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Foster Fire Resistive Aluminium Mastic: Technical Data Sheet

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Technical Data Sheet

60-75 Foster Fire Resistive Aluminium Mastic

Aluminium reflective, water vapour barrier coating.

Physical form The product in brief

Soft paste Foster Fire Resistive Aluminium Mastic 60-75 is a
weather- proof water vapour barrier designed to protect
Specific Gravity insulation systems applied to equipment operating below
1.35 kg/l (DIN 51757) ambient temperatures located in most industrial
environments. Fire Resistive Aluminium Mastic 60-75
Solids Content can be applied by glove, trowel or airless spray.
89.2 % (DIN 53216)
• Heavy duty water vapour barrier.
Average Coverage • Versatile method of application.
First coat: 1 litre/m • Light reflective.
Finish coat: 1.5 litre/m • High build coating.
• Certified fire rating, when dry.
Equivalent Application Rate
First coat: 1 litre per square metre 1 mm wet film Principal Applications
thickness. • Protection of most insulation types against weather
Second coat: 1.5 litre per square metre 1.5 mm wet film and industrial environments.
thickness (1.225 mm dry film thickness for two coats). • Providing a water vapour barrier for very cold
processes/ storage.
Drying Time
• Coating for insulation systems with high fire
Touch: 4 hours
Through: 3 days, dependent upon ambient conditions.
Coated Surface Temperature Limits
Fire Resistive Aluminium Mastic 60-75 is a co-polymer
Minus 40°C to 80°C
based compound which dries to form a high build, light
reflective vapour barrier coating resistant to mild acids,
Application Temperature Limits
alkalis, aliphatic solvents and oil. When used with a
5°C to 40°C
reinforcing membrane it will withstand some mechanical
abuse. Fire Resistive Aluminium Mastic 60-75 is suitable
for use over cork, polyurethane, polyisocyanurate,
Trowel, glove or airless spray.
phenolic and cellular glass insulation. It is not suitable for
use over expanded polystyrene or other solvent sensitive
Water Vapour Permeance
0.02 perms (1.225 mm) dry film thickness (ASTM E398-
70; 30°C, 90% RH)

Flash Point
Wet: 42°C (Abel)

Storage Life
12 months at 20°C in original unopened containers.

TEMATI BV Tel 0031 – (0)251 – 22 91 72 Fax 0031 – (0)251 – 21 23 80 Website: Email:
Application Guide


Cold storage vessels: Fire Resistive Aluminium Mastic 60-75 will provide a weatherproof water vapour barrier on cold
storage vessels to reduce the transmission of water vapour towards the cold surface and avoid failure of the insulation

Specification/ Site Instructions

Guide Specification:
1. The mastic as detailed shall be Fire Resistive Aluminium Mastic 60-75.
2. All surfaces must be dry and free of contamination, all joints sealed and any damage made good before application.
3. Using a clean trowel apply a first coat of Fire Resistive Aluminium Mastic 60-75 at a uniform rate of not less than 1
litre/m to give a minimum applied film thickness of 1 mm.
4. Immediately embed Open Weave Glass Cloth No. 10 into the coating whilst wet, applying a light pressure from the
centre to the edge. Allow a minimum of 50 mm overlap at all adjoining edges, protrusions and terminal points.
5. Allow at least 16 hours for the first coat to dry.
6. Ensuring that the first coat is dry and contamination free apply a second coat of Fire Resistive Aluminium Mastic 60-75
at a uniform rate of not less than 1.5 litre/m to give a minimum wet film thickness of 1.5 mm.
7. Allow a minimum of 3 days after the application is complete before putting the plant into service.

Site Instructions
Store Fire Resistive Aluminium Mastic 60-75 within a range of 15°C to 25°C for 24 hours prior to use. Cut the reinforcing
membrane to the required shape and size before application of the first coat. Care must be taken during application to avoid
the inclusion of air in the wet coating. Where practical, application equipment shall be cleaned, part and used containers
closed and maximum ventilation made available at the end of each working session.

For industrial use only.

This data sheet is based on specifications, data and test results available to us at the time of publication.
In the course of time changes herein may (have) take(n) place. The above tests were carried out in accordance with the
above mentioned internal test standards and are indicative. No guarantee as to completeness, accuracy or results is either
expressed or implied. The suitability to an intended use is the responsibility of the user. As material-choice, method of
application and site conditions are beyond our control, we accept no liability for direct or consequential damages; our only
obligation being to resupply ex our stores any material that is proved to be defective within the published* shelf life.
* If not applicable, within 6 months from date of supply. 0613

TEMATI BV Tel 0031 – (0)251 – 22 91 72 Fax 0031 – (0)251 – 21 23 80 Website: Email:

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