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Edtpa Task 1 B Lesson Plans

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Lesson Plan #1: Ostinato and Playing Test Spots

Learning Objectives:
Students will apply new bowing to the warmup and learn new vocabulary word, ostinato
Students will discuss selection of the piece and why it provides us with interesting and important musical goals
Students will determine playing test spots for formal assessment and help create rubric for evaluation
Students will learn about the arranger's intent in writing this piece for string orchestra
National Standards & Learning Objectives:
Performing: MU:Pr5.3.E.5a Use self-reflection and peer feedback to refine individual and ensemble performances of a varied
repertoire of music
Responding: MU:Re7.1.E.5a Identify reasons for selecting music based on characteristics found in the music, connection to
interest, and purpose or context
Responding: MU:Re7.2.E.5a Identify how knowledge of context and the use of repetition, similarities, and contrasts inform the
response to music
Performing: MU:Pr6.1.E.5a Demonstrate attention to technical accuracy and expressive qualities in prepared and improvised
performances of a varied repertoire of music
Informal Assessments: Formative assessments which include observing the leadership and musical example of the student leader,
watching students for correct bowing and fingering (rhythm and intonation) during opening warm-up scales and during any other
Formal Assessments: None
Instructional Resources and materials: See score of our focus piece for these lesson segments, Ukrainian Bell Carol by Dr. Sandra
Dackow, including title page with score description.

5 min




Our class begins right at 7:30 when a student walks up to the

podium to lead the warm-up. Any student can lead as long
as they have a scale in mind.
Student leads tuning and scale warmup (student choice)

Student volunteer and scale sheets

5 min

CM scale

2 min


15 min


After tuning, students will be asked to keep the scale sheet
out of their folders, and upon my cue, go through the twooctave scale pattern for C Major
I will model the rhythm pattern I want the students to
play: 2/4 time, 2 quarter notes with a double down
bowing instead of the usual alternating bowing style.
If successful, I will introduce a more difficult bowing:
time, 3 quarter notes (with two downbows, one upbow).

Scale sheets
Whiteboard and marker

New concept: ostinato: A member of our orchestra picked

this song because she likes it. Now that we are all familiar
with the piece and have rehearsed it a little bit, why do you
think people remember or enjoy Ukrainian Bell Carol so
much? (anticipated answer: repeated theme)
When we have a repeated rhythmic or melodic idea, such as
in this song, does anyone know the musical vocabulary?
(anticipated answer from a smart 8th grader: Ostinato!)
Write ostinato on board, ask for guesses about what
language this word is (Comes from Italian for obstinate =
stubborn) How is that shown in music? Through repeated
Tell students about my student teaching project. Today, we
will pick playing test spots and we will pick the criteria for
how I am evaluating the playing tests.
First, let's determine test spots! Students can self-reflect on
the most difficult passage for them, and then raise hands to
inform the class on their choices.
I am guessing the lower strings (viola, cello, bass) will
select m. 57-61 as a spot to go through while violins will
select 21-29). I will look for at least one volunteer per
instrument group.
Then, we will create a rubric, voting on important musical
techniques to demonstrate.
Ask as a group, how do we want to sound? What


Sheet music: Ukrainian Bell

Carol arr. Dackow, in folders


10 Min

of the piece

5 min
+3 for


qualities should I be listening for? (solicit answers)
Finally, let's play those sections together once to hear
how we sound now.
To give the students an idea of what the piece is about, I
want to share the arranger's thoughts with the students to
give them more historical background.
Read score description from Dr. Dackow (page 1 of
Ukrainian Bell Carol score)
If time allows, we will play the end of the song and finish
there. If there is a lot of time, we will finish rehearsal
reading another piece that has a similar bowing concept.


- Score description

Ukrainian Bell Carol and other

music Sleigh Ride (Mozart)

