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PIANC-World Congress Panama City, Panama 2018



Jose R. Iribarren 1, Ignacio Trejo2, Carlos Cal1, Lourdes Pecharroman1

This paper describes the studies carried out and the methodology developed to analyze the feasibility
of a new solid bulk terminal from an operational point of view. The aim of the study is to analyze the
effects of passing ships, selected from traffic data in the area, on moored vessels at the new terminal.

The study starts with the determination of the expected passing speed and passing distance to moored
vessels in the new terminal of those vessels operating in the nearby berths for different wind conditions
(direction and speed) using a fast-time ship manoeuvring software. The results (speed and distance)
are used as input data to determine the suction forces and moments generated by the passing vessel
on the moored vessels.

The dynamic response of the moored vessels under different weather conditions together with lines and
fender forces generated by the passing vessels are also simulated by using specific software. In view
of all the previous results, different alternatives are proposed in order to improve the conditions obtained
in the analysis and raise the operation limits. The final phase of the study includes real-time manoeuvring
simulations in order to verify the results obtained along the process in a realistic working environment.

A complete set of simulation tools is applied sequentially in order to develop a global and precise
analysis and elaborate a clear picture of the safety level of the operations. Fast-time manoeuvring
simulation (SHIPMA), passing ship effects (ROPES), dynamic response of moored vessels (SHIP-
MOORINGS) and Real-time shiphandling simulator. AIS data (Automatic Identification System) covering
the vicinity of the new terminal were also considered and analyzed to define manoeuvring strategies
executed by the current vessels in the area. The methodology is explained and developed based on a
real case in the Port of Barcelona (Spain).

Because of the increase in traffic and the presence of larger ships in port areas, interference between
sailing and moored ships is becoming more and more, causing situations where the loading/unloading
processes are hindered and safety might become threatened. It is necessary to deal with these
scenarios using complete and accurate information in order to ensure safety and efficiency in port

A new solid bulk terminal is planned to operate in the Port of Barcelona (Spain). Before it starts
operating, the Port is interested in the analysis of the operation of different reference vessels using the
facilities under the effects of passing ships expected to operate in the nearby berths.

The new facility is located in a narrow area (210 m width approx.) which gives access to one of the inner
areas of the Port. Moored vessels at the new terminal might be affected by the passing ship effect. The
design vessels to operate in the terminal are two bulk carriers 186 m and 230 m Loa respectively. These
ships will be moored at the berth simultaneously and might be affected by hydrodynamic interaction

Chile, 8. 28290 Las Rozas (Madrid, SPAIN) +34-916307073
PIANC-World Congress Panama City, Panama 2018

Figure 1: Location of the new bulk terminal in the Port of Barcelona

The passing ships considered in the study have been selected using the traffic data in the different areas
of the port and have the maximum size of those expected to operate in the nearby terminals. A car
carrier 265 m Loa and a tanker 200 m Loa have been selected among the passing vessels. 

Tanker 200 m LOA Car carrier 265 m LOA

Length over all 200.0 m Length over all 265.0 m
Length between perpendiculars 192.9 m Length between perpendiculars 216.6 m
Beam 32.2 m Beam 32.2 m
Draft fully laden 11.5 m Draft fully laden 10.5 m
Draft ballast 8.8 m  
Dead weight 43 878 t
Displacement fully laden 60 410 t
Displacement ballast 44 100 t
Table 1: Passing vessel. Tanker 200 m Table 2: Passing vessel. Car carrier 265m

Bulk carrier 230 m LOA Bulk carrier 186 m LOA

Length over all 230.0 m Length over all 186.0 m
Length between perpendiculars 222.0 m Length between perpendiculars 181.3 m
Beam 32.2 m Beam 28.7 m
Draft fully laden 13.5 m Draft fully laden 10.5 m
Draft ballast 7.0 m Draft ballast 7.9 m
Displacement fully laden 71 910 t Displacement fully laden 36 450 t
Displacement ballast 43 470 t Displacement ballast 30 000 t
Table 3: Moored vessel. Bulk carrier 230 m Table 4: Moored vessel. Bulk carrier 186 m


AIS data (Automatic Identification System) covering the vicinity of the new terminal have been
considered to define manoeuvring strategies executed by the current vessels in the area.

