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2020 Bafs Dse Paper 1 and 2A Eng

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The document discusses an exam paper for Business, Accounting and Financial Studies. It contains multiple choice and written answer questions.

Debit means an increase and credit means a decrease in the amount of an account

To optimize utilization of resources, establish sound organizational structure and achieve organizational goals effectively




8.30 am -9 46 om (1 hour
This paper must be answered in Engush


(l) There are TWO sections, A and B, in this Paper. Section A consists of multiple-choice questions and
Section B contains short questions.

(2) Answer ALL questions in Section A. There are two parts in Section B: Answer ALL questions in Part 1
and ONE of the two questions in Part 2.

(3) Answers to Section A should be marked on the Multiple-choice Answer Sheet while answers to Section
B should be written in the Answer Book. In the Answer Book, start EACH question (not part of a
question) on a NEW page.

(4) The Answer Sheet for Section A and the Answer Book for Section B must be handed in separately at the
end of the examination.


(1) Read carefully the inmctions on the Answer Sheet. After the announcementof the start of the
examination, you should first stick a barcode label and insert the information required in the spaces
provided. No extra time will be given for stickingon the barcode label after the 'Time is up'

(2) When told to open this book, you should check that all the questions are there. Look for the words 'END
OF SECTION A' after the last question.

(3) All questions carry equal marks.

(4) ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. You are advisedto use an HB pencil to mark all the answerson the
Answer Sheet, so that wrong marks can be completely erased with a clean rubber. You must mark the
answers clearly; otherwise you will lose marks if the answers cannot be
more than one answer,you will
(5) You should mark only ONE answer for each question. If you mark
receiveNO MARKS for that question.

(6) No marks will be deducted for wrong answers.

Not to be taken away before the

end of the examinationsession

2020-DSE-BAFS 1-1
SECTIONA (60 questions. Choose the best answer for each question
section. Answer ALL
questionsin this
Thereare 30

establish and operate a restaurant together, in which the withdrawal of

plan to should they adopt? eitherside
Ken and Tracy Which form of business ownership
l. to its closure.
wouldnot lead
B. public corporation
c. private limited
D. listed company

the importance of management to a
2. Whatis
organisational resources
optimise utilisation of
establish sound organisational
goals effectively
(3) achieve organisational

(l) and (2) only

(l) and (3) only
(2) and (3) only
D. (l), (2) and (3)

and 'credit' in accounting is/are correct?

3. Whichof the following descriptions of 'debit'

(1) 'Debit' means an increase and 'credit' means a decrease in the amount of an account.
(2) 'Debit' side refers to the left-hand side and 'credit' side refers to the right-handsideof an
(3) 'Debit' balance is positive and 'credit' balance is negative.

(l) only
B. (2) only
c. (l) and (2) only
D. (2) and (3) only

4. Whichofthe following descriptions of the Hang Seng Index is/are correct?

(l) 'Utilities' is a sub-index of the Hang Seng Index.

(2) It indicatesthe dividend policies of the companies of the constituent stocks.
(3) It is a platform for businesses to raise capital.

(1) only
B. (1) and (2) only
c. (l) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only

5. of the followingeffects
transaction is correct?
on the assets, capital and liabilities brought about by the respective

Transaction Capital Liability

Owner injected his own Asset
motor van to the firm. increases
increases increases
B. Received cash from
a customer as settlement decreases
of his increases unchanged
c. Ownerrepaid a bank
loan for the firm by decreases
personal cheque. his unchanged increases
D. Paid rent ofthe
firm for the current decreases
month in cash. decreases unchanged
2020-DSE-BAFS 1-2
Which ofthe following descriptions of a SMART goal are correct?

(1) It should be quantified.

(2) There should be an expected completion time.
(3) The methods of achieving the goal should be stated clearly.

