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User Manual qc4001 Manual

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7/22/2019 User Manual Qc4001 Manual

Atlas Copco Generators

QIX 190-540
QAS 80 -3 25
QAC 500 -1006



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Table of content

1 GENERAL................................................................................................................................... 7

2 DISPLAY UNIT .......................................................................................................................... 8

2.1 P USHBUTTON FUNCTIONS ....................................................................................................... 8
2.2 LED FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................................. 11
3 STANDARD FUNCTIONS & PROTECTIONS ................................................................... 12
3.1 E NGINE P ROTECTION ........................................................................................................... 12
3.2 A LTERNATOR P ROTECTION .................................................................................................. 12
3.3 V OLTAGE /VAR /COS (PHI ) CONTROL ...................................................................................... 13
3.4 A NALOGUE CONTROLLER OUTPUTS ...................................................................................... 13
3.5 L OAD SHARING BETWEEN GEN -SETS ’ ANALOGUE LINES ....................................................... 13
3.6 E NGINE COMMUNICATION .................................................................................................... 13
3.7 C ONFIGURABLE I/O EXTENSION CARD ................................................................................. 13
4 OPTIONAL FUNCTIONS & PROTECTIONS .................................................................... 14
4.1 P OWER M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM (PMS) ............................................................................... 14
4.2 C AN -OPEN S ERIAL COMMUNICATION ................................................................................... 14
4.3 M OD -BUS S ERIAL COMMUNICATION .................................................................................... 14
4.4 P ROFI -BUS S ERIAL COMMUNICATION ................................................................................... 14
4.5 A NALOGUE T RANSDUCER O UTPUT OF MEASURED VALUES (2 X 4…20 M A) ......................... 14
4.6 7 B INARY INPUTS ................................................................................................................. 14
4.7 4 R ELAY O UTPUTS ............................................................................................................... 14
4.8 4 A NALOG INPUTS (4…20 M A) ............................................................................................ 14
4.9 E THERNET – TCP/IP COMMUNICATION ................................................................................ 14
5 HARDWARE ............................................................................................................................ 15
5.1 S LOT #1, P OWER S UPPLY AND B INARY I/O.......................................................................... 17
5.2 S LOT #2, SERIAL COMMUNICATION (OPTIONAL )................................................................... 18
5.4 S LOT #4, ANALOGUE OUTPUTS FOR GOVERNOR AND AVR CONTROL ................................... 20
5.5 S LOT #5, AC MEASURING .................................................................................................... 20
5.6 S LOT #6, INPUT /OUTPUT CARDS (OPTIONAL ) ........................................................................ 21
5.7 S LOT #7, ENGINE INTERFACE CARD ...................................................................................... 22
5.8 S LOT #8, ENGINE COMMUNICATION ..................................................................................... 23
6 LANGUAGES ........................................................................................................................... 25

7 STANDARD MODES............................................................................................................... 26
7.1 AUTO MODE ....................................................................................................................... 26
7.2 SEMI-AUTO MODE ............................................................................................................ 26
7.3 T EST MODE .......................................................................................................................... 26
8 STANDARD APPLICATIONS ............................................................................................... 27
8.1 AMF FUNCTION ................................................................................................................... 27
8.2 P EAK S HAVING .................................................................................................................... 27
8.3 I SLAND M ODE ...................................................................................................................... 27

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8.4 F IXED P OWER ...................................................................................................................... 27

8.5 L OAD T AKE O VER ............................................................................................................... 28
8.6 P OWER M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM ........................................................................................... 28
9 SINGLE GENSET USE / MULTI GENSET USE................................................................. 29

9.1 S INGLE G EN -SET USE ........................................................................................................... 29

9.2 M ULTI GEN -SET USE ............................................................................................................. 29
10 APPLICATION EXAMPLES ............................................................................................. 30
AND WITH B ACK - SYNCRONIZING OF THE MAINS BREAKER MB ............................................ 30
10.2 P EAK S HAVING OPERATION WITH S INGLE GEN -SET INSTALLATION ...................................... 30
11 WIRINGS .............................................................................................................................. 31
11.2 W IRING FOR ISLAND AND PMS MODE APPLICATION ............................................................ 31

11.4 L OAD SHARING LINES ........................................................................................................... 33
B INARY INPUTS .................................................................................................................... 33
11.5 A NALOGUE INPUTS (EXTERNAL SET -POINTS ) ....................................................................... 33
11.6 O PTOCOUPLER OUTPUTS FOR EXTERNAL COUNTER .............................................................. 33
11.7 D ISPLAY CABLE ................................................................................................................... 33
11.8 S ERIAL CABLE FOR PC ......................................................................................................... 34
12 APPLICATIONS DETAILS FOR THE QC4001 .............................................................. 35
12.1 S INGLE RUNNING GEN -SET ................................................................................................... 36
12.1.1 AMF operation............................................................................................................ 36
12.1.2 Island operation.......................................................................................................... 37
12.1.3 Peak Shaving application ........................................................................................... 38
12.1.4 Fixed Power ................................................................................................................ 39
12.1.5 Load Take Over........................................................................................................... 40
12.2 M ULTI RUNNING GEN -SETS .................................................................................................. 41
12.2.1 AMF operation (optional)........................................................................................... 41
12.2.2 Island operation.......................................................................................................... 43
12.2.3 Peak Shaving (optional).............................................................................................. 45
12.2.4 Fixed Power (optional) ............................................................................................... 47
12.2.5 Load Take Over (optional).......................................................................................... 49
12.2.6 Power Management System (optional) ....................................................................... 51
13 REMOTE CONTROL VIA WWW (OPTIONAL) ........................................................... 53

14 MENU OVERVIEW & CHANGING PARAMETERS.................................................... 54

14.1 M AIN V IEW .......................................................................................................................... 54
14.2 SETUP MENU ...................................................................................................................... 54
14.2.1 If the PROTECTION SETUP is selected .................................................................... 55
14.2.2 If the CONTROL SETUP is selected........................................................................... 56
14.2.3 If POWER SETUP is selected ..................................................................................... 57
14.2.4 If the SYSTEM SETUP is selected .............................................................................. 57
14.3 T HE JUMP BUTTON ............................................................................................................. 58
14.4 S1 / S2 / S3 MENU ................................................................................................................ 58
14.5 A LARM AND EVENT LIST MENU ............................................................................................ 60
15 PASSWORD LEVELS ......................................................................................................... 61

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16 FAIL CLASSES .................................................................................................................... 62

17 MENU SET-POINTS............................................................................................................ 63
17.1 P ROTECTION SETUP .............................................................................................................. 63
17.1.1 Bus voltage protection ................................................................................................ 63
17.1.2 Bus frequency protection ............................................................................................ 64
17.1.3 Generator Reverse Power........................................................................................... 65
17.1.4 Generator Overcurrent Protection ............................................................................. 65
17.1.5 Generator Overload Protection .................................................................................. 66
17.1.6 Generator Current Unbalance Protection .................................................................. 66
17.1.7 Generator Voltage Unbalance Protection .................................................................. 66
17.1.8 Generator Reactive Power Import (loss of excitation) Protection ............................. 67
17.1.9 Generator Reactive Power Export (overexcitation) Protection ................................. 67
17.1.10 Loss of Mains Protection ............................................................................................ 67
17.1.11 Vector jump................................................................................................................. 67
17.1.12 Generator voltage protection...................................................................................... 68
17.1.13 Generator frequency protection.................................................................................. 68
17.1.14 Engine control............................................................................................................. 69
17.1.15 Mains Power 4…20 mA input ..................................................................................... 69
17.1.16 Configurable 4…20 mA input 1 .................................................................................. 69
17.1.17 Configurable 4…20 mA input 2 .................................................................................. 70
17.1.18 Configurable VDO input 1.......................................................................................... 70
17.1.19 Configurable VDO input 2.......................................................................................... 72
17.1.20 Configurable VDO input 3.......................................................................................... 73
17.1.21 Overspeed (tacho input).............................................................................................. 74
17.1.22 Ext. Engine Failure (binary input 8)........................................................................... 74

17.1.24 Emergency Stop (binary
Non-configurable Sprinkler input 9) ................................................................................ 74
Input............................................................................... 74
17.1.25 Coolant Temperature 1 ............................................................................................... 75
17.1.26 Coolant Temperature 2 ............................................................................................... 75
17.1.27 Oil Pressure ................................................................................................................ 75
17.1.28 Fuel Level 2................................................................................................................. 76
17.1.29 Configurable binary input 11 – 17 (optional)............................................................. 76
17.1.30 2nd Set of Parameters (binary input 18)..................................................................... 76
17.1.31 3rd Set of Parameters (binary input 19) ..................................................................... 76
17.1.32 4th Set of Parameters (binary input 20) ..................................................................... 76
17.1.33 Configurable binary input 21...................................................................................... 77
17.1.34 Configurable binary input 22...................................................................................... 77
17.1.35 Configurable binary input 23...................................................................................... 77
17.1.36 Configurable binary input 24...................................................................................... 78
17.1.37 Configurable binary input 25...................................................................................... 78
17.1.38 Configurable binary input 26...................................................................................... 78
17.1.39 Configurable binary input 27...................................................................................... 79
17.1.40 Configurable binary input 28...................................................................................... 79
17.1.41 Configurable binary input 29...................................................................................... 79
17.1.42 Configurable (binary input 30) ................................................................................... 80
17.1.43 Configurable 4…20 mA input (optional) .................................................................... 80
17.1.44 Run Status ................................................................................................................... 80
17.1.45 Remote Start/Stop (binary input 31) ........................................................................... 80
17.1.46 W/L (binary input 32).................................................................................................. 81

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17.1.47 Disable Analogue Fuel Input (binary input 33).......................................................... 81

17.1.48 Static Charger (binary input 34)................................................................................. 81
17.1.49 MDEC Run Signal....................................................................................................... 81
17.2 C ONTROL SETUP ................................................................................................................... 82
17.2.1 Synchronisation type................................................................................................... 82
17.2.2 Dynamic synchronisation............................................................................................ 82
17.2.3 Static synchronisation................................................................................................. 82
17.2.4 Blackout closing of breaker ........................................................................................ 83
17.2.5 Generator and mains breaker, general failure alarm ................................................ 83
17.2.6 Frequency Controller.................................................................................................. 83
17.2.7 Power Controller ........................................................................................................ 84
17.2.8 Power ramp up / Power ramp down ........................................................................... 84
17.2.9 Power ramp down....................................................................................................... 84
17.2.10 Voltage controller ....................................................................................................... 85
17.2.11 Var controller.............................................................................................................. 85
17.2.12 PF Control .................................................................................................................. 85
17.2.13 Governor regulation failure........................................................................................ 86
17.2.14 AVR regulation failure................................................................................................ 86
17.2.15 Breaker type ................................................................................................................ 86
17.2.16 Static Synchronisation ................................................................................................ 86
17.3 P OWER SETUP . P EAK SHAVING OPERATION .......................................................................... 87
17.3.1 Mains power (import power) ...................................................................................... 87
17.3.2 Daytime period............................................................................................................ 87
17.3.3 Start gen-set ................................................................................................................ 87
17.3.4 Stop gen-set ................................................................................................................. 88
17.3.5 Load Dependent Start ................................................................................................. 88
17.3.6 Load Dependent Stop.................................................................................................. 88
17.3.7 Test running ................................................................................................................ 89
17.3.8 Fixed power set-point (for active generator power and power factor) ...................... 89
17.3.9 PMS Configuration ..................................................................................................... 90
17.3.10 Internal Communication ID........................................................................................ 90
17.3.11 Priority Select ............................................................................................................. 90
17.3.12 Number of ID’s ........................................................................................................... 91
17.3.13 Priority of ID’s............................................................................................................ 91
17.3.14 Running hours............................................................................................................. 92
17.3.15 Ground Relay .............................................................................................................. 92
17.3.16 Stop Noncon. Gen-sets ................................................................................................ 92

17.3.18 Power Capacity...........................................................................................................
Tie breaker .................................................................................................................. 93
17.4 S YSTEM SETUP ..................................................................................................................... 93
st nd th th
17.4.1 Nominal settings (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 Parameter Set) .................................................... 93
17.4.2 Transformer generator (for generator voltage measuring)........................................ 94
17.4.3 Transformer busbar (for busbar voltage measuring) ................................................. 94
17.4.4 External communication control (optional)................................................................ 94
17.4.5 Engine communication................................................................................................ 94
17.4.6 Date and time (internal clock) setting ........................................................................ 95
17.4.7 Measuring of generator running time and circuit breaker operations....................... 95
17.4.8 Battery undervoltage / overvoltage alarm .................................................................. 95
17.4.9 Language..................................................................................................................... 95
17.4.10 Loadshare output ........................................................................................................ 95

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17.4.11 Loadshare type............................................................................................................ 96

17.4.12 Battery undervoltag / overvoltage alarm 2................................................................. 96
17.4.13 Mode Relay ................................................................................................................. 96
17.4.14 Engine type.................................................................................................................. 97
17.4.15 Gen-set modes............................................................................................................. 97
17.4.16 CAN Unit..................................................................................................................... 97
17.4.17 Tacho configuration.................................................................................................... 97
17.4.18 Start sequency of the engine ....................................................................................... 97
17.4.19 GB ON / GB OFF sequence ........................................................................................ 98
17.4.20 MB ON / MB OFF sequence....................................................................................... 99
17.4.21 Stop sequence............................................................................................................ 100
17.4.22 MB Control ............................................................................................................... 101
17.4.23 Horn timeout ............................................................................................................. 102
17.4.24 GB Control................................................................................................................ 102
17.4.25 Analogue output configuration (optional) ................................................................ 102
17.4.26 Relay Setup................................................................................................................ 102
17.4.27 Relay Setup (optional)............................................................................................... 103
17.4.28 Real Time Clock Start & Stop commands................................................................. 103
17.4.29 GSM Pin Code .......................................................................................................... 104
17.4.30 Service Time.............................................................................................................. 105
17.4.31 Diagnostic Mode....................................................................................................... 105
17.4.32 User passwords......................................................................................................... 105
17.4.33 User passwords......................................................................................................... 106
17.4.34 Service menu ............................................................................................................. 106
17.4.35 Diagnostics menu...................................................................................................... 107
17.4.36 Clear Log Menu ........................................................................................................ 107
17.4.37 Parameter Set ID ...................................................................................................... 107
17.4.38 Application................................................................................................................ 107
17.4.39 VDO 1 ....................................................................................................................... 108
17.4.40 VDO 2 ....................................................................................................................... 108
17.4.41 VDO 3 ....................................................................................................................... 108
18 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................... 109

19 DIMENSIONS..................................................................................................................... 111
19.1 U NIT DIMENSIONS .............................................................................................................. 111
19.2 D ISPLAY D IMENSIONS ........................................................................................................ 111
19.3 P ANEL CUTOUT FOR DISPLAY ............................................................................................. 112
20 ENGINE COMMUNICATION CAN-BUS ...................................................................... 113
20.1 MTU MDEC ..................................................................................................................... 113
20.2 D EUTZ EMR ...................................................................................................................... 114
20.3 D ETROIT D IESEL DDEC IV ............................................................................................... 114

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2 Display unit

The display unit used in the Qc4001 communicates and receives power supply via a 9-pole
Sub-D plug.
The plug fits directly onto the main unit, so the display can be mounted on the top of the
main unit.
If the display is to be used as remote display, a standard computer extension cable with
male/female plug can be used for the connection.

2.1 Pushbutton functions

There are 16 pushbuttons on the display unit with the following functions:

ALARM : Shifts the display 3 lower lines to show the alarm list (up
to 30 alarms can be in the list).

number: selection.
This button enables
The modulethewill
customer to entertoa this
jump directly channel
Using the JUMP button enables the user to select and display any
setting without navigating all the way through the menus (see

LEFT : Moves the cursor left for manoeuvring in the menus.

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UP : Increases the value of the selected set-point (in the setting

menus). In the daily use display it is used for scrolling the second
line displaying of generator values.

SELECT : Is used to select the chosen function (underscored

selection in the lower line of the display).

DOWN : Decreases the value of the selected set-point (in the

setting menus). In the daily use display it is used for scrolling the
second line displaying of generator values

RIGHT : Moves the cursor right for manoeuvring in the menus.

BACK : Jumps one step backwards in the menu (to previous

display or to the entry window).

START : Start of the generator if “SEMI-AUTO” is selected.

STOP : Stop of the generator if “SEMI-AUTO” is selected.

GB ON : Manual activation of close contactor and open contactor

sequence if “SEMI-AUTO” is selected.

MB ON : Manual activation of close contactor and open contactor

sequence if “SEMI-AUTO” is selected.

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AUTO : Puts the generator in AUTO mode.

SEMI-AUTO : Puts the generator in SEMI-AUTO (manual) mode.

TEST : Puts the generator in TEST mode.

