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Shear Friction

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The paper discusses the shear-friction theory which is used in design codes to predict the longitudinal shear strength between concrete layers cast at different times. It also discusses parameters that are considered and neglected in current codes and proposes an alternative design approach.

The shear-friction theory assumes that relative slippage between old and new concrete layers leads to shear reinforcement yielding and transfer of shear forces by friction. It is adopted in codes like ACI 318 and Eurocode 2 to predict shear strength of interfaces like between precast-cast in place members.

Current codes consider compressive strength, normal stress, shear reinforcement, and roughness but neglect differential shrinkage and stiffness between layers. The paper argues these neglected parameters should be considered for accuracy.


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Interface Shear Transfer on Composite

Concrete Members

Article in Aci Structural Journal · January 2014


3 890

2 authors:

Pedro M D Santos Eduardo Nuno Brito Santos Júlio

32 PUBLICATIONS 274 CITATIONS Technical University of Lisbon


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Title No. 111-S11

Interface Shear Transfer on Composite Concrete Members

by Pedro M. D. Santos and Eduardo N. B. S. Júlio

The “shear-friction theory” was adopted in design codes to predict

the longitudinal shear strength between parts of concrete members
cast at different times. This is a relevant subject for different situa-
tions, such as the connection between precast members with cast-
in-place parts and strengthening of existing reinforced concrete
(RC) members with a new concrete layer.
The bond strength of the interface is controlled by parameters such
as the substrate roughness, curing conditions, and the material
strength and stiffness of both concrete layers, among others. Some
of these—for example, differential shrinkage due to different curing
conditions, and differential stiffness due to the difference in the
Young’s modulus of each layer—are not addressed in codes.
This paper presents recommendations and proposes an alternative
design approach for concrete-to-concrete interfaces that can be
adopted in future revisions of ACI 318 and Eurocode 2. A compar-
ison between ACI 318 and Eurocode 2 is presented.
Fig. 1—Saw-tooth model.
Keywords: codes; interface; repair; roughness; shear; shrinkage; standards;

The “shear-friction theory” is currently adopted in all
major design codes of concrete structures, such as ACI 318,1
Eurocode 2,2 and fib Model Code 2010,3 among others, to
predict the longitudinal shear strength between concrete
layers cast at different times. It is most adequate for designing
precast members with cast-in-place parts as well as existing
concrete members—for example, bridge decks strengthened
with a concrete overlay. Fig. 2—Load transfer mechanisms.
This theory was initially proposed by Birkeland and
Birkeland4 to predict the shear strength of new-to-old between concrete layers cast at different times. An overview
concrete interfaces. Currently, the following four parameters of the shear-friction theory is made. The provisions of ACI
are considered: 1) the compressive strength of the weakest 3181 are discussed and compared with those in Eurocode 2.2
concrete; 2) the normal stress at the interface; 3) the shear Finally, the authors propose an alternative design approach
reinforcement crossing the interface; and 4) the roughness for concrete-to-concrete interfaces that can be incorporated
of the substrate surface. The design philosophy assumes in future revisions of ACI 3181 and Eurocode 2.2
that, due to relative slippage between old and new concrete
layers, the interface crack width increases, leading to shear RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
reinforcement yielding in tension, thus compressing the The load transfer mechanism of shear forces between
interface, and the shear forces are transferred by friction. concrete parts cast at different times (Fig. 2) results from the
A “saw-tooth model” is usually adopted to exemplify this combination of three components: cohesion, friction, and
concept (Fig. 1). dowel action. While cohesion is considered by some design
Because composite concrete structures are the main field codes, dowel action is usually neglected. Friction is the only
of application of the shear-friction theory, parameters such as component present in all shear-friction design provisions.
the differential shrinkage and the differential stiffness should
be considered in design. Nevertheless, current design codes
neglect these two parameters and, therefore, the proposed ACI Structural Journal, V. 111, No. 1, January-February 2014.
design expressions cannot be as accurate as desired. MS No. S-2012-034.R1, doi:10.14359.51686543, was received on January 18,
2013, and reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2014, American
This paper presents the second part of a large experimental Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless
permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including
study conducted to assess the longitudinal shear strength author’s closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the
discussion is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2014 113

The bond strength is controlled by parameters such as
( )
vu = C1 ρf y
surface preparation, weakest concrete strength, shear rein- (MPa) (5)
forcement, differential shrinkage, and differential stiffness.
The authors experimentally investigated the influence of
these parameters on the behavior of composite reinforced C1 = 0.822 fc 0.406 (MPa)
concrete (RC) members. An alternative design approach for (6)
concrete-to-concrete interfaces is proposed.


