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Ashrae C26 (97) Climatic Design Information

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This chapter provides climatic design conditions for over 1400 locations worldwide including temperature, humidity, and wind speed values intended for engineering design purposes.

The climatic design tables provide information on location, time period analyzed, heating design conditions, wind characteristics, and extreme temperature values for design of HVAC systems and energy-related applications.

The design conditions were updated to correspond to annual percentile values instead of seasonal values for consistency across locations. Additional parameters like dew point temperature and humidity ratio are now included.

STD-ASHRAE C H 2 4 - E N L L 2197 D759b50 0 5 3 L b L 7 7L2


Updated Information ................................................................. 26.1 United States Design Conditions .............................................. 26.6
Climatic Design Conditions ...................................................... 26.2 Canadian Design Conditions .................................................. 26.22
Other Sources of Climatic Information .................................... 26.4 World Design Conditions........................................................ 26.26

T HIS chapter provides tables of climatic conditions for 1459

locations in the United States, Canada, and around the world.
These summaries include values of dry-bulb, wet-bulb, and dew-
in Tables 3a and 3b. Information on station location, period ana-
lyzed, the heating design conditions, wind, mean annual extreme
and standard deviation of minimum and maximum dry-bulb tem-
point temperature and wind speed with direction at various frequen- perature, and mean daily temperature range are listed in Tables la,
cies of occurrence. This information is commonly used for design, 2a, and 3a. Information on the design conditions for cooling and
sizing, distribution, installation, and marketing of heating, ventilat- humidity control are provided in Tables lb, 2b and 3b.
ing, air-conditioning, and dehumidification equipment; as well as The information provided in Tables la, 2a, and 3a in the indi-
for other energy-related processes in residential, agricultural, com- cated column numbers are:
mercial and industrial applications. Sources of other information
1. Name of the observing station as it appears in the data set from
such as degree days and typical weather years for energy calcula-
which it was abstracted, the World Meteorological Organization
tions are also described.
station number, latitude, longitude, elevation, standard pressure
at elevation (see Chapter 6 for the equations used to calculate
UPDATED INFORMATION standard pressure), and the period analyzed
A recent research project (ASHRAE 1997a) developed new 2. Dry-bulb temperature corresponding to 99.6% and 99.0% annual
design information for this chapter. Limited information on psy- cumulative frequency of occurrence (cold)
chrometric conditions were provided in the 1993 ASHRAE Hand- 3. Wind speed corresponding to 1.0%, 2.5%, and 5.0% annual
book through the design values of dry-bulb temperature with mean cumulative frequency of occurrence
coincident wet-bulb temperature and the design wet-bulb tempera- 4. Wind speed corresponding to the 0.4% and 1.0% cumulative fre-
ture. Design values of wet-bulb and dew-point temperature with quency of occurrence for the coldest month (lowest average dry-
mean coincident dry-bulb temperature and humidity ratio are now bulb temperature) at the location, and the mean coincident dry-
included. Thesenew data allow the designer to consider additional bulb temperature
operational peak conditions. Motivated by a need for the design of 5. Mean wind speed coincident with the 99.6% dry-bulb tempera-
smoke management systems, design values of wind speed have also ture in Column 2 and 0.4% dry-bulb temperature from Column
been added (Lamming and Salmon 1994). 2 of Tables Ib through 3b, and the wind direction most fre-
The design conditons in this chapter are provided for those loca- quently occurring with the 99.6% and 0.4% dry-bulb tempera-
tions for which long-term hourly observations were available (at tures (direction is reported in degrees true: 360 represents a north
least 12 years). Consequently, many United States locations listed wind, 90 east, etc.)
in previous versions of this chapter are no longer listed because they 6. Average of annual extreme maximum and minimum dry-bulb
lacked long-term data. The number of Canadian and international temperatures and standard deviations
locations has increased significantly.
Information provided in Tables I b, 2b, and 3b includes:
Design values of temperature and humidity have been updated
from the 1993 ASHRAE Handbook. The temperature and humidity 1. Station name
conditions previously provided for at the 1,2.5, and 5 percentile fre- 2. Dry-bulb temperature corresponding to 0.4%, ].O%, and 2.0%
quency of occurrence during summer months have been replaced by annual cumulative frequency of occurrence and the mean coin-
conditions corresponding to annual percentile values of 0 . 4 1 and 2. cident wet-bulb temperature (warm)
Winter month conditions for 99 and 97.5 percentiles have been 3. Wet-bulb temperature corresponding to 0.4%, 1.0%, and 2.0%
replaced by conditions based on annual percentiles of 99.6 and 99. annual cumulative frequency of occurrence and the mean coin-
This change was made in order to provide design conditions repre- cident dry-bulb temperature
senting the same probability of occurrence anywhere, regardless of 4. Dew-point temperature corresponding to 0.4%, 1.O%, and 2.0%
the seasonal distribution of extreme temperature and humidity. Pre- annual cumulative frequency of occurrence and the mean coin-
viously, the summer and winter months used for the calculation of cident dry-bulb temperature and the humidity ratio (calculated
design conditions varied depending on location. For instance, sum- for the dew-point temperature at the standard atmospheric pres-
mer design conditions for the United States were calculated over the sure at the elevation of the station)
four month period from June through September, whereas Canadian 5. Mean daily range, which is the mean of the difference between
summer design conditions were based on only the month of July. daily maximum and minimum temperatures for the warmest
The following sections describe how the annual percentiles were month (highest average dry-bulb temperature)
chosen to yield design conditions that are similar to those previously
calculated on a seasonal basis for most of the United States. Values of Cumulative Frequency of Occurrence
Representing Design Conditions
CLIMATIC DESIGN CONDITIONS Values of ambient dry-bulb, dew-point, and wet-bulb tempera-
Design conditions for the United States appear in Tables 1a and ture and wind speed corresponding to the various annual percentiles
1b, for Canada in Tables 2a and 2b, and for international locations represent the value that is exceeded on average by the indicated per-
centage of the total number of hours in a year (8760). The 0.4%,
1.0%,2.0%, and 5.0% values are exceeded on average 35, 88, 175,
The preparation of this chapter is assigned to TC4.2, Weather Information. and 438 hours.

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services 26.1
S T D - A S H R A E CH 2b-ENGL L777 0 7 5 7 b 5 0 053Lb20 b 3 4 I

26.2 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

The 99.0% and 99.6% (cold) values are defined in the same way Relationship between Design Conditions and
but are usually viewed as the values for which the corresponding Design Temperatures Published Previously
weather element are less than the design condition 88 and 35 hours,
The design conditions in this chapter are calculated on a different
respectively. Mean coincident values are the average of the indi-
basis compared to the design conditions published in previous edi-
cated weather element occurring concurrently with the correspond-
tions of this handbook. Previous design conditions were based on a
ing design value.
4-month summer period and a 3-month winter period in the United
These design conditions were calculated from the frequency dis- States, on the months of July and January in Canada, and the warm-
tribution analyzed from data sets observed over several years. The est 4-month period and coldest 3-month period in international loca-
design values occur more frequently than the corresponding nomi- tions. Although generally suitable as design values, the different
nal percentile in some years and less frequently in others. periods resulted in design temperatures representing different
annual probabilities of occurrence, depending on the country; and
Data Sources
within countries, on the distribution of temperature and humidity
The three following primary sources of observational data sets conditions throughout the year typical of regional climatic zones.
were used for the calculation of design values: The design conditions in this chapter explicitly represent the same
annual probability of occurrence in any location, regardless of
1. Hourly weather observations from Surface Airways Meteoro-
country or general climatic conditions.
logical and Solar Observing Network (SAMSON) data from
NCDC (National Climatic Data Center) for 239 United States The annual cumulative frequency of occurrences representing
observing locations from 1961 through 1990 (NCDC 1991) the design dry-bulb temperatures generally correspond to the sea-
sonal design temperatures in the following fashion for locations in
2. Hourly observational records in the DATSAV2 format (provided
the mid-latitude, continental locations (characterized by a hot sum-
by NCDC) for 860 international locations and for 538 United
mer and cold winter). The 0.4% annual value is about the same as
States locations for the period 1982 through 1993, including the
the 1% summer design temperature. The 1% annual values is about
239 SAMSON locations
1°F lower than the 2.5% summer design temperature in the 1993
3. Hourly weather records for the period 1953 through 1993 for 145 ASHRAE Handbook,and the 2% annual condition corresponds
Canadian locations from the Canadian Weather Energy and approximately to the 5% summer design temperature in the 1993
Engineering Data Sets (CWEEDS) produced by Environment Handbook.
Canada (1993b). In Canadian continental locations, the 0.4% annual condition is
Two primary periods of record were used in the calculations. The about the same as the 2.5% July design temperature in the 1993
values for the United States SAMSON and Canadian CWEEDS ASHRAE Handbook. In the Pacific region and southern coastal
locations are generally based on the period 1961- 1993. DATSAV2 locations of the United States, where the extremes are generally
data were used for the 1991-1993 period for the SAMSON sites. more widely distributed throughout the year, the values in this chap-
The values for international locations and the rest of the United ter represent more extreme conditions than design temperatures in
States, whose data were analysed from the DATSAV2 files, are the 1993 ASHRAE Handbook.
based on the period 1982 through 1993. DATSAV2 is a comprehen- Annual 99.6% and 99.0% design conditions represent a slightly
sive database containing hourly observations for locations around colder condition than the previous cold season design temperatures,
the world collected from global telecommunications circuits. It is although there is considerable variability in this relationship from
quality-controlled and archived by the Air Force Combat Climatol- location to location.
ogy Center Operating Location A at Asheville, NC. Tables la, 2a Further details concerning differences between the design condi-
and 3a indicate the period of record used for each location. tions in this Chapter and previous versions are described in
In summary, data source for United States locations with the ASHRAE (1997a).
period identified as “6193” is SAMSON data supplemented with
DATSAV2 data for the last 3 years. The source for United States Applicability and Characteristicsof Design Conditions
locations with the period “8293” is DATSAV2. The sets of design values in this chapter represent different psy-
chrometric conditions. Design data based on dry-bulb temperature
Calculation of Design Conditions represent peak occurrences of the sensible component of ambient
Details of the analysis procedures are available in ASHRAE outdoor conditions. Design values based on wet-bulb temperature
(1997a), including the measures used to ensure that the number and are related to the enthalpy of the outdoor air. Conditions based on
distribution of missing data, both by month and by hour of the day, dew point relate to the peaks of the humidity ratio. The designer,
did not introduce significant biases into the analysis. Generally, the engineer, or other user must decide which set(s) of conditions and
annual cumulative frequency distribution was constructed from the probability of occurrence apply to the design situation. The addition
relative frequency distributions compiled for each month. Each of the psychrometric design conditions in this chapter allows for
individual month’s data was included if they met screening criteria several viewpoints of operational peak loads. Additional sources of
for completeness and unbiased distribution of missing data. information on the frequency and duration of extremes of tempera-
Although the minimum period of record chosen for this analysis ture and humidity are provided later in this chapter.
was 12 years (1982 through 1993), some variation and gaps in Heating Design Conditions (Winter). The 99.6% and 99.0%
observing programs meant that some months’ data were unusable design conditions in Column 2 in Tables la, 2a, and 3a are often
due to incompleteness. used in sizing of heating equipment. In cold spells, dry-bulb tem-
A station’s design conditions were included in this chapter only peratures below the design conditions can last for a week or more.
if there were data from at least 8 months that met the screening cri- Columns 4 and 5 of Tables la, 2a, and 3a provide information
teria from the period of record for each month of the year. For useful for estimating peak loads accounting for infiltration. Column
instance, there had to be 8 months each for January, February, 4provides extreme wind speeds only for the coldest month, with the
March, etc. whose data met the completeness screening criteria. mean coincident dry-bulb temperature. Column 5 provides the
Gaps of up to 5 hours were filled. A month’s data were included if mean windspeed and direction coincident to the corresponding per-
the month was at least 85% complete after filling and the difference centile design dry-bulb temperature.
between the number of day and nighttime observations was less CoolingandDehumidificationDesignConditions(Sum-
than 60. mer). The 0.4%, 1.0%, and 2.0% dry-bulb temperatures and mean

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Climatic Design Information 26.3

coincident wet-bulb temperatures in Column 2 of Tables lb, 2b, For example, the 50-year return period extreme maximum dry-
and 3b often represent conditions on hot, mostly sunny days. bulb temperature estimated for Terre Haute, Indiana is 104°F (M=
Theseare useful forcooling applications, especially air-condi- 96, s = 3.2, n = 50, I = 1). Similarly, the 100-year return period
tioning. extreme minimum dry-bulb temperature for Winnipeg, Manitoba is
Design conditions based on wet-bulb temperature in Column 3 -48°F (M = -33°F. s = 4.7, n = 100, I = -I).
represent extremes of the total sensible plus latent heat of outdoor This calculation is based on the assumptions that the annual max-
air. Thisinformation is useful for cooling towers, evaporative cool- ima and minima are distributed according to the Gumbel (Type 1
ers, and fresh air ventilation system design. Extreme Value) distribution and are fitted with the method of
The design conditions based on dew-point temperatures in Col- moments (Lowery andNash 1970). The uncertainty or standard
umn 4 of Tables Ib, 2b and 3b are directly related to extremes of error using this method increases with increasing standard devia-
humidity ratio, which represent peak moisture loads from the tion, increasing value of return period, and decreasing length of the
weather. Extreme dew-point conditions may occur on days with period of record; and it can be significant. For instance, the standard
moderate dry-bulb temperatures resulting in high relative humidity. error in the 50-year return period maximum dry-bulb temperature
These values are especially useful for applications involving estimated at a location with a 12-year period of record can be 5°F or
humidity control, such as desiccant cooling and dehumidification, more, Thus, the uncertainty of return-period values estimated in this
cooling-based dehumidification, and fresh air ventilation systems. way is greater for locations from the DATSAV2 data sets compared
The values are also used as a check point when analyzing the behav- to those from the longer SAMSON and CWEEDS data sets.
ior of cooling systems at part load conditions, particularly when Mean Daily Range. The mean daily range is the mean difference
such systems are used for humidity control as asecondary function. between the daily maximum and minimum temperatures during the
The humidity ratio values in Column 2 correspond to the combi- hottest month. These values are calculated from the extremes of the
nation of dew-point temperature and the mean coincident dry-bulb hourly temperature observations. The true daily temperature range
temperature calculated at the standard pressure of the elevation of is generally about 2°F greater, for the same reason discussed in the
the location. previous section.
Wind. Design wind speeds in Column 3 of Tables 1 a, 2% and 3a
are used for design of smoke management systems. Annual percen- Representativeness of Data and Sourcesof Uncertainty
tiles of I .O, 2.5 and 5.0 are appropriate for this application. Values The information in the tables were obtained by direct analysis of
for United States and Canadian locations are from Lamming and the observations from the indicated locations. The design values are
Salmon (1995), in which adjustments to the standard 33 ft anemom- provided andused as an estimate of the annual cumulative fre-
eter height are made. Wind speed values for other locations are quency of occurrence of the weather conditions at the recording sta-
taken from ASHRAE (1997a), in which no adjustment for non-stan- tion for several years into the future. Several sources of uncertainty
dard anemometer height is made. affect the accuracy of using the design conditions to represent other
Annual Extreme Temperatures. Column 6 of Tables la, 2a, locations or periods.
and 3a provides the mean and standard deviation of the annual The most important of these factors is spatial representativeness.
extreme maximum and minimum dry-bulb temperatures. The prob- Data representing the psychrometric conditions are generally prop-
ability of occurrence of very extreme conditions can be required for erties of air masses, rather than local features, and tend to vary on
the operational design of equipment to ensure continuous operation regional scales. As a result, a particular value often may reasonably
and serviceability (regardless of whether the heating or cooling represent an area extending several miles. However, significant
loads are being met). These values were calculated from the variations can occur with changes in local elevation, across large
extremes of the hourly temperature observations. The true maxi- metropolitan areas, or in the vicinity of large bodies of water. Judg-
mumand minimum temperatures for any day generally occurs ment must always be exercised in assessing the representativeness
between hourly readings Thus, the mean maximum and minimum of the design conditions. It is especially important to note the eleva-
temperatures calculated in this way are about 1OF less extreme than tion of locations in the tables because design conditions vary signif-
the mean daily extreme temperatures observed with maximum and icantly for locations whose elevations differ by a few hundred feet
minimum thermometers. or more. An applied climatologist should be consulted in estimating
Return period (or recurrence interval) is defined as the reciprocal design conditions for locations not explicitly listed in this chapter.
of the annual probability of occurrence. For instance, the 50-year Weather conditions vary from year to year, and to some extent,
return period maximum dry-bulb temperature has a probability of from decade to decade, due to the inherent variability of climate.
occurring or being exceeded of 2.0% (Le. 1/50) each year. This sta- Similarly, values representing design conditions vary depending on
tistic does not indicate how often the condition will occur in terms the period of record used in the analysis. Thus, there is always some
of the number of hours each year (as in the design conditions based uncertainty in using the design conditions from one period to repre-
on percentiles), but describes the probability of the condition occur- sent another due to short term climatic variability. Typically, the val-
ring at all in any year. The following method can beused to estimate ues of design dry-bulb temperature vary less than 2°F from decade
the return period (recurrence interval) of extreme temperatures. to decade but larger variations can occur. Differing periods used in
the analysis can lead to differences in design conditions between
T,, = M + IFS nearby locations at similar elevations in the tables in this chapter.
Design conditions may show trends in areas of increasing urbaniza-
where tion or other regions experiencing extensive changes to land use.
T, = n-year return period value of extreme dry-bulb temperature to be Longer term climatic change due to human or natural causes may
estimated; also introduce trends into design conditions, but no conclusive evi-
M = mean of annual extreme maximum or minimum dry-bulb temp. dence or consensus of opinion is available on the rapidity or nature
s = standard deviationof annual extreme maximum or minimum dry- of such changes.
bulb temperatures Wind speed is very sensitive to local exposure features such as
I = I if maximum dry-bulb temperatures are being considered terrain and surface cover. Wind speed values in Columns 3,4, and
I = -I if minimum extremes are being considered 5 of Tables la, 2a, and 3a are often representative of a flat, open
exposure, such as at airports. Wind engineering methods, as
described in Chapter 14, can be used to account for exposure differ-
ences between airport and building sites. But, estimating exposure

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

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S T D - A S H R A E CH 2b-ENGL L777 W 0 7 5 7 b 5 0 0 5 3 1 b 2 2 4 0 7 la

26.4 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

is a complex procedure, best undertaken by an experienced applied the following five criteria: high dry-bulb temperature, high dew-
climatologist or wind engineer with knowledge of the exposure of point temperature, high enthalpy, low dry-bulb temperature, and
the observing and building sites and surrounding regions. low wet-bulb depression. The sequences are selected according to
annual percentiles of 0.4, I .O, and 2.0 for each criteria (99.6, 99.0
OTHER SOURCES OF CLIMATIC INFORMATION and 98.0, in the case of low dry-bulb temperature). The data
included for each hour of a sequence are solar radiation, dry-bulb
Joint Frequency Tablesof Psychrometric Conditions and dew-point temperature, atmospheric pressure, and wind speed
Most of the design values in this chapter were developed by a and direction. Accompanying information allows the user to go
research project (ASHRAE 1997a). The jointfrequency tables pro- back to the source SAMSON and CWEEDS data and obtain
vide the annual and monthly joint frequency of occurrence of vari- sequences with different characteristics (i.e. different probability of
ous psychrometric combinations for each location in the tables. occurrence, windy conditions, low or high solar radiation, etc.).
The International Station Meteorological Climate Summary These sequences were developed primarily t o assist in the design
(ISMCS) (NCDC 1996) is a CD-ROM containing several tables of of heating or cooling systems having a finite capacity before regen-
climatic summary information from over 7000 locations around the eration is required, or that rely on thermal mass to limit loads. The
world. Only several hundred of these locations have observed information is also useful where information on the hourly weather
hourly weather data. A table providing the joint frequency of dry- sequence during extreme episodes is required for design.
bulb temperature and wet-bulb temperature depression is provided
for these locations. It can be usedto assist in estimating design con- Observational Data Sets
ditions for locations for which no other information is available.
For some detailed designs, a custom analysis of the most appro-
The monthly frequency distribution of dry-bulb temperatures
priate long term weather record is best. National weather services
and mean coincident wet-bulb temperatures are available for 134
are generally the best source of long term observational data. The
Canadian locations from Environment Canada (1983-1987).
WMO World Data Center A at the National Climate Data Center in
Some ASHRAE chapters have compiled design conditions for
Asheville, NC collects and makes available a signiticant volume of
locations in their regions. Local chapter offices can be consulted on
archived weather observations from around the world. The SAM-
availability of such material. State climatologists in the United
SON and CWEEDS data sets provide long term hourly data, includ-
States are often a valuable source of information.
ing solar radiation values, for the United States and Canada.
Degree-Days and Climatic Normals Increasingly, information about weather and climate services
and data sets, and the data sets themselves are becoming available
Degree-day summary information and climatic normals for the
through the Internet and World Wide Web.
United States are available on CD-ROM in the Climatography of
the U.S. (NCDC1992a, 1992b, 1994); and, for Canada, in the Cana-
dian Climate Normals, 1961 to 1990 (Environment Canada 1993a). REFERENCES:
ASHRAE. 1997a. Updating the tables of design weather conditions in the
Typical Year Data Sets ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals.Reseurch Report RP-890.
Software exists to simulate the annual energy performance of ASHRAE.1997b.Sequences of extremetemperatureandhumidityfor
buildings requiring a one-year data set (8760 h) of weather condi- design calculations. Reseurch Report RP-828.
tions. Many data sets in different record formats have been devel- Colliver, D.G., H. Zhang. R.S. Gates, andK.T. Priddy. 1995. Design data for
oped to meet this requirement. The data represent a typical year the I %, 2%. and5% occurrences of extreme dew-point temperature, with
from the viewpoint of weather-induced energy loads on a building. meancoincidentdry-bulbtemperature. Finul Report of RP-754.
No explicit effort was made to represent extreme conditions, so ASHRAE, Atlanta.
these files do not represent design conditions. EnvironmentCanada.1983-1987.Principalstationdata.PSD I to 134.
Weather Year for Energy Calculations, Version 2 (WYEC2) Atmospheric Environment Service. Downsview. Ontario.
for 52 United States and 5 Canadian locations is available from EnvironmentCanada.1993a.Canadianclimatenormals(1961-1990).
ASHRAE. A user manual and software toolkit explains the devel- Atmospheric Environment Service. Downsview, Ontario.
opment, format, and characteristics of this data, and provides access Environment Canada. 1993b. Canadian weather energy and engineering
and toolkit software. data sets (CWEEDS files) and Canadian weather for energy calculations
Typical Meteorological Year(TMY) files were produced using (CWECfiles)User'sManual.AtmosphericEnvironmentService,
an objective statistical algorithm to choose the most typical month Downsview, Ontario.
from the long term record. These files were originally intended for Lamming, S.D.and J.R. Salmon. 1994. Wind data for design of smoke con-
the design of solar energy systems, and accordingly solar radiation trol systems. Finu/ Report oj'ASHRAE RP-816. ASHRAE, Atlanta.
values were weighted heavily. A new version of these files, TMY2, Lowery, M.D. andJ . E. Nash. 1970. A comparisonof methods of fitting the
is available for 239 United States locations from the National double exponential distribution. Journul ofHydro/ogy IOU): 259-275.
Renewable Energy Laboratory (Marion and Urban 1995). Marion, W. and K. Urban. 1995. User's Manual for TMY2s. typical meteo-
CanadianWeatheryear for EnergyCalculation (CWEC) rological years, derived from the 1961-1990 national solar radiation data
files for 47 Canadian locations were developed for use with the
Laboratory, Golden, CO.
Canadian National Energy Code, using the TMY algorithm and
NCDC. 199 I. Surface airways meteorological and solar observing network
software (Environment Canada 1993b).
(SAMSON) data set. National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, NC.
Seasonal Percentiles of Dew-Point Temperature NCDC. 1992a. Monthly normals of temperature, precipitation, and heating
and cooling degree-days.In Climurogruphy ofthe U.S. #8 I. National Cli-
Seasonal percentiles of dew-point temperature are available for matic Data Center, Asheville, NC.
381'United States and Canadian locations in Colliver et al. (1995). NCDC. 1992b. Annual degree-days to selected bases (1961-1990). In C/;-
mutogruphy ofthe U S . #8 I. National Climatic Data Center.
Sequences of Extreme Temperature and Humidity NCDC. 1994. U.S. division and station climatic data and normals. National
ASHRAE (l997b) is a compilation of extreme sequences of 1,3, Climatic Data Center, Asheville, NC.
5, and 7-day duration for 239 United States (SAMSON data) and NCDC.
144 Canadian (CWEEDS data) locations based independently on (ISMCS). National Climatic Data Center.

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
S T D - A S H R A E CH 2b-ENGL L777 0 7 5 7 b 5 0 0533b123 3q3 D

Climatic Design Information 26.5

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
26.6 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

Table 1A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-United States

ExtremeWind Coldest Month WS/MDB MWS/MWD to DB Annual Extreme Daily
Heating DB
Elev. StdP
Speed 0.4%
" 99.6%
- 1%
0.4% Mean DB StdD DB
~ -
Station WMO# Lat. Long. ft psia Dates 99.6% 99% 1% 2.5% 5%
MWSPWD Max Min Max M i
Anniston 722287
19 14 13 18 47 15 46 6 300 240
7 98 IO 3.2 7.4
Birmingham 722280 33.57 86.75 630
14.364 6193 18 23 19 17 15 20 41 18 42 7 340 320
9 98 9 3.3 6.4
Dothan 722268 31.32 85.45 400
14.484 8293 28 32 18 17 15 19 45 17 47 9 320 320
8 99 16 1.6 7.2
Huntsville 723230 34.65 86.77 643 14.357 6193 15 20 23 20 18 23 40 21 40 I O 340 IO 270 97 7 3.0 7.5
Mobile 722230 30.68 88.25 220 14.579 6193 26 30 22 19 17 23 48 21 48 IO 360 320
9 97 18 1.9 6.3
Montgomely 722260 32.30 86.40 203
14.588 6193 24 27 20 17 15 20 45 I8 45 7 360 270
8 98 15 2.9 6.3
Muscle Shoalsfflorence 723235 34.75 87.62 551
14.405 8293 16 21 18 16 14 19 42 17 42 9 360 290
7 98 7 3.1 9.2
Ozark, FOR Rucker 722269 31.28 85.72 299
14.538 8293 28 31 16 13 12 17 49 15 47 5 340 300
5 99 18 2.3 5.9
Tuscalrmsa 722286 33.22 87.62 171
14.605 8293 20 24 17 14 13 18 47 16 51 5 360 240
7 99 11 1.8 6.8
hk, NAS 704540 51.88
176.65 14.688
13 8293 23 19 34 30 27 40 34 34 35 4 210 10 170 67 11 2.9
Anchorage, ElemendorfAFB 702720 61.25
14.5838293 -13 -8 17 14 12 18 26 15 26 3 50 260 7 77 -18 3.2 6.5
Anchorage, Fort Richardson 702700 61.27
8293 19 -13-19 14 11 20 35 15 36 3 50 270 5 80 -23 2.2 6.3
Anchorage. lnt'l Airport 702730 61.17
6193 -9 -14 22 19 17 23 18 19 18 4 IO 290 8 77 -18 2.9 7.2
Annette 703980 55.03
6193 13 17 31 27 23 31 41 28 40 IO 40 320 8 81 IO 3.8 5.4
BUTOW 700260 71.30
156.78 13 14.688
6193 -36-41 28 25 22 30 3 26 -1 9012
1407 65 -45 4.7 4.4
Bethel 702190 60.78
6193 31 -24-28 27 24 34 8 30 13 5 20 12360 78 -32 3.3 6.6
Bettles 701740 66.92
151.52 643 14.357 6193 -49 -44 18 16 14 19 11 16 2 7 340 1908 85 -55 4.0 5.8
Big Delta, Fr. Creely 702670 64.00145.73128314.027 6193 -39-45 34 29 25 38 o 33 3 3 180 180
9 84 -48 3.3 7.5
Cold Bay 703160 55.20
14.642 6193 6 10 38 34 30 46 34 40 34
15 340
16 140 67 2 4.0 5.3
Cordova 702960 60.50
43 8293 -4 1 22 19 16 24 40 22 38 1240
8340 79 -9 5 5.4
Deadhorse 700637 70.20
148.47 56 14.6668293 32-34-36 28 25 34 -I 30 -7 240 12 12 60 78 -51 14 5.2
Dillingham 703210 59.05
158.52 95 14.6458293 25-13-20 22 20 28 20 24 40 5 21 IO 180 74 -27 3.1 9.4
Fairbanh, Eielson AFB 702650 64.67
8293 -33 14 -31 12 IO 14 21 11 16 O2905150 87 -46 3.8 7.7
P M , IntlArpOrt 702610 64.82
147.87 453 14.457 6193 -47 18 -41 15 13 16 11 12 11 2 10 8 220 87 -48 3.8 7.8
Galena 702220 64.73
8293 18 -31-33 15 13 19 14 16 15 O320 270
5 84 -50 2.510.4
Gulbna 702710 62.15145.451578
13.8776193 26-39-44 24 21 22 17 1918073603 18 82 -46 3.2 7.4
Homer 703410 59.63
72 8293 o 4 22 20 18 23 24 21 30927 10 270 70 -5 4 6.8
Juneau 703810 58.37
23 8293 4 7 27 23 20 29 39 252309360538 81 -1 2.5 4.9
Kenai 702590 60.57
151.25 95 14.6458293 -22 -14 23 20 18 25 2.5 22 24 2 30 2709 75 -27 3.4 7.4
Ketchibn 703950 55.35
95 8293 13 20 25 22 19 29 42 24 280 542 320
11 5.2
1.8 7 78
King Salmon 703260 58.68
49 6193 -24 -19 32 28 24 33 36 28 360 736 12 270 -31 78 3.5
Kodiak State USCG Base 703500 57.75
14.6366193 7 I2 34 30 26 34 28 30 30 I8 300 1 1 320 76 1 3.66.1
Kotzebue 701330 66.87
16 6193 -36 -31 35 31 28 38 14 32 300
1270 7 14 75 -39 4.8 6.5
McCnth 702310 62.97
6193 -47 -42 18 16 14 18 23 14 12 13407310 83 -52 3.3 7.0
hliddleton Island 703430 59.43 146.33 14.671
46 8293 18 21 40 34 30 42 35 37 330 818 36 260 66 15 4.9 6.8
Nenana 702600 64.55
8293 -51 -44 16 14 12 18 IO 601572502 8 87 -52 4.1 7.2
Nome 702000 64.50
23 6193 -31 -26 30 26 23 31 17 28 18 4 260 1220 76 -35 4.2 6.3
Northny 702910 62.97141.93172213.8038293 -34 -32 15 13 12 14 12-13 -6 O290300
7 83 -54 2.7 5.9
Port Helden 703330 56.95
158.62 95 14.645
8293 -6 -2 38 32 28 38 3236 35 17 60 160 15 74 -11 4.3 7.4
Saint Paul Island 703080 5'1.15
170.22 14.680
30 6193 -2 3 41 37 33 47 24 41 ' 350
14 58 -3 5.2 6.9
site 703710 57.07
66 8293 16 21 23 21 19 24 4023092270 8 41 76 I I 6.1 5.0
Talkeetna 702510 62.30
14.5076193 -28 -21 17 16 14 19 13 178 50 4 15 200 -35 2.8
Valda 702750 61.13
33 8293 4 7 24 19 16 28 2213 70
1515 I O 240 76 1 6.13.6
Yakutat 703610 59.52
30 6193 -3 2 24 19 16 25 2136 233 100 3209 -875 7.0
Flagstaff 723755 35.13111.677011 11.335 6193 1 8 21 18 17 21 29 220
9 20 3 30
18 89 -10 2.5 7.3
Kingman 723700 35.27113.953389 12.983 8293 22 27 26 23 20 24 46 21 43 90 5 13 240 103 15 1.8 6.8
723710 36.93111.454278 12.561 8293 20 24 19 16 13 16 42 12 40 3004 360
7 104 8 3.6 12.2
Phoenk. Int'l Airport 722780 33.43
112.021106 14.118 6193 34 37 19 16 14 17 59 14 58 90 5 270
9 114 30 2.2 4.6
Phoenix, LukeAFB 722785 33.53112.381089 14.126 8293 35 38 19 15 13 16 58 13 55 3404 9210 115 30 2.2 3.8
Prescott 123723 34.65112.425043 12.208 6193 15 20 22 19 17 21 42 18 42 1906 11 230 98 7 2.2 6.2
Sahrd. Center 722747 32.82109.683117 13.114 8293 21 26 17 14 12 15 50 13 48 4 110 310
7 106 1 1 3.8 11.5
Tucson 722740 32.12110.932556 13.388 6193 31 34 24 21 18 24 56 21 56 1407 12 300 108 25 2.8 4.0
Winslow 723740 35.02110.734882 12.281 8293 10 14 26 22 19 24 46 19 45 1405 250
9 100 3 4.9 6.3
Yuma 722800 32.65
207 14.586 8293 40 44 19 17 15 20 59 17 58 30 4 280
7 116 29 1.8 11.9
Blytheville, Eaker MB 723408 35.97 89.95
256 14.560 8293 12 18 22 19 17 23 36 21 38 I O I O 240
6 99 6 5 9.0
Fayefleville 723445 36.00 94.171250 14.044 8293 6 13 21 19 18 21 44 19 44 9 350 IO 190 100 -1 3.2 9.2
FOR Smith 723440 35.33 94.37
463 14.451 6193 13 19 20 18 16 21 46 18 41 9 320 270
9 102 6 3.9 6.6
Linle Rock,MB 723405 34.92 92.15
312 14.531 6193 16 21 20 18 16 20 42 18 42 9 360 200
9 101 IO 3.8 6.2
Texarbna 723418 33.45 93.98
390 14.489 8293 20 25 19 17 15 20 47 18 48 9 50 190
9 101 13 3.1 7.6
Alameda, NAS 745060
122.32 13 14.688 8293 40 42 21 18 16 20 51 17 52 1206 300
8 93 25 4.9 14.2
ArcatliEurelia 725945
217 14.581 6193 30 32 21 19 17 21 53 18 51 90 5 IO 320 82 26 4.5 3.2
Bakersfield 723840 35.43 119.05 492 14.436 6193 32 35 19 16 14 19 56 14 54 90 5 12 310 108 28 2.3 3.4
BarstowvDagefl 723815
116.781926 13.701 6193 28 32 30 27 23 30 58 25 54 2706 12290 111 22 2.5 4.8
Blue Canyon 72584539.28120.725285 12.097 8293 21 24 15 12 11 16 35 14 35 5 70 6 290 89 11 3.8 18.4
BurbankGlendale 722880
774 14.289 8293 39 41 18 14 12 20 56 17 57 3302 180
8 106 33 3.1 4.5
W O # =World Meteorological Organization number Elev = elevation, fi DB = dry-hulh temperature, 'F
Lat = latitude Long.= longitude StdP = standard pressure at station elevation, psia WS = wind speed, mph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Climatic Design 26.7

Table 1B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-United States

Cooling DB/MWB DP/MDB ' WB/MDB and HK
0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% """
Station D6 ~ DË DB
AL" . , . ".
~ ~~~~~~ 95
76 ' 90
88 71 86 Il 1438416'
, ' 137
'82 1; 133 81 19.'6'
Birmingham 94 15 92 15 90 14 78 89 17 88 76 81 15 135 83 14 131 82 73 121 81 18.7
Dothan 95 16 93 76 92 76 80 90 19 88 78 81 71 1 4 4 83 76 139 82 76 136 82 17.5
Huntsville 94 75 92 14 90 14 78 89 77 88 76 86 75 135 83 14 130 82 13 126 81 18.5
Mobile . 94 77 ~
92 16 91 76 79 89 79 .88 78 ~87 ,71 i 4 2 83 16 ~ 139, ' 83 16 135 82,, 1 6 5
Monteomerv 95 16 93 76 91 16 19 91 18 89 78 88 76 139 85 75 134 84 15 130 8318.1
Muscle Shoalsfilorence 96 76 94 15 92 14 18 90 18 89 77 87 16 131 82 75 133 82 74 130 8120.0
Ozark Fort Rucker 95 77 94 77 92 16 81 90 79 89 18 88 18 1 4 6 85 17 142 84 16 138 8318.0
Tuscaloosa 7583
95 77
19908016927794 134 19.6
. . . . ..
, ,
Aus&( . ,, , . .. ,


