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Lesson Plan in English 7

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November 21, 2019
I. Objectives
At the end of the class discussion, the grade 7 students should be able to:
a. differentiate active voice from passive voice,
b. give importance to the topic through constructing a sentence using a
sentence using active and passive voice; and
c. write a sentence using active and passive voice.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Using the Active and Passive Voice
b. References: Essential English Worktext in Literature and Language 7;
Authored by Carolina T. Gonzales and Nelda R. Francisco
c. Materials: Chart, Visual Aid, PowerPoint Presentation

III. Teaching Procedure

Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management
 Attendance

Lesson Proper
A. Activity
The teacher will conduct a “message relay game” to grade 7 class. She
will divide the class into two (2) groups. Each group will be given a message that
will be relayed by each member of the group until the last one will say what has
been written in the paper.
Group 1: The carabao eats the grass.
Group 2: The grass is eaten by the carabao.

B. Analysis
The teacher will ask the following questions:
a. What have you notice with the sentences I gave you in the
message relay game? How it is constructed?
b. Do you observe some patterns of the sentences?
c. Can anyone in this class guess what will be our lesson for

C. Abstraction
The teacher will introduce the topic using the students constructed

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Using Active and Passive Voice
Voice is the form a verb takes to indicate whether the subject of the verb performs
or receives the action.
The Two Special Forms of Verbs
Active Voice- When using the active voice, the subjects are the ones performing
the action. It is the “normal voice. This is the voice that we use most of the time.
Pattern: [doer of action] + [verb] + [receiver of action]
Subject Verb Object
(Doer of Action) (Receiver of
Baldo drives the cart.
The Carabao eats the grass.
Birds build nests.
The dog eats a bone.

Passive voice- the subject receives the action of the verb.

Pattern: [receiver of action] + [be] + [past participle of verb] + [by] + [doer of action].

Original Linking Passive By Original

subject verb verb subject
The cart is driven by Baldo.
The grass is eaten by the
The nests were built by the bird.
A bone is eaten by a dog.

How do Active and Passive Voice Differ?

Active voice is direct
The subject directly acts on the object
The tone is clear and immediate
 As if you throw a ball directly at a target
 The target gets all the force of the ball
 Passive voice is indirect
 The subject is acted ON by the object
 As if you bounce a ball off a wall to hit a target
 The wall and the target both get some of the force of the ball
 So, the impact is not as strong or clear

D. Application

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The teacher will group the students into 4 groups. Each group will construct at
least 6 sentences using passive and active voice; 3 sentences using active
voice and 3 sentences using passive voice.

IV. Evaluation
In a ½ crosswise paper.
A. Underline the verb in each sentence, and then label it as either active or passive.
1. Manny ate six eggs at dinner. Active Voice
2. The flat tire was replaced by Danny. Passive Voice
3. Danny replaced the flat tire. Active Voice
4. Stephanie read the new novel in one night. Active Voice
5. The new novel was read by Stephanie in one night. Passive Voice

B. Rewrite each sentence changing the passive verb into active.

1. Sharon is writing the story.
The story is being written by Sharon
2. Romy painted the entire house.
The entire house was painted by Romy.
3. The teacher always answers the student’s questions.
The students’ questions are always answered by the teacher.
4. The forest fire destroyed the whole area.
The whole area was destroyed by the forest fire.
5. The manager writes a sarcastic review.
A sarcastic review is written by the manager.

V. Assignment: In a 1 whole sheet of paper.

Rewrite the following paragraph in the active voice.
Last summer our house was painted by me. First, the exterior was washed
using warm water and a mild detergent. Then all of the chinks in the walls were
sealed with putty. After the putty had had a chance to dry, the exterior could be
painted. A latex paint was used because it is easy to apply and cleans up with water.
A whole week was needed to finish this part of the job. A color was used that was
very close to the original color. When the job was finished, a great deal of satisfaction
was felt by me. Even my dad said that a good job was done.

Prepared by:

Ilustra Ragrag

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