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Supercritical Fluid Applications in the
Food Industry
Michel Perrut, Vincent Perrut
Atelier Fluides Supercritiques, Nyons, France

7.7.1 INTRODUCTION: anyway to the atmosphere. Moreover, using

SUPERCRITICAL FLUID CO2 instead of organic solvents leads to a drastic
TECHNOLOGY AS A “GREEN” reduction of VOC emissions, even when a cosol-
ALTERNATIVE FOR NATURAL vent is used to modify fluid polarity. Moreover,
PRODUCT PROCESSING CO2-processed products are not contaminated
with solvent residues that may be deleterious
After three decades of development, at least to consumers and the environment.
400 plants are now using a supercritical fluid
The most promising applications of natural
(SCF) at the commercial scale, mainly dedicated
product processing can be classified into the fol-
to extraction/fractionation of natural products.
lowing areas:
First of all, as it is harmless (nonflammable
and nontoxic), abundant, and very inexpensive - Extraction (SFE): Most large-scale units are
(except on special locations such as islands or operated worldwide for extraction of solid
remote sites, or specific applications requiring natural materials, mainly for food ingredients
high-purity gas), CO2 must be considered as the and phytopharmaceuticals/nutraceuticals.
SCF. From the very beginning of industrial appli- - Fractionation (SFF): Industrial applications
cations of supercritical fluid technology, it has are designed to profit from the very high
been asserted that it is definitely a “green” tech- selectivity of supercritical fluids: Aroma
nology, as a perfect example of processes com- production from fermented and distilled
patible with sustainable development. In fact, beverages, lipid fractionation (especially
as CO2 used as SCF represents only a very small polyunsaturated fatty acids and polar lipids),
part of the CO2 available from petrochemical active compounds from fermentation
sources where it is a fatal byproduct (mainly in broth, etc.
ammonia synthesis plants), it is true that emis- - Reactions (SFR): Supercritical fluids are very
sions from SCF plants do not contribute to global promising media for many chemical and
warming, as this gas would have been released biochemical reactions leading to higher

Gases in Agro-food Processes 483 # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

selectivity and reaction rates than in liquid called the critical point (Pc  Tc). Beyond this point
solvents. (P > Pc et T > Tc), only one phase exists, called
- Formulation (SFFO): Considerable effort has supercritical fluid (SCF) while the liquid phase
been undertaken to dry and formulate pressurized beyond the critical pressure (P > Pc
ingredients by carrier impregnation and particle et T < Tc) is called subcritical liquid (SCL).
“engineering,” mainly for designing drug- Most compounds exhibit a critical pressure in
delivery systems but also for preparing novel the range of 3–8 MPa, except highly polar mole-
food, cosmetics, and nutraceutical products. cules such as water and ammonia. The critical
- Sterilization and biological applications temperature increases with the complexity of
(Biotech): The unique biocide properties of the molecule and very few “current” compounds
supercritical fluids, and especially of CO2 exhibit a critical temperature between 0°C and
possibly added with various additives, open 50°C (ethane, ethylene, CO2, N2O, CHF3).
new opportunities for pest elimination, Mixtures behave in a more complex way,
sterilization, and virus inactivation in “mild” depending on their composition, but “critical”
conditions (near room temperature) phenomena are also observed.
preserving substrate quality. Obviously, CO2 (PC ¼ 7.38 MPa; TC ¼ 31°C) is
the most attractive supercritical fluid for many
• Very inexpensive and abundant in pure form
(food grade) worldwide.
• Not flammable, not toxic, and What Is a Supercritical Fluid? environmentally friendly.
All pure compounds can be found in three • Critical temperature 31°C, permitting
states: solid, liquid, and vapor (or gas). On the operations at near-ambient temperature.
(pressure, temperature) diagram as shown in
As shown in Fig. 7.7.2, CO2 density varies in a
Fig. 7.7.1, the three regions corresponding to
wide range versus pressure and temperature,
these three states are separated by curves that
especially around the critical point, but the fluid
meet at the triple point. Surprisingly, the vapor-
becomes almost incompressible at pressure
ization/liquefaction curve presents an end point
beyond 50 MPa.
Although they do not present the advantages
of carbon dioxide, other types of fluids are con-
sidered for specific applications:
• Light hydrocarbons, especially liquefied
propane (PC ¼ 4.25 MPa; TC ¼ 96.7°C), appear
to be much stronger solvents than carbon
dioxide vis-à-vis lipids, but they present a
high explosion hazard.
• Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are
environmentally acceptable at the present
time but very expensive; neither toxic nor
flammable, they may decompose in highly
toxic gases when submitted to a flame.
• Dimethyl ether, used as liquefied gas,
FIG. 7.7.1 General pressure-temperature diagram for
pure compounds. behaves as a “polar” solvent and is able to



FIG. 7.7.2 Carbon dioxide density versus pressure at different temperatures. From NIST

dissolve a very wide range of compounds, monitoring pressure and temperature, particu-
including many polymers (Lemert and De larly on the possibility of varying their solvent
Simone, 1991). power over a wide range.
• Nitrous oxide (N2O) exhibits similar critical Carbon dioxide always behaves as a rather
properties as CO2; although it is commonly weak nonpolar solvent that selectively dissolves
used in anesthesia, it should be considered as lipids such as vegetable oils, butter, fats, hydro-
an oxidant that may lead to explosion when it carbons, and essential oils, but has a weak affinity
contacts flammable solutes. with oxygenated or hydroxylated molecules. It
• Water exhibits very attractive properties at does not dissolve any hydrophilic compound
subcritical or supercritical conditions that are such as sugars and proteins or mineral species
in a completely different range (PC ¼ 22.1 MPa, such as salts or metals. However, CO2 solvent
TC ¼ 374°C). Great variation of its dielectric power and polarity can be significantly increased
constant results in polarity and solvent by adding a polar cosolvent that is generally cho-
properties varying from the exceptionally sen between short-chain alcohols, esters, or
high polarity of common liquid water to a ketones. For obvious reasons, ethanol is often pre-
nonpolar fluid dissolving organics and ferred as it is abundant and cheap in pure forms
precipitating salts in supercritical conditions. (food grade, pharmacopeia grade) while being
nonhazardous to the environment and not very
toxic. Moreover, it is to be noticed that although Solubility in Supercritical
water is only slightly soluble in supercritical CO2
Solvents (1–3 g/kg), it plays a very important role as a
Most applications of supercritical fluids (and “cosolvent” for many polar molecules; in fact,
subcritical liquids) are related to their “tunable” water is present in most applications, especially
properties that can be easily changed by when natural products are processed.