To enter the TEST mode, the lowest level password needs to be


VIEW LOG : Shifts the display 3 lower lines to show the alarm list
(up to 150 alarms can be listed). These alarms will be kept in
memory when the unit is powered off.

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2.2 LED functions

9 LEDs are used on the display unit.

The colour is green or red or a combination in different situations.

Alarm Power

Running Mains

U/f OK Auto


Alarm: Red LED flashing indicates that unacknowledged alarms are

LED fixed light indicates that ALL alarms are acknowledged.
Power: Green LED indicates that the auxiliary supply is switched on.
Run: Green LED indicates that the generator is running.
U/f OK: Green LED light indicates that voltage/frequency is present and
(GB) ON: Green LED indicates that the plant contactor is closed.
(MB) ON: Green LED indicates that the mains contactor is closed.
(MAINS) OK: LED is green if the mains are present and OK.
LED is red at a mains failure.
LED is flashing green when the mains return during the “MAINS
OK” delay time.
Auto: Green LED indicates that AUTO mode is selected.
Semi-Auto: Green LED indicates that SEMI-AUTO mode is selected.

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The main Qc4001 control unit includes 3 LEDs:

Power: Green LED indicates that the auxiliary supply is switched on.
Self check ok: Green LED indicates that the unit is OK.
Alarm inhibit: Green LED fixed light indicates that the inhibit input is ON.

3 Standard functions & protections

The Qc4001 measuring system is true RMS 3-phase measurement of generator voltage,
generator current, generator frequency, mains voltage and mains frequency.

The Qc4001 module is built up with different extension cards that are mounted into one of
the 9 different slots. Some of these cards are mounted as standard, and some as an
The Qc4001 has the following control and protection functions as standard:

3.1 Engine Protection

The engine alarm extension card has the following configurable inputs and outputs:
- 1 4…20 mA input for Mains Power Transducer
- 2 configurable 4…20mA inputs
- 3 resistive sensor inputs for Engine Oil Pressure/Coolant Level, Coolant
Temperature/Alternator Temperature, Fuel Level

-- 19 tacho
inputs for Access Lock, Running Feedback, Engine Failure, Emergency Stop,
2n Parameter Set, W/L, Remote Start, disable analogue fuel input , Static Battery

3.2 Alternator Protection

- Over current protection, definite time characteristic

- Reverse power protection, definite time characteristic
- Over- and under voltage (generator and busbar)
- Over- and under frequency (generator and busbar)
- Vector jump
- Df/dt (ROCOF)
- Overload
- Current unbalance
- Voltage asymmetry
- Reactive power (import (excitation loss)/export)

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3.3 Voltage/var/cos(phi) control

Selectable (via binary inputs or (optional) serial interface) functions:

- Constant voltage (stand-alone)
- Constant reactive power (parallel with mains)
- Constant power factor (parallel with mains)
- Reactive power sharing (parallel with other generators, island operation)

3.4 Analogue controller outputs

- +/-20mA for speed governor

- +/-20mA for voltage/var/cos control

3.5 Load sharing between gen-sets’ analogue lines

3.6 Engine communication

Software selectable for:

- MTU MDEC communication
- Detroit Diesel DDEC communication
- Deutz EMR communication
- Volvo EDCIII
- John Deere JDEC communication
- Scania ScaniaDec communication

3.7 Configurable I/O extension card

- 13 binary inputs and 4 relay outputs

Note: It is possible to configure binary inputs, analogue inputs and binary outputs.

Binary Inputs
- The text can be edited to a more saying name by using the USW
- Input 10 (terminal 118) can be configured as 'Sprinkler'. When 'Sprinkler' is selected, all
alarms and fail classes are overruled. The only alarms the gen-set will react on are
'Emergency Stop' on terminal 117 or a 'Tacho Failure'. Also the gen-set has 7 start
attempts before 'Start Failure'.

Analogue Inputs
- The text can be edited to a more saying name

Binary Outputs
- The output can be configured as 'Alarm' relay
- The output can be configured as 'Limit' relay

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4 Optional functions & protections

As standard 6 slots out of 9 slots contain a dedicated extension card. This means that 3
slots are still free for the optional extension cards. The following optional extension cards
are available:

4.1 Power Management System (PMS)

4.2 Can-open Serial communication

4.3 Mod-bus Serial communication

4.4 Profi-bus Serial communication

Note that it is only possible to have one of the above options 4.1 –4.4 on one and the same

4.5 Analogue Transducer Output of measured values (2x 4…20mA)

4.6 7 Binary Inputs

4.7 4 Relay Outputs

4.8 4 Analog Inputs (4…20mA)

Note that it is only possible to have one of the above options 4.5 - 4.8 on one and the same

4.9 Ethernet – TCP/IP communication

Integrated Web Server with web pages for plant presentation.

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5 Hardware

The Qc4001 housing is divided into board slot positions, some of which are standard (non-
changeable) and some intended for options.

The unit is divided like this:

- Slot #1 Power supply and binary I/O 1-28 Standard

- Slot #2 Optional external communication 29-36 Option
- Slot #3 Load sharing control/I/O card 37-64 Standard
- Slot #4 Governor control analog outputs 65-72 Standard
- Slot #5 AC measuring 73-89 Standard
- Slot #6 Optional inputs/outputs 90-97 Option
- Slot #7 Engine interface card 98-125 Standard
- Slot #8 Engine communication 126-133 Standard
- Slot #9 Optional TCP/IP RJ45 conn. Option

Besides the slots there is an additional board where the communication ports are placed.

- RS232 PC service port Standard

- Display port Standard

An overview of the terminals can be seen on the next page. The slots are positioned in the
unit as follows (seen from the top of the unit):


The “Common terminal” is referring to the Power supply (+12/24VDC).

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For the relay outputs the following terms will be used:
NO means Normally Open.
NC means Normally Closed.
Com. means common terminal for the relay in question.

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5.1 Slot #1, Power Supply and Binary I/O

Term. Function Description

1 +12/24 VDC Power supply
2 0 VDC
3 NC Status relay Processor/power supply status supervision
4 Common terminal for terminal 3
5 NO Relay Central alarm HORN
6 Common terminal for terminals 5 and 7
7 NC Relay Central alarm HORN
8 NO Relay Open mains breaker (open breaker)
9 Common terminal for terminals 8 and 10
10 NC Relay Open mains breaker (open breaker)
11 NO Relay Close mains breaker (synchronising)
12 Common terminal for terminals 11 and 13
13 NC Relay Close mains breaker (synchronising)
14 NO Relay Open generator breaker (deload)
15 Common terminal for terminals 14 and 16
16 NC Relay Open generator breaker (deload)
17 NO Relay Close generator breaker (synchronising)
18 Common terminal for terminals 17 and 19
19 NC Relay Close generator breaker (synchronising)
20 Open collector 1 Transistor out Pulse output 1, kWh counter
21 Open collector 2 Transistor out Pulse output 2, kvarh counter
22 Common terminal for terminals 21 and 22
23 Digital input 1 Optocoupler Alarm inhibit
24 Digital input 2 Optocoupler Mains breaker open
25 Digital input 3 Optocoupler Mains breaker closed
26 Digital input 4 Optocoupler Generator breaker open
27 Digital input 5 Optocoupler Generator breaker closed
28 Common terminal for terminals 23 to 27

The functionality of the alarm inhibit input (terminal 23) is described in the table below:

Alarm inhibit input ON OFF

Generator low f - ACT
Generator low U - ACT

Generator high
high fU ACT
4…20 mA input - ACT
Binary input - ACT
VDO input - ACT
Tacho input - ACT

ACT = Alarm function is active

ON = Input is high

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5.2 Slot #2, serial communication (optional)

Note: only 1 of the following options can be chosen: Can-open/Mod-bus/Profi-bus/Power


- Can-open:

Term. Function Description

29 Can-H The can is based on can-open
30 GND
31 Can-L
32 Can-H
33 GND
34 Can-L
35 Not used
36 Not used

- Mod-bus:

Term. Function Description

29 DATA + (A) Mod-bus RTU, RS485
30 GND
31 DATA - (B)
32 DATA + (A)
33 GND

35 DATA - (B)
Not used
36 Not used

- Profi-bus:

Term. Function Description

29 DATA + (B) Pin 3 on 9 pole sub-D connector
30 GND Pin 5 on 9 pole sub-D connector
31 DATA - (A) Pin 8 on 9 pole sub-D connector
32 DATA + (B)
33 GND
34 DATA - (A)
35 Not used
36 Not used

The serial communication line should be terminated between DATA + and DATA - with a
resistor equal to the cable impedance. The terminals 29/32, 30/33 and 31/34 are internally
connected on all communication PCBs.

Use shielded twisted pair cable.

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5.4 Slot #4, analogue outputs for governor and AVR control

Term. Function Description

65 Not used
66 +/-20 mA out Speed governor set-point output

67 0
68 Not used
69 Not used
70 +/-20 mA out AVR voltage set-point output
71 0
72 Not used

The analogue current outputs can, if needed, be converted to voltage using a resistor
across the terminals (250 will convert the +/-20 mA into +/-5 VDC) .

5.5 Slot #5, AC measuring

Term. Function Description

73 I L1 s1 Generator current L1 1/5A AC input
74 I L1 s2
75 I L2 s1 Generator current L2 1/5A AC input
76 I L2 s2
77 I L3 s1 Generator current L3 1/5A AC input
78 I L3 s2
79 U L1 Generator voltage L1
80 Not used
81 U L2 Generator voltage L2
82 Not used
83 U L3 Generator voltage L3
84 U neutral Generator voltage neutral
85 U L1 Mains/bus voltage L1
86 Not used
87 U L2 Mains/bus voltage L2
88 Not used
89 U L3 Mains/bus voltage L3

Note: Current inputs are galvanically separated. Max. 0.3 VA per phase.

Voltage measurements are for phase-to-phase voltages between 120VAC and 480VAC.

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5.6 Slot #6, input/output cards (optional)

Note: only 1 of the following options can be chosen: 7 binary inputs /4 relay outputs/ 4
analogue inputs 4…20mA / Analogue transducer output.

- 7 binary inputs:

Term. Function
90 Common for terminals 91 up to 97
91 Configurable Binary Input 17
92 Configurable Binary Input 16
93 Configurable Binary Input 15
94 Configurable Binary Input 14
95 Configurable Binary Input 13
96 Configurable Binary Input 12
97 Configurable Binary Input 11

- 4 relay outputs:

Term. Function
90 NO Relay 1
91 Common for Terminal 90
92 NO Relay 2
93 Common for Terminal 92
94 NO Relay 3

96 Common
NO Relayfor
4 Terminal 94
97 Common for Terminal 96

- 4 analogue inputs 4…20mA:

Term. Function
90 Common for Terminal 91
91 Analogue Input 5
92 Common for Terminal 93
93 Analogue Input 6
94 Common for Terminal 95
95 Analogue Input 7
96 Common for Terminal 97
97 Analogue Input 8

- Analogue transducer output:

These outputs are active outputs i.e. they use the internal power supply. The outputs are
galvanically separated from each other and the rest of the Qc4001 unit. The individual
output can be selected (in display or via Qc4001 Utility Software) to represent any AC
measuring value or related values (e.g. power, power factor, frequency etc.).

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For actual selection refer to the channel number 4500-4560.

Via software selection the outputs can be selected to be 0…20mA or 4…20mA.

Term. Function
90 Not Used
91 Common for Terminal 92
92 Analogue Output 1
93 Not Used
94 Not Used
95 Common for Terminal 96
96 Analogue Output 2
97 Analogue Input 8

5.7 Slot #7, engine interface card

The engine interface board is installed in slot #7. It consists of configurable inputs and
outputs. The configuration is done through the Qc4001 Utility Software and the default
settings can be changed to the relevant settings. To configure the inputs, upload the
parameter list from the Qc4001 and select the input to be configured. Then a configuration
dialog box appears and the settings can be changed.
The standard title (e.g. 4...20 mA in no. 2) can be changed and the new title will also be
shown in the display.

The minimum and maximum values of the 4...20 mA input can be adjusted:
- Value: Alarm value (e.g. 85°C)
- Min.: Value corresponding to 4 mA (e.g. 0°C)
- Max.: Value corresponding to 20 mA (e.g. 100°C)

The inverse proportional function is used when the input has inverse proportionality
according to the measured value.
The inputs can be used for a high or low alarm. As a “high alarm” the alarm appears when
the measured value is higher than the alarm limit, and as a “low alarm” the alarm appears
when the measured values are lower than the alarm limit.

The relay outputs on slot #7 are used for engine control.

- Start
- Stop solenoid
- Start prepare

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The binary inputs use 12/24 volt constant signal. They do not use pulse inputs.

Term. Function Description/preconfiguration

98 Analogue input 4…20 mA mains power input
99 Analogue input GND for terminal 98
101 Analogue
Analogue input
input 1
1 4…20 mAterminal
GND for configurable
100 input
102 Analogue input 2 4…20 mA configurable input
103 Analogue input 2 GND for terminal 102
104 Resistive input 1 for VDO sensor
105 Resistive input 2 for VDO sensor
106 Resistive Input 3 for VDO sensor
107 Common ground for terminals 104-106
108 Tacho Input 0.5…70VAC
109 Tacho Input /10…10.000Hz
110 Binary Input 31 Remote Start/Stop
111 Binary input 32 W/L
112 Binary input 33 Disable Analogue Fuel Input
113 Binary Input 34 Static Battery Charger
114 Binary input 6 Access lock, not configurable
115 Binary input 7 Running feedback, not configurable
116 Binary input 8 External engine failure, configurable
117 Binary input 9 Emergency stop, not configurable
118 Binary input 10 Sprinkler, not configurable
119 Common terminal for terminals 110-118
120 NO Start relay
121 Common terminal for terminal 120
122 NO Run relay
123 Common terminal for terminal 122
124 NO Preheat relay
125 Common terminal for terminal 124

The access lock input blocks the display functions, and the settings and parameters cannot
be changed. The view windows are still accessible.

5.8 Slot #8, engine communication

Term. Function Description

126 Not used
127 Not used
128 Can-L
129 GND
130 Can-H
131 Can-L
132 GND
133 Can-H

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Can-communication is possible with following engine electronics:

- Detroit Diesel DDEC
- Deutz EMR
- Volvo EDCIII
- John Deere JDEC
- Scania ScaniaDec

The engine electronics' type is selectable through the Qc4001 Utility Software, so that the
same hardware can be used for all.

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6 Languages

The default language (= Master language) used in the Qc4001 is English.

Other available languages are:

- Danish
- Dutch
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Italian
- Norwegian
- Portuguese
- Spanish

-- 1Swedish
extra language

It is possible for qualified Atlas Copco personnel to edit and/or add text and/or languages
through the 'Qc4001 Utility Software'.
Only the Master language English text is non-editable.
For the other languages, empty 'textcells' will be foreseen where the translations can be
filled in by qualified Atlas Copco personnel.

With the current type of LCDisplay, it is not possible to display other than Roman
characters. For other languages please contact Atlas Copco.

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7 Standard Modes

The Qc4001 is a protection and control unit for a generator driven by a diesel engine. It will
carry out all necessary tasks to control and protect a gen-set, regardless of the use of the
generator. This means that the Qc4001 can be used for several application types such as
described in chapter 10.

It is possible to operate the Qc4001 in three modes. The required mode can be selected via
a dedicated pushbutton.

7.1 AUTO mode

The Qc4001 controls the gen-set and the circuit breakers (generator breaker GB and mains
breaker MB) automatically according to the operational state.

7.2 SEMI-AUTO mode

Manual control and activation of the sequences with the buttons on the LCDisplay.
The generator can be started/stopped manually.
The breakers can be closed/opened manually, but the module will check automatically
synchronizing sequences.

7.3 Test mode

In this mode it is possible to enable/disable the synchronising feature.

When enabled: - the gen-set will start-up

- the generator breaker will close after synchronizing
- the gen-set will take a defined load for a defined
- the generator breaker will open
- the gen-set will cool down for a defined period
- the generator will stop.

When disabled: - the gen-set will start-up

- the circuit breaker remains open
- the gen-set will run with no load for a defined period
- the gen-set stops.

The percentage of nominal load and running time can be programmed.

To go into the TEST mode, the lowest level password needs to be entered.

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8 Standard Applications

It is possible to select 5 different applications (via display or configurator software).

8.1 AMF function

This application is only possible in combination with the AUTO mode.

If the SEMI-AUTO mode is selected, the AMF operation will NOT function !!

Installation with the Mains.

- Automatic starting of the gen-set
- Operation of the mains breaker MB and generator breaker GB
- Back synchronising of gen-set to mains when the mains returns
- Stopping of the gen-set

8.2 Peak Shaving

This application is possible in combination with the AUTO mode or SEMI-AUTO mode.
Installation with the Mains.

An optional Power Transducer is required.

- Automatic starting of the gen-set
- Operation of the mains breaker MB and generator breaker GB
- Load control
- Stopping of the gen-set

8.3 Island Mode

This application is possible in combination with SEMI-AUTO mode or AUTO mode with
internal real time clock timer.