Mecram II ~ 60 73
61 , 74 ~ $9 10 58 67 ~ 51,' 61): 63 55 : 65' ' 62.
54, 62 61 17";s
~~~ .. .. ~~~ ~ ~ 5951605462 5657525753
5159546155 5.8
Nenana 60
80 16 59 13 57 62 75 60 73 59 10 57 69 65 55 65 65 53 60 63 21.2
Nome 57
69 65 55 61 54 58 66 56 63 55 60 55 64 61 53 60 59 51 56 57 10.9
Northwy 5878 14 57 71 56 60 76 58 11 51 69 54 66 62 53 62 61 51 60 59 20.0
Port'Heiden 6 4 5 4 61 52 59 51 ' 54 '62 54 60 52 58 51 57 ' 59,: 50 54 $ 7 . ' . 49 51 ' ,55 9.7.
Saint Paul Island 51
54 52 50 51 49 51 53 50 52 49 50 50 55 52 49 52 51 48 50 50 5.4
Sitka 59
66 64 58 61 57 60 65 59 62 58 60 58 74 62 51 71 60 56 68 59 9.2
Talkeetna 11 60 73 58 '70 51 62 74 60 70 58 67 51 71 64 56 67 62 54 64 61 16.4
Valda 56
69 66 55 62 54 58 67 56 64 55 61 53 60 59 53 59 51 52 57 56 12.2
Yakutat 56
66 63 55 60 54 58 62 51 60 56 59 56 61 58 55 64 51 54 62 57 12.0
.. ,
FlagmfS 5685 83 55 80 55 61 14 60 73 59 12 58 93 65 56 88 64 55 '83 63 21.6
Kingnan 64
99 97 63 95 62 71 82 61 85 66 86 67 112 71 62 92 75 59 85 76 24.8
Page 62
99 97 62 95 61 66 85 65 86 64 86 60 92 74 58 85 74 56 80 74 23.8
. I 110 70
Int'l A i r n n r t ~~ 1 O8 70 106 70 16 97 75 96 14 95 11 118 82 69 111 84 61 104 85 23.0
P h e l , LukeAPB 110. 11 101 71 105. 11 18 97
16 97 75' 96 14. 130
69 . ' Ill 86 2.5.2
~~~~~~~ 608960916094 986171104637964
61806681 71 9360 IO 25.4
Safford, Agni Center 102 66 99 66 97 65 11 89 71 89 69 88 67 111 17 66 106 76 64 102 71 34.1
Tucson 104 65 102 65 100 65 72 88 71 81 10 86 69 116 76 61 111 76 66 106 71 29.4
Winslow 95 60 93 60 91 59 65 80 64 81 63 80 61 95 11 59 91 69 58 85 69 21.4
Yuma 111 12 109 72 106 12 80 96 78 95 77 95 76 136 81 14 127 88 11 117 89 23.8
. . .. ,

Blvtheville. Eaker MB 95
91 71

MDB = mean coincident dryhub temperature, 'F M W S = mean coincident wind speed, mph StdD = standard deviation HR = humidity ratio
MWB = mean coincident wet-buh temperature, 'F MWD = mean coincident wind direction A = airpon DP = dew-point temperature, 'F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
26.8 Handbook
1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals

Table 1A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-United States

e ColdestMonth WSS/MDB
MWS/MWD to DB Annual W e m e Daily

StdP Heating DB Speed 0.4% 1% 99.6% 0.4%
StdD D8Mean DB
~ ”

station WMOx
Lat. Long. ft pia Dates 99.6% 99% 1% 2.5% 5% M
SPWD M W S P W D Max Min Max Min

Fairfield, Travis MB 745 I60 38.27

121.93 62 14.662
8293 31 34 28 24 22 26 53 22 52 20 4 240
9 105 3.4
26 4.0
Fresno 723890 36.77
6193 30 32 17 15 13 17 53 14 52 90 4 290
9 26
107 2.2 3.8
LancasterRalmdale 723816 34.73
118.22 234613.4928293 22 24 30 28 25 29 48 26 49 2602 14240 107 15 2 5.9
Lernoore, Reeves NAS 747020 36.33
119.95 236 14.5708293 30 32 19 16 14 20 49 16 51 4 150 7 360 110 17 4.1 10.4
Long Beach 722970 33.82
39 6193 40 43 19 16 14 19 58 16 58 3004 10
270 102 35 2.84.5
Los Angeles 722950 33.93
6193 43 45 21 18 16 20 56 17 56 70 6 IO 2503.0
Marpille, Beak MB 724837 39.13
8293 31 34 20 17 14 23 53 19 53 20 3 200
5 4.1
Merced, Castle MB 724810 37.38
120.57187 14.596 8293 30 32 18 15 12 21 51 17 49 2 I l 0 320
9 3.6
Mount Shasfa 725957 41.32122.32 3543 12.909 8293 16 21 14 12 10 14 36 12 37 60 4 180
4 95 IO 6.7
Mountain View, Moffet NAS 745090 37.42
39 8293 36 39 19 17 I5 19 54 16 52 1 140 330
9 98 23 12.2
Ontario 722865 34.05
8293 35 38 22 19 17 28 62 21 57 4 IO 13 240 3.4 29
108 2.5
Oxnard, Pt. Mugu NAW’S 723910 34.12
78293 39 41 22 19 16 25 57 21 58 5 20 5012 2493 5 10.6
Paso Robles 723965 35.67 120.63 837
8293 26 29 22 20 18 21 52 18 51 1103 1 1 300 21 108 2.2 4.9
Red Bluff 725910 40.15
14.5088293 29 32 23 21 19 26 53 23 50 6 340 160 9 ill 25 3.8
Riverside, March MB 722860 33.88
117.27 153913.896
8293 34 36 18 15 13 22 51 18 55 1 210 300
9 2.3
107 3.2
Sacramento, Mather Field 724835 38.55
121.30 95 14.645
8293 30 32 20 17 14 24 53 20 51 1202 310
6 5 26105 4.3
Sacramento, McClellan MB 724836 38.67
75 8293 31 34 20 16 14 23 53 19 52 3402 5 220 2.527
107 4.9
Sacramento, Metro 724839 38.70
23 6193 31 33 22 19 17 23 51 20 SO 3403 220
8 3.0
Salinas 7249 I7 36.67
121.60 85 14.650
8293 33 35 21 19 18 23 51 21 51 1306 11 310 95 4.1 29 2.2
San Bernardino, Norton M8 722866 34.10
14.0918293 34 36 17 13 II 21 56 16 55 50 2 250
8 2.7
San Diego, Inl’lAirport 722900 32.73
30 6193 44 46 18 16 15 20 59 16 60 70 3 IO 310 3995 6.4 4.4
San Diego, Miramar NAS 722930 32.85
8293 39 42 13 11 9 15 59 12 59 90 3 310
6 102 27 4 13.7
San Francisco 724940 37.62
122.38 16 14.687
6193 37 39 29 26 23 27 53 22 52 5 160 13 300 3394 4.3 3.0
San JO% lntl AirpoK 724945 31.37
121.93 56 14.666
8293 35 38 20 18 17 20 56 17 56 1601 10 320 101 27 3.1 9.0
Santa Barbara 723925 34.43
119.83 IO 14.690
8293 34 37 20 17 14 19 58 16 58 1 40 IO 2606.56.7
Santa Maria 723940 34.90
6193 32 35 23 21 19 21 59 18 59 1104 11 3002.8
Stockon 724920 37.90
26 8293 30 32 22 19 17 24 52 21 49 4 110 1 1 2803.126 106 3.4
Victordlle, George MB 723825 34.58117.38287413.232
8293 27 30 22 19 16 22 49 18 47 1603 180
9 3.121106 5.6
Alamosa 724620 37.45
6193 -17 -11 26 23 21 23 33 20 30 3 190 12240 88 -27 2.0 7.9
Calorado Springs 724660 38.82
6193 4 -2 29 25 21 28 35 23 33 20 7 12
160 95 -9 2.0 6.9
Craig 725700 40.50
8293 26-12-20 20 17 22 33 17 27 2702 250
9 93 -31 2 10.6
Denver 724699 39.75
8293 24 3 -3 21 18 25 39 21 40 1806 160
9 97 -11 2 7.0
w e 724675 39.65
106.92 6539 11.539
6193 -13 -7 22 19 17 20 33 18 32 3 90 11
230 93 -23 3.2 1.8
Grand Junction 724760 39.12
6193 22 7 2 19 17 17 33 14 30 5 70 I 1 290 100 -3 2.0 8.5
limon 724665 39.27
103.67 5364 12.062
8293 -6 I 27 23 21 27 29 22 25 1609 12200 96 -13 2.2 6.5
Pueblo 724640 38.28
6193 -132 5 27 24 30 44 26 43 5 270 12
140 102 -12 1.9 7.7
Trinidad 724645 37.27
8293 25 6 -2 22 19 24 41 21 42 5 290 IO 210 98 -10 2 6.8
Bridgeport 725040 41.17 73.13 16 14.687 619312 8 27 23 21 34 29 30 29 14 320 14230 934.92.8 2
Hartford, Brainard Field 725087 41.73 72.65 20 14.685 6193 2 6 23 20 18 23 25 20 26 7 320 1 1 250 97 -6 2.4 5.7
Windsor Lock, Bradley Fld 725080 41.93 72.68 180 14.600 8293
8 3 21 19 17 22 30 20 29 7 360 1 1 240 97 -5 2 5.8
Dover, MB 724088 39.13 75.47 30 14.680 8293 14 18 22 19 17 23 36 21 35 8 340 240
9 97 3.2
6 6.1
Wilmington 724089 39.68 75.60 79 14.654 6193 IO 14 25 22 19 27 29 23 30 11 290 11 240 96 2.7
3 6.8
Aplachicola 722200 29.73 85.03 2014.685 8293 31 35 19 17 15 19 51 17 51 6 360 220
9 93 23 6.7 7.4
Cape Cana\eral. NASA 747946 28.62 80.72 IO 14.690 8293 38 42 19 17 15 21 60 19 60 8 320 220
8 96 29 1.4 6.1
Dayma Beach 722056 29.18 81.05 3614.676 6193 34 37 21 19 17 22 61 19 61 7 310 11 240 96 27 1.9 4.4
Fort Lauderdale/Holl)wood 722025 26.07 80.15 2314.683 8293 46 50 22 20 18 22 69 20 71 9 330 11 I20 97 39 1.1 6.1
Port Myers 722106 26.58 81.87 16
14.687 8293 42 47 19 18 16 20 64 18 66 6 30 9 70 97 34 1.3 4.1
Gainesrille 722146 29.68 82.27 151
14.615 8293 30 33 19 17 14 19 65 17 62 4 300 270
9 97 21 1.8 7.2
Homestead, AFB 722026 25.48 80.38 14.692
7 8293 48 52 17 15 13 17 70 15 70 6 360 120
7 95 41 2.2 5.6
Jackonville, Cecil Field NAS 722067 30.22 81.88 8214.652 8293 31 34 18 16 14 19 62 17 62 3 290 270
7 100 20 2 8.8
Jacbonville, Int‘l Airport 722060 30.50 81.70 3014.680 6193 29 32 21 18 17 21 54 19 55 6 310 230
9 98 22 2.1 5.1
Jacbonville, Magpon Naval 722066 30.40 81.42 16 14.687 8293 34 39 19 17 14 21 54 18 55 6 310 270
7 99 20 2.2 13.1
Key West 7220 1O 24.55 81.75 2014.685 6193 55 58 22 20 18 24 65 21 66 12 SO 140
9 91 51 1.2 4.0
Melbourne 722040 28.10 80.65 3614.676 8293 38 43 21 19 18 22 62 20 62 9 320 1 1 120 97 30 1.8 6.7
Miami, Int‘l Airport 722020 25.82 80.28 1314.688 6193 46 50 23 20 18 22 68 20 69 IO 340 1 1 150 94 39 2.1 5.1
Miami, New Tamiami A 722029 25.65 80.43 I O 14.690 8293 45 49 21 19 18 21 72 19 72 8 360 130
11 95 39 2 6.3
Miiron, vph itlgField W
n 722226 30.72 87.02 200
14.589 8293 28 31 18 16 14 19 50 17 52 6 340 330
6 99 17 1.8 8.6
Orlando 722050 28.43 81.32 105
14.640 8293 37 42 20 18 16 21 66 19 65 8 330 290
9 96 29 1.6 6.5
Panama Ci?, Tyndall MB 747750 30.07 85.58 1614.687 8293 33 37 18 16 14 19 52 17 52 9 360 240
7 94 24 2.3 6.3
Pensacola, Sherman AFB 722225 30.35 87.32 3014.680 8293 28 32 23 20 18 25 43 22 48 9 360 IO 200 100 15 6.3 7.6
Saint Petersburg 722116 27.92 82.68 IO 14.690 8293 43 47 21 19 17 22 65 20 63 11 IO 10 230 97 35 1.8 4.7
SarasowB/Bradenton 7221 15 27.40 82.55 30 14.680 8293 39 43 22 19 Il 23 67 20 67 5 40 9 270 97 29 1.6 12.1
Tallahassee 722 140 30.38 84.37 69 14.659 6193 25 28 18 16 14 19 52 17 54 3 350 360
8 98 17 2.0 4.6
Tamp, Int‘l Airport 7221 10 27.97 82.53 IO 14.690 6193 36 40 19 17 15 21 59 19 59 8 20 IO 270 95 29 1.2 4.8
Valparaiso, Eglin MB 7222 1 O 30.48 86.53 85 14.650 8293 30 33 19 16 14 18 49 16 51 6 360 210
7 97 19 2 6.1
Vem Beach 722045 27.65 80.42 2614.681 8293 39 43 20 19 17 21 67 19 67 8 310 1 1 240 96 31 2 6.5
WMOx =World Meteorological Organization nuuther Elev = elevation, h DB = dry-hulh temperature. ‘F
Lat = batitude Long. = longitude StdP =standard pressure at station elevation, psia WS = w i n d speed, nlph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
S T D m A S H R A E CH 2b-ENGL L777 M 0757b50 0533627 T 7 7

Climatic Design Information 26.9

Table 1B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-United States

2% 0.4% 1% 0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2%
Fairfield, Travis MB 98 67 94 67 91 66 10 92 69 90 67 88 62 85 76 61 79 74 59 75 7329.0
Fresno 103 71 101 70 98 69 73 98 71 96 70 94 64 92 85 62 85 84 61 80 8230.9
LancasterPalmdale 101 66 98 65 96 64 70 94 69 91 67 90 62 92 80 60 84 81 58 78 8127.9
Lemme, Reeves NES 103 72 101 71 98 70 15 97 73 '96 71' ' 9 4 67' 101 ' 89 65' 94 87 .62 85 8632.9
Long Beach 92 67 88 67 84 66 71 85 70 82 69 80 67 101 76 66 96 75 65 92 7516.7
Los Angeles 85 64 81 64 78 64 70 78 69 76 68 75 67 99 75 66 95 73 65 92 7210.9
Marysville, Beale MB 101 70 98 69 95 68 12 97 71 95 69 92 63 86 85 61 80 82 60 76 8129.9
Mereed, Castle MB 99 69 97 69 94 68 72 96 71 93 69 92 64 90 81 62 82 84 60 78 8130.2
hiountShasta 91 62 88 61 85 60 64 87 63 84 61 82 56 76 74 53 69 73 51 64 71 32.0

Mountain View,Moffet NAS 88 65 84 65 80 64 68 82 67 80 65 78 62 83 74 61 80 73 60 76 1218.0

Ontario I02 71 98 70 95 69 75 94 73 92 72 90 70 113 80 68 106 80 66 101 1827.7
h a r d , Pt. hlugu NAN'S 83 62 79 64 17 64 70 17 69 75 67 74 68 103 74 66 97 73 65 93 7214.6
Paso Robles I02 68 98 67 95 65 70 97 68 94 61 91 61 81 76 58 75 73 57 71 7137.8
Red Blu5 1o5 70 102 69 98 67 72 98 71 95 69 93 65 94 ,82 62 85 80 61 80 7829.5
Riverside, hlarch MB 101 68 98 68 95 67 72 92 71 91 70 90 67 104 79 65 97 80 62 90 7929.0
Sacramento, hlather Field 101 69 97 68 95 67 71 91 69 94 68 92 61 80 79 60 77 17 58 74 7633.1
Sacramento, McClellan MB IO2 70 98 69 95 68 72 97 71 95 69 92 63 85 84 61 80 81 60 77 7929.7
Sacramento, Metro 1 O0 69 97 69 94 68 12 96 70 94 69 91 62 84 82 61 19 80 59 76 7833.3
Salinas 83 63 78 62 75 61 66 78 65 75 63 . 72 62 82 69 . 60 78 68 59 76 6718.7
San Bernardino, Norton MB I03 70 101 70 91 69 74 94 73 94 71 92 68 107 83 66 101 83 65 95 8231.5
San Intl Airport 85 67 81 67 79 67 73 79 71 78 70 17 70 111 77 68 104 76 67 99 74
San Diego, Miramar NAS 92 69 88 67 85 67 72 85 71 83 69 81 68 104 78 67 99 77 65 96 1517.5
San Francisco 83 63 78 62 74 61 64 79 63 75 62 72 59 76 67 58 73 66 57 71 .6516.1
San jose Intl Alrport 93 67 89 66 86 65 70 88 68 85 67 83 63 85 77 61 81 76 60 78 74 22.3
Santa Barbara 83 64 80 64 77 64 69 77 67 76 66 74 66 96 74 65 91 71 63 85 7018.0
Santa hlaria 86 63 82 62 78 61 66 81 65 78 64 75 61 80 70 60 77 69 59 74 6819.4
Stocklon 1 O0 69 97 68 94 67 71 96 70 94 68 92 62 83 78 60 78 78 59 15 7730.4
George MB 101 65 98 65 96 64 69 88 68 88 67 88 65 102 18 61 90 79 59 83 7828.3
Alamosa 84 55 82 55 80 54 60
Colorado Springs 90 58 87 58 84 58 63 78 62 77 61 76 59 92 66 57 88 66 56 83 65 24.9
Craig 88 57 85 56 83 55 60 79 59 78 57 77 53 77 66 52 72 65 50 68 64 36.4
Denver 93 60 90 59 87 59 65 81 63 80 62 79 60 96 69 58 90 68 57 85 68 26.9
Eagle 88 58 86 57 83 57 62 80 60 78 59 76 57 88 64 55 82 65 53 76 65 36.1
Grand Junction 96 61 94 60 92 60 65 84 64 83 63 82 60 93 70 58 81 71 56 79 71 26.6
limon 90 60 88 60 85 59 64 79 63 78 62 77 60 96 67 59 92 66 58 88 66 26.8
Pueblo 97 62 94 62 92 62 67 84 66 83 65 83 63 104 71 62 98 11 60 92 71 29.4
Trinidad 93 61 90 60 87 60 65 84 64 83 63 81 60 96 71 58 91 69 57 86 69 28.3
Bridgeport 86 73 84 72 82 71 76 71
14 115 14.1
Hartford, Brainard Field 91 73 88 72 85 70 76 87 74 84 73 82 81 228 71 79 216 70 78 207 0 20.9
Windsor locks, Bradley Fld 92 73 88 71 85 70 76 87 74 84 72 82 72 119 81 11 114 19 69 109 77 20.9
Dover, MB 93 76 89 75 87 74 8879 77
78 141 16.2
T'ilmington 91 75 89 74 86 73 8778 17.0
. . ,.
Apalachicola 92 79 90 78 89 78 81 88 80 87 19 87 79 148 85 78 145 84 77 141 84 13.3
Cape Canaveral. NASA 92 78 90 78 89 77 80 88 79 87 79 87 78 145 84 77 141 84 76 138 83 16.0
Daytona Beach 92 77 90 77 88 77 79 88 79 87 78 86 77 141 84 76 137 84 76 134 83 15.4
Fort Lauderdale/Holly\raod 92 78 90 78 89 78 81 88 80 87 79 87 78 147 85 78 145 84 77 141 84 11.3
Fort Myers 94 77 93 77 92 77 80 89 80 88 79 87 78 147 84 78 144 83 77 140 83 16.9
Gainesville 94 77 92 77 90 76 80 89 19 88 78 87 77 143 84 76 139 83 76 136 82 18.7
Homestead, MB 92 19 90 79 89 78 81 89 80 88 80 87 79 150 87 78 145 86 77 141 85 11.7
Jacksonville, Cecil
Field NAS 96 76 95 76 93 76 79 91 78 90 77 89 16 138 84 75 134 83 75 130 82 20.0
Jacksonviile, Int'l Airport 94 71 93 77 91 77 80 90 79 89 78 88 77 142 85 76 138 84 76 134 83 17.8
Jacksonville, Maypoa Navai 95 78 92 78 90 77 81 89 80 89 79 88 78 147 86 77 142 85 77 139 85 15.3
Key West 90 79 89 79 89 79 81 81 80 87 80 87 79 149 85 78 146 85 77 143 85 8.1
Melbourne 93 79 91 79 89 79 82 89 81 88 80 87 80 155 86 79 150 85 78 146 85 15.3
Miami, Int'l Airport 91 77 90 77 89 77 80 87 79 87 78 86 78 144 83 77 141 83 76 138 82 11.4
Miami, Nerv Tamiami A 92 78 91 78 90 77 80 89 79 , 88 19 87 78 145 83 77 141 83 76 138 83 15.5
Milton,Whiting Field NAS 95 78 93 17 92 76 81 90 80 89 79 88 78 148 86 77 143 85 76 138 84 18.5
Orlando 94 76 93 76 92 76 79 88 19 88 78 87 77 142 83 76 139 82 76 136 81 16.6
Panama City, Tyndall MB 91 79 89 79 88 79 83 88 82 87 81 86 81 160 86 80 154 85 79 150 84 12.2
Pensacola, Sherman MB 93 78 92 78 90 78 81 89 80 88 79 88 79 150 85 78 144 85 76 138 85 15.3
Saint Petenburg 94 80 93 79 92 79 82 90 82 89 81 88 80 156 86 80 153 85 79 150 85 13.5
SarasoraiBradenton 93 80 92 19 90 79 82 90 81 89 80 88 79 153 81 79 148 86 78 I46 86 15.8
Tallahassee 95 71 93 76 91 76 80 89 79 88 78 87 77 142 83 76 138 82 16 135 82 18.5
Tampa, Int'l Airport 92 71 91 17 90 77 80 88 79 88 78 87 78 144 85 77 140 84 76 137 83 15.0
Valparaiso, Eglin MB 92 78 90 18 89 77 81 88 80 87 19 86 79 149 85 78 144 84 77 141 83 13.9
Ver0 Beach 92 71 90 78 89 77 80 88 79 88 79 87 77 141 85 77 139 84 76 137 84 15.7
MDB = mean coincidentdry.hulhtemperature, 'F M W S = niean coincidentwindspeed, mph StdD = standarddeviation HR = humidity ratio
W B = mean coincident wet-hulh temperature, 'F MWD = mean coincident
wind directicm A = airport DP = dewpoint
temperature, 'F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services

STD.ASHRAE C H 2b-ENGL L777 G759b50 0 5 3 L b 2 8 7 2 5

1997 ASHRAEFundamentals Handbook

Table 1A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-United States

Extremewind Coldest Month WS/MDB MWS/MWD to DB AnnualExtreme Daily
Heating DB Speed 0.4% 99.6% 0.4%
1% MeanDB StdDDB
Elev. StdP ""-
Station WYOX Lat. Lon% fi psia Dates 99.6% 99% 1% 2.5% 5% WS MDB WS MDB MWSPWD MWSPWD Max Min Max Min
West ..." ßeach
. ..." 722030
20 6193 43 2447 21692419 12320 9 70 21 110 3594 5.02.0
. .
~ ""

Albanv 30 27
31.53 250 17
9 360
19 4 50 18I550 19 100
7.2 2.2 17

Pocatello 725780
6193 -7 O 29 25 305023 6 36 27 36 I I98250
2.3-15 9.1
Belleville, Scott MB 724338
38.55 89.85 14.457
3 203223
IO151821 7 31 1907360 1007.2
Meig 725340
41.78 2619
2223 14.367
-4 17 3023 12
240 -10 8.1
Chicago, OH& Int'l A 725300
87.90 67314.342 6193 -6 -1 26 23 21 27 24 23 23 IO 270 230
Decltur 72531'6.
88.87 682 14.337 8293 -2 3 24 :22 20 27 24 24 27 13 310 12 210 99 -10 5.8 7.2
Glenview, NAS 725306
87.82 653 14.352 4
8293 -3 22 19 17. 23 17 20 25 11 250 IO 240 98 -10 3.1 7.7
Marseilles 744600
88.68 73814.308 8293 -5 1 26 22 20 28 18 25 21 12 290 IO 250 96 -11 4 5.9
MolineDavenport LA 725440
90.52 59414.383 6193-3 -8 26 23 20 28 16 24 18 9 290 12200 97 -14 2.7 6.0
Peoria 725320
89.68 66314.347 6193 -6 -I 25 22 20 26 16 23 19 9 290 11 180 96 -12 3.3 6.1
Quincy 7243% 39.95 91.20 768 14.292 8293 a 2 26 23 ' 2 0 28 23 24 22 12 330 12 210 97 -10 3.6 8.1
ROCldord 725430
89.10 741
14.306 6193 -10 -4 26 23 21 26 18 23 20 9 290 13
200 95 -16 3.1 5.5
Springfield 724390
89.67 61414.373 2
6193 -4 25 23 21 27 25 24 27 IO 270 12230 97 -11 2.8 5.5
West Chicago 725305
88.25 75814.297 8293 -7 o 23 21 19 25 . 13 23 20 I I 290 11 240 96 -14 3.2 7.7
Evansville 14.491
38.05 22 17 19 6193
22 9 3 97 20
240339 320 7 34 -4 2.7 8.5
Fon Wayne 725330 41.00 85.20 827 14.262 6193 -4 2 25 23 20 27 19 24 22 IO 250 12 230 95 -11 3.6 5.2
Indianapolis 724380 39.73 86.27 807 14.272 6193 -3 3 24 21 19 25 26 22 27 8 230 11 230 94 -10 2.8 6.8
Lafayette,PurdueUniv 724386 40.42 86.93 607 14.376 8293 -5 3 22 , 20 18 24 26 22 27 9 270 12 220 97 - I I 3.8 7.7
Peru, Grissom MB 725335 40.65 86.15 810 14.270 8293 -3 4 24 21 18 29 20 24 22 11 270 9210 96 -8 3.8 7.4
South Bend 725350 41.70 86.32 774 14.289 6193 -2 3 25 23 20 26 22 23 23 13 230 12230 95 -10 3.3 5.8
Tem Haute 724373 39.45 87.32 584 14.388 8293 -3 23 5 20 18 23 31 21 32 8 150 11 230 96 -10 3.2 7.9
Burlinaton 14.328
40.78 -4 171 19 21 310 9 24 18 21 12 1198200 -10 4 6.8
Cedar Rapids 725450
869 -11 -5 12 2529 20 22 26 14 I O 300 5.43.611
Des Moines 725460 41.53 93.65
14.190 6193 -9 -4 27 24 21 28 14 24 19 11 320 12 180 98 -15 3.4 5.1
Fon Dodge 725490 42.55 94.18116514.087 8293 -13 -7 27 23 21 29 IO 26 IO 11 340 11 190 96 -17 4.9 4.9
lamoni 725466 40.62 93.95
112214.109 8293 -6 O 19 17 15 21 23 19 20 7 320 210 9 99 -12 4.3 6.8
b n CIty 725485 43.15 93.33121414.062 6193 -15 -10 , 27 23 22 30 9 27 . I 2 12 300 14 200 97 -23 3.6 11.4
Onumwa 725465 41.10 92.45
14.251 8293 -5 O 29 26 23 31 20 28 24 13 320 15 200 98 -12 4 6.8
SiOUK city 725570
6193 -11 -6 29 25 16 22
28 14 31 I I 14320 4.7
Spencer 726500
8293 -1120 22 24 13 25 234.06.3-20 IO 12300
Waterloo 14.234
42.55 6193 -14 29 -9
22 24 27 5.9
259618013300 9
Concordia 13.925
39.55 -4 28 3 32
25 28 22 1625
36013 32 9.4 4 IO -8 104
Dodge City 724510
6193 31 24 27
O 30 6 31 32 27 13 104
1020017 -6 5.62.8
Ft Marshall
Riley, AAF 724550
8293 21 5 -2 39201618 -5104
1893505 37 3.1 9.0
Garden City 724515 37.93 100.72
8293 4 -3 26104
1901636012 34 25
23 32 29 2.7 -9 6.5
Goodland 724650
6193 2 -3 28 32 30 27
2427 31 12 270 13102
180 -11 2.9 6.6
WMO# = World Meteorological Organization numher Elev = elevation, li DB = dry.hulh temperature, 'F
Lat = latitude Long. = lnngitude StdP =standard
pressure at station elevation,psia WS = wind speed, mph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
S T D - A S H R A EC H 2b-ENGL L997 !U 0 7 5 9 6 5 0 0 5 3 1 b 2 4 A b 1

Climatic Design Information 26.11

Table 1B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-United States

0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1%
2% Range

PalmWest 90 78 91 13.1 83 78
137 76
80 139
77 77 84 143 77 87 78 88

Kahului 89 88 74 74 87 73 16 76 85 , 85 15' 84 14 '80$27

' ,: 73'80122 72 138' ,EO 15.6
Kaneohe. MUS 77 82
86 7875 74 8584 74 82 75
76 8182138 76 12813374 81 7.4 80
Lihue 76 83 77 74 8584 7574 85 82
82 75 75
80 132125 73 74 80 128 79 9.6
Molokai 88 73 79
86 11873 71 7679 72
124 7375 8085 128 74 83
83 74 13.3
, . , .,. .
IDAW) ,, , ... : ',' I , ,

Boise 94 63 96 63
64 9091 66 62 8987 63 71 72 555872 79 67 53 71 30.3
Buriey 87 62 94
90 63 61
86 67 65
63 84 60 83 29.07572 9078 56 58 72 84
64 Idaho
60 Falls
86 60 89 61 92 68 73 54 69 81 56 71848288 63 58 81 61 34.0
Lew$ston 63 9790 65
64 93 61 91 71 656471 8956 72 87 76 58 54
71 65 26.5
Mountain Home, MB 63 99 91 64 91
96 666261 93 63 58 70
89 54 71 79 64 52 69 32.8 71
Mullan 61 87
84 62 60 80 65 81 63 7986 62
60 77 58 69 56 68
80 66 75 28.1
87 60 90 61
Pocatello 93 59 64
62 84 83 61 8270 5776 8355 70 53 70
32.1 69
78 Scott
Belleville, 92 MB
8Ò 76 90 779593 78 87 141 779088 77 131 74
76 85 136 8 4 19.8
Chicago, Me$ Field73 89 74 92 8677 7174 85 76 88 83 132 74 71 80
84121 72 16.080 115
."" 77 O'Hare
- 71
-- 86
"." 73
O ~ I
A 88 74 91
~ ~
74 85 75 88 82 123 72 83
84 130 74 71 80115 19.6
eatur 94 9176 .75 88 74 I9 78'90 7869 86 '16 140 ' 86, 75 ,, 133 %4 73 121, , 83 '20.0
76 90 78Glenview.
71 NAS
~~ 87 73 89 75 93 82 120 72 85 130 74 8784 74 81 113 70 17.6
Marseilles 93 74 89 73 86 71 78 89 76 86 74 84 75 135 85 73 126 82 71 117 81 19.4
MolineDvenpon W 93 76 90 74 87 73 78 90 77 87 75 85 75 134 85 73 127 83 72 120 82 20.0
Peoria 92 76 89 74 86 73 78 89 77 86 75 84 75 137 85 74 130 83 72 123 81 19.5
Q U W 9491 76 7514 88 78 89 II 88 16 85 16 138 84 13
'T482 132 126 82 18.9
Rocldord 91 74 88 73 85 71 77 87 75 85 74 82 74 132 84 73 124 81 71 116 79 19.8
Springfield 93 76 91 75 88 74 79 89 77 88 76 85 76 139 86 75 132 84 73 125 82 19.4
.. -.Chicam
......o- 91 75 88 74 86 72 78 88 76 85 74 83 76 138 85 74 130 83 71 119 80 19.8
90 79 Evansville
75 .. 90 76 92 77 94
~ ~~ 78 89
77 86 87137 76 83 126 73 7584 132 19.8
Fon Wayne85 73 88 74 90 7186 77 7574 84
72 83 82131 74 124
71 81 19.9 79 117
83 75 86 7775 8891 78 73
indianaplis 8886 74 81 125 73 8275 13113774 84 18.9
lahyelte, Purdue Univ
Peru, Grissom MB 75 89 75 93
South Bend 72 87 73 90
93 75 75 90

79 88
86 8577 71
86 77 89 79
8986 77139 76 84 75
134 75 85 142
73 84
75 76 83
74 123
81 72 83 130
85 132 74 8 3 73 12.5
8183127 73
78 116 71
82 20.9
Terre Haute 75 88 76 9390 76 80 89 78 87 76 25 7786 144
82 131 74 7684 136 19.6
Burlin!zfon 76 94 78 73 91
88 76 89 7776 88 85
136 75 85 8274 12413172 83 18.7
Cedar Rapids 93 75 89 74 86 72 78 89 76 86 74 84 75 136 84 74 129 83 71 120 20.0
Des Moines 93 76 90 74 87 73 78 89 76 87 75 85 74 133 85 73 126 83 71 120 18.5
Fort Dodge 92 75 88 73 86 71 77 88 75 86 74 83 74 133 84 72 123 82 70 116 79 18.5
Lamoni 96 74 92 74 89 72 77 89 76 87 75 85 74 134 83 73 127 82 71 120 80 18.9
Mason city 91 74 88 73 85 71 77 a7 75 85 74 82 I5 135 84 13 126 82 I1 118 80' ' 20.8
Onumw 95 75 92 75 88 73 78 90 76 88 75 86 75 136 84 74 130 83 72 121 81 18.7
sioux city 94 75 90 74 88 72 78 89 76 87 75 85 75 135 86 73 127 84 71 120 82 20.4
Spencer 91 75 88 73 85 71 77 88 75 86 73 82 74 134 84 72 123 82 70 117 79 20.2
Waterloo 91 75 88 73 85 71 77 87 75 85 74 83 74 132 84 72 124 82 71 117 80 20.0
Concordia 1O0 73 96 72 93 72 7776 123
90 72 84 133 74
89 88 74 82
81 118 70 22.5
Dodge City I O0 70 97 70 94 69 74 90 73 89 71 88 70 120 79 68 114 78 67 109 77 24.3
Ft Riley, Marshall MF 99 75 96 74 93 74 78 90 77 90 75 88 75 136 86 73 130 83 71 120 82 22.7
Garden City 1O0 69 97 69 94 69 73 89 72 89 71 88 69 118 79 67 113 78 66 108 77 27.5
Goodland 97 66 94 66 91 65 70 86 69 84 68 84 66 111 74 65 106 73 63 100 73 26.5
E B = mean mincident dry-huh temperature, 'F M W S = mean coincident wind speed, mph StdD = standard deviation HR = humidity ratio
MWB = mean coincident wet-hulh temperature,'F MWD = mean coincident wind direction A = airport DP = dew.point temperature, 'F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
26.12 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

Table 1A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-United States

me Coldest
Month WS/MDB MWS/MWD to DB Annual Extreme Daily

aev. StdP
Heatinp:DB Speed 0.4% 1% 99.6% 0.4% Mean DB StdD DB
Station WMO# Lat. Long. H psla Dates 99.6% 99% l
y 2.5% 5% WS MDB WS MDB MWSPWD MWSPWDM a x Min M aMx i n
Russell 724585 38.87 98.821864 13.732 8293 -4 3 29 26 23 29 33 25 35 11 IO 16
190 105 -8 3.6 8.5
Salina 724586 38.80 97.651273 14.032 8293 -3 4 27 23 22 28 33 24 34 11 360 15
180 106 -7 2.3 9.9
Topeh 724560 39.07 95.62
886 14.231 6193 -2 4 25 22 20 25 28 22 29 9 320 12
180 100 -8 3.8 7.4
WKhita, Airpon 724500 37.65 97.431339 13.998 6193 2 8 29 25 23 28 30 26 31 13 360 16
200 105 -4 2.9 6.3
Wchita.McConnellAFB 724505 37.62 97.271371 13.982 8293 2 10 25 23 20 25 38 23 36 11 360 12 190 105 -I 2.7 7.7

"" .
, .
- 0
726185 44.32'14.510
69.80 -3 1 21 23 22 221920 25 IO 320 11 210 93 -103.43.1
Bangor 726088 44.80 68.83 194 14.593 8293 -7 -2 22 19 17 24 18 21 20 6 300 IO 240 94 -16 2.9 5.9
Brunswick NAS 743920 43.88 69.93 75 14.655 8293 -2 2 20 17 15 21 27 19 25 4 340 190
9 96 -12 7.9 6.1
Caribou 727120 46.87 68.02 623 14.367 6193 -14 -10 28 24 22 30 13 27 11 IO 270 13 250 90 -23 2.8 4.5
Limestone,LoringAFB 727125 46.95 67.88 745 14.304 8293 -13 -9 23 20 18 25 12 22 11 7 300 260
9 91 -20 2.3 2.9
Portland 726060 43.65 70.32 62 14.662 6193 -3 2 24 21 18 24 26 21 25 7 320 12 270 93 -13 3.6 5.5