Fluid phase equilibria of mixtures are very com- different organic compounds (Billoni et al.,
plex, and many types of phase diagrams can be 1988) without any complicated calculations:
found. After the basic work of FRANCIS in 1954
(Francis, 1954, 1955), who measured solubilities C5ρk : exp ½a=T + b (7.7.1)
in liquid CO2 of hundreds of components and
where C is the solute concentration and a, b, and
phase equilibria of tens of ternary systems
k the empirical constants. In fact, this simple
including liquid CO2, thousands of articles have
equation shows that:
dealt with high-pressure fluid phase equilibria,
covering a very wide range of compounds and • Solubility is strongly dependent on the fluid
operating conditions. The reader could start on specific gravity ρ as k is always positive and
books focusing on natural products (Stahl in the range of several units; it drastically
et al., 1987; King and Bott, 1993; Rizvi, 1994; decreases when the fluid is depressurized at
McHugh and Krukonis, 1994; King and List, constant temperature below its critical
1996) and symposium proceedings (ISASF, pressure, with a solubility variation of several
1988–2016). Recent progress in thermodynamic orders of magnitude permitting fluid-solute
modeling permits predicting the behavior of separation.
many mixtures; however, some measurements • Solubility increases with pressure at constant
that are difficult to perform are yet required to temperature but solubility may increase or
set interaction parameters that cannot be calcu- decrease when temperature is raised at
lated, especially for polar liquids (for example constant pressure. In fact, experimental
in the case of strong hydrogen bonding). But values on various substances show that
happily, it is not always necessary to handle below a certain “inversion” pressure,
detailed thermodynamic data of the processed solubility decreases when temperature is
mixtures to design SCF processes. increased while beyond this pressure,
For “simple” systems and relatively low solu- solubility increases with temperature. For
bility, the empirical correlation proposed by example, vanillin solubility curves versus
Chrastil (Chrastil, 1982) can be used to interpret pressure at various temperatures intersect at
experimental results with a good reliability that an “inversion” pressure of 140 bar
satisfactorily fits the solubility data of 104 (Fig. 7.7.3); meanwhile, the inversion

VANILLIN solubility
Mass fraction (g/kg)

4 42°C
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Pressure (bar)
FIG. 7.7.3 Vanillin solubility in CO2. Data from Billoni, N., Jose, J., Merlin, J.C. 1998. Solubility of heavy components in super-
critical CO2 using directly coupled supercritical fluid extraction-HPLC. In: Perrut, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of International Symposium on
Supercritical Fluids, Nice, France, ISBN 2-905267-13-5, Tome 1, pp. 373–380.


pressure for triglycerides is in the range of but with slightly different polarities (i.e., neutral
280–300 bar, depending on the oil source and polar lipids).
(Stahl et al., 1987). Due to its nonpolar character, supercritical
CO2 is also used as an “antisolvent” in polar
Moreover, it has to be emphasized that one of
organic solvents in which it readily dissolves,
the main interests of SCFs is related to the ability
leading to a significant decrease of their polar
to set very precisely their solvent power vis-à-vis
character and causing precipitation of com-
different compounds by tuning pressure, tem-
pounds previously dissolved in these solvents.
perature, and cosolvent content. This allows per-
forming very selective fractionation of complex
mixtures that cannot be resolved with classical Transport Properties of
organic solvents or by any other process. This Supercritical Fluids
is used either for sorting compounds belonging
to the same chemical family but differing by SCFs are dense as liquids but “mobile” like gas,
their carbon numbers (i.e., fatty acids or oligo- as presented in Table 7.7.1: Very low viscosity
mers/polymers), or of similar molecular mass (Fig. 7.7.4), intermediate diffusivity. So, mass

TABLE 7.7.1 Comparison of Average Properties of Gases, Liquids, and SCF

Supercritical Gas
Property Liquid T Tc & P1 to 4 Pc (at Room T et P)

Specific Gravity ρ (kg m3) 600–1600 100–900 0.6–2

–3 5
Viscosity η (Pa s) 10 10 –10 -4
Diffusivity D (m2 s1) 10–9 10–8 10–5

FIG. 7.7.4 CO2 viscosity versus pressure at different temperatures. From NIST



transfer (and similarly heat transfer) is fast in SCF • Extraction of nonpolar or low-polarity
in comparison with liquid solvents or water. compounds present in the raw materials in
Moreover, SCF rapidly diffuses into porous conditions where the fluid is a powerful
media, easing either extraction from solid mate- solvent (supercritical or subcritical with a high
rials or impregnation of solutes (NIST, n.d.; specific gravity); for solid raw materials, this is
ISASF, 1988–2016; Reid et al., 1986; Brunner, 1994). operated in batch mode as there are no means
Another important property of SCF solvents is available to introduce and withdraw solid
related to the drastic viscosity reduction of a liquid materials to and from a high-pressure vessel
phase contacted with a SCF solvent that partly (except in the very special case of coffee
dissolves in the liquid, even at a pressure below beans). In very large-scale plants, feed loading
critical. This is of use for fluidifying viscous oils and spent material unloading are operated by
and waxes in order to ease processing (filtering, pneumatic transport; in lab, pilot, and
reaction, extraction). Similarly, many polymers medium-scale plants, feed is introduced in a
are “swollen” and “plasticized” by compressed “basket” consisting of a cylinder closed by
carbon dioxide, with a decrease of the glass tran- two filters that is installed in the pressure
sition temperature by several tens of degrees Cel- extractor.
sius, permitting an easy processing (forming and • Fluid-extract separation in conditions where
atomizing, mixing, grafting, foaming), as shown the fluid is a weak solvent, by
in Fig. 7.7.5 for PEG6000 (Deschamps, n.d.). depressurization and heating to operate
almost isothermally, avoiding formation of
liquid CO2, or, in some rare cases, by
7.7.3 SUPERCRITICAL FLUID heating or fluid scrubbing at constant
EXTRACTION (SFE) pressure.
• Fluid recycle either by gas liquefaction, liquid SFE Concept pumping and heating to extraction
temperature, or by gas compression and
The drastic variation of solvent power of
cooling to extraction temperature. In very
supercritical fluids with pressure and tempera-
large plants, the second cycle is preferred
ture permits designing extraction processes
while the first one is operated in most
based on the following concepts:
lab, pilot, and medium-scale extraction
65 This batch mode imposes costly operation of
pressure cycling and material handling, what-
Binary system
Melting point (°C)

ever the effort to reduce both cycle duration

55 PEG 6000 / CO2
and manpower by automation. Cycle duration,
energy consumption, and CO2 losses are to be
optimized on a case-by-case basis on the basis
of experimental data gathered at the pilot scale.

0 40 80 120 160 Extraction Kinetics
Pressure (bar)
FIG. 7.7.5 Melting point decrease of PEG6000 in presence
Thousands of works on thousands of differ-
of pressurized CO2 (Deschamps, n.d.). ent materials, mostly natural products, have
been published with or without modeling


