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Features of Prose Detailed Lesson Plan

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Features of Prose- detailed Lesson Plan

BSED English (University of Cagayan Valley)

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Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the period, the students are expected to;
a. compare the structure of prose to other form of writing
b. use prose to show off voice in writing
c. construct a prose on the four types of writing.

II. Materials:
a. Subject Matter: Features of Prose
b. References:
c. Materials:
d. Values:

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

Good morning, Grad 10 Dahlia?

Good morning, Ma’am Cricia.
Let’s give a 3 more minutes for those
who aren’t in the class.

Okay! Before we formally start our

virtual discussion, kindly open all your
cameras as we have our prayer.
(The students open their cameras.)
Let’s have Ms. Angela to lead our prayer
this morning.
So let us pray!
In the name of the Father, of the Son
and the Holy Spirit………… Amen

In the name of the Father, of the Son and

the Holy Spirit…………Amen

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There are three students who are not

able to join our virtual meeting today. I
wonder if it is technical difficulties or
the internet connection.

How’s your weekend, class? Did you

spend your Saturday and Sunday

Yes, Ma’am.
That’s’ great!

Before we proceed to our formal

discussion, let me remind you all again
on our virtual rules, what are those?

 Always open camera

 Do not cheat
 be careful on manipulating MS
 and, do not sleep
Hope we are all clear on that. Okay?

Yes, Ma’am.

Have yourself in your most comfortable

learning space so that you are motivated
to learn.

Is that okay, class?

Yes, Ma’am

B. Motivation

(The teacher posted a picture on the


Class, as you can see there is a picture

here on the screen. I would like you to
write your idea about the picture in
rhymes and without rhymes.
I’ll give you 3 minutes to do the task.

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(3 minutes ended)
Let’s do the spin the wheel.
First is KD and next is Anji.
KD, share your idea in rhymes and Anji
will read to us her composition with no
Let’s start first with KD.

That’s nice!
Next, kindly open your mic so we can (KD did the presentation of his
hear you out, Anji. composition)

Great! (Anji did the presentation of his

Last picture to analyze.

Another 3 minutes to prepare, class.

(3 minutes begin)

Your minutes ahs ended.

Let’s do the spin wheel again.

The spin wheel chose Ms. Gomez.

And next, Mr. Albie.

Ms. Gomez share to us your

composition with rhymes. Mr. Albie will
be reading to us his composition without

Ms. Gomez, kindly share to us your


That’s a great idea, Ms. Gomez.

Thank you.
(Ms. Gomez did the presentation of her
Next to share Mr. Albie. Kindly turn on composition)
now your mic.

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Good job, Mr. Albie.

Thank you!
(Mr. Albie did the presentation of her
Class, what did you notice on how the composition)
two sets of presenters convey their
respective ideas?

Yes, Ms. Carla?

All of the presenters have the same
thoughts and ideas regarding on the
picture, however they differ on how they
structured their thoughts.
Both Anji and Shania conveyed their
C. Presentation ideas in manner where brief and
rhymed, while KD and Albie conveyed
Based on the presentation earlier, where their ideas in a natural flow.
did you find yourself comfortable in
composing your thoughts or ideas?

I want to hear your answer, Mr. TJ.

Great. Thank you.

Who else?
You raised your button Mr. Kyle.
I would say in the without rhymes,
Ma’am. Because you have the means to
express your thoughts with no limits.

Well, that’s great Kyle.

Since Mr. Kyle have mentioned the I chose the with rhymes, ma’am. Since I
figurative language, and based also on like to use figurative language when I

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the activity earlier. wrote, it’s a best way to express my

creativity with words.
What do you think is poetry and with
rhymes and without rhymes?

I’d like to hear your voice, Ms.


Definitely! With rhymes is a composition that have

specific measurement and structure like
So, do you have already in mind what poems and poetry, while the without
would be our specific topic for today? rhymes it doesn’t follow specific rules
or measurement, its just wrote to a
conversational manner and tone.
Well, we will be dealing first to the Not
Poetry or so called the Prose.

D. Lesson Proper
Structure of writing poetry and not
I just uploaded a file of our presentation poetry, ma’am!
today, kindly go to the general channel
and download it, while I am preparing
my PowerPoint presentation.

What word would you conformed to the

word prose, based on the activity and
what you know?