PIANC-World Congress Panama City, Panama 2018

The available AIS data include one year of recorded data and a total number of 740 vessels. They
mainly focus in bulk carrier and tanker vessels that have navigated in the vicinity of the new terminal.
They cover 1330 operations. For the aims of the study the following information is extracted:

- Track of the vessels. Different positions of each vessel during the manoeuvre.

- Passing distance. This value is between one ship beam (B=32) and 2 beams (2B=64 m), taking a
Panamax vessel as a reference.

- Sailing speed. Reference speed for access manoeuvres is 4-5 knots and for departures 5-6 knots.
Speed does not depend on the length of the vessel.

Figure 2: AIS data considered for analysis


In order to meet the objectives of the study, the first step is to know the minimum speed of each
selected vessel to maintain control during the whole manoeuvre as well as the minimum passing
distance to moored vessels. This phase of the study is developed using a fast-time simulation
program SHIPMA.

This tool simulates the manoeuvring behaviour of a ship. The mathematical model computes the track
and course angle of a vessel, taking into account the influences of external forces (wind, waves,
currents, shallow water, and bank suction).

The manoeuvres are developed under the local conditions in the Port, which include 3 different wind
directions and 3 wind speeds (10, 15 and 20 kts). The strategy for the manoeuvres developed with
SHIPMA is defined using the AIS data available, in terms of vessels track, distances, courses, ... The
main factor affecting the vessels during manoeuvres in the port is wind. Therefore, different wind
directions and intensities are considered for evaluation. The analysis of the manoeuvres includes the
occupation of the nearby berths by two bulk carriers 230 m and 186 m Loa respectively. Fully laden
condition is considered for both passing ships: tanker 200 m Loa and car carrier 265 m Loa.

Simulation runs are developed in order to define the minimum speed to maintain the vessel controlled
using the ship's manoeuvring means. It should be noted the large change of course required for the
vessels to access the inner harbour. For the analysis and evaluation of results a maximum course
deviation of 5º and 15 m deviation from the reference path are considered valid. Next figure shows one
of the approach manoeuvres of the tanker using fast-time simulation (SHIPMA).

PIANC-World Congress Panama City, Panama 2018

Figure 3: Fast-time simulation (SHIPMA). Access manoeuvre of a tanker 200 m Loa

The results are very similar to those obtained from AIS data. For departure manoeuvres the AIS values
are 2 knots above the speed obtained with SHIPMA. One conclusion is that the minimum speed to be
controlled highly depends on the intensity and direction of the wind. For strong cross wind, the vessels
need to sail with higher speed to keep under control. The following figures show the results:

Figure 4: Passing speed - Wind (direction and intensity). Tanker 200 m Loa


The traffic in the area, vessels sailing in front of the new terminal, generates passing ship forces on the
moored ships. This phenomenon is produced through hydrodynamic interaction between both hulls and
induces dynamic loads in lines and fenders. A suction force is generated between vessels caused by
the speed and the pressure field variation. This flow variation also depends on the load condition,
channel depth and channel cross section.

The interaction effects between a moored ship and one or more passing ships can be computed by
means of methods based on 3-D potential theory. The flow is assumed to be inviscid and incompressible
and the passing ships are travelling at low speed. In such cases the so-called “double-body solution”
can be applied. The solution assumes that the free-surface effects are negligible. This has been shown
to be applicable in many cases of large vessels travelling slowly. When the fairway geometry has
discontinuities (i.e., docks and harbours openings onto the fairway) the disturbances caused by passing
ships can set up seiche-like fluid motions in the basin which can produce important loads on ships

PMH BV (Pinkster Marine Hydrodynamics BV, The Netherlands), Svašek Hydraulics, MARIN and
Deltares coordinated the JIP (Joint Industry Project) ROPES which resulted in a numerical model tool.
This program allows the user to obtain the calculation of the ship to ship interaction forces and moments
PIANC-World Congress Panama City, Panama 2018

on shallow waters, considering the effects of bathymetry changes and lateral restrictions (navigation
channels, vertical structures, slopes, ...). The system calculates the forces and moments on the vessels
in all 6 degrees of freedom (surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch and yaw) and on the structures in time-
domain. The tool considers the influence of the mooring terminal geometry in the water movements
induced by the “Passing Ship” effect of vessels, and also the hull forms of each vessel.

