the AWW A Research
Foundation program discussed above, preliminary laboratory investiga-
tions were conducted to evaluate the mechanisms governing the DBP
reactions that had been observed. Results were inconclusive, reflecting the
complexity of the laboratory procedures; the volatile nature of some of the
compounds; and the need to maintain anoxic, aerobic, or sterile conditions
in the sample vials. Further investigation is required to establish the
mechanisms responsible for the observed DBP reactions occurring in the


As a general rule, treated drinking water can be stored and recovered

from ASR wells without any need for further pre- or post-treatment other
than disinfection following recovery. Occasionally a situation will arise
where further treatment is necessary, usually limited to pH adjustment. In
a few situations, chemical feed may also be required for other constituents
such as calcium chloride or sodium bisulfite.
ASR experience to date with storage of treated drinking water has
included only a few sites for which the recharge water requires pretreat-
ment, and only one site for which the storage zone was pretreated. At these
few sites, however, further pretreatment was required due to the following

• post-precipitation of alum floc in the distribution system between the water

treatment plant and the ASR well
• presence of solids in the recharge water, other than alum (e.g., sand, rust,
biomass, shrimp, etc.), generally due to local flow reversal in the distribu-
tion system
• occasional low pH of recharge water quality (below 8.0), which would
mobilize manganese present in the storage zone
• occurrence of high concentrations of iron (13 mg!L) in the storage zone due
to the presence of siderite (ferrous carbonate) and pyrite (ferrous sulfide)

Pretreatment to remove solids has been discussed in Section 4.3, Wellhead

Pretreatment to elevate the pH to about 8.5 has been implemented at two
sites to reduce the potential for ferric hydroxide precipitation and to ensure
that manganese is not mobilized in the recovered water. At one site this

was achieved with addition of sodium bicarbonate, while at the other site
sodium hydroxide was used. In general, the latter approach is favored,
primarily for operational reasons. Pretreatment at these two sites is re-
quired for all recharge flows.
Following is a brief discussion of pre- and post-treatment issues related
to several water quality constituents or processes pertinent to ASR opera-
tions. Particular emphasis is included for iron and manganese issues, due
to their prevalence in potential ASR storage zones.


During recovery, disinfection tends to reduce the pH of the water.

Where recovered ASR water is blended with a larger flow of treated water,
the pH of the blend may be only slightly affected. However, if the blend
ratio is high and the alkalinity of the water is low, the pH reduction in the
blended flow may be sufficient to make the water aggressive. pH adjust-
ment is then required to restore equilibrium.
Ammonia addition may be required on the recovered water in order to
control disinfection byproduct formation. As discussed previously in Sec-
tion 4.5, DBP concentrations are reduced substantially during several
weeks of ASR storage; however, some formation potential will undoubt-
edly remain, particularly in situations where storage time between re-
charge and recovery is brief. Testing is appropriate to determine whether
ammonia is present in the recovered water, remaining from any chloram-
ine residual present in the recharge water. Supplemental ammonia is then
provided to achieve the desired concentration. Figure 4.15 shows the
ammonia present in the recharge and recovered water during test-cycle 5
for the Port Malabar ASR facility. Approximately half of the recharge
ammonia was present in the recovered water after a storage period of 29
days between the end of recharge and the beginning of recovery.


Iron is present in the groundwater at many ASR sites, sometimes at

concentrations that can cause problems either with ferric hydroxide pre-
cipitate plugging during recharge or with meeting drinking water standards
during recovery. Several different approaches have been tried to control
iron problems in ASR systems. A preferred approach is one in which a
single aquifer pretreatment exercise eliminates subsequent iron problems.
However, to date, this goal has proven elusive. An alternate approach
involves continuous pretreatment of recharge flows for the life of the

0 . 8 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.....

~ 0.6
~ 0.4
E Recovery ________ - -
..... 0.2 ,, ..
,, "
\ I \. ,'

'--- I
._ "=> _ ,
, __ """--

o.oL........_ _ _ _ .~..,_ _ _ _ _.J..__ _ _ _..L,__ _ _ __L__ _ _ __J

100 80 60 40 20 0
Percent Injection
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent Recovery

Figure 4.15 Ammonia concentrations observed during Cycle No. 5, Well R-1,
Port Malabar, Florida.

ASR facility. Both approaches are discussed below, along with other
measures for controlling iron concentrations and potential plugging with
ferric hydroxide.

Aquifer Pretreatment

At Swimming River, NJ, iron concentration in the groundwater samples

pumped from the proposed storage zone was about 13 mg/L. Cores from
the storage zone indicated the presence of siderite, and occasionally,
pyrite, both of which are iron-bearing minerals. Siderite is composed of
ferrous carbonate and is the primary cause of the high iron concentrations,
while pyrite, which is composed primarily of ferrous sulfide, contributes
to the problem, particularly at lower concentration levels.
Following laboratory column tests to evaluate alternative procedures
(see Section 5.6, Column Testing), it was decided to treat the aquifer
around the ASR well for a radius of about 70 ft (21 m) with a solution of

sodium bisulfite at a pH between 2 and 4. This was intended to strip

dissolved oxygen from the recharge water while at the same time oxidizing
the ferrous carbonate. About 35 MG (132 megaliters) of drinking water
treated in this manner were recharged over a period of 93 days. Due to the
slow rate of the deoxygenation reaction, recharge flow rate initially had to
be very low to ensure adequate travel time before the recharge water
became deoxygenated and then reached the aquifer. Initial flow rates of 70
and 150 G/min (0.38 and 0.81 megaliters/day) for two weeks each were
followed by increasing rates in stages to 400 G/min (2.2 megaliters/day).
As the buffer zone volume steadily increased, the rate of recharge also
could be increased without risking plugging.
Testing indicated that the aquifer and well hydraulics were improved by
this procedure since both transmissivity and specific capacity increased
slightly. Sampling in a nearby storage zone observation well confirmed
that ferrous carbonate dissolution products were moving away from the
well under the influence of continued recharge of this low pH, deoxygen-
ating solution, as shown previously in the column tests. A 35 MG (132
megaliters) buffer zone of deoxygenated water at normal pH was then
recharged, followed by treated drinking water from the plant at a pH of 8.5
and dissolved oxygen concentration in the range of 7.5 to 9.0 mg!L.
There was no doubt from the results that the siderite in the formation
around the well was eliminated by the pretreatment exercise, although the
pyrite remained. However, the process also removed any oxidation coating
on the pyrite grains, thereby enhancing the capacity of the pyrite to form
ferric hydroxide when it came into contact with oxygen-bearing water. As
a result, iron content of the recovered water was initially much higher than
expected, reaching a concentration of 8 mg/L at the end of the first cycle.
Continued cycles had the effect of forming a hydroxide coating on the
pyrite, thereby reducing its reactivity with oxygen-bearing water. With
successive cycles, the iron content of the recovered water steadily de-
clined. After the seventh cycle, the iron content at 90% recovery was 0.4
mg/L. This may be compared with concentrations of 13 mg/L in the native
water from this ASR well prior to pretreatment.

Recharge Water Pretreatment

After the first six test cycles at Swimming River, the pH of the recharge
water was further increased to 9.0 with addition of sodium hydroxide, to
address concerns regarding low residual concentrations of iron in the
recovered water. This change also addressed new concerns regarding
manganese concentrations in the recovered water, resulting from the acid

treatment of the formation around the well. pH adjustment appears to have

resolved both iron and manganese problems at this site. Figure 4.16 shows
the improvement in iron concentrations with successive cycles.
This is a more simple approach than aquifer pretreatment; however, it
requires continuous pretreatment of the recharge flows. Due to the residual
acidity in the aquifer around the ASR well, resulting from the initial aquifer
pretreatment efforts, several ASR cycles may be required to overcome the
residual tendency for low levels of iron and manganese in the recovered
water. Initial results suggest that this approach will be successful.
pH adjustment is not expensive, particularly when considered in the
context of overall savings associated with ASR implementation compared
to other water supply alternatives. The relative simplicity and low cost of


10 Volume(MG)
~ Cycle Recharge Recovery

'5 8
7 , ,
, ,,
g 7 4 3 ,
u 6
_g ---~Cycle 1

:e,!}, - · - Cycle2

4 •• •• • Cycle 4
... Cycle 6
•·••·•·•••·•·· Cycle 7

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percent Recharge Water Recovered

Figure 4.16 Cyclic improvement in iron concentrations during recovery, Swimming

River, New Jersey.

recharge water pretreatment suggest that continuous pretreatment is prob-

ably a better approach for most situations where iron and/or manganese
may be present in the storage zone. Nevertheless, the goal of a one-time
aquifer pretreatment step is a worthy goal that should be considered at
future ASR sites.
With blending between the flow from the water treatment plant, which
is usually in excess of 30 MG/day (114 megaliters/day) during recovery
months, and flow from one existing and two proposed ASR wells which
should total between 2 and 3 MG/day (8 and 11 megaliters/day), the blend
going to the consumers at Swimming River will meet the potable drinking
water standard of 0.3 mg!L.

Vacuum Degassification

For the Swimming River example discussed above, deoxygenation was

achieved through chemical addition. However, consideration was given to
vacuum degassification to achieve the same objective. The depth to water
level in the ASR well at planned recharge rates was such that cascading of
recharge water into the well casing was expected to create a strong vacuum
in the casing, which was sealed against entry of air. Installing a small
vacuum pump attached to the casing would have extracted gases pulled out
of solution during the recharge process, including dissolved oxygen.
This approach was not selected; however, it may be useful at some
future ASR sites with similar technical challenges. The primary reason that
this approach was not selected is that vacuum degassification was per-
ceived as a continuing operating requirement, whereas the ASR test pro-
gram at the Swimming River site was seeking a different approach that
would accomplish the desired objective of iron removal in a single pretreat-
ment operation, following which no further pretreatment would be needed.
For the limited purpose of iron removal, the approach taken proved reason-
ably successful. However, pH adjustment of recharge flows for manganese
control is now required at this site as a long-term operating requirement.

Buffer Zone Formation

Where the possibility exists that precipitates such as ferric hydroxide

may occur in the storage zone, it is advisable to plan ASR testing and
operations so that no reaction products are allowed close to the well during
recovery. This is achieved by consistently leaving a small percentage of
the recharge water in the aquifer. The minimum buffer zone radius around
the well should be about 10 m (30 ft) or more during the first cycle, and

should be augmented during each subsequent ASR cycle in order to

provide a driving force that will slowly push any precipitates and other
geochemical reaction products away from the ASR well.
In practice, this is best accomplished by leaving a specified volume
underground during the first cycle, regardless of ultimate recovery effi-
ciency expectations. For example, if the first cycle includes storage of 5
MG (19 megaliters), recovery could be to a volume of about 4 MG (15
megaliters) or to a target water quality criterion, whichever is less. In later
cycles with presumably larger volumes stored, the volume left under-
ground in each cycle may be smaller, so long as the tendency is for the
buffer zone volume to continue expanding slowly.
Precipitation of ferric hydroxide floc in the storage zone should not
inhibit ASR well hydraulic performance so long as it does not occur close
to the well. In this regard, accurate measurement of ASR flows and
cumulative volumes is particularly important in situations where ferric
hydroxide precipitation close to the well is to be avoided. Precipitation of
ferric hydroxide in the aquifer at a sufficient distance away from the well
is unlikely to affect operational performance of the well, whereas the same
process adjacent to the well screen can quickly plug the well.

Post- Treatment

Ferric hydroxide precipitation close to the well screen or borehole can

theoretically be removed by frequent backflushing of the well in order to
maintain its recharge capacity. Wildwood, NJ, has an ASR system that has
been operational since 1968, backflushing each well on a daily basis for
about 10 min. No testing has been performed to characterize the water
quality of the backflush water; however, visual appearance, combined with
experience at other ASR sites in the New Jersey coastal plain, suggests that
the backflush water contains high concentrations of either rust or, more
likely, ferric hydroxide precipitate. The backflush water is discharged to


Geochemical assessment may indicate the presence of manganese-

bearing minerals in the storage zone. Recharge water with a pH below
about 8.0 may mobilize the manganese so that after a few weeks of
storage, recovered water may have unacceptably high manganese con-
centrations. Manganese reactions tend to be slow. One solution is to adjust
the pH of the recharge water so that it is always above 8.0 and preferably

about 8.5. This is usually most easily accomplished with addition of

sodium hydroxide.
At Chesapeake, ASR testing was performed during a period of several
months when pH of the recharge water was sufficiently high (7.4 to 9.4)
that no manganese problems were apparent in the recovered water. Man-
ganese concentrations during recovery were less than 0.01 mg/L. Subse-
quent process changes at the water treatment plant reduced the pH (6.2 to
7 .0), with the result that manganese concentrations in the recovered water
exceeded drinking water standards, reaching levels of 0.25 to 1.28 mg/L.
Remedial measures included pumping out most of the stored water at the
low pH and recharging water treated with sodium carbonate to raise the pH
to within a range of 8.0 to 8.2, or higher. The sodium carbonate helps to
buffer the acidity remaining in the aquifer from the large volume of water
recharged at low pH. Once this acidity has been overcome, pH of the
recharge water will be more likely to stay above 8.0 underground. A change
to pH adjustment with sodium hydroxide will then be appropriate to facili-
tate operations. Operational testing conducted during 1993 indicates that the
residual acidity in the aquifer is being overcome, as evidenced by increasing
recovery efficiency without excessive manganese levels.
Figure 4.17 shows manganese concentrations for the Swimming River
ASR site. As described above for Chesapeake, pretreatment with low pH
water to control high iron concentrations was reasonably successful; how-
ever, it had the undesired side-effect of dissolving manganese present in
the minerals of the storage zone. High manganese then became a problem
requiring solution. As a result, the pH of the recharge water was adjusted
with sodium hydroxide to about 9.0 during the seventh and subsequent
cycles. As shown on Figure 4.17, the manganese concentrations in the
recovered water subsequently declined to acceptable levels.


No field work has yet been conducted regarding the use of ASR wells
for arsenic reduction. However, much attention has been directed in recent
years to the public health significance of arsenic in drinking water, and
new regulations are being considered by the U.S. Environmental Protec-
tion Agency that may reduce drinking water standards for arsenic.
In the near future it is anticipated that work will commence to establish
the effectiveness of ASR wells in removing arsenic during aquifer storage.
The reaction mechanism is expected to involve co-precipitation of arsenic
along with ferric hydroxide in aquifers containing low concentrations of
iron-bearing minerals and recharged with water containing dissolved oxy-


Note: • Average concentration of manganese in upper

PRM groundwater = 0.07 mg/L
• New Jersey drinking water standard = 0.05 mg/L

~ 0.3-
----Cycle 1
-·-Cycle 2
0 - Cycle3
•• •• • Cycle 4
• • • Cycle 6
8 0.2- ············· Cycle 7

0 .. .·
~ ""J ........

~ 0.1-

Percent Recharge Water 11eeovered

Figure 4.17 Cyclic improvement in manganese concentrations during recovery,

Swimming River, New Jersey.

gen. If successful, this approach may provide a low-cost solution to many

water utilities faced with the prospect of expensive, above-ground treat-
ment processes for arsenic removal to meet new standards.


ASR wells appear to have little or no beneficial effect upon radon

concentrations in recovered water. Experience with the Seattle ASR sys-
tem suggests that if treated surface water containing no radon is stored in
an aquifer containing minerals that release radon, the recovered water will
contain radon at close to native water concentrations within a few days.
Post-treatment alternatives include blending, storage time, and also aera-
tion. Pumping the recovered water to a small storage tank for aeration and
disinfection may be sufficient to provide the time required for radon
reduction to within drinking water standards. The additional cost for
pumping the water twice (once from the well to the tank and once from the
tank to the distribution system) and the cost of the associated storage/

aeration facilities is a disadvantage of this approach. Until such time as

EPA establishes the revised radon standard, the urgency of a solution to
this water treatment problem will remain unclear.

lon Exchange

None of the currently operational ASR systems in the U.S. have expe-
rienced plugging or water quality problems due to ion exchange between
the recharged water and the native water in the aquifer. Geochemical
modeling has been performed for almost every site, sometimes indicating
the potential for ion exchange to occur. Water quality data collected at
several ASR sites have confirmed the occurrence of ion exchange reac-
tions, but not to an extent that would threaten ASR operations.
Perhaps the best-documented example of ion exchange plugging was at
Norfolk, VA, during a U.S. Geological Survey injection well recharge
investigation conducted in 1971-1972 [ 10]. The storage zone was a clayey
sand aquifer containing brackish water. Recharge was with treated drink-
ing water. During the first three test cycles, clay dispersion was shown to
cause uniform plugging of the storage zone throughout the whole length
of the screen interval, with 94% reduction in specific capacity of the well.
Subsequent redevelopment and treatment with calcium chloride as a pre-
flush prior to recharge Cycle 4 was successful in stabilizing specific
capacity of the well at about one third of the initial value prior to testing.
The authors concluded that "treatment of the injection well with a clay
stabilizer prior to injection of any freshwater will minimize clogging and
increase recovery of freshwater."
The pre-flush solution selected at Norfolk was calcium chloride, pro-
viding a divalent ion, calcium, to exchange with monovalent sodium ions
in the formation clays. A trivalent ion such as aluminum would also
achieve the same purpose.
Analysis of cores obtained from potential ASR storage zones, particu-
larly in unconsolidated, brackish aquifers, can provide an indication of
the potential severity of the clay dispersion problem. If smectite (mont-
morillonite) clays are present, even at concentrations of 1% or less, and
the aquifer contains brackish water, the need for pretreatment may be
One element of the solution to clay dispersion problems may be to allow
time for a gradual adjustment in salinity of the aquifer around the well. A
slow transition may yield fewer plugging problems than a shock treatment.
Since the greatest opportunity for rapid salinity change occurs next to the
well screen and gravel pack, efforts to ensure a gradual adjustment in

Hydrogen Sulfide Concentration

during Recovery
- · · - Cycle No. 1M, 5.54 MG Injected
- - ... Cycle No. 2M, 9.86 MG Injected
- · - Cycle No. 3M, 10.04 MG Injected
- - - Cycle No, 4M, 9. 79 MG Injected
- - - - Cycle No. 5M, 37.26 MG Injected

-8 Background Hydrogen Sulfide 3.5 mg/L
"'c 0.30
~ ....
,. ..... ,/'

-- -
./·· /

..-·· ~--·-
...... -~
~0 ...
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 4.18 Hydrogen sulfide during ASR cycles, Cocoa, Florida.

salinity change should focus on initial recharge flows into the well. Low
initial flows, or alternate periods of no flow, may help to achieve this
While ion exchange may be reversible, the plugging associated with ion
exchange is frequently not fully reversible. This is because clay particles
that are dispersed through contact with water of low ionic strength tend to
move with the water until such time as they become trapped in the aquifer
matrix. Redevelopment may dislodge some of these particles and possibly
remove a few of them from the well; however, it will not restore the
particles to their original location.

Hydrogen Sulfide

Experience at several ASR sites has confirmed the rapid reduction in

hydrogen sulfide that occurs during ASR storage. This is due to oxidation
by chlorine and also by dissolved oxygen present in the recharge water.
Figure 4.18 is representative, showing the reduction at Cocoa, FL, from
a concentration of about 3.5 mg/L in the native groundwater to concentra-

tions of about 0.2 mg/L at the end of the first ASR cycle and decreasing
to lower concentrations during subsequent cycles.


Modeling is an important part of ASR system development, providing

a cost-effective tool for system planning, design, and operation. However,
experience to date suggests that the greatest value of the modeling tasks
tends to occur following site-specific collection of data from the first ASR
well and associated observation wells. Efforts to utilize modeling prior to
construction and testing of the first ASR well are often frustrated by the
lack of data with which to calibrate and verify the model, resulting in some
loss of confidence in the results. Once the field data is obtained, models
can be used to help resolve several important questions regarding ASR

• How can the ASR component of a water system be best utilized to ensure
the least-cost expansion path for water supply facilities to meet projected
• How should the ASR wellfield be operated to meet projected seasonal, long-
term, emergency or other needs with adequate reliability?
• How far will the storage bubble extend around the ASR well? How much
of the stored water can be recovered? What, if any, will be the effect of
biological reactions occurring underground upon recovered water quality?
• What geochemical reactions are expected to occur due to mixing between
stored and native water in the presence of aquifer clays and minerals? Are
these reactions significant and is the reaction rate significant to proposed
ASR operations?

Each one of these sets of questions entails application of a different

simulation model, as discussed in the following paragraphs.

ASR Water Supply System Model

This model has been developed by CH2M HILL, to simulate the opera-
tion of a water system comprising a river source of supply, intake struc-
ture, offstream reservoir, water treatment plant, and ASR system. It has
been applied to the Peace River ASR system, to determine the most cost-
effective facilities expansion path to meet projected demands with accept-
able reliability. The number of variables, and the interrelationship between
some of the variables, complicates any simple analysis of this system.

River flow and quality (as defined by TDS concentration) is simulated

on a monthly time step, based upon the period of record. Simulation can
utilize the historic record or an equally likely series of synthetic streamflow
and quality records. Algal blooms in the river have historically caused time
periods when no diversions were possible, even though adequate flow was
available in the river. These are also simulated on a monthly basis.
A regulatory diversion schedule is incorporated in the model, along
with alternate schedules that may be considered. In each month, diversion
is defined as a percentage of streamflow above some minimum regulatory
flow rate, up to a maximum defined by the capacity of the intake structure.
Raw water flows are routed to the water treatment plant, which treats
water at its full design rate, or as limited by the sum of system demand and
ASR recharge capacity. Any additional raw water is routed to the offstream
storage reservoir where it is subject to mixing, evaporation, seepage, and
rainfall augmentation. Any raw water exceeding the capacity of the offstream
reservoir and also treated water needs is routed back to the river.
Treated water is used to meet system demands, with any remaining
treated water stored in the ASR wells. During storage, the water mixes
with surrounding brackish water in the aquifer, according to relationships
established during initial testing and confirmed after several years of
recharge-recovery operations. TDS of the recovered water is then blended
with TDS of the water from the treatment plant, which also adds a small
increment of TDS during the treatment process.
When no flow is available from the river due to flow or water quality
constraints, the first source of water is recovery from ASR wells. To the
extent that additional water is needed to meet demands or to reduce TDS
concentrations going to the distribution system, water is pumped from the
offstream reservoir, treated, and blended. By providing sufficient ASR
wells to meet system peak demands, 100% flow reliability can be assured.
By properly storing water in the ASR wells during periods when it is
available up to a target storage capacity established for the wellfield,
acceptable water quality reliability can also be assured.
The model is a very powerful tool to demonstrate how a complex water
system incorporating ASR would best operate to meet demands, and the
considerable cost savings associated with effective use ofthe ASR system.
In particular, it shows the value of water storage during early years of an
expansion phase, to help meet demands toward the end of that phase and
thereby defer as long as possible the need for the next expansion. This is
in addition to the more obvious role of ASR to help smooth out seasonal
variations in both supply and demand.
Figure 4.19 shows a schematic of the model components while Table
4.9 shows the least-cost facilities expansion path to meet projected water

Finished Water

Figure 4.19 Peace River Water Supply System Model.

demands during the next planning period at Peace River. By deferring or

eliminating the need for reservoir expansion and relying instead upon
underground storage, the Peace River water system is expected to meet
regional water demands at less than half the capital cost of other water
supply alternatives.
Although applied initially at Peace River, the ASR model is adaptable
to other sites with different water system components, hydrogeology,
hydraulic, and water quality issues. Incorporation of the ASR/groundwater
component in the overall system model provides the key to its value and

ASR Wellfield Operations Model

Currently the best available model for ASR wellfield operations is

MODFLOW, which simulates water level response to recharge and recov-
ery. This model is widely used in the hydrogeologic field and is certainly
not uniquely applied to ASR systems. Hence, little further discussion of
the model is pertinent to this endeavor.
Alternative 1: Capacity Alternative 2: Capacity en
ADD MOD Month ASR WTP Diversion Reservoir ASR WTP Diversion
Year (MG/day) (MG/day) (MG/day) (MG/day) (MG/day) (MG/day) (MG) (MG/day) (MG/day) (MG/day)

1991 5.7 7.8 6.7 4.4 12 22 625 4.4 12 22

1992 7.9 11.2 9.2
1993 8.5 12.4 10.0 8 8
1994 9.1 13.7 10.7
1995 9.8 14.9 11.5
1996 10.4 16.1 12.2
1997 13.7 22.1 16.1 20 18 20 18
1998 14.6 23.3 17. i
1999 15.4 24.5 18.1
2000 16.3 25.7 19.1
2001 17.3 27.3 20.4
2002 18.4 28.9 21.6 25 24 44 25 24 44
2003 19.4 30.5 22.8
2004 20.5 32.1 24.1 G)
2005 21.6 33.7 25.3 28 28 0
2006 22.6 35.3 26.6 c
2007 23.7 36.9 27.8
2008 24.7 38.5 29.1 32 30 32 30 ~
2009 25.8 40.1 30.3 -!
2010 26.9 41.7 31.6 m
2011 30.8 47.4 36.2 40 45 66 40 45 66 JJ
2012 31.9 49.0 37.5 m
2013 33.0 50.7 38.8 I
2014 37.7 57.3 44.2 1500 48 JJ
2015 38.7 59.0 45.5 G)
2016 39.8 60.6 46.8 m
2017 40.9 62.2 48.1 60 52 60 z
2018 42.0 63.9 49.3 0
2019 43.1 65.5 50.6 ~
2020 44.2 67.2 51.9 m
Note: Alternative 1 assumes 40 MG/day ASR maximum; alternative 2 has no ASR maximum.

This model has been applied to the ASR system at Kerrville, to evaluate
whether use of ASR wells to maintain groundwater levels at a target
elevation above mean sea level would enable the Upper Guadelupe River
Authority to meet a repeat of the worst drought on record if it were to occur
in the future. Further discussion of the Kerrville ASR system is included
in Chapter 9, Selected Case Studies. The alternative water supply option
for this site was the construction of a new offstream reservoir at a cost at
least five times that of the ASR system. The operating rule for this site is
to recharge whenever water is available from the currently 19 megaliters/
day (5 MG/day) treatment plant after meeting system demands. Recharge
ceases when the elevation reaches 1500 ft in the ASR well. Water is
recovered to meet seasonal peak demands each year, leaving some water
underground as carryover storage to meet the drought demand at such time
as it may arrive.
The same model has also been applied to the Peace River ASR system
to estimate drawdown effects upon adjacent well owners due to seasonal
recharge and recovery operations. The ASR recovery capacity at this site
needs to equal maximum day demands so that these demands can be met
during times when there is no flow available from the river to treat at the
plant. Flow distribution to each well has to be balanced during both
recharge and recovery so that well interference does not push stored water
away from individual wells.

Solute Transport Models

Movement of the stored water around the well or wellfield is always of

considerable interest in ASR systems, particularly where the storage zone
contains water of inferior quality. Evaluation of water movement is best
accomplished with a solute transport model, at least three of which have
been applied on ASR projects.
Upon completion of field investigations, sufficient data may be avail-
able to consider whether or not a solute transport model of the ASR site
would provide useful guidance regarding the extent and movement of the
stored water bubble. This has not been typically required, reflecting the
small radius of the bubble around the well under operational conditions
and the limited movement of this bubble during storage periods under the
influence of the regional hydraulic gradient or other nearby production
wells. Usually the data required to calibrate the model are not available
until after the first well has been constructed and tested. This reduces the
potential value of the model as a site selection tool, but enhances its
potential value as a guide for ASR expansion and optimization.

These models are useful tools to gain understanding ofundergroundwater

movement; however, they are frequently constrained by reliance upon
assumptions regarding aquifer dispersion characteristics that are usually
not available from test program data. The results, therefore, are not neces-
sarily accurate representations of detailed system response to ASR opera-
tions. They do, however, provide a general response that is frequently
The model HST3D, developed by the U.S. Geological Survey, was
initially utilized for ASR purposes to gain insight regarding the potential
for storing drinking water in a thin, confined, unconsolidated, seawater
aquifer at Marathon. Input parameters were obtained from literature
sources and also from data obtained during construction of an observa-
tion well at the site. Results suggested that the proposed ASR storage
program might be successful, despite the large difference in density
between the stored and the native water. The model was utilized as a tool
to guide construction and test program design. Subsequently, the ASR
facilities were constructed and tested, demonstrating the feasibility of
emergency drinking water storage in a seawater aquifer for durations of
at least 60 days. Figure 4.20 shows the simulated relationship between
recovery efficiency on the initial ASR cycle and storage volume, while
Figure 4.21 shows the expected improvement in recovery efficiency


40 ~

~ 30
.! (
,g 20


0 10 20 30 40 50
Storage Volume (million gallons)

Figure 4.20 HST3D simulated relationship between recovery efficiency and initial
storage volume, Marathon, Florida.

60 r----,----.,-----.,-----....,,; 0 Days
-Storage; 30 Days
;::::-storage; 60 Days
Storage ; 90 Days
-Storage ; 180 Days

Note: Storage is end of recharge

to beginning of recovery.

3 4 5
Cycle Number

Figure 4.21 HST3D simulated recovery efficiency vs. number of cycles

for a given storage duration, Marathon, Florida.

associated with successive ASR cycles and increasing storage period

durations, other parameters being equal.
This simulation was performed prior to ASR well construction and
testing, based upon data available from an observation well at the site. It
is pertinent to compare the results with those collected during subsequent
cycle testing, as presented in Figure 4.3. The simulation modeling assumed
that each cycle involved storage and recovery at a rate of 1.9 megaliters/
day (0.5 MG/day) and a volume recharged of 24 megaliters (6.35 MG).
Actual cycle testing was conducted at lower flow rates around 1.1 megaliters/
day (0.3 MG/day) and with volumes of about 57 megaliters (15 MG). After
adjusting for storage volume difference based upon Figure 4.20, and
assuming that the predicted Cycle 5 results from Figure 4.21 approximate
a fully developed storage zone, the predicted recovery efficiencies were
very close to those observed, falling within a range of about 64 to 67%.
Actual results showed greater sensitivity to storage time than did the
predicted results.
Possibly the most applicable model at this time is CFEST, which has
recently become available for use on a PC (486/33) computer. In addition
to showing the direction and rate of movement of the stored water bubbles
surrounding one or more ASR wells in fresh or brackish aquifers, the
model output also includes estimated TDS concentration at the ASR well

during successive recharge, storage, and recovery cycles. This model has
been upgraded by CH2M HILL to make it more user-friendly and WIN-
DOWS-driven. Once calibrated against existing data sets from operational
ASR sites, it should prove useful as a predictive tool at proposed ASR sites
to estimate recovery water quality and recovery efficiency.
Several other solute transport models are available that could be applied
to ASR systems. Among these are RESSQU, KONIKOW -BREDERHOEFT,
and SUTRA.

The world appears as you perceive it. It is not that your perceptions are wholly
shaped by a so-called objective world. The habit of interpretation is interactive;
we do things to test our hypotheses until we have created a complex web of
sensory input and centrijitgal manipulation. By the time we are "mature," we
have created innumerable layers of intClpretation and biased perception that
become the templatesj(Jr living. Of course, we could have fun with this situation.
We could change the templates that we use to interact with the world.
Deng Ming-Dao, 1992, 365 TAO: Harper San Francisco


Our understanding of the geochemistry of ASR systems continues to

evolve and become more clear as we learn from experience at different
sites. Geochemical measurements, concepts, and issues that have proved
particularly helpful in gaining an understanding of underground processes
at these sites are discussed in this chapter. This is not intended to be a
complete presentation on geochemistry, which is a broad and complex
technical subject that extends far beyond ASR issues. However, a basic
understanding of the processes, investigation approaches, potential fatal


flaws, the approximate severity and impact of such fatal flaws, and the
potential solutions can provide a useful guide to those considering ASR
In areas with proven, long-term satisfactory performance of ASR sys-
tems and with no signs of geochemical problems, it is probably reasonable
to assume that such problems should not occur in future projects. For
example, this is the case in Florida ASR systems storing treated drinking
water in brackish limestone artesian aquifers. It is also believed to be the
case in Las Vegas, NV, where the storage zone is a fresh, unconfined
alluvial aquifer.
In areas with little or no prior ASR or recharge well performance to use
as a guide, it is wise to consider potential geochemical issues carefully and,
based upon geochemical and other test results, adjust program develop-
ment to reflect needed changes. It is important that test program develop-
ment should reflect an awareness that ASR geochemistry is not yet an
exact science. A potential problem that is indicated by initial laboratory
analysis, core testing, and geochemical modeling may not materialize, or
may occur so slowly as to be of no real significance. On the other hand,
an unexpected geochemical problem may arise, requiring procedural
changes, despite reasonable efforts to identify such problems in advance.
With steadily increasing experience, the occurrence and frequency of
unexpected problems should decline. This chapter presents experience
through 1993, recognizing that the ASR geochemistry field is advancing
fairly rapidly.
The outline of this chapter generally follows the geochemical steps that
are considered appropriate for ASR feasibility investigations, starting with
sampling of recharge water and native groundwater, laboratory analysis,
and a preliminary geochemical assessment. This is frequently followed by
observation, well construction and coring, core analysis, and more detailed
geochemical evaluation based upon computer simulation of the mixing of
recharge water and groundwater in the presence of the aquifer clays and
minerals. This completes the procedure for sites that are considered
geochemically benign. However, where uncertainty still exists regarding
geochemical effects, column testing or laboratory batch testing may be
performed to simulate in the laboratory the operations planned in the
wellfield. It is less expensive to destroy a core than it is to irreversibly plug
a well through geochemical reactions. This laboratory testing provides the
basis for pretreatment or post-treatment plans that may be required during
ASR well testing and subsequent operations.



At least one sample of the recharge water is required for the geochemi-
cal analysis, taken at a time of the year that is representative of expected
recharge water quality. In addition, a representative sample of the ground-
water from the proposed ASR storage zone at or adjacent to the selected
test well site is required prior to any recharge. These samples are analyzed
for parameters listed in Table 5.1. Some of the analyses are performed in
the field and the remainder in the laboratory.
Temperature, pH, and specific conductance are easily measured and
need to be determined in the field. The pH of groundwater, and to a lesser
extent surface water, typically changes as much as a full pH unit between
the collection time of a sample in the field and the time it is measured in




Total alkalinity Copper

Total dissolved solids Manganese
Total suspended solids Zinc
Turbidity Cadmium
Color Selenium
Specific conductance Total hardness
pH (field) Non-carbonate hardness
Temperature (field) Calcium hardness
Dissolved oxygen (field) Nitrate
Eh (field) Phosphate
Chloride Ammonia
Fluoride Hydrogen sulfide
Sulfate Total organic carbon
Carbonate alkalinity Total halogenated hydrocarbons
Bicarbonate alkalinity Specific gravity or fluid density
Total silica Total coliform
Calcium Chloroform
Magnesium Bromodichloromethane
Sodium Dibromochloromethane
Potassium Bromoform
Iron Total trihalomethane

Note: For each parameter, estimate the expected value. If a sea-

sonal variation occurs, estimate the annual range.

the laboratory. Specific conductance can be compared with the laboratory

specific conductance to determine if some of the major ions have precipi-
tated between sampling and analysis. It is also used to determine if there
are dissolved ionic constituents that are not analyzed but may be as
important as common major ions.
Although not commonly determined, the oxidation-reduction potential,
or redox potential, commonly called either ORP (oxidation reduction
potential), pE, or Eh (hydrogen electrode), is one of the most important
physical measurements on in situ groundwater. This measurement is dif-
ficult both because it must be measured before the groundwater becomes
exposed to the atmospheric oxygen (closed cell) and because it commonly
takes time for the reading to stabilize. The Eh of the bulk groundwater,
however, is particularly important where iron and manganese concentra-
tions are above approximately 0.1 mg/L. This measurement allows the
inorganic vs. the microbiota reaction paths to be ascertained. The Eh
measurement is preferable to dissolved oxygen for groundwater, but for
surface water recharge, particularly treated surface water, dissolved oxy-
gen measurement is preferable. The residual chlorine in treated recharge
water causes an inordinately high Eh value, which is meaningless.
Likewise, dissolved oxygen (DO) is an important field measurement
that can be determined on both surface water (recharge water) and in situ
groundwater to describe the oxidation-reduction condition of the water.
Oxidized systems, including surface water and shallow groundwater sys-
tems in contact with atmospheric oxygen and with minimal organics,
typically have 8 to 12 mg/L DO and an Eh of +300 to +500 mV. Increas-
ingly reduced systems have lower DO concentrations. A reduced ground-
water may indicate approximately 1 mg/L oxygen because the kinetics of
oxygen reaction with water exposed to atmospheric oxygen is so rapid it
is difficult to obtain a measurement below 1 mg/L DO even though the
groundwater may be under extremely reducing conditions (an Eh of -100
to -400 mV).
If possible, the groundwater should have an oxidation-reduction-poten-
tial determination instead of the DO because it is more definitive of the
oxidation-reduction conditions within the aquifer. However, a closed cell
with no exposure to atmospheric oxygen is required. This may not be
available or readily constructable and the measurement may take more
time than samplers have the patience to endure. Relatively oxidized, low
total dissolved solids (TDS) groundwater is poorly "poised" and the Eh
meter may wander erratically, but reduced groundwater is typically poised
and stable. It is important to take a series of Eh measurements with time

to establish the asymptotic trend curve. Such a curve can be established by

five to ten measurements over no more than 30 min.
The degree of reduction will distinguish between inorganic-dominated
(abiotic) vs. organic-dominated (biotic or microbiotic) controlled ground-
water systems. An inorganic-dominated system will generally give a
plus mV Eh measurement, typically ranging from +100 to +500 mV. A
water exposed to surface oxygen typically has an Eh ranging from 400
to 500 mV. A chlorinated water will have an Eh above 800 mV and,
therefore, provides little real information on the Eh of the water itself.
Microorganisms drive the Eh into the negative millivolt measurements
ranging from approximately 0 to -500 mV. Sulfate-reducing bacteria
active in a groundwater system generally have an Eh of approximately -
100 to -300 mV. Methane-generating bacteria cannot compete with sul-
fate-reducing bacteria and, therefore, are generally under even more reduc-
ing conditions.
The ORP measurement requires a closed cell (no exposure to the
atmosphere), two electrodes, and frequently considerable patience to get
an accurate reading. The mV reading has to be corrected for the reference
electrode and also the reference point used, the Eh. The reference electrode
is commonly either a mercuric chloride or silver chloride electrode requir-
ing a temperature correction also. In the absence of information regarding
the reference electrode used in the field, an approximate value to be added
to the meter reading from the platinum hydrogen electrode and the refer-
ence electrode would be +200 mV to give an approximate Eh value.
The water quality parameters listed in Table 5.1 represent a minimum
required for the geochemical analysis. Other parameters may also be
appropriate on a site-specific basis to meet local needs. Regulatory agen-
cies are periodically adding parameters for compliance monitoring, some
of which may need to be added to this list. It is a good idea to analyze the
in situ groundwater for both priority pollutant organics (particularly
volatiles) and metals before the aquifer is recharged. If these constituents
are found after recharge has occurred, it is a difficult, costly, and frustrat-
ing process to prove it was not introduced with the recharge water.
During the evaluation of water quality data, it is important to recognize
the potential variability in the precision and accuracy of results associated
with different laboratories and different water quality constituents. A
recent study of results from several highly reputable laboratories [1]
showed substantial variability for many parameters important to ASR
investigations, such as calcium, magnesium, silica, aluminum, iron, alka-
linity, and total organic carbon. For all of these parameters, results within

an acceptable range (±10%) around a known concentration were obtained

from fewer than 57% of the reported values.
The relative quality of analytical data can be determined through use of
properly calibrated and functioning field meters. pH, specific conduc-
tance, and temperature all change to some degree from the time the sample
is collected to the time it is analyzed in the laboratory. Therefore, a field
determination is important. Quality assurance checks include calculated
vs. laboratory measurements of TDS; mass balance between cations and
anions; field vs. laboratory measurements of pH and specific conductance,
and the relationship between specific conductance and TDS. These checks
and balances, along with commonly determined concentrations of major
and trace ions, can be found in a report by Hem [2].


Field pH values will generally be higher or lower than laboratory pH

values by as much as ±1 pH unit or more. They are higher or lower for a
large number of reasons.
Temperature may be a factor, with lower pH associated with higher
temperatures, and higher pH associated with lower temperatures than
when the pH was measured in the field. However, field values are com-
monly lower than laboratory values because collection, transport, or stor-
age causes a release of dissolved carbon dioxide from the water into the
head space of the sample and a release to the atmosphere when the sample
is opened. Lower laboratory pH values than field values can result from the
natural oxidation of dissolved ferrous ion to ferric iron forming hydroxide
precipitates that can adsorb other metals. Oxidation typically lowers the
pH through the formation and precipitation of hydroxides, thereby releas-
ing hydronium ion into the water.
A neutral pH, at which the hydronium ion concentration equals the
hydroxyl ion concentration, is defined as a pH of 7.00 only at 25°C. An
increase of 5°C decreases the neutral pH approximately 0.08 pH units.
Reducing the temperature to almost freezing results in a neutral pH in-
crease of 0.48 units.
Table 5.2 [2] shows the change in pH caused by the oxidation of 135
mg/L dissolved ferrous iron (Fell or Fe+2) to ferric iron (Felli or Fe+3)
measured repeatedly in a single, unacidified sample over a period of
approximately 3 months. Notice that the pH decreased 1 pH unit over the
2-week period between collection of the sample and analysis of the iron.
The iron concentration was probably higher at the point of collection.
More importantly, the iron continued to precipitate with a chemically-
linked, continuing decline in the pH value for the sample. This illustrates



Time (days) pH Iron (mg/1) TABLE 5.3

14 3.98 135
35 3.05 87 Common 6.0-8.5
70 2.81 41 High 11.0-12.0
105 2.69 2.2 Low 0.0-2.0

Source: HEM, 1985. Source: HEM, 1985.

the need to filter and acidify the sample in the field if reliably significant
geochemical interpretations or decisions are to be made with the data.
Table 5.3 [2] shows the common, high, and low ranges of pH values for
natural waters. The high range generally requires a significant bacterio-
logical activity to achieve under natural conditions but alkaline, magne-
sium-silicate rocks can reach these pH values. Grout failure should also be
considered since it can also cause high pH values. Low pH ranges are
probably bacterially-catalyzed oxidation of primarily iron sulfides (pyrite,
pyrrhotite, and marcasite). A pH of -2 has been reported in a mine but
should be very rare under natural groundwater conditions sinc,e rocks
surrounding the iron sulfides buffer the pH. Furthermore, the iron sulfides
build up an oxidized iron hydroxide coating as a result of continued
exposure to groundwater. This coating protects the sulfide, minimizing

Specific Conductance

Specific conductance, whether defined in jlmhos per centimeter or in

microsiemens (jlS), is defined or temperature-corrected to 25°C. The
range in specific conductance varies from about 1 jlS for distilled water to
between 2 and 200 JlS for rainwater and about 50,000 JlS for seawater.
Drinking water supplies rarely exceed a specific conductance of approxi-
mately 750 JlS.
Specific conductance values measured in the field and in the laboratory
should agree within approximately 5 to 10% unless there has been a
chemical reaction following the collection of the water sample and prior
to its analysis. The dissolution of the residue from a sample container that
is not clean typically increases the specific conductance unless the residue
causes a precipitation reaction, decreasing specific conductance. Precipi-
tation may occur after sample collection, during shipment, or during
storage prior to analysis. The lower specific conductance can be related to
the amount of material precipitated, if this is the only reaction.

The ratio between TDS and the specific conductance should be between
approximately 0.55 and 0.75 for most natural waters. A value of 0.67 is a
common ratio for natural waters with less than about 1,000 mg/L TDS.
This is the first check on the TDS concentration.

Total Dissolved Solids

The TDS concentration is approximately equal to the sum of the con-

centrations of all dissolved ions. The TDS should be both measured and
calculated, and the difference should be within approximately 5%. For this
calculation, the concentration of alkalinity should be multiplied by 0.5
(actually 0.4917), assuming half is driven off during the drying process as
carbon dioxide and half precipitates as a carbonate.
If all of the water quality constituents listed on Table 5.1 are not
determined, the difference can be used to check the gross values for those
parameters not determined or determined by calculated difference. The
measured value is typically larger for surface water, which commonly
contains suspended organic and inorganic matter. If the measured ground-
water value is higher than the calculated sum, the sample may contain
either significant quantities of unanalyzed parameters, or an unfiltered
sample may contain rust or other suspended solids from the casing, which
are not present in the aquifer. The laboratory will acidify a sample for iron
and other metals analysis if this has not been done in the field, putting these
undissolved metals into solution. If metals are to be analyzed, the sample
should always be filtered through at least a 0.45 Jlm (preferably a 0.1 Jlm)
filter and acidified in the field. This minimizes the potential contamination
of the samples with iron and other metals from the casing, suspended
particulates, and other sources.
As discussed above, the alkalinity as mg/L bicarbonate should be mul-
tiplied by 0.5 to equal the mg/L carbonate, the solid form. Other constitu-
ents can also be driven off during the drying process such as nitrate,
arsenic, and mercury, potentially reducing the real TDS. However, the
calculated TDS is usually higher than the measured TDS. Gypsum (a
calcium-sulfate mineral) is one of several common solid phases which can
form in the dried sample and adsorb water from the air. A sample contain-
ing sulfuric acid cannot be brought to complete dryness under normal
drying procedures used in the laboratory and it, too, will adsorb water from
the air.
Suspended solids and organic compounds are usually the cause of
higher calculated than measured TDS. The suspended solids may be
coming from casing oxidation products in groundwater and particulates


Calcium (Ca2 •) mg/L x 0.04990 = meq/L

Magnesium (Mg 2+) mg/L x 0.08229 = meq/L
Sodium (Na•) mg/L x 0.04350 = meq/L
Potassium (K•) mg/L x 0.02558 = meq/L
1: Cations

Bicarbonate (HC0 3-) mg/L x 0.01639 = meq/L

Carbonate (CO}-) mg/L x 0.03333 = meq/L
Sulfate (S0 42-) mg/L x 0.02082 = meq/L
Chloride (CI-) mg/L x 0.02821 = meq/L
Nitrate (N0 3_) mg/L x 0.01613 = meq/L
:E Anions

Mass balance = (:E Cations- 1: Anions) x 100 = Percent difference

(:E Cations+ 1: Anions)

Percent difference :::;5% Excellent

5-10% Good
10--20% Fair
>20% Poor

(Specific conductance/1 00) - 1: Cations - 1: Anions

(natural and/or treatment products) in surface water. The organics can be

natural organics which may be precursors to trihalomethanes and haloacetic
acids when the water is chlorinated, or may be halogenated hydrocarbon
contamination. It is extremely important to differentiate between natural
organics and organic contamination before any recharge is allowed to

Mass Balance

A mass balance can be calculated for both the cations (positively

charged ions) and the anions (negatively charged ions) in units of
milliequivalents per liter (meq/L). This unit of measurement takes into
account both the differences in gram atomic weight (molar) units of each ion
and the valence or charge units for each ion. Calcium, magnesium, sodium,
and potassium are the minimum parameters for cation balance calculation
and alkalinity, sulfate, and chloride for the anion balance calculation. Con-
version factors from mg!L to meq/L are included in Table 5.4 [2].
The mass balance, therefore, is both a weight and charge balance. The
meq!L difference should be compared using the following equation:

Error[%]= [cation sum meq/L - anion sum meq/L] x 100

(cation sum + anion sum)/2

The error should be within 5% for a high quality analysis. A 10% error
is allowable if TDS is less than approximately 100 or more than 5000 mg/
L. An error equal to or greater than 20% is not acceptable for meaningful
interpretation of aquifer geochemistry. However, water containing a high
iron concentration can give a significant cation error, and a high nitrate
concentration can cause a significant anion error if not included in the
ionic balance. A very high pH water will not balance unless the hydroxide
is added.
A comparison between the calculated meq/L of either the cation sum or
anion sum should be approximately equal to the specific conductance
(1-lmhos/cm at 25°C) divided by 100. These are typically within 5%,
assuming that the major cations and anions have been analyzed and the
TDS is approximately 1,000 mg/L or less. The cation or anion sum closer
to the value of the specific conductance divided by 100 is probably correct,
and the sum farthest from the value probably contains any error. The
laboratory should be consulted and questioned about any potential error.

