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Brosur Toshiba New-E227a-2622 96

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Leading lnnovation kF)

ln 1890, Toshiba put incandescent bulbs into practical use.
Since then, Toshiba has contributed to the development of lighting culture with
a spirit of inquiry. and enthusiasm, aiming to realize convenient and comfortable
the future of lighting lire ror people.
While appreciating the atmosphere created by lighting, Toshiba Lighting &
Technology Corporation offers comprehensive lighting solutions by combining
lighting and smart technologies built up over decades.

#{lwqu*** urgs $te {4qts'}&}q{*Effi *}r*Sqq {s$s

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Efficient and comfortable lighting solutions

according to the ceiling height,
building space and working environment.

Product lines with brightness,

fixture and other options suitable
for use in low- to medium-ceiling areas
such as offices and entrance halls.

LED fixtures that can safely be used under the eaves.

Line-up of high-bay LED fixtures
Toshiba offers LED products that provide brightness equivalent to 250 W to 1 kW metal halide lamps in high-bay areas with a ceiling
height more than 6 m. These LED products significantly reduce wattage and help cut maintenance costs because of longer life.

Equivalent to 1 kW metal halide lamp fixture Large spaces
LEDJ-40045N/40047N These lighting fixtures provide
I'Iiddk I{de fl 5000 K
a sufficient amount of llght at
5( g0' - a lowwatage to largespaces
with a ceilinq heiqht
Luminousflux Wattaqe
exceeding 10 m such as halls
43,200|m 340W and aihleticfaci lties.
Gt 200v) The long lifespan helps reduce
maintenance costs.

Equivalent to 700 W mer(ury lamp fixture School gymnasiums

These LED lqhtlnqfixtures

provide brlghtness equivaleni
to 700W mercurylamp
fixtures ata lowwatage of
approx.252 W Since LED iight
up instantly, further
energy-savinq ls possibie by
turn ng them offwhen

Equivalent to 400 W metal halide lamp fixture Factories

LEDJ-20025N/20027N .,.%
Owing to a wide light
distributicn, these LED

lighting lxtures achieve the
same briqhtness as

23,000 lm 214 W \-* conventional lighting fixtures

ata lowerwaftage.
The long llfespan helps reduce
maintenance costs. Since LED

ffiHil N
light up instantly, factory can
start operations immediately.

Equivalent t{i4o0W.l
Equivalent to 400 W mercury lamp fixture Shopping malls

,n' LEDJ-1 0020N/i 0022N

gt+ tr
sooo K
LEDJ-I001sN/I00I7N .,e% These LED lighting fixtures
provide brightness equivalent
to 400W mercury lamp
flxtures and qive shopatiums
Eguivalent to 400W
12000 lm 126 W il;:60'i,iii'i,v a bright and vibrant

mercury lamp fixture atmosphere.

;fu:1dn ht 2oov)

Equivalent to 250 W Equivalent to 250 W meta! halide lamp fixture Warehouses

metal haiide lamp
LEDJ-l 001 6N/l 001 8N LEDJ-1 O5O2N LED iqht up instantywhen
Middle Wrde fl 5OOO K Wide fl 5O0O K
necessary and light off at once
54' 90' rll when you leavea warehouse.
Because of insta nta n eo us
L!minou5 Wattage Lumifousflux Wattage
light-up and light ofl LED
10,800 lm 85 W '11,200 lm 71 W helps improvework
ht20oli) hr200\/) productivity.

fl;;€:. &S#;di:#tir&S
i , i. .:r,:.r.... Equivalent to 400 W metal halide lamp fixture Gas stations
Eguivalent to 400
W '
LEDJ-20911120912 .
..., .. Thes-" LED lighling fixtures
have a protectlon rat ng of
Viddrp Wrde
metalhalide lamp 1P54, making them ideal for

fl s000 K tr 3000 K applications where rain can

easiyblowin, such as
Lum nousflux Wattag€ Luminousflux Wattage
(wideanqle) . (wldeang canopies at gas stations.They
provide protection against dirt
21,000 lm 202 W 16,000 lm 202 W and dustand remain free from
(at 200 V) (at200V)

Equivalent to 250 W metal halide lamp fixture Eaves

Equivalent to 250W LEDJ-1 091 3/1 091 4
metal halide lamp These LED lighting fixtures
prevent rustcaused by
moistureand thus help reduce
fl s000 K fl 3000 K maintenance costs. Since their
front cover
is made of
Luminousflux Wattaqe Luminousflux Wattaqe
(wdeangle) (wideangle)
polycarbonate, its fragments
wlll notfall offin the eventof
10,500 lm 101 W 8,000 lm 101 W damage un lke HID lamps.
* (at200 (at200 Vl
I Square high-bay LED fixture series

I Easr installation hy earmpaetmess aaad Eigh{weig}a*

-;-output22,000 lmisrealizedinlessthan200mmeachsquarecompactbody.Thiscompactandlightweightdesignisforeasyinstallation.

I Equivalent to 400W mercury lamp I Available both hanging bolt type and round shape exposure box type
LED IEx. Hanging bolt type]
High-Bay It is possible to install the fixture with using the hanging bolts
Lig hting
3.6ts. d- N
with a m
power supply [Ex. round shape exposure box type]
-:i, .: E.tro400W It can support a round shape exposure box (<p1 00,89) by using an optional
-:-.--r.mpfixture t86 mm box mounting bracket (LEDX-20061 Z).
-r a:i ljijjiiiilili:i 1.: riiji.
"..1,:1. r-:: 1:-,::1:..i :t: -

' 0392 mm

I Easy ixastaE*ati*n thar:ks ta b*ilt-in p*wee" suppfy

Replaceable to LED lighting with using the
existing wires connected to the conventional -lit There s a
one. ln addition, the built-in power supply I
requires no ballast setting and this is a different /rhlenotnrmt
point from the conventional lighitng
installation. The wire length between lighting
fixture and ballast is variable with no limit.

* Fiv* featnxres f*r easp, imstaEEation aEad safety

I Installable on a slanted ceiling with angle adjuster p Terminal installed horizontally for easy connection
It can be attached The terminal stand is
to a slant ceiling to installed horizontaly and
30". ln addition, the cover is detachable in
adjustment is easily order to make connection-
done by loosening work easier at high place.
the angle adjustment ln addition, not necessary
bolt without to worry about losing
loosening the screws since the cover can Detachable cover
spindle bolt due to be detached with of terminal stand
the special structure. incomplete unscrewing. with just slacking
a lockscrew.

p Unique undersurface cover for @ easy installation with space E Rnti-dropping wire as standard
preventing damage of angle bracket specification
A protuberance is fitted to protect the cover Easy to install with your hands insertion into A fall prevention wire as
placed on the floor of workplace from scratches. the space between the top of angle bracket
and the cover ofterminal stand.
the standard item is
accessorized for the
prevention of accidents,
Ansre i-i rerminar
Bracket I
)=--- lj:il?
High energy saving of 158.8 lm/W
74o/o energ\ saving compared to conventional lighting.

ffi Cost comparison (Ex. warehouse) S* Comparison with 400 W mercury lamp fixture
(Runninq cost)

10,000 .r-" LED High Bay Lighting Fixture

+ HID High-Bay Lighting Fixture (400 W mercury amp)

Model 400 W mercury lamp fixture
I 000

llluminance distribution chart

, t{


Item number

Number of instillation
e l


6 units
no LEDJ-1 5502N-LD9

Averaqe illuminance 307 lx 0

Power consumption per unit
[Calculation conditions] (lAnnual lighting time: 3,OO0h
Total power consumption (lNumber of installation: 6units ajRate of electric utility: USD 0.1 25lkwh
LED Hiqh Bay Light Fixture: LEDJ-1 5502N LD9
lcalculation conditionsl flSpace: 2.5mx1 0m (iHeight: 8m []Reflectance: ceiling 30o/0, wall 30%, floor
I 0o/o Mercury lamp fi xture: 5N'4044A+Y 395 P+4HC-2027HW8+HF400X
a)Maintenance factor: LED fixture o.Bl mercury lamp fixture 0.69 (,lHorizontal illuminance

Wide-angle type Wide-angle type Wide-angle type

LEDJ-2O5O2N-LD9 LEDJ-1 5502N-LD9 LEDJ-1 O502N.LD9
(22,000 lmXll8W){1s9.4 lm/W) (17,000 m){107W)(158.8 mAV) lll,200 m)(71 W)(157.7 lm/W)