The output of the computations are time-domain records of the 3 forces and 3 moments acting on the
vessels, as well as other structures (slopes, vertical quays, …). Results are given in table and graphic

Figure 5: Time series of interaction forces obtained from ROPES

The following factors define the interaction forces and are taken into account in the numerical model:
hydrodynamic characteristics of the vessels, speed of the passing ship, course with respect to the
centreline of the moored vessels, depth of the channel, distance between vessels and cross-section of
the channel (vertical walls, side-slopes, etc.).

Figure 6: 3D model of the channel with moored and passing vessels

For this phase, different cases (24) are analyzed considering, among others, two moored vessels
berthed simultaneously (Panamax bulk carrier 230 m Loa and bulk carrier 186 m Loa), two passing
vessels (car carrier 265 m Loa and tanker 200 m Loa) as well as different passing speeds and 2 passing
distances (32 m and 48 m, equivalent to 1.0 and 1.5 Panamax beam). The matrix of cases includes both
access and departure manoeuvres.

Different suction forces and moments on the moored ships are obtained for each case. The time series
of suction forces and moments on the moored vessel clearly depicts a very characteristic situation that
varies with the sailing distance of the passing vessel. The following graphs show the variation of
interaction forces on moored vessels (surge and sway direction) for access and departure manoeuvres
of the car carrier and the tanker according to different passing speeds and passing distances. Blue line
is for the moored bulk carrier 230 m Loa and the red one is for the smaller bulk carrier 186 m Loa.
PIANC-World Congress Panama City, Panama 2018

Figure 7: Forces on the moored vessels produced by the passing car carrier

Figure 8: Forces on the moored vessels produced by the passing tanker


The following conclusions can be can be drawn from the analysis:

- The tanker generates suction forces and moments on moored vessel higher than those generated by
the car carrier for the same speed and passing distance. These differences are up to 20-30% for suction
forces and 20-40% for moments. This is due to the higher displacement, draught and block coefficient.

- Loads on the Panamax bulk carrier 230 m Loa are higher than those on the smaller bulk carrier 186 m
Loa. This result does not depend on the passing vessel.

- Forces and moments on moored vessel have a quadratic dependence with the speed of the passing
vessel and are inversely proportional to the passing distance.

PIANC-World Congress Panama City, Panama 2018


ROPES results are used as input data to calculate the dynamic response of the moored vessels. The
response of the moored vessel is simulated by using the numerical model SHIP-MOORINGS developed
by Alkyon-Arcadis (Hydraulic Consultancy & Research, Netherlands). This model reproduces the
behaviour of a specific ship at berth under the combined action of wind, waves, currents and external
forces (such as passing effects). The system solves the equations of ship motion in 6 degrees of freedom
(surge, sway, yaw, heave, pitch, roll) in the time domain, without limitations on the motion amplitudes.
The simulation results have assessed the motion amplitudes of the ship and the loads transmitted to the
fenders and the mooring lines under the combined action of environmental factors typical for the location

Using the time series of forces and moments obtained from ROPES as input for SHIP-MOORINGS
model, the movements of the moored ships and the resulting loads on mooring lines and fenders
are calculated. It is then possible to determine the relevant forces and displacements. The calculation
includes the interaction between the two vessels combined with wind from the most adverse direction.

The mooring arrangements for the two moored vessels consider their dimensions and the mooring
equipment on board as well as the mooring facilities on the berth. The vessels are berthed port side
alongside in a bow out position. The initial mooring arrangement comprises 10 lines: 0 head lines
(forward) + 3 breast lines (forward) + 2 springs (forward) + 2 springs (aft) + 3 breast lines (aft) + 0 stern
lines (aft).  

Figure 9: Mooring layout. Bulkcarrier 230 m Loa 

Figure 10: Mooring layout. Bulkcarrier 186 m Loa

The dynamic analysis, response of the moored vessel and line and fender forces, is focused on the bulk
carrier 230 m Loa as it showed higher loads than the smaller bulk carrier. A sensitivity analysis regarding
wind intensity was done, showing that the effect of the wind on the moored vessel is much less significant
than the passing ship effect.

The analysis is focused on defining the operating limits in terms of maximum speed and passing
distance for which the mooring system does not exceed acceptable values. The reference wind speed
for the analysis is 20 knots with the vessel in loaded condition under the interaction of passing ships for
a reference passing distance of 32 m.