Installation is stand alone, never with the Mains.

- Operation of generator breaker GB.

8.4 Fixed Power

This application is possible in combination with SEMI-AUTO mode or AUTO mode with
internal real time clock timer.

Installation is stand alone or with the Mains.

- Operation of generator breaker GB

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8.5 Load Take Over

This application is possible in combination with SEMI-AUTO mode or AUTO mode with
internal real time clock timer.

Installation is stand alone or with the Mains.

- Operation of the mains and generator breaker GB

8.6 Power Management System

This application is only possible in combination with the AUTO mode.

If the SEMI-AUTO mode is selected, the PMS operation will NOT function !!
An optional PMS circuit board inside the Qc4001 controller is required. This option cannot
be added afterwards.

Installations are possible with stand alone generators or with the Mains (extra Qc4001
Mains is then needed):
- Operation of the generator breaker GB and Mains & Tie breaker
- Automatic start/stop function with multiple gensets depending on the load demand.

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9 Single Genset use / Multi Genset use

Depending on the amount of generators in the installation, the customer can select
between 5 or 6 applications:

9.1 Single Gen-set use

Only 1 generator in the installation.

Installation can be stand alone or with the Mains.

9.2 Multi gen-set use

More than 1 generator in the installation.

In practice up to 16 gen-sets can be installed in parallel.
Installation can be stand alone or with the Mains.

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10 Application examples

10.1 Automatic Mains Failure application with Single gen-set installation and with Back-
syncronizing of the mains breaker MB

When the Qc4001 is operating in automatic mains failure operation, the following sequence
will be run through in a mains failure situation:


FAILURE MB is opened generator is taking
occurs breaker the load

The mains failure must be present in the period “FAIL DELAY” before the MB is opened.
The timer “FAIL DELAY” will be reset each time when the mains is restored.

When the mains is restored the following sequence is run through:

restored synchronises deloaded opened is stopped

The mains must have been present in the period “MAINS OK DELAY” before the MB
When the gen-set is running it will control the frequency and voltage to the nominal set

10.2 Peak Shaving operation with Single gen-set installation

When the Qc4001 is operating in peak shaving operation, the following sequence will be
run through when the generator is in standby and the imported load increases above the
configured limit:

MB load GEN-SET is Import power

GB is
increases started after is equal to or
above max time delay lower than
and loaded
import limit expires max limit

When the load decreases below the stop gen-set limit, the following sequence is run

MB load GEN-SET is
decreases deloaded GEN-SET is
below stop after time stopped
gen-set limit delay expires

When the gen-set is running it will be loaded between the minimum load limit (e.g. 5%) and

the maximum nominal generator load.

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On the circuit diagrams you will find a terminal block (X25) where all the necessary
connections have to be made.
The circuit diagram for QAC gen-sets is 9822 0952 54.

Below you see a detail of circuit diagram 9822 0990 52 for QIX gen-sets. Depending on the
application the user has to connect the following wires:
- Mains sensing wires on X25.3 / X25.4 / X25.5
- Remote start signal on X25.9 / X25.10
- Mains breaker feedback wires on X25.11 / X25.12
- Mains breaker control wires on X25.13 / X25.14 / X25.15 / X25.16
- Mains power signal (from optional Power Transducer) on X25.21 / X25.22
- Active and reactive load sharing lines on X30.1 / X30.2 / X30.3 / X31.1 / X31.2 / X31.3

Important notes:

- Remove link between X25.10 / X25.11 when NOT running in Island Mode. The Qc4001
module always needs some feedback from the Mains Breaker MB. If you are in Island
mode, then there is no mains breaker in the system. In this case we simulate the ‘mains
breaker open’ signal with a bridge.
- Remove link between X25.17 / X25.19 for no droop operation. This is valid for the QIX
gen-sets with EMR control. In parallel operation with other gen-sets or with mains, you
need a frequency droop.

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11.3 Load sharing lines

Even though screened cable is not needed, it is recommended if the cable run is longer
than 5 m between units.

Remark :
When the option PMS is installed these load sharing cables are not needed. The loads are
shared through the PMS communication cable.

11.4 Binary inputs

All binary inputs are 12/24 VDC bi-directional optocoupler.

The binary inputs use fixed signals. They do not use pulse signals.

11.5 Analogue inputs (external set-points)

The set-point inputs are passive, i.e. an external power source is needed. This can be an
active output from e.g. a PLC, or a potentiometer can be used.

11.6 Optocoupler outputs for external counter

The kWh counter (terminals 20-22) and kvarh counter (terminals 21-22) outputs are low-
power outputs.

11.7 Display cable

A standard computer extension cable can be used (9-pole SUB-D male/female plugs) or a
cable can be tailored:
- Wires min. 0.22 mm²
- Max. cable length 6 m

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12 Applications details for the Qc4001

This chapter shows the correct application configuration for the different use of the Qc4001.
The following application configurations are possible:

Single gen-set AMF operation AUTO mode

(SEMI-AUTO mode)*
Island mode AUTO mode
Peak shaving AUTO mode
Fixed Power AUTO mode
Load Take Over AUTO mode
Multi gen-sets AMF operation AUTO mode
(SEMI-AUTO mode)*
Island mode AUTO mode
Peak shaving AUTO mode
Fixed Power AUTO mode
Load Take Over AUTO mode
Power Management System AUTO mode
(SEMI-AUTO mode)*
( )* = the AMF and PMS operation will not function properly, when SEMI-AUTO mode is selected!

It is possible to use the Qc4001 for one of these purposes, or for peak shaving/fixed power/
load take over in combination with AMF.
The correct configuration can be set through the Qc4001 Utility Software or via the setup
menu on the LCDisplay.

From each of the above applications the module can jump into the Test mode , by pushing
the dedicated Test button on the LCDisplay. The gen-set will follow the defined Test
sequences and afterwards the gen-set will return in its previous application, always in
combination with the AUTO mode.

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12.1 Single running gen-set

12.1.1 AMF operation

When the mains goes outside the user-defined voltage (over and under) or frequency (over
and under) for a certain user-defined time, the mains will be disconnected and the gen-set
will be started to take over the load.
When the mains is restored within the user-defined limits for a certain user-defined time,
the gen-set will synchronise to the mains and deload the gen-set according a user defined
ramp before disconnecting the gen-set (only if back-synchronisation feature is enabled)
The gen-set will then go into cool down and stop.

The generator is running in a system with only short simultaneous connection to other

It is possible to enable/disable the back synchronisation feature.


Related customer settings:

- Check that the module is in AUTO mode pushbutton on display
- Gen-set mode (=application) channel 4320
- Cool down setting channel 4400
- Mains V failure channel 4420
- Mains Hz failure channel 4430
- Back synchronisation setting of Mains breaker channel 4440

Related customer wirings:

- Mains sensing lines L1 / L2 / L3.

- Wires for control and feedback of the Mains breaker.

For details on all setpoints, see the setpoint list.

For details on the wirings, see the circuit diagram.

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12.1.2 Island operation

In combination with SEMI-AUTO mode: The gen-set can be started/stopped wih a local
start command. The breaker can be closed/opened with a local command (= LOCAL

In combination with AUTO mode: The gen-set can be started/stopped with a remote start
command (= REMOTE START).
This can be a command through a signal from the internal real time clock.
This can be a command through a binary input. When an external hard-wired switch
(connected to this dedicated input) is closed, the unit will start up and the generator breaker
will be closed. When this external switch is opened again, the unit will open the generator
circuit breaker and stop.

The generator is running in a system without simultaneous connection to other systems.


Related customer settings:

- Select the correct mode (Semi-auto/Auto) pushbutton on display

- Gen-set mode (=application) channel 4320
- Cool down setting channel 4400
- Start command through internal real time clock channel 4710 - 4780
- Stop command through internal real time clock channel 4710 - 4780

Related customer wirings:

- Remote Start switch towards the dedicated binary input

For details on all setpoints, see the setpoint list.

For details on the wirings, see the circuit diagram.

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12.1.3 Peak Shaving application

In combination with AUTO mode:

The gen-set will start up when the mains imported power (measured through an optional
Power Transducer PT) exceeds a user-defined level. The gen-set will synchronise with the
bus, and will take load according a user-defined ramp until the user-defined allowable
mains imported power level is reached.
When the mains imported power decreases below the user-defined mains imported power
level for a user-definable time, the gen-set will deload according a user-defined ramp and
disconnect from the bus. Then the gen-set will go into cooldown.
It is possible to define two levels of max. mains imported power: ‘day’ level and ‘night’ level.

In combination with SEMI-AUTO mode:

The gen-set starts up once a local start command is given. The gen-set breaker closes
once the local command is given, and the synchronisation is done. The gen-set will take
load only if the mains imported power exceeds a user-defined level.
The gen-set breaker can be opened and the gen-set stopped with a local command.

The generator is running in a system with long simultaneous connection to other systems.

It is possible to enable/disable AMF as a second application when the gen-set is in the

peak shaving application. With AMF enabled, the gen-set will always guard the mains and
will act as an AMF unit when not active as a peak shaving gen-set.
It is possible to enable/disable the back synchronisation feature.



Related customer settings:

- Select the correct mode (Semi-auto/Auto) pushbutton on display
- Power ramp up / ramp down channel 2110 - 2120
- Mains imported power level channel 3010
- Daytime period channel 3020
- Gen-set mode (=application) channel 4320
- Cool down setting channel 4400
- Back synchronisation setting of Mains breaker channel 4440
- Enable/disable AMF as 2 application channel 4440

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Related customer wirings:

- Power Transducer lines
- Wires for control and feedback of the Mains breaker

For details on all setpoints, see the setpoint list.

For details on the wirings, see the circuit diagram
For more information on the Power Transducer option, please contact Atlas Copco.

12.1.4 Fixed Power

In combination with SEMI-AUTO mode:

The gen-set will start up on a local command. The gen-set will synchronise with the mains,
it will connect with the bus and it will take load according to a user-defined level and
according a user-defined ramp.
Stopping on a local command will deload the gen-set according a user-defined ramp and
disconnect the gen-set from the bus. Then the gen-set will go into cooldown and stop.

In combination with AUTO mode:

The gen-set will go through the same sequences once a remote command is given.
This can be a command through a signal from the internal real time clock.
Or this can be a command through a binary input. When an external hard-wired switch
(connected to this dedicated input) is closed, the unit will start up and the generator breaker
will be closed. When this external switch is opened again, the unit will open the generator
circuit breaker and stop.

It is possible to enable/disable AMF as a second application when the gen-set is in fixe

power application. With AMF enabled, the gen-set will always guard the mains and will act
as an AMF unit when not active as a fixed power gen-set.
It is possible to enable/disable the back synchronisation feature.
The generator is running in a system with long simultaneous connection to other systems.


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Related customer settings:

- Select the correct mode (Semi-auto/Auto) pushbutton on display

- Power ramp up / ramp down channel 2110 - 2120
- Fixed Power setpoint channel 3080
- Gen-set mode (=application) channel 4320
- Cool down setting channel 4400
- Back synchronisation setting of Mains breaker channel 4440
- Enable/disable AMF as 2 application channel 4440
- Start command through internal real time clock channel 4710 - 4780
- Stop command through internal real time clock channel 4710 - 4780

Related customer wirings:

- Remote Start switch towards the dedicated binary input.

- Wires for control and feedback of the Mains breaker.

For details on all setpoints, see the setpoint list.

For details on the wirings, see the circuit diagram.

12.1.5 Load Take Over

In combination with SEMI-AUTO mode:

The gen-set will start up on a local command. The gen-set will synchronise with the mains,
it will connect with the bus, and it will take over the load according a user-defined ramp and
disconnect the mains. To know if the load is completely taken over from the mains, an
optional Power Transducer (PT) is necessary.
After a local stop command, the gen-set will synchronise again to mains, connect the bus to
mains, deload the gen-set according a user-defined ramp and disconnect the gen-set from
the bus. Then the gen-set will go into cooldown and stop.

In combination with AUTO mode:

The gen-set will go through the same sequences once a remote command is given.
This can be a command through a signal from the internal real time clock.
Or this can be a command through a binary input.

It is possible
Load to enable/disable
Take Over AMF
application. With as a enabled,
AMF second application
the gen-setwhen the gen-set
will always guardisthe
in the
and will act as an AMF unit when not active as a Load Take Over gen-set.
It is possible to enable/disable the back synchronisation feature.

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The generator is running in a system with short simultaneous connection to other systems.



Related customer settings:

- Select the correct mode (Semi-auto/Auto) pushbutton on display

- Power ramp up / ramp down channel 2110 - 2120
- Gen-set mode (=application) channel 4320
- Cool down setting channel 4400
- Back synchronisation setting of Mains breaker channel 4440
- Enable/disable AMF as 2 application channel 4440
- Start command through internal real time clock channel 4710 - 4780
- Stop command through internal real time clock channel 4710 - 4780

Related customer wirings:

- Remote Start switch towards the dedicated binary input

- Wires for control and feedback of the Mains breaker
- Wires from the optional Power Transducer

For details on all setpoints, see the setpoint list.

For details on the wirings, see the circuit diagram.
For more information on the Power Transducer option, please contact Atlas Copco.

12.2 Multi running gen-sets

12.2.1 AMF operation (optional)

It is possible to have an optional power management system (PMS) that allows

communication between the Qc4001 modules over CAN-bus. It has fully intelligent system
which will start up all gen-sets in case of a mains failure, and then stops and starts gen-sets
according to the actual load and according to each gen-set's status.
It is possible to do this kind of intelligent load sharing between up to 16 Qc4001 controllers
(all equipped with this PMS option). This PMS option needs to be installed from the factory
and can not be added in the field !

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Extra related customer settings Qc4001 Mains controller :

- Mains V failure channel 4420

- Mains Hz failure channel 4430
- Back synchronisation setting of Mains breaker channel 4440
- Power capacity set-point channel 3250
- Tie breaker channel 3260
- Application channel 5000

Remark :

The Qc4001 controller of the generators and the Qc4001 mains controller are NOT the
same controllers. It is not possible to mutual exchange the 2 controllers !

Related customer wirings:

- Mains sensing lines L1 / L2 / L3.

- Wires for control and feedback of the Mains and Tie breaker.
- PMS communication lines.

For more details on related customer settings, see the setpoint list.
For more details on related customer wirings, see circuit diagram.
For more details on the PMS option, see 12.2.6.

12.2.2 Island operation

In combination with SEMI-AUTO mode:

Starting up and loading generators can be done through local commands on the
LCDisplays of each unit. For each extra generator that is started, the breaker will close
once the local command is given and the synchronisation is done.

In combination with AUTO mode:

Starting up and loading generators can be done through a remote command. This can be a
command through a signal from the internal real time clock. Or this can be a command
through a binary input.

The load sharing

It is possible to dowill
done through theupanalogue
between load sharing lines.
to 8 gen-sets.
This 'analogue' load sharing is compatible with the Barber Colman Pow-R-Con. This means
that old gen-sets can be parallelled with new gen-sets.

Optional it is possible to have a power management system (PMS) which allows

communication between the Qc4001 modules over CAN-bus and to have a fully intelligent
system which can determine which gen-sets to start and stop, according to the actual load
and to each gen-set's status. It is possible to do this kind of intelligent load sharing between
up to16 Qc4001 controllers (all equipped with this PMS option).

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Related customer wirings:

- Remote Start switch towards the dedicated binary input

- PMS communication lines

For more details on related customer settings, see the setpoint list.
For more details on related customer wirings, see circuit diagram.
For more details on the PMS option, see 12.2.6.

12.2.3 Peak Shaving (optional)

It is possible to have an optional power management system (PMS) which allows

communication between the Qc4001 modules over CAN-bus and to have a fully intelligent
system which will start and stop the necessary gen-set(s) to limit the imported mains power
(measured through an optional Qc4001 Mains controller module) according the user-
defined level.
It is possible to define 2 levels of max mains imported power: ‘day’ level and ‘night’ level.
It is possible to do this kind of intelligent peak shaving with up to 16 Qc4001 controllers (all
equipped with this PMS option).

The generators are running in a system with long simultaneous connection to other

It is possible to enable/disable AMF as a second application when the gen-sets are in this
peak shaving application.
With AMF enabled, the gen-sets will always guard the mains and will act as AMF units
when not active as peak shaving gen-sets (extra Tie breaker is needed; see 12.2.1).

It is possible to enable/disable the back synchronisation feature.