The design expression of the shear-friction theory,
proposed by Birkeland and Birkeland,4 for the assessment
of the ultimate longitudinal shear stress at concrete-to-con-
( )
vu = C1 0.007ρf y
crete interfaces is given by Eq. (1). The coefficient of fric- (psi) (8)
tion depends on the surface preparation method and assumes
the following values: 1) μ = 1.7 for monolithic concrete;
2) μ = 1.4 for artificially roughened construction joints; and C1 = 15.686 fc 0.406 (psi)
3) μ = 0.8 to 1.0 for ordinary construction joints and for
concrete-to-steel interfaces.

vu = μρfy (1) C2 = 0.0353 fc 0.303 (psi)


Several researchers5 suggested modifications to this Tsoukantas and Tassios9 were the first researchers to refer
design expression to increase its accuracy and to include to and study the contribution of the dowel action mechanism
other parameters, such as cohesion of the interface (corre- to the total shear strength of the interface. Later, Randl10
sponding to adhesion and aggregate interlock); the weakest proposed a design expression (Eq. (11)) that explicitly
concrete strength; and the dowel action due to the deforma- includes the contribution of the three load transfer mecha-
tion (by shear, bending, and tension) of reinforcing bars. nisms11: 1) cohesion, due to the contribution of adhesion and
The most significant contributions are presented in the aggregate interlocking; 2) friction, due to the longitudinal
following paragraphs. relative slip between concrete layers and thus influenced
Mattock and Hawkins6 proposed the design expression by the surface roughness and the normal stress at the shear
(Eq. (2) and (3)) usually known as the “modified shear-fric- interface; and 3) dowel action, due to the contribution of the
tion theory.” The first term explicitly gives the contribu- flexural resistance of the shear reinforcement crossing the
tion of the cohesion of the interface, assumed constant and interface.
equal to 1.38 MPa (200 psi), while the second term is due to
clamping stresses. The coefficient of friction is considered
constant and equal to 0.8.   (  
vu = cfc1 3 + µ ρkf y + σ n + αρ f y fc ≤ βνfc
friction dowel action
vu = 1.38 + 0.8(ρfy + σn) (MPa) (2)
The parameters of the design expression proposed by
Randl10 are presented in Table 1. Randl10 also proposed
vu = 200 + 0.8(ρfy + σn) (psi) (3) that surface roughness should be evaluated using ASTM
E965(2001)12 by means of the Sand Patch Test.
Loov7 proposed the first design expression (Eq. (4)) to
explicitly include the concrete strength. The constant k was DESIGN EXPRESSIONS FROM CODES
considered equal to 0.5 for initially uncracked interfaces. ACI 3181 considers that a crack across a given plane can
The proposed design expression can also be used with any occur due to an existing or potential crack, an interface
consistent system of units (SI or U.S. Customary). between different materials, or an interface between two
concretes cast at different times. The ultimate longitudinal
shear stress at the concrete-to-concrete interface is given by

vu = k fc ρf y + σ n ) (4) the contribution of friction (Eq. (12)). Cohesion and dowel
action are not explicitly considered.
Walraven et al.8 proposed an expression using an inno-
vative approach known as the “sphere model” to take into vu = ρfy(μsinα + cosα) (12)
account the interaction between the aggregates, the binding
paste, and the interface zone. The resulting nonlinear design Four surface conditions are considered: 1) concrete
expression (Eq. (5) to (10)) was calibrated using the results placed against hardened concrete with the surface clean but
of a large experimental study conducted using push-off not intentionally roughened (μ = 0.6λ); 2) concrete placed
specimens with initially cracked interfaces against hardened concrete with the surface clean and inten-
tionally roughened to a full amplitude of 6.35 mm (0.25 in.)