Kindly type and leave your answers on

the reply section of this channel.

So, I’ll be picking three students to

expand a little the word they have
answered. I’ll be using again the Spin
the Wheel.

You have been chosen by our Spin the

wheel John, Shanaia, Eian.

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Let’s start with John.

Your word is Short Story? (The students gave their individual

Very Good!
Next, Shania. What is your word?

That’s right.
And last, Eian.
Short story ma’am, because short story
is an example of prose where it was
written following the regular
grammatical conventions.

That’s correct.

Conversational Style, Ma’am. Because

To put all of what you have said, Prose prose was written like a conversation
refers to any written works that follows tone. Like it always used every day.
a basic grammatical structure, which
means the language follows the natural
patterns, in a straightforward manner.
Ma’am, I wrote Novels. Because, it’s
one of the examples of prose writing
which also wrote in a structure of
(Presenting the PowerPoint) sentence-to paragraph where it doesn’t
follow any meters or rules.
First and foremost, I would like to give
emphasis on the difference of Prose to
Poetry so that it would be a guide for
you to distinct the two terms.

Kindly take it down, class!

They are both have unique qualities:

Prose follows natural patterns of speech
and communication just like what I have
said earlier. It has also a grammatical
structure with sentences and paragraphs.

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On the other hand, poetry has line

breaks, it has deliberated patterns, such Definition of Prose
as rhythm and rhyme. Prose is a literary device referring to
So, take this as an example. writing that is structured in a
grammatical way, with prose and
phrases that build sentences and
So as you can see, the first table is a paragraphs.
passage from a story. And the second
table is a poem. You can distinguish
where the prose and poetry because of
how it was written and how was the
thought conveyed. As you can see, the
poem incorporated figurative language
while the prose conveyed as it was. Yes, Ma’am.

Did you get the difference of the two,


Can you read the first slide, Mr. Ben?

Nonfictional prose. It is a true story or
factual account of events or

Thank you, Mr. Ben.

Prose is a literary device which it is a
way for the writers to communicate with
readers in a straightforward, even
conversational manner.
Did you understand, class? Yes, Ma’am.

There are four distinct types of prose

that writers use:

Can you read the number 1 type of

prose, Ms. Alexa?

Thank you, Ms. Alexa.

Nonfictional prose is the prose that Newspaper, Ma’am.

conveys an information or life events

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that happened in a real scenario which

was written in a straightforward or in a Journal, Ma’am.
Can you give me an example of this
type of prose?
You’re raising your hand, Mr. Donny. Biography, Ma’am.

That’s correct!
What else?

Great! Yes, Ma’am.

What else?

Good job, Katrina.

Did you understand now class the Fictional Prose. A literary work of
Nonfictional prose? fiction. This is the most popular type of
literary prose, used in novels and short
stories, and generally has characters,
So, let’s proceed with number 2. plot, setting, and dialogue.
Who wants to read?

Go ahead, Mr. Daniel.

Thank you, Mr. Daniel.

Contrary to the Nonfictional prose, the Ma’am Novels.

fictional prose featured elements of plot
settings, characters, dialogues and etc.

Short Stories, ma’am.

Can you give me an example of fictional
Let’s hear on Ms. Diana.
Yes, Ma’am.

Next, Mr. Mark?

Good Job!

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Next type of prose is the heroic prose.

Are we all clear in the Fictional prose? A literary work that is either written
down or preserved through oral
Let’s proceed, then.

Please read what on your screen, Ms.


Thank you, Ms. Donna.

Heroic prose is a type of prose which Legends, Ma’am.
also written intended to be recited and
has been passed down through oral or
written tradition.
Fable, Ma’am.
Can you give me an example of Heroic
prose, Mr. Vil?

What else?
Yes, Ma’am.

Good Job!
Poetic Prose. Poetry written in prose
Did you understand the heroic prose? form. It sometimes created in a literary
hybrid with rhythm and or rhyme
Let’s proceed to the next slide. patterns.
Can you read for us this slide, Mr. Carl?

Let’s take this as an example;

And if sometimes, on the steps of a
palace or the green grass of a ditch, in
the mournful solitude of your room. Yes, Ma’am.

It is like a poetry, right? But the

structure is prose. it has meter, but it was
written in a natural flow.

