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Instructions For The Celebration of Holy Week and Paschal Triduum 2021 in The Diocese of Cubao

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02 March 2021


During the Pandemic caused by Covid-19, the Congregation for Divine

Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments and the Catholic Bishops’
Conference of the Philippines, Episcopal Commission on Liturgy have
released series of recommendations for the celebration of the Liturgy, taking
into account the safety of the faithful and the ministers. Likewise, the
Diocese of Cubao has released series of instructions and guidelines to help
the parishes adjust and adapt to the consequences of this pandemic.

With the recommendations of the CBCP ECL, the Diocesan Ministry for
Liturgical Affairs issues these supplemental instructions for the celebration
of Holy Week and the Paschal Triduum. These ‘instructions on the liturgical
celebrations of the Church during this time of world crisis should help us
find the balance between the worthy celebrations of the Paschal Triduum,
the heart of our Christian faith and life, and the call of our health and civil
authorities to help stem the rapid transmission of the virus’ (CBCP ECL,
Supplement to the Recommendations for Holy Week and Paschal Triduum
Celebrations 2021 in Time of Covid-19).


1. Since many of our faithful will still be unable to attend our celebrations,
it is best to offer our faithful a Home/Family celebration that they can use
even if they cannot be physically present in all our liturgical celebrations.
These family/home liturgies can be used after the family has followed
the liturgical celebrations of the Church through online streaming. These
Family/Home celebrations can be led by the father or any of the elders of
the household. A PDF copy of these liturgies will be available for the
faithful and can be accessed through the Social Media Page of DMLA.
This way our faithful can be united in prayer and reflection on the great
mystery of our salvation, in the Paschal mystery of our Lord and Savior.
(CBCP ECL, Supplement.. n.1)

2. The faithful must be informed of the schedule of telecasts or livestreams

of the liturgical celebrations. These digital/electronic media may help in
the promotion of evangelization, to spread and support the Kingdom of
God (cf. Inter Mirifica, n.2). The telecasts must be LIVE and not recorded.
All other instructions pertaining to Online Masses must be followed. (See

3. We abide by the stringent policy of the Government on “Social

Distancing”. Our suggestion for the presider of the celebrations to go
around the parish after every celebration whether to bring the Blessed
Sacrament or the Cross should be considered with great caution, taking
great care not to give an opportunity for our faithful to congregate
outside their homes. These suggestions can be omitted where strict
lockdown is enforced. Whenever it is possible to have a motorcade of the
Blessed Sacrament on Holy Thursday, or of the Cross on Good Friday,
or the Resurrected Christ after Easter Vigil, these should be prepared in

consultation with the local government leaders and the Barangay
officials. (CBCP ECL, Supplement.. n.2)


1. “The Commemoration of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem is to be

celebrated within the church, the sacred building.” (Decree, March 25,
2. It is recommended that we use the “Second Form: The Solemn Entrance”
but in a modified way. Since the blessing of the Palm branches is in this
form, it may be used at the Entrance rite when the presider is already in
the sanctuary. The faithful must be in their places before the start of the
3. When the faithful follow this celebration through online streaming, the
blessing of their Palms or any leaf branches is imparted by the Scriptural
reading and the prayer of blessing during the celebration. There is no
need for holy water for the blessing of their palm branches.
4. For the proclamation of the Passion Narrative, it is enough that there are
two Lectors, and the priest-presider, each given the proper roles of the
characters in the Gospel narration.


1. The celebration of the Chrism Mass this year will remain on Holy Thursday
morning. Only the clergy and selected religious priests will physically attend
the celebration in the Cathedral of Cubao. The lay faithful are encouraged to
participate in the celebration utilizing the digital platforms available.
2. The Oils blessed by the Bishop during the Chrism Mass will be distributed by
the Chancery Office in an orderly fashion. Instructions will be provided for the
Clergy and the parishes on how to obtain the Blessed Oils.