Lesson Plan #2: Historical background and performance practice

Including Video segment #1
Learning Objectives:
Students will perform the desired bowing warmup with bow lifts, and perform the playing test excerpts as a group, in preparation
for next week's playing test.
Students will compare/contrast the difference between the two versions of lyrics to Ukrainian Bell Carol, describing and
interpreting why this difference exists.
Students will identify and describe the effect of listening to a choral performance of Ukrainian Bell Carol.
Students will identify and respond to a different culture's expression in music, through examining traditional Ukrainian dress and
lyrics to a traditional New Year's song.
National Standards:
Responding MU:Re8.1.E.5a and 8a Identify and support interpretations of the expressive intent and meaning of musical works,
citing as evidence the treatment of the elements of music, contexts, and (when appropriate) the setting of the text
Responding MU:Re9.1.E.5a and 8a Explain the influence of experiences, analysis, and context on the interest in an evaluation
of music
Connecting: MU:Cn11.0.T.5a and 8a, MU:Pr6.1.E.5b Demonstrate understanding of relationships between music and the other
arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life. Demonstrate an awareness of the context of the music through prepared and
improvised performances
Informal Assessments: Assessing leadership and musical example of the student leader, watching students for correct bowing and
fingering during opening warm-up scales and during any other playing. Do students appear ready for their playing tests in regardsto
confidence, sound, bowing, etc.?
Assess which students raise hands to answer What is an ostinato and guide student observations regarding Ukrainian clothes, the
recording, and lyrics. How do students support their interpretations?
Formal Assessments: None
Instructional Resources and materials: See picture of Dr. Dackow's mother in Ukrainian dress and recording of choir singing this
Carol in Ukrainian



5 min
7 min


10 min


8 min

picture of
mom, &



Student to lead tuning and scale warmup

Student volunteer and
scale sheets
Scale sheets
Whiteboard and marker

After student scale, I want to take it another step further with a more
difficult bowing:
I will model the rhythm I want: time, 3 quarter notes
[For contrast, show difference when bowing two downbows and two
upbows. (comparison)]
If successful, I will introduce the more difficult bowing that is found
in Ukrainian bell carol. I will write it on the board.
Play through the sections we indicated for playing tests: m21-29 and 5361. We will do it many ways with repetition:
First, play through each section: 21-29 (focus on violins) and 53-61
(all play, but focus on viola, cello, & bass)
Second, only play first note of each measure, lifting the bow each
time (all down bows)
Third, add the rest of the measure, at a slow tempo
Fourth, assess any other changes needed? Speed up.
Next, put into larger context (mm 17-29 and 53-end.)
Ask again what is ostinato?
Ask for student responses and then give an example!
Finally, compare with spot in Sleigh Ride. What is similar in these
two pieces? The arranger uses the SAME bowing!
To give the students an idea of what the piece is about, I want to show
Ukrainian culture picture (of Dr. Dackow's mother in traditional
Ukrainian outfit)
Show picture on the projector of mother and outfit, describe how it
was hand-sewn
Now, let's listen to the effect of this ostinato in the original choral
version, sung in the Ukrainian
[Play a recording of the choral version].

Sheet music: Ukrainian

Bell Carol arr.
Dackow, in folders

Picture of Dackow's
mom (on computer)
Recording of the
Choral version in
Projector to watch


10 min

page with
exit slip



5 min


Ask - What do you hear or observe?
-traditional clothes
-sound of Ukrainian
We will compare the lyrics of the original song and the English
adaptation, and then for an exit slip I will ask them to answer the
following questions:
-What did you like learning most about Ukrainian Bell Carol?
-If you could ask Dr. Dackow one question about this piece, what would
you ask?
Bonus Question: What is an ostinato?
Hand in Post-it to Ms. Pagones or Ms. Scott on your way out!
We already discussed what we want Ms. Pagones to listen for during the
playing tests: posture, steady tempo, rhythm, bow direction and lifts,
intonation, and tone/overall sound. On our way out I want to show the
students the rubric we will be using to assess our playing test. I will
project the rubric up front for all to see.
If time allows, we will run through Ukrainian Bell Carol and finish
there. My goal is to feel how fast we can go while maintaining accuracy
at the difficult parts (21-29 and 53-61).


Lyrics page, projected

Formal Assessment (see
Assessments file, under
Lesson Plan #2)
50 post-it notes (1 per