(1) and (2) only

B. (1) and (3) only
c. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

7. There are different departments in a company. One of the goals of the company is
to improve the service
quality of its salespersons. For this reason, the human resources manager of
the company assigned her
subordinate, Tim, to design training programmes for the salespersons. Tim reports
to the human resources
manager only. Which of the following principles ofeffective management are illustrated
in this scenario?
(1) Unity of direction
(2) Unity of command
(3) Division of work

(l) and (2) only

B. (l) and (3) only
c. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

8. The following information is related to an investment project:

Initial cost: $15 000

Discount rate: 10%
Investment period: 3 years

The project will generate cash flows of $6 000 at the end of both Year 1 and Year 2. If the cash flow at the
end of Year 3 is the net present value of the project is close to zero.

4 587
B. 5 083
c. 6 105
D. 7 965

9. A firm's current ratio is 1.8:1 and the acid-test ratio is 0.9:1. Which ofthe following statements is correct?

The amount of working capital of the firm is negative.

B. Half of the current assets of the firm are inventory.
c. The liquidity and profitability of the firm are poor.
D. The firm has suffcient liquid assets to settle its current liabilities.

10. Which of the following is/are feature(s) of Hong Kong's economy?

(1) Most businesses in Hong Kong are small and medium
(2) Hong Kong is a net exporter of raw materials.
(3) Hong Kong does not maintain trade barriers on

A. (1) only
B. (2) only
c. (1) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only

2020-DSE-BAFS 1-3

limitation(s) of using financial
ofthe followingis/are
which may not
ll. Which record past transactions, reflect
statements mainly
the fim's performance is difficult as the the future.
financial comparisonof assets •
inter-period at their market values, which fluctuate overtime.
The different firms in the same industry
statements compare the performance of as diff
difficultto methods.
It is different
accounting erent
would adopt

(l) only
(2) only
(l) and (3) only
(2) and (3)

deposit, loan, credit card, investment and personal

the following depament, there are Hong Kong
12. A bank has personal financial planning Island, Kowloon ial
the departmentalisation adopted by the bank.
planning. Under state the forms of

by product
(2) by tunction
(3) by location

A. (l) and (2) only

(l) and (3) only
(2) and (3) only
D. (l), (2) and (3)

flow of the accounting cycle is/are correct?

13. Whichof the followingdescriptionsofthe

(1) Right after the posting of entries to ledgers, period-end adjustments are made.
(2) Rightafterthe preparationof trial balance, financial statements are prepared.
(3) Right after the confirmation of business transactions, books of original entry are recorded.

(l) only
B. (3) only
c. (l) and (2) only
D. (2) and (3) only

14. A tradingfirm earnedan interest income of $8 000. How will the firm's gross
profit and net profit for the
year be affected?

Gross rofi Net profit

A. unchanged increases
B. increases unchanged
c. unchanged unchanged
D. increases increases
15. Ignoreotherfactors,which
of the following will lead to a decrease in the
share price of a listed airline
a rise in interest
a rise in fuel
(3) the airline
a profit warning
(l) and (2)
B. only
(l) and (3)
(2) and
(3) only
(l), (2)and (3)


The following are the differences in characteristics
16. oftwo partners in a

bearing of liabilities PMner B

not required
introduction of capital required
not required
involvement in daily operations required
not required
not required
partner A is a —ILL— partner, while Partner B is a

A. nominal limited
B. nominal general
c. general limited
D. limited nominal

17. Which ofthe following statements about authority and

responsibility are correct?
(l) For a job position, responsibility should be
balanced with authority.
(2) Authority and responsibility of managers
increase progressively from low-level
(3) Delegation is the assigning of authority and responsibilityof to top-level.
work from the superiorto the

(l) and (2) only

B. (l) and (3) only
c. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

18. Which of the following transactions should be recorded in

the purchases account of a supermarket?
(l) purchased a freezer for storing ice-cream
(2) owner took some canned food from the warehouse for
his family use
(3) received a discount from a supplier for bulk purchase of goods

(l) only
B. (2) only
c. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

19. Which of the following are the rights of an investor in debentures?

can lodge a complaint if there is a misconduct by the investment agent

(2) can ask for the rationale behind an investment recommendation
(3) can cancel the investment transaction in the cooling off period

(1) and (2) only

B. (1) and (3) only
c. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

20. Jeffery is the owner of two firms. For the sake of convenience, he records all the purchases of the two
firms in the same book. Which of the following accounting assumptions, principlesor conventionshas
been violated in this case?