1. The celebration follows the instructions given to us in the Missal. The

presentation of the Holy Oils can be done here.
2. The Washing of the Feet is not an obligatory part of the Mass, but rather is
something to be carried out "where a pastoral reason suggests it" (Roman
Missal, Mass of the Lord's Supper, no. 10). We leave it to the discretion of the
parish priests.
3. If the parish priest decides to perform the rite, a simplified form of the washing
of the feet may be done during this celebration. The number of the persons
whose feet are to be washed need not be twelve. There can be less than 12 but
not more than twelve. If the washing of the feet will be done, we strongly
suggest that the members of the parish staff and kasambahays be chosen for the
4. We leave it to the judgment of the Parish Priests to determine whether they
will have an Altar of Repose and open the church for the Visita Iglesia or not,
depending on the situation of the community in reference to the pandemic.
5. If the parish decides to open the church for pilgrims, it is imperative that health
and safety protocols be strictly implemented. The church must be closed one
hour before the start of the local curfew. Proper coordination with the
Barangays is a must.
6. To prevent our people from congregating in numbers for the Visita Iglesia, we
can instead bring in motorcade the Blessed Sacrament around the parish after
the celebration of the Lord’s Supper Mass. If this will be the choice of the
parish, there is no need to set up an Altar of Repose in the Church. After the
celebration the Blessed Sacrament will be reposed in the sacristy in silence. The
church will be closed from then on till the next celebration.


1. The liturgy is the usual Liturgy of the Friday of the Passion of the Lord found
in the Roman Missal.

2. The Presider alone will do the kissing in veneration of the Cross. The faithful
will be asked to make a common gesture of adoration of the cross together.
3. A special intention for the Covid-19 victims, doctors and nurses, health
workers, the front-liners and those who have died may be added to the Prayers
of the Faithful.
4. For the proclamation of the Passion Narrative, it is enough that there are
two Lectors, and the priest-presider, each given the proper roles of the
characters in the Gospel narration.
5. The devotional Way of the Cross may be done, but care must be taken not to
allow the people to congregate. We recommend maximizing the use of the
different media in allowing the people to participate.


1. This is to be celebrated only in Cathedral and parish churches.

2. This can be celebrated not earlier than 6pm, depending on the curfew
implemented in the region or place.
3. The “Lucernarium” can be celebrated within the building of the Church.
4. The Baptismal liturgy during this time can be done either to adults or children,
but the number of candidates must be limited to two.
5. We retain the blessing of water and the “Renewal of Baptismal Promises”.
6. In place of the “Salubong”, a motorcade of the statue of the “Risen Lord” may
be brought around the parish, again in strict coordination with the Barangay
officials so as to implement social distancing.


1. We remind our clergy that we make available the sacrament of Reconciliation

and Penance throughout the season of Lent. Our faithful should be informed
of the days and the time for Confessions. This will prevent them from coming
to the sacrament in great numbers during the Holy Week. We also urge our
priests to follow the guidelines we issued for Confessions in the time of the
2. The granting of the General Absolution is still an option. It may only be
granted and obtained when both the Priest and the penitents are physically
present in one and the same place. The Absolution may not be given through
phone, online streaming and other media.
3. The faithful should be instructed on the issue of Confession when no priest is
available during this time. Pope Francis has made this clarification as he
echoes here the Catechism of the Catholic Church: I know that many of you go
to confession before Easter… Many will say to me: But Father…I can't leave the house
and I want to make my peace with the Lord. I want Him to embrace me… How can I
do that unless I find a priest? . Do what the catechism says. It's very clear. If you don't
find a priest to go to confession, speak to God. He's your Father. Tell Him the truth:
Lord. I did this and this and this. Pardon me. Ask His forgiveness with all your heart
with an act of contrition, and promise Him, afterward I will go to confession. You
will return to God's grace immediately. You yourself can draw near, as the catechism
teaches us, to God's forgiveness, without having a priest at hand.” (Homily, Pope
Francis, March 20, 2020).


The Diocesan Ministry for Liturgical Affairs will be providing the parishes with a
modified Paschal Triduum Celebrations rites, to guide the clergy and our
Christian Communities. These rites will be available on the Facebook Page of

Please be reminded that these instructions are implemented only during this
extraordinary period of the Quarantine due to Covid-19. All the Instructions and
Guidelines released by the Diocese of Cubao may be accessed on the DMLA
Facebook Page.

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