(ISASF, 1988–2016; Brunner, 1994; Sovova, 2012; showing that no mass transfer limitation
Pardo-Castanez et al., 2015). It is not in the scope hinders the extraction rate due to “easy”
of this chapter to cite and discuss this back- access to the solute.
ground, and we would prefer to present a sim- - Then, an asymptotic line showing mass
ple pragmatic view based on our own transfer limitation related to diffusion inside
experimental results and long-term experience. the solid material preventing CO2 saturation.
These limitations depend on material Simple Model pretreatment (milling, sieving) and bed
Most extraction kinetics confirm that batch porosity (packing technique).
extraction of dry solid material can be repre-
However, some other factors—often ignored
sented by the curve in Fig. 7.7.6: Extract mass
at the lab or pilot scale—may play an important
yield y (kg extract/kg feed) or the relative yield
role at the large scale: Material agglomeration,
y/yT where yT is the maximum extractable solute
fluid channeling, and dead zones inside the
mass percentage in feed versus extraction time,
material bed may drastically degrade extraction
or better, versus the solvent ratio S (CO2 mass/
performances that have been expected from
feed mass); two zones clearly appear.
small-scale experiments.
- At first, a straight line corresponding to This mechanism is confirmed by the fact that,
saturation of the exiting CO2 by extract, when modifying the fluid flow rate and conse-
quently the contact time, the first part of the
extraction curve is not changed while the second
Relative yield (%) part of the curve is significantly altered with a
decreasing efficiency of each kg of CO2 when
100 the flow rate is increased, as shown in
80 Fig. 7.7.7 (Perrut et al., 1997).
60 Diffusion-controlled extraction
So, it can be said that:
40 - In the saturation zone, the yield y is directly
20 Solubility-controlled extraction proportional to the solvent ratio S and to
0 Time or solute solubility s (kg solute/kg CO2) in the
solvent ratio
fluid at the operating conditions, and the
FIG. 7.7.6 General shape of extraction curves of dry advancement of extraction, until yield reaches
material. a value ysat, can be written as:

Yield (Weight % of the feed)

3 1: Us = 10 kg/h
2 2 : Us = 15 kg/h

3 : Us = 30 kg/h
1 Solubility :
y/yT = a. S

10 20 30 40 50 60 Solvent ratio (kg CO2/ kg feed)

FIG. 7.7.7 Oil extraction from sunflower seeds with pure CO2 at various fluid flow rates (Perrut et al., 1997).



also varies along extraction time and also

depends on pressure and temperature, all the
y ¼ s:S more when the natural feed contains more
It is also common to introduce a 5 s/yT
y=yT ¼ a:S Dry Feeds
Among many experimental results available
in the literature that clearly support this simple
- In the diffusion zone, the main parameter is no kinetic description, we propose the following
longer solubility but contact time τC that can ones related to dry ground spice extraction by
be defined as: supercritical CO2.
τC ¼ ε:ðMF =ρF Þ=ðQS =ρS Þ According to Fig. 7.7.8, the extraction kinetics
of seven spices lead to a quasiunique curve in
where ε is the bed porosity, MF and ρF the mass the “saturation” phase when we represent y/yT
and specific gravity of the feed material, and QS versus a.S with a 5 s/yT.
and ρS the mass fluid flow rate and specific grav- It can be seen that the yield ysat corresponding
ity. For a given case, τC is proportional to the to the limit of the saturation zone varies signifi-
inverse of fluid specific velocity defined as cantly from one species to the other, depending
uS 5QS/MF that can be considered as the key on the species’ nature and particle size: 90% for
parameter to describe the kinetics in this zone. pimento but only 30% for black pepper for
Very useful in practice, this “model” permits which grinding was not correctly operated
an easy scale up, but it must be used with pru- (too coarse particles). The same grinding issue
dence as it globalizes the extract as a unique is also shown in Fig. 7.7.9 on another spice spe-
product. Meanwhile, the extract composition cies. So, this very simple kinetic description


Yield/Total yield ratio (%)

caraway, a = 3
curcuma, a = 35
paprika, a = 4
40 pimento, a = 4
black pepper, a = 8
20 coriander, a = 7
nutmeg, a = 6
0 100 200 300 400 500
S *a (kg/kg)
FIG. 7.7.8 Spices extraction with supercritical CO2 (250–300 bar; 40–60°C).


Piper cubeba

Mass yield (%)


0 5 10 15 20
Solvent/feed ratio (kg/kg)

FIG. 7.7.9 Extraction of Piper cubeba by pure CO2 (90 bar; 40°C; 3.86 kg CO2/kg feed/h).

teaches valuable information related to feed when the extract is readily soluble in water like
preparation that is of major importance for scal- caffeine or vanillin.
ing up to commercial scale (see Section In several processes operated at a very large
scale for long periods, the feed must be hydrated
before processing. Coffee beans are saturated in Humid Feeds water prior to supercritical CO2 decaffeination;
But, another parameter can modify the extrac- similarly, cork is humidified before treatment
tion curve shape: The moisture content in the in order to remove trichloroanisole to make
processed material. In fact, most “dry” natural “safe” wine stoppers and ginseng powder is trea-
products always contain some moisture. This ted for pesticide elimination.
water has a positive effect on extraction kinetics, This effect is illustrated in Fig. 7.7.10, where
as shown by many works, when its concentration we compare extraction curves of “crude” and
is limited (generally below 10% m/m), moreso humidified vanilla powder.

Vanilla powder FIG. 7.7.10 Extraction of vanilla Bourbon pow-

100% der by pure CO2 with or without water addition
(240 bar; 40°C; 13–15 kg CO2/kg feed/h).
Vanillin yield (%)


Powder + water

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Solvent ratio (kg CO2/kg feed)





Mass yield (%)


Seeds 1 700 µm
5 Seeds 2 700 µm
Seeds 1 1,500 µm
0 50 100 150 200 250
Solvent ratio (kg CO2/kg feed)

FIG. 7.7.11 Total extract of black-current seeds by pure CO2 (200 bar; 55°C; 10–14 kg CO2/kg feed/h).

Black-current oil
But, water is also extracted by supercritical 100
CO2 as, at the difference with hexane to which

Relative oil yield (%)

supercritical CO2 is often assimilated, water is 80
significantly soluble in CO2. In classical condi- 60
tions of extraction of natural products (300 bar 40 Seeds 1
and 50°C), water loading is 3 g/kg. So, when pro-
cessing natural stuff, even dry (generally down to 20 Seeds 2
8% m/m moisture), some water is extracted by 0
supercritical CO2 and extracts are often found 0 50 100 150 200 250
as emulsions, moreso when fresh plants (30%– Solvent ratio (kg CO2/kg feed)
60% dry matter) are processed, of course. FIG. 7.7.12 Relative oil yield of black-current seeds by
This can be illustrated by two examples: pure CO2 (200 bar; 55°C; 10–14 kg CO2/kg feed/h).
• Black-current seeds
• Fresh aromatic herbs: Lavenders
Extraction curves of two different lots of dry
milled black-current seeds by pure CO2 in Everybody can easily observe the difference
“mild” conditions are presented: Total extract in odor of fresh and dry herbs: A very fine smell
(Fig. 7.7.11) and oil after water separation in nature or when freshly cut, but some “hay”
(Fig. 7.7.12). It appears that oil extraction is odor appearing when they are dried and kept
almost completed at a solvent ratio of 70 and for weeks or months. So, it is a challenge to
extract is essentially composed of water for see if the extraction of fresh herbs with supercrit-
higher solvent ratios. As black-current seeds ical CO2 does lead to a complete extract deliver-
are very difficult to break, it is also to be noted ing a nature-like fragrance.
that a coarse milling leads (seeds 1–1500 μm) to We present extraction curves of large lots of
a very low yield in comparison with milling in freshly cut lavender Maillette (Fig. 7.7.13) and a
dry ice (Seeds 1–700 μm). Knowing that the oil lot of dry lavender Matherone (Fig. 7.7.14). In
content is not the same in the two different seed Fig. 7.7.13, the vegetal variability clearly appears
lots, Fig. 7.7.12 shows that the representation of from one lot to the other. More interestingly,
the relative yield is pertinent to compare extrac- water extraction is very important: The continu-
tion conditions. ous line corresponding to the water saturation of