ClmpSprings,Anndre\\sAFB 745940 38.82 76.87 282

14.546 8293 13 18 21 18 16 23 30 21 32 7 350 9230 98 2.9
4 6.7
Baltimore,BWAirport 724060 39.18 76.67 154
14.614 6193 11 15 24 21 19 25 31 22 31 10 290 I1 280 97 4 2.9 5.8
.~ ,~ ~ " ~
724040 38.28 76.40 39
14.675 8293 16 21 20 17 15 22 30 19 35 9 340 270
9 98 8 2.3 6.1
Salisbuly 724045
38.33 16 18 20 18
52 1314.668
8293 6 37
20 19 35 5.8 2.7 4 97 IO
240 9
Boston 12 714.680
42.37 29 302530 23 28 27
96 270 14 320 17 4.7
O 2.7
EutFalmonth,Otiskgb 725060 41.65 70.52
14.626 8293 11 14 26 22 20 26 34 23 33 9 300 IO 240 90 5 2.5 3.8
Weymourh,SU'eymouthNAS 725097 42.15 70.93
14.610 8293 6 16 19
11 14 18 29 16 29 7 320 9 260 97 -2 3.8 3.8
Worcester 725095 42.27 71.88
101014.167 6193 O 523 27 20 29 22 26 21 14 270 IO 270 90 -6 1.9 4.1
Alpena 83.57
726390 692
-7 6193
14.332 21 -1 19 17 22 20 19 20 270
5 1 1 240 93 -17 3.4 5.9
Demit, Mem 725370 42.23 83.33 663 14.347 6193 O 27 5 23 21 28 28 24 27 I I 240 13 230 95 -7 3.0 5.4
Fllnt 726370 42.97 83.75764
14.294 6193 -2 3 25 22 20 27 24 23 23 8 230 13
230 93 -10 5.0
Grand Rapids 726350 42.88 85.52804
14.274 6193 O 5 25 22 20 26 25 23 24 8 180 13
240 93 -9 2.1 5.3
Wticwk 727440 47.17 88.50 107914.131 6193 -9 -4 21 19 18 23 18 20 16 8 270 IO 250 90 -16 2'9 5.6
Harbor Beach 725386 44.02 82.80600
14.379 8293 9 12 26 22 19 26 27 23 27 10 220 9 230 94 2 2.9 4.1
Jackson 725395 42.27 84.47 1001 14.172 8293 -3 20 4 19 17 23 22 20 23 9 240 11 210 93 -13
-1 1 5.6
Lansing 725390 42.77 84.60873
14.238 6193 -3 26 2 23 20 28 23 25 24 8 290 13250 94 2.8 5.9
Maquette,SauyerAfB 727435 46.35 87.40122014.059 8293 -11 -6 24 21 I8 26 18 23 17 6 280 IO 210 91 -18 4.7 4.7
hfal@elte/lshpemin&A 727430 46.53 87.55 1424~13.955 8293 -13 -8 22 19 18 22 20 20 16 8 270 11 230 90 -22 4.5 4.5
MountClemens,Angb 725377 42.62 82.83581
14.390 8293 3 21 7 18 16 25 21 21 24 7 280 230
9 95 -3 2.74
Muskgon 726360 43.17 86.25 633 14.362 6193 3 27 7 24 22 28 25 25 26 IO 290 12 200 90 -5 5.0
Oscoda, Wummith AFB 726395 44.45 83.40
14.362 8293 O 21 3 19 17 23 26 21 24 6 220 I I 200 95 -7 4.7
Pellston 727347 45.57 84.80719
14.318 8293 -9 -3 26 23 ' 20 28 22 24 22 4 300 14250 92 -2 1 3.1 4.9
ssginpw 43.53
726379 ì4.343
84.08' 8293 O 4 23 21 19 25 22 22 23 10 260 13 240 96 -6 5.8 4.5
Sault Ste.Marie 727340 46.47 84.37 725 14.314 6193 -12 23 -7 20 18 24 19 21 18 7 90 IO 230 89 -22 3.5 5.4
seul choiv Point 726399 45.92 85.92 591 14.385 8293 O 28 4 24 22 30 27 26 27 9 300 2008 82 -5 6.3
Traverse City 726381 44.73 85.58 623 14.367 6193 -3 21 2 19 18 23 23 21 23 7 180 13230 94 -13 7.3
Alexandria 13.955
45.87 '8293
25 -15 -20 22 28 20 12 24 8 IO 300 180
96 -26 4.5
Brained, Pequot Lakes 727500 46.60 94.32
128014.029 8293 -24 -17 11 IO 9 11 10 8 11 3 320 5 190 95 -30 7.9 6.8
Duluth 727450 46.83 92.18
141713.958 6193 -21 -16 25 22 20 25 2212 11 10 310 12 230 90 -28 2.8 4.7
Hibbing 727455 47.38 92.83
135213.992 8293 -25 -20 20 19 17 20 1913 6 13 330 11 200 92 -34 2.5 4.7
International Falls 727470 48.57 93.38
118414.077 6193 -29 -23 22 20 18 22 IO 20 6 8 270 11 180 92 -37 3.4 3.8
NIi-Lst, pnul 726S80 44.88 93.22
837 6193 -16 -Il 25 22 20 25 12 22 14 9 300 14 180 97 -22 3.5 5.4
Rehvood Falls 726556 44.55 95.081024 14.160 8293 -17 -12 26 22 20 28 14 24 15 11 280 14
180 99 -22 4.1 5.2
Rochester 726440 43.92 92.501319 14.008 6193 -17 -12 29 26 24 32 12 28 12 13 300 15
200 94 -23 3.7 5.2
WMOX =World Meteortrlogicd Organization numher Elev = elevati~m,A DB = drphulh temperature, 'F
Lat = latitude Long. = ltrngitude elevation, psia
StdP =standard pressure at station WS = wind speed, mph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Climatic Design 26.13

Table 1B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-United States

0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2%

Shreveport , .
70 776980718373678069847187
Augusta 100 18.4
70 77 69Bangor
81 71 83 73 67 81 69 84 71 87 20.5
Brunswick70 777080718373678069847187
NAS I I I 6978 105 6776 100 19.1
limestone, loring
65 MB
7177 7080728374688070837186
Ponland 11
67 4107
76 6979 101 18.7
Baltimore, BWT18.8
93 131 15.8
911371 8011972 81 72 83 74 87 75 70 84 71 87 73 91
East Falmouth, Otiskgb 75
85 81 74 78 72 76 74 125 78 72 118 76 71 113 75 14.6
Weymouth, S Wepouth NAS 9273
77 87 75 84 73 81 74 129 82 72 118 79 70 111 78 '19.6
74 68Worcester 80 69 83 71 85 82 72 80 70 77 71 119 78 69 112 76 68 105 75 16.6
74 67 Alpena
81 69 84 71 87 83 72 81 70 78 71 116 79 69 IO7 76 67 100 74 22.9
76 70 84 72 87 73 90
Detroit, Metro 86 74 84 73 81 73 125 83 71 118 80 70 111 78 20.4
75 70 83Flint 71 86 73 88 84 74 82 72 80 73 125 81 71 116 78 69 110 77 20.6
G m d 76 70 84 71 86 13 89 85 74 83 72 81 73 126 81 71 118 79 70 112 77 20.7
Hancock 73 67 8680 769 1 83 82 71 80 70 77 70 116 79 69 109 76 67 103' 74 20.6
Harbor74Beach68 83 69 86 71 90 86 72 83 70 80 70 113 82 68 106 80 67 100 78 14.4
77 71 Jackson
84 73 86 74 88 86 75 83 73 81 74 134 83 72 123 81 71 117 78 20.3
76 70 Lansing 84 72 86 73 89 85 74 83 73 81 73 127 81 72 120 79 70 114 78 21.7
Marquette,MB Sayer 7265
6986 83 70 79 68 75 69 113 77 67 106 74 66 99 73 22.1
Maquene/lshpeming, A 72 65
85 82 70 78 68 75 69 111 77 67 104 75 65 98 72 22.1
Mount Clemens. k g b 77
90 87 75 83 73 80 74 131 83 72 120 81 70 113 78 19.6
75 69 Muskegon
81 70 83 71 85 82 73 80 71 78 72 122 80 70 115 77 69 109 76 18.1
Oscoda, Wurtsmith
MB 75
7289 86 73 83 71 79 72 120 80 70 112 79 68 106 77 21.4
74 68 Pellston
81 69 85 71 87 83 72 81 70 78 70 115 78 69 108 76 67 103 75 23.9
77 Saginaw
70 84 72 87 74 90 86 75 84 73 81 74 132 83 72 120 80 70 112 78 21.2
Sault Ste. 72667768806983 80 70 77 68 74 69 111 76 67 103 74 65 .95 12 21.9
Seul Choh Point 70647465766678 76 68 72 66 71 68 106 74 67 101 72 65 94 70 13.9
74 Citv
Traverse 68 83 70 86 71 89 84 72 82 70 80 71 117 80 69 109 78 67 103 76 22.0
771096879116708212372 807182738675698370867289
Brainerd. Pequot Lakes 88 70 85 68 81 66 72 85 70 82 68 78 68 108 81 66 102 77 65 96 75 21.6
Duluth 84 69 81 67 78 65 72 81 69 78 67 75 68 110 77 66 102 75 64 94 72 20.2
Hibbing 85 70 81 68 78 66 73 82 71 78 68 75 70 116 78 68 108 76 66 101 73 23.2
International Falls 86 69 83 67 80 66 72 82 70 79 68 77 69 112 78 67 103 75 65 96 73 21.8
?&MapolisSI.h U l 82 72
887391 73 71
124 116 109
81 19.1
Redwood Falls 92 74 88 72 86 70 77 89 75 85 73 82 75 135 83 72 123 81 70 116 80 20.7
Rochester 88 72 85 71 82 70 76 85 74 82 72 80 73 128 81 71 120 79 69 111 77 19.7
MDB = mean coincident dry-bulb temperature, 'F WS = meancoincidentwindspeed, mph StdD = standarddeviation HR = humidity ratio
W B = meancoincidentwet-hulhtemperature, 'F "D= meancoincidentwinddirection A = airport DP = dew-point temperature, 'F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
26.14 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

Table 1A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-United States

Coldest Month WS/MDB MWS/MWD to DB Annual Extreme Daily
Speed 99.6% 0.4%
Heating DB 0.4%
""- 1% Mean DB StdD DB
station WMO+
Lat. Long. H psia Dates 99.6%99% 1% 2.5% 5% WS , MDB WS MDB MWSPWD
Max Min Min

Grand Island 725520 40.97

6193 -2 -8 30 26 23 29 21 26 19 11 270 15 180 102 -14 3.2 5.2
Lincoln 725510 40.85
8293 -2 -7 21 23 21 28 25 24 27 9 350 15 180 103 -11 6.5 8.1
NorfDlk 725560 41.98
13.890 6193 - I I -5 29 25 22 33 20 28 21 11 340 15 190 101 -18 3.0 5.4
North Plotte 725620 41.13
100.68 2785 13.275 6193 -10 -4 29 25 U ~
28 24 24 26 7 320 12 180 101 -16 2.9 6.6
Omaha, Eppley Airfield 725500 41.30
14.182 6193 -7 -2 26 23 20 27 21 23 17 10 340 12 180 100 -14 3.3 4.8
Omaha, Ws0 725530 41.37
8293 -2 -8 22 20 18 25 23 22 25 10 310 11 170 98 -14 4 6.5
Sconsbluff 725660 41.87
6193 -11 -3 30 26 22 32 35 27 35 8 300 11 300 101 -19 2.9 8.0
725610 41.10
8293 -8 -1 29 24 22 31 32 26 35 9 290 12 160 101 -18 4.5 8.6
Valentine 725670
8293 -8 -16 27
26 21 23 250 925 28 23 -22104
15 180 4.3 8.5
Elko 12.166
40.83 70 4 37 16 36-5 20 16 118 21 I Ó 230 8.0
Ely 724860
6263 -6 O 28 24 21 26 22 33 7.32.3-153093230
27 26 23 25 2248 49 2507 1221
230 2.2 4.7
Mercury 28723870
3310 25 19 22 25 21 44 42 8 50 19 I2102230 18 6.3
NorthLasVw,NeUisAFB 723865
1870 13.729 8293 28 31 24 21 18 23 52 19 49 2 20 9 112 210 2 21 4.5
Reno 12.505
39.50 6193 826 1913 22 26 46 21 44160 3 IO99 290 1 2.2 8.4
Tonoph 724855
5427 2.0 1 98180
13 9 7 36 22 37 24
25 20 22 6.5
Winnemucca 725830
6193 1 7 392321 17 19 18 38 5 160 11 250 1012.3 -9 10.2
Concord 14.513
43.20 -2 -8 23 20 23 17 2.9-18 9523010320
20 4 21 5.5
Lebanon 726116 43.63 72.30 597 14.381 8293 -7 -3 18 15 14 18 25 16 26 2 360 220
9 94 -17 2 5.2
Mount Washington 726130 44.27 71.306266 11.659 8293 -23 -19 88 81 73 99 -14 92 -15 73 280 21 270 65 -33 2.3 4.1
Pommouth,PeaseMB 726055 43.08 70.82
102 14.642 8293 4 9 21 18 16 22 26 20 27 8 280 270
8 94 -2 2.2 3.2
Atlantic City 14.661
39.45 20 6193
23 27 13 8 29 36 25 9 34 310 1196250 O 2.9 5.7
MiIlville 14.652
39.37 300 7 35 19 35 20 17 18 10 19 15 1196 240 O 2.3 7.4
Nfmrk 14.680
40.70 6193 IO 26 14
23 2028 27 23
26013 29 4 1398230 2.6 4.8
Teterbom 14.690
40.852.5 2 97 240 12 280 11 30 19 29 21 17 19
10 21 14 5.6
Trenton, McCuire MB 724096
8293 11 I5 22 2.2 2199724017
8 312131 5.2
Alamogordo,HollomanAFB 747320
8293 20 23 20 181417 2.9132508 10503 4815
102 3.6
Albuquerque 29 723650
6193 25
34 26 22 22 37 2408 10360 7.32.6 6
Carlsbad 722687
8293 19 25 23 22 1957 25 7.03.6 921104 15012
54340 8
Clayton 723600
4970 271 30 9 39 262440 30 IO 40 13 200 98 -5 2.5 7.4
WMOx = World Meteorological Organization numher Elev = elevation, fi DB = dry.hulh temperature, 'F
Lat = latitude Long. = longitude StdP = standard
pressure at station elevation,
psia WS = wind

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services

S T D - A S H R A E CH 2b-ENGL L777 111 0 7 5 7 b 5 0 0 5 3 1 b 3 3 2 9 2 W

Climatic Design 26.15

Table IS Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-United States

0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1%
2x Range
~ ~~ ~_____ ~~~~

Saint Cloud 91 72 88 71 85 70 76 87 74 84 72 82 72 125 83 70 116 80 68 109 78 21.5

Tofte 79 64 75 62 71 61 66 74 64 72 63 70 64 92 70 61. . . ...83 69 59 77 68 13.0
. . ., . . ..., . .
. . , , , . . ... . , ,, . ..
MIsS&3lPPI ,
, ,
, , \
. .. _.
:,. .:,, ..,,,
, , , ,

Bilod. Keesler MB
91 79 92 78
81 78 89 89 88 80 80 87 79 86151
' ' 7 8 " 147 85 78 144 13.0
' 84
91 Columbus,
80MB 76 92 76 94 77 96 78 89 1417877 88 85136 76 83132 75 82 19.3
~~ ~ 96 78 94 7817 93 86
91 14881 78 89 8079 90 17 143 85139 76 84 19.1
J2cbn 95 77 93 92
76 76 80 90 19., 8 9 .,.. 78 88 71. 142 84 i ~,36. 138' ' ,83 75 . 134 , ' 82': 1 9 2
' ~ ' '

.~ """ 79 1676 9491 76 92 89 78 88 141 7877 87 83138 76 19.8 81 82135 75
Meridian 96 77 94 76 92 16 79 91 78 90 77 88 76 139 84 75 134 83 74 130 83 20.3
.-r -.- 96 16 94 76 92 75 79 89 78 89 77 88 76 137
83 75 134 83 74 131 82
.. 18.9,.
. . ,.,, . . , .,. ., . . . . .
. . . . ,, ,. ."
. . ...
. , , ,, , ,
MIssouRl . . ,. ..-,. ,,< . '
, ..
Gimrdmu 77 96 76 9491 77 90 8078 92 77 88 78 136 76 86 141 75 85 132 83 19.8
Columbia 75 92 75 95137 75 86 75 88 77 89 89 78 74 85 130 74 83 124 72 82 20.3
77 Joplin
90 78 74 91 75 96 94 75 137 75 89 88 76 85
132 74 85125 72 83 20.0
5 87 76 89 Kansas
77 90 city 78 74 90 75 9693 75 84125 73 83 18.8
Poplar Bluff 95 1 7 7692 90 8076 90 .78 88 77' 81 II r4;1 85. :..,?h i '138 83 -?I5 ' : 133 . 82::. :20:0 ,

SpickacardiTrenton 96 7473 93 76 88 8978 72 19.6 81 118 88 71 7583

76 I28
86 73 83 139
Springfield 9592 74 89 74 78 74 75 8988 76 20.8
81 74
124 72 83 84128 73
st. Louis.78 90 79 74 90 7595 93 76
lnt'lr\imort 138 7688 87 76 18.382 127 73 85
83 132 75
Warrensburg,W'hitemanMB 76 96 79 7593 90 76 134 75 86 139 76 88 7691 90 78 85 128 73 83 . 19.3
MONTANA . ,,.;
,,. , , ,,
. ,. , , . . , ~ .
Rillinm 63 93 86 9065 62 61 87 64 84
83 62 78 57 59
71 '83 74 55
71 70 ~25.8

Valentine 94 68 97 67 90 61
90 72 71 89 69
67 87 110 79 6578 103 63 9426.5 77
Elko 92 60 95 59
58 90 85 63 61 84
84 60 84 57 68 54 75 66 51 67
38.4 67
Ely 89 56 8755 56 85 60 78 59 78 58 78 55 82 64 53 75 64 50 68 65 34.6
Las Vegas, Int'l Airport 651036610666108 71 95 70 93 69 93 65 102 79 63 92 81 60 84 85 24.8
Mercul?. 102 65 98100 64 63 69 88 67 89 66 89 64 102 72 60 89 77 58 80 80 25.9
North LasVegas,Nellis AFB 108 106
6768 104 66 72 94 71 94 70 94 67 106 19 64 .97 82 61 86 84 26.3
Reno90 60 92 95 61 59 63 87 62 86 60 85 56 77 69 53 69 69 50 63 68 37.3
Tonopah 92 94 58 57 89 57 62 83 61 82 60 81 56 83 67 53 74 68 50 67 69 31.1
92 Winnemucca
60 94 61 97 59 63 88 62 87 60 86 56 79 68 53 69 67 50 62 68 37.4
Concord 90 70 71 87 84 68 74 85 73 82 71 19 71
70 79118 24.176111
10568 77
Lebanon 71 88 69 86 83 68 74 84 72 82 70 79 70 113 79 69 108 77 67 103 75 23.0
Mount Washington 54 6056 56 54 58 58 59 56 57 54 56 58 90 58 56 84 57 54 78 55 8.5
Pease MB 72 89 85 70 83 70 75 84 73 82 72 79 73 123 85 71 113 77 69 106 76 18.2
72 86Atlantic 73
City 88 74 91 77 87 76 84 75 82 75 131 81 74 125 80 72' 18.1
Millrille 87 92 74 15 89 13 78 87 76 86 75 83 75 134 81 74 129 80 73 125 80 18.7
Newark87 73 90 93 74 71 77 88 76 85 74 83 74 127 81 73 121 80 71 116 80 15.9
3 87 74
Teterboro 89 76 92 78 88 77 87 75 83 76 134 84 74 128 82 72 119 81 18.4
Trenton, hlcCuire MB 9390 75 87 74 73 78 89 76 87 75 84 75 132 83 74 127 82 72 118 80 18.9
Holloman MB 98 63 96 93 63 63 68 67
87 85 67 30.273 85 61 6572 98
92 i06 62 72
Albuquerque 60 96 93 6060 91 65 83 64 82 64 81 61 98 68 60 93 69 58 89 69 25.4
6 96 66
Carlsbad 98 65 101 72 88 71 87 70 85 69 121 76 68 116 76 67 I11 75 25.4
Clavton 94 62 88 91 62 62 67 84 65 84 65 82 61 98 72 60 94 71 59 90 70 26.1
MDB = mean coiincident dry-hulh temperature, 'F MWS = mean coinadentwindspeed,mph StdD = standarddeviation HR = humidity ratio
MWB = mean coincident wet-hulhtemperature, 'F MWD = mean
wind direction A = airport DP = dew-point temperature, 'F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
26.16 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

Arheville 13.580
35.43 28 23 26 26 19 22
11 25 16 6.8 2.6 3 91 340I I9 340
Cape Hatteras 723040 35.27
75.55 IO 14.690 6193 26 29 26 22 20 27 47 23 47 11 340 11 230 91 20 2.0 4.9
Charlotte 723 I40 35.22
14.292 6193 18 23 20 17 15 20 44 18 45 6 50 240
9 97 IO 2.9 6.0
Cheny Point, hlcas 723090 34.90
30 8293 24 28 19 16 15 19 43 17 48 5 IO 240
7 100 12
2.5 8.5
Fayettevlk, Port Bragg 746930 35.13
14.567 8293 22 27 17 14 12 19 42 16 44 4 10 6 240 100 15 3.8 6.8
Goldsborn, Johnson AFB 723066 35.33
14.638 8293 22 27 17 14 12 18 46 15 44 4 270 260
8 100 14
3.1 7.4
Greensboro 723170 36.08
14.231 6193 15 19 19 17 15 20 40 18 40 7 290 230
8 96 2.7
7 5.0
Hickory 723145 35.73
14.076 8293 18 23 17 15 13 18 41 16 41 4 320 240
9 97 3.2
8 6.8
Jacbonville, NewRiverMcaf 723096 34.72
26 8293 23 27 I8 16 14 19 49 17 47 5 350 240
7 99 2 13
New Bem 723095 35.07
77.05 20 14.685 8293 22 27 18 16 14 19 49 17 47 6 10 240
8 99 13 1.4 8.3
RaleigIvQurharn 723060 35.87
14.463 6193 16 20 21 18 16 21 42 19 43 8 360 240
9 96 9 2.9 5.3
Wilmington 723013 34.27
33 6193 23 27 21 19 17 22 51 20 48 7 320 IO 220 97 17 2.2 5.7
Winston-Salem 723193 36.13
14.187 8293 18 23 19 17 15 21 38 19 38 7 290 240
8 96 8 , 2.7 5.8
Bismarck 727640 46.77
100.75166013.835 6193 -2 I -16 29 25 22 29 13 25 290
13716 100 -30
3.6 6.4
Devils lake 727580 48.10
145313.940 8293 -23 -19 26 22 20 27 12 24 IO 9 300 I I IO 98 -27 7 5.0
Fargo 727530 46.90
14.224 6193 -22 -17 31 27 24 32 7 28 7 8 180 14
160 98 -27 3.4 4.4
Grand Forb, MB 727575 47.97
14.217 8293 -20 -16 27 24 21 30 9 26 13 7 290 13 180 98 -25 4.7 4.9
Minot, AFB 727675 48.42
13.832 8293 -2 1 -16 28 24 21 30 I8 27 16 IO 310 12 150 101 -25 3.8 7.4
Minor, Int'l Aiirport 727676 48.27
13.807 6193 -20 -16 28 24 22 30 14 27 14 12 290 13 200 98 -25 3.0 4.8
Williston 727670 48.18103.63
190613.711 8293 -24 -18 27 23 21 28 25 24 20 8 220 14 150 101 -30 4.5 8.3
r\)aon/Canton 725210 40.92 81.43
123714.050 61 93 O 5 24 21 19 25 26 22 26 11 270 IO 230 92 -7 2.9 7.0
Cincinnati, Lunken Field 724297 39.10 84.42
14.441 8293 5 12 21 19 17 22 35 19 33 260
9 IO 210 96 -3 3.2 9.4
Cleveland 725240 41.42 81.87
14.274 6193 1 6 26 23 20 27 28 24 28 12
230 12230 93 -6 2.8 6.3
Columbus, Int'l .urport 724280 40.00 82.88
14.267 6193 1 6 23 20 18 24 30 21 25 9. 270 1 1 270 94 -6 2.6 7.1
Columbus, Ricknbck MB 724285 39.82 82.93
14.304 8293 3 IO 21 18 16 23 26 20 27 7 210 270
8 96 -4 4.5 8.6
Dayton, Inr'l Airport 724290 39.90 84.20
100414.170 6193 -1 5 24 21 19 25 26 22 28 I I 270 11 240 95 -8 2.9 7.0
Dayton, Wright-Paterson MB 745700 39.83 84.05
14.263 8293 1 8 21 18 16 23 28 21 30 270
7 240
9 96 -7 3.2 7.7
Findlay 725366 41.02 83.67
14.270 8293 -2 4 23 20 19 25 34 22 29 I I 250 12 210 94 -9 3.8 7.9
Mansfield 725246 40.82 82.52129614.020 6193 -1 4 25 22 20 28 28 25 26 13 240 12 240 91 -8 2.8 6.0
Toledo 725360 41.60 83.80
14.332 6193 -2 3 23 20 18 25 25 22 21 IO 250 1 1 230 95 -10 3.0 5.4
Youngstow 725250 41.27 80.67118414.077 6193 -1 4 23 21 19 24 22 22 21 IO 230 IO 230 91 -8 2.5 5.8
Zanesville 724286 39.95 81.90
14.224 8293 2 9 19 18 16 21 32 19 31 240
7 220
9 94 -7 3.6 8.5
Altus. MB 21 23 19723520
8293 1940 24 21 4220 9 7IO107190 7.73.4
Enid, Vance
MB 723535
8293 5 12 26 23 20 27 38 23 38 12 10 11 190 105 1 3.6 6.7
lawton,FortSilVPostField 723550 34.65
8293 12 19 24 21 19 26 35 22 36 1I IO 11 170 103 2.5
8 7.4
MeAIeStW 8293
723566 IO 17 20 18 16 21 47 19 45 9 360 9 1 9 0 102 4 4 8.3
OklahomaCiry,TinkerMB 723540 35.42
8293 IO 17 24 22 19 25 42 22 42 IO IO I l 190 103 3.2
6 6.1
OklahomaCiy,W. RogersA 723530 35.40
6193 9 15 29 25 23 29 33 26 37 15 360 13 180 103 3.4
4 4.9
Tulsa 6193
723560 9 14 25 23 21 24 46 22 40 I I 360 12 180 103 3.6
3 5.6
Astoria 6193
727910 29 19 22 25 29 25 51 24 49
1290 8 20 4.5 6.1
W O # = World Metenrological Organization numher Elev = elevation, fi DB = drphulh temperature, "F
Lat = latitude Long. = longltude St@ =standard pressure at station elevation, psia WS = wind speed, mph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
S T D - A S H R A E CH 2b-ENGL 2997 0 7 5 9 b 5 0 0 5 3 L b 3 5 Ob5

Climatic Design Information 26.17

Table 1B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-United States

0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1%
Station DB MWB MDB

76 Plains71 84 72 87
89 74 73 83 75 86 80 120 72 80
80 128 74 . . 71 114 78 18.0
. . , "...
. .., ,
NORTH CAROLINA . . . . i .

Asheville 72 88 85 71 75 83 70 84 73 82 72 80 72 128 79 71 123 ' ' 78 70 118 76" 19.4

88 Haneras
Cape 77 86 78 80
85 77 86 79 84 78 83 78 147 83 77 142 83 76 138 82 11.4
73 89 Charlotte
74 91 74 94 88 76 87 75 86 74 130 82 73 125 80 72 122 80 17.8
Cheny 77 90 78 92 79 95 81 91 80 90 79 88 78 146 87 77 141 86 76 136 85 16.6
Payeneville, Port Bragg 94 77 96 76 92 75 79 91 78 89 77 88 76 139 84 76 135 83 75 131 83 18.2
76 91 76 94 77 96 91 78 89 77 87 76 139 84 76 135 83 75 132 18.4
73 88 Greensboro
74 90 75 92 88 76 86 75 85 74 132 82 73 127 81 72 123 80 18.5
2 88 72
Hickoly 91 73 94 87 75 85 74 84 74 133 80 73 128 80 71 120 19.6
81 77 89 78 92 79 94 90 79 89 78 87 78 145 86 77 140 85 76 136 84 17.1
New Bem 94 78 92 78 90 76 81 91 ~ 7 9 89 78 87 78 I44 86 J7 ,139 84 76 134 83 li:l ,

RaleighiDurham 75 90
93 76 74 88 78 88 77 87 76 85 75 134 82 74 130 81 73 125 80 18.8
Whington 91 93 79 78 89 77
74 89 74 92 87 73
Bismarck 67 90 93 68 86 66
Devils Lake 91 69 84
87 67 66
Pargo 70 88 91 71 85 69
Grand Forks, AFB 91 71' 88 85 69 68
MB Minot, 90 68 94 86 67 66
l Aimort66 88 67 92 84
~ 65

Williston 96 66 67 92 65 87
70 83 Akrow'
71 Canton85 72 88
Cincinnati, Lunken Field 93 7475 90 73 88
Cleveland 73 89 86 72 84 71
Columbus, Int'l Airport 74 90 73 88 86 71
Columbus, Ricken& AFB 74 92 89 73 87 72
Dayton, lnt'l Airport 88 74 90 73 86 71
73 87 74 89 74 92
Findlay 85 72 8790 , 74
Mansfield 88 73 85 72 s3 71
85 72 Toledo 87 73 90 71
83 Youngstow
70 85 72 88 69
86 73
Zanesville 88 74 90 71 ~ ... . . -...
Atus, MB 73 102 73 97
100 73 77 93 92 76 132
75 74 91 71 84
8312472 ~~ ~ 119
... .- '-
82 2'.
VanceEnid, AFB 74 101 98 74 95 73 77 92 76 91 75 90 73 130 85 71 121 83 70 116 82 21.8
lawton, Fort SillPost
Field 739573977399 77 90 76 90 75 89 74 135 83 73 129 82 71 121 81 20.7
MEAleSter 9698 76 7676 93 79 92 78 91 77 89 76 141. 85 75 137 83 14 133 83 21.8
OklahomaCiiy, TinkerAFB
75 96 74 98 94 74 78 92 77 91 76 89 75 I38 87 74 132 85 72 123 83 19.4
Oklahoma Ciiy, W.RogersA74967499 94 73 77 91 76 90 75 89 73 129 83 72 125 82 71 120 81 21.0
Tulsa 76 97 100 76 94 75 79 92 78 92 77 90 76 137 87 74 132 85 73 127 84
. 19.5
Astoria 76 64
62 72 69 61 65
63 75 7181 62
61 68 66 69
76 60 '59 74 ~. 14.2
65 ~ ~

MD6 = mean coincidentdry.hulh temperature, 'F M W S = meancoincidentwindspeed, mph StdD =standard deviation HR = humidity ratio
W B = mean coiincident wet-hulh temperature,'F MWD = mean coincident wind direction A = airport DP = dew-point
temperature, 'F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
26.18 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

Table 1A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-United States

ExtremeWind Coldest Month
WS/MDB MWS/MWD to DB Annual Extreme Daily
Heating DB Speed 0.4% " 1% 99.6%
- 0.4% ~ Mean DB StdD DB -
Station WMOY Lat. Long. ft psia
Dates 99.6% 99% 1% 2.5% 5% WS MDB WS MDB MWSPWD MWSPWD Max Min Max Min
Eugene 19
21 45 8 360 12 360 99 16 3.7 1.9
Hillsborn 726986
19 34 8 60 9 360 100 15 3.8 6.3
Falls 725895
121.73 4091
8293 4 IO 23
25 33 6 320 9 320 97 -4 4.1 8.6
hieach 726885
-9 'O 12 IO 9 13 33 11 33 I 139 5 360 93 -21 4.7 12.2
Medford 725970
21 13155120 50 3 130 9 290 104 15 3.4 6.4
North 726917
124.25 1320
30 50 7 1401434082244.05.5
Pendleton 726880
6193 3 1 44
231 27
28 42 6 140 9 !O 102 -I 3.611.2
Podand 726980
396193 22 27 25 2537281821 39 13 120 11 340 99 18 4.4 6.0
Redmond 726835
3077 13.133 6193 1 184220
9161720 41 6 320 11 34098-73.210.2
Salem 2246
20 46 6 350 IO 360 100 14 3.3 6.6
Sexton 725975
42.62123.37 3842
21 38 9 120 6 34089164.98.5
Allentoun 725170
384 6193 5 2526IO28212327 24 9 270 I I 24095-22.85.2
Atoona 725126
8293 5202023IO171820 22 9 270 8 25092-53.67.9
B~dford 725266
-6 1922-2I2161819 21 7 270 9 24087-152.85.0
Du Bois 725125
8293 O 2120235171921 20 11 280 IO 27090-9 3.1 7.0
Erle 725260
6193 2 262829 7222427 28 14 200 'I2250 90 -4 3.1 6.4
Harrisburg 725115 40.20 76.77308 14.532 6193 9 13 22 20 1824 2922 29 8 270 IO 250 97 2 3.3 5.7
Philadelphia,lnt'lAirport 724080 39.88 75.25 30 14.680 6193 II 15 24 21 1296 2
331 30 12 290 I I 230 96 5 2.8 5.6
Philadelphia,NortheastA 724085 40.08 75.02121 14.631 8293 11 15 21 19 1722 30
19 29 10 300 IO 260 97 3 2.5 6.1
Philadelphu,N'illowGrW 724086 40.20 75.15361 14.505 8293 IO 14 18 15 193 1
360 30 5 300 6 250 99 2 5.4 5.8
Pimburgh,AUeghycO.i\ 725205 40.35 79.93 1253 14.042 8293 4 11 21 19 17 23 2421 24 11 250 11 240 94 -4 3.1 9.4
Pitbburgh,Int'lAirport 725200 40.50 80.22 1224 14.057 6193 2 7 25 21 1296 24 23 25 IO 260 I I 230 93 -6 3.1 6.7
WIks-Bamficranton 725130 41.33 75.73948 14.199 6193 2 7 20 18 1261 1
296 25 8 230 I I 220 92 -5 2.8 4.9
Williamswrt 725140 41.25 76.92525 14.419 6193 2 7 23 20 18 24 2231 25 8 270 IO 250 94 -6 3.1 5.9
Providence 725070
626193 5 IO
27212327 31 23 3212340 13 23095-23.75.0
Mcas 722085
39 8293
28 31 1518 13 17
19 45 4 300 7 270 101 13 2.9 8.3
Charleston 19
25 51 7 20 IO 230 98 18 2.3 5.6
Columbia 723100
21 18 49 5 220 9 240 100 13 3.1 5.6
FIorence 723106
23 19 17512015 18 50 7 360 IO 240 100 14 2.7 7.6
Greer/GreenviUe 723120
19 1818452116 44 6 50 9 230 97 I I 2.6 5.5
Myrtle MB 747910
26 829315
25 13 18 15
49 47 4 360 7 290 98 17 2.9 7.4
Sumter,ShawAFB 747900
24 14 17
19 48 5 10 8 240 100 17 3.1 6.1
Chamberlain 726530
-7 20 1 1 270 13 190106-12 8.1 18.4
Huron 726540
-17 15 9 290 14 180 102 -25 4.6 5.9
Pierre 726686
6193 -1432222529-9 15 27 20 11 320 14 180 106 -20 3.8 5.7
Rapid 726620
13.0896193 -II 36
-5 31 32
27 26 9 350 13 160 102 -17 3.4 5.4
Sioux 726510
-16 -11 26
28 17 8 31015180 100 -234.14.9
Bristol 723183
6193 1
151720 36 6 270 8 25092 -1 3.07.5
Chattanooga 723240
689 1837214.333
015171920611593 38 7 360 8 28097 7 3.6
Crossville 723265
8293 714 16 15 13 18 33 16 36 4 310 8 270
93 -3 4 8.6
Jackson 723346
12 18 1820 16 21 46 19 44 9 360 8 240 98 4 2.3 8.8
Knoxville 723260 35.82 83.98 981 14.182 6193 13 19 21 18 15 21 48 19 45 7 50 8 250 95 4 3.0 7.8
Memphis 723340 35.05 90.00 285 14.544 6193 21 16 22 1719 22 42 20 42 IO 20 9 240 99 9 2.8 7.2
Nashville 723270 36.13 86.68 591 14.385 6193 IO 16 22 1719 22 46 20 42 8 340 9 230 97 I 3.3 7.8
Abilene 23
16 46 12 O 1 1 140 102 IO 2.8 5.9
Amarillo 723630 35.23 101.70 3606 12.8796193 6 12 2427
30 30 40 27 38 14 20 15 200 100 -I 2.8 5.5
Austin 722540 30.30 97.70 620 14.369 6193 3025 182023 25 41 22 43 12 IO IO 180 101 20 2.4 5.9
Beaumonflortkthur 722410 29.9594.022314.683 6193 3229 182022 23 51 21 51 IO 340 9 200 97 22 2.5 4.5
Beevllle, ChaseFlekiNAS 122556 28.3797.6719014.595 8293 3328 22 18
20 23 58 20 53 13 350 9 150 104 22 2.5 8.3
Brownsville 722500 25.9097.432014.685 6193 4036 22
27 26 64 23 62 13 330 16 160 98 31 2.4 5.2
College Statiofllyan 722445 30.5896.3732214.525 8293 2922 171921 21 47 19 49 12 350 9 170 101 17 2.3 8.3
Corpus Christi 722510 27.7797.504314.673 6193 3632 2325
28 27 59 24 58 13 360 15 140 98 25 1.9 5.2
Dallasfion Worth,Int'lA 722590 32.9097.0359714.381 8293 2417 21
2326 26 46 24 47 13 350 IO 170 103 14 3.1 8.3
Lkll&o,LaughlinAFB 722615 29.37 100.78 1083 14.1308293 3228 171922 22 47 19 50 7 10 9 140 105 22 3.1 5.8
EI Paso 722700 31.80 106.40 3917 12.7316193 25 21 2125 18 24 51 21 49 5 20 8 180 104 14 3.3 6.1
FortWorth,CarsudlMB 722595 32.77 97.45 650 14.354 8293 2418 I820
22 23 43 20 45 1 1 IO 8 10 103 15 2.2 8.1
FortWorth, Meacham Field 722596 32.82 97.37 709 14.323 6193 2419 2124
27 27 40 24 44 13 350 10 180 103 14 3.0 5.8
Guadalupe Pass 722620 31.83 104.80 5453 12.0228293 13 19 414551 50 39 46 37 19 70 13 250 98 IO 2.9 6.8
HoustQn,HobbyAhprt 722435 29.6595.284614.671 8293 34
29 22 20 18 23 52 21 52 13 350 7 190 98 24 2 8.1
Houston, InterAirport 722430 29.9795.3510814.638 6193 27 31 20 18 16 22 47 20 52 8 340 IO 180 98 22 3.1 5.4
Junction 747400 30.50 99.77 1713 13.808 8293 23 19 151619 19 53 16 53 6 360 9 I50 104 12 2.3 6.7
Killeen, Fort Hood 722576 31.07 97.83 1014 14.165 8293 2720 171922 22 48 19 53 1 1 360 9 160 IO2 15 2 8.6
Kinpville. US 722516 27.5097.824914.669 8293 36 31 192123 22 61 20 60 1 1 360 1 1 150 102 18 2 10.1
l a m l o ' 722520 27.55 99.47 509 14.427 8293 32 36 24 22
20 22 59 20 62 9 320 13 140 106 28 2.2 6.7
WMOw =World Meteorolngical Organization numher Elev = elevation, ft DBtemperature,
= dry-hulh 'F
Lat = latitude Long. = longitude StdP =standard
at mph
WS = wind