Water Chemistry Diagrams

Stiff and Collins Diagrams

These are two of several methods for showing water chemistry types
graphically. They show patterns, allowing the eye to discriminate water
chemistry types. The size of the individual diagrams indicates the relative
amount of TDS because the diagrams plot each cation and anion in
milliequivalents. Figures 5.1 and 5..2 illustrate these two types of dia-
grams. These diagrams are best used for illustration of water chemistry on

Trilinear (Piper) Diagrams

As illustrated in Figure 5.3, a trilinear diagram should be plotted for any

area involving more than one aquifer or more than one well for which
common ion chemistry data exists. For each sample, cations and anions are
plotted as a percent in their respective triangle and then extrapolated up
into the diamond. The list of sample codes is typically placed on the right
hand side of the page listing temperature, specific conductance, TDS, pH
and Eh or DO as well as other ions of interest such as metals or organic
compounds. The cations typically indicate mixing, solubility, and ion

Na + K 1--t----l----l'---1----1----1 Cl
Ca HC03
Mg so4
Fe co3

Source: Hem, 1985,

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Cations Anions
(milliequivalents per liter) (milliequivalents per liter)

Figure 5.1 Stiff diagram,

exchange processes but can also include precipitation reactions. Cation

chemistry typically indicates the degree of ion exchange, Anion chemistry,
compared with cation chemistry, typically indicates solubility and precipi-
tation reactions. This comparison occurs in the diamond field of the
The diamond field is used to estimate the percent mixing of waters of
two or more chemistries, A single line of water samples on the diamond
indicates a simple mixture or increasing dissolution/ion exchange/precipi-

Source: Hem, 7985.


Na+ K
CabMg 12-6

Cl HC03

Ca M 15-1

so~H~oCl 3

0 5 10

Milliequivalents per Liter

Figure 5.2 Collins diagram.

tation of a simple ion mineralogy. Conversely, a scattering of water

samples in the diamond field indicates diverse water chemistry types
resulting from more than one aquifer, complex aquifer mineralogy, or
mixing between waters of diverse origins and chemistry. Groundwater
chemistry can be followed along a flow path to determine what changes
and their causes have occurred along the flow path.
Several typical areas for specific water chemistry types by source have
been added to the diagram in Figure 5.4. For example, shallow ground waters
in alluvial systems are typically calcium bicarbonate water chemistry types,
commonly referred to as calcium-bicarbonate type water. This means that
the cation (calcium) and anion (bicarbonate) both constitute more than 50%
of the cations and anions, respectively. If calcium and magnesium (the next
most abundant cation) are both required to exceed 50% the water would be
referred to as a calcium-magnesium-bicarbonate water.

Hydrogeochemical Processes

Rainfall has a typical pH of about 4.3 in a temperate climate, which is

associated with a balance of anions and cations that is characterized by a

relatively high concentration of ammonia (typically ammonium when

dissolved), created by lightning. Ammonia is one of the best ion exchang-
ers, displacing other cations from clays and providing a nutrient to both
soil microbiota and plant roots. This is why plants grow better when
watered by natural rainfall instead of irrigation.
Water flowing through the soil environment undergoes major changes
in ionic composition and pH due to several processes [3]. Among these,
the nitrification process is conversion of ammonium to nitrite, which then
typically converts rapidly to nitrate. Nitrification is an aerobic process
occurring under oxidizing conditions. Most oxidation processes are acid-
producing processes. In this case, nitric acid is one product, and the pH
decreases from 4.3 to 3.95. pH is a logarithmic scale so the change in ionic
balance is substantial. Weathering, or the chemical attack on soils and
sediments, produces most of the inorganic ion load and buffers the pH to

Note: Major-ion chemistrv

100 100 of ground water
in the Ponderosa and
College well field
Albuquerque. New Mexico.



0 L,~~~~~~~~~~~~ L-~~~L2~~~L-~~~~I 0
100 100
Cations -co Cl- Anions
Percentage Reacting Values

Figure 5.3 Trilinear diagram.


Acid Mine Chlorinated

Drainage Organic

Oil Field
Brines (OFB)

Oo '() I
I vox
o o • I

-cA CL-

Volcanics Natural Organics

Figure 5.4 Trilinear diagram - environmental interpretation.

4.9 in this case. Weathering alkaline rocks, like volcanics, will increase the
pH to above 8.0 and yield a sodium-bicarbonate water type.
Biomass production assimilates ammonium, sulfate, calcium, magne-
sium, potassium, iron, and aluminum into the bodies and fluids of micro-
organisms, thereby converting part of the ammonium to nitrate and pro-
ducing organic acids that lower the pH less than occurs with nitrification.
Denitrification, on the other hand, is conversion of nitrate and nitrite to
nitrogen gas, and is an anaerobic process that occurs under reducing
conditions. Most reduction processes are hydroxide, or alkaline, producing
processes. In this case, the pH increases to about 4.7.
Sulfate reduction occurs under relatively severe reducing conditions,
typically below an Eh of -100 mV, created mostly by the microorganisms
responsible for converting dissolved sulfate into either hydrogen sulfide
gas (rotten egg odor, pH less than 7 .0) or bisulfide ion (HS-, no odor,
potential precipitation of iron, pH equal to or greater than 7.0). Actually,
the microorganisms produce organic-sulfur compounds, thio-species, which
can break down into one of the above inorganic species depending upon
transport into an oxidizing environment (acid-producing, hydrogen sulfide
gas) or reducing environment (alkaline-producing, bisulfide ion). If the
microorganisms responsible for sulfate reduction are still active, the pH

will remain between 6.5 and 8.0 because hydrogen sulfide gas is also toxic
to the sulfate-reducing bacteria. Methane generating bacteria cannot com-
pete with sulfate-reducing bacteria but are present in the most reducing
environments (Eh typically less than-300m V), usually beneath the sulfate
reducing bacteria.
An awareness of the fact that hydrogeochemical processes occurring in
ASR wells will tend to alter the pH and oxidation-reduction potential is
fundamental to the successful design and operation of ASR systems,
particularly in geochemically sensitive aquifers. Both changes can signifi-
cantly affect solubility and precipitation reactions, which have a direct
effect upon plugging rates, recovered water quality, and possible pre- or
post-treatment requirements.

Changes in Groundwater Chemistry with Depth

As groundwater flows through an aquifer from the point of recharge to

a point of discharge, it undergoes changes in quality, as shown in Figure
5.5. The evolution of water chemistry in a groundwater basin proceeds
from the near surface oxidizing conditions typically producing calcium-
bicarbonate water chemistry to deep, reducing conditions producing so-
dium-chloride water chemistry. The evolution involves cation exchange,
such as between dissolved calcium and dissolved sodium; oxidation, in
which organic material is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water; and
chemical weathering (diagenesis), a dissolution and leaching of inorganics
from soil and sediment particles creating a relatively stable mineralogy
compatible with the water chemistry. Acid created by the oxidation pro-
cess increases TDS. The water chemistry acquires the imprint of the
particle mineralogies. For example, if the area contains gypsum, a hy-
drated-calcium-sulfate mineral, present either through oxidation of sul-
fides from a mineralized area or an area with high surface evaporation
rates, the groundwater acquires a calcium-sulfate water chemistry. Metals
concentrations are typically below detection near recharge areas lacking
sulfide minerals.
Oxidation of the organic matter creating the acid that leaches the soil
and sediment particle mineralogies also consumes oxygen, and the ground-
water becomes more reducing with depth. In marshes and peat-producing
wetlands, reducing conditions occur within inches of the surface. In tem-
perate climates with high concentrations of organic matter, groundwater
can become reducing within moderate depths of about 30 m (approxi-
mately 100ft). In arid climates, with no significant sulfide mineralization,
groundwater may still be oxidizing at depths that can exceed 300m (1000
ft), as found in the Tucson Basin, AZ. Sulfide oxidation consumes large
Oxidized Zone Reduced Zone

Cation Exchange
Dissolution Reduction

\ Decrease
Calcium 0
Eh z
Nitrate ~ NaCI 0

Increase Decrease ~
Total Dissolved Solids Sulfate m
............__ Increase Jl
Sodium ------. Chloride Jl
Bicarbonate Increase m
Sulfate Iron Sulfide ()
Manganese Iron I
H2S. Sulfide CH4. C02 Jl
Bicarbonate G)
--- )>
pH 0
Figure 5.5 Changes in groundwater chemistry with depth. r

amounts of oxygen, creating sulfuric acid. As groundwater moves to

deeper parts of a groundwater basin, it loses oxygen and becomes more
As the groundwater loses oxygen, sulfate-reducing bacteria become
viable and can reduce the sulfate to bisulfide, which then precipitates
metals, particularly iron. This is a classic environment for uranium depo-
sition. The groundwater becomes more alkaline with a dominant sodium-
bicarbonate composition, which in turn allows dissolved fluoride and
phosphate to increase in concentration. Calcium is the major controlling
cation for fluoride and phosphate. The subsurface microorganisms, includ-
ing heterotrophic bacteria near the surface and sulfate-reducing and meth-
ane-producing bacteria at depth, produce carbon dioxide. This contributes
bicarbonate and carbonate to the groundwater and the water achieves a
sodium bicarbonate composition. An ammonium ion increases the cation
exchange and release of sodium and calcium, but calcium will be precipi-
tated as calcite, whereas sodium remains in a dissolved form and increases
in concentration.
Metals solubilities, particularly iron and manganese, increase with in-
creasing degree of reduction. Metals concentrations are indirectly related
to the amount of available bisulfide. Low bisulfide allows high iron and
manganese concentrations. High bisulfide precipitates and thereby de-
creases the iron and potentially the manganese concentrations. The iron
concentration of most natural groundwater systems is commonly approxi-
mately one order of magnitude higher than the manganese concentration.
If manganese concentrations are equal to or higher than iron, the well is
within the transition zone between oxidizing and reducing conditions.
Dissolved manganese concentrations increase faster than does dissolved
iron as sulfides are oxidized. The initial oxidation usually causes iron
oxyhydroxides to precipitate at or near the oxidizing sulfide because this
reaction occurs rapidly, even at the relatively low pH created by the
sulfuric acid. This reaction occurs within a few minutes as the bulk
groundwater chemistry increases the pH. Manganese oxidation and pre-
cipitation reactions are very slow at low pH, typically requiring months at
a pH of 6.0. If the aquifer mineralogy contains siderite (iron carbonate), the
iron concentration can be several orders of magnitude higher than manga-
nese concentrations.
Finally, TDS increases and the water becomes more reducing. Chloride
from fluid trapped in aquifer pores and from anionic positions on aquifer
minerals becomes a dominant anion. Under natural conditions, this water
chemistry type is nearer the surface if clayey sediments of marine origin
dominate the lithology and deeper if sands and gravels dominate the

section. However, this water chemistry type is also characteristic of septic

systems, landfills, and heavily industrialized areas.
Analysis of water chemistry from a well in a proposed ASR storage
zone can suggest the dominant processes and mineralogy potentially af-
fecting the quality of water stored at that site and the associated geochemi-
cal plugging characteristics.

Eh-pH Diagrams

Figure 5.6 [4] shows the approximate position of common natural

environments as characterized by Eh and pH. Groundwater can range from
an Eh of about +500 to -200 mV.
Figure 5.7 [2] shows an Eh-pH diagram for iron. The shaded area in the
figure corresponds to combinations of Eh and pH that would cause iron to
precipitate (ferric state). The kinetics of this reaction are typically very
rapid, occurring within minutes in near neutral water. ASR operations will
frequently cause changes in Eh-pH relationships during recharge, storage,
and recovery, potentially causing iron precipitation. The dominant change
is oxidation of the previously moderately-reduced groundwater system.
Dissolved iron in groundwater systems is frequently at higher concen-
trations than would be predicted by using the Eh-pH diagram. Iron forms
strong complexes with a variety of other inorganics, such as silica and
hydroxide, and also with natural organics. Eh-pH diagrams assume equi-
librium conditions between the element and selected solid phases, includ-
ing minerals and compounds. This assumption ignores the role that other
dissolved species and organics may have in affecting the equilibrium
Equilibrium conditions as displayed on an Eh-pH diagram are idealized
and overly simplified when compared with natural groundwater. However,
these diagrams will generally show the major controlling conditions in
dilute, simple water chemistries usually available in recharge situations.
Iron oxyhydroxide forms very rapidly when a sample containing dis-
solved iron at near neutral to alkaline water is exposed to air, but the
resulting precipitate may not coagulate in a water sample fast enough to be
filtered. Iron oxyhydroxide precipitates as a colloid small enough to go
through a 0.45-l.lm filter and fresh precipitates frequently go through a 0.1-
l.lm filter.
Samples shown in Figure 5.7 were collected by filtering through a 0.45-
llm filter after a suitable well volume of groundwater had been pumped.
However, waiting until the water appears clear is not a suitable operating
procedure for collecting and filtering a water sample. The water can
contain enough iron oxyhydroxide that went through a filter to give an





z.. 0.0




The dashed line encloses the range of

more common Eh-pH measurements.

Source: Garrels and Christ. 7965.

8 10 12 14

Figure 5.6 Approximate position of some natural environments as

characterized by Eh and pH.

erroneously high iron concentration. In addition, iron oxyhydroxide adsorbs

other metals and will exaggerate their dissolved concentration as well.
It is important to pump at least three well volumes and document that
field water quality parameters have stabilized before collecting a water
sample for metals determination. The best groundwater sample is one
collected from a pumping well after at least 24 hours of continuous
pumping and both filtered through a 0.1-~-tm filter and acidified to a pH of
less than 2 immediately after collection.

~ ..-~ Water Oxidized

-o EQ>..-~
ll) -o!:: ..._ -I
·-a 0> ..._
ll)tr.! ~ g>



Water Reduced
Source: Hem. 1985.

-0.80 Note: At 25"C and 1 atmosphere pressure.

activity of sulfur species 96 mg/L as SO and i·
carbon dioxide species 61 mg/L as HC03 -.

Figure 5.7 Equilibrium activity of dissolved iron as a function of Eh
and pH.

Unlike iron, the kinetics for manganese are extremely slow. Figure 5.8
shows an Eh-pH diagram for manganese for the same wells shown in
Figure 5.7 for iron. The Eh and pH relationships that appeared out of
equilibrium in the iron Eh-pH diagram indicate equilibrium with manga-
nese. This is a common relationship. Dissolved manganese from a filtered
sample is usually a more reliable indicator of Eh-pH conditions in the

Note: At 25oC and l atmosphere pressure,

activity of sulfur species 96 mg/L as soi- and
carbon dioxide species 61 mg/L as HC0 3-.

Water Oxidized



Mn 30 4

MnC0 3
Mn(OH) 2


Source: Hem, 7985. If)

' If)

-1.00 L__ _L __ __J,_ __,L_ _- l __ _...J__ __t__ __J

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Figure 5.8 Manganese stability and equilibrium as a function of Eh and pH.

aquifer than is dissolved iron, particularly under moderately oxidizing con-

ditions. Additional analysis of the groundwater at this site indicated a
probable organic complex that caused the iron to appear out of equilibrium.
Figure 5.9 shows the Eh-pH diagram for sulfur species [5], showing
why sulfate is the dominant dissolved species for groundwater. Notice that
the Eh is at least-200m V (pH of 7) before either bisulfide ion or hydrogen

.c 0.2




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Figure 5.9 Sulfur - Eh vs. pH.

sulfide become significant. Although accurate for groundwater containing

dissolved sulfate, this diagram is not accurate if sulfides are being dis-
solved, because sulfite and thio-sulfate ions complicate the dissolved-
sulfur species.
Dissolved nitrogen species are more complicated than sulfur species, as
shown in Figure 5.10 [5]. Nitrogen gas is the most stable species over
most of the natural water Eh-pH conditions. The formation of nitrate from
nitrogen gas takes very oxidizing conditions, and ammonium takes very
reducing conditions. However, once in solution, the nitrate and ammonium
equilibrium is shown by the dashed line on the diagram. Natural
ground waters indicate that this is a relatively reliable equilibrium relation-


Once water samples for the potential ASR storage zone and for the
recharge water source have been obtained and analyzed, the next logical
step in the geochemical assessment is to use a geochemical simulation
model to evaluate in a preliminary manner whether mixing these two
waters in various proportions can potentially result in precipitation reac-
tions that may plug the aquifer. Such models are discussed subsequently
in Section 5.4, Geochemical Models.
When combined with local ASR experience at other operational sites,
the results of this assessment may indicate that geochemical issues are
unlikely. In this case it is appropriate to proceed directly to construction

25°C, 1 Bar




.t: 0.2





Figure 5.10 Nitrogen - Eh vs. pH.

and testing of ASR facilities. In many cases, however, the results are not
conclusive, reflecting lack of data regarding aquifer mineralogy, and lack
of local ASR experience demonstrating that geochemical problems do not
occur. It is usually appropriate in such cases to obtain core samples of the
aquifer under consideration for ASR storage, in order to characterize the
physical, chemical, and hydraulic characteristics of the environment in
which the recharge water will be stored.
Continuous wire line cores of unconsolidated sediments or consolidated
rock, through the full thickness of the storage zone, provide the opportu-
nity for detailed lithologic analysis and comparison to geophysical logs
obtained after completion of the initial test hole at any proposed ASR site.
Core intervals may then be selected for analysis, usually one each in the
overlying and underlying confining layers, plus at least three in the storage
zone, depending upon aquifer heterogeneity as judged from the lithologic
analysis and geophysical logs. In the event of uncertainty, it is usually wiser
to select a greater number of cores for detailed analysis, ensuring that they
represent a reasonable balance of different lithologies in the storage zone.
Selected core intervals, usually about 30 em (12 inches) in length, are
then prepared for shipping to a core laboratory. This may involve rapid
freezing in dry ice, encasing in wax, or other approaches. If coring occurs
over an extended period, cores will need to be wrapped in clear plastic
sheeting; marked (top and bottom); labeled and stored appropriately, such
as in core boxes, in sealed PVC tubes, or frozen. In this case, core selection
may entail cutting previously frozen cores prior to shipping. Most of the
operational ASR sites in the U.S. for which core testing has been per-
formed, utilized frozen cores.
Cores obtained from the test well but not sent to the core laboratory
should be stored for the duration of the ASR test program and, preferably,
for a longer period that would include the first three years of operation. If
subtle geochemical shifts or changes in recovered water quality occur later
during ASR operation, supplemental core tests can be performed to verify
reactions and evaluate well response to potential remedial measures.
Core laboratories are typically capable of running a wide variety of
analyses required for petroleum industry operations. Analyses that have
proven useful for ASR projects are discussed in the remainder of this
section, including the following:

• physical characteristics
• colored pictures of cores
• mineralogy (X-ray diffraction, XRD)
• cation and base exchange capacity
• scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
• thin section petrography

There is some overlap in the information provided by these analyses.

The overlap provides support for conclusions based upon the overall core
analysis. For example, cation exchange capacity should confirm the pres-
ence of smectite indicated by the mineralogy analysis, while the SEM
analysis shows how the smectite occurs in the formation, whether pore-
bridging, pore-plugging, or grain-coating placement forms are present.
Sidewall cores were substituted for wireline cores at one ASR site for
the Centennial Water and Sanitation District, Highlands Ranch, CO. These
cores are obtained using small explosive charges attached to a mast that is
lowered into the well opposite the interval to be cored. It is not unusual for
about 40% of these small cores to be lost during the coring and core
recovery process. The cores that are recovered are not representative of
formation structure, due to the manner in which they were collected.
However, they do provide some indication of particle mineralogy and
gross grain-size distribution. Clay mineralogy, cation exchange capacity,
and placement forms are generally not possible.

Physical Characteristics

Typically, this includes vertical and horizontal permeability, grain-size

distribution, porosity, and specific gravity. Permeability estimates are
useful for comparative purposes between different core sections but are
not useful for prediction of bulk permeability of the aquifer as determined
from pumping tests on the completed ASR well. Grain-size distribution is
useful for screen design and also provides a rough indicator of potential
geochemical problems, as determined by the percentage of silts, clays, and
other fine materials present in the section.

Colored Pictures of Cores

A picture of a longitudinal section of the core provides a useful, quick

reference point for judging the homogeneity of the core and the likelihood
that core properties determined from test results are representative of
adjacent portions of the aquifer. Organic matter in the form of lignite bands
or discrete nodules within the sand matrix are important because these
usually contain iron sulfide minerals.
The core color can also be an indicator of whether oxidizing or reducing
conditions occur in the aquifer. Color may change between when the core
is first collected and when it is photographed in the laboratory, so drillers'
logs can provide a useful source of information. Reduced iron and manga-
nese and high organic content sediments tend to be blue or grey. Blue clays
tend to occur within marine or lacustrine deposits. Oxidized iron is asso-
ciated with red, yellow, and white formations, indicating abiotic oxidation.

Brown colors usually indicate biotic oxidation, although in some cases

brown can indicate reducing conditions.


X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis provides a description and percentage

of the clays and minerals present in the core. The relative abundance and
types of clays provides an important indicator of potential geochemical or
physical plugging. Smectite (particularly montmorillonitic) clays are most
sensitive to changes in TDS potentially occurring during ASR operations.
Kaolinite clays are more likely to cause plugging due to physical movement
of the clays in the moving water during recharge and recovery operations,
causing bridging of pore spaces. Such plugging is difficult to reverse.
Table 5.5 shows a representative XRD analysis for an ASR test well at
Myrtle Beach, SC.

Cation and Base Exchange Capacity

A representative sample from the core is flushed with ammonium

acetate solution to determine the concentrations of various cations in
exchange positions of the aquifer mineralogy. Cation exchange capacity
(CEC), expressed in meq/L, is an indicator of the potential for ion ex-
change to occur in the aquifer during ASR operations. Higher CEC values
above about 5 meq/L are generally indicative of the presence of smectite
clays while lower values are associated with other clays. The leachate from
this test is then analyzed to determine the base exchange capacity.
Clay mineralogy and placement is particularly important if the recharge
water has a considerably different pH, cation chemistry, or TDS than the
native groundwater. These conditions can cause clays to become unstable
enough to detach from the aquifer particles and move into the pore throats,
causing irreparable decrease in the permeability of the aquifer.
Table 5.6 shows the cation exchange capacities of several clays and
minerals. Also shown in this table is their surface area, expressed as m2/
g. Those with higher surface areas tend to be more geochemically reactive.

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

SEM photographs of the cores can be very useful in providing a direct

assessment of potential geochemical issues, if the photograph is reason-
ably representative of the remainder of the core. Typically, the photo-
graphs are provided at a series of magnifications, such as SOX, 200X,
500X, and 2000X. It is possible to identify clays and other minerals, and
also to determine how the clays occur in the formation pores.

Identification Plagioclase
Number Quartz Feldspar Calcite Dolomite Siderite Pyrite Kaolinite Illite/Mica Smectite Feldspar Feldspar K

1012'10" 76 16 trc trc 3 2 3 7 9

108671/t 82 11 trc 4 1 2 2 9
1120'5" 85 8 trc 1 trc 2 trc 4 i 7
1222'1'' 77 16 3 2 2 5 11
1297'10" 76 18 trc i 1 1 2 1 4 14
1356'4" 84 8 1 trc 4 1 2 2 6
Note: trc = trace.

Figure 5.11 shows a typical SEM photomicrograph for a relatively

clean sand interval, as indicated by the 30X magnification. Drilling mud
is visible on the grain surfaces. With higher magnification, partially disag-
gregated thin-bedded shale is shown infilling an intergranular pore.

Thin Section Petrography

Thin section petrography shows a larger-scale picture of the grain and

mineralogical characteristics of the cored interval. The roundness and
grain-size distribution is shown. These data are important to ascertain the
susceptibility for plugging. The distribution of pyrite grains and coatings
are also shown. These data are important to ascertain the amount of
oxidation and potential for plugging that may occur in the aquifer with the
recharge water.



CEC SurfaceArea
Constituent (meq/L) (m 2/g)

Zeolites 230-620
Organic matter 150-500 >1000
Mn0 2 (pH 8) 260
Soil organic matter >200
Vermiculite 100-150 750-800
Smectite 80-150 600-800
Montmorillonite 80-150 600-800
Saponite 80-120 700-800
Soil micas 20-60
Soil clay 5-60 150-200
Halloysite (4HP) 40-50 21-43
Chlorite 4-47 25-40
Illite 10-40 100-200
Soil clay loam 4-32 150-200
Palygorskite 20-30
Soil silt loam 9-27 50-150
Various soils 4-25
Soil loam 8-22 50-100
Glauconite 10-20
Soil sandy loam 2-18 10-40
Kaolinite 3-15 10-20
Halloysite (2H 2 0) 5-10
Soil sand 2-7
Oxides and hydroxides 2-6 14-90
Pyrophyllite 4
Basalt 0.5-3
Quartz, feldspars 1-2 1-3

Note: Multiple sources, notably Dragun, 1985.


A. 50 X

B. 200X I 50!-' I

Figure 5.11 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) photomicrograph

(continued on next page).

c. 500X

D. 2000X 5 !..I I

Figure 5.11 (Continued.)



A brief discussion of the geochemical processes that are more likely to

occur during ASR storage is presented in the following approximate
sequence in which their effects may occur. Physical clogging, bacterial
activity, ion exchange, and adsorption processes are presented first while
more subtle reactions that may not become apparent for several months
(dissolution processes) are presented last.
Other processes also occur underground but are less significant in ASR
projects. These include complexing and retardation, both of which are
important in hazardous waste investigations and with shallow soils but
usually not significant in aquifer storage and recovery. The exception to
this is the reduction in trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids, present in the
treated recharge water and removal of precursors for their subsequent
formation prior to recovery.

Suspended Solids Clogging

Physical plugging by suspended solids is perhaps the most important

technical fatal flaw for ASR projects. In aquifers with low hydraulic
conductivity, TSS concentrations in waters meeting turbidity standards for
drinking water can have significant adverse effects upon hydraulic con-
ductivity of the filter pack and aquifer sediments near the well. Turbidity
is not a good indicator of TSS.
As little as 2 mg/L TSS can significantly reduce the recharge rate in
most wells. The operational response to the reduction in recharge rate may
be to increase the head (pressure) on the aquifer. This response is the most
dangerous to the ASR well because it forces the TSS into the pore throats
of the aquifer sediments. As the pressure builds up, it becomes increas-
ingly difficult to remove these solids by periodically backflushing the well.
A schedule of backflushing cycles needs to be established through testing
at each well site to remove the TSS particles from the ASR well with a
frequency that avoids residual clogging. If the required backflushing fre-
quency causes operational problems, such as excessive on-off cycling of
large electric motors, greater attention to well and wellhead design is
needed to reduce solids buildup in the ASR well.
Since the required backflushing frequency cannot usually be confirmed
until after the first ASR well in an area is constructed and tested, initial
care with well and wellhead design is appropriate. As discussed in Section
4.2, Well Plugging and Redevelopment, some progress has been made in
the development of a predictive tool to estimate probable well-plugging
rates and redevelopment frequency prior to well construction.

In Figure 5.12 [6] the units of TSS are expressed in terms of milligrams
per liter TSS per square centimeter area of sand face. As little as 0.1 mg/
L TSS per square centimeter of sand face within the ASR well can cause
significant reduction in recharge rates at the well.
It is frequently useful to obtain a 0.45-f..Lm filtered sample during the
backflushing operation at an ASR well to determine the mineralogy of the
TSS. This, in tum, identifies sources of the solids clogging the well.
Freshwater diatoms were the most abundant at one ASR site in Seattle,
retained in the water from a lake which was used for recharge. Another
ASR site at Swimming River, NJ, had an aluminum-sulfate composition
resulting from operation of the water treatment plant. Others involved
reversing flow in old, unflushed municipal water lines. Each of these
problems can be addressed satisfactorily once the origin is known.


Bacteria are present in aquifers to depths of at least 500 m (1,500 ft) and
probably deeper. Many years ago it was believed that bacteria were only
present in shallow aquifers as a result of septic systems. Bacteria were
sampled by collecting filtered water samples. We now know that most of
the bacteria in the groundwater are attached to aquifer particle surfaces
and, therefore, are poorly sampled using groundwater as the sampling
media. Cores are required. Even with cores, little is known about the role
these bacteria perform in the groundwater system. Extrapolation from the
reasonably well-known role in the soils indicates that the bacteria may be
either directly or indirectly responsible for most of the changes in ground-
water chemistry in ASR wells.
As shown by Dragun [7], bacteria are typically present in surface soils
at populations of 0.1 to 1 billion cells per gram of soil and may be present
at populations as high as 10 billion cells/gram. In groundwater, bacteria are
typically present at concentrations of 100 to 200,000 cells/ml, and possibly
as high as 1 million cells/mi. Biofilms form around various sizes of sand
grains and glass spheres between 0.12 and 1 mm in diameter, reaching
equilibrium thickness of about 10 to 60 Jlm between 8 and 10 days. Several
studies have addressed the pH sensitivity of bacterial species and activity.
Figure 5.13 [8] shows the major parameters and their correlations that
affect the growth of microorganisms at or near the wellbore, another
potential fatal flaw for ASR projects. A disinfectant residual should be
maintained in the recharge water and also in the wellbore during storage
periods, to control and preferably eliminate the growth of microbiota at
and near the wellbore. Letting a well sit idle when not in use can result in
the growth of microbiota at and near the wellbore as a result of no
100~~~-=----.-----------.-----------.---------~ en
Source: Bichora, 7986. -<

g> 40 1\ '/ '. 1t'o ~ '=~~- ..... ~ 1\ ---1
Q. 20 ~ ........................................... l

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Weight of Suspended Solids Added/Area of Sand Face (grams/cm 2 )

Figure 5.12 Change in flowrate during recharge with different concentrations of suspended


disinfectant and a combination of these parameters. A potable recharge

water quality not only meets all regulatory criteria but also avoids all or
most of the parameters leading to biofouling, which is as effective as TSS
in reducing permeability around the ASR well.
Temperature between 20 and 40°C, pH between 7.8 and 8.6, total
phosphorus exceeding 0.1 mg/L, nitrate exceeding 1 mg/L as N, dissolved
organic carbon exceeding 5 mg/L, total iron exceeding 1 mg/L, dissolved
oxygen exceeding 3 mg/L, and a slow flow sequence strongly enhance
biofouling potential.
The semi-circles on Figure 5.13 indicate the significance of the associa-
tions between parameters. For example, total nitrogen, nitrate, total phos-
phorus, pH, and temperature are significantly correlated with biological
load. This is the only significant correlation between total nitrogen and the
other parameters. Similarly, particulate organic carbon is significantly
correlated with biological load, particulate volume, dissolved oxygen,
total iron, flow sequence, and dissolved organic carbon, but has few other
Wells equipped with oil-lubricated pumps commonly contain a layer of
oil that can be several feet thick on top of the water column in the well as
a result of leaking lubrication oil from the pump motor and/or filling of the
oil reservoir. This layer excludes atmospheric oxygen from the ground-

Particulate Organic Carbon

~......, __
Biological Load

Particulate Volume

Dissolved Oxygen pH

Total Iron Total Phosphorus

Dissolved Organic Carbon Total Nitrogen

Source: VanBeek. 1986.

Figure 5.13 Factors affecting growth of microorganisms and associated well


water in the well, resulting in reducing conditions and a very high dis-
solved carbon concentration from the degradation of the oil. These condi-
tions can result in an excellent environment for sulfate-reducing bacteria,
particularly if the groundwater is also under reducing conditions, or if
there is little movement between aquifers with different heads through the
wellbore. Sulfate-reducing bacteria can effectively clog a well screen.
Sulfate-reducing bacteria are only one of hundreds of different types of
bacteria that can cause biofouling. Most of the bacteria can only be
described by the methods used to determine their numbers. Their func-
tions, roles, and methods to control their numbers are virtually unknown.


Adsorption processes can occur at several levels, from precipitated

floes to individual ion adsorption. Iron oxyhydroxide and organic floes are
particularly sticky substances and usually become adsorbed to aquifer
particles at the most constricted but important part of the tortuous flow
path through the aquifer- the pore throat. This form of adsorption is the
most important because this permanently reduces the amount of water that
can move through the aquifer. Once this occurs it irreversibly destroys
aquifer permeability. Acidification can be attempted and will recover
some permeability but, if significant, this process will not allow the acid
to flow into the affected area.
Natural iron and other oxyhydroxides attached to the aquifer particles
adsorb the low concentrations of other metals present in the recharge
water. Adsorption may also be partially responsible for the removal of
trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids. Iron and other oxyhydroxides pre-
cipitated from the recharge water that are not significant in concentration,
or occur slowly as the recharge water moves through the aquifer, will
enhance this removal process.

ion Exchange

Most aquifers contain some ions in exchangeable amounts. Both the

amount and the cation in the exchangeable position is important. If the
groundwater is brackish to saline, the clay typically has sodium in ex-
change positions and is stable in this high TDS condition. Recharge with
a dilute calcium-bicarbonate water will impact the clays in two ways. The
reduction in TDS increases the reaction between groundwater and dis-
solved ions. Calcium will replace the sodium in the exchange positions,
converting the clay to a calcium clay. Calcium montmorillonites have a
plate-like morphology and sodium montmorillonites have a ribbon-like

Carbon Dioxide
~6 C02+ 5 H20 ~ C3Hl1Ds.O,
~ C02(nq) ~ H2C03 ~ HC03 ~ COj'
+CAL 2

Figure 5.14 Solubility equilibria for calcite.

morphology. Either or both of these conditions can potentially destabilize

the attached clay particles and allow them to move into the pore-throat of
the aquifer, causing plugging that is difficult, if not impossible, to reverse.


Most aquifers are under either moderately oxidizing or moderately

reducing environments. Recharge water will be more oxidizing than the
native groundwater and will cause chemical reactions to occur with aquifer
mineralogy in equilibrium with the native groundwater oxidation reduc-
tion conditions. Iron carbonate (siderite) and iron sulfides (pyrite, marca-
site, etc.) are the most susceptible to oxidation by recharge water. These
minerals will immediately begin to oxidize, creating iron oxyhydroxide
floc. Depending upon how much and where these minerals are in the
aquifer and the physical characteristics of the aquifer, these floes can
destroy significant proportions of the hydraulic conductivity as they plug
pore throats.


Solubility is a complex process that can involve several phases. Con-

sider the common chemical reaction in which calcite is formed. Carbon
dioxide participates in microbiotic reactions to form organics and in inor-
ganic reactions by first becoming an aqueous species. Then, depending
upon pH, carbonic acid, bicarbonate, and carbonate form in sequence with
increasing pH. Finally, with sufficiently high calcium and carbonate con-
centrations, calcite precipitates. This sequence is shown in Figure 5.14.
The relative solubility of a series of common, naturally occurring min-
erals is ranked in Table 5.7 [9] along with the major controlling mecha-
nisms for solubility. The most soluble minerals are controlled by transport
of the cation to the anion in the solution, resulting in sufficient concentra-
tion to precipitate the mineral.

Dissolution is strongly dependent on the velocity of transport away

from the mineral. For example, calcite, generally considered a soluble
mineral, is less soluble than is opaline silica, a common mineral in
volcanic ash. For less-soluble minerals, dissolution is increasingly con-
trolled by the reactions at the surface of the mineral. Their solubility
depends upon the defects resulting from substitution of "alien" cations or
anions and structural defects at the surface. Alien ions substituted into
the mineral structure increase the solubility at the point of substitution.
For example, strontium for calcium, or sulfate for carbonate in calcite,
would increase the solubility of the calcite. Cracks in a mineral increase
the solubility of the mineral by increasing the surface area exposed to the
As shown in Figure 5.15 [2], dissolved carbon dioxide converts to
carbonic acid at a relatively slow rate beginning at an approximate pH of
4.5. Carbonic acid begins to lose one hydronium ion and becomes 50%
bicarbonate at a pH of approximately 6. Bicarbonate ion is the most
common form of dissolved carbon in natural waters. Bicarbonate begins to
lose the final hydronium ion at an approximate pH of 8.2, becoming 50%
bicarbonate and 50% carbonate at a pH of approximately 10. Most natural
groundwater has a pH of less than approximately 9.5 but carbonate springs
from alkaline rocks are known to achieve a pH of as much as 11.
Most groundwater chemistry is controlled by a calcium ion (actually
calcite solubility) to a pH of less than approximately 8.2. If a groundwater
has a pH higher than 8.5, sodium is usually the dominant cation. A pH
higher than 11 is usually considered to result from an anthropogenic (man-
induced) source. Temperature does affect the carbonate speciation but
generally not more than half a pH unit, between 0 and 50°C.


Salt NaCI 5 mol/1

KCI 4 Transport control
NaC0 3 10Hp 3
Na2 S0 4 10Hp 0.2
Gypsum CaS0 4 2HP 0.005 Mixed control
Anglesite PbS0 4 0.0004
Opaline silica 0.002
Calcite CaC0 3 0.00006
Strontianite SrS0 4 0.00003 Surface control
Barite BaSO 4 0.00001
Albite NaAISi3 0 8 0.0000006
K-feldspar KA 1 SiPs 0.0000003

Source: Berner, 1978.




80 - - - 50"C
.z- - - 25"C
- - - - O"C
~ H2C03aq
E 40

Source: Hem, 1985.

5.0 6.0

Figure 5.15 Alkalinity - carbonate species.

Particle size can have a dramatic effect upon solubility. As shown in

Figure 5.16 [7], dolomitic limestone (magnesium-rich calcium carbon-
ate) was screened to discrete grain-size samples, and a constant weight
of each sample was placed into an equally constant volume of water. One
sample of water was used as a control. The pH was measured at regular
intervals for 18 months to determine the rate at which the limestone
The pH of the water declined to approximately 4.5, indicating equilib-
rium with the carbon dioxide in the air. Gravel-sized particles, 4 to 8 mesh,
reacted very slowly and barely attained a pH of 5. Coarse sands, 8 to 20
mesh, did little better, achieving a pH of approximately 5.2. A pH of near
7 was not achieved after 18 months until the particle size was in the 40-
to 50-mesh range, which is medium sand. Fine sand (80 to 100 mesh)
dissolved more rapidly but both fine and medium sand-sized dolomitic
limestone achieved a pH of approximately 7 only after 18 months in the
water. Dissolution is not a linear function of particle size but smaller
particle sizes with their larger surface areas dissolve more rapidly.
This data suggests that the initial ASR testing cycles may not achieve
equilibrium with the aquifer mineralogy. The initial cycles are more likely
to demonstrate the surface reactions, such as ion exchange and adsorption,
and only begin to see the dissolution reactions. Longer term cycles over a
period of several months are more likely to show the equilibrium between
the aquifer mineralogy and the recharge water. Caution is therefore appro-
priate when faced with the natural tendency to conduct the testing program
within a short time interval.

Similar to carbonates, iron complexes with hydroxide control the solu-

bility of iron. Iron achieves a minimum solubility between a pH of ap-
proximately 6.5 and 8.0 for colloidal-sized, yellowish-brown iron hydrox-
ide. The iron hydroxide typically becomes attached to aquifer particles
coating the area around the pore throats more than to the whole exposed
particle. Fresh iron oxyhydroxide has a very high adsorptive capacity for
other metals but loses capacity as it ages. As the iron oxyhydroxide ages,
it loses hydronium ions and becomes more of an oxide. With this loss of
hydronium ion the color changes from brown to red. Metallic iron is black
and reduced iron is generally some shade of gray.


Note Silt to sand
particle sizes for
dolomitic limestone.



4-8 Mesh

Source Oragun. 1985.

6 12 18

Figure 5.16 Solubility particle size effect.



It is becoming increasingly apparent that the kinetics of chemical reac-

tions are important and, indeed, may control equilibrium reaction paths in
the aquifer. Kinetics, the rate at which a chemical reaction occurs, has been
described in the above description of iron and manganese precipitation
rates. Iron precipitation reaction rates are much faster than manganese
Reactions that occur rapidly change the eventual products and water
chemistry suggested to potentially occur by equilibrium calculations using
thermodynamic computer models. Equilibrium calculations do not indi-
cate the rate at which the reaction occurs and the kinetics of most chemical
reactions are not yet defined sufficiently to be generally applied. General
gross rates are known. For example, clay minerals may be calculated to be
supersaturated by equilibrium calculations but at common pH values (6 to
8) the reaction rates are too slow to be significant. However, if the pH is
9 or above, the precipitation of smectite clays (common swelling clays)
becomes increasingly important.
Experience with many different ASR projects under widely different
environmental conditions and geochemical results over increasing time
intervals and cycles has clearly demonstrated that kinetics is both impor-
tant and complex. As these data are assimilated and interpreted, the kinet-
ics and, more importantly, their impact will become more apparent and


Once pertinent data are available regarding water chemistry for both the
recharge water and the native water in the proposed storage zone, a
preliminary geochemical screening should be performed to identify poten-
tial fatal flaws for the ASR test program. Several relatively user-friendly
computer simulation models are available for this purpose, each of which
can be used to evaluate different proportions of recharge and native water
in order to determine whether precipitation or solution reactions have a
tendency to occur. Among these models are W ATEQ, PHREEQE, and
MINTEQ, as discussed briefly below.
Model results are no better than the available data. The poorest data are
usually critical. For the equilibrium models mentioned above, simplifying
assumptions include no biologic activity and no kinetics. Equilibrium
constants are limited and of variable quality. The models should be used

to try to understand primary existing conditions and to make predictions

of the effects of changing these conditions.
If model results indicate no potential problems, and if ASR experience
locally suggests that geochemical issues should not be a concern, then it
may be appropriate to proceed with ASR well construction and testing
without further significant attention to geochemical issues.
If local experience, model results, or other information sources suggest
that geochemical issues may be significant, then it is appropriate to obtain
cores of the storage zone and conduct testing to determine aquifer charac-
teristics, as discussed in Section 5.3 above. Once such data are available,
it is possible to conduct a more thorough geochemical assessment to
evaluate possible reactions between recharge and native waters in the
presence of aquifer minerals. Models such as EQ3NRIEQ6 can be used to
determine not only the reaction products, but also the rates at which these
reactions occur and the geochemical paths that the reactions may follow.
For some reactions, as discussed above under kinetics, the rate is suffi-
ciently slow that they are of no real significance to ASR operations.
When evaluating the model results, it is important to bear in mind that
many areas of uncertainty underlie geochemical analysis. Some of the
reaction mechanisms occurring underground are not well understood,
particularly bacterial activity. Information on aquifer characteristics based
upon core analysis is partially dependent upon the number and location of
core intervals selected for analysis; core preservation, shipping, and han-
dling; and the skill of the core laboratory analyst. It is important to perform
a geochemical analysis for ASR projects, as outlined above. The results
provide a valuable tool for understanding possible reactions occurring
underground and for planning subsequent ASR well construction and
investigations. However, they are not necessarily conclusive. The need for
field investigations remains.
Following is a brief synopsis of the models discussed above, along with
pertinent references. These models, and those yet to be created, will
continue to improve geochemical understanding of rock-water interactions
involving both inorganic and organic (including microbiota) reactions and
processes that will lead to more accurate and reliable predictions of ulti-
mate water quality and reaction products resulting from ASR operations.


This name stems from the words "WATer EQuilibrium." The model
was developed by the U.S. Geological Survey and is the most user-friendly
of the equilibrium models. It has been thoroughly documented and evalu-

ated. Equilibrium equations include 30 chemical elements, 227 aqueous

species, 12 organics, 3 gases (carbon dioxide, oxygen, and methane), 3
redox elements, and 309 minerals and compounds. All calculations are
based upon 25°C and 1 atmosphere pressure. The model does not consider
either adsorption reactions or reaction paths [10].


The name stems from "pH REdox EQuilibrium Equations." This model
was also developed by the U.S. Geological Survey and is fairly user
friendly, although most versions are user-modified. It is well documented
and evaluated. It includes aqueous speciation, solubility equilibrium and
also the reaction path, including the dissolution and precipitation of com-
mon minerals. The basic model includes 19 elements, 120 aqueous spe-
cies, rudimentary organics, 3 gases (carbon dioxide, oxygen and methane),
3 redox elements, ion exchange, and 21 minerals and compounds. It is
based upon temperatures between 0 and 100°C and 1 atmosphere pressure
[11, 12].


Developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, this model is

relatively user-friendly and is well-documented; however, some training
in its use is advisable. The model addresses aqueous speciation, dissolu-
tion/precipitation equilibria, and adsorption. However, it does not address
reaction path calculations or solid/liquid phase equilibria. It includes 31
chemical elements, 373 aqueous species, organic acids, 5 gases, 20 redox
elements, 450 minerals and compounds, and 6 different adsorption mod-
els. The model considers temperatures between 0 and 100°C and 1 atmo-
sphere pressure [13].


This is a highly sophisticated model developed at the Lawrence Livermore

National Laboratory in California. EQ3NR addresses aqueous speciation
and solubility equilibria, while EQ6 addresses adsorption as well as the
reaction path and kinetics of the geochemical reactions. Training is neces-
sary to use this model, although it is well documented. The model includes
47 chemical elements, 650 aqueous species, no organics, 15 gases, 16
redox elements, and 716 minerals and compounds. Temperatures may
range from 0 to 300°C and pressures may vary from 1 atmosphere to

saturation pressure at temperatures exceeding 100°C. The model includes

both vapor and aqueous phase chemistry [14].


It can be quite expensive to lose a significant portion of ASR well

capacity due to irreversible geochemical plugging. Where geochemical
model results are inconclusive, or local experience suggests that geochemical
issues may be very significant, consideration should be given to simulating
ASR operations in the laboratory, using core material from a test well or
observation well constructed at the ASR site. Such core testing has been
performed at a few ASR sites in the Atlantic coastal plain, which is
characterized by the presence of freshwater-sensitive clayey sands in
brackish aquifers, confined by clay formations. These core tests have
included column tests using whole cores and also batch tests using material
from the cores.

Column Testing

These tests have been performed at three ASR sites: Myrtle Beach,
Chesapeake, and Swimming River. For each site, several frozen core
sections with diameters ranging from 2.5 to 4 inches (60 to 100 mm) and
lengths in the range of 12 to 24 inches (300 to 600 mm) were wrapped and
sealed with adhesive in clear plastic sheeting, with wire mesh on each end.
Steel end caps were machined to include tubing for movement of water
across the entire end face of the core, and also to include axial threaded
rods to restrain each end of the core. The wrapped core, screens, and end
caps were then supported on a small tray constructed of circular lexan pipe
and inserted into a 200 mm (8-inch) lexan cylinder with a length of 30 inches
(830 mm). Cylinder end plates, seals, and four tie rods were machined so as
to provide a pressure vessel capable of being pressurized to at least 30 psi.
The wrapped core was centralized along the axis of the pressure vessel, and
thrust restraint was then provided by the axial threaded rods.
Three cylinders were constructed of 8-inch (200 mm) PVC pipe and end
caps, each with a capacity of about 15 G (57 L). One was provided with
a glycerine-water mixture. The second was provided with recharge water,
and the third with native water from the ASR storage zone. A nitrogen
cylinder at 2000 psi with a regulator was also provided, along with
accurate flowmeters, pressure gauges, and sampling ports for water at each
end of the cylinder.