Lavander Maillette FIG. 7.7.13 Extraction of fresh flowers of lav-
6.0 ender Maillette (39% dry matter) by pure CO2
(- - - -) and water extraction at saturation ()
5.0 (280 bar; 45°C; 6–7 kg CO2/kg feed/ h).
Mass yield (%)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Solvent ratio (kg CO2/kg feed)

Lavander Matherone FIG. 7.7.14 Extraction of dry flowers of laven-

6.0 der Matherone (63% dry matter) by pure CO2
(280 bar; 45°C; 7 kg CO2/kg feed/ h).
Mass yield (%)





0 2 4 6 8
Solvent ratio (kg CO2/kg feed)

CO2 is exactly parallel to the extraction curve • Rosemary

after completion of the terpenic extract of laven-
der. This water extraction is much less impor- Lots of fresh and dry plants of rosemary—a
tant when the moisture content is lower, as native plant in Provence grown for food and fla-
shown on Fig. 7.7.14 on which is also repre- vor applications—were extracted. In order to
sented the precedent extraction curve of laven- obtain reliable kinetic curves instead of erratic
der Maillette. results due to great variations of dry matter con-
From these results, it clearly appears that tent (varying from 36% m/m for a freshly cut
extraction must be stopped for a solvent ratio plant to 86% m/m after storage for 1 week),
of 4, as proceeding further will essentially the extract yield—calculated on dry matter in
extract water that shall be separated later from feed mass—is represented versus the solvent
the valuable terpenic extract, causing useless ratio, which is also calculated on dry matter in
expenses and extract losses. feed mass, in Fig. 7.7.15, leading to a unique



Rosemary relatively low pressure (#120 bar) followed by

6 a high-pressure (>400 bar) step leading to a
5 flavor-free wax presenting strong antioxidant
Mass yield/Dry (%)

Moreover, a polarity modifier could be added
3 after this step-wise extraction with pure CO2,
2 DM 67% leading to higher-polarity compounds, as exem-
DM 32% plified in the extraction/fractionation of Ortho-
siphon (Java tea) presented in Fig. 7.7.16. The
0 first step is at 120 bar and the second step at
0 5 10 15 20 25
280 bar with pure CO2, followed by a third step
Solvent ratio (kg CO2/kg dry matter)
at 280 bar with the addition of ethanol, leading to
FIG. 7.7.15 Extraction of rosemary by pure CO2 (300 bar; three different fractions of growing polarity.
44°C; 13.3 kg CO2/kg dry matter/h). Extract Fractionation and

kinetic curve. This clearly demonstrates the
need to take into account moisture content as a
key parameter. Although often considered an “easy” opera-
tion based on a drastic reduction of fluid solvent Multistep Extraction power, extract recovery from solvent exiting the
Although difficult to implement at the com- extractor(s) and collection are always very
mercial scale, it was often shown that CO2 important and difficult operations that might
extraction can lead to several fractions of extract jeopardize extraction performance, especially
by step-wise pressure extraction. For example, when the extract yield is very small as in herb
rosemary terpenic flavor can be obtained at or flower processing.

Orthosiphon stamineus

3.5 120 bar

280 bar
280 bar + EtOH
Mass yield (%)






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Solvent ratio (kg CO2/kg feed)

FIG. 7.7.16 Extraction of Java tea leaves (Orthosiphon stamineus) (120 bar then 280 bar then 280 bar +9.5% EtOH; 40°C;
3–3.5 kg CO2/kg feed/h).


7.7.3 SUPERCRITICAL FLUID EXTRACTION (SFE) 495 Extract Recovery Methods processing: Rosemary (separation of
In fact, extract collection can be operated in antioxidant wax and flavor) and spices
several ways or combinations thereof: (carotenoids from capsaicin from chilly or
piperin from pepper flavor).
• Taking profit of solvent power variation, extract • By a variation of temperature after
is precipitated from the fluid solution by depressurization at recycle pressure: In a
isothermal depressurization toward the CO2 first separator, waxes are precipitated from
recycle pressure (generally 50 bar). Although liquid CO2 that is further vaporized for
the thermodynamic principle is “obvious,” its dewaxed extract collection.
implementation is often very complicated • Scrubbing the fluid with an adequate solvent
due to the following issues: at constant pressure: This is operated for
• Heat supply after depressurization needs a coffee decaffeination where CO2 is scrubbed
high-duty exchanger that may be plugged with water prior to recycling, leading to dry
by viscous extract. caffeine powder after water evaporation in a
• Formation of mist of extract droplets spray dryer and to low-energy consumption
carried by the fluid that may be entrained with such a CO2 cycle. The collection solvent
out of separators; this is why cyclonic may be also an oily excipient in which the
chambers are recommended in order to extract dissolves (i.e., aromatized edible oil or
supply a much better collection than a cosmetic ingredient).
classical gravity decanters. • Adsorption onto a porous material, like
• Extract withdrawal from separators activated charcoal, when the extract cannot be
operating at a rather high pressure with completely recovered by depressurization
risk of emission of extract mist and and decantation, either when the extract is
correlated losses and hazards; this can be not to be recovered during adsorbent
avoided by using pressure locks regeneration (caffeine in some tea and coffee
permitting a smooth depressurization and decaffeination plants or odorous compounds,
avoiding extract and CO2 losses. as in cork treatment or in pesticide
• Natural extracts often appear as emulsion elimination), or be recovered by adsorbent
oil-in-water or water-in-oil that must be reextraction by CO2 (light aromatic fractions).
reprocessed to eliminate water and reach a In a variant, water adsorption can be operated
“clear” extract (Section on 3A zeolite at an extractor exit prior to
• Crude extracts are often very viscous and depressurization to recover a “dry” extract.
withdrawal is difficult; moreover,
equipment cleaning between different plant Extract Reprocessing
processings is a very tiresome operation. A main concern of SFE operation is related to
• Moreover, when flowers and herbs are extract composition and aspect. In most cases
processed for perfumes and cosmetics, when herbs are processed, the “total” extract—
reprocessing the crude extract is required when not fractionated as described before—
to reach an absolute soluble in ethanol- appears as a viscous “honey” in which water is
water mixture (see Section emulsified like mayonnaise, as illustrated by Lin-
• But, the unique properties of supercritical alool Thyme (Thymus vulgaris linaloliferum) extract
fluids could also be exploited to fractionate the obtained at 280 bar, 45°C, and 12 kg CO2/kg.
extract: Obviously, these extracts must be reprocessed
• By a step-wise depressurization from to eliminate water, often by centrifugation
extraction pressure to recycle pressure. (Fig. 7.7.17A) and/or to eliminate the viscous
This is commonly used in food ingredient “waxes” (by ethanol/water reextraction and




FIG. 7.7.17 (A) Linalool Thyme: Total extract (left) before and after water decantation by centrifugation. (B) Linalool
Thyme: Total extract (left) leads to wax powder (center) and aroma oil (right) after ethanol/water reprocessing.