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Qc4001 Qc Mains
+ PMS Controller

Related customer settings:

- Select the correct mode (Semi-auto/Auto) pushbutton on display

- Power ramp up / ramp down channel 2110 - 2120
- Mains imported power level channel 3010
- Daytime period channel 3020
- Gen-set mode (=application) channel 4320
- Cool down setting channel 4400
- Back synchronisation setting of Mains breaker channel 4440
- Enable/disable AMF as 2 application channel 4440
- Application channel 5000
- Int. Communication ID channel 3110
- PMS configuration channel 3100

-- Priority SelectGen-sets
Stop Noncon. channel
channel 3120
- Running hours priority selection channel 3220
- Manual priority selection channel 3160 - 3180
- Number of ID’s channel 3130 - 3150
- Load dependent start channel 3050
- Load dedendent stop channel 3060

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Related customer wirings:

- Mains sensing lines L1 / L2 / L3

- Wires for control and feedback of the Mains breaker
- PMS communication lines

For more details on related customer settings, see the setpoint list.
For more details on related customer wirings, see circuit diagram.
For more details on the PMS option, see 12.2.6.

12.2.4 Fixed Power (optional)

It is possible to have an optional power management system (PMS) which allows

communication between the Qc4001 modules over CAN-bus and to have a fully intelligent
system which will start up the necessary gen-set(s) when a start signal is given,
synchronise the gen-set(s) with the mains, connect the gen-set(s) with the bus and load
according a user-defined ramp to meet the user-defined fixed load.
When a stop signal is given, the gen-set(s) will be deloaded according a user-defined ramp
and they will be disconnected from the bus. The gen-set(s) will go into cooldown and stop.

The start and stop signals can be local commands (in combination with SEMI-AUTO
mode), or remote commands from the binary input or from the internal real time clock (in
combination with AUTO mode).
It is possible to do this kind of intelligent fixed loading with up to 16 QC4001 controllers (all
equipped with this PMS option).

The generators are running in a system with long simultaneous connection to other

It is possible to enable/disable AMF as a second application when the gen-sets are in this
fixed power application. With AMF enabled, the gen-sets will always guard the mains and
will act as AMF units when not active as a fixed power gen-sets (extra Tie breaker is
needed; see 12.2.1).

It is possible to enable/disable the back synchronisation feature.

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Qc4001 Mains
+ PMS Controller

Related customer settings:

- Select the correct mode (Semi-auto/Auto) pushbutton on display

- Power ramp up / ramp down channel 2110 - 2120
- Fixed Power setpoint channel 3080
- Gen-set mode (=application) channel 4320
- Cool down setting channel 4400
- Back synchronisation setting of Mains breaker channel 4440
- Enable/disable AMF as 2 application channel 4440
- Start command through internal real time clock channel 4710 - 4780
- Stop command through internal real time clock channel 4710 - 4780
- Application channel 5000
- Int. Communication ID channel 3110
- PMS configuration channel 3100
- Priority Select channel 3120
- Stop Noncon. Gen-sets channel 3240
- Running hours priority selection channel 3220
- Manual priority selection channel 3160 - 3180
- Number of ID’s channel 3130 - 3150
- Load dependent start channel 3050
- Load dedendent stop channel 3060

Related customer wirings:

- Mains sensing lines L1 / L2 / L3

- Remote Start switch towards the dedicated binary input
- Wires for control and feedback of the Mains breaker
- PMS communication lines

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For more details on related customer settings, see the setpoint list.
For more details on related customer wirings, see circuit diagram.
For more details on the PMS option, see 12.2.6.

12.2.5 Load Take Over (optional)

It is possible to have an optional power management system (PMS) which allows

communication between the Qc4001 modules over CAN-bus and to have a fully intelligent
system which will start the necessary gen-set(s) on a local command or remote command,
synchronise the gen-set(s) to mains, connect to the bus, take over the load according a
user defined ramp and disconnect mains.
This intelligent system will start and stop gen-sets to meet the actual load.
After a local command or remote stop command, the gen-set(s) will synchronise to mains,
connect the bus to mains, deload the gen-set(s) according a user defined ramp and
disconnect the gen-set from the bus. Then the gen-set(s) will go into cooldown and stop.
It is possible to do this kind of intelligent load take over with up to 16 Qc4001 controllers (all
equipped with this PMS option).

The local commands can be given when the module is in SEMI-AUTO mode.
The remote commands can be given when the module is in AUTO mode. This can be
through the binary input or through a signal from the internal real time clock.

The generator is running in a system with short simultaneous connection to other systems.

It is possible to enable/disable AMF as a second application when the gen-sets are in this
Load Take Over application. With AMF enabled, the gen-sets will always guard the mains
and will act as AMF units when not active as Load Take Over gen-sets (extra Tie breaker is
needed; see 12.2.1).

It is possible to enable/disable the back synchronisation feature.

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Qc4001 Mains
+ PMS Controller

Related customer settings:

- Select the correct mode (Semi-auto/Auto) pushbutton on display

- Power ramp up / ramp down channel 2110 - 2120
- Gen-set mode (=application) channel 4320
- Cool down setting channel 4400
- Back synchronisation setting of Mains breaker channel 4440
- Enable/disable AMF as 2 application channel 4440
- Start command through internal real time clock channel 4710 - 4780
- Stop command through internal real time clock channel 4710 - 4780
- Application channel 5000
- Int. Communication ID channel 3110
- PMS configuration channel 3100
- Priority Select channel 3120
- Stop Noncon. Gen-sets channel 3240
- Running hours priority selection channel 3220
- Manual priority selection channel 3160 - 3180
- Number of ID’s channel 3130 - 3150
- Load dependent start channel 3050
- Load dependent stop channel 3060

Related customer wirings:

- Mains sensing lines L1 / L2 / L3

- Remote Start switch towards the dedicated binary input
- Wires for control and feedback of the Mains breaker
- PMS communication lines

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For more details on related customer settings, see the setpoint list.
For more details on related customer wirings, see circuit diagram.
For more details on the PMS option, see 12.2.6.

12.2.6 Power Management System (optional)

PMS (= Power Management System) is a system that will automatically start & stop
generators based on the actual load dependency. This will be done through a PMS
communication between the different units connected.
PMS applications are always in combination with AUTO mode. The Qc4001 controllers
from the gensets need to be programmed as PMS in AUTO mode. When a Qc Mains
controller is installed this needs to be programmed in the application that is required (AMF,
LTO, Fixed power) and AUTO mode.

By programming the parameters in AUTO mode, the generator can start up immediately. It
is recommended to place the generator in SEMI-AUTO mode while programming all the
PMS parameters !

In an application with PMS it is important to program correctly the Start & Stop signals
between the different generators because of the following reasons:

- The maximum load step needs to be programmed in the Qc4001 controllers. This never
may exceeds the power reserve of the running generators. Otherwise the gensets will go
in overload with a sudden max. load increase before the next generator is started up and
connected to the busbar.
- To prevent the gensets to run in a start – stop loop.

The start signal is the value of the maximum required load step
The stop signal is the value when the generator should be stopped automatically.

Example :
Installation with 3 gensets : G1 = 300 kW; G2 = 200 kW; G3 = 200 kW

- Start signal is set at 90kW (Maximum load step < 90kW)

Start signal if :

Total Power needed > (Total available power of running gensets –setpoint start signal)

Only G1 is running; at 210kW load (300kW – 90kW) => G2 will be started

G1 & G2 are running; at 410kW load (200kW + 300kW –90kW) => G3 will be started

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- Stop signal is set at 100kW and priority is set as (high) G1 > G2 > G3 (low)
Stop signal if :

Total Power needed < (Total available power of running gensets – Power of generator
with lowest priority – setpoint stop signal)

G1&G2&G3 are running; at 400kW (700kW – 200kW –100kW) => G3 will be stopped
G1&G3 are running; at 200kW (500kW – 200kW – 100kW) => G2 will be stopped

The priority on starting & stopping the generators can be chosen on priority settings or on
the amount of running hours. In manual mode the start & stop sequence is determent by
the chosen priority between the generators. The generator with the lowest priority will start
as the latest genset and will stop as first. If running hours are chosen as priority the start &
stop sequence will be defined based on the actual running hours of the different
generators. The lowest running hours will get the highest priority.

Remark :

When paralleling generators with PMS, it is no longer necessary to use the analogue load
sharing lines. This will be done through the PMS communication lines. Use a screened
CAN communication cable with a maximum total distance of 200 meters. Do not connect
the cable screen to the ground ! Use a 120 Ohm resistor at both end controllers of the PMS
as described in the drawings below.

The connections between the generators Qc4001 controllers (without the Qc mains
controller) :

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The connections for PMS between the generator and the Qc mains controller :

PMS board (slot 2) PMS board (slot 2) PMS board (slot 8)

Genset 1 Genset 2 Mains controller

29 30 31 32 33 34 29 30 31 32 33 34 128 129 130 131 132 133

120 Ohm 120 Ohm

13 Remote control via www (optional)

It is possible to communicate with the Qc4001 through the world wide web or local intranet.
To be able to use this feature, one Qc4001 must be installed with the optional TCP/IP
hardware, and all Qc4001 modules must be installed with the optional Can-bus
communication (standard when PMS option installed).
The communication with the world wide web is done through the TCP/IP unit.
This unit communicates through fieldbus with the other units in the system.
The web pages show the installation with the gen-sets, the breakers and the Qc4001 units.

Clicking on the icons on the screen gives access to the following:

- Status: Screen showing the alarms and the status of all control inputs.
- Messages: Creates and sends e-mail messages if alarms occur.
- Settings: Screen showing setup menus.
- Measurements: Relevant values can be chosen between all measured gen-set

For more information, please contact Atlas Copco.

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14 Menu overview & changing parameters

14.1 Main View

The display has 4 different lines. The information on these lines can change, depending on
which view is used. There are 4 different main views possible: SETUP / S1 / S2 / S3.


QC4001 V. 1.02.1 Phase missing
2003-11-21 16:08:11 G 0,00I PF 0kW
SETUP MENU G 0 kVA 0 kvar

G 0 0 0A Run Time 0Hour
G 0,00I PF 0kW Fuel level 100%
G 0 kVA 0 kvar 2003-11-21 16:08:11

The user can scroll through these views with the scroll buttons.

14.2 SETUP menu

The SETUP view shows the module name, the software version, the date and the time.
If you select SETUP then you get the following view :

G 0,00I PF 0kW
I-L1 0A

The fourth line is the entry selection for the Menu system. If the SELECT button is pressed,
the selection of the menu indicated with an underscore will be entered.
Choices are:

“PROT” protection setup

“CTRL” controls setup
“POWER” power control setup
“SYST” system setup

The user can scroll to these choices with the scroll buttons.

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14.2.1 If the PROTECTION SETUP is selected

The following view will appear (example of parameter) :

G 0,00I PF 0kW
1210 Gen high-volt 1
Set point 105,00%

For a protective function the first entry shows the “gen high volt 1” setting. Scrolling down
will give all the protection parameters.

The first line shows some generator data. There are 7 different information lines possible.
The user can scroll through with the VIEW button.

G 0,00I PF 0 kW
G 0 kVA 0 kvar
G-L1 0.0 Hz 0V
B-L1 0.0 Hz 0V
G 0 0 0V
B 0 0 0V
G 0 0 0A

The second line shows the channel number and the name of the parameter.
The user can scroll through with the scroll buttons.

The third line shows the value of a setpoint of this parameter.

The fourth line shows the different possible setpoints. In this example:

“LIM” = LIMIT, setting of switch point

“DEL” = DELAY, setting of time delay
“OA” OUTPUT A, selection of which relay the function must activate
“OB” OUTPUT B, selection of which relay the function must activate
“ACT” ACTION, activate/de-activate the function
“FC” FAIL CLASS, fail class setting .

The user can scroll to these choices with the scroll button, and select one choice with the
SELECT button. After selection of ‘LIM’ the following view will be visible:

G 0,00I PF 0kW


A password is needed in order to change the settings. There are 3 different password


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If the correct password is entered, the following view appears:

G 0,00I PF 0kW
1211 Gen high-volt 1

Now the user can change the ‘LIM’ of parameter ‘Gen high-volt 1’. This can be done with
the scroll buttons.
Then the user has to select ‘SAVE’ to save the new settings.
To exit the user has to press the BACK button several time, till the main view appears.

This is the described menu flow:

14.2.2 If the CONTROL SETUP is selected

The following view will appear (example of parameter):

G 0,00I PF 0kW
dfMax 0,3Hz
fMax fMin Umax TGB

For control functions one entry shows the “Synchronisation” function. In this case the fourth
line shows:
“fMax” max allowed positive frequency deviation when synchronising.
“fMin” min allowed negative frequency deviation when synchronising.
“Umax” max allowed voltage deviation (positive/ negative) when
“tCB” closing time delay for generator circuit breaker.

Scrolling down gives all the other control parameters.

The setpoints can be changed as explained in the protection setup.

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14.2.3 If POWER SETUP is selected

The following view will appear (example of parameter):

G 0,00I PF 0kW
3010Mains Power
Power 750 kW

For power setup the first entry shows the “Mains power” setting. In this case the fourth line

“DAY” setting of max allowed imported power during the daytime

“NIGHT” setting of max allowed imported power during the daytime
“TRANS” setting of transducer scale for transducer used in peak
shaving system.

Scrolling down gives all the other power parameters.

The setpoints can be changed as explained in the protection setup.

14.2.4 If the SYSTEM SETUP is selected

The following view will appear (example of parameter) :

G 0,00I PF 0kW
4010Nom. Settings
Frequency 50,0Hz

For system setup the first entry shows the “Nominal settings”. In this case the fourth line

“f” nominal frequency setting

“P” nominal generator power setting
“I” nominal generator current setting
“U” nominal generator voltage setting

The above settings are used by the QC4001 to calculate the nominal apparent power and
the power factor.
Scrolling down gives all the other system parameters.
The setpoints can be changed as explained in the protection setup.

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U-Supply 24.6 V
E 0 MWh 0 kWh
U-Gen L1N 0V
U-Gen L2N 0V
U-Gen L3N 0V
U-Gen L1L2 0V
U-Gen L2L3 0V
U-Gen L3L1 0V
U-Gen Max 0V
U-Gen Min 0V

14.5 Alarm and event list menu

When selecting the alarm (and event) list, the second line will display the latest
alarm/event. The user can scroll through the list with the scroll buttons.

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15 Password levels

There are 4 different levels:

- No password level
- Customer password level
- Service password level
- Master password level

The user can scroll through the entire menu without any password.
From the moment that the user wants to change a setpoint, a password will be required.
Changing different parameters requires different password levels. Some parameters cannot
be changed by the end-customer because of safety reasons.

Once the password

if no actions has be
have been entered,
taken withinthe user can change
3 minutes, all theentry
the password accessible setpoints.
will be Onlyand
a new password entry will be needed.

The user can change the Customer password in channel 4971.

Beware: Write down the new password. If you forget it, entering the menus will not be

Service password and Master password can only be set through the Qc4001 Utility

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16 Fail classes

All the activated alarms of the Qc4001 must be configured with a fail class.
The fail classes define the category of the alarms and the subsequent action of the alarm.

4 different fail classes can be used:

Fail Class Alarm Horn Alarm Gen-Set
GB Trip Shutdown
Relay Display Stop
1.Warning X X
2.Trip of GB X X X
3.Trip & Stop X X X X

4. Shutdown X X X X

All alarms can be disabled or enabled as following:

- OFF disabled alarm, inactive supervision.

- ON enabled alarm, supervision of alarm all the time.
- RUN gen-set running alarm, only supervision when the gen-set is

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17 Menu set-points

Each parameter has its specific channel number.

Changing a parameter requires a password. The password level is indicated for each

Channel parameter Password Default Min-max

numbers level settings settings

1010 Bus High Volt. 1 CUSTOMER LEVEL

1012 Setpoint
Delay 103,0%
10.00s (100.0
(0.10 ......99.99)
1013 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1014 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1015 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)
1016 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

The set points are listed below in numerical order of channel number.
The default values depend on the type of gen-set. Some values are different for
QIX,QAS and for QAC gen-sets. In the parameter list below we have taken the default
values for a QAC gen-set.

17.1 Protection setup

17.1.1 Bus voltage protection

1010 Bus High Volt. 1 CUSTOMER LEVEL

1011 Setpoint 103,0% (100.0 ... 120.0)
1012 Delay 10.00s (0.10 ... 99.99)
1013 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1014 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)

1015 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)

1016 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

1020 Bus High Volt. 2 SERVICE LEVEL

1021 Setpoint 108,0% (100.0 ... 150.0)
1022 Delay 5.00s (0.10 ... 99.99)
1023 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1024 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1025 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)
1026 Fail Class Trip (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

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1030 Bus Low Volt. 1 CUSTOMER LEVEL

1031 Setpoint 97,0% (80.0 ... 100.0)
1032 Delay 10.00s (0.10 ... 99.99)
1033 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)

1034 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)

1035 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)
1036 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

1040 Bus Low Volt. 2 SERVICE LEVEL

1041 Setpoint 92,0% (50.0 ... 100.0)
1042 Delay 5.00s (0.10 ... 99.99)
1043 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1044 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1045 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)
1046 Fail Class Trip (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

17.1.2 Bus frequency protection

1050 Bus High Freq. 1 CUSTOMER LEVEL

1051 Setpoint 103,0% (100.0 ... 120.0)
1052 Delay 10.00s (0.10 ... 99.99)
1053 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1054 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1055 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)
1056 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

1060 Bus High Freq. 2 SERVICE LEVEL

1061 Setpoint 105,0% (100.0 ... 120.0)
1062 Delay 5.00s (0.10 ... 99.99)
1063 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1064 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1065 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)
1066 Fail Class Trip (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

1070 Bus Low Freq. 1 CUSTOMER LEVEL

1071 Setpoint 97,0% (80.0 ... 100.0)
1072 Delay 10.00s (0.10 ... 99.99)
1073 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1074 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1075 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)
1076 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

1080 Bus Low Freq. 2 SERVICE LEVEL

1081 Setpoint 95,0% (80.0 ... 100.0)
1082 Delay 5.00s (0.10 ... 99.99)
1083 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1084 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)

1085 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)

1086 Fail Class Trip (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

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17.1.3 Generator Reverse Power

Reverse power settings relates to nominal power setting.

