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The document outlines specifications for the design, fabrication, inspection and testing of an inlet separator. It includes scope, requirements, drawings, procedures and checklists.

The document is a technical requisition package that specifies requirements for the design, fabrication, inspection and testing of an inlet separator for an oil and gas project.

The document references local regulations, codes and standards for Malaysia like DEP and ASME VIII Division 2.





Contract No. : CW132257

Purchase Order No. : 4513596258

PROJECT NAME : SK318 Timi Development (Brownfield Scope) -

Conceptual Design (FEED)
DOCUMENT TITLE : Technical Requisition Package (TRP) For Inlet
DOCUMENT NO. : TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
CTR NO. : ME 130




Hisham Abdul Chester Valentine Wan Mohd Tan Yoke

01 19-May-2020 IFR
Wahab De Guzman  Glayan Hariri Chuan
Hisham Abdul Chester Valentine Wan Mohd Tan Yoke
02 30-Jun-2020 IFR
Wahab De Guzman Glayan Hariri Chuan
Hisham Abdul Chester Valentine Wan Hariri /
03 21-Aug-2020 AFT Kenneth Fua
Wahab De Guzman Glayan Tan YokeC
Hisham Abdul Chester Valentine Wan Hariri /
04 27-Aug-2020 AFT Kenneth Fua
Wahab De Guzman Glayan Tan YokeC
DOC NO. TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
Technical Requisition Package (TRP) REV.
For Inlet Separator CODE.
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Use tab le b elo w if a d oc umen t p re pared by more tha n one ( 1) per so n .

Func tional Ro le / C omp any Na me Si gn ature

Use tab le b elo w if a d oc umen t r ev iew ed b y mo r e t ha n o ne (1) p erso n .

Func tional Ro le / C omp any Na me Si gn ature

Use tab le b elo w if a d oc umen t r eq u ir e s m o re t han o ne ( 1 ) ap pr over .

Func tional Ro le / C omp any Na me Si gn ature


Rev Location of Chang e

01 Re fer to CR S co mmen ts As p er respons e to CR S (TIMI-EXT-D-T-PU SB-

0 0104)

02 Re fer to CR S co mmen ts As p er respons e to CR S (TIMI-EXT-D-T-PU SB-

0 0333) and as per PDS Rev 0 3.

03 Re fer to CR S co mm en ts  A dded in the S ec tion 3 .5 “Definition o f Pr ess ure

Co ntainin g/Re taini ng Member”
 Re pl aced fr om “ pressure r eta inin g” to “pr essu re
co ntain ing”
 Up da te d the Secti on 3.3 0 wrt . FCAW
 Up da te d the Secti on 4.4 wr t. Ma te ri al C er ti fica te
 Up da te d the Sec tion 7.8 .13 from thr ee (3) to five
( 5) yea rs , co nsis t en tly .
 Up da te d the Sec ti on 7 .9 .3 wr t. Hydros tat ic tes t
p ressur e/MAWP

04 Re fer to CR S co mm en ts A s p er respons e to CR S (TIMI -E XT-D-T -PU SB-

0 05 3 9 ) , a s fo l low s :
 Rev ised App endix- F
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Technical Requisition Package (TRP) REV.
For Inlet Separator CODE.
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1.0  INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 5 

1.1  Project Description .................................................................................................................. 5 
1.2  Location of the Project ............................................................................................................ 6 
2.0  SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................ 6 
2.1  General.................................................................................................................................... 6 
2.2  Local Regulation, Codes and Standards ................................................................................ 7 
2.3  Definition of Terms .................................................................................................................. 7 
2.4  Abbreviations........................................................................................................................... 8 
3.0  FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................... 9 
3.1  Pressure Vessel Limits ............................................................................................................ 9 
3.2  Operating and Environmental Conditions ............................................................................... 9 
3.3  Safety ...................................................................................................................................... 9 
3.4  Technical Integrity ................................................................................................................... 9 
3.5  Definition of Pressure Containing/Retaining Member ........................................................... 10 
3.6  Technical Exception .............................................................................................................. 10 
4.0  QUALITY ASSURANCE........................................................................................................... 10 
5.0  INSPECTION AND TESTING ................................................................................................... 11 
6.0  DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................................................. 12 
6.1  General.................................................................................................................................. 12 
6.2  Documentation Review and Approval ................................................................................... 12 
6.3  Documents Required with Bid ............................................................................................... 14 
APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................................................ 18 
Scope of Supply .................................................................................................................................. 18 
APPENDIX B ........................................................................................................................................ 79 
B1. Process Data Sheets & PEFS, ..................................................................................................... 79 
B2. Mechanical Data Sheets & Guide Drawing, ............................................................................... 79 
B3. Figure 1.1c: Inlet Separator’s 3D Straight Line Inlet Piping System ....................................... 79 
APPENDIX C ........................................................................................................................................ 81 
Local Regulation, SES/DEP and International Codes/Standards................................................... 81 
APPENDIX D ........................................................................................................................................ 84 
Contract Information Specification (CIS) - Vendor .......................................................................... 84 
APPENDIX E ........................................................................................................................................ 88 
Typical Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) ............................................................................................. 88 
APPENDIX F ......................................................................................................................................... 91 
Preferred Sub-VENDOR List .............................................................................................................. 91 
APPENDIX G ........................................................................................................................................ 93 
Equipment Criticality Intervention Assessment (ECIA) – on HOLD .............................................. 93 
Appendix H .......................................................................................................................................... 94 
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Safety Critical Element (SCE) – on HOLD......................................................................................... 94 

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1.1 Project Description

Timi is a gas discovery located within the SK318 Production Sharing Contract (PSC) operated by
Sarawak Shell Berhad (SSB). The field is located about 252km NNW of Bintulu and 202km NW from
Miri in water depths of 143m. Timi gas is lean (~97mol% C1 in reservoir fluid) with low contaminant
levels (0.5 mol% CO2, 0.5 mol% N2, <10ppm H2S and unknown mercury content).

Figure 1.1a: Timi-1 Field Development Map

Timi will be developed as a tie-back development with two wells drilled from a new 3 slot unmanned
WHP designed for Tender Assisted Drilling (TAD). The WHP will be designed for a gas throughput of
300 MMscf/d. The topside facilities will include self-generating power capability utilizing solar hybridwind
turbine technology, chemical injection skids for hydrate and corrosion management and a helideck.
Subsea fibre optic will be installed from Timi to host to support telecommunications and remote

The host tie-in facility will be the F23 Processing Complex which is located 78km from Timi location.
Timi full well stream will be evacuated via a new 16” x 78 km (5km CRA-cladded initial section and
73km carbon steel subsequently) pipeline with a new riser at F23-RA.

A new Brownfield Integrated Module (BIM) will be installed at the host to receive Timi gas. The BIM
includes a new pig receiver, inlet separator, gas and condensate metering and liquid booster pump
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(future). Space and weight provision for a new Mercury Removal Unit (MRU) is available on F23RA
main deck (Cili Padi MRU provision) should it be required in future.

Figure 1.1b: Timi Development Concept

1.2 Location of the Project

The Timi Platform will be located on the shelf of Central Luconia, 252km away from Bintulu. Timi field
is located in shallow water with a water depth of 143m. Figure 1-3 shows the WHP location. The
proposed well head platform location is (E: 1009522, N: 1957739).

The new Brownfield Integrated Module (BIM) will be located at F23RA platform, part of F23 Complex
on the shelf of Central Luconia, some 178km NNW of Bintulu. F23R-A platform location is (E: 112.4953,
N: 4.6863).

2.1 General

This requisition with its attachments defines the functional and technical requirements for the supply,
design, materials, fabrication, inspection, testing, certification, surface preparation & painting,
preservation, preparation for shipment and documentation of Timi Inlet Separator (Tag no. V-2030)
complete with process internals for installation and operation on F23RA facilities for Timi project.

The scope of supply shall be as set out in Appendix A of this document. The VENDOR shall draw upon
his existing, pre-engineered or standard designs to satisfy the functional and technical requirements
described in this requisition and in the data sheets in Appendix B of this document.

The VENDOR shall be the single point responsible party for this complete scope of supply. The
VENDOR shall be responsible for all process and mechanical calculations and accountable for the
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component construction and system performance in accordance with this requisition and its

The VENDOR shall submit full technical details of this equipment complete its process internals
equipment, which meet the requirements details herein. Deviations from the requirements stated herein
are discouraged and if any, shall be clearly stated by the VENDOR for the COMPANY’S written approval
on the proposed change.

2.2 Local Regulation, Codes and Standards

As a minimum, the pressure vessel supplied shall be designed, manufactured, tested and delivered in
accordance with the relevant sections of the Local Regulation, Project Documentation, Shell
DEP/MESC SPE Standards, international Codes/Standards as listed in Appendix C. All documents
referenced herein shall be the latest edition, revision or addendum in effect and form an integral part of
this requisition. The VENDOR is required to utilize all codes and standards marked in “BOLD” without
deviation. Alternative codes and standards, having equivalent functionality and integrity, may be
proposed. These shall be identified and approved by the COMPANY.

The VENDOR must ensure that approval is sought from Department of Safety and Health (DOSH)
before delivery. The VENDOR is required to clarify legislation issue with Department of Safety and
Health (DOSH) and to ensure it complies with the relevant Malaysian legislation. The VENDOR shall
advise the COMPANY on the matter.

In case of conflict between the following documents, the most stringent code or standards shall apply;

1) Malaysian Standards/Malaysian statutory requirements

2) TIMI Project Specification, Data Sheets and Drawings

3) SHELL DEP Version 43

4) International Codes and Standards

In case of conflict between the various codes, standards and this requisition, the most stringent of the
requirements shall generally govern. The VENDOR shall refer any such conflict and any other matter
which requires further interpretation to the attention of the COMPANY for solution and the COMPANY’s
interpretation shall be final.

It shall be the VENDOR’s responsibility to obtain copies of the codes and standards listed and to specify
any variations to these codes and standards as well as this requisition. Non-availability of the codes
and standards is not admissible as a reason for non-compliance.

2.3 Definition of Terms

Definition of various parties in this Requisition shall be as follows:

COMPANY Sarawak Shell Berhad (SSB) or its appointed representatives.

PURCHASER Sarawak Shell Berhad (SSB).

CONSULTANT The company which carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning or management of the project.
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VENDOR The main VENDOR of the pressure vessel. Refer to Section 3.4 below.

Sub-VENDOR The manufacturer or party who supplies material, parts or services to carry
out part of the pressure vessel works. Refer to Appendix F “Preferred Sub-

THIRD PARTY The ASME Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA). A person or company
INSPECTION independent of the manufacturer or VENDOR and; shall be appointed by the
VENDOR who shall be accountable and as technical assurance for the
pressure vessel design, material certifications, fabrication, welding, NDE,
materials’ heat treatment/charpy-test/other tests, QA/QC inspection,
hydrostatic test, painting, ASME “U2” Code approval etc. in accordance with
this TRP/Purchase Order

2.4 Abbreviations

ANSI American National Standard Institute American Society

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineer

CIDB Construction Industry Development Board

CIS Contract Information Specification (CIS) – Vendor

DEP Shell Group Design Engineering Practice

DOSH Department of Occupational Safety and Health

DSS Duplex Stainless Steel

EDMS Electronic Engineering Data/Documentation System

EIS Engineering Information Specification

e-SPIR Electronic Spare Part List and Interchangeability Record

HSE Health, Safety and Environments

ITP Inspection and Test Plan (DEP Figure E.1 “Surveillance Form” to be
incorporated into the ITP)

ISO International Standard Organization

LP Low Pressure to differentiate from high pressure (HP) vessel

PDS Process Data Sheet

PE ASME Professional Engineer. Refer to 3rd Party Inspection Authority

PEFS Process Engineering Flow Scheme

PFS Process Flow Scheme

PMI Positive Material Identification

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PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment

QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control

UEFS Utility Engineering Flow Scheme

UFS Utility Flow Scheme

VDRL VENDOR Document Requirement List

SES Standard Engineering Specifications

SEP Standard Engineering Practices

TBE Technical Bid Evaluation

TRP Technical Requisition Package


3.1 Pressure Vessel Limits

The Timi Inlet Separator (Tag no. V-2030) shall be supplied as complete with its process internals
equipment and ready for installation and operation.

The scope of work and technical requirements are detailed in Appendix A.

No changes on the bid documents offered shall be made unless by mutual agreement. Any change or
substitution of material shall not be made without written permission from COMPANY.

3.2 Operating and Environmental Conditions

The VENDOR is responsible for ensuring that all equipment and components provided are suitable for
the operating and environmental conditions as stated in this requisition and the datasheets in Appendix

3.3 Safety

The Timi Inlet Separator (Tag no. V-2030) shall be designed to ensure personnel and plant safety under
all prescribed conditions of lifting, installation, operation, inspection and maintenance.

All lifting gear equipment e.g. shackles, slings, spreader-bar etc shall be load tested and provided with
specialized third-party certifications for use in the field.

3.4 Technical Integrity

The VENDOR shall be responsible for the technical integrity of the equipment, including: design,
materials, manufacture, assembly, testing, certification, performance and specified engineering
services. All these activities are to be in accordance with the scope of supply, the technical specification,
datasheets and interface information supplied by the COMPANY.
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The VENDOR shall have a single point responsibility for all aspects of the works, inclusive of all
components sub-contracted or purchased from other parties.

The VENDOR shall ensure that all manufacturing is performed with full documentation traceability. Full
traceability of base material shall be maintained with proper QA/QC document and material certificates.

3.5 Definition of Pressure Containing/Retaining Member

Pressure Containing Member is defined as a component which is exposed to and contains pressure
such as shell, head, nozzle, and flanges.

Pressure Retaining Member is defined as a component which holds one or more pressure containing
members together but is not exposed to the pressure, such as studbolts.

3.6 Technical Exception

The VENDOR must clearly identify his exceptions to the scope of supply with a detail note of deviation
request. All technical exception shall be subjected to COMPANY approval in writing before work
execution. Submission of technical exception shall be completed with technical justification/benefits/as
a result of latest-and-proven technology etc.

Non-technical exception which is derived eg. cost/economic impact and/or time pressure/schedule
impact, shall be not be acceptable. In addition, technical exception which is downgrading the project
TRP’s standard requirements shall not be acceptable.

Any exceptions which are not stated in the bid, it shall be interpreted by the COMPANY as full


The VENDOR, and the sub-VENDORS, shall operate in accordance with a quality management system
satisfying the applicable provisions of ISO 9001:2015, or agreed equivalent, commensurate with the
goods and services provided.

A detailed Quality Plan to cover the design, purchasing of materials, fabrication, inspection, and testing
of the system / equipment which are dedicated to the project, shall be provided with the bid for
COMPANY’S approval. The VENDOR shall comply with the project Quality Assurance and Control
Requirements as enclosed in ITB. The COMPANY reserves the right to carry out Quality and Technical
Review at both the VENDOR’s and sub-VENDOR’s works including audit review of quality
documentation and production work.

The format and outline content of the quality plan shall be agreed by VENDOR and COMPANY, prior
to order placement. Detailed quality plan, the scope of Testing and hold points shall be mutually agreed
between the COMPANY and VENDOR during the technical discussion following the bid submission. A
quality manual, procedures and quality plans shall be submitted for review and approval prior to
commencement of the work.
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VENDOR shall maintain an effective system for quality assurance and quality control, planned and
developed in conjunction with all manufacturing and application functions necessary to meet the
requirements of the Purchase Order and Specification.

The requirements shall be met by the established and implementation of procedures and Quality Plan
which shall ensure the acceptable services are presented to the COMPANY.

The Quality Plan shall demonstrate both recognition of the quality requirements of the Purchase Order
and an organized approach to satisfy these requirements.

The Quality Plan shall ensure that quality requirements are determined prior to commencement of the
works and subsequently satisfied throughout all phases of application.


The VENDOR shall provide a Quality Plan to cover the design, purchasing of materials, fabrication, and
inspection and testing of the system / equipment. All inspection and acceptance tests shall be carried
out on the complete Inlet Separator assembly at the VENDOR’s work place and may be witnessed by
the COMPANY. The VENDOR shall submit a detailed proposed inspection and testing schedule to the
COMPANY, for review.

The minimum inspection requirements are attached in Appendix E. All “HOLD” points during the
manufacturing and fabrication program shall be agreed by mutual consent. This shall include those
covered in the VENDOR Inspection and Testing Plan. Inspection by COMPANY or his representatives
shall in no way relieve VENDOR of any of his responsibilities for ensuring that the system / equipment
meets all the requirements and conforms in full to the contents of this requisition. The VENDOR shall
advise the COMPANY with at least fifteen (15) working days’ notice of the date and location of each
witnessed inspection and test activity. VENDOR shall indicate in his bid the location of:

• Key production, inspection or testing activities (as identified in the Inspection and Testing Plan).

The VENDOR shall give the COMPANY or his representatives, without charge, all facilities and access
evidences for satisfying himself that the equipment is being manufactured in accordance with the
relevant datasheets, sketches, codes and standards.

Any manufactured part, which does not comply with the requirements, or material which shows defects
during inspection will be rejected. When a part of the unit is rejected, the VENDOR shall notify the
COMPANY in writing. If any rectification work is required to be done, it shall be carried out by the
VENDOR at his own expense and without delay to the work.

The COMPANY’s inspector shall have the right to request additional inspection or examinations if
required to ensure that the system / equipment complies with the relevant codes and standards.

These inspections will be to the COMPANY’S account, unless such examinations reveal defects not
previously detected in which case the VENDOR shall bear the full cost of such inspection, repairs and
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subsequent examinations necessary to ensure the satisfactory manufacturing /installation of the

equipment and system.

All testing shall be done using certified test equipment, which has been calibrated and checked prior to
the test. The calibration records shall be furnished to the COMPANY for review / approval.

6.1 General

The VENDOR and the sub-VENDORS shall submit all documentations in accordance with TIMI-GN-
000-JA-7880-0002 “Contract Information Specification (CIS) – Vendor” and supplemented by the TRP’s
Section 13.0 “Documentation” and TRP’s Appendix D “Vendor Documents Requirements Listing
(VDRL)”, which will form part of Purchase Order contract.

Documentation includes but not limited to data information such as data sheets, specifications, interface
data etc., drawings, engineering design reports, certifications, manuals, manufacturing data records or
dossier, correspondences, records, comments, approved deviations/ exceptions to fulfil the intention of
this Requisition.

The VENDOR shall complete and submit the spare parts data (for Commission, Start-Up, Operating
and Insurance spare, respectively) in the format generated by the latest version of E-SPIR 2000
VENDOR application. Reference 6.2.1 Spare Part Information of Contract Information Specification
(CIS) - Vendor

The listing of spares proposed by VENDOR shall be discussed and agreed before placement of
Purchase Order.

As Built documentation scope for the equipment complete with process internals package shall be
executed by the VENDOR’s design team, that to be submitted separately from the Operating and
Maintenance manual.

The VENDOR shall also provide a master listing for the sub-VENDOR’s supplied items in the proposal,
in accordance with TRP’s Appendix F “Preferred sub-VENDOR List”.

6.2 Documentation Review and Approval

The scope of documentation and schedule for the documents submission for review, approval and re-
submissions for final approvals will be discussed and jointly agreed by the VENDOR and the COMPANY
prior to award with the VENDOR based on the VENDOR Documentation Requirements List (VDRL) of
this requisition.
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All approval documents (design calculations, drawings, material certificate, NDT reports, hydrotest
report, etc.) shall be submitted within the specified time frame and shall be stamped/approved by ASME
AIA third party certification agency.

Approval of drawings by the COMPANY will not relieve VENDOR’s responsibility for the correctness of
information, their conformance with stated requirements or acceptability of equipment and materials.
This responsibility rests solely with the VENDOR, and it follows that the latter’s procedures for checking
and approval, including verifying signatures on drawings and documents, must reflect this responsibility.

VENDOR shall ensure good reproduction quality. Each individual document shall have a Project
standard front sheet showing the title of the documents, COMPANY PO No., PROJECT NAME etc.,
shall be provided with a table of contents, and shall have all pages within the document numbered. The
document shall be stapled, or in loose leaf-type folders or books, securely bound, also arranged in
chronological order.

All PDF formats shall be directly rendered from the native application (not scanned). The submission of
the PDF documents/drawings formats with the e-signature are acceptable so that the formats are text
searchable type. However, for scanned PDF formats shall only be acceptable for test records, material
certificates etc. that require conventional approval signature stamping/certification workflow.

All final and approved documents as required in VDRL must be clean (without history), original copy or
good master print and shall be submitted within the specific time frame. The VENDOR documentation
and drawings shall be in English and SI units.

All test records, certificates and procedures shall be stamped “Certified True Copy” by ASME AIA third
party certification agency with or without the original copy.

The following software will be used for VENDOR’s information:

a) Drawings in AutoCAD release 2016

b) Spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel latest version

c) Manual / documents in Microsoft Word latest version

d) Database in Microsoft format

All other documents e.g. handwritten test reports shall be scanned image in PDF format.

Final and approved documentation, in addition to the original hard copy, shall be provided in its native
electronic format plus PDF (not scanned) format submitted to PURCHASER’s Document Control Centre
(DCC) to be loaded in the EDMS.

All electronic files shall be compiled in portable drive and shall be properly organized in files directories
for easy reference and review.

VENDOR shall provide detail execution plan in his bid proposal for electronic based documentation.

VENDOR shall check and verify the completeness of the VDRL proposed and highlight any discrepancy
or missing required documents. In addition, in order to verify compliance with the project requirements,
certain other documents will also be subject to PURCHASER’S approval.
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The PURCHASER will dispatch documents submitted for review within fifteen (15) working days after
receipt. Within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the marked-up document, the VENDOR shall issue
a revised document incorporating all comments and other specified details not included in the first issue.
The PURCHASER will review documents and return with any further comments. This rule will be
adhered to for all documents except those exempted through separate agreement between
PURCHASER and VENDOR. If documents are revised, all sheets under cover of one project document
number shall have a new revision number and be resubmitted. The document must be completed even
if the revision is minor.

6.3 Documents Required with Bid

The following documents shall be included with the bid for COMPANY/PURCHASER for technical bid
evaluation purpose. Failure to submit any documentation below or/and incomplete required
information would potentially disqualify the bid acceptability.

Item Description

1 Completed and signed off the PURCHASER’s Mechanical Data Sheet/Guide

Drawing (Appendix B) to conforming the design parameters, design codes
ASME VIII Div. 2 & DEP, shell/head/skirt support thickness
data, nozzles/manway, estimated pressure vessel’s weight details
(erection/empty weight, operation weight & also hydrotest weight), material
grade selection, Welding, PWHT, Heat treatment, Charpy Impact test, NDE,
Inspection, Painting, Preservation/Packaging, Transportation/Shipment,
ASME “U2” Code Certification, DOSH/OSR approval etc.

Note: The accuracy of weight data is utmost crucial because of its determining
onto the brownfield project space/capacity etc. limitation.

2 Completed and signed off the PUCHASER’s Process Data Sheets

(Appendix B) to conforming the pressure sizing calculation and also to advise
the pressure vessel process internals equipment selection shall meet the DEP process performance requirements.

3 Completed and signed off the Overall Scope of Supply, in accordance with
Appendix A.

4 Proposed layouts incorporating for lifting plan, inland transportation /and

shipment requirements, as applicable.

5 Technical Specification - narrative description of the equipment (with process

internals) offered, list of components and intended design codes

6 Comments /deviations /exceptions to TRP and its attachments, if any.

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Item Description

In addition, BIDDER shall highlight IF there is any error, conflicting

requirements against TRP/Data Sheets/DEP etc for PURCHASER resolution.

7 Engineering, Procurement, Manufacturing, Testing and Delivery Schedule,

highlighting the critical path to prevent schedule impact.

Note that the above schedule shall also be consolidated complete with the
Internals VENDOR’s schedule of engineering, procurement, manufacturing,
testing, delivery to shop and installation inside the pressure vessel as one full
piece assembled of Inlet Separator vessel.

8 List of any special tools or equipment required, if any.

9 Execution Plan including co-ordination between sub-VENDORs especially

internals VENDOR and also fabrication shop (if it involves with different

The execution plan co-ordination between vessel FABRICATOR

design/fabrication office and internals design/fabrication especially wrt. all
interfaces aspects.

10 Overview of the VENDOR’s overall fabrication workshop loading with “S” curve
data shows peak/non-peak time and also forecasting of other incoming

11 Details of the fabrication shop physical facility/plant available space, tool,

equipment, infrastructure, load out, road accessibility, sand blasting/painting
area, segregation of storing/welding etc for Carbon Steel/Stainless Steel, etc.

12 A list of SHELL Operating Units’ and Non-SHELL companies’ past project

references for supplying similar pressure vessel globally shall be submitted in
tabular format and include the following information:

- Details of equipment including design code, size, quantity, duty/service,

materials of construction, design pressure, design temperature, Process
internals equipment selection and pressure vessel wall thickness.

- Client and project’s name, year of completion, duration of time, etc

- Contact name, address, email address, phone / fax number.

13 Valid copy of the Fabrication shop certification, e.g. ASME VIII U2, ISO 9001.

14 Fabrication shop Safety Management System Manual and Incident/Accident

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Item Description

15 VENDOR’s (including Fabrication Shop) Quality Plan/Quality Assurance Policy

Statement and the Inspection and Test Plan (ITP). The ITP shall include all
places of manufacturing (including sub-VENDOR’S) and adequately identify
the inspection points/witness points/hold points of VENDOR’s QA/QC

16 Proposed project organization chart including Project submitted for

COMPANY’s approval. No changes are allowed after approval.

17 A list of potential sub-VENDORS and manufacturing locations, which shall be

in accordance with the TRP’s Appendix F “Preferred sub-VENDOR List”.