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
S T D - A S H R A E CH 2b-ENGL L997 0757b50 053Lb37 938 =
Climatic 26.19

Table 1B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-United States

0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1%
2% Range
Station DB MWB DB DB

Huron 95 72 91 71 88 70 76 89 74 87 72 84 72 126 84 70 117 81 69 110 79 24.1

Piem 99 70 95 69 91 68 74 90 12 89 71 86 70 116 81 68 109 80 66 102 78 25.6
Rapid City 95 65 91 65 88 64 70 85 68 84 67 82 65 104 76 63 98 75 61 92 73 25.3
-..-.. .Falls
Sionr .". 94 73 90 72 87 71 76 89 75 87 73 84 73 127 84 71 119 82 69 112 80 22.1
. . , . . .
TENNesSBE . . . .,
~~ 89
87 72 72 85 71 75 85 7472 84
82 73 81 125 19.2 77 71116 120
70 79
Chattanwga 94 75 92 75 89 74 78 89 77 88 76 86 75 134 82 74 130 82 73 125 81 19.5
Crossville 89 73 87 72 85 72 76 85 74 83 73 82 74 134 80 72 125 79 71 121 78 19.8
Jacksofi 95 71 93 76 91 76 80 91 78. 90 78 88 76 i40 . 85 75.. 135 85 75 132 8 4 19.8
Knoxville 92 74 90 74 87 73 77 88 76 86 75 85 14 131 82 73 127 81 72 123 80 18.1

MD6 = mean coincident dry-hub temperature, 'F M W S =mean coincident wind speed, mph StdD = standard deviation HR = humidity ratio
MW6 = mean coincident wet-hub temperature,'F MWD = mean ulincident wind direction A = airport DP = dew-point temperature, 'F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services

S T D - A S H R A E CH 2b-ENGL L777 $ss 07.59150 0 5 3 1 b 3 8 874

26.20 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

Table IA Heating and Wind Design Conditions-United States

mmme W,nd ColdestMonthWS/MDBMWS/MWD to DB Annual Extreme Daily
Heating DB Speed 0.4% 1% 99.6% 0.4% StdD
StdP ""-
Station WMOX Lat. Long. ft psia Dates 99.6% 99% 1% 2.5% 5%MD6WS WS MDB MWSPWD M W S P W D Max Max
Min Min
Lubbock, Int'l Airport 122670 33.65101.82324113.054 6193 11 17 30 26 23 30 43 27 44 12 O 14
160 102 4 2.6 5.6
Lubbock, Reese AFB 722675 33.60102.05333713.008 8293 II 18 25 22 19 25 48 22 44 IO 20 11 170 102 6 3.1 4.9
LuMn 722446 31.23
14.543 6193 23 27 18 16 14 18 44 17 46 6 330 230
8 99 17 3.2 5.3
Marfa 722640 30.37104.02485912.292 8293 15 19 24 21 18 25 44 22 45 5 360 220
9 91 5 2.3 5.0
MtAllen 722506 26.18
98.23 108 14.638 8293 34 40 24 22 20 23 68 21 68 11 350 14 130 106 21 4.3 8.1
MidlandiOdessa 722650 31.95
102.18286113.238 6193 17 22 28 25 22 27 50 23 48 9 20 13
180 103 9 2.6 6.9
San Angel0 722630 31.37100.50190913.709 6193 20 24 26 23 21 25 52 22 51 IO 20 I I 160 103 13 2.8 6.1
San Antonio, Int'l Airport 722530 29.53
14.219 6193 26 30 22 19 17 23 43 20 45 IO 350 IO 160 I O0 19 2.9 5.2
San Antonio, Kelly MB 722535 29.38 98.58 689 14.333 8293 27 32 19 17 15 21 51 18 52 8 360 160
8 103 22 2.9 6.5
San Antonio, bndolph MB 722536 29.53
14.296 8293 27 31 19 17 15 20 45 17 48 7 340 150
7 101 20 2.2 6.7
Sanderson 747300 30.17102.42283813.250 8293 23 28 19 16 13 20 44 17 48 6 360 120
7 1o2 9 2.9 8.3
Victoria 722550 28.85
14.633 6193 29 33 26 23 21 26 50 23 51 12 360 12
180 99 23 2.5 5.2
Wac0 722560 31.62
97.22 509 14.427 6193 22 26 26 23 21 29 38 25 42 13 360 12
180 104 16 2.8 6.4
Wichita Falls, SheppardAFB 7235 1O 33.98
14.157 6193 14 19 29 25 23 28 42 25 43 12 360 13
180 107 7 3.4 6.6
Cedar City 724155 37.70113.10562311.945 6193 2 26 8 22 20 24 38 21 39 140
4 12200 97 -6 8.32.3
Ogden, Hill MB 725755 41.12111.97478712.325 8293 6 11 22 19 17 22 27 19 28 9 110 190
6 96 1 2.9 6.3
Salt Lake City 725720 40.78111.97422612.586 6193 6 II 27 23 20 27 42 22 40 160
7 11 340 1 O0 6.7
Burlington 726170 44.47 73.15
341 14.515 6193 -I 1 -6 23 21 18 24 30 21 27 70 6 1 1 180 93 -19 2.7 5.6
hlontpelier/Barre 726145 44.20 72.57 Il65 14.087 8293 -10 -6 21 19 17 22 20 20 20 3204 220
9 91 -18 3.6 5.9
Fort Belvoir 724037 38.72 77.18 69 14.659 8293 I2 18 18 14 12 19 35 17 34 2 320 160
6 100 2
2.3 7.6
Hampton, Langley MB 745980 37.08 76.37 10 14.690 8293 21 24 22 19 17 22 41 20 40 IO 330 240
9 97 13
3.2 6.1
Lynchburg 7241O0 37.33 79.20 938 14.204 6193 12 17 19 17 15 21 35 18 35 8 360 230
9 95 5
2.9 5.8
N w p o r t Neln 723086 37.13 76.50 43 14.673 8293 18 22 19 18 16 20 40 18 41 8 350 IO 220 99 11
2.3 4.7
Norfolk 723080 36.90 76.20 30 14.680 6193 20 24 25 22 20 26 40 23 40 12 340 I2 230 97 14
2.8 5.4
Oceanl,NAS 723075 36.82
76.03 23 14.683 8293 22 25 21 19 17 21 42 19 42 8 310 9 220 98 14
1.8 6.8
Quantico, Mcas 724035 38.50
77.30 13 14.688 8293 16 21 17 14 12 19 36 15 38 6 340 230
5 1 O0 8
3.6 5.9
Richmond 724010 37.50
14.602 6193 14 18 20 18 16 21 40 18 39 7 340 IO 230 98 6
2.6 5.8
Roanoke 7241 IO 37.32
14.082 6193 12 17 23 20 17 27 31 23 32 IO 320 IO 290 96 4
3.3 5.6
Sterling 724030 38.95
14.525 6193 9 14 22 19 16 25 32 21 31 7 340 IO 250 97 -1 7.0
Washington, NationalA 724050 38.85
66 8293 15 20 23 20 18 24 34 21 35 11 340 I I 170 99 2.58 6.8
Bellingham 727976 48.80
14.612 8293 15 23 21 20 18 28 33 23 34 17 40 2909 87 II 3.1 7.4
Hanford 727840 46.57
14.311 8293 5 12 25 21 18 24 44 19 44 6 20 20 8 105 2 3.1 9.0
Olympia 727920 46.97
14.589 6193 18 21 23 18 16 21 45 19 45 5 18050 8 94 IO 4.0 8.1
Quillayute 727970 47.95
14.588 6193 23 27 33 27 21 41 45 35 45 7 60 2409 87 19 8.4 6.4
Seattle, Int'l Airport 727930 47.45
14.458 6193 23 22 28 19 17 24 44 21 44 IO IO IO 350 92 19 3.6 6.8
S p h e , FnircblldMB 727855 47.62117.65246113.435 6193 1 7 27 23 20 28 39 25 38 7 50 9 240 98 3.2
Stampede Pass 727815 47.28
121.33396712.708 8293 3 10 21 19 16 27 19 22 25 13 90 7 100 84 2 3.2 7.2
Tacoma, McChord MB 742060 47.13
14.525 8293 I8 24 I8 15 13 22 45 18 46 2 180 20 7 94 12 2.7 6.8
Walla Walla 727846 46.10118.28120414.067 8293 4 22 12 19 17 24 49 22 47 6 180 3009 1 o5 I 3.2 11.7
Wenatchee 727825 47.40
120.20124314.047 8293 3 9 22 19 17 17 36 12 31 3 100 2809 101 -2 2.5 7.2
Yaldma 727810 46.57120.53106614.138 6193 4 11 24 20 17 23 47 19 43 7 250 90 7 101 -2 3.2 8.5
Bluefield 724 I25 37.30 81.202858 13.240 8293 5 12 15 13 12 18 34 15 33 270
6 290
6 88 -6 4 8.5
Charleston 724140 38.37 81.60
981 14.182 6193 6 11 18 16 14 20 38 18 34 250
7 240
8 94 -2 2.8 6.7
Elldns 7241 70 38.88 79.851998 13.665 6193 -2 5 20 18 16 22 30 19 30 280
4 290
8 88 -12 2.8 5.4
Huntington 724250 38.37 82.55 837 14.257 6193 6 11 19 16 14 20 32 17 32 8 270 270
8 94 -2 5.0 1.6
Martinsburg 724 177 39.40 77.98
558 14.402 8293 8 14 21 I8 16 23 33 20 34 270
7 290
9 99 -3 4 8.3
Morgantown 724176 39.65 79.921247 14.045 8293 4 11 18 15 13 19 32 17 33 210
6 240
8 93 -4 3.6 8.6
Parkersburg 724273 39.35 81.43
860 14.245 8293 4 11 18 16 14 20 32 18 29 240
7 270
8 95 -4 3.1 9.2
EauClaire 726435 44.87 91.48
906 14.221 6193 -18 22 -13 19 17 21 14 20 13 7 250 13
220 95 -25 3.2 5.1
Green Bay 726450 44.48 88.13
702 14.326 6193 -13 25 -8 22 20 25 19 22 18 IO 270 12200 93 -19 2.8 5.6
La Crosse 726430 43.87 91.25
663 14.341 6193 -14 -8 23 20 18 23 13 21 13 7 310 12
180 97 -21 3.2 6.2
Madison 7264 I O 43.13 89.33 866 14.241 6193 -1 1 -6 24 21 19 25 16 22 17 8 300 12230 94 -18 3.2 6.0
Mihmuke 726400 42.95 87.90 692 14.332 6193 -7 28 -2 24 22 28 19 24 20 13 290 15220 95 -12 3.2 6.7
x'ausau 726463 44.93 89.631201 14.069 8293 -15 -9 19 17 15 19 16 17 17 7 300 IO 200 93 -22 3.1 4.7
Big Piney 7267 1 O 42.57 110.10 696911.353 8293 -22 -15 24 20 17 22 25 19 21 3 60 11 260 87 -33 2.7 8.5
&per 725690 42.92106.47528912.096 6193 -13 -5 34 30 27 35 35 32 32 9 260 13 240 97 -22 2.2 8.4
Cheyenne, Warren MB 725640 41.15104.82614211.714 6193 -7 o 34 29 26 38 36 33 34 IO 290 13 290 92 -15 2.2 7.5
M Y 726700 44.52109.02509512.184 8293 -14 -7 34 28 23 35 35 30 35 6 40 11 70 95 -20 4.1 9.4
Gillette 726650 44.35105.53403512.675 8293 -16 -7 28 25 22 30 34 27 33 8 260 11 140 101 -20 5.9 10.1
lander 725760 42.82108.73555811.974 6193 -14 -7 23 19 16 25 38 19 37 3 120 10
270 95 -20 2.5 7.8
Rock Spring 725744 41.60109.07675911.444 6193 -9 -2 28 25 23 32 25 29 24 7 70 13
280 90 -17 2.0 8.0
Sheridan 726660 44.77106.97396712.708 6193 -14 28 -8 24 20 29 32 23 27 5 280 120
9 99 -22 3.0 6.4
Worland 726665 43.97107.95424512.577 8293 -22 -13 22 19 16 20 28 17 28 3 210 220
9 103 -30 2.2 10.4
WMO* = World Meteorological Organization nunher Elev = elevation, ft DB = dry-hulh temperature, 'F
Lat = latitude h g . = hngitude StdP = standard pressure at station elevation, p i a WS = wind speed, nlph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Climatic Design Information 26.21

Table 1B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-United States

0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2%
Lubboek, lnt'lAirport 97 67 95 93 67 73 67 8786 72 71 85 69 120 6877 115116776 1 22.1 76
Reese MB 98 67 95 93 67 73 67 8786 72 71 85 12269 68 78 115 66 77 110 77 23.8
LuMn 97 76 9593 77 79 76 9089 79 78 89 14377 83 76 139 83 75 134 20.982
Marfa 94 62 92 61 89 62 68 82 67 8180 66 65 Il0 72 10363 71 98 62 71 31.3
McAlkn , 1O0 16 98 76 97 80 76 91, ' 86 , 90 79 89 78 146 83 ,'..79 ,,,'l$?. ' , . 8 2 , . ~ , , , 1 ? :,:,~ 82
, , 1 '.20.7.
MidlancVOdessa 99 97 67 67 95 67 73 8786 72 86 71 69 120 68 76 115 67 75 111 75 23.7
San Angel0 10097 70 70 9575 70 90 89 74 73 88 71 123
11870 80 79 11669 78 22.3
San In17 Airport 9896 73 94 73 78 74 8787 77 86 76 76 139 75 81 135 74 81 132 80 19.1
San Antonio, Kelly MB 99 74 97 74 96 74 79 89 78 88 77 88 77 145 83 76 140 82 13675 81 20.5
San Antonio, Randolph 1\FB 98 9674 74 94 74 78 90 71'; 1 89 16 88 76
' 138 ,82,l: ~ ~ ' ~.i34
1 5 81. . 132
~' 74'
~ Si 22.3.
Sanderson 97 67 95 68 94 68 74 86 73 86 72 86 70 123 79 119 69 78 68 114 20.7 77
Victoria 95 76 94 76 92 77 80 88 79 88 78 87 78 145 83 77 141 82 76 139 82 17.4
Wac0 101 75 99 75 97 75 79 93 78 92 77 91 75 135 83 74 131 82 74 127 82 21.6
73 91 75 92 76 WichitaFalls,Sheppard~B
93 77 73 98 73 100 74 103 12972 82 12471 82 120 81 23.9
DTAB~ . , . . . . .,,:. . .. .. .. . . . :., ., ,. .
Cedar city 86 62 9380 6459 58 9188 59 61 ' 7993 59 6885 57 78 55 68 28.5 68
60 81 62 81Wen.
" 64. Hill
83MB65 60 87 60 9390 61 73 77 8355 73 22.0
Salt Lake City 85 65 85 669661 92 62 62 94 73 84 58 73 92
64 60 85 73 77 56 , 27.7
. . ,. . .. .., . .,... .
Burlingion 71 87 69 84 82
74 71 68 78 70 83
81 72 115 79 69 109 75 77102 67 20.4
Mont&lierAarre 85 70 83 7268 67 80 8280 70 69 77 69 111 78 21.16773 99 10666 75
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .., . .. ., . ~ , , ,
yIw;INlh . . . . . . . . . ..,., . . ., , , . , ,, ,, ,

Fort Belvoir 78 95 7593 89 76 89 78 92 80 77 87 77 86 139 75 13374 85 127 83 20:9"

Hampton, Langley MB 94 78 91 77 88 76 80 90 79 89 78 86 77 141 85 76 136 84 75 132 83 14.9
Lynchburg 93 74 90 74 88 73 77 88 76 87 75 85 74 129 81 73 125 72 80 120 79 18.2
NewportNews 95 78 92 77 89 76 80 91 78 89 77. . 87 17 139, 84 16 . . 135 '
S3:,.,: 7.5: ,322 ',:.??.'IC2
Norfolk 93 77 91 76 88 75 79 89 77 87 77 85 76 135 83 75 130 12674 82 81 15.3
89 W79 75 88 76 9491 77
Oceana. 86 1877 129
87 74 83 134 76 7785 139 82 15.7
76 89 Quantico,
78 91 hlcas 79 74 89 76 9492 77 87 76 136 73 8587130 75 83 125 18.5
Richmond 90 79
94 74 89
76 75 92 78 76 88 86 76 137 84 75 131' 82 " 74 :'j 126 ' 81 ':1?3:
74 88 75 Roanoke
71 87 72 89 73 92 70 115 78 19.6
75 Sterline
87 76 88 77 73 9388 75
~ ~~ 74 90 21.0 80 120 72 81 125 73 83 130 74 85
76 88 78 89 79 74 NationalA
Washington, 89 76 92 76 95 86 76
83 132 75 137 74 83 127 81 16.6
... .. .,. .. . ..,.. .
WASHINGTON . . . . . . . . . . ., ., 1

Bellingham 76 65 79 67 6462 74 75 65 78 63
61 72 73 81 70 78 605 6 74 6 1 16.7
Hanfoid 100 67 96 65 93 64 68 96 66 94 65 90 58 73 72 56 68 75 53 62 74 26.5
Olympia 87 61 83 65 79 64 68 85 66 81 64 78 61 81 73 60 76 71 58 73 69 25.2
Quillayute 80 62 74 61 70 59 64 76 62 72 60 67 60 76 65 58 74 63 57 71 62 15.4
Seattle, ht'l Airport 85 65 81 64 78 62 66 83 65 79 63 76 60 78 71 59 74 69 57 71 68 18.3
Spokane, Rircbild AFB 92 62 89 61 85 ' 60 65 86, 63 84 61 82 57 77 68 55 71 68,. 53 '67 67 26.1
Stampede Pass 78 51 74 56 71 54 59 74 57 71 56 69 53 70 63 51 65 61 50 62 58 16.0
Tacoma, McChord MB 86 65 82 63 78 62 67 83 65 80 63 76 60 79 71 59 76 70 58 72 68 22.5
Walla Walla 98 66 95 65 92 64 68 92 67 91 65 88 60 82 74 58 76 72 57 71 72 27.0
Wenatchee 95 67 92 65 88 63 67 91 66 89 64 85 59 78 75 57 73 75 55 68 74 25.2
Yakma 95 65 92 64 63 88 67 90 66 89 786459 86 71 57 75 7467 55 .. 31.172
. , . ,. , . . ,

Bluefield 85 69 83 6967 80 72 81 71 79 70 77 69 120 68 75 ~ 116 '15 67 1.11 16.4 73
~ ~~ 76 73 71 9186 73 88
~ ~~ 75 86 85 74 82129 73 72 81 80 123 19.1 7178 118
Elkins 708583 71 69 81 72 82 73 78 121 718078 71 116 69 68 77 111 75 21.1
Huntington 72 86 73 89 74 91 77 81 76
~ 85 1 4 74 83
~ 73 82'132 127 81 72 l i 1 i9 19.1 ,

MartinSburg 9491 74 72 88 73 77 8786 75 74 85 74 130 72 81 120

71 80 79 116 21.8

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~

S T D - A S H R A E C H ab-ENGL 2 9 7 7 BBsl 0 7 5 9 b S O 0 S 3 L b 4 0 4 2 2

26.22 Handbook
1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals

Table 2A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-Canada


ExtremeWind Coldest
Month WS/MDB
MWS/MWD to DB Annual Fxtreme Daily

Elev. StdP
Heating DB Speed 0.4%
"- 1% 99.6%DB StdD
0.4% DB Mean
Station WMO#
Lat. Long. ft psia Dates
99.6% 99% 1% 2.5% 5% WS MDB WS MDB M W S PWD MWS PWD Max Min Max Min
Cllgaly lntl A 718770 51.12 114.02
12.90 -17-22
6193 28 2432 21 29 28 27 7 0 1 1 160 89 -28 2.1 5.6
Cold Lake-& 711200 54.42 110.28
13.77 6193 -26-31 18 21 21 16 18 18 11 270
3 180
9 88 -40 3.2 6.3
Coronation 7 I873052.07 111.45
13.37 -23-27
6193 25 21 28 19 12 23 13 320
9 1 1 I60 92 -35 3.1 6.3
Edmonton htlA 71 123053.30 113.58237213.479 6193-28.1 -?.9 24 21 18 24 12 21 11 6 180 9 180 87 -36 3.1 8.1
Fon McMurray A 719320 56.65 111.22'1211 14.06 -32 6193 -29 17 15 13 18 16 15 II 90 3 250
9 90 -42 3.6 4.9
Grande Prairie A 719400 55.18 118.88
13.57 -32
6193 -27 23 27 29 19 32 24 28 320
3 270
8 87 -41 2.7 6.7
Lethbridge A 718740 49.63 112.80
13.15 -22
6193 -16 32 36 45 28 39 39 38 250
5 13 270 94 -30 3.2 6.5
Medicine Hat A 718720 50.02 110.72 2349 13.49 6193 -24 -19 26 22 20 29 36 25 33 5 230 1 1 220 97 -32 3.6 7.2
w e e Mver A 710680 56.23 117.43 1873 13.727 6193 -31.5 -27.2 21 18 17 22 30 19 24 4 0 9 270 87 -42 2.9 6.7
Red Deer A 718780 52.18 113.90 2969 13.19 6193 -27 -21 22 19 17 27 13 22 13 200
6 I O 180 88 -35 3.1 6.5
Rocly hltn. House 719280 52.43
6193 -20-25 1619 13 19 26 16 20 340
3 160
8 87 -36 2.7 5.0
Vermilion A 53.35 110.832028 13.65 6193 -30 -25 22 19 17 21 13 19 11 270
3 11 180 90 -43 3.6 6.7
Whitecourt 719300 54.15 115.782566 13.38 6193 -30 -24 17 15 14 19 22 17 18 4270 90 7 87 -41 2.0 5.4
Abbotsford A 711080 49.03122.37
190 14.59 6193 15 20 20 17 15 29 25 33 34 9012 220
7 92 IO 4.0 6.7
Cape St. James 710310 51.93131.02302 14.54 6193 25 29 50 46 40 60 54 40 42 22 50 I I 300 69 22 3.4 5.6
Castlegar A 718840 49.30 117.631624 13.85 6693 5 9 18 15 14 21 19 18 21 8 0 180
7 98 -3 2.9 7.0
Comox A 718930 49.72
79 14.65 6193 21 25 29 25 21 31 28 43 42 290
7 340
7 87 17 3.8 5.2
CranbmkA 718800 49.60115.78 3081 13.13 7093 -i5 -8 20 18 16 20 18 33 33 2 200 10 210 94 -22 2.7 6.7
Fon Nelson A 7 I9450 58.83 122.581253 14.04 6193 -33 -30 16 14 12 15 8 12 2 1 220 5 120 88 -42 3.2 6.3
Fort St. John A 719430 56.23 120.73
2280 13.52 6193 -30 -25 25 22 19 29 25 23 22 7 0 230
9 86 -36 2.9 6.3
Kamloops A 718870 50.70 120.451135 14.10 6693 -8 -1 23 20 18 25 22 26 27 904 270
8 98 -14 2.7 8.8
Penticton A 718890 49.47 119.601129 14.11 6193 5 IO 23 20 17 28 34 25 35 340
8 180
9 96 I 7.22.7
Poli Hardyd 711090 50.68 127.37 72 14.66 6193 22 26 28 24 21 33 38 29 39 110
8 340
9 76 18 3.4 4.9
Prince Ceorge A 718960 53.88122.682267 13.53 6193 -25 -18 21 18 15 27 32 23 24 2 0 180
6 -37
85 5.9
Prince Rupert A 718980 54.30130.43
112 14.64 6393 7 13 28 23 20 30 44 26 43 70 6 270
8 2 75 6.84.5
Quesnel A 711030 53.03 122.521788 13.77 6193 -22 -14 17 15 14 19 18 17 20 I 340 5 340 -31 92 8.3
Sandspit A 711010 53.25
20 14.68 6193 21 25 38 32 27 42 44 37 42 18
320 270
9 1872 3.4 5.0
Srnithers A 7 19500 54.82 127.18
1716 13.81 6193 -19 -12 17 15 13 I8 23 16 19 3 140 320
6 88 -26 7.0 4.0
Spring Island 7 I4790 50.12 127.93 322 14.53 6193 29 31 41 35 29 44 46 40 45 6 50 3206 2578 4.5
Terrace A 719510 54.47128.58
712 14.32 6193 -2 2 26 23 20 32 IO 29 14 19 O 270 8 89 -5 4.0 5.8
Tofino A 711060 49.08
79 14.65 6193 25 29 24 20 18 29 46 24 45 70 5 290
7 5.6
Vancouver lntl A 7 18920 49.18
7 14.69 6193 18 24 22 19 16 25 41 21 42 906 290
7 82 14 2.9 6.3
Victoria lntl A 7 1 7990 48.65
62 14.66 6193 23 26 20 16 14 24 37 20 38 IO 50 90 6 87 18 3.2 5.8
Williams Lake A 71 IO40 52.18122.053084 13.13 6193 -20 -14 22 19 17 24 29 21 30 320
3 140
6 -29
88 7.9
Brandon A 282023
71 I400 49.92
-29 24 2 2 9270 12 160 -3694 3.1
Churchill A 719130 58.75
94.07 95 14.64
-36 30 34 36 26 -II 30 -14 15 270 13 230 86 -41 4.5
Dauphin A 718550 51.10
100.05 1001 28
-28 25 3122 28 2 5 9250 13200 -3693 3.4 4.3
Portage La Prairie A 718$10 49.9098.27 883 14.23
-25 26 23 20 29 I 25 1 9 250 12 180 95 -31 3.4 4.1
The Pas A 7 18670 53.97 101.10 19212414.23
-32 25 -6 22 -2 6290 1 1 160 89 -40 3.4 4.1
Thompson h 710790 55.8097.87
-38 20 18 19 16 -5 17 -1 270
3 10 180 89 -48 3.8 4.3
Winnipeg Int'l A 718520 49.90 3097.23 232529-23
784 5 26 5 320
7 13
180 -3394 3.4
Charlo A 717110 47.98 66.33 125 14.63 6793 -14 -10 24 21 19 27 3 24 8 1 1 250 1 1 250 89 -21 2.7 4.5
Chatham A 717170 47.00 65.45 102 14.64 6193 -12 -7 24 21 18 27 16 24 16 270
7 II 230 93 -20 2.2 4.3
Fredericton A 717000 45.87 66.53 66 14.66 6193 -12 25 17
-7 20 23 17 22 18 5 270 II 230 92 -21 2.5 5.4
Moncton A 717050 46.12 64.68 233 14.57 6193 -10 -5 26 23 20 30 19 26 19 13 270 13 250 89 -17 2.0 4.5
Saint John A 716090 45.32 65.88 358 3214.51
20 236193
26 -4 -9 24 28 23 340
9 II 230 84 -18 4.0 4.7
Battle Harbour 718170 52.30 55.83 26 14.68 6193 -14 -10 40 35 48 32 42 17 15 18 270 17
230 78 -18 4.7 5.9
Bonavista 711960 48.67 53.12 89 3414.65
48 38 6193 7
43 3 42 21 23 24 280 17
230 81 O 2.7 5.8
Camright 718180 53.70 57.03 46 14.67 6493 -18 -15 36 30 27 40 35 18 19 12220 12
210 84 -23 4.1 4.5
Daniels Harbour 711850 50.23 57.58 62 14.66 6693 -7 -3 40 35 31 45 39 16 21 12 270 15 230 75 -12 3.2 6.5
Deer Lake A 718090 49.22 57.40 72 14.66 6693 -13 -7 24 22 18 26 22 21 19 240
3 14220 86 -23 2.3 6.7
Gander lntl A 718030 48.95 54.57 495 14.43 6193 -4 O 32 28 25 37 32 20 22 16270 13
230 85 -8 2.9 6.3
Coose A 718160 53.32 60.37 I60 14.36 6193 -23 -20 26 22 20 30 26 3 5 1 1 250 12
250 89 -29 4.0 3.6
Hopedale 719000 55.45 60.23 26 14.68 6493 -21 -18 36 30 27 40 13 35 11 12250 13 250 79 -25 4.5 5.8
St. John'sA 718010 47.62 52.73 459 14.45 6193 3 7 37 33 29 41 37 24 25 17290 17
250 82 -2 4.9
Stephenville A 718150 48.53 58.55 85 14.65 61933 -2 363323 28 30 21 21 I I 50 250
9 79 -7 2.5 6.3
Wabush Lake A 718250 52.9366.87
1808 13.76 6193 -33I -30
-4 23 17 20 25 21 -5 -4 5 270 12
240 82 -43 3.8 4.3
B a k r Lake 719260 64.30 96.08 59 14.66 6393 -39 36 32 28 42 37 -26 -26 12 o IO 270 77 -50 4.9 4.3
Cambridge Bay A 19250
7 69.10 105.12 89 14.65 6193 -38 -35 35 31 27 36 31 -19 -19 320
9 11 140 68 -50 4.9 3.8
Cape A 19480
7 70.17 124.68 56 14.67 6193 -34 -33 31 28 25 34 29-12 -12 270
7 9 I l 0 -42
66 4.9 4.3
chestefield 719164 63.33 90.72 36 14.68 6393 -35 -34 33 29 26 35 -26 31 -26 14
320 13 320 73 -49 13.9 4.9
Coral Harbour A 719150 64.20 83.37 210 14.58 6193 -40 -38 37 32 27 39 -5 32 -7 340
9 13 270 71 -49 3.8 5.2
FORSmith A 719340 60.02 111.95 666 14.35 6193 -34 -32 18 17 15 20 18 -3 -5 3 150 IO 180 88 -48 3.4 5.6
Hall Beach A 710810 68.78 81.25 26 14.68 6193 -42 -38 33 29 25 34 30-20 -2 1 IO 320 11 180 64 -53 5.2 5.4
lnuvik UA 719570 68.30 133.48 223 14.58 7393 -43 -40 17 15 14 19 -7 17 -7 1 70 8 180 84 -52 2.5 5.0
IqualuitA (Frobisher) 719090 63.75 68.55 108 14.64 6193 -39 -36 32 28 25 40 34-12 -12 320
4 12 320 68 -43 4.3 4.7
Norman wells A 710430
-40 24 18 21 -4 29 824
170 2 -7 -4987
140 3.1 5.4
WMO# =World Meteorological Organization number Elev = elevation, ft DB = d y h u l h temperature, 'F
Lat = latitude Long = longitude
StdP = standard
at station elevation,
psia WS =speed,
wind nph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
~ ~~

S T D - A S H R A E C H 2b-ENGL L777 W 0757bSD 0 5 3 1 b 4 L 3 b 7

Climatic 26.23

Table 2B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-Canada

Cooling DBlMWB DP/MDB \VB/MDB and HR
0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1%
2$6 Range
Calgary lntl A 83 60 80 59 17 51 62 18 61 75 59 13 51 79 61 55 14 65 53 69 64 22.0
Cold lake A 82 64 18 62 75 60 66 18 64 76 62 12 62 88 11 60 82 69 58 76 61 20.0
Coronation 85 62 82 60 18 59 65 80 63 78 61 15 60 84 69 58 18 61 56 13 66 22.1
Edmooton lntl A 82 63 18 62 15 60 66 77 64 75 62 73 62 I389 59 83 69 57 71 ~ 66 21.8,
Fort McMurrar A 84 64 80 62 76 60 66 19 64 76 62 13 61 84 71 59 18 68 57 14 66 22.0
Grande PrairieA 81 62 18 60 75 58 64 11 62 74 60 11 59 81 68 51 16 65 55 71 63 20.9
Lethbridge A 88 61 84 61 81 60 65 81 63 79 61 71 59 84 10 57 18 69 55 73 61 24.8
Medicine Hat A
Pgce River A
Red Deer A
62 80
. 56
68 25.0
65 21.4
66 22.9
Rocky Mtn. House 80 62 18 61 15 59 64 78 63 75 61 12 60 81 10 58 81 68 56 16 66 22.5
Vermilion A 83 64 80 62 11 61 66 18 64 71 62 14 62 88 12 60 83 69 58 11 61 22.0
mitecourt 80 61 71 60 14 59 65 11 62 14 60 71 60 86 69 58 80 61 51 15 64 23.4
Abbotsford A 85 61 80 66 11 64 69 83 66 79 64 76 85 62 Il 61 80 13 59 16 10 21.4
Cape St. James 64 59 62 58 60 51 60 63 59 61 58 60 59 14 61 58 I1 59 51 69 59 7.6
Castlegar A 92 64 88 63 84 62 61 85 65 83 63 81 60 83 71 59 18 10 51 14 68 27.9
Comox A 80 63 16 62 73 61 65 76 63 74 62 71 60 18 68 59 15 66 58 71 65 16.4
CranbmokA 88 61 85 60 81 59. 63 83 62 80 Ml 78 51 11 66 55 72 66 53 61 65 24.8
Fort Nelson A 82 62 18 60 15 59 64 11 62 74 60 12 60 80 68 58 15 66 56 70 64 21.1
Fort St. John A 19 61 16 59 13 58 63 16 61 12 59 70 59 80 61 51 74 65 55 69 63 18.1
Kamloops A 93 65 88 63 85 62 66 88 65 85 63 81 59 18 70 57 14 69 56 69 68 24.1
PentictonA 90 65 81 64 83 63 61 85 65 83 64 81 60 81 13 59 16 72 51 72 11 26.5
Port Hardy A 68 59 65 58 63 57 60 66 59 64 58 62 58 72 62 51 ~