Specifications: Spe.ifications: Specifications:

Rated voltalle: I 00 to 242 VAC Fnte.l vo ia.ler I Oar tc 2,11 VAa :i.rlc. rr.i l.rg! I 00 to 242 \"/Aa
lnput current: 'l .40 A (at 1 00 V),0.70 A (at 200 V),0.59 A (at 242 V) lnput current: 1 .08 A (at I 00 V),0.54 A (at 200 V),0.46 A (at 242 V) lnput current: 0.72 A (at 1 00 v),0.36 A (at 200 v),0.30 A (at 242 v)
B..,lr rn pow" ,Jt,pty ur i' Fr : ilo. :!llrl , !rr
n er t Bu I rn 1,6aps sul-rply r n i
DlDrner (approx. 5ti to I 00.i) L -'-_a :iirr ri : ia . il rlrirar lnljpron. 511, to l 00.,ti]
Body:5PC, biack Body: SPC, black Body: 5PC, black
Uoderside tover: Poly< arbonale, lran'pareni Underside cover Polyaarbonate, transparent Underside cover: Polycarbonate, transparent
Life:40,000 hours (lumen maintenance: 850/o) Life:40.000 hours iiumen maintenance: B5ob) Life:40,000 hours (lumen maintenance:85%)
Color temperature: 5000 K Color temperature: 5000 K Color temperature: 5000 K
Average color rendering index (Ra):80 Average co or renderinq lndex (Ra):80 Average color rendering index (Ra): B0
Weight: 3.6 kg Weight: 3.6 kg Weight: 3.5 kg
Equipped with a dimming signalterminal stand Equipped with a dlmming signaltermina stand Equipped with a dimming signalterminal stand
Dimming method: PW[4 Dlmm n9 method: P!VN4 Dimming method: PWM
Notes: Notes: Notes:
Compatible dimmer: DF-701 70-PD (not included) Compatible d mmerl DF-701 70-PD (not included) Compatible dimmer: DF-70 1 70-PD (not included)
*With anti dropplnq wire +With anti-dropping wire
"With anti dropping wire

EEM! E?m;l
I High-bay LED fixture series

AvmfrEahle witk m wide rmqls* CIf [:x"ig]etaaess eqarevsBexr{ to 2${} W mrctaE haiide Emamp
ffixtawes 6m t kW rm*t*E Eemli$e [axm6: fix$mres

Equivalent to Equivalent to Equivalent to Equivalentto Equivalent to

1 kW 700 W high-bay 400 W hiqh-bay 400W high-bay 250W high-bay
metal halide lamp fixture mercury lamp fixture metal halide lamp fixture mercury lamp fixture metal halide lamp fixture

ffi C*xmpaet & squar*"sfuaprd ffi E igElt weigBat: 3.5 kg* ffi Ltt*;"c*mtr*!id [ight distrihutlo*
LEDs allow the use of a compact square These LED fixtures put little stress on the Light distribution is selectable from wide
body (197-mm), the square series provide a fixing brackets and require relatively small and middle angles.These LED fixtures
high light output of 17,000 lm. reinforcement only. are ideally suited for
" Equivalent to 250 W metal halide lamp fixtures and 400 W gymnasium and
mercury lamp fixtures
I Equivalent to 400 W mercury lamp fixture arena applications
because of low

E g la re.


,: l!.:.:::1i i:)
3"S kg 6.0 kg '!"!.& *rg
0392 mm

ffi x,EE} ffixfsres cfim h* 6un"m*d $m, *f,f amd r*-Iigtatfing imstantEy ffi $xfe design thst mver braaks to pieres

It is impractical to turn off HID lamps during short breaks since it takes 5 to 10 minutes to turn on all lamps. Although the glass envelope of an HID
lamp can shatter to pieces, the LED
fixture has no shatter hazard since its
underside cover is made of
polycarbonate resin.

Ia.i+OOSavixlg EaEnp r*pfficerxlsffit due tm lt;reg Eifetf,xme
Polycarbonate resin

LED fixtures save the labor and time required to replace lamps in high-bay areas .

lLifetime approximately 5 times longer than <onventional lampsl

High-bay LED
lighting fixture
Metal halide lamp :ll,:l :.,,;,,:,,' 121000 hOUfS

Mercury lamp ,,.t i::.',t,;.t,l 121000 hOUfS

0,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 {houre)
I High-bay LED fixtures

Wide-angle type Wide-angle type Wide-angle type

(43,200 lm) (340 W) (127.0|m/W) (34,000 ml (252W) (114.9 m/W) (21,600 lm) (170W) (127.0 lm/W)

Middle-angle type Middle-angle type Middle-angle type

(43,200 lm) (340 W) (127.0 lm/W) (34,000 lm) (2s2 W) (134.9 lm/W) (2'1,600 lm) (170 W) (l 27.0 lm/W)

Common specifications: Common specifications: Common specifications:

Rated voltaqer 200 to 242 VAC Rated voltage: 200 to 242 VAC Rated voltaqe: 200 tq 242 VAC
Average wattage: 31 6.2 W Average wattage: 234.4 W Avbrage wattage: 1 58.1 W
lnput current: 1.73 A (at 200 V), 1.45 A (at 242 V) lnput cutrent: 1.27 A (at 200 V), 1.05 A (at 242 V) lnput current:0.87 A (at 200V),0.73 A (at 242V)
Built in polver supply unit Built-in power suppiy unit Buiit in power supply unit
Dimmer (approx. l0o/o to 10070) Dimmer (approx. 10% to l00o/'o) Dimmer (approx. 10o/o to 100o/o)
Automatic constant lumen output Automatic constant lumen output Automatic constant lumen output
Body: 5PC. bla< k Body: SPC, black Body: SPC, black
Underside cover: Polycdrbonale. trdnspdrFrt' Underside over: Polycarbonate, transparent Underside cover: Polycarbonate, transparent
Life: 60,000 hours (lumen maintenance:90olo) Life: 60,000 hours (lumen maintenance: 900/0) Life:60,000 hours (lumen maintenance: 90o/o)
Color temperature: 5000 K Color temperature: 5000 K Color temperature: 5000 K
Average color rendering index (Ra): 70 Average color rendering index (Ra): 70 Average color rendering index (Ra): 70
weight: 1 1.B kg weight:6.0 k9 Weight: 6.0 kg
Equipped with a dimming signalterminal stand Equipped with a dimming signal terminal stand Equipped with a dimming signal terminal stand
Dimming method: PWM Dimming method: PWM Dimming method: PW[4
Notes: Notes: Notes:
Compatible dimmer: DF-701 70-PD (not included) Compatible dimmer: DF-70'l 70-PD (not included) Compatible dimmer: DF 701 70-PD (not included)
"With anti-dropping wire *With anti-dropping wire *With anti-dropping wire

9a loo
.Eo 1l .go
> o.>o
=a I =o

agr 'l qzz

Wide-angle type Wide-angle type

(17,000 lm) (126W) (114.9 lm/W) (10,800 lm) (85 W) ('l 27.0 lmAV)

Middle-angle type Middle-angle type

(17,000 lm) (126 W) (114.9 lm/W) (10,800 lm) (B5W) (127.0 lm/Wl

Common speci6cations: Common specifrcations:

Rated voltage:200 to 242 VAC Rated voltage: 200 to 242 VAC
Average wattaget I 'l 7.2 W Average wattage: 79.1 W
lnput current: 0.63 A (at 200 V), 0.52 A (at 242 V) lnput current: 0.43 A (at 200 V), 0.36 (at 242 V)
Built in power supply unit Built in power supply unit
Dimmer (approx. 10% to 100o/o) Dimmer (approx. I0o/o to 100910)
Automatic constant lumen output Automatic.onstant lumen output
Body: 5PC, black Body: SPC, black
Underside cover: Polycarbonate, transparent Underside cover: Polycarbonate, transparent
Life:60,000 hours (lumen maintenance: 90%) Life:60,000 hours (lumen maintenance: 90o/o)
Color temperature: 5000 K Color temperature: 5000 K
Average color rendering index (Ra): 70 Average color renderinq index (Ra):70
Weight: 3.5 k9 Weight: 3.5 kg
Equipped with a dimming signalterminal stand Equipped with a dimming signal terminal stand
Dimming method: PWM Dimming method: PWIVI
Notes: Notes:
Compatible dimmer: DF 701 70-PD (not included) Compatible dimmer: DF-701 70-PD (not included)
*With anti-dropping wire *With antidropping wire