filtering at low temperature). The sticking crude slow rate, and at 280 bar leading to an unpleas-
extract (“concrète”) with a yield of 4% leads to a ant smelling dark extract. But, by fractionating
wax powder with a yield of 1.8% and an aromatic the extract through a two-step separation
oil with a yield of 1.5%; water and losses repre- (65 bar—20°C and 55 bar—40°C), a viscous and
sent the complement (Fig. 7.7.17B). unpleasant-smelling fraction is obtained in the
Another typical example is presented in first separator and an extract very similar to
Fig. 7.7.18, which shows vanilla bean extract the first one is collected in the second separator
after decantation of the three phases: an oil at a much higher rate than at 100-bar extraction
phase on top and an intermediate aqueous (intermediate curve). By this way, a much lower
phase rich in vanillin. amount of fluid is required. Example: Fragrance Extraction and

Fractionation From Hemp Optimization and Scale Up
As presented in Fig. 7.7.19, extraction curves Few documents are available for engineering
of hemp (the dry entire plant) clearly illustrate plants for natural products SFE (Perrut et al.,
the classical shape at 100 bar with the collection 1997; Del Valle et al., 2014; Nunez and Del
of a clear, pleasant-smelling extract at a very Valle, 2014; Del Valle, 2015). In fact, SFE is only



FIG. 7.7.18 Vanilla beans extract decantation.


4.0 100 bar

3.5 280 bar

Mass yield (%)

280 bar





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Solvent ratio (kg CO2/kg of feed)

FIG. 7.7.19 Extraction of hemp by pure CO2 with or without extract fractionation (120 and 280 bar–40°C: 6–10 kg CO2/kg

seldom operated in a unique extractor at the com- depressurization (spent feed unloading; fresh
mercial scale, as it is far from optimum except in feed loading) and recompression (Fig. 7.7.20).
very special high-value product processing. In In order to reduce the quantity of CO2 needed
most cases, several extractors are operated in for a given feed mass, it is valuable to simulate a
series in order to minimize CO2 losses and pro- countercurrent flow between feed and fluid.
cess cycle duration. At least three extractors Supposing that three extractors are implemen-
(Del Valle et al., 2014; Nunez and Del Valle, ted. CO2 is first contacted with a partially
2014; Del Valle, 2015) are employed, two or more extracted feed and then is saturated by percola-
ones being in extraction while one is in the tion through the “fresh” feed extractor.



Extractors Separators



CO2 reservoir


CO2 pump

FIG. 7.7.20 Supercritical fluid extraction.

Then, when the first extractor feed is exhausted, profitable in light of pilot-scale kinetics.
this extractor is depressurized and unloaded. In fact, many natural products must be
Meanwhile, the second one becomes the first to pretreated before SFE. To avoid “caking,”
be percolated and the newly loaded third one hops are pelletized while waxy and oil-rich
becomes the second to be contacted. By this feeds often need to be mixed with an inert
way, the fluid exiting the extractor battery is packing such as food-grade cellulose
almost always saturated in extract and, conse- fibers. Great care must also be taken to
quently, is “optimally” used. Of course, with four avoid the formation of very fine particles
or five extractors, this countercurrent implementa- during raw material milling. Dust may
tion is facilitated, but global cost suffers of supple- be responsible of filter blockage, leading
mentary investment (Del Valle et al., 2014; Nunez to safety issues during basket
and Del Valle, 2014; Del Valle, 2015). depressurization, filter collapse entraining
The following points must also be empha- transport of feed powder throughout the
sized when scale up is to be implemented: plant, or basket deformation requiring a
costly maintenance.
• Feed preparation is of key importance as feed • Pilot-scale optimization is of key importance
agglomeration and fluid channeling may with the analysis of extraction kinetic curves
jeopardize an operation that could appear and extract composition in various conditions


(P, T, uS), but also material pretreatment and (300 bar). However, it is underlined that the
extract composition shall not be extract composition is always significantly mod-
underestimated. Moreover, experience shows ified when the extraction pressure is increased, as
that the first large-scale extractions may not stated in Section and illustrated in
lead to a valuable product, but are used to Fig. 7.7.21 on carotenoid extraction from sea
finalize the process and product buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) (Clavier et al.,
optimization. 2014); this can have adverse consequences on
• Extract posttreatment needs great attention as extract color, composition, and global properties.
shown before. Centrifugation, cold filtering,
and, in certain cases, molecular distillation
are implemented in order to obtain a clear oil, 7.7.4 SUPERCRITICAL FLUID
an ethanol-soluble fragrance, or a FRACTIONATION (SFF)
concentrated aroma by eliminating
emulsified water and viscous waxes. Concept and Efficiency
SFF is founded on the high and “tunable” selec- Potential and Limitations
tivity of supercritical fluids combined with the
After decades of stop-and-go strategies, and efficiency of multistage countercurrent processes
although final costs remain too high for many with reflux, as currently used in distillation or
applications, especially when limited amounts liquid-liquid extraction. Fundamentals can be
of products are to be processed, the technology found in Brunner (Brunner, 1994). As said earlier,
has become more and more accepted in most com- supercritical CO2 solvent power is very depen-
panies, many of which are now considering SFE as dent on its specific gravity and it is therefore pos-
a “necessary” tool that must be implemented to fit sible to tune this solvent power so as to very
new marketing and regulatory requirements. selectively separate feed components, even if they
At the present time, hundreds of industrial are very close to each other. The SFF process is
SFE plants are operating worldwide on natural implemented according to the flow sheet in
products, with extractor capacity ranging from Fig. 7.7.22 and is operated in continuous mode.
20 L for fine perfumes, aromas, colorants, and The liquid feed is pumped at an intermediate level
phytopharmaceuticals to 10–20 m3 for food into the column while supercritical CO2 is intro-
(hops, coffee, tea, rice, specialty edible oils, egg duced at the column bottom. Due to the density
yolk defatting) and cork processing. difference, CO2 percolates to the top of the column
However, it is honest to say that SFE cannot while the liquid phase flows down in the counter-
substitute for all solvent extraction processes as current. Contact between the two phases is
CO2 is a nonpolar fluid of limited solvent power, ensured by packing (structured or random) ele-
even if ethanol addition can increase fluid polar- ments. The feed fraction dissolved in CO2 is col-
ity (but entraining a retreatment step of the lected on top of the column as extract through
extract). Along with technology improvement, several separators in series while the liquid phase
a trend to increase service pressure (up to is collected at the bottom of the column as raffi-
1000 bar) has been observed in order to increase nate through two-step decompression vessels.
fluid polarity (avoiding the addition of ethanol) The fluid loop is similar to the one used in SFE
and to reduce extraction duration (and conse- plants described earlier: Extract separation by
quently, amortization, energy, and manpower (possible multistep) depressurization and heat-
savings) (King, 2013). This very high pressure ing, fluid purification (when needed) on an adsor-
equipment permits producing many compounds bent bed, and fluid recycling by CO2 liquefaction,
that cannot be extracted in “classical” conditions pumping, and reheating. Cosolvent addition is


% of Carotenoid in the extract



% carotenoid

0.80% P = 900 bar

P = 600 bar
0.60% P = 300 bar



0 20 40 60 80 100
Solvent ratio

FIG. 7.7.21 Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) extraction: carotenoid content in extract by pure CO2 (Clavier et al.,

FIG. 7.7.22 Supercritical fluid fractionation.