69 61 56 67 60 12:4
Prince GeorgeA 81 60 78 59 14 58 63 18 61 14 59 11 58 71 66 56 13 64 54 61 62 23.2
Prince RupertA 66 58 63 51 61 56 60 64 58 62 51 60 58 I1 61 51 69 60 56 66 59 10.4
Quesnel A 85 62 81 60 11 59 64 80 62 11 61 14 59 81 61 57 I5 65 56 11 63 25.4
Sandspit A 68 60 65 59 63 58 61 66 60 64 59 62 59 15 62 58 11 61 51 69 60 8.6
Smi!$ers A 81 61 11 59 13 58 62 I8 61 14 59 I1 51 74 65 56 10 64 54 65 62 22.0
Spring Island 68 60 66 59 63 58 61 66 60 64 59 62 59 76 62 58 14 61 51 11 60 8.8
Terrace A 83 62 18 60 14 59 64 19 62 16 60 12 58 13 66 56 69 64 55 65 64 17.1
Tofino A 12 62 68 60 66 58 62 70 60 67 59 64 59 16 63 58 13 62 51 71 60 12.2
Vancouver lntl A 16 65 14 64 71 62 66 15 64 72 63 10 62 83 11 61 19 10 60 16 68 14.0
Victoria lntl A 19 63 15 62 12 61 64 11 63 74 61 11 59 15 69 58 11 61 51 69 65 18.4
Williams lake A 83 59 19 51 75 56 60 Il 59 15 51 12 55 13 62 53 61 61 51 62 60 22.0
Brandon A 81 61 84 66 80 65 11 82 69 80 66 11 61 105 11 65 91 14 62 88 12 23.6
Churchill A 11 62 12 60 61 58 64 14 61 10 58 66 59 16 68 56 68 65 53 60 62 16.1
Dauphin A 81 61 84 66 80 64 IO 82 68 80 66 11 61 102 71 64 94 14 62 86 12 22.1
Poirage L Prairie A 88 68 85 67 81 65 12 83 69 80 68 78 10868 78 66 99 I5 64 92 73 20.5
The Pas A 83 66 79 64 16 62 68 19 66 16 64 13 64 93 13 62 85 70 60 80 68 18.4
Thompson A 83 64 19 62 16 60 66 18 64 15 62 13 62 85 11 60 18 69 58 13 66 23.0
Winnipeg Int'l A 81 68 84 61 81 66 12 82 70 80 68 18 68 107 78 66 99 75 64 92 13 20.5
Charlo A 83 68 19 66 1510 65 78 68 16 66 73 102 68 14 66 12 91 90 64 10 18.4
Chatham A 86 69 83 61 79 65 71 81 69 18 68 15 68 104 15 61 98 13 65 92 11 20.3
Fredericton A 86 69 83 68 19 66 12 82 10 19 68 76 68 104 11 61 99 15 65 93 12 20.1
Moncton A 83 68 80 61 11 65 11 19 69 71 68 14 68 104 15 61 99 13 65 93 71 19.4
Saint John A 18 65 75 64 12 62 68 15 66 12 64 69 66 96 11 64 90 69 62 84 66 16.9
Battle Harbour 65 58 60 55 58 53 59 63 56 60 54 51
Bonavista 74 65 11 63 68 62 61 12 65 69 63 61 65 92 10 63 85 68 61 80 66 11.1
Cart\\light 75 62 70 59 61 58 63 12 61 68 59 66 59 16 61 51 10 65 55 64 63 11.5
Daniels Harbour 69 63 66 62 65 61 65 61 63 66 62 64 64 90 61 62 83 65 60 18 63 9:l
Deer lake A 81 66 11 64 74 62 68 11 66 14 65 11 66 95 13 64 88 11 61 81 69 21.4
Gander lntl A 19 65 16 63 12 62 68 15 66 12 64 10 65 95 11 63 88 70 61 83 68 17.8
Goose A 81 63 71 61 13 60 66 11 63 13 61 71 61 82 10 59 76 68 51 11 65 18.2
Hopedale 70 59 65 57 61 55 M, 68 58 64 55 61 51 69 64 54 62 6í 52 51 59 12.6
St. John'sA 16 65 13 64 70 63 68 13 66 71 64 68 66 98 11 64 92 69 62 85 61 15.7
Stepheaille A 74 64 11 64 69 63 67 11 65 69 64 68 66 95 10 64 88 68 62 83 66 12.4
Wabush LakeA 16 60 12 58 68 57 63 11 61 69 59 66 60 83 66 58 16 63 56 70 62 16.9
Baker lake 69 51 65 55 61 53 59 61 56 63 54 60 55 63 64 52 57 59 50 53 51 16.4
Cambridge Bay A 60 53 51 51 53 48 54 59 51 56 49 53 50 55 56 48 50 53 46 46 51 12.4
Pany Cape h 58 53 54 50 50 41 53 58 50 53 41 50 50 53 56 41 48 52 45 43 50 9.1
Chesterfield 66 54 60 52 56 50 55 65 52 60 50 56 50 53 60 48 49 55 46 46 52 13.7
Coral Harbour A 64 53 60 51 56 50 55 63 52 59 50 56 50 54 58 48 50 55 46 46 52 14.8
Fort Smith A 82 63 18 61 15 60 65 18 63 15 61 72 61 81 69 59 16 61 51 71 66 21.4
Beach Hall A 56 50 52 41 49 45 50 55 48 52 45 49 41 48 53 44 42 50 42 39 41 9.9
lnuvik Ua 18 60 15 59 11 51 62 15 60 72 58 69 56 61 61 61 55 65 2 57 64 18.4
lqualuit A (Frobisher) 60 50 51 48 53 46 51 59 49 55 41 53 46 46 53 44 43 52 42 40 50 12.4
Norman A 62 80 17 60 14 59 64 11 62 14 60 11 59 75 68 51 11 66 56 61 65 18.5
MDB = meancoincident dry-hulhtemperature, 'F WS = meancoincidentwindspeed,mph StdD = standard deviation HR = humidify ratio
WB =mean coincident wet-hulhtemperature, 'F MWD = coincident
wind A = airport DP = dew-point temperature, 'F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
S T D a A S H R A F : CH 2b-ENGL L777 0759bS!I 0 5 3 L b 4 2 2 T 5 311

26.24 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

Table 2A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-Canada

ExtremeWind Coldest Month WS/MDB MWS/MWD to DB Annual
Heating D 6 Speed 0.4% 1% 99.6% 0.4% Mean D 6 StdD DB
Elm. StdP " ~ ~
station WMOY kit Long. ft pSia Dates 99.6%
99% 1% 2.5% 5% WS MDB WS MD6 MWS PWD M W S PWD Max M i n Max Min
Resolute A 94.98
719240 220 14.58 6393 -42 -40 39 34 30 42 37 -15 -18 320
9 12 110 55 4.9
Yellonlalife A 719360
62.47 114.45 616 14.34 6193 -39 -36 22 19 I7 23 20 -8 -9 50 5 IO 160 -47
82 3.6 4.5
Greenr\ood A 64.92
44.98 92 14.65 6193 -2 3 29 25 22 35 25 30 23 300
7 I5 250 89 -11 2.3 5.4
Halifa lntl A 713950
63.50 476 14.44 6993 -2 2 27 23 20 30 26 27 26 1 1 320 12200 2.7-887 4.3
Sable Island 60.02
716000 13 14.69 6193 14 17 38 34 23 43 30 39 29 24 290 13 200 73 IO 4.0
Shearwater A 63.50
44.63 167 14.61 6193 1 5 29 25 22 33 24 28 24 12340 10 230 85 -5 3.2 4.1
Sydney A 60.05
717070 203 14.59 6193 -1 3 30 26 23 35 23 30 24 13 270 14230 87 -7 2.5 4.5
Truro 63.27 45.37 713980 131 14.63 6193 -9 -4 24 21 18 30 25 26 25 5 O I I 270 86 -16 3.2 5.8
Yarmouth A 66.08
716030 141 14.62 6193 7 IO 28 25 22 30 26 28 27 12 320 IO 190 79 1 2.7 3.6
Armstrong A 89.03
50.30 1152 14.09 6193 -33 -30 22 19 17 21 -2 I8 -3 270
3 12 O 88 -49 3.2 4.9
Atikokall 91.62 48.75717480 1289 14.02 6793 -3 1 -27 16 14 12 16 6 14 6 1 270 230
8 89 -42 3.6 3.8
Big Trout Lake 718480
53.83 89.81 735 14.31 6793 -32 -30 23 21 18 24 -1 21 -2 290
6 200
9 4.9
Earlton A 79.85
717350 797 14.28 6193 -27 -2 1 21 19 17 24 14 21 12 320
4 I2 200 3.8
91 5.0
Genldton 49.78718340 86.93 1152 14.09 6893 -3 2 -28 21 18 16 22 3 19 4 270
2 11 O -45
87 6.7
Gore Ba! A 717330
45.88 633 14.36 6193 -12 -7 27 23 21 29 23 26 22 7 o I I 180 -21
86 5.9
KapuskasingA 82.47
718310 745 14.30 6193 -30 -25 20 17 16 21 5 19 5 270
4 IO 230 90 -39 2.7 5.0
Kenora A 94.37
718500 1348 13.99 6193 -27 -22 21 18 17 21 7 19 6 320
8 I I 180 89 -32 3.4 5.0
London A 716230 43.03 81.15 912 14.22 6193 -3 2 25 22 20 30 21 26 21 9 250 I I 250 90 -11 3.4 5.6
Mount Foresf 716310
43.98 80.75 1362 13.99 6293 -7 -3 25 21 19 28 19 25 18 90 6 10250 87 -16 2.2 4.5
Muskoka A 79.30
716300 925 14.21 6193 -17 -1 I 21 19 18 23 21 20 21 320
7 270
9 87 -30 2.2 5.6
North Ba! A 717310
46.35 1217 14.06 6193 -18 -13 20 17 16 23 16 20 16 6 O IO 230 86 -26 3.2 5.4
Ottawa Int'l A 716280
75.67 374 14.50 6193 -13 -8 23 20 17 27 17 23 15 290
9 IO 250 91 -I9 2.7 5.0
Sault Ste. hlarie A 712600
84.52 630 14.36 6293 -13 -8 27 23 20 28 18 24 18 90 4 220
9 88 -25 3.2 5.9
Simcoe 80.27 42.85715270 791 14.28 6293 -2 3 24 20 18 28 23 24 24 10 270 11 230 91 -IO 2.9 4.7
Sioux Lookout A 718420
91.90 1280 14.03 6193 -30 -25 17 15 14 19 2 17 2 270
4 200
9 89 -39 3.2 4.9
Sudbuq A 80.80
717300 1 I42 14.10 6193 -19 -14 30 26 23 30 13 27 13 IO O I4 230 89 -27 4.0 5.2
Thunder Bay A 717490
89.32 653 14.35 6193 -77
" -18 24 21 18 25 9 22 6 250
9 I I 200 90 -31 3.8 4.7
Timmins A 81.37
717390 968 14.19 6193 -28 -23 21 19 17 22 6 20 7 180
5 10 250 91 -39 3.6 4.7
Toronto Int'lA 716240
79.63 568 14.40 6593 -4 1 26 22 20 29 22 26 23 340
9 12270 92 -11 2.9 5.6
Trenton A 77.53
716210 282 14.55 6193 -8 -3 26 22 19 30 23 26 24 50 6 12230 89 -16 3.1 5.6
"iarlon A 71633081.10
44.75 728 14.31 6193 -5 O 25 22 19 27 27 24 25 340
7 12230 88 -15 2.3 7.0
Windsor A 82.97
715380 623 14.37 6193 2 6 28 24 21 30 22 26 22 12230 12250 94 -5 2.7 5.4
Charlottetow A 7 I7060 46.28 63.13 177 14.60 6193 -6 -2 24 22 20 35 17 29 18 13 270 12 230 85 2.3
-12 4.7
SummersideA 7 I7020 46.43 63.83 79 14.65 6193 -5 -1 32 28 25 40 18 35 18 15 270 13 200 85 -11 2.7 4.1
Bagohille A 7 I7270 48.33 71.00 522 14.42 6193 -23 -19 26 23 20 30 3 26 5 6 270 IO 270 91 -30 2.5 5.0
Baie Comeau A 71 I870 49.13 68.20 72 14.66 6593 -19 27-14 24 21 30 14 25 I4 I l 270 13 230 82 -28 3.2 6.8
Grindstone Island 47.38 61.87 194 14.59 6193 -I 3 49 43 39 55 20 49 21 24 290 18 250 79 -5 2.0 5.6
KuujjuarapikA 7 I9050 55.28 77.77 39 14.67 6193 -3 3 -30 29 25 22 26 1 24 -2 120
8 13 180 85 -43 4.0 4.7
KuujuaqA 719060 58.1 O 68.42 121 14.63 6193 -34 -31 29 25 21 31 2 27 -2 5 230 11 180 82 -41 3.4 3.6
La Grande Riviere A 71 8270 53.63 77.70
640 14.36 7793 -33 -30 22 20 17 23 o 20 -2 270
6 13240 85 -39 3.6 3.4
Lake Eon A 714210 51.87 63.28
1841 13.74 6193 -3 1 23 -27 21 18 23 4 21 O 270
5 IO 230 80 -42 2.5 4.0
Mont Joli A 717180 48.60 68.22
171 14.61 6193 -12 28 -8 25 22 35 8 30 9 15 290 14230 87 -18 3.1 4.5
Montreal lntl A 7 I6270 45.47 73.75 118 14.63 6193 -12 23 -7 20 18 30 19 26 18 250
7 I I 230 90 -19 2.3 4.5
Montreal hlirabel A 716278 45.68 74.03 269 14.55 7693 -16 -11 21 18 16 25 13 21 II 6 240 240
9 88 -25 1.8 4.3
Nitchequon 53.20 70.90 1759 13.79 6193 -33 25 -31 22 20 29 -6 25 -5 270
6 1 1 230 78 -46 3.6 4.7
Quebec A 717140 46.80 71.38 240 14.57 6193 -16 -11 24 21 19 30 13 26 II IO 250 12 250 89 -23 2.3 4.9
Riviere Du Loup 717150 47.80 69.55 486 14.44 6693 -13 -10 21 19 17 24 14 21 13 IO 180 I l 230 85 -18 2.0 4.7
Robenal A 7 I7280 48.52 72.27
587 14.39 6193 -23 23 -19 20 18 27 8 23 IO 7 270 12 220 90 -30 3.1 4.3
Scheffenille A 718280 54.80 66.821709 13.81 6193 -33 -31 26 23 21 30 -10 26 -9 7 320 12 270 81 -43 4.0 5.0
Sept-lles h 718110 50.22 66.27
180 14.60 6893 -20 27 -15 23 20 30 25 16 13 300
8 I I 220 82 -26 4.3 4.3
Sherbrooke A 716100 45.13 71.68
791 14.28 6393 -20 19 -14 17 I5 22 19 15 14 5 Il0 250
9 88 -30 2.2 5.0
St. Hubert A 713710 45.52 73.42 89 14.65 6193 -12 27 -7 23 20 30 27 18 19 20 7 13
250 91 -20 2.5 4.9
Ste. Agathe Des Monts 7 I7200 46.05 74.28
1296 14.02 6693 -19 19 -15 17 I5 22 12 19 II 290
4 270
9 86 -28 2.9 4.0
Val d'Or A 7 I7250 48.07 77.78 1106 14.12 6193 -27 -22 21 18 16 22 12 20 IO 310
5 I l 230 88 -37 2.9 4.9
Broadview 718610 50.38 102.681975 13.68 6693 -30 26 -25 23 20 28 9 25 9 8 290 12 160 94 -37 3.6 5.8
Estevan A 7 18620 49.22 102.971906 13.71 6193 -25 -21 30 26 23 32 12 28 12 IO 290 14 180 97 -32 3.2 5.4
Moose Jan A 7 18640 50.33 105.55
1893 13.72 6193 -26 -21 30 26 23 35 21 30 19 290
9 13
180 97 -33 3.2 5.4
North Battleford A 71 8760 52.77 108.251798 13.77 6193 -3 1 -26 25 22 20 26 8 22 7 4 320 11 140 93 -38 3.1 5.4
Prince Mbert A 7 18690 53.22 105.681404 13.96 6193 -34 -29 23 20 18 24 2 21 3 270
3 1 1 180 91 -43 3.8 5.9
Regina A 7 18630 50.43 104.67I893 13.72 6193 -29 30 -24 27 23 34 8 29 IO 270
9 14
180 96 -36 3.6 5.0
Saskamon 7 18660 52. I7 106.681654 13.84 6193 -3 1 27 -26 23 20 27 12 23 6 7 290 13 180 94 -31 3.8 5.9
Swift Current A 7 18700 50.28 107.682684 13.33 6193 -25 -21 33 28 25 36 17 30 14 14 270 13 180 95 -33 3.1 5.8
Uranium Cir). A 7 10760 59.57 108.481043 14.15 6393 -38 20 -35 18 16 1816 -7 -9 70 4 230
7 86 -49 4.0 3.4
W!nyard 7 18650 51.77 104.201841 13.74 6593 -29 26 -25 23 21 27 13 24 11 270
8 13 180 92 -35 3.4 6.1
Yorhon A 71 I380 51.27 102.471634 13.85 6193 -30 25 -26 22 20 27 6 23 -7 290
7 12
180 93 -37 3.2 5.6
Bunvash A 7 19670 61.37 139.052644 13.34 6793 -34 28 -32 24 21 29 31 25 31 O 290 9 110 -55
79 3.4 6.5
Whitehorse A 7 19640 60.72 135.072306 13.51 6193 -34 -31 23 20 18 28 17 24 15 340
2 8 140 -47
WMO# =World Meteorological Organization numher Elev = elevation, ft DB = dry-hulh temperature, 'F
Lat = latitude Long. =longitude StdP =standard pressure at station elevation,psia WS = wind spee4 mph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Climatic Design Information 26.25

Table 2B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-Canada

0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1%
2% Range
Resolute A 50 45 48 43 44 41 46 50 43 47 41 44 42 39 47 40 36 45 38 34 43 8.5
Yellowknife A 77 60 74 59 70 57 62 73 60 71 59 68 58 73 66 56 68 65 53 62 63 14.4
GreenwwdA 84 69 80 67 78 66 72 79 70 77 69 75 69 108 76 68 102 74 66 96 72 '20.0
Halifax Ind A 80 68 78 66 75 64 70 77 69 74 67 72 68 106 73 67 99 71 65 95 69 16.7
Sable Island 70 67 69 66 67 65 68 69 67 68 66 67 68 101 69 66 97 68 65 92 66 8.3
SbeaFNaterA 78 66 75 64 72 63 69 74 67 72 66 69 68 102 71 66 96 69 55 92 68 13.1
SydneyA 81 68 78 67 75 65 71 78 69 75 67 72 68 105 74 67 99 72 65 93 70 17.3
Truro 79 69 77 67 75 66 71 77 69 75 68 72 69 106 75 68 102 73 66 97 70 19.3
Yarmouth A 73 66 71 64 69 63 68 71 66 69 64 67 67 98 69 65 93 68 63 86 66 13.1
O ~ A l W
ArrnstrongA 81 66 78 65 75 63 69 78 67 75 65 73 67 102 73 64 94 71 61 85 69 24.7
Atikokan 84 67 80 66 77 64 71 80 69 77 67 74 68 109 75 66 102 73 64 95 71 23.0
Big Trout lake 79 64 75 62 72 61 67 75 65 72 63 70 64 91 70 62 84 68 60 78 67 16.4
Earlton A 85 69 81 67 78 65 71 so 69 77 67 75 69 108 76 67 101 74 65 95 72 21.6
Genldton 81 66 78 65 75 63 69 77 67 75 65 73 67 103 74 65 97 72 62 87. 69 ?.I
Core Bay h 80 68 78 67 75 65 71 77 69 75 68 73 69 108 74 67 102 72 66 97 71 16.4
KapuskasingA 84 67 80 65 77 64 70 79 68 77 66 74 67 102 75 65 95 72 62 87 70 22.5
Kenora A 84 67 a1 65 78 64 70 79 68 77 66 75 68 106 75 66 99 73 63 92 72 16.4
London A 85 71 83 70 80 69 74 82 72 80 71 77 71 119 79 70 113 77 68 108 75 19.8
Mount Forest 83 70 80 68 77 67 72 80 70 77 69 75 70 115 77 68 109 74 67 I03 73 20.3
hluskoka A 84 69 80 68 78 66 72 80 70 77 68 75 70 113 76 68 106 74 66 IO0 72 20.7
North Bay A 81 67 78 66 76 64 70 77 68 75 67 73 68 108 74 66 102 72 65 96 70 17.1
Otta~aInt'l A 86 70 83 69 80 67 73 82 71 80 69 78 70 112 78 68 106 76 67 99 75 18.5
Sault Ste. MarieA 83 69 79 67 76 65 71 79 69 76 67 74 69 108 76 67 102 73 65 95 71 20.9
SimCOe 85 72 83 70 80 69 74 83 72 80 71 77 71 118 79 70 112 77 68 1107
75 19.3
sious L00ko1lt A 84 67 80 65 78 63 70 80 68 76 66 74 67 104 74 65 97 71 63 90 70 18.9
SudburyA 84 67 81 66 78 64 70 80 68 77 66 74 68 105 74 66 99 72 64 92 71 19.1
Thunder Bay A 84 68 80 66 77 64 70 80 68 77 66 73 67 101 76 65 93 72 62 86 70 21.8
TirnrninsA 84 67 81 65 78 64 70 80 68 77 66 74 67 102 74 65 95 72 63 88 70 23.0
Torontolnt'l A 87 71 84 70 81 68 74 83 72 80 70 78 71 116 79 69 110 77 68 104 75 20.2
Trenton A 84 71 81 70 78 68 74 81 72 78 70 76 71 116 78 70 Il0 76 68 I04 74 18.0
Wiarton A 82 70 80 69 77 67 72 80 70 77 69 75 70 113 77 68 106 75 67 101 73 18.0
WndsorA 89 73 86 71 83 70 76 85 74 83 73 80 73 125 82 71 118 79 70 I12 77 17.5
CharlottetotmA 79 69 77 67 74 65 71 77 69 74 67 72 68 105 75 67 99 72 65 94 71 15.1
Summerside h 79 68 77 66 74 65 71 76 69 74 67 72 68 104 74 67 99 72 65 94 70 14.4
Bagotville A 84 67 80 65 77 63 69 79 68 76 66 74 66 99 74 65 93 72 62 85 70 19.8
Baie CorneauA 75 63 71 61 69 60 65 71 63 69 61 67 62 85 68 61 79 66 59 75 64 17.1
Grindstone Island 73 66 70 65 68 64 68 71 67 69 65 68 67 100 70 66 95 69 64 90 68 8.6
KuujjuarapikA 75 61 70 59 66 57 63 72 61 68 58 65 60 76 67 57 69 64 54 62 62 15.8
Kuujuaq A 74 60 69 57 65 55 62 69 59 66 56 64 58 72 65 55 65 63 52 58 60 18.7
l a Grande RitiereA 78 62 75 60 71 58 65 73 62 70 60 68 62 83 68 59 77 65 57 70 63 21.2
Lake Eon A 74 60 70 58 67 57 63 70 61 67 59 64 60 83 65 58 78 63 57 74 62 16.4
Mont Joli A 80 67 76 65 74 64 69 77 67 75 65 72 66 97 75 64 90 72 62 83 70 16.4
Montreal lntl A 85 71 83 70 80 68 74 82 72 80 70 77 70 112 79 69 106 77 67 101 75 17.6
Montreal hlirabel A 84 71 81 69 78 67 73 81 71 78 69 76 70 110 78 68 103 75 66 98 20.2
Nitchequon 72 60 69 58 66 57 63 68 61 65 59 64 61 85 65 59 79 63 57 74 62 14.0
Quebec A 84 70 80 68 78 66 73 80 70 77 68 75 70 111 77 68 103 75 66 95 73 19.1
Ririere Du Loup 79 68 76 67 74 65 70 76 69 74 67 72 68 106 74 67 99 72 65 93 70 15.5
Robemal A 83 68 79 66 76 65 71 79 69 77 67 74 68 105 76 66 98 74 64 92 72 17.8
Sch&iUe A 74 58 69 57 66 55 61 69 59 66 57 64 58 76 64 56 71 62 53 64 60 16.0
Sept-llesA 72 60 69 59 67 58 64 69 62 67 60 65 61 82 66 60 77 64 58 73 62 13.9
Sherbrooke A 84 7068 80 78 66 72 81 70 78 68 75 69 109 77 67 103 75 66 97 73 22.3
St.Huben A 86 71 83 69 80 68 74 83 72 80 70 78 71 113 78 69 106 77 67 101 75 19.1
Ste. Agathe Des Monts 81 68 78 66 76 65 71 77 69 75 67 73 69 110 75 67 103 72 65 97 70 19.4
Val d'0rA 83 6765 80 77 63 69 79 68 76 66 73 67 102 73 65 95 72 62 88 70 20.7
Broadview 87 65 83 64 79 63 69 81 66 79 64 76 64 97 74 62 89 71 60 83 70 23.8
EstevanA 90 66 86 65 83 64 70 83 68 81 66 79 66 103 76 63 92 73 61 86 71 23.8
MooseJan A 90 64 87 64 83 62 68 83 66 81 64 79 63 92 73 61 85 71 59 79 69 23.8
North BanlefonlA 86 64 82 63 78 61 67 80 65 78 63 76 62 88 71 60 83 69 58 77 68 21.1
Prince AlbertA 84 65 81 64 78 62 68 80 65 77 64 75 63 90 74 61 84 71 59 78 69 21.8
Regina A 89 64 85 64 82 62 68 82 66 80 64 78 63 92 75 61 85 71 59 79 69 23.6
Saskatoon 87 64 84 63 80 62 67 81 65 79 63 77 62 88 73 60 82 70 58 76 68 22.7
Swift Current A 88 63 84 62 80 61 66 81 64 79 62 77 61 88 71 59 82 68 51 76 67 23.0
Uranium Ci! h 79 62 76 60 72 58 64 76 62 72 60 69 59 78 68 58 74 66 56 69 64 17.1
Y('!.nyard S5 64 81 63 78 62 68 79 65 77 63 75 64 94 74 61 85 70 59 81 68 20.7
Yorkton A 86 65 82 64 79 62 68 80 66 78 64 75 64 96 74 62 87 71 60 81 69 22.0
BunvashA 73 57 69 55 66 53 57 71 56 68 54 64 52 62 60 50 58 58 48 55 57 21.4
Wtehorse A 77 5755 73 69 53 58 73 56 70 55 67 52 62 61 50 58 59 48 55 58 20.9
MDB =mean coincident dry-bulb temperature, 'F M W S = mean coincident wind speed, mph StdD = standard deviation HR = humidity ratio
M W B = mean coincident wet-hulh temperature, 'F M W D = mean coincident wind direction A = airport DP = dewpoint temperature, 'F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services

S T D S A S H R A E CH 2b-ENGL L997 IBI 0 7 5 7 5 5 0 0 5 3 L b 4 4 0 7 8 m

26.26 ASHRAE Fundamentals


Table 3A Heating and Wind Design Conditions"Wor1d Locations

ColdestMonth WS/MDB MWS/MWD to DB Annual ExtremeDairy
Heating DB Speed 0.4% 1% 99.6% 0.4% Mean DB StdD DB
Elev. StdP """