I High-bay LED fixtures -


.i ll-i m l2l4W) (107.4|m/W) (23,000 lm) (214 W) (107.4 lm/W) {1 5,300 lm) (143 W) (106.9 lm/W) (15,300 lm) (143 W) (106.9 lm/W)

i:i::::: rii: 5pecifi.ations: Spe( icatlons: Sp€(ifrcations:

r'l',1 :iiirr ri ri,iii" lN; I r,).1/r \iri i i,ra ii::rli': llrl I I l:11 il;ii il:,lrLl r ) [rl,] lili i,r r+r irirr
I a':_ra,,.atiaqe:200W Averaqe wattaqe:200W Averag€ wattage:135 W Average wattage: 115 W
_:-: (rrreni: I 1 A iput (utrent:'l.l A (at200V) lnput cutrent: 0.73 A (at200V) nput curr€nt: 0.71 A (at 200V)
:r:, i.l,r. c!!Iutrl lL: i lr i0Nri iirir! uli i
) :rl r i rii i,a:,rii r:i !,]ri L rr I
-lr: ;; it r|.r li ,rjtii l, .lrr ii:rl l ! rr rrar lr.:fiLr I i i, li,rir:i. :rirfrrl., ri.f,rr -i lr iriii:
: t a r ir i ,!!:r- I ,ti i ii rti i,,t L I f,t uL i!r:i lirii rrttit: ai rrtt t: irrrl,rrt r, l!L I i't r:i trriri i!irt.rrt llriir r L) rllrLri
::r,r A uminum d e ca5t, black Body: Alumlfum dle cast, black Bodyi Alum f!m die cast, b a.k Body:Aluminum die(an, b a(k
- '. 60 000 hourr (lumen malntenan(e:9096) Lifer 60,000 hou6 (lumen ma ntenancer 90%) Llfe:60,000 hou6 (lum€n malntenan(er 900,b) Lifei 60,000 h0utr ( !men maintenan.ei 9090)
:: cri€nperature: 5000 l( (olortemp€ratrre: 5000 l( Co ortemperatLrei 5000 l( (olor temperaturei 5000 l(
1\ErJ]e.o or rendering idex (Ra)i 70 Average (o orrender ng ndex (Ra): 70 Av€rage color renderinq idex (Ra)t 70 Average (o or rendering index (Ra):70
,',il!hr: 10.6 kg Weightr 10.6 kg we ghti kg Weight: 10.6 kq
:qJrpped rv th a dlmming signal terminal stand Eq!ipped with a dimminq siqna terminal stand Equ pped wlth a dlmming signal terminal ltand Equipped with a dimm nq s qna termlnal stand
11 mm iq method PW[4 Dimming methodr PWf,4 Dlmming method: PWi,4 Dimm ng method: PWI\I
l,rie5 Notesi Note5: Notes:
t!mpatib e dlmmeI DF70170-PD (not lfduded) (ompatib e d mmeI DF-70170-PD (not induded) tompatlble dimmer: DF 70170 PD (not n( !ded) (ompatibLed mmer: DF-70170 PD (not nduded)

s F"ao1.] l- ll i Eq g#d"l

d389(Protrusion:4'l max)
,"11"" I


200Mount.q hole
B @389(Protrusion:41 8 max) 0389(Protruslon:41 8 max)

w &

:* .. f<"

LEDJ-2091 1 N-LJ2 LEDJ-2091 2N-LJ2 LEDJ-1 091 3N.LJ2 LEDJ-1 091 4N.LJ2
Neuhal white (5000 K) N€utral white{5000 N) Neutral white (5000 K) Neutral white (5000 ()
(21,000 m) (202W) (103.9 lm/W) (21,a00 m) (202W) (105.9 lm/W) (10,5001m) ('l0l W) (103.91m/W) (10,700 m) {10'l W) (105.9 lm/W)
Averaqe.olor renderlnq index (Ra)t 70 Averaqe.olor r€nderinq index (Ra)i 70 Averaqe (0lor rendering ndex (Ra): 70 Averaqe color rendering lndex (Ra):70

LEDJ-2091 1 L.LJ2 LEDJ.2O912L.U2 LEDJ-1 091 3L-LJ2 LEDJ-1 091 4L-LJ2

Warmwhite (3000 K) Warm white (3000 l() Warm white (3000 K) Warm white(3000 K)
(16,000 lm) (202 W) (79.2 im/W) (16.400 m) (202W) (81.1 lm/W) (8,000 m) (101W) (79.2 lm/W) (8,200 lm) (101W) (81.1 m/W)
Av€rage.olor renderlnq index (Ra): 85 Avp,dq" rolo pldqi"q i1dp. Rdl: 8( Average.olor rendering f dex (Ra): 85 Averaqe.olor render fg lnder (Ra):85
(ommon specii(at onsi (ommof spe( fcatlons: fummon spe(ifrcation5l (ommof speciJicationsl
r: r .i , 1,:r :, rtr! :! I il ii: ll,iLi ,!, l,iii: llli ii i,i: lili a,i:ril r,r :iJ,, lira ia r,i, ,rlT qriri rrliiri,. l.:tl iri j4: \lri
Averaqe wattage: l8l W (at 200 V) Average wattage: 183 W (at 200 V) Averaqe wattaqer 9l.4W (at 200 V) Average wattage: 91.4 \{ (at 200 V)
lnput(uilenl:1.02A(at200V),0.84A(at242V) lnplt(ir ent:1.02A(at200V),0.84Alat242V) nput(utrent:0.51 A(at200V),0.42A(at242V) lnput (!renrr 0.51 A (al 200 \i),0.42 A ht 242 ]/)
. I I ).ra,.1,,r. liir,titr; rr,ira,titait irIi iti)lr,ti,t.|itn: it,t,ill: iiI;tiI : -lirii !ltir. trL.t. i
rl! :l lrl i,i ,1 lrirr, t I tr a iilrir ,ti i a.i iiitr i !ita !.[i:]it1 iir i rf,,,:rr!!!fl rt:i rrl riririi:tjiI arr!ijri i,.t,tji)lif,iti
Body: Al!m num die cast, whrte Body: A uminum die ca5t, white Bodyr Alum rum di€ ca5t, white Body: A !minum dle cast, wh te
L fe:60,000 houtr ( umen maintenancei 85%) Lfe:60,000h0u6(umenmalntefan(e:85%) L fe: 60,000 hou6 (lumen ma ntenan(et 850/0) L fei 60,000 hou6 (lumei maintenan(e: 850/o)
We 9ht:9.4 kg We qhtr 9.4 kg We qhtr4.9kq We qht:4.9 k9
Prot€ction iat ng: lP54 Prote(tion ratingi P54 Protection rat nq: lP54 Protectior rating: lP54
Llqhtn ng surge protectloni 15 kV L ghtning 5urqe protection: l5 kV Llghtn rg 5urge prote.t on: 15 kV L ghtning surge protectlon: 15 kV
(.ommon mode) (common mode) kommon mode) (common mode)
Note: ,lfrr :l nrrill i Note: irrrj r rrrf.ii, i, Note: [.i ,] rrriL a Note ll1,, i nfl; r r.