B. Historical cost
c. Going concem
D. Business entity

2020.DSE-BAFS 1-5

statements is not correct?
21. Whichof the following
department recruits an accounting clerk according
Thehuman resources to the
by the finance department. uses data collected by the
management department
B. The information marketing
management department assesses the risks of using entto
c. The risk tools and
operations department.
loan for the operations
D. The finance department obtains a department to or
capacity. expand

22. Whichof thefollowing companies does not fulfill its social responsibility tow ards
A companyadopts a strict credit policy for its customers.
B. A company does not distribute dividend to ordinary shareholders.
c. A companycharges a higher price than its competitors selling the
same type
D. A company does not provide training and development opportunities ofprodu%
for its

23. Thefollowingbalancesas at 31 December 2019 were extracted

from the accounts
ofa firm.
Inventory 17 500
27 000
Trade payables
30 800
Short term loan to employees
Bank loan (repayable in 2022) 8 000
13 000
is the liquid ratio of the

B. 1.57:1
c 1.67:1
D. 2.24:]

to Hong
Kong businesses?
introductionof new
lower production technology
(1) and (2)
B. only
(1) and (3)
(2) and (3)
D. only
a), (2) and

about the
Employees Mandato
can ryProvident
theirown transfer åe Fund (MPF)
choice once accrued System is/are correct?
Self-employed a year. benefits in
hawkers are their
If the corfribution
incomeofan not accounts to an
employeeis MPF schemeof
below the
(l) only minimum
B. relevant
(l) and (2) income level, both
c. only
(2) and
D. (3) only
The number of staff in Firm A and Firm B are the same. Firm
26. A has a flat organisational
Firm B has a tall organisational structure. Which ofthe following while
statements is/are correct?
(1) Firm A is more responsive to market changes.
(2) There are more levels of management in Firm A.
(3) There are more managers in Firm A.

(1) only
B. (2) only
c. (1) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only

Which of the following statements about multinational corporations is/are correct?

(l) Multinational corporations are public limited companies.

(2) Multinational corporations operate in different countries.
(3) A local company becomes a multinational corporation by raising capital
in other countries.
A. (l) only
B. (2) only
c. (l) and (2) only
D. (2) and (3) only

Which of the following descriptions of the Main Board and GEM (previously known as GrowthEnterprise
Market) are correct?

(1) More companies are listed on the Main Board than on GEM.
(2) 'Management continuity for at least the three preceding financial years' is one of the basic listing
requirements for applicants to list on the Main Board.
(3) The Main Board was set up for large and established companies.

A. (1) and (2) only

B. (l) and (3) only
c. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

be adopted by a superior?
29. Under which of the following circumstances should laissez-faire leadership

(1) the work requires a high level of creativity

(2) subordinates are young and energetic
(3) superior-subordinate relationship is good

(1) only
B. (1) and (3) only
c. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

discountof 2%.
from Walter with a trade
30. On 8 April, Tin Ming purchased goods for $60 000 on credit Tin Ming
was made within 10 days. If
Another 3 % discount would be received by Tin Ming if settlement
makesthe settlement on 21 April, he has to repay

$57 036
B. $58 200
c. $58 800
D. $60 000

2020-DSE-BAFS 1-7

questions in this part.
Answer ALL
Part | (20marks)
medium enterprise (SME) which specialises in developing data
and At the commencement of each quarter,
is a small
High-TechCompany businessesin Hong Kong. the work plan ofthe quarter. Throughout the project
1. systemsfor
processing and decide on the quarter
programmersdiscuss the difficulties encountered. support
and identify is providedt'o
managerandthe progress regularly
the work
theyreview based on their
the programmers contributions SMEs make to the
job opportunities,state two economyof
(2 marks)
Hong Kong.
effective management adopted by High-Tech Company in the
Statethe principle of
above scenario. (1 mark)

High-Tech Company of adopting the principle of

(ii) Explaintwo advantagesfor effective
management in (b)(i) above. (4marks)

2. To financethe expansionof the business, Chan's firm is applying for a bank loan. The bank requested
Chan'sfirmto submitits financialstatements of the past three years for its consideration.

