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HealthSystemResearch DevelopmentDesignsandMethods

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Health System Research: Development, Designs and Methods

Article · May 2013

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Dr-Tulsi Ram Bhandari

Pokhara University


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Bhandari TR. Health System Research: Development, Designs and..... JHAS, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 1 P 68-72
Health System Research: Development, Designs and Methods
Tulsi Ram Bhandari

Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology,
Trivandrum, Kerala, India

Health system research concerns with health system and its results provide the bases to managers, policy makers as well as
community people to make evidence based decision. There are different interpretations of what a health system is. In narrow
meaning, health system is considered the different levels of the health care services such as central level health care, state/
provincial level health care, regional/zonal/district level health care and local level health care. In broad aspect, health system
covers different aspects of society such as socio-economic status, culture, religion, education, politics, public sector, private
sectors which are the major determinants of social epidemiology. It is also a knowledge generation to improve how societies
organise to achieve health goals and contributes to sound, socially relevant and ethically acceptable guidelines for more
effective, efficient and sustainable health policies and systems.

Key words: Health system research, development, designs, methods, healthcare research

Corresponding address: Tulsi Ram Bhandari, Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies, Sree Chitra Tirunal
Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology Trivandrum, Kerala, India.

INTRODUCTION factors, financing systems, organizational structures and

Research is a systematic collection, analysis and interpretation processes, health technologies, and personal behaviours
of data to answer a certain question or solve a problem. It affect access to health care, the quality and cost of health
is embedded in epistemological positions and theoretical care, and ultimately our health and well-being. Its research
framework. It demands a clear statement of the problem domains are individuals, families, organizations, institutions,
and requires clear objectives and a plan. Researchers collect communities and populations.”9
evidence and analyze systematically to answer the original
research objectives.1 Most of the researchers adopt either Health system research is a knowledge generation to improve
qualitative or quantitative methods and somewhere they how societies organise themselves to achieve health goals,
apply inductive and deductive ways simultaneously.2 Now including how they plan, manage and finance activities
a day social sciences and health system researchers prefer to improve health, as well as the roles, perspectives and
hybridized methods rather than single one. interests of different actors in this effort. It contributes to
sound, socially relevant and ethically acceptable guidelines
Health system research is a part of health research. It for more effective, efficient and sustainable health policies
closely links field evidences and applies its results for the and systems.
improvement of the health system. Initially, it was known as
health service research and the terminology shifted to health Development
system research from 1980s. The health service research Health system research is a new branch of health research
focused on problems encountered in government health with very short history. Here, we discuss the entire historical
care facilities. Health system research considers that health development of health system research briefly.4-5
depends to a large extent on variables outside the health care
and studies the health system as a whole.3-7 Health Services Research (1967-1970)
In 1967, at first time World Health Organization introduced
Most of the health care researches has been carried out in Research in Epidemiology and Communication Science. The
developed countries with well established health services other major events during this period were-
for assuring the quality and cost containment. But there is • Establishment of Division of Research in Epidemiology
urgent need for health system research in under developing and Communication Science for health care services
countries to enhance the entire health system including health research in 1967.
care problems.4, 8 • In 1972, restructured Division of Research in
Epidemiology and Communication Science into Division
Health System Research is defined as “the multidisciplinary of Strengthening Health Services and transferred health
field of scientific investigation that studies how social services research responsibilities.

