DG19.Credit Oppotunities Fund
DG19.Credit Oppotunities Fund
DG19.Credit Oppotunities Fund
September 2020
For Discussion Purposes Only. Not An Offer, Recommendation, General Solicitation or Confirmation of Terms
Executive Summary: DG19 Credit Opportunity Fund
DG19 Credit Opportunity Fund
The DG19 Credit Opportunity Fund is an actively managed bond fund investing in high yield issuers across Frontier and small-Emerging Markets.
The fund’s mandate is global but has deep expertise investing in corporate and sovereign issuers from Eastern Europe, Middle East, Central Asia
and sub-Saharan Africa.
The fund has an absolute return of 35% from inception in March 2016.
The fund is owned and seeded by its founders. The founders make up the core management team, lead by portfolio manager Michael Workman.
Track Record Managing Capital Investors and Principals Aligned Key Fund Characteristics
The DG19 COF has a 4-year audited track record. It is The fund’s fee structure is transparent and
managed by an investment team with 25 years performance driven. Founders remain anchor Target Gross Return: 10.00+% p.a
experience in emerging and frontier capital markets. investors and are actively involved in day-to-day
The owners began working together in 1997. management. DG19 focuses on total returns not Strategy: Actively Managed Credit / No Leverage
asset aggregation.
Liquidity: Monthly Redemptions / No Lockup
Global Footprint and Regulated Platform Fund Distribution Capacity
Minimum investment: US$100 000
The DG19 COF fund and its investment manager (IM) are The DG19 COF is distributed in Switzerland and
regulated according to EU guidelines. The DG19 COF is is eligible to be distributed in EU and US AUM (Avg.): US$11.0 – US$15.0 mln.
domiciled in Ireland (ICAV) and the IM is based in Jersey. markets. In Singapore, the fund is registered
The investment management and research team are with the Monetary Authority of Singapore Fund Launch Date: March 2016
located in Moscow. (MAS).
For Discussion Purposes Only. Not An Offer, Recommendation, General Solicitation or Confirmation of Terms
Global High Yield Debt Markets - Compelling Risk vs Reward
Global HY Bonds Offers Equity Like Returns… …With Notably Better Volatility Measures
180 35
Bloomberg Global HY Index Annualized Returns: +9.77% Bloomberg Global HY Index Average Volatility: 4.22
MSCI World Equity Index Annualized Returns: +16,69% MSCI World Equity Index Average Volatility : 13.81
Total Return, %
-20 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
EM & Frontier Yield Curves – Noticeable Pick Up EM Yield vs Duration – Getting Paid to Own It
5 7% 160
EM Sovereign
6% 140
Yield-to-Duration (RHS)
EM Corporates 120
Yield-to-Duration (bp/year)
5% Yield to Maturity (LHS) 4.6%
Yield to Maturity
Yield to Maturity
3 100
US Investment Grade
2 3%
2.3% 60
US Treasury 2%
1 40
1% 0.5% 20
3Y 4Y 5Y 6Y 7Y 8Y 9Y 10Y 12Y 15Y 20Y 0% 0
US Treasury US IG EM IG Corp EM HY Sov EM HY Corp
300+ Issuers Recommendation
For Discussion Purposes Only. Not An Offer, Recommendation, General Solicitation or Confirmation of Terms
Position Monitoring and Portfolio Risk Management
In 1H 2018 EM Spreads
to UST at Lows. New
longs in Ukraine & South
OW Russian / CIS Oil Africa
Total Return, %
& Gas issues. Nigerian
private banks a top
performer in 2016
DG19 Total Return Bloomberg Barclays Emerging Markets Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate
(Before Fund Costs and Fees) High Yield Index (BEBGTRUU Index) Total Return Index (LUACTRUU Index)
Market Overview & Performance Summary - 2017 DG19 COF Bloomberg Out-
Total Return EM HY Index performance
The US presidential elections led to turbulence among high-grade EM sovereigns towards the
end of 2016/1H2017. We used this choppiness to overweight sovereigns and quasi-sovereigns Total Return (%): +11.14 +9.54 +1.60
in Turkey and Mexico helping to beat the index by +160 bps. At mid-year, our “fallen angels” Volatility: 2.40 2.29
strategy played out and we actively rebalanced the portfolio via the new issue market. We
added more than ten new geographies in 2017 including corporates from Kazakhstan,
Belarus, Zambia plus sovereign risk in Tajikistan and Bahrain.