18 Name of proposed ASME AIA third party certification body and address details.

19 The VENDOR shall submit the ITP, in accordance with the TRP’s App. E and
DEP Table 3.3 Minimum surveillance sheet requirements
based on the specified Shell Vessel Category”.

Also, please refer to the DEP Figure E.1 “Surveillance

Form” for the pressure vessel and its process internals equipment.

20 20.1 Standard fabrication procedure detail sequence/coordination of pressure

vessel and process internals equipment

20.2 In the event BIDDER proposed to perform rolling in-house, hence

BIDDER to submit pre-rolling and rolling load chart with red line marked up to
indicate project specific ID, thickness, and proposed width.

20.3: BIDDER to advise whether any welding to be executed on sub-VENDOR

for shell and head. If yes, BIDDER to confirm sub-VENDOR shall be as ASME
VIII U2 certified.

21 Recommended spare part for commissioning / start-up;

Recommended spare part list for 2-year normal operation as per itemised unit

22 Optional quote/Unit rate for the followings: -

22.1 Self-reinforced forged Carbon Steel of above DN100 (4” NB) nozzles’
sizes, with weld-overlay SS316/316L (as per data sheet’s rating).

22.2 Self-reinforced solid forged SS316/316L Stainless steel of inclusive

DN100 (4” NB) nozzles’ sizes and below (as per data sheet’s rating).
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Item Description

22.3 BIDDER to quote the SA516-70N welded support cleat for

piping/service/ladder- See details in accordance with the Appendix A: Scope
of Supply Section 1.6 below.

22.4 BIDDER to also submit OPTIONAL quotation for the Inlet Separator’s
saddle type nozzles/manways – complete with lead time impact and cost

22.5 Bidder to submit the past experience/project list for pressure vessel’s
saddle type nozzles/manways.

23 Proposed license mechanical engineering software name for pressure

vessel/skirt (eg. PV Elite) and also license process engineering software for
the process internals simulation software name.

Note: any inhouse spreadsheet calculation shall not be acceptable.

24 The VENDOR shall be accountable with the guarantee for the process
performance and also warranty for the mechanical design integrity, for the full
assembled Inlet Separator complete with its process internals equipment in
accordance with the specified TRP requirements as stipulated in the Purchase
Order (PO) contract conditions.
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Scope of Supply
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(*) VENDOR shall specify in the column per numbered clause:

C means as full compliance;

X means exception/deviation (see Section 3.5 “Technical Exception “above)


1.0 SCOPE OF 1.1 General 1.1

SUPPLY VENDOR shall be responsible for the Process
design & sizing, mechanical design, selection
of suitable process internals, engineering,
material supply, manufacture, assembly, heat
treatment, PWHT, PMI, Charpy Impact test,
inspection, hydrostatic testing, certification,
acid pickling/passivation, surface preparation
& painting, AIA/DOSH-OSR-MS’s approval,
packaging/ preservation, delivery/shipment up
to the intended location of:

One (1) of full assembly of SK 318 Timi Inlet

Separator (Tag. No. V-2030) complete with
Schoepentoeter Inlet device, Mismat
(Wiremesh Demister pad) etc. which shall
be confirmed by Internals VENDOR.

All materials and equipment furnished shall

meet the design and environmental conditions
as stated in this requisition and shall be new,
sound, free of defects, and of the size and
quality specified.

The VENDOR shall ensure that the equipment

and services supplied meet the requirements
of this specification and of the codes,
standards and specifications nominated
herein, including the equipment (sub-
equipment) or services are supplied by
VENDOR or by any sub-VENDOR(s) including
internals VENDOR.

1.2 The vessel shall complete with all internals 1.2

(c/w its supports where required) as indicated
in the PEFS and datasheets unless otherwise
stated. VENDOR shall propose suitable
process removable internals so as to meet the
process performance criteria as stated in this
requisition and/ or data sheets. “Bolt on” type
internals shall be preferred and shall be used.
The bolted internals shall be installed onto the
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welded support cleats.

1.3 All process internals shall be pre-installed 1.3

at VENDOR’s workshop securely in place
before shipment as part of the scope of supply.
All internals should be shipped installed
securely in place. Temporary bracing shall not
be used to hold internals in place during
shipment without prior approval by the

VENDOR shall provide a procedure for

installation/ replacement of the internals as
part of the VDRL submission.

1.4 VENDOR shall submit calculations / 1.4

information and references from the internals
proprietary sub-VENDOR to substantiate that
the internals supplied meet the process
requirements. Internals shall be adequately
supported and capable of withstanding the
design conditions, flow Induced vibration
(FIV)/momentum, thermal expansion,
contraction, variation in flowrate and
differential pressure.
1.4 Special Note: 1.4 Special Note:
 Internals GA drawing and Vessel GA
drawing shall be consistent, where
applicable considering the interface
data e.g. internals cleats’ support
elevations, schoepentoeter’s
elevations (associated with N1
nozzle), demister pad elevation, etc.
This means that the vessel VENDOR
shall ensure that the Internals GA
drawing and vessel GA drawing are
aligned and consistent, where
 The vessel VENDOR shall review the
internals GA drawing to assure off its
consistency with the vessel GA
drawings, before submit it for
PURCHASER’s review.
 Subsequently, the vessel VENDOR
shall submit the internals GA drawing
and vessel GA drawing together as
one complete submission, for review.

1.5 All internals’ support ring, cleats, brackets 1.5

etc shall be designed, fabricated, tested,
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supplied etc by the Internals VENDOR.

However, all the internals supports shall be
installed by the vessel VENDOR under the
Internals VENDOR supervision, approval
and certification.
All welded external attachments including the
skirt supports, ASME and Manufacturer’s
nameplates with bracket-holder, piping/service
platform/ ladder supports cleats (refer to
clause 1.6 below) , 2 nos. of lifting trunnions &
1 no. of tailing lug (with reinforced cross-beam
inside skirt support), 2 nos. of earthing bosses,
temporary stiffeners for skirt support,
temporary saddles for lifting/transportation
purposes and also anchor bolts for skirt

1.6 The VENDOR shall also quote a lump- 1.6

sum for fifty-five (55) numbers of SA 516-
70N (welded) support cleats for piping,
service platform, ladder and also fire-
proofing (if any) which are all welded, NDE
(100%MPI), painted etc. onto the pressure
vessel. Full penetration weld for all
supports’ cleats.

1.7 In general, the support cleats shall be 1.7

referred to standard drawing S 28.012, S
28.013 and S 28.014 respectively. The
support shall be designed as trapezium
form shape in order to prevent rainwater
trapped that leads to any localised
corrosion mechanism.

1.8 Changes of details and locations of the 1.8

above support cleats will be confirmed
during the post award.

1.9 Scope of supply and services shall include 1.9

but not limited to the followings:
a. Item 1 – General
b. Item 2 – Design requirements
c. Item 3 – Fabrication requirements
d. Item 4 – Material Take Off
e. Item 5 – Lifting accessories requirements
f. Item 6 – Acid Pickling/Passivation
g. Item 7 – Surface preparation & painting
h. Item 8 – Inspection & Testing
i. Item 9 – DOSH/AIA/QAQC Certification
j. Item 10 – Preservation/Packaging for
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k. Item 11 – Special tools, if any

l. Item 12 – Guarantee for process and
mechanical performance
m. Item 13 – Optional quote/rate
n. Item 14 – Documentation
o. Item 15 – Start-up and commissioning
spare parts
p. Item 16 – A list of recommended
operating spares (2-year operating
q. Item 17 – VENDOR’s assistance –
Installation, commissioning, maintenance,
field training etc.
r. Item 18 – Project management services
s. Item 19 – Preferred Sub-VENDOR List
t. Item 20 – Bid documents submission
u. Item 21 – SHELL/Non-SHELL proven
past project list for supplying similar inlet
separator c/with process internals

1.91 VENDOR shall submit the list technical 1.91

deviations, if any against the TRP
requirements, which cannot be complied
complete with technical justification for TBE
purpose. VENDOR’s Inlet Separator shall be
assumed as being in "Full Compliance” with
VENDOR’s requirements, in case technical
deviations are not listed and accepted by
VENDOR in writing.

1.92 The VENDOR shall furnish as minimum 1.92

documents listed in the VENDOR Document
Requirement Listing (VDRL) in accordance
with Appendix D.

1.93 VENDOR shall provide Engineering 1.93

design, Fabrication, and Delivery Schedule
covering transportation and delivery of the
vessels to the fabrication yard (east & west
Malaysia) within the time frame specified in the
VDRL. VENDOR shall provide means to meet
delivery schedule which includes provide
proper organization chart, allocate early
resources in inspection and expediting, to
improve and to shorten the raw material
delivery dates, and use of double-shift in
fabrication activities.

1.94 The VENDOR shall obtain approval for 1.94

the Inlet Separator from the Department of
Safety and Health (DOSH), Malaysia under the
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sub-section of Offshore Self-Regulation

Management System (OSR-MS). The OSR
MS aims to integrate Asset Integrity and
Reliability (AIR) management system as well
as Health, Safety & Environment (HSE)
system in order to achieve the AIR and HSE
excellence on all offshore facilities.
Therefore, the VENDOR shall be responsible
to comply with the requirements for the
DOSH/OSR-MS Malaysia legislation of the
Inlet Separator which is manufactured for the
offshore platform installation. This means that
the VENDOR shall be in compliance with the
Safety Law for its design, fabrication, testing,
installation, operation, inspection and
maintenance which are governed by the
Factories and Machineries Act (FMA) 1967
and applicable regulation(s) made under the
act. The applicable regulation is the Factories
and Machinery (Steam Boiler and Unfired
Pressure Vessel) Regulation 1970. OSR
Inspector will be under COMPANY Provision.

1.95 VENDOR shall define extent of shop 1.95

assembly of the equipment (if required) and
include the general description of the
components which to be supplied in loose (i.e.
skirt support’s anchor bolts)

1.96 VENDOR shall have single point 1.96

responsibility for the provision of the Inlet
Separator in compliance with scope of supply
and technical design requirements as
specified, including all items sub- contracted or
purchased from sub-VENDOR.

2.0 DESIGN 2.1 The Inlet Separator shall be designed in 2.1

REQUIREMENTS accordance with DEP,
ASME Section VIII Div. 2 Latest Ed. Class 1,
this TRP, attached data sheets listed in this
TRP’s Appendix B and also attached codes/
standards listed in this TRP’s Appendix C.
The design requirements shall, as a minimum,
comply with DEP Table 3.1
for the Shell Vessel Category One (1).

The internals process equipment design shall

conform to the process requirements listed in
the data sheets and shall meet the specified
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process parameters, in accordance with PDS

with design standard of DEP
Gen.” Gas/Liquid, Liquid/Liquid & Gas/Liquid/
Liquid Separators – Type Selection & Design

2.2 The design shall conform to the process 2.2

requirements listed in the data sheets and
shall meet the minimum capacity specified.
VENDOR to provide process calculations and
sizing & selection of the suitable internals in
order to achieve the performance guarantee
as stated. The size of SK318 Inlet Separator
(V-2030) shall be restricted as specified in the
datasheets (refer Appendix B) due to
brownfield space limitation.

2.3 The internals VENDOR’s minimum scope 2.3

of supply and not limited to, as follows:
 Process design calculation and
Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) analysis report
 Supply of the internals equipment,
fabrication, welding, NDE, surface
treatment pickled/passivation,
packaging, supervision (for
installation at the vessel
fabricator’s workshop) and
material certification of ISO 10474
or EN 10204-3.1 type.
 Internals accessories eg. SS 316
bolts/nuts, SS316 Clips/brackets
Note: Double-lock nuts only shall
be applied. SS304 bolts/nuts
shall not be used.

 Process performance guarantee.

2.4 The internals VENDOR shall also perform 2.4

the proprietary Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) analysis to simulate the intended
process conditions and conforming that the
selection of the removable process internals
equipment. Internals SUPPLLIER to submit
the CFD end-result report to PURCHASER for

In the CFD end-result report content, the

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internals VENDOR shall confirm the minimum

information as follows:
 Process internals equipment type
 Process nozzles’ sizes eg. inlet
and outlet
 3D straight line inlet piping
system, refer to TRP’s Appendix
B Figure 1.1c, in which the
internals VENDOR shall review
and confirm the available 3D
straight length requirement, in
accordance with the process
calculation/CFD analysis results.
 Process nozzles’ elevations,
internals equipment elevations
 Process internals equipment
weight data
 Top manway for installation/

2.5 The internals equipment shall be 2.5

sectionalized to passing through the manway
inside diameter, for installation/maintenance.
Each sectionalized internals equipment shall
be designed with a lightweight of one-man
hand carry only (approx.25kg per item).

2.6 Internals VENDOR to confirm and clarify 2.6

the sectionalized demister pad could be
installed and also dismantled out through the
top /and bottom manways. The Internals
VENDOR to confirm this requirement in the bid
proposal, for PURCHASER’s evaluation.

2.7 Schoepentoeter’s vane plates and its base 2.7

plate thicknesses shall be calculated by
internals VENDOR, considering the worst flow
velocity loadings impingement /and also flow-
induced vibration (momentum) loadings.
Additional rib bracing/stiffeners supports are
acceptable, as necessary.

2.8 Schoepentoeter’s vane plate shall be 2.8

welded onto its base plate with full all-around
fillet welds only. Hence any intermittent welds
or tack welds shall not be acceptable. All fillet
welds shall be grinded smooth profile to assure
no sharp edges and shall be follow-up with
NDT 100% PT.
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2.9 Thicknesses specified in the guide drawing 2.9

are minimum and indicative only. VENDOR’s
quoted plate material thicknesses shall cater
for the worst combination of loadings as
specified in the DEP (see
2.10 below). The quoted plate thicknesses
should be final during bid stage. Any increase
in plate thickness and equipment weight after
purchase order has been placed in order to
comply with the requirements specified in
design code, this TRP, equipment datasheets,
DEPs and other applicable international
standards, shall NOT be considered as cost
and schedule impact to COMPANY. All
additional cost and impact in equipment
delivery schedule shall be at VENDOR’s

2.10 Vessel VENDOR shall confirm that the 2.10

complete pressure vessel’s thicknesses shall
be verified using the applicable worst
combinations as specified in the DEP Section 5.3 “Load Case” and
5.4 “Load Combinations” respectively.

2.11 Nozzle shall be “hub” or integral self- 2.11

reinforcement as per Mechanical Data Sheets
based on ASME B 16.5 for size up to and
including 24” NB.
The self-reinforced nozzle type such as LWN /
HB / V1 / V2 /& V3, shall be seamless forged
nozzles. The VENDOR shall also quote saddle
type nozzles, as OPTION and advise schedule
impact, if applicable.
The forged saddle type nozzles are also
technically acceptable, where applicable.
Bidder to submit past experience projects in
designing/ fabrication/NDE/issues etc. for the
forged saddle type nozzles, for PURCHASER

For nozzle reinforcement of integral reinforced

nozzle necks, the integral thickness shall not
be more than two (2) the vessel wall thickness
at the connection location.
And the nozzle necks shall be a minimum
thickness of:

 Schedule 80 (80S for stainless or high

alloy) for nozzles DN 100 (NPS 4) or
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Note: Solid SS316/L forged nozzles

and fittings shall be used for size
DN100 (NPS 4) and below on the
Inlet Separator.

 Schedule 160 for carbon steel or low

alloy nozzles greater sizes than DN
100 (i.e. NPS 4)

2.12 Flange bolt holes shall straddle the 2.12

normal centrelines of the vessel.

2.13 Necks of nozzles (i.e. N1 and N3) that 2.13

extend through inside the vessel wall for
internal connections shall be of one-piece
forged construction.

2.14 Where the heads of the pressure vessel 2.14

could not be fabricated as one-piece (or
seamless type) of 2:1 ellipsoidal, the VENDOR
may fabricate the heads as multiple pieces
such as crown and petal are allowed subjects
to the COMPANY’s approval.
The head’s straight flange length shall be
50mm only. If the straight flange it longer
than that, it will be potentially impact onto
the minimum elevation from BTL for an
instrument nozzle to be attached onto
vessel cylindrical part to considering the
DEP weld clearance.
Cold formed Carbon Steel heads shall be
normalised after forming. Hot formed heads do
not need normalised after forming, provided
that the final forming operation is performed
within the normalising temperature range.

2.15 The pressure vessel shall be provided 2.15

with two (2) nos. of earthing boss, welded at
the skirt support diagonally opposite sides.
Refer to Shell Standard Drawing S68.004.

2.16 The requirements for welded pressure 2.16

vessel constructed of material with corrosion
resistant integral cladding and weld overlay
shall be strictly in accordance with DEP Appendix A and also SES
38.2 Rev.8 “Annex B CRA Weld overlay

2.17 In no case that the entire thickness of any 2.17

applied cladding shall be considered as
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pressure containing member/material,

because it is applied solely for corrosion
mechanism control.

2.18 Internals’ cleats/ clips/ brackets/ support 2.18

ring etc shall not be welded on top of the clad
surface of the vessel. Therefore, the internals
attachments shall be welded onto the vessel
base material ie. SA 516 Gr 70N. Any
significant internal structural support shall be
attached onto the base material.

2.19 The requirement of Inlet Separator’s 2.19

integral corrosion resistant weld overlay shall
be in accordance with DEP
“Unfired Pressure Vessels” Appendix A.

2.20 Set-in nozzles shall be used. All nozzles 2.20

shall be self-reinforced integral type. Minimum
nozzle connection size shall be DN 50 on the
pressure vessel. Nozzles’ bracing plate shall
be provided for sized DN80 (NPS 3) and
below. The bracing plates shall have
clearance which shall not obstruct the bolt
torqueing/tensioning tool etc.
The design of nozzles shall be in accordance
with standard drawing S10.103 sht. 1 of 2
(weld overlay nozzle) and sht. 2 of 2 (solid
alloy nozzle in clad vessel).
Nozzles shall be through-wall (set-in) or forged
insert nozzles using full penetration welded
connections. When nozzle reinforcement is
using integrally reinforced nozzle necks, the
integral thickness shall be not more than 2
times the vessel wall thickness at the
connection location.

2.21 Weld clearance requirements between 2.21

the nozzle/manway toe of the weld against the
vessel’s circumferential and longitudinal weld
seams shall be in compliance with DEP Section 5.13 No. 11 and 12.

2.22 All nozzles with process piping 2.22

connections shall be designed to withstand
nozzle loading and calculated per WRC-537
(WRC-107) and WRC-297 stress analysis
requirement. See DEP
Appendix C for min. design values nozzle
forces and moments.
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VENDOR shall be further advised and shall

incorporate the actual loadings into the vessel
design if the actual loadings exceed the above
values during the detailed design stage.

2.23 Stud bolts and nuts shall be completely 2.23

threaded in accordance with ASME B1.1.
 Sizes 25 mm (1 in) and smaller
shall be Coarse Thread Series
 Sizes larger than 25 mm (1 in)
shall be 8-Thread Series (8 UN)
 Threads shall be machine cut or
 The stud bolt length shall be
determined as shown in ASME
B16.5, however VENDOR shall
ensure studbolt shall be long
enough to show one and one-half
threads outside of the nuts, after
full tightening.
For studbolt 2” diameter sized and above will
be subjected to bolt tensioning and will be
required an additional exposed length of 1D of
the studbolt. Refer to SMEP.EP72.GL0212
Rev. 02, 13 September 2017 “Operation &
Maintenance for Flange Joint Assembly”.

2.24 Flange bolt holes shall straddle the 2.24

normal centrelines of the separator.

2.25 Necks of nozzles that extend through the 2.25

vessel wall for internal connections shall be of
one-piece construction.

2.26 Manholes are to be completed with cover, 2.26

davit arm (refer to Standard Drawing No.
S10.070-B), 2-handle bar, gasket and stud
bolts/buts. All other nozzles with blind flanges
shall be provided with gasket and studbolts

2.27 Orientation, elevation and location of 2.27

manways/nozzles together with support
cleats/clips together with the reaction forces &
moments for service platform, ladder & pipe
support will be provided during detailed design
stage. VENDOR shall check interference with
vessels’ weld-seams clearance to comply with
this TRP, DEP and code
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2.28 PURCHASER’s total calculated dry 2.28

weight of the Inlet Separator (including
process internals) is approximately 85MT.
VENDOR shall calculate and submit the
actual weight data (including the internals
weight), in the Bid submission as follows:
 Dry weight, including internals
 Operating weight, including
maximum operating liquid
 Field Hydrostatic test
 Breakdown weight of
Schoepentoeter, Mismat,
downcomer piping, etc

2.29 The Inlet Separator shall be supported by 2.29

skirt support type.
 The skirt support shall be
continuously welded to the shell of
the vessel which complies with
Standard Drawings No. S 20.001

 The Inlet Separator and support

shall be designed to meet the
ASME Code and DEP Section 5.4
Loads Combination in Table 5.1.

 Design and supply of Inlet

Separator skirt anchor bolts shall
be included in the VENDOR’s
scope of supply. The anchor bolt
sizing shall take into account of
static loads as well as dynamic

 The skirt support material of

construction shall be of the fully
similar material grade with the
Inlet Separator’s shell/head.

2.30 The manhole size shall be DN600 (NPS

24) to facilitate the internals removal for future
offline inspection and maintenance works. The
vessel VENDOR shall provide the exact
manhole inside diameter to internal VENDOR
to ensure every sectionalized internal can pass
through without obstruction.
In addition, internals VENDOR shall also
specify the manhole’s elevations with regards
to the process internals elevations.
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2.31 The vessel/internals GA drawings, 2.31

details drawings shall contain minimum
information in accordance with the DEP Section 2.3.2., as follows:

a. Code of construction/DEP, edition year;

b. References to supplementary drawings,
standards and specifications;
c. Equipment tag number;
d. Shell Vessel Category;
e. Primary vessel dimensions;
f. Contents /service (e.g., sour/wet H2S,
hydrogen) and fluid toxicity (e.g. very toxic-
acute). Operating and design pressures
and temperatures of all services for which the
vessel is designed, including number of cycles
if designed for fatigue;
g. Environmental data - wind speed;
h. Corrosion allowances for shell, heads,
nozzles, manways, and all supports and other
i. Nozzle ref/mark, size, rating, schedule
no./wall thickness and locations, reference
datum for dimensions, nozzle allowable
external loads;
j. Post weld heat treatment (PWHT)
k. Weld joint efficiencies where applicable;
l. Lower design temperature(s) with coincident
pressure(s); Charpy-impact test requirement
m. Field pressure test pressure at top of
n. Shop pressure test pressure and orientation
of vessel;
o. Test fluid properties;
i. Product and its composition;
ii. Temperature;
iii. Density.
p. Surface treatment (Pickling/passivation) &
Coating requirements;
q. Weights; shipping, operating, water full with
all internals;
r. Centre of gravity (COG) location;
s. Lifting arrangements;
t. Equipment support forces and moments

2.32 The detailed fabrication drawing(s) shall 2.32

contain the following
 Full dimensions of all parts and
sub-assemblies shown, including
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necessary tolerances and any

finishing requirements;
 Complete identification of
materials (bill of materials),
including bolting and gaskets;
 Complete identification of internal
materials supplied by the
manufacturer, including gaskets;
 Location of all circumferential and
longitudinal joints;
 Details of weld preparations and
welding procedure numbers;
 Details of internal cladding/
overlay, where applicable;
 Details of impact test
requirements for materials,
welding and production test plate;
 Heat treatment details, including
temperature of PWHT, time at
temperature, heat up and cool
down rates;
 General remarks on fabrication,
assembly and testing as
 Installed bolt torque and bolt
stress for body flanges;
 Extent and location of all non-
destructive examination (NDE);
 cleaning, surface preparation,
painting and marking
 Nozzle schedule, including the
mark number, quantity, size,
rating, facing (RF), and self-
reinforced type:
i). Nozzle/ manway orientation
and elevation shall be provided.
ii) The mark number shall match
that shown on the Inlet Separator
data sheet.

2.33 The VENDOR shall provide procedures 2.33

for COMPANY review covering, not limiting to,
the followings: -
 Procurement Procedure
 Engineering Procedure
 Fabrication Procedure
 Plate Cladding Procedure
 Plate Rolling Procedure
 Shell and Head Forming
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 Inspection and Testing Procedure

 QA/QC Procedures

3.0 WELDING 3.1 Welding 3.1

/FABRICATION All welding procedure specifications,
REQUIREMENTS procedure qualification records and welder /
operator qualification records shall be as per
ASME Section IX and DEP
Both fabrication and repair welding procedures
shall require the approval of the COMPANY
prior to start of fabrication.

Backing rings shall not be used, unless

approved by the COMPANY.

All fillet welds shall be continuous.

3.2 All welding works shall be carried out in 3.2

accordance to the requirements of the latest
versions of ASME/BPVC Sec. VIII Div. II, Sec.
Gen and also SES 38.2.
Reference shall also be made to API RP 582
Second Edition, December 2009 Welding
Guidelines for the Chemical, Oil, and Gas
Industries for all welding related activities.

3.3 Fabrication shall not begin until the 3.3

VENDOR received written approval of his
detailed shop drawings, design calculation,
general arrangement drawing, welding and
and repair procedures and welder qualification
from the COMPANY.

3.4 All parts that have been cold formed with 3.4
an extreme fibre elongation greater than 5 %
shall be subjected to the following heat
 normalizing for carbon steel;
 normalizing with tempering
treatment for low alloy steels;
 solution annealing treatment for
austenitic stainless steel materials
exposed to hydrogen charging
 all other materials, as required by
the applicable code of

3.5 Only full penetration welds shall be used in 3.5

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the primary pressure boundary or for nozzle

attachments to the shell.

3.6 For process pressure vessels, "Double 3.6

fillet weld construction in the secondary
pressure boundary shall not be used."

3.7 Electric resistance welded (ERW) pipe or 3.7

tube shall not be used for pressure containing
member/part such as shells or nozzle necks.

