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Printed PR2-Week 2 - Q2

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Name of Learner: _____________________________ Subject Teacher: ______________

Section: ___________________________ Date: _______________________

LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET -WEEK 2 (January 11-15, 2021)

Definition of Terms and Research Hypothesis
Learning Competency with Code
Defines terms used in the study (CS_RS12-If-j-7);
List research hypothesis (if appropriate)(CS_RS12-If-j-8)
Lesson Proper
Definition of Terms
To complete the research, it is imperative to unlock terms used in the paper especially if
there are jargons used. Definition of terms will help clarify the purpose and direction of the study
being conducted.

Organizing Definitions An important part in writing a research in an academic paper is to give

definitions of key terms. There are two types of definitions:
✓ Conceptual definition – the meaning of the term is usually taken from the dictionary
✓ Operational definition – the definition based on an observed characteristics and how it is used
in the study
Guidelines on How to Write the Definition of Terms
1. Write a brief introductory statement. It shortly describes the content of the definition of
2. List/write the words/terms (which are technical) that would be included (make sure that
the variables and key terms found in the title are included).
3. The terms should be arranged alphabetically.
4. Indention should be applied to each term.
5. The term should be followed with a period.
6. It can be underlined or not.
7. It can be bold and italic or not.
8. It does not have to be lengthy (direct to the point).
9. Acronym/initials should be defined clearly. Complete name should be written first, followed
by the acronym/initials in open-close parenthesis, then the definition/meaning.
10. Do not overflow with technical terms (only those relevant and significant to the study).
11. Keep the definition brief and basic. You will elaborate on it more in the body of your paper.
Note: Refer also to your institutional format (some institutions have different formats).

Examples of Writing the Definition of Terms

Face to face. It is when the people involved are being close together and looking directly at

each other ( . In this

study, face to face refers to one of the modalities used in learning delivery in which the

teacher and students should be in the same place or setting, such as the classroom.

Module. Any in a series of standardized units used together, such as an educational unit that

covers a single subject or topic( In

this study, teaching modules are guides of the topics and lessons of a specific subject

given to students under the modular method. It is also an alternative distance learning
delivery in which students are required to read and answer the activities specified in the


Online. It is controlled by or connected to another computer or network

( In this study, . it refers to another form of

distance learning wherein the teacher and students will have their lessons using internet


Research Hypothesis
A Hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more
variables. It is a specific and testable prediction on what you expect to happen with the variables
in your study. Usually, it proposes a possible relationship between the independent variable (what
the researcher changes) and the dependent variable (what the research measures). It is also
described as an “educated guess” of what possibly the result would be of your research, which
should be supported on existing theories and knowledge. Furthermore, the hypothesis states a
tentative answer to your research question that can be tested by further investigation in which you
can support or refute it through scientific research methods such as data collection and statistical
analysis. It is the primary idea of any inquiry that transforms the research questions into a
prediction and integrates components like variables, population, and the relation between the
variables. Hypothesis formulation is employed when conducting correlational, ex-post
facto, quasi experimental, and experimental studies.
As a researcher, you must determine whether your hypothesis is accepted or not base
on the findings and outcome of your research study. Not all studies have a hypothesis while, some
studies have several hypotheses.


1.Correlation- deals with the relationships in the behavioral patterns between two variables
without any implied causality.
Example: The more a student is good in English, the less is his performance in math.
Here we are not implying that the performance in English is affecting the performance in
math but the relationship is assumed to exist.

2. Effects- deals with behavioral patterns but causality is implied. It indicates that the independent
variable has an influence on the dependent variable.
Example: The more time spent on studying, the better the academic performance.
Here there is the implication that academic performance had been better due to the longer
time spent on studying.

1. Differences- it should explicitly state the test variable and the grouping variable. The test
variable indicates the variable to which differences are taken. This may be measures using any
of the four scales: nominal, ordinal, ratio or interval.
Example 1: There is no significant difference in the math performance of the students when
grouped according to gender.
Example 2: There is a significant difference in the growth of the plants using three different
types of fertilizer.


1. Null hypothesis (Ho)- indicates no relationship between and among the variables under
investigation (not correlated, no difference, no effect)
2. Alternative hypothesis (H1)- indicates a significant relationship, significant relationship or
significant effect
Example 1:
Research Situation: The researcher would like to know the effect of private tutoring in the
academic performance of the students availing it.
Null hypothesis: Private tutoring has no significant effect on the academic performance of
the students availing it.
Alternative hypothesis: Private tutoring significantly affects the academic performance of
the students availing it.
Example 2:
Research Situation: A researcher is interested in whether the order of questions in a multiple-
choice test affects the number of items answered correctly. The researcher makes three forms
of test: one with easy items first and difficult items last; another with easy items last, difficult
items first; and a third with no order at all., easy and difficult items mixed together. The three
forms of test were given to 60 students, with each student getting only one form of test. The
researcher then compares the scores of the students taking the 3 forms of the test.
Null hypothesis: There is no significant difference in the test scores of the students
when grouped according to the test form taken.
Alternative hypothesis: There is a significant difference in the test scores of the students
when grouped according to the test form taken.

1. Directional hypothesis- specifies not only the existence but the expected direction of the
relationship between variables.
Children with high IQ will exhibit more anxiety than children with low IQ.

2. Non-directional hypothesis- does not stipulate the direction of the relationship

There is a difference in the anxiety level of the children of high IQ and those with low IQ.

Activity 2. Formulate the hypotheses of the following research titles.

The Relationship Between a Person’s Weight and the Length of Time Spent Watching TV
Null Hypothesis
Alternative Hypothesis:

The Effects of Group Study on Academic Performance of High School Students
Null Hypothesis
Alternative Hypothesis:
The Effects of the Wife’s Employment on the Power Structure of the Family
Directional Hypothesis
Non-directional Hypothesis

Criteria 5 pts 4 pts 3 pts

Completeness All the assigned tasks Most of the assigned More than half of the tasks
have been completed tasks have been are missing

Correctness All answers are correct Some answers are Most of the answers are
and satisfy the correct and satisfy not correct and do not
specification of the the specification of satisfy the specification of
task the task the task

Barrot, J.S.(2017) Practical Research 2 for Senior High School. Quezon City, Philippines: C&E Publishing, Inc.
Cristobal, A.P, Cristobal M.D. Practical Research for Senior High School. Quezon City, Philippines: C&E Publishing, Inc.
Luzano R. A, Napone M. P., Okit K.L. & Bañares M.C. Practical Research 2 Alternative Delivery Mode. Division of Cagayan de Oro:
Department of Education .
Student’s Reflection:
Teacher’s Feedback/ Remarks:
Prepared by:LYNJI S. PEDROSA, EdD/MT2

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