114 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2014

Table 1—Values of design parameters proposed Comparing the shear-friction provisions of both ACI 3181
by Randl10 and Eurocode 2,2 it can be stated that the surface roughness
Coefficient of is the most influential parameter on the shear strength. It is
Coeffi- friction μ qualitatively assessed in all design codes1,2 by adopting a
Surface cient of fc ≥ fc ≥ visual inspection because no method or device is proposed
Surface roughness cohesion 20 35 to perform a quantitative assessment. Nevertheless, it must
preparation R, mm c MPa MPa k α β
be highlighted that the new fib Model Code 20103 already
High-pressure considers the use of a roughness parameter (average rough-
≥ 3.0 0.4 0.8 1.0 0.5 0.9 0.4
ness Ra) to characterize the surface roughness. Each design
Sand-blasting ≥ 0.5 0.0 0.7 0.7 0.5 1.1 0.3 code presents its own roughness classification, leading to
Smooth — 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 1.5 0.2 different values of both coefficients of cohesion and friction,
thus leading to different values of the bond strength of the
Notes: 1 mm = 0.039 in.; 1 MPa = 145 psi.
interface for the same surface condition.
(μ = 1.0λ); 3) concrete placed monolithically (μ = 1.4λ); and A needed improvement to all design codes is the adop-
4) concrete anchored to as-rolled structural steel by headed tion of a common quantitative approach to characterize
studs or reinforcing bars (μ = 0.7λ). The parameter λ is a the surface roughness, instead of using a purely qualitative
modification factor related to concrete density and shall be assessment. It will then be possible to increase the design
taken equal to 1.00 for normalweight concrete, and 0.75 accuracy because both coefficients of cohesion and friction
for all lightweight concrete. When normalweight and light- are determined for each particular situation using the same
weight aggregates are used together, the modification factor methodology and assessment principles. Moreover, it will be
λ should be determined considering the volumetric propor- possible to avoid considering minimum values for roughness
tions of each aggregate type, without exceeding 0.85. amplitude, as is currently proposed by some design codes.1,2
According to ACI 318,1 for normalweight concrete placed Finally, it should be mentioned that the absence of any
monolithically or cast against hardened concrete with provision concerning both differential shrinkage and differ-
surface intentionally roughened, the ultimate longitudinal ential stiffness is common to all design codes. Because the
shear stress is upper limited by the minimum value given interface shear strength is of major significance in composite
by 0.2fc, (3.3 + 0.08fc) MPa ((480 + 0.08fc) psi) and 11 MPa RC members, design codes should mention, at least, the
(1600 psi). For the remaining cases, the ultimate longitu- need to consider the influence of both differential shrinkage
dinal shear stress is upper limited by the minimum value and differential stiffness in the design, as these generate high
given by 0.2fc and 5.52 MPa (800 psi). The yield strength of stresses at the interface. Moreover, both parameters should
the reinforcement shall not be taken greater than 414 MPa be evaluated for each specific condition on site.
(60,000 psi).
Eurocode 22 adopted a design expression (Eq. (13)) that RECENT INVESTIGATIONS ON INTERFACE
explicitly considers the contribution of cohesion and fric- SHEAR TRANSFER
tion. Dowel action is not explicitly considered. The first Aiming to overcome some weaknesses present in the
term is linked to the contribution of cohesion; the second shear-friction provisions of design codes, the authors devel-
term is related to the contribution of friction due to external oped a nondestructive in-situ method13 to perform a quan-
compressive stresses; and the third term, also related to fric- titative assessment of the roughness of a concrete surface.
tion, gives the contribution of the compression due to the This is based in an innovative measuring device, called 2D
tensioned shear reinforcement that crosses the interface. Laser Roughness Analyser (2D-LRA method), specifically
developed with this aim.
vu = cfctd + μσn + ρfy(μsinα + cosα) ≤ 0.5vfcd (13) This new method proved to be effective because it is
possible to: 1) obtain two-dimensional (2-D) profiles of
The contribution of cohesion is variable because it is a the surface texture; 2) compute roughness parameters from
function of the weakest concrete strength. Four conditions these; and 3) to correlate the latter with the bond strength
are adopted for the surface roughness: very smooth; smooth; of the concrete-to-concrete interface, both in shear and in
rough; or indented. The very smooth surface is consid- tension, with high coefficients of correlation (R2 > 0.85).
ered as a surface cast against steel, plastic, or specially Furthermore, the method combines all the advantages,
prepared wooden molds (c = 0.025 to 0.1; μ = 0.5). The with even higher accuracy, and overcomes all the disad-
smooth surface is a slipformed or extruded surface or a free vantages of existing methods14 such as: 1) the Sand Patch
surface left without further treatment after vibration (c = 0.2; Test proposed by the ASTM E96512; 2) the Concrete Surface
μ = 0.6). The rough surface is a surface that has at least 3 mm Profiles (ICRI)15; and 3) the first method developed by the
(0.12 in.) roughness at approximately 40 mm (1.57 in.) authors.16 The method can be used to implement a quality
spacing, achieved by raking, exposing of aggregate, or other control scheme on the preparation of concrete surfaces that
methods giving an equivalent behavior (c = 0.4; μ = 0.7). will receive a new concrete layer, both in industrial facilities
The indented surface is a surface with indentations (shear and on site.
keys) complying with a specific geometry defined by the Subsequently, a large experimental study17 was developed
code (c = 0.5; μ = 0.9). to characterize the influence of: 1) substrate surface prepa-
ration; 2) differential shrinkage; and 3) differential stiffness,