3.8 Normalizing of carbon steel components 3.8

and base materials shall be performed
separately and not as part of hot-forming
operations, unless the finishing hot-forming
temperature is in the normalizing temperature
range of 850°C to 960°C.

3.9 As a minimum, heat treatment shall be in 3.9

accordance with the code of construction.

3.10 For the Inlet Separator in sour service, 3.10

PWHT shall be performed.

3.11 Heat treatment chart/PWHT procedures, 3.11

including requirements for thermocouple
placement and attachment, and for vessel
support during heat treatment, shall be
provided by the VENDOR.

3.12 Weld types for pressure vessel shall be 3.12

as identified in DEP
Appendix F and TRP’s Appendix A Sect. 7

Weld joint of dissimilar metals in the primary

pressure boundary require approval of the

3.13 Welding sets shall be calibrated or 3.13

verified at intervals not exceeding 12 months.

3.14 Detailed WPSs shall be prepared by the 3.14

VENDOR and submitted to the COMPANY for
review and approval before procedure
qualification welding is started.

3.15 The minimum inspection personnel 3.15

qualification requirements for Visual, MT, PT,
UT, and Radiography Interpretation shall be
ASNT or EN 473 or ISO 9712, Level 2 and
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Welding AWS-CWI or API 577 certification or

ISO 17637/14731 for welding inspection.
The appointed 3rd party Inspection personnel
shall be responsible for overseeing and
controlling NDE activities shall be ASNT, or EN
473 or ISO 9712 Level III qualified which
includes all UT procedures and operators shall
be reviewed and qualified by NDT Level III.
Both single and dual element of longitudinal
wave and shear wave type probes shall be
evaluated when testing coarse grain metals.

3.16 WPSs had been previously qualified by 3.16

the COMPANY shall be resubmitted for re-
approval, provided with the QPSs and Welding
Procedure Qualification Records (WPQRs)
that shall be witnessed by an AIA/independent
third party.

Laboratories designated to qualify WPSs shall

have a quality system in compliance with ISO
17025, or equivalent.

3.17 Welding procedures shall be prepared 3.17

and qualified according to ASME/ BPVC Sec
welding maps shall always be attached to the
associated WPS’s.

Weld procedure documentation shall clearly

indicate whether Arc Energy or Heat Input is
being used.

3.18 General arrangement and/or detail 3.18

drawings, as applicable, shall identify welding
procedures, welders, PMI, and NDE coverage
for each particular weld.

3.19 The WPQR/PQR documentation shall 3.19

include the material certificates for the base
and filler materials applied in the weld
qualification test.

3.20 Circumferential welds shall be separated 3.20

by at least four times the nominal wall
thickness (toe to toe).

Attachments shall be at least two times the

nominal wall thickness or 40 mm (toe to toe)
from any weld, whichever is greater.
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3.21 Permitted Weld Details: 3.21

1. Main pressure containing joints in vessels,
process piping and other equipment shall
be fabricated with full penetration butt
welds, unless otherwise specified.

2. Two-sided welding shall be applied

whenever practical in services that are
non-conducive to stress corrosion
cracking and non-conducive to fatigue.

3. Permanent backing strips or rings shall not

be used.

4. Temporary backing devices (e.g.,

ceramics, fluxes, copper backing strips,
etc.) may be used if the chemical
composition of the weld metal is not
influenced by the devices.

 Backing devices shall be removed

without damage to the surrounding
material. After backing strip removal,
the area shall be inspected for cracks
by either liquid penetrant or magnetic
particle testing.

 The areas involved shall be ground

flush and cleaned after removal.

 Welds of low-alloy ferritic steels shall

be inspected by MT after the removal
of the backing devices, with
acceptance criteria in accordance with
the design code.

3.22 Tack Welding and Clamping: 3.22

 If tack welds are applied using bars,
bullets or bridges, these components
and the weld shall be of the same
nominal composition as the base

 Tacks welds shall be equally spaced

around the circumference and in
sufficient number to temporarily
support the loads from the process
piping, equipment or fitting.

 Tack welds intended to be an integral

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part of the root weld shall be ground to

a taper edge to facilitate weld pick-up.

 Cracked or badly profiled tack welds

shall be completely removed prior to

 If line up clamps are used without tack

welding, they shall not be removed
until after the root pass has been fully

 Permanent tack welds shall be made

in accordance with all parameters of
welding procedures requirements
(e.g., including preheat) by qualified
welders. All tack welds shall be
examined in accordance with design
specification. VT inspection is
mandatory in all cases.

3.23. When welding is conducted, one

electrode or wire sample from each lot or 3.23
package of alloy weld rod should be positively
identified. The remainder of the lot should be
compared to the sample to verify that the
markings of the wires/electrodes are correct.
Some weld rods have the alloying elements
contained in the flux, and do not meet the alloy
specification until welded. PMI testing of weld
metal (e.g., deposited weld metal or undiluted
weld “buttons”) is a permissible alternative to
PMI testing of an electrode, TIG wire, or wire
sample. In addition to the PMI of each lot or
package of alloy weld rod (e.g., for TIG root
passes), the final weld pass of applicable
welds shall be PMI examined.

3.24 Weld Integrity and Quality:

 The backside of double-welded joints 3.24
shall be cleaned to sound metal,
removing the initial root pass, and
examined 100 % visually, and by PT
or MT as specified in the design
documents or corresponding to joint

 Weld starts and stops shall be situated

in the fusion path, i.e., no start and
stops to be located on the base metal
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during the final weld layer. However,

finishing a weld on the bevel of the
base metal is acceptable.

 When welding is interrupted (i.e., after

a power failure), the welder shall
ensure full fusion and penetration into
the previously deposited weld metal.
Starts and stops should be staggered.

3.25 Weld Surface and Finish:

 Each weld pass shall be smooth and 3.25
free of excessive slag inclusions,
porosity and undercut, cracks, and
lack of fusion prior to beginning the
next layer.

 All welds shall be finished with a

smooth profile, with no abrupt ridges
or valleys, and they shall blend
smoothly with the base material.

 If fillet welds are concave, or do not

have equal leg length, the minimum
throat size shall not be less than 0.7 x
the specified leg length.

3.26 Any erroneous arc strikes shall be

removed by grinding or other suitable method 3.26
and the area shall be subject to surface
inspection (MT or PT) to ensure continued
freedom from defects.

3.27 Detailed records of all weld numbers and

welders' names and reference numbers, 3.27
including for weld repairs, shall be maintained
by the Contractor for each weld as it is

3.28 A repair WPS shall be supported by an

appropriate WPQR. The repair WPQR shall be 3.28
qualified by carrying out the same mechanical
And NDT’s as specified for the original WPQR.

3.29 For partial penetration repairs, the total

length of excavation shall not exceed 30 % of 3.29
the weld length. For full penetration repairs, the
total length of excavation shall not exceed 20
% of the weld length.
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3.30 FCAW shall not be used for all of the 3.30


a) Structural items to a pressure/containment

b) Lifting trunnions
c) Pressure retaining and pressure
containing parts
d) Weld overlay on pressure containing and
pressure retaining part

In the event of FCAW used for other

sections/parts other than above, only FCAW-
G may be considered with the COMPANY
approval prior to work execution. In addition,
the Production welding using FCAW
consumables shall be limited to the same
Manufacturer/VENDOR brand or trade name
as used in the Welding Procedure Qualification
Record (WPQR). However, FCAW-S shall be
prohibited for any kinds of applications.

3.31 All welding consumables shall have 3.31

specified or actual mechanical properties
equal to, or greater than, the material being
welded and chemical analyses values under
their various international classifications,
unless otherwise specified.

3.32 As a minimum, welding consumables 3.32

shall be delivered in accordance with their
product data sheet and shall have certification,
including chemical analysis, according to EN
10204, Type 3.1 or AWS 5.01 Sch. H

3.33 Procedures using any consumable with a 3.33

“G” classification shall be restricted to the trade
name and type of consumable used for the

3.34 Prior to welding of austenitic stainless 3.34

steels, nickel alloys and copper-nickel welds,
the back purging shall be applied for a period
long enough for the oxygen content of the exit
gas to fall below 1.0 %. This shall be
demonstrated during the welding procedure
qualification and production welding by means
of a suitable oxygen meter. For other
materials, the oxygen content shall not exceed
0.5 % immediately prior to welding.
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3.35 Argon used as purging or backing gas 3.35

during welding shall be of highest quality per
AWS 5.32 with oxygen level less than 50 ppm.

3.36 If weld overlay is applied to restore the 3.36

clad area of weld joints between clad
components at least one deposit analysis per
welding procedure per each Category A and B
(per ASME/BPVC Sec VIII-1) seams on the
Inlet Separator shall be performed.

3.37 If weld overlay is applied for surface repair 3.37

of clad components or for restoration of
surfaces where cladding has been removed
(other than weld seams), at least one deposit
analysis shall be provided for each welding
procedure used.

3.38 The cladding material shall be removed 3.38

from both sides of the weld preparation. The
total amount removed depends on the welding
process selected and the clad thickness but
shall have a minimum width of 5 mm on each
side of the weld preparation.
The depth of the layer to be removed shall be
the thickness of the cladding layer increased
by 1 mm ± 0.5 mm. Under no circumstances
shall the clad layer be excessively removed.

3.39 Clad removal shall be checked with a 3.39

saturated copper sulphate solution or other
adequate solution. ASTM A380 provides some
guidelines and limitations of the solutions to

3.40 Stainless steel material shall not come in 3.40

contact with unalloyed or low alloy steel.
Fabrication of stainless steel shall be done in
a separate work area and with equipment/tools
that are used only for the fabrication of
stainless steel. This means that, the
equipment and tool for stainless steel
fabrication shall not be used for carbon steel
fabrication works and vice versa.

3.41 The minimum distance between two 3.41

longitudinal seams in one course shall be 500
mm or 1.8√ (Dt), whichever is larger, as
measured between the toe of each weld.
The minimum distance between the staggered
longitudinal seams of two adjacent courses
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shall be 200 mm or five times the wall

thickness, whichever is greater. If the minimum
distance cannot be achieved, the following
shall be met:

a. COMPANY approval is required; and

b. The last 300 mm (12 in) of the adjacent

longitudinal and the intersected circumferential
seams shall be subjected to 100% RT or 100%
UT examination as applicable.

Openings in vessels shall be the following

minimum distances, measured from the toe of
the nozzle weld, from any major structural
discontinuity, where D is the nozzle outside
diameter and tmin is the minimum required
thickness of the shell or head being analyzed:

a) the greater of 1.8√ (D*tmin) or 50 mm for

vessels in either cyclic or creep service;
b) the lesser of 1.8√ (D*tmin) or 50 mm for
all other vessels.

Nozzles shall be distant from

circumferential and longitudinal weld
seams by the greater of 50 mm or 2*tmin.

Where a nozzle cannot avoid a

circumferential or longitudinal weld seam,
the following requirements shall be met:

 The nozzle shall straddle the weld

seam meeting or exceed the
greater of 50 mm or 2*tmin, as per
DEP Figure 5.1
“Nozzles Locations”
 Small bore connections that
cannot meet these minimum
dimensions must not be placed on
weld seams.
 The weld seam must receive
100% RT examination for a
distance of (1.8√(D × tmin))
measured out from the toe of the
nozzle weld on both sides, where
D is the nozzle outside diameter.
 Automated UT examination may
be substituted for RT examination.

3.42 When the entire nozzle (above DN100) 3.42

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surface, including elbows and flanges, needs

to be weld overlaid without direct line-of-sight,
the weld overlay shall be performed by fully
automated welding equipment.

 In addition to the ultrasonic

examination requirements, the
entire weld overlay surface shall
be 100 % inspected by copper
sulphate solution and liquid
penetrant test.
 The inspection record shall
include a video record of these
surface inspections.

3.43 In addition to tolerances as required by 3.43

the Code, tolerances for the Inlet Separator
and its process internals equipment shall be in
accordance with DEP App. B
Figure B.1 for SI units.

3.44 Internal dimensional tolerances may need 3.44

to be tighter than that indicated in the figures
to meet the requirements for installation of
internal components.
If tighter tolerances are required for internal
components, this data shall be indicated on the
VENDOR’s G.A. drawings.

3.45 Refer to DEP Appendix 3.45

B Figure B.1 and B.2 tolerances on the right-
hand nozzles (0.25 degrees, +/- 1.0, +/- 1.5)
shall be used for all nozzles including level

3.46 Guideline for the Welding of Clad Steels: 3.46

a) General
The weld metal shall have the mechanical and
physical properties identical with those of the
base material. The weld metal of the cladding
layer shall have similar chemical and physical
properties to those of the cladding.
b) Welding from Two Sides
c) General Procedure
First the cladding material shall be removed
next to the weld to ensure that no
contamination can occur from the cladding
material into the weld of the base material.

Next the base material is welded from one or

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two sides as required for the thickness and


After completion of the material weld, the

cladding layer is welded. For the first pass a
buffer consumable shall be used. This buffer
consumable shall have acceptable mechanical
and chemical properties after dilution with the
base material.

d) Weld Preparation
The cladding material shall be removed from
both sides of the weld preparation. The total
amount removed depends on welding process
selected and the clad thickness but shall have
a minimum width 5mm on each of the weld
The depth of the layer to be removed shall be
the thickness of the cladding layer increased
by 1+ 0.5mm.
The edges of the groove in the cladding shall
be rounded off to prevent entrapment of slag.
The weld preparation of the base material shall
V, U or X-shaped in accordance with the
standard for weld preparation for the type and
thickness of this material.

e) Welding Procedure for Base Materials

The base material shall be welded in
accordance with the procedure for the base
material involved.

3.47 All critical fabrications documents such as 3.47

WPS, ITP, NDE procedures shall be submitted
for COMPANY approval with wet ink signature.
NDE procedure shall be endorsed by Level 3
NDE examiner appointed by Contractor.

3.48 All WPS with CRA such as SS 316L, 3.48

Duplex etc must have corrosion test as per
DEP The corrosion test for
Sour service WPS shall also qualified as per
sour requirements.

4.0 MATERIAL 4.1 The chemical composition and other 4.1

requirements on the materials as described on
the Data Sheets, ASME Sec VIII Div. 2,
NACE/ISO 15156 Part 1, 2 & 3 requirements
and including all specifications, codes and
standards referred to therein shall be
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complied. Stainless steel material for nozzle

flange shall be of Group 2.2 from ASME B16.5
with low carbon content less than 0.03% which
is dual property and certified. All filler wire and
SS 316L material must have with low carbon

4.2 Impact testing in accordance with ASME 4.2

requirements shall be conducted by the
VENDOR. VENDOR shall verify and conduct
required charpy impact test of the base metal
to meet the toughness requirement as per
ASME VIII Div 2, figure 3.3M or 3.4M and
SA20 specification.

4.2.1 The base metal of SA 516 Gr.70N for 4.2.1

pressure part material shall comply with the
requirement below:
In case the long-term in-service integrity of
cladding, weld-overlay needs to be
demonstrated and documented because of
non-ISO 15156-2 or -3 compliant base
material, the welding and fabrication process
shall ensure continuity of the cladding or
overlay absence of through-thickness defects,
also taking account of possible growth of
defects in service such as due to fatigue.

4.3 All finished stainless steel weldments both 4.3

Internally and externally shall be pickled and
passivated, in accordance with DEP Oxidation of SS Weldment.
Pickling and passivation shall also be carried
out on Inlet Separator/Internals constructed of
stainless-steel alloys after fabrication/testing
prior to delivery.

4.4 All pressure containing material such as 4.4

shell, head, flanges, nozzles, etc shall come
with EN 10204/ISO 10474: type 3.2 material
certificate. In the event, VENDOR propose 3.1
type material certificate for pressure containing
material to optimize the lead time, material
shall be sourced from preferred sub VENDOR
list as per Appendix F AND shall be approved
by COMPANY. All other parts shall come with
type 3.1 material certificate, AND shall be
sourced from preferred sub VENDOR list as
per Appendix F.
The certification levels shall also apply to all
NDE. All material certificates shall be reviewed
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by the AIA and also by the COMPANY.

4.5 Positive material identification (PMI) 4.5

program in accordance with DEP
Gen shall be applied for stainless steel and
alloy materials.

4.6 Hardness for base metal, heat affected 4.6

zone and weld metal shall be as per
requirements stipulated in NACE/ISO 15156
Part 1, 2 & 3 and API RP 582 which are
supplemented by DEP
Clause 7.2

4.7 Clad plate material used for pressure 4.7

vessels construction shall be metallurgically
bonded and of the homogeneously clad type
obtained only via either roll cladding or
explosion cladding. Weld overlay shall have
minimum 3.0mm undiluted thickness.
The complete requirements for welded
pressure vessel with the cladding and weld
overlay cladding shall be strictly, in
accordance with DEP
Appendix A.

4.8 The VENDOR shall warrant all material 4.8

used to be new and free from discernible
injurious defects and the workmanship shall be
in accordance with approved methods of

Any malperformance during guarantee period

as a result of defective material, engineering
design or workmanship shall be corrected
immediately by the VENDOR at own

4.9 Material selected for non-pressure parts 4.9

that are welded to the pressure containing
envelope of the pressure vessel shall be code
approved and of the same material type/group
as the pressure containing envelope.

4.10 CIDB Certificate Of Approval 4.10

The VENDOR’s proposal for material
procurement and delivery shall comply with the
latest CIDB requirements and approval
affecting all iron and steel products that are
entering Malaysia.
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4.11 Materials and vessel’s components shall 4.11

be sourced out as per the preferred sub-
VENDOR list, as per TRP’s Appendix F.
Special Note:
Approval of applying the preferred sub-
VENDOR material shall NOT relieve the
VENDOR’s (and sub-VENDOR’s) full
accountability in assuring the material
selections are in compliance with the
DEP/Codes requirements.

4.12 External bolting materials shall be in 4.12

accordance with DEP Table
4.1 and shall be treated with Zn-Ni
Electroplated with PTFE top coated.

5.0 LIFTING 5.1 The vessel VENDOR scope of supply shall 5.1
REQUIREMENTS be, as minimum, spreader bar and all
necessary pre-slung rigging accessories. The
spreader bar shall be designed according to
relevant structural codes otherwise SES 10.1
latest version, can be used as basis. The
VENDOR to propose the lifting methodology
/arrangement of the vessel for installation
during bid submission.

5.2 Two (2) -off lifting trunnion (on pad) shall 5.2
be provided on the pressure vessel.

5.3 The lifting trunnions shall be attached to 5.3

reinforced pad with a full penetration weld.
The pad shall be welded to the pressure
boundary of the vessel.

5.4 Lifting trunnions (c/with tailing-lug) shall be 5.4

designed according to relevant pressure codes
ie. ASME or BS codes which is consistent with
other associated structural codes. Design of
lifting trunnion/lifting points, shall take
consideration lifting from an anchored barge
along the jetty in sheltered waters.

Lifting devices including spreader-bar, and

other lifting equipment used shall be
manufactured according to its associated
recognized codes. The safe working load
(SWL) shall be permanently stamped on the
lifting devices.

5.5 The supplied lifting devices such as 5.5

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shackles, slings, master link, spreader bar &

etc for lifting of vessel shall be new and
provided by VENDOR. The items shall be
provided with valid certificate of conformity.

5.6 All lifting procedures and the design 5.6

drawings & calculation of lifting features, lifting
lugs calculation and certificates shall be
reviewed and approved by COMPANY and
certified by approval authority. All lifting
analysis shall be performed by a specialist
consultant and certified by PE.

5.7 Lifting assembly shall be pre-slung. 5.7

6.0 SURFACE 6.1 The coating VENDOR shall submit the 6.1
PREPARATION & product datasheet and MSDS (material safety
PAINTING datasheet) obtained from the Paint
Manufacturer prior to commencing coating
works. Surface preparation shall be carried out
by dry blast cleaning in accordance with ISO

6.2 The VENDOR shall submit the Coating 6.2

Procedure which specifies the surface
preparation, coating system and requirements
related to safety, qualification, quality
assurance, quality control, coating inspection
& testing, ITP, color coding and reporting.

6.3 All painting inspection shall be carried out 6.3

by Painting Inspectors certified under
certification programs acceptable to
COMPANY e.g. IMM or NACE Coating
Inspector Certification Scheme (Module/Level
1 and 2) and having at least three (3) years’
experience in painting inspection.

6.4 Blaster/Painter shall be an IMM certified 6.4

Protective Coatings Technician Level 1 or
Level 2 and shall have a minimum of two (2)
years’ experience in blasting and/or painting.

6.5 Prior to coating application, solvent 6.5

cleaning shall be performed in accordance to
requirements of SSPC-SP1. No visible surface
contamination from oil and grease shall be

6.6 The surfaces of carbon and low alloy 6.6

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steelwork shall be dry abrasive blast-cleaned

to meet surface cleanliness of Sa 2½ in
accordance with ISO 8501-1.

6.7 The blasting of stainless steel shall be 6.7

carried out by abrasive not containing iron, e.g.
garnet, aluminum silicate or stainless steel grit.

6.8 Abrasives shall be tested in accordance to 6.8

tests method specified in ISO 11125 for
metallic abrasives and ISO 11127 for non-
metallic abrasives where applicable. Chloride
levels shall not exceed 25 ppm as per test
method ISO 11127-7. Maximum allowed
conductivity is 25mS/m as per test method ISO
11127-6. Abrasives shall be free from oil,
grease, moisture, salts, dust etc. Reusable
abrasives shall be kept clean, sharp, and free
from contaminants.

6.9 Power tool prepared surfaces shall meet 6.9

surface finish grade requirement of St 3 in
accordance with ISO 8501-1.

6.10 Blast cleaned surfaces shall be coated 6.10

with the specific primer within four hours after

6.11 Only thinners as specified by the paint 6.11

manufacturer shall be used. Mixing and
thinning directions as furnished by the paint
manufacturer shall be followed.

6.12 Where carbon steel components are 6.12

welded to corrosion resistant alloy (CRA)
components, the joint shall be coated with the
coating system specified for the CRA with a
minimum overlap of 50 mm onto the carbon
steel. The Nominal Dry Film Thickness NDFT
requirements for the connected carbon steel
pipe shall be applicable.

6.13 Paint application shall be carried out in 6.13

strict accordance with the Paint Manufacturer’s
Roller application is not permitted.

6.14 Residual salt contamination: 6.14

Salts contamination check shall be carried out
on each component at least once per 100 m2.
The tests shall be carried out a minimum of
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three times per day during the progress of the

work. Maximum total soluble salt requirements
shall be 25 mg/m2 for Carbon Steel and 20
mg/m2 for Stainless Steel surfaces.

6.15 The dust level on the blast-cleaned 6.15

surface at the time of coating shall not exceed
quantity- rating 2 in accordance with ISO 8502-
3. Checks on dust levels shall be made at least
once on each component and once per 100m2
of prepared surface and a minimum of three
checks per day during progress of the work or
as per agreement with the COMPANY.

6.16 VENDOR shall specify the surface profile 6.16

for proposed each coating system in the
Coating Procedure. All blast cleaned surface
shall be checked for surface profile before
painting application and measured using
replica tape in accordance with ISO 8503-5.

6.17 Paints shall not be applied when the 6.17

surface temperature is less than 3°C above
dew point and the relative humidity of the air is
greater than 85%. Dew point determination
and humidity measurement shall be done in
accordance with ISO 8502-4.

6.18 DFT measurements shall be in 6.18

accordance with ISO 2808. For magnetic
substrates, digital magnetic induction type
gauges to be used. The magnetic ‘banana’
type gauge shall not be used. Calibration of
coating thickness gauges shall be done in
accordance with SSPC-PA 2.

6.19 Adhesion testing shall be carried out on 6.19

each component at least once per 100 m2 of
coated surface in accordance with ISO 4624
using self-aligning adhesion testing method.
The minimum pull-off force shall comply with
specs in the approved Coating Procedure.

6.20 All coating systems shall be applied in 6.20

accordance with the approved Coating
Procedure in compliance with Paint
Manufacturer’s Instructions.

6.21 Maximum operating temperature shall be 6.21

taken as the service temperature for selecting
a coating system.
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6.22 Silicate-based paints shall not be applied 6.22

over organic coatings and shop-primers.

6.23 VENDOR shall comply with the external 6.23

coating systems in accordance with SES 47.1
Rev 9 “Protective Coating, Encapsulation
and Wrapping Specification: -
 Carbon Steel with maximum operating
temperature up to 120 deg C:-

i. Primer: Epoxy Zinc Rich 75 μm

ii. Midcoat: High Solids Epoxy 150 μm
iii. Topcoat: Aliphatic Polyurethane 50 μm
(Final colour is white grey RAL 9002)

 Markings: Aliphatic Polyurethane 50 μm

VENDOR shall also apply the external

system code 7A of SES 47.1, for Stainless
Steel nozzles surfaces.

6.24 All carbon steel stud bolts and Nuts shall 6.24
be coated with a zinc nickel electroplated
coating system in accordance with ASTM B
841 with a minimum Ni content of 12 mass %,
balance being zinc and PTFE top coat with
coat with green color. Others specific
requirements, which are a supplement and
amendment to ASTM B 841, shall be referred
in accordance with MESC SPE 81/007.

6.25 In addition, all stainless-steel weldments 6.25

shall be cleaned, pickled and passivated in
accordance with DEP
Oxidation of stainless-steel weldments.

7.0 INSPECTION & 7.1. The VENDOR shall provide adequate 7.1
TESTING quality plan, quality control and inspection of
design, purchasing materials, fabrication and
testing to satisfy the requirements of this
requisition and applicable codes.
The VENDOR shall submit with the tender an
Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) specific to this
Scope of Supply and as minimum of Appendix
E of this TRP. All the activities and execution
processes shall be presented with
recommended VENDOR’s actions i.e. Hold
(H), Witness/Observe (W), Review (R) and
Surveillance/On-going Monitoring (S).
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COMPANY will be notified fifteen (15) days (or

other time frame agreed by COMPANY) in
advance of the activity and locations. The
scope of testing recommended by the
VENDOR shall be mutually agreed between
the VENDOR and the COMPANY during the
technical discussions following the Purchase
Order award. The corresponding ITP shall
then be submitted for the COMPANY’s final
approval/post award.