(a) Explainhow the bank will use the financial statements to decide whether to approve the
(2 marks)

Basedon the GeneralManager's suggestion, Chan's firm is considering

changing the valuation
its non-current assets this year. method of

(b) Statean accountingprinciple or concept that

can be applied to this case, and
conceptto explainwhetheror not Chan's use this principle or
firm should change the valuation method
of its non.
(3 marks)

3. Davidis 30 years
firm. He has just and single. He is a professional
acquireda residential accountant working
forhis new flat and paid in an intemational accounting
home,he is a down payment
considering using on the price of the flat. To buy
his credit
applying for a personal loan or
(a) a bank
What is a 'bank
(b) suppose David
usinghis has decided
creditcard to use a
instead credit card to
ofapplying for pay for
Listtwo a personal furniture. Give two reasons for
David has in (4 marks)
his present
(2 mats)
marks) Answer ONE question in this part.
part 2 (10

4. Warmeris a famous company in Canada, selling thick coats and wool products. It is planning
(A) Kong. to set up a
branch in Hong

(a) State one social factor and one physical factor that Warmer should consider
when setting up a
branch in Hong Kong and explain how each factor might affect its business.
(4 marks)

Wendy set up a firm on I March 2020. All the transactions of the firm for its first month of operationhave
been recorded in the following accounts:
2020 2020 s
March 1 Capital 10 000 March2 Rent 4 000
March 16 Sales 3 500 March5 Equipment 3 000
March 11 Purchases 2 000
March 20 Purchases 4 700

ui ment
2020 2020
March 5 Bank 3 000

2020 2020 s
March 2 Bank 4 000

2020 $ 2020
March 16 Bank 3 500
March 25 Trade receivables 4 500

s 2020
2 000
March 11 Bank 4 700
March 20 Bank
Trade receivables
2020 4 500
March 25 Sales
Ca ital s

2020. (1 mark)
31 March
and balance offthe account as at
Prepare the capital account
(b) (i) (5marks)
March 2020.
(ii) Prepare a frial balance as at 31
(Total: 10 markS
large shopping malls in Hong Kong.
Company B specialise in designingand building project —
(A) CompanyA and businesstogether to carry
out a construction
Theyplan to set up a new new business will be dissolved upon the
Causeway Bay. The projectwill last for five years and the
completion of the project.
new business to be set up by Company A and Company B.
(a) Identifythe formofownership of the
(1 mark)

ownership in (a) above.

(b) Explainone advantageof operating in the form of business (2 marks)

(c) Explainone differencebetweena partnershipand the form of business ownership in (a) above.
(2 marks)

(B) Lucyhas been operatinga trading firm since 2017. The following account balances were extracted from
the books of the firm as at 3 1 December 2019:

Capital, I January 2019 100 000

Returns inwards 4 000
Inventory, I January 2019
Carriage inwards
10 000
Machinery 8 000
Purchases 145 000
Other operating expenses 400 000
Discounts allowed 87 500
Carriage outwards 9 000
Bank 32 000
Returns outwards 199 000
Sales 4 500
790 000
There was no closing
inventory at the end of 2019.
(d) Prepare an income
statement for the ended 31 December
(5 marks)

(Total: 10 marks)



Accounting Module

10:30 am —12:45 pm (2 hours 15 minutes)

This paper must be answered in English


(1) There are three sections in this paper.

(2) All questions in Sections A and B are compulsory. You are requiredto answer
one of the two questions in Section C.

(3) Write your answers in the answer book. Start EACH question(not part of a
question) on a NEW page.

before the
Not to be taken away
end of the examination

SECTION A (24 marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section.

l. Victor's finn is a sole proprietorship trading toys which keeps the following six day books: Cash Book, Sales
Journal, Purchases Journal, Returns Inwards Journal, Returns Outwards Journal and General Joumal. For the
following transactions, indicate the books of original entry to be recorded, and the accounts to be debited and
credited. Write your answers for items (1) to (12) in the answer book.