Connecting leads Connecting leads Connecting leads Connecting eads

Cabtyre cable 600mm Cabtyre cable 600mm
\: lqlErgsqg !4m Cabtyre cable 0.75m

| -'$ J rix

Toshiba new LED module fixture series, the perfect combination ofthe
cutting-edge LED frxture and superbly neat design. It consists of unique
detachable 4 feet LED module and base fitting, presents extensive and flexible
line-up fiom simple batten fype to high-end high-bay double modules.
This series also provides well controlled light distribution with sophisticated
high-quality PC*l cover, and remarkable high efficiency (over 145 lmAV+'?)
which has been achieved by Toshiba's new cutting-edge technology for
offering best quality of products. It makes the differences beyond the others
with its cost effectiveness and shorter pay-back period.
*rPolycabonate resin
*2Some models

I Line-up

grt-r.lnr rer


W120 V shape E

@ .x

@ lllo'i-{im--m;ElA
Fixture Dimensions: 120 (W) x 1,250 (L) mm

LED bar LEET-41 201 -LS9 LfET-41201 -LD9

6,900 lm type Combination model number Comblnation model number

Equivalent to LEEM-40691N-01 LEKT412691N-LS9 LEKT412691N-LD9

Hf32x2 lamps (6,9001m 44.5 W 155.0 lm/W) (6,9001m 44.5 W l55.0lm/W)
of high-lumen type

5,2OO lm type Combination model number Comblnation model number

Equivalent to tEEM-40s21N-01 LEKT41 2521 N-LSg 1EKT412521 N.LD9

Hf32x2 lamps (5,200 lm 33.3 W '156.1 lm/W) (5,2001m 13.l W 156.1 lm/W)
of rated-output type

4,000!m type Combination mode number Combination model number

u Equivalent to tEEM-40401N-O1 LEKT412401N-LS9 LEKT4l 2401 N.LD9

FLR40x2 lamps (4,0001m 25.5 W 156.8lm/W) (4,0001m 125.5 w 156.8 tmi w)
F of power-saving type
|! 3,2OO lm type Combinat on model number Combination mode number
ah Equivalent to LEEM-40321N-01 lEKT412321 N.L59 LEKT412321N-LD9
Hf32x1 lamp (3,200 lm 20.3W 157.6 lmi W) (3,200 lm 20.3 W l57.6lm/W)
of high-lumen type

2,500lm type Combinatlon model number Combinatlon model number

Equivalent to LEEM-4025rN-01 LEKT41 2251 N-159 1EKT412251 N-LD9
Hf32x1 lamp (2,500 lm 17.3 W 144.5 lm/W) (2,500 lm ,l7.3
W 144.5 m/W)
of rated-output type

2,000lm type Comblnation model number Comblnation model number

Equivalent to LEEM-40201N-01 LEKT412201 N-L59 LEKT41 2201 N-LD9
FLR4oX1 lamp (2,0001m W
13.7 145.9 lm/W) '13.7
(2,0001m W l45.9lm/W)
of power-savinq type

Common specitications: Weiqht:1.8kq

Built-ln power supply unit
Rated voltage: 100 to 242 VAC 910
Ave'aqe color ender ing .1dey , Rd,: 8 j

Life: 40,000 hours (lumen maintenance: 90o/c)

Body:Steel, white
LED bar: Polycarbonate, milky white
Notes: Equipped with a dimming siqnal terminal stand
Dimming method: PWM {only dimmable models)
Compatible dimmerstDF 70171-PDIDF 70171 PD (not included)
(only dimmable_ models)

ISee page I 0 for input current.

Uniform illumination in all directions by a round shape

The round LED cover provides uniform and excellent illumination.
Spreading the LED light efficiently also helps improve energy saving performance.


W230 V shape E

Neutralwhite 15000 K Fixture Dimensions: 230 (W) x 1,250 (L) mm

Iti66lHg I continuom di*ring f* uppror.5%ro.to0%

LED bar
LEET-42301 -LD9

6,900|m type Combtnation model number

Equivalent to . LEEM-40691N-Ol LEKT423591N-L59
Combination model number

Hf32x2 lamps
(6,900 tm a4.s w I 1ss.0 tm/w)
of high-lumen type I (6,9001m 44.5 W tss.o tm/W)

5,2OO lm type Combination modei number

Combination model number
Equivalent to LEEM-40521N-01 LEKT423521N-LSg
Hf32x2 lamps LEKT423521N.LD9
(s,2001m 133.3 W ts6.t lmlw)
of rated-output type (s,200 lm 33.3
| W 156.1 tm,/W)

4,000lm type Combination model number

Combination model number
o Equivalent to tEEM-40401N-o1 LEKT423401 N-159
o- FLR40x2 lamps LEKT4234O1 N.LD9
(4,0001m 2s.s W 1s6.8lm/W)
F of powetrsaving type (4,0001m 25.s
W 156.8lm/W)

lE 3,2OO lm type
(, Equivalent to
Combination model number
Combination model number
LEKT42332't N-LS9 LEKT42332.I N-LD9
Hf32x't lamp
of high-lumen type (3,2001m 20.3 W t57.6 tm/W) (3,2001m 20.3 W 157.6 tm/W)

2,5OO lm type Combination model number

Combination model number
Equivalent to LEEM-40251N-01 LEKT423251N-LS9
Hf32x1 lamp LEKT423251N-LD9
(2,5001m i 17.3W 144.stm/w)
of rated-output type (2,s00 tm 17.3 W 144.s
| ) tn/w)

2,000|m type Combinatlon model number

Combination model number
Equivalent to LEKT4232O1 N-L59
FLR40x1 lamp LEKT4232O1 N-LD9
of powersaving type (2,0001m 13.7 W t45.9 tm/Wl
W 145.9 tm/W)
(2,000 tm 13.7

Common specifications:
Built-in power supply unit
Rated voltage: 1 00 to 242 VAC
Av.rag. ro,or rendering inder ,Rat: 8J
Life: 40,000 hours (lumen maintenance: 90ol.)
Body: steel, white
2-Wood screw holes'
LED ban Polycarbonate, milky white
\o1es: Equ pped wt I h a dinnrlg sig 1dl ter minar .rano
(only dimmable mode/s)
Dimm'19 merhod: oWM,only dinn"ble rode \J
Coroaribleormmer.:DE /O)70 pD DF_-Ot/. DD(notrr(.udedr
.only dimmdble model\l


100 v 200 v 242V r00v 200 v 242V

Standard Type 6,900 lm type 46.5 44.5 44.5 0.466 0.227 0.191
Standard Type 5,200 lm type 34.3 33.3 ,0344
33.3 0.171 0.i45
Standard Type 4,000 lm type 26.0 25.5
Type 40 25.5 0.261 o.132 0.112
Standard Type 3,200 lm type 20.8 20.3 20.3 0.209 0.107 0.091
Standard Type 2,500 lm type 17.3 17.3 17.3 0.17 4 0.092 0.o79
Standard Type 2,000 lm type 13.7 13.7 13.7 0.1 39 0.075 0.06s


W70 Batten E


@ F6-na._-m,!,q.utel
Fixture Dimensions: 70 (W) x 1,223 (L) mm

LED bar LEET-40701 -LS9 LEET-4O701 -LD9

6,900 lm type Combination model number Combination model number

Equivalent to LEEM-40691N-01 LEKT4O7691 N-LS9 LEKT4O7691 N-LD9
Hf32x2 lamps (6,9001m 44.5 W 155.0 lm/W) (6,9001m 44.5
W l55.0lm/W)
of high-lumen type

5,2OO Im type Combinatlon modei number Combination mode number

Equivalent to LEEM-40s21N-01 LEKT4O7521 N-L59 LEKT4O7521 N-LD9
Hf32x2 lamps (s,2001m 133.3 W '156.1 lm/W) W 1s6.1 lm/W)
(5,200 lm 133.3
of rated-output type

4,000lm type Combination mode number Combination model number

o Equivalent to LEEM-40401N-01 LEKT4O74Ol N-L59 LEKT4O74O1 N-LD9

o FLR40x2 lamps (4,0001m 25.5 W 156.8 im/W) W 156.8 lm/W)
(4,0001m 25.5
F of powersaving type
o 3,200lm type Comblnation model number Combination model number
(n Equivalent to LEKT4O7321 N-L59
LEEM-40321N-01 LEKT4O7321 N-LD9
Hf32x1 lamp (3,2001m 20.3 W l57.6lm/W) 3 W 157.6 m/W)
(3,2001m 20
of high-lumen type

2,5001m type Combination model number , Combinatlon model number

Equivalent to LEEM-402s1N-O1 LEKT4O7251N-LS9 LEKT4O7251 N-LD9
Hf32x1 lamp (2,500 m | 17.3W 144.5|n/W) lm 17.3 W 144.5|m/W)
of rated-output type

2,000lm type Combinatlon model number Combination mode number

Equivalent to LEEM-40201N-01 LEKT4O72O1 N-LS9 LEKT4O72O1 N-LD9
FLR40x1 lamp (2,0001m 13.7 W 145.9lmlW) (2,000 im 13.7 W l45.9lm/W)
of powersaving type

Common specif ications: Weight: l.5kg

Built in power supply unlt
Rated voltage: 1 00 to 242 VAC
Average r oloIerd.''19 inoer 'Ra': Bl
Llfe: 40,000 hours (lumen maintenance: 90%)
4-1 2\20
bolt holes
Body: Steel, white
LED bar; Polycarbonate, milky white 2 Wood
Notesr Equipped with a dimming signa terminal stand screw hoies
(only dimmable mode s)
Dimming method: PWM (oniy dimmable models)
Compatible dimmers: DF -7017A-PDlDF 70171 PD (not included)
(only dimmable models)

Isee page 1 0 for input current.