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2014 115

Table 2—Constituents of concrete mixture
Quantity, kg
Constituent Diameter range, mm (in.) (lb)
Fine sand 0.074 to 9.52 (0.0029 to 0.375) 295 (650)
Coarse sand 0.074 to 9.52 (0.0029 to 0.375) 640 (1421)
Fine limestone 1.19 to 19.1 (0.047 to 0.752) 375 (827)
Coarse limestone 4.76 to 19.1 (0.187 to 0.752) 545 (1202)
Portland cement
— 350 (772)
type I 52.5R
— 3.675 (8.102) Fig. 3—Concrete specimens: (a) slant shear; and (b)
Water — 150 (331) splitting.

Table 3—Compressive strength and age of

concrete at test date
Compressive strength
Average, Coefficient of Age at test,
Series Layer MPa (ksi) variation, % days
Substrate 79.3 (11.5) 6.03 56
Added 66.4 (9.6) 3.18 28
Fig. 4—Surface preparation: (a) left as-cast; (b) wire-
Substrate 86.0 (12.5) 3.50 84
L56 brushing; (c) sand-blasting; (d) shot-blasting; and (e) hand-
Added 80.5 (11.7) 1.12 28 scrubbed. (Note: Pictures at scale.)
Substrate 86.4 (12.5) 2.29 112
L84 face, in shear and in tension, respectively. For the slant shear
Added 72.6 (10.5) 5.27 28
test19 (Fig. 3(a), a prismatic specimen of 150 x 150 x 450 mm3
Substrate 78.9 (11.5) 6.88 56 (5.91 x 5.91 x 17.72 in.3) was adopted with the shear plane at
Added 68.3 (9.9) 1.05 28 30 degrees to the vertical. For the splitting test20 (Fig. 3(b),
Substrate 77.6 (11.3) 1.98 84 cubic specimen of 150 mm (5.91 in.) with the interface at
E56 middle height was adopted. Cubic specimens of 150 mm
Added 71.1 (10.3) 5.30 28
(5.91 in.) were adopted for standard quality control.21
Substrate 81.9 (11.9) 0.30 112 The interface surface between the substrate and the added
Added 69.9 (10.1) 6.17 28 concrete layer was prepared using different methods (Fig. 4).
Left-as-cast (LAC) against steel formwork was considered
on the bond strength of the interface between concrete layers the reference situation. The roughness of the hardened
cast at different times. concrete was increased by: 1) wire-brushing (WB); 2) sand-
The first part of this research was recently published.18 blasting (SAB); and 3) shot-blasting (SHB). Hand-scrubbing
The second part, presented herein, gives an alternative (HS), a technique commonly used to prepare fresh concrete
design approach for practicing engineers. For this reason, members in the precast industry (also known as “raking”)
only a short description of the experimental study is was also considered.
presented herein, including: 1) materials used; 2) adopted After surface preparation, the roughness was quanti-
bond tests; 3) surface preparation techniques; 4) difference fied using the 2D-LRA method.13 An evaluation length of
of ages between concrete layers; and 5) curing conditions, 150 mm (5.91 in.) was considered and 10 texture profiles
among others. The most significant results are highlighted were measured for each surface condition. Several rough-
to support the conclusions drawn and the recommendations ness parameters were directly computed from the primary
made ahead. For the presented reasons, more detailed data profile—that is, without filtering.22 The roughness param-
and background information can be found in previous works eter, mean valley depth Rvm, was adopted to be correlated
published by the authors.17,18 with the bond strength of the concrete-to-concrete interface
The constituents of the adopted concrete mixture are given because it was the one that presented the highest coefficient
in Table 2. A commercial admixture was used to increase the of correlation (R2 > 0.95) and is based in average values of
hardened concrete’s initial strength by reducing the water the profile, which allows the reduction of the influence of the
needed but keeping the workability of the fresh concrete. The surface irregularities such as air voids and overly exposed
maximum size of the aggregates was 19.1 mm (0.75 in.), the aggregates. Mean valley depth Rvm is given by
predicted void volume was 20l, and the predicted compacity
was 0.822. The compressive strength of both concrete layers 1 5
Rvm = ∑ vi (14)
is given in Table 3. 5 i =1
The slant shear test and the splitting test were selected to
assess the bond strength of the concrete-to-concrete inter-