Book of original Account to be Account to be

Transaction debited credited

e.g. Sold toys on credit Sales Journal Trade receivables Sales

(i) Purchased toys in cash (1) (2) Cash

Returned office
(ii) equipment to a credit (3) Accounts payables (4)
Received a bill, to be
(iii) settled in next financial
year, for stationery (5) (6) (7)

Issued a debit note for

(iv) (8) (9) (10)
toys returned

Paid rent for owner's

(v) personal apartment by (11) (12) Bank

(Total: 6 marks)


to the new equipment of Kam Kee
Informationrelates Manufacturing Company
is as follows:

List price (before a trade discount of 20%)

500 000
Installation cost
5 000
Repair cost for accidental damage during installation
2 800
Testing fee after installation
2 000
Training fee for equipment operators 4 000


(a) Prepare a statement to calculate the cost to be capitalised for the equipment.
(2 marks)

On 1 January 2018, the company acquired a machine with a cost of $432 000 and a residual value of $5 500,
The machine was expected to produce 10 000 units of goods in total and annual depreciation is to be provided
quantity of the machine.
based on the production
quantity of the machine is as follows:
The actual annual production
Year Production quantity (units)
2018 2 700
2019 900

On 31 May 2019, the machine was totally destroyed in an accident. On 15 December 2019,the insurance
company agreed to pay 70% of the net book value of the machine on the date of the accident as compensation
in March 2020.


for the year ended 31 December 2019:

(b) Prepare the following accounts
— machine
(i) Accumulated depreciation account

(ii) Disposal account — machine (4 marks)

(Total: 6 marks)


3. Andy Company uses the weighted average cost method for inventory valuation. The information relates to
inventory of its single product is available:

(i) There were 500 units of product in the opening inventory as at 1 February 2020, with an average
cost of
$35 each.

(ii) In February 2020, the company recorded the following:

On 10 February, 1 000 units of product were purchased at $32 000.

On 14 Febrmary, 350 units of product were sold at $45
On 23 February, 400 units of product were sold at $39
On 29 February, 100 units of product were found
to be obsolete and could only be sold for $30
(a) Compute the value of closing inventory as at 29
February 2020. (3 marks)
(b) Prepare an extract of the income
statement for the month ended 29 February 2020, showing the
calculation of gross profit.
(2 marks)
(c) An accounts clerk in Andy Company said,
'If only 5 units instead of 100 units of product were obsolete
on 29 February 2020, no inventory adjustments
would be required since the loss was insignificant.'
Explain whether you agree with the accounts
clerk or not. (l mark)
(Total: 6 marks)

4. Sunny Company launched a new product in 2019. Cost information for the past
four quaffers is as follows:

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

Activity level 3 000 units 6 000 units 12 000 units 11 000 units

Cost item
Direct materials 3 600 7 200 14 400 13 200
Direct labour 6 000 12 000 24 000 22 000
Machinery depreciation 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000
Rental expenses 7 000 7 000 10 000 10 000
Electricity expenses 2 600 4 700 9 800 10 000

The product was sold at $9 per unit.


(a) Use the high-low method to calculate the variable component and the fixed component of the electricity
expenses respectively. (2 marks)

(b) Calculate the contribution margin per unit of product for Quarter 1. (2 marks)
(c) Calculate the breakeven point in quantity for Quarter 1. (2 marks)

(Total: 6 marks)


(36 marks)
this section.
ALL questions in
Johnny Limited's financial year ends on 31 December each year.
5. Information for
2019 is as
Net profit after tax
Dividend declared and paid for 2019: Ordinary shares 80 200
Preference shares 13 500
8 000
Balances as at I January.2019
General reserve 210 000
100 000
Balance s t
3% Debenture, repayable in 2025 129 580
45 000 Ordinary share capital 280 000
20 000 4% Preference share capital 900 000
General reserve 200 000
100 000

(a) prepare a statement to calculate the shareholders' ftnds as at 31 December
2019. (4 marks)
(b) Calculate (to two decimal places) the following ratios for 2019:

(i) gearing ratio

(2 marks)
(ii) earnings per share
(2 marks)
(iii) dividend cover for ordinary shares (in times) (2 marks)
(c) Johnny Limited plans to raise $1 million by long-term financing without deterioratingits solvency.