7.2 VENDOR shall engage with the 7.2

COMPANY approved Third Party Authorized
Inspection Agency (AIA) and include the cost
for such third party inspection and all
inspection activities including the design
appraisal in his scope of supply. VENDOR
shall provide necessary assistance/
coordination to the Third Party Authorized
Inspection agency to meet the project
schedule. VENDOR shall submit the vessel
design calculations, detailed drawings, and
other necessary documents for third party
design appraisal/verification, inspection and

7.3 General 7.3

 The VENDOR shall meet the inspection
and testing in accordance with this
requisition and respective appendices.

 The COMPANY and / or inspector shall

have free and immediate access to all the
VENDOR's and sub-VENDOR's shops,
works an facilities at all times when work is
in progress. The COMPANY shall have the
right to inspect at any stage of the works
during the manufacturing.

 The COMPANY and / or his inspector shall

have free and immediate of overview of all
records, certificates, mill test reports and
any other documents connected with the
pressure vessel purchased to verify that
the requirements of the purchase order are
being met.

 Inspection and test plan shall be

developed by the VENDOR and submitted
for the COMPANY’s review.
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 The VENDOR shall be responsible for the

provision of all equipment, personnel,
services and consumables to complete the
testing to the COMPANY’s satisfaction.

 The VENDOR shall ensure that all sub-

VENDOR comply with the requirements of
ASME Sec VIII Div. 2 and this specification
as applicable.

 Pressure testing shall be conducted in

accordance with ASME Sec VIII Div. 2.

 Quality inspection of bonding for cladded

plates to SA 578, Acceptance Level for
base plate material to SA 578, Level C.

7.4 Welding Test Plates: 7.4

Required tests shall be in accordance with
those required for Welding Procedure
Qualification as described in ASME IX.

7.5 Along with production welding, the 7.5

fabrication VENDOR shall prepare a
production test coupon, which includes of one
long seam, one circular seam, and one nozzle

The material for the production test coupon

shall be the actual used for fabrication of the
vessel. The production test coupon shall be
tested for all the weld qualification tests.

If any hot forming or cold forming is involved

with PWHT/ solution annealing, the same
shall be included in the production test coupon.

On the completion of the welding, the adjacent

surfaces shall be cleaned free of all spatter,
slag, flux and other carbonized material.

7.6 The following shall apply for production 7.6

control test plates:
 For each WPS, two plates per 100 m
of butt weld or part thereof shall be

 Make the test plates using the actual

production welding
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 process(es) and consumables.

 Use plate material ordered to the

same heat as the vessel to make
the test plates.

 Welding, examination and testing

shall be in accordance with the
same WPS/PQR as the vessel.

 The test plates shall be at least as

thick as the vessel shell.

7.7 Bolt torqueing/ tightening values and 7.7

sequential procedure shall be in accordance
with SMEP.EP72.GL0212 Rev. 02, 13
September 2017 “Operation & Maintenance
for Flange Joint Assembly”, with appropriate
friction factor for the lubricated coated bolts.
Special Note:
The VENDOR shall perform a touch-up
coating onto all bolts/nuts surfaces where its
coating layer have been damaged due to the
bolt torqueing works immediately after the bolt
tightening work completion (prior to shipment).

7.8 NDE 7.8.1 Inspection of welds shall be carried out 7.8.1

Requirements before and after final PWHT. However, the
final non-destructive testing of welds for
acceptance purposes shall be carried out after
completion of any post-weld heat-treatment
(PWHT). Examination For internal Flaws shall
be in accordance with ASME VIII Div. 2 part

For the Inlet Separator Category 1, all

radiography test shall be performed as per
TRP requirements and also the ASME Code of
Construction that the VENDOR shall perform
before PWHT, and shall also perform by the
same level of NDE after PWHT.

Calibration of UT probe with a weld mock-up

block for inspecting weldment with coarse
grain material (SS, DSS, Incoloy etc) in
accordance with ASME Section V Article 4 T-
451 and ISO 22825 " as a HOLD point in ITP.
This is applicable to the use of UT on a welded
joint with dissimilar material involving
austenitic weldment (SS, DSS) and high alloy
steel (Incoloy etc).
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In addition to above requirements, additional

reference block for UT/PAUT shall be
fabricated and tested as per Timi Pressure
Vessel weld configuration as per ISO 22825.
This reference block shall be stored properly
and loose supplied to COMPANY.

7.8.2 General: 7.8.2

For outside carbon steel base metal:
all cold formed heads constructed from ferro-
magnetic material shall have the inside and
outside surfaces of the knuckle region
examined by MT after completion of all forming
and heat treatment

For inside SS316L clad layer:

all cold formed heads constructed from
austenitic stainless steel or nonferrous
material shall have the inside and outside
surfaces of the knuckle region examined by PT
after completion of all forming and heat

7.8.3 The scope of NDE shall, as a minimum, 7.8.3

comply with DEP Table 3.2
for the Shell Vessel Category 1.
If the ASME code of construction requirement
is more stringent than DEP
Table 3.2, then the code requirements shall be

7.8.4 The surveillance requirements shall, as a 7.8.4

minimum, comply with DEP
Table 3.3 for the Shell Vessel Category 1.
 Additional restrictions, reviews
and hold points may be added to
the surveillance form based on the
specific requirements for the
vessel being fabricated.
 The Surveillance Form in
Appendix E of DEP
Gen shall be filled for
PURCHASER’s review after

7.8.5 Where internal access is possible, UT 7.8.5

inspection shall include inspection of the
nozzle weld from the ID of the vessel using a
longitudinal or 0 degree compression wave
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7.8.6 VENDOR shall demonstrate that the 7.8.6

delivered product is not altered by the
manufacturing process through the use of
hardness testing, ferrite number
measurements, pitting tests and cracking
tests as applicable to the materials of
construction and the manufacturing processes

7.8.7 Material defects shall be repaired and 7.8.7

examined in accordance with the DEP/ASME
code of construction

7.8.8 Repair records shall indicate where 7.8.8

repairs are located, the extent of damage and
the manner in which material was repaired,
including any relevant weld procedures
(WPS/PQR). Repair records shall be provided
to the COMPANY as part of the data report.

7.8.9 A positive material identification (PMI) 7.8.9

program shall be included in VENDOR scope.
VENDOR shall submit a PMI Procedure for
approval by COMPANY. PMI shall be applied
to both individual material components and
fabricated assemblies.

7.8.10 PMI shall be applied to guard against 7.8.10

rogue materials when alloy materials are
specified for sour service or low temperature

7.8.11 PMI testing shall be performed by a 7.8.11

qualified technician. Examination shall not be
carried out with chemical spot testing or
methods that use eddy current, triboelectric
testing, electromagnetic, or thermoelectric

7.8.12 All alloy piping (such as stainless steel 7.8.12

and duplex stainless steel), pressure
containing components of pressure vessels
(shell, heads, nozzles, fittings, flanges, clad
components), welds, weld overlay and
pressure relieving equipment shall be subject
to 100% PMI.

100 % of B7M boltings for sour service (as

applicable) shall be tested for hardness as a
part of the PMI program.
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Any non-pressure -containing or -retaining

components (eg. skirt) of pressure vessel shall
be subjected to 10% PMI only, except for the
process internals components (including its
support ring/cleat/ bracket) which shall be
100% PMI.
Standard spiral wound gaskets shall be
subjected to 100% PMI.

7.8.13 A signed and dated record, 7.8.13

documenting the PMI examination, shall be
provided to the Company. Documentation
packages shall be auditable and include
material certificates, material test records,
transfer records, etc., necessary to provide
assurance the materials installed in the field
meet the design specifications.
Fabricated items with multiple components
and welds shall include a map showing the
location of each test. In particular, the PMI
Inspection Report shall identify the following
a) Each component PMI tested by the
b) Each piece of equipment (with item number)
PMI tested by the shop Fabricator, including a
test location map.
c) Type of analyzer and alloy analyzer
calibration records and results.
d) Results of the test and resolution of non-
conformance material

Documentation associated with the PMI

program shall be available for audit by the
Company for a period of five (5) years.

7.8.14 Analysis of the weld overlay shall be 7.8.14

performed to verify the specified alloy chemical
composition and that the degree of alloy
dilution is acceptable at the designated depth.
A volumetric or surface analysis shall be made
at a minimum depth of 1.5 mm below the
process-contacted surface.

7.8.15 Sour service and low temperature 7.8.15

service carbon steel materials and B7M bolting
shall be verified by matching heat numbers of
components to certified test certificates.

7.8.16 Material certificates shall comply with 7.8.16

ISO 10474 or EN 10204. The language used
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in material certificates shall be English.

Certificates in other languages are acceptable
provided that these are accompanied by an
endorsed, stamped and dated English
translation of the original certificate.
Certificates for final products (such as welded
fittings) shall include certification of the base
material and a copy of the welding procedure
qualification applied. If the Manufacturer of a
semi-finished product and the VENDOR of the
base material are not the same, the certificate
shall consist of two documents covering both
stages of the manufacturing process.
Certificates issued by material stock personnel
or agents are not acceptable.

7.8.17 Alloy analysers shall be capable of 7.8.17

detecting the following percentage of elements
for the grade of material specified.

Alloy Chemical Element

C Cr Ni Mo
AISI 316 X X X

7.8.18 All piping bulk materials shall be verified 7.8.18

to be delivered with the original Manufacturer’s
markings clearly readable. The markings shall
comply with the relevant material specification
(e.g., ISO, ASTM, etc.). Markings shall include
the Manufacturer’s applicable identification
symbol, which shall match the identification
shown on the material certificates. When
piping materials are ordered in the blasted and
primed condition (e.g., straight length pipes),
the Manufacturer’s markings shall be

7.8.19 If applicable, the Color coding system of 7.8.19

piping bulk materials shall be applied on alloy
or carbon steel materials in sour service or low
temperature service.
Pipe: Each length of pipe shall be painted over
the entire length with a 12 mm (0.5 in) to a 40
mm (1.6 in) wide stripe, depending
on pipe size. (first 2 lines for piping, to remove
if not applicable)
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Fittings: The entire length of each butt weld

fitting shall be painted on the outside surface
with a 12 mm (0.5 in) to 40 mm (1.6 in) wide
stripe, depending on size.
Flanges: The outer peripheral edge of each
flange shall be painted over the entire
circumference. For flanges thicker than 25
mm (1 in), the width of the band may be limited
to 25 mm (1 in).
Plate: A stripe shall be painted across from
corner to corner.
Valves: Each welded or flangeless (wafer
type) valve shall be dapped with a spot of paint
12 mm (0.5 in) to 25 mm (1 in) in diameter.
Each flanged valve shall have the outer
peripheral edge of each flange painted over
the entire circumference. For flanges thicker
than 25 mm (1 in), the width of the band may
be limited to 25 mm (1 in).
Bolts: Each stud bolt shall be dabbed with a
spot of paint on each end.
Pressure vessel internals, cladding, and
cladding welds may be marked with paints and
markers. Paints and markers for color coding
shall not contain harmful metals or metal salts
such as zinc, aluminium, lead or chlorides,
sulphur, or other halogens that may be harmful
to the alloy.

7.8.20 Rejected Material: 7.8.20

Rejected material shall be identified by
markings and segregated from acceptable
Replacement of rejected material shall be in
accordance with the procurement contract.
The VENDOR, shop Fabricator, or field
Fabricator, as applicable, shall submit a non-
conformance report to the Company for the
rejected material. The non-conformance report
shall identify the root cause and include a plan
for corrective action.
If an item from a representative sample is
a) 100 % of the remaining components from
which the sample was taken shall be
b) 100 % of the components from the next
delivery from the same Manufacturer or
VENDOR shall be examined;
c) If no further components are rejected in a)
or b) above, the extent of examination shall
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return to that originally specified.

Note: the results of the test and resolution of

nonconformance material documentation shall
be available for audit by the Company for a
period of five (5) years.

7.8.21 Second repair of the same weld defect 7.8.21

shall be subject to COMPANY's approval. All
repair welds shall be 100 % inspected by the
methods specified for the original weld. It shall
be allowed of maximum two (2) times shop
repair works with COMPANY approval.

7.8.22 In the event of welded plate is used prior 7.8.22

to plate roll, NDE shall be performed before
and after the plate is rolled.

7.8.23 Welds containing repairs that were 7.8.23

made after PWHT shall be subjected to repeat
PWHT. A separate WPQR shall be prepared
to demonstrate acceptable mechanical
properties with extended PWHT time.

7.8.24 Each PWHT cycle shall be verified by 7.8.24

heat-treatment chart. Each chart shall be
marked with the date of the PWHT, the weld,
channel identification and signature(s) of sub-
Contractor personnel.

7.8.25 All welds shall be examined by 7.8.25

radiography (RT) in accordance with the
requirements of the construction code to which
the pressure vessel is constructed and
meeting the minimum requirements of DEP Table 3.2.
7.8.26 All welds in any part, regardless of
material, thickness or service, shall be 100 %
radiographed before the part is subjected to
severe working.

7.8.27 For vessel category 1, all radiography 7.8.27

performed in accordance with the Code of
Construction and the requirements of the
VENDOR shall be performed before PWHT,
followed by the same level of examination after

7.8.28 Acceptance of weld radiographs shall 7.8.28

be in accordance with the Code of
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Construction to which the vessel is


7.8.29 All welds may be examined by PAUT in 7.8.29

lieu of RT, unless prohibited by the VENDOR
and stated on the equipment data sheet.
 PAUT examination shall be in
accordance with the RT
requirements of the Code of
Construction to which the
pressure vessel is constructed.
 The minimum extent of
examination required for each
weld category and type related to
a material class shall be in
accordance with DEP Table 3.2
 For PAUT in lieu of RT, ultrasonic
technicians shall pass an
ultrasonic demonstration test to
the satisfaction of the
COMPANY’s Technical Authority.
 For PAUT in lieu of RT, scan plans
and PAUT procedures for Shell
Vessel Categories 1 shall be
approved by the COMPANY.

7.8.30 All full penetration butt welds thicker 7.8.30

than 38 mm (1.5 in) shall be examined by all of
the following:
 PAUT utilizing continuous data
 Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD)
for butt welds;
 Phased Array (PAUT) for nozzle-
to-shell full-penetration welds
 PAUT examination includes
scanning for cracking transverse
to the welding direction.
 For austenitic stainless steels, this
requirement shall only apply when
specified or approved by the

7.8.31 UT shall be performed in accordance 7.8.31

with ASTM A578 on all plate material 50 mm
and thicker. Scanning shall be on
perpendicular 225 mm grids unless otherwise
specified or approved by the COMPANY.

7.8.32 For Category 1 vessel, UT shall be 7.8.32

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performed on all forgings 50 mm or greater

nominal thickness in accordance with SA-388,
as specified in ASME VIII Division 2, Part 3

7.8.33 UT wall thickness readings shall be 7.8.33

taken to determine the new, as-built thickness
of pressure containing and support skirt
 Readings on shells and heads
shall be taken at the intersection
of grid lines.
 The number of longitudinal grid
lines shall be in accordance with
Standard Drawing S 10.118 and
extend across each formed head
to its centre point.
 The number of circumferential grid
lines shall be two per shell course,
and three per head, with one
located on the knuckle of the
formed head, located in
accordance with Standard
Drawing S 10.118.
 One reading per nozzle shall be
made on the bottom of horizontally
aligned nozzles, or at the 0 degree
location of vertically aligned

7.8.34 Acceptance of weld UT results with 7.8.34

regards to all indications shall be in
accordance with the code to which the vessel
is constructed.
If a welded joint does not have any UT
acceptance criteria specified in the code or in
the purchase order, UT results shall then be
evaluated against acceptance criteria given by
the code for a longitudinal seam.

7.8.35 UT performed on plate material shall 7.8.35

meet the requirements of Acceptance
Standard Level C.

7.8.36 UT performed on forgings shall meet 7.8.36

the requirements outlined in 3.3.4 of ASME VIII
Division 2.

7.8.37 All welds in any part constructed from 7.8.37

austenitic stainless steel or nonferrous
material shall be examined by liquid penetrant
(PT) in accordance with the requirements of
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the code to which the pressure vessel is

In no case shall the extent of PT examination
be less than 10 %.

7.8.38 All welds in any part constructed from 7.8.38

austenitic stainless steel or nonferrous
material, regardless of thickness or service,
shall be 100 % examined by PT after the part
is subjected to severe working, prior to the
continuation of fabrication with the part.

7.8.39 All welds in cold formed heads 7.8.39

constructed from austenitic stainless steel or
nonferrous material shall have the inside and
outside surfaces of the weld examined for their
full length by PT after forming and any heat

7.8.40 All required PT examination of welds in 7.8.40

vessels that require PWHT by the code or for
service reasons, shall be performed following

7.8.41 All weld overlay applied for corrosion 7.8.41

resistance, whether by manual or automatic
procedures, shall be 100 % PT examined.
 When the overlay procedure uses
an intermediate heat treatment
with cooling to room temperature
between multiple passes, each
layer shall be PT examined.
 The final surface shall be 100 %
PT examined after any final heat
 The Manufacturer/VENDOR shall
prepare metal surface sufficiently
smooth with no excessive grinding
to permit Liquid Penetrant
 All weld grinding and weld repair
shall be reported, including
photographs, in a zonal format at
every stage of fabrication covering
all the weld overlaid areas.
 Records of repair at all fabrication
stages, including the depth of
repair, shall accompany with the
final equipment data book.

7.8.42 Machined surfaces of weld overlay 7.8.42

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shall be 100% PT examined after final heat


7.8.43 Acceptance of PT examination results 7.8.43

with regards to all indications shall be in
accordance with the code to which the vessel
is constructed.

7.8.44 The acceptance criteria for weld overlay 7.8.44

PT examination shall be zero cracks or crack-
like indications and zero open defects of any

7.8.45 All welds in any part constructed from 7.8.45

ferro-magnetic material shall be examined by
magnetic particle (MT) in accordance with the
requirements of the code to which the pressure
vessel is constructed. In no case shall the
extent of MT examination be less than 10 %.

7.8.46 All welds in any part constructed from 7.8.46

ferro-magnetic material, regardless of
thickness or service, shall be 100 % examined
by MT after the part is subjected to severe
working, prior to the continuation of fabrication
with the part.

7.8.47 All welds in cold formed heads 7.8.47

constructed from ferro-magnetic material shall
have the inside and outside surfaces of the
weld examined for their full length by MT after
forming and any heat treatment.

7.8.48 All required MT examination of welds in 7.8.48

vessels requiring PWHT in accordance with
the Code, or for service reasons, shall be
performed following PWHT.

7.8.49 Acceptance criteria for MT examination 7.8.49

results with regards to all indications shall be
in accordance with the code to which the
vessel is constructed.

7.8.50 All welds and fit-up in pressure 7.8.50

containing parts and vessel supports shall
receive 100 % visual examination (VT).

7.8.51 All visual defects shall be removed or 7.8.51

repaired, unless found acceptable to the code
to which the pressure vessel is constructed.
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7.8.52 Weld fit-up shall be acceptable to the 7.8.52

code to which the pressure vessel is
constructed and the (WPS/PQR).

7.8.53 Integrally clad plate and products 7.8.53

formed from these materials, shall be
ultrasonically examined to check the quality of
the bond in accordance with the requirements
of ASTM A263, A264 or A265 including
supplementary requirement S12 with a bond
integrity of class 1.

7.8.54 Weld overlay plate shall be 7.8.54

ultrasonically examined to inspect for
disbondment to the following extent:
 A minimum of 50 % coverage for
Vessel Category 1.
 Inspection in accordance with the
procedures and methods of ASTM
A578 meeting acceptance
standard C with the
encompassment circle reduced to
12.7 mm.

7.8.55 Overlay welded nozzles shall be 7.8.55

ultrasonically examined to inspect for
disbondment. 100 % coverage is required for
Vessel category 1. Inspection to be in
accordance with the procedures and methods
of ASTM A578 meeting acceptance standard
C, with the encompassment circle reduced to
12.7 mm.

7.8.56 Restoration of cladding at welds in clad 7.8.56

plate shall be examined by UT for a band of 50
mm (2 in.) wide on each side of the weld, with
100 % coverage for Vessel category 1.

7.8.57 Ultrasonic examination of an overlay 7.8.57

weld for final acceptance purposes shall be on
finished welds (including weld overlay, clad
restoring and PWHT).

7.8.58 Liquid penetrant examination shall be 7.8.58

performed at 100% over the entire weld
overlaid surface.

Acceptance Criteria:
1. Acceptance of PT examination results with
regards to all indications shall be in
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accordance with the code to which the vessel

is constructed.
2. The acceptance criteria for weld overlay PT
examination shall be zero cracks or crack-like
indications and zero open defects of any size.

7.8.59 If partial removal of weld overlay or alloy 7.8.59

clad is necessary, by grinding, machining or
otherwise, the Manufacturer shall keep a
record of the thickness of alloy removal or alloy
replenishment during each step.
 Final thickness of clad or weld
overlay shall be confirmed by NDE
 These records, measurements
and mapping shall be part of the
vessel manufacturer’s data
 Surface grinding to facilitate UT
inspection does not require
 Weld overlay repair requiring
surface grinding in excess of 10%
of the overlay surface shall be
subject to approval of the
COMPANY before proceeding.

7.8.60 Liquid penetrant examination shall be 7.8.60

performed over any clad surface after it is
subject to severe working.

7.8.61 Copper sulphide test must be 7.8.61

conducted at all clad restoration areas.
Lamination check shall be conducted at each
of opening made before proceed with welding.
NDE inspection must be done on vessel plate
before the joint subject to any rolling process.
The defect shall be rectified before the rolling.
UT on coarse grain material such as SS 316L,
duplex, 309 joint shall select correct frequency,
inspection technique such as Longitudinal
wave. A Mock-up shall be conducted on all UT
techniques on reference block to demonstrate
the accuracy of inspection technique.
Additional reference to ISO 22825 “Non-
destructive testing of welds — Ultrasonic
testing — Testing of welds in austenitic steels
and nickel-based alloys” shall be performed
and verified.

7.8.62 Marking materials and liquid penetrant 7.8.62

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materials used on austenitic stainless steels

and nickel-base alloys shall not contain
metallic pigments, or other substances that
can cause corrosion or embrittlement. The
following limits shall be implemented: <200
ppm total halogens, <250 ppm each low
melting point metals, <300 ppm total low
melting point metals and <200 ppm Sulphur.

7.9 Hydrostatic 7.9.1 Prior to final inspection and hydrostatic 7.9.1

Testing test, the inside and outside of the vessel shall
be cleaned and free from all slag, loose scale,
dirt, weld splatter, pieces of metal, oil or other
extraneous substances.

Service bolts and gaskets to be furnished by

the VENDOR for field installation shall not be
used in testing of the vessels.

All welded attachments (on pad) provided with

tell-tale holes shall be tested at a pressure of
345 kPa with air prior to hydrostatic test. Test
holes be closed with sealant compound after
the test.
Continuous recording charts showing the
pressure, temperature and duration shall be
produced during each hydrostatic test. Test
gauges and recorders shall be calibrated prior
to testing, and shall be certified by COMPANY
approved third party inspection agency.

VENDOR shall be responsible to submit

drawings and calculations to DOSH for
approval in a timely manner. VENDOR to
ensure timely completion for hydrostatic test at
shop and to be witnessed by DOSH(OSRMS)
officer and also AIA.

7.9.2 Pneumatic pressure testing shall not be 7.9.2

performed unless a fracture control plan has
been submitted and approved by the
COMPANY’s designated Technical Authority.

7.9.3 Hydrostatic test pressure is determined 7.9.3

in accordance with the code used for
construction, except for Maximum Allowable
Pressure (MAP) in which in lieu of the
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
(MAWP) shall be applied. Refer to DEP Section 1.3.2 “Specific
definitions” for the MAWP.
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7.9.4 Hydrostatic pressure testing shall be 7.9.4

performed prior to the application of paint or
other protective coatings to the welds and heat
affected zones, unless otherwise approved by

7.9.5 The gasket used for hydrotest shall be 7.9.5

free from visible defect (new condition, not
reused) and shall be equivalent of material
grade with the data sheets grade.

7.9.6 The water quality used for hydrostatic 7.9.6

testing shall have a verified chloride content
not exceeding 50 mg/L (≤ 50 ppmw) provided
that it is either drained out & mechanically
dried immediately after the testing.

7.9.7 Where a complete drainage is not 7.9.7

possible, the VENDOR shall use potable water
with chloride concentration of less than 50
mg/L (≤ 50 ppmw) followed by flushing with low
chloride water containing < 5 mg/L (< 5 ppmw).

7.9.8 Continuous recording charts showing the 7.9.8

pressure, temperature and duration shall be
performed throughout hydrostatic process.

7.9.9 The vessel VENDOR shall coordinate 7.9.9

with DOSH/OSR and AIA, respectively in order
to obtain approval of the drawings and
calculation notes, prior to planned hydrostatic
test execution date.

7.9.10 The vessel VENDOR shall ensure that 7.9.10

DOSH and AIA personal shall be jointly
witnessed and approved the completion
successful of the hydrostatic test.

7.10 Marking, 7.10.1 ASME CODE “U2” nameplate stamping 7.10.1

Stamping, Reports shall be in accordance with design code and
And Records manufacturer nameplate shall be in
accordance with the Standard Drawing

7.10.2 The AIA scope of work shall include as 7.10.2

minimum, and not limited to all inspection
activities including the design appraisal in the
intended scope of supply in accordance with
the ASME Code requirements.