1090 Reverse Power SERVICE LEVEL

1091 Setpoint -20,0% (-50.0 ... 0.0)

1092 Delay 5.00s (0.1 ... 100.0)
1093 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1094 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1095 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1096 Fail Class Trip + Stop (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

17.1.4 Generator Overcurrent Protection

Settings relates to nominal generator current setting.

1100 Over Current 1 CUSTOMER LEVEL

1101 Setpoint 110,0% (50.0 ... 200.0)
1102 Delay 10.00s (0.1 ... 100.0)
1103 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1104 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1105 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1106 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

1110 Over Current 2 SERVICE LEVEL

1111 Setpoint 120,0% (50.0 ... 200.0)

1113 Delay
Output Relay A 5.00s
R0 (0.1 ... R3)
(R0 ... 100.0)
1114 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1115 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1116 Fail Class Trip + Stop (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

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17.1.5 Generator Overload Protection

Settings relates to nominal generator power setting.

1120 Over Load 1 CUSTOMER LEVEL

1121 Setpoint 110,0% (1.0 ... 200.0)
1122 Delay 10.00s (0.1 ... 100.0)
1123 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1124 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1125 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1126 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

1130 Over Load 2 SERVICE LEVEL

1131 Setpoint 120,0% (1.0 ... 200.0)
1132 Delay 5.00s (0.1 ... 100.0)
1133 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1134 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1135 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1136 Fail Class Trip + Stop (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

17.1.6 Generator Current Unbalance Protection

Settings relates to nominal generator current.

1140 Current Unbalance SERVICE LEVEL

1141 Setpoint 30,0% (0.0 ... 100.0)
1142 Delay 10.00s (0.1 ... 100.0)
1143 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1144 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1145 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)
1146 Fail Class Trip + Stop (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

17.1.7 Generator Voltage Unbalance Protection

Settings relates to nominal generator voltage.

1150 Voltage Unbalance SERVICE LEVEL

1151 Setpoint 10,0% (0.0 ... 50.0)
1152 Delay 10.00s (0.1 ... 100.0)
1153 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1154 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1155 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)
1156 Fail Class Trip + Stop (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

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17.1.8 Generator Reactive Power Import (loss of excitation) Protection

Settings relates to nominal generator power value (kW).

1160 var Import SERVICE LEVEL

1161 Setpoint 50,0% (0.0 ... 150.0)
1162 Delay 10.00s (0.1 ... 100.0)
1163 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1164 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1165 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1166 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

17.1.9 Generator Reactive Power Export (overexcitation) Protection

Settings relates to nominal generator power value (kW).

1170 var Export SERVICE LEVEL

1171 Setpoint 50,0% (0.0 ... 100.0)
1172 Delay 10.00s (0.1 ... 100.0)
1173 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1174 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1175 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1176 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

17.1.10 Loss of Mains Protection

The loss of mains protection includes df/dt (Rate Of Change Of Frequency) protection. The
protection is used when the generator is paralleling with the mains. When the protections
are activated there is a fixed time delay of 1 second after the mains breaker closes. The
loss of mains function trips the generator breaker.

NOTE: Time delay is in periods (per).


1181 Setpoint 5.0Hz/s (0.1 ... 10.0)
1182 Delay 6 periods (1 ... 20)
1183 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1184 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1185 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)

17.1.11 Vector jump

1190 Vector Jump SERVICE LEVEL

1191 Setpoint 10.0 deg (1.0 ... 90.0)
1192 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1193 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)

1194 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)

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17.1.12 Generator voltage protection

1210 Gen High Volt. 1 CUSTOMER LEVEL

1211 Setpoint 110,0% (100.0 ... 120.0)

1212 Delay 5.0s (0.1 ... 100.0)

1213 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1214 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1215 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1216 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

1220 Gen High Volt. 2 MASTER LEVEL

1221 Setpoint 120,0% (100.0 ... 150.0)
1222 Delay 1.0s (0.1 ... 100.0)
1223 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1224 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1225 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1226 Fail Class Shutdown (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

1230 Gen Low Volt. 1 CUSTOMER LEVEL

1231 Setpoint 90,0% (80.0 ... 100.0)
1232 Delay 15.0s (0.1 ... 100.0)
1233 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1234 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1235 Enable RUN (OFF / RUN / ON)
1236 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

1240 Gen Low Volt. 2 SERVICE LEVEL

1241 Setpoint 70,0% (50.0 ... 100.0)
1242 Delay 10.0s (0.1 ... 100.0)
1243 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1244 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1245 Enable RUN (OFF / RUN / ON)
1246 Fail Class Shutdown (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

17.1.13 Generator frequency protection

1250 Gen High Freq. 1 CUSTOMER LEVEL

1251 Setpoint 110,0% (100.0 ... 120.0)
1252 Delay 5.0s (0.2 ... 100.0)
1253 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1254 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1255 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1256 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

1260 Gen High Freq. 2 MASTER LEVEL

1261 Setpoint 120,0% (100.0 ... 120.0)
1262 Delay 1.0s (0.2 ... 100.0)
1263 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1264 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1265 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)

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1266 Fail Class Shutdown (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

1270 Gen Low Freq. 1 CUSTOMER LEVEL

1271 Setpoint 90,0% (80.0 ... 100.0)
1272 Delay 10.0s (0.2 ... 100.0)

1273 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)

1274 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1275 Enable RUN (OFF / RUN / ON)
1276 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

1280 Gen Low Freq. 2 SERVICE LEVEL

1281 Setpoint 80,0% (80.0 ... 100.0)
1282 Delay 5.0s (0.2 ... 100.0)
1283 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1284 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1285 Enable RUN (OFF / RUN / ON)
1286 Fail Class Shutdown (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

17.1.14 Engine control

The configuration of the engine interface card is done in the next channel groups.
Configuration of the inputs is done through the display and the Qc4001 Utility Software.

17.1.15 Mains Power 4…20 mA input

The input is not configurable because it is used as a mains power input in the peak shaving

17.1.16 Configurable 4…20 mA input 1

1310 4...20mA Input 1.1 CUSTOMER LEVEL

1311 Setpoint 10.0mA (0.0 ... 20.0)
1312 Delay 15.0s (0.0 ... 600.0)
1313 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1314 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)

1315 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)

1316 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)
USW Alarm type High (Low / High)

1320 4...20mA Input 1.2 CUSTOMER LEVEL

1321 Setpoint 10.0mA (0.0 ... 20.0)
1322 Delay 15.0s (0.0 ... 600.0)
1323 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1324 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1325 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)
1326 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)
USW Alarm type High (Low / High)
High alarm = alarm when the actual value is higher than the setpoint.

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17.1.17 Configurable 4…20 mA input 2

1330 4...20mA Input 2.1 CUSTOMER LEVEL

1331 Setpoint 10.0mA (0.0 ... 20.0)
1332 Delay 15.0s (0.0 ... 600.0)

1333 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)

1334 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1335 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)
1336 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)
USW Alarm type High (Low / High)

1340 4...20mA Input 2.2 CUSTOMER LEVEL

1341 Setpoint 10.0mA (0.0 ... 20.0)
1342 Delay 15.0s (0.0 ... 600.0)
1343 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1344 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1345 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)
1346 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)
USW Alarm type High (Low / High)
High alarm = alarm when the actual value is higher than the setpoint

17.1.18 Configurable VDO input 1

This input will be used for a resistive Engine Oil Pressure VDO sensor or for a 'fail-safe'
VDO Coolant Level Switch.
A sensor type must be software selectable (2 pressure sensors, 1 level switch & 1

configurable curve (8
If a pressure sensor is points to be
selected, thedefined)).
displayed value will be in bar and psi.
If the level switch is selected, there's no value to be displayed.


1351 Setpoint N/A (0.0 ... 10.0)
1352 Delay 5.0s (0.0 ... 100.0)
1353 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1354 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1355 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)
1356 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)
USW Sensor Type N/A (0 / 1 / 2 / 3)


1361 Setpoint N/A (0.0 ... 10.0)
1362 Delay 5.0s (0.0 ... 100.0)
1363 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1364 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1365 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)
1366 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

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The 'Sensor Type' and 'Alarm Type' parameters will only be accessible through the Atlas
Copco Qc4001 Utility Software, and not through the display menu.

Pressure Sender 0 Sender 1

(ohm) (ohm)
0 bar 10.0 10.0
0.5 bar 27.2
1 bar 44.9 31.3
1.5 bar 62.9
2 bar 81.0 51.5
2.5 bar 99.2
3 bar 117.1 71.0
3.5 bar 134.7
4 bar 151.9 89.6
4.5 bar 168.3
5 bar 184.0 107.3
6 bar 124.3
7 bar 140.4
8 bar 155.7
9 bar 170.2
10 bar 184.0

Sender 2 : Coolant Level Switch: Normal situation: resistive value > 200 ohm ; Alarm
situation: resistive value < 200 ohm.

Sender 3 : configurable 0 – 10 bar (parameter 5010 - 5020).

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17.1.19 Configurable VDO input 2

This input will be used for a resistive Engine Coolant Temperature VDO sensor or for an
Alternator Temperature PTC.
A sensor
curve type must
(8 points to bebedefined)).
software selectable (3 temperature sensors, 1 PTC & 1 configurable
If a temperature sensor is selected, the displayed value will be in °C and °F.
If the PTC is selected, there's no value to be displayed.

1370 High alternator Temperature SERVICE LEVEL

1371 Setpoint N/A (40 ... 150)
1372 Delay 3.0s (0.0 ... 100.0)
1373 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1374 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1375 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)

1376 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

USW Sensor Type 3 (0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4)


1381 Setpoint N/A (40 ... 150)
1382 Delay 5.0s (0.0 ... 100.0)
1383 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1384 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1385 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)
1386 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

The 'Sensor
Copco Type'
Qc4001 and 'Alarm
Utility Type'
Software, andparameters
not throughwill
theonly be accessible
display menu. through the Atlas

Temperature Sender 0 Sender 1 Sender 2

(ohm) (ohm) (ohm)
40 °C 291.5 480.7 69.3
50 °C 197.3 323.6
60 °C 134.0 222.5 36.0
70 °C 97.1 157.1
80 °C 70.1 113.2 19.8
90 °C 51.2 83.2
100 °C 38.5 62.4 11.7
110 °C 29.1 47.6
120 °C 22.4 36.8 7.4
130 °C 28.9
140 °C 22.8
150 °C 18.2

Sender 3 : Alternator Temperature PTC: Normal Situation: resistive value < 1k7 ;
Alarm situation: resistive value > 1k7.

Sender 4 : Configurable 40 – 110 °C (parameter 5030 – 5040).

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17.1.20 Configurable VDO input 3

This input will be used for a resistive Fuel Level VDO sensor.
A sensor type must be software selectable (2 level sensors & configurable curve (8 points
to be defined)).
The displayed value will be in %.
1390 Fuel Level 1 CUSTOMER LEVEL
1391 Setpoint 1 10,0% (0 ... 100)
1392 Delay 10.0s (0.0 ... 100.0)
1393 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1394 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1395 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
(Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop /
1396 Fail Class Warning Shutdown)
USW Sensor Type 1 (0 / 1 / 2)

Resistive Fuel Level Sender 0: Linear: 0 % = 78.8 ohm ; 100 % = 1.6 ohm.
Resistive Fuel Level Sender 1: Linear: 0 % = 3 ohm ; 100 % = 180 ohm.
Resistive Fuel Level Sender 2: Configurable 0 – 100 % (parameter 5050 - 5060).

The fuel pump logics will also use this input to start/stop the fuel pump when necessary.

1400 Fuel Pump Logic CUSTOMER LEVEL

1401 Setpoint 2 20,0% (0 ... 100)
1402 Setpoint 3 80.0% (0 ... 100)
1403 Relay Output Pump R4 (R0 ... R3)

1404 Enable Pump Logics OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)

1405 Fill Check Delay 60.0s (0.1 ... 600.0)

Fuel Pump Logics:

If the fuel level is below 'set-point 2', the 'relay output pump' will be energised.
This 'relay output pump' will stay energised until the fuel level reaches 'set-point 3', until a
general failclass 3 or 4 occurs, until the controller is powered off.
When the 'relay output pump' is energised, and the fuel level hasn't risen during the fill
chack delay, the 'relay output pump' will be de-energised and a failclass 1 alarm 'Fuel Fill
Pump Error' will be displayed.
Set-point 4 will be an extra high alarm. This set-point can operate a relay output defined in

1410 Fuel High level CUSTOMER LEVEL

1411 Setpoint 4 98,0% (0 ... 100)
1412 Delay 5.0s (0.1 ... 300.0)
1413 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1414 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)

Set-point 4 will be an extra high alarm.

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17.1.21 Overspeed (tacho input)

1420 Overspeed MASTER LEVEL

1421 Setpoint 1650rpm (1 ... 2250)
1422 Delay 3.0s (0.2 ... 100.0)

1423 Output Relay A R1 (R0 ... R3)

1424 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1425 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1426 Fail Class Shutdown (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

1430 Overspeed MASTER LEVEL

1431 Overspeed S2 1980rpm (1 ... 2250)
1432 Overspeed S3 1650rpm (1 ... 2250)
1433 Overspeed S4 1650rpm (1 ... 2250)

Overspeed S2 set-point is used when the 2 set of parameters are active.

Overspeed S3
S4 set-point
set-point is
is used
used when
when the
the 3
th set of
set of parameters
parameters are
are active.

17.1.22 Ext. Engine Failure (binary input 8)

1440 Engine Failure SERVICE LEVEL

1441 Delay 1.0s (0.0 ... 180.0)
1442 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1443 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1444 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)

1445 Fail Class Shutdown (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

17.1.23 Emergency Stop (binary input 9)

1450 Emergency Stop MASTER LEVEL

1451 Delay 0.0s (0.0 ... 60.0)
1452 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1453 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1454 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1455 Fail Class Shutdown (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

17.1.24 Non-configurable Sprinkler Input

Input 10 (terminal 118) can be configured as 'Sprinkler'. When 'Sprinkler' is selected, all
alarms and fail classes are overruled. The only alarms the gen-set will react on are
'Emergency Stop' on terminal 117 or a 'Tacho Failure'. Also the gen-set has 7 start
attempts before 'Start Failure'.

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17.1.25 Coolant Temperature 1

A set-point can be configured for the coolant temperature value, that is read from the
engine electronics over the CanBus.

1460 Coolant Temperature 1 SERVICE LEVEL

1461 Setpoint 100 deg (0 ... 150.0)
1462 Delay 3.0s (0.0 ... 600.0)
1463 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1464 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1465 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1466 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)
USW Alarm type High (Low / High)
High alarm = alarm when the actual value is higher than the setpoint.

17.1.26 Coolant Temperature 2

A set-point can be configured for the coolant temperature value, that is read from the
engine electronics over the CanBus.

1470 Coolant Temperature 2 SERVICE LEVEL

1471 Setpoint 108 deg (0 ... 150.0)
1472 Delay 3.0s (0.0 ... 600.0)
1473 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1474 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1475 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)

1476 Fail Class Shutdown (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

USW Alarm type High (Low / High)
High alarm = alarm when the actual value is higher than the setpoint.

17.1.27 Oil Pressure

Here, a set-point can be configured for the oil pressure value, that is read from the engine
electronics over the CanBus.

1480 Oil Pressure SERVICE LEVEL

1481 Setpoint 3.0 bar (0.0 ... 15.0)
1482 Delay 15.0s (0.0 ... 600.0)
1483 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1484 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1485 Enable RUN (OFF / RUN / ON)
1486 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)
USW Alarm type Low (Low / High)
Low alarm = alarm when the actual value is lower than the setpoint.

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17.1.28 Fuel Level 2

This input will be used for a resistive Fuel Level VDO sensor.
The displayed value will be in %.

1490 Fuel Level 2 CUSTOMER LEVEL

1391 Setpoint 1 5,0% (0 ... 100)
1392 Delay 20.0s (0.0 ... 100.0)
1393 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1394 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1395 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
(Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop /
1396 Fail Class Trip + Stop Shutdown)

17.1.29 Configurable binary input 11 – 17 (optional)

These settings will only be visible when the Qc4001 module contains the optional extension
card with 7 binary inputs.
The reserved channels for these parameters are 1600 - 1666.