possible although seldom implemented, as selec- exchanger of significant cost. So, in small-scale
tivity requires a rather “weak” solvent power of columns (up to 10-cm diameter), the reflux is
the fluid. caused by a thermal gradient along the
column by heating different sections of the
However, some specific implementations are
jacket at increasing temperatures from bottom
required in SFF:
to top. For most feeds, the component
- As for all countercurrent systems, fluid and solubilities decrease when temperature
liquid flow rates must be set below the increases at constant pressure, causing partial
flooding zone that depends on flow rates, demixion of dissolved compounds from the
phase density difference, interfacial tension, fluid as it flows up, causing internal liquid
and liquid viscosity related to pressure and reflux. But for large columns, an external
temperature. As there is no reliable correlation reflux is required as the heating power
to predict flooding, experimental work at the through demixion jacket is limited and may
pilot scale is required on the real phases to cause radial temperature gradients
avoid liquid entrainment by the fluid. deleterious to selectivity.
Moreover, in certain conditions, liquid
foaming may appear and lead to rapid, Examples of Applications
unpredictable flooding.
- Due to a faster mass transfer rate, it is better to It is rather surprising that SFF of liquid mix-
work in “trickle” flow, with the continuous tures has been paid much less attention than
phase being CO2 while the liquid phase is the “classical” SFE of solids, although this pro-
dispersed. This means that the fluid-liquid cess could lead to much lower operating costs
interface is preferably located in the bottom as it is basically a continuous process that can
head of the column and liquid withdrawal is be totally automated. Meanwhile, solid treat-
operated by level control. This level control is ment requires a batch process with a significant
rather difficult to operate with high reliability manpower requirement. Some developments
in many cases, especially with foaming have been dedicated to fractionation of bever-
liquids, and the sensor shall be chosen on a ages (juices, alcoholic beverages), citrus
case-by-case basis (optoelectronic, essences, aromas and natural colorants, polyun-
conductivity, pressure, etc.). saturated oils, and phospholipids/glycolipids.
- Liquid phase withdrawal has to be tuned very These applications are very demonstrative as
precisely so as to avoid a strong perturbation they permit fully taking profit of supercritical
of pressure inside the column. This is why a fluid carbon dioxide possibilities as nontoxic,
two-step depressurization is recommended, “natural” solvents with high selectivity at rela-
with a first vessel in which pressure is tively low temperature preventing alteration of
maintained rather close to the column one thermolabile products.
while the second vessel is used as a pressure
lock for an easy liquid recovery. Moreover, Fractionation of Lipid Mixtures
CO2 being significantly soluble in most feeds, Fractionation of lipid mixtures from plants
the liquid phase exiting the column bottom is (edible oils) (Brunner, 1994), animals (eggs,
loaded with CO2 that can be partly recovered milk) (Perrut et al., 2007), and various marine
from the first vessel. sources (mostly fish, but also krill and microal-
- Extract reflux is very important to increase gae) has demonstrated the great selectivity of
fractionation performances. It requires a SFF since 1985. Various applications were
degassing vessel, a pump, and a heat explored, including oil and fatty acid



deodorization and decoloration; polyunsatu- separations are not at all efficient enough in this
rated fatty acid ester fractionation to obtain case, even with high performance cyclonic sep-
enriched cuts of ω3-esters (essentially EPA or/ arators; adsorption of the organics carried by
and DHA); mono-, di-, and tri-glyceride frac- gaseous CO2 appears to be the most convenient
tionation; phospholipid and glycol-lipid purifi- process, even if it requires a periodic system for
cation; concentration of squalene and aroma recovery by desorption with supercritical
tocopherols; etc. (Brunner, 1994; Riha and CO2.
Brunner, 2000; Fiori et al., 2014; Perrut et al., Schultz and Randall (1970), Schultz et al.
2007). From these numerous works, it appears (1974) founded the basic knowledge of selective
that SFF of oils is very selective, either based fractionation of aroma compounds from alco-
on fatty acid chain length (but not at all on the holic aqueous mixtures, using liquid CO2. They
unsaturation number) or on polarity differences established simple relations between the carbon
(for minor polar molecules concentration) as for numbers of the alcohols or esters and their dis-
isolation of pure fractions of digalactosyl- tribution coefficient between water and liquid
diglycerides from wheat gluten lipids (Perrut CO2 (Francis, 1954). In the late 1970s and the
et al., 2007). 1980s, numerous investigators worked on etha-
nol extraction from fermentation broth in order Alcoholic Beverage Fractionation to obtain “dry” ethanol to be used as fuel in
Alcoholic beverage fractionation is of high motors. However, it rapidly appeared that
economical interest, as the manufacture of CO2 is not selective enough to “break” the azeo-
low-alcohol beverages is of increasing interest trope, which ruins any interest in this process.
for ethical, religious, and/or dietetic motiva- Concerning aroma-ethanol separation, attrac-
tions, and improving their quality will lead to tive data (Di Giacomo et al., 1991) evaluate phase
growing profitable markets. Alcoholic bever- equilibria at various pressures and temperatures
ages contain mainly water and ethanol (3– between CO2, water, ethanol, and a few aro-
10 wt% for fermented ones and 40–60 wt% for matic compounds that are present at significant
distilled ones). Meanwhile, aromas are present concentrations in wine and beer (Table 7.7.2),
at a total concentration between 500 and showing that, as expected, selectivity (defined
5000 ppm comprising hundreds of components as α ¼ ðaroma wt=ethanol wtÞ in extract
ðaroma wt=ethanol wtÞ in feed ) decreases when
at the trace level, with the main ones being very
ethanol concentrations in the liquid phase and
similar to ethanol (ethyl acetate, other alcohols).
optimal conditions can be found for “mild” con-
Hydrophilic components are also present
ditions (100 bar, 40°C), although selectivity
(sugars, proteins, colorants) that often cause liq-
seems maximum with liquid CO2 (60 bar, 20°C).
uid foaming.
Wine and wine must (Perrut and Nunes da
• Process concept Ponte, 1997; Ruiz-Rodriguez et al., 2010, 2012;
Macedo et al., 2007), beer (Perrut and Nunes
In fact, such fractionation represents a very
da Ponte, 1997), and cider (Medina and
difficult challenge as ethanol increases the fluid
Martinez, 1997) dealcoholization have been
solvent power, reducing its selectively vis-à-vis
investigated for many years.
water and aroma products. High selectivity
between ethanol and aroma extract requires a
• Wine fractionation
high reflux in very “mild” conditions (low fluid
density and solvent power). Moreover, aroma SFF was proved to be a valuable process to
collection is extremely complex (high dilution fractionate wine, leading to a tasteless raffinate
and high volatility). Classical mechanical and a global extract yield near 0.6 wt%



TABLE 7.7.2 Liquid and Supercritical CO2 Selectivity

T (°C) P bar Acetaldehyde n-Propanol Ethyl Acetate Isobutanol Isoamylalcohol

20 60 11.8 14.9 3.1 7.9 13.9

40 100 5.4 8.2 2.0 4.2 7.5

40 150 5.6 9.7 2.5 4.1 9.8

60 200 2.1 2.5 2.0 3.9 2.3

From Di Giacomo, G., Brandini, V., Del Re, G., Martinez de la Ossa, E. On the feasibility of dense carbon dioxide based extraction-recovery process for alcohol-
reduced beer and wine production. In: Perrut, M. (Ed.), Actes du 2ème Colloque sur les Fluides supercritiques, Paris, France, 1991, ISBN 2-905267-17-8,
pp. 63–68.