Station l&"# kt. -

Lonr. ft osia Dates 99.6% 99% 1% 2.5% 5% WS MDB WS MDB M W S PWD M W S PWD Max Max
Min Mh
Alriers 603900 36.72 N 3.25 E 82 14.656 '829338 36 '26
2519 21 55' 22 2 55 12200 60 105 '4.532 2.5
&aba 603600 36.83 N 7.82 E 13 14.693 8293 39 41 25 22 20 27 54 22 53 5 220 I I 240 106 34 5.8 2.2
Bisha 605250 34.80 N 5.73 E 285 14.549 8293 41 43 34 30 26 33 56 29 58 7 IO 11 180 113 36 2.7 2.3
Constantine. 604190 36.28.N
6.62 E 2276 13.530 8293 31I720 2433 26 , 46 ,; 22 46 2 103
320 27 2.5 1.4
EI Golea 605900 30.57 N 2.87 E 35
8293 26 22 26 19 58 22 57 4 320 2.72.3828113
Oran 604900 35.63 N 0.60 W 295 14.544 8293 35 38 29 24 21 33 57 26 58 2 200 14 240 104 28 8.8 12.4
~~~ ~~~
604750 35.48 N 8.13 E 2667 13.337 8293 29 31 26 22 19 30 44 23 49 1 280 11 220 103 25 3.1 2.0
Gm . ..
Buenos Aim 875760 34.82 S 58.53 W 14.665
' 8293
65 1820233431 22 53 5319 4 270 11 98
270 27 2.5 2.0

Alice Springs 943260 23.80 S 133.90 E 1774 13.781 8293 34 36 20 17 17 16 64 15 62 2 270 8 100 108 29 1.8 3.6
Brisbane 945780 27.38 S 153.10 E 16 14.691 8293 44 46 22 19 17 22 60 19 61 4 220 11 20 95 39 3.8 2.0
CliS 942870 16.88 S 145.75 E 22 14.688 8293 56 59 19 17 15 18 73 16 72 8 170 8 120 97 50 2.5 8.8
Canberra 949260 35.30 S 149.18 E 1893 13.722 8293 26 29 24 21 18 24 46 22 48 O 310 12 310 97 20 4.0 8.1
Danvin 941200 12.40 S 130.87 E 98 14.648 8293 64 66 19 17 15 I8 80 17 80 7 140 12 290 98 60 2.9 2.5
Kalgoorlie/Boulder 946370 30.77 S 121.45 E 1181 14.083 8293 36 38 22 19 24 17 59 21 58 I 220 9 320 108 31 3.4 1.3
mouth t 943020 22.23 S 114.08 E 14.690
19 8293
49 51212325 22 68 20 67 5 210 14 210 112 4.5 2.7 2.9
Perth 946100 31.93 S 115.95 E 95 14.650 8293 41 4321 24 23 19 58 19 58 I 50 IO 270 107 36 3.4 2.2
Port Hedland 943120 20.37 S 118.62 E 19 14.690 8293 51 54 20 23 2419 68 22 70 5 160 12 120 III 46 2.5 2.2
Sydney InIl Airport 947670 33.95 S 151.18 E 10 14.695 8293 42 44 25 22 2520 58 20 56 2 320 12 300 103 38 5.2 3.4
Torvns\.ille 942940 19.25 S 146.75 E 19 14.69019 8293
21 52 48 17 20 72 18 72 O 190 9 50 101 43 3.8 2.7
AigeWEnnstal (hlil) 111570 47.53 N 14.13 E 2129 13.604 8293 2 227141619 38 34 19 1 6.3
602.7 -67 89 60
Graz 112400 47.00 N 15.43 E 1138 14.105 8293 517 12 14 11 16 35 11 33 1 180 7 140 90 1 3.4 8.1
Innsbruck 111200
47.27 N 11.35 E 13.695
8293 10 19 14 15 18 12 42 15 39 1 260 8 70 91 5 2.7 6.8
Klagenfurt 112310
46.65 N 14.33 E 13.929
1482 9 4 13 11 9 10 31 7 27 3 310 6 100 90 - I 7.03.8
LhZ 110100 48.23 N 14.20 E 14.163
1026 8293 5 12 24 20 I ? 28 39 25 38 6 90 7 110 91 1 3.8 9.9
Sahburg 111500
47.80 N 13.00 E 1476 13.932 208293
13 15717 12 42 17 38 3 130 7 330 92 2 4.1 8.3
Vienna, Hohe Warte 110350
48.25 N 16.37 E 656 14.355 8293
12 2717192317 43 23 42 6 240 9 140 91 9 3.2 6.7
Schrwchat 110360 48.12 N 16.57 E 623 14.372 8293
9 31
14212427 44 27 38 6 320 12 150 92 5 3.1 7.2
Zelnveg 111650 47.20 N 14.75 E 2237 13.550 8293 O 5 I8 15 13 36 16 37
19 1 250 7 190 -6 88 3.4 7.6
Lajes 38.77
85090 N 27.1048W 46
180 30 21 23 28 57 26 56 3 300 8 83250 1.841 3.8
Nassau 780730
25.05 N 77.47 W 226014.688
8293 712119 72
1921 17 3 300 1.352
IO 93130 3.1
Al-Manamah 1500
41 26.27 N 50.65 E 6 14.697
52 2654
21 23 25 290
13582456 1147109
340 2.5 5.6
Babru\sk(Bobruysk) 269610 53.12 N 29.25 E 2014.415
-9 301827201618 4 210 8 200 -1687 21.1
Hompl (Gomel? 330410 52.45 N 31.00 E 416 14.480 8293 -6 O 18 1415 28 17 2815 4 330 7 150 -8 87 4.5 7.9
Hrcdna (Grodno) 268250 53.68 N 23.83 E 14.466
-5 19
1 2226 25322233 5 270 9 87180 -5 3.8 9.2
w (Mogile~) 268630 53.90 N 30.32 E 633 14.367 8293 -9 -3 23 21 18 23 2131 9 30 7 28 200 -11
85 3.4 7.6
Minsk 268500 53.87 N 27.53 E 14.297
767 24 15 O23 171713 14 5 300 9 85 70 -8 3.8 7.2
Virsyebsk (Vitebsk) 266660 55.17 N 30.13 E 577 14.396
-8 17 19 2815
172621 3 30 8 84210 -11 3.4 6.3
Antwerp 64500 51.20 N 4.47 E 45 14.676 8293
24 21 16 44 24I847 28
21 7 50 7 90 89 157.24.1
WMOx = World Meteomlogical Organization numher Elev = elevation, ti DB = dry-hulb tenlperature, 'F
Lat = latitude Long. = longitude StdP = standard pressure at station
psia WS =wind speed, mph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Climatic Design 26.27

Table 3B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-World Locations

0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2%
',, .. . . . , . . ., , " . .
95 71 92 71 89 72 77 87 76 85 75 7 4 8 3 129 ' 82 73 125 81 72 118 80 2Ò.9

MDB = mean coincident dvhulh temperature, 'F WS = mean coincident wind speed,mph S t d D = standard deviation HR = humidity ratio
MWB = mean coincident wet-hulhtemperature, 'F tWD =mean coincident wind direction A = airport DP = dew-point temperature,'F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
26.28 Handbook Fundamentals1997 ASHRAE

Belem 821930 1.38 S 48.48 \x' 52 14.672 8293 72 73 17 14 12 15 83 13 83 2 90 6 90 96 63 3.2 14.0

Brasilia 833780 15.87 S 47.93 W 3480 12.943 8293 48 51 17 14 12 18 71 15 72 O 90 7 90 94 44 3.2 5.8
Gampinas s3n1023.00 s 47.13 W 2168 13.584 8293 47 50 24 22 21 24 65 23 63 8 150 7 330 96 42 4.5
Campo Grande 836120 20.47 S 54.67 W 1824 13.756 8293 46 50 25 22 21 27 60 24 62 16 180 li 360 98 41 3.2 3.8
Caravelas 834970 17.63 S 39.25 W 13 14.693 8293 61 63 23 20 18 19 75 17 75 I 240 12 60 95 57 4.0 3.2
Curitiba 838400 25.52 S 49.17 W 2979 13.185 8293 36 40 18 16 13 20 68 18 65 2 270 9 300 92 26 3.4 11.5
For~alea 823980 3.78 S 38.53 W 82 14.656 8293 72 73 20 18 17 19 84 18 84 5 180 13 120 97 65 9.7
Coiania 834240 16.63 S 49.22 W 2450 13.444 8293 53 55 18 15 12 16 77 13 78 1 180 4 360 98 42 1.6 10.8
Maceio 829930 9.52 S 35.78 W 377 14.501 8293 67 68 18 15 13 17 78 14 78 O 180 IO 100 95 58 4.0 10.6
Manaus, Eduardo Gomes I 821 110 3.03 S 60.05 W' 6 14.697 8293 70 71 12 11 IO 12 85, I I 85 1 120 5 60 100 59 1.6 14.0
Manaus,PontaPelada 823320 3.15 S 59.98 W 275 14.554 8293 71 73 15 13 12 15 83 13 83 4 30 IO 90 98 64 2.0 13.1
Natal 825990 5.92 S 35.25 W 170 14.610 8293 70 71 21 19 18 22 83 20 82 6 150 II 100 95 62 4.7 9.7
Porto Alegre 839710 30.00 S 51.18 W 9 14.695 8293 40 43 19 17 14 20 53 17 55 2 240 7 290 100 37 3.1 5.2
Recife 828990 8.07 S 34.85 W 62 14.667 8293 70 71 17 15 13 19 79 17 79 5 240 12 120 97 66 3.1 4.0
Rio De Janeiro, Galea0 837460 22.82 S 43.25 W 19 14.690 8293 59 61 19 17 15 17 74 15 73 3 320 7 50 107 50 9.4
Salvador 832480 12.90 S 38.33 W 19 14.690 8293 68 70 21 19 17 21 76 20 76 2 180 12 90 95 59 3.1 12.8
Santarem 822440 2.43 S 54.72 W 236 14.575 8293 72 73 19 18 16 19 81 17 81 6 210 12 90 96 64 3.2 16.0
Sao Paulo 837800 23.62 S 46.65 W 2634 13.353 8293 48 50 15 13 12 14 66 12 64 4 160 6 330 94 43 3.8
Vitoria 836490 20.27 S 40.28 W 13 14.693 8293 61 63 22 19 17 18 77 16 76 1 210
~~ II
~~ 30 98 54 2.0
Botevgrad 156270
42.67 N 24.83 E 10.987
8293 76 -2 62 77 53 64 15 11 32030 6.13.19-8 66270
Burgas I56550 42.48 N 27.48 E 91 14.651 8293 17 21 31 24 21 31 37 26 33 9 270 I10 94 13 3.1 5.2
lorn 155110 43.82 N 23.25 E 108 14.643 8293 14 18 28 23 18 31 35 27 40 2 270 50 96 9 4.7 7.7
Musala 156150 42.18 N 23.58 E 9603 10.266 3293 -10 -5 63 45 7736 19 1663 17 20 320 65 -13 6.8 5.8
Plovdiv 156250 42.13 N 24.75 E 606 14.380 8293 14 19 30 26 23 32 41 27 41 2 40 90 99 6 4.1 7.2
Ruse 155350 43.85 N 25.95 E I47 14.622 8293 12 16 32 27 21 32 39 27 33 5 50 270 101 7 5.4 4.9
Sofia 156140 42.65 N 23.38 E 1952 13.692 8293 IO 14 21 17 14 22 33 I8 32 2 360 110 94 3 4.9 8.5
Varna 155520 43.20 N 27.92 E 141 14.625 8293 17 20 32 26 21 40 29 30 33 15 360 90 92 13 4.0 4.9
Brunei lntl Airport 963150 4.93 N 114.93 E 49 14.674
18 12 148293
16 72 71 82 16 82 O 220 8 320 2.56796 4.7
lsPalmas 600300 27.93 N 15.38 W 82 14.656
8293 55 3257 65 27 28 30 24 4 65 320 19 30 94 51 4.3 0.9
Santa Cruz De Tenerife 600250 28.05 N 16.57 W 236 14.575578293
57 27 296825682824 8 360 19 60 101 51 5.4 6.5
Sal Island 85940 16.73 N 22.95 W 180 14.604 728293
63252764 10
ktofafpsta 854420 23.43 S 70.43
59 W
20 60393
23 19 14.492
20 22 52 50
8293 6 15 90 190 80 44 2.7 3.6
Arica 854060 18.33 S 70.33 W 193 14.597 8293 52 55 20 18 16 17 64 16 64 4 90 15 210 85 46 2.9 4.3
Concepcion 856820 36.77 S 73.05 W 52 14.672 8293 35 31 30 26 23 36 54 29 53 4 140 19 240 92 30 15.5 1.4
lqulque 854180 20.53 S 70.18 W 170 14.610 8293 54 55 U 20 18 20 64 18 63 6 160 14 210 84 50 2.5 2.3
La Serena 854880 29.92 S 71.20 W 479 14.447 8293 42 44 I8 16 15 19 55 15 56 6 120 13 270 81 35 11.5 6.3
Puerto Monn 857990 41.42 S 73.08 W 282 14.551 8293 28 30 27 23 20 29 49 26 48 2 280 10 150 80 24 3.8 2.3
PuntrArenas 859340
53.00 S 70.85 W 14.636
8293 4525 39 32 41383043 2906 18 270 76 17 6.5 4.3
Santiago 855740 33.38 S 70.78 W 1561 13.889 8293 29 32 19 16 14 16 49 12 50 2 20 12 210 101 25 9.2 2.3
Temuco 857430 38.75 S 72.63 W 393 14.492 8293 29 31 22 19 15 29 51 23 52 2 70 IO 240 91 25 8.5 1.8
Anda 508540 46.38 N 125.32 E 24-16
8293 18 17 21 7 15 6 3 250 25012 92 -23 3.1 4.3
Andidangar 518480
37.93 N 83.65 E 12.627
8293 -1 2 15 12 I I IO 32 8 29 1 200 6 40 103 -5 3.22.3
WMOx = World Meteorok)gicdOrganization
number Elev =elevation,R DB = drv.hulh temoerature. 'F
Lat = latitude Long. = longitude StdP = standard pressure
at station elevation, psia WS = wind speed,mph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Climatic Design Information 26.29

Maceio 90 75 89 7575 88 78 85 78 84 77 84 71 141 81 76 136 80 134

75 80 14.2
~~ Eduardo Gomes I 97 7878 95 78 94 83 90 82 89 81 88 81 161 86 80 158 85 79 151 83 20.3
Manaus, Ponta Pelada 7794 93 I8 92
~ 78 81 89 80 . 88 80 88 79 153 84 79 151 84 78 ; 146 83 14.2
Natal 90 78 90 89 71 77 80 87 79 86 79 86 78 148 82 77 142 82 14177 82 12.2
Porto Alegre 9592 76 90 75 74 79 89 71 87 76 86 76 136 83 75 132 82 74 126 80 17.1
Recife 9291 78 90 78 78 80 89 19 88 79 88 77 143 83 77 142 83 17 140 83 11.3
102 19 99 77 97
' 77 82 95 '8' ' 94 80 91 79 150 , 86 77 142 84 7 7 , 141 84 19.3
Salvador 90 78 8888 78 78 80 87 86 80 79 85 79 150 85 77 142 84 14177 84 10.8
Santarem 93 71 9291 77 78 80 89 80 88 19 88 78 146 83 77 144 82 14377 82 14.0
Sao Paulo 8988 69 86 69 69 13 81 72 81 71 80 71 127 71 70 122 75 69 120 75 14.9
93 Vitoria 90 77
71 92
148 78 86 78 7187 8079 88 83
141 77 137 76 81 82 14.6
. .
Boteserad 49 60 55 4872 5750 53 49 54 5047 57 52 53 49 68 47 52 647.7 50

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

Table 3A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-World Locations

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Climatic 26.31

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
26.32 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

Table 3A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-World Locations

Whd ColdestMonth WS/MDB WS/MWD to DB Annual Extreme Dally
Heating DB Speed "
1% 99.6%
0.4% MeanDB StdD DB

Slation WMO# Lat. Low. R osia Dates 99.6%

99% 1% 2.5% 5% WS MDB WS MDB W S PWD
MWSPWD Max Mh M a x Min
Zhangjiakou 544010
40.78 N 114.88 E 13.478
8293 1 17 4 -3 95140
15 6 340
13 7 16
16 14 15 1.1 3.6
Zhanjiang 596580 21.22 N 110.40 E 91 14.651 8293 46 48 16 13 12 14 54 12 56 3408 250
8 97 42 3.1 4.0
Zhengzhou 570830 34.72 N 113.65 E 364 14.508 8293 19 21 21 17 14 24 40 19 38 3 I80 1608 100 13 2.5 4.1
Bogota 802220
4.70 N 74.13 W 8359
36 1418 23 64 19 63 O 320 2.7
hrntonga Island 918430
21.20 S 159.82 W 14.688
62 7223
71262022 1 150 11588980 3.1 2.5
Pula 132090
44.90 N 13.92 E 14.591
8293 25 2627 '21 2617 35 2220 7 38 270
6 92 21 2.0 3.6
Split 133330
43.53 N 16.30 E 14.663 68
29 1924 16 23 41 19 44 3409 230
8 94 19 7.0 16.7
Zagreb 131310
45.73 240N2 3914
8 230
6 92 2 5.8 8.3
Gumtanamo 783670
19.90 N 75.15 W 14.670
67 2268 20 2118 85 8419 3608 130
12 100 61 8.3
h ti
r i 176010
34.58 N 32.98 E 75 14.660
8293 4340 202225 5329 26 54 3505 IO 260 95 36 3.1 4.3
Larnaca 176090 34.88 N 33.63 E 6 14.697 8293 37 40 27 23 20 28 54 24 54 3107 12 200 98 33 2.2 3.4
Paphos 176000 34.72 N 32.48 E 26 14.686 8293 39 42 24 21 I8 30 55 25 55 30 9 9 280 92 36 3.2 3.4
Brno 117230
49.15 N 16.70 E 14.276
6 12182124 6026
8 312130 IO 180 91 4 2.9 7.2
Cheb 1 14060 50.08 N 12.40 E 1545 13.897 8293 4 10 16 14 12 17 37 14 36 2 40 5 220 90 1 3.8 6.3
Ostraba 1 17820 49.68 N 18.12 E 839 14.259 8293 1 9 23 20 19 26 32 23 33 5 20 IO 190 90 -3 3.1 9.9
PlZm 114480 49.65 N 13.27 E 1194 14.077 8293 2 9 21 19. 17 2 4 41 20 38 2 20 8 120 92 -1 4.0 9.2
Praded Mountain 1 17350 50.07 N 17.23 E 4895 12.279 8293 -2 2 47 41 36 51 20 43 22 19 20 12 180 72 -4 3.1 7.7
Prague 115180 50.10 N 14.28 E 1200 14.073 8293 3 IO 28 23 20 31 39 27 36 4 IO 8 160 91 O 3.6 8.8
Prib)slav 1 16590 49.58 N 15.77 E 1758 13.790 8293 3 9 29 25 22 30 34 27 31 5 360-287
1309 4.9 7.2
Alb04 60300 57.10 N 9.87 E 14.695
9 8293 8 15 29 26 23 32 45 28 42 6 220 11 100 82 7 4.0
Copenhagen 61800 55.63 N 12.67 E 16
14.691 8293 12 18 29 26 24 30 40 27 38 11 360 1 1 160 82 13 8.1
Hammercdde 61930 55.30 N 14.78 E 36
14.681 8293 20 22 44 37 34 45 34 41 34 20 70 12 230 80 22 3.4 5.9
Mon bland 61790 54.95 N 12.55 E 49 14.674 8293 18 22 43 35 32 46 37 41 35 14 320 9 70 78 19 7.7
Odense 61200 55.47 N 10.33 E 55
14.670 8293 14 18 29 26 23 30 42 27 40 8 40 1 1 120 84 9 9.5
Shagen 60410 57.77 N 10.65 E 22
14.688 8293 15 20 41 36 32 41 36 36 38 17 40 IO 360 76 16 7.9
Tirstrup 60700 56.30 N 10.62 E 82 14.656 8293 9 16 27 24 21 28 40 24 39 5 20 I l 280 82 7 3.4 11.0
Guayaquil 842030
2.15 S 79.88 W 14.684
8293 6867 17131516 7 4 16 2108 74 40 7 95 51 2.3 11.3
Quito 840710
0.15 S 78.48 W 9225
45 46 1517 13 15 64
3501 6413 150
9 84 40 7.7 3.2
Alexandria 623180 31.20 N 29.95 E 22 14.688 8293 44 46 24 21 18 29 56 25 58 190
5 10 340 102 37 3.2 3.8
Cairn 623660 30.13 N 31.40 E 242 14.571 8293 45 46 21 19 16 23 58 19 62 210
6 13 350 108 38 2.9 4.9
Luxor 624050 25.67 N 32.70 E 288 14.547 8293 40 42 16 14 12 15 64 13 64 180
2 6 330 115 34 3.1 1.8
Kopu/Cape Rima 261150
58.92 N 22.07 E 14.684
5 11 2530 21 3829 24 5 37 12.1
4.1 7808070 6
Tallinn 260380
59.35 N 24.80 E 1 4 4 2114.623
-4 16181406 32193422 4.3-3 8240 8 8.6
Torshavn 60110
62.02 N 6.77 W 14.632
1278293 26 28 41 34 31 48 42 43 43 320
13 2.5
Nadi 916800 17.75 S 177.45 E 59
14.669 8293 61 63 20 17 16 19 78 17 79 120
4 13 350 95 56 3.6 5.9
Nausori 916830 18.05 S 178.57 E 22
14.688 8293 62 64 20 18 16 20 75 18 74 1 320 11 60 91 59 2.0 1.8
Helsinki 29740 60.32 N 24.97 E 183 14.603 8293 -11 -3 22 20 18 24 35 22 32 340
5 II 210 83 -12 3.1 9.5
Jpaskyla 29350 62.40 N 25.68 E 475 14.449 8293 -21 -13 20 1517 23 28 19 26 330
2 9 180 83 -22 4.3 7.6
Kauhava 29130 63.10 N 23.03 E 144 14.623 8293 -20 -14 21 19 17 23 31 21 31 2 80 9 230 82 -21 2.3 8.1
Kuopio 29170 63.02 N 27.80 E 334 14.523 8293 -21 -14 19 17 15 21 30 19 28 I 140 7 170 82 -21 2.5 7.9
Lahti 29650 60.97 N 25.63 E 275 14.554 8293-15 -7 14 12 11 15 33 13 31 I 350 6 150 83 -19 2.7 7.2
Pell0 28440 66.80 N 24.00 E 275 14.554 8293-25 -20 14 13 11 14 25 12 24 1 300 7 340 82 -30 4.9 5.4
Pori 29520 61.47 N 21.80 E 55 14.670 8293-12 -4 25 22 19 30 37 25 35 90 5 II 140 82 2.5
-13 7.9
Suomussalmi 28790 64.90 N 29.02 E 734 14.314 8293 -21 -17 17 14 I3 18 30 I5 27 1 360 7 270 83 -26 10.1 6.7
Tampere 29440 61.42 N 23.58 E 367 14.506 8293-15 -8 19 17 15 21 34 19 32 2 IO 9 IO 84 2.5
-17 8.6
Turku 29720 60.52 N 22.27 E 193 14.597 8293-10 -3 21 19 17 25 33 21 32 40 6 9 230 83 2.2
-11 9.7
Bordeaux 75100 44.83 N 0.70 W 200 14.594 8293 22 27 22 19 16 2420 51 40 4 51 7 80 97 19 2.7 7.4
Clermont-Ferrand 74600 45.78 N 3.17 E 1082 14.134 8293 16 20 24 20 17 26 49 22 49 3603 8 20 97 11 2.9 7.0
Dijon 72800 47.27 N 5.08 E 744 14.309 8293 14 20 23 19 17 25 45 22 43 20 7 I O 170 92 12 3.4 8.1
Brest 71100 48.45 N 4.42 W 337 14.521 8293 27 30 26 23 21 28 48 26 46 8 120 9 40 85 24 4.0 4.3
Lyon 74810 45.73 N 5.08 E 787 14.287 8293 17 23 26 22 18 26 44 22 45 20 3 12 180 95 15 2.7 7.4
Marseille 76500 43.45 N 5.23 E 118 14.637 8293 25 28 38 32 28 38 44 32 44 3609 13 280 95 22 3.2 5.6
Montuellier 76430 43.58 N 3.97 E 19 14.690 8293 25 29 28 25 22 27 49 24 50 3407 13 180 96 21 2.5 5.4
WMOw = World Meteorological Organization numher Elev = elevation, ft DB = dry-hub temperature, 'F
Lat = latitude long. = longitude StdP = standard pressure at station elevation, psia WS = wind speed, nlph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Climatic Design Information 26.33

Larnaca 93 Il 91 72 89 12 78 86 II 85 76 84 16 134 83 75 131 83 74 125 82 17.8

Paohos 88 76 86 76 85 16 19 86 78 85 71 83 77 141 85 76 137 84 I5 132 83 15.5

Nausori 88 18 87 I8 86 78 80 86 19 85 19 84 19 148 83 14678 82 Il 142

11.0 82
. . , .,
Helsinki 19 64 75 61 73 61 66 14 64 12 62 6985 63 6780 61 67 59 75 65' 11.6
J)V&@ 78 62 15 61 71 60 65 73 63 12 61 69 62 84 69 60 78 65 58 12 64 11.6
Kauhava 77 62 74 61 10 59 65 13 63 IO 61 68 62 83 68 60 76 65 58 I1 64 18.0
topio I8 62 15 61 I1 60 65 14' 63 71 62 69 62 84 69 60 I9 ' 66 . 58 74 65 123
Lahti 19 64 16 63 13 61 66 16 64 14 62 I1 63 86 10 60 19 68 59 75 66 19.1
Pello 16 61 12 60 69 58 63 72 61 69 59 66 60 78 66 58 72 64 56 61 62 15.8
Pori Il 62 14 61 71 59 65 73 63 71 61 68 62 83 61 60 16 65 58 72 64 16.2
Suornussahi 76 61 72 60 69 58 , 63 73 61 70 59 66 ,&O 78 66 58 73 , .Hr ~ ,w,.!vl:aI:~~~:"~~~ii:
I, .~<.dB,*,-%?
~ i
I I II ~

Tamwre 19 16 62 61 13 60 65 15 63 12 61 70 62 83 67 59 16 66 5s 11 64 18.7

Clermont-Ferrand 89 IO 86 68 82 61 85 12 70 83 68 80 67 104 77 65 98 16 64 93 14 22.7

Dijon 87 68 8481 68 61 71 82 70 80 68 I8 68 106 77 66 99 74 64
20.972 93
Brest 78.. 65 ',74 ' " ?i:,.r, :?3 67 16 65 72 , 64 68 65 93 69 64 . 89 , , 6 7 i l , , , l i n j l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Lyon 90 69 8683 69 61 12 84 70 8280 68 68 105 18 66 99 15 64 93 13 21.4
~ 90 I1 87 IO 85 69 75 84 13 82 71 81 12 118 79 IO III I8 68 104 17 18.7
Montpellier 90 I1 87 7069 84 76 82 15 81 13 80 75 131 19 73 123 I8 11 116 16 18.5
MDB = mean coincident dry-hulh temperature, 'F M W S = mean coincident wind speed,mph StdD = standard deviation HR = humidity ratio
WB= mean coincident wet-hulhtemperature, 'F MWD = mean coincident wind direaion A = airport DP = dew~pointtemperature, 'F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD.ASHRAE C H 2b-ENGL L197 H 0 7 5 1 h 5 0 0 5 3 L b 5 2 1 4 4 S

26.34 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

Table 3A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-World Locations

~ e m wind
e ColdestMonth WSIMDB MWS/MWD to DB Annual ExtremeDaily
ElW. stdp Heating DB Speed 0.4% 1% 99.6% 0.4% MeanDB

Station WMO# Long.

Lat. ft psia Dates 99.6%9916 1% 2.5% 5% WS MDB WS MDB M W S PWD MWSPWDMax
Max Min
NamY 71800
48.68 N 6.22 E 14.326
8293 14 , 17 21 18 ’ 16. 23 44 21 39 7 60 8 92220 10 6.74.0
Nantes 72220
47.17 N 1.60 W212414.653
23 I8 60
27 9 60
527 5024 93 6.7
Nice 76900 43.65 N 7.20 E 32 14.683 8293 35 37 25 21 17 24 53 19 52 11 340 8 I60 3190 2.7 4.9
Nimes 76450 43.87 N 4.40 E 203 14.592 8293 26 30 23 20 18 23 39 20 43 10 20 9 40 2497 2.0 6.3
Orleans 72490 47.98 N 1.75 E 410 14.483 8293 17 22 26 23 20 30 -50 26 48 8 60 9 80 10 93 3.1
Paris, Charles De Gaulle 71570 49.02 N 2.53 E 357 14.51 i 8293 18 23 27 23 20 32 49 27 46 10 60 9 60 92 16 4.0 8.3
Paris, Orly 71490 48.73 N 2.40 E 314 14.533 8293 19 23 25 22 19 29 48 24 47 8 20 8 I O0 17 92 7.6
St.-Quentin 70610 49.82 N 3.20 E 33 1 14.525 8293 17 22 27 23 20 32 46 28 46 11 60 9 120 13 88 7.7
Strasbourg 71900 48.55 N 7.63 E 505 14.434 8293 12 17 22 19 16 26 48 21 41 6 340 8 20 93 IO 8.1 2.5
Toulouse 76300 43.63 N 1.37 E 50 1 14.435 8293 22 27 22 19 17 22 48 19 48 5 280 7 140 19 99 8.1
Moruroa Island 919520 21.82 S 138.80 W 9 14.695 8293 67 68 29 26 24 31 72 28 71 16 140 11 60 90 65 3.8 0.9
Papeete, Tahiti 919380 17.55 S 149.62 W 6 14.697 8293 68 69 22 19 16 22 78 19 79 3 120 7 260 91 65 0.7 2.0
Aachen 105010 50.78 N 6.10 E 14.346
14 23 20 18 26 46 50234 44 6 210 90 14 8.5
Ahlhorn (Ger-MB) 102180 52.88 N 8.23 E 14.6031848293 119
1 222516 30 45 25 42 7 90 9 10 90 9 9.5
Berlin 103840 52.47 N 13.40 E 14.615
160 8293 11 15 23 1820 26 44 21 41 8 80 8 150 93 10 8.83.8
Bitburg 106100 49.95 N 6.57 E 1227 14.060
8293 12 18, 23 1820 27 42 23 38 Il 60 7 IO 90 11 3.6 6.8
Bremen 102240 53.05 N 8.80 E 14.691 168293
12 25 22 20 28 44 24 42 8 70 IO 100 90 9 6.1 9.5
Bremerhaven 101290 53.53 N 8.58 E 14.681 36
8293 15 19 31 2427 34 43 30 43 8 60 10 130 88 16 7.4
Dresden 104880 51.13 N 1619E221314.310
13.78 741
8 23 42 20 41 4 320 7 260 92 6 2.911.2
Dusseldorf 104000 51.28 N 6.78 E 144 14.623 8293 14 23
20 1821 26 45 23 44 6 60 9 130 92 i3 2.7 8.8
Eggebek (Ger-Naw) IO0340 54.63 N 9.35 E 14.662 72
8293 11 17222528 32 40 28 38 7 30 II 90 86 7 9.5
Ehrenberg 105440 50.50 N 9.95 E 303413.158
5 IO 3034 27 37 27 33 25 15 100 11 190 83 5 3.1 8.5
Frankfurt h i Main 106370 50.05 N 8.60 E 14.504
12 17 2023 17 25 45 21 42 7 30 9 40 93 IO 7.7
Crafenwohr 106870 49.70 N 11.95 E 136113.991
8293 -2 S 15 12 11 16 39 13 36 1 10 5 IO 92 -7 4.1 9.5
Greifsaald 101840 54.10 N 13.40 E 15 14.690
9 23 20 18 25 41 21 40 4 250 8 50 89 8 4.1 11.0
Hamburg 101470 53.63 N 10.00 E 52 14.672
8293 11 202316 18 24 42 21 40 6 60 11 90 89 IO 9.0
Hannover 103380 52.47 N 9.70 E202314
9 18 25 43 22 41 6 80 9 110 90 8 4.0 10.1
Heidelberg 107340 49.40 N 8.65 E 14.511
3578293 14 19 121417 18 44 15 43 4 170 6 10 96 12 2.9 8.6
Hof 106850 50.32 N 11.88 22
E 91863
3 19 17 23 36 21 34 6 140 7 I50 87 O 7.0
Husum (Cer-MB) 100260 54.52 N 9.15 E 14.6361218293 12 17 29 2326 32 43 29 42 9 50 9 90 86 8 9.0
Kap Arkona 100910 54.68 N 13.43 E 3438 14.629
17 46 37 42 37 15 360 12 70 81 17 3.6 8.3
KieVHoltenau(Cer-Na\y) 100460 54.38 N 10.15 E 102 14.646
14 22
19 19 28 41 24 38 9 40 9 160 85 IO 4.9 10.6
Koln 105130 50.87 N 7.17 E 14.528
3248293 16
11182117 25 45 21 43 4 110 8 130 92 8 3.1 10.6
Lahr 108050 48.37 N 7.83 E 14.430
5118293 11 17141619 22 47 20 45 4 20 5 120 94 8 2.7 10.1
Landsberg (Ger-MB) 108570 48.07 N 10.90 E 206013.638
5 IO192226 30 41 26 37 3 70 6 260 90 O 7.7
leck (Ger-AFB) 100220 54.80 N 8.95 E 43 14.677
8293 11 17 28 25 22 32 42 28 40 5 80 10 1IO 85 4 3.8 11.0
Leipzig 104690 51.42 N 12.23 E 281314.470
8 24 21 30 42 25 41 6 70 9 190 92 6 3.212.2
hlemmingen (Cer-MB) 109470 47.98 N 10.23 E 211313.612
5 IO182125 29 38 26 38 5 50 9 220 90 -1 4.3 8.1
Munich 108660 48.13 N 11.70 E 1735 13.801
4 10 27 22 18 29 42 24 40 4 80 8 30 90 - I 8.13.6
Neuburg (Cet-AFB) 108530 48.72 N 11.22 E 1270 14.038
8293 3 10 21 18 15 23 40 20 40 4 60 4 200 92 -1 4.1 11.9
Nordholz (Ger-Naky) 101360 53.77 N 8.67 E 14.6461028293 12 263017 23 34 42 29 41 9 80 11 120 88 12 4.5 8.3
Ramstein (US-MB) 106140 4943 N 7.60 E 14.290
7808293 I14
I 171916 21 44 18 43 2 IO 5 240 93 7 7.9
Sollingen ( h - M B ) 107220 48.77 N 8.10 E171922
13 26 45 23 44 6 30 6 IO 94 IO 8.13.2
Stuttgart 107380 48.68 N 9.22 E 14 1374
9 21 18 15 23 41 20 40 4 90 7 90 92 4 4.0 10.3
Batumi 374840 41.65 N 41.63 E 19 14.690 8293 29 32 30 27 24 31 49 28 50 13 130 9 300 91 21 9.0 12.2
K’ut‘aisi (Kutaisi) 373950 42.27 N 42.63 E 380 14.499 8293 28 30 49 41 36 49 45 40 47 9 90 22 90 97 23 3.2 4.1
Sokhumi (Sukhumi) 372600 42.87 N 41.13 E 42 14.677 8293 29 31 18 15 13 19 44 16 42 6 50 9 320 90 25 3.2 4.0
Tbilisi 375490 41.68 N 44.95 E 1532 13.904 8293 21 24 49 42 37 51 36 45 36 6 320 IO I80 97 16 3.1 4.0
North Front 84950
36.15 N 5.35 W’ 16 28
46 25 57 36 2709 5732 14 2004.74097 4.3
Andmida 166820 37.92 N 21.28 E 39 14.679 8293 32 34 22 19 17 27 56 22 55 2 130 12 350 97 27 2.7 2.7
Athens 167160 37.90 N 23.73 E 49 14.674 8293 34 37 23 21 19 25 47 22 47 8 360 14 30 99 31 4.3 3.1
Elekis (Hel-MB) 167180 38.07 N 23.55 E 102 14.646 8293 33 36 23 21 19 24 49 22 46 4 360 12 IO 104 30 5.2 3.2
Iraklion 167540 35.33 N 25.18 E 127 14.632 8293 41 44 32 29 25 40 53 33 51 14 340 1 1 320 97 37 3.6 3.6
Larka 166480 39.63 N 22.42 E 242 14.571 8293 23 26 19 16 I3 20 46 17 46 I 360 7 270 10.5 16 4.5 5.4
Pre\eza 166430 38.95 N 20.77 E 13 14.693 8293 36 38 26 22 19 31 51 24 50 IO 40 10 250 95 33 4.1 2.7
Rodhos 167490 36.40 N 28.08 E 36 14.681 8293 41 44 24 22 20 28 49 23 49 13 360 14 270 96 38 3.6 3.6
Soudha 167460 35.48 N 24.12 E 495 14.439 8293 39 41 26 22 20 30 52 26 49 IO 20 10 300 100 36 2.7 3.2
Thessalonild 166220 40.52 N 22.97 E 13 14.693 8293 25 28 29 24 20 32 42 28 43 8 110 IO 180 99 19 4.5 3.2
Dundas. Thule Ab 42020 76.53 N 68.50 W’ 193 14.597 8293-35 -33 30 24 19 -2 30 24 O 7 80 9 310 63 -37 7.6 3.2
Godthab 42500 64.17 N 51.75 U’ 229 14.578 8293-12 -8 45 36 30 41 19 33 19 13 350 IO 20 64 -8 5.2 6.1
Kangerlussuaq 42310 67.00 N 50.80 W‘ 173 14.608 8293-42 -38 22 19 16 23 22 19 20 9 60 11 70 69 -41 2.5 8.1
WMOa =World Metet)ntIogical Organization numher Elev =elevation, ft DB = d y h u l h temperature, ’F
Lat = latitude Long. = longitude StdP = standard pressure at station
psia WS =wind speed, nlph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Climatic Design Information 26.35

Table 3B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-World Locations

0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1%

Heldelbq 90 69 86 67 83 66 71 86 69 84 67 80 66"98
, ~ 77 92 75 63 ,:87:..'.71 2Ó&
Hof 81 62
64 77 74 61 66 77 64 14 62 71 62 89 70 60 83 67 59 79 66 18.5
Husum (Ger-MB) 79 64 76 64 72 62 67 76 65 73 63 70 64 90 7084 62 68 61 79 66 15.5
K ~ Arkana
D 74 65 71 6462 69 66 72 68 6563 70 62 6470 90 85 68 6167 80 9.2
Kie~oitemu(Cer-Navy) 78 ' 64 75 ' 63 72 62 66 76 , , 64 ' 73 62 '62
70 84 ' 71 61 ' : 79 68 ' 59: 75: :..i.$?. .1%5
Koln 85 67 82 65 79 64 69 81
79 67 65 76 65 92 73 63 87 71 62 83 69 19.8

. . . .
, ,
,. ,, ...
, , ,
CEoRChi . . . . ,
Batumi 82 73 80 79 72 71 75 80 74 79 72 77
7912373 71 78 118 72 ' 113 76 10.4

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
26.36 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

Table 3A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-World Locations

Extreme Wind Coldest Month WS/MDB MWS/MWD to DB Annual Extreme Dally

Station WMOX Lat Long. H

StdP HeatingDB
psia Dates 99.6%
1% 2.5% 5%
0.4% 1% 99.6% 0.4% StdD
NaKaKUaq 42700
61.18 N 45.42 W 85 14.655
8293 -18 -12 47 31 39 53 34
70 17 60
46 2 35 68 2.5-15 10.8
GUAM . , . .
AndersenAFB(Guam) 912180
13.58 N 144.93 E 14.380
74 20 18 1916 799 7918 2.9729190 9 70 1.1
Budapest 128390
47.43 N 19.27E 14.380
8293 8293614 24274035 40 1702 10 200 947.9
2.2 2
Debrecen 128820 47.48 N 21.63 E 367 14.506 8293 6 11 22 18 15 22 35 19 35 50 4 6 90 92 2 2.7 6.7
Naghnizsa 129250 46.45 N 16.98 E 462 14.456 8293 8 14 19 16 14 19 33 16 35 3605 230
6 91 I 2.7 8.3
Pm 129420 46.00 i 18.23 E 666 14.350 8293 I2 16 22 18 15 23 36 20 33 6 320 7 270 93 8 2.3 5.8
Siofok 129350 46.92 N 18.03 E 354 14.513 8293 12 17 30 26 21 30 31 25 39 3204 270
5 91 3.17 8.3
Szombathely 128120 47.27 N 16.63 E 725 14.319 8293 IO 15 29 24 20 27 25 21 32 8 270 180
7 91 7 3.1 7.0
AhUNreyri 40630 65.68 N 18.08 W 88 14.653'
8293 8 11 30 26 22 34 33 30 37 7 160 11 180 72 2 3.1 2.2
Keflavik 40180 63.97 N 22.60 W 177 14.606
8293 17 20 41 34 30 47 33 41 34 14 20 11 350 66 12 6.5 2.0
Raufarhoh 40770 66.45 N 15.95 W 32 14.683
8293 IO 13 37 32 28 43 31 38 31 14 230 14 320 68 4 3.8 3.1
Reykjavik 40300 64.13 N 21.90 W 200 14.594
8293 14 17 41 34 31 47 36 42 36 IO 90 12 360 65 10 3.4 2.5
Ahmadabad 426470
23.07 N 72.63 E 14.604
52 55 1316 I I 7414 27012
73602 74 111 3.1
43 6.8
Bangalore 432950 12.97 N 77.58 E 3021 13.164 8293 59 60 13 12 IO I I 71 IO
3 72 90 90 4 99 54 2.0 3.4
Bombay 430030 19.12 N 72.85 E 45 14.676 8293 62 64 15 13 12 12 79 11 80 O 360 3207 101 56 2.3 2.9
calcuna 428090 22.65 N 88.45 6 19 14.690 8293 54 56 13 11 9 7 73 7 73 O 360 4 180 103 50 2.0 1.4
Cuddalore 433290 11.77 N 79.77 E 39 14.679 8293 68 69 14 12 11 13 79 12 80 2 320 2506 I05 63 2.7 3.1
Coa/Panaji 43 1920 15.48 N 73.82 E 196 14.596 8293 67 69 17 14 12 12 83 10 83 5 50 3206 99 62 2.7 5.4
Hydenbad 43 I280 17.45 N 78.47 E 1788 13.775 8293 58 60 21 19 17 13 76 1 1 77 1 50 3208 107 53 2.0 3.6
Jaipur 423480 26.82 N 75.80 E I279 14.033 8293 44 47 16 13 11 12 64 10 64 O 90 9 320 1 IO 39 2.2 3.1
Madras 432790 13.00 N 80.18 E 52 14.672 8293 68 69 17 14 13 13 80 I l 80 2 290 2708 106 65 2.2 1.8
Nagpur 428670 21.10 N 79.05 E 1017 14.168 8293 53 55 17 14 12 11 75 28 74 360 3206 113 49 2.3 3.2
New Delhi 421820 28.58 N 77.20 E 708 14.327 8293 44 46 17 14 12 14 66 2 66
13 270 3207 110 41 2.2 2.0
Poona 430630 18.53 N 73.85 E 1833 13,752 8293 50 52 12 i0 8 8 79 6 78 O 70 2703 105 45 1.3 2.7
Sholapur 431170 17.67 N 75.90 E 1571 13.884 8293 61 63 8 7 6 6 74 5 75 1 90 3202 108 56 3.1 3.1
Trivandrum 433710 8.48 N 76.95 E 209 14.589 8293 72 73 14 13 11 17 83 15
2 83 360 3206 99 65 3.1 4.7
Diego m i a Isl. 619670
7.30 S 72.40 17 E 1921
9 21 2080 80 11 I l 0 90 7 95 10.8
Belmullet 39760
54.23 N90 810.00
30 11 180 2676 3.6
Birr 39650 53.08 N 7.88 W 236 14.575 8293 24 28 23 20 18 28 45 25 45 1 90 7 I50 77 20 8.1 5.0
Claremorris 39700 53.72 N 8.98 W 226 14.580 8293 26 28 29 26 22 34 46 30 45 6 70 8 90 77 21 4.3 4.0
Clones 39740 54.18 N 7.23 W 291 14.546 8293 25 28 28 24 21 30 45 28 46 4 60 7 120 78 20 4.1 4.7
Cork 39550 51.85 N 8.48 W 531 14.420 8293 29 32 34 30 27 40 44 34 45 13 40 9 330 75 26 3.6 3.4
Dublin 39690 53.43 N 6.25 W 278 14.552 8293 29 31 31 28 24 35 44 30 44 9 250 1 1 230 77 26 3.2 3.2
Kilkenny 39600 52.67 N 7.27 W 209 14.589 8293 25 28 27 22 19 29 47 26 47 2 360 7 180 79 20 4.0 4.1
hiah 39800 55.37 N 7.33 W 82 14.656 8293 31 33 45 41 36 50 43 45 43 14 170 16 200 72 28 2.2 3.1
Mullingar 39710 53.53 N 7.37 W 341 14.520 8293 25 28 26 22 20 29 43 26 46 3 70 9 100 77 20 3.8 3.4
Rosslare 39570 52.25 N 6.33 W 82 14.656 8293 32 34 32 29 26 36 41 31 43 15 90 11 220 73 30 3.4 2.3
Shannon 39620 52.70 N 8.92 W 65 14.665 8293 28 31 31 27 23 37 45 31 46 6 70 9 110 78 24 4.3 3.1
Valentia Observatoy 39530 51.93 N 10.25 W 45 14.676 8293 31 33 33 30 26 38 47 34 48 7 60 10 270 77 27 4.0 2.7
Jerusalem 401840 31.78 N 35.22 E 2473 13.433 8293 33 35 24 21 19 28 41 24 42 270
6 IO 290 98 31 5.4 2.3
Lod 401800 32.00 N 34.90 E 160 14.615 8293 40 42 23 19 17 26 56 22 54 150
4 11 320 103 36 2.9 2.9
&da (lsr-AFB/Ci!f) 401980 30.00 N 34.83 E 1417 13.963 8293 36 39 23 19 17 25 49 21 54 210
5 10 40 105 32 1.3 2.3
Tel Aviv-Yafo 401760 32.10 N 34.78 E 13 14.693 8293 44 46 28 22 19 30 56 24 56 120
7 9 310 99 41 5.4 2.5
Bologn~orgo(MB) 161400 44.53 N 11.30 E 138 14.627 8293 22 25 16 13 11 14 41 11 37 1 220 5 80 97 18 3.4 5.9
Brindisi 163200 40.65 N 17.95 E 32 14.683 8293 36 39 26 22 19 30 51 26 51 9 360 IO 180 99 31 4.3 2.3
Catania 164600 37.47 N 15.05 E 55 14.670 8293 35 37 23 19 16 26 54 22 55 5 230 IO 90 103 31 5.4 2.2
Gelmra 161200 44.42 N 8.85 E 9 14.695 8293 32 36 27 24 U 28 43 26 44 15 40 7 50 92 29 2.3 4.1
Messina 164200 38.20 N 15.55 E 167 14.611 8293 43 45 19 16 14 20 56 17 57 4 310 6 60 97 38 4.9 4.0
Milan, Linate 160800 45.43 N 9.28 E 337 14.521 8293 21 25 16 12 10 20 46 14 46 1 90 5 220 95 18 5.9 5.0
Milan, Malpensa 160660 45.62 N 8.73 E 692 14.336 8293 15 18 18 12 9 19 43 II 40 O 360 4 210 94 9 3.1 4.7
Naples 162890 40.85 N 14.30 E 236 14.575 8293 32 34 23 18 1.5 26 49 21 49 4 340 8 2OQ 98 28 3.8 2.9
Palermo 164050 38.18 N 13.10 E 111 14.641 8293 44 46 30 26 22 32 57 28 55 1 1 210 11 250 100 38 5.2 4.7
Perugia 161810 43.08 N 12.50 E 672 14.346 8293 24 27 21 18 16 22 46 19 45 1 360 5 270 96 17 2.9 7.2
Pisa 161580 43.68 N 10.38 E 3 14.698 8293 26 29 22 19 16 22 49 19 47 4 90 9 270 96 21 2.0 5.0
Rome 162420 41.80 N 12.23 E 9 14.695 8293 30 32 28 24 21 28 . 48 23 50 9 60 12 270 94 26 5.2 3.1
Ronchi LegionariAb 161080 45.82 N 13.48 E 39 14.679 8293 21 25 22 18 14 28 38 20 38 2 10 5 220 96 17 2.3 4.1
Torino 160590 45.22 N 7.65 E 94 I 14.207 8293 20 23 13 9 7 16 48 IO 41 O 260 2 70 92 16 2.9 4.0
Venice 161050 45.50 N 12.33 E 19 14.690 8293 23 26 22 17 13 28 36 21 33 4 60 6 160 92 19 4.3 4.0
WMOr =World Meteorological Organization numher Elev = elevatic~n,R DB = dry.bulh temperature, 'F
Lat = latitude Long. = longitude StdP = standard
at station elevation,
psia WS =wind speed,mph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Climatic 26.37

Table 3B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-World Locations

Tel Aviv-Yafo 88 6974 86 8578 74 76 8483 77 8383137 76 9.9 82 127 747582 132
. ... .

Bologna/Borgo (MB) 779372 88

75 73 90 89 75 87 74 85 73 125 72 83 118 70 81 I l i 20.381

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
26.38 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

Table 3A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-World Locations

Arissa 637230
0.47 S 39.63 E 7.614.446
180 8 180 7 83 28 83 30 22
71 26 29 8.3
Kisumu 637080 0.10 S 34.75 E 3759 12.810 8293 60 62 22 19 17 19 76 16 79 90 4 13 230 100 52 11.2 7.0
Lodwar 636120 3.12 N 35.62 E 1689 13.824 8293 69 71 23 20 19 21 83 19 83 2704 13 90 106 58 7.9 9.7
Nairobi 637400 1.32 S 36.92 E 5328 12.082 8293 49 51 23 21 19 17 70 15 69 6 240 14 60 90 41 4.5 4.9
Nakuru 637140 0.27 S 36.10 E 6236 11.675 8293 47 48 19 16 13 17 70 14 70 3502 9 360 95 9.9
40 5.2
h j U 470500 39.62 N 125.65 E 14.653
8293 -1 19 4 16 14 17 20 14 19 3 5 140 230 90 -7 7.4
Chongjin 470080 41.78 N 129.82 E 141 14.625 78293 IO 15 12 IO 15 17 13 173 320 6 5.03.1
90 3 88
Changjin 470310 40.37 N 127.25 E 3546 12.911 8293-19 -15 20 18 16 20 4 18 4 1 6 320 320 85 -25 4.7 3.4
Haeju 470690 38.03 N 125.70 E 265 14.559 8293 IO 13 21 18 15 19 22 17 237 320 7 180 91 7 3.6 4.5
Hmhung 470410 39.93 N 127.55 E 124 14.634 8293 7 10 18 15 13 21 20 18 22 7 360 9 230 93 2 2.9 4.3
Namp'o 470600 38.72 N 125.37 E 154 14.618 88293 11 23 19 17 21 21 18 216 320 7 270 91 6 5.8 5.0
P'yongang 470580 39.03 N 125.78 E 124 14.634 8293 3 7 14 12 IO 15 19 13 19 2 Il0 4 270 91 -1 2.3 6.5
Sinuiiu 470350 40.10 N 124.38 17
E 714.688
3 15 13 19 19 16 18 6 50 5 230 92 -4 3.8 5.0
Wonsan 470550
39.18 N 127.43 E 1514.637
118 16 13 11 16 14
27 7 9325025
4 270 6
WMO* Meteorolwical
Lat = Long.
. -
= longitude
Elev = elevation. ft
= standard'pressure
DB =teninerature
.~,. .
WS =windnlphspeed,
, ~ . ,'F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Climatic 26.39

Table 3B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-World Locations

0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% """

lk&e 90 76 87 76 85 76 18 86 78 85 ?I 84 , 76' 139' 83 76 134 82 75 130 . 81 11.0

Sapporo 74697871811384 82 73 118
72 77 71
80 80 70 111 6978 105 11.7

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
~~~ ~