116 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2014

Table 4—Mean valley depth Rvm
Mean valley depth Rvm
Surface Coefficient of
preparation Average, mm (in.) variation, %
LAC 0.056 (0.002204) 24.1
Wire-brushing 0.182 (0.007165) 14.1
Sand-blasting 0.771 (0.030354) 15.1
Shot-blasting 0.809 (0.031850) 21.4
Hand-scrubbing 3.792 (0.149213) 14.6 Fig. 5—Shear strength of specimens.
mined and the pure shear strength computed. The average
The average and the coefficient of variation of Rvm for each
of each set of five specimens is considered in the analysis.
surface condition are given in Table 4.
It can be concluded that the bond strength of the inter-
To maximize the differential shrinkage between concrete
face, herein assumed as the pure shear strength, increases
layers, three different situations were adopted for the time
with the increase of the surface roughness for both curing
gap between casting the substrate and the added concrete
conditions. It can also be observed that the bond strength
layer: 28, 56, and 84 days. Two different curing conditions
increases with the increase of the difference of ages between
were also considered: 1) inside the laboratory (L series,
the substrate concrete and the added concrete layer, also
named L28, L56, and L84) under normal conditions of work;
for both curing conditions. These results were not expected
and 2) exterior conditions (E series, named E28, E56, and
because the bond strength of the interface is supposed to
E84) with the specimens directly exposed to environmental
decrease with the increase of differential shrinkage, which
conditions such as solar radiation, rain, and wind. Tempera-
obviously increases with the difference of ages between
ture and relative humidity were recorded in both situations.18
concrete layers. To analyze these experimental observations,
A total of 300 specimens were produced, adopting five
a numerical study17,18 was conducted. This corroborated and
slant shear specimens and five splitting specimens for
explained the unexpected experimental results. The increase
each considered situation (varying the surface preparation,
of the bond strength with time is due to a particular stress
the difference of age between the substrate and the added
state at the interface of the slant shear specimen, induced
concrete, and the curing condition). The hand-scrubbed
by differential shrinkage, of opposite sign of the stress state
surfaces were prepared while concrete was still fresh,
induced by loading.
whereas the remaining surface treatments were executed on
The adopted curing conditions were also revealed to have
hardened concrete. After demolding, each half-specimen was
a significant influence. The specimens stored in the exterior
subjected to one of the surface treatments described, cleaned
of the laboratory led, as expected, to lower values of the
with compressed air to remove dust, and stored again under
pure shear strength, with an average decrease of 1.12 MPa
the specified curing conditions. Twenty-eight days later, a
(162 psi), corresponding to an average decrease of 19%. It
new concrete layer was added and specimens were stored
must be highlighted that, although the average values were
again under the same curing conditions. When the added
similar, the daily fluctuations of temperature and relative
concrete reached 28 days of age, the specimens were tested
humidity were quite distinctive.18
in compression using a standard testing machine.19-21
The need to use several batches to cast all specimens led to
Two distinctive failure modes were observed: adhesive,
small differences in the compressive strength at the test date
by interface debonding; and cohesive, by crushing of the
(Table 3) and, consequently, to a different Young’s modulus
concrete bulk. All splitting specimens presented adhesive
of each concrete layer. Therefore, a differential stiffness was
failures while the slant shear specimens presented both
produced on the composite concrete member.
adhesive and cohesive failures.
The experimental observations corroborated previous
The results obtained with the tested concrete specimens
studies23,24 because broken corners were obtained at both
cannot be directly compared because, besides the differences
ends of the interface, located precisely where stress concen-
between failure modes, small differences between concrete
trations are observed due to the increase of the differential
strengths were also measured because several batches were
stiffness. An increase in the number of cohesive failures with
made to cast all specimens. For this reason, the Mohr-Cou-
the increase of the difference between the Young’s modulus
lomb criterion was adopted and the pure shear strength of
of both concrete layers, and with the increase of the surface
the interface—that is, without normal stress acting at the
roughness of the interface, was observed.18 This means that
interface—was computed for all slant shear specimens
a composite RC member can be designed to present a mono-
(Fig. 5). The failure envelope of the interface was defined
lithic behavior by acting on the differential stiffness and
using the experimental values of the bond strength in shear
interface surface preparation.
and in tension and assessed using the slant shear test and the
splitting test, respectively. The failure stress in compression,
obtained for the specimens presenting a cohesive failure,
Based on the shear-friction provisions of current design
was also used to define the failure envelope of these spec-
codes1-3 and taking into account the studies conducted by
imens. Then, for each specimen, the Mohr circle was deter-