Once the pressure vessel was sealed with the core inside, it was filled
with the glycerine-water mixture and pressurized, allowing sufficient time
for the core to thaw and reach thermal equilibrium. Recharge water was
then passed through the core at an inlet pressure below the confining
pressure surrounding the core. Samples were collected of the recharge
water and also the water leaving the core. The sampling frequency was
established so that a relationship could be determined between water
quality and the number of estimated pore volumes. Pressures and flow
rates were monitored, and observations were made regarding the appear-
ance of the product water, any apparent leakage through the core wrap,
temperature, and cumulative volume.
Some of the cores required a few hours to simulate a series of ASR
cycles, in each of which recharge water and native water were passed
through the core in opposite directions. Other cores required several days
to complete one simulated cycle. A few cores indicated leakage through
the end caps or other logistic problems, and had to be discarded. In general,
the equipment worked well but was expensive to construct to the required
tolerances and also expensive to operate due to the long duration of the
core testing and the skill level required of the operators.
Laboratory water quality data was then combined with flow and pres-
sure measurements and other observations to calculate trends in hydraulic
conductivity of the core material, and water quality of the flow leaving the
cores. pH adjustment of the recharge flows was tested on several cores, to
estimate the aquifer response to pretreatment measures under consider-
ation. Ion exchange, oxidation, precipitation, dissolution, and possible
bacterial reactions were evident in the quality of water leaving the cores.
Despite the expense and complexity of this effort, the results proved
useful in evaluating potential geochemical reactions in subsequent ASR
well construction and testing. Water quality data collected from ASR wells
and nearby observation wells tended to match results predicted from the
column tests. The column tests were less useful in predicting long-term
well hydraulic response to ASR operations since it was concluded that
bacterial activity, particle rearrangement or some other comparable mecha-
nism adversely affected hydraulic conductivity following a few days of
testing for almost all of the cores. The equipment may be useful for
evaluation of core and aquifer response to pre-flushing operations de-
signed to control potential clay dispersion in brackish aquifers; however,
this has not been investigated to date.
Figure 5.17 shows the column testing apparatus while Table 5.8 shows
typical results for a core obtained from an observation well at Swimming
River. The core was one of several subjected to column testing. It con-
tained a significant concentration of siderite (ferrous carbonate) and was

Figure 5.17 Column testing apparatus.

flushed with oxygenated water with a pH of 8.27 to evaluate the effect

upon iron concentrations and plugging associated with recharge of treated
drinking water adjusted to this pH. In another core test from this site,
acidification of the aquifer around the well with deoxygenated, low pH
water (2.79) was simulated, demonstrating an increase in permeability and
Total Incremental
Volume Volume Incremental Flow Injection Confining Volume
Passed Passed Time Rate Pressure Pressure Temp. Hydraulic Permeability Pore Passed Con d. Turb.
Time (mL) (mL) (sec) (mUsec) (psi) (psi) (oC) Gradient (em/sec) Volume (mL) pH (~mhos/em) (NTU)

15 24 0 - - 4.80 9.30 25.0

15 35 240 - - - 4.80 9.30 25.0 11.1983 Effluent slightly 1 0-240 6.54 463 97
15 36 - 50 135 0.3704 4.80 9.30 25.0 11.1983 1.04E-03
15 47 480 - - - 4.80 9.30 25.0 11.1983 - 2 240-480 6.73 462 92
15 48 - 50 155 0.3226 4.75 9.70 25.0 11.0816 9.19E-04
15 59 720 - - - 4.75 9.70 25.0 11.0816 - 3 480-720 6.75
16 5 - 50 160 0.3125 4.75 9.70 25.0 11.0816 8.90E-04
16 13 960 - - - 4.75 9.70 25.0 11.0816 - 4 720-960 6.56 366 28
16 15 - 50 168 0.2976 4.75 9.60 25.0 11.0816 8.48E-04
16 28 1200 - - - 4.70 9.60 25.0 10.9650 - 5 960-1200 6.52 360 19
16 30 - 50 170 0.2941 4.70 9.60 25.0 10.9650 8.47E-04
16 42 1440 - - - 4.70 9.55 25.0 10.9650 - 6 1200-1440 6.23 345 21
16 44 - 50 171 0.2924 4.70 9.55 25.0 10.9650 8.42E-04
16 56 1680 - - - 4.70 9.55 25.0 10.9650
16 59 - 50 173 0.2890 4.70 9.55 25.0 10.9650 8.32E-04
17 11 1920 - - - 4.70 9.50 25.0 10.9650 - 8 1680-1920 6.21 329 12
17 13 - 50 176 0.2841 4.70 9.50 25.0 10.9650 8.18E-04
17 15 End test - - - 4.85 9.95 24.1 11.3149

Note: Effluent samples collected as composites of the 2nd and 3rd pore volume (A), and sixth and seventh pore volume (B). Results: calcium declined from 22 mg/L in the
recharge water to between 3 and 5 mg/L in the effluent, iron was about 3 to 4 mg/L in the effluent, sodium increased from 36 mg/L in the recharge water to 87 mg/L
in the effluent after three pore volumes and 63 mg/L after seven volumes.

TDS, rapid release of iron in the effluent, and an increase in manganese.

After a few pore volumes, high concentrations of these parameters in the
effluent declined rapidly. Subsequently, the core was tested with oxygen-
ated water at the same pH, showing little further water quality response.
The very high concentrations of iron flushed from this core within a few
pore volumes matched the results in the observation well when this pro-
cedure was subsequently implemented at the ASR well.

Batch Testing

This testing approach has been conducted for the Chesapeake ASR site.
Compared to column testing, this approach is relatively inexpensive.
Samples of core material are thoroughly mixed and are then subjected to
a progressive series of leaching tests at steadily increasing pH values to
determine dissolution, ion exchange, and other reactions occurring during
each step in the series. Results provide considerable insight into the
expected water quality and geochemical response to ASR operations.
However, they are not useful for directly evaluating aquifer hydraulic
response, except as may be inferred from the geochemical potential for
plugging or dissolution.
For the Chesapeake ASR site, the issue was manganese concentrations
in the recovered water which exceeded drinking water standards. No
manganese problems had been detected during previous ASR cycle testing
at pH values ranging from 7.4 to 9.4. However, subsequent ASR opera-
tions had been conducted at a lower pH (5 .9 to 7.4) relative to cycle testing,
causing manganese to become solubilized. Manganese concentrations in
the recovered water ranged from 0.25 to 1.28 mg/L.
The following sequence of batch-testing operations was conducted on
core samples selected from a repository created during the coring to be
representative of the storage zone, based upon geophysical logs, drillers
logs, and core laboratory data. During the first test, core samples from four
selected depths were sequentially analyzed to determine the manganese
concentrations associated with leaching, first in water at low pH and then
in ammonium acetate. From this test, the core with the greatest potential
for manganese release was identified. Analysis showed it contained man-
ganese oxide, organic manganese and 137 mg/kg of manganese associated
with iron oxyhydroxides. Another sample from this core was then split and
each portion tested, one with pH 6.5 water and one with pH 8.0 recharge
water for a period of 33 days, to determine the released manganese
Based upon batch testing results, pH adjustment of the recharge water
was implemented to control manganese reactions in the aquifer. An opti-

mum pH of 8.3 was selected. This followed recovery to waste of a

significant portion of the water stored at low pH. Subsequent recharge
water is steadily overcoming the residual acidity in the aquifer and is
expected to restore geochemical conditions to those that occurred during
initial ASR cycle testing.


For ASR site investigations that incorporate significant geochemical

concerns, activities during the test program include monitoring of recharge
and recovery water quality to determine if geochemical reactions are
occurring and the resultant water quality effects. Field investigation activi-
ties may include pretreatment of either the recharge water, the storage
zone, or both. They may also include post-treatment of the recovered
water. Following the test program, geochemical activities may include
periodic monitoring of water quality to confirm that no adverse effects are
occurring, and to address and resolve any adverse effects that may arise.
Pre- and post-treatment processes are usually limited to disinfection
and, occasionally, pH adjustment but may include other processes such as
filtration, deoxygenation, and aeration. Disinfection of recharge and re-
covery flows is assumed to be required for all ASR systems storing potable
water. Wellhead filtration to remove solids has been discussed previously
in Section 4.3, Wellhead Filtration, and is not repeated here. Pre- and post-
treatment issues associated with iron and manganese removal have been
addressed previously in Section 4.6, Pre- and Post-Treatment.
Other geochemical issues will undoubtedly arise as the number and
variety of ASR applications continues to grow. The role of the geochemist
on an ASR project team will remain challenging as new regulatory issues
such as arsenic, radon, and disinfection byproduct reduction are addressed
from an ASR perspective to capitalize on the ability of aquifer systems at
many sites to improve the quality of stored water.
Seleeted ASR
iVJany centuries ago in a desert rhat we now knoH' as Arizona, a native American
carwd a sig11 in a to guide his companions to the nearest waterhole.
The sands of' time have since obscured the ancient trail, but the and the
waterlw/e remain.


ASR feasibility has been demonstrated at a growing number of opera-

tional sites in the U.S. It is a practical, cost-effective, and environmentally
acceptable water management alternative for water utilities and other
water users. ·when compared to surface storage reservoirs, aquifer storage
is very low cost, since land requirements are minimal and the storage
capacity is provided by nature for the relatively low cost of a ASR
wells. In addition, water transmission and treatment facilities can be
operated more efficiently with ASR systems, often requiring less capacity
and associated construction costs.
Most utilities can use ASR to meet water system expansion goals while
achieving significant cost savings. However, feasibility must be confirmed



Yield Cum. No. Capital Operating Cost

Site Year (MG/day) Wells Cost $/MG/day $/MG/day

Peace River, Florida 1984 1.5 2 702,000 468,000

1988 3.4 6 1,342,000 395,000
Est. 1994 3 9 1,300,000 433,000 20,000
Est. 1997 14 23 8,200,000 586,000

Cocoa, Florida 1987 1.5 1 444,000 296,000

1992 6.5 6 1,314,000 202,000 6,000

Marathon, Florida 1993 0.5 1 827,000 1,654,000

Est. 1995 3.0 8 3,000,000 1,000,000 40,000 (j)
Kerrville, Texas 1991 1.8 2 987,000 548,000 0
Centennial, Colorado 1992 0.7 1 410,000 586,000 ::§;
Seattle, Washington 1993 5.1 3 1,670,000 327,000 m
Swimming River, New Jersey 1993 1.7 1 600,000 353,000 m
Calleguas, California 1991 1 1 459,000 459,000 :0
Est. 1994 6.5 6 1,278,000 256,000 m
Murray Avenue, New Jersey Est. 1994 1.5 1 950,000 633,000 0

through satisfactory completion of an ASR test program, with all associ-

ated permitting, legal, economics, water rights, environmental, and other
issues resolved. This typically requires 2 to 3 years to complete, after
which it is appropriate to begin adjusting water system expansion plans to
accommodate the new ASR technology and begin to realize the associated
cost savings. Until an ASR test program is completed, it is recommended
that ongoing expansion plans be continued. Therefore, maximum savings
from application of ASR technology can best be achieved by starting ASR
feasibility investigations at least 3, and preferably 5 years before any major
decision regarding investment of capital and sizing or location of facilities.
To obtain an understanding of ASR economics, construction and engi-
neering cost data were obtained for nine ASR sites in six states that are
operational or about to begin long-term operation. Cost data ranged from
projects begun in 1984 to expansion projects expected to start operation in
1994, with all but two of the projects coming online after 1988. Some of
the sites used retrofitting of existing wells to achieve ASR objectives while
others used new wells. Several sites provided data on successive phases of
ASR expansion. Individual well yields ranged from 1.9 to 5.7 megaliters/
day (0.5 to 1.5 MG/day). Three sites had information on operation and
maintenance costs and a few provided information on costs of water
supply alternatives to ASR. All costs are expressed in 1993 U.S. dollars.
Table 6.1 presents the resulting cost data, including the site location and
the year in which the ASR facilities were, or are expected, to go into
Based upon this analysis, the following conclusions may be drawn:

1. Unit costs for ASR facilities generally range from about $50,000 to $160,000/
megaliters/day ($200,000 to $600,000/MG/day) of recovery capacity, with
an overall average of about $100,000/megaliters/day ($400,000/MG/day).
Higher unit costs are typically associated with the first new ASR well at any
site, sites requiring extensive piping to tie them in to the existing water
system, and sites with low recovery capacity per well. Lower unit costs are
associated with retrofitting existing wells at sites close to existing piping
facilities, higher yield wells, and also with multiple-well ASR expansion
2. Unit costs for the second and subsequent ASR wells at any site are typically
lower than for the first well, reflecting generally reduced efforts to obtain
regulatory approval. The first ASR well incurs additional cost in order to
demonstrate ASR feasibility. The reduction in unit cost is typically in the
range of $26,000 to $53000/megaliters/day ($100,000 to $200,000/MG/
3. When comparing capital cost per unit of new capacity, ASR typically is less
than half the cost of other water supply and treatment alternatives. In some

cases, the cost savings approach 90%. This savings reflects the efficient use
of major facilities such as pipelines, pumping stations, and treatment plants,
and the relatively low cost of using underground storage capacity when
compared with a similar storage volume provided in surface reservoirs.
4. Annual operating cost ranges from about $1,600 to $10,600/megaliters/day
($6,000 to $40,000/MG/day) of recovery capacity, although data availabil-
ity is sparse. This includes the marginal cost for power and chemicals during
recharge and recovery, plus an allowance for operation and maintenance.
One of the three sites is somewhat atypical in that treated drinking water is
stored in a seawater aquifer at Marathon, FL. Consequently typical annual
operation costs based upon this data are probably closer to about $15,000/
MG/day recovery capacity.

When comparing ASR to other water management alternatives, it is

important to compare them on the same basis. When comparing capital
costs, an appropriate comparison is usually the cost/unit production capac-
ity since ASR increases system peak capacity even though it may only
recover water for a few months each year. It is usually inappropriate to
compare capital costs on the basis of dollars per m3 or dollars per thousand
gallons recovered, since total annual production from ASR facilities may
be small, depending upon the duration and extent of the peak demand
Similarly, when comparing operating costs, it is more appropriate to
compare the annual costs/unit production capacity rather than dollars per
unit volume, since ASR wells typically are not in operation all year.
In some areas of the U.S., ASR facilities are used primarily for long-
term storage, or "water banking," without significant consideration of the
time or location of eventual withdrawal. The recharge well has a pump that
is used to redevelop the well by backflushing periodically, thus maintain-
ing the well's injection capacity. The objective of these systems is re-
charge, not recovery. For such projects, the unit cost of ASR systems
(dollars per acre ft, or dollars per m3 recharged) may be higher than
comparable surface recharge systems because ASR wells typically require
a higher level of treatment prior to recharge. However, if and when this
stored water is recovered at the same site, the overall unit cost for both
recharge and recovery is usually less for ASR systems than for surface
recharge systems because the same facilities are used for both recharge and
recovery and because the recovered water usually does not need retreatment,
other than disinfection.
If recharge is the sole objective, surface recharge, if feasible, is the
lowest cost approach to getting water into the ground. If recharge is the



Expansion Cost ($Million)

Location With ASR Without ASR

Wyoming, Ml 9 31
Peace River, FL 46 108
Manatee County, FL 2 38
Florida Keys, FL 3 38
Kerrville, TX 3 30

sole objective but surface recharge is not feasible because of hydrogeologic

constraints, high land costs or other issues, then ASR can also achieve this
objective at a higher unit cost due to the probable need for a higher level
of water treatment prior to recharge. If the objective is to recover and use
the stored water within a few years at or near the same site, then ASR
systems will probably be more cost-effective than surface recharge sys-
tems because no additional facilities will be required for recovery, treat-
ment, and use.
Table 6.2 shows a comparison of capital costs for five water utility
systems, with and without ASR, in order to meet comparable levels of
service. In some cases, the savings with ASR is due to reduction or elimi-
nation of surface reservoir storage. In other cases, the savings is in terms of
a major pipeline or treatment plant. In all cases, the savings is in excess of
half. This appears to be typical for most ASR systems placed in operation
to date. With these kinds of savings, the ASR system can experience and
respond to a variety of technical, regulatory, and other challenges while
still providing cost-effective service to the owner and the consumer.


The savings in capital costs provided through ASR create the opportu-
nity for a corresponding reduction in water costs and associated rates. A
50% reduction in the capital cost of facilities expansion can lead to a
corresponding reduction in water rate increases required to finance the
expansion. In some cases, the need for an expansion program and associ-
ated rate increase can be deferred for several years, reduced or eliminated
through more efficient use of existing facilities.
Where rate increases are required for systems utilizing ASR wells, it is
pertinent to consider certain fiscal questions that are unique to an ASR
mode of operation. Two key questions are as follows:

• If a water utility system supplies several water users, meeting their demands
with a system that incorporates ASR, who should pay for water stored but
not recovered within the same fiscal year and when should they pay?
• If there are multiple users, some of whom wish to recover water to meet
short-term seasonal needs, and others who have longer-term needs with
varying storage periods, or emergency needs, how should the associated
costs be apportioned among the users?

There is probably no single, best answer to these questions, since the

ultimate balance between simplicity and equity at each site is usually a
political decision that can easily vary between sites. At the risk of ventur-
ing onto new ground once again, some observations may be helpful in
guiding resolution of these issues at any particular site.
Water customers are willing to pay for certainty in their water supplies.
Payment should occur when the costs are being incurred. A fair and
efficient water allocation process can lead to sound economic development
and social stability, and is best achieved through market pricing, over and
above a monthly sustenance volume for each household.
Where the primary purpose of an ASR system is to provide seasonal
storage, the annual costs for debt service, operation, and maintenance will
all tend to occur in the same year. Therefore, they may be distributed
among all users in a manner similar to other utility costs, with no particular
consideration of the marginal cost of the ASR component of the system.
Capital costs would be amortized evenly over the expected life of the
facilities or the bond repayment period. Operation and maintenance costs
will be incurred each year and the full benefit of the water stored will be
realized by the consumers in the same year. Not only will they utilize the
stored water, but they will also benefit from lower water rates due to use
of ASR wells for seasonal storage.
Where water is stored by a utility in one year for recovery in a later year
in order to supply a single water user or wholesale customer, the utility
may build the cost into the rate base for each year in which some cost is
incurred. This is a "pay as you go" philosophy. During the year in which
water is treated and stored, the associated marginal cost for chemicals and
power to supply off-peak water for ASR recharge may be reflected in the
rate base. During the year in which the water is recovered, the associated
marginal cost for pumping and disinfection may be reflected in the rate
base. The water user benefits from the economies associated with both
seasonal and long-term water storage, which ultimately tend to reduce
water rates, and also benefits from utilization of the water when it is
recovered. A "pay as you go" philosophy distributes the costs and benefits

in a reasonably fair manner that is consistent with normal utility system

planning and budgeting.
In the more complicated situation with one utility but multiple major
water users or wholesale customers, each with separate needs for recovery
of stored ASR water in different years and under different situations
(different peaking factors, emergency demands, etc.), water rates will tend
to be negotiated separately with each user, depending upon their unique
circumstances. However, the same philosophy seems appropriate. Costs
may be built into the rate base as they are incurred and may be apportioned
among the users according to a formula that reflects some consideration of
each user's reliance upon ASR storage as opposed to providing peaking
capacity with other, more costly facilities.
If it is a particularly wet year and water demands are consequently
depressed, considerable ASR storage can be accomplished at relatively
low marginal costs. During drought years, demands will tend to be higher
and the opportunity for ASR storage will be reduced. Costs may be
incurred either for limited ASR storage or for recovery, or possibly both.
Assuming the same number of service connections in each of these cases,
the water user would pay a slightly higher rate in wet years so that excess
water can be stored. The same customer will still benefit from lower unit
cost for service, higher reliability during drought years when he utilizes the
stored water, and possibly a lower rate during later years in which water
is primarily recovered instead of recharged.
Practical considerations will probably tend to smooth out the rate vari-
ability and associated utility revenues from year to year. During relatively
wet years when demand is low, the ASR component of the rate base will
tend to sustain revenues. During drought years when demand is high, ASR
will tend to ensure that the system can meet demands without service
restrictions. This should tend to sustain utility revenues even though ASR
costs would be minimal. As discussed previously, all water rates will tend
to be reduced due to incorporation of ASR into utility operations.
This wet year-dry year variability in costs and rates suggests the pos-
sibility of a rate structure that incorporates a seasonal and long-term
incentive for aquifer storage. Such a program has been implemented in
recent years by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California in
order to encourage member agencies to buy water from the regional
system during months when it is readily available, and store it locally in
aquifers. This helps to reduce peak demands on the regional system at times
when the water is least available, thereby providing the opportunity for
avoiding significant costs for peaking facilities. Peaks can then be met

from local aquifers at much lower costs. To ensure the long-term viability
of such a program, it is important that the seasonal cost incentive matches,
or does not exceed, the avoided costs for regional peaking facilities.
Where the water utility provides both the water and the ASR storage,
the concept of a seasonal rate incentive is internalized within the utility and
its rate base. Awareness of the approximate marginal cost for water stored
and recovered, and the more costly alternatives available for meeting peak
demands, can probably guide ratemaking in an appropriate direction.
For some utilities, ASR storage within the service area provides the
opportunity for negotiation of favorable terms in wholesale purchase
agreements for imported water. Water can be purchased during periods of
low demand and/or high supply, thereby achieving low marginal costs.
Transmission facilities may possibly be downsized, reflecting planned
conveyance of water during off-peak months at lower flow rates, so that
peak demands can be met locally from ASR storage.
A significant challenge in establishing rates with ASR is to overcome
the traditional utility rate-making process thinking in which a major water
user perceives that he is buying "system capacity" on a "take-or-pay"
basis. With ASR, it is not as simple as paying some money and having
access, whenever needed, to a fixed amount of facilities capacity. Instead,
the water user is buying a commitment to supply water at some time in the
future, whether months or years away. This requires reasonable planning
and forecasting of water needs so that adequate facilities can be built and
operated in time to store sufficient water so that it will be available when
needed. The payback for this planning is the reduction in water costs, since
facilities for treatment, storage, and conveyance can be substantially
downsized if ASR wells are used to help meet future peak demands. This is
where the 50% or greater reduction in capital cost amortization is achieved.
Conversely, if a water user insists on a conventional type of rate agreement,
the facilities will probably have to be built up front to meet that full demand
without ASR storage and the cost will therefore be much higher.
The role of ASR in the overall water supply plan is a concept that is not
always easy to understand. When elected officials are faced with the need
to establish rates and make commitments based upon water demand pro-
jections, it is frequently easier to defer construction of ASR and other
facilities and thereby hold down short-term costs. This can reduce that
water storage volume that can be achieved. It can also limit the opportunity
to reduce the size of the associated treatment facilities, thereby increasing
long-term costs to the water users.
The impact of ASR upon water rates is perhaps less significant than
other factors potentially affecting water rates. By making more efficient
use of existing facilities and aquifer storage, ASR helps to hold down

overall costs, but may not substantially affect the rate structure or its
underlying philosophy. Where ASR is implemented to augment water
supplies to meet increasing projected demands, the same demands can
perhaps be met through a sharply inclined rate structure over and above a
base monthly volume per household. The resulting water conservation
effect can also extend the service life of existing facilities.


The principal frontier for ASR activity in the next few years is probably
associated with legal and regulatory issues at the federal and state levels.
How these issues are understood, framed, and resolved will probably
determine the extent to which ASR technology can ultimately benefit
water users throughout the country.
As an aid to those who are considering how to regulate ASR activities,
and the appropriate water quality standards to follow, Appendix A con-
tains the current (1993) standards adopted by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, the European Community, and the World Health Or-
ganization to govern drinking water quality.

EPA Surface Water Treatment Rule

EPA implemented the final Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR) on

June 29, 1989. Under the terms of this rule, utility systems dependent upon
surface water sources are required to provide filtration treatment and
adequate disinfection to inactivate viruses and Giardia Lamblia cysts,
deleterious constituents sometimes found in surface water supplies. The
rule became effective in June 1993.
This rule will generally improve the quality of water available for ASR
recharge in some areas by reducing the organic and solids content of
recharge waters and by providing an adequate disinfectant residual. For
most utility systems impacted by the rule, a part of the solution may be to
provide increased contact time with free chlorine or chloramine residuals.
This may entail construction of additional above-ground storage reservoirs
in order to provide the required contact time. The cost of this storage may
be substantial.
Some utility systems may be able to provide the requisite contact time
by using ASR storage instead of aboveground reservoir storage. Certainly,
data collection at several ASR sites has confirmed that disinfectant residu-
als tend to continue underground for one or more days, providing extended
contact time. This may be a cost-effective alternative, particularly where

ASR storage also achieves other system objectives, such as diurnal or

seasonal storage, maintenance of distribution system pressure, emergency
storage, or other benefits.

EPA Disinfection Byproducts Rule

Another important element that could affect utility system response to

the Surface Water Treatment Rule is the Disinfection Byproduct (DBP)
Rule, which was issued by EPA during 1993 after a negotiated rulemaking
process. This rule provides more stringent regulation of trihalomethanes
and regulate other carcinogenic organic compounds in drinking water
supplies, including haloacetic acids. The concentrations of such contami-
nants depend on the concentration of organics in the source water and the
free chlorine residual and contact time during the treatment process. High
DBP formation potentials are typically associated with highly colored source
waters and disinfection with free chlorine. As a result, many utilities are
changing their treatment processes to provide secondary, and in some cases
primary disinfection with chloramines. These are less powerful as disinfec-
tants, however, they ensure acceptably low concentrations of DBPs.
When used with ASR storage, it is quite possible that continued use of
a free chlorine residual may be a worthwhile and cost-effective approach
to meeting the DBP and SWTR requirements, since data collected at
several ASR sites during recent investigations have shown that DBP
concentrations are typically reduced significantly during seasonal ASR
storage and the associated DBP precursors are also reduced. In other
words, incorporation of ASR facilities into water treatment operations may
provide a cost-effective seasonal or long-term storage reservoir and also
provide adequate chlorine contact (CT) times, while at the same time
meeting DBP requirements, as a result of further treatment occurring
during several weeks of aquifer storage. Further development of this
concept would probably entail site-specific evaluation of its potential
application at a few representative locations to determine whether the idea
is viable and cost-effective and also to better define reaction mechanisms
for the benefit of regulatory agencies. This is discussed in greater detail in
Section 4.6, Disinfection Byproducts.

EPA Groundwater Rule

The draft EPA groundwater rule was announced in July 1992. Formal
proposal of the rule is currently scheduled for August 1994, with its
promulgation 24 months later. EPA proposes that all public water systems
using groundwater disinfect the source water from its wells unless (1)

"natural disinfection" requirements are met, or (2) the system qualifies for
a variance. The two exceptions are intended to include only those systems
where wells are not vulnerable to viral contamination. All sources would
have to provide a disinfectant residual during distribution.
The regulatory position related to recovery of treated drinking water
from ASR systems has not been determined. Most ASR sites are in deep,
confined aquifers and are not likely to be affected by overlying land-use
activities. Consequently, it should be possible to demonstrate the absence
of viruses and pathogenic bacteria in ASR recovered water, thereby meet-
ing the "natural disinfection" requirements when they are implemented.

EPA Underground Injection Control Program

An awkward legal and regulatory framework currently exists to guide

ASR activities in the U.S. Other countries interested in applying ASR
technology may benefit from consideration of the U.S. experience, draw-
ing from the beneficial aspects and avoiding those that are inappropriate.
In time it is hoped that an improved legal and regulatory framework can
be established.
In the U.S., groundwater management and development is a right
reserved by the individual states that is not subject to direct control by
the federal government. In different states, groundwater laws range from
complex to almost non-existent. However, the federal government has
enacted legislation protecting the rights of all citizens to a safe drinking
water supply. This reflects the rapid movement of people between states,
the movement of water supplies between states, and also the movement of
potential sources of contamination between states. This interstate move-
ment provides a legal basis for federal involvement in state groundwater
The 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act was designed to address growing
concerns at that time regarding the safety of drinking water supplies and
vulnerability to contamination. Part C of this act addresses underground
injection control, commonly known as "UIC." The text of Part C is
relatively brief and the key wording is contained in paragraph 300h(day)(2),
as follows:

Underground injection control endangers drinking water sources if such

injection may result in the presence in underground water which supplies or can
reasonably be expected to supply any public water system of any contaminant,
and if the presence of such contaminant may result in such system's not
complying with any national primary drinking water regulation or may other-
wise adversely affect the health of persons.

It is quite clear from this wording that the intent of the act is to ensure
that no injection practice should occur if it would jeopardize the ability of
a water treatment plant treating water from the same aquifer to remove any
contaminants prior to distributing treated water for public consumption.
In the process of developing regulations to implement the act, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) interpreted this language as
meaning that water should meet primary drinking water standards prior to
injection into the well. These standards are generally becoming more
restrictive. The UIC regulations provided for individual states to accept
responsibility for implementation of the UIC program so long as state
standards are at least as strong as the federal standards. As a result,
approximately 39 states have developed their own UIC regulations which
are patterned after the federal regulations, and have therefore accepted
responsibility for implementation of the act.
The federal UIC program includes classification of injection wells into
five categories: Classes I through V. ASR wells are generally considered
as Class V wells, which include a very wide variety of injection practices
other than ASR. Some of these practices represent a significant threat to
groundwater quality.
The UIC program also includes an aquifer exemption process that
provides for those situations where the quality of the injected water does
not meet primary drinking water standards. The process depends upon the
quality of water in the receiving aquifer. If the TDS (total dissolved solids)
concentration exceeds 3000 mg/L, a minor aquifer exemption is required
that can be handled at the state and regional level (one often EPA regions
around the country). However, if the TDS concentration in the aquifer is
less than 3000 mg/L, this is considered a major aquifer exemption requir-
ing action at the EPA headquarters level. To date, EPA has approved very
few minor aquifer exemptions and no major exemptions for Class V wells.
Minor exemptions have been generally issued for regional areas rather
than for individual wells. Exemption criteria are listed in Section 146.4 of
the 40 Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR).
The issuance of such exemptions is understandably sensitive from a
regulatory point of view. Once contaminated, potable aquifers require
many years to restore their water quality, if full restoration of quality is
achievable. Consequently, regulatory positions have generally been con-
servative and consistent in requiring treatment to potable standards prior
to injection into Class V wells and potable aquifers.
Currently, ASR storage of treated drinking water in fresh or brackish
aquifers is generally considered to be an acceptable practice, as evidenced
by the growing number of operational ASR systems in the U.S. Ten states

currently have operational ASR systems. State regulatory agencies have

generally applied UIC requirements in a manner appropriate to each state's
needs. The challenge for the future lies in the application of the UIC
process for ASR storage of water not meeting all potable standards.
It is anticipated that the demonstrated ability to hydraulically control
movement of stored water in a small radius around a well for a period of
several months, combined with a growing body of investigations demon-
strating water quality improvement during aquifer storage in both satu-
rated and unsaturated portions of an aquifer, may provide a basis for
regulatory approval of such ASR systems that do not meet all potable
standards. The regional water management benefits would probably out-
weigh the environmental risks and costs of such a practice for many parts
of the U.S. Resolution of the regulatory issues associated with such storage
projects is most likely to originate in California and Florida, although a
few other states are beginning to address these issues.
There are several significant drawbacks to the 1974 Act and the UIC
regulations implemented pursuant to the Act. ASR was not anticipated or
considered at the time the Act was passed or the regulations developed.
Although the 1974 Act was designed to protect the public drinking water
supplies from contamination so severe that it cannot be readily treated at
water treatment plants, the UIC regulations seem overly restrictive when
applied to many ASR applications.
For example, recharge of surface water from high quality water sources
would require issuance of an aquifer exemption since the surface water
would undoubtedly include constituents that exceed primary drinking
water standards such as turbidity and coliforms. Once an aquifer exemp-
tion is issued, however, the aquifer loses all federal protection under the
UIC program. Since the state programs generally follow the federal UIC
regulations for those states that have accepted responsibility for imple-
menting this program, it is probable that the ASR site would lose important
protection from possible injection activities by other water users in the
exempted area. This is particularly true for a regional aquifer exemption,
which is the principal type of exemption issued to date for Class V wells.
Such loss of regulatory protection may cause the quality of ASR stored
water to be threatened by injection of water elsewhere in the exempted area
that is much inferior in quality. In short, the aquifer exemption process is
very arduous and, once issued, the aquifer exemption may create more
problems for ASR than it solves.
A model state legal and regulatory process for ASR is needed. This
process would provide for ready implementation of ASR programs where
recharge water quality meets drinking water standards. It would also

provide for ASR implementation where water quality meets these stan-
dards with the possible exception of certain constituents that do not
threaten public health and the environment; are readily treated either in
the aquifer or in public water treatment facilities; and meet the original
intent of the 197 4 AcL In this way, EPA can approve state-level ASR
programs; continue with the UIC program implementation for non-ASR
systems; and help to attain the broad national, state, and local environ-
mental benefits associated with widespread ASR implementation. To
date, such a model legal and regulatory process does not exist. However,
it is the subject of considerable activity in several states and may emerge
in a form suitable for consideration by other states and countries in the near
Some of the constituents that may not meet drinking water standards but
may be quite suitable for ASR recharge purposes in some situations
include the following:

• colifonns
• turbidity
• color
• sodium
• chloride
• total dissolved solids
• iron
• nitrate
• corrosivity

Each of these constituents would not represent a threat to public health

if stored seasonally in a brackish aquifer and recovered to meet non-
potable uses, such as irrigation. Water sources that would be defined by
this list include high-quality sources of surface water, untreated ground-
water from uncontaminated surficial aquifers, and high-quality reclaimed
water. These potential ASR water sources are discussed in greater detail
in Chapter 7, Alternative ASR Applications. With reasonable care, barriers
in space, time, and required wellhead treatment processes would separate
the ASR stored water from any potential domestic water supply wells close
to the ASR well sites.
Seasonal storage of water from these sources in a freshwater aquifer
may also be appropriate in some circumstances, depending upon site-
specific consideration of water quality constituents, aquifer treatment
mechanisms, and careful assessment of public health and environmental
risks and benefits.

It is important that any model code that provides for easier implementa-
tion of ASR should not be interpreted as an opportunity to authorize water
management practices that, in fact, contaminate the environment. For ex-
ample, poor quality urban runoff may contain many constituents that violate
drinking water standards, such as metals, oil and grease, and other param-
eters that may be carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, or otherwise delete-
rious. ASR storage of this water in a freshwater aquifer would be unaccept-
able. Seasonal storage of urban runoff in a brackish aquifer following
pretreatment, such as detention/retention, may be a beneficial water manage-
ment practice in some situations. The legal code and associated regulations
adopted for any particular state or region may follow a model code or may
follow the example established in another state; however, it will undoubt-
edly reflect local priorities for water use and water quality protection.
Suggested elements of such an ASR Model Code include the following:

1. Water should be recovered from the same well(s) in which it is recharged.

2. The cumulative volume recovered should not exceed the cumulative vol-
ume stored.
3. Annual restrictions on volumes stored and recovered should be avoided or
minimized in order to achieve the full benefits of ASR technology.
4. Significant adverse impacts upon other existing well owners utilizing the
same aquifer during recharge and recovery should be mitigated.
5. ASR is recognized as a storage measure rather than a new water supply
source. Once water rights have been obtained to utilize the water for a
beneficial purpose, underground storage of this water and subsequent recov-
ery for the same purpose should not affect the rights to the water following
recovery. No other entity or individual has the right to recover the water
from ASR storage.
6. Recharge water quality criteria should be established by each state to meet
its own unique needs, opportunities and circumstances.
7. Separate state-level permitting for recharge and recovery of stored water
should be avoided. An ASR permitting process that integrates these two
functions is desirable. Similarly, ASR permitting should be based upon a
framework of existing water supply considerations, rather than existing
wastewater disposal regulations.

Ownership of the Stored Water

As discussed previously, groundwater ownership in the U.S. is deter-

mined according to the laws of each state. Several legal doctrines are
followed, with eastern states tending to follow a riparian rights, reasonable
beneficial use legal doctrine based upon English common law. In the

western states, many of which have fewer water resources, a prior appro-
priation water law doctrine is followed.
For ASR projects in both eastern and western states, the ownership of
the stored water is an important issue. In general, experience is supporting
the position that, if the water user has the right to the water prior to ASR
storage, he also has the right to recover that water. In other words, the state
provides some protection of his right to store the water. However, in some
states groundwater law is not adequately defined. In these states it is
theoretically possible for another water user to construct a well adjacent to
the ASR facility and pump out the stored water. Alternatives available to
a water user to protect his rights to the stored ASR water include location
of the ASR facility a sufficient distance from property lines that the risk
is minimized; municipal zoning or land-use control in the vicinity of the
ASR site; local municipal ordinance, or changes in the state law to
provide for ASR storage. Fortunately, it is reasonably common for the
radius of the storage bubble around the ASR well to be quite small,
frequently facilitating judicious siting of ASR facilities to minimize or
eliminate this problem.
As a part of the regulations, states may impose constraints upon re-
charge and recovery operations that go beyond water ownership. These
may include consideration of impacts upon other water users who may be
in existence at the time the ASR system comes on line. Recharge and
recovery rates, or selection of storage zones, may be regulated so that
unacceptable adverse effects upon existing legal users of the water re-
source do not occur, or are mitigated.
There is a need to integrate groundwater, surface water, and ASR
permitting so that the situation is avoided in which a water user obtains the
right to divert, treat, and store surface water underground, but is unable to
recover the stored water at desired recovery rates due to groundwater
permitting restrictions. It is usually desirable to recover all of the stored
water. In some cases, such as in areas of depleted groundwater resources,
it may be desirable to leave a small percentage of the stored water in the
ground to slowly replenish the resource until such time as target water
levels are reached.

Non-Degradation of Groundwater Quality

Several states have laws against degradation of groundwater quality by

proposed injection or other land-use practices. The interpretation of these
laws is still developing; however, with only one exception, it has not
inhibited ASR storage of treated drinking water.

The one exception is in Oregon, where current state policy precludes

recharge of any water with constituent concentrations higher than native
groundwater quality. This policy was enacted many years before ASR was
considered as an alternative for meeting increasing utility water demands.
Currently regulators and utilities are working together to amend the policy
in such a way that ASR can be considered, while also protecting the quality
of the state's groundwater resources. The environmental and public health
risk is perceived to be very small, and the potential economic savings are
Aside from this one exception, state regulatory agencies have noted that
recharge water concentrations for a few selected constituents are higher
than for the native groundwater, although both are well within potable
standards. However, this has not been viewed as potential degradation of
groundwater quality. For example, seasonal ASR storage of water with a
typical chloride concentration of 30 mg/L in an aquifer with a chloride
concentration of 5 mg/L is usually viewed as being consistent with state
non-degradation legal requirements since the drinking water standard for
chloride is 250 mg/L.
Interpretation of state non-degradation laws for ASR storage of water
that does not meet all drinking water standards is still in the development
stage. In California, current draft-state regulations require treatment to
potable standards, plus reduction of total organic carbon (TOC) concentra-
tions prior to reclaimed water injection into a potable aquifer. ASR re-
charge into a brackish aquifer, with surface water or reclaimed water for
seasonal irrigation purposes, is under consideration but has yet to be
resolved. In Oregon, ASR has been proposed for high quality surface water
from the Columbia River to be stored in a fresh, basalt aquifer to control
regional water level declines in a large farming area. As discussed above,
non-degradation issues there have not yet been resolved.
During the next few years it is probable that experience with an
increasing number and variety of ASR applications in different states
will shed some light upon how individual states wish to enact and
interpret non-degradation laws. The ultimate benefit achievable from
ASR will depend upon each state's assessment of the tradeoff between
recharge water quality, risks to public health and the environment, and
ASR benefits.

Seasonal vs. long-Term Storage

Initial ASR permits are sometimes issued providing only for seasonal
storage and recovery, so that annual volume recovered cannot exceed the

volume stored in the same year. However, greater benefit can be achieved
by writing the permit to provide for carryover storage from one year to
another. In this way, excess water available during wet years can be carried
over to meet needs during drought years. Similarly, water stored during
early years following a water treatment plant expansion can be carried over
to meet increasing peak demands in later years when treatment plant
capacity may be insufficient. If long-term storage is feasible and permit-
ted, it can defer and downsize the next facilities expansion phase, achiev-
ing considerable savings. A preferred approach is to regulate according to
long-term cumulative storage rather than seasonal or annual variability.
A related issue is the desirability of providing for seasonal allocation of
recharge water. It is quite common for recharge water to be available
according to an annual volume allocation, based upon safe sustained yield
of the water source during the dry season. An ASR allocation process
could be seasonal, making more efficient use of water available during wet

Recovery Percentage

In most states, it is desirable for technical, economic, and regulatory

reasons to achieve full recovery of the same volume of water stored,
whether recovery is seasonal or long-term. Where less than 100% recovery
efficiency is planned, regulatory support appears probable in situations
where water management benefits are reasonably shown to exceed the
costs, economic and otherwise, associated with less-than-full recovery.
In some areas where ASR is being implemented due to declining
groundwater levels, a requirement is being included in permit provisions
that allows some small percentage of the water stored to be left in the
aquifer. This requirement helps to restore groundwater levels; however,
it also increases the unit cost of ASR.

Water level Impacts

The impact of ASR operations on water levels in surrounding areas is

an issue that is addressed during the permit process in some states. How-
ever, the modeling approach selected can sometimes lead to incorrect
assessment of these impacts. In particular, the modeling approach must
incorporate the increase in regional water levels that typically occurs
during long-term recharge operations, as well as the decline occurring
during recovery. Unless both of these operations are simulated and cali-
brated against actual observation well records, the resulting predictions of
water level impacts may be erroneously high.

location for Recovery of Stored Water

ASR wells are used for both injection and recovery. In addition to
enabling the well to be periodically backflushed, thereby maintaining its
injection capacity, this approach also facilitates hydraulic control of the
storage bubble around the well, thereby minimizing mixing with surround-
ing native groundwater. Furthermore, this approach is quite cost-effective
in that the same facilities are used for both recharge and recovery. Regu-
latory approval of ASR facilities and operations has been facilitated by
these inherent advantages.
However, some situations may arise where it is desired to recharge at
one location and recover at another location. One possible reason for this
is the need for blending two different water qualities to achieve a relatively
uniform product water quality. This can be achieved by designing the
location of injection and recovery wells and well-head facilities with
enough spacing and capacity as to achieve the desired blending ratio. A
more common reason is to use the aquifer as a means of conveyance and
also long-term storage. Water injected at point A is recovered from the
same aquifer at point B, even if the distance between the two points is such
that the travel time may be hundreds of years or more. The net volume of
water in the aquifer, and associated water levels, are maintained through
artificial recharge practices.
This is a sound water management approach; however, it is not ASR. Two
fundamental issues challenge the widespread application of this approach.
First, injection wells tend to plug unless they are periodically redeveloped.
The redevelopment frequency and associated cost may be such that an ASR
design for the injection well would provide better service since the pump in
the injection well would help to maintain injection capacity. Second, water
rights laws in some western states that follow the prior appropriation legal
doctrine can inhibit the ability of a water user to operate recharge facilities
in this manner. For example, such a practice is legal in California, Arizona,
Texas, and possibly other states but is not legal in Colorado.

Permit Timing Relative to ASR Feasibility Investigations

The 13 states in which ASR systems are either operational or under

development, have used a variety of permitting approaches. In some states,
virtually all permit issues must be addressed before the ASR facilities can
be constructed and tested to confirm feasibility. In other states, two stage
permitting is required. The first stage addresses well construction issues
and formulation of ASR testing plans, while the second stage addresses
more substantive ASR feasibility and viability issues and is initiated when

field investigations are completed. In other states, ASR permitting is

addressed after initial ASR facilities have been constructed and tested and
feasibility has been confirmed.
Experience with all of these approaches suggests that each can work.
However, the most cost-effective approach that still provides adequate
environmental protection is to defer consideration of substantive permit-
ting issues until after the ASR facilities have been constructed and tested.
In this way, the data used to support projections of water level impacts,
storage bubble movement, water quality changes, and potential contami-
nation sources, are based on actual field data collected at the ASR site
under full-scale testing conditions, rather than on literature values or
intermediate testing on wells at nearby sites.
If the ASR program is properly planned and implemented, the risk of
failure or of completing a system that cannot eventually be permitted
appears to be very small, based upon experience to date. However, this
approach increases the importance of completing a Phase 1 ASR feasibil-
ity assessment, before initiating Phase 2 field investigations and cycle
testing. The Phase 1 effort is essential to properly locating and designing
ASR facilities and developing the associated testing program.

ASR Education

A common theme among the various ASR legal and regulatory issues
and processes is a lack of understanding of ASR technology, applications,
and experience. In some cases, this extends to significant misconceptions
that must be overcome before permitting can be completed successfully.
This is not surprising in view of the recent development of this technology.
In 1983, only three ASR systems were operational, whereas in 1994, at the
time of writing, 20 such systems were operational and about 40 additional
systems were under development in 13 states. Successful completion of
ASR permitting requires an initial effort to educate regulatory personnel
regarding the technology and its operational experience at comparable
sites. This is best accomplished when the Phase 1 ASR feasibility report
is completed; this provides the opportunity to present report findings and
recommendations to regulatory staff, including well-thought-out plans for
field investigations to be completed under Phase 2.


A distinct advantage of ASR is the associated environmental benefit. To

date, there have been no instances of environmental opposition to an ASR
project storing potable water.

Opposition was encountered in Kerrville, TX, where a whitewater

kayaking organization opposed issuance of the final operating permit for
ASR operations to store drinking water since the water diverted from the
river during peak flows would reduce the river's value as a recreational
amenity. The permit was ultimately issued after extensive hearings. Oppo-
sition was also encountered in eastern Oregon, in response to a proposal
to store Columbia River water in a potable basalt aquifer, for irrigation
water supply purposes. Quality of the recharge water was excellent; how-
ever, the proposal is on hold pending resolution of non-degradation issues,
as discussed above.
By increased reliance upon water sources during times of high flow and
low demand, and upon storage of the water primarily in confined aquifers
with no impacts upon surficial aquifer water levels, the environmental
effects of ASR operations are positive in that they help to sustain human
welfare without adversely impacting aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
This benefit has been widely recognized by environmental interest groups.
As the ASR technology is increasingly considered for application to
other water sources that may not be as high quality as drinking water, it is
anticipated that environmental issues associated with ASR will lead to
some debate over the relative risks and benefits. Where the line is ulti-
mately drawn may tend to be different in each state. As a starting point, it
is suggested that seasonal storage of high quality surface water or re-
claimed water in brackish aquifers for irrigation purposes does not threaten
public health or the environment, and should receive environmental sup-
port since it will conserve water supplies without creating the need for new
surface reservoirs. Extension of ASR technology to seasonal storage of
water from the same sources in freshwater aquifers is more likely to
precipitate environmental debate, the resolution of which will tend to
depend upon site-specific needs, opportunities and alternatives.


Decision-making relative to ASR planning, feasibility investigations,

and implementation is increasingly subject to public involvement, as with
all issues facing water management agencies. Public meetings and formal
hearings are frequently a very important part of ASR programs. Adequate
preparation for these events is essential to the ultimate success of the
While the general concept of aquifer storage and its associated eco-
nomic and environmental benefits are readily explainable to a public
group, important details usually require careful explanation to avoid con-
veying or supporting misconceptions. Key issues that invariably have to be

addressed include ownership and control of the stored water, how far the
storage bubble extends from the well, how far the water level effects
extend from the well during recharge and recovery, how much of the
stored water will be recovered, how much the program will cost, and the
associated potential costs and savings for the ratepayers. Attendees at
these meetings are frequently well informed and can pose sophisticated
Where storage is planned in brackish or non-potable aquifers, it is also
necessary to discuss mixing between stored and native water, recovery
efficiency, and disposal of brackish water to the environment during
drilling and testing. Where sources other than drinking water are under
consideration, water quality impacts will have to be addressed. These
issues require great care and excellent graphics in order to avoid misunder-
Public support for ASR programs has generally been strong. Opposition
has generally been due to support for other water supply alternatives, such
as surface reservoirs and major transmission pipelines, which may have
considerable, long-standing momentum in the community. Sensitivity to
these underlying issues can frequently provide guidance as to how to
handle them.
It is quite common for serious consideration of ASR as a water manage-
ment alternative to begin after years of effort to construct a surface
reservoir or long transmission pipeline against increasingly strong envi-
ronmental and other opposition. Polarization of supporters and opponents
to the surface reservoir or pipeline project is frequently far advanced by the
time that ASR enters the discussion. It is usually unwise to tackle this issue
directly since surface reservoir or pipeline momentum is frequently strong
and supported by the same individuals who would ultimately need to
support a change in direction toward ASR. ASR is therefore in the position
of presenting a viable and cost-effective alternative to their preferred long-
standing project, at a time when this may be unwelcome for a variety of
In such situations, the only viable recourse is usually to emphasize the
need for site-specific field investigations to confirm feasibility and eco-
nomics before any serious consideration of ASR to meet local needs. This
may enable the ASR program to move forward quietly, without reducing
momentum for the alternative project. In some cases, it is also appropriate
to point out the merits of combining both projects, assuming that the
surface reservoir or pipeline will definitely be built. In many cases an
excellent case can be made that the combination of ASR and surface
storage can work together to achieve benefits not attainable with either
system by itself.

This scenario is common to perhaps one-third of all ASR projects to

date. That the ASR technology has moved forward as rapidly as it has
during the past 10 years primarily indicates its cost-effectiveness relative
to other alternatives, some of which continue to have strong support.
Sensitivity to these important public involvement issues, and careful prepa-
ration for public and other ASR presentations, is most likely to achieve
ultimate ASR success.

"From water, God made every living thing:·
Surah 21, At Anbiya, The Koran


With the growing success and acceptance of ASR for storage of drink-
ing water supplies, attention has begun to focus on the potential applica-
tion of this technology for storage of water from other sources, such as
untreated or partially treated surface water from rivers, canals, lakes, and
reservoirs; untreated groundwater; and reclaimed water from wastewater
treatment plants. Common to each of these other sources is that they are
generally of a quality that falls short of meeting drinking standards. This
presents a challenge, not only in technical terms but also for regulatory
Due to the immense potential benefits associated with ASR storage of
water from these sources, it is anticipated that considerable effort will be
devoted in the future to the resolution of technical constraints and reevalu-
ation of the existing regulatory framework governing such applications.
Where such waters can be safely stored underground without significant


risk to the environment, water quality or public health, these benefits can
be realized so long as the associated projects can be permitted with
reasonable effort and cost. On the other hand, there is no justification for
underground storage of waters of such low quality that wells may clog or
that aquifer contamination may occur. Much work remains to be done;
however, progress is underway in several states. In the remainder of this
chapter, the current status of ASR applications for non-potable water
sources is discussed.


As discussed in Section 4.2, Well Plugging and Redevelopment, and

elsewhere in this book, ASR wells tend to plug with particulate matter
unless the recharge water quality is excellent or the storage zone is highly
transmissive. It is no coincidence that ASR success to date has been
associated with storage of water meeting drinking water quality standards.
Consequently, it is reasonable to assume that well recharge of surface
water containing particulate matter is more likely to rapidly plug a well,
requiring frequent backflushing and redevelopment.