STD.ASHRAE CH 2b-ENGL L997 0759b50 053Lb58 bb2 Ia

26.40 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

Table 3A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-World Locations

~ e m wind
e ColdestMonth WS/MDB
MWS/MWD to DB Annual Extreme D d y
Elm, Stdp 'ped -~""0.4% 1% 99.6% 0.4%StdDMeanDB DB
Station WMOI Lat. Long. B psla Dates 99.6%99% 1% 2.5% 5% WS MD6 WS MD6 M W S MWSPWD
.. .
, .
Cheju 471820
33.50 37N 28126.55
22 24 27
E 3214.653
87 25 40 14 402.52.226
14 93230
Inch'on 471120
37.48 N 126.63 E 14.5788293
229 19
12 22 15 16 23 24 20 22 11 320 230
7 92 9 6.8 4.7
Wgnw 47105037.75 N 128.90 E 14.653 888293
16 20 18 16 14 19 29 17 29 12 250 90 6 95 12 3.1 4.1
Kwangju 471560
35.13 N 126.92 E 14.575
236 22 15 17 13 17 32 15 33 4 20 250 7 93 15 2.7 3.2
n 471220 37.08 N i27.03 E 39 14.679 8293 7 11 17 14 12 16 28 14 29 3 10 6 IO 95 2 2.2 5.4
Seoul 471100
37.55 N 126.80 E 714.667
829362 1017 19 15 19 24 16 25 3 IO 160 9 92 2 1.6 6.1
Taegu 471430 35.88 N 128.62 E 200 14.594 8293 17 20 1820 16 22 31 19 32 8 290 270 9 96 12 2.5 3.1
Taeion 471330 36.30 N 127.40 E 255 14.565 8293 12 15 15 13 11 12 37 II 34 1 I l 0 270 6 95 8 3.4 2.7
Ulsan 471520
35.55 N 129.32 E 108 14.643
8293 20 22 14 16 12 18 31 16 31 7 320 140 8 95 15 3.1 3.4
21 61 24 21 60 300
4 33
14 2.3 2.3

15 32 19 15 33 150
3 8 220 101 -11 2.2 7.6
17 174 20 I 1 360 114.0

21 27 39 23 38 30 7 1209 83 2.93 11.0

18 23 37 21 36 40 4 1509 85 -3 13.1

23 29 55 23 57 90 5 2.9
19 22 59 19 58 2404 114
6013 35 3.1 2.0

50 22 13 18 48 3 180 IO8 89
320 2.0 6.7

18 23 31 21 32 70 6 8.5
22 29 40 24 39 70 8 4 83
1408 3.1 10.3
20 25 29 22 29 70 5 11 140 867.7

15 36 19 14 34 1 50 2704 100 9.4


61 34 23 29 62 310
8 II 30 871.85.250

11 13 82 12 83 350
2 270
8 96 70 4.0 1.3
14 18 81 17 81 1 190 9 90 95 68 1.4
12 13 85 11 85 1 340 270
8 98 68 3.4
12 16 83 15 82 5 350 8 230 99 58 5.2 23.4
12 17 84 15 84 3 IO 20 8 97 66 5.6
IO 11 84 10 85 1 60 7 180 99 66 5.9 4.9
9 13 82 11 82 260
2 360
5 99 67 7.4
13 18 82 16 83 120
2 270
9 99 66 8.3 10.3

77 16
15 77 18 40 7 9 80 I l 0 50 6.7

26 56 29 20 56 270
6 3.1

26 81 28 22 82 70 12 1 1609570 7.0 23.6

28 30 63 28 63 14 360 14 20 101 48 2.9 6.3

19 26 75 24 75 9 60 14 80 113 44 1.3 6.7

17 17 84 14 84 3202 17 200 97 60 2.7 5.6

19 22 77 19 77 90 4 15 140 103 47 2.2 2.2
18 51 52 22 66 5 90 1 1 360 88 32 2.2 4.1
12 12 79 12 78 o IO 17 330 94 54 1.6 1.4
21 34 59 28 62 2709 11 90 97 43 4.3 6.5
29 47 70 35 68 3304 22 90 101 50 4.0 4.5

17 21 19 81 82 9 100 102
40 9 56 25.7

2920 67 26 67 IO 360 9 1 IO 89 46 1.8


12 31 17 29 300
5 2006 91 4 3.8 5.8

17 19 O 15 1 320
2 270
8 89 -27 5.2 4.7
11 9 -29 7 -29 1 180 50 5 89 -43 5.0 4.0
Al Hoceima 601070
35.18 N 3.85 W 14.676
45 44 46 18 21 24 24 583 5819 4.19.0399836012
WMOx = World Meteorological
Organization numher Elev =elevation, ft DB = dry-hulh temperature, 'F
Lat = latitude Long. = longitude StdP = standard pressure at station elevation, psia WS =wind
speed, mph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Climatic 26.41

Table 3B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Condition*World Locations


. ,
. I

Liepaja 62 7670 64
62 73 67 72 65 7068 6370 90 64 6268 85 61 80
10.3 66

15.8 77Nouadhibou
112 70 78 118 72 92 79 126
69 74
69 8881
86 73
69 81 74 83 76
Nouakchott 70 107 103 69
79 100
87 80 6988 81 86 79 15078 141
84 77 84 148 83 23.0
Acapulco 8092 91 SO80 92 82 '90 8181 89 89 79 15179 87 i5079 86 150 86 13.0
80 Merida
91 81 76 95 76 100 98 76 90 79 22.5
89 83 78
141 77147 84 86143 77
Mexico Ciw 57 84 8272 57
60 7380 61 5674 62 5965 98 5764 92 57 92 63 24.8
Puenob'allarta(7660iO) 92 , $I 81 91 90 80 83 90 . 82 90 81, 89 81 160, 88 79 Is3 87 79, ,455 . 86 14'2
Tampico (765491) 80 92 89 83 8090 90 80 82 88 81 87 82 88 168 80 158 86152 79 84 11.3
Veracruz 152 80
79 9492
89 8080 90 81 91 9182 80 85 79 15078 85 148 85 14.9
Truk Is1 88 80 88 8081 8787 81 79 87 80 79 86147 78 85 I48
151 79 86 85' 7.4
. . . ,

MDB =mean coincident dry-bulb temperature,'F WS =mean coincident wind speed, mph StdD = standard deviation HR = humidity ratio
MWB = mean coincident wet.hulb temperature, 'F MWD = mean coincident winddirection A = airport DP = dew-point temperature, 'F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

Table 3A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-World Locations

Extreme Coldest Month WS/MDB
MWS/MWD to DB Annual Extreme Dally

Elev. stdp Heathng DB Speed ””


1% 99.6% 0.4% MeanDB StdD DB

Masqal 412560
23.58 N 58.28 E 49 14.674
61 I8 1674 73 5 200 I I2.3
340 8.3
SalaÏah 413160
17.03 N 54.08 E 65 14.665 63 8293 70 28 16
6519 21 23 73 200
10 12 20 52
101 5.0 10.1
Thamarit 413140 17.67 N 54.03 E 13.941
8293 71 19 72 21 27 30 32 51 7 160 11 340 I I I 2.742 2.7
Masirah 412880 20.67 N 58.90 E 62 14.667 829363 2765 252324 682266 300
14 13 106
210 53 2.7 9.5
Panama 788060
8.92 N 79.60 W 14.672
52 8293 73 13 73 15 17 82 12 81 15 2 12 10 IO 99 67 9.74.5
Tocumen 787920 9.05 N 79.37 W 14.681
36 8293 14
68 16 68 81 12 80 13 12 O 10300 96 30 58 3.2 11.3
Asuncion 862180
25.27 S 57.63 W 331 14.525 8293 41 44 23 20 22
18 71 25 69 103
2 14180 35 4.3 2.7
~. 847520 16.32 S 71.55 W 8267 10.808 829343 42 26 26 21
54 31 18 6 54 14 30 240 34 79 3.4 3.4
Cuzco 846860 13.55 S 71.98 W 10659
32 O 4 90 2877
330 3.6 2.5
Iquitos 843770 3.75 S 73.25 W 14.482
413 68 19 13 11 77 16 12 78 2 170 4 330 98 3.253 18.2
Lha 846280 12.00 S 77.12 W 42 14.677 8293 57 58 24 20 21 18 62 170 18 4 63 13 87170 50 2.2 6.1
Pisco 846910 13.75 S 76.28 W 22 14.688
8293 55 25 21 19 23 19 65 65 1 904.0 47
1189210 6.3
Talara 843900
4.57 S 81.25 W 29542 6414.544
46 33 428293
46 61 60 7.73.255 93190
Angeles, ClarkAFB 983270 15.18 N 120.55 E 643 14.362 8293 68 1569 12 11 13 83 12 82 5 IO 7 99
120 65 2.0 2.2
Baguio 983280
16.42 N 120.60 E 4924 12.266
12 158293
22 54 52 65 14 12 65 3 90 4 140 93 49 5.4 1.6
Cebw?dandaue 986460 10.30 N 123.97 E 78 14.658 8293 73 74 1& 15 14 19 82 17 82 5 40 9 40 98 67 3.2
Olongapo 984260
14.80 N 120.27 E 14.670
56 19 85 21 16 18 21 71 84 4 70 II 70 100 67 4.3 2.5
Manila,Ninoyr\quinoInt’l 984290
14.52 N 121.00 E 68 14.663 8293
8336834032364171 2 90 21 90 99 43 1.8 14.2
Bialystok 122950 53.10 N 23.17 E 495 14.439 8293 -4 3 16301816 28 18 14 2 310 6 180 87 -5 3.6
Gdansk 121500 54.38 N 18.47 E 14.461452 8293 1 9 3123 26 363227 41 2 130 11 IO 86 -2 5.2 11.0
btowice 125600
50.23 N 19.03 E 14.212
931 8293 3 40
9 221915 17 38 19 2 20 8 250 89 -2 2.9 9.5
R*ke 125700 50.82 N 20.70 E 856 14.25i 8293 -1 6 18 20 , 16 21 31 33 19 4 60 7 190 88 -5 2.9 10.6
Kolobneg 121000 54.18 N 15.58 E 16 14.6913617
38191410161816 5 Il0 6 140 90 Il 4.1 8.1
W O W=World Meteorological Organization numher Elev = elevation, A DB = dry-hulh temperature, ‘F
Lat = latitude
Long. = longitude StdP = standard pressure at station elevation, psia WS =wind speed, mph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD.ASHRAE C H 2b-ENGL L777 W 0 7 5 7 b 5 00 5 3 L b b L L57 W

Climatic Design 26.43

Table 3B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Condition*World Locations

0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1%
2% Range
72 81 72 Casablanca
85 75 80 7473 79 78 71126 74 1227673 118 72 77 9.2
71 91
72 96 77 106 68 77 108 69 80 114 708784 70
72 861573 90 19.8
M&lt 92 58 90 58 '89 58 62 : 8 3 , 61 81;' M) 56 80 81, 6' 565. . 7 6 , . . 5 7 :53 ' 72 67 ,245:

Ouarzazate 100 62 98 61 9766 61 90 64 89 63 58 89 84 12 56 77 71 54 71 71 24.7

Oujda 70 98 87
9491 7269 90 74 69 71 85 70 116 80 68 11 24.71 7778106 67
Safi 9489 71 70 8574 70 73 86 72 83 81 116 71 70 78 111 77 10769 14.8
TanKeer 9289 71 71 8674 70 73 86 72 84 81 71 114 70 79 110 68 78 104 16.7
. , . ,
NBIlisRwLNDS . ., .,. ., , ,,
I ,
. .
Amsterdam 66 80 77 69 6417 74 65 74 67 65 66 72 94 72 ' 64 85 90 63 69 68 14.8

utsira 58 6067 58 62 64
6159 5864 60 57 59
62 76 58
60 7359 70 57 5.2
Masqat 73 107 73 109 86 73 105 93 85 9392 84 8491 181 8391 174 8290 169 14.9
6 91 71 92Salalah 16
88 82 85 82
152 87
79 86 1588780 8186 160 9.7
Thamarit 68 104 68108106 69 19 7694 90 1882
76 130
91 73 84 134 74 86 142 25.2
76 96 74 99
Tur'at 82 8988 1688282 88 86 156 8081 86 160 15.5
Panama 8995 82 76 77 9392 77 81 89 7981 86 88158 80 85 15015279 85 15.8
Tocumen 9392 78 89 81 7777 91 84 143 77 80 85 88
148 7880 85 88150 79 17.5
75 98Asuncion 9594 7875 90 79 75
91 80 89 77 144 134
86 75 7683 136 83 18.5
PERU . .
58 71 59 53Arequipa
.73. 54 74 55 75 53 5462 85 83 61 23.4
Angeles, Clark MB
Manila, Ninoy Aquino IntY
Gdansk 80 65 77 63 13 62 67 77 65 13 63 71 64 91 70 61 82 68 59 77 61 17.5
Katowice 83 67 80 65 77 64 68 80 67 77 65 74 64 94 72 63 88 71 62 85 69 18.4
Rielce 83 67 80 65 16 64 68' , 79 67 76 65 74 65 94 73 63 90 78 62. 84. 69 2 0 2
Kolobrzeg 80 65 75 63 71 63 67 74 65 72 64 70 64 90 70 63 85 68 61 80 67 12.1
MDB = mean coincident dry-hub temperature, 'F MWS = mean n~incidentwind speed, mph StdD = standard deviation HR = humidity ratio
MWB = mean coincident wet-huh temperature, 'F MWD = mean coincident wind direction A = airport DP = dew-point temperature, "F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

Table 3A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-World Locations

Extremewind ColdestMonth WS/MDB MWS/MWD to DB h u l l Extreme Daily

Ele". Stdp Heating 'peed -~~~~

0.4% 1% 99.6% 0.4% Mean DB StdD DB
station WMOX Lat.
Long. H psia Dates 99.6% 99% 1% 2.5% 5% WS MDB WS MDB M W S PWD
MWSPWD Max Min Max M i n
KrakOW 125660
50.08 N 19.80E 777
8293 -1 6 36 20
20 3 60 6 240
89 -3 3.2
L& 124650
51.73 N 19.40E 61614.375
8293 2 9 20 38
22 34 5 90 8 130
92 O 4.0
Lublin ' " ' 12495051.22 N 22.40 E 787 14.2873293-2 5 21 18I6
30 5 180 5 220 88
2.5 10.6
Poznan 123300
52.42 N 16.83E 30114.540
8293 3 11325 30
292 3 90 8 220
92 3 3.8
Przem)sl 126950
49.80 N 22.77E 91814.219
8293 1 7 233
213 33 5 270 6 250
86 9.9
Snezk 125100
50.73 N 15.73E 5291
-3 2 80 68
340 13 200
70 -3 3.4
Suwalki 121950 54.13 N' 22.95 E 610
' 14.379
8293-5 2 26 21
22 30 3 20 7 300 87 -5 4.0 8.8
Szczecin 122050
53.40 N 14.62E 9 14.6958293 738
13 4 40 9 220
90 7 4.3 11.0
Torun 122500
53.03 N 18.58 E 236
8293 1 9 15 17 13 13
66 34 4 30 7 I l 0 91 O 21.19.5
Warsaw 123750
52.17 N 20.97 E 351
8293 O 8 21529214 31 22 34 5 90 9 150
91 O 3.8
Wmlaw 12424051.10 N 16.88E 39614.4908293 2 10 218
16 224219
39 4 110 8 17092 O 3.4 10.8
Beja 85620 38.02N 7.87 W 810 14.275 8293 36 38 22 19 17 23 55 19 53 7 90 IO 180104322.23.1
Braganca 85750 41.80N 6.73W 2270 13.533 8293 26 28 22 19 16 24 38 20 43 2 180 8 240 97 22 2.5 3.6
Coimbra 85490 40.20N 8.42W 459 14.458 8293 35 38 22 17 14 23 54 19 53 4 180 6 310 101 32 2.2 2.2
Evora 85570 38.57N 7.90W 1053 14.149 8293 37 39 23 20 18 23 50 20 48 11 320 8 300 100 33 2.5 3.4
Far0 85540 37.02 N , 7.97 W 13 14,693 8293 41 43 24 21, 19 2.5 57 22 57 5 20 11 110 97 36 2.7 3.8
Lisbon 85360 38.78N 9.13 W 403 14.487 8293 39 41 23 20 18 22 55 19 55 4 50 I I 330 101 35 3.1 2.5
Ponalegre 85710 39.28 N 7.42W 1935 13.700 8293 34 37 24 20 18 24 48 22 47 I I 290 8 240 98 30 2.7 3.2
Porto 85450 41.23N 8.68W 239 14.573 8293 35 37 24 21 18 26 54 22 54 7 90 9 330 95 30 2.3 2.5
Viana Do Castelo
~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ 85430
41.70 N 8.80W 59
8293 33 311
596 13 20
56 1 50 6 160 97 29 2.3 1.8
Cieba,RcmseveltRoack 785350
18.25 N 65.63W 39
79 2 330 11 80 94
4.1 1.1
San Juan 78526018.43 N 66.00W 6214.667829369691917161981 1871 3 190
M Dawhah 41170025.25 N 51.57 E 3214.683829351532522202165 19
64 7 290
350 115 43 1.8 7.0
Bucharest 154200 44.50N 26.13E 298 14.542 8293 8 14 20 17 15 20 28 18 29 3 250 5 230 97 2 3.8 6.5
Cluj-Napoca I51200 46.78N 23.57E 1354 13.994 8293 4 8 20 17 14 19 32 15 30 2 270 6 140 90 -4 3.4 5.9
Constanta 154800 44.22N 28.63E 45 14.676 8293 15 19 31 26 23 35 29 31 34 12 360 8 180 91 I I 5.4 6.1
W i a I54500 44.23 N 23.87E 639 14.363 8293 10 15 32 23 19 31 30 23 38 5 270 4 IBO 97 5 3.8 8.5
Galati 153100 45.50N 28.02E 236 14.575 8293 7 12 27 21 19 28 25 22 27 9 20 ' 8 230 94 4 3.6 5.4
Omul Mountain I52800 45.45 N 25.45E 8231 10.823 8293 .-13 -7 89 75 54 90 8 89 8 33 230 6 230 73 -18 13.7 10.4
Satu Mare l50lOO 47.78N 22.88E 406 14.485 8293 O 6 22 19 16 23 33 19 33 2 90 5 230 93 -4 4.0 7.7
Timisoara 152470 45.77 N 21.25E 288 14.547 8293 9 14 19 17 14 18 33 15 34 4 360 6 200 97 2 2.97.7
Abakn 29865053.75 N 91.40E 80314.2788293-29-2423201722181918 I 350 5 5091-323.66.3
Aldan 310040 58.62 N 125.37E 2237 13.550 8293 -41 -37 14 12 11 14
-2 12 -1 2 200 5 18086
Alehandmvsk-Sahal 320610 50.90N 142.17E 102 14.646 8293 -17 -13 31 27 22 35 6 2198 7 130 12 220
Anadyr' 255630 64.78 N 177.57 E 203 14.592 8293 -37-34 48 40 34 52 10 47 14 14 320 9 140 73 -38
5.4 4.9
Apuk 259560 60.45N 169.58E 26 14.686 8293 -18 -14 39 33 30 44 12 39 IO 15 60 12
Arkhangel'sk 225500 64.53N 40.47E 42 14.677 8293 -29 -23 17 15 13 18 22 16 23 2 130 6 140 85 -32 4.9 7.9
Armavir 370310 44.98N 41.12E 524 14.423 8293 4 10 23 19 15 24 31 21 32 2 140 6 90 97 -5 4.5 5.8
ktnkhan' 348800 46.27 N 48.03 E 59 14.669 8293 -1 4 26 21 I9 27 22 22 22 7 270 I t 90 100 -7 4.5 9.2
Barnaul 298380 53.40N 83.70 E 826 14.266 8293 -21 -16 29 23 20 32 17 26 19 7 170 9 60 91 -25 7.0 9.2
Blagoveshchensk 315100 50.25N 127.50 E 449 14.463 8293 -27 -23 19 17 14 18 4 14 I 2 310 7 180 91 -31 3.8 5.0
Borqa 309650 50.38N 116.52 E 2244 13.546 8293 -37 -32 26 22 19 19 -1 16 -6 3 80 10 150 89 -42 3.2 4.9
Bntsk 303090 56.07 N 101.83 E I604 13.868 8293 -32-27 22 17 15 19 7 15 7 3 280 7 130 87 -36 4.0 7.9
Blyansk 268980 53.33N 34.23E 71114.326 8293 -8 -3
23 20 18 25 29 21 24 7 I l 0 10 220 86 -12 3.1 6.8
Chelyabinsk 286420 55.30N 61.53E 744 14.309 8293 -19-15 29 24 21 29 17 25 15 7 340 12 190 90 -23 4.3 5.9
Cherepvets 271130 59.12N 37.93E 429 14.473 8293 -25 -17 22 18 15 23 26 20 23 2 20 6 170 84 -32 3.1 9.2
CM$ 307580 52.02 N 113.33 E 2247 13.545 8293 -33-29 24 21 19 21 10 17 9 O 310 8 210 90 -36 3.4 3.4
Dudink 230740 69.40N 86.17E 62 14.667 8293 -50-44 32 27 23 29 -1 24 -2 6 100 IO 60 82 -55 4.9 4.5
Egvekhot 253780 66.35N 179.12W 85 14.655 8293 -34-29 35 30 26 41 1 36 1 2 190 8 160 75 -36 9.4 6.7
Grozny 372350 43.35N 45.68E 531 14.420 8293 5 10 24 21 18 25 28 22 29 3 210 9 90 96 -2 4.1 4.7
HabarowWNovy 317350 48.52N 135.17 E 236 14.575 8293 -22 -18 23 20 18 21 2 19 -1 4 200 9 250 90 -26 3.1 2.9
Irkutsk 307100 52.27 N 104.35E 1683 13.828 8293 -29-24 23 21 18 21 2 18 2 4 80 8 190 87 -35 2.7 6.8
lzhevsk 284110 56.82N 53.27 E 518 14.427 8293 -21 -16 24 21 18 26 18 23 19 5 100 11 160 89 -27 4.7 4.3
Juzno-Kurilsk 321650 44.02N 145.87E 131 14.630 8293 IO 13 34 29 25 36 21 32 22 13 320 8 320 76 9 4.7 4.9
JumoSahaUnsk 321500 46.92 N 142.73 E 502 14.646 8293 -11 19 -8 16 I4 21 11 18 13 3 360 7 180 83 -16 25 4.1
Kalininpd 267020 54.70 N 20.62E 88 14.653 8293 -3 6 16 14 12 16 36 14 34 4 350 5 120 88 1 3.8
Kaluga 277030 54.57 N 36.37 E 659 14.353 8293 -12 -7 21 18 16 23 20 18 21 3 340 9 130 85,-23 2.5 17.6
Kazan' 275950 55.78 N 49.18 E 380 14.499 8293 -18 -12 28 24 21 30 14 27 14 9 330 10 170 88 -23 3.45.4
Kirov 271960 58.65 N 49.62 E 482 14.446 8293 -27-18 22 19 17 23 22 20 18 7 250 9 90 87 -31 3.46.8
Kolpashevo 292310 58.30N 82.88E 249 14.568 8293 -37 -30 20 17 15 19 14 16 13 3 290 7 160 86 - 4 1 3.1 8.3
Krasnodar 349290 45.03N 39.15 E 108 14.643 8293 3 9 23 20 18 25 41 21 30 7 50 8 90 94 -4 2.3 8.3
Krasnovarsk 295740 56.00 N 92.88E 908 14.224 8293 -29 -24 23 19 16 26 14 22 18 3 290' 6 50 90 -31 6.3 7.0
W O W=World Meteorological Organization numher Elev = elevation, A DB = dryhulh temperature, 'F
Lat = latitude Long. = longitude StdP =standard pressure at static~nelevation, psia WS = wind speed,

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
S T D - A S H R A E C H 2b-ENGL L997 0 7 5 7 b 5005 3 1 b b 3 T2T 9

Climatic Design 26.45

Table 3B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-World Locations

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
S T D - A S H R A E CH 2b-ENGL L997 C 7 5 9 b 5 0 D53Lhb4 7 b b B

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services

S T D - A S H R A E C H 2 b - E N G L L977 W 0759b50 0 5 3 L b b 5 A T 2

Climatic Design Information 26.47

Table 3B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-World Locations

0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1%
Kurgan 61 81 66 83 80 65 IO 82
80 68 61 I 96
I 66 15
90 64 13 63 85 72 18.7
Kursk 83 61 66 80 I 8 69 65 I66 . 68
8 17. ' 75 66 92
99 64
: 74 ~ 12 87 62 I1 11.1
Kvakhta 60 8376 62 61 80 65 78 64 16 62 13 61 57 8968 69
83 59 18 61 18.0
59 53 Magadan
61 55 65 52 51 62 55 59 54 51 54 64 58 53 61 56 52 58 55 9.7
64 82 65 85 79 62 68 80 66 78 64 7692 64 13 62 86 72 60 80 IO 18.9
MarltDvO 69 16 59 61 12 57 62 13 60 IO 58 67 58 : ' 71 ,
61 55 66 63 54 62 62 18.4
Moscow 82 61 1976 65 64 69 18 67 16 65 73 96 65 13 64 90 72 62 85 70 14.8
hloscow, Ynukovo 66 81 I7 65 15 63 68 II 61 16 65 13 65 94 14 63 88 69 61 83 68 16.4
Murmansk 59 74 7066 57 56 61 Il 59 68 57 65 51 70 64 55 64 63 53 60 60 12.2
Nikolayewk 18 61 J5 , 65 13 64 69 16 67 13 65 71 66 95 ,
13 64 90 I1 62 85 68 15.5
Nikolskoefieringa 51 54 5453 55 52 55 56 53 55 52 5462 54 56 53 59 54 51 56 53 4.5
Nizhniy Novgorod (Gor'kiy) 83 6766 80 71 64 70 80 68 II 66 7498 66 75 64 92 12 63 85 71 11.5
Nizhniy Tagil 65 83 80 64 16 63 68 78 66 16 64 74 64 93 12 63 88 71 61 83 68 18.4
Novokumekk 83. 64 80 64 II 63 68 .79 66 17 65 14 93 64 72 62 88 I1 61 83 70 11.8
Novosibirsk 66 83 77 64 80 63 69 19 61 71 65 14 66 91 72 64 91 71 62 85 70 16.9
Nyvrba 84 66 80 64 76 61 68 80 66 71 63 13 64 92 73 62 84 71 59 76 68 22.9
Olehinsk 85 65 81 64 71 62 67 81 65 78 64 74 63 88 I1 61 82 12 59 76 68 20.2
Omsk 87 66 84 .64 81 64 69 82 67 8Ö 65 I8 64 90 14 62 85 72 61 80 IO 19.3
Orel 82 66 80 66 77 64 69 19 61 16 65 14 65 96 13 64 90 12 62 85 IO 16.6
Orenburg 92 66 88 65 85 64 69 85 61 83 66 80 64 90 12 62 85 12 61 80 71 20.9
Ozemaia 60 56 58 54 56 53 51 60 55 51 54 55 56 66 58 54 62 56 53 59 55 5.9
Pena 85 65 82 64 79 63 69 81 67 18. 65 15 65 94. 74 64 90 12 62 85 IO 18.7
Perm' 84 61 81 65 II 64 69 80 67 18 65 75 65 95 75 63 89 72 62 84 70 16.0
61 54 62 59 9.5
67 59 76 65 13.7
70 61 81 69 16.4
76 65 95 75 18.5
71 62 87 71 20.2
72 63 87 71 14.9
12 63 86 69 13.0
16 63 88 13 20.5
73 62 84 72 15.1
Il 62 84 69 15.1
78 71 116 77 13.5
69 61 79 68 13.5
73 66 97 12 18.7
71 61 82 68 17.1
13 63 86 71 18.5
70 60 81 68 19.3
13 63 86 72 19.1
70 59 19 68 20.1
58 55 65 56 9.2
69 58 77 67 20.2
59 53 60 57 10.6
71 62 85 70 15.3
72 68 104 70 8.6
72 62 84 72 18.9
71 62 83 68 16.9
72 62 85 71 175
71 59 76 72 21.2
71 62 85 70 17.1
72 63 88 IO 17.1
70 56 66 68 17.3
Pago Pago 8888 80 80 87 8182 80 86 81 8185 153
86 79 8086 155 19 150 85 9.4
Abha 886
1 5656 84 56 61
66 76 15 65 1463 65 72 119 21.4
1 1 1 71 71108 62
M Jawf 63 105 103 62 101 96 6361 95 6564 98 16 51 67 55 63 IO52 66 61 26.3
Al Madinah 656811397 69 64 110109 65 61 91 98 62 91 1482 60 75 5776 76 23.8
Al Wajh 95 1276 93 91 18 83
89 829089 82 82 161 88 81 159 88 13.17987 152
Ar'ar 107 68 67 105
103 68 13 103 71 100 6992 9890 62 86 6075 8157 90 25.6
Al Taïf 72 6591 94 6565 95 89 IO 81 69 87 61 111 65 80 80 109 6379 102 20.9
Az Zahran 111 71 109 I l 72 107 86 9494 84 83 92 84 18082 91 158
I6880 90 90 23.9
Ha'il 65 105 104 64 102 64 68 9891 61 65 9185 59 I1 57 80 12 55 74 I1 28.3
Hafar M Batin 11366 110
61 66 112 I l 69 99 100 61 100 94 64 14 61 7885 59 72 I1 27.5
Jiddah 104 12 102 13 94 10083 74 94 82 92 7981 89 159 81 151 89 22.01988 150
Jim 98 8683 98102 87 83 100 99 83 168 82 96 171 83 96 118 8584 97 95 12.6
coincident dry-huh temperature, "F
MDB = mean M W S =mean coincident
mph SldD = standard
deviation HR = humidity
MWB =mean coincidentwet-hulhtemperature, "F MWD = meancoincidentwinddirection A = airport DP = dew-point
temperature, 'F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD.ASHRAE C H 2b-ENGL 1 7 7 7 m 0 7 5 9 b 5 0 OS3Lbbb 737 D

26.48 Handbook Fundamentals1997 ASHRAE

Table 3A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-World Locations

BxtremeWind Coldest Month
MWS/MWD to DB Annual ExtremeDaily
Heating DB 0.4% 1% 99.6% 0.4% StdD
Elev. StdP """