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2014 117

Table 5—Coefficients of cohesion and friction
Surface preparation method
Series c μ c μ c μ c μ c μ
L28 0.71 1.18 0.74 1.25 0.97 1.42 1.27 1.48 1.79 1.50
L56 0.68 1.09 0.80 1.30 0.89 1.39 1.15 1.46 1.37 1.45
L84 0.98 1.41 0.92 1.43 1.19 1.46 1.23 1.48 1.61 1.50
E28 0.59 1.10 0.70 1.15 0.68 1.14 0.85 1.24 0.93 1.26
E56 0.68 1.14 0.71 1.22 0.90 1.29 1.02 1.32 0.98 1.39
E84 0.79 1.30 0.83 1.31 0.97 1.34 1.08 1.38 1.30 1.44
Average 0.74 1.21 0.78 1.28 0.93 1.34 1.10 1.39 1.33 1.42
Coefficient of
18.5 10.5 10.8 7.5 17.7 8.7 13.8 7.1 25.4 6.5
variation, %

the authors13,14,16-18,22 and other researchers,10,23,24 an alterna-

tive design approach for concrete-to-concrete interfaces is
proposed, aiming to increase both the accuracy and economy
of the design.
The design approach proposed herein is based on two
basic principles: 1) characterization and measurement of
the surface roughness to predict both coefficients of cohe-
sion and friction for each specific surface condition, without
imposing a minimum roughness amplitude; and 2) consid-
eration of two different levels of shear stresses at the inter-
face, with and without the need to provide longitudinal shear Fig. 6—Bond strength of interface in tension.
Based in the design expression proposed by Eurocode 22 (R2)—0.92 and 0.94 for the coefficient of cohesion and the
(Eq. (13)) and adopting the average values computed for the coefficient of friction, respectively.
pure shear strength and the bond strength of the interface in
tension (Fig. 6), the coefficient of cohesion (Table 5) corre- 1.06 Rvm 0.15
cd = (17)
sponding to each specimen series and surface preparation γ coh
method was determined by

c= (15) 1.70 Rvm 0.15
fctm cd = (18)
γ coh
Then, using the computed coefficients of cohesion and
considering the average shear and normal stresses at the
interface of the slant shear specimens, the coefficient of fric- 1.37 Rvm 0.04
µd = (19)
tion (Table 5) was determined for each specimen series and γ fr
surface preparation method by

vu − cfctm
µ= (16) 1.56 Rvm 0.04
σn µd = (20)
γ fr
Adjusting a power function (Fig. 7) to the experimental
Considering the uncertainty existing on both coefficients,
values from Tables 4 and 5, considering the average of each
influenced by the surface preparation method and by the
set of five specimens, it is possible to predict the coefficients
concrete properties (namely, the hardness of the aggregates
of cohesion (Eq. (17) and (18)) and the coefficients of fric-
and binding paste), a partial safety factor γ is applied in
tion (Eq. (19) and (20)) by measuring the surface texture
accordance with the philosophy employed in the Eurocodes.
and computing the corresponding Rvm. The adopted function
The partial safety factors were determined for the ultimate
was the one that ensures the best coefficient of correlation
limit state (ULS), according to the Eurocode 0,25 adopting