Some conclusions of the analysis are as follows:

- The maximum load on lines and fenders does not exceed the defined limits (safe working loads).

- The speed limit for the passing vessels depends on the dimensions of the passing vessel, the loading
condition of passing and moored vessels, and the mooring arrangement.
PIANC-World Congress Panama City, Panama 2018

- Conservative values are obtained, as the analysis considers a passing distance of only one beam (32
m), the most adverse wind direction and maximum occupation of the nearby berths.

- The maximum recommended passing speed is above the reasonable speed obtained with the fast-
time simulation program.

- From this evaluation different alternatives are proposed in order to obtain less restrictive limits such
as: modified manoeuvring strategy, reinforcement of the mooring arrangement and analysis of the
dimensions of the passing vessels.


In order to increase the limits of passing speed and passing distance while keeping safety and operability
in the terminal, the following alternatives are proposed for analysis:

 Limit the passing speed in front of the new terminal to maximum values obtained from the
dynamic analysis of moored vessels

For the evaluation of this alternative, fast-time simulation manoeuvres are considered (approach and
departures) including the assistance of two tugs with special propulsion and a bollard pull of 75 t. These
tugs are similar to those available at the Port. The main conclusions from the evaluation are:

- The use of tugs allows to reduce speed in front of the new terminal under strong cross wind and limits
the passing ship effects, as they can keep control the vessel even with engine stopped.

- These results should be verified using advanced analysis tools such as the real-time simulator. This
tool allows to assess the possibility of reducing speed under the limit in detail, including the human

 Different mooring arrangements

After the analysis of the dynamic behaviour, different mooring arrangements are considered: 2 for the
bulk carrier 230 m Loa and 1 for the bulk carrier 186 m Loa. For the larger bulk carrier, the first alternative
comprises 12 lines (0-4-2-2-4-0) and the second one includes 14 lines (0-5-2-2-5-0). For the smaller
bulk carrier, the new mooring configuration comprises 12 lines (0-3-3-3-3-0).

The main conclusion is that the maximum passing speed for the sailing vessel could be increased
(above 0.8 knots) as long as the mooring arrangement for the bulk carrier 230 m Loa has 14 lines and
12 lines for the bulk carrier 186 m Loa respectively.

 Assess the operating limits for a different loading condition, passing distance and size of
the passing vessel

A sensitivity analysis of the response of the moored vessels is developed for different Loa of the passing
vessels, different drafts of the tanker vessel (passing ship) and different passing speeds. The results
are shown in the following figures:  

Figure 11: Loads on moored vessels for different Loa of the passing vessel

PIANC-World Congress Panama City, Panama 2018

Figure 12: Loads on moored vessels for different draught values of the passing vessel

Figure 13: Loads on moored vessels for a passing distance of 2B (64 m)
and different passing speeds

From the previous figures it is observed that the interaction forces on the moored vessels
decrease significantly when the draught is below 7.0 m and the length below 160 m.


The objective of this final phase of the study is to verify the results and conclusions obtained using the
fast-time manoeuvring model (SHIPMA). For this purpose, a real-time ship bridge simulator is used as
it is an advanced tool adequate for this type of detailed analysis.

Siport21 real-time ship bridge simulator (MERMAID 500 model developed by MARIN-MSCN (The
Netherlands)) reproduces the behaviour of a specific ship while manoeuvring in port areas under the
effects of environmental agents (wind, current, waves, limited depth, bank suction, etc.). A Captain or
Pilot operates in a main bridge mock-up with real instruments and a radar screen, so human factor is
included. The motions of the ship are seen on a 260º wide screen 12 m diameter and sounds (engine,
wind, horns) are also perceived.

The ship manoeuvring mathematical model handles 6 degrees of freedom models, with horizontal and
vertical motions, and reproduces the ship's behaviour under the action of the following forces:
hydrodynamic forces on the hull, propulsion, rudder forces, bow/stern thruster forces, variable depth,
wave, wind and current forces, bank suction effects, “squat”, collision forces and hull interaction between
ships. Tug operation in the simulator is very detailed, and either conventional or special units are
properly modelled.