Simple and easy installation

The unique torsion spring simplifies the attachment
and detachment of an LED bar for contributing safety of
maintenance work. ,fl'W_
,ikffi.r ....i.'1:',.-.
rt .q.(1.


Reflector !


@ @;l
Fixture Dimensions: 150 (W) x 1,227 (L) mm

LED bar LE ET-41 5OI - LS9 LEET-41501-LD9

6,900|m type Combination model number Comblnation model number

Equivalent to LEEM-40691N-'01 LEKT415691N-L59 LEKT415691N-LD9
Hf32x2 lamps (6,500 lm 44.s W 146.0 lm/W) (6,5001m 44.5 W 146.0 lm/W)
of high-lumen type

5,2OO Im type Combination mode number Combination model number

Equivalent to LEEM-40s2rN-o1 LEKT415521N-L59 LEKT41 5521 N-LD9
Hf32x2 lamps
14,950 1m 33.3 W | 148.6 lm/W) (4,950 1m 33.3 W I'148.6 lm/W)
of rated-output type

4,000lm type Combinailon model number Combinat on mode! number

o Equivalent to LEEM-40401N-0r LEKT4154O1 N-LS9 LEKT415401N-LD9
FLR4ox2 lamps
ofpower-saving type
(3,800lm 125.5 W I t49.0 tm/W) (3,800 lm 25.s W 149.0 lm/W)

3,2OO lm type Combination model number Combination model number
u1 Equivalent to LEEM-40321N-01 LEKT415321N-L59 LEKT415321N-LD9
Hf32x'1 lamp (3,0s0 lm I 20.3 w I 1s0.2 tm/w) (3,0501m 20.3 W 150.2 lm/W)
of high-lumen type

2,500|m type Combination mode number ' Combinat on model number

Equivalent to tEEM-402s1N-01 LEKT415251N-L59 LEKT415251N-LD9
Hf32x1 lamp .17.3
(2,400 lm
I W 138.7 lm/W) (2,400 lm 17.3 W 138.7 lm/W)
of rated-output type

2,000lm type Combination model number Comblnation model number

Equivalent to LEEM-40201N-01 LEKT4152OIN-LS9 LEKT41 5201 N-LD9
FLR40x1 lamp (1,920 im 13.7
| W 140.'l lm/W) W 140.1 lm/W)
(1,920 lm 13.7
of powersaving type |

Common specifications:
Bullt-in power supply unit
Rated voltage:100 to 242 VAC 4 1) 20 ) b23 oawet 2 Wood 4 Couolino
Averdqe.olor rendeting inde\ IRa, Bj bolt holes supp,y holes q( rew l'oles role, ' 2 Q 2a powet
Lile: 40,000 hours (lumen maintenance: 9Oo/,o) , -\- supply K.O.
Body: Steel, white -\
LED bar: Polycarbonate, milky white
Notes: Equipped with a dimming signal termlna stand
(only dimmable models) -l 'r''L

so \
Dimming method: PWM (only dimmabie models) " 600 -/o- ,/ \
Compatible dimmerst DF 1O17A-PD/DF 70171 pD lnot inctuded)
(only dimmab e models) [t lit
ISee page I 0 for input current.

Power supply integrated inside the fixture

As is the case with conventional fluorescent lamp fixtures, the
power supply is build-in in the fixture. When different type of
lumen is required, it can be realized only by replacing the LED
bar, which is contributing for cost saving.


wl 50 E

@ .x
ii;.,i,'1i?,fl,Iii,f ,..Eiii.

@ E$ffiffiB
Cut out dimensions: 150 (W) > 1,235 (L) mm

LED bar LEER.415O2-LS9 . LEER-41602-LD9

5,900lm type Combinatlon model number Combination mode number

Equivalent to 'LEEM-40691N-0r LEKR415692N-L59 LEKR416692N-LD9

Hf32x2 lamps (6,050 lm I 44.s W I 135.9 lm/W) (6,0501m 44.5 W 135.9lm/W)
of high-lumen type

5,2OO Im type Combination modeL number Comb nation model number

Equivalent to IEEM-40s21N-01 LEKR415522N-L59 LEKR416522N-LD9

Hf32x2 lamps (4,600 lm I 33.3 W | '138.1 lm/W) (4,600 lm 33.3 W I 'r38.1 lm/W)
of rated-output type

4,000!m type Combination model number Combinatiof model number

6J Equivalent to LEEM-40401N-01 LEKR4154O2N-LS9 LEKR4164O2N-LD9

o- FLR40x2 lamps (3,ssolm 125.5 W | '139.2 lm/W) (3,5501m 25.5 W 139.21mlw)
F of powersaving type

G 3,200|m type Combination model numberv Combinatron model number

t, Equivalent to LEEM-40321N-O1 LEKR416322N-LS9 LEKR415322N-LD9
Hf:z'xt lamp (2,8001m 120.1W | 117.9 lm/W) (2,800 lm I 20.3 W I 137.9 lm/w)
of high-lumen type

2,5OO lm type Comb nation model number aomhinatlon model numher

Equivalent to LEEM-402s1N-01 LEKR416252N-L59 LEKR416252N-LD9

Hf32x1 lamp (2,2s0 Lm I 17.3 W 130.0 lm/W) (2,250 lm 17.3 W l30.0lm/W)
of rated-output type

2,000!m type Comblnation model number Combination model number

Equivalent to LEEM-40201N-01 LEKR416202N-LS9 LEKR416202N-LD9

FLR40xl lamp (1,780 lm 13.7 W 129.9 1m/W) (1,780 lm I 13.7 W | 129.9 lm/W)
of power-saving type

Common specif ications: 3.0 kg

Bullt-in power supply unit
Rated voltage:'100 to 242 VAC 4-1)t)O
A.ardgp. o.o relderinq irde" lqa).8l bo t hol-"s
Llfei 40,000 hours llumen maintenance:90o/o)
Body: Steel, white un6:l257xN 20
LED bar: Polycarbonate, milky white
Noiesr Equipped with a dimming signa terminal stand (only dimmable
m ode ls)
Dimming method: PWM (only dimmable models)
Compatible dlmmers: DF 1A170 PD/DF-7017 1'PD (not included)
.o1lv dimmdbl. models\
The above fixtures can be combined with the fo lowing system
4 K.O ior attaching system

lsee page 1 0 for input current

System Units

White Aluminum Louver Aluminum Louver Flat Flat Pen Tray
Baffle Glaring Class: V Glaring CIass: G0 Prism Milky White MilkyWhite

F-41 1 00 F-4172,V
I LED MODULE FIXTURE with Battery (30 min)

Remains on for
30 min.
with battery power
Fixture dimensions: 230 (W) x 1,400 (Lj mm Fixture dimensions: 150 (W) x 1,377 (L) mm Cut-out dimensions: 300 (W) x 1,257 (L) mm

6,900lm type
Equivalent to
(6900 m)(46.7 Wl(l47 7 lm,\ / (6500 lm)146.7 W)(t 39.1 tm/W) (6s00 lm)(46.7 W)(139.1 tm/W)
Hf32x2 lamps r

of high-lumen type Pack:qed LED Dar: LEEr!' larrt; \. ll Pack:9,.d LED bar: LEElrl 40591 N 0l Packacled LED baI LEEIVI 40591N
Battery:3HR CY-5N 0t
Battery:3HR-CY SN Battery:3HR CY-SN