Ukrainian Bell Carol

Formal Rubric (See
Assessments file:
Lesson Plan #2 Formal

Lesson Plan #3: Playing Test Assessment

This class does not take place during the normal 7:30-8:15am rehearsal time. The students all come for one hour of sectionals each
week, and this week I will use that time to record their playing tests.
Learning Objectives:
Students will individual perform their playing test
Students will evaluate their performances using a rubric
Using Ukrainian Bell Carol as an example, students will reflect on what kind of music they would write for the New Year holiday
National Standards:
Performing: MU.Pr6.1.E.8a Demonstrate attention to technical accuracy and expressive qualities in prepared and improvised
performances of a varied repertoire of music representing diverse cultures and styles
Performing: MU:Pr5.3.E.5a - Use self-reflection and peer feedback to refine individual and ensemble performances of a varied
repertoire of music
Creating: MU:Cr1.1.E.8a Compose and improvise ideas for melodies and rhythmic passages individually or as an ensemble
that demonstrate understanding of characteristics of music or texts studied in rehearsal
Informal Assessments: Observing students for correct bowing and fingering during opening warm-up and review of playing test spots
Formal Assessments: Observe student performances to give initial feedback and video-record playing tests in order to formally assess
performances using the rubric
Instructional Resources and materials: See Assessments for Playing Test Rubric and questions for students and teacher to fill out



10 min
15 min

test spots



Student arrival (takes a while as they are coming from other

Tuning I circle the room to make sure they are in tune.
After tuning, get out Ukrainian Bell Carol to review the playing
test spots. For my focus group of violins, we are playing through
measures 21-29.

Scale sheets
Sheet music: Ukrainian Bell
Carol arr. Dackow


10 min

10 min

5 min

Review &

Play through playing test portion three times all together,
assessing and giving general group suggestions each time (for
example: use more bow on the quarter notes! Or use a faster
motion on the bow lift)
Then, I will pass out the rubric and explain the playing test
process to the students. Each student will announce their name
and play the section. As soon as they are done, they will evaluate
themselves using the rubric. On the rubric they just need to circle
the section that best characterizes their playing and posture, and
answer a few questions on the back about what they did best and
what they want to improve.


With the video recorder turned on and toward the students, they
will play the section one at a time in a pre-determined order (I will
ask if anyone wants to go first, and if not I will just assign the
order). During the test, I may give small items of verbal feedback.
After the students have played, I will leave more time for them all
to finish filling out the rubric. There are additional questions on
the back so that students have a chance to be creative and write
down their ideas of a song they'd like to write.

Sheet music: Ukrainian Bell

Carol arr. Dackow.

If time allows, we will play the section of the song together and
finish there.

Ukrainian Bell Carol

Copies of the Assessment

rubric and questions for each
student, pencils

Lesson Plan #4 Ostinato Opportunity and Rehearsal time

Learning Objective:
Students will apply knowledge of ostinato patterns to warm-up by creating their own
Students will perform Ukrainian Bell Carol at a higher level following their playing tests. Students will play more accurately at
a faster tempo after some repetition.
National Standards:
Creating: MU:Cr1.1.E.5a Share personally-developed melodic and rhythmic ideas or motives individually or as an ensemble
that demonstrate understanding of the characteristics of music or texts studied in rehearsal
Creating: MU:Cr2.1.E.5a Select and develop draft melodic and rhythmic ideas or motives that demonstrate understanding of
characteristics of music or text(s) studied in rehearsal
Responding: MU:Re7.2.E.5a Identify how knowledge of context and the use of repetition, similarities, and contrasts inform the
response to music
Performing: MU:Pr4.2.E.5a Demonstrate, using music reading skills where appropriate, how knowledge of formal aspects in
musical works inform prepared or improvised experiences
Informal Assessments: Assessing leadership and musical example of the student leader, watching students for correct bowing and
fingering during opening warm-up scales and during any other playing
Assess students' creativity and sharing of musical ideas when they decide to share their ostinato patterns
Visually and aurally assess all students' ability to respond and perform the desired pattern (through sound of rhythm and bowing
Formal Assessments: none
Instructional Resources and materials: none



5 min




Student to lead tuning and scale warmup

Student volunteer and
scale sheets
Scale sheets

After tuning, get out scale sheet and go through scale pattern for G Major

GM scale



5 min

minor and



I will model the difficult lifting rhythm I want: time m. 57 bowing,
as on board
Now, I have indicated a rhythmic ostinato that I wanted to practice.
Does anyone else have any one-measure ostinatos (3-4 beats) they'd like to
have the orchestra do? They can compose any rhythmic pattern and
demonstrate it to the group. Next, the whole orchestra will play this
ostinato together.
After a few students have played, I will ask what do you think makes
an interesting or catchy ostinato? Can students think of any songs that have
a prominent ostinato? (Many pop songs) for example, Viva la Vida (we
are just about to start this song in orchestra so it is a good connection to
what is to come).