Siatlon WMOX LaL Long. fi psla Dates 99.6% 99% 1% 2.5% 5% WS MDB WS MDB MWS PWD MWSPWD MLn
Max Max Min
Khamis Mushql 411140 18.30 N 42.80'E6738
8293 .40 '43 21 18 16 22 61 20
61 2 150 IO 30 97356.8 4.1
Makh 410300
21.48 N 39.83E 1017 14.168
62 14 12 11 15 78
77 4 20 8 300
@sim 404050 26.30N 43.77E 2132 13.602 8293 37 39 21 18 16 20 60 17 57 2 30 8 90 I l 5 32 3.8 3.2
RaFha 403620 29.63 N 43.48 E 1466 13.937 8293 33 35 25 22 20 24 54 22 56 4 270 9 300 II5 27 2.7 2.7
Rynah 404380 24.72N 9.72 E 2007 13.664 8293 41 . 4 4 22 19 17 21 60 18 M) 4 320 I l 360 115 35 1.4 2.7
Tabuk 403750 28.37N 36.63 E 2526 13.407 8293 34 37 25 20 17 25 60 20 60 2 110 10 270 107 30 2.2 2.3
Turayf 403560 31.68N 38.67E 2667 13.337 8293 29 32 25 22 20 26 46 22 46 6 270 9 270 106 25 2.3 3.4
Yanbu'al Bahr 404390 24.15 N 38.07E 3 14.698 8293 52 54 26 23 21 25 72 22 72 3 IO 17 270 114 47 1.8 2.0
Daler 61641014.73 N 17.50W 7814.6588293616223211923692169 IO 360 I O 360 100 544.07.7
Saint louis 616000 16.05N 16.45W 13 14.693 8293 60 61 23 20 18 23 76 20 76 7 40 11 80 108 53 2.9 3.6
Tambacounda 616870 13.77N 13.68W 164 14.613 8293 63 65 17 15 13 17 82 16 81 3 80 6 100 110 53 3.2 6.8
Ziguinchor 616950 12.55N 16.27W 75 14.660 8293 61 63 14 12 10 15 82 12 81 1 40 6 60 106 54 0.9 7.4
Singapore 4869801.37 N 103.98 E 52
16 14 18 83
84 4 330 11 3093652.012.1
Bratislava 11816048.20 N 17.20 E 42714.4758293 9 14 2I
96 3 50 8 160 94 5 2.9
Chopok Mountain 11916048.93 N 19.58E 660111.5168293-6-352464261 6 55 6 29330 11 18063-82.06.5
Kosice 11968048.70 N 21.27 E 76114.3008293 8 12292521 30 2126 25 9 350 8 180
89 4 2.5
Lomnicky Stit(PeaN 119300 49.20N 20.22E 8645 10.652 8293 -12 -8 52 44 38 59 -1 51 2 23 310 6 180 58 -13 2.5 5.9
Zilina 118410 49.23N 18.62E 1033 14.159 8293 2 8 18 15 13 19 37 15 31 4 70 7 250 89 -3 2.2 7.0
Ljubljana 130140
46.22 N 14.48E 1263
8293 9 13 14 11 9 12
34 IO 35 I 290 7 130
93 3 4.5
Bloemfontein 68442029.10 S 26.30E 442212.4988293262824211921551858 1 2201227098222.53.1
Cape Town 688160 33.98S 18.60E 137 14.627 8293 38 41 32 29 26 31 57 28 58 O 40 12 170 94 34 2.9 1.4
Durban 685880 29.97 S 30.95E 26 14.686 8293 50 52 27 23 21 24 70 21 69 1 340 14 30 93 46 2.2 2.0
Johannesburg 683680 26.13 S 28.23 E 5577 11.969 8293 34 37 22 19 17 19 55 Ia 54 9 210 9 300 89 29 1.8 3.1
Marion Island 689940 46.88S 37.87E 72 14.662 8293 30 32 60 53 47 59 38 52 43 17 200 22 290 68 24 9.0 4.3
Port Elizabeth 688420 33.98S 25.60E 196 14.596 8293 43 46 33 29 26 31 58 28 60 2 270 IO 290 97 38 3.8 2.2
Pretoria 682620 25.73S 28.18E 4337 12.538 8293 39 41 14 12 II 13 61 II 59 I 220 4 270 94 35 2.9 2.0
Barcelona 81810 41.28N 2.07E 19 14.690 8293 32 35 21 17 15 21 50 I8 48 8 350 9 210 90 282.9 3.4
Granada 84190 37.18N 3.78 W 1833 13.752 8293 25 28 21 18 16 20 49 17 49 O 230 12 180 103 11
9.6 5.0
l a Coruna 80010 43.37N 8.42W 219 14.584 8293 39 41 27 23 20 29 53 26 53 6 140 7 60 86 35 3.1 2.7
Madrid 82210 40.45N 3.55 W 1909 13.714 8293 24 26 22 19 17 23 47 19 41 O 360 8 240 102 20
1.8 3.1
Malaga 84820 36.67N 4.48 W 22 14.688 8293 39 41 27 23 20 32 55 28 56 IO 320 13 320 103 33 3.2 3.1
Palma 83060 39.55 N 2.73E 26 14.686 8293 31 33 23 20 18 24 54 21 54 O 60 IO 60 99 263.2 2.2
Salamanca 82020 40.95N 5.50 W 2608 13.366 8293 23 25 27 22 19 28 46 24 45 1 80 7 300 98 I8
2.2 4.5
SUlbIlder 80230 43.47 N 3.82W 213 14.587 8293 36 39 24 19 16 28 51 23 51 5 110 7 40 91 34 4.0 2.5
Santiago De Compostela 80420 42.90N 8.43W 1204 14.072 8293 30 32 22 19 16 23 51 21 49 3 90 6 280 97 244.1 4.0
Sevilla 83910 37.42N 5.90W 101 14.646 8293 34 37 20 18 15 20 55 18 55 2 30 8 240 109 302.7 3.1
Valencia 82840 39.50N 0.47W 203 14.592 8293 34 36 27 23 19 33 57 27 56 4 280 12 120 100 294.0 2.7
Zaragoza 81605 41.67N 1.05W 862 14.247 8293 28 30 28 24 22 29 46 26 49 5 IO 7 90 101 25 10.3 4.7
Goteborg, Landvener 25260 57.67 N 12.30E 554 14.408 8293 3 IO 26 23 20 27 38 24 37 9 40 9 310 83 2 4.1
Coteborg. Save 25120 57.78N 11.88E 173 14.608 8293 3 10 27 24 21 28 41 25 39 5 50 9 290 82 3 3.19.2
Jonkoping 25500 57.77N 14.08E 761 14.300 8293-4 5 25 22 20 27 41 24 38 7 30 IO 50 83 -7 4.7 10.3
Kalmar 26720 56.73 N 16.30 E 52 14.672 8293 5 10 27 23 21 28 41 26 41 6 270 11 270 84 3 4.57.0
Karlshrg 25440 58.52 N 14.53E 334 14.523 8293 2 9 27 23 20 30 38 26 38 11 50 6 190 81 3 3.8 10.1
Karlstad 24180 59.37N 13.47E 180 14.604 8293 -5 I 22 20 18 26 38 23 38 4 350 9 200 81 -5 3.69.9
Kiruna 20440 67.82N 20.33 E 1482 13.929 8293 -22 -17 26 23 20 30 29 26 28 4 210 IO 190 76 -26 2.35.4
Malmo 26360 55.55N 13.37E 347
14.5168293 7 143027 24 31
37 28 36 9 340 12 140 a2 8 3.4 9.7
OstersundiFroso 22260 63.18N 14.50E 1213 14.066 8293 -14 -7 27 23 20 35
34 28 32 3 320 7 280 80 -17 3.1 9.4
Soderhamn 23760 61.27N 17.10E 118 14.637 8293-7 O 22 19 34
17 24 21 29 6 290 IO 130 84 -7 2.9 7.6
Stockholm, Arlanda 24600 59.65N 17.95E 200 14.594 8293 -2 5 24 21 18 28
37 24 36 4 350 8 180 84 -1 3.4 10.3
S ~ ~ ~ k h dB mm, m a 24640 59.35 N 17.95 E 36 14.681 8293 -1 5 21 I9 I7 20
37 18 36 4 320 9 200 84 -1 3.8 9.7
Sundsvall 23660 62.53N 17.45 E 32 14.683 8293 -14 -8 24 20 39
17 28 23 32 3 310 IO 140 82 -14 3.1 9.4
Un@ar 26660 56.03 N 15.80E 9 14.6958293 II 16 41 37 34 43
34 39 37 1 1 20 12 250 74 13 4.3 9.4
Uppsala 24580 59.88 N 17.60E 134
8293-4 3 24 21
35 25 37 6 330 9 23082-42.711.9
\'isby 25900 57.67N 18.35E 154
16 31 28 25 33 33 30 34 12
81 8 3.8
Ceneva 67000 46.25N 6.13E 1364 13.989 829318 23 20 17 15 21 38 18 38 6 230 8 210 92 14 2.0 6.8
Interlaken 67340 46.67N 7.88E 1902 13.717 829315 19 16 13 11 15 35 12 32 6 190 8 280 88 I I 3.4 7.4
Jungfrau Mountain 67300 46.55N 7.98 E 11732 9.448 8293 -15 -11 48 41 33 48 3 43 6 16 310 1 1 140 48 -19 6.5 6.8
Ca Chau.-De-Fonds 6612047.08 N 6.80E 334313.0098293 6 122017 15 22 351933 3 230 7 25086 -1 8.6 11.0
Locarno 67620
46.17 N 8.88 E 649
21 13 11 4136 13 42 4 90 6 240
W O # = World Meteoroh~gicafOrganization number Elev = elevation, ft DB = dry-hulb temperature, 'F
Lat = latitude Long. = longitude StdP = standard pressure at station elevation, psia WS =wind speed,

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Climatic Design 26.49

Table 3B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Condition-World Locations

0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2% 0.4% 1% 2%
Bhlmi Atustiiyt 8 8 ' '87
57 5 1 ' 86 56 66 75, 6 5 . '.??, , " 6 4 74, ' 6 3 ,l:íl. 71 . 62 106 11. : 6i ,::102' 70;;:'22.i '

Makkah 147 77 101 113

80 1027681 I l l 82 1675 109
104 9493139 76 14 133 94 21.2
Qasim 110 67 109 65 101 64 14 97 70 96 68 98 68 111 84 63 92 80 59 81 15 29.3
,Np& ' '

68 107
. 108

63 100

IO 104 69 103 63
67 ' ' 9 1 : . ' , 6 6 96 ''62
67 95 65 94 59
: 73
-- 83

'72 57

, ,~

15 29.7
12;. 2 5 2
76 26.6
Turavf 102 64 99 63 91 62 68 92 66 91 65 90 60 81 78 58 18 75 56 13 74 21.4
Bahr 76 104 75 106 76 109 8382 96 95 .81 . 94 . . 81. 90.159. . 19 150 88
89142 77 25.1
. . .,. , . . ., ,' . .,, ,
SENEGAL ' . , ,. , , , I <,:
. .. , ,
. ,,.,. .., , .. .,:, ..
Lhhr 89 14 88 71 86 j 786 81 8 079
" 85 ' ' 84 19 152 84' 79 150' 83 1883 146 9.1

Zilina 65 85
. . 67
. 79 67 82 18
. .
64 16 65
92. . 13
88 62
. . 71
84 61 IO 21.8
, .
SOLvMlA , , .., , , , . , .......
, , 83 68 86 61. , 80
. 65 70 83
80 68 96 67
65 78 1492 6488 62 '12 22.3 72, . .
SOVnr~RlC4 . , .., , ,.,
, ,
... ,

Bloemfontein 93 60 91 60 89 6Ó 61 19 66 19 65 18 64 104 69 62 99 69 61 94 68 26.3

Cape T o w 81 67 83 61 81 65 70 82 69 80 68 77 61 99 13 65 94 72 65 92 72 15.8
Durban 87 15 85 75 83 74 78 84 71 83 76 81 76 136 81 15 132 81 74 128 80 9.9
Johvlnesburg 84 60 82 60 80 60 65 77 '65 16 .64 75 ',' 62 104, ' 6 9 , 61 '99 ' 68 ' 60 96 6 7 18.7
Marion Island 57 54 55 52 53 51 55 56 53 54 52 53 54 62 55 53 59 54 51 56 52 8.1
Port Elizabeth 85 66 81 68 19 68 73 78 12 17 Il 16 11 117 16 70 112 14 69 108 74 12.1
Pretoria 89 64 88 63 86 63 69 80 68 80 61 19 66. 111
. 13 64 106 12 63 102 12 17.6
, .. , . ,. .

Barcelona 85 14 84 14 82 73 II 8382 133

16 75 80 74 121 73 80 82126 74 19 15.1
La Coruna
. ,. .
Santiago De Compostela
Zarawza . .
..., . . .. . . . . . .
?*Y , , ... ....
Coteborg, Landvetter 62 78 75 60 59 72 ' 64 62 74 60 71 66 80 61 68 ' 59 76 ', 64 57 71 62 '14.9
Cotebore. 78 62 60 1471 61 13 65 64 IO68 62 6663 80 8561 68 59 16 65 13.7
Jonbping 19 61 75 60 12 58 64 14 62 71 60 68 61 81 65 59 76 64 51 72 62 19.6
Kalmar 79 63 75, ?2
62 ' ~ 6 d 66 . 75
~ ~ , ~ ~ a 7 2 ~' ,62 I O 63 . , 85 ~i ?,69 61 79 . : 6 3 . ~ 59 . 14, 'fg.7:
Prlsbore 76 63 73 61 IO 60 65 14 63 70 61 68 61 82 68 60 17 66 58 73 65 14.2

Interlaken 82 65 79 65 76 63 61 80 65 II 64 14 63 91 72 61 81 60 70 83 69 11.8
" Mountain 43 33 41 32 39 32 37 40 35 38 34 37 35 47 38 33 43 32 36 41 35 6.8
4 ChaUX-WFOnQ ,78 . 62 74 . 61' 11. , 5 9 63 . . I5 52. 60 . 70 59 : . 8 5 : : , 67 1.58.. 80 . 66... 56 ,,:,: 76 'i 63.:,1?;6
Locamo 84 70 82 69 8072 67 82 71 80
69 78108 69 18 ~~~
6176 102 66 97 14 11.8
MDB = meancoincident dry.hulh temp&a&, 'F WS = mean coincident wind speed,mph SKID = standard deviation HR = humidity ratio
MWB = mean coincidentwet.huh temperature, 'F MWD = meanmincidentwind direction A = airport DP = dew.point temperature, 'F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook

Table 3A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-World Locations

~ e m wind
e Coldest Month WS/MDB
MWS/MWD to DE AnnualExtreme Daily
Elw, Stdp HeatingDB 'peed "
1% 99.6% 0.4% MeanDB StdD DB
Station WMOX Lat. Long. H psia Dates 99.6%
99% 1% 2.5% 5% WS MDB WS MDB M W S PWD MWSPWD Max Min Max Min
Lugano 6770046.00 N 8.97 E 905 14.225 8293 25 141828 II 171790
13 3 45 3.1 9.9
Payerne 66100
46.82 N 18
E 1518
14 90
427 40 4 11 7.6
Saentis (Aut) 66800
47.25 N 9.35 E 820210.835
8293 -3 1, 41 3236 44 16 1740 260
14 ,230
6 63 -8 3.2 8.3
San Bernardino 67830
46.47 N 9.18 E 5374
6 IO 23261921 2273
73104 22 1 2.5 8.5
Zurich 66600
47.38 N 8.57 E 1866
8293 13162018 2305 60 6 42
13204423 89 11 7.9
Damascus 400800
33.42 N 36.52 E 1984
8293 25
20232628 25 2250 2.9
49 7 30 3 3.8
Hsinchu 467570
24.83 N 120.00 E 22
47 1618 5719 174499
559 40 9 4.3 3.1
Hualien 466990 23.98 N 121.60 E 62 14.667 8293 53 55 19 15 13 19 63 16 62 6 250 8 140 96 48 6.1 2.5
Kaohsiung 467400 2258 N 120.35 E 29 14.684 8293 52 55 21 17 15 19 66 17 65 8 360 13 280 97 48 3.6 2.5
Taichung 467510 24.18 N 120.65 E 367 14.506 8293 46 48 20 17 16 20 62 18 61 5 30 10 240 98 37 1.6 4.1
T'ainan (593 j80) 467410 23.00 N 120.22 E 45 14.676 8293 51 53 20 17 15 19 62 18 61 11 20 1 1 200 98 47 5.2 2.9
Taipei 466960 25.07 N 121.55 E 19 14.690 8293 48 50 20 18 16 19 63 18 63 4 110 1 1 290 98 42 2.7 3.8
Taipei lnll A 466860 25.08 N 121.22 E 108 14.643 8293 48 50 29 27 25 28 56 26 57 16 40 16 260 97 43 1.4 3.2
Dushanbe 388360 38.55 N 68.78 E 2634 13.353 8293 19 23 13 IO 8 13 41 9 42 2 60 3 270 105 13 6.3 5.8
Khujand (Leninabad) 385990 40.22 N 69.73 E 1404 13.969 8293 17 21 29 26 23 30 31 27 33 14 240 I I 240 105 IO 5.8 8.6
Bangkok 484560 13.92 N 100.60 E 39 14.679 8293 65 68 19 16 14 14 82 12 81 40 4 11 180 102 2.7
Chiang hlai 483270 18.78 N 98.98 E 1030 14.161 8293 53 56 17 13 11 13 72 IO 75 1 360 7 190 103 1.8
ChiangRzi 483030 19.92 N 99.83 E 1295 14.025 8293 49 52 IO 8 7 9 69 7 71 O 20 5 180 102 2.5
Chumphon 485170 10.48 N 99.18 E 16 14.691 8293 66 T8 18 15 13 19 83 17 83 O 30 9 120 100 63 2.0 2.3
Hat Yai 485690 6.92 N 100.43 E 114 14.639 8293 70 71 18 16 14 19 83 16 83 O 330 7 240 100 67 1.42.0
Phetchabun 483790 16.43 N 101.15 E 380 14.499 8293 56 59 IO 9 8 IO 79 9 79 O 360 6 180 104 1.346 19.1
Phrae 483300 18.17 N 100.17 E 531 14.420 8293 55 58 IO 8 7 7 76 7 79 O 30 5 240 105 2.048 5.8
Tak 483760 16.88 N 99.15 E 406 14.485 8293 57 60 18 14 12 8 80 7 80 O 270 5 270 106 52 1.3 2.9
Port Of Spain 789700
10.62 N 61.35 W 14.674
68 84
19201617 18 84 O901290 60
94 2.0 11.7
Bizerte 607140
37.25 N 9.80 E 14.695
9 4038 2529 22 32 54 27 54 I 320 12 100 106 4.9
33 0.9
Cabes 607650 33.88 N 10.10 E 16 14.691 8293 42 44 20 17 15 22 59 19 57 4 230 IO 250 107 36 5.0 3.4
Gafsa 607450 34.42 N 8.82 E 1030 14.161 8293 36 38 26 23 20 26 52 21 53 5 60 9 240 109 31 2.7 1.6
Kelibia 607200 36.85 N 11.08 E 98 14.648 8293 42 44 23 19 17 25 55 22 55 5 300 9 300 97 38 6.3 2.0
Qairouan (Kairouan) 607350 35.67 N 10.10 E 223 14.582 8293 40 42 17 14 12 16 54 13
2 57 240 7 180 III 35 3.1 2.9
Tunis 607150 36.83 N 10.23 E 13 14.693 8293 41 43 26 23 21 28 55 24 56 6 240 li 180 107 35 5.2 1.3
Adana 173500 37.00 N 35.42 E 216 14.585 8293 32 34 19 17 14 21 48 19 49 6 30 8 210 103 26 1.8 3.4
Anbra 171280 40.12 N 32.98 E 3113 13.120 8293 2 8 21 18 15 19 33 16 33 I 20 8 270 95 -2 4.9 9.5
Erzurum 170960 39.92 N 41.27 E 5767 11.884 8293
-17 24 22 20 26 24 22 22 O 310 IO 90 88 -28 3.2 7.0
Esldsehir 171240 39.78 N 30.57
E 2575 13.382 8293 12 16 19 17 15 19 32 16 31 3 120 9 320 96 6 2.5 6.3
Istanbul 170600 40.97 N 28.82
E 121 14.636 8293 26 29 23 21 20 26 32 23 37 14 360 13 60 95 21 4.1 6.3
Izmir/Cigli(Cu/AFB) 172180 38.50 N 27.02
E 16 14.691 8293 28 31 26 23 21 31 57 26 53 6 360 14 350 101 24 4.0 1.8
Malatya 172000 38.43 N 38.08
E 2785 13.279 8293 IO 16 23 21 18 25 31 21 32 4 210 7 60 102 2.53 6.5
Van 171700 38.45 N 43.32
E 5449 12.027 8293 6 9 16 13 11 15 32 12 31 4 90 3 300 90 4.72 5.8
Ashgabat (Ashkhabad) 388800
37.97 N 58.33 E 14.338
20 4 3916
42191719 110 IO 90 110 15 2.5 4.0
Dashho\!uz (Tashauz) 383920
41.83 N 59.98 E 14.547
58293 193321IO181922 33 2006 IO 360 108 -1 1.8 5.9
Aberdeenmce 57.20
30910 N 2.22 W 213
14.587 8293 22 27 29 25 22 33 41 29 42 3 360 11 170 77 13 2.9 8.6
Aberporth 35020 52.13 N 4.57 U' 439
14.468 8293 26 29 41 36 32 47 44 42 46 14 90 13 130 80 24 4.9 4.1
Aughton 53.55
33220 N 2.92 W 183
14.603 8293 26 28 26 23 21 29 44 25 44 8 130 9 130 82 24 4.0 4.1
Aviemore 57.20
30630 N 3.83 W 721
14.321 8293 15 21 29 25 22 33 40 30 41 1 360 9 200 77 9 9.5 8.6
Belfast 54.65
39170 N 6.22 W 265
14.559 8293 27 29 28 25 22 32 43 29 44 4 180 9 I l 0 77 22 3.8 3.4
Birmingham 52.45
35340 N 1.73 W 324
14.528 8293 21 24 23 20 18 26 44 23 43 4 70 9 100 84 15 4.5 7.7
Bournemouth 50.78
38620 N 1.83 W 36
14.681 8293 22 25 27 23 21 30 49 26 47 4 20 IO 90 84 18 4.1 4.0
Bristol 37260 51.47 N 2.60 W 36 14.681 8293 26 29 24 21 18 27 47 23 47 8 70 9 90 85 23 4.0 5.4
Camborne 50.37
38080 N 5.53 W 288
14.547 8293 30 32 34 30 28 37 44 34 45 13 50 13 100 76 27 3.8 5.4
Cardiff 51.40
37150 N 3.35 W' 219
14.584 8293 25 28 31 28 24 38 44 33 44 14 60 9 60 83 22 4.0 4.5
Edinburgh 55.95
31600 N 3.35 W 134
14.629 8293 21 25 28 25 22 33 47 30 44 2 250 9 250 79 16 3.8 5.9
Exeter 50.73
38390 N 3.42 W 98 14.648 8293 24 27 27 24 21 33 47 28 46 7 40 IO 150 82 22 4.5 3.4
Finningler 53.48
33600 N 1.00 W 55 14.670 8293 23 26 28 24 22 31 45 27 47 4 170 IO 150 84 18 4.3 3.8
Clasp 55.87
31400 N 4.43 W 26
14.686 8293 21 24 30 26 23 39 46 34 45 2 270 9 230 80 15 3.4 5.6
Hemsb? 52.68
34960 N 1.68 E 45
14.676 8293 27 29 30 26 23 34 42 31 40 15 70 12 230 81 23 3.4 5.2
Herslmonceun 50.87
38840 N 0.33 E 55 14.670 8293 24 27 31 27 23 34 47 30 47 9 40 9 130 80 18 9.7 9.0
Jersey/Channel Islands 38950
49.22 N 2.20 1' 275
14.554 8293 28 31 33 29 26 39 47 33 46 13 100 IO 70 83 24 4.0 5.9
Kirkwall 58.95
30170 N 2.90 U' 68
14.663 8293 29 31 41 34 30 41 41 36 39 I I 270 1 1 120. 70 26 2.7 2.0
W'MO# = UC'r)rld Metec~rtrlogical Organization nunther Elev = elevation, R DB = dry-hub temperature, 'F
Lat = latitude Long. = longitude StdP = standard pressure at station elevation, psia WS =wind speed, mph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Climatic Design Information 26.51

Khuiand (Leninabad)
99 66 96 67 9470 66 69 92 91 90 67 616379 23.0
90 78 79 59 79 84

Chiang Mai 10098 72 96 72 79 73 89 78 88 146

78 77 87 83 7624.581
13875 82
Chirng Rai 96 72 98 94 72 79 73 8988 79 78 87 14777 84 76 144 25.0 838214176
chimption . .95 ' 1 79;':.94 92 79 79. 82. 92' $ i . ~ ~ : ~. .$. .X : " :90
, j
8 0.."1p.'~''150' ':87,'.-7&:.
147 ,
87 .;.;.;.78~:145:j:f,:,B6,,,!46;7
Hat Yai 94 77 95 77 9380 77 89 80 89 79
14979 88 83 78 144 82 77
Phetchabun 10199 78 97 78 82 81
78 91 81 92 79 90 153 87 79 150 878614878 20.9
Phrae 10199 76 97 77 80
76 90 8181 92 15379 90 86 78 149 85 14678 85 22.1
Ta k 102 74 10199 74 80 74 79 90 89 79 88 78 146 83 77 144 83 14076 83 18.7

Gabes 9692 71 73 89 7387 80 86 78 77 85 14277 85 13676 75 85 130 11.7

Gafsa 105 68 101 98 69 6892 73 90 72 71 69 89 110 79 10467 99 66 78 78 23.8
Kélibia . ' F 9 . 73 ' ' 86 73 '85
' '73 78 83 77. .:$,'82 . '76
81 . @ ' 138 ,:,.X!:
, . 7 5 ::.'I33 ,' 74 :.>T27, 43.1.
105 71 100 c8 71
75 9097 76 71 125
74 73 88 72 81 118 80 7Ó 112 80 25.4

64 84 65 62Ankr84
a 63 86 63 90 83 74
63 5581 72 5978 83
57 73 70 28.4
Erzurum 84 61
58 76
79 6160 78 62 5980 64 8856 74 82 72 54
70 76 29.9
Eskisehir 90 , 68 6787 , 85 ' 66 71 ' 85 69,:
83 67 83 .:a6 105
, , SO 6 4 ' p7 78 62 , , 92 ?$: 25.9
Istanbul 86 70 84 69 83 69 74 82 72 80 71 78 72 117 78 70 111 76 68 105 76 15.3
IzmidCigli(Cv/AFB) 96 72 93 71 91 70 74 92 73 90 72 89 68 104 83 67 98 82 66 95 81 23.0
. .~. 97 68 95 67 93 66 70 94 68 93 67 91 61 88 87 59 82 85 57 77 83 27.4
Van 82 66 84 66 8068 80
81 11670 66 78 66 80 62 6478 108 101 77 19.4
TURIUIENBTAN . .. , ., . ,

70 92 72 bhgabat
94 73 bhkhabad)
67 99 67 102 67 104 99 66 91 85 6364 85 92 87 24.184
Dashhowz (Tashauz)
74 99957475
103 98 77 71 96 73 70 93 112 92 68 90105 98 66 88 24.3
,. ,
...,. .
, ,

Aberdeemce 71 6260 68 65 58 67 6461 70 79 6060 64 6775 59 6470 57 62 'Ì3.0

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
26.52 1997 ASHFUE Fundamentals Handbook

Table 3A Heating and Wind Design Conditions-World Locations

Extremewhd Coldest MonthWS/MDB MWS/MWD to DB Annual Extreme Daily
Ele", Stdp Heating 'Fd ""
1% 99.6% 0.4% StdD
Siatlon WMOI Long.
Lat. ft psh Dates 99.6%
99% 1% 2.5% 5% WS MDB WS MDB M W S PWD MWSPWD Max Min Max Min
Lenvick 30050
60.13 N 1.18 W 275 3014.554
8293 4243
45 34 38 2.03.424 6618012
35014 42
Leuchars 56.38
31710 N 2.87 W 39 14.679 8293 24 27 32 28 24 38 44 33 43 5 250 13 240 78 19 4.7 4.9
London, Gmkk 37760
51.15 N 0.18 W 203 14.592 8293 22 25 23 20 18 26 45 23 43 3 80 8 70 85 16 4.5 6.1
Heathrow 37720
51.48 N 0.45 W 78 14.658 8293 25 28 22 20 18 26 47 22 44 6 20 IO 90 87 21 4.1 4.1
Lyneham 51.50
37400 N 1.98 W 511 14.430 8293 22 26 26 23 20 29 43 26 41 11 30 IO 70 83 18 4.1 6.3
Lynemouth 55.02
32620 N 1.42 W 98 14.648 8293 28 31 45 38 33 47 42 44 41 16 190 15 260 76 24 5.0 4.3
Manchester 53.35
33340 N 2.27 U' 255 14.S65 8293 24 27 25 22 20 28 42 25 43 6 90 9 130 83 20 4.3 3.8
Nottingham 53.00
33540 N 1.25 W' 383 14.497 8293 23 26 24 21 19 28 41 25 43 8 20 8 210 84 19 4.7 5.8
Oban 56.42
31140 N 5.47 W 13 14.693 8293 26 29 30 24 21 34 42 30 44 3 180 6 180 78 22 3.2 4.0
Plymouth 50.35
38270 N 4.12 W 88 14.653 8293 29 31 34 30 26 39 49 33 48 8 80 IO 80 81 26 4.0 3.8
StamtedAirport 36830 51.88 N 0.23 E 347 14.516 8293 23 26 25 22 19 28 44 24 43 7 30 IO I30 83 18 4.1 6.3
Stornoway 58.22
30260 N 6.32 W 42 14.677 8293 29 31 37 32 29 42 45 37 43 6 300 IO 160 70 24 3.2 3.1
Valley 53.25
33020 N 4.53 W 36 14.681 8293 27 30 40 34 31 42 46 37 47 IO 80 9 50 80 25 4.1 3.8
Wyton bf 52.35
35660 N 0.12 W 134 14.629 8293 22 26 27 23 21 30 44 26 44 8 40 IO 100 85 18 4.3 7.4
Chernihiv (Chernigov)
33 1350 1.48
5 N 1.28
3 E 449 14.463 8293 -7 -1 19 22 17 22 25 20 23 5 Il0 9 160 89 -10 4.3 9.4
(Chernovtsly) 336580 48.27 N 25.97 E 787 14.287 8293 2 27 7 22 19 28 26 24 26 8 320 8 110 89 -2 3.4 6.1
Dnipropetrow'k(Dneprop 345040 48.37 N 35.08 E 465 14.454 8293 O 27 4 23 21 29 27 25 28 9 50 11 90 93 -3 2.5 6.3
Donetsk 48.07
345190 N 37.77 E 741 14.310 8293 -1 3 30 26 22 37 21 32 23 6 70 11 100 91 -5 3.8 5.4
Kerch 45.40
339830 N 36.42 E 160 14.615 8293 11 28 15 24
26 34 21 28 26 11 30 11 40 90 9 3.8 5.6
Kharkiv (Khar'kow) 343000
49.87 N 36.13 E 498 14.437 8293 -3 2 23 20 18 27 28 23 22 6 30 11 110 90 -5 2.7 7.7
Kherson 46.67
339020 N 32.62 E 157 14.617 8293 4 23 8 20 18 28 27 24 26 7 270 8 80 93 2 2.2 5.2
xiravohrad (Kirovograd) 337110 48.48 N 32.25 E 564 14.403 8293 -2 2 22 19 17 23 28 21 29 5 310 11 100 90 -5 2.5 5.2
Krpy Rih (Krhoy Rog) 337910 47.93 N 33.33 E 410 14.483 8293 O 27 4 23 20 32 24 26 26 9 50 IO 90 92 -3 2.3 6.3
K)yiv (Kiev) 333450
50.40 N 30.45 E 551 14.410 8293 -2 3 22 18 16 22 17 18 19 7 270 6 I80 87 -3 3.4 9.2
k 345230 48.60 N 39.27 E 203 14.592 8293 -4 O 30 17 25 32 21 28 22 6 90 IO 90 93 -9 3.4 5.8
Mdupol'(Zdanov) 347120
47.07 N 37.50 E 229 14.578 8293 4 8 35 31 263827 36 23 12 70 IO 90 89 1 2.3 4.3
Odesa 46.48
338370 N 30.63 E 114 14.639 23 27 12 7
8293 27 30 21 26 27 11 360 IO 180 92 4 3.1 6.3
Poltava 49.60
335060 N 34.55 E 521 14.425 2 20
8293 -3 28 18 21 24 23 19 6 360 7 70 89 -6 2.9 8.3
Rivne 333010
50.58 N 26.13 E 767 14.297 3 -3
8293 19 23 27 28 27 24 29 6 270 9 130 87 -5 2.7 10.1
Simferopol' 339460
45.02 N 33.98 E 593 14.387 8293 8 2713 23 20 3028 25 28 9 so 11 50 92 5 2.9 5.8
Sumy 50.88
332750 N 34.78 E 570 14.399 8293 -7 -1 21 23 I8 23 29 21 28 6 330 8 130 89 -10 4.0 9.4
Uzhhomd (Uzhpd) 336310
48.63 N 22.27 E 387 14.496 8293 30 6 21 IO
14 16 19 16 32 3 100 7 170 90 O 3.2 6.8
vlnnykya (Vhnitsa) 33562049.23 N 28.47 E 977 14.188 8293 -2 3 2328 20 28 25 25 24 8 340 9 180 87 -5 2.9 8.1
Zaporizhzhya (Zaprozh'ye 34601047.80 N 35.25 E 282 14.551 8293 28O 28 175 21 24 24 29 8 360 9 220 92 -2 2.2 5.4
(Zhitomir) 333250
50.27 N 28.63 E 744 14.309 82932 -4 24 18 21 3324 21 30 6 90 9 190 87 -5 3.1 8.6
Abu Dhabi 412170
24.43 N 54.65 E 88 14.653 8293 52 54 22 19 17 21 69 18 69 200
4 9 320 116 46 0.9 2.5
Dubai 25.25
411940 N 55.33 E 16 14.691 8293 54 55 21 19 17 22 66 19 68 170
4 II 270 114 49 2.5 1.8
Ra's Al Khaymah 411840
25.62 N 55.93 E 101 14.646 8293 49 52 18 15 14 17 69 15 71 210
2 IO 320 115 43 1.4 2.3
Shajah 25.33
411960 N 55.52 E 108 14.643 8293 49 51 19 17 I5 20 68 17 69 5 I20 10 270 115 42 2.2 4.1
Colonia Del Sacramento 865600
34.45 S 57.83 W 75 14.660 8293 39 41 32 27 23 30 51 26 49 50 9 9 360 95 34 5.9 3.1
Montevideo 865800
34.83 S 56.00 W 104 14.644 8293 35 38 32 28 24 30 53 27 55 3308 14 360 97 31 3.1 2.2
Paso De Los Tom864600
32.80 S 56.52 W 246 14.570 8293 34 36 26 23 19 25 55 22 55 2802 IO 330 100 30 2.3 2.2
Rocha 865650 34.48 S 54.30 W 59 14.669 8293 34 36 24 20 18 23 53 20 53 1 310 9 360 96 29 4.3 2.5
Salto 31.38
863600 S 57.95 W III 14.641 8293 34 37 19 17 14 19 57 17 59 1 120 9 20 103 30 2.5 2.7
Treinta Y Tres 865000
33.22 N 54.38 E 151 14.620 8293 33 35 19 15 12 22 52 17 53 2702 6 290 99 29 2.3 1.8
Samarqamd (Samarkand) 38696039.70 N 67.00 E 2375 13.481 8293 12 17 26 22 19 22 38 19 36 1408 IO 50 101 9 2.3 6.3
Tashkent 41.27
384570 N 69.27 E 1604 13.868 8293 13 18 13 11 IO 14 45 11 42 90 2 4 300 105 10 2.2 5.4
luganrille 915540
15.52 S 167.22 E 144
8293 66 68
14 17 19 77 18 16 719 290 2 1 O0 89 62 1.6 3.1
cllaCa5 10.60
804150 N 66.98 W I57 14.617
8293 70 71 12 81
11 12 9 11 81 1 6 140 340 59 97 2.2
10.82 N 106.67 E 62
8293 68
263970 17 25 83 16 829 360 4 160 101 56 5.0 20.5
Wake 912450
19.28 N 166.65 E 14.693
13 8293 71
262972 24 74 30 75 28 14 40 15 80 94 67 3.1 2.5
Islands 917530
13.23 S 176.17 W 88
829317 18 21 73 72 21 80 19 809 160 2 1 O0 91 68 3.1 2.3
Belgrade 44.82
132720 N 20.28 E 324 14.528 8293 11 16 25 20 17 23 31 20 32 6 IO 6 120 97 6 4.0 8.3
Palk 46.10
130670 N 19.77 E 344 14.518 8293 IO I5 17 I5 12 17 38 15 36 4 50 5 180 95 4 5.2 7.6
Pcdprica (Titograd) I34620
42.37 N 19.25 E 108 14.643 8293 25 27 24 21 17 24 43 21 427 360 7 180 99 20 2.2 4.3
Harare 677750
17.92 S 31.13 E 12.263
8293 120 6 60 17 60 19 4616 18 20 3.13.240
IO 90 60
WMOx =World Meteorok~gical
numher Elev = elevatirm, ft DB = dry-huh temperature, 'F
Lat = latitude Long. = longitude
StdP = standard
pressure at station elevation,psia WS =wind
speed, mph

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services
~~ ~~~

S T D - A S H R A E CH 2b-ENGL L777 E 0 7 5 9 6 5 0 0531671 OTb

Climatic Design Information 26.53

Table 3B Cooling and Dehumidification Design Conditions-World Locations

Simferopol' 81 ' . 67 85 66 82 65 70 81 79 69 6! 18 67 100 14 65 94 73 ~ 63 891, 72 20.3


Sumy 67 84 8170 64
66 78 77 68
19 66 99
15 66 74
92 64 12 63 88
17.1 71

90 70 87 84 69 61 11 6987 84 70 82 61 99 77 6576 94 6475 90 20.3

Pcdeorica (Titomd) 95 71 9390 71 7090 73 12 89 71 81 68 104 19 61 99 80 66 96 18 21.1

MDB = mean coinddent dry-hulh temperature, 'F WS =mean coinddentwlnd speed, mph St& =standard devlation HR = humidity ratio
W B = mean coincident wethulh temperature, 'F hlwD = mean coincidentwlnd direnion A = airport DP = dew.point temperature, 'F

COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Licensed by Information Handling Services

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