Technical Considerations

Four technical approaches may be considered to achieve successful

ASR recharge with untreated or partially treated surface water:

• Select a storage zone with acceptably high transmissivity.

• Select a water source of high quality, approaching drinking water standards
where possible, and containing low suspended solids (silt) content.
• Pretreat the water as necessary to reduce suspended solids concentrations,
whether by wellhead filtration or by movement through surficial sandy
• Implement a backflushing program to remove solids from the well with a
frequency that maintains an acceptable recharge capacity.

These approaches are in the approximate order in which they should be

implemented, each step being added if the previous steps prove inadequate
or not feasible. For most surface water sources, all four approaches will
probably be required.
Experience with well recharge of surface water is not widespread.
Approximately 400 drainage wells in the vicinity of Orlando, FL, have
operated for several decades, draining surface runoff into highly transmis-

sive karst limestone aquifers with typical transmissivities exceeding 1

MG/day/ft2 (12,600 m2/day). The wells typically require cleaning every
few years. The Lake Okeechobee, FL, ASR test well was similarly con-
structed into a limestone aquifer with a transmissivity estimated at 4.6
MG/day/ft 2 (58,000 m 2/day). Testing with recharge water from a regional
drainage canal indicated no plugging problems at recharge rates of about
5 MG/day (19 megaliters/day) for periods of up to 60 days. Total sus-
pended solids concentrations from this source ranged from less than 1.0 to
11.5 mg/L during the test period, but were generally under 5 mg/L. There
are probably several other recharge well locations with karst aquifers and
high transmissivities that have operated successfully in the U.S.
On the other end of the hydrogeologic spectrum, the Seattle, W A, ASR
system receives water for recharge from a reservoir on the Cedar River.
The water from the reservoir is of very high quality, requiring only
disinfection to meet drinking water standards. ASR operations at this site
have proven successful, although during recharge periods some well plug-
ging has been noted, which is reversed by recovery and backflushing.
Analysis of the solids in the backflush water has shown that it contains
diatoms, or single cell algae present in the recharge water. The transmis-
sivity of the aquifer in this area ranges from about 2175 m 2/day (175,000
G/day/ft) at .the Boulevard Park site to 4350 m 2/day (350,000 G/day/ft 2 ) at
the Riverton Heights site. Total suspended solids concentrations in the
recharge water during the test program ranged from about 0.5 to 12 mg/
L, averaging 4 mg!L. At the Riverton Heights site, backflushing the well
every 2 weeks is sufficient to maintain specific capacity. At Boulevard
Park, more frequent backflushing is required to prevent residual plugging.
At Ft. Myers, FL, an injection well test program utilized untreated water
from the Caloosahatchee River as a recharge source. The well rapidly
plugged, reflecting the low transmissivity of the aquifer (5600 G/day/ft 2 ,
70 m2/day) and also substantial solids in the recharge water. Another
recharge well program in St. Lucie County, FL, experienced similar plug-
ging problems when recharging an aquifer with a transmissivity of about
570 m 2/day (46,000 G/day/ft2). The water source was a shallow well
adjacent to a drainage canal. Iron bacteria were suspected of contributing
to the plugging. These examples suggest that recharge of surface water
into low transmissivity aquifers may be infeasible without substantial
wellhead treatment.
There seem to be few reference points in the U.S. to provide the
opportunity for interpolation between the two ends of the transmissivity
spectrum for recharge of most surface waters. A few long-established
projects are operational in very high transmissivity aquifers. These were

all "grandfathered" under existing Underground Injection Control legisla-

tion, and were therefore operational prior to about 1981. Probably many
other projects prior to 1981 were tried and failed due to clogging in low
transmissivity aquifers. The combination of surface water recharge and
periodic backflushing and well redevelopment in intermediate transmis-
sivity aquifers is not currently practiced in the U.S. This is partly due to
technical constraints but primarily due to the regulatory framework, as
discussed in Section 6.3, Legal and Regulatory Issues.
For karst limestones, transmissivity may not be a very good criterion
since the flow usually follows one or more major fractures or solution
channels. If these features are absent, transmissivity is substantially re-
duced and clogging may occur. For unconsolidated aquifers, hydraulic
conductivity may be more important than transmissivity as an indicator of
clogging characteristics. Experience with recharge of treated drinking
water into unconsolidated aquifers, as discussed in Section 4.2, Well
Plugging and Redevelopment, suggests that recharge of untreated surface
water with higher suspended solids loadings will probably be infeasible
except for waters of excellent quality. Some pretreatment such as wellhead
filtration will probably be required in such cases. Wellhead filtration may
be achieved with manufactured equipment or with surface recharge sys-
tems, possibly drained by shallow wells that could supply deeper ASR
systems with filtered water.
In the absence of pertinent experience from other sites, caution is
appropriate in considering the suitability of a proposed aquifer for storage
of surface waters. A test program is required to gather the necessary
operating experience so that such questions can be answered.
Until such time as this data becomes available, it seems appropriate to
consider a transmissivity of about 0.25 MG/day/ft 2 (3,100 m2/day) as a
preliminary guide, above which well recharge with high quality surface
water may be feasible and below which the chances of success diminish.
Obviously, the quality of the recharge water source is critical. This guide-
line assumes that recharge water approaches potable quality, falling short
on such parameters as coliforms, color, turbidity, corrosivity, and possibly
sodium, chloride, and total dissolved solids. To the extent that solids such
as silt and algae are present in the recharge water, clogging potential will
It is important to emphasize that little operating experience with un-
treated surface water ASR systems is available to guide planning and
decision-making. Questions regarding ASR feasibility in intermediate
transmissivity areas will need to be determined through field investiga-
tions until such time as greater experience is available upon which to base
judgments of preliminary feasibility.

Remedial measures may be implemented to reduce solids in the re-

charge water. Some of these have been discussed in Section 4.3, Wellhead
Filtration. Other alternatives under consideration at potential surface water
ASR sites include use of horizontal wells, shallow wells or Ranney wells
adjacent to surface water bodies. In this way, surface water receives
filtration as it moves from the source, through the shallow sediments to the
supply well, and then to the ASR well for recharge.
New horizontal well technology enables laying a flexible, horizontal,
high density polyethylene slotted pipe covered with a fabric sleeve in a
backfilled trench at depths of up to about 25 ft. This is connected to a PVC
riser pipe,in which a pump is placed. It is anticipated that this technology
will evolve in the near future to permit installation of horizontal wells at
greater depths. These wells have been in operation for up to 5 years
without failure, relying upon the sand backfill and the fabric sleeve to
reduce solids in the pumped water to small particle sizes. Selection of finer
fabrics can reduce the particle size according! y. Horizontal wells are
constructed with a trenching machine modified to continuously lay the
pipe, sleeve and backfill material. A distinct advantage of these wells is the
diffuse impact upon the water table, in contrast with a network of shallow
vertical wells producing at the same combined rate. In environmentally
sensitive areas, this can be particularly important in order to avoid adverse
water table impacts. This technology is available through Horizontal Wells,
a division of HDSI, PO Box 150820, Cape Coral, FL 33915-0820 (Phone:

Regulatory Considerations

As discussed in Section 6.3, Legal and Regulatory Issues, the most

critical issues in the U.S. pertaining to ASR storage of untreated surface
water are probably in the regulatory arena. Whether or not the technical
issues can be resolved economically at any particular site, the regulatory
issues can be complex, expensive, time-consuming, and of uncertain out-
come. Until the regulatory framework can be developed to facilitate such
practices, ASR storage of untreated surface waters in fresh or brackish
aquifers will tend to evolve slowly.
The present regulatory framework protects the nation's aquifers against
contamination, but does it in such a way that benign ASR practices never
envisioned in 1974 when the enabling legislation was passed by Congress,
are difficult to implement. This is in spite of the fact that the potential
adverse impact of such practices upon the environment, groundwater
quality and public health is recognized to be minimal and their overall
potential benefits are significant. Each of the states that have accepted

responsibility for EPA Underground Injection Control (UIC) program

implementation interprets the UIC regulations to meet its own needs and
priorities, even though EPA retains the right to reject or approve state
decisions under this regulation. The reader is referred to Section 6.3, Legal
and Regulatory Issues, for a more complete discussion of this important
Within the U.S., California and Florida are currently leading efforts to
store non-potable waters in brackish aquifers. Storage of water from such
sources in fresh aquifers has been proposed at one or more sites but is not
under active consideration, except following treatment to potable standards.


The marginal value of water from untreated surface sources, which is

stored in an ASR well, should be lower than for treated drinking water
sources. This is because the associated costs include only the pumping
costs to divert and recharge the water, plus the operating costs associated
with periodic backflushing. If some filtration or other wellhead pre- or
post-treatment is added, marginal costs will increase accordingly. In west-
em states with prior appropriation water rights, the marginal cost would
also include the cost of the water rights for those flows and months in
which recharge may occur.
Where this water is stored in a highly transmissive fresh aquifer, the
same volume stored may be recovered. However, where it is stored in a
highly transmissive brackish aquifer, the high transmissivity may reduce
recovery efficiency below 100%. The value of the water stored but not
recovered should be evaluated to confirm that it does not exceed the value
of the water recovered when needed. In some cases the water not recovered
may also serve a useful purpose.
Efforts are underway in southeast Florida to store good quality surface
water in a highly transmissive brackish aquifer containing water with total
dissolved solids that may reach 7000 mg/L at some sites. Recovery effi-
ciency under long-term operating conditions has yet to be confirmed,
although early indications suggest that it may be in a probable range of 40
to 70%. The water stored but not recovered will serve as a source of
recharge to the aquifer, which is increasingly being used for desalination
water supplies in coastal areas. As overall water demands for agriculture,
industry, and public water supplies increase, water that would otherwise
leave the system rapidly as storm runoff can be stored in the brackish
aquifer for seasonal withdrawals to meet peak demands. Water not recov-
ered will recharge and also freshen the aquifer, improving its value for
desalination supplies.

Agricultural Applications of Surface Water ASR

A potentially important application for ASR storage of untreated or

partially treated surface water is for agriculture. This sector of the economy
has much to gain from resolution of the technical and regulatory uncertain-
ties associated with surface water ASR.
A typical example is for the potato farming area around Echo Junction
in eastern Oregon. Groundwater supplies from a basalt aquifer have sus-
tained agricultural operations for many years; however, groundwater lev-
els have continued to decline and will soon force a curtailment of irrigation
activities. Since there is little rainfall in this area, the economic and social
impact of reduced irrigation would be substantial. Nearby is the Columbia
River, a major potential source of irrigation water with excellent quality
approaching and frequently meeting drinking standards. A plan has been
proposed to irrigate with water from the river, seasonally storing excess
water in the basalt aquifer using ASR wells to restore groundwater levels
and also to augment seasonal irrigation supplies. Certain technical and
economic issues remain to be resolved through testing. However, imple-
mentation of the testing plan is constrained by concerns regarding aquifer
water quality impacts and the state's anti-degradation policy.
A second example is for the Indian River citrus area in southeast
Florida. Climatological and soil conditions in this area have helped citrus
producers to maintain high productivity and relatively high resistance to
the effects of occasional freezes, such that Indian River citrus has a well-
earned reputation worldwide for premium fruit. Water management is
through a network of canals that provide drainage and also a source of
irrigation water. During about two months in the spring of each year,
rainfall is frequently inadequate to maintain irrigation requirements. At
such times several hundred irrigation wells are utilized to supplement
water supplies. These wells generally discharge by artesian flow into the
drainage network, from which the water is pumped for irrigation. Water
quality from the wells is deteriorating, such that within 10 years about half
of the wells will no longer be useful due to excessive chloride concentra-
tions. A plan has been proposed to utilize ASR technology to store season-
ally available water supplies from the drainage network. The water would
be stored in the brackish aquifer underlying the area, and would be
recovered when needed to meet irrigation requirements. Testing required
to confirm the viability and the cost-effectiveness of this plan has yet to be
initiated. Meanwhile work continues on an alternative plan to build a
surface storage reservoir, which would be several times as expensive as
ASR storage and will require taking several hundred acres of citrus out of
production permanently.


Untreated groundwater is frequently of excellent quality, meeting po-

table standards except for a few parameters such as iron, color, fluoride,
and hydrogen sulfide. Under pending standards, several existing ground-
water supplies, particularly in western states, will fall short of meeting
drinking water quality standards for arsenic and radon. In some areas,
groundwater is treated to remove hardness. Other parameters may be of
concern in selected areas of the country.
As with surface water sources, a distinct advantage of untreated ground-
water supplies for ASR storage is the relatively low marginal cost of the
water. This usually includes only electricity costs for pumping the water
to the ASR site.
With groundwater, the source of supply is usually relatively steady
throughout the year, drawing upon the immense storage capacity in the
source aquifer. Where a variation in water demand occurs during the year,
the wellfield may be pumped to capacity during off-peak months, particu-
larly when this corresponds to extended periods of heavy rainfall. The
water not required for treatment to meet system demands can then be
stored, if a suitable storage zone is available. The storage zone could be in
the same aquifer but at a different location, or it could be in a different
aquifer, usually deeper. Potentially, it could be stored at the same site as
the supply well, but in a shallower or deeper aquifer. The supply well is
presumably fresh; however, the ASR storage zone can be fresh or brackish.
This approach is quite cost-effective as a short-term means of augment-
ing raw water supplies in areas where availability of wellfield sites is
limited, such as by urban development or contamination. However, it may
not be the most long-term, cost-effective ASR application for public water
When recovered, the stored groundwater requires treatment to meet
potable standards. Water treatment plant capacity then has to be sized to
meet peak demands, treating water from the conventional production wells
and also from the ASR wells. Where recovery efficiency is acceptable, it
is probably more cost-effective to store and recover treated drinking water
rather than untreated groundwater. This enables deferral or elimination of
plant expansion requirements and downsizing of treatment facilities ca-
pacity, with associated cost savings. A site-specific feasibility investiga-
tion will indicate the most cost-effective plan for individual sites. This is
addressed in Section 2.1, Phase 1, Feasibility Assessment.
No ASR systems currently store untreated groundwater in the U.S.
However, such a system is being developed for Dade County in southeast

Florida to augment limited available wellfield capacity. A portion of the

water produced from the county's wells during the wet season will be
stored in a deeper brackish aquifer, for recovery to help meet dry season
water demands.
Horizontal wells, discussed in Section 7.2, Surface Water, are consid-
ered to produce partially treated groundwater even though they may be
constructed parallel and adjacent to a canal. Consequently, water produced
from horizontal wells and recharged into an ASR well would fall into this
category. To date, no such systems exist, although this should change in
the near future.


As urban, agricultural, and industrial water demands continue to climb

to sustain the needs of a growing population, the most reliable supply of
water available to meet these needs is frequently reclaimed water. In
contrast to many other sources, it is available throughout the year at a
relatively steady rate. When treated to meet ever-tightening standards
required for discharge into the environment, the quality of this water is
steadily improving. In a few locations, nutrient and other surface discharge
requirements are so restrictive that water quality approaches or exceeds
drinking standards. For a growing number of water users, the reliability of
this source, its high quality, rising competition for limited available water
supplies and regulatory pressures to conserve w~ter provide four good
reasons to incorporate reclaimed water into long-term water supply plans.
Reclaimed water is generally utilized for irrigation purposes, including
parks, golf courses, playing fields, commercial and residential property,
and landscaping. It is also used for industrial cooling, agricultural irriga-
tion, aquifer recharge, and maintenance of injection well salinity intrusion
barriers. Its increasing acceptance by water users reflects many years of
effort by the water and wastewater industry, regulators, and others to
overcome aesthetic concerns associated with this water source by conduct-
ing comprehensive health and epidemiological studies and also by demon-
strating the successful and cost-effective application of reuse technology.
By substituting reclaimed water, other water sources can be utilized
more efficiently to meet higher value needs. Increasingly, the allocation of
limited available water supplies to meet environmental priorities is causing
more serious consideration of efficient use of water from other sources.
A principal constraint upon more widespread utilization of reclaimed
water is the associated cost for pipelines, pumping stations, individual

connections and other facilities to convey the water from the wastewater
treatment plant to where it is needed, and to store the water at times when
it is not needed. Storage requirements depend upon the variability in
supply and demand for reclaimed water during the year, and also upon the
viability of discharging the water to waste during periods of heavy rainfall
or other times when it is not needed.
At some locations, ASR storage of reclaimed water in brackish aquifers
may be viable and cost-effective, storing when excess reclaimed water is
available and recovering when irrigation or other demands exceed avail-
able supplies. By providing inexpensive storage of reclaimed water, ASR
may help to expedite funding and implementation of expensive regional
plans to make better use of reclaimed water for beneficial purposes.

Reclaimed Water Injection Experience

No reclaimed water ASR systems are currently operational in the U.S.

However, three systems inject reclaimed water into potable aquifers. These
are at Water Factory 21, operated by the Orange County Water District in
southern California; El Paso, TX; and Gainesville, FL. Orange County
Water District has operated Water Factory 21 during the past 15 years to
help maintain the Talbert Gap salinity intrusion barrier. Since 1986, El
Paso has operated the Fred Hervey Water Reclamation Facility to recharge
the Hueco Bolson aquifer, which supplies a portion of the potable water
supply for the city; and for about 20 years Gainesville has injected highly
treated wastewater into an aquifer in an area drained through sinkholes,
with no surface outflow and few viable land application options.
Several other water systems are developing plans for well injection of
reclaimed water in brackish aquifers, unlike the fresh aquifer examples
mentioned above. These are located in California, Florida, and possibly
other states. Examples include Orange County Water District, which is
currently evaluating use of reclaimed water as a portion of the total
injected flow at the Alamitos Gap salinity intrusion barrier. A project is
under development at Monterey, CA, to reduce demand on potable ground-
water supplies by seasonally storing reclaimed water for agricultural use
in brackish portions of the aquifer system in the Salinas Valley area.
Reclaimed water produced during winter months would be stored. During
the peak irrigation season the reclaimed water would then be recovered. A
similar project is being evaluated at Eastern Municipal Water District in
southern California. West Basin Municipal Water District in southern
California is evaluating the use of reclaimed water instead of potable water
for their seawater intrusion barrier. Hilton Head, SC, is evaluating seasonal

storage of reclaimed water in a deep brackish aquifer to meet peak irriga-

tion demands and thereby reduce potable water demands upon their stressed
shallow potable aquifer. Manatee County, Charlotte County and the City
of St. Petersburg, all located in southwest Florida, are planning seasonal
storage of reclaimed water in a brackish aquifer for irrigation purposes.
Assuming that the reclaimed water is of high quality, the principal chal-
lenge relating to ASR storage of this water is regulatory. Some of the
regulatory aspects are discussed for the EPA Underground Injection Control
program in Section 6.3, Legal and Regulatory Issues. Seasonal storage of
reclaimed water in a brackish aquifer is not likely to be an environmental or
water quality threat at most sites. However, the regulatory framework gov-
erning potential implementation is not well suited to ASR opportunities.

California Draft Regulations

California has led the way in the development of draft state regulations
(July 1992 draft) governing the use of reclaimed water for recharge of
potable aquifers, whether through wells or surface recharge facilities.
These draft regulations have been developed over a period of several years
and reflect considerable effort by many experts. As a result, they provide
useful experience to guide those interested in developing comparable
regulations for other areas.
A principal component of the California draft regulations is to ensure
that water produced at nearby domestic production wells in the same
aquifer does not exceed specified percentages of reclaimed water. Re-
quired blending ratios at the nearby production well depend upon the
associated level of treatment for the reclaimed water. Under the draft
regulations, all recharge waters would have to undergo biological oxida-
tion and disinfection, with well injection also requiring filtration and
organics removal. Surface recharge would require filtration when the
water of reclaimed origin may exceed 20% of the total flow from any
domestic water supply well in the vicinity, and would require filtration
plus organics removal when this percentage exceeds 50%.
Oxidized wastewater must not exceed 20 mg/L total organic carbon
(TOC), 30 mg/L suspended solids and 30 mg/L biochemical oxygen
demand. Filtered wastewater is defined as not exceeding an average of 2
nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), and not exceeding 5 NTU more than
5% of the time during any 24-hour period. Disinfection requirements
depend upon the level of prior treatment. Organics removal depends upon
the method of recharge and also upon the reclaimed water contribution as
a percent of total flow from any domestic water supply well in the vicinity.

For surface recharge, draft TOC limits vary from 20 to 6 mg/L, while for
well injection they vary from 5 to 2 mg/L. A minimum spacing of 2000 ft
between the injection well and the nearest domestic supply well is speci-
fied. Travel time between the two wells has to exceed 12 months.
The TOC requirements for reclaimed water that is injected directly into
an aquifer are designed to prevent more than 1 mg/L ofTOC from reaching
domestic supply wells. If the TOC in the reclaimed water is 5 mg/L, 20%
of the water pumped by a nearby domestic supply well can be reclaimed
water. If the TOC of the injected water is 2 mg/L, then the nearest domestic
supply well can get up to 50% of its water from the reclaimed water source.
The regulations assume no TOC reduction in the aquifer.
The cost of reducing TOC to meet well injection criteria can be
substantial, reflecting treatment by such organic removal processes as
granular activated carbon adsorption and membranes. The difference be-
tween organic removal requirements for surface recharge and well injec-
tion is primarily based upon the demonstrated efficiency of aerobic bio-
logical processes occurring in the vadose zone to remove such organics,
and the presumed absence of such processes in the saturated zone below
the water table.
As discussed previously in Section 4.6, Disinfection Byproduct Reduc-
tion, organics removal does occur in the saturated zone based upon recent
investigations. Disinfection byproducts are only a small component of the
entire range of organic compounds in the aquatic environment. However,
their significant reduction during aquifer storage under confined, saturated
conditions suggests the possibility that other organics may also be re-
moved in a similar manner, probably due to biological activity in the
aquifer and possibly to adsorption processes. It is too soon to draw conclu-
sions regarding the efficiency of a saturated aquifer system to reduce
concentrations of a broad range of organics, however, the suggested direc-
tion for further research is clear. Similarly, the fate of organic compounds
around an ASR well needs to be established. Breakdown into innocuous
compounds such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water would undoubt-
edly be satisfactory; however, breakdown into other organic compounds
may be less desirable. Further understanding of organic removal processes
and the fate of these compounds in a saturated environment will provide
a basis for the design and operation of facilities to optimize organics
removal during aquifer storage. It will also provide an improved basis for
assessment of the risks and benefits associated with seasonal storage of
reclaimed water in brackish aquifers.
Recent studies in St. Petersburg, FL, where reclaimed water is injected
into a 213 to 338 m (700 to 1110 ft) deep saline injection zone, revealed

that the hydrogeologic system within this and the overlying brackish
aquifers is very reactive from a geochemical and biochemical viewpoint
[1]. Results were similar to those for several case studies at other injection
sites in the U.S., as determined from a literature search. In particular,
metals, nutrients, and trace organics are removed by a variety of processes
in these confined aquifers, including precipitation, ion exchange and bac-
terial activity. Generation of methane and nitrogen gas is a common
metabolic byproduct of these processes. Particularly active areas in injec-
tion zones occur within the immediate vicinity of injection well boreholes
and within the injection front of the fluids that were injected.

Suggested Regulatory Strategy

The cost of treating wastewater to potable standards for agricultural

purposes is generally prohibitive. Consequently, it is appropriate to con-
sider whether an alternative regulatory approach would achieve reclaimed
water storage needs without risking adverse water quality, environmental,
or public health effects.
With ASR technology, the opportunity exists to seasonally store re-
claimed water at suitable locations such as the point of proposed irrigation
use, and to minimize the degree of mixing with surrounding native waters.
This would be an appropriate strategy if the goal were to separate waters
of wastewater origin from those of non-wastewater origin, preserving the
latter for higher quality uses such as domestic water supply. This approach
may be contrasted with the current approach in the California draft regu-
lations that are based upon the implicit assumption that widespread disper-
sion of waters of wastewater origin into the aquifer is unavoidable. The
two strategies are both valid and feasible, but quite different.
The current California strategy is most appropriate for regulation of
continuous recharge of potable aquifers with reclaimed water, which was
its intended purpose. However, extension of this strategy to regulate
seasonal recharge of, and recovery from, brackish aquifers with reclaimed
water may not be the best approach. If efficient organics reduction in a
saturated portion of an aquifer can be demonstrated, whether the aquifer
is confined or unconfined, then it may be possible to use ASR technology
to seasonally store and recover high quality reclaimed water in a small
radius around a well in a brackish aquifer, relying upon organics reduction
processes in the aquifer to provide further treatment of whatever small
portion of the stored water that may not be recovered seasonally.
The key element of a suggested ASR regulatory strategy is the need for
Congressional action directing the Environmental Protection Agency to

modify current Underground Injection Control regulations to provide for

beneficial ASR applications such as storage of high quality waters in
brackish aquifers. Possible approaches include:

1. Establishing a Class VI category for ASR wells, with associated regulations.

2. Establishing a Class VI category for ASR wells and delegating their regu-
lation to the individual states by rule.
3. Delegating the Aquifer Exemption process for Class V ASR wells to the
individual states.
4. Developing the concept of a mixing zone surrounding ASR wells and
wellfields, to accommodate ASR operations instead of regulating water
quality at the wellhead during recharge and recovery.

Other approaches may also be possible. To achieve such Congressional

action will require coordinated effort by major water users who recognize
the potential benefits of the proposed changes in the ASR regulatory
Some additional elements of a suggested revised ASR strategy for
seasonal storage of reclaimed water in brackish aquifers are as follows:

1. Aquifers with TDS concentrations exceeding 1000 mg/L may be appropri-

ate for reclaimed water (oxidized, filtered, chlorinated) storage without
prior organics removal for most typical reclaimed water sources. A balanc-
ing of risks and benefits would need to be assessed at each site to ensure
adequate protection of water quality, public health, and the environment.
2. Wastewater sources would be screened to identify and divert potential
industrial and commercial contaminants or toxic wastes, and thereby mini-
mize the likelihood that complex organic compounds may be present in the
reclaimed water stream.
3. Reclaimed water quality would be characterized as to primary and second-
ary drinking water standards. Those parameters with concentrations exceed-
ing potable standards would be identified and their geochemical fate and
relative environmental risks during seasonal aquifer storage would be evalu-
ated. For example, coliforms are generally eliminated after a few days of
storage in brackish aquifers; sodium, chloride, and TDS concentrations may
exceed potable standards without contaminating a brackish aquifer; turbid-
ity, odor, and color in the reclaimed water may not be significant if the water
is seasonally recovered and used for irrigation purposes.
4. Sufficient redundance would be built into the treatment processes to en-
hance treatment reliability so that the risk of failure to meet reclaimed water
quality standards is acceptably low.
5. ASR wells would be designed and operated to recover the water stored each
season. It will generally be desirable to maintain as little stored water in the
aquifer as possible at the end of the recovery season. Carry-over storage

from wet years to dry years would be allowable only to the extent that
monitoring shows that migration of the storage bubble away from the well
is not significant under the natural hydraulic gradient prevailing at the site.
6. Treatment of reclaimed water prior to injection would be as needed to meet
quality standards and minimize plugging of the well due to particulates or
other constituents. Treatment would generally need to include oxidation,
filtration, and disinfection. At most sites, aquifer hydraulic characteristics
will be such that high quality reclaimed water will be necessary in order to
minimize plugging and ensure satisfactory long-term well operation.
7. Concentrations of organic compounds in the reclaimed water would be
reduced during seasonal aquifer storage. Since native water in the aquifer
exceeds potable TDS standards, any recovery of residual stored water
blended with native aquifer water in a nearby domestic supply well would
probably require membrane treatment to meet potable standards. The time
period for movement between the injection well and the nearest domestic
supply well, combined with the lateral distance between these wells, would
constitute effective barriers to protect public health. In addition, membrane
treatment of the brackish water recovered from the domestic supply well
would provide a third organics removal barrier to enhance public health
protection. The regulatory process would define the extent of these barriers by
identifying lateral distances between the ASR well and other domestic wells
potentially using brackish water from the same zone for drinking purposes.
8. Nutrients in the reclaimed water may benefit irrigation water users; how-
ever, during ASR storage they would probably promote bacterial activity in
and around the well, potentially causing well clogging. Whether this can be
effectively controlled by maintaining a chlorine residual in the well, as with
potable water ASR, remains to be confirmed. Until such time as this question
is resolved, a suggested approach is to maintain a chlorine residual in the
reclaimed water being recharged, while that water is moving through the well
and gravel pack. During storage periods, trickle flow a small chlorinated
supply of water into the well at a rate sufficient to maintain this residual in the
well. The required flow rate and residual concentration can be estimated by
periodically pumping samples from the well following a typical cessation of
recharge, to determine the decay rate of the chlorine residual in the well. The
intent is to preclude bacterial activity in the immediate vicinity of the well,
where it would have the greatest potential for clogging.
9. As discussed in Section 4.6, Disinfection Byproduct Reduction, initial
formation and subsequent significant reduction of trihalomethanes and
haloacetic acids should occur in the aquifer if the water is stored for a period
of several weeks, particularly at sites where anaerobic conditions develop
during storage and where a carbon source is available to support bacterial

An appropriate mechanism for further investigation of these issues

would be to implement a few such projects at selected sites with brackish

water storage zones, monitoring organics concentrations at the ASR well

and also at surrounding monitor wells in the reclaimed water storage zone.
If results from these sites are positive, the applicable regulations may be
amended to specifically provide for this practice at other sites where
appropriate criteria are met.
The benefit to be gained from consideration and implementation of this
suggested alternative regulatory strategy may be substantial. Many water
users experience declining aquifer levels, saltwater intrusion, and unreli-
able surface water supplies. They would benefit immensely from recharge
of brackish aquifers, but are unable to accomplish this with surface re-
charge facilities due to unsuitable hydrogeology or limited land availabil-
ity. ASR would be more cost-effective if organics removal treatment
requirements were eased. However, reclaimed water ASR is probably not
cost-effective for irrigation and other purposes if these requirements re-
main. Possibly, the rationale presented above can help to achieve these
benefits while at the same time protecting the quality of potable water

"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to walkjl-om here.?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.
"!don't much care where-" said Alice.
''Then it doesn't matter which way you walk," said the Cat.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

It is interesting to look back and see the progress that has been made
during the past few years with the development and implementation of
ASR. From a concept not many years ago it has evolved into a proven, cost
effective water management tool today. The ability to use wells to store
and recover a vast amount of water underground at low cost is a significant
advancement in water management. A "sea change" has occurred in how
we manage water. The change is already apparent to some, and will
become apparent to others in future years as the locations and applications
of ASR technology become more diverse. It is pertinent, therefore, to
consider what lies ahead. What new developments may affect the locations
and methods of ASR implementation in the future? What should be the
directions for future research in order to expand the benefits associated
with ASR? These and other issues are discussed in Chapter 8.



It seems reasonable to expect that the next few years will bring improve-
ment in understanding of water quality changes occurring underground
during ASR storage. It is becoming increasingly clear that bacterial,
geochemical, physical, and other processes occurring in both saturated and
unsaturated formations are effective at improving water quality. Better
understanding of these mechanisms can enable improved design and op-
eration of ASR systems to achieve specific water quality goals. Until better
understanding is achieved, however, it is appropriate to take a conservative
position with regard to planning and regulation of ASR systems to store
water not meeting potable standards. Once contaminated, aquifers may
require a long time to restore water quality.
As an example of water quality improvement, organics such as disin-
fection byproducts (DBPs) have been shown to decline during ASR
storage as shown in Section 4.6, Disinfection Byproduct Reduction. The
mechanisms governing this have not been confirmed, although bacterial
activity is believed to be the driving force. Dilution and adsorption also
may be important mechanisms at some sites. Ongoing laboratory inves-
tigations are directed at improving the level of understanding of the
primary mechanisms, thereby providing a stronger basis for design and
operation of ASR systems to maximize DBP reduction where this is a
primary goal. Consideration should be given to the following future
endeavors to advance understanding of ASR organics reduction mecha-
nisms and applications:

• Replicate DBP testing described in Chapter 4 at additional sites, with minor

adjustments to the testing program to focus on key issues that became
evident during the initial testing at five sites.
• Obtain wireline cores at one or more new ASR well sites, with emphasis
Lc -·n preservinp the integrity of the core material for subsequent bacterial
testing. Simultaneously, run an ASR DBP test cycle at the well and parallel
laboratory batch and/or column tests on core samples in order to confirm
mechanisms responsible for DBP reduction.
• At locations likely to be impacted by the new EPA DBP regulations,
consider how to operate an ASR system in order to achieve water quality
standards in water going to the distribution system during recovery periods.
At some locations, a combination of treatment and ASR alternatives may be
• Where possible, consider recharge with a free chlorine residual instead of
a combined residual. This may reduce clogging potential and may also
reduce the time required for DBP reduction to any target concentration.

• At new ASR sites storing water from non-potable sources, and in laboratory
column and/or batch testing investigations, gather data regarding reduction
under saturated conditions of other organics compounds besides DBPs.

Arsenic reduction during ASR storage is also expected to receive atten-

tion in the near future, in response to new EPA regulations governing
arsenic concentrations in drinking water. At one ASR site work is begin-
ning to investigate the potential for operation of the well in such a way as
to enhance arsenic reduction during aquifer storage. If this is successful in
achieving the low concentrations proposed by EPA, the benefit to the
water industry will be substantial.
pH adjustment to control iron and manganese concentrations in recov-
ered water should receive continuing attention as it is applied at new sites.
Manganese reactions tend to be slow in reaching equilibrium, so the long-
term success of this approach needs to be confirmed over a period of
several years and several operating cycles.
Nutrient reduction during ASR storage has received limited attention at
a few sites. With the anticipated extension of ASR technology to the
storage of reclaimed and agricultural waters, greater emphasis upon under-
ground reduction of the various phosphorus and nitrogen forms would be
valuable. Ammonia and phosphorus reduction and denitrification have
been shown to occur; however, the data are limited.
Mechanical design of ASR wellhead facilities has evolved during the
past few years. While this is not "high" technology, it is also not "low"
technology. Several key features are advisable to achieve testing and
operational objectives, as discussed in Chapter 3, Design of ASR Systems.
It is anticipated that the downhole control valve will be commonly applied
where the depth to water level is substantial or where available recharge
flow rates are highly variable.
Better understanding of well clogging rates and backflushing frequen-
cies will be achieved as the number of ASR systems increases. This will
improve the opportunity for enhancement of the predictive model devel-
oped in Section 4.2, Well Clogging and Redevelopment, which will then
provide better estimates of ASR system performance to aid in design and
operational planning.
Similarly, better understanding of wellhead filtration techniques, eco-
nomics and performance will provide an improved basis for ASR pretreat-
ment facilities design in order to minimize the entry of particulates and
other suspended solids into the wells. A number of alternatives are avail-
able, as discussed in Section 4.3, Wellhead Filtration. By keeping solids
out of the wells, ASR performance will improve. This is an important area

for future work, in order to identify cost-effective filtration alternatives

that can be utilized by agricultural and other operations for ASR storage
of available waters that have not been treated to potable standards.
Finally, it is anticipated that well hydraulics during recharge and recov-
ery will be investigated at several new sites to shed light on mechanisms
responsible for differences in specific capacity and specific injectivity, as
discussed in Section 4.2, Well Plugging and Redevelopment. Clear reso-
lution of this technical issue will affect subsequent wellhead design.


In the next few years, attention is expected to focus increasingly upon

regulatory issues associated with ASR. Storage of treated drinking water
is not the main issue. The risks and benefits of storing water from high
quality non-potable sources in brackish, and possibly fresh aquifers will
undoubtedly be debated in many forums in different states and also at the
national level within the U.S. Similar discussions are already occurring in
Australia and probably in other countries.
It seems likely that the outcome of these discussions will differ, reflect-
ing the opportunities, needs, and constraints in each area. For water short
areas, such as many parts of the Middle East, the rapidly approaching
failure of groundwater resources is likely to precipitate creation of strate-
gic water reserves, not only for potable water but also for reclaimed water.
These would provide water for drinking and also for irrigation in the event
of national emergencies. Under such circumstances, the risks associated
with the use and underground storage of reclaimed water are more likely
to be outweighed by the benefits. In other areas with more plentiful water
supplies, public opinion may support regulatory restrictions upon ASR
storage of non-potable water so that the potential benefits will be lost or
substantially reduced, reflecting an unwillingness to accept the perceived
risks associated with storage of non-potable waters.
It is not easy to project what regulatory path will be followed in the U.S.
A suggested direction is as follows:

• Develop a model code for regulation of potable water ASR systems. The
code would incorporate various key elements essential to ASR success,
while providing the flexibility to fit in with different legal frameworks for
water regulation in each state.
• Devise a regulatory framework for ASR storage of non-potable, high quality
waters in brackish aquifers that will work in Florida and California. These
two states will provide a pattern for other states to consider as they subse-

quently tackle the same regulatory issues. This would include concepts
presented in Section 5.3, Legal and Regulatory Issues, and Section 7.3,
Reclaimed Water.
• Seek the support of state environmental groups and major water users from
agriculture, industry and public water suppliers for the proposed regulatory
• Work with state regulatory agencies and elected representatives to imple-
ment rule changes as appropriate to establish the desired regulatory frame-
work at the state level.
• Seek Congressional action directing the Environmental Protection Agency
to modify existing Underground Injection Control regulations to provide for
ASR storage of high quality, but non-potable water in brackish aquifers,
developing a regulatory process that more closely reflects the benefits that
may be achieved without adverse environmental and water quality effects.
• Work with the Environmental Protection Agency to develop an appropriate
ASR regulatory process. This will require careful negotiations to establish
consistency with the intent of the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act, even
though the Underground Injection Control regulations established pursuant
to the Act remain in effect. This will probably require development of
additional federal regulations pertaining to permitting of ASR facilities.
• Select sites for demonstration ASR projects storing surface water, groundwa-
ter, and reclaimed water, using the permitting process for these sites as the
vehicle for bringing about the necessary regulatory changes discussed above.

This process may require several years, with uncertain outcome. How-
ever, the competition for available water supplies will continue to build,
increasing the likelihood that changes will be necessary in the way we
manage water. These will include both technical and regulatory changes,


Current ASR activity is primarily concentrated in the U.S. Challenging

water situations, however, are found throughout the world. It is only a
matter of time before ASR technology is applied worldwide, the principal
constraint being lack of understanding that the technology exists and is
able to resolve a wide variety of water needs at low cost.

Driving Forces

Several factors favor the rapid implementation of ASR in other countries:

• very low cost relative to other water supply and treatment alternatives
• relatively simple technology to design, construct and operate

• proven success in a wide variety of hydrogeologic settings and water supply

• proven performance in the U.S., Holland, Israel, and England
• enhanced reliability of water supplies, at a time when many existing sources
are becoming less reliable to sustain growing water needs
• strong support of environmental interests


A few factors tend to slow down or discourage ASR implementation,

most of which are considered short-term or transitional:

• Lack of awareness or sufficient understanding of ASR technology to realize

how it may be applied to meet local needs.
• Political or financial momentum associated with alternative, more visible
water resources projects such as major dams, reservoirs, pipelines, and
treatment plants. All too frequently this is a major factor for delaying
progress on less-expensive alternatives such as ASR. It is difficult to mount
a bronze plaque on a well.
• Lack of "local" ASR experience. Few individuals or agencies are willing to
be the first to try a new technology in their area, even if similar ASR projects
are successfully operating in other areas.
• Unsuitable hydrogeologic conditions for water storage. This is probably a
constraint for only a very few areas, based upon experience to date.


ASR implementation opportunities are boundless. There are probably

few, if any, countries where ASR cannot be applied beneficially to meet
a variety of needs. Chapter 9 discusses several sites where ASR has been
applied in the U.S. and other countries, while the various potential types
of applications are presented in Section 1.5, ASR Applications to Meet
Water Management Needs.
In countries with ample water resources, ASR is more likely to be
applied to defer costly expansion of water treatment and conveyance
facilities by making more efficient use of existing facilities. Where water
resources are unreliable due to seasonal variability in flow or quality, ASR
can be used to enhance reliability and supplement the yield. Where water
resources are scarce, ASR may be used to store limited available supplies
underground, eliminating evaporation and seepage losses associated with
surface reservoirs. Water systems subject to emergency loss from natural
or man-made causes can store water to meet these needs, thereby reducing
system vulnerability. Regardless of the use or the source of the stored

water, aquifer storage is usually relatively inexpensive compared to other

water supply, surface reservoir storage or treatment alternatives.
Engineers tend to be motivated by dreams or "grand plans" to resolve
challenges facing humanity. Occasionally these dreams tum into reality, as
evidenced by some of the major engineering feats of the past century such
as the Suez and Panama Canals, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the tunnel
now connecting England and France.
One such dream is the "Peace Pipeline" connecting the abundant water
supplies in Turkey with the water short countries of the Arabian peninsula.
Such a pipeline would have to cross some of the most politically volatile
countries in the Middle East. The huge cost of this pipeline, combined with
the resulting national vulnerability associated with any significant depen-
dence upon an outside water source controlled by several other nations,
would suggest that this pipeline will never be much more than a dream.
However, the stakes are high and getting higher. Groundwater re-
sources, which supply a large percentage of the current water withdrawals
of the Arabian Gulf countries, will soon be exhausted. Estimates of when
this may be expected seem to range from about 15 to 50 years. Oil reserves
are substantial; however, oil revenues are insufficient at current world oil
prices to support the water needs of a region with the most rapidly growing
population in the world. Due to the very high capital and operating costs,
desalination of seawater is not really a viable solution for the quantities of
water that are required for all uses, whether now or in the future. Interest in
the possibility of a pipeline to import water is therefore expected to grow.
Integration of ASR technology with the pipeline can help to ease many
of the political and technical shortcomings of the current plan, thereby
enhancing the chances of its implementation. At key locations along the
pipeline such as major pumping stations, delivery points, and locations
with particularly suitable hydrogeologic characteristics, ASR storage res-
ervoirs would be constructed. These would become the new "oases" in the
desert, storing vast quantities of water to meet variations in water demand,
whether seasonal, long-term, or for national emergencies. These strategic
reserves would help to defuse tensions related to potential short-term loss
of water from the pipeline, buying time for measures, political and other-
wise, to restore water supplies. For example, a reasonable goal would be
the development of a one-year reserve of drinking water at each delivery
point, following which further supplies would be utilized to meet lower
priority needs and seasonal variations in demand.
This is but one "dream." There are many others, limited only by the
ability and willingness of water managers to integrate ASR technology
into their water supply planning.


The Peace River/Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority serves

water from the Peace River to portions of Sarasota, Charlotte and DeSoto
counties in southwest Florida. During 1993, maximum day and average
day production from the water treatment plant were 36 megaliters/day (9.6
MG/day) and 26 megaliters/day (6.9 MG/day), respectively.
The Peace River is highly variable in both flow and quality such that
with the current regulatory diversion schedule, periods of up to 2 months
with no allowable diversions are relatively normal, while periods of up to
7 months may occur, as shown in Figure 2.2. Average river flow is about
2450 megaliters/day (1000 cfs). An offstream reservoir with a capacity of
2.4 Mm 3 (1920 acre ft) is utilized to meet demands during periods of no
diversion from the river, and also to improve raw water quality.
A 45 megaliters/day (12 MG/day) water treatment plant provides water
to the service area using alum coagulation, filtration and disinfection with
chloramines. Water is treated to meet system demands and also to recharge
a system of six ASR wells at the plant site, the yield of which is about 17
megaliters/day (4.5 MG/day). These wells were constructed in two lime-

* Peace River/Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority, 145 l Dam Road, Bradenton, Florida


stone artesian aquifers that contain brackish water. Well T -1 was con-
structed in the Tampa zone, which occurs at a depth of about 122 to 152
m (400 to 500ft), while the remaining five wells (Sl, SlA, S4, S5, S6)
were constructed in the Suwannee zone, which occurs at a depth of about
174 to 274m (570 to 900ft). Water is stored in the ASR wells during low
demand months and is recovered as needed to meet system peak and long-
term demands. Figure 4.18 shows the layout of the Peace River facilities.
Operation of the first two ASR wells began in 1985. Three wells were
added and an observation well converted to ASR use in 1988. Three
additional ASR wells should become operational in 1994, increasing
system recovery capacity to between 26 and 30 megaliters/day (7 and 8
MG/day). To meet seasonal and long-term variations in water supply and
demand, the target storage volume for each well is 1.33 Mm3 (350 MG) per
MG/day recovery capacity. As of the end of 1993, this target volume has
almost been reached since the Authority has 5.7 Bm3 (1.5 BG) of treated
drinking water stored in the ASR wells.
A third zone in the Avon Park aquifer is located at a depth of about 396
to 427 m (1300 to 1400 ft). This zone is being tested to determine its
feasibility for storage of untreated or treated water. If feasibility is con-
firmed, all three zones would be utilized to store water beneath the treat-
ment plant, thereby "stacking" the stored water vertically and concentrat-
ing piping and wellfield operations in a small area. This is quite cost-
effective. Figure 2.7 shows the hydrogeologic cross-section at this site.
Estimated hydraulic characteristics of the various aquifers and confin-
ing layers have been estimated from several pumping tests. For the Tampa
zone, transmissivity is about 455 m2/day (4900 ft 2/day); storativity is
0.0004, and leakance is 0.0001/day. Porosity is estimated at 15%. Static
water level is about 22 ft above the measuring point, which is at an
elevation of 27 ft above mean sea level. The average regional gradient of
the potentiometric surface in this area is about 0.0002 to the WNW;
however, production wells in the vicinity may affect the local gradient
around the single ASR well in the Tampa zone. This well is open hole in
limestone from 380 to 480 ft in depth. The lithology for Well T -1 is
generally limestone, poorly to well consolidated, light grey to cream
colored, soft to hard, and fossiliferous.
For the Suwannee zone, transmissivity is about 560 m2/day (6000 ft2/
day); storativity is about 0.0001, and leakance is 0.0085/day. Most of the
leakance is believed to occur through the underlying confining layer
separating this zone from the Avon Park formation. Static water level is
about the same as for the Tampa zone, and the regional gradient is about
0.0003 to the WNW. All but one of the existing operational ASR wells are


Suwannee Tampa Recharge Water

Zone Zone Maximum Minimum Average

Conductivity 1,290 1,150 959 340 471

Chlorides (mg/L) 184 151 162 30 55
Sulfate (mg/L) 224 222 175 32 83
Total dissolved solids 800 700 470 170 247
Alkalinity (as CaCo 3 , 144 142 100 38 50
Calcium (mg/L) 114 80 88 24 33
Magnesium (mg/L) 48 55
Total hardness 482 424 300 100 133
(as CaCo 3 , mg/L)
Non-carbonate 338 282 100 54 66
hardness (as
CaCo 3 , mg/L)
Sulfide, total (mg/L) 4.0 3.7 0 0 0
pH 7.4 7.55 8.60 7.90 8.24
pHs 7.61 7.75 8.50 8.25 8.38
Note: Data from test program, Cycles 1-6.

in the Suwannee zone. Lithology is limestone, similar to the description

above for the Tampa zone.
The initial two ASR wells and the converted observation well have
plain steel casings, while the remaining three wells have epoxy-coated
steel casings. All casings are 300 mm (12 inch) diameter except the
converted observation well, SlA, which is 200 mm (8 inches) in diameter.
All wells are equipped with vertical turbine pumps and recharge is down
the annulus. Typical recharge and recovery rates are similar at about 0.5
to 1.0 MG/day. Wells are redeveloped by pumping at the beginning of
seasonal recovery but are not otherwise backflushed periodically during
Table 9.1 shows typical water quality for the recharge water, and also
for native water in the two storage zones.
The principal objective of the ASR system is to provide seasonal
storage. During early years, additional water is also being stored long-term
to meet demands in later years when higher demands will limit the amount
that can be stored. These higher demands will also increase the amount that
needs to be recovered. Long-term storage, or "water banking," is a second-
ary objective. By substituting ASR storage for expansion of the offstream
surface reservoir, capital costs for system expansion to meet projected

future regional demands can be reduced by an estimated 60%. Once the

target initial storage volume has been reached, it should be possible to
meet projected water demands with high reliability (95%) and with excel-
lent water quality meeting all applicable standards, despite the great vari-
ability in flow and quality of the Peace River. Operating experience to date
has been satisfactory. Figure 9.1 shows operating data from well S6 from
1989 to 1991, including monthly recharge and recovery volumes, cumu-
lative volume, and TDS of recharged and recovered water.
A key part of the planning process for this site has been the development
and application of a computer simulation model of flow and quality, using
a monthly time step and the historic period of record to route flows from
the river to the offstream reservoir, treatment plant, ASR wells and distri-
bution system. This model has been used to determine the most cost-
effective expansion path for major facility components to meet increasing
levels of regional water demand during the planning period. Table 4.8
shows the expansion path, from which it is apparent that incremental
expansion of relatively inexpensive ASR wells can defer the next expan-
sion of the 45 megaliters/day (12 MG/day) treatment plant until maximum
day demand reaches about 68 megaliters/day (18 MG/day). If ASR wellfield
capacity and potential storage volume is sufficient as expected, offstream
reservoir expansion can be deferred for many years.
When used to meet seasonal demand variations, an approximate annual
mass balance of water stored and recovered can usually be achieved with
allowance for some inexpensive factor of safety. When used to meet long-
term demand variability such as an increasing trend of water demand, ASR
system reliability depends not only upon facilities capacity but also upon
the shape of the demand projections curve. A water system with sharp
initial growth after new facilities become operational will have less oppor-
tunity to store water in early years to meet long-term needs. Conversely,
a system with little growth in demand after a new facility becomes opera-
tional will have ample opportunity to store water for long-term needs.
Consequently, careful attention to demand projections, and periodic updat-
ing of these projections, can help to ensure that ASR economies are
achieved without jeopardizing system reliability.
The ultimate ASR plan at Peace River includes over 40 ASR wells in
the Suwannee zone, meeting system peak demands in excess of 151
megaliters/day (40 MG/day). No further development of the Tampa zone
is planned due to relatively low well yields and also due to the use of this
zone by others in the surrounding area for water supply and irrigation
purposes. If the Avon Park zone is shown to be feasible, it should be
possible to reduce the number of Suwannee zone wells and the associated
~----------------------------------------------------------,500 r
50 m
~----------~400 0
40 ()
I~ 300 m
30 ~
0 c
6 Q
200 m
~I 20 (/)
,.... 10
0 ~qL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LR~~o
0 Ol
~I -lon CLmulatlve
11111 Volum<>•+11 MG :Q
> ~
~I -20
0:: ~
~ .!a
-30 0
~ ;§

Note: Background TDS concentration in Well S-6 is 900 mg/1.

