Wire Rope 6x19 6x37
Wire Rope 6x19 6x37
Wire Rope 6x19 6x37
he 6 x 19 classification of wire important for their fatigue resistance.
ropes includes standard 6 strand, This fatigue resistance is made possible
round strand ropes with 16 by the greater number of small wires
6 x 19 vs. through 26 wires per strand. The 6 x 36 per strand.
6 x 36 classification of wire ropes includes
> Its a question of standard 6 strand, round strand ropes Although there are exceptions for
what your needs with 27 through 49 wires per strand. special applications, the constructions
are. The 6 x 19 ropes Although their operating properties in 6 x 36 classification are primarily
emphasize abrasion vary, all have the same weight per foot designed to be the most efficient for
resistance while and the same minimum breaking force, each rope diameter. As the rope size
the 6 x 36 ropes are size for size. increases, for instance, a large number
important for their of wires can be used to achieve required
fatigue resistance. While the 6 x 19 ropes give primary fatigue resistance, and still those wires
emphasis to abrasion resistance in will be large enough to offer adequate
varying degrees, the 6 x 36 ropes are resistance to abrasion.