5,2OO lm type
TEKTJ-4l ss2r N-LSg LEKRJ-430522N_LS9
Equivalent to
(s200 lm)(34.9 WXl48.9 lm/W) (4950 lmX34.9 W)(14'l .B lm/W) (4950 lm)(34.9 WXl4'.8 lm/W)
Hf32x2 lamps
of rated-output type Packaged LED bar: LEEI\4-.10521 N 01 Packaged LED bar: LEEA,1-4052't N Ol Packaqed LED bar:
Batterv: 3HR-CY'SN
LEEt\,,1 40521 N 0t
Battery: 3HR CY-SN Battery:3HR-CY-sN

3,200|m type
LEKTJ-423321 N-LS9 LEKTJ-4l 5321 N-159 LEKRJ-430322N-LS9
Eqr,iivalent to
(3200 tm)(22.4 W)(142.8 tm/W) (30s0 lm)(22.4 WX1 36.1 lm/W) (30s0 lmx22.4 w)(136.1 Im/W)
Hf32x1 lamp
of high-lumen type Packaged LED bar: LEEIM 40321 N Ot Pa.kaqed LED bar: LEEM-40121 N Oj Packaqed LED bar: LEEM 40321 N 0t
Battery: 3HR CY-SN Battery: 3HR CY-SN Battery: 3HR-CY-SN

TEKTJ-4232s1 N-LS9
2,5OO !m type " liED ba, Ir,[,dill
Equivalent to
(2s00 lm)(18.8 WX132.9 lm/W) (2400 mX]8.8 WX]27.6 lm/W) (2400 lm)( I 8.8 W)(t 27.6 im/VV)
Hf32x1 lamp
of rated-output type Packaged LED bar: LEEM-4025 1 N-0 1 Packaqed LED bar: LEEM 40251 N 0'l Packaqed LED bar: LEEM-4025 I N-01
Battery: 3 H R-CY-sN Battery: 3 H R-CY-SN Battery: 3HR CY-SN

Specificatiofs: Speclfications: Specifications:

Body:steel, white Body:steel, white Body: Steel, white
LED bar: Polycarbonate LED bar: Polycarbonate LED bar: Polycarbonate
Weight:2.7 kg We ghi:2.4 kq Weight:3.8 kg

_ 800
_ 6Aq
4 12x20
Bolt holes
2 d23Por -J 0.",0'"0

Self-d ia g n os is Built-in battery Nickel-hydrogen battery Neutral white [5000 K]

supply voltage: 100 to 242 v E charging monitor (green), lamp monitor (red) and test switch
characteristics L-l
LtD bar iocluded E I ifetime: 40,000 6ou-rs r lumen riaintenance: gooo)
. Average color rendering index (Ra):83 fl Glass len:
Notes: O Non-dimmable O The light color and brightness of the LED miy vary even among products of the
same model.
high-power series is available in
provides 9,900 lm perType-4o LED bar.The two-LED-bar
The high_power LED MODuLE FTXTURE Series 6'900 lm (including
two types, 19,800 lm and 13,800 lm, which ur"
,,ltuli" u' u 'uptutt*tnt for high-bay HID fixtures' Note that only
g,gob lm LED bars of standard and light-concentrating types can
be used'
high_grade model) and

ffi E€igk-ELEcaE*re
g-E{,€} fuafls *r* av*eiEmfoB* aea ffi f$B*ae'qsE%}"*BEsgaEeBf ,nes #*E"er

rut*.ffiq€aa*:€.g ffiEad Ba*{?f,"u*"*nuiaou*f,xag

tp p*s ro ensure safetv of production and workers, LED bars have
polycarbonate cover that does not break and splinter easily'
rise of internal fi;;f iEasy-to-replace LED bars also help reduce maintenance cost'
The unique fixture structure hblps keep a
for two'lfl Uars witn a
temperature low and provides high lumen. Fixtures
areas' An appropriate selection
reflecting shade are well suited for high-bay
adequate brightness'
of LED birs is the key to achieve

t Ilxl
1 000



The image represenis an artist s impression'

Calculation condition: Maintenance factor =

$* x"saast-B$*sy *3ElB'saeeta€Eclsas
ffi Hyi**ffis&+,.* g:reraBaa*€ Eixs*s *$v*s"aslg Fe&gBa-fuat-'"

lHigh-bay areasl
n liglting fixture holding two high-lumen 9,900 lm LED
bars is attached on the ceiling. Even at a high-bay

like a ceiling height of 10 m, an adequate illuminance


obtained on the floor. LED bars are selectable from

standard and light-concentrating types'

lMid-bay areasl
A lighting fixture holding two 6,900 lm LED bars
prouid", brightness equivalent to a high-bay HID fixture
bars spread the
i+00 W ,"r.uty lamp). Standard LED
light out to illuminate both high and low areas, whereas
li!ht-concentrating LED bars securely illuminate work
areas right

[Factories, warehouses and office areas]

Fluorescent lamps might not be bright enough in areas
with a high ceiling. However, one 9,900 lm LED bar
provides brightness equivalent to three Hf32 fluorescent
LED MODULE FIXTURE H h-Power Fixture Series


Neutralwhite | 5000 K

ffi M M
Fixture dimensions: 230 (W)
^ 1,250 (Lt mm
: :"
Fixture dimensions: 150 (W) x 1,227 (L) mm Fixture dimensions: 250 (W) x 1,227 (L) mm

[Iffi-i,.]ffi-i-.bEl mffi.It6m.i$icl ffifidiffinffi]

LED bar LEET-4230T T-L52 LEET-41 5OT T-LS2 LEET-42701 T-LS2

19,800lm LEEM- Comblnation model number

type 4099rN-01 LEKT4271 91TN-LS2
o :quivalent to 400 \ x2 lamps (rB,B00 lm I r 33.0w | 141.3 tmn^/)
ts metal halide lamp

.9 l,900lm type
Combination model number Combination model number
Equivalent to LEKT423991TN-LS2 LEKT41 5991TN-L52
Hf32x3 lamps 40991N-01
(9,900 lm I 66.5 W I l4B.B lm/W) (9,400 lm | 66.5 W 141.3 tm/W)
:f high-lumen type

13,800lm tEEM- Combination model number

t}'Pe 4069rN-HG 1EKT427131 HTN-L52
o :quivalent to 400 M x2 Iamps (1 3,000 lm | 78.0 w | 1 66.6 tn/W)
l! mercury lamp
I 6,900!m type tEEM-
Combination mode number Combination model number
Equivalent to 1EKT423691 HTN-LS2 LEKT41 5691 HTN-LS2
Hf32x2 lamps 40691N-HG
(6,900 lm | 39.0 W 176.9 lm/W) lm 39.0 W 166.6 lm/W)
of high-lumen type

13,800lm LTEM. Combination model number

type 4069'tN-01 LEKT427131TN-LS2
E Equivalent to 400 W x2 lamps 0 3,000 m 89.0 w | 146.0 tmAV)
(! mercury lamp
i, 5,900lm type Combination model number Combination model numher
Equivalent to LEKT423691TN-LS2 LEKT41 5691TN.1S2
Hf32x2 lamps 40691N-01
(6,900 lm | 44.5 W 155.0 lm/W) lm 44.5 W 146.0 m/W)
of high-lumen type

Common specif lcatlons: Weighti 2.2 k9 We qht:2.2 kq We ght:4.6 kq

Bullt in power supply unit
Rated voltage: 200 to 242 VAC
Average color rendering index (Ra):83 2 12:20 2 O2l power
boli ilpply hoes
Lifer 40,000 hours
(lumen maintenance: 850/o)
Body: Steel, white
LED ban Polycarbonate, mllkV white

INote that only the 6,900 lm and 9,900 ml LED bars can be used

lHigh-Power Fixture Series
.: .Siie '

100 v 200 v 242V 100 v 200 v 242V

9,800 lm type
High-Power 133.0 I 33.0 0.690 0.582
(0,900 lmxz lamps)

High-Power 9,900 lm type 66.s 66.5 0.345 o.291

3,800 lm type
High-Grade 78.0 78.O 0.400 0.338
(0,900 lmx2 lamps)
Type 40
High-Grade 6,900 lm type 39.0 39.0 0.200 0.169
3,800 lm type
Standard 89.0 89.0 0.454 0.382
(6,900 lmx2 lamps)