Bhandari TR. Health System Research: Development, Designs and..... JHAS, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 1 P 68-72
• In 1978, formed Global Advisory Committee on Medical group (PHSR-IG) initiated a new sub area Public
Research and Sub-committee on health services research Health System Research under the umbrella of
for articulating the growing awareness of the role of Health System Research.
health system research with the goal Health for All -2000
and implementing the Primary Health Care approach OBJECTIVE
successfully. Health system research provides relevant and required
• In 1980, as per the recommendation of Health Services information at all levels health mangers, other stakeholders
Research Sub-Committee, World Health Organization and community members whenever they need to make
had recognized Health Services Research as an important decision and facing problem in their work.3
primary area and set up Health System Research.
Need and Importance
Health Systems Research (1980-1990) Nowadays, there is a broad consensus that health system
World Health Organization considered the Health System research is important, but little general agreement as to what
Research as an organization for health system research and it actually is. Even though it remains the realm of research as
given following mandate for further work- well as health research because it adopts methods that yield- 4
• Promotion, coordination and information exchange in
the practice of health system research, Reducibility: Solutions apply to similar problems and
• Strengthening of national capabilities for health system conditions elsewhere would produce similar results.
research training and development, and
• Support to substantive research in health system priority The ability to identify the key elements of a problem:
areas. The characteristics that make research approaches from one
From Technical Discussions to Cohered (1990-1993) setting applied in other setting.
• In 1990, Technical Discussion during the Forty-Third
World Health Assembly recognized and accepted health An understanding of causation: Relationship between
system research and took as an essential tool of health actions and impact can be organized in concepts and theories
development. that may be usefully applied to the prevention or modification
• Under the overall theme of “the role of health research of health problem generally. The fundamental principle of
in the strategy for health for all by the year 2000”, the health system research is that the questions of studies should
technical discussions finalized four major themes in be relevant to the everyday concerns of policy-makers,
health research. administers or anyone responsible for health care.
- Health systems research,
- Research capability strengthening, Scopes
- Nutrition research and The most important single issues in health system research
- Science, research and health care. is to learn how to ask the right questions, with the aims of
improving understanding of the structure and functioning
Ad-hoc Committee, Global Forum and Alliance (1994 of the whole health system and indentifying the particular
and onwards) problems in specific situations. Health system research covers
• In mid 1990’s, Health System Research and Development complex bio-physical and socio-cultural environmental
integrated with the Division for Strengthening of Health factors such as geography, socio-economic, culture, politics,
Services. demography, etc. The health system research mainly focuses
• Ad-hoc Committee submitted its report with one on-3
of the first recommendation made “Health System • Health policy and planning in relation to needs, resources,
Development: Strategies for Future”. strengthening and changing existing interventions.
• In 2000, launched Health Policy and System Research • Community perceived and health professionally
under the umbrella of the Global Forum for Research determined health needs considering mortality, morbidity
with the objectives- and disability.
- Stimulate the new generation, synthesis of • Health system research concerns for human resources and
knowledge and encompassing evidence. financial resources including taxes, user fees, insurance,
- Facilitate to development of capacity for the contributions, community resources and support, etc.
generation, dissemination and use of knowledge • Adequacy, coverage, acceptability, affordability,
among researchers, policy makers and other equitability of intervention programmes.
- Promote the dissemination and use of knowledge to Research Process
improve the performance of health systems. Health System Research process consists of series of actions
- In 2002, public health system research interest or steps necessary to effectively carry out in research. There
Bhandari TR. Health System Research: Development, Designs and..... JHAS, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 1 P 68-72
is no consensus among the researchers on research process Somewhere, there found public health services and system
even if the common steps are in practice as follows (in Fig.1) research. It has not any remarkable differences from public
-1, 3, 10 health system research.


Health system research is more inclusive in its approaches,
and methods are being barrowed from many disciplines.
Since it is still growing, it would be bias and unproductive
to be restrictive in specifying which methods should be used.
It is a broad area of research which covers different aspects
of health care system such as health policy, health service
utilization, community participation, health service demand
and supply trends, etc.15-16

In health system research researchers can solve their research

Fig. 1 Research Steps/Process Flowchart questions by gathering different evidences from health
facilities and service users. They can collect qualitative and
Some Closed Researches With Health System Research quantitative information for drawing the inference sharply.2,
Either before or after the conception of Health System 15
The most used research designs, methods/techniques and
Research, Health Services Research -1972, Health Policy tools are discussed here accordingly.
and Systems Research - 2000, and Public Health System
Research - 2002 are functioning in the health care system Designs: A study design is a specific plan or protocol for
very closely with health system research. To some extent, conducting the study, which allows the investigator to
they create confusion in health system research.11 This paper translate the conceptual hypothesis into an operational
focuses to clarify the confusion and define each of them one.17,18 We can classify health system study designs mainly
separately. into two groups: Non-interventional and interventional. The
most common health system research designs are as follows-
The health service research is concerned as much as narrow
study rather than health system research. Most of the health Non- interventional studies
service researches were carried out in developed countries → Exploratory studies: piloting studies, small scale
with well-established health services. The focus has been comparative studies.
on improving the functioning of hospitals with concerning → Descriptive studies: case studies, survey, census
quality assurance and cost containment. Gradually, health → Comparative/ analytical studies: cross-sectional
service researches have been replaced by health system comparative studies, case-control studies, cohort studies.
research from late 1970’s.4 → Evaluation and System review: Cost analysis, document
analysis, content analysis
The health policy and system research is a field that seeks to → Meta-analysis
understand and improve how societies organize themselves → Systematic review
in achieving collective health goals and how different actors Intervention studies
interact in the policy and implementation processes to contribute → Experimental studies
to policy outcomes. By nature, it is interdisciplinary, a blend of → Quasi-experimental studies
economics, sociology, anthropology, political science, public → Before –after (pretest - posttest) experimental studies
health and epidemiology that together draw a comprehensive Methods: A systematic process of achieving certain ends
picture of how health systems respond and adapt to health with accuracy and efficiency, in an ordered sequence of fixed
policies, and how health policies can shape and be shaped by steps. The often used research methods/techniques and tools
health systems and the broader determinants of health.12-13 in health system research are as follows-2, 15, 16, 19