118 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2014

In this situation, the ultimate longitudinal shear strength of
the interface is given solely by the contribution of cohesion.
Relative slippage does not occur between concrete parts and
the interface is not cracked.
When reinforcement crossing the interface is provided
and/or necessary, the ultimate longitudinal shear stress at the
concrete-to-concrete interface is given by

vu = μdσn + ρfy(μdsinα + cosα) ≤ vu,max (23)

In this situation, a relative slippage can occur between

concrete parts and, therefore, shear forces are transmitted by
friction. The contribution of cohesion is considered null. The
reinforcing bars are deformed in shear and bending (due to
the relative slippage between concrete layers) and tensioned
(due to dilatancy). The latter term is the normal opening of
the interface due to the progressive relative slippage. Addi-
tional compression due to external loads can also be consid-
ered if these are kept constant.
It should be highlighted that for normalweight concrete,
when cast against hardened concrete with a roughened
Fig. 7—Correlation between mean valley depth Rvm and
surface, the upper limit vu,max proposed by ACI 3181 is valid.
coefficients of cohesion and friction.
The proposed methodology is adequate for interface
the values of the coefficient of variation calculated for the surfaces presenting a uniform texture. For other cases, such
coefficients of cohesion and friction (Table 5), and are given as indented surfaces with shear keys, the values of the coef-
by ficients of cohesion and friction should be evaluated for each
specific case.
µ − k ⋅σ 1 − k ⋅ VR Because recent investigations18 proved that differential
γ= = (21) shrinkage and differential stiffness can have a significant
µ − α ⋅ β ⋅ σ µ − α ⋅ β ⋅ VR
influence on the shear strength of the interface between
concrete parts cast at different times, these effects should at
where k is taken as 1.65 for the 5% fractile of the normal least be mentioned in codes.
distribution; α is a weighting factor, taken as 0.8; and β Finally, other requirements should also be satisfied. For
is the reliability factor, taken as 3.8, which corresponds to instance, in cases where the interface can be significantly
a probability of failure of 7.5 × 10–5. Thus, the maximum cracked, the coefficient of cohesion should be taken as zero,
value of the partial safety factor was adopted—namely, 2.6 for all types of interface surfaces, as a conservative measure.
and 1.2 for the coefficient of cohesion and coefficient of fric- When fatigue or dynamic loads exist on a structure, the
tion, respectively. design of the interface of the composite member for shear
For uniform interface surfaces, the roughness must be should not consider the contribution of the load transfer
measured with a minimum accuracy of 10 micrometers mechanism, usually called cohesion. In these conditions, the
(0.000394 in.), using an evaluation length not less than use of shear reinforcement is compulsory. The contribution
100 mm (3.94 in.). Then, Rvm has to be determined as the of cohesion should not be considered for the shear strength
average value obtained considering at least ten 2-D primary of brackets, corbels, and ledges. Therefore, the use of rein-
profiles. Uniform interface surfaces can be considered as forcement should also be compulsory in these cases.
those resulting from as-cast against steel, plastic, or specially
prepared wooden molds; slipformed or extruded surface; CONCLUSIONS
free surface left without further treatment after vibration; From the analysis of codes and published research, it can
or surfaces prepared by wire-brushing, sand-blasting, shot- be concluded that the roughness of the concrete substrate
blasting, water-blasting, or other equivalent methods. It must has a significant influence on the bond strength of concrete-
be highlighted that the predicted coefficients of friction for to-concrete interfaces. Moreover, it can be stated that in all
smooth surfaces such as LAC, wire-brushed, or lightly sand- design codes, this parameter is qualitatively assessed and
blasted/shot-blasted are in agreement with other studies,26 each one presents its own classification. Furthermore, it
presenting values that can be near or even higher than 1.4. can be seen that, even though it is recognized that the load
It is suggested that when no reinforcement crossing the transfer mechanism at the concrete-to-concrete interface is
interface is provided, the ultimate longitudinal shear stress at due to cohesion, friction, and dowel action, the latter is not
the concrete-to-concrete interface should be given by explicitly considered in design codes. The new fib Model
Code 20103 is the first code to present a design expression
vu = cd  fctd ≤ vu,max (22) to predict the interface shear strength as the sum of the three
load transfer mechanisms.