Sta ndard 6,900 lm type 44.5 44.5 o.227 0.191


Weather proof

@ i.r
tlii$ir'llii$ifrtlll'L:,'i.l .--F.lliiiiiilittirl,,,

@ Fixture dimensions: 120 (W) < 1,250 (L) mm

m t--.d-jGffial
Fixture dimensions; 230 (W) x 1,250 (L) mm

LED bar LEET.41 201 W-LS9 LEET-423O1W.159

6,900|m type Combination model number comblnation model number

Equivalent to LEEM-40692N-WP LEKTW412692N.LS9 LEKTW423692N-L59

Hf32x2 lamps (6,630 lm 44.5 W 148.9 lm/W) (6,630 lm I 44.sW L r48.9 lm/W)
of high-lumen type

5,2OO lm type Combinatlon model number Combination mode number

Equivalent to LEEM-40522N-WP LEKTW41 2522N-LS9 LEKTW423522N-LS9

Hf32x2 lamps (5,000 lm 33.1W | 150.1 lm/W) (5,0001m 33.3W 150.1 lm/W)
of rated-output type

4,000lm type Combination mode number Combination model number

o Equivalent to LEEM-4O4O2N-WP LEKTW412402N-LS9 LEKTW423402N-L59

o FLR40x2 lamps l3,840lm 25.5W 150.5 lm/W) (3,840 lm | 25.5 W 150.5 lm/W)
F of powersaving type

(o 3,200|m type Combination model number Combinatlon model number
(n Equivalent to LEEM-40322N-WP LEKTW412322N.LS9 LEKTW423322N-LS9
l-lf32x'1 lamp (3,070 lm 120.3W 151.2 lm/W) (3,070 lm I 20.3 W I I sl.2 lm/W)
of hiqh-lumen type

2,5OO lm type Combinatlon model number ' Combination mode number

Equivalent to LEEM.4O252N-WP LEKTW41 2252N-LS9 LEKTW423252N-LS9

Hf32x1 lamp (2,400 lm 17.3 W | 'i 38.7 lm/W) (2,400 ]m 17.3 W 138.7 lm/W)
of rated-output type

2,000Im type Combination mode number combination model number

Equivalent to LEEM-4O202N-WP LEKTW41 2202N-LSg LEKTW4232O2N-LS9

FLR4oX1 lamp (1,920 m 13.7W 140.'l lm/W) (1,920 lm I I3.7W 140.1 lm/w)
of power-saving type

Common specifications: weight: 2.5 kg Weight: 2.9 kg

Built in power supply unit
Rated voltage:100 to 242 VAC
Average color rendering index (Ra):83
Life:40,000 hours (lumen maintenance: 900/o)
Body: Steel, white I e-- .o
LED bar: Polycarbonate, milky white 1..'"a,? Pore,
. l. . 'O - 6-'oo/e I o,.
Protection rating: lP23 (liquid ingress) P! -!l! " oplr 'o '

L' :.
- ,;-

Isee paqe 'l 0 for i nput current

Functional Feature
!n!1odgc!io1 9f wggthgl proo! LED bqlt
Weather proof fixtures can be installed under the eaves, on the ceiling or on the wall of outdoor walkways,
where high moisture level is expected like the drawing shown on right.
For more details, please see a product specification or an installation manual'

Weather proof o

@ ,x
@ Fixture dimensions: 70 (W) x 1,250 (L) mm

lIGFc .l
Fixture dimensions: 150 (W) x 1,250 (L) mm

F -_.qffiiql
LED bar LEET-4O701W-LS9 LEET-41501W-LS9

6,900lm type Combinatlon modei number Combination mode number

Equivalent to L.EEM-40692N.WP LEKTW4O7692N-LS9 LEKTW4l 5692N-L59
Hf32x2 lamps (6,630 1m 44.5 W 148.9 lm/W)
of high-lumen type
(6,s20 lm | 44.5 W 146.5 lmAV)

5,2OO lm type Combination mode number Combination model number

Equivalent to LEEM-40522N.WP LEKTW4O7522N-LS9 LEKTW415522N-LS9
Hf32x2 lamps (s,000 lm | 33.3 W l s0.l lm/W) (4,910 lm 33.3 W | 147.4tn/w)
of rated-output type

4,000|m type Combination model number Combination model number

o Equivalent to LEEM-4O4O2N-WP LEKTW4O7402N-L59 LEKTW4l 5402N-LS9

FLR40x2 lamps (3,840 lm | 25.5 W I 1s0.5 lm/W) (3,780 lm 25.5 W | 148.2 lm/W)
F of power-saving type
|! 3,200|m type Combination model number Combinatlon model number
t, Equivalent to tEEM-40322N-WP LEKTW4O7322N-L59 LEKTW415322N-LS9
Hf32x1 lamp (3,070 lm | 20.3
of high-lumen type
w I r s1.2 tm/w) (3,020 lm 20.3 W | 148.7In/W)

2,5OO lm type Combination model number " Combinatlon model number

Equivalent to LEEM-40252N.WP LEKTW4O7252N-LS9 LEKTW4l 5252N-LS9
Hf32x1 lamp (2,400 lm I 17.3 W | 'r 38.7 lm/W)
of rated-output type
(2,360 lm I7.3 W 136.4 lm/W)

2,000lm type Combinaiion model number Combinatlon model number

Equivalent to LEEM-4O202N-WP LEKTW4O7202N-LS9 LEKTW4l 5202N-L59
FLR40X1 lamp (1,920 lm 13.7 W I I40.1 im/W) (1,890 lm 13.7W 137.9 lm/W)
of powersaving type

Common specifications: Weight: 2.2 kg Weight:2.9 kg

Built in power supply unit
Rated voltage:100 to 242 VAC
Average color rendering index (Ra): 83
Life:40,000 hours (lumen maintenance: 90olo)
Body:steel, white
LED bar: Polycarbonate, milky white
Protection rating: lP23 (liquid ingress)

lSee page 1O for input currenl

Functiona! Feature Weather proof LED bars

Rubber packing used at both ends ofan LED bar ensures rain and moisture
tightness inside of the cover. These LED bars are available with the same
brightness options as the standard type and suitable as a replacement
for the conventional fluorescent fixtures.
LED Downlights
1500 Series

LED Downlights
1OO0 Series

I Example of installations

Entrances, Lobby Meeting rooms, etc. Passageways, etc.

I Downlights with integrated LED

LEDD.21O1 1 FN-LSg LEDD.l 501 1 FN-LS9 LEDD-0901 1 FN.LS9

1. Neutral white (5000 K) .Neutral white {5ooo K) rNeutral white (5000 K)
(1,980 lm) (l7.8 W) (1 1 1 .2 lm/W) (1,6101m) (14.6W) (110.2 lm/W) (1,080 lm) (10.0 W) (l08.0 lm/W)
Specifications: Spe.ifications: Specifications:
Rated voltage: 100 to 242VAa Rated voltage: 1 00 to 242 VAC Rated voltage: 1 00 to 242 VAC
lnput cutrent: 1 86 mA (at 1 00 V), 96 mA (at 200 V) lnput current: 1 51 mA (at 100V), 78 mA (at 200V) lnput currentr 1 02 mA (at 1 00 V), 54 mA (at 200 V)
Built in power supply unit Built if power supply unit Built'in power suppiy Lrnit
Body: Alumrnum die cast Body: Aluminum die cast Body: Aluminum die cast
Frame: Plastic, pure white Frame: Plastic, pure white Frame: Plastic, pure white
Refl ective plate: Plastic, high-reflection white Refl ective plate: Plastic, high-refl ection white Reflective plate: Plastic, high reflection white
Under cover: Plastic, diffusive Under cover: Plastic, diffusive Under cover: Plastic, diffusive
Life: 40,000 hours (lumen maintenance: 800/0) Life: 40,000 hours (lumen maintenance: 80o/o) Life:40,000 hours (lumen maintenance:80%)
Averaqe color renderinq index (Ra): 70 Average color rendering index (Ra):70 Average color rendering index (Ra): 70
Weight:0.7 kg Weight:0.7 kg Weight:0.7 kg
Notes: Non-dimmable No insulation work permitted Notes:Non dimmable No insulation work permitted Notes: Non-dimmable No insulation work permitted

Unit: lx Unit: lx
E 1
2 P,
t 3 =-a
'a 'a
I 4

5 5
Horizontal distance (m) Horizontal distance (m) Horizontal distance (m)

