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Spanish Ab Initio 2020

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The document outlines the syllabus for the IB Spanish Ab Initio exam, covering various themes and grammar points.

The main themes covered include identities, experiences, daily routine, leisure, holidays and tourism, festivals and celebrations.

It discusses what constitutes an identity and how language and culture contribute to forming one's identity. It also lists examples of personal attributes and relationships.

IB Spanish Ab initio

First Exams May 2020

Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018


Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018

Identities ● What constitutes an
● How do we express our
Explore the
● What ideas and images
nature of the
do we associate with a
self and what
healthy lifestyle?
it is to be ● How do language and
human. culture contribute to
form our identity?

Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018

Personal attributes

● Personal details: address, age,

nationalities, languages
● Physical appearance
● Personality
● Clothes
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
Personal Relationships

● Community
● Family
● Friends
● Classmates and colleagues
● Pets
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
Eating and drinking
● Cooking, equipment, ingredients,
quantities, instructions, utensils
● Culinary traditions
● Diet, health, food restrictions, allergies
● Foods
● Markets and stores
● Daily foods
● Restaurants
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
Physical Wellbeing

● Accidents: First Aid

● Body
● Doctor: medical appointments
● Health: lifestyle, physical shape
● Hospitals and medical centers: personnel,
● Sicknesses
● Medicine, pharmacies, prescriptions
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
Experiences ● How does travel broaden
our horizons?
Explore and tell ● How does our past shape
the stories of the our present and our
events, ● How and why do different
experiences, cultures mark important
and journeys moments in life?
that shape our ● How would living in
lives. another culture affect our
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
Daily Routine
● House
● School
● Workplace
● Shopping, credit, customs, money, online
shopping, transactions
● Social interaction: greetings, table manners
and other social behaviors
● Daily (days of the week)
● Weekends Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018

● Activities and hobbies

● Facilities and venues
● Sport: Equipment, events, types
● Sedentarism (video games, binge

Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018

Holiday and tourism

● Accommodation
● Activities & Excursions
● Holiday types: beach, city, adventure, family
● Local customs, food traditions
● Tourist information
● Travel arrangements

Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018

Festivals and celebrations

● Family celebrations(weddings,
● Festivals (carnival, folk, religious, etc)
● Holidays (national, public, religious)
● Rites of passage
● Traditions
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
Human ingenuity
● How do developments in
science and technology
Explore the ways in influence our lives?
which human ● How do the arts help us
creativity and understand the world?
● What can we learn about a
innovation affect culture through its artistic
our world. expression?
● How do the media change the
way we relate to each other?
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
● Driving and rules
● Directions and signs
● Emergencies and accidents
● Means of transport
● Public transport
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
● Art
● Celebrities, paparazzi
● TV, Series & Films
● Music & concerts
● Theatre
● Venues Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
● Advertising
● News and the Press
● Bias
● TV and Radio
● Types of programs
● People in the media
● The internet
● Social Media Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018

● Cyber relationships: bullying, sharing, privacy, dating

● Cyber security
● Gaming
● Internet: banking, entertainment, research, shopping
● Mobile phones
● Use of technology: education, leisure, work,
entertainment, communication
● Advantages and disadvantages
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
Social Organization
Explore the ways in ● What is the individual’s role in the
which groups of ● What role do rules and regulations
people organize play in the formation of a society?
themselves, or are ● What role does language play in a
organized, through society?
● What opportunities and challenges
common systems or does the 21st-century workplace
interests. bring?
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
● Types of housing: flat/apartment, house, cottage,
● Facilities: banking, post, recreation, recycling, open
spaces, shops
● Municipalities: city, town, village
● Community activities
● Neighbors
● Problems (pollution, rubbish, homelessness, traffic)
● Public Transport
● Directions
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
● Types of schools (private, state, mixed, boarding,
home schooling, etc)
● Equipment and supplies
● Examinations and assessment
● Facilities
● Subjects, timetable & extra-curricular act.
● School calendar
● Uniforms
● Rules
● Levels, kindergarten, university; etc.
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
The Workplace
● Jobs and professions
● Qualifications
● Unemployment
● Applications
● Work conditions: co-workers,
salary, schedule, stress, perks,
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
Social Issues
● Gender issues
● Discrimination
● Stereotypes and prejudice
● Crime & the justice system
● Homelessness
● Marriage & families
● Public health
● Unemployment
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
Sharing the Planet
● What environmental and social issues
present challenges to the world, and how
Explore the can these challenges be overcome?
challenges and ● What ethical issues arise from living in
opportunities faced the modern world, and how do we resolve
by individuals and them?
communities in the ● What challenges and benefits does
modern world. globalization bring?
● What challenges and benefits result from
changes in urban and rural
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018 environments?

● Climate change
● Natural disasters
● Seasons
● Weather; conditions,
impact on daily life,
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
Physical Geography
● Basic geographical features
(mountains, hill, river, valley,
field, island, etc)
● Rural areas
● Urban areas
● Continents, countries, capital
cities, maps
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
● Endangered species
● Natural resources
● Pollution
● Recycling and reuse
● Sustainability
● Waste
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
Global Issues
● Aid organizations/Charities
● Energy
● Human Rights
● Migration: immigration, refugees
● Peace and war
● Marriage & families
● Public health
● Unemployment
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
External Assessment 75%
Internal Assessment 25%