17.1.30 2nd Set of Parameters (binary input 18)

This input will be dedicated for a 2 set of parameters input (see channel 4020: nominal
settings 2).
When this input is made active, some of the settings will be re-set to another level.
No configuration of this input must be possible.

17.1.31 3rd Set of Parameters (binary input 19)

This input will be dedicated for a 3 set of parameters input (see channel 4030: nominal
settings 3).
When this input is made active, some of the settings will be re-set to another level.
No configuration of this input must be possible.

17.1.32 4th Set of Parameters (binary input 20)

This input will be dedicated for a 4th set of parameters input (see channel 4040: nominal
settings 4).
When this input is made active, some of the settings will be re-set to another level.
No configuration of this input must be possible.

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17.1.33 Configurable binary input 21

1700 Digital Input 21 COSTUMER LEVEL

1701 Delay 10.0s (0.0 ... 100.0)
1702 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1703 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1704 Enable OFF (OFF / RUN / ON)
(Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop /
1705 Fail Class Warning Shutdown)
1706 Type High (Low / High)
High alarm = Alarm when the input closes

17.1.34 Configurable binary input 22

For the QAC gensets this input is dedicated to ‘Manual Fuel fill’.

1710 Man. Fuel Fill SERVICE LEVEL

1711 Delay 0.0s (0.0 ... 100.0)
1712 Output Relay A R4 (R0 ... R3)
1713 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1714 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
(Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop /
1715 Fail Class Warning Shutdown)
1716 Type High (Low / High)
High alarm = Alarm when the input closes

17.1.35 Configurable binary input 23

For the QAC gen-sets this input is dedicated to ‘Air Shut off’.

1720 Air Shut Off SERVICE LEVEL

1721 Delay 0.2s (0.0 ... 100.0)
1722 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1723 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1724 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1725 Fail Class Shutdown (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)
1726 Type High (Low / High)
High alarm = Alarm when the input closes

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17.1.36 Configurable binary input 24

For the QAC gen-sets this input is dedicated to ‘Fan Failure’.

1730 Fan Failure SERVICE LEVEL

1731 Delay 60.0s (0.0 ... 100.0)
1732 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1733 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1734 Enable RUN (OFF / RUN / ON)
1735 Fail Class Trip + Stop (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)
1736 Type High (Low / High)
High alarm = Alarm when the input closes

17.1.37 Configurable binary input 25

For the QAC gen-sets this input is dedicated to ‘Low coolant Level’.

1740 Low Coolant Level SERVICE LEVEL

1741 Delay 10.0s (0.0 ... 100.0)
1742 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1743 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1744 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1745 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)
1746 Type High (Low / High)
High alarm = Alarm when the input closes

17.1.38 Configurable binary input 26

For the QAC gensets this input is dedicated to ‘Tank leakage’.

1750 Tank leakage SERVICE LEVEL

1751 Delay 10.0s (0.0 ... 100.0)
1752 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1753 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1754 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1755 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)
1756 Type High (Low / High)
High alarm = Alarm when the input closes

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17.1.39 Configurable binary input 27

For the QAC gen-sets this input is dedicated to ‘DDEC check engine’.

1760 DDEC Check Engine SERVICE LEVEL

1761 Delay 1.0s (0.0 ... 100.0)
1762 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1763 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1764 Enable RUN (OFF / RUN / ON)
1765 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)
1766 Type Low (Low / High)
Low alarm = Alarm when the input opens

17.1.40 Configurable binary input 28

For the QAC gen-sets this input is dedicated to ‘Terminal Board open’.


1771 Delay 0.0s (0.0 ... 100.0)
1772 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
1773 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
1774 Enable ON (OFF / RUN / ON)
1775 Fail Class Trip (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)
1706 Type High (Low / High)
High alarm = Alarm when the input closes

17.1.41 Configurable binary input 29

This input can not only enable, but also disable a relay output.
For the QAC gen-sets this input is dedicated to ‘DDEC Stop Engine’


1781 Delay 1.0s (0.0 ... 100.0)
1782 Enable Output Relay R0 (R0 ... R3)
1783 Disable Output Relay R0 (R0 ... R3)
1784 Enable RUN (OFF / RUN / ON)
1785 Fail Class Shutdown (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)
1786 Type High (Low / High)
High alarm = Alarm when the input closes

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17.2 Control setup

17.2.1 Synchronisation type

2010 Sync. Type SERVICE LEVEL

2011 Sync. Type Dynamic Sync. (Dynamic Sync. / Static Sync.)

If dynamic synchronisation is chosen, the next menu will be 2020. If static synchronisation
is chosen, the next menu will be 2030.

17.2.2 Dynamic synchronisation

The setting of df max. and df min. decides whether the generator synchronises when
running faster or slower than nominal frequency.
The “dU max.” setting is related to nominal generator voltage. The “dU max.“ setting is +/-
nominal generator voltage.
The Qc4001 module compensates for the breaker delay time when synchronising.

2020 Dynamic Sync. SERVICE LEVEL

2021 Df max. 0.3Hz (0.0 ... 0.5)
2022 Df min. 0.0Hz (-0.5 ... 0.3)
2023 DU max. 5% (2 ... 10)
2024 Breaker Delay 75ms (40 ... 300)

The synchronisation pulse is 400 ms.

17.2.3 Static synchronisation

The phase gain and frequency gain are the control parameters used during static
synchronisation. They both control the governor output.
The phase controller will keep the angle between the generator voltage and the busbar
voltage within the closing window. The frequency controller will keep the generator
frequency and the busbar frequency at the same value.

2030 Static Sync. SERVICE LEVEL

(0.0 ... 100.0)
2032 GB Close
Closing Time
Window 1.0s
10.0 deg (0.1 ... 20.0)
2033 Phase Gain 40 (0 ... 100)
2034 Frequency Gain 40 (0 ... 100)

The synchronisation pulse is 400 ms.

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17.2.4 Blackout closing of breaker

Settings are accepted limits (generator voltage and frequency) for closing the generator
breaker. The “dU max.” setting is related to nominal generator voltage.

2050 Sync. Blackout SERVICE LEVEL

2051 Df max. 3.0Hz (0.0 ... 5.0)
2052 DU max. 8% (2 ... 10)

If blackout closing of breaker is enabled on more units, external precautions must be taken
to avoid two or more generators closing on a black busbar. In that case synchronism will
not be present.

17.2.5 Generator and mains breaker, general failure alarm

- Synchronisation time Adjustable time delay channel 2061/2071

- Breaker ON/OFF feedback fail 1 second fixed time delay
- Phase sequence error 1 second fixed time delay

2060 GB Synchr. Fail SERVICE LEVEL

2061 Delay 60.0s (30.0 ... 300.0)
2062 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
2063 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)

2070 MB Synchr. Fail SERVICE LEVEL

2071 Delay 60.0s (30.0 ... 300.0)
2072 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
2073 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)

The general failure alarms cannot be disabled.

17.2.6 Frequency Controller

The Frequency KP and KI parameter are used for the speed settings on the genset.
The proportional controller (Kp) will have the effect of reducing the rise time and will reduce
,but never eliminate the steady-state error. The integral control (Ki) will have the effect of
eliminating the steady-state error. To have a quick and stable frequency both parameters
needs to be adjusted and fine-tuned.

Frequency deadband % settings relate to nominal generator frequency.

2090 Freq. Control CUSTOMER LEVEL

2091 Deadband 0.2% (0.2 ... 10.0)
2092 Frequency KP 35 (0 ... 1000)
2093 Frequency KI 150 (0 ... 1000)

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17.2.7 Power Controller

The Power KP and KI parameter are used for the power settings on the genset. The
proportional controller (Kp) will have the effect of reducing the rise time and will reduce ,but
never eliminate the steady-state error. The integral control (Ki) will have the effect of
eliminating the steady-state error. To have a quick and stable power output both
parameters needs to be adjusted and fine-tuned.

Power deadband % settings relate to nominal generator power.

2100 Power Control CUSTOMER LEVEL

2101 Deadband 0.2% (0.2 ... 10.0)
2102 Power KP 15 (0 ... 1000)
2103 Power KI 100 (0 ... 1000)

17.2.8 Power ramp up / Power ramp down

The delay point and time is the point where the generator stops ramping after closing of
generator breaker to pre-heat the engine before commencing to take load. The time
duration of the point is determined by the delay time setting. If the delay function is not
needed, set the time to 0.

Power % settings relate to nominal generator power.

2110 Power Ramp Up CUSTOMER LEVEL

2111 Speed 10%/s (1.0 ... 20.0)
2112 Delay Point 10% (1 ... 100)
2113 Delay Time 0.0s (0.0 ... 180.0)

17.2.9 Power ramp down

The breaker open point is where a relay output is activated to open the generator breaker
before reaching 0 kW.

Power % settings relate to nominal generator power.

2120 Power Ramp Down CUSTOMER LEVEL

2121 Speed 10%/s (0.1 ... 20.0)
2122 Breaker Open 5% (1 ... 20)

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17.2.10 Voltage controller

The Voltage KP and KI parameter are used for the voltage settings on the genset.
The proportional controller (Kp) will have the effect of reducing the rise time and will reduce
,but never eliminate the steady-state error. The integral control (Ki) will have the effect of
eliminating the steady-state error. To have a quick and stable voltage parameters needs to
be adjusted and fine-tuned.

The voltage controller is active when the generator is in island mode.

Voltage deadband % settings relate to nominal generator voltage.

2140 Voltage Control CUSTOMER LEVEL

2141 Deadband 0.2% (0.02 ... 10.0)
2142 KP 200 (0 ... 1000)
2143 KI 450 (0 ... 1000)

17.2.11 Var controller

The Var KP and KI parameter are used for the reactive power settings on the genset.
The proportional controller (Kp) will have the effect of reducing the rise time and will
reduce, but never eliminate., the steady-state error. The integral control (Ki) will have the
effect of eliminating the steady-state error. To have a quick and stable reactive power both
parameters needs to be adjusted and finetuned.

Frequency deadband % settings relate to nominal generator frequency.

Var deadband % settings relate to nominal generator power value, i.e. it is assumed that
the generator var value is the same as the kW value. This is not correct, but the
assumption is made for control purposes only.

The var controller is active when the generator is parallel to mains controlling the PF.

2150 var Control CUSTOMER LEVEL

2151 Deadband 0.2% (0.0 ... 10.0)
2152 KP 30 (0 ... 1000)
2153 KI 150 (0 ... 1000)

17.2.12 PF Control

The Power Factor deadband is put in percentage of the nominal PF setpoint for fixed power
applications (parameter 3080). For fixed power application it can be necessary to change
this deadband.


2171 Deadband 5% (0 ... 10)

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17.2.13 Governor regulation failure

The alarm is activated if the difference between the measured value and the set-point is
outside the deadband for longer than the timer set-point.

2180 Gov. Reg. Failure SERVICE LEVEL

2181 Deadband 30.0% (1.0 ... 100.0)
2182 Timer 60.0s (10 ... 300)
2183 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
2184 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)

17.2.14 AVR regulation failure

The alarm is activated if the difference between the measured value and the set-point is
outside the deadband for longer than the timer set-point.

2190 AVR Reg. Failure SERVICE LEVEL

2191 Deadband 30.0% (1.0 ... 100.0)
2192 Timer 60.0s (10 ... 300)
2193 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
2194 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)

17.2.15 Breaker type

2200 Breaker Type CUSTOMER LEVEL

2201 GB Type Pulse (Pulse / Continuous)
2202 MB Type Pulse (Pulse / Continuous)

If the selected type is ‘pulse’ then a closing pulse will be given for closing the breaker, and
an opening pulse will be given to open the breaker.

When a contactor kit is used, then the selected type will be ‘continuous’. Then a continuous
signal will be given to the contactor when it needs to be closed, and the opening pulse
output won’t be used.

17.2.16 Static Synchronisation

With these parameters you can program the setpoint.

2210 Static Sync. SERVICE LEVEL

2211 Df max. 0.1Hz 0.0 ... 0.25)
2212 DU max. 5% (2 ... 10)
2213 Close Window 10.0 deg (0.1 ...20.0)
2214 KP 80 (0 ... 1000)
2215 KI 80 (0 ... 1000)
2216 Delay 1.0s (0.0 ... 5.0)

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17.3 Power setup. Peak shaving operation

17.3.1 Mains power (import power)

The mains power set point is the maximum imported power from the mains. If the load is
higher than this set point, the mains will supply the load equal to the mains power set point
and the gen-set will supply all additional loads.

It is possible to have two set points, daytime and nighttime set point. The purpose of this is
to adapt the mains import to the different load conditions in different periods.

The Qc4001 needs a 4...20mA signal on terminal 98-99 from an optional Power
Transducer, measuring the imported power from the mains. The calibration of the Power
Transducer must be:

- 4 mA = 0.0 MW
- 20 mA = Transducer scale, set-point in channel 3013.

3010 Mains Power CUSTOMER LEVEL

3011 Day 5000kW (0 ... 20000)
3012 Night 5000kW (0 ... 20000)
3013 Transducer Scale 5000kW (0 ... 20000)

17.3.2 Daytime period

The start / stop time of the daytime period are adjusted with hours and minutes. The period
outside the daytime period is defined as the night time period.

3020 Daytime Period CUSTOMER LEVEL

3021 Start Hour 8 (0 ... 23)
3022 Start Minute 0 (0 ... 59)
3023 Stop Hour 16 (0 ... 23)
3024 Stop Minute 0 (0 ... 59)

17.3.3 Start gen-set

The set point is used to start the gen-set. When the imported mains power exceeds the set-
point in channel 3031, the gen-set is started and synchronised to the busbar. The set-point
in channel 3031 is referring to the mains power set-points in channel 3011 or 3012. The
start generator minimum load point is the minimum loading of the gen-set. The mains will
always supply the maximum possible power. The additional power will be supplied by the

3030 Start Generator CUSTOMER LEVEL

3031 Setpoint 80% (5 ... 100)
3032 Delay 10.0s (0.0 ... 990.0)

3033 Minimum Load 10 (0 ... 100)

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17.3.4 Stop gen-set

This set-point is used to stop the gen-set. When the imported mains power decreases
below the set point the stop sequence of the genset is commenced. The set point in
channel 3041 refers to the mains power set points in channel 3011 or 3012.

3040 Stop Generator CUSTOMER LEVEL

3041 Setpoint 60% (0 ... 80)
3042 Delay 600.0s (0.0 ... 990.0)

17.3.5 Load Dependent Start

With the option PMS this is the setpoint for setting the maximum load step needed in the
application. The setpoint will tell you the minimal load step that always will be available by
the gensets.
The delay is the time before the next unit will be started.
The minimum load is the setpoint on which the generator wants to run minimally in a peak
shaving application.

3050 Load Dependent Start CUSTOMER LEVEL

3051 Setpoint 50kW (0 ... 20000)
3052 Delay 1.0s (0.0 ... 990.0)
3053 Minimum Load 20kW (0 ... 20000)

17.3.6 Load Dependent Stop

With the option PMS the setpoint will give you the maximum power reserve before stopping
the gensets
The delay is the time before the last genset will be stopped.

3060 Load Dependent Stop CUSTOMER LEVEL

3061 Setpoint 100kW (0 ... 20000)
3062 Delay 30.0s (5.0 ... 9900.0)

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17.3.7 Test running


3071 Setpoint 50% (1 ... 100)
3072 Delay 300.0s (30.0 ... 990.0)
3073 Syncr. OFF (ON / OFF)

Test sequence:

When the TEST mode is selected, the gen-set is automatically started and synchronised
with the mains. The sequence of the TEST is as follows:

- START sequence starts the gen-set

- Synchronise the generator breaker to the busbar (mains)
- Gen-set is loaded to the setting in channel 3071
- The parallel time expires and the generator is deloaded
- GB opens
- STOP sequence stops the gen-set

Pushing the TEST pushbutton on the display activates the test mode. The TEST mode can
be used in peak shaving and AMF mode to check if the system is still functioning.
After the test run the Qc4001 returns to AUTO mode.

If the setting 3073 (Syncr.) is OFF, the sequence of the test is as follows:

- START sequence starts the gen-set

- The test time expires and the STOP sequence stops the gen-set

17.3.8 Fixed power set-point (for active generator power and power factor)

The fixed power set points are used when the Qc4001 is configured to fixed power
operation. The PF (power factor) set point is used when the generator is running parallel to

3080 Fixed Power Setpoint CUSTOMER LEVEL

3081 P Setpoint 80% (0 ... 100)

3082 PF Setpoint 0.95 (0.60 ... 1.00)

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17.3.9 PMS Configuration

These are parameters that needs to be programmed if the option PMS is installed.