Suggest, with explanation, one financing method Johnny Limited should use. (2 marks)

(Total: 12 marks)


losses in the ratio of 1:2:3. The Statementof
6. Yip, Tim and Sum have been in partnership sharing profits and
financial position as at 3 1 December 2019 is drafted as follows:

Yip, Tim and Sum

Statement of financial osition as at 31 December 2019

468 000
Furniture, net
180 000
Office equipment, net
Inventory 53 500
Trade receivables 36 500
738 000
Trade payables 53 000
Loan from Tim 31 000
Bank overdraft 42 000 126 000
612 000
Financed by
Capital accounts - YIP 80 000
- Tim 190 000
- Sum 280 000 550 000

Current accounts - YIP (34 300)

- Tim 47 700
-Sum 48 600 62 000
612 000

Due to increasing conflicts, the partners decided to dissolve the partnership on 1 January 2020. The relevant
information is as follows:

(i) The furniture was sold at 30% below its net book value.

(ii) All office equipment was scrapped with a charge of $23 400.

(iii) One third of the inventory was sold for $10 000. The remaining inventory was taken over by Tim to set
off his loan to the partnership.

(iv) Sum took over all trade receivables at $30 500 and he collected $32 900 in the end.

(v) Trade payables were fully settled, of which 40% was settled at a 5% discount.

(vi) Realisation expenses of $6 800 were paid.

(vii) Yip was insolvent and it was agreed that his deficiency was to be borne by the remaining partners


Prepare the following accounts:

(a) realisation account (6 marks)

(b) the partners' capital accounts in columnar form, showing the necessary adjustments for the dissolution
(5 marks)

(Total: 11 marks)


produces a single Product Y. It
Luckycompany 10 000 direct
is labour hours per quarter. uses the absomtioncosting
production capacity The information systemand its
for the quarter full
ended 31 March
There was no opening inventory for thisquarter. During the
quarter, 1000
units and 700
units of
overheads were budgeted at $150
(ii) Fixed manufacturing 000.
total cost per unit of product amounted to
(iii) Estimated fixed manufacturing $474.
predetennined overheads absorbed based
variable costs consisted of production cost and non-production on 10 direct labour hours per
cost in the ratio unit
of9:1, whereasthe

(iv) Total costs were incurred as expected, except for an overspending on fixed

contribution margin ratio is 40%.

(v) The


Y, calculate
(a) For Product
(i) the predetermined fixed manufacturing overheads absorbed per unit.

(ii) the selling price per unit.

(iii) the selling expenses per unit.

(3 marks)

(b) prepare the income statement for the quarter ended 31 March 2020 using the absorption costing system.
(5 marks)

(c) Explain, with supporting calculations, the effect on net profit for the first quarter of 2020 if the company
uses the marginal costing system instead. (3 marks)

the concept is applied to the absorption costing system.

(d) Define 'matching concept' and explain how
(2 marks)

(Total: 13 marks)


SECr10N C (20 marks)
Answer ONE question in this
some of the
business. Because ofa fire in December 2019,
(A) MrLau is a sole trader engaged
in the garment
were lost. After reviewing the books, the following
inventoryand accounting records of the
information is available:
at 31 December were as follows:
(i) Some account balances of the business as
2019 2018

1 250 000
Equipment 517 075
Accumulated depreciation-- Equipment 40 000
65 000
Inventory 158 500
179 000
Trade receivables 117 700
Trade payables 120 000
187 500
8 050 6 000
Prepaid operating expenses 3 000
Prepaid administrative expenses 7 200
Accrued administrative expenses 4 300
Allowance for doubtful accounts 2 000

(ii) Sales were made both on credit and in cash while purchases were made on credit only. All goods were
sold at a uniform mark-up of 50% in 2019.

(iii) A summary of all receipts and payments made in the bank account for the year ended 31 December
2019 was verified as below:

Cash deposits 120 000
Receipts from credit customers 950 000

Operating expenses 150 000
Administrative expenses 160 000
Payments to suppliers 840 000

(iv) During the year, all cash receipts were from cash sales and the following payments were made in cash:

Drawings 42 000
Administrative expenses 21 500
(v) Goods returned by credit customers and the business's returns
to suppliers during 2019 amounted to
$24 000 and $16 500 respectively.