Drinking water standard for TDS is 500 mg/1.

Figure 9.1 ASR Well S-6, monthly recharge and recovery volumes and TDS concentrations,
Peace River, Florida. II)

aereal extent of the wellfield. Each well site would include a pair of wells,
one in each zone.


The City of Cocoa on Florida's east coast provides water to Cape

Canaveral Air Force Station, Patrick Air Force Base, Kennedy Space
Center, several communities and other wholesale customers in central
Brevard County, in addition to the city's own residents. The primary
source of water is the upper Floridan aquifer, from wells located inland in
Orange County, since this aquifer is brackish in Brevard County. An
overlying secondary artesian aquifer provides a small supplemental supply
of water.
Maximum day demand reached 144 megaliters/day (38 MG/day) in
1989 while average demand was about 91 megaliters/day (24 MG/day).
Since then, slightly lower demands have occurred due to implementation
of water conservation and reuse measures and regulatory restrictions,
despite an increase in the number of connections.
Water supply facilities include 24 wells in the limestone artesian aquifer
and three wells in the secondary artesian aquifer, with a combined permit-
ted maximum day production capacity of 182 megaliters/day (48 MG/
day). Current actual production capacity is about 167 megaliters/day (44
MG/day ), since some of the permitted wells have yet to be constructed and
hydraulic limitations in the collection system throttle the flows. Wellfield
expansion is planned to increase the yield and also to shift the pattern of
production, thereby reducing potential saline water intrusion.
Water from the wellfield is pumped to the Wewahootee Pumping
Station where it is aerated to remove hydrogen sulfide and also chlori-
nated. It is then pumped to the Claude H. Dyal Water Treatment Plant
which has a rated capacity of 167 megaliters/day (44 MG/day). During
months when demand is below wellfield capacity, excess water is treated
at the plant and stored in six ASR wells located on the plant site. During
peak demand months, the stored water is recovered to meet system de-
mands. From the plant, the water is pumped to the distribution system. The
pipeline distance from the wellfield to the end of the distribution system
is about 80 km (50 miles). Figure 9.2 shows the general layout of the
Cocoa water supply and distribution facilities, while Figure 9.3 shows the
layout of the ASR wellfield at the treatment plant site.
The aquifer being recharged is the same aquifer from which the water
is withdrawn; however, the ASR location is about 24 km (15 miles) to the

* Department of Utilities/Public Works, City of Cocoa, 600 School Street, Cocoa, Florida 32922

Scale in Feet
liiJ"'iiil I
0 1500 3000

Figure 9.2 Location of water supply facilities, Cocoa, Florida.

east of the main portion of the wellfield. It is a confined limestone artesian

aquifer that contains brackish water with typical TDS concentrations of
about 900 to 2000 mg/L. ASR operations began in 1987 at the first ASR
well. Five additional ASR wells began operation in 1991, increasing
recovery capacity to 30 megaliters/day (8 MG/day). At such time as the
raw water supply wellfield is expanded to its full permitted capacity, the

.c 5
.n ,.,., $:Gi ~
:J m
0.c:: -~r::
~ a: :::;
0 (f) 0

~m II
) '

o\I '


combined wellfield, treatment plant, and ASR system should be able to

meet peak demands up to about 212 megaliters/day (56 MG/day) using the
existing six ASR wells. Provision for four additional ASR well sites
adjacent to the plant is underway.
Each of the ASR wells is completed with open hole construction,
including a 400 mm (16 inch) PVC casing to depths ranging from about
85 to 91 m (280 to 300ft). Holes reach depths of about 113m (370ft) and
are acidized to improve yield and specific capacity. Each well is equipped
with a vertical turbine pump. Recharge occurs down the annulus between
the pump column and the well casing at design rates ranging from 3.0 to
4.5 megaliters/day (0.8 to 1.2 MG/day). The maximum system recharge
rate is 23 megaliters/day (6.0 MG/day), although lower rates of about half
this amount can be effectively utilized. Recovery rates for individual wells
range from 3.8 to 6.0 megaliters/day (1.0 to 1.6 MG/day), totaling 30
megaliters/day (8.0 MG/day). Flow rates during recharge and recovery
must be balanced between the wells in order to control subsurface lateral
movement of the stored water around each well under the influence of
hydraulic interference. Over a period of several years, it is anticipated that
the storage bubbles around each well will tend to coalesce, reducing the
initial sensitivity of the system to variations in recharge and recovery rates
and volumes at individual wells.
Figure 2.5 indicates the hydrogeology of the ASR site, including the
initial ASR test facilities. Pumping tests in the upper Floridan aquifer at the
plant site indicate that aquifer hydraulic characteristics are as follows:

Transmissivity 36,000 to 101,000 G/day/ft

447 to 1254 m2/day
Storati vity 2.3 X 10-4 to 3.0 X 10-4
Leakance 2.5 X 10~3 to 3.7 X 10~3/day
Specific capacity 16 to 60 G/minlft at about 1000 G/min

Static water levels are typically about 11 ft below land surface, which
is at a mean sea level elevation of about 44 ft. During recharge, interfer-
ence between wells is such that wellhead pressures can reach about 28 psi
while during recovery, drawdowns of up to about 20m (65ft) can occur
in individual wells.
Following expansion of the ASR system from one to six wells, a system
performance test was performed, recharging all six wells at once and
monitoring differences in recharge rates and volumes and recovered water
quality from each well. Extensive data were collected, some of which is
presented in Table 9.2. It is pertinent to note in this table the relative water
quality at the end of recovery between Well R-1, which had been in ASR
operation for four years, and the remaining wells that were being placed into
service. The improvement in quality with successive cycles is apparent.



Recharge Recovery Background

Volume Chloride Chloride Chloride
Well (MG) (mg/L) Volume (mg/l) (mg/l)

R-1 11.2 151 11.2 166 342

R-2 11.9 151 11.7 492 410
R-3 7.2 151 7.7 268 350
R-4 11.9 151 13.7 342 370
R-5 10.3 151 11.4 532 570
R-6 7.6 151 7.9 642 850
Blend 60.1 151 63.6 414

Note: Recharge chloride concentration is average of 10 samples ranging from

128 to 194 mg/L. Recovery chloride concentration is at end of recovery
on the first operational test cycle. Well R-1 in prior operation for 4 years.

Since ASR operations at all six wells began in 1991, data have been
gathered to monitor system performance. Figure 9.4 shows monthly and
cumulative storage volume for all wells for the period September 1992, to
August 1993, and variations in recharge and recovery water quality, as
indicated by chloride concentrations. Performance is satisfactory except
for Well R-2, which consistently shows higher turbidity compared to the
other wells. This continues a pattern of abnormal response in Well T-2 that
began during well construction and testing. Such differences in well
performance in karst limestone aquifers are not unusual. Plugging has not
been observed during ASR operations to date.
The target storage volume for each ASR well is 100 MG (378 megaliters)
per MG/day recovery capacity, thereby providing about 100 days of
recovery. Full recovery efficiency has been demonstrated in this brackish
aquifer. Considering that the seasonal variability in supply from the wellfield
is small, the only real variability is in demand. Such a target storage
volume should enable the city to meet seasonal demand variations up to a
peak demand of 212 megaliters/day (56 MG/day).
Further increases in demand will be met from a new surface water
source, Taylor Creek reservoir, which is located about 3 miles from the
water treatment plant. The supply of water from this source is highly
variable, reflecting regulatory and environmental restrictions upon
streamflow diversions. In many years, periods of no diversion will extend
for about 1 month, while a period of up to about 18 months is possible. As
a result, the ASR target storage volume associated with this source will be
substantially greater than 378 megaliters (100 MG) in order to meet
seasonal and long-term variability in both supply and demand.


Total Stored 8/92 = 113 Mg

Total Stored 7/93 = 141 Mg


=chlorine feed approximately l. 7 Mg/month


Figure 9.4 Recharge and recovery volumes (8/92-7/93), Cocoa, Florida.

The combination of surface supply, wellfield supply, and ASR storage

provides a reliable water system meeting regional water demands at rela-
tively low cost. During wet years it is anticipated that more surface water
will be diverted, treated, consumed and stored. During drought years, more
groundwater will be produced, treated, and consumed, recovering water
from ASR storage to help meet peak demands.


The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority initiated ASR investigations in

1987 with the objective of determining whether it is feasible to store
treated drinking water in a highly saline aquifer for emergency water
supply purposes. The Marathon Pumping Station site was selected so that
recovered water could be directed either into the local distribution system
or into the regional transmission system. The recharge water source is a
wellfield and water treatment plant at Florida City on the mainland, from
which treated drinking water is pumped about 193 km (120 miles) to Key
West, crossing 45 bridges. Concern regarding the vulnerability of this
system to disruption during hurricanes prompted the investigation of ASR
as a potential alternative to very costly plans for seawater desalination or
above-ground storage to meet emergency needs. Figure 9.5 shows the
location of the Marathon site.
Facilities at this site include one ASR test well, two storage zone
observation wells, a shallow drainage well for interim disposal of recov-

* Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, 1100 Kennedy Drive, Key West, Florida 33041

ered water, a submersible pump, and wellhead piping. Recharge occurs

down the annulus. These facilities were constructed during 1990 following
earlier preliminary studies to select the storage zone. Testing began in
August 1990. Results of a pumping test conducted at the beginning of the
cycle testing indicated that the storage zone is a leaky confined aquifer
with the following hydraulic characteristics:

Transmissivity 17,100 G/day/ft (212m2/d)

Thickness 40ft (12m)
Storativity 3.2 x IQ-4

Subsequently, it was determined that the well was not fully developed.
Additional development was conducted, improving well specific capacity
to about 2.7 G/min/ft at typical pumping rates of 235 to 350 G/min. No
subsequent hydraulic testing has been performed to reevaluate hydraulic
characteristics or their response to several cycles of ASR operation. No
signs of well plugging have been observed.
The ASR well and two observation wells are constructed as shown in
Figure 3.1. 400 mm (16 inch) Schedule 80 PVC casing was cemented to
a depth of 118m (387 ft). A 250 mm (10 inch), 0.025 slot stainless steel
316, wire-wrapped screen was then installed to a depth of 130m (427ft),
plus a 1.5 m (5 ft) sump. The screen was extended with a blank section

Collier County I
---~'--·- - - - : - : : '
Scale in Miles
0 10 20


Gulf of Mexico

Atlantic Ocean

Figure 9.5 Marathon, Florida, ASR location.


inside the casing to a depth of 110 m (362 ft) and the annular space was
filled with 6/20 gravel using a l-inch gravel tube.
During well construction, continuous wireline cores were collected
between 107 and 137m (350 and 450ft). The storage zone is composed
of clean, coarse quartz sands with a porosity of 26 to 35% with minor
amounts of carbonate, calcite, and dolomite and traces of smectite, illite/
mica, and kaolinite. These cores were analyzed to determine their physical,
geochemical, and other properties to provide a basis for ASR zone
selection and screen design. From this information and associated geo-
physical logs, observation well OW -1 was equipped with three 0.5-inch
sampling tubes, isolated with packers into production intervals at the top
(387 to 405 ft), middle (405 to 418 ft), and bottom (418 to 428 ft) of the
storage zone. Sample ports are set at depths of 122, 125, and 130m (400,
410, and 426 ft).
The storage zone contains seawater. An observation well core descrip-
tion of the storage interval and adjacent portions of the overlying and
underlying confining layers is shown in Table 9.3. Figure 9.6 shows the
water quality response at observation well OW -1 during Cycle 2. It is of
some interest that the freshest water occurs at the bottom sampling interval
during the recharge, storage, and most of the recovery period. During
Cycle 2, 37 megaliters (9.7 MG) were injected over a 42-day period. The
water was stored for 34 days and then 13 megaliters (3.5 MG) were
recovered. Recovery efficiency was about 23% during this cycle before
water quality exceeded potable standards. Evidently the vertical hydraulic
conductivity within the storage zone is sufficiently low that density strati-
fication occurs quite slowly. In subsequent cycles, recovery efficiency
steadily improved as the storage zone was developed, reaching about 72%
during the test program.
Static water level in the ASR well typically ranges from 0.9 to 1.2 m (3
to 4ft) below the measuring point, which is close to land surface elevation
of about 1.5 m (5 ft). During recharge and storage periods, freshwater
displaces seawater in the storage zone, increasing static head above land
surface. Daily tidal variation is about 0.1 m (0.4 ft).
A series of eleven ASR cycles has been conducted to determine the
relationships between recharge and recovery rates, volumes, storage peri-
ods, and recovery efficiencies. Table 9.4 shows water quality of the
recharge water and the native groundwater at this site. The storage zone
TDS is 37,200 mg/L. Simulation modeling was conducted prior to the test
program to provide a basis for design of the test cycles.
From the results of the cycles, it is apparent that treated drinking water
can be stored in a thin, confined, low permeability aquifer containing

Sample Length Length %

Run Depth Attempt Recovery Recovery Color lithologic Description Comments

CR6 378.6-383.6 5.0 5.4 108% Light olive Sandstone vf grained in 5ft in 11/ 2 min.
calcareous clayey matrix,
well consolidated little-
same pelecypod shell
(10y5/4) subrounded-Moldic porosity
throughout sample. Trace
medium coarse silica.
CR7 383.6-388.6 5.0 3.9 77% Light olive As above; slightly more 1 ft ss; 11/ 2 soft,
(10y 5/4) phosphorite grains in 1/2 ss, 2 soft.
and yellowish lime-mud matrix. Middle 11/ 2 soft
Gray (5y 7/2) Coarse-grained silica has some hard lenses
angular-rounded. Well less than .05 ft
rounded calcareous sand thick. Sand sample
grains (fine-grained). from core-catcher
obtained 5 ft in.
11/ 2 min.
CR8 400-405.5 5.5 2.4 44% Light olive Sand, vf-med, poorly 5 1/ 2 ft in 21/ 2
(10y 5/4) sorted silica slightly min. 1-ft sample to
effervesent in HCL Mineralogy Inc. for
angular-subangular. analysis.
Little vf. black
phosphorite in matrix.
Little white (N9)
limestone fragments in
upper 0.6 ft of core.
Some lime-mud matrix.
CR9 406-410.5 4.5 3.2 71% As above As above; limestone frags No core return from
occur throughout core. 405.5-406, 4.5 ft
Iron staining but may be in 3 1/ 2 min.
from core barrel.
CR10 411-413.5 2.5 2.4 96% As above As above - with gravel 2.5 ft in 5 mins.
(<.4mm) Subangular to 2-ft sample to David
subrounded. Pyne.
CR11 413.5-416.5 3.0 3.3 110% As above As above More coarse with depth
3.0 ft in 5 min 40 sec.
Mud viscosity = 45 sec.
Mud weight= 8 3/4 lb/gal.
1 ft sample to Mineralogy
CR12 416.5-417.4 0.9 0.9 100% As above As above Lost circulation. Retrieved
core barrel which
has this sample in it.
CR13 417.4-420.4 3.0 2.0 67% As above As above. Appears finer Sample 420-420.4.
grained. Less phos-
phorite, calcareous matrix,
mottled streaks.
CR14 422-427 2.0 1.8 90% As above As above. Less calcareous Mud viscosity = 60 sec.
and pale material subrounded-rounded. Mud weight= 83/ 4 .
olive (1 Oy 6/2) Predominantly translucent Casing set but it just
silica grain. Poorly was set down into sand.
sorted. Core obtained most
likely from 424'-427'.
5 ft in 4 min.
CR15 427-428.5 1.0 0.0 0% As above As above Switch to conventional
shoe for next run
because we're
in hard material
at 428.5 (may be clay
CR16 428.5-433.5 5.0 1.8 36% As above As above Core indicates a cleaner
sand below the olive
sand we've encountered
thus far. Bottom of
core is very hard
sandy clay.
CR17 433.5-438.5 5.0 4.7 94% Light olive As above; thin (<2") Predominantly sand with
(10y 5/4) clay lenses @434' thin clay lenses.
olive and gray and 436'-438'. Clay
(5y 3/2) is highly plastic (CH).

I -----Top
Tes1Cycle2 Middle

20.000 ~ - - - - - - Bottom

~ ~
Nota: Observation well located
126ft. from ASR well. ASR storage
interval is 387~427 ft.

0; 15,000
g '
\~ I I
Recharg Storage Recovery
~ 10,000
-~ T 1 I

u "7
~\ .I

--, ~~
--::::..:- 1-, v
-- -~

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (days)

Figure 9.6 Observation well chloride concentration vs. time, Marathon, Florida.


Recharge Water Native Water

Constituent (mg/L) (mg/L)

pH 10.3 7.60
Total alkalinity 23.1 120
Conductivity (!lmhos/cm) 397 49,000
Carbonate hardness 110 1,390
Non-carbonate hardness 95.0 6,480
Turbidity (NTU) <0.2 <0.2
Total dissolved solids 212 37,200
Total suspended solids <1.0 4.2
Calcium 33.8 398
Magnesium 3.75 1,250
Sodium 20 11,000
Potassium 11.4 385
Silica 4.7 9.43
Aluminum <0.5 <0.5
Iron 0.05 <1.0
Chloride 41.8 20,800
Fluoride 0.8 0.84
Sulfate 91 '1 2,910
Nitrate and nitrite <0.02 <0.02
Carbonate 16.8 0
Bicarbonate 23.1 146

Note: Recharged water sampled April 3, 1990. Native water sampled May 4,

seawater. The recovery efficiency declines with increasing duration of

storage, as might be expected, reflecting density stratification of the stored
water in the aquifer. Figure 4.3 shows recovery efficiency as related to
storage time between the midpoint of recharge and the midpoint of recov-
ery, based upon data from the series of test cycles. Storage volumes during
this series were typically either about 19 megaliters or 57 megaliters (5
MG or 15 MG). Testing at the larger storage volume showed that if a small
trickle flow of about 3 Lisee (50 G/min) is added to the well between the
end of recharge and the beginning of recovery to counterract mixing losses
due to density stratification, it is then possible to ensure that a given target
recovery volume will be available when needed. The longer the period of
trickle flow to maintain the target recovery volume, the lower the overall
recovery efficiency, although the ability to recover the target volume
remains unchanged.
Under optimum operating conditions, it is expected that overall annual
recovery efficiency will range from about 45 to 65%, including the trickle
flows required during storage periods. With these trickle flows, it should
be possible to store 57 megaliters (15 MG) per year and recover about 38
megaliters (10 MG) per year from each ASR well to help meet peak
seasonal demands or to meet emergency needs if they arise.
In an operating mode, ASR storage occurs during May and June,
immediately prior to the hurricane season that occurs between late June
and early November. The recharge rate is typically about 1.1 to 1.6
megaliters/day (200 to 300 G/min). Once the desired storage volume of
about 57 to 76 megaliters (15 MG to 20 MG) is attained in each well,
recharge continues at a trickle feed rate of about 3 Lisee (50 G/min) to
offset density stratification losses in the storage zone. In the event of a
hurricane emergency that interrupts water supplies, the ASR well is pumped
at a rate of about 1.35 to 1.89 megaliters/day (250 to 350 G/min) until
water quality exceeds potable standards. If no emergency occurs, the
stored water is recovered to help meet water demands during January and
February, which are usually the peak demand months. An alternative
operating scenario under consideration is to store additional water in each
well prior to the hurricane season, recovering a portion to help meet a
secondary peak demand period during August while leaving the hurricane
emergency storage volume in the wells.
The water supply plan for the Authority includes expansion of ASR
facilities at the Marathon site to a recovery capacity of 3 MG/day. At this
operating scale, the annual value of the water stored but not recovered is
estimated at about $81,000 (1993 dollars). Other operation and mainte-
nance costs are expected to increase the annual total cost to about $118,000.

The capital cost is estimated at about $3 million, or $1.00 per gallon of

installed emergency capacity. Both the capital and operating costs are
significantly less than the cost of alternative emergency water supply
sources available in the Florida Keys. Furthermore, the ASR system will
help meet peak demands, potentially deferring the need for expansion of
some treatment and transmission facilities. An added advantage is the
opportunity to phase in construction over a period of a few years.
This is believed to be the first ASR system in the world to store
drinking water in a seawater aquifer. The first ASR well is fully permit-
ted and currently awaits installation of a chlorinator so that recovered
flows can be directed into the distribution system. Seven additional wells
are planned at this site to increase recovery capacity to 11 megaliters/day
(3 MG/day).


Port Malabar is a residential community located on Florida's east coast.

At the time ASR investigations began in 1987, the community water
supply was furnished by a private utility, General Development Utilities,
Inc. Recently the Town of Palm Bay acquired the utility and now serves
the people of Port Malabar with water. Facilities include a shallow second-
ary artesian aquifer wellfield comprising over 31 wells located throughout
the service area, a 38 megaliters/day (10 MG/day) water treatment plant,
raw water collection and treated water distribution system, an ASR well
and three observation wells. Inadequate raw water supply is the greatest
constraint upon system operations. Existing wells can barely meet a maxi-
mum day demand of about 21 megaliters/day (5.5 MG/day).
The ASR storage zone is a semi-confined, brackish artesian aquifer
located at a depth of 91 to 113 m (298 to 370 ft). The system became
operational in 1989 and was intended to stretch the capacity of a smaller
water treatment plant to meet increasing system demands until such time
as a treatment plant and wellfield expansion could be completed. Although
the plant has been expanded, wellfield capacity is still insufficient and
seven new wells are planned.
Testing at the ASR well indicated the following aquifer characteristics:

Transmissivity 17,200 G/day/ft

213m 2/day
Storativity 0.00015
Leakance 0.00025 day- 1
Specific capacity 13.0 G/minlft at 610 G/min (recovery)
10 to 15 G/minlft during recharge (Cycles 4,5)

* Town of Palm Bay, 1101 Troutman Boulevard, NE, Palm Bay, Florida 32905

The static water level during the test program was a few feet below land
surface, which is about 15 ft above sea level. The storage zone is a
production interval at the top of the Ocala formation, confined above by
clays of the Hawthorn formation and below by low permeability lime-
stones. Construction details of the ASR well, a production well in the
overlying secondary artesian aquifer, and ASR observation wells are
shown in Figure 9.7. The ASR well is constructed of 300 mm (12-inch)
PVC casing to 91 m (298ft), and is open hole to 113m (370ft). The two
production zone observation wells are located at distances of 15 and 30 m
(50 and 100 ft) from the ASR well while the deep monitor well in an
underlying production zone is located 12m (39ft) from the ASR well. The
well is equipped with a vertical turbine pump and a chlorinator, and
recharge occurs down the annulus.
Storage zone native water quality constituents of interest included TDS
= 1320 mg/L, chloride = 588 mg!L, and hydrogen sulfide = 3.4 mg/L.
Recharge water chloride concentration averaged about 180 mg/L. Since
the drinking water standard for chloride is 250 mg/L and the ASR well is
located within the distribution system, the opportunity for blending the
recovered water with treated water from the wellfield is limited.
Recharge occurred at variable rates between 1.1 and 3.8 megaliters/day
(200 and 700 G/min), depending upon flow available from the water
treatment plant. Recovery also occurred at variable rates, ranging between
1.4 and 4.1 megaliters/day (260 and 750 G/min), depending upon system
operational requirements. Figure 9.8 shows the improvement in chloride
concentrations occurring during the first three ASR test cycles, which
included small storage volumes of about 13 megaliters (3.5 MG). The first
cycle recovered 170% of the injected volume, in order to trace the initial
mixing characteristics for this well. The second and third cycles recovered
water until chloride concentrations reached about 275 mg/L, leaving a
small buffer zone underground to enhance recovery efficiency in subse-
quent cycles.
Based upon the successful results of these cycles, two larger cycles were
then conducted. In cycle 4, 159 megaliters (42 MG) were injected; how-
ever, only 61 megaliters (16 MG) were recovered due to low demands in
the water system at this time. The balance was left in the aquifer to enhance
recovery efficiency in subsequent cycles. Chloride concentration at the
end of recovery was 196 mg!L. In cycle 5, 227 megaliters (60 MG) were
injected and 163 megaliters (43 MG) were recovered before chloride
concentration reached about 250 mg/L. At 100% recovery, chloride con-
centration reached 310 mg/L, compared to 588 mg!L for the native water
in the aquifer.
PZ-1 and PZ-2 R-1 DMW-1
Q i
D(r,'h 1 F Ia;;:& if 1 I PI <011 1-' • ..._, '""',. ""'' ,.. , ""'"' ••••J



400 Cl

500 JJ
600 m
Figure 9.7 Construction details of the ASR facility, Port Malabar, Florida. (j)

Extensive monitoring in the distribution system was conducted during

Cycle 5. The testing focused upon trihalomethane concentrations and
stability, verifying that no problems occurred due to mixing between the
recovered water and the product water from the water treatment plant.
Chlorination of the recovered flows was unable to form an adequate
combined residual since the reduced ammonia concentration in the recov-
ered water was destroyed by the free chlorine. However, a combined
residual was formed in the distribution system at the point of blending,
combining with ammonia present in the flow from the treatment plant.
Upon conclusion of the test program, it was recommended that the well
should be backflushed to the raw water collection system during recharge
periods, with a frequency of about once every month, a flow rate of about
3.8 megaliters/day (700 G/min), and a duration of about 20 min each time.
A target storage volume of about 341 megaliters (90 MG) appeared
appropriate, to provide seasonal storage and recovery and thereby augment
the water treatment plant capacity during peak demand periods.
Of some interest at this site is that, upon completion of testing in 1989,
the target storage volume was rapidly achieved, following which the ASR
system shifted into a maintenance mode with a trickle flow of about 0.3 to
0.6 Lisee (5 to 10 G/min) to maintain a chlorine residual in the well and
thereby control bacterial activity. Shortly thereafter, the demand upon the

Backgrouf19 Chloride 588 mg/L

&n ~~~e~n~d--------~----~~~~--~
- - Cycle No. 1. 3.47 MG Injected, 5.89 MG Recovered
- - - • Cycle No.2, 3.37 MG Injected. 2.36 MG Recovered
- · - Cycle No.3, 3.48 MG Injected. 3.00 MG Recovered

Average Injection Chloride 180 mg/L

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percent Recovery

Figure 9.8 Chloride concentrations observed during ASR cycle testing,

Port Malabar, Florida.

water system was reduced by about 30% due to loss of a major industrial
water user that changed its water source to onsite wells. With the reduction
in system demand, no recharge or recovery occurred for about three years
other than the trickle flow. Rapid growth in water demand then com-
menced, precipitating the need for recovery of the stored water. However,
recovery efficiency was less than expected. Analysis of available data
suggests that the redistribution of pumping in the area probably pulled
some of the stored water away from the ASR well towards the industrial
supply wells, which are located about 1859 m (6100 ft) from the ASR site.
Neglecting dispersion, the theoretical radius of the stored water bubble
around the ASR well is about 488 m (1600 ft). With seasonal operation as
originally planned, it is unlikely that any reduction in recovery efficiency
would have been noted. However, long term storage in this zone for
periods of several years may be at the expense of some loss in recovery
efficiency. An alternative would be to use a deeper producing interval at
a depth of 141 to 163 m (464 to 534ft) for ASR storage at such time as
the system may be expanded.


The City of Boynton Beach is located in Palm Beach County along

Florida's southeast coast. Water supplies are obtained primarily from
shallow wells completed in the Biscayne aquifer, water from which is
treated at the city's East Water Treatment Plant which has a capacity of
about 83 megaliters/day (22 MG/day). A new reverse osmosis water
treatment plant with a capacity of 15 megaliters/day (4 MG/day) has
recently been completed and is located several miles from the East Water
Treatment Plant. Water for the reverse osmosis plant is obtained from the
brackish Floridan aquifer underlying the Biscayne aquifer.
Treated drinking water from the East Water Treatment Plant is utilized
during offpeak months to supply water to an ASR well located on the plant
site. ASR facilities include the ASR well, vertical turbine pump, motor and
wellhead piping, and an observation well in a saline aquifer overlying the
storage zone. Water is stored in the lower Hawthorn formation, a sandy
limestone production interval overlying the Floridan aquifer between 244
and 274 m (800 and 900 ft) below land surface. Facilities construction
occurred during 1992 and cycle testing was conducted during 1992 to
1993. The system is now operational.
Pumping tests were conducted upon completion of the well, with the
following aquifer characteristics:

* City of Boynton Beach, 124 SE 15th Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida 33425

Transmissivity 70,000 G/day/ft

870m 2/day
Specific capacity 29 G/min/ft @ 800 G/min (initial pump test)

During the first three ASR test cycles, recharge and recovery specific
capacities were similar, ranging from 13 to 19 G/min/ft.
Static water level prior to the beginning of ASR cycles was about 14m
(45ft) above the measuring point elevation, which was at 6 m (19ft) above
mean sea level. As the storage zone around the well was alternately
displaced with freshwater and brackish water during ASR cycle testing,
the density of the water column in the well varied. Consequently, the static
water level rose in the well during recharge and declined during recovery,
to a greater extent than would have occurred without density changes.
During recharge, the injection pressure reaches about 28 m (93 ft) above
mean sea level while during recovery, water levels reach about 8 m (27ft)
below mean sea level.
The storage zone is characterized as yellowish and pinkish grey, fossil-
iferous biomicritic limestone of Oligocene age, overlain by calcareous
clay, fossiliferous limestone, chert, and shell. The overlying sediments and
the underlying limestone are not productive.
The ASR well is designed with 400 mm (16-inch) diameter steel casing
to a depth of 245 m (804 ft), below which the well is open hole to a depth
of 277 m (909 ft). Originally it was drilled to a depth of 1260 ft to
determine the location and quality of water from potential deeper storage
intervals. Once the ASR interval was selected, the hole was plugged back
to its final depth.
Large quantities of fine sand were pumped from the well during an
extended period of airlift development; however, concentrations showed a
reducing trend. Sand production ceased when the well was subsequently
equipped with a vertical turbine pump.
Recharge occurs down the annulus at flow rates of up to about 5.4
megaliters/day (1 000 G/min). Recovery occurs at about 3.2 to 5.4 megaliters/
day (600 to 1000 G/min). Table 9.5 shows typical recharge and recovery
water quality. The storage zone is a semi-confined limestone artesian
aquifer with a native water TDS concentration of 3910 mg/L.
Cycle volumes have not exceeded 227 megaliters (60 MG). Backflushing
occurring at the beginning of recovery has been sufficient to maintain
recharge specific capacity at original values. During the first seven cycles,
recovery efficiencies at this volume have reached 80% and are showing
steady improvement. Table 9.6 shows the volumes, flow rates, recovery
efficiency and specific capacity results for the first three cycles. Despite
considerable effort, the reason for the unusual pattern of variation in
Chlorine Residual
Hardness Organ.
Alkalinity Turbidity CL Free Total NH3 Sulfate Iron Sodium TSS TDS DO THM
pH "T" "Total'' "CA'' (NTU) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) Color (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (!!gil)

Background 7.60 130.00 930.00 94.50 0.00 1920 NA NA 0.73 0.00 436.00 0.02 3910.00 NA

Cycle 1
Minimum 8.80 29.00 80.00 73.00 0.03 49 2.50 3.00 0.00 1.00 30.50 0.00 17.00 1.00 156.00 9.50 152.00
Maximum 9.60 47.00 122.00 100.00 0.10 150 4.00 4.20 0.00 1.00 30.50 0.00 17.00 23.00 178.00 10.70 170.40
Average 9.06 35.64 92.07 85.14 0.08 58 3.25 3.60 0.00 1.00 30.50 0.00 17.00 12.00 167.00 10.10 160.37
Cycle 1
Minimum 8.10 33.00 102.00 93.00 0.07 57 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 42.90 0.05 42.00 0.00 288.00 2.00 113.00
Maximum 8.90 80.00 462.00 369.00 0.19 756 3.50 0.00 0.20 5.00 206.00 0.45 382.00 23.00 1422.00 6.20 202.00
Average 8.39 53.63 237.00 198.63 0.12 168 1.75 0.00 0.06 3.60 103.60 0.19 212.00 11.50 855.00 3.53 162.33
- --
Cycle 2
Minimum 8.50 28.00 79.00 72.00 0.03 44 1.50 4.10 0.10 2.00 22.60 0.00 16.50 0.00 190.00 4.90 0.00
Maximum 9.50 77.00 132.00 130.00 0.70 72 5.00 5.90 0.35 11.00 28.70 0.00 21.70 5.00 329.00 5.50 0.00
Average 9.08 41.17 93.86 87.50 0.11 51 3.50 4.83 0.14 7.29 25.77 0.00 19.58 1.00 229.86 5.20 0.00
Cycle 2
Minimum 8.00 39.00 86.00 80.00 0.00 50 0.00 0.00 0.52 3.00 40.00 0.05 10.00 0.00 349.00 1.10 69.60
Maximum 9.20 49.00 246.00 207.00 6.64 424 0.00 0.20 1.60 4.00 58.60 0.06 118.50 6.00 598.00 7.50 72.10
Average 8.62 44.50 161.63 141.75 0.56 255 0.00 0.03 1.34 3.67 47.53 0.06 56.50 3.00 450.67 4.30 70.85
Cycle 3
Minimum 8.50 32.00 74.00 68.00 0.04 40 0.00 3.70 0.10 6.00 22.15 0.00 20.34 0.00 161.00 5.90 0.00
Maximum 9.40 77.00 112.00 104.00 1.65 52 0.00 5.10 0.20 10.00 27.55 0.00 22.00 0.00 263.00 5.90 0.00
Average 9.11 45.81 91.10 85.21 0.14 46 0.00 4.85 0.13 8.00 24.71 0.00 20.98 0.00 205.17 5.90 0.00
Cycle 3
Minimum 8.30 46.00 115.00 103.00 0.11 50 0.00 0.00 0.22 3.00 24.77 0.00 21.00 0.00 233.00 0.00 87.00
Maximum 8.90 66.00 228.00 199.00 1.42 300 0.00 0.00 1.02 6.00 38.60 0.00 96.40 4.00 667.00 0.00 87.00
Average 8.43 53.17 162.00 141.43 0.21 162 0.00 0.00 0.56 4.80 30.69 0.00 54.33 2.00 440.00 0.00 87.00

Max. cone. 6.50

lor drinking to NA NA NA 1.00 250 3.00 5.00 NA 15.00 250.00 0.30 160.00 NA 500.00 NA 0.10
water 8.50

Note: 1. 0.00 means the parameter was EITHER not analyzed OR not detected above method detection limits. 2. NA: not applicable. 3. Temperature and conductivity measured but not shown in this table. Cycle 1 recharge
total organic carbon averaged 15.3 mg/L against a background of 1. 7 mg/l. Temperature and conductivity measured but not shown in this table. Cycle 1 Recharge total carbon averaged 15.3 mg/L againsl a background
of 1.70mg/l.


Recharge Recovery Specific
Total Recovery Rate at End Capacity Recovery
Duration Volume of Cycle At End Efficiency
Cycle (days) (G) (G/min) (G/min/ft) (%)

Cycle 1
Recharge 14 12,525,510 720 19
Recovery 8 9,578,934 934 13 55
Cycle 2
Recharge 44 57,323,180 940 15
Recovery 31 26,099,896 968(a) 15 42
Cycle 3
Recharge 43 58,342,670 930 17
Recovery 25 32,240,565 1,032 17 50+(b)

(a) Recovery during Cycle 2 was performed over a range from 330 to 1,000 G/min
to estimate water quality sensitivity to recovery rate.
(b) Recovery terminated at chloride concentration of 270 mg/L compared to 350
mg/l on previous cycles.

recovery efficiency during the first two cycles (55 and 42%, respectively)
was not determined. Recovery efficiency is expected to continue increas-
ing in subsequent cycles. The target water quality during recovery was a
TDS of 350 mg/L.
The objective of the ASR system at this site is to augment seasonal
water supplies. The city currently has sufficient treatment capacity; how-
ever, raw water supplies are limiting, reflecting declining capacity of
existing wells and difficulties in locating suitable new well sites in this
urban area. Recovery of stored water from the ASR well during peak
demand months provides a significant benefit to the city. Consideration is
being given to future construction of a second ASR well in the distribution
system, to augment peak supplies from the wellfield and also to resolve
distribution system hydraulic constraints.


Located in southeast Florida, Lake Okeechobee is the largest lake in

Florida and provides a wide variety of benefits for water supply, flood
control, fishing, recreation, environmental, and other water uses. In recent
years biologists have observed that the lake is highly eutrophic, reflecting
large annual loadings of phosphorus in tributary waters. Studies indicated
that 29% of the phosphorus was entering the lake with 4% of the flow. This

* South Florida Water Management District, PO Box 24680, West Palm Beach, Florida 33416

was from Taylor Creek-Nubbin Slough, which drains a dairy farming area.
Efforts were therefore initiated by the South Florida Water Management
District to improve the condition and operation of Lake Okeechobee.
Among these efforts, the District investigated ASR as a method for storing
seasonal peak flows from Taylor Creek-Nubbin Slough in a brackish
aquifer, recovering the water to meet agricultural irrigation needs and
keeping it out of the lake.
The ASR test well and a dual-zone observation well are adjacent to the
L-63N Canal near the town of Okeechobee. Canal water quality during the
testing period varied from TDS values of 268 mg/L to a high of 996 mg/
L, depending upon local rainfall. Water is obtained from the canal and is
pumped into a shallow basin for preliminary settling and to provide some
chlorine detention time, if chlorination is needed. It is then repumped
down the ASR well at a design rate of 19 megaliters/day (5 MG/day). The
shallow basin can be bypassed, if desired. Well hydraulics are such that
recharge flows at double this rate could easily be achieved with the
appropriate pumping equipment. Recharge occurs in the upper Floridan
Aquifer System at depths of 366 to 518 m (1200 to 1700 ft). The water is
recovered by gravity flow at initial rates of about 17 megaliters/day (4.5
MG/day), declining to about 13 megaliters/day (3.5 MG/day) as the den-
sity of the water column in the well increases and as recovery hydraulic
effects approach equilibrium. ASR well testing began in May 1989 and
continued intermittently until September 1991.
An ASR well pumping test indicated the following characteristics for
the Upper Floridan Aquifer:

Transmissivity 4.38 MG/day/ft

54,400 m2/day
Storativity 1.25 X J0- 3
Specific capacity 838 G/min/ft at 5450 G/min

This is a highly transmissive, semi-confined limestone artesian aqui-

fer. Transmissivity is the highest of any ASR site tested to date. Static
water level is about 2 m (7 ft) above land surface, or about 6 m (20 ft)
above mean sea level. Production intervals were identified during con-
struction at several depth intervals, and showed a trend of deteriorating
water quality with depth in the storage zone. Subsequent straddle packer
tests indicated that at a depth interval of 1288 to 1354 ft, the TDS
concentration was 4000 mg/L while at 1540 to 1662 ft, the TDS concen-
tration was 6710 mg/L. Background TDS concentration of water pumped
from the well during a pumping test was 6870 mg/L, suggesting signifi-
cant inflow from the bottom of the well. Figure 9.9 shows formation
lithology at this well site.


Undifferentiated deposits
of sands, clay, and shell Surficial 100
·t.-:::.P.: 200
Sandy phosphatic clay
with interbedded shell Confining
Units and ·:.·:::.1!:
Minor 300
Water .y.-::::.
Zonas 400

1------------ -:""'-=.;·:~v. 500

Calcereous clays with
Interbedded limestone,
______ p_
shell and marl 600

~r~~~~i':d '~n';_l~~~J~~~s
limestone; abundant 800
Lepido;::,yclina present

Pale orange, poorly
consolidated, Artesian
fossiliferous limestone Aquifers 100
Lepidocyclina and 1100
Dictyoconus present


Dark yellowish brown,
hard, porous, fine 1500
crystalline dolomite

T.D. 1700'
Le and
!·.·.·.·.·J Sand E!2i3 Fossiliferous Limestone
~ Sand & Shall Fragments ~ Dolomite Limestone
~Clay P Phosphorite
~ Calcareous Clays

Figure 9.9 ASR well construction and lithology, Okeechobee, Florida.

The ASR well is constructed with 600 mm (24-inch) black steel casing
to a depth of 386m (1268 ft), below which the well is open hole to 521
m (1710 ft). Recharge occurs down the well casing, which has no pump,
injection tubing, or other internal piping. Reflecting the high transmissiv-
ity of the storage zone, no well plugging has been experienced during
testing to date.

During initial ASR cycle testing, small volumes were stored for short
periods to ascertain the effect of the brackish water storage zone on the
reduction of coliform concentrations in the recharge water. In general, it
was shown that coliform concentrations reduced to acceptable levels
within 1 to 3 days of storage in the brackish aquifer. Chlorination of
recharge flows was not found to be necessary to protect water quality,
public health or welfare, and was also not necessary to prevent well
plugging due to bacterial activity, reflecting the high transmissivity of
this well.
The ASR well was designed to achieve maximum recharge rates at the
expense of recovery efficiency. The combination of substantial storage
zone thickness, high transmissivity and poor native water quality is a
difficult combination if the objective is to achieve high recovery efficiency
in an ASR well. Test cycles completed to date have shown recovery
efficiencies increasing to 35%, associated with steadily increasing storage
volumes of up to 1.9 Mm 3 (500 MG). Under normal seasonal operation,
larger storage volumes would be expected. Improvement in quality with
successive small volume ASR test cycles at this site suggests that larger
volumes would probably achieve recovery efficiencies in the range of 40
to 60%, or possibly higher. Plugging back the well to eliminate productive,
very brackish intervals at the bottom of the well would improve recovery
efficiency but would probably reduce potential recharge and recovery
While this recovery efficiency may appear to be quite low, further
analysis has shown that any recovery efficiency greater than about 40% is
a net gain to the regional water management system. Evapotranspiration
and seepage losses for water stored in Lake Okeechobee and the adjacent
Water Conservation Areas, or conveyed from the lake to urban areas
through the canal system, range from about 60% near the lake, to at least
90% during conveyance to more distant parts of the region. Furthermore,
water stored but not recovered may serve as a source of recharge to the
brackish upper Floridan Aquifer System, which is being developed as a
regional water source for brackish water to supply reverse osmosis water
treatment plants along the coast. Over a period of several decades it is
expected that an expanded ASR system recharging canal water, either
directly or from adjacent shallow wells, would recharge the Upper Floridan
Aquifer and also tend to regionally reduce TDS concentrations.
The original objective of the ASR facilities at this site was to divert as
much phosphorus-laden water as possible out of Lake Okeechobee. A
secondary objective was to recover water for agricultural irrigation pur-
poses during the dry season. Economic analyses conducted during 1989

showed the favorable low cost of an expanded ASR system to meet

regional objectives at this site, including an assumed 30-well system to
divert canal water at rates up to about 1140 megaliters/day (300 MG/day).
The ASR well system has not been expanded at this site, reflecting
changing water management priorities, needs and opportunities. Instead,
similar ASR facilities are being developed at five other sites in southeast
Florida, recharging from canals and shallow wells.
By demonstrating the feasibility of ASR in the Upper Floridan Aquifer
System using canal water as a recharge source, this ASR project has played
an important role in focusing attention in Florida upon ASR as a tool for
regional water management. Further testing at the well has been termi-
nated due to expiration of the temporary operating permit that was issued
for the test program. Efforts continue at other sites, particularly with regard
to resolution of important permitting and regulatory issues associated with
recharge of high quality waters that may not quite meet all potable stan-
dards. This is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 7, Alternative ASR


Between 1988 and 1990, the City of Chesapeake, VA, completed con-
struction and initial testing of an ASR well, two observation wells, a
pipeline, an access road, wellhead facilities, a disinfection system, and a
wellhouse at the city's Western Branch wellfield in the northwest comer
of the city's water service area. Recharge water is obtained from the
Northwest River water treatment plant which has a capacity of38 megaliters/
day (10 MG/day). Due to movement of saltwater up the estuary, the
Northwest River is not available as a reliable water source during dry
summer months. At such times, water supply has historically been a
challenge for the Chesapeake area, requiring greater reliance upon whole-
sale water purchases from surrounding utility systems. Seasonal storage of
available water supplies during wet months was seen as a potentially
viable and cost-effective water supply alternative.
Facilities include an ASR well equipped with a 19 megaliters/day (5
MG/day) vertical turbine pump. The casing is 600 mm (24 inch) in
diameter and constructed of epoxy-coated steel to a depth of 119 m (390
ft). The storage zone includes the Upper and Middle Potomac aquifers of
Cretaceous Age. These are clayey sand aquifers in the Atlantic Coastal
Plain. The upper screen section is from 171 to 189m (560 to 620ft), while
the lower section is from 203 to 221m (665 to 725ft). The total well depth

* Department of Public Utilities, City of Chesapeake, PO Box 15225, Chesapeake, Virginia 23320

Elevation (msl datum. feet)

Ground surface: 21.86
Top of casing: 24.76

0 30" SUrface Casing

0' to 100'



a; 300
ID Formation K Packer
0 380' to 390'
"0 24' Casing
c 390' to45Q'
::> 400
0 500

T----'-i---+.--7--1----- 50 Slot SS Screen Triple Extra Strength

560' to 620'
· ; . - l c - - - - Marie No.3 Gravel
490' to 745'

40 Slot SS Screen Triple Extra Strength

665' to 725'

Bottom of Ca~ng 735'

L;_,..:.,_:_~~.:.,_:_,_._ _ _ _ Total Depth of Borehole 745'


Figure 9.10 ASR well construction, Chesapeake, Virginia.

is 227 m (745 ft). Figure 9.10 shows the well construction. Operation
began in 1990.
Aquifer hydraulic characteristics were determined from pumping tests,
with the following representative results:

Transmissivity 9,810 to 12,370 ft2/day

911 to 1149 m2/day
Storativity 0.00004 to 0.00005

Leakance negligible
Specific capacity 31 G/min/ft at 1250 G/min (recharge, Cycle 1)
36 G/min/ft at 2200 G/min (recovery, Cycle 1)

During observation well construction, 195 m (640 ft) of continuous

wire line cores were collected between 107 and 302m (35 1 and 992ft). The
cores and associated geophysical logs helped to identify loose, medium- to
coarse-grained sands confined by layers of dense, dry clay to silty clay.
The mineralogic analysis of selected cores indicated less than 2% clay,
including sodium montmorillonite adhering to the sand grains. Geochemi-
cal analysis of the recharge and native waters and also the aquifer minerals
indicated low potential for geochemical problems, suggesting that a re-
sidual of stored water should be left in the aquifer after each cycle so that
any precipitation would not occur near the well. Table 9.7 shows typical
recharge and native water quality in the storage zone.
The static water level in the storage zone is about 27 m (90 ft) below
ground level, which is at an elevation of 6.7 m (21.9 ft) above mean sea
level. The vertical turbine pump is set at 91 m (300 ft) and has a design
production rate of 26 megaliters/day (3500 G/min) at 40 m (130 ft) of
drawdown. During recharge, wellhead pressures are limited to 21 m (30
psi, 70 ft) to minimiz.e the potential for physical well plugging that may be
difficult to reverse by periodic backflushing. Recharge can occur at vari-
able rates down the pump column or down the annulus. Recovery can also
occur at variable rates. Typical recharge rates during cycle testing ranged
widely up to 9.7 megaliters/day (1800 G/min) while recovery rates ranged
from 10.8 to 17.3 megaliters/day (2000 to 3200 G/min).
During the first three test cycles, volumes recharged were 19, 91, and
33 megaliters (5, 24, and 88 MG), respectively, while recovery volumes
were 15, 79, and 38 megaliters (4, 21, and 10 MG). A significant volume
was left in the aquifer following Cycle 3 to provide water in storage for the
following dry season. Mixing between stored and native water in the
aquifer was negligible, as shown on Figure 9.11.
Experience during the cycle testing showed a decline in specific capac-
ity which occurred during recharge periods and which could be reversed
by periodic backflushing. Experimentation with different backflushing
frequencies has lead to a two-week cycle for surging the well by pumping
to waste for about an hour during recharge and storage periods.
The primary objective of ASR facilities at this site is seasonal storage.
Secondary objectives include longer-term storage and also maintaining
distribution system pressures during recovery periods, since the ASR well
is at considerable distance from the city's water treatment plant.
Operating experience since 1990 has identified several issues that were
not apparent during the test program. In particular, pH of the recharge


VIRGINIA (in mg/l except where noted)

Parameters 570-585 ft 675-690 ft Recharge Water

Total alkalinity 510 440 65

(as CaC0 3 )
Total dissolved sol ides 707 580 438
Total suspended solids 1 1 6
Turbidity (NTU) 6 1 1
Color (cu) 35 15 15
Specific conductance 1,300 1,000 740
(umhos/cm at 25°C)
Chloride 75 59.4 24
Fluoride 2.26 6.58 0.96
Sulfate 13 11 67
Carbonate alkalinity <10 <2 58
(as CaC0 3 )
Bicarbonate alkalinity 510 440 <2
(as CaC0 3)
Total silica 9.72 15.9 4.65
Calcium 5.1 3.7 51
Magnesium 1.14 0.60 5.6
Sodium 359 347 93
Potassium 16 8.8 23
Iron 0.12 0.39 <0.05
Aluminum 0.1 <0.1 0.1
Copper <0.01 0.01 0.01
Manganese 0.01 0.01 0.01
Zinc 0.03 0.03 <0.01
Total hardness 16.2 8.6 148
(as CaC0 3 )
Calcium hardness 12.6 9.2 128
(as CaC0 3 )
Nitrate <0.01 0.03 0.47
Phosphate 0.33 0.51 0.07
Ammonia 0.44 0.36 0.29
Total organic carbon 23 26 8
Total halogenated <0.012 <0.012 0.143
Specific gravity of fluid 0.998 0.998 0.999
density (at 60°F)
Total coliform (MI) 16/100 <2.2/1 00 (a) <2.2/100
Chloroform <0.001 0.010 0.068
Bromodichloromethane <0.001 <0.001 0.021
Dibromochloromethane <0.001 <0.001 0.012
Bromoform <0.001 <0.001 0.008
Total trihalomethane <0.001 0.010 0.109

(a) Below detection limit.