VENDOR shall provide necessary assistance/

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coordination with the AIA in all review cycle

(until approval) of the drawings, calculation
notes, lifting arrangement/plan (indicating the
Centre Of Gravity (COG)), inspection reports,
test reports, certificates, etc in order to meet
the project schedule.

7.10.3 This TRP and its Data Sheets shall be 7.10.3

used as the User’s Design Specification,
which shall be compiled and submitted
together with the Manufacturer’s Design
Report submission.

7.10.4 The VENDOR shall comply with the 7.10.4

requirement of the ASME Section VIII Div.2-
Annex. 2.A “Guide For Certifying A User’s
Design Specification” and Annex. 2.B “Guide
For Certifying A Manufacturer’s Design
Report”, respectively.

8.0 QA/QC AND 8.1 The VENDOR and his sub-VENDORs or 8.1
CERTIFICATIONS mills shall have a quality system certified to
ISO 9001: latest edition. In addition, the
VENDOR and sub-VENDORs shall in full
compliance with the TRP’s above Section 4.0
Quality Assurance.

8.2 The VENDOR’s design and fabrication 8.2

shop shall have ASME U2-Stamp.

8.3 The VENDOR shall appoint ASME 8.3

accredited and COMPANY approved 3rd party
Authorized inspector to conduct quality control
in design, manufacturing & testing activities.

8.4 Vessel shall be endorsed with ASME U2 8.4


8.5 User design specification with PE 8.5

certification (ASME VIII Div.2) to be included
(refer to above Appendix A Section 7.10
“Marking, Stamping, Reports And Records”).

8.6 Vessel transportation is under VENDOR 8.6

scope. Inspection release note shall be signed
twice and as follows:
i) Before the equipment left from fabrication
shop and
ii) Once the equipment reaches at the
construction site.
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8.7 In the event of any welding to be performed 8.7

on pressure containing parts (e.g. heads,
shell) by any sub-VENDORs, thus welding
shall only be performed by parties certified and
accredited with ASME Section VIII Div. 2 sub-
VENDOR included. Full NDE shall be
performed at sub-VENDOR’s shop.
Sub-VENDOR shall responsible to appoint AI
to verify partial data report at sub-VENDOR’s

9.0 PACKING FOR 9.1 The VENDOR to comply with the minimum 9.1
SHIPPING & requirements of equipment packing and
PRESERVATION preservation as per following:

 Machined surfaces, like flange

faces other than those furnished
with permanent blinds and other
finished or delicate parts shall be
well-greased and protected
against rusting and damage.
 Service gaskets and spare parts
shall be packaged separately and
stored in warehouse. All packages
shall be separately identified by
package number with the vessel
tag number clearly indicated.
 Preservation of the vessel shall be
purged and filled with a dry inert
gas such as Nitrogen (N2) at a
pressure of not less than 35 kPa
(5 psi) and not more than 45 kPa
(6 psi). A pressure gage should
be installed at the pressure vessel
in order to check the pressure
during idle period.

The VENDOR to design and provide sea

fastenings. VENDOR shall provide
transportation drawing and transportation
calculation. Although transportation is under
VENDOR scope this shall be submitted to
COMPANY for review.
The weighing of the complete Inlet Separator
prior to delivery shall be carried out. Weighing
certificate shall be provided.

9.2 Transportation to COMPANY appointed 9.2

fabrication yard shall be in compliance with
Road Safety Transportation Regulations.
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The supplied equipment supports shall be

designed to withstand the sea transportation
loads / fastening as per below.

The longitudinal and transverse accelerations

in conjunction with vertical acceleration as
tabulated below.

Transportation Conditions:
Horizontal (roll or pitch) = 0.751g
Vertical (uplift heave)(Note-1) = +0.783g
Vertical (downward heave)(Note-2) = –0.813g

1. Maximum equipment force = 1g (self-
weight) + 0.783g (uplift heave)
2. Minimum equipment force = 1g (self-
weight) – 0.813g (downward heave)

The vertical accelerations to include gravity

equipment self-weight. And, the vertical
accelerations act downwards and upwards
direction only.

The horizontal accelerations may act in any

direction in the horizontal plane.
Note that both vertical and horizontal
accelerations could act simultaneously.

VENDOR shall submit the inland

transportation/sea-worthy GA drawing and
calculation for PURCHASER review, sixteen
(16) weeks as minimum before shipment.

9.3 The Inlet Separator shall be cleaned prior 9.3

to shipment.

9.4 All slag, debris, grit, scale, weld rod stub 9.4
ends, sand, water and other foreign material
shall be removed from the vessel prior to

9.5 All bolting and other small parts shall be 9.5

suitably packaged and identified to avoid loss
or damage during shipment.

9.6 Machined surfaces, flange faces other than 9.6

those furnished with permanent blinds, and
other finished or delicate parts shall be
protected against rusting and mechanical
damage eg. dent, scratch etc during shipment.
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9.7 Nozzles shall be provided with substantial 9.7

 Manways and permanent blinds shall
have the covers attached with new
bolts and new gaskets for shipping
 All flange faces other than those
furnished with permanent blinds shall
be covered with a minimum 6 mm (1/4
in) steel of similar P number as the
flange face, no smaller than the flange
O.D., and secured with full temporary
coated bolts with a soft gasket
(eg.CNAF) between the cover and the
flange onto bolt holes for each flange
to minimize leakage of the inert gas.
 Flange covers shall include protection
against corrosion for the flange
opening and facing and provide a
barrier against moisture ingress.
 Welding stub ends shall be provided
with steel or plastic weld bevel
 Flange covers shall be designed so
that they have to be removed before
piping is installed.

9.8 Where applicable, the Inlet Separator shall 9.8

have the following markings, 180° apart, in
letters that are 75 mm high:

For post weld heat treated vessels use:


9.9 Any pressure vessel protected by an inert 9.9

gas or desiccant shall have the following
warning on manways prior to dispatch:



9.10 Temporary supports that are in contact 9.10

with vessels during shipping or storage shall
not be of a moisture retaining material such as

9.11 All removable (bolted) internals should be 9.11

shipped installed securely in place (ie. Inside
the Inlet Separator). Temporary bracing shall
not be used to hold the internals in place during
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shipment without prior approval by the


9.12 If any internals cannot be safely shipped 9.12

in place without additional bracing, the
VENDOR shall trial fit them in the vessel or in
a dummy shell ring to be sure they will fit
properly with any specified clearances or
Only after this trial fitting may internals be
removed and shipped separately, or temporary
bracing added.

9.13 Any approved temporary bracing shall be 9.13

marked in a conspicuous manner, numbered
and identified on the installation drawings to
facilitate field identification and removal.

9.14 The VENDOR to submit several quotes if 9.14

there are more than one potential yard
locations either by inland transportation, sea-
freight or other means of transportation as per
PO Contract’s final delivery point.

9.15 For the inland transportation, the 9.15

VENDOR shall be responsible to perform an
access road survey and check for any
obstruction (e.g. overhead/limitation capacity
bridges, access road width, sharp road corner
etc.) for the route to the COMPANY’s
appointed yards. Planned road journey shall
be discussed and implemented.

9.16 The VENDOR shall design and supply the 9.16

skid/ saddle support mounted (either bolting or
welding) to the equipment support stud.
No direct welding or bolting of VENDOR
equipment skirt support to the deck beam/
plating is allowed.
Any required structural handrail, ladder,
staircase and grating shall follow the
COMPANY’s standards drawings.

10.0 SPECIAL TOOL, 10.1 The VENDOR shall provide all special 10.1
IF ANY tools for installation, testing, operation,
removal and maintenance of the pressure
vessel including the process internals.

11.0 GUARANTEE FOR 11.1 Process Guarantee 11.1

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PROCESS AND The VENDOR shall guarantee the process

MECHANICAL design for the vessel’s PROCESS internals. It
PERFORMANCE will be supplied as a complete package by
VENDOR to ensure single point responsibility
for guaranteeing process performance as
required in respective Process Data Sheet.
The sizes and other details provided are
indicative and to be optimized by VENDOR.
The VENDOR shall check and confirm the
sizing of the equipment internals based on the
data sheets furnished in Appendix B of this

11.2 Mechanical Warranty 11.2

The VENDOR shall provide mechanical and
performance warranty for the materials,
workmanship and mechanical integrity of the
complete Inlet Separator.
The warranty shall cover both, the supply of
material and manpower to make good any
defective components or equipment offshore.

12.0 OPTIONAL QUOTE 12.1 The VENDOR shall also provide unit rates 12.1
/RATE for installing following additional or deletion
nozzles (after the PO placement):

 Carbon steel nozzles with weld

overlay SS316/316L size from DN150
(6”) through DN600 (24”) for ASME

 Solid stainless steel SS316/316L

nozzles size DN100 (4”), DN80(3”) &
DN50(2”) for ASME 900# and 1500#

13.0 DOCUMENTATION 13.1 All required documentation type, quantity, 13.1

no. of review cycle and final submission shall
be in accordance with the Section 5.1
VENDOR Documents Requirements Listing
(VDRL), as enclosed in Appendix D of this

13.2 All required documentation (including the 13.2

internals VENDOR and sub-VENDORs) shall
be submitted and coordinated by the vessel
VENDOR, as a single point of responsibility.

13.3 The vessel VENDOR shall not submit the 13.3

internals GA drawing to PURCHASER for
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review, until it has already been reviewed by

vessel SUPLLIER. To ensure all interfaces
information of vessel GA drawing and internals
GA drawing are aligned and consistent.

13.4 Bid documentation identified in above 13.4

Section 5.3 of the TRP shall be submitted for
TBE purpose. Failure to submit any of the
documentation or any incomplete submission
may disqualify the technical acceptability

14.0 START UP AND 14.1 The VENDOR shall complete and submit 14.1
COMMISIONING the spare parts data (Commission, Start-Up,
SPARES Operating and Insurance spare) in the format
generated by the latest version of E-SPIR
2000 VENDOR application reference 6.2.1
Spare Part Information - E-SPIR Appendix D,
Contract Information Specification (CIS) -

The listing of spares proposed by VENDOR

shall be discussed and agreed before P.O.

14.2 VENDOR shall provide spare parts for 14.2

pre-comm./commissioning and start-up spares
of the Inlet Separator, including but not limited
to associated nuts, bolts and gaskets:
 200% of gaskets for nozzles
with blind flange/manway.
 20% of bolting, minimum 4
sets for each size / type
 200% of internal gasket (to
avoid metal-to-metal contact)
 20% of internal bolt &
 Any other spare part as per
internal VENDOR’s standard/
The VENDOR shall provide spare list in e-
SPIR form, as available in

14.3 The spare parts shall be supplied along 14.3

with Inlet Separator. Each spare part
packaging shall be marked/tagging with the
Purchase Order (PO) number, Inlet Separator
Tagging Number and spare parts (VENDOR)
identification number.
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14.4 Equipment Tag number use as per the 14.4

TIMI-GN-000-PX-7771-0001 Timi FEED
Equipment Tagging Specification.

15.0 RECOMMENDED 15.1 The VENDOR shall also submit a priced 15.1
OPERATING (unit rate) list for 2 years normal operation:
SPARES LIST  200% of gaskets for nozzles
with blind flange/manway
 20% of bolting, minimum 4
sets for each size / type
 200% of internal gasket (to
avoid metal-to-metal contact)
 20% of internal bolt &
 Any other spare part as per
internal VENDOR’s standard/
The VENDOR shall provide spare list in e-
SPIR, as available in

16.0 VENDOR’S 16.1 VENDOR shall provide all necessary 16.1

ASSISTANCE – specific handling facilities to dismantle, extract
INSTALLATION, and support all maintenance activities of the
COMMISSIONING equipment. The VENDOR shall clearly indicate
AND the list of parts with weight that require
MAINTENANCE maintenance and handling facilities provided
inside the equipment.

16.2 The VENDOR shall quote on per diem 16.2

basis, all-inclusive, for offshore and onshore
locations. Cost of mobilization/demobilization
per trip shall be indicated.

Mobilization cost (inclusive of travel,

subsistence, accommodation) from home
country to Miri Helibase /Jetty.
Demobilization cost inclusive of travel,
subsistence, accommodation
from Miri Helibase/Jetty to home country.

The VENDOR shall have following safety

a) Valid Medical certification
b) Tropical BOSIET with Emergency
Breathing System and Travel Safety by
c) Valid PTW System
d) Valid H2S training
e) Valid Shell Offshore Passport.
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f) Valid relevant work permit from federal /

state immigration department. This is
applicable for onshore and offshore trips.

17.0 PROJECT 17.1 Project management services but not 17.1

MANAGEMENT limited to as below;
SERVICES  Expediting
 Weekly progress reporting, and progress
 Meeting at the VENDOR’s location as and
when deemed required
 Meetings at the VENDOR’s location:
o Pre-Award Meeting
o Kick Off Meeting
o Design Clarification Meeting
o Pre-Inspection Meeting
 Coordination/ interface/ resolve conflicts
with all relevant parties such as sub-
VENDORs, sub-CONTRACTORs and the
 Scheduling and meeting the target
datelines and critical path
 Handling all logistics and shipping
requirements for the scope of supply with
regards to the delivery terms. Packing list,
shipping invoices shall be provided as per
the COMPANY format.
 Shall be responsible for all insurance
coverage as stipulated in the contract.
 Shall be liable for warranty clauses
stipulated for the Defect Liability Period
 Following up to close any non-
conformance record/NCR
 Coordinating wrt. guarantee clauses as
per PO conditions for design flaw, quality
of workmanship etc.

17.2 The VENDOR shall include a dedicated 17.2

Project Manager, Lead QA/QC and Project
Engineer in the VENDOR’s proposal. The
candidates shall have the minimum
qualifications are as follows: -
a. Project Manager

Degree in any technical field with minimum 8

years’ experience in pressure vessel design
and fabrication including minimum 1 year
experience in managing pressure vessel
contract as project manager, OR Diploma in
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any technical field or equivalent with minimum

10 years’ experience in managing workshop
activities including minimum 3 years’
experience in managing pressure vessel
contract as project manager.

b. Project Engineer
Degree in any technical field with minimum 5
years’ experience in pressure vessel design
and fabrication including minimum 1 year
experience in managing pressure vessel
contract as project engineer, OR Diploma in
any technical field or equivalent with minimum
7 years’ experience in managing workshop
activities including minimum 3 years’
experience in managing pressure vessel
contract as project engineer.

c. Lead QA/QC

Degree in any technical field with minimum 5

years’ experience in pressure vessel design
and fabrication QA/QC activities including
minimum 1 year experience in managing
pressure vessel contract as Lead QA/QC, OR
Diploma in any technical field with minimum 7
years’ experience in managing workshop
QA/QC activities including minimum 3 year
experience in managing pressure vessel
contract as Lead QA/QC

Note: Any exception to the minimum

qualification shall be approved by the
COMPANY. VENDOR is advised to maintain
the key personnel throughout the contract. Any
changes to the key personnel shall be notified
to the COMPANY at least 10 working days and
alternative personnel shall be subjected to the
COMPANY’s approval.

18.0 PREFERED SUB- 18.1 The VENDOR shall submit the sub- 18.1
VENDOR LIST VENDOR list name and location of
manufacturing for the following components:

3. Vessel plates
4. Formed 2:1 Ellipsoidal Heads
5. Formed Shells
6. Forged nozzles
7. Fitting/pipes (for drain, internal piping)
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8. Studbolts/nuts
9. Gasket
10. Process internals
11. Paint Manufacturer
12. ASME Authorized Inspection Agency

18.2 The proposed sub VENDOR list shall

comply with the TRP’s Appendix F “Preferred
sub VENDOR List”, subjects to
PURCHASER’s approval.

19.0 BID DOCUMENTS 19.1 All documents identified in above Section 19.1
SUBMISSION 6.3 “Documents Required with Bid” of this
Requisition are required to be submitted with

20.0 PROVEN 20.1 VENDOR shall demonstrate that the 20.1

EXPERIENCE LIST fabrication shop has a minimum five years
proven experience in design, fabrication,
testing and installation of similar packages in
Malaysia water in accordance with ASME
Section VIII Div. 2 design code.

20.2 VENDOR shall demonstrate that the yard 20.2

has experience in SS316L Clad and handling,
fabrication and hook-up by providing a list of
project references with pressure vessel
details (size, quantity, duty, materials of
construction, type of internal coating, design
pressure and temperature), client name,
location and person to contact with phone and

20.3 VENDOR shall advise software used for 20.3

vessel mechanical strength calculation.
Software used shall be the latest version and
in accordance with latest ASME design code.
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B1. Process Data Sheets & PEFS,
B2. Mechanical Data Sheets & Guide Drawing,
B3. Figure 1.1c: Inlet Separator’s 3D Straight Line Inlet Piping System




Contract No. : CW132257

Purchase Order No. : 4513596258

PROJECT NAME : SK318 Timi Development (Brownfield Scope) -

Conceptual Design (FEED)
DOCUMENT TITLE : Vessel - Process Data Sheet
DOCUMENT NO. : TIMI-TS-650-PX-2105-0001
CTR NO. : PR-1040




Ir. Serifah Ir. Harris E Liew /

01 20-Apr-2020 IFR Sim Lai Hah Kenneth Fua
Abscitar Amit Bosikol S Nambiar
Ir. Serifah Ir. Harris E Liew /
02 20-May-2020 IFR Sim Lai Hah Kenneth Fua
Abscitar Amit Bosikol S Nambiar
Ir. Serifah Ir. Harris E Liew /
03 06-Aug-2020 AFU Sim Lai Hah Kenneth Fua
Abscitar Amit Bosikol S Nambiar
DOC NO. TIMI-TS-650-PX-2105-0001
Vessel - Process Data Sheet CODE.

PAGE Page 2 of 4

U se t a bl e b el ow i f a d o c um en t p r e p ar ed by m o r e t ha n o n e ( 1) p e r so n.

Functional Role / Company Name S ig na t u r e

U se t a bl e b el ow i f a d o c um en t r e vi ew ed b y m o r e t ha n o n e (1) p e r so n.

Functional Role / Company Name S ig na t u r e

U se t a bl e b el ow i f a d o c um en t r e q ui r e s m o r e t h an o ne ( 1 ) ap pr o ver .

Functional Role / Company Name S ig na t u r e


Rev Loc at i on of Change Desc ript ion of Change

02 S he et 3 A d ded s ur f a c e t ens i on d at a; u p da t ed d es i g n dat a.

02 S heet 4 Updated v ess el dimens ion and lev el di agram.

03 S heet 3 Updated operating d ata bas ed on latest arriv al

t em p era t ure a nd v es s e l m at er i al / c o r ros i on
al l o wa nc e .

03 S heet 4 Updated v ess el material /c orros i on allowanc e and

noz z l e s iz e f or r el i e f v a l v e.
Vessel Datasheet No.

Process Data Sheet TIMI-TS-650-PX-2105-0001

(677712-P) Sheet 3 of 4

Project : Project Code: F232002
Client : SSB
SK318 Timi Development - Brownfield Tie-In to F23 PUSB Job No.: LCM10-256 (WON005)

Tag No V-2030 1

PEFS No 5-F23R-A-P-00-0202-0001 2

Service Timi Inlet Separator 3

Type Vertical Gas-Liquid Separator 4

Operating Conditions Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 7

Temperature ºC 17.3 14.7 14.6 18.8 8 03

Pressure barg 92 36 36 36 9

O Allowable Pressure Drop (Note 3) bar 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 10

P 11

E Gas 12

R Flowrate kg/h 248157.6 247794.4 247793.4 82612.7 13 03

A MMscfd 300 300 300 100 14

T Molecular Weight - 16.58 16.55 16.55 16.56 15 03

I Density kg/m³ 78.76 28.14 28.15 27.62 16 03

N 17

G Liquid 18

Flowrate oil kg/h 1,061 1,448 6,366 457 19 03

D water kg/h 2,129 2,038 3,402 700 20 03

A total kg/h 3,189 3,486 9,768 1,157 21 03

T Density oil kg/m³ 759 799 799 798 22 03

A water kg/m³ 1,016 1,016 1,016 1,013 23 03

total kg/m³ 913 913 864 916 24 03

Viscosity oil cP 1.432 1.942 1.943 1.885 25 03

water cP 1.071 1.145 1.148 1.032 26 03

total cP 6.224 11.280 5.641 10.330 27 03

Surface Tension oil dyne/cm 15.33 21.44 21.44 21.46 28 03

water dyne/cm 73.42 73.87 73.89 73.17 29 03



D Design Conditions 32

E Temperature ºC -20 (min), 60 (max) 33

S Pressure barg 101 34

I 35

G Vessel Dimension mm 2800 (ID) x 8530 (T/T) 36

N 37

Material Shell / ends CS + Clad/Weld Overlay SS316L (NACE) 38 03

D Internal SS316L (NACE) 39

A Corrosion Allowance 0 mm 40 03

T Insulation / Heat Tracing No 41

A 42


Notes : 44

1. Design margin of 30% to be applied for vessel sizing. 45

2. Liquid removal efficiency shall be at least 98% of total liquids in the inlet stream. 46

3. Maximum allowable pressure drop for flowrate with design margin. 47

4. Gas-liquid separation is designed in accordance with DEP (version 43). 48

5. Handled fluid may contain up to 0.5mol% CO2 / 0.5mol% N2 / 20 ppmv H2S / 95μg/Nm³ mercury in gas phase and 200ppbwt mercury in liquid phase. 49

6. For the 3D straight line inlet piping system, refer to Mechanical TRP Appendix B Figure 1.1c and Mechanical Data Sheet, Doc. No.: TIMI-GN-650-MS-2105-0001. 50 03




03 06-Aug-2020 Approved For Use AI SLH SAA

02 20-May-2020 Issued for Review AI SLH SAA
01 20-Apr-2020 Issued for Review AI SLH SAA
Rev. Date Description Prepared By Checked By Authorised By
Vessel Datasheet No.

Process Data Sheet TIMI-TS-650-PX-2105-0001

(677712-P) Sheet 4 of 4

Project : Project Code: F232002
Client : SSB
SK318 Timi Development - Brownfield Tie-In to F23 PUSB Job No.: LCM10-256 (WON005)

Item : V-2030 2
Service : Timi Inlet Separator N2
N6 4
Pressure : 5
Operating refer page 1 6
Design 101 barg 7
Temperature : 8
Operating refer page 1 9

T/T Length = 8530 mm

Design -20ºC (min) / 60ºC (max) 10
Material : 11
Shell / ends CS + clad/weld overlay SS316L (NACE) 12 03

Internals SS316L (NACE) 13

Corrosion allowance : N5 14

7360 mm
Shell / ends 0 mm 15 03

Internals 0 16
Fluid : HC Gas + HC Liq. (cond. + prod. water) N1 17 03

Insulation : No 19
Lining : No 20
6190 mm

6000 mm
Notes : 22
1. Schoepentoeter. 23
2. Wiremesh demister. 24
3. Vortex breaker. 25

1800 mm
4. Deleted. 26
5. Manway quantity, size and location by Mechanical. 27

350 mm
MW2 30
N4 31
BTL 33
Nozzle data 37
Item Nos. DN Service 38
ID = 2800 mm
MW1/2 Note 5 Note 5 Manway 39
N1 1 600 Feed inlet 41
N2 1 600 Gas outlet 42
N3 1 80 Liquid outlet 43
N4 1 50 Utility connection 44
N5 1 200 Relief device LEVEL DIAGRAM (mm) 45 03

N6 1 50 Utility connection LZAHH 5350 46

LAH2 4950 47
LG1A/B 2 50 Level gauge LAH1 1900 48
LT1A/B 2 80 Level indicating & control transmitter NL 1700 49
LZ1A/B 2 80 Level safeguarding transmitter LAL 1550 50
LZ2A/B 2 80 Level safeguarding transmitter LZALL 550 51
Select Vessel Category:
Design Book No.:
Data Requisition Sheet for:
Category 1 Pressure Vessels
Contr. Job No.: CW132257
Issued For: Proposal
Operating Unit: Refinery Location: Upstream (or other) Location: Chemical Plant Loc:
F23RA platform BIM SK318 Timi Development
Service: Item No. P&ID No: Project No:
Timi Inlet Separator V-2030 5-F23R-A-P-00-0202-0001 4513596258
PO No: Manufactured by: Serial No:
To be advised To be advised To be advised
National Board Reg. Reqd: Jurisdictional Reg. Reqd: Jurisdiction:
Yes Yes Other DOSH/OSR, Malaysia
DEP, SHT 1/8, February 2017
© 2017 Shell Group of companies All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published or transmitted, in any
form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner or Shell Global Solutions International BV.
Design Book No.: TIMI-GN-650-MS-2105-0001
Data Requisition Sheet for: Category 1 Pressure Vessels
Contr. Job No.: CW132257
Design Condition Vessel Jacket Coil
Specified Internal Design
See DEP - barg 101 -- --
Design Pressure (DP)
Internal Design Temp.
See DEP -
Mechanical Design Temperature °C -20 / 60 -- --
(MDT) and Upper Design
Temperature (UDT)

Specified External Design

See DEP – barg -- -- --
Lower Design Pressure (LDP)

External Design Temperature °C 37.5 -- --

Temp @ Press
MDMT -20 @ 130 -- @ -- -- @ --
°C barg

Low Temperature Due To: Normal Process

Design Specific Gravity: Note 1 -- --

MAWP Basis: Calculated --

Construction Code: ASME Section VIII Division 2 Edition Latest Edition Addenda Latest Edition Other: Note 2

Lethal Service ASME Code Case(s)

Other Markings: Other:
(ASME Section VIII Div. 1 only) See Certification Page

Capacity Cu. Meter (VTC) I.D mm 2800 O.D mm (VTC)

Installed Position: Vertical 2-Phase Separator Maximum Liquid Level: mm Refer to the Process Data Sheets.