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2014 119

Common to all design codes is the absence of any provi- ACI member Eduardo N. B. S. Júlio is a Full Professor in the Civil
Engineering Department of Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon,
sion related to the curing conditions and, therefore, differ- Lisbon, Portugal. He is the head of ICIST, the largest Portuguese research
ential shrinkage. Also neglected are the properties of the center in the civil engineering field. He is member of ACI Committee 364,
added concrete and, thus, differential stiffness is not consid- Rehabilitation.
ered either. The latter is given by the difference between the
Young’s modulus of each concrete layer of the composite
This research project has been funded by the Portuguese Science and
Taking into account the weaknesses of the design codes Technology Foundation (FCT) with reference PTDC/ECM/098497/2008.
referred to, it is proposed that a quantitative methodology The authors acknowledge the financial support of the companies
MAPREL—Empresa de Pavimentos e Materiais Pré-Esforçados Lda,
be adopted to avoid the subjective assessment of the surface SIKA Portugal SA, AFAssociados—Projectos de Engenharia SA, Weber
roughness. For that purpose, the authors developed a Cimenfix, Cimpor—Cimentos de Portugal, Betão-Liz, and Euro-Plan-
measuring device—a 2D Laser Roughness Analyzer—and ning—Engenharia & Gestão Lda.
proposed an innovative and nondestructive method to predict
the bond strength of concrete-to-concrete interfaces. This NOTATION
c = coefficient of cohesion
method proved to be effective, presenting the advantages of cd = design value of coefficient of cohesion
existing methods and overcoming all the disadvantages. fc = concrete compressive strength
Previous experimental studies conducted by the authors fcd = design value of concrete compressive strength
fctd = design value of concrete tensile strength
showed that the curing conditions have a significant influ- fctm = mean value of concrete tensile strength
ence on the bond strength of the concrete-to-concrete inter- fy = yield strength of reinforcement
face, particularly the daily fluctuations of both temperature k = constant (Loov’s expression); coefficient of efficiency related
with the reinforcement (Randl’s expression); fractile of normal
and relative humidity. As expected, the bond strength of the distribution
concrete-to-concrete interface increased with the increase Rvm = roughness parameter mean valley depth of primary profile of
of the surface roughness. The surface preparation proved to surface
s = relative slippage
have a significant influence on the achieved bond strength, VR = coefficient of variation
as demonstrated by comparing the bond strength of the v = strength reduction factor
LAC surface with the remaining four surface conditions. An vi = valley depth of cut-off length (1/5 of evaluation length)
vu = ultimate longitudinal shear stress at concrete-to-concrete
increase of the bond strength higher than 100% can only be interface
obtained by making an adequate surface preparation. vu,max = upper limit of the ultimate longitudinal shear stress at the
The experimental study also proved that both differen- concrete-to-concrete interface
w = dilatancy
tial shrinkage and differential stiffness can have a signif- α = coefficient for dowel action (Randl’s expression); angle between
icant influence on the behavior of concrete-to-concrete shear reinforcement and shear plane; weighting factor (taken as
interfaces—namely, on the bond strength and, as a conse- 0.8 for partial safety factors)
β = coefficient allowing for angle of concrete diagonal strut (Randl’s
quence, on the failure mode. Therefore, it can be stated that expression); reliability factor
the design expressions of current design codes should be γcoh = partial safety factor for coefficient of cohesion
improved to incorporate the consideration of these parame- γfr = partial safety factor for coefficient of friction
μ = coefficient of friction, average
ters, thus increasing their accuracy. μd = design value of coefficient of friction
The design proposal presented by the authors is based λ = factor related to concrete density
in the current shear-friction provisions of ACI 3181 and ρ = reinforcement ratio
σ = normal stress; standard deviation (for partial safety factors)
other codes.2,3 A more economic design of concrete-to-con- σn = normal stress acting on interface due to external loading
crete interfaces can be achieved because: 1) roughness is σs = normal stress acting on shear reinforcement
quantified for each specific surface condition; 2) cohesion τ = shear stress
is considered in design; 3) the concrete strength class is
considered when computing the contribution of cohesion; REFERENCES
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