250 -------------------------------------------------------------------- t-------------

250 mg/1 Drinking Water Standard

Recharge Volume: Cycle 1 - 5.35 MG

Cycle 2- 24.3 MG

- - Cycle 1 Chloride Concentration I

.,. ... = - Cycle 2 Chloride Concentration

______ 8~s:J'l_qr~E.!YY9!E.!c9.1}1s>rlsJ~S::.S!':S:~!cC:~S'c'.~9!:'9.e. __________________________________ _

50 vA·'"·"-"'·"-"·"-"·"·'"·'"·"-"-"-"'-""-"'-""-"-"-""--:::.:.-..~.~-~---------------------

Perc:enlage ol injected Water Recovered

Figure 9.11 Chloride concentrations during cycles 1 and 2, Chesapeake,


water subsequent to the test program was considerably lower than values
recorded during the test program. The lower pH mobilized manganese
present in the aquifer, causing discoloration of recovered water. A pH
adjustment system was installed to ensure that recharge water pH remains
at least above 8.0. Some of the stored water was pumped out to remove
more acidic waters with associated concentrations of manganese. A trailer-
mounted manganese removal treatment system was then tested to confirm
that any ASR recovered water containing manganese could be treated prior
to pumping into the distribution system. The city has continued to recharge
the ASR well with water at acceptable pH. Recovered water quality has
shown steady improvement with successive cycles, suggesting that pH
adjustment is probably sufficient for controlling manganese concentra-
tions once the residual acidity in the aquifer from earlier low pH operations
has been overcome.
This experience suggests that pH control is particularly important in
clayey sand aquifers, even when core analyses and geochemical analyses
suggest that no problems are expected. The difference is due to changing
pH values, outside the range of the original analyses. The ten core intervals
selected for detailed analysis apparently did not include significant con-
centrations of manganese-bearing minerals that were present in the aqui-

fer. Furthermore, the geochemical analysis did not reflect subsequent pH

variability in water from the treatment plant.
Another important operating issue that arose following testing was
residual alum floc in the distribution system. At times the color of the raw
water from the Northwest River is such that higher concentrations of alum
are used in the treatment process, some of which carries over into the
distribution system and flows eventually down the ASR well. Well plug-
ging became apparent, requiring redevelopment backflushing procedures
to restore specific capacity.
The ASR test well was located several miles from the water treatment
plant. As a result, the logistical issues that had to be resolved during the
test program were more complicated than would have been the case if the
well was located at the plant. Routine sampling and measurements of
flows and water levels during the test program at the ASR site were quite
intensive and therefore required a greater level of time and effort. The site
selected for testing was superior hydrogeologically but required greater
effort to test. This is an important consideration for ASR site selection in
other areas.


New Jersey American Water Company Eastern Division operates the

Swimming River reservoir and water treatment plant, which is located in
Monmouth County and has a design peak capacity of 159 megaliters/day
(42 MG/day). During 1992, average day demand was about 102 megaliters/
day (27 MG/day). Peak demands have reached the plant capacity during
summer months for several years.
To augment peak capacity, three wells were constructed during 1988 in
the Upper Potomac Raritan Magothy aquifer near the plant site; however,
the use of these wells was subsequently restricted by the New Jersey
Department of Environmental Protection and Energy so that they could
only be used for production during a declared state of drought emergency.
The site is located within a "critical area" established by the state, within
which groundwater production has been excessive, causing groundwater
levels to drop significantly and risking saltwater intrusion. In order to gain
beneficial use of the investment in these wells, the utility initiated inves-
tigations to determine the feasibility of converting the wells to an ASR
mode of operation. In this mode, the wells would be recharged during off-
peak months and the stored water would be recovered to help meet peak
summer demands. Net withdrawal from the aquifer would be zero. Inves-
tigations were conducted between 1991 and 1993.

* New Jersey American Water Company Eastern Division, 100 James Street, Lakewood, New Jersey

Facilities include the ASR well (Well SR-1); an observation well at a

radius of 32m (105ft), a pipeline connecting the ASR well to the adjacent
water treatment plant, a sulfonator and injection system that was used
temporarily at the beginning of testing to pretreat the aquifer, a permanent
pH adjustment system to raise recharge water pH to about 9.0, wellhead
piping, and a wellhouse. Existing wells SR-2 and SR-3 were also used for
observation purposes during aquifer testing.
The storage zone is a clayey sand confined aquifer with the following
hydraulic characteristics:

Transmissivity 41,000 to 53,000 G/day/ft

509 to 658 m 2/day
Storati vity 9.0 x J0-5 to 6.1 10--4
Leakance 6.1 x 10-5 to 1.1 x 10-3/day
Thickness 24m (80ft)
Specific capacity 21 G/min/ft (baseline during recovery)
Porosity 25% (average from five cores)

Extensive hydraulic testing was conducted during the test program,

showing a small increase in specific capacity following initial pretreatment
of the well and a subsequent decline to about 13 G/min/ft following six
ASR cycles. Specific capacity appeared to stabilize at this level. The static
water level is about 27 m (90 ft) below ground surface. The hydraulic
gradient locally is about 0.001 ft/ft. Figure 9.12 shows the core log for the
storage zone while Figure 9.13 shows the well design for Well SR-1,
which was converted to ASR.
The ASR well has a 400 m (16-inch) steel casing to 180m (590ft). The
hole is underreamed to a diameter of 700 m (28 inches) and provided with
21 m (70ft) of 25 mm (10-inch), 0.065 slot stainless steel wire-wrapped
screen and gravel pack. The bottom of the screen is at 204m (668ft). The
well is equipped with a vertical turbine pump and recharge occurs through
the pump column.
Recharge flow rates averaged about 2.2 megaliters/day (400 G/min)
during the test program, while recovery rates ranged from 4.9 to 6.5
megaliters/day (900 to 1200 G/min). Recharge volumes ranged from 11 to
179 megaliters (3 to 47 MG) during seven cycles. Percent recoveries
ranged from 55 to 90%. For geochemical reasons, a small volume is left
underground during each cycle to ensure that any precipitation products
such as ferric hydroxide do not plug the area close to the well. Typical
recharge water quality is shown in Table 9.8 while native water quality in
the storage zone is shown in Table 9.9.
The Swimming River ASR site is one of the most geochemically
complex sites completed to date. The native water quality in the storage

Grade Legend
Famolbn § CLAY
~ 580 E1 SILT
0 fine to medium SAND

AQJ;I<M 590 ~ coarse SAND


600 ·.·.-..>:·::> .'·:·: ~ CROSS BEDDING

:.·2 -::~:-·.·~_:·--~~- B HEAVY MINERAL TRAINS

·...o:: ·.:~·"'".

610 .no recovery ~ SIDERITE





:r interval of core section

submitted for analysis

~ Rorltm
Bed Fotmatlol1

boring terminated at 696 feet

Figure 9.12 Core log of Upper PRM aquifer, Swimming River,

New Jersey.

zone indicates an iron concentration of about 13 mg/L, suggesting the

presence of siderite, or ferrous carbonate. This was confirmed through
detailed analysis of cores obtained during continuous wireline coring of
the observation well. Pyrite was also noted in some of the cores selected
for analysis, but at concentrations of 1%. Recharge with treated surface

Depth Below 24"----104

Gr~~ ---tr7~~--l6"--~L~---


470- grout from
592 teet to

!-¥,.<:A-- 16' dia.

490- black steel


--!+.'~~~-- lO' dla.

·>--~~...fg:::~::::::;\:/{:::/_ ~~Tn~steel

~~4'A4- .065 inch slot

stainless steel
630- wire-wrap

Marie #3 grade
650- sand filter pack


Figure 9.13 Construction of ASR well SR-i, Swimming River,

New Jersey.

water containing oxygen concentrations close to saturation values during

winter months would be expected to cause precipitation of ferric hydrox-
ide floc in the aquifer, plugging the well.
The pretreatment and testing plan was developed based upon column
testing performed on selected sections of core material, simulating pro-
posed ASR operations. The initial testing approach was to pretreat the
aquifer around the well using deoxygenated water at a pH between 2.0 and
4.0. Approximately 121 megaliters (32 MG) of this low pH water was
injected into the well, eliminating the siderite around the well and creating
a plume of acidization products that was subsequently detected at the
observation well. This was followed by a buffer volume of 8 megaliters (2


NJDEP Drinking
November 1988 January 1990 Water Standards
Constituent (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/L)
pH 8.2 8.7 6.5-8.5
Total dissolved solids 212.0 500
Hardness 68.0
Alkalinity 38.0
Bicarbonate 30.0
Calcium 21.21 41.0
Chloride 37.43 3.85 250
Fluoride 1.0 2.0
Nitrite <0.01
Magnesium 3.67 5.00
Nitrate as N <1.0 2.27 10
Sodium 27.65 25.60
Sulfate 37.0 38.40 250
Pesticides <0.0001
Aluminum 0.059 1.00
Antimony <1
Arsenic <0.005 0.05
Barium <0.05 1.0
Beryllium <0.1
Boron <0.1
Cadmium <0.0002 0.010
Chromium <0.001 0.05
Cobalt <0.1
Copper <0.02 1.0
Iron <0.05 0.12 0.3
Lead <0.005 0.05
Manganese <0.02 <0.01 0.05
Mercury <0.005 0.002
Molybdenum <0.5
Nickel <0.05
Potassium 3.28 3.50
Selenium <0.003 0.01
Silver <0.0002 0.05
Strontium <0.2
Thallium <0.5
Vanadium <5
Zinc <0.055 5.0
Total THMs 0.041 0.095 0.10
Silica 5.96
Phosphate 0.06

MG) of deoxygenated water at normal pH, followed by testing volumes

using product water from the water treatment plant.
As shown in Figure 4.16, iron concentrations were initially higher than
expected during the ASR test cycles that were conducted following the
aquifer pretreatment phase. It was concluded that, although the siderite



NJDEP Drinking
June 1989 January 1990 Water Standards
Constituent (mg/L) (mg/l) (mg/L)

pH 6.0-6.4 6.15 6.5-8.5

Total dissolved solids 80 500
Hardness 24
Alkalinity 28 19.30
Calcium 6.61 8.50
Chloride 2.49 77.00 250
Fluoride <0.2 2.0
Magnesium 1.86 3.25
Nitrate as N <0.5 1.5 10
Nitrite <0.01
Sodium 1.48 2.05
Sulfate 7.0 10.60 250
Phosphate 0.20
Aluminum 0.008 0.50
Antimony <1
Arsenic <0.005 0.05
Barium 0.06 1.0
Beryllium <0.1
Boron <0.1
Cadmium <0.0002 0.010
Chromium <0.001 0.05
Cobalt <0.1
Copper <0.02 1.0
Iron 13 11.20 0.3
Lead <0.005 0.05
Manganese 0.07 0.28 0.05
Mercury <0.0005 0.002
Molybdenum <0.5
Nickel <0.05
Potassium 1.74 2.70
Selenium <0.003 O.Q1
Silver <0.0002 0.05
Strontium <0.2
Thallium <0.5
Vanadium <5
Zinc <0.05 5.0
Silica 4.16
Total THMs <0.0005 0.10

was no longer present around the well, the pyrite in the aquifer had
probably been "polished" by the acidization pretreatment process and was
therefore highly reactive to oxygen-bearing water, forming a ferric hy-
droxide precipitate. The iron content of the recovered water reduced with
successive cycles, reflecting a probable buildup of oxidation products on
the pyrite grains, thereby reducing pyrite reactivity. However, the iron
concentrations in the recovered water were still too high. As a result, pH

adjustment facilities using sodium hydroxide were installed to raise the pH

of the recharge water from about 7.6 to about 9.0, thereby reducing the
potential for ferric hydroxide formation. This was implemented following
Cycle 5. In subsequent Cycles 6 and 7, iron concentrations in the recovered
water declined to below 1 mg/L. At this concentration, the water can be
easily blended with water treated at the plant so that the blend meets
drinking standards going to the consumers during summer months.
The same reactions also mobilized manganese associated with iron-
bearing minerals in the aquifer. As shown in Figure 4.17, manganese
concentrations were initially very high but decreased to within drinking
standards once the pH adjustment system was placed in service.
Some well plugging was noted during early cycle testing. Detailed
analysis of recharge and recovery water quality indicated that the plugging
was due to alum floc associated with filter backwash operations at the
treatment plant, rather than ferric hydroxide precipitation in the aquifer.
The recharge water source was then relocated to a different point in the
plant piping to eliminate the solids in the water. This resolved the plugging
problem. Nevertheless, operating experience at this site suggests that
backflushing to waste at least weekly is required for a period of about 15
min. When backflushing frequency was increased to two or three times per
week, overall recharge performance improved. Currently the well is
backflushed daily for 15 min during recharge periods.
The operating mode for this site is to recharge at 25 Lisee (400 G/min)
for about 240 days each year. This water can be recovered at a rate of about
66 Lisee (1050 G/min) for about 90 days during the period of peak summer
demand. Addition of the two remaining wells would increase peak recov-
ery capacity at this site to about 19 megaliters/day (5 MG/day).


Wildwood is a coastal resort community on the Cape May peninsula of

New Jersey. Tourist population is substantially greater during summer
months than that of the remainder of the year. Water is obtained from the
Rio Grande wellfield located 5 miles inland, comprising 13 wells with a
combined capacity of about 51 megaliters/day (13.5 MG/day). During
1968 Wildwood began recharging two coastal wells during offpeak months,
recovering the stored water at much higher rates to help meet summer peak
demands. This was the first ASR system in the U.S. and has been in
operation since that time, adding a third well in 1983 and a fourth in 1985.
Each year about 380 megaliters (1 00 MG) is stored in each of the four ASR
wells during offpeak months. During summer months about 303 megaliters

* Wildwood Water Utility, City of Wildwood, Pine and New Jersey Avenue, Wildwood, New Jersey

(80 MG) is recovered from each well, while the remainder is left under-
ground to help control saltwater migration into the aquifer.
Recharge rates in individual wells typically range from 2.2 megaliters/
day (400 G/min) at the beginning of the recharge season to about 1.1
megaliters/day (200 G/min) at the end, while recovery rates are about 3.5
to 5.4 megaliters/day (650 to 1000 G/min). Summer water demands aver-
age about 38 megaliters/day (10 MG/day) while peaks reach 49 megaliters/
day (13 MG/day). About 13 megaliters/day (3.5 MG/day) of the peak
summer demands are met from the ASR wells. Winter demands average
about 9 megaliters/day (2.5 MG/day). The ASR wells provide system
reliability in case the pipeline from the interior wellfield is broken acciden-
tally. The wells also provide distribution system storage, which has been
partially substituted for elevated storage in the coastal service area.
All four ASR wells utilize the Cohansey aquifer. Static water levels in
this aquifer are about 4 m (12ft) below land surface, while well depths are
about 76 m (250 ft).
Aquifer hydraulics are not well known. Transmissivity of one well in
the Cohansey aquifer has been estimated at about 1,080 m2/day (87,000 G/
day/ft). This well has a total depth of 100m (328ft) and has a 300 mm (12-
inch) screen (0.045 slot) from 65 m (212 ft) to the bottom. During a
pumping test at a rate of 5.6 megaliters/day (1034 G/min) the specific
capacity was 24 G/min/ft. Recovery specific capacities typically range
from 9 to 13 G/min/ft, associated with drawdowns of about 30m (100ft).
The wells are backflushed daily for about 10 min to remove iron floc
formed from reaction of oxygen and chlorine in the water with ferrous iron
present in the aquifer, and also to remove rust from the distribution system,
which enters the wells during recharge. The wells are fully redeveloped
about every 5 years and are chemically treated with surging and acid
treatment about twice per year to maintain the screen capacity.
The ASR system has operated successfully for 26 years and two more
ASR wells are planned.


The Upper Guadalupe River Authority supplies treated drinking water

to the City of Kerrville, TX, from a small instream reservoir and 19
megaliters/day (5 MG/day) water treatment plant on the Guadalupe River.
These facilities began operation during 1980, supplementing groundwater
withdrawals by the city, which had increased steadily in prior years,
causing groundwater levels to decline by at least 100m (330 ft). Water
demands for Kerrville vary seasonally, with peak demand occurring dur-

* Upper Guadalupe River Authority, 215 W. Water Street, Kerrville, Texas 78029

ing the summer at typically 1.53 times average demand. The Authority
provides water at rates up to the plant capacity, and the city meets higher
summer peak demands from its wells.
Faced with the need to construct a new offstream reservoir at great
expense to meet projected increases in water demand while also meeting
downstream minimum flow requirements, the Authority conducted an
investigation of ASR feasibility. This investigation was completed suc-
cessfully in three phases between 1988 and 1992, including a preliminary
feasibility investigation; construction and testing of an ASR zone observa-
tion well; and construction and testing of an ASR well, wellhead facilities,
and two additional observation wells in overlying production zones. The
associated facilities are operational and were fully permitted during 1993.
The ASR storage zone is the Hosston-Sligo formation in the Lower
Trinity aquifer. The storage zone is a confined sandstone and conglomer-
ate artesian aquifer. Hydraulic testing at the ASR well indicated the
following aquifer characteristics:

Transmissivity 7000 G/day/ft (87 m 2/day)

Storati vity 0.0007
Leakance 5 x lQ-7/day from core permeability
Specific capacity 7.3 G/minlft recharge at 600 G/min
6.8 G/minlft recovery at 900 G/min
Porosity 0.23 from core analyses

During the test period, static water elevation was about 460 m (1510 ft)
above sea level, or about 39 m (128 ft) below land surface elevation of~
about 499 m (1638 ft). Local gradient of the potentiometric surface was
about 0.0011. Table 9.10 shows the general lithology of the storage zone
and overlying formations.


Average Thickness
in Kerrville Area
Formation Name (ft) Primary Materials

Upper Member of Glen 130 Fossiliferous limestone,

Rose Limestone shale, and marl
Lower Member of Glen 210 Fossiliferous limestone,
Rose Limestone dolomite, marl and shale
Hensel! Sand 55 Conglomerate, shale,
sand, dolomite and marl
Cow Creek Limestone 35 Sandy limestone
Pine Island Shale 18 Shale with some sand and
Hosston-Sligo Formation 75 Conglomerate, sand, and shale

The ASR well, referred to as Well R-1, is constructed of 16-inch,

epoxy-coated steel casing to a depth of 151 m (495 ft). The well is open
hole with a nominal diameter of 15 inches to a depth of 187m (613ft). The
well is equipped with a submersible pump. Injection is through one or both
of two stainless steel injection tubes, or through the casing annulus.
Recharge can occur at variable rates between 13 and 63 Lisee (200 and
1000 G/min). Design recovery capacity is 50 Lisee (800 G/min).
Analysis of the recharge and native groundwater qualities showed that
they are similar. Analysis of cores obtained in the ASR zone indicated that
geochemical problems were not expected from ASR operations at this site.
Consequently, ASR testing focused on confirmation of hydraulic response
of the well and aquifer to ASR operations.
Two ASR test cycles were conducted. During the first cycle, 11 megaliters
(3 MG) of treated drinking water were recharged at an average rate of
about 43 Lisee (675 G/min). The water was recovered at an average rate
of 56 Lisee (890 G/min). During the second cycle, 94 megaliters (25 MG)
were stored at an average rate of about 38 Lisee (600 G/min). After a 20
day storage period, all of the water was recovered at a rate of about 57 L/
sec (900 G/min). As shown in Table 9.11, specific capacity declined
during extended recharge, from 7.2 G/min/ft initially to 4.9 G/min/ft after
29 days. However, no indication of residual well plugging was noted. The
decline in specific capacity was attributed primarily to mounding in the
storage zone.
The objective of ASR testing at this site was to confirm the feasibility
of seasonal and long-term aquifer storage of a sufficient volume of treated
drinking water so that the Authority could meet projected water demands
without construction of an expensive offstream reservoir. This objective
was achieved with issuance of the final permit in 1993. However, some
opposition to permit issuance was raised by a whitewater boating organi-
zation, on the grounds that diversion of a small percentage of flows for
ASR storage during high flow months would adversely affect their recre-
ational activities. This is significant in that it is the only opposition to a
treated drinking water ASR project known to date in the U.S. The oppo-
sition was on recreational, not environmental grounds.
A significant aspect of the Kerrville ASR project is the operating plan
that was developed following completion of the test program. Based upon
extensive regional aquifer modeling, the plan entails recharging whenever
water is available from the water treatment plant and water level elevations
are below a range of 457 to 469 m (1500 to 1540 ft). Model simulations
indicated that this would maintain sufficient volume of water in aquifer
storage so that, during a repeat of the worst drought on record, the well



Recharge (G/minlft) Recovery (G/minlft)

Day No. Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 1 Cycle 2

1 6.8 7.2 7.2 6.8

2 6.2 6.7 6.8 6.6
3 6.2 6.0 6.3
4 6.0 6.0
5 6.0 6.1
6 5.8 5.8
7 5.7 5.7
8 5.5 5.4
9 5.4 5.6
10 5.3 5.8
11 5.3 5.2
12 5.2 5.6
13 5.2 5.2
14 5.1 5.0
15 5.1 5.4
16 5.1 5.1
17 5.2 4.8
18 5.2 4.9
19 5.2
20 5.2
21 5.2
22 5.1
23 5.1
24 5.1
25 5.1
26 5.0
27 5.0
28 4.9
29 4.9

would continue to supply water at an acceptable rate for the 4-year dura-
tion of the drought. This drought provides an important reference point for
water supply regulation in Texas. The storage volume required for Kerrville
is about 4.3 Mm3 (3500 acre ft) to meet projected demands in the year
With the success of the ASR program, the city was able to save the
approximately $30 million expected cost of an offstream reservoir. In-
stead, ASR wells can be constructed in low-cost increments to meet
increasing demands, at a total expected cost of under $3 million. To meet
projected needs up to the year 2015, an investment of about $1 million is
This project won an Honors A ward in the American Consulting
Engineers Council National Engineering Excellence Competition for

1993. Since then, the City of Kerrville has converted an existing water
supply well, R-5, to ASR operation, supplementing the yield of Well


The Centennial Water and Sanitation District supplies water to the

Highlands Ranch development in the southern Denver metropolitan area.
It currently serves about 22,000 residents. At expected buildout by the
year 2022, it is anticipated that the district will serve 36,000 residential
dwelling units on 3700 hectares (8889 acres). To meet water demands,
the district utilizes surface water from McClellan Reservoir, supple-
mented with groundwater production from 29 wells penetrating 3 local
aquifers. These are the Denver, Arapahoe, and Laramie-Fox Hills aqui-
fers. Typical monthly water demand ranges from a low of 36% of annual
average demand in February to a high of 217% in July. To meet increas-
ing peak demands, the Highlands Ranch Water Treatment Plant was
originally planned for expansion in 1996. ASR investigations conducted
during 1991 to 1993 demonstrated that aquifer storage of treated drink-
ing water would enable the district to defer water treatment plant expan-
sion and reduce capital costs.
ASR facilities include ASR Well A-6, which was converted from an
existing supply well in the Arapahoe formation, associated piping and
pumping facilities, and an observation well in the same aquifer. Three
cycles of testing were conducted during 1992 and full operation began
during 1993 when the well was fully permitted.
The storage zone is a confined artesian aquifer, the producing intervals
of which are principally made up of loosely cemented sands mixed with
potassium feldspar. Aquifer hydraulic characteristics were obtained from
two pumping tests, as follows:

Transmissivity 8,500 G/day/ft (106m2/day)

Storativity 0.000336
Leakance negligible
Porosity 0.25 estimate
Gradient 0.0008 to 0.0085

This site has probably the lowest transmissivity of the operational ASR
sites in the U.S. as of 1993.
The depth to static water level during the test program was about 250
to 268 m (820 to 880 ft). Less than 1% of the mean annual precipitation
of 279 to 457 mm (11 to 18 inches) reaches the Arapahoe formation as

* Centennial Water and Sanitation District, 62 West Plaza Drive, Highlands Ranch, Colorado 80126


., 740
~ 780
.! 800
,!,l 820
:E 840
a 860
920 Depth of Uppermost Water-Bearing Zone
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992

Figure 9.14 Hydrograph for Arapahoe Well A-6, Centennial Water and Sanitation
District, Highlands Ranch, Colorado.

recharge. As shown in Figure 9.14, water levels in the Arapahoe forma-

tion have been declining rapidly in recent years due to increasing ground-
water production and are approaching the top of the first water-bearing
zone in the aquifer at a depth of about 281 m (922ft). The aquifer is 142
m (467ft) thick, of which 61 m (200ft) comprise 10 water bearing zones
in intervals with thicknesses of 3 to 9 m (10 to 30ft). Ground elevation is
about 1600 m (5250 ft). Table 9.12 shows the results of a vertical velocity
profile obtained prior to testing of the ASR well, in order to establish a
baseline against which future results might be compared and thereby
evaluate any plugging effects. Half of the flow to the well occurs within
the top 38 m (100ft) of the aquifer.
Sidewall cores were obtained during construction of an observation
well at the ASR site, indicating that the storage zone is a sandstone aquifer,
predominantly quartz at the top and with potassium feldspar increasing to
about 5 to 10% with depth. Calcite is present throughout, while a trace of
smectite was found in the lowest three of the four cores. Illite/mica was
present throughout at concentrations of less than 2%. Pyrite is present as
a trace constituent throughout.
Well A-6 was constructed during 1985. It has a 10.75 inch (outer
diameter) steel casing with a wall thickness of 0.365 inches. Ten 10-inch
diameter nominal pipe size screen intervals are located between depths of
281m to 413 m (922 to 1354 ft), each of which is provided with 0.020 inch

wire-wrapped screen. A 6 m (20 ft) tailpipe is provided below the bottom

producing zone to a depth of 419 m (1374 ft). The screen has no gravel
pack and the tailpipe has no end cap on the bottom. The well is equipped
with a variable frequency drive submersible pump set at a depth of 387 m
(1270 ft). The pump is rated at 21 Lisee (330 G/min); however, it can
produce at rates exceeding 32 Lisee (500 G/min). The pump column outer
diameter is 140 mm (5.5 inches). Considering the column couplings, the
annular space in this well is very small and the surface area open to
corrosion would be substantial if recharge occurred down the annulus.
Therefore, recharge occurs down the pump column.
Table 9.13 shows typical recharge water quality and also average native
water quality in the storage zone. Initial geochemical investigations indi-
cated some concern regarding potential plugging due to calcium carbonate
and ferric hydroxide precipitation, particularly in the upper intervals of the
Three test ASR cycles were conducted during a six month period.
During Cycle 1, 5.7 megaliters (1.5 MG) was injected at an average rate
of 12.5 Lisee (198 G/min). This was recovered at an average rate of 19.5
Lisee (309 G/min). During Cycle 2, 22 megaliters (5.8 MG) were injected
at an average rate of 16.6 Lisee (263 G/min) and 27.2 megaliters (7.2 MG)
were recovered at an average rate of25.9 Lisee (410 G/min). During Cycle
3, 67.4 megaliters (17.8 MG) were injected and 82.3 megaliters (21.7 MG)
were recovered at the same rates as in Cycle 2. During recovery, pumping
water levels fell below the uppermost screen interval in the well. Head
buildup during recharge was substantial, with heads rising to less than 122



Net Flow per Hydraulic
Screened Screen Length Interval Conductivity
Interval (ft) (ft) (G/min) (ftlday)

922 to 942 20 0.51 0.034

954 to 964 10 11.1 1.461
985 to 1,015 30 21.79 0.956
1,061 to 1,081 20 11.54 0.760
1, 100 to 1, 120 20 8.32 0.548
1,143 to 1, 163 20 7.17 0.472
1,209to 1,219 10 0.3 0.039
1,231 to 1,251 20 2.61 0.172
1,260 to 1,280 20 2.9 0.191
1,314to 1,344 30 2.58 0.113
Totals 200 68.82 4.75

m (400 ft) below land surface. The substantial water level fluctuations in
this well during cycle testing are shown in Table 9.14.
Sand was found in the recharge water as determined by a cartridge filter
and a Rossum sand tester. However, this was purged from the well during
recovery and no evidence of residual well plugging was found between
successive cycles. The sand was probably settled in the water distribution
system and was carried into the well during reverse flows occurring during
recharge. Sand content in the recharge water declined after the first cycle.
Upon completion of testing, it was recommended that the well should
be backflushed to waste at least every 4 weeks for a period of 4 to 8 hours
to maintain its capacity. It was also recommended that pH of the recharge
water should be maintained within a range of 7.5 to 8.3 to minimize
potential for precipitation of ferric hydroxide and calcium carbonate.
The ASR well is now in full operation and two additional wells are
being converted to ASR use. The objective of the ASR system is to meet
seasonal peak water demands through more efficient use of existing supply
and treatment facilities. All of the stored water will be recovered. Long-
term drought storage is also under consideration and is the subject of an



Average Recharge Water Average Groundwater

Parameter Quality (a) Quality (a)

Alkalinity 92 123
Aluminum 0.05 0.06
Ammonia 0.43 0.17
Boron 0.05 0.10
Calcium 51 32
Chloride 28 3.25
Eh, millivolts (estimated) 400 200
Fluoride 0.95 0.75
Iron 0.015 0.13
Magnesium 10 1.85
Manganese 0.005 0.02
Nitrate 0.05 0.05
pH, laboratory 7.6 8.1
Phosphorus 0.02 0.005
Potassium 2.85 3.75
Silica 4.95 12.85
Sodium 29.5 27.5
Sulfate 91 16.5
Total dissolved solids 288 180

Note: All values expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/L) unless otherwise specified.

(a) To compute the average values, half the detection limit value was used when
the value for the parameter was below the analytical detection limits.

Observation Well Drawdown/Drawup Pumping Well Drawdown/Drawup

Test Rate (G/min) 24 Hour 72 Hour End of Test 24 Hour 72 Hour End of Test

Pump Test 300 24.2 - 24.5 (26.8 hr) 186.5 - 11 0.5 (26.8 hr)
Cycle 1 lnj 198 19.6 22.17 23.4 (121.6 hr) 186.5 241.5 272.9 (121.6 hr)
Cycle 1 Rec 309 25.5 32.9 34.0 (86.7 hr) 89.0 96.9 97.8 (86.7 hr)
Cycle 21nj 263 25.0 30.5 35.9 (364.8 hr) 195.0 263.7 381.8 (364.8 hr)
Cycle 2 Rec 410 39.0 45.5 55.9 (291.7 hr) 139.1 146.3 156.0 (291.7 hr)
Cycle 31nj 263 28.7 32.6 55.6 (1,125 hr) 174.9 225.7 467.5 (1,125 hr)
Cycle 3 Rec 410 36.6 40.6 40.4 (976.7 hr) 151.1 146.0 130.5 (976. 7 hr)


ongoing aquifer modeling investigation. Under the terms of the current

state permit, stored water must be recovered within 5 years; however, this
period may be extended.
An important issue at the Centennial ASR site is the great depth to water
level and the concern regarding effective hydraulic control over recharge
flow rates. Any cascading of water would rapidly plug the low transmis-
sivity aquifer due to air binding. As discussed in Chapter 4.4, Flow Control
and Measurement, a new downhole flow control valve was developed and
applied successfully at this site. This valve enabled recharge down the
pump column at variable flow rates without cascading. The valve is
located at the base of the pump column immediately above the pump. It
operates as a packer between the pump column and the casing and is
controlled hydraulically from the surface. It does not interfere with pump
operation during recovery. The successful development of this valve is an
important development that will benefit future well recharge and ASR
operations in other areas with sufficient depth to static water level that
cascading control is required. The valve is manufactured by Baski Valve
Company, Denver, CO. A schematic diagram is included in Figure 9.15.
The Centennial ASR site is also significant in that it is the only site to
date that has utilized sidewall cores instead of continuous wireline cores
to provide a basis for geochemical assessment. Four sidewall cores were
obtained in the Arapahoe formation from the observation well. The small
volume and the disturbed nature of these cores limited their usefulness;
however, X-ray diffraction, cation exchange capacity and acid insoluble
residue tests were conducted. An analysis of the data provided a limited
basis for inferring the oxidation state of the formation materials and their
potential susceptibility to plugging during ASR operations.
Analysis of water quality data collected during the three test cycles
indicated that most changes in constituent concentrations could be ac-
counted for through mixing between recharge and native water. Initial
concerns regarding iron and calcium precipitation were not borne out in
the data. However, pH showed a tendency to reach native water levels
more rapidly than would be indicated by mixing, and trihalomethane
concentrations also declined very rapidly. Total organic carbon concentra-
tions also declined underground at a rate exceeding that due to dilution
effects alone.
During Cycle 3, the ASR well experienced hydraulic fracturing of the
aquifer. This occurred when the increase in water level during recharge
reached 125 m (410ft), of which approximately 23 m (75 ft) was attrib-
utable to aquifer response and the remainder to wellbore plugging. Subse-
quently, both the ASR well and the observation well experienced reduced
hydraulic response to recharge and recovery operations.

Bask!, Inc
Denver. Colorado
( l-8CXJ-55-8ASKI)

b!~~~ a~~~~._; Discharge

Pumping Injection Location of Valve in Well

Figure 9.15 Downhole flow control valve.


Las Vegas is located in the Mohave desert and receives about 100 mm (4
inches) of rainfall per year. Surrounding mountains may receive greater than
500 mm (20 inches) of precipitation, mostly in the form of snow. Water
supply to this area is supplied by the Las Vegas Valley Water District, which
operates what is currently (1993) the largest ASR system in the world with
a recharge capacity of about 300 megaliters/day (80 MG/day) and a recovery
capacity probably exceeding 380 megaliters/day (100 MG/day).
Recharge water is obtained from the treated water distribution system,
which is supplied from the Colorado River at Lake Mead. Water is low in

* Las Vegas Valley Water District, 3700 West Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada 89153

color and turbidity, but is hard. It is treated in a 1500 megaliters/day (400

MG/day) direct filtration water treatment plant that uses pre- and post-
chlorination. As of 1990, about 80% of the local water supply was ob-
tained from the Colorado River, while the remaining 20% was from
groundwater. The groundwater system has been overdrafted for several
decades due to population growth and development.
The ASR site is about 20 miles from the water treatment plant. ASR
operations began at two wells during 1987 and have since been expanded
to over 35 wells. In addition, the district operates five single-purpose
injection wells and four wells that are used only for production. Nine
additional single-purpose injection wells are planned.
The aquifer being recharged is comprised of basin-fill clastic deposits
from surrounding mountain ranges consisting of sandy gravels with a trace
of sandy clay, poor- to well-cemented conglomerate, cemented sandstone,
limestone, dolomite, and traces of calcite to depths of over 300 m (1000
ft). Production zones within these clastic deposits are generally semi-
confined although unconfined conditions frequently develop, associated
with delayed drainage.
Figure 9.16 shows lithology and construction details for Wells 16 and
17, which are considered to be reasonably representative of the more
productive wells in the wellfield, with typical recharge and production
rates of about 11.4 megaliters/day (3 MG/day) each. Static water levels are
currently about 160 to 240 ft below land surface, which is typically at an
elevation of about 2000 ft above sea level in the wellfield area.
Aquifer hydraulic characteristics vary within the following typical ranges:

Transmissivity 1000 to 300,000 G/day/ft

12 to 3726 m2/day
Storativity 0.001 in confined areas
(increasing with time)
Specific yield 5 to 30%, average about 15%

Maximum water level decline from predevelopment conditions near the

pumping center has been about 240 ft. As a result, some subsidence has
Recharge occurs down the pump column of the vertical turbine pumps.
The pump impellers are lowered onto the bowl housing, providing suffi-
cient back-pressure so that a solid column of water occurs in the pump
column. In some wells the check valve is adjusted in each well to provide
for seasonal recharge. In wells that have been converted more recently,
bypass piping has been provided around the check valve, equipped with a
remote-actuated pressure reducing valve to facilitate recharge. Magnetic

Well No. 16 Well No. 11

82' Alternating layers

caliche and clay

26 7' Alternating layers

caliche and day

~,Cemented gravel

0. 64' loose gravel

131 · Alternating layers
cemented gravel and
.204' layers of
92' Red clay cemented gravel and

72' Caliche
44' Cemented gravel
76 Cemented 0.75 in.
gravel 37'Caliche
3 r gravel 2 in.
125' Cemented gravel

195' Cemented sand .2,5' Caliche

and 2in. gravel

78' Cemented gravel

805 880
68' Red clay .2_4 · Red clay
68" Cemented 2in. o. 990 _22' Cemented gravel
o. gravel TO= 1002' 16" die. casing
14 tons of gravel pack
20' Brown day

TD = 1060' 16" dia. casing

12 tons of gravel pack

Source: Brother and Katzer. 1990.

Figure 9.16 Construction of ASR Wells 16 and 17, Las

Vegas Valley Water District, Nevada.

flowmeters are used to accommodate bi-directional flow during recharge

and recovery periods.
Recharge rates vary among the wells, within a typical range of about 3.8
to 11.4 megaliters/day (1 to 3 MG/day). Recharge occurs during fall, winter,
and spring months when demand is reduced and the treatment and distribu-
tion system has available capacity. Recovery occurs during summer months
to help meet peak system demands. Recovery rates are typically similar to
recharge rates. Well clogging rates have been sufficiently low that no
redevelopment backflushing has been required to maintain recharge rates,
other than that which occurs normally during peak season recovery.
Table 9.15 shows a chemical analysis of groundwater from selected
district wells, while Table 9.16 shows similar analyses for water from



local Well Number and

Date of Collection
Constituent 17 16
(mg/l) 8/87 8/87

Alkalinity (HCO ) 235 228

Calcium 54.1 53.2
Magnesium 27.1 27.3
Chloride 5.0 4.7
Nitrate (N) 0.64 0.68
Potassium 2.26 3.24
Conductivity 461 467
(!!mhos cm- 1)
Sodium 7.11 7.04
Sulfate 53.9 63.0
pH (units): lab 8.06 8.10
pH (units): field 7.41 7.54

Source: Brothers and Katzer (1 ).

Lake Mead, both before and after treatment. Treated water is used for
recharge purposes.
The principal objective of this ASR system has been to seasonally store
available water to meet peak summer demands and also to meet long-term
water requirements. The system has been very successful in this regard,
having stored approximately 80 Mm 3 (21 BG, 65,000 acre ft) through
1993. Principal concerns have related to the quality of the recharge water
which, while meeting all standards, has a higher conductivity than the
native groundwater and a possible trend of increasing conductance in
recent years. Other water quality concerns have included the potential for
calcite precipitation in the aquifer, which has proven to not be a problem,
and the potential formation of trihalomethanes during storage. If THMs
form underground and are not reduced, they could possibly exceed ex-
pected future standards for drinking water. Investigations conducted by the
district have suggested that no THM reduction occurred during ASR
storage during the test period at this site.



The North Las Posas Groundwater Basin is about 29 km (18 miles) long
and 7 km (4.5 miles) wide, and is located in southern California near Los

* Calleguas Municipal Water District, 2100 Olsen Road, Thousand Oaks, California 91362

Date of Sample Collection

Constituent sn3 1ons sns 11/86 12/87

(mg/L) Raw Treated Raw Treated Raw Treated Raw Treated Raw Treated

Alkalinity (HCO) 159 161 171 159 154 155 159 157 159 154
Calcium 90 90 86 90 86 86 78 74 77 72
Magnesium 26 26 22 29 29 28 18 21 18 22
Chloride 90 92 104 108 90 90 53 55 64 64
Fluoride 0.37 0.39 1.00 1.00 0.31 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.29
Nitrate (N) 1.70 1.70 0.07 0.02 0.48 0.48 0.41 0.44 0.51 0.54
Potassium 3.90 4.30 6.0 6.0 3.7 3.7 4.2 4.2
Conductivity 1072 1057 1077 1035 1118 1107 846 857 829 833
(!lmhos em')
Sodium 105 107 109 134 115 115 70 71 63 69
Sulfate 290 290 311 309 301 301 232 216 211 206
pH (units) 8.20 8.20 8.20 7.80 7.95 7.75 7.92 7.84 7.76 7.53

Note: Analysis of Colorado River water in Lake Mead, before and after treatment.
Source: Brothers and Katzer (1 ).

Angeles. Water to this area is supplied by the Calleguas Municipal Water

District, which imports all of its water from the Metropolitan Water
District of Southern California. This is imported from northern California
through the State Water Project, which is an extensive aquaduct system.
Investigations have shown that the North Las Posas Groundwater Basin
has available storage capacity of about 370 Mm3 (300,000 acre ft), prima-
rily as a result of historic groundwater production. However, surface
recharge with seasonally available imported water is unlikely to be fea-
sible and cost effective due to hydrogeologic constraints. ASR investiga-
tions were therefore initiated during 1990 to determine the feasibility of
using aquifer storage to meet seasonal, emergency, and long-term drought
storage needs, while also improving the overall reliability of the Metro-
politan Water District's operations.
The basin contains sediments of Pliocene to Recent Age, including two
principal freshwater aquifers that are separated by 15 to 30m (50 to 100
ft) of fine-grained sediments of low permeability. The Fox Canyon aquifer
consists of marine and non-marine sands and gravel about 61 to 122m
(200 to 400 ft) thick. This is underlain by the Grimes Canyon aquifer,
which consists of marine sands with minor gravel about 30 to 122 m (1 00
to 400 ft) thick. Both aquifers are confined except in narrow outcrop areas
along portions of the hills that border the northern and southern margins
of the basin. Figure 9.17 shows a geologic cross section in the vicinity of
the ASR well. Typical well yields are between 5.4 and 8.1 megaliters/day
(1000 and 1500 G/min). The basin is believed to be overdrafted; however,
there is some uncertainty, since estimates range from zero to the full
amount of existing production. A mid-range estimate of the rate of over-
draft is about 14 Mm3/year (11,000 acre ft/year) at current production
Initial testing was conducted at the Ventura County Water Works
existing Well 97, which is 283 m (930ft) deep and penetrates the upper
61 m (200ft) of the Fox Canyon aquifer, which is 137m (450ft) thick at
this site. An adjacent observation well was constructed with three sam-
pling intervals above, within, and below the aquifer interval penetrated by
the ASR test well. Cores were obtained and analyzed during construction
of the observation well in order to gain understanding of the geochemistry
issues at this site.
Aquifer hydraulic characteristics at the ASR test site were as follows:

Transmissivity 145,000 G/day/ft

1800 m2/day
Storati vity 4x 10~
Porosity 23% (from laboratory analysis of cores)

Dispersivity 22 ft (calculated)
Well efficiency 87%
Specific capacity 18 to 20 G/min/ft (initial production)
10 G/min/ft (injection, 1 hr)
7 G/min/ft (injection, 1 day)
4 G/min/ft (injection, 1 week)
2.5 G/min/ft (injection, 43 days)

Upon completion of testing, production specific capacity was measured

at 23 G/min/ft, indicating no residual dogging and no loss in well perfor-
Analysis of data from the injection portion of the second test cycle
indicated a lower transmissivity value of 546 m2/day (44,000 G/day/ft),
reflecting the effects of well plugging, interference from adjacent wells,
and the 11 °C temperature difference between the recharge water and the
native water in the aquifer.

Elevation Depth
(ftmsl) (ft)

Monitoring 250

750 ASRWell-97








Figure 9.17 Hydrogeologic cross-section, Calleguas Municipal

Water District, California.

Electrical Monitoring
lithologic Resistivity Well Completion ASR
Log (6' laterot log) Detoii Wall-97

w T- !-- Cement--> · : Placement
100 -t---I~-~!----!J"'--i---I--'G£!rillo.,_t-----8·• oCG;out f--+-- 100
~ I MW-3 --+Y-++V' ~~~v;--"
200 ---+----!: : :!------H'-+--1--------!.VA t-0~f~own -- ! - I - 200

=~ 3oo-+--~:::!------4~~~~B~e~nto~n~rre~~
_ w >_ -->-v 1'61fets


rzzzl Clay f.~,-~:-l Sand. Clay. and Gravel
[<<<J Sand f.!"--..) Sand and Gravel
c=:J Sand and Clay " Core Sample Location

Figure 9.18 Lithology and well construction, Calleguas Municipal Water

District, California.

Static water level was about 64 to 67 m (210 to 220ft) above mean sea
level or about 114 m (375 ft) below ground surface, which is at an
elevation of about 180 m (590 ft) above mean sea level. The well was
constructed in 1947. It has a 350 mm (14--inch) casing perforated from 204
to 283m (670 to 930ft) with slots measuring 5 mm (3116 inches) wide and
200 mm (8 inches) long. Figure 9.18 shows the well construction and also
lithology at this site. The well is equipped with a vertical turbine pump and
recharge occurs down the pump column after the pump impellers are
lowered against the bowl housing.
Recharge flow rates of up to 3.4 megaliters/day (620 G/min) were
achieved during the test program, while recovery rates were up to about
4.3 megaliters/day (800 G/min). Two ASR test cycles were conducted,
plus two step-drawdown pumping tests, one constant rate pumping test and
an injection test. The first test cycle was brief, to assess initial hydraulic
and water quality effects. The second test cycle injected 142 megaliters
(115 acre ft) over 43 days. This was then recovered; however, recovery

continued until138% of the recharge water had been produced in order to

return water quality to background levels.
Table 9.17 shows native groundwater and also recharge water quality
during the test program. Using chloride as a tracer, analysis of the recov-
ered water quality data from Cycle 2 showed that iron and manganese
concentrations in the native groundwater (242 and 43 J.lg/1, respectively)
were being reduced, reflecting oxidation. THM concentrations were also
reduced substantially. THM formation potential was determined on a
sample of the recovered water following chlorination, showing an increase
but to a level below the range of THM concentrations in the recharge
water. No significant cation exchange took place during ASR testing.
Based upon successful completion of the test program, a second new
ASR well was constructed and placed into operation. Five additional ASR
wells are to be added in the immediate future. The purpose of these wells
is seasonal and long-term storage of water purchased from the Metropoli-
tan Water District of Southern California during off-peak months at dis-
counted rates.
The most important technical issue at this site has been well clogging,
which received considerable attention during and after the test program.
The test well is located in a portion of the distribution system that has little
circulation. Large volumes of solids present in the distribution system,
including rust and sand, were swept into the well during initial recharge,
causing immediate rapid clogging. Results demonstrated the ability to
restore well capacity by pumping. They also suggested the wisdom of
flushing the well and pipelines to waste prior to recharge and recovery, and
not allowing substantial clogging to occur prior to backflushing the well
during recharge.
Existing wells are equipped for power generation during recharge.


