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Opera Musical Theatre Unit Plan

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Teacher Name: Amy Jackson

Content & Grade Level: General Music 6

Unit Title: Opera/Musical Theatre

Essential Question(s):
● How does knowing more about musical theatre and opera help us to become
better musicians?
● How have musical theatre and opera shaped the culture of music?
Unit Question(s):
● How has popular music helped to shape opera/musicals?
● How can we take what we know about music, language, and art and apply it to
our musical/opera?

NCAS Standards:
▪ MU: Pr4 2.4🡪 a) a Explain how understanding the structure and the elements
of music are used in music selected for performance
b) When analyzing selected music, read and identify by name or function
standard symbols for rhythm, pitch, articulation, and dynamics.
● MU: Cr1 1.16🡪 Generate simple rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic phrases
within AB and ABA forms that convey expressive intent
● MU: Cr2 1.6🡪 Select, organize, construct, and document personal musical ideas
for arrangements and compositions within AB or ABA form that demonstrate
an effective beginning, middle, and ending, and convey expressive intent.
● MU: Cr3 2.6🡪 Present the final version of their documented personal
composition or arrangement, using craftsmanship and originality to
demonstrate an effective beginning, middle, and ending, and convey expressive
● MU: Pr4 2.6🡪 Identify how cultural and historical context inform performances
● MU: Re7 1.6🡪 Identify the context of music from a variety of genres, cultures,
and historical periods

State Standards:

● 5CE Distinguish between and among the use of dynamics, meter, tempo and
tonality in various pieces through active listening.
● 2PR Play a variety of classroom instruments, independently or collaboratively,
with increasingly complex rhythms and melodic phrases.
● 1RE Develop criteria to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of music
performances and compositions including their own.

Measurable Unit Objectives:

● Students will evaluate their own knowledge of opera and musical theatre
● Students will form opinions on opera and musical theatre
● Students will become familiar with the history of opera and musical theatre
● Students will discuss opera’s role in society
● Students will compose an opera or a musical based on the song they composed
in the Musical creativity unit
● Students will apply their knowledge of the ukulele, composition, and art in their
final composition project
● Students will perform their operas/musicals for the class

Academic Language:
Opera: a dramatic work in one or more acts, set to music for singers and
Recitative: a musical monologue that replaces the narrative or dialogue that would be
present otherwise
Musical: a play or movie where singing and dancing play an essential part

Unit Plan Rationale:

This unit is the culminating end to the General Music curriculum. In this unit, students
will utilize the skills they’ve acquired from the previous 3 units and apply them to this
one to create one final project. Students will be expected to use their previous
compositions (original song, artwork based song, and painting), along with their
knowledge of ukulele and apply them to make one 3-5 minutes opera or musical.

Duration of Unit:
● 3 weeks
● Lessons will be taught on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
● Total of 9 lessons

Calendar of Lessons:
Lesson 1: Musical Theatre
● Students will engage in a lecture and discussion about musical theatre.
● Students will watch several YouTube videos
o Three Examples
▪ Wicked
▪ Phantom of the Opera
▪ Hamilton
Lesson 2: Musical theatre
● Students will complete a worksheet about the history of Musical Theatre and its
characteristics in the computer lab.

Lesson 3: Opera
● Students will engage in a lecture and discussion about opera
● Students will watch several YouTube videos
o One informational
o Three examples
▪ Le Nozze Di Figaro
▪ Porgy and Bess
▪ La boheme

Lesson 4: Opera
● Students will complete a worksheet about the history of Opera and its
characteristics in the computer lab

Lesson 5: Opera/Musical Theatre Comparison

● Students will engage in a discussion about the similarities and differences
between opera and musical theatre.
o Students will play a game of “this or that” with opera and musical
theatre characteristics

Lesson 6: Opera/Musical Theatre Composition

● Students will form groups and will use the song they wrote in the Musical
Creativity Unit and create an Opera/Musical around it
o Operas/Musicals must be 3-5 minutes long and include sung/spoken

Lesson 7: Opera/Musical Theatre Composition

● Students will continue to work on their operas/musicals

Lesson 8: Opera/Musical Theatre Composition

● Students will continue to work on their operas/musicals

Lesson 9: Opera/Musical Theatre Composition

● Students will give the final performances of their opera or musical for their
o Family members will be invited to see the work we have done this

Planned Assessments and Rationale:

This unit is a little different from the previous one, as it includes two worksheets that
are to be completed and graded. These worksheets will be based on information from
several websites, which the students will have access to in the computer lab or from
their own devices. Each worksheet will have an answer key and will be graded for
correctness rather than completion. Aside from the worksheets, this unit also presents
one final project—the opera or musical theater composition—that will be assessed by
a rubric. Students will be graded on whether they included all necessary components,
and on overall creativity and synthesis.

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