Similarly, Public health system research is defined as a ETHICAL ISSUES

field of study that examines the organization, financing, and Ethical issues are lifting day-by-day in health system research
delivery of public health services within communities and the at individual, organizational and government levels. The
impact of these services on population health. It has emerged online access of research results and use of the technological
as a “sister discipline” to health system research; both fields innovation in research activities are advantages for health
share a related set of research questions, have a common base system research, even though these all are not free from the
of methods, and often rely on similar or related data sources ethical issues. The most occurred ethical issues are respect of
to develop meaningful research on population health.14 participants, taking ethical approval and informed consent,
Bhandari TR. Health System Research: Development, Designs and..... JHAS, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 1 P 68-72
distribution of benefits and prevention of risks and maintaining LIMITATION
the individual autonomy of participants. Dissemination and Health system research often concerns with human being,
publication of results, implement the research protocol with their activities and interest. Researcher should respect of
unique human nature, sharing of interventions between case human subject and address their demand and interest which
and control groups are other potential ethical issues in health is challenging task in the health system research. Equal
system research.20- 22 participation and randomization of the study subject, high
turnover due to retirement, transfer and change the job,
Table 1. Methods and Tools of Health System Research make agreement between organization policy and findings
Methods Tools of the research, control the cost and proper distribution of
Survey/ census: Structured the benefits, implementation of results with scare resources,
structured Interview/ interview schedule/ vested interest and influence of donors, hard to get access and
self administered questionnaire permission for publication and dissemination of results from
questionnaire health organizations are the common limitations of health
Service statistics/record Checklist system research.12,22, 23
Systematic/extensive Combined tools
Ethical integrity in the conduct of health care researchers is
Observation checklist
essential for maintaining the public trust and support of such
Administering Questionnaire
activities. A conflict of interest occurs when vested interest
Quantitative questionnaire
influences professional decisions regarding healthcare,
System analysis/review Combined tools
education, or research. It is important to recognize
Secondary data use/ Statistical software
conflicts of interest when a significant financial interest of
conflicts with human subject research, the investigator is
Content analysis Combined tools
prohibited for continuing the research. If the conflict does
Policy analysis Combined tools
not affect human subjects, in some instances a conflict of
Meta-analysis Statistical software
interest management plan can be developed that allows
Social Network Combined tools
continued the research. The common interest of conflicts
are disagreement among researchers, financial issues and
Mapping(Process & With GIS map/ sketch
Service) map quality, disseminating and publishing the results, maintaining
Case studies Guideline/structured the distance and relationship with participants, government’s
format/conceptual regulations, policies, programs, interest and so on which are
framework mainly classified into two broad groups: financial and non-
Focus Group Discussion Guideline financial.24-27
Qualitative (FGD)
In-depth interview Guideline CONCLUSION
Participatory observation Checklist/daily diary Health System Research is a new discipline of research as
Cognitive mapping With GIS map/sketch map well as health research. It concerns with health system and its
Mixed methods E.g. FGD+ In-depth Guidelines + results provide bases to managers, policy makers as well as
(Triangulation) interview+ structured Interview schedule community people to make evidence based decision. Health
interview services research, health policy and system research and
Projective techniques Combined with public health system research are very closer to the health
other methods system research, even though they create a lot of confusion
(FGD, questionnaire,
in health system research. Often, health system research has
interview guidelines
been influenced by global politics and investments rather
than its own philosophy.
I wish to acknowledge to all writers, editors and publishers of the reviewed literatures. Similarly, I express my gratefulness to
Prof. V. Raman Kutty and Doctorial Advisory Committee members, Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies, Sree
Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum, Kerala, India for their guidance and consistent
support to prepare this paper and search the literature.

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