Goleta Water District, CA, is believed to be the third ASR system to

begin operation in the U.S., following Wildwood, and Gordons Comer,
NJ. The district is located in Santa Barbara County in southern California
and serves about 70,000 people. Average water demand for the district is
about 15 MG/day (57 megaliters/day). ASR operations began in 1978.
The original water supply for this area was obtained from wells; how-
ever, the quality in some areas was poor, requiring treatment for iron,
manganese, and hydrogen sulfide removal. The wells were abandoned or
converted to agricultural use when the Cachuma Reservoir became avail-
* Goleta Water District, PO Box 788, Goleta, California 93116



Jensen Recharge Native

Treatment Water Groundwater
Plant ("Vault-1 ") Well97
Constituent Units ML3 8/1/90 12/11/90 12/11/90

Calcium mg/L 25 23 68
Magnesium mg/L 16 15 13
Sodium mg/L 76 73 36
Potassium mg/L 4 3 3
Carbonate mg/L 2 1 0
Bicarbonate mg/L 99 100 189
Sulfate mg/L 500 53 46 121
Chloride mg/L 500 111 105 13
Total dissolved solids mg/L '1000 355 314 375
Hardness mg/L 200 128 118 222
Alkalinity mg/L 85 85 155
Color TON 15 10 10
Aluminum (unfiltered) 11g/L 1000 96 9
Aluminum (filtered) 11g/L 79 17
Arsenic 11g/L 50 1.80 0.00
Boron 11g/L 158 85
Cadmium 11g/L 10.00 0.00 0.00
Copper 11g/L 1000 0 0
Fluoride (total) mg/L 1.4-2.4 0.12 0.12 0.25
Iron (unfiltered) 11g/L 0 539
Iron (filtered) 11g/L 300 0 242
Lead 11g/L 50 0.00 0.00
Manganese (unfiltered) 11g/L 0 44
Manganese (filtered) 11g/L 50 0 43
Phosphorous 11g/L 0.04 0.03
Selenium 11g/L 10 0.00 0.00
Zinc 11g/L 5000 7.00 6.00
Ammonia (total): N mg/L 0.19 0.17
Nitrate (N0 3 ) mg/L 45 3.15 1.68 0.18
Silica mg/L 15.1 15.1 37.5
Total trihalomethane 11g/L 74 0
Chloroform 11g/L 4.2 0.0
Bromodichloromethane 11g/L 15.0 0.0
Dibromochloromethane 11g/L 31.0 0.0
Bromoform 11g/L 24.0 0.0
Total organic carbon mg/L 2.9 1.1
Total organic halogen 170 0
as Cl-
Field parameters
pH 8.40 8.25 7.52
Eh mv 419 211
Dissolved oxygen ppm 8.4 1.0
Temperature oc 18 16 25
Specific conductance 11mhos 500 600

able as a source of supply during 1956. This source supplies about 10,000
acre ft of water per year (9 MG/day, 34 megaliters/day) to the district.
Water from the reservoir is treated at the Corona del Mar water treatment
plant, which has a peak capacity of 136 megaliters/day (36 MG/day), and
utilizes coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, and chlorination processes
to treat the water before it is distributed to the service area.
Since 1963, the yield from the Cachuma reservoir has been supple-
mented by reactivated local wells that supply up to about 3400 acre ft per
year (3 MG/day, 11 megaliters/day) to Goleta Water District and some
other water users. In 1972 a "water shortage emergency" was declared due
to overdrafting of the aquifer. Some of these wells are equipped for both
production and recharge. Well depths range from about 300 to 1300 ft (91
to 396m).
The ASR storage zone is the same unconfined aquifer that originally
supplied the community with water. It is comprised of unconsolidated
clayey, silty sand alluvial sediments. Of the 28 wells used to recharge
treated drinking water during months when supply exceeds demand, 9 are
dual-purpose ASR wells while the remainder are single-purpose injection
wells. All were existing irrigation, private or public water supply wells,
retrofitted to meet ASR or injection needs. Recharge is typically down the
pump column, using both vertical turbine and submersible pumps.
Aquifer hydraulic characteristics are as follows:

Transmissivity 13,000 to 20,000 ft 2/day

1200 to 1860 m2/day
Specific capacity 4 to 20 G/min/ft

Depth to static water level varies throughout the service area, reflecting
the terrain between the coast and the Santa Ynez mountains, and represent-
ing a principal constraint upon ASR system capacity. Minimum ground-
water levels are about 60ft below sea level. However, excessive recharge
volume would cause water levels to rise to land surface in portions of this
mostly confined system.
Native water quality in the aquifer varies from a TDS of 850 to 1000 mg/
L in the wellfield area, deteriorating toward the coast. Other constituents of
interest include localized areas of hydrogen sulfide at 0.5 to 1.0 mg/L, and
Fe plus Mn at about 1 mg/L. Recharge water quality is treated drinking water
from the treatment plant, which has a typical TDS concentration of 550 to
600 mg/L and a chlorine residual of 0.5 mg/L at the wellhead.
Recharge rates in individual wells range from less than 100 G/min (0.5
megaliters/day) to about 2.2 megaliters/day (400 G/min). Low average

recharge rates of about 20 acre ft per year (12 G/min, 0.8 Lisee) per well
have been experienced in some wells. Recovery rates range from about
200 to 800 G/min (1.1 to 4.3 megaliters/day). The ratio of recharge to
recovery specific capacity is typically quite low, averaging about 30%. No
backflushing for redevelopment was conducted in any of the ASR wells
during the first 5 years of operation, relying upon extended pumping
during seasonal recovery to restore well specific capacity.
Since 1978, opportunities for recharge have been quite limited. Be-
tween 1978 and 1988, recharge occurred in only 7 years. Of these, all but
2 years had less than 448 acre ft per year (0.4 MG/day, 1.5 megaliters/day)
of recharge to the entire system. Maximum annual recharge during this
period was 1901 acre ft (1.7 MG/day, 6.4 megaliters/day).
The primary purpose of this system is long-term water storage, to
mitigate overdraft. All of the water stored is ultimately recovered, since the
basin is almost totally confined against lateral outflow due to the existence
of faults.


The city of Pasadena is one of 11 water utilities serving customers

within the Raymond Groundwater Basin, which is located in southern
California near Los Angeles. Groundwater production within this basin
has exceeded natural recharge for many decades, as a result of which
approximately 493 Mm 3 ( 400,000 acre ft) of potential storage above the
water table is available in the aquifer system, to store imported water flows.
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has recently
initiated a seasonal storage program, under which water utilities may pur-
chase imported water at discounted rates during winter months when flows
are available and demands are reduced. For water utilities with available
storage capacity, the savings under this program can be substantial.
During 1989, the city and the district initiated a program to plan and
implement recharge facilities, including both surface recharge and ASR
wells, in order to meet seasonal peak demands, improve system reliability,
meet drought demands, provide for long-term growth, and capitalize on
the district's seasonal storage program. For the district, added advantages
included more efficient use of existing water conveyance and treatment
facilities and storage for surplus imported water supplies when they are
The aquifer being recharged is comprised of sand and gravel alluvial
deposits with some clays, all under water table conditions. Aquifer hydrau-
lics are variable across the basin, as follows:

* City of Pasadena. Water Division, Water and Power Department, 150 South Los Robles Avenue,
Suite 200, Pasadena, California 9110 I

Hydraulic conductivity 2 to 60ft/day

1 to 18m/day
Transmissivity 100 to 25,000 ft 2/day or more
9 to 2,300 m2/day or more
Specific yield 9 to 15%

The transmissivity estimate is based upon the saturated alluvium thick-

ness, which ranges from zero at the base of the San Gabriel mountains to
the north, to in excess of 244 m (800 ft) at the southerly end of the basin.
Potentiometric surface elevations range from under 152m (500ft) to over
427 m (1400 ft) above mean sea level, while land surface elevations in the
same area range upward from about 171 m (560ft) above mean sea level
to the south. Both elevations increase northward toward the San Gabriel
During 1992, two existing wells were retrofitted for ASR operations,
commencing recharge in an area that had been subjected to nitrate con-
tamination. From October 1992 to January 1994, these two wells have
recharged over 3.7 Mm3 (3000 acre ft) during months when discounted
water was available.
Extensive computer modeling of the Raymond Groundwater Basin was
conducted as a part of the recharge feasibility program, using the CFEST
model to simulate hydrogeologic response and also movement of the re-
charge waters throughout the basin. The effect upon location and movement
of existing contaminant plumes was also evaluated. The model indicated
that, with proposed seasonal operations, the effect upon water levels would
be slight. If additional storage is developed to provide reliability in the event
of periodic droughts, estimated at 1 year out of 4, the effect upon regional
water levels would be greater but still relatively insignificant. In particular,
typical water level fluctuations would be in the tens of feet. Further
development of available storage capacity could provide the opportunity
for regional storage, to provide water to surrounding water utilities during
extended droughts. Achieving this benefit would entail institutional changes
and water supply agreements that are not now in place.
The Pasadena ASR program has been successful as a key part of a
broader regional effort to conserve water and make better use of existing
facilities and storage opportunities. It is a particularly good example of a
situation that many other utility systems may face. Many utilities have
limited local water supplies but excellent local opportunities to store large
volumes of water that may become available intermittently. Where
hydrogeologic conditions are so favorable, these utilities have the oppor-
tunity to store water to meet their own seasonal and drought/long-term
storage needs, while also providing a regional reservoir to help supply
surrounding utilities that may have less-than-ideal hydrogeologic opportu-

nities for storage. The huge potential savings derived from such regional
approaches to developing storage capacity should, in some cases, facilitate
enlightened and cost-effective water supply planning and implementation
for regional supplies.
Another element of the Pasadena ASR program is the consideration of
power generation during recharge. This was discussed under Section 3.2,
Design of ASR Wellhead Facilities.


The Seattle Water Department operates a surface water supply system

capable of meeting peak day demands in excess of 1136 megaliters/day
(300 MG/day). To help meet projected increases in demand, a wellfield
was developed in the High line area adjacent to SEATAC Airport during
the 1980s. Three wells are currently in operation at 2 sites (Riverton
Heights and Boulevard Park), capable of supplying a total yield of about
38 megaliters/day (10 MG/day). Each well is equipped for both recharge
and recovery and is provided with facilities for disinfection, fluoridation,
and pH adjustment; a vertical turbine pump; a wellhouse; and an observa-
tion well.
Early hydrogeologic investigations showed that the Highline area re-
ceives insufficient natural recharge to support wellfield production at
planned rates, leading to projected water level declines. To offset this
decline, an artificial recharge test program was initiated to determine the
feasibility of ASR to meet seasonal water needs while maintaining aquifer
levels. ASR test operations began in 1991 and the facilities became fully
operational in 1993. The source of recharge water is a pipeline conveying
treated drinking water from the Cedar River.
The intermediate aquifer utilized for ASR storage is comprised of
glacial drift deposits, primarily sands and gravels, silts, and clays. Aquifer
hydraulic characteristics are approximately as follows:

Transmissivity Riverton Heights: 350,000 G/day/ft

4350 m2/day
Boulevard Park: 150,000 G/day/ft
1860 m2/day
Storativity 0.0005 both sites
Specific capacity 27 G/min/ft (2300 G/min, 1 day-Riverton Heights)
24 G/min/ft (2300 G/min, 1 day-Boulevard Park)

Prior to wellfield operations, static water level was measured at 153.5

ft below ground surface at Riverton Heights, at an elevation of 278.5 ft

above mean sea level. At Boulevard Park, static water level was 77 ft
below ground surface, at an elevation of 280 ft above mean sea level.
Water quality of the recharge water from the Cedar River pipeline and
the groundwater for the Riverton Heights production well are excellent, as
indicated by their low mean specific conductance values of 61 and 166
~-tmhos/cm, respectively. However, diatoms present in the recharge water
contribute to well plugging, which can be reversed by pumping.
The objective of the ASR test program was achieved, showing that the
Highline wellfield could be operated to meet seasonal peak demands
during summer months, while recharging the aquifer during winter months
to maintain water levels. Addition of a fourth ASR well to boost summer
recovery capacity is under consideration.
The test program included four ASR cycles conducted at an existing
unused test well adjacent to the Riverton Heights site. During the test
program, some well clogging was apparent. Detailed geochemical and
other investigations showed that the source of clogging was diatoms
(single-cell algae) present in the recharge water. Periodic backflushing of
the well with a frequency of about once every 2 weeks was sufficient to
prevent residual clogging and maintain recovery capacity.
To date, areawide water level response to seasonal wellfield operations
has been quite small. The opportunity exists at this site to utilize available
storage capacity more efficiently. Pumps could perhaps be set at the base
of the well screen rather than at the base of the casing, enabling an increase
in wellfield production rates and the associated interference between wells
during summer months. During the remainder of the year, wells would be
recharged to restore aquifer water levels to elevations at or above those
occurring prior to wellfield production. An increase in summer peak produc-
tion rates would be helpful to the Seattle Water Department, and would also
achieve operational benefits, since the effort required of operations per-
sonnel to operate the Highline wellfield is generally greater per unit of
water produced during the summer than that associated with the basic
supply of water from the Cedar River. Under pending regulations from the
EPA, filtration may be required for water from the Cedar River, in which
case the relative effort associated with the two sources would shift.
Another significant potential issue at this site is the pending regulation
pertaining to radon concentrations in drinking water. Depending upon
allowable radon concentration levels, the recovered water from the High line
wellfield may or may not meet the standards once they are promulgated.
Radon is not present in the recharge water but is picked up rapidly during
ASR storage. Treatment requirements would probably include aeration
and detention time in a ground storage reservoir which already exists at the

* Seattle Water Department, Water Management Department, 710 Second Avenue, Seattle, Washing-
ton 98104

Riverton site but would need to be added at the Boulevard Park site.
Blending of the treated water with that from the Cedar River pipeline
should meet radon standards, if this becomes necessary.

9.17 KUWAIT*

During 1989, the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) initi-
ated an investigation of ASR feasibility to establish a strategic water
reserve. This work was performed for the Kuwait Ministry of Electricity
and Water. The goal was to store a large volume of drinking water in
brackish aquifers close to demand centers so that several months' supply
would be available, stored safely underground in the event of emergency
loss of seawater desalination plants. The water source for recharge would
be drinking water, which is primarily water from the desalination plants
blended with 5 to 10% brackish groundwater. Once established, this
strategic reserve would also be available to help meet summer peak
demands within the water supply service area. During the period October
1989 to May 1990, recharge investigations were conducted at 3 existing
well sites. The next phase of the program was interrupted by hostilities in
1990 to 1991, but has since continued.
Two sites were tested in the Dammam formation, a limestone artesian
aquifer, while one site was tested in the overlying Kuwait Group aquifer,
which is comprised of sand intervals between layers of cemented sandstone.
Both aquifers are brackish, with TDS levels ranging from 2700 to 5000 mg/
L in the Dammam formation and 3900 mg!L in the Kuwait Group aquifer.
Aquifer hydraulic characteristics were quite different at the three sites.

Sulaibiya Well SU-10

For Well SU-10 at Sulaibiya, the aquifer was composed of two produc-
ing intervals, at the top and bottom of the well, with the following hydrau-
lic characteristics:

Transmissivity 12m2/day (966 G/day/ft) (Upper Dammam)

24m 2/day (1933 G/day/ft) (Lower Dammam)
Storativity 2 x I0-5 (Upper Dammam)
4 X 1o-s (Lower Dammam)
Leakance 1 x 10-4/day (Upper Dammam)
5 x IQ-4/day (Lower Dammam)

The well construction included 124 m (406 ft) of 400 mm (16 inch)
casing, and open hole to 275 m (902ft). Of the many wells that have been

* Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, PO Box 24885, Safat, 13109, Kuwait

tested for ASR feasibility, this is believed to be the one with the lowest
transmissivity. Static water level at the time of testing was at 37 m (120
ft) below land surface. A head difference of approximately 5 m (16 ft) is
believed to exist between the top and bottom producing intervals.
The well is equipped with a vertical turbine pump. A single test cycle
was conducted, replacing the pump with an injection tube to beneath the
static water level. A recharge volume of 16,416 em (4.3 MG) was injected
during a period of 30 days, at rates that varied from 0.65 megaliters/day
(121 G/min) initially to as low as 0.39 megaliters/day (73 G/min) in order
to avoid the water level rising above land surface. With redevelopment
during the injection period, a sustained injection flow rate of 0.58 megaliters/
day (109 G/min) could be maintained. Results indicated substantial plug-
ging, probably due to rust and sand in the distribution system that was
swept into the well at the beginning of recharge. When this was removed
during redevelopment by backflushing, hydraulic performance improved.
There was little evidence of geochemical plugging or air entrainment.
Following injection, the well was pumped at variable rates averaging about
0.98 megaliters/day ( 181 G/min). Pumping continued until background water
quality was reached. The specific capacity ratio between injection and
recovery was estimated at about 60%.
Background TDS in the aquifer was about 5000 mg/L. Mixing charac-
teristics were such that over 45% of the recharge volume was recovered
before the TDS exceeded 2000 mg/L in the recovered water, and 90% was
recovered before the TDS concentration reached 3000 mg/L.
Test results indicated that this site would be suitable for a strategic water
reserve, probably using only the lower producing interval of the Dammam
formation in order to reduce mixing between stored and native water. New
ASR wells would be required, with appropriate design and operation to
minimize clogging. Successive ASR cycles were expected to achieve
satisfactory recovery efficiency.

Shigaya Well C-105

This well is also in the Dammam formation; however, it is located in the

southwestern portion of Kuwait at much higher land surface elevation.
Since no freshwater supply is available in this area, water for injection
testing was obtained from other nearby wells with similar water quality.
Mixing was evaluated using sodium fluorescein dye.
The well has 400 mm (16 inch) casing to 258m (845ft), with an open
hole to 385 m (1262 ft). Static water level at the time of testing was about
176m (577 ft) below land surface, dropping at the rate of about 2m (5 ft)

per year. Flowmeter logging indicated no head differences between the top
and bottom of the aquifer; however, about 60 to 75% of the flow occurred
at a depth of 372 to 375 m (1220 to 1230 ft). The water is brackish, with
a TDS concentration of about 2700 mg/L. Testing indicated the following
aquifer hydraulic characteristics:

Transmissivity 4000 m2/day (322,000 G/day/ft)

Specific capacity Injection: 17.4 G/min/ft@ 1080 G/min
Recovery 52 G/min/ft @ 360 G/min

The data is not conclusive; however, it suggests a specific capacity ratio

of about 0.40 between injection and recovery, which seems quite low. A
single test cycle was conducted in which 46 MG were injected and 50 MG
were recovered.
Some plugging occurred during testing; however, this was resolved by
pumping the well, without any sign of residual plugging. There was no
indication of geochemical reactions that would create problems during
long-term operation. Only about 40% of the tracer was recovered, indicat-
ing high mixing. This site would probably be suitable for artificial re-
charge to restore water levels, if water is available, but it may be less
suitable as a strategic water reserve.

Sulaibiya Well 135A

This is a screen and gravel pack well with six 400 mm (16 inch)
screened intervals at depths ranging from 90 m (300ft) to 180m (600ft).
Screen intervals vary from 3 to 12m (10 to 40ft) in thickness and total43
m (140ft). The depth to static water level was 57.8 m (190ft) during the
test program. The vertical turbine pump was set between the second and
third screen intervals at a depth of about 122 m (400ft).
Hydraulic testing indicated the following aquifer and well characteristics:

Transmissivity 280m 2/day

22,500 G/day/ft
Specific capacity 9.2 G/min/ft @ 360 G/min (pumping)
8.0 G/min/ft @ 120 G/min (initial injection)
2.5 G/min/ft @ 120 G/min (end of injection)

Following this injection period, the specific capacity was substantially

restored by pumping the well at various rates, although about 5 to 15% of
the capacity had been lost. The well was then acidized to restore capacity
and each screen interval was developed with pumping and surging. Spe-
cific capacity was restored to levels exceeding those prior to testing, as
determined from step drawdown tests. At 360 G/min, the specific capacity

was 13.7 G/min/ft. Injection was then resumed but was terminated after 22
hours when the rate of water level rise suggested that rapid plugging was
continuing. Total water stored was 4211 em ( 1.1 MG), less volumes
produced during the step test and pumping of spent acid. The well was then
placed back in routine operation and tracer concentrations were monitored
until 10,451 m 3 (2.8 MG) had been recovered at a typical production rate
of about 1.9 megaliters/day (0.5 MG/day).
Evaluation of potential causative factors suggested that air entrainment
and suspended solids in the recharge water probably caused the plugging.
Total suspended solids measurements yielded concentrations ranging from
3.2 to 7.4 mg/L during recharge. Substantial quantities of air and turbid
water were noted during redevelopment.
Mixing occurred in the well, partly due to differential plugging of the
six screen sections. Tracer testing was performed u,sing tritium as a tracer
during the latter portion of the injection test following acidization of the
well. It was also possible to use sulfate as a natural tracer. TDS concen-
tration of the native water was about 3900 mg/L while sulfate concentra-
tion was about 1050 mg/L. Injection water was obtained from the wellfield
collection system and had a TDS concentration of about 4400 mg/L but a
sulfate concentration of about 2000 mg/L. At 30% recovery, sulfate had
declined to 1910 mg/L; at 70%, it had dropped to 1650 mg/L, and at 100%
it had dropped to 1390 mg/L.
Although this test was conducted at a very small scale and encountered
a variety of complex logistic and technical difficulties, it is notable due to
the unique use of tritium as a tracer. Tritium was selected with the
assumption that natural tracers would not be sufficient; however, sulfate
differential concentrations in the recharge and native water also proved to
be useful. Both tritium and sulfate results indicated the same approximate
mixing curves during recovery.
Test results were not conclusive; however, they suggested the limited
potential value of this aquifer in the Sulaibiya area as a component of a
strategic water reserve utilizing both the Dammam and Kuwait Group
aquifers. Further effort would be required to design and operate ASR wells
in this aquifer in order to meet overall objectives while minimizing plug-
ging and meeting recovery water quality objectives.


1. Postel, S., The Last Oasis: Facing Water Scarcity, The Worldwatch Environmental
Alert Series, Worldwatch Institute, W.W. Norton & Co., 1992, p. 35.
2. Postel, S., The Last Oasis: Facing Water Scarcity, The Worldwatch Environmental
Alert Series, Worldwatch Institute, W.W. Norton & Co., 1992, p. 30.
3. The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1988.
4. Shiklomanov, I. A., Global Water Resources, Nature and Resources, Vol. 26, No.
3, 1990.
5. L'vovitch, M. 1., World Water Resources and Their Future, Washington, D.C.,
American Geophysical Union, 1979, as cited in van der Leeden eta!., The Water
6. L' vovitch, M. I., Ground- Water Storage and Artificial Recharge, Natural Resources/
Water Series No. 2, United Nations, New York, 1975.
7. Limaye, S.D., Director, Ground Water Institute, Pune, India, personal communica-
tion, 1994.
8. Peters, J. H., Artificial Recharge and Water Supply in The Netherlands: State of the
Art and Future Trends, A. I. Johnson and R. D. G. Pyne, Eds., Proceedings of
American Society of Civil Engineers Second International Symposium on Artificial
Recharge of Ground Water, Orlando, FL, July 17-22, 1994.
9. Cederstrom, D. J., Artificial recharge of a brackish water well, Commonwealth,
Virginia Chamber of Commerce, Richmond, V. 14, No. 12, p. 31, 71-73, 1947.
10. Todd, D. K., Annotated Bibliography on Artificial Recharge of Ground Water
Through 1954, U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1477, 1959.
11. Signor, D.C., Growitz, D.J., and Kam, W., Annotated Bibliography on Artificial
Recharge of Ground Water, 1955-67, U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper
1990, 1970.
12. Knapp, G. L., Artificial Recharge of Groundwater. A Bibliography, Office of Water
Resources Research, Washington, D.C., 1973.
13. O'Hare, M.P., Fairchild, D. M., Hajali, P. A., and Canter, L. W.,Artificial Recharge
of Ground Water: Status and Potential in the Contiguous United States, Environ-
mental and Groundwater Institute, University of Oklahoma, Lewis Publishers,
Chelsea, Ml, 1986.
14. Merritt, M. L., Subsurface Storage of Freshwater in South Florida: A Digital Model
Analysis ofRecoverability, U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2261, 1985.
15. Brown, D. L. and Silvey, W. D., Artificial Recharge to a Freshwater-Sensitive
Brackish-Water Sand Aquifer, Norfolk, Virginia, U.S. Geological Survey Water
Supply Paper 939, 1977.



1. Caduto, M. J. and Bruchac, J., Keepers of the Earth, Fulcrum Inc., Golden, CO,
2. Merritt, M. L., Subsurface Storage of Freshwater in South Florida: A Digital Model
Analysis of Recoverability, U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2261, 1985.


1. Rhebun, M. and Schwartz, J., Clogging and Contamination Processes in Recharge

Wells, Water Resources Research, Vol. 4, No.6, 1207-1217, 1968.
2. Sneigocki, R. T. and Brown, R. F., Clogging in Recharge Wells, Proceedings of
Conference on Artificial Recharge, Reading, England, Water Resources Associa-
tion, 1970.
3. Leenheer, J. A., Malcolm, R. L., and White, W. R., Physical, Chemical and Biologi-
cal Aspects of Subsurface Organic Waste Injection Near Wilmington, North Caro-
lina, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 987, 1976.
4. Huisman, L. and Olsthoorn, T. N ., Artificial Groundwater Recharge, 1st ed., Pitman
Publishing Ltd., Marshfield, MA, 1983.
5. Rancilio, J. A., Los Angeles County Department ofPub1ic Works, Hydraulic/Water
Conservation Division, personal communication, June 1990.
6. 01sthoorn, T. N., The Clogging of Recharge Wells, KIWA-Communications 72,
Rijswikn, Netherlands, The Netherlands Waterworks Testing and Research Insti-
tute, 1982.
7. American Public Health Association, Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater, 17th ed., Part 2540D, Total Suspended Solids Dried at 103
to 105°C, Washington, D.C., pp. 2-75 to 2-76, 1989.
8. Schippers, J.C. and Verdouw, J., The Modified Fouling Index, A Method for
Determining the Fouling Characteristics of Water, Desalination, 32, 137-148, 1980.
9. American Water Works Association Research Foundation, Aquifer Storage Recov-
ery of Treated Drinking Water, 1994 (in press).
10. Brown, D. L. and Silvey, W. D., Artificial Recharge to a Freshwater-Sensitive
Brackish-Water Sand Aquifer, Norfolk, Virginia, U.S. Geological Survey Profes-
sional Paper 939, 1977.


1. Rice, G., Brinkman, J., and Muller, D., Reliability of Chemical Analyses of Water
Samples - The Experience of the UMTRA Project: Groundwater Monitoring
Review, 71-75, 1988.
2. Hem, J. D., Study and Interpretation of the Chemical Characteristics of Natural
Water, U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2254, 1985.
3. Linn, J. C., Schnoor, J. L., and Glass, G. E., Sources and Fates of Aquatic Pollutants,
Advances in Chemistry Series, No. 216, American Chemical Society, Washington,
D.C., 209-228, 1987.

4. Garrels, R. M. and Christ, C. L., Solutions, Minerals and Equilibria, Freeman,

Cooper Publishing, San Francisco, 1965.
5. Brookins, D. G., Eh-pH Diagrams for Geochemistry, Springer-Verlag, New York,
6. Bichara, A. F., Clogging of Recharge Wells by Suspended Solids, American Society
of Civil Engineers Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Division, Vol. 112, No. 3,
210-224, 1986.
7. Dragun, J., Soil Chemistry of Hazardous Materials, Hazardous Materials Control
Research Institute, Silver Springs, MD, 1988.
8. VanBeek, C. G. E. M., Clogging of Discharge Wells in the Netherlands II: Causes
and Prevention, in International Symposium on Biofouled Aquifers: Prevention and
Restoration, American Water Works Association, Denver, 43-56, 1986.
9. Berner, R. A., Rate Control of Mineral Dissolution Under Earth Surface Conditions,
American Journal of Science, Vol. 278, No. 3, 210-224, 1978.
10. Ball, J. W., Jenne, E. A., and Cantrell, M. W., WATEQJ- A Geochemical Model
with Uranium Added, USGS Open File Report No. 81-1183, 1981.
11. Fleming, G. W. and Plummer, L. N., PHRQINPT - An Interactive Computer
Program for Constructing Input Data Sets to the Geochemical Simulation Program
PHREEQE, U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation Report 83-
4236, 1983.
12. Parkhurst, D. L., Thorstenson, D. C., and Plummer, L. N., PHREEQE- A Com-
puter Program for Geochemical Calculations, U.S. Geological Survey Water Re-
sources Investigations Report 80-96, 1980.
13. Felmy, A. R., Girvin, D., and Jenne, E. A., MINTEQ: A Computer Program for
Calculating Aqueous Geochemical Equilibria, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Washington, D.C., 1983.
14. Wolery, T. J., Calculation of Chemical Equilibrium Between Aqueous Phase Solu-
tion and Minerals: The EQJ/6 Software Package, UCRL-52658, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, CA, 1979.


I. CH2M HILL Inc., Environmental Risk and Geochemical Analysis Related to the
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1. Brothers, K. and Katzer, T., Water Banking Through Artificial Recharge, Las Vegas
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Publishers B.V., 1990.


United States Environmental Protection Agency

European Community
World Health Organization





345 COURTLf...f'-.:0 STREET N E


National Primary
Drinking Water Regulations

The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), as amended in 198§~ requires

EPA to publish Maximum Contaminant Level Goals (M~LGsJ for
contaminants which, in the judqment of the Administrator, may have
any adverse effect on the health of persons and which are known or
anticipated to occur in public wat~r. systems, MCLGs are to be set
at a level which no known or ant~c~oated aaverse effects on the
health of persons occur and which allow an adequate margin of
At the same time EPA publishes an MCLG, which is a non-enforceable
health goal, it must also promulgate a National Primary Drinking
Water Regulation INPDWR) which incl1,1des either ( 1) a _Maximum
Contaminant Level (~CL), or (2) a requ~red treatment techn~que. A
treatment technique may be set only if it is not economica~ly or
technologically feasible to ascertain the leve~f a contaminant.
An MCL must be set as close to the MCLG as feasible. Under the
SDWA, "feasible" means feasible with the use of the best
technology treatment technioues, and other means which the
Administrator finds are available, after examination for
effectiveness under field conditions and not solely under
laboratory conditions (taking cost into consideration). NPDWRs
also inc~ude monitor~ng, analytical and quality assurance
requirements, and specifically, criteria and procedures to assure
a supply of drinking water which dependably complies with such
MCLGs are set at concentration levels at which no known or
anticipated adverse health effects would occur, allowing for an
adequate margin of safety. Establishment of a specific MCLG
depends on the evidence of carcinogenicity from dr~nking water
e~osure or the Agency's noncarcinogenic reference dose (RfD),
wh~ch is calculated for each specific contaminant.

From the RfD, a drinkina water equivalent level (DWEL) is

calculated ~Y multiplying tbe RfD by an assumed adult body weiqht
(generally TO kg) ana tnen dividing by an average daiiy water
consumption of 2 liters per day. The DWEL assumes the tota~ daily
exposure to a substance ~s from drinking water exposure. The MCLG
is determined by multiplying the DWEL by the percentage of the
total daily exposure con""tributed by drinking water, called the
relative source contribution (RSC). Generaliyi EPA assumes that
the RSC from drinking water is 20% of the tota exposure, unless
other exposure data for the chemical are available.
For chemicals suspected as carcinogens, the assessment for
nonthreshold toxicants consists of tne weight of evidence of
carcinogenicity in humans. The obiectives of the assessment are
( 1) to determ~ne the level or strength of evidence that the
substance is a human or animal carcinoaen and (2) to provide an
upperbound estimate of the possible risR of human exoosure to the
substance in drinking water. A summary of EPA's cancer
classification scheme ~s:
Group A Known human carcinogen
Grouu B Probable human carc~nogen
Group C Possible human carcinogen
Group D Not classifiable
Group E No evidence as human carcinogen

Establishing the MCLG for a ~hemical ~s generally_accomplished in

one of three ways depend~ng o.n ~ ts categor~zat~OI}. . Eac;:h
contaminant is analyzed for ev~dence of carc~nogen~c~ty v~a
ingestion. In most cases, the Aqel}CY places Group A and- B
contaminants into Category I, Group C ~nto Category fi, an? 9roup
D and E into Category ITI.. However, wher~ there ~s 9-dd~t~onal
information on cancer r~sks from dr~nk~ng wat~r lng~st~on,
additional scrutiny is conducted which may result ~n plac~ng the
contaminant into a different category.
EPA's policy is to set MCLGs for Category I contaminants at zero.
The MCLG for Category II contaminants is calculated by using the
RfD/DWEL/RSC approacn with an added margin of safet:y (usually
10-fold) to a~count foE cancer effects or is based o~ a cancer risk
range of 10- to 10- when non-cancer data are lnade~ate for
derl.ving a RfD. MCLGs for Category III contaminants are calculated
using tfie RfD/DWEL/RSC approach.
The SDWA directs EPA to set the MCL as close to the MCLG as is
feasible. Based on the statutory_directive for sett~nq ~C~s, EPA
derives MCLs based on an evaluat1.on of (1) the ava1.lab1.l~ty and
performance of various technologies for removing the contaminant,
(2) the costs of applying these technologies, and (3) the ability
of laboratories to measure accurately and consistently the level or
the contaminant with available analytical methods. Because
compliance with the MCL is determined by analysis with ap_proved
analytical techniques, the ability to analyze consistent:Iy and
accurately for a contaminant at the MCL is important to enforce a
regulatory standard. This factor is crit~cally important in
determining the MCL for contaminants for which EPA sets the MCLG at
zero, a milnber which by definition can be neither measured nor
atta1.ned. Limits of analytical detection require that the MCL be
set at some level greater than the MCLG for t:hese contaminants.
EPA also evaluates the health risks that are associated with
various contaminant levels in order to ensure that the MCL
adequately protects the public health. For drinkin~ wate~
contaminants, EPA sets as a goal a risk range goal of 10- to 10-
excess indivl.dual risk for carcinogens during a lifetime e~osure
I arsenic is one exception to this risk range) . This is
consistent with other"EPA regulatory programs tliat generally target
this range using conserva'five models that are not , likely to
underestimate the risk. Usually the MCLs for noncarcinogenic
contaminants are set at the MCLG. Since the underlying goal ol: the
SDWA is to protect the public from adverse effects due t:o drinking
water contaminants, EPA seeks to ensure that the health risks
associated with MCLs for all contaminants are not significant.
Additional information on this subiect matter can be found in Part
141 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and the January 30,
199li F:ederal. Register (EPA, National Pr1.mary Drinking Water
Regu at~ons; F~nal Rule).
Part 143 of the CFR discusses EPA's National Secondary Drinking
Water Regulations ( NSDWRs} . NSDWRs control contam1.nants in
drinking water that primarily affect the aesthetic qualities
relating to the public acceptance of drinking water. At
considerably higher concentrations of contam1.nants, health
implications may also exist as wel'l as aesthetic degradation. The
re~lations are not Federally enforceable but are intended as
gu~delines for the States . .

The NSDWRs represent reasonable goals for drinking water quality.

The States may establish higher or lower levels which may be
appropriate dependent upon local conditions such as unavailab~lity
or altern~te source waters or other compelling factors, providea
that publ~c health and welfare are not adversely affected.
Provided in the following table is an up-to-date list of all of
EPA's MCLs and MCLGs, along with all of EPA's proposed MCLs MCLGs
and Secondary MCLs. This table will be updated as necessa~ and
th~ d9-te in t:he top left hand corner should be checked for time of

A.copy of this table will be made available through Region IV's

If you have any comments or questions about this table
p 1 ease call Glenn Adams at 404/347-3866.
l~ brary.




(ppm) (ppm) (ppm)


Aluminum (1/91) 0.05-0.2

Antimony (7/92) 0.006 0.006
Arsenic ( IIPD'IIR) 0.050
Asbestos (l/91) 7 million fibers/liter (>10 um)
Barium (7/91) 2 2
BeryHiwn (7/92) 0.004 0.004
Cadmium (1/91) 0.005 0.005
Chloride (NSDWR) 250
Chromium (1/91) 0.1 0.1
Color (NSDWR) 15 color units
Copper (7/91) TT 1.3
Corrosivity (NSDWR) Noncorrosive
Cyanide (7/92) 0.2 0.2
Fluoride (4/86) 4.0 2.0
Foaming Agents (NSDWR) 0.5
Iron (NSDWR) 0.3
Lead (6/91) TT 0
(6/90) 0.015 (Action Level)
Manganese (NSDWR) 0.05
Mercury (1/91) 0.002 0.002
Nickel ( 7/92) 0.1 0.1
Nitrite (as N) (1/91)
Nitrate (as N) (1/91) 10 10
Total (as N) (1/91) 10 10
Odor (NSDWR) 3 threshold odor t
pH (NSDWR) 6.5 - 8.5
Selenium (l/91) 0.05 0.05
Silver (1/91) 0.1
Sulfate (RSDWR) 250
Sulfate (7/90) *400/500 *400/500
Thallium (7/92) 0.002 0.0005
'l'otal Dissolved Solids (NSDWR) 500
Zinc (NSDWR) 5

Acrylarnide (1/91) TT 0
Alachlor (1/91) 0.002 0
Aldicarb (5/92) Deferred
Aldicarb sulfone (5/92) Deferred
Aldicarb sulfoxide (5/92) Deferred
Atrazine (1/91) 0.003 0.003
Benzene (7/87) 0.005 0
Benzo(a)pyrene (7/92) 0.0002 0
Carbofuran (1/91) 0.04 0.04
Carbon Tetrachloride (7/87) 0.005 0
Chlordane (1/91")· 0.002 0
2,4-D (1/91) 0.07 0.07
Dalapon (1 /92) 0.2 0.2
Dibromochloropropane (DBCP) (1/91) 0.0002 0
a-Dichlorobenzene (1/91,5/89) 0.6 0.6 0.01
p-Dichlorobenzene (7/87) 0.075 0.075
p-Dichlorobenzene (1/91,5/89) 0.005
1,2-Dichloroethane (7/87) 0.005 0
cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene (1/91) 0.07 0.07
trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene (1/91) 0.1 0.1
1,1-Dichloroethylene (7/87) 0.007 0.007
(Methylene chloride) (7/92) 0.005 0
1,2-Dichloropropane (1/91) 0.005 0

* - Proposed MCL and MCLG




(ppm) (ppm) (ppm)

Di(ethylhexyl)adipate (7/92) 0.4 0.4

Di(ethylhexyl)phthalate (7/92) 0.006 0
Diguat (7/92) 0.02 0.02
Dinoseb (7/92) 0.007 0.007
Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) (7/92) 3xlOE-8 0
Endothall (7 /92) 0.1 0.1
Endrin (7/92) 0.002 0.002
Epichlorohydrin (1/91) TT 0
Ethylbenzene (1/91,5/89) o. 7 0.7 0.03
Ethylene dibromide (EDB) (1/91) 0.00005 0
Glyphosate (7/92) 0.7 0.7
Heptachlor (1/91) 0.0004 0
Heptachlor epoxide (1/91) 0.0002 0
Hexachlorobenzene (7/92) 0.001 0
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene[HEX] (7/92) 0.05 0.05 0.008
Lindane ( 1/91) 0.0002 0.0002
Methoxychlor (1/91) 0.04 0.04
Monochlorobenzene. (1/91) 0.1 0.1
Oxamyl [Vydate] (7/92) 0.2 0.2
Pentachlorophenol (7/91, 5/89) 0.001 0 0.03
Pic lor= (7/92) o.s 0.5
Polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBe) (1/91) 0.0005 0
Simazine (7/92) 0.004 0.004
Styrene (1/91,5/89) 0.1 0.1 0.01
Tetrachloroethylene (l/91) 0.005 0
Toluene (1/91,5/89) 0.04
Toxaphene ( 1/91) 0.003 0
2,4,5-TP Silvex (1/91) 0.05 0.05
1,1,2-Trichloroethane (7/92) 0.005 0.003
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (7 /92) 0.07 0.07
1,1,1-Trichloroethane (7/87) 0.20 0.20
Trichloroethylene (7/87) 0.005 0
Trihalomethanes (NPDWR) 0.100
(Bromoform, Dibromochloramethane,
Chloroform, Bromodicbloramethane)
Vinyl Chloride (7/87) 0.002 0
Xylenes (1/91,5/89) 10.00 10.00 0.02


Coliform bacteria (6/89) < 1/100 ml 0

Giardia lamblia (6/89) TT 0
Heterotrophic bact. (6/89) TT 0
Legionella (6/89) TT 0
Viruses (6/89) TT 0

Turbidity lTU (up to 5 TU) (units of



Beta particle and

photon radioactivity 4 mrem 0
Gross A1pha particles 15 pCi/1 0
Radon-222 (7/91 *) •300 pCi/1 0
Radium-226 and
Radium-228 (Total) 5 pCi/1 0
Radium-226 (7/91 *) .. 20 pCi/1 0

• - Proposed MCL and MCLG




(ppm)· (ppm) (ppm)

Radium-228 (7 /91 •) • 20 pCi/l 0

Uranium (7/91 •) • 20 ug/1 or 0
30 pCi/1


11/85 50 Federal Register (FR), November 13,

4/86 51 FR, .April 2, 1986 - Final MCLs DDd
7/87 52 FR, July 8 1 1987 - Final MCLs and
5/89 54 FR, Hay 22, 1989 - Proposed SMCLs
6/89 54 FR, June 29, 1989 - Final MCLs and
6/90 Action level for lead in drinking
water, June 21, 1990,
Memorandum from the Office of Emergency
and Remedial Response and the
Office of Waste Program Enforcement
7/90 55 FR, July 25, 1990 - Proposed HCLs,
MCLGs, and,SMCLs
1/91 56 FR, January 30, 1991 - Final MCLs,
MCLGs, and Proposed SMCLs
6/91 56 FR, June 7 1 1991 - MCLGs & IIPDWRs
for Lead & Copper (Action levels
established for lead (0.015 ppm)
·and copper. ( 1. 3 ppm))
7/91 56 FR, July 1, 1991 - IIPDWRs;
Final Rule
7/91 • 56 FR, July 18, 1991 - NPDWRs for
Radionuclides in Drinking Water
5/92 57 FR, May 27, 1992 - Drinking water
7/92 57 FR, July 17, 1992- Final MCLS and

MCL Max~um Contaminant Level

MCLG Maximum Contaminant Level Goal
NPDWR National PrimAry Drinking Water
NSDWR National Secondary Drinking Water
SMCL Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level
TT Treatment Technique

• - Proposed MCL and MCLG




Guide le>d admissible Comments
l'arameter.i of the (GL) oooceDtratioo

1 Colour mgt I PI/Co scale 1 20

2 Turbidity mg/1 SiO, I 10

Jackson units 0.4 4 - Replaced iD certain cin:wnsWICCS by

a llansparenCy test, with a Secchi disc
reading in meters:
GL: 6m
MAC: 2m

3 Odour Dilution number 0 2 at 12"C -To be related to the taste leSIS.

3 at 25"C

4 Taste Dilution number 0 2 at 12"C - To be related to the odour leSIS.

3 at 25"C

( ) If, on the basis of Directive 71/354/EEC as last amended, a Member State uses in its national legislation, adopted in
accordance with this Directive, units of measurement other than these indicated in this Annex, the values thus indicated
must have the same degree of precision.

B. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS (in relation to the water's natural structure)

Guide level IIC!mUsible
Para mete~ of the Comments
(GL) concentration

5 Temperature "C 12 25

6 Hydrogen oon pH unit 6.S<pH<8.5 - The water should not be agressive.

concentration - The pH values do not apply to water in
closed containers.
- Maximum admissible value: 9.5.

7 Conductivity p.Scm-' 400 - Corresponding to the mineralization of

the water.
at 20"C - Correspnndiog relativity values in
obmslcm: 2 500.

8 Chlorides a mg/1 25 - Approximate concentration above

which effects might occur: 200 mg/1.

9 Sulphates SO, mg/1 25 250

10 Silica SiO, mg/1 - See Article 8.

II Calcium Ca mgll 100

12 Magnesium Mg mgll 30 50

Expression Guide level admissible
Parameten of the Comments
(Gl) concentration
results ( 1) (MAO

13 Sodium Na mgfl 20 175 - The values of this parameter take

(as from 1984 account of the recommenct.ations of a
and with a WHO working party (The Hague, May
percentileof90) 1978) on the progressive reduction of
the current total daily salt intake to 6 g.
ISO - As from I January 1984 the Commis-
(as from 198 7 sion wiD submit to tl:e Council reports
and with a on trends in the total daily intake of
percentile of salt per population.
- In these reports the Commission will
(these examine to what extent the 120 mg/1
percentiles MAC suggested by tl>e WHO working
should be party is necesury to acbieve a satis-
calculated factory total salt intake level, and, if
over a n:ference appropriate, will suggest a new salt
period of three MAC value to the Council and a
year>) deadline for complianee with that
- Before I January 1984 the Commissioro
will submit to the Council a report on
whether the reference period of three
year> for calculating these percentiles
is scie!ltifically well founded.

14 Potassium K mg/1 10 12

IS Aluminium Almg/1 0.05 0.2

16 Total hardness - Sec Table F, page 23.

17 Dry residues mgfl after 1500

driviog at 180"C

18 Dissolved '10 0, saturation - Saturation value >75'!b exoept for

OXYJIOil underground water.

19 Free carbon co, mg/1 - The water should not be .,-essive.



Expression Maximum
Guide level admissible
Parameten of the
(Gl) Comments

20 Nitnotes NO, mg/1 25 so

21 Nitrites NO, mgfl 0-1

22 Ammonium NH. mg/1 0-05 0-5

(') Certain of these substances may even be toxic when present in -.cry substantial q"""lities.

Expression Guide level admissible
Parameters of the (Gl) Comments
results (MAC)

23 Kjeklahl N mgfl I
(excluding N
in NO, and

24 (K MnO,) O, mg/1 s -Measured ill

medium. """"" beated acid

25 Total orpnic Cmg/1 - The reason for any iDcreaoe in the

carbon usual """"""tration must be ill-
(TOC) vestipled.

26 Hyd..,.... s 11&11 undeleclable

sulphide otpiiOieptic:al

27 Subslanc:es mg/1 dry ().I

exlrlelable in residue

28 Dissolved or II&II 10
by petroleum
Mineral oils

29 Phenols C.H,OH 11&11 ().5 - Excluding natural phenols wbid! do

(phenol index) not react to chlorine.

30 Boron B 11&11 1000

31 Surfactants 1'&11 (lauryl 200

(lUetin& with sulphate)
methylene blue)

32 Other !I ell I - Haloform concentrations must be as

orpnochlorine low as possible.
compounds not
covemi by
parameter No 55

33 Iron Fe-11&11 50 200

34 Manpnese Mn Jlg/1 20 50

ExpressiOn Guide level admi!sible
Parameters of the Comments
(GL) concentration
results (MAQ

35 Copper Cu Jlgfl 100 - Above 3 000 Jlgfl astringent taste,

- at outlets of discolouration +corrosion may oceur.
works and
their sub-
-after the
water has
been standing
for 12 hours
in the piping
and at the
the water is
available to
the consumer

36 Zinc Zn1Jgfl 100 -Above 5000 11gfl astringent taste,

-at outlets opalescence and sand-like deposits
of pumping may occur.
works and
their sub-
-after the
water has
been standing
for 12 hours
in the piping
and at the
the water is
available to
the consumer

37 Phosphorus P,o, 11 g11 400 sooo

38 Fluoride F !Jg/1 -MAC varies according lo average

8-12"C I 500 temperature in geographical area con:
25-30"C 700 cemed.