Vessel Interior Vessel Exterior Nozzles Internals Corrosive Service?

Corrosion Allowance
3mm Cladded with SS316L 00.0 Weld Overlay/Solid SS316L SS316/SS316L Yes

Seal Weld Internals to Pressure

Jacket Internal Jacket External Coil Vessel Supports

-- -- -- Full Skirt Yes

Cyclic Service Annual Cycles – Vessel Annual Cycles – Jacket Annual Cycles – Coil

No -- -- --
Creep Temp @ Hour(s) Vessel Jacket Coil
No -- @ -- -- @ -- -- @ --

Fatigue Analysis Not Required

Structural Stress Method
Design Life: 20 Years Fatigue Analysis by Mfg. No
No based on comparable No
equipment experience

Wind Loading
Wind Speed kph Classification Category Exposure Category Topographic Factor Elevation mm
(Code Used)

ISO 19902 156.3 ISO 19902 ISO 19902 ISO 19902 Refer to the guide drawing
Loading (See
Applicable Peak Ground Peak Ground Peak Ground
DEP No Ground Type -- -- -- --
Code: Acceleration Displacement Velocity

Other Loadings
Refer to TRP/DEP -- --

Head Types 2:1 Ellipsoidal Yes -- Intermediate --

Body Flange Type: ---- Facing:

Body Flange Finish (Ra) Process Side: µ-in. Service Side: µ-in.
Vortex Breaker: Yes Projection: Inside Projection Type: 4 Blade
Hardness Control: Yes Max Hardness Value: As per DEP Type: Vickers
Joint Efficiency: 1 PWHT: Per Attached Specification
Shop Coat: SES 47.1 Rev. 9 Primer Specification: SES 47.1 Rev. 9 Top Coat Specification: SES 47.1 Rev. 9
Fireproofing: HOLD. See Note 13. Type: HOLD. See Note 13. Thickness: HOLD. See Note 13.

By Mfg.
Insulation: No Thickness: Type: Density:
By Others kg/m3
Vessel Supports Lifting Lugs Type : Circular Plate
No. Date Description By Check Appv
1 19-May-2020 IFR Hisham Chester Valentine
2 30-Jun-2020 IFR Hisham Chester Valentine
3 21-Aug-2020 AFT Hisham Chester Valentine
4 27-Aug-2020 AFT Hisham Chester Valentine
DEP, SHT 2/8, February 2017
© 2017 Shell Group of companies All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior
written permission of the copyright owner or Shell Global Solutions International BV.
Design Book No.: TIMI-GN-650-MS-2105-0001
Data Requisition Sheet for: Category 1 Pressure Vessels
Contr. Job No.: CW132257
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Normal Pressure
See DEP - barg
Operating Pressure (OP)
Note 1 Note 1 Note 1

Max Pressure
See DEP -
Maximum Operating Pressure
(MOP) Note 1 Note 1 Note 1

Normal Temp
See DEP - °C
Operating Temperature (OT)
Note 1 Note 1 Note 1

Max Temp
See DEP -
Maximum Operating
Temperature (MOT)
Note 1 Note 1 Note 1

Gradients and/or Histograms

See ASME Section VIII, Division 2, Pres Temp Other Pres Temp Other Pres Temp Other
Annex 5-B
See EN 13445-3; Section 17
Future Hydrostatic Pressure Test Requirements Vertical

Future PWHT Cycle Requirements 3 Cycle(s)

Note for Future PWHT Cycle Requirements:
VENDOR shall confirm that, the plate material shall be procured with three (3) cycles of simulated PWHT in accordance
with the intended heat treat treatment of the vessel and provision for at shop (two-time provision) and at site repair (one-
Additional Operational time provision), in accordance with SA20/SA20M Standard Specification (S3 supplementary requirement).
Comments Therefore, VENDOR shall ensure to receive a written guarantee from the mill that the plate steel supplied could be heat
treated as required without detrimental effect on the minimum guaranteed mechanical properties. The test results report
of three (3) times of simulated PWHT test cycles/test coupons shall be submitted for PURCHASER's review and approval.

No. Date Description By Check Appv

1 19-May-2020 IFR Hisham Chester Valentine
2 30-Jun-2020 IFR Hisham Chester Valentine
3 21-Aug-2020 AFT Hisham Chester Valentine
4 27-Aug-2020 AFT Hisham Chester Valentine
DEP, SHT 3/8, February 2017
© 2017 Shell Group of companies All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published or transmitted,
in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner or Shell Global Solutions International. BV.
Design Book No.: TIMI-GN-650-MS-2105-0001
Data Requisition Sheet for: Category 1 Pressure Vessels
Contr. Job No.: CW132257


Component Material Type Code Specification Comments

Shell SA 516 Gr. 70N + S5 + SS316L Clad As per DEP/Code/NACE SA-20, S5 Charpy Impact Test
Clad Lining SS316L As per DEP/Code/NACE 3mm thickness
Heads SA 516 Gr. 70N + S5 + SS316L Clad As per DEP/Code/NACE SA-20, S5 Charpy Impact Test
Jacket --
Reinforcing Pads SA 516 Gr. 70N + S5 Lifting Trunnions/Nozzles' bracing
Vessel Nozzle Neck SA 350 LF2 CL.1+S5+SS316L Overlay See Note 6, 7. As per DEP/Code/NACE SA-20, S5. Integral Reinforced Nozzle
Jacket Nozzle Neck --
Vessel Nozzle Flanges SA 350 LF2 CL.1+S5+SS316L Overlay See Note 6, 7. As per DEP/Code/NACE SA-20, S5. Integral Reinforced Nozzle
Jacket Nozzle Flanges --
Manway Neck SA 350 LF2 CL.1+S5+SS316L Overlay See Note 6, 7. As per DEP/Code/NACE SA-20, S5, Integral Reinforced Nozzle
Manway Flange SA 350 LF2 CL.1+S5+SS316L Overlay See Note 6, 7. As per DEP/Code/NACE SA-20, S5, Integral Reinforced Nozzle
Manway Cover SA 350 LF2 CL.1+S5+SS316L Overlay As per DEP/Code/NACE
Supports SA 516 Gr. 70N
Lifting / Tailing Lugs SA 516 Gr. 70N (on pad) 2-Lifting Trunnions
Body Flanges --
Jacket Closure Ring --
Stiffening Rings --
Insulation Supt. Rings --
Ladder & Pltfm Clips SA 516 Gr. 70N (on pad) See Note 9(a)
Coil --
Other Internals SS316L As per DEP/Code/Standard/NACE See Note 9(b)
Internal Bolts SA 193 Gr. B8M Cl. 2 As per DEP/Code/Standard/NACE
Internal Nuts SA 194 Gr. 8M As per DEP/Code/Standard/NACE
External Bolts SA 193 Gr. B7M As per DEP/Code/Standard/NACE ZnNi Electroplated & PTFE top coated
External Nuts SA 194 Gr. 2HM As per DEP/Code/Standard/NACE ZnNi Electroplated & PTFE top coated
Vessel Gaskets Note 10 As per DEP/Code/Standard/NACE
Jacket Gaskets --
Coil Gaskets --
No. Date Description By Check Appv
1 19-May-20 IFR Hisham Chester Valentine
2 30-Jun-20 IFR Hisham Chester Valentine
3 21-Aug-20 AFT Hisham Chester Valentine
4 27-Aug-20 AFT Hisham Chester Valentine
DEP, SHT 4/8, February 2017
© 2017 Shell Group of companies All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published or transmitted, in any
form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner or Shell Global Solutions International BV.
Design Book No.: TIMI-GN-650-MS-2105-0001
Data Requisition Sheet for: Category 1 Pressure Vessels
Contr. Job No.: CW132257


Nozzle loadings shall be in accordance with Appendix 3 unless otherwise specified in General Notes

Mark No. Req’d Size Rating Type Projection mm Description

N1 1 DN600 900# SR,RF Refer to S10.101, Note 4 Feed Inlet
N2 1 DN600 900# SR,RF Refer to S10.101, Note 4 Gas Outlet
N3 1 DN80 900#,Note 6 SR,RF Refer to S10.101, Note 4 Liquid Oulet
N4 (c/w Blind, bolt/nut, gasket) 1 DN50 900#,Note 6 SR,RF Refer to S10.101, Note 4 Utility Connection
N5 1 DN200 900# SR,RF Refer to S10.101, Note 4 Relief Device
N6 (c/w Blind, bolt/nut, gasket) 1 DN50 900#,Note 6 SR,RF Refer to S10.101, Note 4 Utility Connection
LG1A, LG1B 2 DN50 900#,Note 6 SR,RF Refer to S10.101, Note 4 Level Gauge
LT1A, LT1B 2 DN80 900#,Note 6 SR,RF Refer to S10.101, Note 4 Level Control
LZ1A, LZ1B 2 DN80 900#,Note 6 SR,RF Refer to S10.101, Note 4 (See Legend (ii) below)
LZ2A, LZ2B 2 DN80 900#,Note 6 SR,RF Refer to S10.101, Note 4 (See Legend (ii) below)
MW1 1 DN600 900# SR,RF Refer to S10.101, Note 4 Top Manway (Note 12(iv))
MW2 1 DN600 900# SR,RF Refer to S10.101, Note 4 Bottom Manway
Legend: i. VTC-Vendor to confirm. ii. Level Safeguarding Transmitter.
1. Refer to attached Process Data Sheets (PDS) doc. no. TIMI-TS-650-PX-2105-0001, for all process design parameters including level diagram.
2. The ASME Sect.VIII Div.2 design code Class 1, shall be supplemented by the DEP where the most stringent requirement shall govern.
3. Referring to the Guide Drawing that all the nozzles’ and manways’ elevations and orientations are preliminary and to be further confirmed during the detailed
engineering phase.
4. Nozzle projection to be measured from the vessel Center Line / Tangent Line upto flange face. The nozzle stand-out shall be designed in accordance with the
Std. Drwg. No.S.10.101E and also ASME VIII Div.2 nozzle self-reinforcement calculation, whichever is the most stringent requirement shall govern.
5. All nozzles and manway shall be integral self-reinforced type; SR=Self-Reinforced Nozzle, RF=Raised Face.
Flanges face shall be Raised Face (RF) in accordance with ASME B16.5, with surface finish roughness values ranging from Ra 3.2 to 6.3 microns.
Alternatively, saddle type nozzle shall be proposed and applied.
6. Diameter DN100 (inclusive) & below nozzles on pressure vessel shall be solid forged stainless steel material. The forged stainless steel material for flanges
shall be dual property and certified 316/316L SS grade (ASME 16.5, Group 2.2, carbon content less than 0.03%.). SA 182 F316/316L is proposed.
7. For nozzles above DN100, clad/weld overlay nozzle and flanges shall have extended clad/weld overlay upto flange raised face. The nozzle flange raised face
clad/weld overlay areas shall be machined to achieve either circular or spiral serration to Ra3.2 to 6.3 microns prior to welding of nozzle onto vessel shell or heads.
8. Process Internals shall be bolted type which to be installed on the support-cleat (see 9(b) below) which are welded onto the vessel wall. The internals
configuration shall be sectionalized to pass through manway inside diameter for installation and for future inspection/cleaning/ maintenance works. See SHT 8/9.

No. Date Description By Check Appv

1 19-May-20 IFR Hisham Chester Valentine
2 30-Jun-20 IFR Hisham Chester Valentine
3 21-Aug-20 AFT Hisham Chester Valentine
4 27-Aug-20 AFT Hisham Chester Valentine
DEP, SHT 5/8, February 2017
© 2017 Shell Group of companies All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published or transmitted, in any
form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner or Shell Global Solutions International BV.
Design Book No.: TIMI-GN-650-MS-2105-0001
Data Requisition Sheet for: Category 1 Pressure Vessels
Contr. Job No.: CW132257
Component Joint Efficiency Type Joint NDE Requirements
Head Type Extent Type Extent PMI
Category A 1.00 Type 1 RT 1 MT 1 1
Category B N/A Other None Other None None
Category C 1.00 Type 1 RT 1 MT 1 1
Category D 1.00 Type 1 RT 1 MT 1 1
Category E N/A
Where RT is impractical such as nozzle to head joint, 100% PAUT shall be applied.
100% PT shall be applied for SS material. 100% visual inspection shall also be performed.
Other Requirements
All repaired welded joints shall be 100%RT.
All N.D.E.'s including RT., UT., MT./PT.of similar requirements shall be performed before and also after PWHT of vessel.
Shell Type Extent Type Extent PMI
Category A 1.00 Type 1 RT 1 MT 1 1
Category B 1.00 Type 1 RT 1 MT 1 1
Category C 1.00 Type 1 RT 1 MT 1 1
Category D 1.00 Type 1 RT 1 MT 1 1
Category E 1.00 Type 1 RT 1 MT 1 1
Where RT is impractical such as nozzle to head joint, 100% PAUT shall be applied.
100% PT shall be applied for SS material. 100% visual inspection shall also be performed.
Other Requirements
All repaired welded joints shall be 100% RT.
All N.D.E.'s including RT., UT., MT./PT.of similar requirements shall be performed before and also after PWHT of vessel.
Cone N/A Type Extent Type Extent PMI
Category A N/A
Category B N/A
Category C N/A
Category D N/A
Category E N/A

Other Requirements Other requirement, wherever RT is not practical the PAUT (Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing) shall be applied.

Other Type Extent Type Extent PMI

Skirt 1 Type 1 Other 1 MT 1 0.1

No. Date Description By Check Appv

1 19-May-20 IFR Hisham Chester Valentine
2 30-Jun-20 IFR Hisham Chester Valentine
3 21-Aug-20 AFT Hisham Chester Valentine
4 27-Aug-20 AFT Hisham Chester Valentine
DEP, SHT 6/8, February 2017
© 2017 Shell Group of companies All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published or transmitted, in any
form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner or Shell Global Solutions International BV.
Design Book No.: TIMI-GN-650-MS-2105-0001
Data Requisition Sheet for: Category 1 Pressure Vessels
Contr. Job No.: CW132257

(Add others as applicable)

Check if Check if
Spec No. Title Spec No. Title
Applicable Applicable

Appendix 1 Clad vessels S20.001 Skirts, Cylindrical and Conical

Appendix 4 Cr-Mo Steels Fireproof Protection of Skirts
Appendix 6 Storage Spheres Sphere Support Legs Fireproofing and Insulation

S10.010 Vortex Breaker S20.003 Support Skirts

Flanges for Non-Pressure Pipe Connections Inside S20.003- Support Rings for Insulation on Vessels and
Vessels 001 Heat Exchangers
Lifting Lug for Top covers (Material: Carbon Steel, S20.003- Support Rings for Insulation on Vessels and
Low-Alloy Steel or Stainless Steel) 002 Heat Exchangers

Pad-Type Hand Holes with Cover Flange ANS

S20.003- Support Rings for Insulation on Vessels and
S10.039 Class 150 and 300 for Unfired Carbon Steel, Low-
003 Heat Exchangers
Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel Pressure Vessels

S20.003- Support Rings for Insulation on Vessels and

S10.053 Pad-Type Hand Holes, Carbon Steel
004 Heat Exchangers
Anchor Bolt Ring or Lugs and Base Plate for
S10.054 Pad-Type Hand Holes, Carbon Steel with Lining S20.004
S10.070 Davit for Blind Flange S22.001 Saddle Supports – Small
Bolt Length and Make-Up Requirements for
S10.071 S22.002 Saddle Supports – Large
Tensioning Tools

S10.101 Equipment Nozzles S22.003 Sliding Plate

S10.103- Typical Details of Bush-Lined, Overlay Welded and Supports for Vertical Vessels 350 mm OD to 1500
001 Clad Steel Nozzles mm OD (Half Skirts)
S10.103- Typical Details for Solid Alloy Nozzles in Clad
S22.010 Vessel Manway Hinges
002 Vessel
Flanged Thermowell Nozzle DN40 mm on Typical details of schoepentoeter (vane feed inlet)
S10.107 S20.015
Equipment (type II)
Typical details of schoepentoeter (vane feed inlet)
S10.114 Nameplate and bracket S20.016
(type III)
Typical Detail of Lifting Trunnion for Vertical Typical details of schoepentoeter (vane feed inlet)
S10.115 S20.017
Vessels (type IV)
Typ. details of schoepentoeter (vane feed inlet) vane
S10.118 Reference-Points for Survey of Steel Vessels S20.019
ladder -
Typ. details of schoepentoeter (vane feed inlet) with
S10.119 Grab Rungs and Steps for Manways S20.020
single section
Typ. details of schoepentoeter (vane feed inlet) with
catcher cap
Typ. details of schoepentoeter (vane feed inlet) with
Typ. details of schoepentoeter (vane feed inlet) (type
S10.103 1/2 Typ. Details of Bush-Lined, Weld Overlay Nozz. S20.025
Hi Fi)
Typ. details of schoepentoeter (vane feed inlet) (type
S10.103 2/2 Typ. Details for Solid Alloy Nozzle in Clad Vessel S20.026
Hi Fi) vane
S68.004 Earthing Boss S20.028 Typical details of demisters
S20.030 Typical details of demister supports S20.029 Typical details of demister attachments
No. Date Description By Check Appv
1 19-May-20 IFR Hisham Chester Valentine
2 30-Jun-20 IFR Hisham Chester Valentine
3 21-Aug-20 AFT Hisham Chester Valentine
4 27-Aug-20 AFT Hisham Chester Valentine
DEP, SHT 7/9, February 2017
© 2017 Shell Group of companies All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published or transmitted, in any
form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner or Shell Global Solutions International BV.
Design Book No.: TIMI-GN-650-MS-2105-0001
Data Requisition Sheet for: Category 1 Pressure Vessels
Contr. Job No.: CW132257
Attach additional sheets as necessary.
Continued from SHT 5/8.
9(a) All external attachments eg. cleat for ladder, service platform, pipe-support, fire-proofing (if any) etc. to be supplied by vessel VENDOR. Refer also to this
TRP's App. A Section 2.0 Design Requirements.
9(b) All internal attachments eg. support -ring, -bracket, internal holder plate, -cleats etc to be designed and fabricated by internals VENDOR. All the internals
supports to be installed by vessel VENDOR under the internals VENDOR's supervision, approval and certification at shop. Refer also to this TRP's App. A Section
2.0 Design Requirements.

10.Manway/nozzle flange gasket type shall be spiral wound, AISI 316, graphite CS center-ring (coated with Epoxy Zinc Rich coating with dry film thickness of
75μm) / SS inner ring.

11. VENDOR shall design and supply the setting stud bolt/nut for vessel skirt support. The bolts/nuts for structural connections shall be Unified Standard Coarse-
Thread Series in accordance with ASME SA-325. The bolts/nuts shall be of heavy hexagon head type. Each setting stud bolt shall come complete with four (4)
nuts and two (2) washers. All stud bolts, nuts and washers shall be ZnNi Electroplated and PTFE top coating.

12.In the bids, BIDDER shall engage and liaise with the approved Internals VENDOR for data confirmation as below:
i) Proposed Internals design/type selection
ii) 3D straight inlet piping system requirement. Refer to TRP's App. B Figure 1.1c for the 3D straight inlet straight line piping system.
iii) Internals (ie. process internals equipment) total erection weight (approx.)
iv) To confirm whether the top manway is necessary or not, for internals installation & future inspection/cleaning/maintenance works.

13. Fireproofing and Blast loadings requirements are on HOLD, which is pending result from Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment (FERA) studies.
---End of General Notes---

DEP, SHT 8/9, February 2017

© 2017 Shell Group of companies All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published or transmitted, in any
form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner or Shell Global Solutions International BV.
Design Book No.: TIMI-GN-650-MS-2105-0001
Data Requisition Sheet for: Category 1 Pressure Vessels
Contr. Job No.: CW132257
I (We), the undersigned, being experienced and competent in the applicable field of design related to pressure vessel requirements relative to this User’s Design
Specification, certify that to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief it is correct and complete with respect to the Design and Service Conditions given and
a complete basis for construction in accordance with the applicable ASME Secion VIII, Division 2 and all applicable requirements therein
included in the Edition and the listed Code Cases, if applicable.
Note: the ASME Section VIII Division 2 Class 1 shall be applied.

This certification is made on behalf of the organization that will operate this (these) vessel(s):


(Company Name)

The statements made in this form are accurate and represent all details of design per the owner/operator or the designated agent.

Certified by: Certified by: Certified by:

Title and areas of responsibility: Title and areas of responsibility: Title and areas of responsibility:

Registered Professional Engineering Seal: Registered Professional Engineering Seal: Registered Professional Engineering Seal:

Date: Date: Date:

No. Date Description By Check Appv

1 19-May-20 IFR Hisham Chester Valentine
2 30-Jun-20 IFR Hisham Chester Valentine
3 21-Aug-20 AFT Hisham Chester Valentine
4 27-Aug-20 AFT Hisham Chester Valentine
DEP, SHT 9/9, February 2017
© 2017 Shell Group of companies All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published or transmitted, in any
form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner or Shell Global Solutions International BV.


N1 MW1 MW2 N3





(*) 90t+3mm CLAD. (AFTER FORMING) N2



7940 (NOTE 3)
N1 6000

ID 2800

(*) 90t+
3mm CLAD
1800 1800

350 350
BTL 0.00



(*) LZAHH 5350
TOS : LEVEL 1 LAH2 4950
LAH1 1900
NL 1700
LAL 1550
SCALE 1 : 100

SHT 1 OF 1
DOC NO. TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
Technical Requisition Package (TRP) REV.
For Inlet Separator CODE.
PAGE Page 80 of 94

inlet piping system

Figure 1.1c: Inlet Separator’s 3D straight line
DOC NO. TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
Technical Requisition Package (TRP) REV.
For Inlet Separator CODE.
PAGE Page 81 of 97

Local Regulation, SES/DEP and International Codes/Standards
DOC NO. TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
Technical Requisition Package (TRP) REV.
For Inlet Separator CODE.
PAGE Page 82 of 97

The latest editions, as of the enquiry date, of the following applicable Regulations, DEP/MESC SPE,
Codes, Standards (as applicable) shall be used by VENDOR (and sub-SUPPLERs) in the design,
material selection, fabrication, tests etc. The order of precedence shall be as follows:

1. Local Authority/Legislative Documents

Design of all equipment shall comply with requirements of the Factories and Machinery Regulations
1970, Pressure vessels require approval by the department of Safety and Health (DOSH) Inspector.


 TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 “Contract Information Specification (CIS) – Vendor”

 TIMI-GN-000-PX-7771-0001 “Timi FEED Equipment Tagging Specification”

 SES 38.2 Rev. 08, September 2016 “Shop & Field Fab. Of Piping” and “Welding of Metals”

 SES 47.1 Rev. 09, September 2017 “Protective Coatings, Encapsulation and Wrapping

 SMEP.EP72.GL0212 Rev. 02, 13 September 2017 “Operation & Maintenance for Flange Joint

b) DEP Version 43 (and SHELL Standard Drawings-refer to PURCHASER’s data sheets)

 DEP “Unfired Pressure Vessels”
 DEP “Gas/Liquid, Liquid/Liquid & Gas/Liquid/ Liquid Separators – Type Selection
& Design Rules”
 DEP “Metallic Materials – Selected Standards”
 DEP “Welding of Metals (Additions to API RP 582)”
 DEP “Material Control and Verification”
 DEP “Oxidation of Stainless Steel Weldments”
 DEP “NDT Vendor Capability Assessment for Fabrication Inspection”
 DEP “Gen. Preservation of New and Old Equipment Standing Idle”
 MESC SPE 76/211-Technical Specification “Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings
(Amendments/Supplements to ASTM A350)”
 MESC SPE 76/220-Technical Specification “Carbon Steel Plate (Amendments/Supplements to
ASTM A516)”
 MESC SPE 81/007- Technical Specification “Coating Requirement For Bolts and Nuts
(Amendments/Supplements to ASTM B841)”

3. International Code/Standards
 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII: Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels,
Division 2
DOC NO. TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
Technical Requisition Package (TRP) REV.
For Inlet Separator CODE.
PAGE Page 83 of 97

 ASME B16 .5: Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings – NPS ½ through NPS 24
 ASME B16.9: Factory Made Wrought Steel Butt-Weld Fittings
 ASME B16.25: Butt Welding Ends
 ASME B16.20: Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges
 ASME B31.3: Process Piping
 ASME Section II - Material Specification
 ASME Section IX - Welding Qualifications
 ASME Section V - Non-Destructive Examination
 AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code
 EN 10204: Metallic Products – Types of Inspection Documents, alternatively of the
ISO 10474: Steel and Steel Products – Inspection Documents.
 ISO 9001: latest - Quality Management System
 ISO 19902: Petroleum and natural gas industries – Fixed steel offshore structures.
 ISO 22825: Non-destructive testing of welds — Ultrasonic testing — Testing of welds in austenitic
steels and nickel-based alloys
 WRC Bulletin 107, 297 & 537 - Nozzles Localized Load Analysis
 NACE MR0175 / ISO 15156 (Part 1 to 3) - Material for Use in H2S – Containing Environments in
Oil and Gas Production Part 1 to 3.
 SA-20/SA-20M – Specification For General Requirements For Steel Plates For Pressure Vessels
DOC NO. TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
Technical Requisition Package (TRP) REV.
For Inlet Separator CODE.
PAGE Page 84 of 97

Contract Information Specification (CIS) - Vendor
Shell Project & Technology


SK318 TIMI Development

Document Title

Contract Information Specification (CIS)

- Vendor

Document Number TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002

Document Revision 02

Project Phase FEED

Document Status AFU - Approved For Use

Document type 7880 Other Specification

Originator/Author Basil Aw

Security Classification Restricted

Country Trade Controls Non US Export

Issue Date 07-Apr-2020

Revision History is shown next page


Rev Date of Issue Description Originator Reviewer Approver

01 06-Mar-2020 CIS Vendor Basil Aw Azhari Zabidi Robbie Leitch
02 07-Apr-2020 AFU – Approved for Use Basil Aw Azhari Zabidi Robbie Leitch
Click or tap to
enter a date.
Click or tap to
enter a date.