Whiteboard and
Student volunteers (23) to perform their own

Now that we have had playing tests I want to work on playing the
Ukrainian Bell Carol from beginning to end.
First, we will play it under-tempo to allow students to get into the
mindset and get notes and rhythms correct.
I will spend some time on the last two measures, making sure students
are watching for my conducting on these pizzicato notes
Then, we will play through the piece again, with a faster tempo!! I
think this will help get us more prepared to perform it by getting closer to
the performance tempo.
I will ask about the key of the piece, I'm guessing some will say G Major.
Then, I will ask the students to consider the passage at 57-61. Can
everyone play the chord at 60? Does this sound major to you, or minor? I
will play the chord on the piano, and a e minor scale.
Using the board, I will show how the scale degrees of a G Major scale and
an e minor scale are different (halfsteps between 3-4 and 7-8, and 2-3 and
5-6 in natural minor)
Finally, a question for the group: why would a celebratory holiday song be
written in minor? Can you think of any other festive holiday songs that are
in a minor key? (for example, many Hannukah songs, and Christmas carols
such as Mary Did You Know or Coventry Carol).

Sheet music:
Ukrainian Bell Carol
arr. Dackow, in folders

Board and marker,

piano, and viola to
demonstrate scale

7 min
(+3 for


With remaining time, we will put the new knowledge of this minor carol to
use by playing it together again. I will be assessing as we go for other
things to work on bow direction, dynamics, etc.

Ukrainian Bell Carol

Lesson Plan #5: Ukrainian Heritage Day and mini-performance

With two very Ukrainian families in our orchestra, we have invited parents to come and speak about Ukrainian history, customs,
and music to our orchestra. One mother is very knowledgeable regarding the history of Ukraine, and another was trained as a musician
in the country as a girl. They have a lot to offer to our class in order to deepen their understanding of Ukrainian culture as we perfect
this piece and prepare it for the concert. With the moms present, we will take the opportunity to play the song for them as a practice
Learning Objective:
Students will perform the desired bowing warmup with bow lifts and the use of a minor scale
Students will perform the Ukrainian Bell Carol from start to end as a group
Students will identify and respond to a different culture's expression in music, through analyzing traditional Ukrainian customs,
food, dress, dance, and music
National Standards:
Responding MU:Re8.1.E.5a and 8a Identify and support interpretations of the expressive intent and meaning of musical works,
citing as evidence the treatment of the elements of music, contexts, and (when appropriate) the setting of the text
Responding MU:Re9.1.E.5a and 8a Explain the influence of experiences, analysis, and context on the interest in an evaluation
of music
Connecting: MU:Cn11.0.T.5a and 8a, MU:Pr6.1.E.5b Demonstrate understanding of relationships between music and the other
arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life. Demonstrate an awareness of the context of the music through prepared and
improvised performances
Informal Assessments: Assessing leadership and musical example of the student leader, watching students for correct bowing and
fingering during opening warm-up scales and during any other playing. Assess how students are listening during the Ukrainian
presentation, and the questions they ask to finish.
Formal Assessments: Performance of the entire song for our audience of parents.
Instructional Resources and materials: projected map of Europe and the Ukraine (found online with a simple Google Maps search:,22.2124883,5z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!



5 min



Student to lead tuning and scale warmup

Student volunteer and
scale sheets
Scale sheets
Whiteboard and marker

5 min

Review: GM
scale pattern
and Focus: E
minor scale

After tuning, get out scale sheet and go through scale pattern for G
I will model the double down ostinato bowing we have done
before: time m. 57 bowing, and write it on the board for visual

3 min


2 min


I will ask the class to say hello to our visitors: two parents of students
have come in to talk about their Ukrainian heritage.
I will use a map to show where Ukraine is for the students who don't

25 min


Mrs. Cossa and Mrs. Zahaisky will talk about their Ukrainian
heritage. I've asked them to speak about Ukrainian customs
especially around the holidays, including costumes, special foods,
language, songs, dance, etc.

5 min


Run-through of the Ukrainian Bell Carol to apply our ostinato bowing

into the song and perform for our guests

Open for questions: Do the students have any questions for our
guests? As we already wrote down questions to a Ukrainian person in
Lesson #2, I am sure they will have something to ask to further their
learning. We will finish with this and end the class here.

Sheet music: Ukrainian

Bell Carol arr. Dackow,
in folders
Board and projected map
(Google earth) of the
world, zooming into
Europe and then the
Mrs. Cossa and Mrs.
Zahaisky will bring any
materials they need; may
use the piano to play
some traditional songs

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