PIANC-World Congress Panama City, Panama 2018

Figure 14: Siport21 real-time simulator in operation

A total number of 11 manoeuvres were carried out including approach and departure manoeuvres with
a tanker 200 m Loa and a car carrier 265 m Loa. These manoeuvres were developed under the most
frequent conditions in the port and 2 wind speeds (10 and 15 knots - mean value). The scenarios
included the occupation of the nearby berths to restrict the space available for manoeuvres. Some
manoeuvres included the use of two tugs of 75 t bollard pull. The objective was to verify that the speed
and passing distance were below the limits defined in previous phases.

Figure 15: Real-time simulator manoeuvres: approach manoeuvre of the car carrier
and departure manoeuvre of the tanker

From the manoeuvres executed in the real-time simulator the following conclusions were drawn:

- For the tanker 200 m Loa, the passing speed in approach manoeuvres could be reduced below the
limits defined in previous phases for 15 knots winds with the assistance of 2 tugs. It is also possible to
obtain passing speeds below the limit without tug assistance up to 10 knots wind speed. Results show
passing distance to moored vessels increases compared with previous results using SHIPMA.

- In departure manoeuvres of the tanker using 2 tugs, passing speed could also be reduced below the
limits and the passing distance increased up to 1.6ꞏB.

- For the car carrier 265 m Loa in approach manoeuvres, the tugs control the vessel with passing speed
below the limits for 15 knots wind speed and distance to moored vessels even more than 60 m (2ꞏB).
Without tug assistance, passing speed increases above the limits and passing distance decreases down
to 1.0-1.6 ꞏB. The passing speed for departure manoeuvres of this vessel could be reduced below the
limits defined. Under this condition the passing distance is 1.6ꞏB, above the results obtained in the fast-
time manoeuvres.

- The tugs maintain the vessel controlled when a low passing speed is required which guarantees the
safety for the moored vessels at the terminal.

PIANC-World Congress Panama City, Panama 2018

This paper presents the methodology developed to analyze the moored ships behaviour due to passing
ship effects with the aim to guarantee a safe operation of moored vessels in a new bulk terminal located
in a narrow area of the Port of Barcelona. The analysis combined calculations with four different
numerical models: fast-time simulation (SHIPMA), ship-ship interaction (ROPES), dynamic mooring
analysis (SHIP MOORINGS) and real-time manoeuvring simulator (MARIN Mermaid).

After a first analysis of AIS data available to know the type of vessels in the area and their manoeuvring
strategy (track, course, passing distance and passing speed) a fast-time simulation analysis was
developed with the selected design vessels to obtain the minimum passing speed and passing
distances. These results (passing distance and passing speed) were used as input data for calculation
of ship to ship interaction: effect of passing vessel on the moored vessels in the new terminal using
ROPES. Interaction forces and moments on the moored vessels obtained with ROPES were included
as an input in the dynamic mooring analysis to define the operational limits using the mooring analysis

A sensitivity analysis was also developed to assess different alternatives which allow a safe operation
of the moored vessels in the berth. The final phase of the study consisted of manoeuvres in a real-time
simulator with the aim to conduct a detailed analysis of manoeuvres including the human factor in order
to verify the previous results obtained during the analysis.

The authors wish to thank the Port Authority of Barcelona (APB), especially Mr. Miguel A. Pindado
(Project Manager) and Capt. Jose M. Rovira (Maritime Operations Manager) for their support and help
during the project and contribution to this paper.

PIANC Report WG20 “Capability of ship maneuvering simulation models for approach channels and
fairways in harbors” (1992)

PIANC Report WG24 “Criteria for Movements of Moored Ships in Harbours” (1995)

PIANC Report 121 “Harbour Approach Channels Design Guidelines” (2014)

OCIMF “Mooring Equipment Guidelines (MEG3)” (2010)

ROM 3.1 “Maritime Recommendations for the Design of Port Access and Manoeuvring Areas” (1999).
Spanish Port Authority

SIPORT21 “Análisis del Comportamiento Dinámico de Buques Atracados Bajo la Influencia del Paso
de Buques (“Passing Ships”) en el Muelle Álvarez de la Campa del Puerto de Barcelona” (“Analysis of
Moored Ship Dynamic response under the Influence of Passing Ships in Alvarez de la Campa Dock,
Port of Barcelona”) (2014)


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