Rev Location of Change Description of Change Change

(Section) Owner

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 2 of 29

1 PURPOSE & SCOPE ......................................................................................................5

2 DISTRIBUTION..............................................................................................................5
3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................6
3.1 General Definitions....................................................................................................6
3.2 Acronyms & Abbreviations ........................................................................................7
3.3 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS AND LINKS .....................................................................8
4 INFORMATION EXCHANGE .........................................................................................8
4.1 Information Exchange Process Overview.....................................................................8
4.2 Information Quality Check .........................................................................................9
4.3 Information Exchange via AssaiCloud Web Portal.......................................................9
4.4 Email Notification of Transmittals .............................................................................10
4.4.1 Transmittal ....................................................................................................... 10
4.4.2 Transmission of Electronic Files ......................................................................... 10
4.4.3 CSV Loader File ............................................................................................... 10
4.5 Transmittal Return Code ...........................................................................................12
4.6 Re-Submission of Documents ....................................................................................12
4.7 Cancelled and Superseded Document.......................................................................13
5 INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS – DOCUMENTATION ................................................14
5.1 Vendor Documents Requirements Listing (VDRL) ........................................................14
5.2 Vendor Document Master Schedule (VDMS) .............................................................14
5.3 Documentation Submission Format ...........................................................................15
5.4 Scanned Hard Copy Submission ..............................................................................16
5.5 Document Numbering .............................................................................................16
5.6 Document Revision ..................................................................................................17
5.7 Document Status Code.............................................................................................18
5.8 Document Signs and Symbols ..................................................................................18
5.9 Document/Drawing Templates .................................................................................18
6 INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS – DATA.....................................................................19
6.1 Plant Breakdown Structure .......................................................................................19
6.2 Data Files................................................................................................................19
6.2.1 Spare Part Information - E-SPIR (VDRC Code : J08)............................................ 20
6.2.2 Tag and Equipment Register ............................................................................. 20
6.2.3 Document to Asset Relationships ....................................................................... 20
7 FINAL INFORMATION HANDOVER .............................................................................22
7.1 Hard Copy Requirements .........................................................................................22

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 3 of 29
7.2 Electronic Requirements ...........................................................................................23
7.3 Vendor Manual .......................................................................................................23
7.3.1 Operating and Maintenance Data Book - OMDB (VDRC Code: J01) .................. 23
7.3.2 Certification and Manufacturing Data Book - CMDB (VDRC Code: K01) ............. 26
7.3.3 Piping Isometric ............................................................................................... 27
7.3.4 Shipping Dossier.............................................................................................. 27
8 APPENDIX .................................................................................................................28
Appendix 1 Vendor Data Requirements Listing (VDRL) Sample, Instructions & Vendor
Document Requirements Catalogue (VDRC) ........................................................................28
Appendix 2 Vendor Document Master Schedule (VDMS) Template .................................28
Appendix 3 Tag and Equipment Register Template ........................................................28
Appendix 4 Supplier Cover Page .................................................................................28
Appendix 5 Example Drawing Decal ............................................................................29

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 4 of 29
The overall objective of the COMPANY is to ensure that the CONTRACTOR provides COMPANY
with the minimum level of information required to effectively manage its assets and business (e.g.
engineering and operating/maintenance applications used by the COMPANY).
The purpose of this document is to clearly define the information (document and data) requirements
(“how” and “what”) that will be transferred to the COMPANY, that are applicable to VENDOR’s
supplying equipment to the Timi Development Project. The information is required to satisfy the
following (but not limited to):
▪ the COMPANY’s Engineering activities
▪ the COMPANY’s on-going Certification and Life of Field maintenance of equipment.
▪ this specification that shall form part of requirements for all Equipment Purchase Orders
placed by or on behalf of the COMPANY.

Unless otherwise authorised by the COMPANY, the distribution of this document is limited to the
nominated CONTRACTOR and approved VENDOR or SUB-VENDOR.

The intended audience for this document is:

▪ “Project”, “Operations” and “Information Management” leads, to ensure that projects

deliver information according to this Information Specification.
▪ CONTRACTOR/VENDOR/SUB-VENDOR Staff responsible to configure applications and
databases used to generate the information as specified in this Information Specification.
▪ COMPANY Staff responsible to configure and load applications used by Operation and
Maintenance, to ensure that the required information is specified correctly.

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 5 of 29
3.1 General Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the term COMPANY refers to the Sarawak Shell Berhad (SSB),
which initiates the project and ultimately pays for its design and construction. The COMPANY will
generally specify the technical requirements to be followed during the life of project. The
COMPANY may also include an agent or consultant authorised to act for, and on behalf of, the

The CONTRACTOR is the party, which carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a project or operation/maintenance
of a facility. The COMPANY may undertake all or part of the duties of the CONTRACTOR.

The VENDOR (MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER) is the party, which manufactures or supplies

equipment and services to perform the duties specified by the COMPANY or nominated

The PURCHASER is the party, which buys the equipment and its auxiliaries for its own use or as an
agent for the COMPANY. The PURCHASER may either be the COMPANY or a nominated
CONTRACTOR acting on behalf of the COMPANY.

The INSPECTION AUTHORITY is the party appointed by the COMPANY to ensure that the
supplied equipment conforms to the requirements of this specification.

The word SHALL is used to indicate that a provision is mandatory.

The word SHOULD is used to indicate that a provision is not mandatory but recommended as
good practice.

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 6 of 29
3.2 Acronyms & Abbreviations
Terms/Abbreviations Definitions

CMMS Computerised Maintenance Management System

The term data can be summarised to be taken as, though not exclusive to, individual
measurements; facts, figures, pieces of information, or statistics, experimentation, etc, the
evidence from which conclusions can be inferred. In such terms received design data is
ultimately vital to the successful operation of a completed asset.
DCC Document Control Center

DEP Design Engineering Practice

Document In hardcopy or electronic form e.g. reports, specifications, datasheets, drawings etc

EDW Engineering Data Warehouse

EIS Engineering Information Specification

IMSOW Information Management Scope of Work

Information Documents, data, models and its relationship

PLIP Project Lifecycle Information Plan

RLMU Red Line Marked Up

Vendor Documents Requirements Catalogue – a comprehensive list provided by the

VDRC COMPANY (or CONTRACTOR) of documentation and data types used for submission by
equipment VENDOR to the COMPANY. (Appendix 1)
Vendor Document Master Schedule – is a listing to be compiled by the VENDOR of each item
of documentation and data anticipated to be provided to COMPANY (Appendix 2)

Site A site represents a geographical surface that can be identified on a map.

a subdivision of a site which is the geographical location where one or more facilities are or
can be located.

a collection of Tags and Equipment arranged to perform a defined function. A process Unit
Process Unit enables the execution of a physical, chemical and or transport process or for the storage of
process material.

an alphanumeric code used to identify the function of an item of equipment within the context
of the process duty it has to perform.

the name of a Facility. A plant is one or more items assembled to enable a physical, chemical
Plant and/or transport process, or the storage of process material, e.g. hydrocracker, onshore
production facility, etc.

each piece of equipment which is either maintainable or requires inspection shall be

identified and associated with the Tag position where it will be installed or located.

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 7 of 29
The following documents form part of the contract and/or essential to the successful development
of the required project information deliverables. Unless specifically designated by date, the latest
edition of each publication shall be used, together with any amendments/supplements/revisions

▪ DEP – Spare Parts

▪ TIMI-GN-000-PX-7771-0001 Timi FEED Equipment Tagging Specification
▪ TIMI-GN-000-JA-6017-0001 IM Reference and Documentation Template


4.1 Information Exchange Process Overview

1. Information creation,
gathering & integration

7. Incorporate comments 2. Information quality

(if any) check

6. Document transmittal 3. Prepare information &

feedback with comments document transmittal to be
(if any) transmitted

5. Review and validate 4. Send transmittal to

information in transmittal COMPANY

Figure 5-1 Information Exchange Process

VENDOR shall employ information exchange methods outlined in this document for the electronic
exchange of information in the form of data or electronic documentation files.

The direct submission of information by e-mail to the COMPANY or any other mechanisms other
than stipulated in this specification shall not be allowed and will only be acceptable where no
other means of information exchange has been made available.

Note: COMPANY will inform VENDOR of any proposed changes to the electronic exchange of
information in advance of any such changes being implemented.

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 8 of 29
4.2 Information Quality Check
VENDOR shall employ an internal review process that ensure the appropriate technical authorities
and discipline focal points have an opportunity to review and comment on the new or revised

Before sending a transmittal, VENDOR shall ensure the following checks have been done

▪ The document is numbered correctly and signed off to the appropriate level of authority.
▪ The correct template has been used.
▪ The transmittal is submitted with a transmittal note.
▪ All information in the transmittal is classified using the COMPANY reference data.

Failure to provide a timely submission of documentation and data after purchase order
commitment, may adversely affect payment and future invitations to bid.

VENDOR shall progressively compile the manufacturing data reports; certification, installation,
maintenance and operating manuals during manufacture so that the said items of documentation
are complete and have the COMPANY’s acceptance prior to final submission.

VENDOR unable to comply with the terms laid out in this specification and its appendices shall
detail all exceptions in their bids.

4.3 Information Exchange via AssaiCloud Web Portal

The COMPANY shall provide contractor with access to its AssaiCloud Web Portal which shall be
used for deliverable document information exchange. The CONTRACTOR shall submit electronic
files of documentation and data sent for review, acceptance and or information via the
COMPANY provided AssaiCloud Web Portal throughout the life of project. COMPANY’s DCC
may check the information loaded into the AssaiCloud Web Portal and reject documentation that
is found to be non-compliant with COMPANY requirements. The COMPANY shall also use the
AssaiCloud Web Portal for the return of comments made upon received documentation back to

Instructions regarding how to access and use the AssaiCloud Web Portal will be provided by the
COMPANY at the commencement of contract. In the event that the COMPANY fails to provide
access to the AssaiCloud Web Portal upon commencement of contract, the CONTRACTOR shall
make a request for access to the COMPANY Document Control Centre (DCC) functional mailbox
address, Requests for access shall be accompanied by
the following details required for enabling CONTRACTOR staff access. (Normally CONTRACTOR
IM Staff)

▪ Full Name (First Name, Last Name)

▪ CONTRACTOR’s official Email Address
▪ Mobile Phone Number

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 9 of 29
4.4 Email Notification of Transmittals
All documents and data placed into the COMPANY’s AssaiCloud Web Portal site shall be
accompanied by an e-mail notification of submission to the COMPANY project’s DCC functional
mailbox at

The email shall contain a clear reference to the corresponding transmittal, accurately listing the
contents of the transmitted document/data submissions loaded to the COMPANY AssaiCloud
Web Portal site. All document/data submissions should be submitted to the COMPANY’s
AssaiCloud Web Portal site.

4.4.1 Transmittal
All CONTRACTOR document and data submissions shall be accompanied by a Transmittal
containing the following information as a minimum:

▪ Transmittal Number: a unique number allocated sequentially

▪ Originator details: sender’s name, company name, address/telephone/fax/e-mail
▪ The PO/Contract Number (if issued)
▪ Date of Issue: the date the transmittal was issued
▪ Expected Due Date (for return of COMPANY comments)
▪ The list of document revisions with below information included:
o Document Number
o Document Title
o Document Revision Code
o Document Issue Status

4.4.2 Transmission of Electronic Files

Electronic files will be loaded along with associated metadata via the loader provided to the
CONTRACTOR in the AssaiCloud Web Portal, the loading process will require a prepared csv file
as outlined in section 4.4.3 below.

4.4.3 CSV Loader File

As outlined in section 4.4.2 (above) a document loading CSV file shall be used to load document
metadata and associated electronic files to the AssaiCloud system. The format for the CSV file will
be as per the table illustrated in the section below. Columns marked Optional maybe left blank but
must remain in the CSV file.

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 10 of 29
Table 4-1 Load of File Columns (CSV)

Column CSV Column Name Requirement Remarks

A DOCUMENT_NR Mandatory To be supplied with document (Section 5.5)

B REVISION_CODE Mandatory Refer to section 5.6 (two digits, start from 01)

Should be the same as the title on the document or drawing

C DESCRIPTION Mandatory being supplied. Title should include relevant Tag numbers if
possible and use proper casing.
Full list of Vendor Document Requirement Catalogue (VDRC)
code - refer to VDRL in Appendix 1

E DISCIPLINE_CODE Mandatory Use “VE” as the default value

F STATUS_CODE Mandatory Refer to Section 5.7

G COMPANY_CODE Mandatory Originating Company Code (to be advised)

H ORIGINATOR Optional Document Originator Name

The Date the Document is being issued (as in the document cover
page). Must be in DD/MM/YYYY format.
Should be PDF format for all documents except excel files.
The file name shall be named exactly as the corresponding
electronic file (with file extension i.e.pdf) and after the actual
document number and followed by the revision code. Example:
TIMI-4512251898-J01-0001_01.pdf. Note you can only add
one file to this column.
Native file, example: TIMI-4512251898-J01-0001_01.doc
Note you can only add one file to this column.
Native file does not need to be submitted in most cases until the
final document is handed over at the end of FEED.
Should be any attachments associated with the main document.
L COMMENTS_FILE Optional If there is more than 1 comment file, separate the comment file
by “|”.

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 11 of 29
4.5 Transmittal Return Code
The COMPANY shall reject any information issued by the VENDOR that has not been duly signed
as checked and APPROVED by the VENDOR.

The COMPANY shall review the information provided by the VENDOR to ensure compliance to
specification. The COMPANY shall write the result of the review either by a “Comment Review
Sheet” (CRS) or a marked-up copy of the document. Upon completion of the review, the
COMPANY applies a review code to the document.

The result of the review (with comments if any) shall be included in a transmittal and transferred
by the COMPANY DCC through the Assai web portal. A notification shall be sent from the
COMPANY DCC to the VENDOR DCC via e-mail.

The COMPANY shall retain copies of all comments to ensure that upon resubmission all
requirements have been incorporated or addressed.

The COMPANY shall apply a “review code” to reflect the nature of the comments that have been
made which will be shown in the accompanying transmittal. The following “review codes” shall be
applied by COMPANY to the documents reviewed.
Table 4-2 Contractor Document Review Codes List

Review Code Description Notes

CONTRACTOR shall promote to next revision. Document status

Code 1 Accepted as Submitted
updated to approved.

Accepted with Comments CONTRACTOR shall promote to next revision & incorporate the
Code 2 comments. Document status updated to approved.
CONTRACTOR shall promote to next revision & incorporate the
Code 3 Revise and Resubmit comments. Document status IFR.

Document contents not acceptable – whole contents to be revised.

Code 4 Rejected CONTRACTOR shall promote to next revision & revise the
document. Document status IFR.

Note: If deemed acceptable, the COMPANY may choose not to sign-off and review
documentation until the final acceptance. Any coding reflecting the nature of comments made on
documentation may be listed on the external transmittal received from the COMPANY along with
the comments made. This practice may be undertaken to speed up the review process and is
ultimately in both the VENDOR and COMPANY’s interests. A faster review turnaround will
ultimately lead to faster design acceptance/commissioning leading to final payment.

Decisions on coding practice can be decided at the relevant “kick-off” meeting if necessary.

4.6 Re-Submission of Documents

The VENDOR shall incorporate comments upon receipt of COMPANY’s comments. The VENDOR
will be expected to resubmit updated documentation to the COMPANY within 14 days of receipt
of the COMPANY’s comments. Exceptions will only be acceptable with prior COMPANY

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 12 of 29
The document resubmitted shall:

▪ Clearly indicate where comments have been incorporated. For example, on A4 documents,
newly incorporated comments may be shown with a line or triangle in the margin of the
document. For drawings, incorporated comments can be highlighted using clouding.

▪ All resubmitted documents shall be allocated the next revision code.

4.7 Cancelled and Superseded Document

If the document is being cancelled or voided (superseded), a new revision must be issued, stating
the reason for such cancellation or voiding. The document that has been cancelled or superseded
and is replaced by a new document will require a new document number. The cancelled or
voided documentation shall remain listed in the Vendor Document Master Schedule (VDMS)
despite no longer being active. The register should contain a remark against cancelled/voided
documents, linking them to any new document that have replaced the cancelled/voided

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 13 of 29
The following are instructions and guidelines for the preparation of documentation by VENDOR
for submission to the COMPANY. Any deviations from these specifications shall be agreed by the

All documentation submitted shall be clear and legible, and furnished in the quantity/format
defined in this specification and specific purchase order instructions.

5.1 Vendor Documents Requirements Listing (VDRL)

The VENDOR shall review the received COMPANY/CONTRACTOR VDRL with specific regard to
the following:

▪ Relevance of types of documents for the equipment being requisitioned. For packaged items,
VENDOR shall take into account all ancillary equipment, i.e. on a pump package there may
be pulsation dampers, which may be deemed to be pressure vessels.
▪ Ability to meet COMPANY/CONTRACTOR specified data and document submittal dates.
▪ The VDRL will include only those VDRC deemed appropriate by COMPANY for the
particular equipment under purchase.
▪ Reference should be made to the VENDOR Document Requirements Catalogue (VDRC)
(refer to Appendix 1) for guidance when reviewing COMPANY's VDRL.
▪ Submittal requirements will be listed in the marked up VDRL. (refer to Appendix 1).
▪ Following review, the VENDOR shall state acceptance of the VDRL or identify
exceptions/changes, listing any comments and concerns that have arisen as a result of the
review. Comments shall address issues of document omissions from the VDRL and non-
relevance of data for the particular equipment subject to purchase. The VDRL shall be
submitted as part of VENDOR’s overall proposal.
▪ Document submission requirements shall be discussed during bid evaluation and agreed at
the Kick Off Meeting post PO award.

In the event of Purchase Order (PO) award, a revised requisition package will be submitted to the
VENDOR with a revised VDRL (if applicable). The VENDOR shall state acceptance of the revised
VDRL signifying that the data shall be submitted in accordance with the dates indicated.

5.2 Vendor Document Master Schedule (VDMS)

Within 30 calendar days of a PO award date, the VENDOR shall submit a complete VDMS. The
timing of submission of the VDMS shall be in accordance with the VDRL signed by the VENDOR.
The VDMS shall be submitted in Microsoft Excel or CSV file format. (refer to example of VDMS in
Appendix 2).

The VDMS shall include VENDOR’s document titles and document numbers cross-referenced to
VDRL Codes and sequential numbers. Refer to Section 5.5 of this document for details of
document numbering.

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 14 of 29
The VENDOR’s VDMS shall include as a minimum the:

▪ VENDOR’s Planned, Forecast and Actual submission dates in-line with the approved VDRL.
▪ VENDOR’s contact details Address, Fax and telephone Number.
▪ Document Number and Revision
▪ The Principles VDRL Code, Sequential No and Issue No.
▪ The Purchase Order Number
▪ Document Title
▪ Relevant Tag Numbers

The VENDOR shall reissue the VDMS immediately following any amendments to the
Data/Documentation criteria or to a schedule agreed with the COMPANY.

Note: As an equivalent to the VDMS, the VENDOR’s proven standard in-house system will be
acceptable subject to COMPANY’s review and agreement.

The VENDOR shall reissue the VDMS on a monthly basis to reflect changes that have occurred to
submitted and planned for submission documentation and scheduled and projected dates for
submission following review. The VENDOR shall always keep the VDMS up to date.

All new changes applied to the VDMS shall be line marked or triangle-ed in the margins with
each new revision and subsequent submission of the VDMS.

Once allocated, VENDOR document numbers shall remain unique to the original document to
which they are applied. In the event of a document being cancelled or superseded, the document
shall be clearly marked as such on the VDMS and shall not be removed from the VDMS for
tracking purpose. Superseded or Cancelled document numbers shall on no account be re-
allocated to newly created documentation.

5.3 Documentation Submission Format

Document sizes - the ISO sizes A1, A2, A3, A4 shall be utilised.

Unless stated otherwise in the specific purchase order instructions, all documentation shall be
provided in English.

Documents and drawings are requested for submission as electronic files in the following order of

▪ Native file format (.xls, .doc, CSV) wherever possible & *Adobe (.pdf)
▪ *Scanned images (.pdf) (only with prior permission from the COMPANY)
▪ DWG file of all submitted "As-Built" drawings and any other drawings as being required

*Adobe PDF files should, wherever possible, be submitted in the format of a rendition rather than
a scanned PDF image. Received PDF files should be rendered directly from the authoring
application to allow for easy viewing, search and later retrieval.

Note: As stated above in section 5.2 the Vendor Document Master Schedule (VDMS) (which carry
VDRC type code of A10) document must be submitted either in excel or CSV file format.

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 15 of 29
5.4 Scanned Hard Copy Submission
In the event of hard copy submission is required, the submission must be accepted/authorized first
by the COMPANY prior to submission. In the event of a hard copy submission for items such as:
Heat Treatment Charts or Radiographs, the following points shall be followed:

▪ The density and quality of lines and printing are extremely important in obtaining
satisfactory images.
▪ Care must be taken on minute details, such as decimal points, symbols for degrees, etc.
They must be perfectly clear or even slightly exaggerated.
▪ The minimum character height shall be 2.5 mm. It is stressed that these are minimum sizes
and larger ones are preferred. However, when lower case letters are used, they should be
proportioned so that the body height is approximately 0.6 times the capital letter height.
▪ Where the submission of scanned documents is unavoidable, the submitted scanned images
shall comply with these rules:
▪ Images shall be scanned in an orientation that allows viewing without rotation.
▪ If the size of the scanned image file is too large, it shall be split into a number of smaller
▪ All the information in a scanned document shall be legible.
▪ The minimum scan resolution shall be 300 dpi for A4 and A3 size documents. For scans of
handwritten documents, the minimum scan resolution shall be 400 dpi for A4 and A3 size
▪ The quality of scanned documents containing characters shall be measured by running an
OCR scan on a printed version of the document and 99 % of the characters on the document
shall be recognized without errors.

5.5 Document Numbering

The VENDOR shall assign a unique number to each document submitted to the COMPANY in
accordance with the conventions laid out in this procedure.

VENDOR document numbering shall be structured as follows:

Table 5-1 Document Numbering String Element Description

Timi Development Project VENDOR Document Numbering

Project Code - PO/Contract Number - VDRC Code - Sequential No. - *Sub-Sequential No.

Char. Char Char Numeric *Numeric

- - - -
(3) (unspecified) (3) (4) (3)


TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 16 of 29
Numbering String Elements Description

TIMI Timi Project Timi Project Identifier

A number originated from the Purchaser’s procurement system as

agreed between COMPANY/Purchaser. In such cases where the PO
number is late, and documentation is being submitted after the issue
of a letter of intent, then the COMPANY DCC may allocate a unique
A PO/Contract Number
number to replace the PO number for purposes of unique
identification. In such cases this unique number will be used
throughout the life of the documentation being /data submitted and
will serve in place of the PO number even when eventually allocated.
Full list of Vendor Document Requirement Catalogue (VDRC) code -
refer to VDRL in Appendix 1

CCCC Sequence Number Sequence number starting at 0001 to increment sequentially

* Sub-Sequential No Only Applicable to Minute of Meeting,

*DDD *Sheet Number Technical Query, Progress Report and Drawings. Start with 001 and
increment sequentially.


▪ Single sheet drawings (e.g. General Arrangement Drawings, Detail drawings, Schematics,
Data Sheets, etc.) shall always be designated as ‘Sheet 001’. Where additional information
is continued on to subsequent sheets, those sheets shall be numbered as Sheet 002, 003
etc. In this situation, the drawing title block shall clearly identify the sheet number as part
of a set (e.g. Sheet 1 of 2). As noted above, documents will not include a sheet number.
▪ It is recognised that not all VENDORs will produce documents with the same titles as those
included on the VDRL. Document titles shall however adequately reflect the contents to aid
retrieval of information later. The VDRL lists the information to be supplied and the typical
documentation that may be produced to convey this information. It is essential that the
VENDOR allocate the correct VDRC code to the corresponding document intended for
▪ VDRC codes may be combined such that one document submission may satisfy two or more
VDRC codes. Where VDRC codes are to be combined into one document submission, such
proposals shall be agreed at the Kick Off Meeting post award, with the COMPANY. Future
changes should be clearly shown in monthly submissions of the VDMS and marked on the
document. One code should be used in the document number and the other codes combined
in the document should be listed as “Also Covers VDRL Codes” (refer to Examples in
Appendix 1).

5.6 Document Revision

Document Revision is a two-digit number signifying the issue number. The issue number will
indicate the number of times a document has been submitted to the COMPANY by the VENDOR.
It will start at 01 and rise incrementally with each new submission of the document 02, 03, 04, 05

At any time, the document may be cancelled, the revision will be updated as X with Status Code
CAN – Cancelled.

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 17 of 29
Note: The document revision should not be confused with the VENDOR’s own revision system
which may use a different methodology to that specified by the COMPANY.

5.7 Document Status Code

All documentation and data submitted to the COMPANY shall be issued with the following status
code accurately reflecting the nature for which it has been submitted to the COMPANY.

The full status code with requisite description shall be displayed on all submitted drawings and

Status Code Description

IFI Issued for Information

IFR Issued for Review

AFC Approved for Construction

AFU Approved for Use

CAN Cancelled

SUP Superseded

5.8 Document Signs and Symbols

All abbreviation signs and symbols shall conform to the international system of units (SI).

5.9 Document/Drawing Templates

Example templates have been included in Appendix 5 and 6 for document cover page and
drawing decals. The VENDOR does not have to use the same format as shown in the examples,
however, the VENDOR shall be mindful of the attribution displayed on these examples. Submitted
documentation that does not include minimum mandatory attribution such as VDRC Code,
Document Revision, Document Number, Document Title, Document Status may be rejected and
returned to the VENDOR for re-formatting.