39 Cobalt Co J.lg/1

40 Suspended solids None

41 Residual Cl Jlg/l - See Article 8.


42 Barium Ba Jlg/l 100

43 Silver Ag Jlg/l 10 If, exceptionally, silver is used non-

systematically to process the water,
a MAC value of 80 J'gfl may be

Expression Guide level admissible
Parameters of the Comments
(GL) coocentration
results(') (MAQ


Expression Guide level admissible Comments
Parameters of the (GL) conc:entration
results (MAQ

44 Arsenic As ~gil 50

45 Beryllium Be ~gil

46 Cadmium Cd ~g/1 5

47 Cyanides CN ~gil 50

48 Chromium Cr ~gil 50

49 Mercury Hg ~gil I

50 Nickel Ni ~gil 50

51 Lead Pb ~gil 50 Where lead pipes are present, the lead

(in running content should not exceed 50 11g/l in a
water) sample taken after flushing. If the
sample is taken either directly or after
flushing and the lead content either
frequently or to an appreciable extent
exceeds 100 11g!l, suitable measures
must be taken IO rcduoe the
exposure to lead on the part of the

52 Antimony Sb JJg/1 10

53 Selenium Se~tg/1 10

54 Vanadium v jlg/1

55 Pesticides and l'g/1 'Pesticides and related products' means:

- substances 0 I - msecticides:
considered - persistent organochlorine com-
separately pounds
- organophosphorous compounds
- carbamates
-total 0·5 - herbicides
- fungicides
- PCBs and PCTs

56 Polycyclic
~gil I 0·2 -reference substances.
hydrocarbons -benzo-3, 4-0uoranthene
-henzo-11, 12-Huoranthene
-benzo-3, 4-pyrene
--benzo- I, 12-perylene
-indeno (I ,2,3-cd) pyrene


Results: Maximum admissible concenttation (MAQ

volume of Guide level
Parameters the sample (GL) Multiple
Membrallc Dlter method tube method (MPN)

57 To!al colifomu (') 100 - 0 MPN<l

58 Fecal coliforms 100 - 0 MPN<I

59 Feal !lrqiiOCOCci 100 - 0 MPN<l

60 Sulphite-ocducing
Clostridia 20 - - MPN.:s:l

Water inteuded for human consumption should not contain patlJosenic organisms.
If it is necessary to supplement !be microbiological analysis intended for human consumption, the samples should be
examined not only for the bacteria referocd to in Table E but also for pathogens including:
- salmondla,
- patllqpenic staphylococci.

- feal bacteriopbqes,
- entero-viruoes;
not should such water contain:


cqanisms such as anirnalcules.

(') Provided a sufficient number nf samples is examined (95'10 consistent results).

Results: Maximum
size of Guide level admissible
Parameters (GL) Comments
sample concenttation
(ioml) (MAC)

61 T o!al bacteria counts

for water supplied for
37"C I 10(')(2) -
human consumption 22"C I 100(')('} -
62 Total bacteria counts 37"C I 5 20 Oo their own responsiblity and
for water io closed where parameters 57, 58, 59 and
containers 22"C I 20 100 60 are complied with, and wbere
the pathogen organisms given on
page 20 are absent, Member
States may process water for
their internal use the total
bacteria count of which exceeds
the MAC values laid down
for parameter 62.

MAC values should be measured

within 12 bours of being put
into closed containers with the
sample water being kept at a
12-bour period.

(')For disinfected water the corresponding values should be considerably lower at the point where it leaves the prooessing plant.
(')If, during succesive sampling, any of these values is consistently exceeded a cbeck should be carried ouL


Expression of minimum mquiml conoen- Comments

the results tration (softened watu)

I Total hardness mg/1 Ca 60 Calcium or equivalent cations.

)""~~·-= . -~
2 Hydrogen ion concentratioo pH

3 Alkalinity mg/1 HCO, 30

4 Dissolved oxygen

N B:- The provisions for hardness, hydrogen ion oonoentration, dissolved oxygen and calcium also apply to desalinated water.
-If, owing to its excessive natural hardness, the water is softened in accordance with Table F before being supplied for
consumption, its sodium content may, in exceptional cases. be higher than the \'lllues given in the 'Maximum
admissible conoentration' column. However, an effort must be made to keep the sodium content at as low a level as
possible and the essential mquirements for the pmleetion of public health may not be disregarded.


french degree English degree German degree MilligramsofCa Millimoles of Ca

French degree I 0·70 ().56 4-008 0·1

English degree 1-43 I ().80 5.73 0·143

German degree 1·79 1·25 I 7-17 0·179

Millil!!llmsofCa 0·25 0·175 0·140 I 0·025

Millimoles of Ca 10 7 5·6 40-08 I




A. TABLE Of STANDARD PATTERN ANALYSES (Paramcnters to be considered in monitoring)

Swtdard ma.lym moaisoriac

,_......, M1n1mum moaitonna Current monitorifts Pcriocbc~ orile8!1toi

........... (C I) (C 2) iC )) (C 4)

A ORGANOLEPTIC -Odour(') -odour 1be competent lllltioGal

PARAMETERS -taste(') -Wie alllboritia or !be
-turbidity Member Stales will
(appearanc:e) determioe !be para-
meten (') acoonliDc 10
ciraliiiSWI<:CS, takillc
-conductivity or
oilier physico-
chemical p:mmetcr
- lemperalun: (')
- conductivity or
Cumnt monitoring
ICOOWit of all r..cton
which micht bave
advent dfcct 011 !be
-residual chlorine (') chemical parameter + quality of drinkina water
-pH supplied to CODSUmen.
- residual chlorine (') oilier parameten
as iD footooce 4

c UNDESIRABLE -nitrates
PARAMETERS -nitrites


E MICRO - total coliforms or - total colifonns

BIOLOGICAL total counts of - fecal coliforms
PARAMETERS 22: and n· - total COUDU of
- fecal coliforms 22" and JT

Now An iniual analysis. to be earned out before a source is exploited, should be added. The parameter.< to be considered
would be the current monitonng analyses plus intn alia various toxic or undesirable substances presumed present. 1be
list would be drawn up by the competent national •uthorities.

( 1) Qualitative assessment.
f) Except for water suppied m contame~.
(') Or other disinfectanu and only in the case of treatment.
(') These parameters will be determined by the competent national authority. laking account of all factors which might affect
the quality of drinki"' water supplied to users and which could enable the ionic balaDce of the constituents 10 be assaaed.
(') The competent national authority may usc pammeters other than thooe mentioned in Allllell Ito Ibis Dinocli"Ve.


Volume of water Population Analysis C I Analysis C 2 Analysis C 3 Anal)"OS C 4

produced or concerned
distributed (a..umina200 l/day Number of Number of Number of
in m'tday per penon) samples per year samples per year samples per year

100 500 (') (') (') Frequency to

be determmed
I 000 5 000 (') (') (') by the competent
national author-
2000 10 000 12 3 (') ties liS the
situation requires
10 000 so 000 60 6 I

20 000 100 000 120 12 2

30 000 uoooo 180 18 3

60 000 300 000 360(') 36 6

100 000 500 000 360(') 60 10

200 000 I 000 000 360(') 120(') 20(')

I 000 000 s 000 000 360(') 120(') 20(')

(') Frequency left 10 lbe cliscmion of the competent national authorities_ H~r. water intended for the food-
IIWIUfocturina industries must be monitored at least ooce a year_
(')The competellt beallh authorities should cudeavour to inause this frequency as far as their resources allow_
(') (a) In the case of woter which must be disinfected, miaobiological analysis should be twice as f!"'4uent_
(b) Where analyses are >'Cf)' frequent, it is advisable to take samples at lbe most rqular intervals possible_
(c) Whore lbe values of the resuhs obuincd hom aamples taken durin& the preceding years are constant and significantly
be1t<r than lbe limits laid clown io Anoex l, and where oo factor likely 10 cause a deterioration in the quality of
the water has been dioc:overcd, the minimum frequencies of the analyses refencd to above may be reduced:
- for surface woters. by a factor of 2 with the exc:epioo of the frequencies laid down for microbiological analyses:
- for pound woters, by a l'actor of 4, but without prejudice to the provisions of point (o) above_

Annex 2

Tables of guideline values

The following tables present a summary of guideline values for microorganisms

and chemicals in drinking-water. Individual values should not be used directly
from the tables. The guideline values must be used and interpreted in conjunc·
tion with the information contained in the text and in Volume 2. Health criteria
and other supporting information.

Table A2.1. Bacteriological quality of drinking-water"

Organisms Guideline value

All water intended for drinking

E. colt or thermotolerant col1torm Must not be detectable 1n any 100-ml

bacteriab.c sample

Treated water entering the distribution system

E. coli or thermotoierant coliform Must not be detectable 1n anv 100-mi

bactemb sample

Total coliform bactena Must not be detectable 1n any 100-ml


Treated water in the distribution system

E. coli or thermotolerant coliform Must not be detectable in any 100-ml

bacteriab sample

Total coliform bacteria Must not be detectable 1n any 100-ml

sample lr; the case of large supol1es.
wnere suti1c1ent samples are exammed,
must not be present 1n 95% of samples
taken throughqut any 12-month penod

a Immediate 1nvest1gat1ve act1on must be taken if either E. coil or total coliform bactena are detected
The m1n1mum act1on m the case of total coliform bactena 1s repeat sampling; if these bactena
are detected in the repeat sample, the cause must be determmed by 1mmed1ate further
b Although E. coli is the more prec1se ind1cator of faecal pollution, the count of thermotolerant
coliform bactena IS an acceptable alternative. If necessary, proper confirmatory tests must be
earned out. Total coliform bactena are not acceptable md1cators of the sanitary oual1ty of rural
water supplies, particularly 1n trOPICal areas where many bactena of no san1tary s1gnif1cance
occur 1n almost all untreated suppl1es
c It 1s recogmzed that, in the great ma]onty of rural water supplies m develoomg countnes, fae-
cal contamination IS Widespread. Under these cond1t1ons, the nat1onal surveillance agency should
set medium-term targets for the progress1ve Improvement of water supplies, as recommended
1n Volume 3 of Guidelmes for dnnking-water quality.

Table A2.2. Chemicals of health significance in drinking-water

A. inorganic constituents

Guideline value Remarks


antimonv 0.005 (P'a

arsen1c 0 01°(P) For excess SKin cancer nsk of 6x1o-.:
banum 0.7
boron 0.3
cadm1um 0.003
chromium 0.05 (PI
copper 2 (PI ATO"
cyanide 0.07
fiuonde 1.5 Cl1mat1c cond1t1ons, volume of wate~
consumed. and Intake from other
sources snould be cons1dered when
sett1ng nat1onal standards
lead 0.01 It IS recogn1zed that not all water will
meet the guidel1ne value 1mmed1atelv.
meanwn1le, all other recommended
measures to reduce the total exposure
to lead should be Implemented
manganese 0.5 (PI ATO
mercury (total! 0.001
molybdenum 0.07
nickel 0.02
nitrate (as N0 3- I 50 } The sum of the rat1o of the concentra-
n1tnte (as N0 2- I 3 (Pl tion of each to 1ts respective guidelme
value should not exceed 1

selen1um 0.01
uranium NAD

B. Organic constituents

Guideline value Remarks

(llg I litre)

Chlormated alkanes
caroon teuachlonde 2
d1cniorometnane 20
1, 1-dJchJoroetnane NAD
1,2-dJchloroetnane 30~ ior excess nsk of 10-:
1,1 ,1-tnchloroethane 2000 (PI

Chlormated ernenes
v1nyl chloride 5D for excess nsk of 10- ~
1,1-dJchJoroetnene 30
1,2-dJchloroethene 50
tnchloroethene 70 (PI
tetrachloroethene 40

AromatiC hydrocarbons
benzene lOb for excess r1sk of 10-:;
toluene 700 ATO
xy1enes 500 ATO
ethyl benzene 300 ATO
styrene 20 ATO
benzo[a]pyrene 0 7° for excess nsk of 10-:

Ch/onnated benzenes
monochlorobenzene 300 ATO
1,2-dJchlorobenzene 1000 ATO
1,3-dJchlorobenzene NAD
1A-dichlorobenzene 300 ATO
trichlorobenzenes (total) 20 ATO
di(2-ethylhexvlladlpate 80
di(2-ethylnexyllphthalate 8
acrylam1de 0.5b tor excess nsk of 10- 5
ep1chlorohydnn 0.4 (Pi
hexachlorobutadlene 0.6
edet1c acid (EDTAI 200 (PI
nJtrilotnacetJc ac1d 200
dJalkyltms NAD
tnbutyltJn ox1de 2

C. Pesticides

Guideline value Remarks

(llg I litre)

a1ach1c" ior excess nsK of 10- 5

a!ann/O!elarw 0.03
auaz1ne 2
oemazone 3C
caromuran 5
cnloratoluror 30
3-cnloroprooane ior excess nsk of 1C- 5
2.4-D 3C
i .2-alchlorooropane 20 (pi
1.3-a,cnloroorooane NAD
1,3-a!cnloroorooene ior excess nsk of 10--:o
ethv1ene d1brom1de NAD
nemacn1or ana
neotach1or eooxide 0.03
nexacnlorooenzene 1c for excess nsk of 10- 5
lindane 2
methoxvchlor 20
metolach!Or 10
mol mate 6
oend1methal1n 20
oemacn1oropnenol 9 (P!
oermethnn 2C
propanil 20
ovndate 10C
s1mazme 2
triflural1n 20
chioroohenoxy herbiCides other man 2,4-D and MCPA
2.4-DB 90
dicn1orproo 10C
fenoprop 9
mecoorop 10
2.4,5-T 9

D. Disinfectants and disinfectant by-products

Disinfectants Guideline value Remarks


01- ana tncn1oram1ne
cn1orme 5 ATO Fer eftect1ve O!Sinrect!On tner-=
snouio De a res1aual concentration c'
iree cn1orme of ~0 5 mg;ime aner a~
least 30 m1nutes co mac: t1me at c"
ChlOrine diOXIde A gu1oe11ne value nas not oeen estac·-
llsnec oecause oi me raDIO oreakOO\i\T
of cn1onne orox1oe ana oecause tne
cn1ome gu1de11ne value IS aaequate1 '-
orotecnve ior ootent1a1 tox1c:tv tron-
cnlonne OIOXIOe
IOdine NAD
Disinfectant Guideline value Remarks
by-products (J.Lg/litre)

bromate 25[.; iD ror 7x1o-: excess nsK

chlorate NAD
chlorite 200 iP
2-chloroohenol NAD
2.4-dicnloropnenoi NAD
2.4.6-tncnlorophenol 200C tor excess nsk of 10- 5. ATC
iormaloehvae 900
trmaiometnanes Tne sum of tne raTio of tne concentra-
Tion oi eacn to ItS resoect1ve gu10e11ne
value snouio not exceec 1
oromoform 100
dibromocnlorometnane 100
bromod1chiorometnane 60t; for excess nsK of 10-:
chloroform 200~ tor excess nsk of 10-:
cnlonnated acetiC ac1as
monoch1oroacet1c acid NAD
d1chloroacet1c ac1d 50 iP'
tncnioroacetlc ac1d 100 (P:
chloral hyorate
(tncnloroacetaldehyoei 10 iP'
chloroacetone NAD

Disinfectant Guideline value Remarks

by-products (l'g/litre)

haiogenareo aceronJtriles
dlcnioroacetonJtrlle 90 !PI
dioromoacetonmlie 100 IPI
oromocnloroacetonltw:· NAu
wen 1oroaceto nnr11e 1 IP
cvanogen cn1onae 7G
1as CNI
cniorop1cnn NAD

a IPI - Provtstonal QU!Oellne value Thts term ts usee ror constttuents ror whtch mere 1s some
ev1aence 01 a ootenttal nazare o•;t wnere tne avatiaote tnrormat1on on neattn efrec;s 1s nmne:
or wnere af"' uncenatntv iactor greater man 1000 nas oeen usee 1n me aer1vat1on or me lO'e•~
able Jailv IntaKe lTD I I Provtstonal gutdeilne va1ues are a1so recommenced 111 ror suostancec
ror whtcn the ca1culatea gu1denne va1ue wouia oe oelow tne oracucal auanttitcauon 1eve1. o·
oelow the tevel tnat canoe acntevea tnrougn oracttcal treatment metnoas: or 12t wnere OISir'-
fectton 1s itkelv to result tn me (JUIOellne value betng exceeaec
0 For substances that are constaerec to oe carc:nogen1c, the gutdeitne va_tue ts :ne concentrattor
1n arlnKtng-water assoc1ateo wnn an excess iifettme cancer nsk of ~~-o tone acantonal cance·
oer 100 000 ot me popuJal!on tngesttng artnKtng-water comatntng tne suostance at :ne gutoe~
l1ne value for 70 vearsl. Concentrations assoctated wnh esnmateo excess lifetime cancer nsKs
of 10-~ and 10- 6 canoe calculated ov muluoivtng and dtvtdtng. resoecttvely, me gutoe11ne
va1ue by 10. _
in cases 1n whtch the concentration associated wtth an excess liiellme cancer nsk of 10-:
ts not teas101e as a result of tnaoequate anaivllcal or treatment tecnno1ogy, a orovts1onai gutae-
itne va1ue ts recommenoeo at a practicable levet ana the esnma~ea assoctated excess liteume
cancer nsk presented~
It snould be emonastzed that tne guideline values for carc1nogentc suostances nave oeen
computed from nypotheucal matnemattcai models that cannot oe venfted exoenmentallv ana
that me va1ues snouid oe tnteroreted differently than TDI-oasea values oecause ot the lacf:
of orec:s1on of me models~ At oest. these values mustoe regardea as rougn esnmates of cance:
nsk~ However. tne models usee are conservative ana orooablv err on the stde of cautton. Macerate
snon-term exoosure to 1eve1s exceeamg tne gu1aeime value for carctnogens aces not stgn1i 1-
cantlv affect tne nsr-
c NAD- No aaeauate aata to oerm!l recommendation oi a healtn-oasea gutdel!ne value
ATO- Concemranons of tne suostance at or oe1ow the health-cased gutdeline value mav a'-
fect the apoearance, taste. or oaour ot the water

Table A2.3. Chemicals not of health significance at concentrations

normally found in drinking-water

Chemical Remarks

Sliver L'
; .

L· - it :s unnecessarv w re::::'Tlmena a nealth-oasea gu10e1me va1ue tor tnese comoounas o;o-

cause tnev are not nazaroOL.:s ::; numan nealtn at concentrations normallv iouna 1n artnKing-wate·

Table A2.4. Radioactive constituents of drinking-water

Screening value Remarks


gross aiona actiVIt'( 1
\...'I li a screenmg vaiue IS exceeaec. more
gross oeta act1v1ty deta!leo rad1onuc!1de analYSIS 1s neces-
sary f-'1or,er Yaiues ao not necessarw.
1mp1v mat me water IS unsunao1e ior
human consumot1on

Table A2.5. Substances and parameters in drinking-water that may give

rise to complaints from consumers

Levels likely to Reasons for consumer complaints

give rise to

Prws1ca1 oaramerers
COlOUr 15 TCU 0 aooearance
taste ana oaou· snou1o oe acceotaoie
temoeraturs snoulo oe acceotaole
turDIOill' 5 NTU 0 aooearance; for efiect1ve te:mma1 01S·
mrecnon, meo1an curb1dttV ::;:lNTL,
s;ngle samo1e ::;: 5NTU

1norgamc consuruenrs
aiummtum 0.2 mg/1 OeOOSiliOnS, OlSCOIOratiOr'
ammon;a i.:i mg1l ooour ana taste
chlortae 25C> mg/1 tasTe, corrostor:
co poe: 1 mg;l srammg of launorv ana san1tarv ware
:r:ea!m-oasec orovts1onat gu,oe11nco
va1ue 2 mg/i!Wo
nard ness n19h nardness: scale deoosttton, scurr
format ton
10w naraness: ooss1bie corrostor
hvdrogen suifiae O.C6 mg/1 oaour and taste
~ron 0.3 mgil staintng of iaunarv and santtary ware
manganese 0.1 mg/1 stammg of launory and santtarv ware
tnealth-oasea proviSIOnal gUtaellne
value 0.5 mg/lmel
diSSOlved oxygen matrect effects
oH lOW pH: corroSIOn
n1gn oH: taste, soaov fee'
oreferabiv < 8.0 for eftect1ve dismtec-
tton wltn chtorme
sod1um 200 mg/1 raste
sulfate 250 mg/1 taste, corros1on
total atssolvea soltas 1000 mg/1 taste
ZinC 3 mg;l aooearance. taste

Orgamc consmuenrs
toluene 2.1-170 ,ug/1 oaour, taste lnealth-baseo gu1deltne
value 700 llQ/1)
xylene 20-1800 ,ug/1 odour, taste mealth-baseo gutdeline
value 500 ,ug/1!
ethvlbenzene 2-200 ,ug/1 odour, taste !health-basea guideline
value 300 ,ug/11
stvrene 4-2600 ,ug/1 oaour, taste lhealth-oasea gu1deitne
vaiue 20 ,ugili

Levels likely to Reasons for consumer complaints

give rise to

monocn1orooenzen'" 10- i20 p.g /'1 oaour. taste tneann-oasea -;JUIOelln'"

va1ue 3()() ;..tQ/11
1.2-a1cnlorooenzenc: 1-10 .ug/ I oaour. taste tnealtn-oasea gu10e1me
value 1000 p.g/11
1.4-dlchlorooenzene 0. 3-30 p.g 11 oaour. taste thealtn-basec gu10e11n2
va1ue 300 p.Q/11
tnchlorooenzenes ltota1: S-50 p.g/1 ooour. taste (health-oasea gu1ae11ne
va1ue 20 p.g/11
svmnet1c oetergents foam1ng. taste. odour

01smfecrams ana disinrec:ant oy-oroauc:s

chionne 600-1000 .ug I I taste and ooour (healtn-oasec gu1ae-
11ne value 5 mg/!1
2-chloroonenol O.i-10 .ugil taste. oaour
2 .4-dlchloroonenot 0.3-40 .uc /I taste. oaour
2.4 .6-wcn1oroonenc 2-300 .ug II taste. ooour thealtn-oasec gu1ae1tne
value 200 p.g/11

a The levels tndtcatea are not orec1se numoers Proolems mav occur at tower or ntgner values
accord1ng TO local ctrcumstances. A range or taste and oaour thresnola concemrat1ons tS g1ver.
tor organ1c constituents
0 TCU. ume colour unt~.

c NTU. nepnelometnc tumtdttv untt



Multiply By To obtain
Metric Unit Ene,lish Unit

kilometre (km) 0.6214 mile
metre (m) 1.0936 yard
centimetre (em) 0.0328 foot
millimetre (mm) 0.03937 inch

sq kilometre (km 2 ) 0.3861 square mile
hectare (ha) 2.471 acre
sq metre (m 2 ) 10.764 square foot
sq metre (m2 ) 1550 square inch
sq centrimetre (cm 2 ) 0.1550 square inch

cu centimetre (em') 0.061 cubic inch
cu metre (m') 1.308 cubic yard
litre (L) 61.02 cubic inch
litre (L) 0.001308 cubic yard
litre (L) 0.2642 US gallon
litre (L) o.:n Imperial gallon

metric tonne (t) 0.984 long ton
metric tonne (t) 1.102 short ton
kilogram (kg) 2.205 pound,avdp
gram (g or gr) 0.0353 ounce, avdp

cu centimetre (em') 0.0338 fluid ounce
kilograms/sq em (kgicm') 14.225 pounds/sq in
metric horsepower (CV) 0.9863 hp
kilowatt (KW) 1.341 hp
bar 14.5 psi

megaliters/day (mlld) 0.264 million gallons/day (MGD)

·c = 519 CF- 32)
Viscosity of Water
Temperature ( 0 F) 32 50 60 70 80 100 120
Temperature (•C) 0 10 15.6 21.1 26.7 37.8 48.9
Kin. Vise. (CS) 1.79 1.31 1.12 .98 .86 .69 .57


Multiply By To obtain
EDJ;Iish Unit Metric Unit

mile st.arute (m) 1.609 kilometre
yard (yd) 0.9144 metre
foot (ft) 0.3048 metre
inch (in) 25.4 millimetre

sq mile (mile2 ) 2.590 sq kilometre
acre 0.4047 heclllre
sq foot (ft 2 ) 0.0929 sq metre
sq inch (in2 ) 0.000645 sq metre

cu yard (yd') 0.7645 cu metre
cu inch (in 3 ) 16.387 cu centimetre
cu foot (ft 3 ) 0.0283 cu metre
cu inch (in 3 ) 0.0164 litre
cubic yard (yd 3 ) 764.55 litre
US gallon (US Gal) 3.785 litre
US gallon 0.833 Imperial gallon

long ton (l g ton) 1.016 metric ton
short ton (sh ton) 0.907 metric ton
pound (!b) 0.4536 kilogram
ounce (oz) 28.35 gram

fluid oz (fl oz) 29.57 cu centimetre
pounds/sq in 0.0703 kilogram/sq em
psi 0.0689 bar
horsepower (hp) 1.014 metric horsepower
horsepower (hp) 0.7457 kilowatt

million gallons/day 3.785 megaliters/day (Ml/d)

OF= 915 ("C+32)
A applications, alternative; ASR non-
technical issues, selected; ASR
Acidification, 4 program development; ASR systems,
Acidization, 135, 301 design of; ASR technical issues,
Aeration, 158, 216 selected
Aggressive water, 20, 26 backflushing operations, 65
Agriculture construction details, 72
runoff, nutrient reduction in, 19, 26 cycles, 48, 160
water demands for, 246 definition of, 6-8
water supply, 18, 26 expansion, 218
Air bubbles, 81, 113 facilities
Air-conditioning return flows, I 0 supply-demand relationship with, 31
Air lines, 88 unit costs for, 218, 219
Alkalinity, 51, 171, 176, 296 feasibility assessment, 25, 110
Alternative pump setting, 74 implementation, 154
Alum coagulation, 265 operations, cost of, 40
American Water Works Association projects, planning of, 23
(AWWA), 68 recovery
Ammonia, 152, 181 duration, 44
Ammonium, 190 efficiency, 106, 107
Ammonium acetate, 215 site
Anion chemistry, 179 investigations, 216
Annulus recharge, 81 hydrogeology, 273
Artificial recharge, 4 storage, 109, 145, 149, 224
Aqueduct system, 320 arsenic reduction during, 259
Aquifer(s), 32 nutrient reduction during, 259
bacteria present in, 200 stacking, 58
basalt, 2, 233, 237 zone, 70, 211
characteristics, 209 success, 87
freshwater, 237 test, 46, 50, 108, 292
glacial drift, I 0 as water management alternative, 238
hydraulics, 305, 330, 332 well(s), 135
limestone, I 00 construction, 294
lithology of, 32 design, I 05, 254
mineralogy, 117 location of, 58
parameters, 119 recharge, 7
pH stabilization in, 136 testing characteristics, 124
plugging, 102 well field
pretreatment, 154 designs, alternative, 99
recovery efficiency in, 108 site, native water at, 97
sand, 13 wellhead
storage, 143, 217, 224 design, 75
environmental benefits of, 237 filtration, 139
recovery, 15 Aquitards, 32
transmissivity, 107 Arsenic, 157, 324
unconsolidated, 135 Artesian aquifer, 309
water quality of, 32 Artificial recharge, 3, 4, 9, II
Aquifer storage recovery (ASR), 4---6, see also ASR, historical development of, 9-17
ASR, historical development of; ASR Australia, 13-17


Canada, 10 outline of test program, 38

England, 12 recharge objectives, 26-27
Israel, 11-12 recharge water quality, 28-30
The Netherlands, 12-13 regulatory and water rights issues, 38-39
United States, 10 selection of recharge process, 34
ASR applications, alternative, 241-256 site selection, 34-35
reclaimed water storage, 249-256 water demand, 30--32
California draft regulations, 251-253 water supply, 27-28
reclaimed water injection experience, field test program, 41-56
250--251 ASR cycle testing, 46-52
suggested regulatory strategy, 253-256 ASR test program duration, 55-56
surface water storage, 242-247 baseline testing, 43-46
agricultural applications of surface water data collection, 52-55
ASR, 247 sampling frequency, 55
economics, 246 operations and maintenance, 59-62
regulatory considerations, 245-246 backflushing to waster during recharge,
technical considerations, 242-245 60
untreated groundwater storage, 248-249 disinfectant residual, 60--61
ASR non-technical issues, selected, 217-239 monitoring data and reports, 61-62
economics, 217-221 periodic change in operating mode, 60
environmental impacts, 236-237 water supply planning with ASR, 62
legal and regulatory issues, 225-236 ASR systems, design of, 63-100
ASR education, 236 well fields, 97-100
EPA disinfection byproduct rule, 226 advective mixing, 99-100
EPA groundwater rule, 226-227 dispersive mixing, 97-99
EPA surface water treatment rule, 225-226 wellhead facilities, 75-97
EPA underground injection control air and vacuum relief, 86-87
program, 227-231 cascading control, 79-86
location for recovery of stored water, 235 disinfection and pH adjustment, 91-92
non-degradation of groundwater quality, disinfection of recovered flows, 78-79
232-233 energy recovery, 96-97
ownership of stored water, 231-232 flow measurement, 89-91
permit timing relative to ASR feasibility materials of construction, 75
investigations, 235-236 other ASR well site considerations, 95-96
recovery percentage, 234 pipeline flushing and waste flow
seasonal vs. long-term storage, 233-234 discharge, 76
water level impacts, 234 pressure and water level measurement,
public involvement, 237-239 87-88
water rate impacts, 221-225 pump considerations, 92-95
ASR program development, 23-62 sampling taps, 77-78
ASR wellfield expansion, 56-59 trickle flows, 76-77
flow rate balancing, 56 wells, 65-74
stacking, 57-58 casing diameter, 69-70
wellfield layout. 58-59 casing materials of construction, 65-69
well spacing and arrangement, 56-57 cementing, 70
feasibility assessment and conceptual pump setting, 73-74
design, 25-41 screen design, 73
conceptual design, 35-36 selection of ASR storage intervals, 70--73
economic considerations, 40--41 ASR technical issues, selected, 101-168
existing vs. new wells, 36-37 disinfection byproduct reduction, 142-150
final report, 41 flow control, 140--142
hydrogeologic simulation modeling, 37-38 pre- and post-treatment, 150--161
hydrogeology, 32-34 arsenic, 157-158
institutional constraints, 39-40 disinfection, 151

hydrogen sulfide, 160-161 Brackish water, desalination of, 3

ion exchange, 159-160 Bubbler systems, 88
iron, 151-156 Buffer zone, 71, 153, 155, 283
manganese, 156-157 Butterfly valve, 96, 142
radon, 158-159 Bypass filter test (BFT), 123
recovery efficiency, 102-110
definition, 102-104
water quality improvement with
successive cycles, 104-108 Cake filtration, 115
water quality during initial ASR cycle, Calcite, 204, 277, 310
108-110 Calcium, 185, 324
simulation modeling, 161-168 carbonate, 117, 312
ASR water supply system model, 161-163 chloride, 16, 159
ASR wellfield operations model, 163-165 dissolved, 183
solute transport models, 165-168 montmorillonites, 203
wellhead filtration, 136-140 Caliper logs, 42
well plugging and redevelopment, 111-136 Canal water, recharging, 293
measurement methods for ASR well Carbonate alkalinity, 171, 296
plugging, 118-120 Cascading, 79, 81
normalization of plugging rates, 120-121 Case studies, selected, 265-333
plugging processes, 112-118 Boynton Beach, Florida, 286-289
plugging rate site investigations, 124-133 Calleguas Municipal Water District,
redevelopment, 133-136 California, 318-323
source water characterization, 121-124 Centennial Water and Sanitation District,
well plugging relationships, 124 Colorado, 309-314
AWWA, see American Water Works Chesapeake, Virginia, 293-298
Association Cocoa, Florida, 270-275
Goleta, California, 323-326
Highlands Ranch, Colorado, 309-314
B Kerrville, Texas, 305-309
Backflushing, 35, 94, 132, 134, 156 Kuwait, 330-333
duration, 69 Shigaya Well C-105, 331-332
frequencies, 42, 121, 134, 135, 199 Sulaibiya Well 135A, 332-333
operation, periodic, 140 Sulaibiya Well SU-10, 330-331
program, implementation of, 242 Las Vegas Valley Water District, Nevada,
redevelopment, 65, 331 315-318
water levels during, 141 Marathon, Florida, 275-282
Backplugging, 110 Okeechobee, Florida, 289-293
Bacterial activity, control of, 60 Pasadena, California, 326-328
Bacterial reactions, 212 Peace River, Florida, 265-270
Balloon effect, 118 Port Malabar, Florida, 282-286
Basalt aquifer, 2, 233 Seattle, Washington, 328-330
Baseline water quality characteristics, 44 Swimming River, New Jersey, 298-304
Batch testing, 215 Wildwood, New Jersey, 304-305
BFT, see Bypass filter test Casing(s), 81
Bicarbonate alkalinity, 171, 296 access tube, 88
Biochemical oxygen demand, 251 diameter, 79
Biofilms, 200 epoxy-coated steel, 68
Biofouling, 203 fiberglass and stainless steel, 68-69
Biological growth, 112 PVC, 67, 68, 88
Biological load, 202 selection of, 67
Biomass production, 182 steel, 69
Blending ratio, 235, 251 Cation exchange capacity (CEC), 194, 215
Blocking filtration, 114 CEC, see Cation exchange capacity

Cementing, 70 Desalination water supplies, 246

Chalk, 12 Diagenesis, 183
Channelization projects, 3 Discharge boundaries, 33
Chloramine Disinfection, 36, 78, 135, 328
disinfection with, 265 Disinfection byproduct (DBP), 18, 116, 142,
formation, 79 226, 258
residuals, 225 byproduct reduction, 26, 149
Chloride concentrations, 285 formation, 146
Chlorination, 323, 325 reactions, 150
Chlorine Disposable filter cartridges, 138
contact (CT) times, 226 Dissolution, 206, 212
cylinders, 95 Dissolved carbon dioxide, 174
gas, 78, 92 Dissolved organic carbon, 202
residual, 96, 116 Dissolved oxygen (DO), 51, 113, 172, 202
Chlorite, 196 Dissolved sodium, 183
Citrus producers, 247 Distribution system, 48
Clay alum floc in, !50
dispersion, 212 flow, 18, 26
formations, 211 monitoring in, 285
minerals, 208 pressure, 18, 26
stabilizer, 159 rust from, 305
Clogging, Ill, 112 Diurnal storage, 20, 26
Coagulation, 325 DO, see Dissolved oxygen
Coliforms, 51, 229, 230, 244 Dolomite, 277
Collins diagram, 180 Downhole
Column couplings, 311 flow control valve, 315
Column testing, 170, 213 piping, 75
Complex aquifer mineralogy, 180 water level control valve, 141
Computer modeling, 327, 268 Drainage system, 65
Conceptual design, 35 Drilling fluid, 68
Conductivity probe, 96 Drinking water
Contaminant plumes, 20, 26, 33 chlorinated, 143
Contamination sources, 236 radon concentrations in, 329
Continuous microfiltration, 138 recovery of treated, 15
Core(s) standards, 104, 151, 242
analysis, 37, 73, 170 disinfection to meet, 243
availability of, 32 manganese concentrations in, 215
color, 193 radon reduction to within, 158
description, 278-279 reduction of for arsenic, !57
intervals, 192 storage of, 237, 309
material, integrity of, 258 supplies, storage of, 241
Corrosivity, 230, 244 Drought demands, 326
CT times, see Chlorine contact times Drought-duration frequency, 27, 28
Cycle test program, 46, 48, 52 Dry ice, freezing in, 192

Dams, 3
Data collection system, computer-based, 62 Ecosystems, impacted, 39
DBP, see Disinfection byproduct Eh, see Hydrogen electrode
Delivery points, 263 Electric motor damage, 137
Denitrification, 182 Electrical breakdowns, 52
Density stratification, 106 Electrical outlets, 95
Deoxygenation, 153, 216 Electronic pressure transducers, 88

Emergency Geochemical
demands, 223 analysis, 33, 171, 298
recovery, 59 assessment, 156
storage, 17, 26 measurements, 169
Equilibrium modeling, 159
calculations, 208 plugging, 47, 21 I
conditions, 186 simulation, 37
Erosion, rates of, 2 Geochemistry, 169-216
Evapotranspiration, 107 aquifer characteristics, 191-198
colored pictures of cores, 193-194
mineralogy, 194
physical characteristics, 193
Feasibility investigations, 237 scanning electron microscopy, 194-196
Feldspars, 196 thin section petrography, 196-198
Ferric hydroxide, 152, 153, 156, 312 field investigations, 216
Ferrous carbonate, 150, 153 geochemical models, 208-211
Ferrous sulfide, 150, 152 EQ3NRIEQ6, 210-211
Field data collection, 52 MINTEQ, 210
Field investigations, 24 PHREEQE, 210
Filter backwash operations, 304 WATEQ, 209-210
Filtration, 260, 325 geochemical processes, 199-208
Fiscal questions, 221 adsorption, 203
Fish hatchery temperature control, 20, 26 biofouling, 200-203
Flood control, 3 dissolution, 204--207
Flooding, 65 ion exchange, 203-204
Flow kinetics, 208
distribution, 165 oxidation, 204
sequence, 202 suspended solids clogging, 199-200
Flowmeter(s), 89 laboratory testing, 211-216
failure, 52 batch testing, 215-216
logs, 42, 332 column testing, 211-215
range, 89 water chemistry, 171-190
Fluoridation, 328 changes in groundwater chemistry with
Flushing period, 76 depth, 183-186
Flux, 120, 124 Eh-pH diagrams, I 86-190
Food grade oil, 85 hydrogeochemical processes, 180-183
Freshwater mass balance, 177-178
maintenance of, 77 parameters, 171-177
recovery of, 159 water chemistry diagrams, 178-180
zones, 4 Geophysical logging, 42, 73
Friction loss, 83 Giardia Iamblia, 225
Future directions, 257-263 Glacial drift aquifer, 10
global applications of ASR, 261-263 Glauconite, 196
constraints, 262 Gravel pack, 73, 114
driving forces, 26 I -262 Groundwater
opportunities, 262-263 chemistry, 180, 184, 205
regulatory issues, 260-261 iron present in, 151
technical developments, 258-260 levels, restoration of, 18, 26
management, 227
production, 320
recharge, 6
G systems, dissolved iron in, 186
Gate valve, 142 untreated, 241, 248
Gel filtration, I 15 velocity, 8

withdrawals, 2 Karst
Gypsum, 176 limestones, 244
solution features, 61
Kinetics, 208
HAAs, see Haloacetic acids
Halloysite, 196
Haloacetic acids (HAAs), 142, 148 Laboratory batch testing, 170
Homeowner opposition, 65 Leaching, 215
Horizontal wells, 245 Levees, 3
Hurricanes, I 06, 275, 281 Limestone aquifer, I 00
Hydraulic conductivity, 131, 212, 327 Lithology, 306, 316
Hydraulic data collection, 52 Loading rate, 120
Hydraulic testing, 306
Hydrogen electrode (Eh), 172
Hydrogen sulfide, 160
Hydrogeology, 31, 163 Magnetic flowmeters, 91
evaluation, 32, 34 Manganese
modeling, 37 concentrations, cyclic improvement in, !58
Hydrologic analysis, type of, 27 control, 155
Hydroxyl ion concentration, 174 dissolved, 188
organic, 215
oxidation, 185
reactions, 156
Idle capacity, 31 sources, 51
Illite, 196 stability and equilibrium, 189
Industrial cooling, 249 Marcasite, 204
Industry, water demands for, 246 Mass balance, 177, 268
Initial cycle recovery, 105, 109 Mechanical integrity testing, 80
Injection, 333 Membrane filter
rates, range of, 79 index (MFI), 122, 1,23
tubes, 69, 84, 141 measurements, 127
well(s), 4, 6 stages of clogging on, 114
for potable aquifer recharge, I 0 technology, 139
plugging of, 235 Methane-generating bacteria, 173
salinity intrusion barriers, 249 MFI, see Membrane filter index
single-purpose, 5 Microfiltration systems, 138
treatment of with clay stabilizer, !59 Mineral
Institutional constraints, 39 solubilities, 205
Intake structure, 62, 161 structure, 205
Ion exchange, 179, 212, 253 Montmorillonite, 196
Iron Multiple zones, 58
bacteria, 243 Municipal water systems, 13, 31
carbonate, 185, 204
concentrations, cyclic improvements in, !54
hydroxide, 203, 207, 215
Irrigation National emergencies, 260
needs, agricultural, 290 Native water quality, 267, 280, 296, 312, 325
season, peak, 250 Natural disinfection, 227
Irrigation, 247, 249 Natural environments, approximate position
of, 187
Natural iron, 203
K Negative pressures, 78, 141
Kaolinite, 196, 277 Nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), 122, 251

Net positive suction head (NPSH), 93 Ponding, 87

Nitrate Porosity, 299, 306, 309
concentrations, 143, 147 Portable electronic sounders, 88
formation of, 190 Potable aquifers, 250
Nitrification, 181 Potable water, storing of, 26
Nitrogen Potassium feldspar, 310
Eh vs. pH, 191 Potato farming, 247
species, dissolved, 190 Precipitation, 42
NPSH, see Net positive suction head Pre-plugging conditions, 119
NTU, see Nephelometric turbidity units Pressure
control valves, 95
gauges, 78, 87, 211
0 recharge, 81
Observation well, 52, 96, 310 surges, 76, 87
Offstream reservoir, 161, 162 Priority pollutant organics, 173
Open hole wells, 42 Production
Organic contamination, 177 intervals, 290
ORP, see Oxidation reduction potential zones, 316
Outcrop areas, 320 Project cost-sharing, 41
Oxidation, 183, 186, 212 Propeller meters, 90
Oxidation reduction potential (ORP), 172 Public water supplies, 246
Oxygen-bearing water, 303 Public water treatment facilities, 230
p capacity of, 79
column recharge, 86
Palygorskite, 196 failure alarm, 96
Particulate impellers, 322
plugging, 121 submersible, 307
volume, 202 vertical turbine, 293, 295, 328, 331
Peace Pipeline, 263 Pumping equipment, 290
Permanent pump, Ill Pumping stations, 3, 261
Petroleum industry, 15 Pumping tests, 286, 294
pH Pumps
adjustment, 31, 154, 259, 328 oil-lubricated, 36, 84, 94, 202
decrease, 78 vertical turbine, 84, 94, 267
stabilization, 136 PVC casing, see Polyvinyl chloride casing
Pigging, 76 Pyrite, 204, 310
Pilot hole drilling, 42 grains, 196
Pipe friction losses, 83 reactivity, 303
Pipeline, cement-lined, 76 Pyrophyllite, 196
Piping systems, non-ferrous, 75
Plant capacity, 306 Q
Plugging, 50, 115, 159, 292, 332
analysis of, 127 Quartz, 196
bacterial, 60
index, 122
mechanisms, Ill
normal range of, 124 Radioactive tracers, 12
rate, 71 Rainfall, 180
estimated, 132 augmentation, 162
long-term, 120 inadequate, 247
normalized, 133 Raw water
site investigations, 125-126, 128-130 source availability, 27
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) casing, 66 storage, 62

Recharge Salinity intrusion barriers, 14

boundaries, 33 Saltwater intrusion, 18, 26
capacity, 242 Saltwater migration, into aquifer, 305
chlorination during, 116 Sampling taps, 77, 78
economics, 34 Sand
facilities expansion, 24 aquifer, 13
flow(s), 58, 86, 290 production, 37
chlorination of, 292 Sandstone aquifer, 310
pH adjustment of, 155 Saponite, 196
rates, 52, 299 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 192,
variations, 83 194, 197-198
initial, 323 Seasonal demand variations, 268
operations, 39, 234 Seasonal peak demands, 326
pressure, 140 Seasonal storage, 17, 26, 285, 295
programs, 40 Seawater
rates, 133, 305, 317 aquifer, 220, 282
source water, 112 desalination of, 3
volumes, 299 Sedimentation, 325
water, 170, 216, 315 Seepage losses, 107
geochemical analysis of, 295 SEM, see Scanning electron microscopy
pH, 92 Sequential recharge, 98
quality, 28, 117, 150,303,319 Sewer line, 65
sample of, 171 Siderite, 152, 204, 212
source for, 330 Sidewall cores, 193, 310, 314
well, 9, II Simulation modeling, 167
Reclaimed water, 249 Simultaneous recharge, 98
nutrients in, 255 Site selection, 34
storage of, 250 Skin effect, 118
Recovery Slugs, 121
disinfection during, 151 Smectite, 194, 196, 277
efficiency, 56, 106, 166, 274, 283 Sodium bicarbonate, 151
estimation of, 102 Soil
improvement of, 104 aquifer treatment, 19, 26
loss in, 99 clay, 196
low, 292 environment, 181
flow rate, 52, 96 micas, 196
periods, 258 Solubility particle size effect, 207
sampling, 55 Solute equilibria, 204
water quality, 168 Solute transport model, 165, 168
Red water, 92 Specific capacity, 299, 308, 325, 332
Redevelopment frequency, 132, 133, 235 Specific conductance, 171, 175, 296
Regional irrigation systems, 3 Specific yield, 316, 327
Regional water management, 229 Stacking, 33, 57, 266
Regulatory restrictions, 135, 270 Stagnant water, 76
Reservoirs, 3 State regulatory initiatives, 261
River Step-injection test, 43
channels, 15 Stiff diagram, 178, 179
flow, 162 Storage bubble movement, 236
water, algal content of, 29 Storage zone(s), 12, 44, 56, 83, 105, 192
ASR testing in, 108
characteristics, 7, 287
s containing freshwater, 89
Saline water intrusion, 270 ferric hydroxide floc in, 156

manganese present in, !50 concentration, 46, 48, 61, 228, 290, 333
permeability, 93 background, 331
seawater in, 277 Total organic carbon (TOC), 143, 251, 296
selection, 73, 242 concentrations, 233
stacking of, 33 reduction, 252
transmissivity of, 105 Total suspended solids (TSS), 51, 112, 171,
Stored water 280, 296
advective loss of, 106 concentration, 243
bubble of, 56 measurement, 333
movement of, 97, 165 Tracer constituent, natural, 52
recovery of, 6 Transmissivity, 242, 266, 290, 299, 306, 332
stacking of, 266 Treatment
Storm drainage system, 69 alternatives, 261
Straddle packer tests, 290 plant, 62
Strategic water reserve, 26, 59 Trenching machine, 245
Stratigraphy, 32 Trickle flow, 42, 61, 77, 116
Streamflow diversions, 18, 26 Trihalomethanes (THMs), 18, 296
Submersible pumps, 82, 85, 86, 94, 276, 307 concentrations, 143, 144
Subsidence, 18, 26 reduction, 318
Sulfate-reducing bacteria, 173, 203 total, 324
Sulfide mineralization, 183 Trilinear diagram, 178, 181, 182
Sulfonator, 299 Tritium, 333
Sulfur TSS, see Total suspended solids
Eh vs. pH, 190 Turbidity, 171, 229, 230, 280
species, 189 Turbine efficiency, 96
Surface basins, 13
Surface recharge, 221
expansion areas, 15 u
projects, 9 UIC, see Underground injection control
systems, 4 Ultrasonic flowmeters, 91
Surface salinity barrier leakage losses, 19 Unconsolidated aquifers, 135
Surface storage reservoirs, 217 Underground injection control (UIC), 39, 227,
Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR), 225 246,261
Suspended solids, 114, 123, 138, 176 United States Geological Survey (USGS), 13,
content, 29, 132, 242 14
measurements, 121 Urban areas, ASR facilities in, 35
SWTR, see Surface Water Treatment Rule USGS, see United States Geological Survey
Synthetic streamflow, 162
capacity, 224 v
operational test, 27 4 Vacuum
reliability, 268, 326 breaker valves, 80
degassification, ISS
T Vegetation, transpiration from desert, 9
Velocity, 124
Target storage volume, 274, 285 Vermiculite, 196
TDS, see Total dissolved solids Vertical turbine pumps, 84, 94, 267, 283
Thermodynamic computer models, 208 Video log, 36
Thin section petrography, 192, 196
THMs, see Trihalomethanes
TOC, see Total organic carbon w
Total dissolved solids (TDS), 51, 172, 230, Wastewater
280 cost of treating, 2S3

sources, 254 Well(s)

Water capacity of, 79
banking, 17, 26, 220, 267 cascading control in, 85
bubble, stored, 286 clogging rates, 317
chemistry, 183, 208 construction, 277, 322
demands, 2, 30 efficiency, 321
disposal, 35, 137 hydraulics, 290
distribution system, 127 injection, of reclaimed water, 250
facilities, expansion of, 19 plugging, 42, 60
level redevelopment, 35
measurement, 87 water pressure in, 52
recovery, 43 Wellbore plugging, 314
static, 79, 322 Well field
management, 1-3, 39 area, 325
oxygen-bearing, 153 capacity, 270, 282
quality, 18, 292 production, 19, 26, 329
analyses, 314, 318 Wellhead
changes, 236 design, 76
data, evaluation of, 173 facilities, 235
improvement, II 0 filtration, 137, 140, 242
reclaimed, 254 injection pressure, 52
response, 42 Wetlands, loss of to urban development, 2
sampling schedule, 51 Wireline cores, 258
reserves, creation of strategic, 260
resources, unreliable, 262
shortage emergency, 325
sources, cost of imported, 14
storage, for reuse, 19 X-ray diffraction (XRD), 192, 194, 195, 314
supplies, global, 2 XRD, see X-ray diffraction
table, 8
transmission pipelines, 3
treatment plant, 161, 234, 272
use, estimated annual world, 3
utility system, 222 Zeolites, 196
wasted, 108 Zinc, 324
Weathering, 181

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