comprising a first pink ethanol-rich fraction a tasteless raffinate. This process was validated
smelling wine, and an aromatic-rich extract frac- at the semiindustrial scale (several tens of tons
tion concentrated in heavy components with a of feed) on different feeds: 0.12 yield on cognac
much smaller yield of 1 to 3.104. As tested by (53 wt% ethanol), 0.7% yield on whiskey (58 wt%
a panel of wine experts, the organoleptic quality ethanol), and 1.65% yield on Rum (49 wt% etha-
of these aromatic extracts is strongly dependent nol). Extracts are considered as excellent by a
on the recovery process used and is very satis- taste panel and either comparable or better than
factory when optimized (Perrut and Nunes da those obtained by dichloromethane extraction,
Ponte, 1997). especially for rum where the aromatic power
and spectrum are judged as exceptional
• Beer dealcoholization
(Perrut and Nunes da Ponte, 1997).
For a long time, most ethanol-free beer (<0.5
or 1% vol. ethanol) has been considered of poor Essence and Concrete
organoleptic quality. So, selective fractionation Fractionation
of beer aromas is of key interest, either for rein- For 30 years, citrus peel oil deterpenation
corporation in the aroma-free raffinate after has received wide attention as it requires a
ethanol depletion (distillation, reverse osmo- very selective process due to the fact that lim-
sis, or pervaporation) or for aroma reinforce- onene is readily soluble in CO2. Also, this mix-
ment of low-alcohol beers. The best aroma ture is a very strong solvent from which it is
concentrates obtained by SFF correspond to α difficult to separate the oxygenated terpenes
values as high as 30. However, extraction effi- selectively (Stahl et al., 1987). For the separa-
ciency varies for the different aroma com- tion of such hydrocarbon-oxygenated com-
pounds and the global aroma profile might pounds, a combination of SFF and
be different from the original beer one adsorption (frontal chromatography) is very
(Perrut and Nunes da Ponte, 1997). efficient (Barth et al., 1994).
SFF is also efficient for flower concrete repro-
• Fractionation of distilled beverages
cessing in order to obtain a high-value extract,
The aroma of distilled beverages has been similar to an absolue by selective elimination of
currently extracted by hazardous organic sol- waxy compounds widely extracted by organic
vents (pentane and dichloromethane). Mean- solvents such as hexane. This process was
while, SFF in mild conditions (120–140 bar, described on model molecules consisting of lim-
30–50°C) leads to a very high extract yield and onene and canola oil (Yasumoto et al., 2014).


504 7.7. SUPERCRITICAL FLUID APPLICATIONS IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY Optimization and Scale-Up distribution inside the column section. To

limit this efficiency loss, liquid phase
Very little data are available on SFF scale up redistributors shall be installed every 1.5–2 m
until now, as very few industrial applications of packing.
have yet been disclosed and no details have been
There is no doubt that any application shall be Potential and Limitations
subjected to a detailed optimization of all oper-
ating parameters at the pilot scale, although As said earlier, SFF has as yet been used in a
internal reflux is difficult to evaluate. Optimiza- limited number of applications, in spite of its
tion of the fluid recycle loop is similar as for SFE great potential in terms of low processing cost
and does not raise any difficulty. Similarly, sep- (automatized continuous mode) and high selec-
arator and raffinate vessels can be easily tivity (multistage countercurrent with extract
designed. The sole difficulty lies in column reflux) for such a “green” process. This is prob-
dimensioning. ably due to several factors:
- When enough thermodynamic data on phase
equilibria are available, it is highly - Rather few labs are operating SFF equipment.
recommended to use a chemical engineering - Process modeling is much more complex
model to fit pilot-scale results and then to use than SFE.
it for large-scale parameter optimization - Process control requires a fluid-liquid level
(Brunner, 1994; Riha and Brunner, 2000; Fiori control system that is difficult to select in
et al., 2014; Ruiz-Rodriguez et al., 2010). This order to reach a reliable operation.
shall save a lot of time and money, moreso
because reaching process stabilization needs However, we recently demonstrated that frac-
many hours at large scale, as we have recently tionation of fish oil ethyl esters was correctly
experienced on the fractionation of fish oil described by incorporating the binary solubility
ethyl esters on a 126 mm diameter column. data of each of the main components (Riha and
- The external reflux rate shall be fixed only on Brunner, 2000) in general process engineering soft-
real tests at large scale. ware (PRO-II). This shows that SFF modeling of
- Column diameter can be determined from complex mixtures is no longer an impossible
pilot column diameter by homothetic scale up target.
to maintain the same specific fluid and liquid
flow rates, the liquid flow rate taking into
account the extract reflux rate.
- Column height is very complicated to 7.7.5 SUPERCRITICAL FLUID
determine, as it is necessary to “guess” the REACTIONS (SFR)
influence of diameter on the height of a
transfer unit (or equivalent to a theoretical For a long time, polymerizations have been
plate). Upon our knowledge, there is no operated in supercritical monomers at very
validated method available for such large scale (polyethylene, PVDF). Also, many
evaluations for SFF. However, it is possible to types of chemical reactions in supercritical
use results gathered on liquid-liquid or gas- media are being investigated, especially in the
liquid contactors to predict that increasing the field of “green chemistry,” in order to avoid
column diameter will significantly increase toxic solvents. Moreover, reaction rate and selec-
the height of the transfer unit due to axial tivity are often much higher than in classical
dispersion and possible bad liquid solvents.


7.7.6 SUPERCRITICAL FLUID FORMULATION (SFR) 505 Chemical Reactions: even sterilized, depending on the process condi-

Hydrogenation of Fats tions and raw material contaminants. So, super-
critical CO2 treatment looks attractive as it
Regarding natural product processing, avoids heat processing or irradiation, which
hydrogenation of unsaturated fats in supercriti- are deleterious to product quality in a number
cal propane (or possibly CO2) is very interesting, of cases. Much work has been done on this dur-
as this catalytic reaction is operated in a unique ing the three last decades, as reviewed in
fluid phase. The kinetics are much faster and the (Perrut, 2012). Even if it is difficult to raise firm
formation of trans-isomers is considerably conclusions, the main results can be summa-
reduced. However, this process is not yet devel- rized as follows:
oped at the commercial scale.
• Liquid foodstuff pasteurization is operative
and near being employed at the Biochemical Reactions
commercial scale.
In spite of the possible denaturation of pH- • Bacteria and fungi vegetative cells are
sensitive enzymes, biochemical reactions are inactivated by high-pressure CO2 near room
also investigated. For example, operating ester- temperature (<60°C) in the presence of water,
ification of fats and oils in a nonpolar solvent but additives (generally peroxides) are
such as CO2 avoids the limitations observed in required for spore inactivation; development
aqueous media. for injectable drug sterilization is now
• Virus inactivation needs important further Pest Elimination in Food Products work to reach acceptance as a safe alternative
to present techniques, especially when
Pressurized CO2 at 10–50 bar is efficient to kill
injectable products containing fragile
insect eggs, larva,or beetles after exposure of 10–
biomolecules are concerned.
20 min; this strong effect may be connected with
• Supercritical fluid sterilization of biomedical
gas action as a respiratory analeptic (Stahl et al.,
items (such as implants, prostheses, or
1987). For example, most common insects and
medical instruments) is of special interest at a
their eggs present in rice (Sitophilus oryzae L.
moment when nosocomial diseases are
and Oryzaephilus surinamensis L.) are completely
spreading worldwide.
eradicated by CO2 in relatively low-pressure
conditions (25 bar) (Capilla et al., 2003).
This process is presently used at a very large
scale with medium-pressure CO2 to treat huge 7.7.6 SUPERCRITICAL FLUID
amounts of the overseas supply of food products FORMULATION (SFR)
(like rice) and medicinal plants that are often
contaminated by insects. Impregnation
As CO2 is a good carrier with high diffusiv- Microorganism Inactivation in ity, a porous matrix can be impregnated by a
solute previously dissolved in it. Online
Food Products
impregnation downward extraction of natural
Regarding biological properties of SCF sol- products (Majewski and Perrut, 2000) is oper-
vents, CO2 exhibits biocide properties and is ated as the CO2 loaded with extract exiting
very active on fungi, bacteria and viruses so that the extractor is dried to eliminate water onto
all processed materials are decontaminated, or a specific adsorbent. It is then partly liquefied