- The amount of generators that are installed in the application

- Activate the Qc4001 Mains controller in the application if needed.
- Activate the PMS in this Qc4001 controller.

By turning this parameter to ON in AUTO mode, the generator can start immediately. It is
recommended to place the generator in SEMI-AUTO mode while programming the
parameters !

- Program the Qc4001 command controller in the application. If one controller is set to ON
the others will set automatically to OFF. Program the Qc4001 mains controller as
command unit if possible. The command unit communicates the following parameters to
the other connected units : start generator limit, start generator delay, stop generator limit,
stop generator delay, command unit, start & stop command, timer values.
- Choose the way of starting up the application.

3100 PMS Configuration CUSTOMER LEVEL

3101 # Gen-sets available 1 (1 ... 16)
3102 Mains available OFF (OFF / ON)
3103 PMS active OFF (OFF / ON)
3104 Command Unit ON (OFF / ON)
3105 Enable Start/Stop Local (Remote / Local / Timer)

17.3.10 Internal Communication ID

Give every generator an individual ID. No duplicates are possible.

Used only with the PMS option.

3110 Internal Communication ID CUSTOMER LEVEL

3111 Intern. Comm. ID 1 (1 ... 16)

17.3.11 Priority Select

Choose the priority in starting up the gensets either manually by ID-numbers of by the
actual running hours.
Used only with the PMS option.

3120 Priority Select CUSTOMER LEVEL

3121 Priority Select Manual (Manual / Running Hours)
Manual = 0 / Running Hours = 1

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17.3.12 Number of ID’s

Enable or disable every genset and mains controller in the PMS application. By disabling
an ID, the generator won’t be started but instead the next in the starting and stopping
Used only with the PMS option.

3130 Number of ID’s CUSTOMER LEVEL

3131 Enable Mains OFF (OFF / ON)
3132 Enable ID1 ON (OFF / ON)
3133 Enable ID2 OFF (OFF / ON)
3134 Enable ID3 OFF (OFF / ON)
3135 Enable ID4 OFF (OFF / ON)
3136 Enable ID5 OFF (OFF / ON)

3140 Number of ID’s CUSTOMER LEVEL

3141 Enable ID6 OFF (OFF / ON)
3142 Enable ID7 OFF (OFF / ON)
3143 Enable ID8 OFF (OFF / ON)
3144 Enable ID9 OFF (OFF / ON)
3145 Enable ID10 OFF (OFF / ON)
3146 Enable ID11 OFF (OFF / ON)

3150 Number of ID’s CUSTOMER LEVEL

3151 Enable ID12 OFF (OFF / ON)
3152 Enable ID13 OFF (OFF / ON)
3153 Enable ID14 OFF (OFF / ON)
3154 Enable ID15 OFF (OFF / ON)
3155 Enable ID16 OFF (OFF / ON)

17.3.13 Priority of ID’s

If manual priority (3120) is selected, the priority sequence needs to be programmed.

Priority 1 means that the selected generator will be started first, then the generator with
priority 2, etc.
Used only with the PMS option.

3160 Priority of ID’s CUSTOMER LEVEL

3161 Priority ID1 1 (1 … #Gen-sets Available)
3162 Priority ID2 2 (1 … #Gen-sets Available)
3163 Priority ID3 3 (1 … #Gen-sets Available)
3164 Priority ID4 4 (1 … #Gen-sets Available)
3165 Priority ID5 5 (1 … #Gen-sets Available)
3166 Transmit OFF (OFF / ON)

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3170 Priority of ID’s CUSTOMER LEVEL

3171 Priority ID6 6 (1 … #Gen-sets Available)
3172 Priority ID7 7 (1 … #Gen-sets Available)
3173 Priority ID8 8 (1 … #Gen-sets Available)

3174 Priority ID9 9 (1 … #Gen-sets Available)

3175 Priority ID10 10 (1 … #Gen-sets Available)
3176 Priority ID11 11 (1 … #Gen-sets Available)

3180 Priority of ID’s CUSTOMER LEVEL

3181 Priority ID12 12 (1 … #Gen-sets Available)
3182 Priority ID13 13 (1 … #Gen-sets Available)
3183 Priority ID14 14 (1 … #Gen-sets Available)
3184 Priority ID15 15 (1 … #Gen-sets Available)
3185 Priority ID16 16 (1 … #Gen-sets Available)

17.3.14 Running hours

If running hours priority (3120) is selected, this parameter will become available. The
costumer can set the delay before running hours between the generators will be checked
on which the priority is based on.
Used only with the PMS option.

3220 Running hours COSTUMER LEVEL

3221 Hours 175 (1 ...20000)

17.3.15 Ground Relay

In some special multi-genset PMS applications it is necessary to connect only 1 Neutral at

a time to the load. These relay outputs can be connected to the separate Neutral breaker
for getting only 1 Neutral closed. This will be based on the priorities between the genset,
the open&close signal of the GB and the running feedback of the gensets.

3230 Ground Relay COSTUMER LEVEL

3231 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
3232 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)

3233 Enable OFF (OFF / ON)

17.3.16 Stop Noncon. Gen-sets

Extra safety delay time to stop the generator when through PMS a stop command is given
but after a certain amount of time the genset does not stop.
Used only with the PMS option.

3240 Stop Noncon. Gen-sets COSTUMER LEVEL

3241 Delay 60.0s (10.0 ... 600.0)

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17.3.17 Power Capacity

This parameter will only be available on the Qc4001 mains control unit and is used for
programming the power capacity that is needed on the generator side before switching
over. With a setpoint that is higher than the total available power capacity by the gensets,
the Mains controller will not close the tie-breaker.
Used only with the PMS option.

3250 Power Capacity COSTUMER LEVEL

3251 Power Capacity 50kW (0 ...20000)

17.3.18 Tie breaker

This parameter will only be available on the Qc4001 mains control unit and is used for
enabling the tie breaker.
Used only with the PMS option.

3260 Tie breaker COSTUMER LEVEL

3261 Tie breaker OFF (OFF / ON)

17.4 System setup

In the system setup it is possible to set up the Qc4001 with the specific parameters for
application, engine and generator.

st nd th th
17.4.1 Nominal settings (1 /2 /3 /4 Parameter Set)
The 1 parameter set is used as standard.
Depending on the input that is activated the other parameter sets will be used.
On the QAC genn-sets 2 parameter sets will be used: the 1th set for 50Hz operation and
the 2th set for 60Hz operation. The input is activated by the 50/60Hz switch on the cubicle.

4010 Nominal Settings SERVICE LEVEL

4011 Frequency 50Hz (48.0 ... 62.0)
4012 Generator Power 720kW (10 ... 20000)
4013 Generator Current 1300A (0 ... 9000)
4014 Generator Voltage 400V (100 ... 25000)

4020 Nominal Settings 2 SERVICE LEVEL

4021 Frequency 60Hz (48.0 ... 62.0)
4022 Generator Power 810kW (10 ... 20000)
4023 Generator Current 1217A (0 ... 9000)
4024 Generator Voltage 480V (100 ... 25000)

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4030 Nominal Settings 3 SERVICE LEVEL

4031 Frequency 50Hz (48.0 ... 62.0)
4032 Generator Power 720kW (10 ... 20000)
4033 Generator Current 1300A (0 ... 9000)

4034 Generator Voltage 400V (100 ... 25000)

4040 Nominal Settings 4 SERVICE LEVEL
4041 Frequency 50Hz (48.0 ... 62.0)
4042 Generator Power 720kW (10 ... 20000)
4043 Generator Current 1300A (0 ... 9000)
4044 Generator Voltage 400V (100 ... 25000)

17.4.2 Transformer generator (for generator voltage measuring)

Voltage transformer:
values are If no voltage
set to generator nominaltransformer
value. is present, the primary and secondary side

4050 Transformer Gen. SERVICE LEVEL

4051 Volt. Prim. 440V (100 ... 25000)
4052 Volt. Sec. 440V (100 ... 690)
4053 Current Prim. 1600A (5 ... 9000)
4054 Current Sec. 5A (1 / 5)

17.4.3 Transformer busbar (for busbar voltage measuring)

Voltage transformer: If no voltage transformer is present, the primary and secondary side
values are set to generator nominal value.

4060 Transformer Bus SERVICE LEVEL

4061 Volt. Prim. 440V (100 ... 25000)
4062 Volt. Sec. 440V (100 ... 690)

17.4.4 External communication control (optional)

These setpoints will only be visible when an optional external communication extension
card is mounted. The channels 4070-4094 are foreseen.
The Baud rate can only be changed with Modbus communication.

17.4.5 Engine communication

4100 Engine Comms. SERVICE LEVEL

4101 Type DDEC (OFF / MDEC / DDEC / EMR / JDEC)
0 = OFF / 1 = MDEC / 2 = DDEC / 3 = EMR / 5 = JDEC

NOTE: Selecting communication control ON will overrule external and internal settings.

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17.4.6 Date and time (internal clock) setting

4110 Date and Time (internal clock) CUSTOMER LEVEL

4110 Date dd/mm/yyyy (…)
4110 Time Hh:mm (…)

17.4.7 Measuring of generator running time and circuit breaker operations

The function ‘running time’ counts the hours the generator has been running (voltage on
generator present).
The function ‘GB operations’ counts how many times the generator breaker has been
The function ‘MB operations’ counts how many times the mains breaker has been closed.

The counters can be reset/set.

4120 Counters MASTER LEVEL

4121 Running Time 0 (0 ... 20000)
4122 GB Operations 0 (0 ... 20000)
4123 MB Operations 0 (0 ... 20000)
4124 Reset kWh OFF

17.4.8 Battery undervoltage / overvoltage alarm

4220 Battery Low SERVICE LEVEL

4221 Setpoint 18.0V (6.0 ... 36.0)
4222 Delay 3.0s (0.0 ... 999.0)
4223 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
4224 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
4225 Enable ON (ON / OFF)

4230 Battery High SERVICE LEVEL

4231 Setpoint 30.0V (12.0 ... 36.0)
4232 Delay 0.5s (0.0 ... 999.0)
4233 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
4234 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)

4235 Enable ON (ON / OFF)

17.4.9 Language

4240 Language CUSTOMER LEVEL

4241 Language English (GB / NL / F / D / E / I / DK / S / N / SF / P)
0 = Master / 1 = English / 2 = Danish / 3 = Dutch / 4 = Finnish / 5 = French / 6 = German /
7 = Italian / 8 = Norwegian / 9 = Portuguese / 10 = Spanish / 11 = Swedish

17.4.10 Loadshare output

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This function enables the user to set the voltage level of the active power loadshare line.
This is only possible if the loadshare type Pow-R-Con is chosen (channel 4250).

4250 Loadshare Out CUSTOMER LEVEL

4251 Loadshare Out 5.0V (1.0 ... 5.0)

17.4.11 Loadshare type

This function enables the user to set the type of active power loadshare.

4260 Loadshare Type CUSTOMER LEVEL

4261 Loadshare Type Qc4001 (Qc4001 / Selco / Pow-R-Con)
0 = Qc4001 / 1 = Selco T4800 / 2 = Pow-R-Con

17.4.12 Battery undervoltag / overvoltage alarm 2

4270 Battery Low 2 COSTUMER LEVEL
4271 Setpoint N/A (6.0 ... 36.0)
4272 Delay 10.0s (0.0 ... 999.0)
4273 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
4274 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
4275 Enable OFF (ON / OFF)

4270 Battery High 2 COSTUMER LEVEL

4281 Setpoint N/A (6.0 ... 36.0)
4282 Delay 0.5s (0.0 ... 999.0)
4283 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
4284 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)
4285 Enable OFF (ON / OFF)

17.4.13 Mode Relay

This function can be used to activate a relay in different modes.

4280 Mode Relay COSTUMER LEVEL

4291 Test R0 (R0 ... R3)
4292 Auto R0 (R0 ... R3)
4293 Semi R0 (R0 ... R3)

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The start sequence is interrupted in the following situations:

- Running feedback from the engine

- Voltage is present at the generator
- STOP signal, e.g. by STOP pushbutton in SEMI-AUTO
- Shutdown alarm

The interruption deactivates the start relay, and a start failure alarm is displayed.

17.4.19 GB ON / GB OFF sequence

The GB ON sequence will synchronise and/or close the generator breaker. The breaker is
closed directly without synchronising if the mains breaker is open or if no mains breaker is
present (island mode), this means if the voltage on the busbar/mains is not present.
The GB ON sequence is automatically initiated (except in SEMI-AUTO mode) when the
automatic start sequence has been completed and the engine is running.
In SEMI-AUTO mode the operator may initiate the GB ON sequence by pressing the "GB"
pushbutton on the display.

Conditions, which must be fulfilled before a GB ON signal is activated:

- Running feedback from the engine (channel 4351, tacho configuration set-point or
running feedback input).
- The frequency and voltage has been present in the time “f/U OK” (channel 4381).

This will initiate synchronising and/or closing of the generator breaker.


4381 Delay 3.0s (1.0 ... 99.0)

4390 f/U failure SERVICE LEVEL

4391 Delay 30.0s (1.0 ... 99.0)
4392 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
4393 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)

The GB ON sequence is interrupted when:

- Synchronisation alarm
- GB ON alarm
- GB pushbutton pressed in SEMI-AUTO mode
- f/U failure

The GB OFF sequence is automatically initiated (except in SEMI-AUTO mode) when the
generator has to be stopped. In AMF operation this is when the mains returns and the
mains breaker is synchronised, and in PEAK SHAVING and LOAD TAKE OVER operation
this is when the load is to be supplied by the mains only.
In SEMI-AUTO mode the operator may initiate the GB OFF sequence by pressing the "GB"
pushbutton on the display.

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Sequence (if parallel with mains):

- De-load the generator

- Open the breaker at a configurable setpoint (channel 2122)

Sequence (if island mode):

- Open the breaker immediately

The GB OFF sequence is interrupted when:

- A DELOAD alarm
- A GB OFFalarm
- GB pushbutton is pressed in SEMI-AUTO mode

17.4.20 MB ON / MB OFF sequence

The MB ON sequence will synchronise and/or close the mains breaker.

In AUTO mode the MB ON sequence is automatically initiated if the Qc4001 is in AMF
operation and the mains returns after a mains failure. In peak shaving mode the MB ON
sequence is automatically initiated when the mains is OK.
If the generator breaker is open and the mains is present, the MB will be closed
immediately in AUTO mode.
In SEMI-AUTO mode the operator may initiate the MB ON sequence by pressing the "MB"
pushbutton on the display. Pressing the MB pushbutton in SEMI-AUTO will close the MB
immediately, if the GB is open and the mains is present.

Conditions that must be fulfilled before a MB ON signal is activated:

- No active MB alarms
- Mains OK

This will initiate synchronising and/or closing of the mains breaker.

Interruption of the MB ON sequence:

- Mains failure alarm
- MB ON alarm

- MB OFF pushbutton in SEMI-AUTO.

The MB OFF sequence is automatically initiated (except in SEMI-AUTO mode). In SEMI-
AUTO mode the operator may initiate the MB OFF sequence by pressing the "MB"
pushbutton on the display.

Sequence: AUTO (mains failure)

- Mains not present
- Open the mains breaker

Sequence: SEMI-AUTO (gen-set parallel with mains)

- MB pushbutton is pressed
- Open the mains breaker

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Sequence: SEMI-AUTO (gen-set stopped, the mains supplies the load)

- MB OFF pushbutton pressed
- Open the mains breaker

Interruption of the MB OFF sequence:

- MB OFF alarm
- Pressing the MB pushbutton in SEMI-AUTO operation

17.4.21 Stop sequence

Stop sequence:
- Programmable cooling down time
- "STOP" output with programmable extended stop time

The stop sequence is carried out when the Qc4001 has completed the GB OFF sequence
and the generator breaker is open.
In AUTO mode the stop sequence is initiated automatically. In SEMI-AUTO mode a stop
command with the "STOP" pushbutton will stop the engine without cooling down. If the
generator is running with the generator breaker closed and the “STOP” pushbutton is
pressed, the generator is opened without deloading, and the engine is stopped without
cooling down.

A start command will interrupt an ongoing cool down period and leave the engine in idle
speed. A GB ON signal will synchronise and close the breaker.

A stop failure is displayed if the running feedback signal or the generator voltage and
frequency are still present.

If the coil type is configured as ‘running coil’, the stop coil will be energized during starting
and running and de-energized during stopping.

STOP parameters


4401 Cool Down Time 60.0s (0.0 ... 990.0)
4402 Extended Stop 15.0s (1.0 ... 99.0)
4403 Coil Type RUN (RUN / STOP)
0 = Run Coil / 1 = Stop Coil
4410 Stop Failure SERVICE LEVEL
4411 Delay 20.0s (10.0 ... 120.0)
4412 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
4413 Output Relay B R0 (R0 ... R3)

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Mains failure:

Automatic mains failure is detected when the Qc4001 is in AUTO mode and configured as
an AMF unit. When the timer “FAIL DELAY” expires the following sequence is carried out:
- MB is opened
- Start sequence is initiated
- GB is closed

In case of MB open fail the sequence is stopped and an “MB OPEN FAILURE” alarm is

When the mains returns the change-over sequence is started. The sequence is started
when the timer “MAINS OK DELAY” expires:
- MB is synchronised
- GB is de-loaded (if parallel running is allowed)
- GB is opened
- Stop sequence is initiated

In case of a sequence alarm the sequence will be stopped. If GB OFF fail and parallel
running is not allowed, then the MB is opened.