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 18 of 29
The following are instructions and guidelines for the preparation of data by VENDOR for
submission to the COMPANY. Any deviations from these specifications shall be agreed by the

The VENDOR shall be responsible for the quality of delivered data. The VENDOR shall in
addition, ensure that data received from its SUB-VENDORs is also complete, consistent and in line
with the guidelines laid out in this specification.

6.1 Plant Breakdown Structure

The following diagram illustrates the Plant Breakdown Structure of TIMI

Type *TM (GF)
CODE *F23 (BF)
Description Sarawak Block

*TMDRA (GF) Project


Drill Riser A

Process Unit Area

*10 *TS
Oil/Gas Separation Top Side

Condensate/Rich MEG

6.2 Data Files

The data files listed in the following sections are also referred in the VDRL and VDRC (refer to
Appendix 1) under the section labelled J - Commissioning, Operating, Maintenance and Spares
(VDRC code J08 and J09). All data submitted shall be furnished in the quantity/format defined in
this specification and specific purchase order instructions.

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 19 of 29
6.2.1 Spare Part Information - E-SPIR (VDRC Code : J08)
The VENDOR will be required to identify all spare parts required for commissioning (insurance
spares); spare parts required for the first year of operations and normal operations i.e. spares for
Life Cycle Cost. The VENDOR shall prepare reports (to be made available) in support of these

In addition, the VENDOR shall identify the spare part required for maintainable equipment and
the spare parts information shall be submitted in a uniform format via the E-SPIR database.

The E-SPIR application will be provided free of charge and provides for the bulk loading of spare
parts information via Microsoft Excel. E-SPIR eventually will be used for the extraction and
population of spare parts data to the COMPANY SAP CMMS database. E-SPIR can be
downloaded from the website

The VENDOR must follow the instructions provided in the E-SPIR website regarding the population
of the database.

6.2.2 Tag and Equipment Register

All Equipment VENDORs will be required to submit a tag and equipment register in a spreadsheet
format (refer to Table 6-1 and Appendix 3).

It is the principle requirement that all submitted equipment is tagged down to the lowest
maintainable item, i.e. the components of a given item of equipment that will require maintenance
or can be replaced in the event of failure. As a guideline, any equipment which has been defined
in the Tag and Equipment Class Listing (refer to TIMI-000-100-JA-6017-2004 Project IM
Reference and Documentation Template) shall be tagged.

The submitted Tag and Equipment Register shall take the form of a Microsoft Excel file where the
columns and rows created match those listed in the example shown in Table 6-1 (refer also to
Appendix 3).

Table 6-1 outlines the columns to be populated in the tag and equipment register. Reference Files
containing the correct values to be applied to each column (where appropriate) can be found
beneath the relevant column in the table.

6.2.3 Document to Asset Relationships

Where a tag register is indicated as being required, the associated document to asset
relationships should also be supplied. Only latest revision of the relevant document, previous
revisions should not be shown. The document to asset relationship shall be populated and
submitted to the COMPANY in Excel spreadsheet format.

TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01 Page 20 of 29
Table 6-1 J09 Tag and Equipment Register








T-7701 N/A tank 77 TS Portable Water CD105X 0202594X TIMI-



Storage Tank 45122518

77-LT-001 T-7701 differential 77 TS Pressure Level 3051CD3A0 0202593X TIMI-




pressure Transmitter – 2A1KM6IHJ 45122518
level Portable Water Q4QX 98-E09-
transmittal Tank – T-7701 0002

As per DEP As per As per As per As per

01.00.09. DEP TIMI-000- TIMI-000- TIMI-000-
10-Gen 01.00.0 100-JA- 100-JA- 100-JA-
Tagging 9.10- 6017- 6017- 6017-
Specificati Gen 2004 IM 2004 IM 2004 IM
on and Tagging Reference Reference Reference
Symbols Specific and and and
ation Documenta Documenta Document
and tion tion ation
Symbols Template Template Template

Note: Example blank Excel file for J09 Tag and Equipment Register can be found in Appendix 3

TIMI-000-100-JA-7880-2001 01R Page 21 of 29

The following sections outline the requirements surrounding the final handover of VENDOR’s
documentation and data after completion of the works before the PO can be closed out. The
VENDOR obligations shall not be complete until all required information has been received and
accepted by the COMPANY.

The VENDOR shall perform the final information compilation handover which consist of two
Manuals, namely, Certification & Manufacturing Data Books -CMDB (K01) and Operating &
Maintenance Data Books -OMDB (J01) and a Shipping Dossier. The documentation listed within
the Vendor Document Master Schedule (VDMS) must be completed and signed off prior to the
submission of the VENDOR’s final information compilation.

The COMPANY will require the VENDOR’s final information compilation in

▪ One (1) hard copy of all original documents (e.g. documents with wet signatures) AND
▪ One (1) electronic copy (text searchable in PDF), including the signed original front sheet,
for all revisions.

7.1 Hard Copy Requirements

Hard copy of the final documents shall follow the requirements below.

▪ Drawings of A3 size or larger should be fan folded to A4 size and inserted into A4 plastic
▪ All manuals shall be properly indexed. Every manual shall be labelled with a dossier title,
volume number within dossier, and book number within volume. If a document within a
volume is so large that additional binders are required, the additional binders shall carry
the same volume number with additional book numbers to indicate sequence i.e. Volume
1 Book 1, Volume 1 Book 2.
▪ Each manual shall have a minimum of 8mm spare capacity to allow for supplementary
documentation to be added at a later date if required.
▪ At the review stage, a single complete copy of the relevant Manual will be required for
review. Upon code 1 approval the VENDOR shall forward any outstanding copies.

Note: Hard Copy manuals shall be provided in A4 size and shall have a hard cover and come
with a 4-hole pillar ‘post-lock’ mechanism. Documentation contained within manuals should be
double-sided where practical. Manuals should have a clear plastic envelop at the front into which
a cover sheet can be inserted, a similar sheet should exist on the spine.
7.2 Electronic Requirements
Electronic copy of the final documents shall follow the requirements below.

▪ Electronic files of documents that make up manuals to be delivered as separate files as per
hard copy manual with an index and electronic front sheet.
▪ Documents to be in PDF format (to be text searchable in PDF, where practical). Copies of
Certification, or signed and stamped docs to be in scanned format (Scans to be kept to
reasonable DPI i.e. not to a size that is too big; to be read easily or will be rejected)
▪ Received Electronic files to be renamed using doc number and title
▪ Files to be received in electronic folder structure that corresponds to approved make-up of
original hardcopy manual
▪ Advanced electronic copies shall be submitted to the COMPANY extranet where practical.

Note: If agreed with the COMPANY, submission of electronic copies of final documentation may
be made via the extranet and not in external hard drive media or USB media. However, this
situation shall occur only upon approval from the COMPANY. Else, electronic submission of the
final documentation will occur via external drive media or USB media. This submission will follow
the specification as defined in Section 5 of this document.

7.3 Vendor Manual

Vendor manual shall provide for all possible operating conditions, emergency shutdown, and
include a troubleshooting and fault analysis schedule. Maintenance instructions should include the
recommended frequency of maintenance operations.

7.3.1 Operating and Maintenance Data Book - OMDB (VDRC Code: J01)
Documentation should be collated in the following sequence. Note that the Indexing sequence
maybe altered if agreed with Responsible COMPANY representative.

Section & Description Comprehensive Breakdown

Section 1 ▪ VENDORs Name, Address, Telephone Number, Fax Number, E-mail and
Leading Particulars Key Sub VENDOR details.
▪ Information should cover the overall equipment and for each major
unit/component making up the equipment.
▪ Equipment name and Tag Number
▪ Purchaser’s Works Identification (WI) Number
▪ Dimensions and Weights (Dry, Operating and Test)
▪ Main Characteristics
▪ Supply requirements
▪ Environmental considerations
▪ List of associated documentation
▪ Loading and support limitations
Section 2 Information shall include but not be limited to:
Commissioning ▪ Brief description supported by General Arrangement Drawings of the
▪ Operating parameters
▪ Power requirements

Page 23 of 29
TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01
Section & Description Comprehensive Breakdown
▪ Preparation for operation including, as applicable, de-preservation,
cleaning and drying out procedures, initial lubrication, introduction of
cooling medium etc.
▪ Pre-Commissioning checks including run-up data
▪ Re-Commissioning checks and test procedures following major overhaul.
Section 3 Information shall include but not be limited to:
Operation ▪ Functional description of equipment with the basic principles of operation
▪ Performance Curves (for pumps, ▪ Operating control functions with cause and effect charts.
gas turbines, compressors, etc.) ▪ Operating procedures for the various modes (manual/auto/remote as
▪ Completed Equipment Technical, applicable) and covering start-up, standby, steady state running, shutdown,
Noise & Weight Data Sheets emergency shutdown and fault conditions. Procedures should also cover
operational limitations and precautions
▪ Performance Data
Section 4 Information should include but not be limited to:
Maintenance ▪ Maintenance schedules indicating recommended minimum and maximum
periods for implementation of routine test and preventive maintenance;
recommendations should be based upon equipment usage as well as time
▪ Routine maintenance and test procedures covering all levels of maintenance
up to that required for equipment overhaul at base workshops.
▪ Corrective maintenance procedures, including removal, dismantling
overhaul, assembly, replacement, repair, test and calibration; this
information shall be supported by diagrams/drawings, in particular where
removal/replacement procedures are complicated, with positive location of
control points, adjustment points, test points etc.
▪ Specified cleaning methods and materials
▪ Fits/clearances and tolerances; (baseline and maximum)
▪ Details of access/lifting requirements
▪ List of tools required for maintenance, both standard and special, and
diagram of test rigs to be used.
▪ Safety precautions where necessary
▪ Equipment Record Card (ERC)

Note: For electronic equipment and instrumentation, information shall be given

to isolate faulty card or module, plus information for card or module repair.
Section 5 Complete Spare Parts inventory history (E-SPIR) with VENDOR’s part numbers
Parts Data will be used. Data related to parts and components (e.g. Instrument Index,
Distribution Board Schedule, Interface and Connection Schedule, Valve, Index
Section 6 Information shall include:
Lubrication ▪ Lubrication requirements prior to set-up
▪ Details of approved Shell lubricants (oil and/or greases) where
recommended by the VENDOR
▪ Lubrication schedule in format agreed with COMPANY
Section 7 Information shall include:
Fault Finding/Correction ▪ Fault cause/effect chart (where appropriate)
▪ Fault finding check list/procedures
▪ Fault correction checklist/procedure.
Section 8 This will be a complete copy of the Vendor Document Master Schedule (VDMS).

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TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01
Section & Description Comprehensive Breakdown
Drawing Reference List

Section 9 Information shall include drawings necessary for the operation and maintenance
Drawings of the equipment being supplied. Drawings should run sequentially as dictated
by the coding found in the VDMS.
Data submitted in this section should be specific to the equipment being supplied.
The VENDOR will be responsible for ensuring that all documentation provided
by the sub- VENDORs is properly integrated into the manual where appropriate

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TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01
7.3.2 Certification and Manufacturing Data Book - CMDB (VDRC Code: K01)
Where applicable documentation for the Certification and Manufacturing Data Book shall be
collated in the following sequence. Note that the Indexing Sequence maybe altered if agreed with
Responsible COMPANY representative

Section & Description Comprehensive Breakdown

Section 1 Copies of Purchase Orders, Change Orders and any sub-VENDORs Orders
Purchase Order and Sub-Orders
Section 2 Statement by VENDOR duly signed to confirm compliance with Purchase
Certificate of Compliance Order requirements.

Section 3 Inspection Release Notes raised either by Purchaser and or VENDOR.

VENDOR/Purchaser Release Notes Alternatively, the COMPANY may have issued Inspection Waivers, if so,
and/or Waivers these should also be included.

Section 4 If an Independent Verification Body has been involved, a copy of any

Independent Verification Body Release relevant Release notes should be included.
Section 5 ▪ All material and or Test Certification should be included. Preferred
Material/Test Certification (including requirements are original certificates for raw materials used for
Traceability Schedule & Hydro test, FAT, primary structural support items, piping materials, valves or pressure
PMI etc.) retaining materials. For these applications, the purchaser requires an
original certificate uniquely identified. However, in the absence of
original certificates, authenticated copies indicating a “verified copy”
or a “certified copy” are acceptable provided they are endorsed with
the stamp (Red inked, preferably) and initialed with an independent
recognized surveyor at source.
▪ All certification shall be typed / printed (not hand-written) in the English
language. Where this is not possible an authenticated English
translation shall be provided. All certificates shall remain unaltered as
issued at source and should be clearly legible. Failure to comply may
result in rejection of material.
▪ Certification descriptions shall be in accordance with European
Standard EN 10204.
Section 6 Full weld history including Welder Qualification, Weld Procedure and
NDE Records including Operators Qualifications
Weld Records

Section 7 Actual weight report

Weight Data
Section 8 Copy of approved Quality Plan
Quality Control/Inspection & Test Plan
Section 9 Listing of all applicable drawings as per VDMS, plus copies of any drawings
Drawings not included in the Operating and Maintenance Manual.

Section 10 Copies of the COMPANY's written approval of any deviations or

Deviations and Concessions concessions from the Purchaser Order requirements shall be included.

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TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01
7.3.3 Piping Isometric
For packages with piping, isometric drawing needs to be submit ted as part of vendor Data Book.

7.3.4 Shipping Dossier

A shipping dossier shall be compiled to account for each separate piece of equipment and
material this shall include as a minimum;

▪ A copy of the VENDORs Certificate of Conformity

▪ A copy of the Independent inspectors Inspection Release Note
▪ Weight Report
▪ Lifting Equipment Certification
▪ Hazardous Material Shipment Certification
▪ COSHH Data Sheets (if applicable)
▪ Preservation and Unpacking Instructions
▪ Any other special instructions as deemed necessary

Page 27 of 29
TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01
Appendix 1 Vendor Data Requirements Listing (VDRL) Sample, Instructions & Vendor
Document Requirements Catalogue (VDRC)


Appendix 2 Vendor Document Master Schedule (VDMS) Template


Appendix 3 Tag and Equipment Register Template

J09 Tag

Appendix 4 Supplier Cover Page

Supplier Cover

Page 28 of 29
TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 01
Appendix 5 Example Drawing Decal


Purchaser Review & Comments shall not be assumed to indicate either responsibility or liability for accuracy &
completeness of this document or to alter any contractual terms & conditions

Purchase Order No:

Tag Number(s):

VENDOR Reference

Project Code P.O. No. Sequential No. Sheet No. Issue No.


Includes VDRL
Document Status {IFI – Issued For Information; IFR – Issued For Review; AFC – Approved For
Code Construction; ASB – As-Built}

 Code 1 Accepted as Submitted – Submit Next Revision with AFU status.

Accepted with Comments Noted - Incorporate Comments, Up-rev and

 Code 2
Resubmit. Work may Proceed.

 Code 3 Revise and Resubmit – Do not proceed, revise and re-submit.

 Code 4 Rejected – Note:

Review Date: Reviewer Name:

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DOC NO. TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
Technical Requisition Package (TRP) REV.
For Inlet Separator CODE.
PAGE Page 85 of 97


P = Date of purchase order P+X = X weeks after purchase order or fax of intent

T = Date of test T±X = X weeks after or prior test

D = Date of dispatch D±X = X weeks after or prior to dispatch

Q = Date of process Q-X = X weeks prior to manufacture/job process

U = Use of procedure U-X = X weeks prior to use of procedure

E = Final inspection E+X = X weeks after final inspection

C = Date of Call Off C+X = X weeks after Call Off


1. All documents must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the following VENDOR DOCUMENT
REQUIREMENT Doc. No. TIMI-GN-000-JA-7880-0002 “Contract Information Specification (CIS) –
2. The first issue date specified is the latest that is considered acceptable. The Bidder/VENDOR shall
submit completed the VENDOR Document Schedule (SDS) together with bid, in accordance with the
agreed issue dates.
3. The quantity of documents required with the Bid, final issue and offshore as-built are indicated by the
numbers within the ‘With Bid’, ‘Final Issue’ and 'As-Built' columns adjacent to the document. All
document submitted throughout the project shall be in PDF format which are rendered directly from
its native format. Prior approval shall be sought by VENDOR from Purchaser for any other format of
document submission.
4. The native format of documents shall be as specified in the Long Description. VENDOR shall advise
any non-compliance.
5. An 'X' in this column indicates that an Electronic Copy is required with for the submission (via Livelink)
or prior approval for any other method of submission shall be sought by VENDOR from Purchaser. All
hard copies shall also be submitted as according to TRP and VDRL requirements.
6. Summary of documents submission:
Bid: 1 original + 3 prints
Approval: 4 prints + 1 original + 1 electronic
Certified: 4 prints + 1 original + 1 electronic
Final As-built: 4 prints + 1 original signed As-built Documentation/document inclusive of drawing /
Dossier + 1 electronic.
DOC NO. TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
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For Inlet Separator CODE.
PAGE Page 86 of 97


ISSUE (Offshore-As-built) MANUAL


# of Hard # of Hard # of Hard
Date Soft Copy Soft Copy
Copies Copies Copies J01 K01
Required Required Required
Required Required Required

A01 VENDOR Document Schedule (SDS) 4 P+2 5 X X X
A02 Fabrication/Production Schedule 4 P+2 5 X
A03 Progress Reports (Weekly / Monthly) P+2
A04 Sub-order Schedule P+2 5 X X X
A05 Asset Data Requirements (Document and Tag Data) 4 P+2 5 X 5 X X X
A06 Recommended Start-up and Commissioning Spares List 4 P+12 5 X 5 X X X
A07 Glossy brochure of procured equipment (and process internals) 4 P+2
A99 Other Control Documents
B01 General Arrangements 4 P+6 5 X 5 X X
B02 Acceptable Nozzle Loads 4 P+12 5 X X
B03 Interface and Connection Schedule P+6 5 X X
B04 Foundation Loading Diagram & Support Details P+12 5 X X
B99 Other General Arrangement Drawings P+6 5 X X
C07 Weight Data Sheet 4 P+6 5 X X
C08 Equipment Data Sheet 4 P+6 5 X X
C12 Detailed Description of Operation
D01 Cross Sectional Drawing or Exploded View Diagram with Parts No. List P+6 5 X 5 X X
D04 Name Plate Format Drawings P+6 5 X 5 X X
D05 Sub Assembly Drawings P+6 5 X 5 X X
D07 Detail Drawing (including lifting arrangement and transportation drawings) P+6 5 X 5 X X
F01 Pressure Vessel / Tank Mechanical Calculations Q-4 5 X X
F02 Process / Utility Calculations (including CFD analysis) Q-4 5 X X
F03 Structural Steel (Skirt) Support Calculations Q-4 5 X X
F04 Foundation / Anchor Bolt Support Calculations Q-4 5 X X
F25 Relief Valve and Burst Disc Calculations, if applicable Q-4 5 X X
G01 Erection and Installation Procedure D-6 5 X X
G02 Unpacking and Preservation Procedure D-6 5 X X
G03 Handling and Shipping Procedure D-6 5 X X
G04 Weight Control / Weighing Procedure D-6 5 X X
G99 Other Handling, Install & Site Preservation Procedures D-6 5 X X
H01 Quality Manual 4 P+2 5 X X
H02 Quality Plan 4 P+2 5 X X
H03 Detailed Fabrication Drawing P+4 5 X 5 X X X
Weld Procedure Specification (WPS) and Qualification (WPQ) Records,
H04 4 U-4 5 X X
- Weld Overlay Procedure
- Cladded Plate Manufacturing Procedure
H05 Non-destructive Examination Procedure (NDE) T-4 5 X X
H06 Forming & Heat Treatment Proc. (including PWHT) U-4 5 X X
H07 Hydrostat/Flushing/Pneumatic Test Procedure T-2 5 X X
H08 Performance Testing & Acceptance Test Procedure T-4 5 X X
H09 Surface Preparation & Painting Procedure Q-2 5 X X
H11 Corrosion Testing Procedure T-2 5 X X
H99 Other Manufacturing, Quality Procedures T-2 5 X X


J01 Installation, Operating and Maintenance Manual (IOM) D-6 5 X X
J03 Recommended Start-up and Commissioning Spares List 4 P+10 5 X X
J04 Recommended Spares For 2 Year Operation 4 P+10 5 X X
J07 Special Tools List, if any 4 P+10 5 X X
K01 Certification Data Book D-2 5 X
K02 Equipment Hazardous Area Certificate and Schedule P+8 5 X X
K03 Weldability Data T+2 5 X X
K04 Performance Test Results T+2 5 X X
K05 Factory Acceptance Test Report (FAT) T+2 5 X X
K08 Weight Report D 5 X X
K99 Other Specification (ASME Code User Design Specification) D-2 5 X X
L01 Material Test Certificate D-2 5 X X
L02 Welder Performance Qualification Certificates D-2 5 X X
L03 NDE Operator Qualifications D-2 5 X X
L04 Production Test Results (including Welding) D-2 5 X X
DOC NO. TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
Technical Requisition Package (TRP) REV.
For Inlet Separator CODE.
PAGE Page 87 of 97


ISSUE (Offshore-As-built) MANUAL


# of Hard # of Hard # of Hard
Date Soft Copy Soft Copy
Copies Copies Copies J01 K01
Required Required Required
Required Required Required

L05 NDE Records D-2 5 X X

L06 Heat Treatment Records D-2 5 X X
L07 Material Traceability Records D-2 5 X X
L08 Name Plate Rubbing D-2 5 X X
L09 Pressure Test Certificate D-2 5 X X
L10 Instrument Test / Calibration Certificate D-2 5 X X
L11 Dimensional Report D-2 5 X X
L12 Proof Load Certification D-2 5 X X
L13 Vessel & Exchanger Code Data Reports D-2 5 X X
L14 Certificate Of Compliance D-2 5 X X
L20 Purchaser's Release Note / Waiver D-2 5 X X
L21 Code / Standard / Compliance Certificate D-2 5 X X
L22 Painting / Insulation Inspection Report D-2 5 X X
L99 Other Test & Inspection Reports D-2 5 X X
M01 Packing and Shipping Schedule D -2 5 X
DOC NO. TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
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For Inlet Separator CODE.
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Typical Inspection and Test Plan (ITP)
DOC NO. TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
Technical Requisition Package (TRP) REV.
For Inlet Separator CODE.
PAGE Page 89 of 94

Typical Inspection and Test Plan for Inlet Separator: DEP & ASME VIII Div.2

Line Activities Submit/Monitor Review/Monitor Hold/Witness Remarks

QAQC/Reps AIA or OSR Reps.

1. Pre-Inspection Meeting X X X

2. Specification/Datasheets/Calculations X X

3. Drawings/Bill of Material X X

4. Materials, Sub-Components prior to X X

Order Placement

5. QC System Manual/Quality Plan X X

6. Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) X X

Welding Procedure Qualification X X

7. (WPS/PQR)

8. Clad Procedure Specifications X X

9. Clad Handling, Storage & Procedure X X

10. Welder Qualification Record X X

11. Welding Repair Procedures X X

12. N.D.E. Procedures X X

13. N.D.E. Personnel Qualification X X


14. Material Test Reports X X

15. Material Verification X X

16. Positive Material Identification X X

17. Components, parts inspection (visual, X X

- Shell
- Heads
- Forged Nozzles, Flanges
-Opening holes for nozzles &
-Process Internals & Support
- Supports

18. Fabrication, assembly inspection X X

19. Preliminary Dimension & Orientation X X

DOC NO. TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
Technical Requisition Package (TRP) REV.
For Inlet Separator CODE.
PAGE Page 90 of 94

Typical Inspection and Test Plan for Inlet Separator: DEP & ASME VIII Div.2

Line Activities Submit/Monitor Review/Monitor Hold/Witness Remarks

QAQC/Reps AIA or OSR Reps.

20. Welding Inspection X X

- Welding material verification
- Fit-up/Joint preparation
- Visual & dimensional weldment

21. Cladding (as applicable) X X

22. Production Test Plate & Testing X X

23. N.D.E. Examination X X

24. N.D.E. Activities X X

25. Weld Defect Repair X X

26. Hardness Test X X

27. Impact Test X X

28. PWHT X X

29. Final Dimensions & Orientation Check X X

30. Shop Hydrostatic Test X X X

31. Test Reports / Test Certificates X X X

32. Acid Cleaning / Pickling & Pickling X X

33. Surface Preparation & Coating X X

Surface Preparation / Primer Coat
Top Coat
(Thickness, Visual, Adhesion,

34. Nameplate / Code Stamping X X

35. Final Inspection X X

36. Certification of Compliance X X X

37. Preparation for Shipment X

38. Release for Shipment X

DOC NO. TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
Technical Requisition Package (TRP) REV.
For Inlet Separator CODE.
PAGE Page 91 of 94

Preferred Sub-VENDOR List
DOC NO. TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
Technical Requisition Package (TRP) REV.
For Inlet Separator CODE.
PAGE Page 92 of 94


1. Sub VENDORs for major material such as cladded plate, nozzle, fittings, and pipes to be
proposed by VENDOR and shall be specified during ITT submission. The proposed sub
VENDORs shall have experience in supplying similar material for oil and gas industry, and
subject to SSB approval.

2. All process internal shall be supplied by Sulzer Chem Tech.

DOC NO. TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
Technical Requisition Package (TRP) REV.
For Inlet Separator CODE.
PAGE Page 93 of 94

Equipment Criticality Intervention Assessment (ECIA) – on HOLD
DOC NO. TIMI-GN-650-MS-7303-0001
Technical Requisition Package (TRP) REV.
For Inlet Separator CODE.
PAGE Page 94 of 94

Appendix H
Safety Critical Element (SCE) – on HOLD

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