FIG. 7.7.23 Kava-Kava root (left), CO2 extract (center) and impregnated powder (right) (Majewski & Perrut, 2000).

in a stirred vessel in which the extract is depos- Particle Design Using
ited into a porous excipient. This permits avoid- Supercritical Fluids
ing the handling of a very viscous and sticky
extract and readily obtaining a free-flowing Many processes are being developed for
powder that is easy to handle for commerciali- manufacturing various types of particles for
zation (Fig. 7.7.23). applications such as drug-delivery systems, per-
Other applications were also reported fumes and cosmetics, or aromas in food prod-
with impregnation of polymers by APIs (i.e., ucts. Supercritical fluids (mainly CO2) are used
antibiotics in soft lens), colorants in polycarbon- in different ways, leading either to nano- or
ate view glasses, or perfumes in beauty microparticles with the possibility of tuning
accessories. their crystal polymorphism or to complex
microparticles or capsules ( Jung and Perrut,
2001). To summarize, we can cite the basic
concepts: Foodstuff Drying
Although CO2 is a weak solvent of water, it - Solvent power modulation: The substance is
can be used to dry natural products at the condi- dissolved in fluid at high pressure and
tion that a high solvent/feed rate is acceptable depressurized though a nozzle for very fine
and the fluid itself is dried after contacting the particle precipitation according to RESS (rapid
product. According to a recent patent (Agterof expansion of supercritical solutions). There
et al., 2007), a demonstration plant is now operat- are two main issues at the commercial scale:
ing to dry a food product by CO2 in an innovative Heating the fluid to avoid liquid CO2
pressure vessel incorporating a high flow-rate formation and microparticle collection for
turbine pump. The water-loaded fluid is perco- which innovative systems are proposed such
lated through a specific adsorbent bed (i.e., 3A- as deep filtration of microparticle-loaded CO2
zeolite) prior to being recirculated. This process through a bed of excipient macroparticles, as
is claimed to lead to high-quality dried products shown in Fig. 7.7.24 (Perrut et al., 2005).
with better preservation of valuable compounds - Antisolvent: The substance is dissolved in a
that are often destroyed by heat in spray drying, polar solvent (particles, organic, or water) that
and with less energy consumption. is pulverized into a stream of CO2 (possibly



FIG. 7.7.24 Capture of microparticles (right) of lovastatin generated by RESS in CO2 onto lactose particles (left) (Perrut
et al., 2005).

added with ethanol) that dissolves into the United States. Most of them are processing
solvent and diminishes its polarity so as to natural raw materials for food ingredients,
precipitate the substance while the solvent is nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, and cos-
carried out by the fluid. Solvent elimination metics. This number is now increasing follow-
from the processed solid is often very difficult, ing the demand boost for organic ingredients
particularly when “heavy” solvents are used manufactured by “sustainable” techniques.
(such as DMSO, DMF, or NMP).
- Plasticizer agent: CO2 dissolves in lipids and
various polymers and “plasticized” these
decreasing their viscosity and their melting New Trends for New
points, even at moderate pressures (40 to 80 bar) Applications
as shown earlier in Fig. 7.7.16. The innovative
processes known as PGSS (particles from gas- Increasing extraction pressure appears as
saturated suspensions) or FAME (fluid-assisted a major trend for SFE development, although
microencapsulation) rely on this phenomenon: this possibility to increase fluid solvent
Dispersion of an active-ingredient powder in an power is not always a plus. It is to be empha-
excipient liquefied by CO2 saturation followed sized that optimization of the global processing
by rapid depressurization through a nozzle chain, including material pretreatment,
down to atmospheric pressure, leading to core- extraction, and final extract processing, is the
shell microcapsules. key for reaching high-value, easy-to-use
7.7.7 PRESENT AND FUTURE SFF presents great potential for several food
INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT fractionation challenges concerning dairy prod-
ucts, various oils, polar lipids, flower concretes, Hundreds of Plants Now Operate alcoholic beverages, etc.
in the World, Mainly for Food Moreover, the combination of SFE or SFF with
online formulation of active ingredients is also
of major industrial interest. Meanwhile, pest
As many as 400–500 large-scale plants are elimination and “CO2 pasteurization” are now
now operating worldwide, mainly in Europe, considered favorably as green alternatives to
Asia (China, South Korea, and Japan) and the “classical” treatments.



plant and process design, modelling, economic feasibil-

Acknowledgments ity. Food Bioprod. Process. 92, 120–132.
The authors are grateful to the Chambre de Commerce et Francis, A.W., 1954. Ternary systems in liquid carbon diox-
d’Industrie de la Dr^
ome, the Rh^one-Alpes Region, and the ide. J. Phys. Chem. 58, 1099–1114.
European Union (FEDER) for financing the EXTRALIANS Francis, A.W., 1955. Solvent extraction with liquid carbon
platform where most of the experiments presented in this dioxide. Ind. Eng. Chem. 47, 230–233.
paper were performed. The authors also thank Distillerie ISASF, 1988–2016. Proceedings ISASF Meetings and Sympo-
Bleu-Provence (Nyons-France) and his manager M. Philippe siums.
SOGUEL for cooperation on several extraction works Jung, J., Perrut, M., 2001. Particle design using supercritical
presented here. fluids: literature and patent review. J. Supercrit. Fluids
20, 179–219.
King, J.W., 2013. Supercritical fluid extraction at very high
pressures (>700 bar): theoretical considerations and prac-
References tical applications. In: Third Iberoamerican Conference on
Agterof, W.G.M., Bhatia, N., Hofland, G.W., 2007. Dehydra- Supercritical Fluids, Cartagena des Indias, Colombia.
tion method. Europ. Pat. EP 1 771 074, 2007. US Pat. US King, M.B., Bott, T.R. (Eds.), 1993. Extraction of Natural
8,187,655, 2012. Products Using Near-Critical Solvents. Blackie A&P,
Barth, D., Chouchi, D., Della Porta, G., Reverchon, E., London.
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