SG4 - Claude Grunitzky - PIO
SG4 - Claude Grunitzky - PIO
SG4 - Claude Grunitzky - PIO
Syndicate Group 4
03 04
Networking & New York &
Relationship Expanding
05 06
The Growing Equity
Pains Alliances
01 The
Claude Grunitzky is an
Togolese-French-American that achieved
success in magazine and advertising
- Gap formed as CG was making more money and distance with employees at Trace
- Invited to Siècle (French elite club), and World Economic forum
- Wanted to use power to “to have more influence to change society in a bigger way, to
racism and stereotypes, promote open-mindedness.”
“As the company grew, we became
more corporate because we had
to. We lost the feel of the
early days, which was all about
experimentation and just trying
the most outlandish things,
which had served us well. And
when we became more
traditional, we stalled.”
The Transitions
By 2007, Trace magazine circulation had fallen to 20,000 issues.
Grunitzky began to think about life after the Trace businesses.
Goldman Sachs, which had invested in 2003 with a plan to exit in five years, was also
looking to get out. However, the economy crashed at the end of 2008 and within a few
months many major clients had pulled their accounts from True.
Grunitzky did not foresee a quick turnaround, so he had to layoff nearly the entire
True staff and close the office. Grunitzky continued doing some consulting on his
own under the True banner while Wayner returned to Wall Street. Goldman held onto
Trace TV and the Trace brand as there were few buyers, but in July 2010, Goldman
finally sold both and dissolved
07 Equity
2021: The Equity Alliance
- In January 2021, Grunitzky partnered with Richard
Parson and several others to establish Equity
Alliance, an investment fund with main goals to
democratize access to capital, especially for the
people of color.
- The partners see a convergence in systemic
inequality based on the recent racial justice
movement and ongoing pandemic.
- Worldwide asset management is currently valued at
US$ 70 Trillion and the men and women of colors
only represent 1.3% of them. Through Equity
Alliance, Grunitzky and his partners are seeking to
increase this figure as they believed that this
year is the right momentum to achieve the goals.
Does anyone have any