4420 Mains V Failure CUSTOMER LEVEL

4421 Fail Delay 1.0s (1.0 ... 990.0)
4422 Mains OK Delay 60.0s (10.0 ... 990.0)
4423 Low Voltage 75% (50 ... 100)
4424 High Voltage 120% (100 ... 150)
4425 Mains Fail Control Start+Open MB (Start / Start+Open MB)
0 = Start+Open MB / 1 = Start
4430 Mains Hz Failure CUSTOMER LEVEL
4431 Fail Delay 1.0s (1.0 ... 990.0)
4432 Mains OK Delay 60.0s (10.0 ... 990.0)
4433 Low Frequency 95% (80 ... 100)
4434 High Frequency 105% (100 ... 120)

17.4.22 MB Control


4441 Function Mode Shift OFF (MS OFF / PS-AMF-PS / LTO-AMF-LTO)
4442 Timer 0.5s (0.0 ... 30.0)
4443 Back Sync. OFF (ON / OFF)
4444 Synchr. Timer 75ms (40 … 3000)

Description of Mode Shift:

In case of Peak Shaving, Fixed Power and Load Take Over mode, it is possible to enable
the AMF function as a second application, next to the chosen mode.
If then a mains failure occurs, the unit changes to AMF operation and finally it returns to the
chosen mode when the mains supply is restored.

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17.4.23 Horn timeout

4450 Alarm Horn CUSTOMER LEVEL

4451 Delay 20.0s (0.0 ... 990.0)

The setting is the maximum time the horn is sounding at an alarm. If the setting is adjusted
to 0 s, the horn will sound continuously until the alarm is acknowledged.

17.4.24 GB Control


4461 GB Close Delay 1.0s (0.0 ... 30.0)

17.4.25 Analogue output configuration (optional)

The analogue output option consists of two independent 0/4…20mA outputs.

The related setpoints will only be shown when this analogue output extension card is

17.4.26 Relay Setup

The relays can be configured in the 2 different ways described below.

Alarm Relay Function: When an alarm activates the relay, it is activated as long as
the alarm is present and unacknowledged.
Limit Function: When an alarm activates the relay, no alarm message is
displayed. After that the condition which activates this relay
has returned to normal, the relay will deactivate after the
'Off Delay' has expired.

4610 Relay 1 SERVICE LEVEL

4611 Function Alarm (Limit / Alarm)
4612 Off Delay 0.0s (0.0 ... 999.9)

4620 Relay 2 SERVICE LEVEL

4621 Function Alarm (Limit / Alarm)
4622 Off Delay 0.0s (0.0 ... 999.9)

4630 Relay 3 SERVICE LEVEL

4631 Function Alarm (Limit / Alarm)
4632 Off Delay 0.0s (0.0 ... 999.9)

4640 Relay 4 SERVICE LEVEL

4641 Function Alarm (Limit / Alarm)
4642 Off Delay 0.0s (0.0 ... 999.9)

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17.4.27 Relay Setup (optional)

These setpoints will only be shown when the optional output relay extension card is
mounted in the Qc4001. The channels 4650-4682 are foreseen.

17.4.28 Real Time Clock Start & Stop commands

Up to 8 start/stop commands can be programmed on a weekly base.

These commands, if enabled, can be used when the Qc4001 is in AUTO-mode in following
- Island Mode
- Fixed Power Mode
- Load Take Over Mode

If a Start command is enabled, then a Stop command should be enabled as well. Else the
genset will keep on running.
For example: in channel 4710 a Start command can be defined on Monday 10h00, and in
channel 4720 a Stop command can be defined on Tuesday 14h00.

Following days or groups of days can be selected:

MO 0
TU 1
WE 2
TH 3
FR 4
SA 5
SU 6
FR 8
FR -SA-SU 10

4710 Start/Stop Cmd. 1 CUSTOMER LEVEL

4711 Enable OFF (ON / OFF)
4713 Day(s) 10 (0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10)
4714 Hour 10 (0 ... 23)
4715 Minute 0 (0 ... 59)

4720 Start/Stop Cmd. 2 CUSTOMER LEVEL

4721 Enable OFF (ON / OFF)
4723 Day(s) 11 (0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10)
4724 Hour 10 (0 ... 23)

4725 Minute 0 (0 ... 59)

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4730 Start/Stop Cmd. 3 CUSTOMER LEVEL

4731 Enable OFF (ON / OFF)
4733 Day(s) 11 (0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10)
4734 Hour 10 (0 ... 23)

4735 Minute 0 (0 ... 59)

4740 Start/Stop Cmd. 4 CUSTOMER LEVEL
4741 Enable OFF (ON / OFF)
4743 Day(s) 11 (0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10)
4744 Hour 10 (0 ... 23)
4745 Minute 0 (0 ... 59)

4750 Start/Stop Cmd. 5 CUSTOMER LEVEL

4751 Enable OFF (ON / OFF)
4753 Day(s) 11 (0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10)
4754 Hour 10 (0 ... 23)
4755 Minute 0 (0 ... 59)

4760 Start/Stop Cmd. 6 CUSTOMER LEVEL

4761 Enable OFF (ON / OFF)
4763 Day(s) 11 (0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10)
4764 Hour 10 (0 ... 23)
4765 Minute 0 (0 ... 59)

4770 Start/Stop Cmd. 7 CUSTOMER LEVEL

4771 Enable OFF (ON / OFF)
4773 Day(s) 11 (0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10)
4774 Hour 10 (0 ... 23)
4775 Minute 0 (0 ... 59)

4780 Start/Stop Cmd. 8 CUSTOMER LEVEL

4781 Enable OFF (ON / OFF)
4783 Day(s) 11 (0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10)

4784 Hour 10 (0 ... 23)

4785 Minute 0 (0 ... 59)
0 = Start / 1 = Stop

17.4.29 GSM Pin Code


4791 Pin code 0000 (0 … 9999)

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17.4.30 Service Time

Two maintenance intervals can be monitored.

Both monitor the running hours (with a counter) and the elapsed time (with a timer) since
the last service. The first parameter (counter or timer) that reaches its defined limit, will give
a maintenance warning to the user.
For example on a QIX gen-set the maintenance interval is 500 running hours or 1 year,
whichever comes first.
For each of the two intervals, if either the setted running hours or the setted elapsed time is
reached, an alarm will be given.
Each interval can be reset by enabling the reset function. Then the respectively counter
and timer will be put to 0.

The Service Timer menus can only be entered using the “JUMP” pushbutton.

4910 Service Timer 1 SERVICE LEVEL

4911 Enable ON (ON / OFF)
4912 Run Hours 500h (10 ... 10000)
4913 Elapsed Time 365 days (1 ... 1000)
4914 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)
4915 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
4916 Reset

4920 Service Timer 2 SERVICE LEVEL

4921 Enable ON (ON / OFF)
4922 Run Hours 1000h (10 ... 10000)
4923 Elapsed Time 365 days (1 ... 1000)

4924 Fail Class Warning (Warning / Trip / Trip+Stop / Shutdown)

4925 Output Relay A R0 (R0 ... R3)
4926 Reset

17.4.31 Diagnostic Mode

4930 Diagnostics Mode CUSTOMER LEVEL

4930 Diagnostics Normal (Normal / Diagnostics)
0 = Normal / 1 = Diagnostics

17.4.32 User passwords

4940 Reset Eventlog MASTER LEVEL

4940 Reset OFF (ON / OFF)

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17.4.33 User passwords

Only the level 1 (customer level) password can be changed through the display menu.
Higher levels of passwords can only be changed through theQc4001 Utility Software.

The level 1 password menu can only be entered using the “JUMP” pushbutton.

4971 Level 1 Password CUSTOMER LEVEL

4971 Setting 2003 (0 ... 32000)

4972 Level 2 Password SERVICE LEVEL

4972 Setting **** (0 ... 32000)

4973 Level 3 Password MASTER LEVEL

4973 Setting **** (0 ... 32000)

17.4.34 Service menu

The service menu can only be entered using the “JUMP” pushbutton. This menu is used in
service situations.

In the alarm selection you can see all the alarm timers and their remaining time if they are

The input and output selections show the present status of the inputs and outputs. E.g.
mode inputs, relay outputs and load sharing lines.

No. Setting Description

4980 Service Menu Selection Display

4981 Service Menu Alarm Shows remaining alarm delay time

4982 Service Menu Digital Inputs Shows digital input status

4983 Service Menu Digital Outputs Shows digital output status

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17.4.35 Diagnostics menu

This diagnostics menu can only be entered using the "JUMP" pushbutton. This menu is
used in (mainly EMR) diagnostics situations.
If diagnostics is selected in this menu, the fuel solenoid relay output will be de-energized for
30 seconds (to make sure that the unit is completely stopped), and then gets energized
again. Then EMR diagnostics can take place.
To leave this status, normal operation has to be selected again in this menu.

4930 Diagnostics Mode CUSTOMER LEVEL

4930 Diagnostics Normal (Normal / Diagnostics)

It's only possible to start the gen-set when this parameter is at 'Normal'.

17.4.36 Clear Log Menu

This menu can only be entered by using the “JUMP” pushbutton. This menu will be used
when the gen-sets leave the Atlas Copco test area, to clear the log memory in the Qc4001.

4940 Reset Eventlog MASTER

4940 Reset OFF (ON / OFF)

17.4.37 Parameter Set ID

This is a text field which is saved and loaded together with the parameter set.
The text is editable and contain a maximum of 15 characters (can be a combination of all
kind of characters, eg. '9822 0999 97_02').
This text is listed in the 'parameters shown on the display 'list.
This text can only be entered or edited through the Utility Software in the parameter file

17.4.38 Application

This parameter is default set on 0; only in a PMS application the Qc4001 mains controller
needs to be set at 1.
Used only with the PMS option.
Warning : If a genset Qc4001 controller is set at 1; all the settings will be lost !

5000 Application MASTER

5000 Application 0 (0 / 1)

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17.4.39 VDO 1

Parameters to be programmed when a configurable oil pressure sensor is used.


5011 VDO 1 @ 0,0 bar 10 (0 … 240)
5012 VDO 1 @ 2,5 bar 44,9 (0 … 240)
5013 VDO 1 @ 5,0 bar 81 (0 … 240)
5014 VDO 1 @ 6,0 bar 134,7 (0 … 240)


5021 VDO 1 @ 7,0 bar 184 (0 … 240)
5022 VDO 1 @ 8,0 bar 200 (0 … 240)
5023 VDO 1 @ 9,0 bar 210 (0 … 240)
5024 VDO 1 @ 10,0 bar 220 (0 … 240)

17.4.40 VDO 2

Parameters to be programmed when a configurable coolant temperature sensor is used.


5031 VDO 2 @ 40 °C 292 (0 … 480)
5032 VDO 2 @ 50 °C 197 (0 … 480)
5033 VDO 2 @ 60 °C 134 (0 … 480)
5034 VDO 2 @ 70 °C 97 (0 … 480)


5041 VDO 2 @ 80 °C 70 (0 … 480)
5042 VDO 2 @ 90 °C 51 (0 … 480)
5043 VDO 2 @ 100 °C 39 (0 … 480)
5044 VDO 2 @ 110 °C 29 (0 … 480)

17.4.41 VDO 3

Parameters to be programmed when a configurable fuel level sensor is used.


5051 VDO 3 @ 0% 78,8 (0 … 180)
5052 VDO 3 @ 40% 47,9 (0 … 180)
5053 VDO 3 @ 50% 40,2 (0 … 180)
5054 VDO 3 @ 60% 32,5 (0 … 180)


5061 VDO 3 @ 70% 24,8 (0 … 180)
5062 VDO 3 @ 80% 17 (0 … 180)
5063 VDO 3 @ 90% 9,3 (0 … 180)
5064 VDO 3 @ 100% 1,6 (0 … 180)

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18 Technical specifications

Accuracy: Class 1.0 according to IEC 688.

Operating temperature: -25…70 °C.

Aux. supply: 12/24 VDC -25/+30 %.

Guaranteed performance @ dips down to 6V (for max. 1s.) during starting.

Measuring voltage: 100…690 VAC. Consumption max. 0.15 VA per phase.

Frequency: 30…70 Hz.

Measuring current: From current transformers …/1 A or …/5 A. Consumption max. 0.3 VA
per phase.

Binary inputs: Input voltage 6…32 VDC. Impedance 2.4 k ., bi-directional.

Open collector outputs: Supply voltage 6…32 VDC. Load max. 10 mA.

Load sharing lines: +/-5 VDC.

Analogue inputs: +/-10 VDC, impedance 100 k .(not galvanically separated).

Relay outputs: 250 V/8 A or 24 VDC/1 A. Refer to actual description of I/O’s.

Safety: To EN 61010-1 installation category (overvoltage category) III, 600 V, pollution

degree 2.

CE and C-UL approved.

Galvanic separation: Between AC voltage, AC current and other I/O’s: 3250 VAC – 50 Hz –
1 min. Between analogue outputs: 500 VDC – 1 min.

EMC/CE: According to EN-50081-1/2, EN-50082-1/2, SS4361503 (PL4) and IEC 255-3.

Material: All plastic parts are self-extinguishing to UL94 (V1).

Climate: HSE, to DIN 40040.

Connections: 4 mm² multi stranded for AC currents, all others 2.5 mm² multi stranded.

Response times: From the set-point is reached till the output is activated and the delay set
to 0.

Generator: Over/under voltage 70-200 ms.

Over/under frequency 70-200 ms.

Current: 100-200 ms.

Fast overcurrent: <42 ms.

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High overcurrent: 100-200 ms.

Rocof: 100 ms (4 periods).

Vector jump: 30 ms.

Protection: Case: IP40.

Terminals: IP20.

Operator panel: IP52.

To IEC 529 and EN 60529.

Mounting: Base mounted with six screws or DIN-rail mounted.

Protection of PCB's: all PCB's shall be sprayed to guarantee good functioning of the
controller in humid environments.

Cold Tested according to IEC 68-2-1.

Dry Heat Tested according to IEC 68-2-2.

Damp Heat Dynamic Tested according IEC 68-2-30.

Vibration Tested according IEC 60068-2-6.

Shock Tested according IEC 68-2-27.

Flammability Test according to IEC 695-2-2.

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19 Dimensions

19.1 Unit dimensions

19.2 Display Dimensions

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19.3 Panel cutout for display

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20 Engine Communication CAN-bus


Specifications: All necessary information and specifications about the

MDEC CAN-bus can be found in following MTU manuals:

- 'Connecting third-party devices to the MCS-5 FIELD BUS

1 / Documentation for design engineers / Structure and
function of the field bus 1 communication protocol'
E 531 827 / 00 E

- 'CAN bus interface / MTU-MDEC to third-party systems /

DDC-MTU Series 2000 / Stationary applications /
Documentation Part 1'
E 531 966 / 00 E

MDEC Messages displayed on the Qc4001:

Object Type
Engine Speed Value
Overspeed Shutdown Shutdown
MDEC Yellow Alarm Warning
MDEC Red Alarm Shutdown
Oil Pressure Value
Low Oil Pressure Warning Warning
Low Oil Pressure Shutdown Shutdown
Charge Air Pressure Value
Low Coolant Level Warning Warning
Actual MDEC Failures Digits
MDEC ECU Failure Shutdown
Coolant Temperature Value
High Coolant Temp. Warning Warning

High Coolant
Charge AirTemp. Shutdown
Temperature Shutdown
High Intercooler Temp. Warning
Oil Temperature Value
High Oil Temp. Shutdown Shutdown
Fuel Temperature Value
High Charge Air Temp. Shutdown Shutdown
Defect Coolant Level Switch Warning
Intercooler Temperature Value

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20.2 Deutz EMR

Specifications: All necessary information and specification about the EMR

CAN-bus can be found in following Deutz manual:

- 'EMR CAN Messages Documentation V1'

EMR Messages displayed on the Qc4001

Object Type
High Coolant Temp. Shutdown Shutdown
Low Oil Pressure Shutdown Shutdown
Overspeed Shutdown Shutdown
EMR Warning Warning
EMR Shutdown Shutdown
Actual EMR Faults Digits
Coolant Temperature Value
Oil Pressure Value
Engine Speed Value

20.3 Detroit Diesel DDEC IV

Specifications: All necessary information and specification about the DDEC

IV CAN-bus can be found in the following Detroit Diesel


- 'Detroit Diesel DDEC IV Application and Installation

Manual' in Chapter 5 'Communication Protocols'.

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