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Student Worksheet 8B

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1. Identify and analyze the parts of flowers in single-flowered plants (planta uniflora)
and many flowers (planta multiflora)
2. Identify and analyze the parts of scattered interest (Flores Sparsa) and compound
interest (Inflorescentia)
3. Observe and recognize the sex of flowers.


1. Hibiscus flower (Hibiscus rosasinensis)
2. Peacock flower (Caesalpinia pulcherrima)
3. Sunflower (Helianthus annus)
4. Sikejut flower (Mimosa pudica)
5. Bogenvil flower (Bougenviil sp.)
6. Papaya flower (Carica papaya).
7. Eggplant flower (Solanum melongata)

1. Observe the specimen, whether it includes planta uniflora, planta multiflora,
fluorescent sparsa or inflorescentia.
2. Observe the parts of the flower, count the number, pay attention to their position
among the flower parts whether they are attached to each other, whether they are
stuck together, are not attached, or meet the edges and observe the sex of the flower
3. Describe in sentences each type of interest observed
4. Observe the above characteristics for all specimens.
5. Inventory of all the morphological features of flowers mentioned in points 1-2 and
record them in the table provided.
6. Discuss the results of these observations in groups.
7. Make a note of the morphological characteristics of the flowers mentioned above in
the form of a concept map.
8. Communicate observations at the time of response.
9. Make a conclusion.

1. Observation Result Data
No Species Uniflora/mult Flower jewelry Other information
iflora/flora Amount Flower
sparsi/inflore position

1 Flora sparsi 8 Flos 1. Stigma

flos axillaris 2. Style

3. Anther &
filament (stamen)

4. Petal

5. Calyx

6. Stem

(Hibiscus 7. Pistil
8. Leaf
Hibiscus flower
9. Ovary
Kembang Sepatu
2 Inflorescentia 4 Flos 1. Stigma
terminalis 2. Style
3. Ovulary
4. Filament
5. Anther
6. Sepal
7. Petal
8. Pecidel

Peacock flower

Kembang Merak
3 Uniflora 5 Flos 1. Ray florets
terminalis 2. Disc florets
3. Involucre
4. Leaf
5. Stem

(Helianthus annus)


Bunga Matahari
4 Inflorescentia 3 Flos 1. Flower crown
lateralis/ 2. Flower stalk
flos axillaris
3. Mother flower
stalk 4.

(Mimosa pudica)
Mimosa Flower

Si Kejut

5 Inflorescentia 9 Flos 1. Stigma

lateralis/ 2. Style
flos axillaris
3. Anther
4. Petal
5. Filament
6. Leaf

(Bougenviil sp.)

Bougenvill Flower

Bunga Kertas
6 Uniflora 4 Flos 1. Petal
lateralis/ 2. Anther
flos axillaris
3. Flower bud
4. Stem

(Carica papaya)


7 Uniflora 5 Flos 1. Petal
lateralis/ 2. Sepal
flod axillaris
3. Anther
4. Style
5. Leaf

(Solanum melongata)

Eggplant Flower

*) select the appropriate one 2.

Flower Description

a. Hibiscus flowers (Hibiscus rosasinensis)

Is a hermaphrodite (sissy) flower; spread; axillary flower (lateral); has additional
petals (epicallic), numbering 7, not attached; has 5 petals (sepals), green in color,
attached to one another; has 5 petals, red / white / pink in color, not attached to
one another; has a large number of stamens (stamen), attached to form like a
tube; has 5 pistils (pistilum).
b. Peacock Flower (Caesalpinia pulcherrima)
A compound flower with bouquets in the form of bunches (racemus) located at
the end of the stem, includingflowers bisexualis, symmetricalflowersflower
zygomorph,jewelery is corolla and calyx. Corolla consists of 5 petals separated,
calyx consists of 5 sepals separated from each other, the size is not the same.
Theflower consist of 10 stamens included in the genitalsdiadelphus of
theconsisting of 9 united while 1 is separated, the location of the anthera
versatilis. The pistil is one with the superum ovary, consisting of 1 loculus, 1
carpellum and ovolum manywith itslocation parietal.
c. Sunflower (Helianthus annus)
This flower is included in the compound interest group with tens of large petals.
In sunflowers, there are 2 types of flowers, namely edge flowers and tube
flowers. Edge flowers are flowers with large yellow petals, while tube flowers
are flowers that are used to produce seeds. In this tube flower, there are at least
2000 flowers in 1 flower.Sunflowers can reach up to 30 cm in diameter with a
shape around a circle like a saucer. The size of the circles ranges from 10 to 15
cm. Right in the middle of the flower there is a smaller section with a brown
tube-like shape. These small flowers will later become seeds after going through
the fertilization process.
d. Sikejut flower (Mimosa pudica)
The flower of the Sikejut plant is round, almost spherical and has no crown or
large petals, and is purple in color. The petals on this plant are much smaller,
jagged like a white membrane, and have a small crown tube and have four
crowns. The flowers that have been fertilized will become pods, stemmed, in one
stalk consisting of 3-8 pods or more, are green and have short hair, the number of
seeds in pods is 1-2 or more in other types.
e. Bougenvil flower (Bougenviil sp. )
Paper flowers are incomplete flower groups, because their parts only consist of
the flower awning, crown, stalk, pistil, pistil, stamen, and also stamens. Paper
flowers grow in the axillary parts of the leaves, the arrangement of the flowers is
compound and is shaped like an umbrella. This plant is arranged on stemmed
umbrella tillers that can amount to 1 to 7 umbrella children. Each consists of 3
flowers. The shape of the flower tent is shaped like a pentagon, has hair, and is
green. The length of the flower tent is approximately 1.5 to 2.4 cm. In one flower
there is already a pistil and stamens complete with stalks. The pistil stalk is
shorter than the stamen stalk.
f. Papaya Flower (Carica papaya)
Based on the type of flower, the papaya flower parts can be divided into three
types, namely female papaya, male papaya, and hermaphrodite or pansy papaya.
In male papaya there are compound flowers that are arranged hanging from the Papayahave a white color even to bright yellow, on the crown it
has a trumpet-like shape and on the part of the stamens are perfectly arranged
which can be attached to the neck of the crown tube. Whereas for female papaya
there are solitary flowers or flowers that are in one bouquet. This female flower
has a fairly short stalk with a green to yellowish crown and can be attached to the
base of the flower, but this flower does not have stamens but has a fairly large
and perfect ovule. For hermaphrodite or pansy papayas, they only have perfect
flowers, with stamens and ovaries.
g. Eggplant Flower (Solanum melongata)
Eggplant flowers are better known as androgynous flowers, in one flower there
are male and female genitalia (stamens and pistils). This flower is called the
perfect flower. The flower petals number 5-8 and will fall as the flower grows.
Stamens numbered 5-6 pieces. There are 2 pistils located in a flower circle that
stands out at the base of the flower.
3. Concept map:

4. Attachment

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