Did you get it, class?

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Yes, Ma’am.

So, those are the four distinct types of

Did you able to understand the
differentiation of the 4 types of prose?

I hope we are all clear on that.

If yes, let’s proceed to the function of
prose in writing.

The first one is Fulfill a story’s promise.

In literature, the basic purpose of prose
in writing is to convey an idea, deliver
information or tell a story. It is the way a
writer fulfills her basic promise to
deliver a story with characters, settings,
plots, and a final payoff.
Example a short story or novels, its
basic purpose is to tell a story to the
readers. They have these elements like
the characters, setting, plot, conflict and
the moral you will get to the story.

Next is, Create a Voice.

Each writer has their own way of using
the language called a writer’s voice.
Using prose in different ways help William Shakespeare, ma’am.
writers craft and show of his voice.

Do you know an author or writer that

show off his or her voice on his or her

Good job!

Last, Builds rapport through familiarity.

Prose is often conversational tone. This
familiarity helps connect readers to a
story and its characters.
Example, SONA. Is it the state of the Yes, Ma’am.
nation address were stated as a natural
speech, and actually builds connection

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of the speaker to the audience?

Did you able to understand the three

functions of prose in writing.

That’s good to hear.

E. Application

For your activity, I will group you into

Each group will construct a short prose
following the 4 types of Prose and try to
apply the function of prose in writing.
If you are the group of the Fictional
story and you chose short story, make it
sure that it presents the elements and try
to make it shorter as you can.
In a while, I am creating a different
room for every group. So, whoever on
the room the same as yours will be your
Is my instruction, clear?

(The teacher created a room for every


Group 1- Nonfictional Prose

Group 2- Fictional Prose Yes, Ma’am.
Group 3- Heroic Prose
Group 4- Poetic Prose

I’ll give you 8 minutes to prepare and

add 2 minutes for the final touch of your

(After 10 minutes)

Okay class. Your time for preparation is


So, how will we going to choose for the

order of presenters?

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Let’s do that, Ms. Carol.

Thank you.

Since it was a color, let’s assigned colors

for different groups.
Yellow for the group 1, green for group
2, red for group 3 and white for group 4.

So according to spin the wheel. the first

group to present is yellow, next red,
followed by green and last is white.

So, open all your cameras and We can use the Spin the wheel, Ma’am.
microphone Group 1.

Let’s all put hearts for group 1.

That’s great job group 1.

Next, Group 3

Great! That’s a great legend I heard so (Group 1 presenting...)


Okay, let’s hear from group 2. The

Fictional group. (Group 3 presenting)

Let’s all put a heart for group 2.

(Group 2 presenting…)

Great composition group 4.

I want to commend everybody for the

great prose writing activity.

(Group 4 presenting…)

I want to commend you all for the

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success of your activity.

So, I’ll give you time to reflect on the

I am asking everyone to give your
reflection on the way how prose writing
helped you to express and tell a story to
your readers if you aspire to become a
writer in the future.
Okay, ill give you 3 minutes to think
and reflect.

I will call 3 students only to share their


Let’s do the now the sharing.

I would like to hear the reflections of
Mr. Fred, Ms. Sheryl and Ms. Karen.

Let’s start with Mr. Fred

Great! Thank you.

Next, Ms. Sheryl.

That’s a great reflection. (Fred is presenting)

Thank you.

And last, Ms. Karen.

(Sheryl is presenting)
I like what you have said, Ms. Karen.

Thank you for participating in the

discussion and in the activity.
(Karen is presenting)
F. Generalization

Who can again define what is prose?

Prose is a literary device referring to

Good Job. writing that is structured in a

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How about the difference of Prose and grammatical way, with words and
Poetry? phrases that build sentences and

Thank you! Prose has a grammatical structure with

sentences and paragraph while the
What are the 4 types of prose? poetry has deliberated patterns such as
Give one Ms. Ana. rhyme and rhythm.

Good! Nonfiction Prose, Ma’am.

Next? It is a prose that is true story or factual
account of events example are the
Thank you!

What is the third type of prose? Fictional Prose, ma’am. It is the most
popular type of prose used in novels and
short stories.

The heroic prose, Ma’am.

It is a prose that is either written down or
preserved through oral tradition, but it is
meant to be recited.
Examples are the legends, maam.

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