Paper 1 (1 hour) Productive written skills (30 marks) 25%

Two written tasks between 70-150 words. (3 choices)
Paper 2 (1 hour 45 minutes) Receptive skills. 50%
Two separate sections:
Listening Comprehension (45 mins) (25 marks)
Reading Comprehension (1 hour) 40 marks)
3 audios and 3 written texts based on all 5 themes
Individual Oral Assessment (7-10 minutes) Recorded 25%
Conversation with the teacher. (Visual stimulus and at least
one other thematic unit from the course)
Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018
Grammar syllabus
Adjetivos Adverbios
• Calificativos • Adverbios de cantidad: mucho, bastante, demasiado, ...
• Demostrativos: este, ese, aquel, ... • Adverbios de lugar: aquí, acá, allí, allá, ...
• Gentilicios: mexicano, andaluz, nicaragüense, ... • Adverbios de modo: así, bien, mal, ...
• Grados del adjetivo: • Adverbios de tiempo: ayer, hoy, mañana, ...
− Adjetivos comparativos: más + ADJ + que, menos + ADJ + que, tan + ADJ • Adverbios de duda: quizá, tal vez, a lo mejor, ...
+ como
• Adverbios acabados en .....mente: posiblemente, normalmente, ...
− Adjetivos comparativos irregulares: mejor, peor, mayor, menor
• Posición de los adverbios
− Adjetivos superlativos: el más + ADJ, el menos + ADJ, ...ísimo
• Afirmación y negación
− Adjetivos superlativos irregulares: el mejor, el peor, el mayor, el menor
• Posesivos: mi, tu, su, ...
• Distributivos: cada, ambos, ...
• Interrogativos y exclamativos: ¿Qué tiempo hace?, ¡Cuánta gente!,...
• Posición, concordancia de género y número

Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018

Grammar syllabus
Conectores Conjunciones
• Secuencias: Primero, en primer lugar, luego, después, por último, • Conjunciones de coordinación: y, e, o, u, ni, pero, aunque, sino, ...
finalmente, ...
• Conjunciones de subordinación: que, porque, si, ...
• Consecuencias: por consiguiente, por lo tanto, así que, por lo que, ...
• Dando una razón: porque, debido a, ya que, como, por eso, ...
• Números cardinales
• Contrastando ideas: sin embargo, mientras que, aunque, a pesar de, ...
• Números ordinales
• Añadiendo información: y, también, además, ...
• Fracciones y porcentajes
Spanish ab initio: Language-specific syllabus 13 Espagnol ab initio : Programme
spécifique Español ab initio: Programa de estudios específico • Indefinidos: unos/as, todo/a/os/as, cerca de, más de, mucho/a/os/as, la
mayoría, la mayor parte,
• Resumiendo: en resumen, en conclusión, ...
alguno/a/os/as, ninguno/a, demasiado/a/os/as, bastante/s, poco/s
• Expresiones de cantidades: un paquete, un litro, ...

Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018

Grammar syllabus
Expresión de tiempo Frases
• Adverbios de tiempo: ayer, hoy, mañana, mientras, cuando, ... • Interrogativas
• Adverbios con cuantificadores: bastante pronto, mucho antes, .... • Exclamativas
• Adverbios con preposiciones: hasta pronto, hasta mañana, hasta luego, ... • Negativas
• Usos de ya, aún y todavía • Subordinadas temporales
• Subordinadas causales
• Subordinadas finales
• Oraciones condicionales
• Orden de las palabras en las frases

Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018

Grammar syllabus
Negación Ortografía
• Formación de oraciones negativas • Acentuación de las palabras: agudas, llanas/graves, esdrújulas.
• Doble negación • Acento diacrítico
• Expresión de la negación: no, ni, nunca, nada, nadie, tampoco, ...
Nombres/sustantivos y artículos • Movimiento y lugares: desde, hasta, de, en, a, por, ...
• Nombres/sustantivos comunes y propios • Movimiento y tiempo: de, desde, por, a,
• Género de los sustantivos • Ausencia de movimiento: con, en , entre, sin, sobre, ...
• Número de los sustantivos: formación de los plurales • Usos de 'por' y 'para'
• Artículos determinados/definidos, indeterminados/indefinidos • Locuciones preposicionales: adelante, atrás, abajo, delante (de) detrás de,
debajo (de), a la derecha, a la izquierda, al lado (de), antes de, cerca de,
• Contables e incontables
alrededor (de), ...
• Nombres/sustantivos compuestos
• Combinaciones a+el=al y de+el=del

Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018

Grammar syllabus
Pronombres Verbos
• Pronombres personales sujeto. Variación (Ej. Voseo, uso de • Formas no personales: infinitivo, gerundio y participio
ustedes/vosotros, ...)
• Verbos copulativos: ser y estar
• Pronombres personales objeto directo e indirecto • Verbos reflexivos
• Pronombres reflexivos
• Verbo haber: hay, ...
• Usos del pronombre 'se'
• Verbos impersonales
• Pronombres posesivos • Gustar y verbos similares: parecer, doler, interesar, encantar, ...
• Demostrativos
• Perífrasis verbales: estar+ gerundio, ir a+ infinitivo, acabar de + infinitivo,
• Pronombres relativos tener que + infinitivo, ...
• Pronombres interrogativos • Sistema verbal: Indicativo
• Pronombres indefinidos ● Presente: verbos regulares e irregulares
● Pretérito Imperfecto y sus usos
● Pretérito Perfecto Simple (Pretérito Indefinido): verbos regulares e
● Pretérito Perfecto Compuesto: Participios irregulares
● Uso de tiempos pasados

Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018

Grammar syllabus
● Formas para expresar Futuro
● Condicional
● Sistema verbal: Imperativo:
● Formas regulares e irregulares.
● Formal e informal
● Variación (Ej.: voseo)
● Imperativo con pronombres
● Sistema verbal: Subjuntivo
● Reconocimiento pasivo de algunas formas del subjuntivo

Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018

All the content has been taken from the IB
Spanish Ab initio Guide for the first exams of

All the images were taken from the internet for

illustrations purposes only.

Cre b Sa d G iér e R z a k , 2018

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