(vi) An allowance for doubtful accounts of 1% of

trade receivables was to be provided on 31

(vii) The insurance company agreed to

compensate the business for 75% of the
inventory destroyed in the


November 2019, a set of old equipment was traded in for a new
(viii) on 1 The old equipment was acquired on 1 March model at a trade-in
$2 100. 2016 at $25 000, The valueof
$36 200 and the outstanding amount purchase
would be settled in January priceof the new
equipment was 2020.
policy to provide depreciation on equipment
It is the business's at a rate of 30% per
annumon a
reducing-balance basis. A full year's depreciation on equipment is to be providedin
none in the year of disposal. the year of
acquisition but

statement for the year ended 31 December2019.
prepare the income (10 marks)

the statement of financial position as at 31 December2019. (8 marks)

(b) prepare

that would increase the cash or bank balances of a business withoutaffectingits net
state two transactions
(B) profit.
(Total: 20 marks)

2019, prior to the preparation Of closing entries.
(A) Anson Companydrafted a trial balance as at 31 December Subsequent investigation revealed the
As the trial balance did not agree, a suspense account was opened.
December 2019, which did
(i) The company's bank statement showed a credit balance of $259 465 as at 31
not agree with the balance shown in the bank account on that date. The following were subsequently

(l) The following cheques had been recorded in the books but had not yet been presented to the bank:

Cheque Number Payee Date of cheque

418226 Benny Limited 12 June 2019 23 615
471218 P&P Limited 3 November 2019 71 620
473006 Nice Company 4 January 2020 9 600

It is the practice of the bank not to honour cheques outstanding for more than six months.

(2) The company had deposited cheques totalling $47 900 into the bank and recorded them in the
books on 3 1 December 2019, but they were not recorded by the bank until 2 January 2020.

(3) A cheque for $63 300 received from a customer, whose account had been outstanding for
three months, was dishonoured and returned by the bank. The bookkeeper recorded the
dishonoured cheque as $6 330.

(4) Interest charges of $1 795, shown in the bank statement, had not been recorded in the books.

(ii) The sales day book was overcast by $3 480.

(iii) Returns outwards of $835 had been mistakenly debited to the returns inwards account as
(iv) It is the company's policy to charge depreciationon equipment at a rate of 25% per annum
using the
straight-line method on a monthly basis. The bookkeeperhad provided a full year's depreciation
equipment for 2019. A piece of equipment which was purchased for $120 000 on I July 2015
was still
in use at the end of 2019.

(v) In December 2019, goods costing $45 000 were received from a supplier on a sale-or-return basis.
31 December 2019, 60% of these goods were accepted and sold to customers at a gross profit
margin of
25%. Both transactions were made on credit. No entries were made in the books to record the above.

(vi) On 31 December 2019, an allowance for doubtful accounts of 2% had been provided on the
total amount
of trade receivables as shown in the ageing schedule below:

Age of trade receivables Amount of trade receivables Estimated doubtful debts

less than 31 days 90 000 1%
31 —60 days 29 800 3%
over 60 days 10 000 10%

The company eventually decided to provide the allowance

for doubtful accounts based on the age of the
trade receivables.


(a) Prepare a statement, commencing with

the bank statement balance, to calculate
balance as at 3 1 December 2019 before updating the bank account
the above items.
(6 marks)
(b) With reference to all the above items, prepare
the necessary journal entries to correct items (ii) to
(11 marks)

There are 100 kg ofM in inventory, which is idle, with an average cost of per kg. The
of 400 use
could be
received a special order for 500 units of the product.
company has

REQUIRED: from the supplier, calculate the total cost of purchase.

purchases the 500 kg ofM
ABC Company (lmark)
product, if ABC Company purchases 400kg of M fromthe
order for 500 units Of the
special of 100 kg ofM for the production, calculate
For the and uses the inventory
supplier (1 mark)
relevant cost.
the total (1 mark)
material cost.
the total (Total: 20 marks)


IA-I t 24

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