Market Overview & Performance Summary - 2016 2016 (9 months) DG19 COF Bloomberg Out-
Total Return EM HY Index performance
We launched the fund at the end of March 2016. Our largest exposures at the time were
in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Our +259 bps outperformance of the Bloomberg HY EM Total Return (%): +14.27 +11.68 +2.59
Index was built on longs in Kazakh credits (they returned +32.92% for the year). Russian Volatility: 3.77 5.10
corporates were second best gaining +18.65% for the period. 9
For Discussion Purposes Only. Not An Offer, Recommendation, General Solicitation or Confirmation of Terms
DG19 COF Infrastructure and Service Providers
• The DG19 COF is EU Domiciled: Key DG19 Service Providers and Partners
–The DG19 Credit Opportunity Fund is an Ireland Domiciled
Investment Fund (ICAV - Irish Collective Asset-management
–The fund operates according to the framework of the European
Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD)
For Discussion Purposes Only. Not An Offer, Recommendation, General Solicitation or Confirmation of Terms
Portfolio Manager DG19 Credit Opportunity Fund
Michael Workman
• Founder and Fund Manager of the DG19 Credit Opportunity Fund.
• Created , launched and responsible for the fund’s infrastructure and investment strategy. Manage day-to-day operations of the fund and
oversees investment research team.
• Member of DG19 Credit Opportunity Fund Investment Committee, Co-founder and Director of DG19 Investment Management Limited
(Jersey), the fund’s investment manager.
• Full Career History: www.linkedin/michaelworkman/
• Head credit trader for EEMEA distressed and special situations in UBS Moscow office. Traded performing, defaulted and restructured bonds, bank loans and local currency fixed income instruments.
• Managed the bank’s EEMEA proprietary trading positions and responsible for making markets to support global flow trading.
Otkritie Capital,
• Managing director and head of US$ 1.0 billion fixed income portfolio and trading business in Moscow. Ran proprietary and client trading activities including team of salespeople and research analysts.
• Trading strategies included corporate and government, USD and local currency bonds across emerging and developed markets. Member of firm’s management committee responsible for fixed
income business in Russia and London.
Education: B.B.A from the University of Notre Dame with multiple degrees in Finance & Business Economics and Russian Language and Literature.
Additional Information: Featured speaker at investment forums about Emerging and Frontier Markets sponsored by Goldman Sachs, UBS, Citigroup, Renaissance Capital, Vedomosti, Bloomberg,
Emerging Markets Investor, Sachs Associates, Adam Smith and Euromoney.
Advisor to Sovereign Wealth Funds and global media companies relating to cross-border investments in sports and entertainment media properties in Russia / CIS.
For Discussion Purposes Only. Not An Offer, Recommendation, General Solicitation or Confirmation of Terms
DG19 Investment Management Executive Team
▪ DG19 Group’s competitive advantage includes its deep rooted local presence in emerging and
DG19 Investment Professionals Have More frontier markets.
Than 25+ Years Experience in Global ▪ Unlike most money center asset managers, the DG19 executive team has worked on the ground in
Financial Markets local markets forming robust partnerships, information gathering networks and a unique
investment point of view.
▪ DG19 upholds best practices in regards to its operating environment, compliance, and risk
management procedures.
In no circumstances should it be used or considered as an offer to sell or There are certain risks associated with investments in any private fund as,
solicit any offers to buy the fund or securities mentioned in it. Past for example, they can experience volatile results and an investor can lose
performance may not necessarily be repeated and is not a guarantee or some or all of his investment. The contents of this document are not to be
projection of future results. For more information and before making any distributed to third parties, nor will DG19 Management Ltd or the fund be
investment decision potential investors should read related documentation held responsible for any damage, direct cost or indirect cost deriving from
of the fund. References to specific investments or strategies are for the unauthorized distribution of this document or of its contents.
illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be and should not be
relied upon as a recommendation to purchase or sell particular investments
or engage in particular strategies.