LEDD-21021 FN.LS9 LEDD-1 5021 FN-LS9 LEDD-09021 FN-LS9

, Neutral white (5000 K)
'rNeutral white (5000 K) r Neutral white (5000 K)
(2,020 lm) (1 7.8 W) (l 13.4lntw) (1,650 Im) (14.6W) (1 13.0 lmAV) (1,100 lm) (10.0W) (1 10.0 lm/W)
Specifications: Specifications: Specifications:
Rated voltagei 100 to 242 VAC Rated voltag-^: 1 00 to 242 VAC Rated voltage: I 00 to 242 VAC
lnput current: 1 86 mA (at 1 00 V), 96 mA (at 200 V) lnput current: 151 mA (at l00V), 78 mA (at 200V) lnput current: 'l 02 mA (at I 00 V), 54 mA (at 200 V)
Built-in power supply unit Built in power supply unit Built in power suppiy Ltnit
Body: Aluminum die.ast Body: Aluminum die cast Body: Aluminum die cast
Frame: Plastic, pure white Frame: Plastic, pure white Frame: Plastic, pure white
Refl ective plater Plastic, high-refl ection white Refl ective plate: Plastic, high-refl ection white Refl ective plate: Plastic, high{efl ection white
Under cover: Plastic, diffusive Under cover: Plastic, diffusive Under cover: Plastic, diffusive
Life:40,000 hours (lumen maintenance: BO%) Life:40,000 hours (lumen maintenance: 80o/o) Life: 40,000 hours (,umen maintenance: 80%)
Average color renderinq index (Ra):70 Average color rendering index (Ra): 70 Average color rendering index (Ra): 70
Weight: 0.7 kg Weight:0.7 kg Weight:0.7 kg
Notes: Non-dimmable No insulation work permitted Notes: Non dimmable No insulation work Dermitted Notes: Non dimmable No insulation work oermitted

Unit: lx
E 1


* I i
rllOl2o I 5O I
.9) 3
o 4
Horizontal distance (m) Horizontal distance (m) Horizontal distance (m)
I LED floodlights -
aai:::a-::t::al:$ria::*.i:-i:i.:iii.irr: - ! il:i:L}'li:I-t.1*


o {{*,:t:,.-..-,,,;';.L,'i
Luminous flux =

Luminous Equivalent to
flux 700 W mercury lamp fixture
20,000 lm and
class 400 W metal haiide lamp

Luminous Equivalent to
flux 400 W mercury lamp fixture
13,000 lm and
class 250 W metal halide Iamp

Equivalent to
250 W mercury lamp fixture
8,000 lm
150 W compact metal
halide lamp

Equivalent to
flux 70 W compact metal halide
4,000 lm
lamp fixture

'l.;l;l]ffiF,. ;,1r:;',;;l'.1;l';;,;,i

{grayisbblack} .. ... : - (metiilli. sifv€r)

Neutral white (5000 K) Neutral white (5000

LEDS-23901 NW-LJ2 (srayish black) LEDS-1 3901 NW-LJ9 (srayish blact<1
LEDS-23902NW-LJ2 (metallic silverl LEDS-1 3902NW-LJ9 (metallic silver)
Lum rousflux:22,700 m L!mlnousfl!x:11,200 lm

Average (olor renderlnq inder (Ra)i 70 ,qwiiqe dor rmler inJer (Ra):zO
,. __:22 4 ng

[ommon specificat ons: r:r [ommon5peci(atons .-

Iil MEEEEEHN il ] 'r: i r ,,i .t'
,,frII:r:r:.j: !rI.l
: ,rii. Lii.,,.it ir lit .t I i

I i,r.)ll,ri

Wattaqe: 176W lal 200V), 176W (at242V) Wiliagei 1 ll
W Gt l00V),106W {at200/242V)
Average wattaqe:159.3 \ l Gt 200V) Aleraqe wattaqe: 95.9 W (at 200 V)
nput(u(ent:0.88A(at200V),0.71A(at242V) nplt (!rent: 1.lB A (at 200V),0.56 A (at 200V),0.44 A (at 242 V)
ho!6 (lumen ma ntenance:85%)
Lifer 60,000 Life: 60,000 houtr ( !men ma rt€nance:859i)
Body: Alumin!m die ran
Frontg a$rTempered g a$ -4fXF Body: A um num die (ast
We ght:5.7 kq
Weight: B 0 kq
Protedion rating lP44
Li0htnino!rropnr.le.l on: l5 kV k0mmnn modp)
lt Lir Prote(tion rat rg:
lront gla$:Tempered g ass
idhtn nn< rhp nr^ta.t^n'lq

L\/ /^n mni6l

I LED floodlights

Wide-angle type Wide-angle type

,,Neutral white (5oo0 K) Neutral white (5000 K)
LEDS-08905NW-LJ9 (grayish black) LEDS-049O5NW-lJp (grayish btack)
LEDS-08906NW-LJ9 (metallic silver) LEDS-049O6NW-LJ9 {metallic silver)
LumlnouslluxiT,T00lm Luminous fluxi 3,700 lm
'-d"18' .\drr0. Lhrrrl llilil nr \riL.il0(!l
Average color renderinq index (Ra):70 Averaqe co or render nq index (R.):70

Common specif.ations: (ommon 5pe( i(at ons:
Buit I polier5upply!n ir, I!!ir!itur I
Rited uolta!F: 100 to 242 VA(
lri!i !i irq,; llN iD l.ll'rrli
Allonral (aofihrtumef o!ip!t i!ilmal arDn(inI I ntn n ttIut
Wattager 74W (at l00V),71 W (at 242V) Wattager 38W Gt 100V), i7 W Gt 200/242V)
Averaqe wattagei 62.8W (.t 200V) Average wattage: 12.7 W (at 200 V)
lnput (urentr 0.745 A (at l00V),0.37 A (at 200 V), 0.3 A ht 242 V) lnput cutrent 0.385 A (at 100 V),0.195 A (at 200 V),0.165 A (at 242 V)
60,000 hou6 (lumen maintenan(e: 85%)

L fe: Llfer 60,000 houtr (lumen matntetan(e:85%)
Body: Aluminum die cast Bodyi Alumlnum die cast
Front qlass: Tempered glas5 (transparent) Front glass: Tempered qlas5 (transparent) ilF'i'
t:__ :ll
Lightnlng surge prote(tiont 1 5 kV (common mode) Lightninq surge protection: 15 kV (.omm0n mode) UI
Weightr 3.4 kg Weiqht:3.3 kq
Protection rat nq: lP44 Prote(tion rating: P44
Notes: Nor dlmrnahle Notes: Nor-d mmab e

LED toad lights with a built-in power supp

For continuous illumination

Automatic constant lumen output and 50% step-dimmable Automatic constant lumen output and 700/0 step-dimmable Automat c constant lumen outpui and 50:: step-dimmable
For attachment onto a straight pole For attachment onto a straight pole For attachment onto a straight pole
For attachment onto an oval pole For attachment onto an oval pole For attachment onto an oval pole
BJ o'.-.J ,,:l Bu lt I pow€r!rpplyun t : : ipower5uppiluftl
Lirrlor flJy:12,60017 Lumino!sfluxr9,050 lm i-nino!s fluxr 6,400 lm
Waltage: I 15 W(at 100 V), 1 10 W (at 200V), 109 W Gt 242 V) Wattage: 82W (at 100V),79W (at 200V),79W Gt 242V1 ,',r:aqe: 57W (.t 100V), 55W Gt 200V), 56W ht 242V)
Average wattaqe:'104 W ht 100 V), 99 W ht 200V), 98 W ht 242V) Average wattage: 74 W ht'i00V), 7l W ht 200 V), 7l W ln :r:' r,i?!ewattager 5l W (at 100V), 50W (at 200V), 50W (at 242V)
Effi.acy: ll4 5 ld\,! (al 200Vno tffca.!: 11.1.5 lmiW (.t 200VA(l :- :, lla.llmiiri l;1200\rA()
Ratcd vota!er 100/r00i 242 VA( Rated vo ta!,e: 1001200,/242 VAl, : i:!r rr la!le l00l200i242VAt
nput.utrenii 1.16 A (at l00V), 0.56A Gt200V), 0.47A Gi 242V) lnputcutrenr 0.82AGt'100V),0.4lArat2ii\ : l: r :'-r- lnput cu(ent: 0 57 A (at 100V), 0.29A Gt 200V), 0.25 A (at242V)

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